#kinda obvoiusly
birdsometimeswrites · 2 years
just watched hamilton
lemme summarize to ppl who don't have 2 hours to spare
hamilton born bastard, orphan, son of a whore, dad left at 10, mom died at 12, at 17 goes to the US, and meets aaorn burr and some other revolutionaries whens he's 19
he then meets GEORGE FUCKING WASHINGTON and becomes his right-hand man
he also meet eliza who is amazing
he marries her, but then one of his friends john laurens (gay lover maybe bc love letters) dies trying to set up an all black army
his efforts were in vain at that time
so hamilton thinks death is catching up to him so he starts working more and more
thomas jefferson's coming home!!!
and he and him become rivals that would prob murder each other
when eliza and her sister go upstate
bc he was "working"
so he gets blackmailed
but tjeff and aaron burr and madison (jeffersons friend) find him paying money and think he's taking money form the government
so they go to visit him
and this dumbass goes "oh no lol i'm not taking money i'mjust cheating on my wife lmao ^^"
and they're like "what the fuck" but promise not to say anything
but hamilton says "yknow what, lemme just fuking PUBLISH my affair for everyone to read"
so comes the reynolds pamplhet
leading to one of the most batshit insane songs ever
and eliza burns his lettersbc shes heartbroken, and she has a right to be
but she forgives him when their son philip dies bc duel
and hamilton sees aaron burr and tjeff running and he's like OH SHIT THIS COUNTRY IS SO FUCKING FUCKED"
so he chooses his rival tjeff bc AT LEAST he has ideals
and aaron burr is very fucking pissed
so burr challenges him to a duel
and hamilton aims his guns UPWARDS
so aaoron burr kills him
so eliza spends the rest of her life never marrying again and protecting her husband's legacy
anyway thats the end
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drove to the airport one time in february 2022 and that specific car trip had such Nice Vibes i have been chasing the high of that car trip every since
#i was also blasting my vflower playlist the whole time and staring out the window and staring at the water so that contributed#and we were at this giant target for a while and i was kinda loopy and i had mobius stuck in my head#and then we drove out of the giant parking structure to the airport and it looked blue outside but like. nice blue?? like the kind that#makes you wanna go outside even though it was like 60 degrees#and i was listening to ressentiment club for like half the drive cus i really liked it at the time so that very much contributed to the vib#oh and i saw my brother for the first time in like 5 years so that was cool too#idk why i liked that drive so much it was just a Really Nice Drive#i looooooove driving to and from the airport and being in the airport and planes i just really like airports and travel relating to them#plane flights are my favorite thing in the wooooorrrrrrrrrlllllddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd theyre so nice#literally one of my favorite things about visiting my family is the 34 hour plane flight lmao#its so fun :DD#obvoiusly i like my family too lmao its just fun getting there#i completely forgot where i was going with this#anyways i heart plane flights#RIGHT THE CAR TRIP#thats where this started#i like the san francisco airport very mcuh#and driving through san francisco to get there is nice :D#like obviously traffic yeah but its nice looking around and the vibes are vibey#oh yeah and while we were in the parking lot of that target i ate a random plant off the floor#idk why i did that but i remember posting about it once i got home#i mightve deleted it tho cus i cant find it :(#anyways#that was a nice trip#ramble over lmao#EDIT#OK TURNS OUT I DID NOT IN FACT DELETE THE POST :DD#its from feb 20 2022 so ig that was the peak of my life lmao#general random crap (tm)#<- auhgughauaaaaaaaa i havent used that tag in so long............ memoies...........................
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Do you have any opinions on Husk?
He is such a weird character to me, cuz at the same time i find the little we know about him pretty intriguing and that would be fun to explore i also feel he is such a nothing character, he is more of a accessory either to suport Angel Dust or show more of Alastor. Nifty is at least comedic relief, but i feel you could easily re-write Husk's parts to be Vaggie or someonelse and the only thing you would really loose is shipping fodder
+ love Keith David but really dont feel him in the character, the emotion in his voice and what the animation/script are going for just don't mix for me, he was def cast just for the singing
Okay, so for me, Husk embodies the perfect supporting character, and that's what's so great about him. Watching him, I don't get the vibe that he's underdeveloped. He's genuinely a good soul but so shattered that he consciously chooses to stay in the background. We barely know anything about him because he actively dodges any chance to showcase himself as his own person (eg. he hasn't participate in a single "group excercise" even though he obvoiusly cares about what others have to say. ); instead, he opts to be a mirror for other characters to reflect on. We know his backstory not becasue he wanted to share it but becasue Angel needed to hear it and that was the most important. I don't think he sees himself as worth getting to know, let alone being saved; I'm not sure what makes him like that, whether it's shame for his past as an Overlors or inability to fully experience his subjectivity while he's still stuck in the objectifying relationship or something else. He genuinely feels dead inside but still tries to be of use to those who are still alive, like a ghost almost. Imo this is incredibly real and human.
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Also, I kinda agree Husk's character design doesn't quite align with his personality and Keith's voice. Maybe it's because, in cartoons, designs are usually so deliberate and mirror the character's essence. I feel Husk might have been more fitting if he were a bit bulkier? Either more robust or muscular, doesn't really matter. Just his lean, twink-ish figure doesn't seem to match his stoic nature to me. But hey, maybe that was the whole point after all.
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bohnsky · 11 months
This race you guys😭😭😭
How am I supposed to sleep tonight? I’m just so fucking happy for Lando 😭😭😭
Damn this time it was way harder to decide but here are my favorite drivers two months (holy shit, it’s been two months already?) into liking f1:
1. Alex Albon
Albono is and will (hopefully) always be my number one (not counting Seb of course lol). And he did so well this weekend! The practices were perfect and today gaining P8 back was so great!! I admit, it again was hard for me to focus on him because of what was going on at the front, but it wasn’t as hard as it was last week lol
2. Charles Leclerc
Again, nothing changed here but I’m not going to complain about that, but the race was not optimal for Ferrari. It was hard for me to cheer for them because I didn’t want them to overtake Alex lol but I’m really sad about how it turned out for them anyway.
3. Sergio Perez
This one was the hardest decision I have ever made. I wanted to put Lewis on third again, but I think I just realized that I’ve been obsessing over Checo for so long now. Honestly, I have so much to say about him, have had for weeks and I feel like it’s about time that I give him the credit he deserves.
And the race today.. Guys, my heart... Quali yesterday made me so sad and I didn’t even understand that he was out after Q1 at first and why, but then I thought about his performance last week and let myself hope. Today wasn’t as good as last week but he still killed it! I did not cheer for him as he overtook Alex and Charles obviously and I hesitated to cheer when he overtook Carlos but I can’t help to be happy for him xD
Also I somehow started shipping Chestappen. Max not being mad at Checo after last week's inchident in turn 1 right at the start launched something in me and idk, I’m kinda digging it tho lol
Honerable mentions:
Lewis. Obviously, I wanted him on third but my soft spot for Checo took over, but you cannot believe how happy I am for Lewis. As you probably all know by now, I always like to see people on the podium for their home race. This week it was not even possible for all Brits to be on the podium as there are four, but I am so happy that two of them made it 😀
Lando. Obvoiusly! After that quali and race! I couldn’t be happier for Lando. And let me tell you now that he was the third competitor for third in my ranking. I’ve been watching so much Lando content lately and I just love this guy. He is the most relatable driver on the grid and he cares so much about his fans. He’s just the best.
Carlos. Well with Lando content comes Carlando content and I love it. Also I have been developing a little soft spot for Carlos as well. I’ve liked him before but it’s stronger now 😊
Might also have to do with how Ferrari treats him lately. He deserves better and the race today must have been awful for him. This triple overtake with Checo, Alex and Charles must’ve been horrible, and I just hope he doesn’t feel too bad after this disaster of a race.
Max. Well, Chestappen.. But I gotta say, Chestappen is more of a fun thing because cute and all, but I’m still a Lestappen shipper and if I had to choose, I’d have to choose Lestappen because they make more sense. And the way he keeps saying ‘inchident’ 😭😭😭
But same tbh, I can’t even say or read ‘incident’ the right way anymore, I always say ‘inchident’.
Also, I feel like being friends with Max must be really frustrating. Like you want to be mad because he always wins everything, and you don't stand a chance, but you can't be mad because he praises you all the time and says that he had so much fun fighting you. That would drive me crazy.
Also, Max' hugs look so comfortable. I want one. And I want to touch his hair.
Daniel Ricciardo. I don’t know why I never mention him. He’s always been one of my favorites and I just feel like that’s a given and I don’t have to say it because it’s so obvious even if it isn't. Kind of like how it is with Seb.
Logan. This is more about how I noticed him more this week. He did a pretty good job this weekend and I couldn’t help but start to become a little Williams fan. The team seems to be heading in the right direction and I love that for them. Mostly for Alex but also for the rest of the team 😊
Oscar. Same with him. He did so fucking well and I love that for him.
Lance. I’ve become a fan. He is such a sweetheart and I want to give him the world.
Pierre. I feel so bad for him today. He must feel awful, and I just want to hug him 🙁
I sadly didn't have much time to check out post race stuff, because I have an exam tomorrow :(
Anyway I think that’s it for now. Thanks for reading :)
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every movie should have a musical adaptation, but not ever musical needs a movie adaptation
just film the broadway original cast and put that somewhere, so that experiencing musicals isn't something that very few people can access
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adultphobic · 5 years
next time i see a p.hanfiction, especially a smut one, i WILL kill you 
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timogsilangan · 3 years
i do have this from like last year but its nowhere near a full cover obvoiusly and i made it using the fucking spitfire labs strings #&M#V@*M(#@V^*( so the full thing will have the same instrumentation as my lay all your love on me cover kinda almost
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Prompt: Marvin, can you do Janis waking up after the whole 'my tiny' thing? or just more janis and damian cuddles in general its not waking up after the 'my tiny' bc i already kinda did that but this is really just self-indulgent fluff bc its what I need rn
You ever wake up from a nap that hits so hard you forget where you are? Thats Janis every time she walks up anywhere other than her bed or Damian's pocket. 
To be fair though, when she falls asleep in Damian's pocket she typically does end up somewhere different. 
Sometimes if shes obvoiusly really tired, Damian won't even wake her up, he'll just text her parents and let her rest. When that's the case, Damian will need to take his jacket off eventually, and Janis will typically wake up being held or placed carefully on a tabletop near Damian. 
So when she woke up cupped gently in a pair of hands after falling asleep in the ride home, Janis didn't panic. 
The TV was playing and Damian was on the sofa, holding Janis to his chest. But as Janis looked up to see Damian had also fallen asleep, that was a surprise.
Damian never got nearly as much sleep as he should get, so Janis didn't bother to wake up, instead, she climbed out of his hands and hoisted herself onto his shoulder. It wasn't hard. Damian was leaned back on the sofa, his hands holding Janis up by his heart. Still, Janis could already hear him fussing about her being careful if he was awake. 
While Janis could sleep whenever the fuck she wanted, it wasn't a liberty Damian got. And when he was with Janis, whether the girl was conscious or not, he often opted to staying awake to make sure she was safe. Which meant for him to have fallen asleep means he was really pulled thin.
Janis walked carefully across Damian's shoulder, curling up next to his neck. She knew Damian worried about her a lot, but she worried about him just as much. He put so much love and care into all of his friendships, not just his and Janis's. A lot of times people only gave him back half and it disappointed Janis because to her, Damian deserved the world.
He did so much for her, and while Janis would never be able to carry him around a let him nap in her jacket when he's tired, she can let him nap right now. And in the moment, that's good enough.
Her eyes grew heavy as Janis let herself fall asleep again, the tv playing in the background once again forgotten.
Tag list, @musicallygt @realmisspolarbear @sourishlemons @smallsoysauce@smallsoysauce
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kosegruppaa · 6 years
i haaaate that buzzfeed loves making actors read thirst tweets it's bizarre to me that people enjoy that. the only good one is the oscar isaac/john boyega one because their combined charisma can overcome anything
yesssss it is really cringe isn’t it?? it would be much better if it was just generally fun or positive tweets. some of the ones they use are just so obvoiusly unomfortable for the people to read?? i kinda liked some of the omar ayuso vid, but it’s because i feel like he really was on the other side of this like .. 2 months ago, as he said himself. also the “i consider myself an ex-lesbian” tweet and his response was very funny to me.
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malmore · 4 years
Day 29
So a kinda late post before i go to sleep. I officially start work tommorow. I wasn't nervous or anxious until my mom said something. And now i feel like my mind is moving a couple hundred miles per minute. So the "big" thing that happened today was i finished getting my hair done. Lots of love and thanks for my sister putting in hours to get it done. In addition to the fact that it looks really good. Followed by the only negative of my day which is a killer headache. But i lived...(obvoiusly). Looking forward to tommorow but if im going to function at all i need to go to sleep now.
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blue-sky-and-rain · 7 years
I get the vibe that you're a very quiet person IRL so on tumblr you're very '!!!!' and ':D' and 'XD' and you seem really excitable and happy a lot of the time so your blog is so nice to be on! I get the vibe that you're very bright, kind, gentle but you're not boring at all. Sometimes I kinda think you're like the old Ethan but minus some of the OTT nerdiness possibly? (probably done this wrong but !!!) xxx
god yeah!!! and thank you so much! i mean i’m definitely not bright, but i’d like to hope i’m kind and gentle (though obvoiusly i can be an absolute dick sometimes but let’s brush past that xD) serioulsy you’re so sweet 
so basically you’re kinda more-or-less spot on. one of the reasons why i love tumblr so much is i can literally be as excited as i want about something and no-one will judge me or tell me to calm down or find me completely and utterly odd - and if they do, they don’t say or they send an anon message and if it’s hateful i usually ingore it
you see i would be considered a v quiet person irl because whenever i get excited i get told ‘it’s just fiction’ ‘calm down’ ‘chill’ and it’s so annoying to be told not to be excited about something or be shot down or anything so i’ve learnt to just not say anything and keep it all in, i mean no-one outside tumblr knows i even watch casualty because when i used to and i used to express feelings towards it i was completley made to feel like an idiot for feeling all thiese things BUT then tumblr comes along and i can be as happy and excited as i want so this is like… raw riley… this is me in my uncensored form and it’s a wild ride
but seriously you seem really lovely, thank you :D xxx
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isas-identity · 7 years
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ok so like, ANYONE who has paid attention to like HALF of the comic would KNOW that hes obvoiusly lying, but i wonder....
i mean, if he is lying WHY exactly is he doing it (i mean, TITAN is kiiind of the reason they died, probably) or if maybe his memory is kinda hazy too and he doesnt really remember... or maybe he just doesnt really care at all and just doesnt want to complicate anything...
well, not like maggie would pay attention to him if tuls started to tell the story of how TITAN is the reason he died...
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