#keith x catarina
samtamdan · 11 months
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bakarinaknowsbest · 6 months
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logo-comics · 25 days
Pairing: Maria x Catarina
Title: Shit, I forgot about Geordo
Katarina and Maria have returned from a much needed break in Maria's hometown with a big announcement: They've finally gotten married! Admittedly, they hadn't been dating before that, but those two weeks had allowed Katarina to finally recognize her and Maria's feelings for one another, and one thing led to another...
...Right. The engagement...
Time to try to get Keith and Geordo together. Surely Sophia will be willing to help with this plan. She loved the book "The Lord and His Prince" after all...
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gabinetedafarofa · 7 months
🍗 NOTÍCIAS COM FAROFA (ou sem) 06/10/2023
SEXTOU com informação!
Dá aquele RT maroto aí!
- Desmatamento nos biomas brasileiros cresceu 22,3% em 2022.
- Rebeca Andrade é prata no individual geral do mundial de ginástica.
- Oktoberfest é suspensa devido a inundações e deslizamentos em Santa Catarina.
- Controladores de voo prometem greve a partir de segunda (9).
- Janja alimentou emas nascidas no Alvorada e equipe do presidente Lula alfineta Bolsonaro no X: “Elas vão crescer livres e sem risco de serem ameaçadas com cloroquina”
- Círio de Nazaré tem início e imagem peregrina percorre as ruas na Grande Belém. 
- Bob Jeff recorre de decisão de Xandão que o manteve preso.
- Rio Grande (RS) ainda está se reerguendo da quebra da indústria naval. 
- Parlamentares governistas afirmam ser remota chance de PEC do Plasma ir para votação no Senado. 
- Secretário Nacional de Segurança Pública, Tadeu Alencar, afirma que investigação de assasinato de médicos no Rio de Janeiro tenha todo empenho do Ministério da Justiça.
- Na Inglaterra, uniformes que marcam contorno de corpos de atletas gera discussão sobre a hiperssexualização de mulheres no esporte.
- Mont Blanc, montanha mais alta da França, encolheu 2,22 metros com redução do gelo causada pelas mudanças climáticas. 
- Jornalista argentino é acusado de racismo após jogo da Libertadores entre Palmeiras e Boca Juniors. 
- Jarras de vinho de 5 mil anos são encontradas na tumba da rainha egípcia Merneith. 
- Rússia afirma que avião dos Estados Unidos voo próximo ao seu espaço aéreo e enviou caça para escoltá-los para longe.
- Xenofobia contra brasileiros se intensifica em Portugal.
- Narges Mohammadi recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz. A ativista, presa no Irã, lidera a luta histórica contra a repressão de mulheres no país. 
- Governo do Peru fecha cerco com prática de cobrança por selfies com lhamas e alpacas.
- China planeja ampliar a estação espacial e ser alternativa à Nasa. 
- Na Noruega, família encontra tesouro viking ao vasculhar quintal.
- Belo e Denilson terão 15 dias para explicar à Justiça acordo realizado para pagamento de dívida.
- Eliminatórias entre Brasil x Argentina será no Maracanã.
- Jojo Todynho afirma que perdeu 10 quilos após bariátrica.
- Bilionário brasileiro fecha ponto turístico em Fernando de Noronha para celebrar casamento. 
- Show de Maiara e Maraísa no Tocantins tem tiroteio, pânico e correria. 
- Mavie, filha de Bruna Biancardi e Neymar, nasce em uma maternidade de São Paulo.
- TikToker Xehli G diz que venda de fotos de pés pagam seu pré-vestibular para medicina.
- Drake afirma que dará pausa na carreira para cuidar da saúde.
- Keith Jefferson, que atuou como Pudgy Ralph em Django Livre, morre aos 53 anos.
- Ricky Tavares e Carol Bresolin anunciam fim de relacionamento. 
As 20 maiores franquias de todos os tempos
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twinsfall · 2 years
c-canon incest ship... canonincestshipcanonincestshipCANONINCESTSHIP!!!!!
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Catarina Claes X Keith Claes - My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! 
This ship is SO CUTE, even though the characters aren’t blood-related (Keith is adopted), they grew up together since they were little children and refer to eachother as brother/sister. While it isn’t endgame (That’s still TBD) it is CANON, the kiss scene is real and not a dream, and includes a love confession afterwards! 
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quietsun5268 · 3 years
I Know That We Haven't Reach An Ending Yet, But.....
I know usually in other Visual Novels/Manga/Anime we see protagonists go with the popular male lead, but in my opinion I think in this case there should be multiple endings involving who Katarina ends up with who. From all the build ups, it would be a shame not to. The characters relationship with Katarina are cute in their own way (despite the fact my own panromantic heart ships Maria/Katarina, but I still support others though). They all deserve a chance of a possible future.
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
BAKARINA!! :D We required your rankings, Annie >:3c
OTP: currently a tie between Catarina x Maria 💙💝 and Catarina x Geordo 💙💛
Favorite canon pairing: BAKAMAMA X BAKAPAPA
Worst pairing ever: Catarina x Keith (I want my platonic protecc brother)
Guilty pleasure pairing: Mary x Keith 😈
A pairing you want to see more: Catarina x Nicol
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Catarina x Sophia (do everyone even like this lol idk)
Favorite non-romantic pair: Chaos siblings Catarina & Keith
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mrsmarymorstan · 3 years
My (ANIME ONLY!!!! NO SPOILERS PLEASE!!!) HameFura Ships essentially go: 
Catarina X Maria -- I mean Maria was meant to be the Main Character at the centre of the Harem until Catarina showed up and blew that all away! She makes Catarina’s heart skip a beat, and Catarina gives her the motivation to pursue her dreams! 
Catarina X Sophia -- SOULMATES. They are LITERALLY soulmates. If Atsuko could not be with “Catarina” in the previous life because of that life being cut short, she DESERVES to be with her in this one! Plus they’re just totally sweet together in general, and bring out the good in one another! I would like it if Sophia stopped trying to set her up with Nicole though. I mean I GET IT, if Catarina marries her brother than they can spend more time together etc. but it’s still weird. 
Alan X Catarina X Mary -- I think once Mary learns to chill and to share nicely, she and Catarina could have a really good relationship! But I think that would involve having a more cool minded presence in the form of Alan involved. Mary and Alan are already engaged, and so I think they could form a really solid friendship that would be nicely added to with Catarina! 
Meanwhile Catarina gets TWO partners who love and adore her, and can shower her with sweets! She definitely has a lot of fun with the pair, and I could see lots of smiles in their future! 
Geordo X Keith -- I mean I wouldn’t say that I have anything against Geordo X Catarina PER SAY, but she has dropped MANY hints that she wants the engagement called off and does not want to be a Princess. But Geordo refuses to end it!!!! Which is not great behaviour IMO. Meanwhile Keith is Catarina’s BROTHER! Adopted yes. Fell in love before their siblinghood was established. Maybe by a few hours. BUT THEY’RE STILL SIBLINGS!!!!! So h needs to just... back off. 
Meanwhile him and Geordo have so many hot tempered verbal sparing matches, they’re certainly on a similar wave length and I think that if they just kisses it would solve a lot of problems and teach them something about themselves. 
And you KNOW that Catarina would be supportive of them!!!! 
My “Pair the Spare” brain provides me with Nicole X Raphael and I think they could definitely make it work. They’re both the quiet and studious type, so I imagine they’d have a lot of fun just sitting quietly in a room reading together. I think they’d both encourage each other out of their shells a bit more, and become a bit of a socio-political power couple ^__^
But I’m only like, 20% invested in the ship, and would be happy to see them stay single or find someone else along the line! Whilst remaining friends with the rest of the Harem, of course! 
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Sooo My next life as a villainess AU where Katarina unfortunately dies and ends up back in her previous life none the wiser.
BUT everyone finds a magic spell and FOLLOWS HER into the modern worlds as themselves.
The Reincarnation AU
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bakarinaknowsbest · 8 months
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Vol 13 is finally out. Here is the art we got 😆
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coffeelions · 4 years
keith is my favourite because i, too, want nothing more than to keep geordo away from catarina
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karolinevassalor · 4 years
Hamefura ep 11
Awwwwww, the best moment for me in this episode :3
Waning, spoilers below
Finally, He kissed her
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[props chin in hands] Tell me about some Hamefura ships you like. I almost spelled ships as chips, so I think that was Catarina coming through.
Catarina's first priority WOULD be snacks, man. lbr Catarina x Snacks is going to be endgame no matter which Snack Provider wins out. God help the harem if she ever learns how to cook for herself.
Honestly I would love these kids to get together in a big ol' polycule. I have this AU idea in my head wherein Catarina marries Geordo, Mary marries Alan, Keith marries Sophia, and Nicol marries Maria, and then all eight of them buy one of those big-ass mansions Sorcier has a weird abundance of and just live together and a couple of non-Catarina pairs are also hooked up and they also all have a bunch of kids and servants and it's just a constant scene of loving domestic chaos.
Which, I mean, speaking of non-Catarina pairs- I really do believe that a lot of the cast has shipping potential even outside of Catarina. Alan x Mary, for example, is a no brainer- we know that in a scenario where Catarina isn't a viable love interest that Mary would fall for Alan, Mary's a moronsexual and Alan's a himbo, and Alan and Mary clearly care for each other even if Mary's laser-focused on Catarina in canon.
I also submit that Maria is compatible with pretty much everyone in the main cast in a similar way to how Catarina is, even if their approaches are different. I've seen suggestions that she would be good at making sure Rafael in specific gets some goddamn rest, which I would be quite happy to see.
(There's apparently another potential LI for Maria who hasn't been introduced yet, but I actually quite like what I hear of him.)
Also, Keith x Mary! This one might seem pretty odd, since I haven't seen it around much and in canon they fight over Katarina a LOT, but I get the sense that underneath that these two have this odd little... understanding? I think? Of each other. FOR EXAMPLE:
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And from the Verge of Destruction spinoff:
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...So I think the fact that they both dealt with similar hardships as kids means they have a good understanding of one another's lonely sides and clinginess, even as it leads them to fight over Catarina.
I also mentioned Keith x Sophia earlier? While that was partly a case of "how do we arrange the non-engaged pair in a way that doesn't involve incest and works with the fact that gay marriage doesn't seem to be a thing in Sorcier"* I can also see them getting on with one another. Keith's caretaker sort of personality is something I think Sophia would appreciate, and I think Keith would likewise enjoy Sophia's whimsical and enthusiastic side.
Honestly I could probably come up with more thoughts but these are some of the first to come to mind and this is getting a bit long so I'll just leave off here with- I do get the sense that when they're not fighting over Catarina (or even when they are, tbh, the whole "CATARINA MINE" "NO SHE MINE CATARINA" thing is just part of the way everyone bonds with one another) that the harem is actually a pretty tightly knit friend group in their own right, and I love seeing content that focuses on their relationships both platonic and non.
* I have Thoughts on how LGBT stuff is regarded in Sorcier.
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lyquynhnhu · 3 years
Catarina choice speculation
I just read some extract from volume 11 of the novel and finally we have some romantic progress from Catarina side. So I want to do some hypothesis about what will come after that.
Until now, Catarina has friendzoned all the harem members and is aware only of Geordo and Keith. So I imagine all her friends confess to her sooner or later and the competition becomes more lively as more of them step out the friend zone.
As for Catarina, she’ll be confused to hear all the confessions. Her reaction will be something like “Just choosing between Geordo and Keith was already tiring and now I have to think about all of them? And more importantly, why me?”.
Hearing Mary’s confession she would think “Didn’t you like Alan?”, and Mary “No, our engagement is already cancelled“ and Alan “Mary, you were my rival all along?”.
As for Maria, she has always been a waifu.
I don’t know how she’ll react for Alan or Nicol, though.
Now, shipping aside, I want to do some objective observation about Catarina feeling for her friends and whose she’ll reciprocate.
Personally, I think the one with less probability to be reciprocated is Geordo because the two has nothing in common.
I don’t doubt Geordo love for Catarina, but he has always abused of his position of fiancé and tried to buy her with luxurious presents. He treats her as his queen and that makes her uncomfortable. If I remember well, Catarina herself comments that her heart skips because of his looking and because he is always too close, and not for his personality.
On the boys side, I think the one she likes the most is Keith. She always comment about how gentle and caring he is. I don’t think she will think too deep about what others would think of them, like “but he is my brother”. Also, the other rivals never thought that Keith has no chance because he is family, they treat him as a worth rival as well.
Even Alan has more in common with Catarina than Geordo. They like freedom, music and nature. They have a genuine relationship. Alan has been oblivious of his feeling all his life, but I imagine his confession to be quite passionate.
Nicol is difficult to understand. Right now, the only thing they have in common is reading novels with Sofia. I hope to have more scene with them together.
Raphael… they have very few scenes together, but the both work in the same department of the Magic Ministry, so they have more chance to know each other better.
And with Sora she has in common freedom and desire for adventure.
On girls side, Maria seems to be absolute winner. I also like Mary, she is a bit aggressive, but in a cute way. As for Sofia, she is okay with Catarina marrying Nicol. She is the only one who can win even if she is not chosen.
So, I think that Catarina will like more the ones that act more commoner and less royal. The perfect prince attitude of Geordo doesn’t match with Catarina personality.
In the end, I don’t want Hamefura to have a cliche finale where Catarina will marry Geordo because they are fiancé. I want more suspense and twist in the story.
Also, I can’t imagine her become queen, she can’t be herself. It’s more realistic that she’ll become a farmer.
But I also like an ending with all the route. After all, this is an otome game.
By the way, I ship Catarina x Maria or Mary, and my least ship is Catarina x Geordo.
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curestardust · 3 years
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if you want: Hamefura season 2 now with a the romance taken a bit more seriously / but still goofy as hell
S01 (x)
Just like a lot of other people, while I was happy to see Hamefura getting a 2nd Season, I was a bit confused as to what it would be about. The whole premise of S01 was avoiding the game’s “Doom Flags” after all and the season ended with Catarina managing to get through the story without being killed or exiled.
Season 2 was definitely a lot less directionless than the original from a story perspective but the anime has built up a certain charm and identity to carry it through anyway. We get some new characters, one of whom becomes a new love interest, obviously charmed by Catarina’s odd as hell behaviour just like everyone else.
Catarina’s obliviousness seems to have been ramped up even more than in season 1, if that’s even possible, but it’s countered by the other characters finally making their first step on the road to seduction. Which essentially means that Catarina gets kissed. A lot. One of the characters who finally establishes himself as an actual love interest is Geordo; obviously as he is literally her fiance and is getting kind of fed-up with all kinds of people going after Catarina. The other one... is Keith. Her brother. Yes, yes, yes, they’re not blood-related blah blah blah but Catarina has always seen him as a brother and there’s no way in HELL the story would go their “route”. He is also only a potential love interest because in the original game Maria, you know someone who is NOT his sister, could get with him. 
I do NOT understand why they would push him out of the whole cast. Nicol would’ve actually been a lot more understandable. Some of the other characters’ behaviour is also a bit over-the-top at this point. Alan and Mary, who are also engaged, tell each other that they love someone else (Catarina). The story though, completely throws Alan to the sidelines (he has the least screentime in this season) and Mary... well, I was glad that a girl/girl route seemed to be taken seriously in season 1 but in season 2 they make it kind of clear that it’s just a “joke” so to say. No, there’s no harsh scene to show this before all you my fellow queer folk freak out, it’s just the feeling you get. While it’s acceptable with Sophia and Maria, the former wanting her brother to get with Catarina and the latter being more ambigious, Mary is veeeeeeeery clearly stated to be just as in love with Catarina as the male love interests yet she doesn’t get the same “serious possibility” treatment as the others and is more just used to create funny scenarious because she is jealous.
There’s also one more thing which I was really hoping wouldn’t happen again in this season but they did it, again, and it was just as bad as season 1. In my review, I talked about how the ending had an oddly serious and dramatic tone, a kind of whiplash from everything up until then. It would’ve been fine if it has been handled well and it wasn’t. Not that time and not this time either. Yes, season 2′s latter half has a similiar if not even more serious event and it’s a very odd... feeling watching it. You get a scene of someone being tortured then hard cut to the normal cast with its normal comedy. It doesn’t work! And the situation was solved with a deus ex machina as well, it was just DUMB!!! STOP!!! This anime’s tone, cast, story, it cannot handle a serious plotline to save its life! 
Sigh, anyway, I did complain a lot here but that’s only because I actually had to *think* deeply about the anime to write this review. And Hamefura wasn’t created as something you should think deeply think about. You tune in weekly for a few laughs and some “squeeeeeee!!!!” moments if you’re a shipper and that’s mostly it. And watching it like that, I did have fun! If you enjoyed S01, there’s absolutely no reason not to watch this so don’t let my review scare you away. Honestly, I’m just getting mixed messages on whether this anime wants to be taken seriously or not so my feelings are also mixed. It’s fun but has faults but how seriously should I take these faults?
[6.5/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | There was actual money spent on this
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mrsmarymorstan · 3 years
I find it funny to read your opinions, when I think Keith and Geordo are the only ones with real chances of winning.
Look, I don't care about who has a "chance of winning" it's about who SHOULD win, and sometimes creators make stupid ass decisions I elect to ignore.
Keith is her BROTHER!!! Her B R O T H E R !!! I don't care if he's "Technically Adopted" he's still her brother and that is WRONG!!! No. No incest for you sir!
And Geordo has shown time and time again that he does not respect Catarina's right to consent!!! She has REPEATEDLY asked for the engagement to be broken off, and he has simply replied that he will NOT do that. Catarina might think this is just so he can have an excuse to not deal with other suitors (interestingly the arrangement that Alan and Mary have BY CONSENT) however The viewer/reader KNOWS this is because he is in love with her. This adds comedy on the surface, but underneath shows an understanding that Geordo would rather force her to be in a relationship/situation that she doesn't WANT to be in in order to get his own way!!!
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And THEN he find out that she was sexually assaulted by a guy (though she doesn't realise that's the case-- doesn't change what they all know) and decides that he will force a kiss on her before someone else can?
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So in short, even if they end up together in the narrative of the series I will simply ignore it because none of that is the grounds for a HEALTHY relationship!!!
I hope that next week Mary and/or Alan punch Geordo for his actions, and then maybe Geordo and Keith learn that they have made mistakes in their relationship with Catarina. Realise they're toxic, go to therapy and maybe later make out in a cupboard and relieve all that sexual tension that has been building up between them.
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