#Anti Geordo Stuart
fluffygreenkoala · 10 months
Template by @sapphireshineauthor ✨
Here are my HameFura ships 🥰
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mrsmarymorstan · 3 years
GEORDO!!! GEORDO MY LAD!!! We need to have some SERIOUS LESSONS about consent!!! Just because the kidnapper tried to get off with her without consent, doesn't mean THAT YOU CAN TOO!!!
Women are not like sweets, you can't claim them just by licking them.
Mary is about to prove to be the more determined and morally dubious of the Royal Fiancés because she is going to bring Alan one step closer to the throne by murdering Geordo.
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violetlunette · 3 years
Why I don’t ship Katarina with Prince Geordo
While I acknowledge that Katarina x Geordo is a popular ship and will most likely end up as canon, I don’t ship it. I don’t hate this ship, I don’t hate any of the ships in “My Life as an Otome Villainess.” They’re all fairly sweet in their own way. Katarina x Geordo is NOT a bad pair, far from it. As someone who grew up on YA novels and is a fan of paranormal fantasy and portal fantasy novels with female protagonists, I have come across couples who are a LOT worse. (So, so much worse.) Despite that, I still have a few issues with this pair.
Below are the reasons why. These are personal with slight bias and some bashing elements. If you like the couple and can’t stand to hear a bad word about them, skip this.
On paper, I like the idea of this pair; a cunning prince with a dark side falls in love with a pure-hearted ball of sunshine in energy who brings color to the Prince’s otherwise dull life. In practice in this story, however, there are a few reasons why I’m not rooting for it. 
Reason #1: Katarina makes it quite clear she DOES NOT want to marry him. 
Not once does Katarina ever think of their potential marriage in a positive light. In fact, she has stated from day one that she would rather not marry Geordo.
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The only reason she stays engaged is that she doesn’t want to disappoint her family and she doesn’t have the power to call it off.  (More on that later.)
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More than half the time when she thinks about Geordo she mentions calling off the engagement (admittedly this is because she’s firm on the belief that he’ll fall for Maria, but still).
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In the story, Katarina has never viewed her engagement in a positive light. As graduation comes closer Katarina actually becomes horrified at the thought of marriage. She even starts to view it as a future prison. Katarina’s so against it that she jumps at the opportunity to get into a magical academy. While there, she hopes that the engagement will be called off.
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Yet Geordo refuses to take the hint. We know that a major part of the reason Katarina wants out is that she believes that if they’re engaged she’s doomed, but Geordo doesn’t. From his, POV Katarina has been telling Geordo over and over that he "doesn’t have to marry her and should find someone else" since they were kids. (To his face I might add.)
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That brings me to--
Reason #2; When it comes to the engagement Geordo doesn’t take Katarina’s feelings into consideration.
From his perspective, Katarina is all but telling him that she DOESN’T WANT TO MARRY HIM. Geordo should be smart enough to see this. However, rather than considering her feelings on the matter, Geordo focuses on how he feels about her. He NEVER once asked Katarina how she feels about the two of them being married one day. Why? Because he knows that if he asked she’d tell him that she doesn’t want to marry him. How do I know that? Because that’s what’s she’s been saying the whole time. (See section above.)
Even right after she tells him she’ll step back at any moment he doesn’t take the hint. Instead he leans forward and kisses her neck. He then states that he’ll have the rest of her one day. 
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I’m torn. On one hand this is kinda cute. On the other hand stuff like this really irritates me. Geordo ’s not exactly forcing himself on her, but he’s not asking for consent either. But this is a common thing in genres like this so I can’t exactly blame him. I appreciate that Geordo ’s not as bad as others. I’ve seen worse. MUCH WORSE. (Seriously, say a prayer for anyone who reads a story with a female lead.)
The worst part about all this is that Katarina herself can’t call off the engagement. Because of their status, only Geordo can do that. I’m sure if Katarina grew a spine and asked the prince flat out to end it, he would. (Maybe.) There’s still an in-balance of power going on here. The reason why doesn’t matter; Katarina wants the engagement called off, but can’t do it herself. Even her family can't call it off and they've tried.
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Reason #3: She’s just not into him
Katarina has zero romantic feelings towards him. While Geordo may love Katarina (and I believe he does), all her interactions towards him are platonic. Every time Geordo acts even a little romantic towards her, Katarina finds it odd or ignores it.
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Now majority would say, “Oh, she’s just dense.” To which I say--Yes. Yes, she is. HOWEVER, even the densest character will show some reaction subconsciously towards the one they like. Katarina doesn’t.
Even when Geordo is leaning in to kiss her, Katarina just acknowledges how pretty he is while being confused that he’s so close.
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After the kiss, Katarina is more concerned about the idea that she had her first kiss than she is with the prince.
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Even when he flats out confesses to her Katarina is more confused than anything. She also doesn’t seem happy about it at all. She’s shocked and embarrassed, but there’s no flutter of the heart or any other thing that shows she has romantic thoughts towards him. 
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(I will be fair that maybe she’s too in shock about having her world view turned around to process things as seen below.)
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The fact seems to be that Katarina’s feelings towards him are that of a childhood friend. And when they’re not that they’re of fear.
Reason #4: Katarina is afraid of Geordo. 
Most of the time Katarina feels fine around the prince. When things go wrong though, her first thought goes to things that will defend her from “the black-hearted prince.”
Geordo is the ONLY person she’s felt the need to make plans to defend herself against. Katarina took up swordsmanship to specifically protect herself against him. She even spent her life carrying a toy snake on her at ALL times and practices throwing it.
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Keep in mind that Keith is also said to kill her in one of the bad endings yet she never feels the need to do anything to protect herself from him.
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You would think that Keith would be more terrifying to Katarina considering that he can conjure GIANT GOLEMS to crush her, but nope. The only action Katarina thinks to take is to abandon him under a bridge. 
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Then after they bond Katarina is no longer terrified of Keith and comes to think of him as her wonderful brother.
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She’s not even scared of Raphael. Keep in mind Raphael had kidnapped Maria, had dark magic which Katarina believed he obtained by killing someone and then used said magic to put her into a coma. Yet she wasn’t scared of him when she confronted him, or afterward.
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This is not the case with Geordo. Despite having an entire childhood together she is still terrified of him.
Look at this scene; 
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Katarina has been accused of bullying and is surrounded by potential enemies, but her thought goes to the snake. The item she had explicitly made to scare  Geordo.
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A defense for this could be that it was the only weapon she had on her, but there’s still the idea she feels she has to always carry it on her. I dunno what Geordo was like in “Fortune Lover” but it’s clear he was scary enough that Katarina is still terrified of him even in her next like. And again, one of her potential deaths was being crushed to death by CLAY MONSTERS. (Okay, technically it states “death by magic,” but I digress.)
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Either way, I don’t ship couples where one person is worried that the other will hurt or KILL them. A person should always feel safe with their romantic other. Katarina does not.
Smaller things that bother me about the pair;
*While Geordo may just be third in line to be king, he’s still third in line to be king with all responsibilities that entail.s Therefore as cliché, as it is, he should marry someone who can handle the title of being a princess. Katarina is not that person. Not just because she lacks anything that goes along with ruling or being a noble lady, but because she doesn’t want to. Katarina has no interest in ruling or performing noble duties and therefore would not be happy with the princess title, which would lead to trouble for everyone. But this isn’t a big issue because the feel of the story is very lighthearted where everything works out if you have a good heart. This tone has been established since chapter one and has been consistent throughout the story. So this gripe gets a pass.
*It really annoys me when someone talks about a person like they’re a possession or they’re entitled to them. “Someone will steal you away” or “I don’t want you around other men” or “I’ll have you myself one day,” etc. These are things that irk me in romances, but it’s a common staple. Like how explosions are common in Action films. And it’s toned down enough here that I can deal with it.
So, in summary, the main points that keep me from loving this pair are;
1: Katarina never shows any interest in marrying Geordo, nor has she ever looked at the engagement in a positive light. In fact, seems to always be hoping that she won’t have to marry him.
2: Geordo never considers Katarina’s feelings on the engagement.
3: Katarina doesn’t seem to have any romantic feelings towards him.
4: In the back of her mind Katarina seems to be scared that he’ll kill her.
Again, I don’t hate Geordo or the ship at all. When If they get together, I might give a heavy sigh, but that’s it. These are just issues I would at least liked acknowledged and resolved first.
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rosamundrosemary · 4 years
Love love Love your fic. Do you have any recs for hamefura fic that are good and you think need more love?
Thank you so much for the love! I really appreciate it. 
Oh Welp I don’t know when this got sent exactly, hopefully sometime recently since you’re under anon but yeah I definitely do! 
It’s long. apologies.
Top Tier, I recommend these to everyone I meet who asks:
Through The Looking Glass by Luki
Zucchini Flowers by Lamely_Me
These two are the main fics that inspired me to write Lost and Found and I feel like they’re in my holy trinity of hamefura fics. 
Cinderella’s Evil Stepsister by Hypervene
Lemon Cakes and Late Confessions by Ellanica (Read just chp 1 as the oneshot it originally was)
Some others I follow(ed) and enjoy a lot: 
Harsher Blues by LaurelCrow
Mirror,Mirror by BogStandardOtaku
The Queen’s Tea by thecagedsong
Now I’m of the opinion that most of the OG Katarina fics are their own animal outside of hamefura canon, like there’s so many extended universes it’s almost it’s own thing. Here’s my favs of the OG Katas
The Perfect Wife by jumpingintothings
The Best Laid Plans by Palhinhaea(OG Katarina, not baka)
My Second Life as an Anti-Heroine by Mariagonerlji (OG Katarina, Keith Route is my fav of the options)
My Death as a Villainess by Jadebenn
Authors (they have several great works and I recommend them overall): 
This is the big one that came to mind when you mentioned works that need some love. Mercurial makes excellent short snippet oneshots that punch me in the gut with emotion. I adore them. 
Recs: There is contentment on these pages, dust beneath my fingertips and pavement beneath my cheeks
Probably gets the closest to the original tone of the light novels out of any fic author. Very consistent and does a good job of structuring their work. Generally with any of sixth’s fics with the exception of CCMD you’re in for a good time.
Recs: Catarina Claes MUST DIE!, She is NOT My Kissy Kissy Girlfriend! and The Slow Burn/Sword Saint series
She is the godmother of Nicokata content and also writes impeccable angst and yearning pieces. Her visual imagery and metaphor gets pretty poetic but that’s very much my cup of tea.
Great Stuart Bros fics, an excellent Alamary oneshot everyone should read because it’s just quality and has a lot of fun series going with their main collaborator SapphireShine
Recs: Cold, Little Dewdrop
Thimble kind of covers a wide range. My favorites of his are his AUs which are a lot of fun!
Recs: My Next Life as a Barista, Period Piece, Just a Dare
Do you need some geokata fluff or cuteness? Are you having trouble with gerald/geordo’s pov? Lianna has you covered. 
Recs: A Distant Prince, Dress Ideas Involving Trees
Cat-astrope by Eastofthemoon
My Next Life as a Barista by ThimbleFullofDespair
If I Had Been Earlier... by AngelofMuses
Kuroyuri by Gale_Breeze
The Vile Viscount by El_Tofu_San
Medusa by To-Antigone
Farming is What Katarina’s Best At
Reborn by Jumpingintothings
I feel like I could list more but these feel like a good start. 
Hope this helps!
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mrsmarymorstan · 3 years
I find it funny to read your opinions, when I think Keith and Geordo are the only ones with real chances of winning.
Look, I don't care about who has a "chance of winning" it's about who SHOULD win, and sometimes creators make stupid ass decisions I elect to ignore.
Keith is her BROTHER!!! Her B R O T H E R !!! I don't care if he's "Technically Adopted" he's still her brother and that is WRONG!!! No. No incest for you sir!
And Geordo has shown time and time again that he does not respect Catarina's right to consent!!! She has REPEATEDLY asked for the engagement to be broken off, and he has simply replied that he will NOT do that. Catarina might think this is just so he can have an excuse to not deal with other suitors (interestingly the arrangement that Alan and Mary have BY CONSENT) however The viewer/reader KNOWS this is because he is in love with her. This adds comedy on the surface, but underneath shows an understanding that Geordo would rather force her to be in a relationship/situation that she doesn't WANT to be in in order to get his own way!!!
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And THEN he find out that she was sexually assaulted by a guy (though she doesn't realise that's the case-- doesn't change what they all know) and decides that he will force a kiss on her before someone else can?
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So in short, even if they end up together in the narrative of the series I will simply ignore it because none of that is the grounds for a HEALTHY relationship!!!
I hope that next week Mary and/or Alan punch Geordo for his actions, and then maybe Geordo and Keith learn that they have made mistakes in their relationship with Catarina. Realise they're toxic, go to therapy and maybe later make out in a cupboard and relieve all that sexual tension that has been building up between them.
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mrsmarymorstan · 3 years
Geordo kissed the wrong Claes smh stop forcing yourself on Catarina and admit to the homoerotic tension you have with her brother, GEORDO. let me ship alan/catarina/mary in Peace (i also love her with Maria and Sophia asdlfjsdfklk the women of hamefura are just So Good)
Keith X Geordo Supremacy!!!!
I kind of wish she'd kissed Sora instead because she showed way more signs of being into HIM than she has with Geordo!!! OBVIOUSLY him pushing her onto the bad WAS BAD!!! But the kissing I could cheer on.
Meanwhile with Geordo the only hints she's given to him about their romantic life is that she doesn't want to be engaged to him anymore. That's -- URGH.
But Keith and him could definitely work some stuff out. I think a lot of their problems could be solved if they just kissed. Not ALL their problems, but some of them. At the very least Keith my stop crushing on his Sister.
I feel like my ideal outcome is just Catarina in a Harem with everyone except Keith and Geordo who have yet to demonstrate good Pollyamory etiquette. I mean, Mary hasn't EITHER but I think with her relationship with Alan she COULD learn to share Catarina and have a happy life with the other people in the Pollycule!
BUT Keith and Gerodo? NOPE.
Again: I gather Geordo is better in the source material, but I only have the anime to go off of so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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