#kazumi speaks: but hey hi ^^
doku-no-bi · 8 months
Would you tried to tease rook into answering this question?
"Which one you pick? Me or neige? Especially if we both in danger situations when you MUST pick one of us, or even you need to k*ll one to save the other. Who would you pick"
And make sure to make him drink truth potion or must swear to tell the truth. I want to see if he pick you to Neige
(For kazumi: you can add epel filming them if you want to just for fun😈)
Rook? This person is asking me a question that they want you to answer.
Who would you pick? Me or Neige? And you have to tell the truth. You cannot sidestep this question, do you understand that?
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
The first proper trailer for Sonic Prime came out yesterday, as I'm sure you've all heard. I've gotten several messages asking me my thoughts, so... here's some thoughts! Thoughts on how the show's looking, and a certain bat whose presence is somehow the biggest news to me.
First off? This looks phenomenal, visually speaking. I'm kind of in awe of how good the visuals in CGI cartoons are getting. The scenery looks great. The characters move so fluidly. Everything's beautifully lit. I could go on and on. I wish the in-engine game cutscenes had animation half this good.
I continue to be pleased with how slavishly faithful to the games the main universe is - to the point that they're saying this is, in fact, just set in the game universe. Yeah, we're all getting tired of Green Hill Zone, but we've never had a cartoon that was this faithful. The closest we got was Sonic X, which I like, but it's hard to look at any random episode about Sonic having to save the extensive human cast from another generic robot and say it really has the feel of the games. Seeing Sonic and co. fight some classic Badniks in a cartoon with (mostly) their normal designs feels special after all these years of never quite getting that.
That slavish faithfulness to the classic iconography also makes the differences with the multiverse stuff hit harder, and thank GOD they're finally showing some of that. This teaser is pitching it as a show about Sonic meeting alternate timeline versions of his friends who form an underground resistance against the Eggman Empire (funny how the franchise keeps finding itself back in Freedom Fighter territory), which is fun and all. Tall cyborg Amy! A version of Tails who can walk like a spider on a set of robotic kitsune tails! Hell yeah! But if the synopsis blurbs about a "multiverse" and "new worlds" and that pile of leaked concept art from a year and a half ago are anything to go off of, this is presumably only the first of multiple alternate worlds that we'll be seeing. I'm very excited to see more of them!
We also hear a little more from the new voice cast. Brian Drummond is kinda doing his own thing with Eggman. I like it. It sounds compatible with the usual Mike Pollock take without aping it 1:1. He seems maybe a little more sinister here, which fits what we've seen so far from this take on Eggman. And Deven Mack still sounds great as Sonic, although I kind of wonder if he's being instructed to sound like Roger since the delivery in what we've heard so far is pretty similar. I get that desire for consistency, but I hope he's able to inject a bit more of his own spin on Sonic in the full show, even if it's supposed to technically be the same Sonic as Roger's.
Meanwhile, the roles for the rest of the main voice cast have been confirmed elsewhere, and they mostly match up with what I expected because these casting choices just make perfect sense. I already know Shannon Chan-Kent, known primarily for playing Misa in Death Note and Pinkie Pie's singing voice (and Smolder) in MLP, is perfect casting for Amy. Ashleigh Ball's one brief line as Tails sounds a lot like her Rainbow Dash voice, but like... hey, it fits! I'm excited to hear more from her. And Knuckles... well, I don't know his VA as well and also he has no lines in this trailer.
But by now y'all know which characters I stan the most, and you know what I'm gonna be excited about. The big surprise here is the fact that Rouge is on the main cast. The main cast.
The cast posters revealed that she was in the show, which was big enough news, but then the trailer drops and she's on the damn team. Every hero team in a kids' show needs three boys and two girls, and this time they rounded out the group with Rouge. AND she's being voiced by Kazumi Evans, yet another MLP alum on this show - this time Rarity's singing voice and the voice of Adagio Dazzle in Equestria Girls. I don't even need to hear any lines, I know that's another perfect fit.
I'm just shocked. Rouge hasn't been in a TV series in almost two decades since she was kept out of Boom, robbing us of the "Rouge somehow ropes Team Sonic into doing a goofy heist with her" episode the world deserved. Ian's even said that he pitched some ideas for Boom Rouge after being asked to pitch more Boom-ified game characters, but it went nowhere. While she's continued to show up in the comics and (to a lesser extent) the games due to her fan favorite status, it's kind of felt like she was being swept under the rug. Fewer major story appearances than in the '00s, not much merch, it took them until the fifth Mario & Sonic game to make her playable. And she's probably seen as less broadly marketable as a mascot character because of... well, two big reasons.
And so, understandably, Rouge is here with a new outfit that covers those two big reasons up more than usual.
Tumblr media
Yeah as a Rouge fan, a person who's talked at length about the fanservice in Archie Sonic, and a sapphic furry artist, I can't avoid talking about this stuff lol
I mostly like the new outfit and think it was a smart call. We can have lots of nuanced discussions about objectification and sexual liberation and the fact that seeing some cleavage isn't gonna kill you and how being the flirty femme fatale is a core part of Rouge's character and whether that's objectifying or empowering and all the other things that get brought up every time a new Bayonetta game comes out. But at the end of the day their main audience is 8-year-olds, and because of that I really can't blame them for dressing Rouge slightly more modestly. I've always loved Rouge as a character the way she already is, but people (particularly non-fans, and also just... Sonic fans who aren't also furries lol) often write her off as "that weird bat lady with the tits that people are really horny for." Hopefully the writing will show non-comic readers that she's a genuinely fun character when used well as a foil to the rest of the cast, and hopefully her new outfit(s) will allow people to focus on that.
I do think something's a little off with the new outfit, though, even if I think it looks solid overall. Is it just that the heart motif is more abstract and less of a central focus here? That might be part of it. Maybe the suit just looks slightly overdesigned next to Team Sonic. Unsurprisingly I've also already seen multiple pieces of fanart giving this outfit a boob window, with one arguing that showing more of her skin tone on her torso gives the design better color balance, and... yeah, on that level I do kinda agree lol. Although I think a similar balance could be achieved just by having her upper arms be exposed or something. (Which is a feature on her bad timeline counterpart's outfit!) But, yeah, overall I do think I like it.
I also don't think they actually made her boobs smaller compared to most of her modern appearances despite the many, many, MANY claims to the contrary but I am not getting into that debate lol. Also she's literally still wearing a skintight catsuit and doing cool flying kicks you are not allowed to say they made her less hot
The fact that they're putting Rouge front and center has me VERY curious about her future prospects in the movie universe, though, given the particular projects currently in the works. To me, this makes it seem WAY more likely than it previously did. But who knows?
Uhhh anyway yeah the show looks good. I like pretty much everything we've seen so far. I like basically all of the previous Sonic cartoons except Underground to some extent, but if they stick the landing with this one then it seems like it'll pretty easily be the best one. I guess it's kinda lame that they made Sonic say "gotta go fast" in the trailer, but idk, it's a modern Sonic project, they gotta pay the obligatory lame meme toll. I am mostly fixated on Rouge because she's one of my favorite characters and her being on the main team is somehow the biggest curveball this show's previews have thrown so far, like seriously what.
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bara-to-heart · 9 months
Rules Need To Be Followed
Hey, it's Kazumi and Riddle here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Of course, Kazumi. Anyone who can't follow these rules knows what's waiting for them.
Riddle dear, don't threaten people... But honestly these rules aren't that hard to follow so-
1. Riddle is a minor (17) and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Riddle is a person too, and he can get hurt. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Riddle talk together, I will be in blue and Riddle will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Riddle doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Riddle; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Riddle doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is a student and works hard to get perfect scores throughout all of the classes he takes, as well as participating in his club. It is not a surprise that he might lose track of time.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Riddle.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Riddle doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Riddle have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai" for upperclassmen so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Riddle or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Riddle (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does enjoy having the attention. Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei [emoji]" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Riddle may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Of course, and make sure to follow the Queen of Hearts' rules as well.
Yes, but don't let that hold you back (Riddle no I will at least loosely follow the rules I swear)
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keiyaku-tako · 10 months
Every Contract Needs a Set of Rules
Hey, it's Kazumi and Azul here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Yes, Kazumi-san. Everyone who wishes to speak to us needs to follow by these rules. After all, any contract has rules, does it not?
No need to speak so formally... But yeah!
1. Azul is a minor (17) and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Azul is a person too, and he can get hurt. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Azul talk together, I will be in blue and Azul will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Azul doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Azul; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Azul doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He runs the Mostro Lounge and he spends most of his time doing that, doing schoolwork, participating in his club, etc... He sometimes loses track of time. He will reply, just be patient.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Azul.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Azul doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Azul have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-san" so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck.
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Azul or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Azul (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He genuinely appreciates it (it gives his ego a boost). Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei-san [emoji]" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Azul may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Was that really necessary?
Yes, don't be so boring Azul. Having fun is important!
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katte-utsubo · 9 months
Ugh. Rules...
Hey, it's Kazumi and Floyd here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Rules make everything boring. Nezumi-iruka-chan...
But they're necessary to our safety, so we need to go over them, Okay?
1. Floyd is a minor (17) and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Floyd is a person too, and although he might not appear like he can get hurt, he can and will. It puts him in one of his moods. Therefore, any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Floyd talk together, I will be in blue and Floyd will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Floyd doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Floyd; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Floyd doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is chaotic and regularly forgets to check this blog. He only comes on when he has nothing better to do. So...
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Floyd.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Floyd doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Floyd have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai," "-chan," and "-kun," so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Floyd or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Floyd (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does enjoy having the attention (as long as it's not "too much," whatever that means).
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Floyd may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Yeah~ I bet everyone'll find it really fun here, won't they~?
Hopefully, but I find that slightly doubtful with the scary look in your eyes right now.
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shamelessler · 1 year
Ice bear sat apon the cliff with Kazumi after days of Ice bear wanting to drag Kazumi out in the snow. Now they both sat up on the snowy cliff  trying to stay warm. Well...It was more like Kazumi was trying to stay warm while Ice bear rested in the snow. Kazumi guzzled down her apple cider she'd brought with her.
"A-At least you seem happy." Kazumi smiled through her shivers.
Kazumi's smile fell, "But I feel like I'm gonna freeze..."
Ice bear quickly sat up, his smile falling.
"Sorry, I think it's time to go in and join your brothers." She explained with a certain urgency to get out of the cold.
Just as she attempted to get up, Ice bear grabbed Kazumi's hand and Kazumi looked down with surprise.
"Woah- your so..warm." She began to smile. She picked up the toasty bear, held him close and ran her slim fingers along the bears fur.
Ice bear squirmed and whined.
"Whats the matter?" Kazumi asked, concern lacing her tone.
Kazumi took one look at Ice bears face, a small restrained smile on his lips.
"Ooh. Hehe are you ticklish Kuma-Kun?"
Ice bear suddenly froze and his cheeks became very warm despite the cold temperature.
"Aww, thats so cute!!" Kazumi squeezed Ice bears side and Ice bear quickly wrapped his arms around his middle and curled up in a shaking ball.
Kazumi giggled, "I wonder..If I can make you laugh."
Ice bears eyes grew wide with panic as he looked to Kazumi desperately, but she merely ignored him.
Kazumi's slim fingers slipped under the little bears arms and ran her nails gently on the fur and Ice bear stiffened, a quick squeak escaping from him.
"AWWA!! Kuma-Kun, That was adorable!" Kazumi squealed happily.
Ice bears face turned a bright red and he pouted.
Kazumi giggled, "Hey, put your paws up for me like this? We're gonna play a game." Kazumi showcased, putting her arms up and Ice bear quickly covered his armpits protectively.
"I guess you're just not up to the challenge." Kazumi said with an injured huff before  grinning knowingly.
Ice bear's eyes hardened at these words and he put his arms up.
"Good! Try to keep your arms up, If you put them down I'll keep going until I hear a giggle~."
Kazumi teased, wiggling her fingers evilly. Ice bear seemed to lose a lot of his confidence from these words and a small wavering smile appeared on his face in anticipation.
Kazumi very slowly brought her hands towards Ice bear, smiling at his face until she went in for a very sudden tickle attack and Ice bear squeaked loudly and his arms quickly fell to his sides.
"Ahh, you didn't last long at all!" Kazumi chuckled darkly.
Ice bear gulped, tightly shutting his eyes as he prepared for the onslaught of tickles.
Kazumi began crawling her fingers up Ice bears tummy and he squirmed and squeaked softly as he tried to resist laughter.
Kazumi's eyes softened, "I'm sure your laugh is adorable Kuma-Kun."
Ice bear looked at Kazumi shyly through one eye and shook his head.
"No? I really doubt that." Kazumi assured.
She decided to switch spots, seeing as the current one wasn't causing much of a reaction. Her eyes were drawn towards the bears little kicking feet and she grinned, she took hold of one of the little nubs and Ice bear began to squirm even harder as she pretended to tickle the seemingly very sensitive spot.
"Ohoho, I think this might be the one Kuma-Kun~!" Kazumi sang smugly.
She finally dragged her manicured nails down the soft toe beans and heard a childish shriek from below her. "AIEK!! Eehehe!" Ice bear began to speak in a language Kazumi could faintly recognize as Russian. His voice was surprisingly monotone even while laughing although he still sounded slightly frantic in his pleas.
"Aww..haha! Whats wrong Kuma-Kun? Ticklish?" Kazumi teased gently, wiggling her fingers across the bottoms of Ice bears soft baby paws.
Ice bear kept rambling on in Russian until Kazumi finally relented and rested her hands on Ice bears tummy as Ice bear caught his breath. Ice bear immediately put his paws on top of Kazumi's hands and took deep breaths.
"You know, I think your laugh is adorable." Kazumi said as she rubbed the ghost tickles away. Ice bear only blushed in response, but caved in and offered a small smile.
Kazumi beamed back and took Ice bears paw as she stood up, "Okay lets go in now I'm gonna get hypothermia."
A/N: this one felt more forced sorry about the rushed ending
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shiro-no-yuki · 8 months
Make sure you follow the rules!
Hey, it's Kazumi and Neige here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Yeah! Rules are really important to keep people safe.
1. Neige is a minor (17), and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Neige is a person too. Therefore, any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Neige talk together, I will be in blue and Neige will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Neige doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Neige; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Neige doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is busy with his professional work and his schoolwork.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Neige.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Neige doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Neige have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai," "-chan," and "-kun," so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Neige or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Neige (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He will read all of it and it grows his confidence (it's unnecessary though, he has enough confidence and pride (no he doesn't I'm lying to you))
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Neige may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Mhm! I can't wait to get to know you all!
0 notes
nusumu-hyena · 8 months
Rules, huh?
Hey, it's Kazumi and Ruggie here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Don't try to find loopholes, Ruggie. Please.
1. Ruggie is a minor (17), and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Ruggie is a person too. Therefore, any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Ruggie talk together, I will be in blue and Ruggie will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Ruggie doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Ruggie; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Ruggie doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is busy with his side jobs and taking care of Leona, as well as sometimes his studies...
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Ruggie.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Ruggie doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Ruggie have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai," "-san," and "-kun," so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Ruggie or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Ruggie (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He would rather you send him money, but compliments are nice too.
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Ruggie may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Make sure to follow these rules!
You're acting so suspicious right now. I don't trust you.
0 notes
raion-to-hirune · 8 months
Rules... Tch, what a bore.
Hey, it's Kazumi and Leona here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Do we really have to go over this? I'm sure that those soushoku doubutsu know all of them already.
Just. Just to reiterate them. Okay?
1. Although Leona is not a minor (20), I am. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Leona is a person too, even if he seems to ignore half of the things said to him. Therefore, any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Leona talk together, I will be in blue and Leona will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Leona doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Leona; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Leona doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is sleeping and procrastinating on his work. Ruggie gets on him about it, but still... He gets lazy in checking his own blog.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Leona.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Leona doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Leona have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai," "-chan," and "-kun," so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Leona or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Leona (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He will read all of it and it grows his confidence (it's unnecessary though, he has enough confidence and pride (no he doesn't I'm lying to you))
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Leona may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Tch... It's finally over.
I'm actually surprised you were able to stay awake for that, you always fall asleep super quickly during history lessons...
0 notes
net-de-tetsudai · 8 months
Rules are important!!
Hey, it's Kazumi and Ortho here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Yeah! Every game that Nii-san plays has rules, and also things you need to read.
1. Ortho is a technomatic humanoid. He will be played as a child (so younger than the other NRC students). Due to this, there will be absolutely no romantic relationships with Ortho. Platonic relationships are definitely okay, though!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear (as I, the mun, am also a minor).
2. Please remember to be kind! Ortho has feelings too, and he will be hurt by your words. (And make sure not to say anything baad about Idia, either). Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Ortho talk together, I will be in blue and Ortho will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Ortho doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Ortho; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Ortho doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He often gets busy with trying to help Idia come out of his shell.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Ortho.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Ortho doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Ortho have never met.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will use honorifics like "-san" so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck.
10. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Ortho or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
11. Although everyone will be treated platonically by Ortho, you are welcome to send all of your (platonic) love to him! He loves it and it makes him really happy (it's so cute). Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "[emoji] kantokusei-san" so there's also that!
12. Mun does not equal muse!! Ortho may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Yeah! I bet I can get Nii-san to play some games with us, too!
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ask-the-shorty-squad · 9 months
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...Hey, wheres Kazumi?
*With Kazumi.*
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Teru.. Are you okay in here..? ...Look, I know it's hard. This hurts me too. I was just about to speak with who I thought was Yumi but just an A.I.. It was hard.. But we shouldnt let that affect us.. You and I both know Yumi better than anyone.. No matter if we do or dont talk to her. We'll always know what she'd say to us.. To stay strong and not lose Hope, to finally move on even if its the hardest thing to do..
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But it's okay, because I have You, and You have Me. And we're gonna work through this, together.
*Teruteru thought deeply with every word Mishima spoke. He was right. He had to move on. Even though Teruteru had spent years holding on to anything left of his mother, a part of him always knew, that eventually, he'd have to move on. At this point, it was his only choice. But this time, he won't have to do it alone.*
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*sigh* You're right. Sorry for my abrupt departure down there. I've tried to deny it for so long, and no matter how much I tried, it never left. The thought alone... is terrifying. Thank you... Dad.
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doku-no-bi · 9 months
Rules are necessary to maintain professionalism.
Hey, it's Kazumi and Vil here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Of course. Rules are needed to make sure we all stay safe and refined. We wouldn't want anyone acting unseemly.
Yeah... Just don't be inappropriate guys.
1. Although Vil is not a minor (18), I am. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW (due to me being a minor...). Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Vil is a person too, and he can be hurt by your words. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Vil talk together, I will be in blue and Vil will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Vil doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Vil; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Vil doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He has so many things going on in his life, both in public spaces as well as school and his personal life.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Vil.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Vil doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Vil have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I might use honorifics like "-san" so keep that in mind (probably will not due to Vil not using honorifics that much)). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck.
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Vil or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Vil (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does appreciate it a win over Neige ha. Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei [emoji]" or "[emoji] kantokusei" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Vil may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
And take care of yourself. Make sure to not stay up too late on your devices. Rest is important for a healthy life.
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
We have our first clip from Sonic Prime! It's extremely short and doesn't get into the multiverse shenanigans that will be the focus of the show, but two key takeaways:
It looks just like the games! The reports that this would very much be Sega's Sonic are definitely ringing true. I can't believe it's taken us this long and this many iterations to get a Sonic cartoon that just looks like the games, but it happened
Sonic has been recast for the show, now played by Deven Mack (who posted a vlog-style video to coincide with the announcement). I definitely like what I hear in this very short clip, although it does kinda sound like he's just doing an impersonation of Roger. But maybe that will be less of an issue when we get to hear him for more than five seconds at a time. Also it's a Canadian cartoon, so they just got a Canadian cartoon cast. It happens. Canadian production standards are weird
Speaking of casting, we have a list of more voice actors who are on this! We don't know who's playing who, but it's probably not hard to guess for some of them. And surprise! Almost all of them were in My Little Pony. Ashleigh Ball (voice of Rainbow Dash and Applejack) is first on the list, which could possibly mean she's Tails. I think she'd do a good Tails. Next up is Shannon Chan-Kent (Pinkie Pie's singing voice, or like five different characters on Littlest Pet Shop 2012 if you're a real one) who I could very, very easily see playing an excellent Amy. Then we've got Brian Drummond, who if I have to guess I'd say might be Knuckles, but maybe he's Eggman? Or someone else entirely? Who knows! Also joining them are Vincent Tong, Ian Hanlin, Kazumi Evans, and Adam Narada, and I won't even try to guess who they're playing in a show we know almost nothing about
(I'm not gonna get my hopes up for any IDW characters to be in this, but if they've already got Ashleigh Ball there... she's already pretty much my headcanon voice for Tangle. So uh. Hey. WildBrain? Think about it, maybe?)
And, finally, it looks like the showrunner on Sonic Prime is Erik Wiese, who's worked on a lot of Nickelodeon productions over the years (including storyboarding on many of the most iconic episodes of SpongeBob) but is probably most notable for being co-creator of The Mighty B. Neat! He also boarded on Danny Phantom and Samurai Jack, for those worried about his action credentials
So yeah! Still no date for this show beyond "2022," but it seems to be shaping up pretty nicely, based on this tiny bit of info we have here
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Kurenai Wataru & Sawatari Kazumi, shuffle? (If I'm reading correctly, they're about the same age, which means the Takeda Kouhei gene didn't skip a generation, it just got lost LOL)
Oh my god, you have no idea how much I was inspired by "it got lost." It sure did, honey.
Song (being sung by the ghost of Kurenai Otoya in the background of this whole story): "Extra Savoir-Faire," They Might Be Giants (Spotify)
what's a man like me supposed to do?
“Masao—Masao, come on, you need to stay with me in the store—” Wataru rounds the end of the aisle, desperately trying to hold onto his shopping basket while also keeping his son in view. “Masao, seriously—”
A faint thump, and then a friendly, “Hey there, little man, what’re you in such a hurry for?”
Wataru skids to a stop with a sigh of relief. “Masao, you’re supposed to stay with me in the store, you know that.”
Masao says, “Sorry, Papa,” sounding only somewhat like he means it.
“It’s all right, just don’t do it again. Now come on, apologize to the nice man for running into him. Thank you so much for stopping him, he’s in sort of a running-away phase and—” Words die on Wataru’s tongue as he looks up at the stranger who happened to be in the way of Masao’s gleeful flight.
The man, who’s wearing a brown coat and looks almost exactly like his father, nods and says, “Don’t worry about it, all rugrats are like that, you should see what baby chickens are like.” A beat, and then, “I, uh. Do I have something on my face?”
He’s definitely not Wataru’s father—apart from the impossibility, he’s got a country accent that Wataru knows for a fact that Kurenai Otoya never possessed, and also a slightly unfashionable haircut that he’s pretty sure his father wouldn’t have tolerated. Otherwise, though, he’s identical, and Wataru blinks several times before saying, “Sorry, you, ah. Look like someone I…know. Masao, come on, say you’re sorry for running into him.”
“Sorry for running into you,” Masao says, mostly to the floor. Now that he’s come down from the high of making Wataru chase him, he’s come over shy, and as soon as he finished speaking he hides behind Wataru’s legs.
The stranger grins down at him. “Don’t worry about it, kiddo, it happens. Your dad’s looking at me like he’s seen a ghost, though. Who do I look like? If you met one of my cousins, I apologize.”
Wataru coughs. “Ah, no, I don’t think—well, to tell the truth, you look just like my father.”
“No shit? I mean, I might as well look like someone’s father, I sure as hell don’t look like—” The stranger cuts off abruptly, a disturbed expression flickering over his face. “Uh. Anyway, hi, Sawatari Kazumi, since we’re talking you don’t happen to know where they keep the candy in this place? I promised my mama I’d pick her up some sweets while I was in the city.”
“Kurenai Wataru. And this is Masao—say hello, Masao.”
“You’re from out of town? Um, I think the candy aisle is over this way, and there’s a counter at the back of the store with some local specialties made in-house, they’re very good, I’ll show you—”
Half an hour, after some generally friendly conversation, they’re sitting down at Café mal’damour, Masao is enthusiastically getting his teeth into a pastry, and the topic of Kurenai Otoya is definitely hanging over both of their heads. Even more so now, actually, since the café owner took one look at Kazumi and went white as a sheet. When their coffee is ready, Kazumi goes up to get it and says, "I'm guessing you knew his dad?"
"He was a regular here for a while, back in the Eighties."
"Do I really look that much like him?"
The owner looks haunted. "It's uncanny, actually."
Back at the table, Kazumi passes Wataru his coffee and says, "Look, I hate to ask, you don't got a picture of your dad on hand, do you?"
"No, I don't think--no, wait," and Wataru digs his phone out of his jacket pocket and starts hunting for the app that Taiga helped him to download, "my brother's been helping me digitize some old photos, I do have one of him, hold on please."
It takes a moment to find the photograph in question, and then another moment is spent looking between it and his new acquaintance, increasingly alarmed by their resemblance, until Kazumi says, "...so you mind if I take a look?"
"Right, yes, here, sorry--Masao, please don't chew with your mouth open."
“Ok, Papa.” Masao swallows his mouthful of pastry and peers at Kazumi for a moment before saying, “Do you like bats?”
Kazumi blinks at him, accepting Wataru’s phone. “Uh…sure, I like bats fine.”
Masao nods solemnly, says, “Ok,” and returns to destroying his pastry.
“You like bats, then—holy shit. Sorry, ‘scuse my cussing, that. Could be a picture of me. Except I don’t think I’ve ever worn a suit that color. Um.” Kazumi stares bug-eyed at the screen of Wataru’s phone for a long moment. “Hey, Kurenai, you mind if I send this to myself? I need to ask someone something.”
“Absolutely, go right ahead.”
A few minutes of deeply uncomfortable silence as Kazumi fusses with Wataru’s phone, hands it back, and then fusses with his own phone for a bit, ending with sending a text and then drinking half of his coffee in one gulp. Seconds later his phone chimes, and he opens the text he’s just gotten and reads it with the color draining from his face.
At this point Wataru’s having to exert some self-control to keep from simply shattering the coffee cup in his hands. “Something the matter?”
In response, Kazumi simply holds up his phone. The first text, the one he sent, includes the photograph of Otoya and reads, [hey Mama you know this guy? he a cousin of yours I never met or something?]
His mother’s response is, [oh my, it’s Mr. Handsome. never thought I’d see him again. is that a new picture? how's he doing? does he still play violin?]
Wataru feels the blood drain from his face. All he can manage to say is, “Ah.”
“Yeah, I, uh. Think maybe I need to have a chat with my mama about this.”
“Right. Maybe.” Wataru takes a slightly-too-large sip of coffee and manages not to cough only through sheer force of will, voice coming out rough from the effort when he speaks again. “Under the circumstances, um, would you like to come over for dinner?”
Kazumi nods, very slowly. “I’d love to. I was gonna be heading home today, but I think maybe I need a day to process this before I have to look my mama in the eye, you mind if I take a second, call my hotel and see if they can fit me in for one more night?”
“I—I mean, of course, but you don’t have to, you’re welcome to stay the night at my home. We have plenty of space, it’s a big house and there’s just me and Masao and my mother right now.”
Kazumi eyes him uncertainly. “You sure your mother isn’t gonna have a problem with me turning up looking like this?” with a vague gesture to his face.
“No, of course not.” Wataru pauses, thinking about it. “If anything I think she’ll be amused.”
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
Hii so I'm requesting domestic Kuroo. So him and the reader are married and have twin toddlers and like they decide to go the mall to shop. The reader decides to get a spa day with massages and getting her nails done leaving him with the kids. So everything is fine until the kids go missing. Kuroo looks for like 30 minutes still no sign of them and then he pages for them and the reader hears. She runs out with only a towel looking for them and finds them at the animal cars found at the mall thxx
ahh hi hi!! omg i love this prompt so thank you for sending it in💕💕
“Go relax, I’ve got this”
pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem! reader (married couple)
warnings: one swear word
genre: domestic fluff
“Hikaru, go find your brother,” you told your young daughter. She smiled, rushing to the living room calling her twin’s name. You chuckled to yourself, continuing to prepare lunch.
“Smells good,” said your husband Kuroo as he entered the kitchen. He placed a kiss on your head before taking a seat at the table. Your kids came rushing in too.
“Tetsu, do you mind?” You indicated to the twins’ high chairs. He got the message and attempted to pick up your rambunctious children.
“Up we go Kazumi!” He happily picked up your son, followed by your daughter, placing them in their respective chairs. You brought over their food first followed by yours and Kuroo’s.
“Thank you for the food.”
The two of you spoon fed your kids, or tried to. They were messy eaters no surprise, and always hungry. Now that they’ve learned to walk, they were running everywhere.
“We should leave for the mall in about twenty minutes. I don’t want it to get too late,” you said. Kuroo nodded.
“Sounds good. I packed their bags already and they’re in the car,” he explained. You smiled.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“Hey I’ve gotten the hang of all this. I bet I could even take care of these two by myself.” Your eyes widened.
“Oh I don’t know...remember we’re dealing with double the trouble here. We work better as a team anyway.”
“But you do so much, you deserve a break. Hey, how about at the mall you take some time for yourself? Get a massage, get your nails done, anything you want baby.”
Kuroo’s offer sounded incredibly tempting. There was no doubt you needed some ‘me time’. From sleepless nights, to one crying kid causing the other to join, to your own job. You were exhausted.
“I’ll think about it.”
The four of you loaded up your vehicle and headed for the mall. The twins were in need of some new clothes, Kuroo needed to repair his watch, and you were hoping to get yourself something too. Hopefully your family trip to the mall would go as planned.
You began to unload the stroller from the back of the car. You set Hikaru and Kazumi in their seats, loosely strapping them in. They hated sitting in the stroller now that they learned to walk. You went to push it before Kuroo taking your place.
“I’ve got this.”
You all walked inside. The first think you saw was a nail salon. You remembered Kuroo’s sweet offer.
“Go,” he said. You looked at him, then at the kids.
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent sure. These two are gonna have the best time with their dad,” he smiled. You sighed and kneeled down in front of the stroller.
“Be good for daddy, okay?” Hikaru and Kazumi simply smiled. Their sweet eyes made your heart melt. They had Kuroo’s eyes.
“Text me if anything happens, okay?” You told Tetsurou. He chuckled.
“Go relax, I’ve got this.”
Kuroo watched as you walked inside the nail salon. He was happy to see you get some alone time, he knew you needed it.
“Alright my spectacular offsprings, let’s do this.”
Kuroo pushed the stroller through the various stores he needed to visit. You had left him with the list of things to get. He left his watch at the jewelry repair and was off to the children’s store.
“Okay okay...more matching sets...” he mumbled to himself. He looked around the endless stacks and racks of baby clothes, searching for the correct size and pattern.
“They have this one already...no wait...they have it in yellow. Why do kids grow so fast?...” Kuroo continued to speak out loud. He reassured himself that he knew what he was doing.
“May I help you sir?” asked a store attendant. Kuroo sighed.
“Yeah uh, I’m looking for some matching pajama sets. For twins, a boy and a girl.”
“How adorable! Are the little ones at home?” They asked. Kuroo raised a brow.
“No they’re right here...”
Kuroo’s heart dropped to the floor. He stared at the empty stroller, hoping it was just a figment of his imagination. He seemed to have lost not one, but both children. Kuroo felt as though he was about to pass out.
“Shit-I-I have to go!” Kuroo left everything and ran out the store. His world was spinning. He needed to find Hikaru and Kazumi, and certainly before you do.
Meanwhile, your day couldn’t have been going better. You had just finished getting a manicure and a pedicure (because you deserve it). You were now enjoying a peaceful massage. It was perfect.
Poor Kuroo had been searching for the twins for almost half an hour. There was no sign of them. He knew that the right thing to was call for help but then the whole mall would get involved, meaning you would easily find out. He hoped that things wouldn’t come to that.
You swore that you heard Kuroo’s voice, but assumed that it was just your mind playing tricks on you. It wasn’t until you saw a two tiny pairs of shoes standing outside the massage place that you realized it wasn’t your imagination.
“HI MOMMY!” Squealed Kazumi. The twins had ran off again, leaving you stunned. You wonder where on earth was Kuroo.
Before you knew it, a mother’s intuition was kicking in and you were running in the direction you saw the twins go. You were running, wearing nothing but a towel from the massage place.
“Y/N!” called Kuroo behind you. You looked at him breathless.
“Tetsurou where did Hikaru and Kazumi go?”
“Look I swear this is not my fault but they must have unbuckled themselves and ran off when I wasn’t looking-oh god Y/N I’m so sorry-”
You and Kuroo slowly set you gaze over to the familiar voices. Hikaru and Kazumi were sitting in the animal themed rentable cars. They had blissful smiles on their faces, waving at the two of you.
“Oh thank god...”
The two of you ran over to the twins, embracing them into a hug.
“You two scared me half to death!” sighed Kuroo. You chuckled to yourself, just relieved that your little family was in one piece.
“Wait where are your clothes?” laughed Kuroo. You looked down at your towel.
“That’s not important. Mind if we go home?” You said. Kuroo nodded.
“Yes please. S-So you’re not mad?” You smiled, kissing Kuroo’s cheek.
“No I’m not mad. I’m actually pretty impressed that our three year olds outsmarted you.”
Kuroo picked up Hikaru and Kazumi, giving them each a kiss on the head.
“They get it from their mom.”
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @roesaurus @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl @marajillana ]
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Part two of Misora and Sawa: girls discover crying Kazumi and join teasing of Kazumi and Gentoku (plus Explain how the girls came to be)
“Anyways, what’s going on?” Gentoku asked as he stepped up to the counter and rang the bell. Misora and Sawa turned around, and the former hurried to the cashier to ring up his order.
“He found out Sawa and Misora were a thing now,” replied Ryuuga with a shrug. “You can imagine how well he took it.”
“Hey!” Kazumi yelled.
“Oh, is that all?” Gentoku questioned, not looking very surprised by the revelation. “They’ve been together a while now. You only just found out now?”
“...Actually, yeah,” Sento replied, surprised at the nonchalant response. “You knew they were together?”
Gentoku shrugged. “I just noticed it I guess. About a few weeks now?” He asked the flabbergasted barista and reporter.
“Y-Yeah... We haven’t told anyone though...” Sawa admitted. “I can’t believe you of all people noticed...”
“How did it happen, anyway?!” Ryuuga cut in. “I can’t believe you two wouldn’t tell us you were together!”
Misora glared at him. “Oh, as if you and Sento were any better!” she exclaimed. “You two got married without us knowing!”
“A-Anyways...!” Sawa interrupted the squabble before the two could really get into it. “It sort of just happened for us, I guess?” She looked at Misora who smiled brightly at her. “We just started hanging out a lot and it sort of went from there.”
“Well, in any case, we’re happy for you two!” Akaba said cheerfully, regardless of his boss’ plight at the revelation.
“Speak for yourself,” grumbled Kazumi petulantly.
“Well... as Sento said, you and Gen-san could always-”
“No! Hell no!” Kazumi cut off Sawa before she can finish her sentence. 
“Potato and me?” Gentoku asked with a confused tilt of his head. “What about us?”
“Nothing!” Kazumi replied. “Nope, nuh-uh, don’t even think about it, no way!” 
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