#kaze ask
kazenomegaminowanpisu · 9 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity ❤︎ (you don't *have* to, but I'm giving you a star cause I want to)
Thank you very much!!!!
BACK AT YOU @writing-all-the-time-2 love you😭✨✨✨
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kazehita · 2 months
hi! i noticed your recent post recommending the fic natural satellite and i think i've noticed other isat fics around your blog too. because of that, i was wondering if you had a list of recommended isat fics! i will admit i am not someone who just peruses around on ao3 but i love reading about these characters so if you have any recs, i would greatly appreciate them! thanks and i hope you have a lovely day :3
I love ALL isat fic - each and every one is so special and wonderful - but if I listed the whole archive that wouldn't really help huh... So! Im going to list just some off the top of my head., this is in no way definitive. Isat spoilers ahead - get all the way through the game and the secret before proceeding.
Big recommendation list below:
Additionally, mind the tags for each fic - I wont be specifying the content warnings here.
(don't just read the complete ones!!! Incomplete fic is just as delightful I promise :3)
Complete: Bloom - Level99Eevee Most people know it, it sits at the top of the tag! It's my every wish fulfilled for post-cannon moments.
Memories of defeat - dirtbagtrashcat Stuff in and immediately after the loops, fantastic extrapolations!!!! Very much Loop <33 I find this very grounded and realistic!!!!
Emotion Sickness - dirtbagtrashcat Post cannon fun/trauma with siffrin and the gang.
Memories of Touch - dirtbagtrashcat look i just really like their work sjkdjkfjkasdf its all good go through their profile. This is Isa thoughts.
And if I were not myself, would this be easier? - rabbit_soup Post-game! I love how they flesh out the world.
The Understudy - kittyorange Suuuuch a loop fic I love it to bits. Post cannon loop and the gang stuff.
Star-Speckled Skin - Lora_Blackmane Funn angsty moment, title is very descriptive. Lives in my head rent free.
Clinging to dying embers - Coffeewolf67 Odile's perspective of sif using the dagger. appropriate content warnings apply :)
between the end and a new start - glowingjellyfishtreelights SICKFICCC I had a very funny experience with this one where due to memory mishaps I got to read it for the first time twice! Absolute banger.
What's in a name? - Raaj Explores siffrins love of plays. I have to regularly reread this for my brain to function.
Starstruck - Dusk_Illusionist Isa yearns. The fic. It rocks.
Saturn Devouring His Son (Time Choking on Stone Choking on Blood)- BasilPaste Post cannon moment... I like it...
(Why) you can't let them know by Mayasynth sasasap fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like it. i hold it. i like it. UGH theres more but I have already listed so many.. my other favorites... im so sorry.,.. i love you guys too... Incomplete:
How To Rest by rabbit_soup Sequel to "And if i were not myself, would this be easier?" Loop is here and I love violence.
TRY IT AGAIN, CHEATER! by discatded "[Loop returns to their own universe after everything. It's hard.]" - from the summary. Love it love it. I will never get enough of this premise.
To Extend our Reach to the Stars Above by Cinnamin_Is_a_Star "Sif if he was team rocket" and is so fun. Very excited to see this one pan out!
until we move on. by Anonymous (also known as lozy) LOOP MY BELOVED..! loop returns to their universe and promptly looses it like the universe intended. Cant get enough of it.
Natural Satellite by dirtbagtrashcat If a single fic makes me the Most insane its natural satellite if I'm honest.... like bro... It just gets right to me...
Sunder by Miranda_tries_their_best Post-cannon Loop fic!! They travel on their own for a bit (but not forever), and I love it dearly.
Face the Light by Kaimiiru Post-game, I hold it close to my heart.... Ah... It's so dear to me.
These next two are sloop so if that's not your thing you have been warned :]
raconte-moi qu’on puisse crier tout bas by bibliomaniac I'm holding this high above my head so everyone can see it the characterization is off the charts.
To Cut You Open With a Knife and Find Your Sacred Heart by Hexea_Art Changeling Loop fic!! What a fun concept. I am excited to see where it goes. yay! AGAIN... THERE ARE SO MANY I LOVE SO MUCH but im forcing myself not to look through the tag else I'd add everything. Honestly, I do recommend just launching right on into the ao3 tag for ISAT even if you aren't super familiar with ao3. Just be sure to filter out anything you don't want to see!
Consider this a good starting point ^^
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metiredlr · 1 month
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They're besties I just know it
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empresskaze · 4 months
🌨 for an old Camp Libriel member?
🌨️ Stuck in cold weather
I think it's this one, anon if you see this feel free to correct me cuz the emojis aren't totally the same for me.
Gabriel Lane Herondale loathed the snow. From the slush that covered his loafers, to the dampness that matted his hair, to neverending chill that seeped into his bones from the weather, he despised it. His dearest claimed it was pretty, and perhaps it was, but only when enjoyed inside surrounded by working heat, warm tea, and no reason to leave.
Today, though, he found himself waiting at a bus stop while large billowy flakes coated his hair and aggravated his already tumultuous cold. One gloved hand clasped across his body as it tried desperately to retain the bit of warmth his coat brought; the other clutching his soddened handkerchief, which hovered mere inches from his red nose.
Sniffling, Gabriel's droopy tired eyes staring forward, trying not to think about how cold he was waiting for this god forsaken bus.
His breath hitched hard, his eyes squeezed shut as wet congested sneeze erupted into his waiting handkerchief. He'd not even had time to draw another breath before a second then a third followed, each ripping the back of his throat. Gabriel cupped his cloth around his nose, giving a clogged blow that brought little relief.
It was then Gabriel released he no longer felt snow patting his hair. Looking around, a well dressed man in a black coat was next to him holding an umbrella over Gabriel's head. The professor blinked in exhausted confusion.
The man smiled, "I know it isn't much but it seems any break from the snow might help you."
"Oh!" Gabriel felt a hot blush rush across his face stopping at his ears. "I-I appreciate it, b-but please don't...leave yourself..." Gabriel turned away catching another horrendous sneeze. "Exposed at my own expense." He finished sheepishly.
"I'm fine, I'm sure the bus will be here soon." The man replied.
Gabriel nodded, it did feel nice to be shielded from the persistent snow for now. "I normally stay hidden in my apartment," He paused to rub at his nose, "But my dearest partner is quite ill...as well..." He gave a disheartening sigh. "So I ventured forth for his med..." Gabriel’s face slacked, "his...med...me....ah..." Pinching at his nose did nothing, Gabriel bent forward desperately sneezing twice. As he straightened he felt another embarrassed blush fill his pale face but the man only blessed him.
"Well I hope you both feel better soon." He said as the bus finally approached.
"Yes...thank you and for the shelter." Gabriel said as he climbed aboard, taking a seat near the back so he wouldn't disturb anyone.
Closing his eyes, he leaned against the window, a poor attempt to get some rest before his stop, which he almost missed as he'd drifted off.
Back in the warm of the loft building, Gabriel rushed as best as his lungs could take him to the elevators, he wanted to be back home before Liam realized he'd been gone.
His dearest did so much for him, even though he felt awful, his poor Liam was worse and if helping him meant fighting the winter snow, Gabriel would do it every time.
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kazecoping · 5 months
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very different points of view
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kazeofthemagun · 2 months
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@cursedfortune asked the summoner:
doodle request: kaze wants to eat kumo's choccy eggy but... but new dad kumo says no
In reference to [ X ]
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onawhimsicot · 2 months
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kazemi-tan · 10 months
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kumoofthemaken · 26 days
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@8radicaldragon8 asked the prince:
That's alright! Yes, you would peel off the peel first. I find that if you roll it between your hands first, it helps make peeling it easier later. I wouldn't eat the seeds, though. They probably wouldn't taste very good.
Continued from [ X ]
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"I see." The Misterian nodded, listening intently. "So I shall partake, thank you." He busied himself feeling the fruit for the best place to begin peeling its skin. "Like this?" With some guidance, he eventually found the spot and dug his nails into the top of the orange, finding the layer simple enough to remove. Some juice dripped down his fingers.
...This was a bit unsightly - it would have been far better with cutlery.
Oh, well.
He took a quick look at the other, and bit down.
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"Ah!" Now there was juice everywhere. He hurriedly wiped his neck with a sleeve before the stream of liquid could reach his robe's collar. "Oh no, I am sorry." The swordsman gazed forlornly at his stained clothes. Well, now he had gone and made a buffoon out of himself, just as Black Wind tended to.
"This is very good, and sweet. I am enjoying this orange thoroughly." The Cloud reassured and bowed lightly, awkward but nonetheless grateful.
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rockanroller · 5 months
Spoilers to Kaze to ki no uta is an old shounen ai (boys love) anime about two students sharing a dorm together one the main characters Gilbert is pretty much the foundation of Angel dust, someone whose been abused, manipulated and can’t trust anyone, and both sexual harass men. Gilbert is a victim of child SA he is very hyper sexual and puts himself in dangerous sexual situations with men so he can hurt himself or to get those men to hurt another main character and his love interest. They do show explicit scenes of Gilbert being SA but it’s not for gratification like his not tied or gagged showing clips of BDSM porn with a shitty pop song talking about how “loves to be exploited but secretly hates it” it’s really heartbreaking plus Gilbert is totally in love with his abuser, who isn’t such a joke like his abuser is fucking terrifying he wants and enjoys Gilbert to destroying himself
Gilbert sexually harasses his roommate and love interest Serge but Serge stands up to Gilbert and says “no” like the sexual harassment is never written as comedic it’s taken seriously. Serge wants to save Gilbert or at least stop him from hurting himself by putting himself in this dangerous relationship with older men and even starts to fall for him but at the end of the day Gilbert can’t be saved and dies.
the thing with Angel dust is they don’t clarify whether he’s hyper sexual or just written as jokes? “lol Angel is making husk uncomfortable but husk secretly likes it 😈” “lmao Angel loves sucking dick and is such a slut and hypersexual people love talking about sex and dick sucking lol” and with how Valentino is written as joke with terrible voice performance I can’t take Valentino seriously as an abuser maybe if it was vox I could but introducing Valentino this early into the show was a mistake, I fucking hate how viv and crew underplay Valentino as just a “not so nice character or nasty evil man” like now he’s a rapist call it what it is.
tysm for giving us some further insight into other content portraying traumatized male characters in mlm scenarios. i haven't read it so i'll take your word on it for now and will have to read the manga sometime to form my own thoughts. but i can def agree with the last paragraph. viv's work has a track record of her writing switching back and forth between what she wants you to find funny and what she wants you to take seriously. most recently pointed out was how blitz/loona call moxxie fat and it's treated as funny--but then mammon calls fizz fat and it's treated as bad. or the fact that viv & friends & fans, as you say, tend to underplay Valentino a lot as just like...some guy Angel shouldn't be around bc "teehee he's a creep!" while still wanting us to feel bad for Angel, idk, it's a bizarre dynamic for sure. of course this isn't to say they haven't played Valentino worse in the past, many felt he was played properly threatening in Addict--but then as we've seen in his first appearance in Hazbin he's more like a pissy man-baby.
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kazehita · 5 months
(also as i was sending this ask, i just saw your updated bio and thats SUCH A MOOD LOL)
SAMMY THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR PUTTING IT ON MY DASH!!!!! THAT WAS HOW I HEARD ABOUT IT!!!!! Also thank you for asking because I've been writing this mini essay in my head in the shower. <3 I was like, shrugs, I like time travel and I like indie games, and wow it is very positively rated I suppose I must give it a try, and then proceeded to procrastinate on that for a few weeks ;; teehee! But yeah, it became like one of my top three games ever in the first half hour.. Things like "storytelling through gameplay," and "ENJOYABLE & interesting turn-based combat," and "characters that feel so Human and Real in addition to being deeply relatable," really gets me on board! And also, now that I've finished, I can say the story goes really hard too. I actually didn't realize the cast was LGBTQ+ before I started playing, so that was a fantastic surprise. And the setting is expertly designed with this in mind! This game is angled to talk about the queer experience while being dynamically interwoven with the themes and setting - and It was a great experience for me to see, in particular, aro and/or ace characters portrayed excellently - both thematically and realistically!!! I'm very impressed with how they show and they tell the characters' relationship with their own sense of self, and their sense of other's people's experiences. .. That's the best way I can explain it without giving specific examples!~ Anyway I have been chipping away at it for the past week in my spare time and stayed up to 3am last night, emotionally compromised, to finish it.
How fantastic! The payoffs, the story beats, the character's growth! It's everything I could have wanted. Absolutely worth anyone's time.
I played on the Nintendo Switch (regular), and while there was minor lag at some points, it didn't negatively effect my experience much at all. I have now purchased it on steam, and I'm going to try for 100% achievements (there is no achievement system on switch)! I found that i missed quite a few things in my blind playthrough, so I hope to catch everything in this upcoming one! to conclude, have some siffrin doodles I did today <3
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metiredlr · 1 month
Wassup w/ Ina11 goalkeepers in orange and their bfs w/ long blue hair and one eye showing
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empresskaze · 1 month
Fessor and 💊?
cold/allergy medicine 💊
God I was just saying on discord that I've been thinking of Fessor and allergies and then remembered I had this!
Gabriel blinked his teary eyes as rubbing them caused too much irration. Sniffling hurt almost as much but his poor nose was runny increasingly due to the high pollen count today.
Everytime the wind blew, he could see the flowers blowing off the trees. Sighing, Gabriel pushed open the door to the shop off the main street. Even with his prescription allergy medicine, nothing was bringing relief, so he figured trying to find something over the counter wouldn't hurt.
Barely three steps inside his face slacked, bringing up his arm, he sneezed several times into it; each itchy sneeze, sending prickly pain through his sinuses.
"Dear me." He said softly, wiping his eyes again with his handkerchief. Looking at the small selection of medications, everything they had for sale he already had at home. So the trip wasn't a total loss, Gabriel picked up a cold compress for his eyes and a few other things.
Back at his flat, he found the strongest medicine he had, swallowing them with some water. After rinsing the compress, the professor lay on his couch, cool cloth covering his dry yet tearing eyes and waited for his Liam to call.
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tally-ho-hurrah-bravo · 10 months
question for the kazeki fandom
if you have one, what is the Ideal Alternative Ending you guys have thought of in replacement of the actual ending?
we all know that the real ending is heartbreaking and i am certain some of you pretend that that isn't the real ending and that something else happened. i must hear your delusions.
like did they never go to paris in the first place? did something happen that prevented gil to even go in the direction of the carriage? did the accident happen but gil doesn't die & they fix things from there & it all gets better? I MUST KNOW WHAT DELUSIONS YOU ALL HAVE CONJURED
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kazeofthemagun · 12 days
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@distortedkilling asked the summoner:
"Hey!" Cue the curse approaching with... a Magun on his arm? No. It's deformed and grotesque, of course. But the shape and details are incredibly accurate nonetheless.
One should not want to see what he fires out of this thing.
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If this was some sick attempt to rile him, it would not work.
Not even this... unholy mockery of his already damned form.
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The gunmage whipped around, locking eyes with the curse. The beast that survived corporeal damage and returned to face him once again. The summoner's gaze was one of initial surprise soon morphing into pure hatred, and yet the recklessness with which he had previously struck was withheld. No bullet nor spell came hurtling in the direction of Mahito, even as the killing intent radiating from the Black Wind was palpable.
It seemed this was a suitable occasion to do away with the wretch once and for all - and do it the proper way.
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"Soil is my power!"
And there it was, an aberration of a Demon Gun facing off against the real deal. The golden device sprang to life, four obsidian blades working to heat up the engine and stir baleful, dark winds.
Think fast.
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spiderziege · 4 months
10, 13, 77!
10) game you were best at in p.e.?
ooh god i dont know what any of those games are called in english. uuh. i always liked brennball, where one team has to catch a ball and the other team has to run a certain distance/do a small obstacle course in that time. i was pretty good at that as long as i was on the runner team lol
77) best plant to grow on a windowsill?
hmm well my favorites are golden pothos & jade plants cause those are kinda impossible to kill lol. i also have a pitcher plant tho which is fun
13 was already answered! :)
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