thebardisabird · 1 year
Can you do hc's for the Matsuno brothers with a S/O who has a flat chest & is insecure about it? SFW or NSFW
Aw, of course, Anonym. We could all use a little reassurance in places we may not feel like we measure up. I do want to say before I write this though that you are so so beautiful just as you are, love, and that you don't need me or anything else to know that that is a fact, okay? 😊
That being said, I'll meet you halfway and make this lightly nsfw (since we're talking about your chest) while still being in on the comfort (will be tagged as 'tw: body negativity' just in case); Allmatsu x Reader, under the cut:
Laughs at first, because he can't believe what he's hearing!
However when he realizes you're serious, he slides his arms around your waist and snakes his hands over your chest as he tells you "C'mon babe, you know you have nothing to worry about, I love these tits."
He proves it too - taking extra time to kiss your chest and give you the sleaziest grin when he hears how much you like it.
His brows turn up in concern. You are the most radiant thing in his life - to know you don't love every part of yourself worries him.
He takes your hands, thumbs stroking the tops of them, "My love, you are nothing short of celestial - every inch of you. I mean it with every fiber of my being"
The next time your chest is exposed to him, he kisses your body with such tenderness that it makes you shudder - but that pales in comparison to the fire in his eyes when he catches your gaze and licks the flat of his tongue over your flesh.
As soon as you tell him, he takes you into a hug. He's frowning at the fact you feel this way about yourself, but he thanks you for being honest with him.
With his hand rubbing your back, he reminds you that you look wonderful, and that he'll always be here to remind you of how beautiful you are to him.
He about loses himself when he gets the opportunity to touch you there, moaning about how much he loves you and how lucky he is to even have you like this.
Another one who will pull you into a hug. He struggles with confidence as well, so he understands you extremely well.
He tries to find his words and when he does, he speaks very softly while he holds you, "You...are perfect to me."
He makes sure you hear the way he nips and sucks at your chest - makes you feel how much he loves giving you attention there.
His smile fades into a tight line of concern. You don't like how your chest looks? Why???
"But all boobies are good boobies!" he exclaims, arms noodling about, "And yours are my favorite!"
You have to nearly pry him off of you when he does get a chance to touch your chest. The way he kisses and licks you almost sends you spiraling.
Acts like he doesn't understand what you're telling him.
He tilts his head, "But you're so cute, why don't you like them?" You have try to explain that you just don't like them, but that reason isn't good enough for him - so he takes your hand with a soft laugh to lead you to the bedroom.
Eye contact is the name of his game here - he loves watching you bite your lip while he kisses you all over your chest. He sings cutesy praises that shake you deep inside, and he does so to remind you that he wants you. All of you.
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bugdogg · 11 months
🌟 can u answer this one after midnight yes please and thank u
alright ill answer this now. (I'm gonna try to be direct cause i wanna stop being so flustered about this stuff)
Karamatsu likes teasing Mizuki in bed, by reaching and touching around their upper thighs or fondling their boobs without touching the nip, standard teasing i think, Kara only does it cause he likes seeing Zuki vulnerable, and it sorta helps them let go a bit and be vulnerable around him. Both these fckers are touch starved. Zuki never lunges or really wants to finish, they just want to be played with and be held. SO EVERYONE WINS KARA JUST TEASES BECAUSE HE LIKES THE CUTE SOUNDS ZUKI MAKES AND ZUKI LIKES BEING EDGED OKAY SHUT UP MAX
also Oso likes being big spoon cause Mizuki lets him fondle their boobs when he is, and sometimes other stuff happens WOW Mizuki likes teasing him sexually most, Kara wholesomely (Choro both ways). Alright i gotta shut up before i say too much oughh
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ichimatsus-ass · 5 years
Ichimatsu! Ah, Ichimatsu- why... are you so small? Smaller than usual? Has Dekapan done something again...? Or is this another one of Jyushimatsu's gags...
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i dont know you but you PISS ME OFF for some reason
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ask-iyamisdaughter · 5 years
Heh... Are you, perhaps, Hiyori-chan... A ☆Karamatsu Girl~?☆
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Guitar in hand, Karamatsu heads up to the roof. He and Choromatsu agreed to meet there, and to be unprepared for brotherly bonding time would be sin against heaven itself. He finds Choromatsu already on the roof, and greets him with his usual amount of sparkles. "Good evening, buraza!"
Choromatsu squinted and shielded his eyes for a second before he adjusted to the blinding sparkles that accompanied his older brother’s presence.
“Good evening. It seems to be the perfect night for stargazing,” He absentmindedly gestured to the clear, deep violet sky, a small smile lifting the corners of his lips.
“And listening to music.” He nodded at the guitar in Karamatsu’s hand.
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fans-old-blog · 6 years
help karamatsu nii-san wwants to kill me
Ehhh?, how am i post to help Jyushi? and why does Kara wants too kill you??
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Is the virgin killer sweater trend over? Do people still watch Osomatsu-san? Am I too late?
(psst these are available on my Redbubble)
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 4 years
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akimonochan · 7 years
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Oh wow there’s a lot of skin lol I wanted to practice anatomy and thought I might as well draw my body type + height headcanons for these bois
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redwylde · 7 years
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The mascots never fail to deliver the Choukei~
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asktheboringbros · 7 years
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daaaaaamn niisan
back at it again with the iconic discord pins
-mod ichi
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ichimatsus-ass · 5 years
Heh... You are a man of taste, buraza, for I also am fond of 🌟Titties!🌟
news update i dont like boobs anymore
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vrisrezis · 3 years
teehee hii ♡ for this rq can i get either anyone from aot (ur choice ) or the brosomatsus reacting to their s/o randomly flashing their new nip piercings
OKAYYY I LOVE THIS RQ . I did both <3 I did my fav aot characters and my matsus . Enjoy 👍 these are rather short
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Sasha doesn’t get flustered or anything at seeing your nips. ITS GONNA TAKE MORE THAN FLASHING TO EMBARRASS THIS CHICK FR!! however she looks at the piercings like.. “Oh cool!” She thinks they’re cool.. that’s kinda it. She doesn’t have much thoughts on the nip piercings because she’s not crazy about them. “Can I poke???”
Connie is more interested in piercings. He is a bit blushy at you randomly flashing him though. Then he’s like “oh what.. nipple piercings.. cool lemme feel” acts like he cares more about the piercings and like he totally don’t wanna touch your nips right now.
Jean gets very embarrassed and is like… “WOAH” and then is like… “woah…” Jean loves piercings okay. Fun fact he also has nipple piercings so y’all are twins. “Cool. I got them too look.” Let’s just say he thought it was a good idea to somehow link the piercings together so you were just facing eachother chest to chest. Never listen to him ever again.
Hange is nonchalant about this. They kinda don’t think about piercings a lot, they honestly thought you were randomly flashing them. “Are you that horny?” And then your like “no look at my piercings dick” and they’re like “OHHHHH” they have no thoughts honestly. They sexy though.
Reiner is red in the face as you flash him and tries to cover his face for a moment. Then he’s like… “doesn’t that hurt.. or something…?” He’s very confused if anything, why did you want those anyway? They cool .. he supposes..
Mikasa face blank as fuck, like always. “What am I looking at” but eventually she’s just like, “I see. Do you want me to get some too .. or?” She doesn’t care, they cool. Or something. “Can we do something with your piercings in bed or something?”
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Osomatsu blushes bright red at you suddenly flashes him, but he sends you a smirk. “Nice nip…..ples? WOAH! YOU HAVE NIPPLE PIERCINGS?!!!” Totally tells his brothers btw. He’s the worst. But seriously? Really doesn’t mind, loves it bud he has a lot of dumbass questions even stupider than any other question on this god damn post.
Karamatsu notices the piercings right away, though it does make his cheeks go ablaze. He’s jealous as hell btw, he wants some too. He finds them cool as hell. Not like he’d admit that in the moment though. He tries to confidently say, “v-very sexy my honey!” Of course he just sounds very flustered.
Choromatsu dies on the spot! Being flashed so randomly? You should know better than that; you’re totally flustering him on purpose. Give him a warning next time! However he’s now interested in the fact you have nip piercings. He’s not sure how he feels about it, mainly because he usually doesn’t like piercings like at all. He never thought he’d like nipple piercings on anyone but here you are. He makes an exception for you.
Ichimatsu let’s out a noise of surprise as you suddenly flash him but quickly realizes why. With pink cheeks, he says “shit.. I… nevermind” he starts to get embarrassed. He wants nipple piercings too.. is what he meant to say.. but that would be so embarrassing of him to say out loud. “You look good..?” You do btw, he’s just not sure if that’s the compliment you want.
Jyushimatsu is smiling like he always does, his usual smile does not falter as he looks at your nip piercings. “Ooooh! Cool! Can I get some?! CAN I? CAN I?!” He starts getting really excited at the idea that he can get some too. He just wants to match with you tbh.
Todomatsu is happy to have you flash at him, even if it’s so sudden. Though he notices something.. different. “Nipple piercings? Really?” He’s just really surprised that’s all. He thinks they look good.. but he thinks you’d look even better with a … belly button… piercing…
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matsufucker · 4 years
matsus + preferred cuddling positions
i am SO fucking thirsty for cuddling. these scenarios are all sfw, some do get a little suggestive but there is nothing explicit.
tbh these neets would be delighted to have a cutie like you want to have any intimate physical contact with them lol. buuut if they had to choose how to cuddle….
Osomatsu would love to be the big spoon, he’s very grabby and would love the opportunity to just be able to grind on you and have easy access to touching you. If he was feeling frisky he would definitely let you know, and honestly might be a bit incessant. But if you bat him off, he’ll be content to nuzzle his face into your neck, breathe your scent, and leave kisses along your jaw, ear, and neck, just trying to drown himself in you. He might be a playful shit and lick a long stripe on your ear and lightly bite your earlobe, one part trying to see if he could turn you on, and another part to just fuck with you. He would love to entangle his legs with yours, content to surround himself with as much of you as possible and enjoy your warmth. He will probably pass out with his hands under the hem of your shirt, content to just feel your soft warmth.
Osomatsu would like to be coddled and be the small spoon at times, but he strongly prefers being able to feel you in his arms. Another lazy position he would like is if you were resting on your stomach, he would just use your ass/lower back as a pillow. I’m not sure if it’s cuddling, but he would love to just be able to tap a rhythm on your thighs or butt, or idly trace shapes while you two watch a movie. Just playful things, but he will always try to be touching you in any way if possible. It’s comforting being able to feel you.
There’s something that makes Karamatsu feel strong when the both of you lay down and you rest your head on his chest. He gets to look at you, he has easy access to kiss your face, and his fingers will gently massage your scalp. If you press a kiss to his collarbone and trace a nail along his chest, his heart will swell and fly over the moon and he wouldn’t hesitate to lavish you with his extravagant praise. Will totally grab your hand and just trace his thumb over every knuckle, memorizing the grooves of your hand and peppering kisses onto every finger, joint, knuckle, whatever. What if his arm falls asleep? No problem, he would probably take the pins and needles as a medal of some sort and tough it out for however long it takes.
Another position he would adore is when you’re both on your sides facing each other. Just a mess of arms and legs intertwined with each other, maximum physical contact. You two might make out a little, or just be content nuzzling into each other’s necks and gently giving back scratches. Just be prepared to gaze into each other’s eyes and seeing this man with sparkling vulnerable eyes, he might radiate love.
Choromatsu might feel pressured to be the big spoon, he might be a bit stiff (especially if it’s the first few times cuddling, his inferiority complex would take some time to subdue) and unsure of how close he is allowed to get. He would awkwardly space his crotch from your rump, and his arms would be a bit loose around your waist. If you offered to be the big spoon, Choromatsu would internally be delighted. There’s just something so comforting about being held, having a lovable warm person with their arms wrapped around him like a cozy backpack. He would love to hold your hands, maybe gently kiss your knuckles and leave your hand against his lips, which you can feel is pulled into one of his adorable smiles. 
Eventually when physical affection becomes normalized and not something that he can only fawn over in his light novels, he would become more greedy for your touch. Being the big spoon or facing each other, he would just love to hold you close, shut his eyes, and embrace all of the sensations. Your warmth, how you smell, a gentle peck to your neck or cheek and feeling your muscles tense up slightly, your gentle voice as you two share an intimate moment. Just drinking in you and how happy he is to know someone that accepts him.
Ichimatsu loves spooning. He usually doesn’t care which spoon, but his mood can influence that. If he’s feeling a bit depressed, feeling you hold him and kiss his neck and ears would flood his heart with warmth. It would be so comforting to actively be shown affection and feel wanted, he would probably melt in your arms and turn his head to lazily kiss you. Gently raking your nails through his hair, across his thighs, on his sternum, and on his stomach would drive him wild. Maybe you could scratch a bit harder if you wanted to get frisky? But if you kept things PG-13, he would be extremely happy to feel you against him. Just feeling loved, feeling vulnerable but safe in your arms. He doesn’t have to worry about saying the right things.
If he was feeling possessive and big spooning you, he would be nipping the junction between your neck and shoulder, hands bunching the fabric of your shirt enough to expose your sides. He would be content running his hands across your sides, happy to feel your skin and maybe steal some of your body heat. Maybe a playful squeeze to hear you squeak. If he just wanted to appreciate feeling you against him, that would be all, but it wouldn’t be too hard for him to get carried away and start to nibble more on your neck and leave a trail of kisses up to your jaw…
Another position he would like is resting his head on your lap and basking in hair scratches. He would happily reciprocate and drag his hands through your hair like a kitten.
I honestly find it hard to envision this ball of energy cuddling. But he does have moments where he likes to slow down and embrace you. He likes the idea of having you rest on his lap, he could play with your hair and kiss you! But he would end up bouncing your head around by jiggling his knees. So he’s content to rest his head on your lap, talk animatedly and get a first class view of you smiling at his antics. Don’t be surprised if he gets overwhelmed with affection and does something to get it out of his system. He could pull you down to kiss you, or sit up, straddle you before attacking your sensitive skin with kisses. Then he’ll land a bullseye by kissing you!
He would also like to have you sitting between his legs or on his lap and wrap his arms around your waist. Maybe after a long day, he’ll just love to hold you close and rest his chin against your shoulder. If you reach up to caress his head, he will lean into your touch like a bee drawn to honey.
I just envision Jyushi always moving around (unless it’s cold, then maybe he’ll finally bunker down and spoon you and squeeze you when he feels a burst of love) so I think he would rather show affection in different ways. Always holding your hand, swinging your hand around as you walk together, trying to make you laugh, lifting you up and spinning you around, anything to lift you up and bring a smile to your face.
Totty would prefer to be the little spoon casually, I think he gets tired of having to act proper and self aware, so having you wrap your arms around him would let him relax and unwind properly. If you two were in a slightly snuggly mood, this would be a good time for you to just prop your head on his shoulder and watch a funny video on his phone and laugh. 
But for full on cuddles, I think Totty might actually like couch cuddles where one person is laying down, and the other is laying on either their stomach or back on their partner. Totty would have a slight preference for holding you, the pressure of another person pressing down on him would be comforting and it’s cozy for him to be stuck between you and a comfy couch. He also likes to be held and if you praise him or call him a good boy? You will literally check all of his boxes. He will idly play footsie with you and give you sweet kisses, but if you take the time to pay attention, you’ll notice a flush on his cheeks, a slight lovey haze in his eyes, and his lips are slightly open in awe. Your body can feel his heart drumming, and you love to see his coy facade fall apart and see him become a bit shy and unsure.
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Ah, my Karamatsu Fans! There are already over a hundred of you! I, Guilt Guy though I am, am overjoyed to learn of you all! Please accept this sinful man's thanks! ((AaaaaaAAAAAAAA WOW HI THANK YOU EVERYONE I MISSED THE 100 FOLLOWS EXACTLY BUT WELP Hm, I should do some event... But what to make that event, I have no idea.))
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fans-old-blog · 6 years
💛 platonic
Oh! that sounds nice! a Platonic friendship bond with The Karamatsu himself- maybe if you want we can hangout?, but only if your comfortable with that Kara!
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