#kall answers
its-kall-the-clown · 6 months
Are you going to be updating any fics on your ao3? I'm just a bit curious. Hope your day/night is going well ^^
Hey there!!
Guess this is as good a time as ever to give a life/AO3 update.
A month ago I quit my job as a graphic designer. I love graphic design but I was getting burnt out at this shit company that was brutal with deadlines. I was getting physically ill over work. Headache's, migraines, upset stomach and weight loss due to lack of eating. This also in turn affected my motivation and ability to write.
I decided enough was enough and got a new job at a new company as a receptionist. My job is so much better and significantly less stressful along with extra benefits I didn't have before.
I'm still settling into the new job but I think I'm working towards a better mental state where I can get back into writing again.
For specifically ‘You Can Stay Here' I've been thinking about rewriting it. Don't panic I'm not taking down the original but I want to give this sorry a face lift and fix some plot points that have bothered me a lot.
I'm not sure yet on WHEN I am going to do this, like I said Im still settling into the new job, but hopefully soon!
Love ya all and take care of yourselves 💛💛💛🤡
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Jfc Velma is now being rated as worse than Dragonball Evolution. You really gotta screw up to get a worse rating than that film. Just what was the thought process going into this thing?
mindy kalling couldn't sell an animated show under her name so had to live out her self insert, self hatred fantasies by ruining a beloved decades long franchise & any chance for any other woc led productions. girlie ruined it for all of us lmao
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Tonight we are celebrating 🤩🤩 So enjoy this cool GIF that I just found😄. (Almost) Everything I love is in it😍.
Yes we are 🥳🥳🥳. I mean I really hoped this would happen, but I wasn't completely sure it would... And thank you for that GIF 😍🖤. (There is so much I love in it aswell...)
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etxrnaleclipse · 14 days
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Pre-Established Relationship Prompts @ghostsxagain said: you can’t lie to me. i can tell when you’re lying - kalle to oscar
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The comment caused Oscar to scoff and he shook his head, gaze dropping to the floor. "Ok, sure. I can't deny that, even back as rookies you could always see through me." he chuckled, glancing back towards the other man. "Probably not great for an agent to be that easily read, though... Hopefully it's just you."
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danikamariewrites · 5 months
Take Them All Down (part 2)
Rhys x reader
A/n: First off, I am so sorry this is months later. I did not realize I wrote part 1 in freaking October until I reread it for a refresher. Like no wonder so many of you asked me about part 2! There will not be a part 3 (so sorry if you have your hopes up for that after reading this).
Warnings: blood, violence, and eventual fluff
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The throne room filled quickly. You couldn’t pick out faces even if you wanted to. Looking down you see the unlucky prince you had grabbed in your rage was Eris. The only surprise you showed at his fear was a raise of your eyebrow.
Seeing ghosts scares people. Eris isn’t immune to that.
The crowd parts, letting Beron. When he sees you with a sword to his heirs bleeding throat he pales. “Everyone out!” Beron roars. The room empty’s in seconds. Leaving the three of you alone.
“You,” Beron says cooly, raising a shaking finger at you. “You, are supposed to be dead.”
Rhys hasn’t broken his stride or acknowledged his family since the cemetery. Ripping open his closet door and donning his leathers Cassian finally grabs him by the shoulders, pinning him to the wall. Everyone waits with bated breath at the threshold of the bedroom. Azreil stands between the family and his brothers to absorb any fallout.
“Rhysand! Stop! By the fucking Cauldron, what do you mean she is not dead?” Cassian’s booming voice causes even Azriel to take a step back. But Rhys stands strong. Mirth dancing in his eyes. “The bond never broke,” he said with that haunting laugh and even more troubling smile.
“I have felt nothing since Hybern. The bond it…it’s just been waiting for y/n to wake up.” Cassian let go, his face pale. Instead of being angry he wanted answers. He was beyond confused at how you could possibly be alive. They saw your body, watched as your coffin was buried!
“What’s the plan Rhys?” Azriel asked, a slight shake in his usually calm voice. Another haunting laugh leaves Rhys’ lips. “Eris has been screaming in my head for an hour. She went right to the Autumn Court. My vengeful wife, HA!” Azriel and Cassian look at each other. Then it clicked.
Beron had found your body.
He had been the one to alert everyone, even brought Rhys over to you.
As if he was reading their minds Rhys began to voice their train of thought, “Beron saw an opportunity at the end of the war and took it. The instability of everything. He needed to take me out of the equation first before taking out any of the other courts. ‘Killing’ y/n was the way to go. Smart. He wants Prythian. Wants to be High King and for that he needs all the courts to rely on him. He has been creating problems that only he and his court can solve.
“I’ve been in contact with Kallius and Helion over the last few weeks. After Amren’s last meeting with the governors I knew it was Beron. Without us and trying to keep their courts alive it’s been a mess.” “So you are aware the court is struggling?” Amren interjects. Anger rolling from her tiny body in waves. Rhys turns to look at her. His face sympathetic and guilty. “I know you’ve been doing everything I should be. And I am so sorry. I should have never shut down like that. But I couldn’t…”
Cassian claps a hand on Rhys’ shoulder. “We understand, brother.” Had it been any of them Rhys would be doing the same thing his family was doing.
“I’ve reached out to Kall and Helion. They are meeting us in Autumn soon. Get ready to go.” His brothers nod, leaving Rhys to prepare for what awaits him in Autumn.
Back in the throne room you stall Beron. You want him to continue his tirade, letting all his anger out so you can deflect it right back at him. When he paused you dug your blade deeper into Eris’ throat. He held back his wince. Knowing the punishment from his father would be worse than loosing his head.
Before you could open your mouth to retaliate the bond in your chest stirred. You felt everything all at once. Anger, relief, love, and grief.
He knows. He came for you.
Surprise shines in your eyes. Looking down at Eris he meets your gaze, his own amber eyes screaming ‘I did this. I told him. Please let me go.’
Dropping the sword from his neck Eris breathed out a sigh of relief. “Go,” you growl at him. He scrambles off the dias, deciding that leaving you and his father alone would be best. He dashes for the large double doors. Your eyes never leaving his back until Eris disappears from view.
You need to stall longer. Although you can feel Rhys again he’s far. Probably just winnowing to the border of the court.
Making a show of bringing your sword up to your eyes to inspect Eris’s blood slowly dripping down the sharp edge. You wipe it off on the skirt of your dress. Looking down at the swishing black fabric you notice how dirty and tattered it is. You don’t know if it’s from being buried for so long or pulling yourself out of your grave. Maybe it’s both.
The memory of waking up in the pitch black and digging yourself out flash through your mind. You want to drop to your knees and cry until you have no tears left. A pulse of love comes down the bond full force. It gives a you a renewed strength as you stare down Beron. Soon, it promised. Soon you could do all of that in Rhys’ arms.
Lifting your sword you point it at Beron. “We have a score to settle, asshole.” He smirks at you. Reaching out he pulls his sword from thin air. Sweeping into a ready stance. Beron curls his fingers, beckoning you forward. “Let’s see if the dead can fight.”
You run toward him, letting a cry rip from deep in your chest. You are going to kill this motherfucker.
The two of you keep clashing. Metal against metal ringing throughout the throne room. Slash after slash you finally feel the adrenaline wearing off. You’re weak and can feel he’s gaining the upper hand. Beron backs you toward the dias.
With a mighty swing Beron has you down. Your back hits the wooden stairs. Wasting time trying to recover, Beron stomps over, kicking your sword from your hand. Beron pushes his heavy boot against your open hand. You scream at the feel of your fingers cracking between his weight and the wood. He lets out a cruel cackle. “This time, I’m going to kill you for real.”
Beron raises the menacing blade. Ready to strike right through your heart. Closing your eyes you brace yourself for impact. It never comes.
The doors explode. You take a risk and move your eyes off Beron to see who has barged in. Rhys, those gorgeous wings on display. He’s flanked by Azriel and Cassian. Kallius and Viv with Mor at her side. Helion and his general. Beron must’ve done something to really piss off three High Lords while you were buried.
Everything went by in a blur. All you could do was watch. Rhys could’ve easily fought Beron on his own but it seemed like they each wanted a piece of him. Near the end Eris comes racing in, his neck bandaged. It’s an easy fight in the end.
Eris brings his father to his knees. Broken and bruised, he surrenders. Eris takes control, ordering Beron to be sent to the dungeons and watched at all times. His execution would come soon. Eris didn’t want him escaping.
You feel arms around you. Jumping, you look to your side and see Rhys. You almost didn’t recognize him with the beard. There was hope twinkling in his eyes. Silver lining them as he stares at you in disbelief.
A loud cry escapes your lips as you put all your weight on your mate. Rhys says something that you don’t hear, your ears are still ringing from the explosion. Darkness consumes your vision as the throne room falls from you. You cower into Rhys’ chest hoping the light comes back.
When you feel a floor beneath you again you pull away from his chest. Looking around you find you’re back in the Town House. Home. You are finally home.
You see the family behind you, not wanting to scare you. Tears fall freely down your face. When you woke up in that box you never thought you would see them again. By some miracle the Mother decided you weren’t done living yet and gave you back.
“I knew you weren’t dead.” Rhys whispered, kissing your forehead. “I could never leave you.” You say softly, looking up at him. He smiles at you. Tears falling down his face into his beard. Bringing a hand up you run your fingers through his beard.
For someone who has been depressed it’s very well kept. “I like the beard.” Rhys laughs as he pulls you into a hug. After embracing on the floor for what feels like hours Rhys shifts so you are looking up at him again.
“I want Madja to look you over, then we can get you into a bath my love.” He rubs the pad of his thumb across your cheek. Wiping away dried mud and blood. You won’t argue with him. You can tell he just wants to take care of you. “Sounds perfect.”
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twin-chains · 1 month
Based on any criteria: whoever was the most fun to fight, the coolest or most clever design, the hardest battle, general vibes, etc.
Ganondorf is such an easy answer (for good reason!) and thought this would be too imbalanced if it included The Main Boss, which is why I decided to not include him. Might do the same for other polls too. I’m curious which non-Ganon bosses are popular
I haven’t finished playing WW but the Gohma fight was pretty silly and I enjoyed it. The concept of having to pull the dragon’s tail down to hit the boss in the face was very looney tunes to me as it should be
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nix-rose · 5 months
I almost danced with joy when i saw this, its so cute!! thanks for the tag @once-upon-an-imagine!!!
To celebrate 2023 coming to an end, create a moodboard inspired by your favourite memories of the year and answer any (or all) of the questions below
1. Top 3 songs of 2023 2. Top 3 artists of 2023 3. Top 3 albums of 2023 4. Top 3 movies of 2023 5. Top 3 tv shows of 2023 6. Top 3 books of 2023 7. Top 3 youtubers of 2023 8. Top 3 podcasts of 2023 9. Top 3 videogames of 2023 10. Top 3 celebrity crushes of 2023 11. Top 3 fictional crushes of 2023 12. Top 3 places you visited in 2023 13. Top 3 new things you tried in 2023 14. Top 3 things you were grateful for in 2023 15. Top 3 things you are looking forward to in 2024
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top 3 songs would be: Sex on Fire - kings of leon, ...ready for it? - Taylor Swift, and I think he knows - also Taylor Swift
top 3 artists were: Taylor Swift, Simon Franglen(the avatar 2 soundtrack gets my writing brain turned on-) and Hozier
top 3 albums might be: Speak Now, Reputation, and Unreal Earth
top 3 movies are: Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3, Barbie, and Spider-man Across the Spiderverse
top 3 tv shows would be: Supernatural, Gilmore Girls, and Stranger Things
top 3 books (this is gonna be hard cuz i didnt read much other than fanfics so heres my fav fics) : Prove me Wrong (Billy Hargrove x oc) by @hogwartsandhawkins, Twenty four hours (Eddie Munson x reader) by @ghost-proofbaby and last and definitely not least, She Drives Me Crazy (Steve Harrington x reader) by @upsidedownwithsteve
top youtubers: Brett Cooper, Jordan Howlett and Kall-me-Kris
top podcasts is only one and its called Typology (It's about the enneagram types.)
top video games: (My little cousins got me hooked on this one) Mech Arena and Unravel
top 3 celeb crushes: Jensen Ackles, Ryan Reynolds, Timothy Chalmette.
top 3 fictional crushes: Peter Quill, Dean Winchester, and Billy Hargrove
top 3 places i visited: Sandpoint - Idaho, Central California, Key West - Florida
top 3 new things i tried: Performed my first paid gig, went to a haunted house, dyed my hair purple
top 3 things im grateful for in 2023: My family and friends, my music, my seemingly endless void of opportunities.
top 3 things im looking forward to in 2024 are: Playing music in Nashville, vacationing with my childhood friend for a week, Reputation TV(hopefully)
no pressure tags: @steph-speaks @hogwartsandhawkins @ghost-proofbaby @avgvstlover @theemporium @coffeeandbatboys @xxskycrystalxx @teenwolfmarvel-obsessor and anyone else who would like to join!!
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myrammmortal · 29 days
Chapter 17, Willow/Raven is back from the dead
AN: I sed stup flming da stryo! if ur a prep den dnot red it! u kin tel weder ur a prep or not by ma quiz itz on ma hompage. if ur not den u rok. if u r den FOOOOOK UFFFFFFFFFF! pz willo isn’t rely a prep. Raven plz do dis il promis 2 giv u bak ur postr!
Tom Riddle gave us some clothes n stuff 4 free. He said he wud help us wif makeup if he wunted koz he was relly in2 fashin n stuff. (hes bisezual). Hargird kept shooting at us to cum back 2 Hogwarts. “WTF Hargrid?” I shouted angrily. “Fuck off you fjucking bastard.” Well anyway Willow came. Hargird went away angrily.
“Hey bitch you look kawaii.” she said.
“Yah but not as kawaii as you.” I answered sadly cause Willow’s really pretty and everything. She was wearing a short black corset-thingy with blood red lace on it and a blak blood-red miniskirt, leather fish-nets and black poiny boots that showed off how pale she wuz. She had a really nice body wif big bobs and everything. She was thin enouff 2 be anorexic.
“So r u going 2 da concert wif Richard?” she asked.
“Yah.” I said happily.
“I’m gong with Diabolo.” she anserred happily. Well anyway Richard and Diabolo came. They were both loking extremely hot and sexy and u could tell they thoufht we were ot 2. Diabolo was wearing a black t-shirt that said ‘666’ on it. He was wearing tons off makeup jus like Marylin Manson. Richard was wearing black leather pants, a black t-shirt and black Vans he got from da Warped tower. Frau Schneider was going 2 da concert wif Oliver. Oliver used to be called Navel but it tuned out dat he was kidnapped at birth and his real family were vampires. They dyed in a car crash. Navel converted to Satanism and he went goth. He was in Slitherin now. He was wearing a black Wurped t-shirt, black jeans and shoes and black hair wif red streekz in it. We kall him Oliver now because Navel is a stupid name. Well anyway we al went 2 Richard’s black Mercy-Bens (geddit cuz wer gpffik) that his dad gave him. We did pot, coke and crak. Richard and I made out. We made fun of dose stupid fuking preps. We soon got there…….I gapsed.
Gerard was da sexiest guy eva! He locked even sexier den he did in pix. He had long raven blak hair n piercing blue eyes. He wuz really skinny and he had n amazing ethnic voice. We moshed 2 Helena and sum odder songz. Sudenly Gerard polled of his mask. So did the other membez. I gasped. It wasn’t Gerard at all! It was an ugly preppy man wif no nose and red eyes... Every1 ran away but me and Richard. Richard and I came. It was…….Vlodemort and da Death Deelers!
“U moronic idiots!” he shooted angstily. “Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers, I told u to kill Vampire. Thou have failed. And now……….I shall kill thou and Richard!”
“No no please!” We begged sadly but he took out his knife.
Sudenly a gothic old man flu in on his broomstick. He had lung black hair and a looong black bread. He wus werring a blak robe dat sed ‘avril lavigne’ on da back. He shotted a spel and Vlodemort ran away. It was…………………………………TILL! 
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offorestsongs · 2 months
hello!! nice to meet you ♡
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❣︎ Algernon/Algy ⭑ he/him ⭑ Polish ⭑ 21 ⭑ trans gay ⭑ ENFP ⭑ Pisces
❣︎ artist and fanfic writer
❣ other interests include; danmei and c-dramas (MXTX + Priest, Till the End of the Moon, Nirvana in Fire, etc.), sometimes anime and manga (Witch Hat Atelier!!!), books of all sorts, fiction podcasts, historical fashion
❣ Pomefiore stan, feels very normal about Rook Hunt
❣ i ship both oc x canon and canon x canon ships (i'm especially fond of Rookvil, Azurido and Epeldeuce)
❣ this is my side blog, as my main I mostly use @gothicromancebf but I follow and like from @sparklespecks
❣ I don't have a DNI list as I don't believe those things to be either useful or effective. if i don't want somebody in my bubble, i just block them. just be a decent person and we're fine <3
❣ tags; 💌 art ; 💌 writing ; 💌 personal ; 💌 answers
LYSANDER tags; #★ lysander (art) ; #⚜ lysander (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings) ; #❣️lilyarrow (lysander x rook) KALLE tags; #★ kalle (art) ; #🐚 kalle (aesthetics/posts that remind me of them/ramblings) ; #❣️blueglass (kalle x floyd) ROSIENNE tags; #★ rosienne (art) ; #🥀rosienne (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings) ; #❣️thornqueen (rosienne x vil)
ELIOTT tags; #★ eliott (art) ; #✒️eliott (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings) ; #❣️glassrose (eliott x riddle)
ao3 ❣ toyhouse ❣ artfight
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its-kall-the-clown · 2 years
I need help..... I am simping for the mayor
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Why do you come to me like I have the cure when in fact I’m patient zero?
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jupiter-balls · 8 months
🦆 5-25-38
5. what made you start your blog?
As you know I've been on the margins of Tumblr since esc21/Blind Channel fandom days sending anons and keeping up with some blogs. But I was way too afraid to be perceived (I honestly regret I didn't join earlier, I know that everyone I'm friends with now would have accepted me then too)
What really made me start posting on my blog though was I genuinely wanted to make new friends and have a place to be myself. Which I guess I've achieved 🥺
25. fave season and why?
38. fave song at the moment?
Two, That happen to be very German @mondscheinprinzessin are you proud? 😂
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breninarthur · 2 years
I COME BEARING PROMPTS: "are you falling asleep?" for Kallian x Alistair (Allian? Kalistair? I like Kalistair)
thank you effe!! 🥰
some kallistair for my first ever @dadrunkwriting :3 [prompt]
rated g. warden tabris/alistair. 481 words. pre-relationship tension. there's only one bed 👀
Shale kept watch, both on their surroundings and on Zevran. Morrigan had her own little camp not too far away. Bodahn and Sandal slept in their caravan. Sten and Pether shared a tent. Leliana and Wynne shared another.
That left one.
Between Ciarth taking up far too much space than he needed, and Alistair being as big as he was, Kallian felt... squished.
Her mabari had fallen asleep as close as possible, almost cuddling with one leg thrown across her. She didn't mind, it was winter after all. Plus he was cute.
It did, however, ensure that she and Alistair were pressed up against each other, arm to arm.
Despite their flirting – Kallian refused to see it as more than that – tent sharing was always a very clinical, matter-of-fact affair with the two of them in a way it wasn't with anyone else. There were no whispered conversations, no huddling for warmth, and no stifled giggles. Just two quick goodnights and a see you in the morning.
Things felt... different after the Circle Tower.
"Are you asleep?" Alistair whispered, breaking their longstanding tradition.
"Yes," she replied automatically, staring up into nothingness. He huffed a laugh.
"Are you... are you falling asleep?" he tried again.
"'m trying to."
"Sorry. It... it's just been on my mind."
Kallian didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to pretend she had no idea what he was talking about, it was just too... complicated otherwise.
"Don't worry about it," she whispered after a while. "It was the demon, it doesn't... it doesn't mean anything."
"But what if it does?" he answered with no hesitation, like an arrow to her chest.
"What do you mean?" she asked weakly.
"Nothing," Alistair sighed, before doing the unthinkable. He turned around to face her, laying on his side. Slowly, she shifted to do the same, trying not to disturb Ciarth too much.
"You mean a lot to me, Kall," he muttered, impossibly close and a million miles away. It was too dark for her to properly see him, only a hazy outline that sent her heart hammering against her chest.
"Regardless of..." he trailed off. "You're the only other Warden in Ferelden. You're my friend. I don't want things to be weird just because–"
"They're not weird," she lied quickly. "You... you mean a lot to me too, Al."
If it was just earlier during the day. If the moon hadn't been obscured by dark clouds. If their tent had been closer to the campfire.
Kallian might have been able to make sense of the heavy tension that had softly landed over them. She might have been able to make out more than just Alistair's shallow breath, and her quaking fingertips.
"Goodnight," he whispered, his breath ghosting over her lips. Impossibly close. A million miles away.
"Goodnight," she murmured. "See you in the morning."
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dominoxsquad · 2 years
Deleted the last post that had the snippet of fic on it, since I expanded the scene quite a bit. May actually finish this one, it’s been surprisingly easy to write so far. Enjoy! (And feel free to let me know what you think 😊)
“Kal? Alex?” Zeb kept his voice low as he took a small step forward towards his partner. Something wasn’t right. Kal was backed up against the wall, hair in his face and a wild look in his eyes. Zeb could see the way his chest heaved, and hear how labored his breathing was. Like some kind of wild animal that had been cornered. Cautiously, he took another step closer.
“Don’t.” Kal’s voice was soft, likely completely inaudible to anyone but Zeb. “Don’t come closer.”
“Alex, it's me.” Despite the warning he stepped closer, but froze again when he saw Kallus tense. “Sasha, love, it’s just me. It’s Zeb.”
It didn’t seem like his words were getting through. Could Kallus not hear him? Or did something happen that was making it hard for him to understand? He knew this abandoned base had once been used for some kind of testing, had Kal been drugged? Whatever it was, and however uncomfortable it made his partner in the moment, he couldn’t figure it out without getting closer.
Zeb’s next step forward was his last.
Kallus lunged at him, attacking with a viciousness that Zeb had never seen, even when he had hunted the crew in the past. Zeb staggered backwards, trying to grab his partner in a way that would keep him from clawing Zeb’s eyes out. Eventually he managed it, and had Kal’s back pinned to his stomach, and an arm around his chest to keep him in place. The position was a tenuous one, though. Kall didn’t give up his struggle. He writhed in Zeb’s grasp and screamed at him, clawing at his arms.
“Let go!” Kal’s voice was shrill with panic. “Don’t touch me!”
Guilt shot through Zeb. Where did he think he was? Who was he seeing that had hurt him? The guilt didn’t last long, replaced by a sharp agony as he felt teeth sink deep into his arm.
Garazeb howled, releasing his hold on Kallus and staggering backwards as blood gushed from his arm. It took a couple seconds for him to regain his bearings but it was enough for Kal to have gotten away. Karabast. What had gotten into him? He hadn’t looked right when Zeb had found him but this? This was worrying.
The sound of his comm beeping pulled him out of his thoughts.
“Spectre-4? Zeb, do you copy?”
“‘M here, Hera. Got a bit of a problem, though.” He answered, wincing as he inspected his arm.
“What kind of problem?” There was worry in her voice. Yeah. Unfortunately what he had to say wasn’t going to make things any better.
“Somethin’s wrong with Kal.” Zeb started off down the hall he’d seen Kal go down, cursing the sting of his arm as blood continued to drip off it.
“Something’s wrong with- Zeb, is he hurt?”
“He’s not, but he almost got a good chunk outa me. Tell the others to back the kriff off if they see him.” He stopped at an intersection of halls, ears twitching to try and figure out which way his partner had gone. Worry was starting to grip his stomach. He had no idea how Kal had gotten into that state but however it happened, it probably wasn’t good.
“Zeb, are you ok?”
“I’m fine.”
“He just bit me. An’ I don’t think he’s sick with anythin’, so it’s fine.” He heard her sigh heavily, and could just see her pinching the bridge of her nose. “Look. I’m not leavin’ him here but he ain’t exactly holdin’ back right now.”
“Fine. I’ll let them know, but Zeb you need to be careful.”
“I will.” With that the comm went silent. He continued to look around the halls, spotting a smear of blood on the wall down the hall to his right. Great. Hopefully he’d find his partner before any of the others came across him…
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kallso · 1 year
Roleplay requests
I’m new to Tumblr and I’m looking for someone to roleplay with on either text messages or on Snapchat-
I pretty much just wanna do a Scrian roleplay where the two are like best friends, and they slowly begin to like each other but are too afraid to say anything or act on it, I’m open to prompt ideas and head cannons! Hermitcraft, double life, etc I’m open to either universe
I don’t want to ship the real life people Charlie and Ryan because they’re kinda uh- real people- so-
and I don’t want to do any NSFW scenes either, side ships are welcome too
I don’t mind being either Grian or Scar in the roleplay-
at the time of posting it is just about 9pm for me and I’ll be awake until 11, tomorrow I will be at school from 6:30-2:30 but when I get home I’m down to get back to the roleplay
I will update this whenever my request is answered to close it
But I’m Kallso, call me Kall, I go by he/they/it and I hope that to you, person answering this roleplay request, we can be great friends!
Edit: I’m going to bed at 10 because I’m tired- feel free to DM me at any time tonight just know that I won’t respond until 5:30am in my timezone
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caixxa · 1 year
🤩 , 💖 , 🥳, 😍, and 💪 please :]] love you!
🤩 What's your favorite fic you posted this year?
Summer Kisses!
💖 Was there a comment or another piece of feedback that made you feel all the warm and fuzzies?
I answered twice that all comments because they just matter so much. But I feel like I should mention at least some of the moments of feedback that made me feel a deeper sense of appreciation and gratitude beyond the initial rush of warm fuzzies
Ibarbourou @la-cruz-del-sur reading through money shot and writing long, insightful reviews chapter by chapter. In addition, continuing to do so with Summer Kisses, and always being there to have in-depth conversations about writing, sex, life, fandom, porn, politics, rpf ethics... what's remarkable is that she doesn't even watch hockey, she's a phenomenal Argentine football rpf writer who concentrates on South American football culture(s). Going out of her way to analyze my stuff is a huge token of friendship.
@unmetroeduntappo has read all my new works for years and has so many times been the first to comment. A regular sight in my inbox to ask about fic, this kind of loyal continuous support is more than anyone can deserve. I can't even question her taste in case i wanted to fall down a spiral of self-doubt. Being a Kalle Rovanperä fan is a sign of impeccable taste. (Also, go read J! (jump (caution!) for a warm fuzzy mix of rally and my hockey otp)
You 👉👆👈 giving so much love to my burky/evil!bedsy nastiness on windsor knot and linking it on your phenomenally hot crack your knuckles in my mouth! Thank you for the traffic 🥰
🥳 What writing accomplishment made you most proud?
That @aleksrothis liked ingénue! It's so nice to manage to write a gift that pleases the recipient.
😍 What's one of your favorite lines or exchanges you wrote this year?
I liked the amount of ensemble feels and plot that I wrote as a lead-up to the kinky winner's room dubcon in Ruby Room (dirty floors and sticky tables), mostly as dialogue. This one is with Justin Williams.
Justin Williams looks fondly over the table, watching Sebastian digging into his food like he had been starving for days.
“Gotta say, I miss the playoffs,” Justin says.
Sebastian glances up from his plate and shoots him a feisty eyeful, tilting one corner of his lips to a lopsided smirk.
“Do you mean that you want me to say that I miss you in the playoffs? Well, I do. I miss you in the playoffs.”
“The A on your sweater looked very fine.”
“Are you trying to get me to say that the C on yours always looked even better?”
Justin chuckles.
“Man you’re snarky today, Sebastian. Is something wrong?”
💪What ship gave you the most brainrot this year?
Define brainrot?? If writing a lot of fic for a ship gives you brainrot it would be pekka/juuse BUT they've written themselves pretty neatly and left my head clean without extending their rent-free stay.
Maybe it's the ships that I turn around and around in my head as vibes and disjointed images, ideas and fractions of scenes, watching them from every angle but never trying to pin them down as words? Talk about sepe and his Daddy Dom candidates. Rod. (Aight I've written them a lot but there could have been more). Jordo. Nnhhhgh Brent Burns 🔥 And any +combination of those. I keep hurting myself and yes, rotting my brain. (Want examples? I've got examples just ask)
Thank you for the ask and the opportunity to end up degrading everyone's dash when I end up rambling filth. I love you 😘
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idanwyn-et-al · 2 years
(XIV||22-19): Turn a Blind Eye.
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(Continued from here.) (♪)
Kccck. Kccck-kccck-kccck.
Was he talking about killing nobles again? Kccck-ing them?
Error. Error. Port Sigma-Ypsilon-Alpha-Gamma-Alpha, alias unit SJAGA disconnected from Hyperstellar Downconverter Reserve Rho mainframe. Ending program ‘Sari’s Directive’. System.exit<0> . Reconfiguring armaments.
Kccck. Kcck-crack-crack.
Where am I? Oh...Sophia preserve...
Her hands flailed through the air. All was light; her eyes scorched by the blue. She felt Fotiá willingly dissipate, its aether flowing into her horn, returning its borrowed strength to its Caller.
“Oakmoss, we need to run!”
Crack-crack. Sloshing, followed by the sound of wet limbs slapping against glass.
“Miovont?” Her throat was singed raw, tamed levin of the facility’s memories already sinking into her mind; the dreams of the conquerors, dissipating before she could grasp them. Always thus, when she was connected. When she fulfilled the oath that had allowed for her line’s survival.
“Yeah, it’s me, Oakmoss. That dragon is waking up; something in my blood is calling it. Can you use aether travel?”
Use aether travel? She was barely present within her own body! Clawed hands flailed again; she found his tunic, but not quickly enough to stop her from falling to the floor. “The...wardsz...” She fought the nausea that sucked at the bottom of her esophagus, doing her best to ignore the sickening organic sounds emanating from the biocapsule.
Strong hands grasped her elbows, drawing her to her feet. Miovont draped her left arm over his shoulders, keeping his right arm encircled around her waist, using his legs to propel her forward. “Come on. Take a few steps. It’s going to break out any minute. Can you see?”
So many questions. Hadn’t she just answered a bunch of his questions? But that was...not her, not really. Befuddled, she did her best to aid him, taking a step here and there on her own when she could. The scent of cave mushrooms and silver moss informed her that the pair had arrived at the gap where the door had been. Oakmoss’s vision was still largely occluded by floating afterimages akin to those one gets when returning indoors on a sunny day. Miovont appeared and disappeared in flashes of bone-white and deep grey; her own robes were almost too bright to behold, even in the dark.
“We have to ward the door,” she managed. As if on cue, the sound of shattering glass filled the air, followed shortly by the slap of wet limbs in pursuit. Oakmoss frantically ran her hands over her many gems, knowing each one’s purpose by feel; none of warding. How could she have been so shortsighted? But there was no time for self-flagellation.
A hurried exchange between herself and the Dark Knight led to the latter prising free one of the gems set into her very flesh. These stones ran in two neat rows down the backs of her legs, where the backseam of fine stockings might cover them, were she to ever to own such things again. Desperation meant an oblong honey amber was now liberated from its organic setting, gouts of blood coursing over her velvet skin; the healing gem she’d forced within the wound couldn’t cleanse the blood that had already been spilled. “Pleasze do not think lessz of me for what I am about to do,” she pleaded with him, immediately wishing she hadn’t. Why should she care what he thought of her? Raw as she was, though, she hadn’t the strength for pretense.
“I won’t.” Following her directions after only the barest moment of hesitation, he added his own blood and intent to the yellow amber stone, holding it between thumb and forefinger before the point of her summoner’s horn. “Ready!”
Oakmoss channels a short burst of aether through the tip of her horn. "I kall tju!" she screams; only fury will carry her beyond the pain, make her incandescent. "Tju fell to my hand, and by my horn tju are szummoned! Guard thisz place as tju guarded tjour beliefs in life!"
The amber quivers within Miovont's hand; there's something fetal about those first twitches of promised life. As the confluence of magicks and intent hit the stone, it begins to expand, floating out of his hand towards the medial point of the opening where the doors once stood. A bubble grows like blown glass, the aether from her horn the fire that gives it shape and purpose. Within seconds, a great pane of amber covers the large opening, and within its center stands a male Viera, golden-haired and brown-skinned, wearing Rabanastran armaments. His eyes open, and look unflinchingly towards Oakmoss. "Witch," come his words, drenched in blood and hatred.
As she’d hoped, the Rava’s desire to exact revenge upon her proves his second undoing, just as it had his first. Miovont's intent fills the soldier's lungs, and he retches, then turns as if swimming in syrup to face the oncoming dragon. The horrifying mess of half-finished limbs slams into the amber as it catches sight of the soldier within it, and the two are locked in perpetual battle, the amber solidifying right as the soldier's sword connects with chimeric fangs.
The scene is all that remains in the pinpricks of Oakmoss’s vision; then, all fades to eigengrau.
He’d carried her so far. All the way back to the closest thing she had to a true home; her repurposed temple ruins behind a waterfall in a neglected part of the Lavender Beds. Why do I often use waterfalls as doors? He’d set her gently on the silken sofa she’d liberated from some forgotten estate, using her magicks to make it a more portable size.
When she awoke in her smallclothes, it was thanks to his having found the right healing potion on her messy shelves. As the draught coursed through her veins, it brought succor and shame in equal measure; she was fully awake, now, and wished only to forget. A glass of wine was not enough, but it was a good start. How much longer could she expect him to turn a blind eye to all she was continuing to unfold of herself before him?
"I wiszh I kould szay that Bjeldal deszerved his fate. To be entrapped and carried like that for yearsz. But...he wasz right about usz. He attacked my mother and I, when I wasz younger. Szaid we puszhed the magicks of the Wood too far; that we would bring the Allagan doom upon all." Her explanation sounds hollow, even within the safety of her reinhabited ruins. She does her best to suppress the memory of the golden-haired Rava; everything about him radiated the sun itself. Amber had been the only thing that would hold him. "I have alwaysz been trouble. I hope at leaszt today, it gained tju the knowledge that you were szeeking. And that tjour associatesz remain safe." The Viera looks to Miovont; after a moment, she is able to meet his eyes.
Mio is tired, so his dramatic nature is muted, as is his confused expression; his right eye opens wider than the left. “Oh, I just assumed you had a good reason to trap that fellow in amber. No need to explain it to me.” The Duskwight settled onto the couch as he continued. “And this excursion was immensely useful. A grand adventure and grand company as well.” He frowns. “I’m sorry for what you had to do in there.  No one should be used like that.”
"Tju mean ward the door? Oh! Oh." A light rose flush of embarrassment touched her velvety cheeks. "Already I have forgotten. Like a dream that fadesz the moment tju kick the furs off of tjour legsz." Oakmoss mimes doing so, though her legs are slow to comply. "I offered. But, I truszt tju szee why I do not want that information uszed lightly. Szo much plugging and unplugging, and...perhapsz there isz nothing left of Sjaga Kisne." This, too, is an offering; her forest name, without the Allagan auspices around it.
Miovont gives the name the barest notice; a nod to the secret he’s promised to keep.  “I do. A casual disinterest for your well-being is all it would take for someone to cause you harm, with no way for you to stop them.” He sips his wine, content to let his long limbs slacken as the alcohol courses through them.
Oakmoss---still her preferred name, even within her own mind---turns a glance up towards her bed, wondering if she has the strength to ascend the moss-slick stairs to reach it. If she has the strength to request his company for the safety and peace it provides.
When at last she is able to stand, she rests her hand on his pauldron for a moment, and he follows her to bed.
(Continued and concluded here!)
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