#kalafina live
putschki1969 · 2 years
Dear Sarah, Have you ever been to KALAFINA live? Unfortunately, I have never been to Japan itself :(
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Hello there lovely anon!
Yes, I have but not as often as I would have liked to unfortunately. The first time I saw them in person was back in 2012 when they were a guest act at Animagic in Germany. I never considered it a “Kalafina Live” experience but it was fun nonetheless. In 2014, Kalafina appeared at another convention in Europe (Japan Expo) so obviously, I was there for that as well. Yet again, it wasn’t a proper live experience for me but it was neat.
I attended my first REAL live in Japan in early 2016 (FOTW Special Final Day 1&2) and it was honestly a life-changing moment for me. Nothing compares to seeing them live in a proper show and not just as a short gig. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to go to any of their 2017 events/lives but that year was really busy for me since I had just started a new job. Truth is, it is one of my biggest regrets in life. if I had known it would basically be their final year of activities, I would have found a way to make it work.
At least I made it to their 10th Anniversary Live in 2018, I am forever grateful for that experience and will treasure it until the day I die. 
Their disbandment was a real wake-up call for me. I didn’t want to have any further regrets so from that moment onwards, I swore to myself that I would attend as many of their solo lives as possible. Thankfully, that new job I had gotten in 2017 gave me the financial stability to be able to travel on a more or less regular basis. As a result, I went to quite a few lives in 2018 and 2019 but then the pandemic happened and I was once again stuck here without a way to see them live *sobs* I am just glad that live stream options are a thing now, they have been a real game changer. But as much as I appreciate those streams, it’s just not the same as actually being there at the venue.
I still can’t believe that I will be seeing Wakana live in Japan this Christmas. It came at a very high price but I just couldn’t wait any longer.
I hope you will be able to travel to Japan soon. I have faith that Kalafina will return one day so let’s all be sure to work hard so when that day finally comes, we will be ready for it!
Also, here is a link to my live report tag in case anyone is interested.
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such-a-downer · 9 months
Destination Unknown- Arena Live 2016(Sub Esp/Eng/Romaji) 1080p
I really think this should be the opening theme once green witch arc gets animated. WISHING FOR A KALAFINA REUNION IS LIKE AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM BUT THIS SONG IS SUCH A BANGER. PERIOD.
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Kalafina’s Hikaru Favourite Outfits: (6/??)
Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2015-2016 "far on the water" Second Dress
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tomoyoo · 1 year
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i believe in keiko woman liker
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decretum565 · 1 year
Gotta Say It
Kalafina 2009-2012 live version of Aria >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other version of Aria.
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akiizayoi4869 · 6 months
I watched the Madoka Magica: Rebellion movie today, and I absolutely loved it. A very interesting spin on the shows ending, and it makes perfect sense to me. In the show, nearly all of them died except for Madoka and Homura, the former of which sacrifices herself to become a God of sorts so that way no other magical girl will have to suffer anymore. So she leaves Homura alone. Alone in a world where nobody but Homura remembered Madoka. And after everything that girl went through to try and save Madoka, that's a hard pill to swallow. So when it's revealed in the movie that the reality that the girls are in isn't real, and that one of them made it up because they now have the powers of a witch, it made perfect sense for that person to be Homura.
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Out of all the other magical girls, she's the one who has faced the most heartbeat and despair. Constantly going back in time, creating different worlds as a result of said time travel, all in a bid to save Madoka, the person who she loves the most. And in the end, all of her efforts were in vain. She lost the one person who she had sworn to save and protect. So is it any wonder that she would give in to her despair and create a world where Madoka and all of their friends could live peacefully?
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Look at them. All together and happy, unaware of the reality they actually come from. In other words, a world that Homura wanted and desired more than anything else. Something that I found to be really interesting and thought was a nice touch was this:
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The people around them don't have faces. Almost as if they weren't real people, and the only ones who WERE in fact real was Homura, her friends, and the people closest to them. They were the only ones who actually had faces in this world. Of course, eventually Homura realizes that something is off about the world, and confides in Kyoko. The two then set out to Kyoko's hometown, hoping to find some answers there....only for the bus that they were on to take them back to the city that they currently live in. And endless loop that they can't get out of. As if nothing outside of that city existed. A lot of stuff happens, and Homura eventually comes to a startling conclusion: that she was the witch that created the labyrinth they were all currently stuck in. As a result, she gives in to despair entirely and transforms into a witch. Madoka and the others arrive to try and save Homura. And now we get up to the scene that had me screaming😂.
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I've been shipping these two since I watched the show, so the fact that Sayaka actually confessed to Kyoko here was a very welcomed surprise, lol. Anyway, they all fight together to save Homura (also, I loved that they played Misterioso by Kalafina for that scene, absolutely banger song) and eventually Madoka regains her true form once again:
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Everything looks like it's going well, and it looks like Homura will be saved....until this happens:
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Homura takes away Madoka's God powers so she can live as an ordinary girl, and takes the power for herself, essentially turning her into a demon.
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Now, I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of people who hated this part, but honestly? I loved it. To me, it really showed how done Homura was with everything (and I can't say that I blame the girl, she just found out from Kyube that she was being used for an experiment in order to get to Madoka) and that she would literally do ANYTHING to make sure that Madoka and her friends could live happy lives.
Even if that meant becoming a demon to do it.
The movie ends with all of the girls alive. And this time, instead of Madoka no longer existing in the world, she's here too. In fact, she's the transfer student instead of Homura. Very interesting turn of events indeed.
All in all, I really loved this movie and I think the ending makes perfect sense, especially for someone like Homura, who has been through a heck of a lot for a young girl her age. So becoming the villain in the end? Fits her tragic story perfectly.
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wildflowercryptid · 2 months
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the more i understand i’m powerless, the sadder i feel at the farewell given to us.
— ( tracklist under readmore )
TRACKS ( 30 songs, 1hr & 42min ) :
CONFESSIO — yuki kajiura
SHOUNEN BRAVE — jin feat. kimiko
FINE ON THE OUTSIDE — priscillia ahn
RANGEFINDER — ryota kanai
VANISHING INTO OUR FINAL STOP — picdo ft. rei adachi
LIMBO — sheeno mirin ft. miku hatsune
ARROW — half•alive
うらみ交信 ( ASKING YOU ) — inemuri ft. defoko
蛍はいなかった ( FIREFLIES NEVER CAME ) — harumaki gohan
アーライピー ( R.I.P. ) — youman ft. gumi
LOVE AND CO. — jack stauber
SAY IT BACK — tv room
NOTHING'S NEW — rio romeo
GUILT — chapterhouse
RULE #20 - BLESSED BY A CURSE — fish in a birdcage
怪電話 ( A MYSTERIOUS PHONE CALL ) — r-906 feat. rose & popy
ニューダーリン ( NEW DARLING ) — maretu ft. miku hatsune
ロウワー ( LOWER ONE'S EYES ) — 25-ji, nightcord de. ft. meiko
IDLE WORSHIP — paramore
人間だったんだ ( EVERYBODY IS HUMAN ) — guchiry ft. ia
BRAVING! — kanan
GLORIOUS DAY — eve ft. miku hatsune
未来 ( FUTURE ) — kalafina
WANT TO BE CLOSE — shoji meguro ft. yumi kawamura
1000年生きてる ( LIVING MILLENNIUM ) — iyowa ft. miku hatsune
— OTHER SIDE : malleable youth ( kieran fanmix )
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tired-reader-writer · 1 month
I was re-listening to the AU playlist (thankfully my headache doesn't seem to be preventing me from music tonight) and I felt the urge to ramble about stuff sooooo. Lyric highlights, a brief aside on why I might've chosen a particular song, that kind of stuff! I won't be breaking down entire songs, though.
If y'all wish to listen along as you read this... inordinately long post... Here's the link to the playlist:
“If these newly sprouted feelings resound in your heart, I can stay by your side and protect you, right?”
“Holding up the light I erase my hesitations
What I wanted to give you was a future
I scream out my grief, holding onto crying nights”
— Oath Sign, by LiSA
Ain't this just so fucking Shapur in Wolfsong?
“Even if I lose, even if I fail
I have no choice but to keep living
No matter how many times I fall
I have something to protect”
“This is the path I choose, the only path given”
— Kamado Tanjirou no Uta, by Nakagawa Nami, covered by Raon Lee
Pretty much the theme of the AU. They didn't choose this world, but they have to live in it. And protect what they can, while they're at it.
“Can you still smile even after seeing the real world?”
“A spiral song clears the way for one willful hope”
“You don't know how reckless you are
You make me blue”
“Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter color ardour wander
Gotta feel it undercover”
— Avid, by Mizuki and Hiroyuki Sawano
Of Ayunnen and Kashi's POVs as they're befriended by Shapur, though the final highlight was from Shapur's POV.
“The moon moves on
Death rides on
The raven flies in the evening”
“Long is the journey
Long are the paths to go
Long-lasting is the longing of men, if this is to be”
— Máninn Líður, by SKÁLD
Aaaaaand the massacre happens. They're dead. Grief enters the scene.
“Within this neverending rain
No longer am I afraid of yesterday
The future that had lost you
Had just begun”
“The cruel sky shines upon
Both what was lost
And what will never change”
— Aria, by Kalafina
The neverending rain both for the literal rain that bookended the chapter but also the metaphorical rain of grief that will follow the characters for years to come.
“You who are crying, you who are lonely
It is you who is right, it is you who is human”
“Dreams you want to fulfill, dreams that you can't reach
They themselves turn into dreams, into hope, and that's how people live on, right?”
“Thank you to the miracle
That we were able to meet
Even in a dirty and ugly world
Even like this”
— My Song, by GirlDeMo(Angel Beats) uhhh I haven't tracked down the irl singer who sang this, SORRY 😭
I chose this track primarily for Farangis. Imagine a young Farangis, struck with grief of losing her parents, ostracized by everyone else in the temple out of jealousy, and the first highlight is a reassurance that she has a right to cry, that she's human because of it.
The second highlight is more abstracted from her, more about hope in general.
The third comes right back to Farangis, she feels grateful to have met the clan and expanded her horizons, even in a shitty world like this. It's what draws Ranna/Ashaya to her, as well.
“Tears spill for the days you cannot return to The sky above burns crimson”
“Here, fulfill the ancient vow O night, break to dawn!”
“As if piercing a passing doubt Nock your arrow to your bow, release it far, far away”
“You, don't forget Your dream of seeing the burning end of the skies Those fragments will surely awaken, waiting”
— Akatsuki, by Shikata Akiko, covered by Shannon
Mostly just for these lines
Ancient vows and dawn arriving, it kinda sounds like a prophecy, doesn't it?
“Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true It's taking over you”
“Colossal we come renegades in the ring
Where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king!”
— The Greatest Show, by The Greatest Showman Cast
Mostly for these lines about runaways and renegades lol
Also the song has immaculate Kazai vibes
And shenanigans
“Sticking it out, letting you down
Making it right”
“Seasons, they will change
Life will make you grow
Dreams will make you cry, cry, cry
Everything is temporary
Everything will slide
Love will never die, die, die”
“Some nights, I think of you
Reliving the past, wishing it'd last
Wishing and dreaming”
“Death can make you hard, hard, hard”
— Birds, by Imagine Dragons
The POV of those who remain.
“I met you
And had a dream that would never come true”
“Wanting to protect you
I reached out
And embraced you with my still trembling fingers”
“All we can do is keep on living
Until we lose all our strength
We'll keep shouting helplessly”
“The proof that I was here
Is still there, in your eyes”
“Crying, screaming, and even as we vanish
We are alive
We are here”
— Sprinter, by Kalafina
Themes of the story, pov of the survivors, the desire to protect, etc!
And from a people that kept being erased over and over, a declaration that they still exist.
No but really, the song is really good.
“In the silence of a world wearing a veil of misty rain Suddenly, I saw how cold the face of truth could be”
“What else shall we let go To live our lives the only way we knew The birds are soaring in the sky So high above us all, we who cannot fly We dragged our wounds behind us And kept walking on”
“Through the emptiest of nights, ones that freeze you to your bones If we stay together closely, we will see the morning light What is the reason why, we can't stop this chain of hurt How much longer will we relive the past, the same memories?”
“Unlike the birds that soar the sky We have no wings, and though we won't learn to fly We stand above the earth now And keep walking on”
— flowers, by Hana Hope (English version)
Almost copy-pasted the entire song here
It's a song about humanity. It makes me so damn emotional.
Keep walking on. Share the warmth. Stay close together. Hey why do we keep hurting each other?
Themes very relevant to Wolfsong.
“For what reason
Have I been engulfed by flames?
I have been captured by fear
For such a long time
Now these flames will never extinguish!”
— The Star Knows, by Hoshimi Junna (Revue Starlight anime), I don't know who the irl vocalist is
“Now I'm fighting this war
Since the day of the fall
I've been desperately holding on to it all
But I'm lost
I'm so damn lost”
“Oh I wish it was over
And I wish you were here
Still I'm hoping that somehow—”
“As I'm lying awake
I'm still hearing their cries”
“And I'm wondering why
I still fight in this life
Cause I've lost all my faith
In this damn bitter strife”
— Shot In The Dark, by Within Temptation
I know this song doesn't fit Saam's vibes but. Hear me out.
The first parts just scream of him after the siege of Ecbatana, yeah?
Though the part about losing faith reads more Kubard, tbh
“As I paint a crimson artwork on the ground
With every piercing sound another worthless soul lies dead
Until my hands are dyed a brilliant red”
“Destroy them all (destroy them all)
I can't stop
No, I cannot stop
This need inside of me for more destruction
Powerless, powerless
So fragile is humanity
Cause in the end (in the end)
They're nothing except useless puppets
‘What's the reason for our creation?’
Hey, I'm asking you
So what do you say?”
“Cause here we draw the line
And every single thing is defined (black or white)
The very moment we were given our names
Our roles have been pre-ordained
When I snap my finger
None will remain”
— Karakuri Burst, English cover lyrics by SirHamnet
Ranna/Ashaya and Hilmes duet. On hindsight Hilmes' parts need quite a bit of stretching, buuuut he is dubbed “The Prince of Justice” by the Master in canon so someone who's trying to rid Pars of “evil” could fit right in. Ashaya is lashing out, destroying everything in their path, and sees nothing worth saving in this wretched society. Hilmes is caught up on the birthright stuff (our roles have been pre-ordained) sooo. Yeah.
“Why'd you make my voice stutter?
Why do truths never matter?
Why'd you curse me with ‘You're a natural-born genius’?
Endless inferno (inferno)”
“If you wanted me to live
If you wanted me to forgive
If you wanted to pretend like we're civilized humans—”
“Why don't deaths end my torture?
Why don't anyone feel my hurt?
Why do we crown our most violent to be champions?”
— In Hell We Live Lament, by Mili
Could be Araya, could be Ashaya. Wounded by the world, questioning it.
“And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart”
“I just gotta get you out the cage
I'm a young lover's rage
God I need a spark to ignite”
“My childhood spat back out the monster that you see”
— Light Em Up (My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark), by Fall Out Boy
Kazai and Ranna/Ashaya's song. Their feral tendencies coming to the forefront!
“As long as we're together
I will believe
There's a continuation for our destiny”
“When we were small
We made a single precious promise
I will not give up
I will recreate it
I wanted to see you”
— Starlight, by Aijou Karen and Kagura Hikari (Revue Starlight anime)
Not gonna lie this song is on thin ice despite how much I love it.
I initially kinda wanted it to be a song for Ashaya and Alfarīd— in the case that they did meet in their younger years, but now I'm not so sure.
On second glance it oddly reads as Daryun and Narsus????
Do with that what you will.
“What will I embrace
As I discard in the shadow of desire
This ideal of mine, drenched in pain?
It feels like another world, but this is the truth
With these stained hands I will protect you”
“What have I lost
As my awakened heart
Betrays yesterday's justice?”
“Now I'll brandish my glittering dream in the darkness
So that it will shine upon our overlapping lives
With the strength I have chosen
I will reach the place I believe is paradise
The hope that is our bond
Is connecting us to the future
Let us overcome our unhealing sorrow
My full emotions, unafraid of being broken
Are simply waiting for dawn to come”
— Another Heaven, by earthmind
Shapur's song. His and Kazai's, moreso Shapur's for the lines about discarding the ideals he once had.
The song is from the perspective of a protagonist who lets go of his heroic ideals and his dream of becoming a hero, in favor of saving the woman he loves. A song from the story of a sword finally becoming human.
This is Shapur's resolve settling, having decided what it is that he wishes to protect.
“Finally breaking, so where are you now?
It's been such a long time that I've tried to live without
I'm suffocating, I need you to breathe!
So pull me up, pull me out
Before I am buried beneath!”
“Thought I was climbing out
But it's dragging me down
What's hidden here with me
Thought I was alone
But it pulls me deeper now
I can't escape!”
— Buried Beneath, by Red
Gurgin's song in this AU, imo. Thought he was sticking it to the society that hurt him and killed his brother by joining Team Zahhak, only to realize much later down the line (after unwillingly staying in Gorgan for a while) that... they were only dragging him down. Maybe he's calling out to his brother.
“Test my will, test my heart
Tell me how the odd's gonna stack, huh?
Y'all go hard, I go smart
How's it working out for y'all in the back, huh?
I've seen that frustration
Been crossed and told no
And I've come back, unshaken”
“I can't fall back, I came too far
Hold myself up and love my scars”
“I don't fold up and I don't bow
I don't roll over, I don't know how”
— Lost In The Echo, by Linkin Park
Mostly vibes, but I felt this captured Gurgin's kinda haughty attitude, lmao.
“An existence that was born in the city
Seeming stronger than anyone else
Now we can only imagine our cursed and doomed future”
“Running and falling
Embracing these wounds that won't heal
For this moment the world has been waiting for”
“Drowned in the weakness of my inner self
I don't even know what mask (face) I should wear now anymore
So won't you give me an answer?”
“I know that it may look ugly and pathetic
But this is who I am right now
A corpse that cannot become anything, so go ahead and laugh”
— Kaikai Kitan, by Eve, covered by Raon Lee
Hilmes, fresh out of the haunted-forced-redemption-temple :D
“The pain layers upon itself and becomes shackles
I have no time to be crying
The helpless night and the the disheartened morning
They keep passing over and over
And what was left of the cruelly broken hope
Was a wavering light”
“The justice someone's wielding hurts so much
Even if someone's crying
It will hurt my heart again
Even if there are scars behind every single truth
I have no choice but to simply—
Forgive them all”
— Untitled world, by ReoNa
Areyan/Arslan's song in the AU, after he's been rescued from Ecbatana.
“I will change reality itself
Even if the truth I find is harsh and cruel
The world is filled with disasters
Time to tame the sins, change our fate”
“The rocky castle is starting to shake, it's finally time to decide
Whether to repair or rebuild, a choice must be made”
— Vivid Vice, by Who-ya Extended, covered by Raon Lee
Song for a redeemed Hilmes.
“It's a scream that my body alone cannot contain”
“I have a heart that trembles
Only when I touch your hand”
“It's fine even if it's foolish
It's fine even if it's ugly
There where lies beyond righteousness
I want to hold your hand”
— Suzume, by RADWIMPS ft. Toaka
Song of a redeemed Gurgin who is in love with Isfan.
“A world where nobody hurts each other
May be a baseless optimism
But even so, I want to try betting on it”
“Anger and grief get passed
From person to person in the blink of an eye
They create enemies that don't even exist
And thus ignite the call to fight”
— Yakodou, by Sakamoto Maaya
The song's not particularly dedicated to any one character, really, it's more of an all-compassing song
Think of it as a song before the final showdown against Zahhak.
“As I carry irreparable shadows
The promised place is where flowers bloom
With no care for sin or love
There goes spring
The shining light
Is simply dazzling in the sky
Please do not forgive me
I want to be broken, I want to be reborn
I will laugh by your side”
— Haru wa Yuku, by Aimer
The ending song of the finale in a movie trilogy, this one carries a tone of finality. And the lyrics felt fitting for a Hilmes near or at the hypothetical ending of the story.
The rest of the song could be echoed for other characters, but yeah.
And that concludes most of the songs in the playlist!
Rapid-fire round for the ones I didn't cover:
Soleil: roughly has the tone of a tale being retold— a martyr who gave too much and then died— the song that inspired Araya, a mythological figure for the clan.
Lostbelt title theme: an instrumental, to set the tone for a grand story— though I initially envisioned it panning over the long-gone ancient island, where the clan was said to have originated from, the island where Araya died
Noh Chant: Kaykhusraw's betrayal, Iumaka's death
Dance of the Spirit: clan vibes, especially kinda sorta Kazai in a ceremonial setting?
Moonsong: Ayunnen's song
Parent's Feelings: the somber tone of the castle after the massacre.
girls, dance, staircase: the vibes of a quiet morning
Yuki no Hitohira: more of the somber grief.
Rain: The entire song is just so clan-coded
Wolf Blood: Isfan and Kashi, need I say more?
Crucible: Ashaya/Ranna character song
The Nights: Kazai vibes. The line “Think of me if ever you're afraid” makes me go soft.
Homeland: the castle and Shapur's lands as they grow with the clan's presence, the feeling of being home
Garden: joyful tone setter
It's My Day: fun tune, an energetic morning
朝市にて: Ecbatana before shit goes horribly wrong
Sulcus: Areyan's brainstorming song during the siege and Lusitanian occupation
Chaotic Battle: Ashaya's battle theme
Shura Fire: Alfarīd's battle song
Spirit of the Wild: Kazai's song
Sediment: Team Zahhak vibes
Silhouette: Team Zahhak vibes
Deep Darkness: the haunted temple Hilmes gets trapped in
Hitogashima Ballad: seems to be a children's song/lullaby, the vibes fit Araya The Younger (not the mythological one, Kaykhusraw's son he killed and wiped off of history), a ghost Hilmes encounters in the haunted temple
Nijamena: I could not for the life of me find translated lyrics so it's on here for the supremely epic vibes
Fate/Apocrypha: preparing for the final showdown vibes, has a mystical air to it soooo
The Last of the Starks: Team Gorgan aka Shapur's family and the clan at the end of everything kinda vibes
Labyrinth: Hilmes leads a ceremony to apologize to those Kaykhusraw had betrayed and murdered, put the spirits at ease, held where the haunted temple is.
@innerchorus Since you were interested, here ya go!
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celticbotanart · 4 months
I've been having the biggest, massive Yuki Kajiura & Projects brainrot - to be honest, I'm always in a YukiKaj brainrot, it comes and goes, but she and the singers and the band always remains a major favorite of mine for very obvious reasons, really. This is Kalafina (sadly now disbanded). This freaking masterpiece keeps being banned from YT so I decided to upload it here cause it's one I just keep watching over and over again for real.
It's the harmonies, the coreography
the gd lyrics, I mean, it's literally stuff like
From the soundless sky Falls a song without words
In the land of beautiful memories, Let’s begin the banquet of reminiscence
They dance like they are casting a fcking spell (that's my headcanon anyway) and it's so captivating, so hypnotizing. How am I supposed to feel normal about this??? hnnnnng
YukiKaj didn't perform with Kalafina, she does perform with FictionJunction (her other main deal), so she isnt in the video, the girls are her singers Hikaru, Keiko and Wakana respectively - no one can convince me they are not etereal beings; this performance is from the Kalafina Arena Live 2016. Lyrics translation source!
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hikarugloria · 1 year
【Hikaru】 Ambient Border After Event Live corner cut [20230519]
& Survivor acoustic ver. [20230520]
Hikaru's recent performance on Music Champ. Because the video quality is not ideal, I didn't upload them to Google Drive but just to Bilibili.
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moonartemisia · 9 months
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✧.* Self-ships ✧.*
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Touken Ranbu
MikaMichi - Mikazuki Munechika × Saniwa Michiko
IchiMichi - Ichigo Hitofuri × Saniwa Michiko
Troupe: historical, master × sword, reincarnation (song: Hyakka Ryouran by Kalafina)
(They are oc x canon)
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Blue Lock
RinHaru - Rin Itoshi × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: age-gap, brother's best friend × lovers, slow burn romance (song: Drive You Insane by Daniel di Angelo & Say It by Tony Lanez)
MichHaru - Michael Kaiser × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: second chance, long-distance, exes × lovers (song: Monster, Judas, & Bad Romance by Lady Gaga)
ChigiHaru - Hyoma Chigiri × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: childhood friends × lovers, childhood sweethearts (song: Message in a Bottle & Style by Taylor Swift)
SaeHaru - Sae Itoshi × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: team manager × soccer player, celebrity × manager, private relationship (song: It Won't Stop by Sevyn Streeter, ft. Chris Brown & Homebdy by DÉMI, slimedemislimedemi, ft. Madman Stan)
(They are self-ships)
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TsukkiHaru - Kei Tsukishima × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: academic rivals × lovers, frenemies × lovers, volleyball player × team manager, tsundere couple (song: Loyal & New Flame by Chris Brown, ft. Usher)
TetsuHaru - Tetsurō Kurō × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: team manager × volleyball player, neighboring classmates, cocky × serious (song: This Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen)
KeiHaru - Keiji Akāshi × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: classmates × lovers, crushes × lovers (song: Shy by Jai Waetford)
(They are self-ships)
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Moriarty the Patriot
BondWorth - James Bonde × Stephanie Cris Hemsworth (oc × canon)
Troupe: enemies × lovers, slow burn romance (song: Circus by Britney Spears)
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Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective
SatsuRon ‐ Ron Kamonohashi × Satsuki Chifuyu (oc × canon)
Troupe: cop × criminal, the one that got away, acquaintances × lovers (song: Sweet but Psycho by AVA & Criminal by Britney Spears)
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HaTitia - Hajun Yeon × Letitia Heidi (oc × canon)
Troupe: acquaintances × lovers, one night stand, slow burn romance, situationship (song: Nobody's Business by Rihanna, ft. Chris Brown & One of the Girls by The Weeknd, ft. Lily Rose Depp and Jennie of Blackpink, SHOONG! by Taeyang ft. Lisa of Blackpink, NVMD by Denise Julia)
@moonartemisia •▪︎°.☆
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putschki1969 · 27 days
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『FJ Family presents〜"JUMP OUT" LIVE vol.#3』
Here are some pictures of today's JUMP OUT event! Tweet by Keiko | Tweet by Hikaru | Tweet by Highway Star | Tweet by Keiko | Instagram post 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 by Keiko | Instagram 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 post by Hikaru
[Date and Time] May 6, 2024 Open 16:30 / Start 17:30 [Venue] Tokyo Kinema Club (東京キネマ倶楽部) [Ticket] 7,700 yen / 8.800 yen (+drink fee) [Appearing artists] KEIKO・Hikaru・rito・LINO LEIA
Setlist --rito-- --Lino Leia-- --Hikaru-- 千日紅 Remain Embrace clea-rly Escape Altern-ate- (+Keiko) --Keiko-- 夕闇のうた 燈命 現実のメタファー 天邪鬼 エンドロール ユア --Kalafina Covers-- love come down (Keiko+Lino Leia+rito) progressive (Keiko+Hikaru+Lino Leia) ring your bell (Keiko+Hikaru+Lino Leia) destination unknown (Keiko+Hikaru) 音楽 (Keiko+Hikaru+rito+Lino Leia)
Will update the setlist as soon as I know more about the solo songs. But damn, so many up-beat Kala-covers. They must have had a blast. Wish I had been there for it. Apparently, Lino did a very good job at singing Wakana's parts in ryb and Ongaku. People were very impressed.
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KEIKO LIVE in the DARK -Sagittarius- K019〜K020
Following Keiko's first Planetarium Live back in December 2023, she is planning to hold her second Planetarium Event in July, titled 『KEIKO LIVE in the DARK -Sagittarius- K019〜K020』. As the title suggests, this live will be a unique performance in which the audience can enjoy live music in complete darkness while watching a planetarium projection. Keiko will once again be accompanied by her guitarist Yas Nakajima to allow for a very simple arrangement that will highlight Keiko's singing and the beautiful starry sky. ※Please note, the production and venue of this planetarium live are different from 『KEIKO Planetarium Live ~Starry Night~』 ※Please take into account that the venue is very dark so there will be many instances in which the audience will not be able to see the stage/artist.
Title: 『KEIKO LIVE in the DARK -Sagittarius- K019〜K020』 Date: 2024/7/26 1st stage|18:30 Start (18:00 Open) 2nd stage|20:30 Start (20:00 Open) Venue: Konica Minolta Planetarium “TENKU” in Tokyo Skytree Town® Tickets (Ticket Board): Crescent Moon Seat: 18,000円 | Regular Seat: 8,000円 KEIKO Official Fan Club Ticket Lottery: 2024/5/9-2024/5/19 General Ticket Sale: 2024/6/1~ Event Homepage: https://planetarium.konicaminolta.jp/livedark/keiko2024/
*sobs* Yet another event in July. This is killing me. Wish I could be there the entire month. This is more than three weeks after Hikaru's birthday live on July 2 so there's no way I can go to both. And then there's also Wakana's summer festival live which is smack in the middle (=>July 13; no idea tho how heavily she will be featured but I'd obviously have to attend if I decided to fly to Japan in July)....*sighs* I don't see how I could make all of this work.
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animemusicbrackets · 10 months
Round 2 Bracket
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(Text version, with dates under the cut below)
matches will start going up on Saturday August 26th
all polls will be 1 day long (dont try to tell me to make them a week long. you might be objectively correct but I have adhd and I'm too impatient to wait that long between rounds. i Might make the quarterfinals to the finals a week long. we'll see. but rounds 2 and 3 will be a day long)
if you can, please try to take the time to watch the videos of the EDs that you are unfamiliar with!
propaganda welcome :)
Tag List: round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals semifinals finals third place round intermission round propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs)
PART A (8/26 12:00pm ET)
Match 33: "Sugar Song and Bitter Step" by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN [Kekkai Sensen] {VS} "Sayonara Bye Bye" by Mawatari Matsuko (JPN), Stephanie Nadolny (ENG) [Yu Yu Hakusho] Match 34: "Hare Hare Yukai" by Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara, Yuuko Gotou [Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu] {VS} "Mephisto" by QUEEN BEE [Oshi no Ko] Match 35: "Virtual Star Embryology" by Maki Kamiya [Revolutionary Girl Utena] {VS} "gravity" by Maaya Sakamoto (Composer - Yoko Kanno) [WOLF'S RAIN] Match 36: "Roundabout" by Yes [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation] {VS} "Fight Song" by Eve [Chainsaw Man] Match 37: "Uso" by SID [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood] {VS} "Zzz" by Sayaka Sasaki [Nichijou] Match 38: "Trust Me" by Yuya Matsushita [Durarara!!] {VS} "OverThink" by Fan Ka [Link Click] Match 39: "Shunkan Sentimental" by SCANDAL [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood] {VS} "You Only Live Once" by Hatano Wataru [Yuri!!! on ICE] Match 40: "Shissou" by LAST ALLIANCE [Ouran High School Host Club] {VS} "The Real Folk Blues" by The Seatbelts feat. Mai Yamane [Cowboy Bebop]
PART B (8/28 12:00pm ET)
Match 41: "LOST IN PARADISE" by ALI feat. AKLO [Jujutsu Kaisen] {VS} "I Want You" by Savage Garden [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable] Match 42: "Refrain Boy" by ALL OFF [Mob Psycho 100] {VS} "In the Back Room" by syudou [Chainsaw Man] Match 43: "Red:birthmark" by AiNA THE END [Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury] {VS} "Datte Atashi no Hiro" by LiSA [Boku No Hero Academia] Match 44: "Wind" by Akeboshi [Naruto] {VS} "SPLASH FREE" by STYLE FIVE [Free!] Match 45: "Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna" by Sayuri [Erased (Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi)] {VS} "Aoi Honoo" by ITOWOKASHI [Black Clover] Match 46: "Shiki no Uta" by Minmi [Samurai Champloo] {VS} "Magia" by Kalafina [Puella Magi Madoka Magica] Match 47: "I'm Alive" by Becca [Black Butler] {VS} "Hyouri Ittai" by Yuzu [Hunter x Hunter] Match 48: "Fly Me to the Star" by Starlight Kuku Gumi [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight] {VS} "Who am I?" by (K)NoW_NAME [Dorohedoro]
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Kalafina - All Live Releases (8/9)
Kalafina "9+ONE" at Tokyo Kokusai Forum Hall A 
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real-life-senshi · 11 months
When you see this, post 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 of your favourite followers/mutuals!
Thank you @hikamaus for tagging me!
Okay... five songs I listen to... how about five songs I not only listen to but actually StUdIeD because of PGSM Reinako feels? 🤪 I listen to songs more for muses and inspiration for fan video and fanfic writing, instead of following a certain genre or singer/band.
I'm Here - Aino Minako (Komatsu Ayaka): Hey, this is a PGSM blog, so how can I not mention my favourite character song from the live-action series? Despite I'm Here was never aired in the actual show and only appeared in the special album, once I understood the lyrics, this song immediately had my emotions in a choke-hold. While Sayonara ~Sweet Days was about Minako's thinking about her friends, I'm Here is basically an inner monologue of Minako's true inner feelings that we don't get to explicitly say but implied in canon-PGSM. Listening to it helps me write what I believe to be an accurate depiction of PGSM Minako a lot. Seriously, this is one of my most-listened-to songs and I often play it on loop when writing fanfiction. Here's my proof from iTunes:
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What If I Told You - Jason Walker: absolutely gave me Reinko feels when I listen to this song. It's on my to-do list to make a PGSM fan video using this song, but I just never got to it. lol
Sprinters - Kalafina: I don't think I've ever shared this before. This is the song that started me on the path of writing Echoes of Time. The original muse, you can say. Understanding the lyrics on top of loving the moving melody just sends my brain into overdrive building a whole story about Rei and Minako's love story. One day I also want to make a PGSM fanvideo using this song. lol
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer: This song give me a past-life Mars Venus tragic love story vibe.
Destination Nowhere - Erika: This is actually the intro song to Mop Girl, a slightly supernatural mystery JDrama Keiko was the lead actress of in in her early career. While Sprinters was what led to the story of Echoes of Time to form in my head, this song was what started me on the path of imagination, an imagination of what a more mature Rei's adventure would be with her spiritual power. While Keiko's character Momo was extremely goofy and un-Rei like, but the portrayal of her character in the intro sequence, the supernatural vibe and Momo's self-sacrificing heroics in the last episode strongly reminded me of Rei.
I don't know about "favourites", but I definitely feel like I haven't really recognized some folks who I've been seeing in my activity recurringly.
No pressure for anyone to do this (and I don't know if I'm tagging people's side blogs or main blogs, sorry!), but I'd like to try to reach out to some folks through this, so I'm tagging:
@suzuran-s-rooftop @junpr @ellorgast @ladyloveandjustice @afandomfarfaraway @rainbowxfmuses @smcempathy @fandomfuckery @izazizan @pgsm-gal
Special shout out to @pgsm-gal for being the only live-action focus blog I know that is out there on Tumblr. Funnily enough because I generally only hyper-fixate on the live-action, and most Sailor Moon blogs are anime/manga or mixed focus, I don't follow much Sailor Moon related blogs, and instead my dashboard is filled with other random fandom that I reblog on my main. So I only recently found out and actually took a look at @pgsm-gal, and it's awesome! If somehow folks following me haven't checked out their blog yet, give it a look! We can never get enough live-action PGSM blogs here. It's such a niche in the overall Sailor Moon fandom community. :')
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zero-ek · 1 month
It's M3 day!
I was particularly excited for this one, the releases on the past two were absolutely amazing, and the XFDs for this one also looked very promising. This time around i also took some time to check out some newer artists and see if i vibe with any of them.
First and foremost i want to give appreciation and massive props to ハルちゃん for putting together this behemoth of a roundup playlist, i couldn't check every single video but it was a lifesaver for me to have it at hand.
Ok then, starting with my Big Four™
Oh my gosh...
I could go all day explaining the reasons why i absolutely adore this, but to list the main ones:
First, it's nayuta and i'm madly in love with her by default. Second, look at this art like holy god. Third, i adore her concept albums, in my opinion it's some of the best stuff she puts out, like, the worldbuilding and sheer atmosphere that "Imaginary Arcadia" and "The Girl in the Alleyway..." invoke is nothing short of incredible. Fourth, the composer for this one is RD-Sounds, who y'know, made me ugly cry last month, and also made absolute bangers like LaPri's "Sore wa Sekai..." and Tamu's "Son Joyeux", so i have super high hopes for this. Fifth, i'm into the scenario for this one, i swear i've read like 10 yuri mangas with the same premise, so i'm excited to see whay nayuta does with it.
From the XFD it seems that this one is following up on "Clarity" and leaning heavily on the rock direction, but i think the lyrics are going to be front and center on this one, so i'll see if i can hold out judgement until it comes out proper but i'm soooo absolutely hyped to see what these two came up with!!!
Reject futuristic aesthetics, return to tradition.
I love the diversity on this one, i know that Sennzai is best known for her "burning-down-the-house" songs, but with how unique and captivating her vocals are, i just love seeing all the different directions she takes her songs towards (i really recommend checking out her karaoke streams she sings all sorts of stuff in those).
I'm particularly interested on the instrumentation for this one, i love when songs mesh together traditional instruments with modern composition styles, and Sennzai in particular seems to marry this traditional-but-not-quite theme perfectly, so i'm really excited to see how this one plays out.
(i really want to hear her sing Kalafina's Hyakka Ryouran now)
The Hifumi girls are taking a break from original stuff and putting out a cover collection this time around (apart from their usual commissoned work), and seeing how busy they were last year i don't blame them, get that bag and get some rest!
I'm particularly excited for Tamu's, she's covering "Killer Neuron" and Isekaijoucho's "Dimension" and i particularly want to hear how the latter sounds like in her voice, her vocals do have a similar texture to Ojou's but in a higher register, so i kinda wanna AB the two just to see what it's like.
Also also, the fact that they're covering each other's songs reeeeeeally makes me think that there's gonna be something big with these two coming soon, like the amount of "wink wink" vibes i've been getting from them lately is off the charts.
The fourth and final installment on the "Colours" series. I don't have much to say here because while it pains me to admit, i don't listen to Endorfin a whole lot. I have been making an effort to listen to more of them since Nakucha's first live and also because i really liked "Qulalim Stella", which is also by sky_delta, but i'm gonna have to do a listen-through on the whole series before i can say anything concrete.
As a college student these levels of comfiness are the stuff i fantasize about.
Not gonna lie, i was expecting this one to be much more low energy (in hindsight i don't know why she almost never does that), mainly because of the even-fluffier-than-her-usual-fluffiness visuals, but also because one of the reasons i love Nanahira is because her voice is actually very touching when she sings more calmly (see track 4).
Well, while not totally relaxing, i do like the slower stuff she's been going for lately, since her stuff is usually very upbeat, it's nice how between this and "It's a Message for You" she's been putting more "vibe-y" stuff in between the usual 200bpm madness. Something else that picked my interest on this one is that apparently the physical version comes with a manga, which as an overseas listener is out of my reach but the previews i saw on twitter were very cute, so it made me extra curious.
A back to back yosumi release? What world is this we live in??
Well, while it is a lot less tracks than her previous EP (which was more like an LP) it's still just surprising to see her at all. It could be just me, but i feel like she's been getting out there a lot more lately, like anytime i go on Twitter (which i do very sparingly these days) i see a post of hers, and i don't think that's how it usually was, but then again i'm very forgetful and it could be just normal. Whichever way, good for her, it can only be a good thing.
I really like the instrumentals on these, i know she's closer to the Electronica and EDM scene but dang if the mixing on those guitars and drums isn't just soo satisfying to hear.
Yuuri's got her first album ready! I've been keeping tabs on her since the NaYuri singles and i've been really enjoying her stuff so far. Her vocals are right up my alley, and from the looks of it she's going for that modern chill "slow-pop" vibe, which i also like quite a bit.
Also also, can i just say that for a first album this is incredibly well put together, the visuals are simple but very well made, and the mixing on the tracks is top notch. I noticed she has been getting some work on other albums but i do hope her solo stuff pops off because this is good stuff and i feel like she can make it very far with it!!
Here's one i ran into by chance, this actually popped up on my Twitter feed because the illustration is by an artist i follow, so i decided to check it out. I can't place it but i feel like i've seen the front girl, NoiR, before, like her design and name feel very familiar to me but i can't tell from where.
I'm not completely sold on the songs just yet, but i do think it might be worth keeping up with the group, they seem to have been at it for a while now and it could be interesting to see where this goes.
I absolutely love the vibes on this! Both of their voices are very gentle and easy on the ears, and they seem to have a very good grasp on how to blend them together. Not only that, but the instrumentals are also very well recorded and mixed, and go perfectly with their vocal profile.
I couldn't check both of them out in detail, but it seems that this is a very new unit, so i'm gonna keep an eye out to see what else they do.
And... that's it, again, i didn't check the whole playlist, so i definitely missed a few. But for my first time actually sifting through XFDs this extensively, i'm surprised not a whole lot caught my attention, considering i usually find something to like on pretty much anything. A lot of it was just instrumentals, or they had vocals that didn't particularly speak to me all that much.
Also, while i knew that male utaites are the minority in events like Comiket, i'm surprised that i didn't come across any looking through these, though, seeing the amount of kawaii pop in there i can see why they wouldn't find much of an audience there.
(also also the handful of ai generated album artworks there was a major bleh)
Well, while i did enjoy a couple of the albums, it wasn't particularly worth scanning the whole playlist for them, so i'm not that sure that i'll be as inclined to do another XFD deep dive on next M3. I did check out the XFD's from other big utaites that i don't follow (like Risa Yuzuki or Wotoha) and i liked it, but i'm still not super sold on them either.
I suppose i'll be sticking with the utaites/composers i already know for the time being. Now to wait for all of these to come out on streaming...
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