#kakashi is a horrible sensei
kcuf-ad · 1 year
Jiraiya and Kakashi are not good teachers, they are bad teachers.
For one, Kakashi did teach Sasuke the Chidori, but that was mainly because he was about to fight Gaara, who destroyed Rock Lee's body, but then again, he didn't teach his students anything about Chakra control UNTIL they have an A rank Mission, like ??? Why would you not teach them BEFORE the A rank Mission, or at least when you FIRST MET THEM AS A TEAM?! Not to mention, he didn't teach shit to Naruto and Sakura about Chakra Natures and how to change them, no, only when Sasuke almost KILLED HIS ENTIRE TEAM with 1 JUTSU!
Secondly, Jiraiya did teach him how to use the Rasengan, sure, and he did somewhat did something to the Chakra Seal, but that's it. What did you do in the past 3 FUCKING YEARS?! Fucking teach him how to make his Rasengan bigger?? BRO, you are a Sannin and the boy is your student's, aka the 4th Hokage, son, you could've taught him so much that he could've matched Sasuke. Not to mention, he wasted Naruto's money on booze and some whores. Yeah, top tier Senseis all right.
You know it is bad when a man that killed the 3rd Hokage and experimented on humans is a better teacher than you.
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alichiraku · 2 years
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Eats that found family shit up bc its what they deserved
Sakura: You can do it, Gai-sensei! Just a little further! Lee: Soup delivery from Gai-sensei! I hope you feel better, kakashi-sensei! kks: [sigh] Thanks, Lee
Gai: Why are you moping and moaning around? Tummy hurt disease? Kks: Naruto acidentally called me "dad" and i gagged. It was horrible. Gai: That's why you're laying here wasting your youth?? Kks: Tenten call you "stepdad" all the time. Kks: That's different. It's hilarious. Stepdad is way cooler
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ladykissingfish · 4 months
*Obito and Kakashi at a store* Obito: Thanks again for helping me, Bakashi. I had no idea what Rin might like for Valentine's Day. Kakashi: I'm just shocked that you've finally gotten up the nerve to confess to her. I had bets going with Minato-sensei on how long it'd take you. Obito, scowling: Love your confidence in me. Okay ... *they come to a section of stuffed toys* Which kind should I get her? What kind would YOU want? Kakashi: I'd want the pink wolf, but, Rin might want the bear? Obito: No, I'll get the wolf. You two have similar tastes. Kakashi: You better hope so ... every single thing you got for her is something that I'd pick for myself. The flowers, the candy, and now this toy ... Obito: *takes the things up to the register* Have more faith in yourself, man. *Obito pays and the two head outside the store* Kakashi: Well, I'll get going home, now. I don't want to be a third wheel when you take these things to her. Good luck! Remember to -- Obito, blushing: Um ... um ... *holds out everything in his arms* T-these are actually for you ... Kakashi: W-what? Obito: I wanted to be sure that everything I got you was something you'd really want. R-rin suggested I do it this way, to break the ice. I ... I've wanted to confess to you for the longest time, but I wasn't sure how you'd react. Obito: *chances it to take Kakashi's hands in his own* Obito: Bakashi, I love you, and it would make me really happy if we dated. W-what do you say? Kakashi: *Kakashi drops Obito's hands, and Obito panics, thinking he made a horrible mistake* Obito: O-oi! Hey I'm sorry, please forget I said that stuff, I don't want to lose your friendship or -- Kakashi: *reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small, neatly wrapped box* Kakashi, blushing: F-for you ... *Obito opens the box with shaky hands to reveal two hand-carved beads on a silver chain. One bead is a small cat, the other a dog* Obito: K-kakashi -- ! Kakashi: I wanted to give this to you for a long time, too. But I didn't want to stand in the way of you and Rin, because you two are my best friends. But if Rin understands, and you feel the same about me, then ... Obito: *grabs Kakashi's face and kisses him* YES! Kakashi: *blushes and hugs Obito tightly* Yes. And now that we're boyfriends, can I tell you something important? Something said with total honesty? Obito: Of course! That's the only type of relationship I'd want to have with you! Kakashi: Okay. Your mouth tastes like sour cream, ramen, and dango. I don't know WHAT kind of insane diet you have going on, but I think it's something we need to work on. Obito: Obito: Maybe total honesty isn't the best thing ...
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ichatake · 15 days
do yandere kakashi and Obito reacing to reader replacing Rin when she dies. lets say obito gets saved by minato so he knows why exactly kakashi got Rin killed. So when reader joins the team theyre really mean to her and everything becus they cant believe she tried to replace rin. They become yandere after she heals them (she can have medical ninjutsu?) so they really start to like her
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Yandere Kakashi and Yandere Obito with the same S/O
Request open! (Request Rules)
A/N: thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
No one can be prepared to lose a close friend, and neither Kaashi or Obito were ready to lose Rin. It had been a dark day for them, Obito had been crushed by a boulder, which Minaro thankfully got there in time to help him. Then Rin sacrificed herself to save them and herself from the wrath of the three tailed beast.
Since Obito was present for most of the situation, he understood that Kakashi never meant to hurt Rin. Their friendship grew stronger as they both grieved the loss of their teammate. Of course, they were shocked when Minato mentioned they’d be joined by a new member. They couldn’t believe it! The audacity of replacing Rin in such a short amount of time was unbelievable.
Your presence was, of course, unwelcomed. You were a replacement, nothing else. You could never replace Rin, so they didn’t bother with you. There was no point. It wasn’t your fault you’d been placed with them, but they couldn’t help but hold it against you.
Kakashi was monotone when it came to you. You could never tell what he was thinking, and that bothered you a lot. When you tried speaking to him, he’d only listen, but never answer. That was the part that scared you the most. He was simply uninterested in being with you. You could waste your time asking him something, but that didn’t mean he’d actually answer you. You’d simply be harshly ignored by him.
Obito was a whole different case. Kakashi, although straight out ignoring you, never blatantly showed you just how much he disliked you, but Obito? This boy was the definition of obvious. He was the most affected by Rin’s passing, in his mind. She was his everything. How could he replace her?
When I say he was mean, I mean it. He yelled at you, scolded you, berated you, and simply treated you outright badly. He was condescending when you failed and you couldn’t get him to like you no matter how hard you tried. He hated you. You believe that wholeheartedly.
Now, you understood everyone grieves differently, but this was too much. You felt unwanted and unwelcomed. Minato had reassured you several times that everything would be fine, and to just give them some time, but you felt horrible! The only person that treated you nicely was your sensei… it was you against them.
When you trained, you were surprised to see how well they worked together. The loss of Rin has managed to mend their friendship, even if she had died at Kakashi's hands. Obito understood that the reason Rin died was not because Kakashi wanted to kill her, but because she’d rather die than live as a weapon for the rest of her life. Obito forgave Kakashi, and they promised each other they would never hold anything against each other, for Rin. They moved at an amazing rhythm; in perfect sync. They knew where to be and what to do without uttering a single word.
Their teamwork was off the charts, and you were slightly jealous. Why? Oh you know, it’s not like they thought you were a burden or anything. Yeah, every time the three of you had to work together, it would always end up in an argument.
“Jeez, are you slow?! Can’t you see I’m supposed to come from the right?!”
“Get out of the way! You’re messing things up!”
If Rin were here, we wouldn’t have to be dealing with all your mess!”
These were just some of the few things Obito would throw at you whenever you messed up their momentum. You were never good enough for them. You were too slow yet too quick. Too dumb, yet too smart. If you had to jump and you’d jump, they’d somehow find a way to let you know that you jumped the ‘wrong way’. You could never be good enough. You could never win.
You tried, you really did, but nothing worked. You’d be blamed for everything, and they’d say you were ‘dragging them down.’ Of course, they would complain to Minato, mostly Obito, but Kakashi would nod his head in agreement from time to time. Minato would scold them or brush them off. “She’s your teammate, like it or not. You better start treating her as one or else you two will be the ones getting in trouble,” this made them resent you even more.
You got used to everything. It had been a few months since you first got there, so you knew how to handle them. You trained so much and watched them train that when you were in the field once again, you didn’t fall behind. You were predicting their moves to be able to move in sync with them. You had studied them—your obsession of being at the same level finally paying off.
You didn’t understand why, but you expected some sort of praise. For once, you hadn’t been insulted or made fun off. You did everything right; you had caught up to them. So, as the three of you huffed and tried to gain your breath, Minato congratulated you. You couldn’t help the big smile that played on your lips, excited that you had finally gotten some praise. However, the boys never muttered a word. For you, it was a win! They weren’t insulting you or angry at you!
Once Minato saw your progress, he decided it was time for the three of you to go out on a mission alone. You, of course, were nervous. You weren’t sure of how things would play out. Would you mess up again? Would you be left behind? Would the mission even be completed? You didn’t know, but you calmed yourself down and convinced yourself that everything would be fine.
Thankfully, you had completed the mission. You only had to go back to the village. Miraculously enough, the three of you hadn’t gotten into an argument, you had yet to mess up, and things were going just great.
However, all three of you found yourselves in trouble. Rogue ninjas were happy to see three hidden leaf kids, and they were planning on sending a message. They had recognized Kakashi as the strongest one, so they wasted no time in getting him first.
Although wearing a mask, the sudden mist that clouded him had knocked him unconscious. No, it wasn’t mist, it was some sort of pollen one of the ninjas had thrown at Kakashi.
Obito had no idea what to do, but you weren’t going to leave Kakashi. There was a big chance that you would get hit by the pollen as well, but your limbs moved on their own. Soon, you were running full speed towards Kakashi’s unconscious body, lifting his weight over your shoulder. You weren’t going to leave him behind, never. No matter how badly he treated you, you would never leave teammates behind.
As you lifted Kakashi, you hadn’t noticed the kunais coming at you at full speed. They would’ve hit you in the head if it weren’t for Obito. He took the hit for you, and it stabbed him in the shoulder. “Let’s go!” He yells, helping you carry Kakashi as you escape.
Once you were far away and clear of any danger, you set Kakashi down on the ground. You check his pulse and sigh, relieved that he was still alive. “He’s still breathing, he’s just unconscious,” you smile, looking at Obito.
Your eyes widen as you see two kunais on his shoulders, “crap! You’re hurt, Obito!” You stand up and walk towards him, “sit down, I’ll help you,” you pull him down, much to his distaste.
“I’m telling you, I’m fine!” He tries to convince you, but you shush him.
“Don’t be an idiot! You’re not fine. I’ll pull them out—it’ll hurt for a little while, but I promise I’ll make you feel better,” you say, pulling out the knives and apologizing as he hissed in pain.
While helping him, you were gentle. He had never expected this from you. He had been nothing but horrible to you, and yet you treated him as if he were fragile.
You place your hands over his wound and close your eyes, focusing your chakra and beginning to heal the open wounds. It felt… familiar to Obito. He felt taken care of—cared for. It reminded him of… Rin. He gulps and looks at you, your eyes gentle and caring.
He couldn’t help how he felt. His heart started beating quickly as he felt you so close. He had never noticed how cute you were—no, he never noticed how nice you were. How kind and beautiful. You reminded him so much of Rin. Could you have been sent by Rin? Were you an angel he had been neglecting this whole time?
“Obito?” You look at him worriedly, “are you okay? You look a little—“
“I’m okay. Thanks to you,” he smiles, rubbing his neck, “I uh… Just, thank you,”
You were taken aback by this, but quickly give him a gentle smile, “you’re welcome. It was the least I could do after you saved my life. You were basically my hero back there,”
His stomach fluttered at your words, “your hero..?” He chuckles, “no, you’re the hero… if it weren’t for you, Kakashi would’ve been attacked… you’re the real hero,”
You enjoyed his praises. After being treated so poorly by him, it was nice to finally see him smile and compliment you. When you finish healing him, you walk towards Kakashi, placing a hand on his forehead. You wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting a fever because of the polen, “We should get going, I want to make sure Kakashi gets treated quickly. Who knows what was in that polen. It must’ve been really thick if it penetrated his mask,” you frown, pushing his hair out of his face.
Obito agrees, taking kakashi over the shoulder and waiting for you, “Hey uh… (Y/N),” he says, locking eyes with you before looking away, “I’m… sorry, for the way I’ve treated you… I real—,”
“It’s okay, Obito. As long as you don’t keep doing it, I forgive you,” you’d didn’t have hatred in your heart, and you knew how to forgive… Oh gosh, you were so much like her. Obito nods, shamefully smiling, “I promise you, I’ll never be dumb again. Well, dumb enough to treat you like I did…,”
Once you got to the village, you took Kakashi to the infirmary. You waited outside for any news with Obito, and you were relieved when the nurses told you he’d be okay. You didn’t get the chance to see him in the hospital, since you already had to go home. You needed rest, and with a little convincing from Obito, he walked you home.
After that day, Obito was so much nicer. He was a completely different person around you. He treated you so nicely, and never insulted you in any way. He complimented you in everything you did and he even offered to train with you more often.
Even kakashi seemed different. He’d actually speak to you, and nicely. He’d look for conversations and would often stay close to you. Their attitudes had taken a complete 180! You were… happy. You were glad that you finally got along. You were working together, and you were never failing. They made sure to make you feel like a part of their team!
Yeah, you were so distracted by how nice they were treating you, that you didn’t notice how they’d keep an eye on you at all times. How they would often want to take you home. How they would hurt themselves just to get you to take care of them. No, you were too busy basking on their kindness.
Whoops, Kakashi suddenly left his water bottle! Wait, maybe you could share yours with him. You know what they say, drinking from the same water bottle was like an indirect kiss.
Oh no! Obito left his food? Huh, I guess there was no harm in sharing your lunch with him. You’d eat from the same chopsticks, and it thrilled him.
For some reason, you had become their favorite obsession. You were their favorite pastime, favorite topic, favorite person. You clouded their minds at all times, and they didn’t know why. Your kindness got to them, and filled their hearts with some wicked obsession.
Yeah… you were stuck with them for who knows how long. If only you knew that they’d become unbearable as they grow older… and their obsession would become even stronger.
I mean, they were going to become men soon, with new desires and fantasies that only you could fulfill, but for now, you simply thought this was an innocent friendship.
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
naruto crack au where kakashi manages to successfully drill the "never abandon your comrades" thing into team seven's heads
so when sasuke deserts naruto and sakura immediately desert with him. like he gets to the village gates and they're just waiting for him bags packed like "what took u so long we doing this or what"
he tries to get them to go back bc of course he does. "no you losers this is about me i'm going to kill my brother. also i'll have to kill my best friend for the super sharingan and you two are like the only people i talk to". but they do not listen. teamwork sasuke we will defeat your brother (OUR brother #communism) with the power of teamwork. just like kakashi-sensei said
suddenly orochimaru has to deal with three horrible little goblins with an even more codependent relationship than his old team
#naruto#team seven#orochimaru's favorite is sakura bc she's smart and respectful and gives kabuto headaches#kabuto's favorite is naruto bc he thinks he's funny#nobody's favorite is sasuke. he's fine with that tho#also sakura can still summon slugs she made a bet with tsunade ahead of time for the right to make the contract#kakashi keeps trying to get his team back but keeps approaching them one on one#which always ends in whoever he's talking to going ''i can't abandon my teammates sensei wtf''#obito is watching all of this from the bushes and laughing his ass off#the sound five live bc. nobody bothered to tell tsunade team seven had left until it was way too late#orochimaru keeps her updated tho#every time kakashi tries to sneak in and steal his kids back oro sends him back with pictures of how they're doing#''little sakura-chan is making excellent progress with chakra scalpels! you must be so proud! oh wait''#she hopes he dies#oro tells naruto who his parents are to spite jiraiya#unfortunately he does this when they're all still annoying little thirteen-year-old shitheads#so sakura and sasuke are both furious and don't talk to either of them for a day#they don't even know what they're mad about they're just Mad#meanwhile sakura's parents are happy to hear she's doing well and hope she writes soon#they don't. they don't really get the treason thing#team hebi/taka still forms ofc#it's an absolute disaster#sakura's a little sad when they finally ditch orochimaru bc she'd actually really enjoyed learning from him#like yeah he was an absolutely horrible human being but. she learned a lot!#he comes back later ofc#there's sorta an awkward moment when naruto finds out gaara got abducted and demands to go after him#sasuke: ok have fun#sakura: we're going too#sasuke: fuck#orochimaru: tell sasori i said hiiiii~ <3
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komihoyinsblog · 2 months
Let's talk a bit about a fact that was given exactly zero attention in canon(at least as far as I remember it). Correct me @r--kt if I'm wrong. How was it for Minato to find out that his dead apprentice had started the worst war ever and sent Kyuubi to walk around the village, destroying a huge part of it and killing a lot of shinobi? And then did it again 15 years later, but with Nagato? What was it like for Minato to find out that his apprentice killed him, his wife and almost killed his newborn child (threatened with kunai, explosive seals and so on)? How was it for Minato to know that his apprentice chose to go to Madara willingly, to choose all these crazy plans, even though he still had people who loved him and could wait, happy for his return? What was it like for Minato to find out that from the looks of it, all those years together had meant little to Obito? That his apprentice didn't work for the good of the village, but went to another village and set up a bloody dictatorship? That he was ready to kill his sensei's son again? That he deliberately cultivated hatred in the village for his clan and then killed everyone?
I honestly feel like we don't talk much about Minato's(and Kushina's) feelings about Obito's betrayal. Yes, they can be kind and understanding. Yes, Minato can still keep Kakashi from killing Obito. But. Minato prevents Kakashi from killing his teammate. But what about the man who didn't give Minato and Kushina a chance to live and see their son grow up? Who condemned their son to an admittedly horrible existence in the village? Konoha hated Naruto and it was Obito's fault. It's really just the horrible side of the situation that Kishimoto chose to hide under the rug. The overpowering feeling of betrayal. Yes, we can see Kakashi's feelings, but how does Minato feel then???? Obito ruined not only his life, but also his dream. Minato was Hokage for how long? Six months? A year??? That's fucked up.
I think the only thing Minato could be thankful for is Obito not touching Kakashi. Though that's a very questionable gratitude too, huh. Yeah, Kakashi survived, but what about his morale? Obito is clearly responsible for some of Kakashi's mental problems.
The whole thing is a big, huge mess. Yes, Obito was manipulated and brainwashed a bit, but he still did it. And I still think that some part of what Obito did he didn't regret until the very end.
I wonder how many times Minato thought after the resurrection that he never should have taken on more students in addition to Kakashi? That he should have just trained Kakashi and that was it? That the world should never have seen Minato's team? That Kakashi, Obito, and Rin should never have been on the same team? Very good questions. Minato would clearly regret something, except what exactly? What would he have changed in the past? Probably never would have let Kakashi and Obito meet, but that's just my thoughts.
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mixelation · 3 months
writing some dumb reborn au dialogue this morning
ninjacon 3!!!! (the one with X, a yellow flash cosplayer who is. very hot. in a hilarious way)
“So,” Tori said, suddenly making direct eye contact with Minato, “were you into him?”
“...what?” Minato asked. Kakashi noted he still hadn’t taken a single sip of the drink in his hand. 
“X,” Tori clarified. “Were you into him?”
Kakashi would admit it. The scandalized face Minato made at these words was hilarious. 
“Why would I be into him?” Minato asked, sounding like Tori had just slapped him. 
“We were debating your type,” Itachi said very matter-of-factly. Kakashi choked on his drink. “Since you made multiple comments about X’s attractiveness.”
“I’m married,” Minato said firmly, although his grip on his cup had tightened enough that the plastic was denting. “And your boss. Why are you talking about that?”
“You said you were off duty,” Itachi pointed out at the same time Tori said, “What does being married have to do with it? Kushina-sensei told us all about your hall passes.”
Say what you would about Team Disaster; their teamwork was terrifying. 
“Hall passes?” Kakashi repeated. 
“It’s a list of people a couple makes as ‘exceptions’ to their otherwise closed relationship,” Itachi explained, and Minato took a long, desperate sip of his drink. 
“I know what it means,” Kakashi said blandly, even as he found himself unable to wipe the grin off his face. “Sensei, why have I never heard of your hall passes?”
“Why was Kushina talking about it?” Minato asked, sounding borderline panicked. 
“It’s like her third favorite ‘girl talk’ subject,” Tori said. “You know about girl talk, don’t you?”
“She said girl talk was sacred,” Minato said in an oddly desperate voice, “and private.”
Kakashi had no idea what ‘girl talk’ was. He said this outloud. No one explained it to him. 
“Tori didn’t tell me,” Itachi said. “I only know because girl talk is sometimes… loud.”
“He’s a horrible eavesdropper,” Tori said primly. 
“Wait,” Kakashi said, louder this time, in an attempt to get the conversation back on track. “Is his list… consistent… with X’s appeal?”
“Not really,” Tori replied. “That’s why it’s weird.” She turned back to Minato, whose face was gradually turning pinker. “Well?”
“No,” he replied. “I just understand when cheekbones are beautiful, that’s all.”
They all took a moment to acknowledge that X’s cheekbones were, in fact, gorgeous. 
“So what is your type?” Itachi asked in his unemotional Itachi voice. 
This was truly a one hit KO. Instead of answering, Minato made a face like he’d been suckpunched and then took another long drink. 
Itachi turned to Tori. “Then what’s the pattern?” There was a long pause. “Pale?”
“Pale?” Kakashi repeated. Who the hell was on this list?
“No,” Minato said. 
“Are they all pale because he they’re redheads?” Kakashi asked, brain buzzing for memories of things Minato had listed about Kushina’s best traits. 
“Please stop,” Minato whined. 
“Now, now, Sensei,” Kakashi said, wagging his finger. “You said so yourself. This con is a safe space for bonding experiences, and we all want to know.”
Well, Kakashi wanted to know. He didn’t think this would be a strange thing for Minato to disclose to him, in private over drinks. It might be weird to tell Tori and Itachi, but they apparently already knew and had been analyzing it. 
Minato buried his face in the hand that wasn’t holding his drink. He mumbled something. 
“Sensei?” Kakashi repeated, now struggling to hold back laughter. 
Minato leaned back against the bedframe, looking truly defeated. “Tobirama and…” he sighed. “Ame no Konan.”
Tori raised her eyebrows, expectant. Minato had left something out, Kakashi gathered. 
“She already told you?” Minato asked, looking ever so slightly betrayed. 
“I guess she thought it was relevant to my interests?” Tori hedged. 
Minato groaned, his cheeks going pink again as he turned to Kakashi. “I recently added Akasuna no Sasori.”
He then tipped his cup back and finished it off. Wow. 
The list was honestly only surprising to Kakashi in that he was surprised there was a list. 
“He just likes strong people,” Kakashi told Tori and Itachi matter-of-factly. Next to him, Minato choked on the last of his drink. After a beat he amended, “Who are also hot, I guess. Except maybe Tobirama.”
“Tori said she would put him on her list,” Itachi said. 
“Itachi,” Tori warned. 
Minato grabbed for the bottle of whisky. Kakashi passed it to him. His dear Sensei could face down any physical threat, but this conversation apparently required alcohol. 
“It’s good for couples to have conversations about things like this,” Minato said in an obvious attempt to shift the conversation back into his control as he poured way too much whiskey into his cup. “I’m glad you're communicating about your wants and needs.”
“So why add Sasori now?” Kakashi asked, and Minato shot him a very sad, very betrayed look. 
“I didn’t realize he could… pose a challenge in battle,” Minato said slowly. 
There was a very long silence in the room as Minato opened the soda bottle next. 
“And he’s a redhead,” Minato added. 
“You didn’t realize the guy who destroyed a country could pose a challenge in battle?” Kakashi repeated. 
“It’s only a country on a technicality,” Minato said, waving his hand dismissively. “It was a city-state with a large civilian population. I never really got why everyone thought that was so impressive.”
There was another very long silence. Then Tori burst into laughter. 
“What?” Minato asked, face going into an expression Kakashi might categorize as pouty. “I just like people who are on my level, physically and intellectually.” 
“Why are your standards insane?” she wheezed. “You're so lucky Kushina-sensei likes you back.”
Yes, that expression was… pouting. 
“They don’t have to be able to beat me,” Minato defended. “I just want to have to actually try.”
“Maa, you’re still lucky,” Kakashi drawled. “Name one other person your age in Konoha who fits that description.”
Minato stared at his drink. Kakashi swiveled his head to make eye contact knowingly with Tori. 
i keep wanting to make a joke about how tori keeps referring to konan as "my wife" but idk how to do it without the vibe being like..... weird?
tori: i would put konan on my exceptions list too ngl
itachi: you said those lists were people where it would be unrealistic for you to actually hook up with them
kakashi: itachi, she's not ACTUALLY married to konan. you know that, right?
itachi: (dead stare) right.
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yowyowyaoi · 9 months
Shikamaru: Lord Sixth, a message came for you. *hands him a scroll*
Kakashi, sighing: How many times must I ask you all to drop the “lord”?
Shikamaru: Sorry. Is that the agreement from Gaara to host the Chunin exams this fall? I’ve been waiting on him to respond.
Kakashi, blushing: N-no, it’s … it’s …
Shikamaru: Lord Si — er, Kakashi-sensei, what’s the matter? Your face is so red!
Kakashi: *wordlessly hands him the letter*
Shikamaru, reading out-loud: “Your hair is an ivory blanket I’d like to wrap myself in, your eyes are endless pools of beauty that —”
Kakashi, blushing harder: A love letter. I can’t believe it; a love letter! And at my age! 
Kakashi: I have to find out who it’s from, so I can properly respond. Shikamaru, who do you —
Shikamaru, sighing: Lord Sixth. First of all, every week, you get at least three of these. The fact that you’re not put off by the horrible spelling and the greasy food-print residue around the edges is truly amazing to me.
Shikamaru: Second, this would be a much more interesting “mystery” to solve IF the sender didn’t also stand underneath the window with a guitar to “serenade” you every other day!
Kakashi: *goes to the window, opens it, and looks down* Hello, lover ~
Gai: Hello, Rival. I thought up a new song for you. Ready? *starts ((horribly)) playing the guitar and “singing”*
Shikamaru, to himself: That’s it; I’m definitely requesting a raise.
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x-authorship-x · 4 months
I didn't know i was capable of missing a fictional character until i found out about Shisui anyways
You ever just think about the chaos that would happen if adult! Shisui (around the current time of hope au) and kid! Shisui (just recently started working with Inoichi) got temporarily swapped in their times?
Like the squad goofing off only for one of Raidou's practice seals going off wrong and suddenly a very awkward group of anbu find themselves having to take care of little kid Shisui who is tiny, recently traumatized, doesn't technically know or trust them, and has yet to truly be properly socialized outside of his clan and then on the other side you have adult Shisui being thrown back to a time Danzo is still around without any of his friends/family/allies and having an unknown, limited time frame to try and change things
I've only just seen this ask (😅) but omg
Older!Shisui would only be a few years younger than Inoichi so that would be deeply hilarious because Inoichi has only just started to realise that he's gotta actually, you know, commit to being healthier and being a stable adult role model (parent) and then BAM! This full grown Uchiha, claiming to be his student, starts ripping into Konoha and dragging Inoichi along like he's not insane???? An Uchiha who knows waaaaay too much about Inoichi's Clan secrets and his horribly complicated relationship with his family and (Inoichi, in the future, fit very well with the "boiled frog" analogy. He didn't quite realise, until in hindsight, how deep into the bullshit Shisui had dragged him as they grew together. It's, ah, a shock😂) also lmao Minato is still alive, so is Kushina, Kakashi is a moody little shit and he's so unbelievably angry that this cheerful random Uchiha came up to him and scuffed him like a (naughty puppy) seasoned Hatake 😂
Genma, drunk off his tits, slams his hand down on Raidou's notebook before throwing it at a laughing Shisui's head: and then, hahahaha, I said- OH SHIT!
Genin!Shisui, appearing in a poof of smoke to find himself in the middle of a bar at 1am:
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Squad Two: DID YOU JUST SHRINK?? I DIDNT KNOW UCHIHA COULD DO THAT-! (Raidou: 🤡💩, Genma: 🤩🤣, Tenzo: 😧😶‍🌫️, Kakashi: 🥴📸)
Genin!Shisui: w-where is Inoichi-sensei?! We're on a mission, Jounin-san, what happened???
SQ2: oh shit, GET AN ADULT
Inoichi, upon seeing Genin!Shisui: 😭✨😭✨ oh fuck i forgot how cute you were, cmere and let me cuddle you oh god I can't believe I didn't tell you I loved you for too long and look at your little feet and you can't even carry Akira yet can you oh god- *clutching Shisui to his chest*
Ino, the same age but an inch taller than her nii-san: ✨MY✨TURN✨TO✨BE✨IN✨CHARGE✨
Genin!Shisui: everyone got really tall and really emotional...
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cloudabserk · 4 months
1 12 and 13 for the controversial asks >:)
YAY hi casgirl!!!
1. most overrated character
if i get to pick a character i hate it’s jiriaya FUCK him he sucked the whole time and he gets one cool fight and now people love him. he was useless and mean to sasuke AND naruto AND he was creepy to all women and also to naruto.
if it has to be a character i like… then i guess itachi. i love itachi so much, and he was probably trying to do what he thought was right, but people act like he is The Most Noble and Brave when he actually made 1 million terrible decisions and mind tortured sasuke at several points for seemingly no reason.
12. who shouldve died during war arc
ok i hate anyone dying so idk who to put but i wish jiraiya had come back to life so he could die again more painfully. also i wish orochimaru had died again. but those are just spite deaths idk who should die for plot purposes. i thought tsunade was gonna die when i first watched so maybe her?
13. was kakashi trying his best/a good sensei
i think… kakashi tried his best but his best was frankly terrible. also for both kakashi and itachi i think the whole concept of “hardened trained assassin at age 10” or whatever is quite horrifying and must do infinite damage to one’s psyche so i’m honestly shocked he was able to connect with team 7 at all. not to mention everyone he loved dying violently in front of him
kakashi was not a very good teacher but he uh… cared about them ? tried to help them? didn’t manipulate them into horrible acts? the bar is honestly on the floor for competent adults.
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emberswrites · 1 year
Have people considered the possibility that one can make mistakes, fuck up, do or say the wrong thing and - wait for it - not be a horrible person still? Still have done good and cared? Might actually be a rather decent person who erred?
I think fandom discourse and just general irl discourse around this stuff is very funny.
Yes this is about Kakashi haters because they all seem to think his imperfection and faults make him a shitty guy. This is not at all to say you have to like the guy either - it’s just to say this doesn’t make his character inherently a bad person or teacher. And I struggle to think of any adult in Sasuke’s life post-massacre who cares for him the way Kakashi did.
This is why being a Kakashi and Sasuke fan is annoying because there’s so many pro-Sasuke Kakashi haters and vice versa. How are you gonna recognize Konoha sucks and simultaneously dismiss the profound ways in which it fucked Kakashi up and how much it would take to undo that? Man’s been a shinobi since age 5 and then proceeded to have a horribly traumatic existence for the rest of his formative years into adulthood and you expect him to be the perfect sensei and counsellor for the only two shinobi likely more fucked up than he is. And refuse to acknowledge all the ways he subverts the expectations when he does, and actually does take care of his students and cares about them? Doesn’t actually trauma dump on Sasuke because what exactly does Sasuke, or any of team 7, know about him? Yeah, not much at all because he doesn’t talk about himself and it’s a big sin he tells Sasuke he’s also experienced profound loss when desperate to get him to resist the pull of the dude who wants to turn Sasuke into a skin suit. He probably should have talked more to Sasuke about his life and experiences, if anything. And how are you gonna support Kakashi who was so very stomped on and used by the system and hate Sasuke for wanting to change it? Neither makes sense.
Gives the impression that anyone who doesn’t react the way you deem correct or who isn’t radical enough is just bad and evil - and this applies to anti- and pro-Sasuke and anti- and pro-Kakashi people equally. These characters are both complex, nuanced, wonderful and flawed. Dissecting the show with psychology and sociology is fine and whatever but then acting like the characters should behave in some accordant way to be good or moral and like it’s black and white just doesn’t make sense because we don’t expect that in real life and media would be very boring if we expected that in fiction.
It’s very purity culture adjacent, the need for neat boxes and perfect representations of things.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
As someone who hasn’t watched much of Naruto, i actually really liked Kakashi as a character so far. Just wondering why you hate him (I’m okay with spoilers)
It is simple really, and I have some reasons.
Kakashi is a horrible teacher, as I explained why in a previous post the same as with Jiraiya.
He is also a hypocrite, or at least has Double standards, he told Sasuke to quit on his pursuit on Revenge on the same guy that killed his clan, made him watch do it 72 hours, kick his ass, made him watch for 48 hours and then on a coma, but helps InoShikaCho kill Hidan who killed their Sensei.
Not to mention, he is a bootlicker of Konoha, he heard the tale of the Uchiha and how they treated the Uchiha, and why Itachi killed his clan, but is still loyal to that racist clan.
He is also heavily overrated in battle. He needed the Sharingan to even compete against someone, and that was with the help of his friend. But the only times where he won a 1 v1, was against Zabuza, who he needed help from Naruto and Sasuke when they were 12 to get him out of a water prison, and Obito, who he left in a SPACE where he needed big amount of Chakra to leave, and if he didn't, he would've Died there.
The last, and the one that isn't as important, but still bothers me is that he tied Sasuke to a tree, told him off for using the Chidori, but it was in self defense as Naruto used Rasengan first, told him to stop on the whole Revenge thing, and left him there. Not even bothering to walk him to his House.
I hope this answers your question.
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notlevifromobeyme · 2 years
Kakashi Hatake x Sub!Male Reader
Minors/ageless blogs DO NOT INTEREACT. NSFW
TW! Choking, heavy teasing, dirty talk, Oral (Giving/receiving?), kissing, licking,
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“I’m baaack…” Kakashi says, yawning.
“Hey, how was the mission?” You ask.
“Ugh, horrible. Guy was annoying me the whole damn time.” He mumbles, taking out a book named “Make Out Paradise: Doki Doki Damé ❤️”
“I’m sorry, is there anything I can do to help you?” You say , coming closer to him and slightly pulling his mask down to kiss his cheek.
As he puts down his book, he takes your waist and kisses you with the mask still on. Although the thin piece of cloth preventing your lips to touch his, it was a passionate, lustful kiss. His hands run down to your hips, then to squeeze your thighs.
Kakashi pulled his mask down all the way to shove his tongue down your throat. Kakashi tastes sweet, like honey and melon. He swipes your lips with his thumb and licks it after. One of his rough, large hands go to your throat and squeeze hard as the other goes down to unzip your pants. Kakashi looks at you tauntingly.
“Poor little lamb cant breath, hmm? But you like that don’t you? Say it. Say you love my hands on your throat. You know you’re gonna have a bruise but you don’t give a fuck, yeah?” Kakashi whispers, his breath hitting your ear as he licks his lips in anticipation.
“You want my hands on your rock hard dick? This is all for me, isn’t it? Wow, what a bad boy. How very naughty..Cmere. It’s time you learn a thing or two from your Sensei.
Kakashi pumps his cock, pre glistening down his cock, dripping and twitching as he watches you swirl his tip around your tongue.
“Hmm….Scared of taking it all in your mouth? I know 9 inches maybe a lot, Lotus. Maybe you need some help.”
Kakashi shoves his inches down your throat and exhales in pleasure, smiling like a sadistic fucking demon.
“Mm, yeah? You like it that much? Are you that much of a bad boy? Or are you a good boy? Aww..I’m confusing you, aren’t I huh? Fuck..Hey, not too rough..I’m gonna cum..”
Unable to talk or move as he rips your throat to bits, he cums down your throat and holds your head down until it hits his toned waistline.
“That’s a good boy..Get up, Lotus. Hey, no. Don’t black out yet, I still need to treat you.” Kakashi says, pumping your cock to help you wake up, cheeks flushed and stars around your head. He lifts up your shirt and kisses down your stomach to your waist, down to your pelvis and finally up your cock and back down. Soon enough, he takes the base and licks up and down your dick before taking it all in his mouth.
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fandrawsart · 5 months
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Context: In Classic Team 7 Fashion a mission goes horribly wrong.
(Other versions under the cut)
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Wherein Kakashi is frustrated and at a loss, Nana thinks too much and doesn't trust enough, consecutively Team 7 takes the fall.
Or Team 7 is every writer’s chew toy and Fate loves repeating itself.
I totally imagined this as being the mission that forces Kakashi and Nana to actually bond and stop skirting around each other.
Wherein Kakashi actually learns to go past his vulnerability and defences to show Nana that he cares, and Nana learns to lower her defences and let herself be cared for.
I also hc that this has happened to Kakashi before, when he himself was a kid and had fresh out of stumbling upon the cooling body of his father been newly assigned under the tutelage of a very much 16 years old and not ready to handle this mess Minato.
So yes, Kakashi is rapidly re-evaluating everything he thought he knew and understood about his bond with his late Sensei, and gaining a whole new level of mortification about himself respect for the man.
Character interpretations and scenario inspired by In Sound Judgement written by @negativeaperture
Ps. I love Nana's design and drawing Nana in general.
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solarismp3 · 4 months
11 13 and 19 for the naruto ask thing im so curious 😳
hiyaa thank you for sending the ask 🫰🏾🫰🏾🫰🏾 11: is Itachi a martyr, a victim, or a perpetrator?
Given that itachi was 13 when we murdered his clan I’d he’s a victim. We was the at the “right” age for all that has happened to him be possible. But I can’t help but have a bad taste in my mouth as I say this cuz he did everything possible thing wrong for Sasuke’s sake. I like itachi only in the context of him being Sasuke brother.  His love for Sasuke is so profound it makes me so upset thinking of all the things he could’ve done to save his bby brother like it makes me wanna kill their father. This is all his fault!!!!! 
13: was kakashi trying his best? / was he a "good" sensei? I feel the same about itachi as I do kakashi. They were all so young when they experienced all there tragedies that made them make all the wrong decisions:(( his hole thing with his father??? I think he was trying his best under the circumstances he grew up in (in his younger years)  but was a bad teacher cuz why was he minato’s student but horrible to naruto? He probably forgot Sakura’s name on multiple occasions. He should’ve worked on himself more 
19: pettiest fandom opinion you've blocked someone for?
Honestly idk lol but I think someone said something bad about gaara and like that’s illegal so. I unfollowed a lot of ppl who repeat the same takes from 2018 about sns and getting angry and treating them like irl ppl when it’s drawings it’s weird.
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