#kaede akamatsu (mentioned)
frootbyethefoot · 3 months
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preparing for execution
[ID: a digital drawing of rantaro amami, kaede akamatsu, and tsumugi shirogane from danganronpa v3: killing harmony. the background is bright red. rantaro is reaching towards something, and looking towards the viewer in horror. behind him is kaede, holding a shot put ball above rantaros head. she is looking down at him with a look of determination. next to kaede, tsumugi is leaning her head against her shoulder. her face is entirely black, except for her glasses and eyes, with are both bright red. she is guiding kaedes hand to the shot put ball, and is holding a noose in her other hand. there are two beams of bright yellow and pink light, one in front of rantaro, and another coming from the shot put ball. END ID/]
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keebo-png · 5 months
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ok yeah this is the finished one whatevr. got lazy. alt colors + some not proof read writing under read more
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"If anything, he should be discharged soon. They cured them all quickly just as soon as the trials ended, so he wouldn't be any different, right?"
Kokichi's voice breaks an awkward silence, his feet kicking the air whilst twirling his hair in his fingers. He leans his head to the side as he watches the others cringe and struggle to speak back, almost in amusement, if the situation wasn't so concerning.
Kaede's staring right back at him, irritated at how casually Kokichi decided to be- but maybe that was for the best. They weren't brought here just to stand still and be quietly worried. She should talk! It's been half a year! She needs that connection again.
Gripping the end of her sweater vwat nervously, Kaede manages to reply. "I hope so. Shuichi was the last of us to exit the program, even alongside Himiko and Maki. Surely he didn't get sick during that?"
"No, it was recently. He'd been acting fine until two days ago."
Maki responds to Kaede much faster than Kaede had replied to Kokichi, crossing her arms.
There's another long pause. There's no other questions that can be asked, because they won't be answered, or at least not without an argument or another long wait. Kaede feels her throat tightening, realizing that breaking through such an unwelcome atmosphere might be hard. Might? It will be. Nobody in this room exactly is friends with each other anymore. Kaede died much too soon before she could get close to someone other than Shuichi. Her hands clasp together tightly, with nothing else for them to do to manage her nervousness.
.. And like that, one by one, they start to leave. There was nothing else for the others to stay for. Not even to visit Shuichi,
sick with the despair disease.
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lampochkaart · 7 months
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It's not just some drawing, it's actually an illustration I made for my fanfic! You can read it here.
It's something like an introduction for an AU that I talked about here.
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skeletonnerdy · 1 year
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"What's your favorite scary movie?" "I prefer animated films and musicals."
Originally, I was gonna make Sayaka Casey Becker, but Kaede just fit too well.
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shsl-writer · 3 months
DRV3 Rewrite: Kiibo Protag Edition
Fake-Out Protagonist: Kaede
Protagonist: Kiibo
Support: Miu
Antagonist: Kokichi
Case 1 Death: Shuichi (Wrong Place, Wrong Time)
Case 1 Killer: Kaede (Canon)
Case 2 Death: Ryoma (Canon)
Case 2 Killed: Kirumi (Canon)
Case 3 Death(s): Angie, Tenko (Canon)
Case 3 Killer: Korekiyo (Canon)
Case 4 Death: Himiko (Suicide)
Case 4 Killer: Himiko (Suicide)
Case 5 Death: Kaito (Defends Kokichi)
Case 5 Killer: Maki (TBD/Execution)
Mastermind: Tsumugi
Survivors: Kiibo, Miu, Kokichi, Gonta, Rantaro
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Phineas & Ferb AU
(Originally posted in The Saiou Lounge discord server, May 2022, "Literally just woke up and my brain was like "Let's assign v3 characters roles in a Phineas&Ferb AU" while I was changing clothes. So let's go")
the main duo is Kokichi and Kaito, at first I thought to make Kaito Phineas because he's more social, but the next thought I had was: Shuichi is Isabella so I switched it
so Kaito is mostly non-verbal like Ferb but ask him about space and.
(And he can also belt out songs) added by VendedHum
Cadence is Kaede, it's not the best fit, but listen, after a bit of adjusting: she's just worried about her little brothers, and sometimes has enough of it when construction work sounds from the backyard interrupt her piano practice
but it made finding a fit for Jeremy easier, it's Rantaro and instead of one devil-incarnate younger sister he has 12 and the younger they are the more against Kaede they are, so like the two eldest are actually chill about it, the next 3 just ignore her, but then there's 7 devils
Baljeet & Buford are Kiibo and Miu
technically, since Shu is Isabella and therefore in boy scouts instead of girl scouts, Miu is the only girl in the friend group but like, she's my Buford, find a better one if you can
she's a honorary boy because she ate a bug. She would.
there's no other girls in the neighborhood, she was desperate to make friends, Miu would do many things to make people like her, the fact that even wiki describes him as "a nice person with a tough guy attitude" makes me think she's a good fit for the role
and Maki is Vanessa
and Stacy (Cadence Kaede's best friend) can be Kirumi ig
Tsumugi can be Carl the Intern as a treat
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Based on my experiences with DRS's treatment of Miu
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bpdiruma · 1 year
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hello to the kaemiu fans of tumblr once again. i love this community
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drnewworldaskblog · 13 days
Woah, what happened- *gets thrown out of the building* okay. I did have no paitience. Deserved.
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What are you
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
RE danganronpa not having the best writing I was talking to a friend the other day about v3 about how it sucks that they set up Kaede to be the protagonist but then killed her off because while yes, Shuichi is a very good protagonist and he’s the only one that really gets interesting character development, Kaede could have so easily been an insanely interesting protagonist if she got to live because she has plenty of room to grow since she’s very clearly scared shitless and is deeply insecure about her ability to motivate and lead the group, but she smiles through it and lies about her feelings so much that the player doesn’t even know about her creating an elaborate murder scheme. And I realized that the way to keep her as a protagonist is for there to be a way that the first trial ends and someone else is found to be the killer (for example it could be Tsumugi if she weren’t the mastermind, or maybe someone else was in the library and killed Rantaro) and they get executed and thats that. Then at the end of the chapter we get a scene where Kaede is alone in her room and sighs in relief as it’s revealed that she hatched an elaborate plan to kill the mastermind but she wasn’t found guilty, either because she wasn’t the actual killer or because she was being protected by the mastermind. And so we the player have to proceed with the new knowledge that Kaede not only wanted to kill someone, she actually went through with a whole plan to kill someone and we didn’t even know about it and neither did any of the characters. And Kaede is on edge because on one hand she has to live with the fact that she was perfectly okay becoming a killer and that she failed to kill the mastermind so the game is going to continue and someone else was unlucky and got executed instead of her,but on the other hand she’s relieved that she wasn’t the one who died and that she was given another chance to find the true mastermind and no one has to know what she did. And as the game progresses it gets more and more stressful for her because she tries to keep up the positive energy but she’s living with this massive secret and she can’t let anyone find out about what she did and she finds herself still wanting to kill the mastermind so we the player don’t know how much we can trust Kaede anymore since she’s lying to everyone including us and she can very well kill again if she wants to
#danganronpa#kaede akamatsu#of course we couldnt have something like this happen cuz yay misogyny killed kaede and also like mentioned#dr doesnt have good enough writing to pull this off lol#yttd is at least able to pull something similar off with sara so at least i have that but still god like can you IMAGINE#how good v3 wouldve been if it had done this and like what i think is really fun is like#shuichi figuring it out cuz you know he would hed know in the first trial but in this version doesnt say anything#and he doesnt have to cuz kaede conveniently isnt the culprit#but like now hes stuck with this knowledge that she so easily couldve been#and you know shuichi is just like that last person shed want to know about this#but shed also be eaten alive by guilt from keeping it from him cuz she trusts him most and was the one encouraging him to pursue the truth#even if its unpleasant#so i like to imagine one of two scenarios like either shuichi eventually confronts kaede about this after shes become a bit more corrupt#and he plans to tell and shes forced to kill him to keep her secret#or a scenario where shuichi chooses to protect kaede over the truth and he becomes her accomplice#both scenarios would fuck up kaede quite a bit#and then i guess itd be really interesting to see if she becomes more and more corrupt and eventually does get executed#or if she owns up to her mistakes and decides to reveal her truth that shes actually fucking terrified#and she doesnt have as much control as she wants to and she has no clue if its gonna be okay#i think that would fit so good with the truth/lie theme too#goddddd like im so mad now cuz this is just like so good like why cant dr just be good its so easy
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danganronpafakes · 1 year
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Shuichi: This is a mature and clever show. What more can we be missing? Himiko: How about furries? Shuichi: Lemme check. Roll call, what do we got? Kaede: Vanilla. Miu: Succubus. Angie: Flat chest. Keebo: ROBOT! Ryoma: Jail time. Korekiyo: And incest. Shuichi: Yeah, I can use a furry.
Source: Gigguk
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silicon-tmblr · 10 months
Kokichi ??? Protag + Kaito Supreme Leader Talentswap
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So we have a pretty clear lead going on in the poll right now. I'd be surprised if another choice manages to surpass this one, but if one does I'll get to that one next!
I'll start by covering my notes for the overall explanation, Ch. 1, and Ch. 2 of this concept; I thought I'd be able to do it all in one go but it's getting really long (both in word length, and in the amount of time I've spent putting this together!)
Let's get into it!
So Kaito has pretty insane influence over the whole DRV3 group (except Kokichi). I mean, after viewing the Chapter 3 Flashback Light, all it takes is for Kaito to say he doubts it for everyone else in the group to disbelieve it as well (...except Kokichi, because of course he doesn't care what Kaito thinks). Same with Kaito swaying everyone to use the first Flashback Light in Chapter 2. All in all... he's honestly pretty terrifying to me. And that's when he's supposed to be your ally! So with this in mind, I started thinking of a talentswap where Kaito takes on an antagonistic role as the Ultimate Supreme Leader!
In other words, the core concept behind this talentswap is: Kaito as Supreme Leader. Spoiler alert: he's terrifying
Now at the start of brainstorming this story concept, I actually did mention how "we can't ever have Kokichi as a protagonist. That just doesn't work, he's not protagonist material. It's the kinda lame thing Kokichi fans who like him too much do" and well guess what I am now
Jokes aside, this is probably the one concept where I could see a Kokichi protag working, since we'd need someone capable of standing up against Kaito to be our protagonist. The next best candidate is Kaede, I'd say, but she's had her chances (I came up with the Kaede Assassin protag talentswap before this one, too). Plus, Kokichi's talent (or rather, lack of known talent) makes him particularly vulnerable and forces him to rely more on others than he'd do otherwise, allowing him to be more protagonist-like, so to speak.
And before we get into things... I, completely on accident, set up this talentswap to be very self-indulgent. By that I mean I came up with this talentswap with my sibling Sebec and I started assigning talents and roles excitedly until Sebec pointed out "hey. Doesn't this basically set up your favourite ship?" and the realization led me to scream in agony for 30 minutes
So, without further ado...
Concept: Prologue + Ch. 1
Obviously we have the usual: wake up in a locker, meet everyone, oh my god killing game
Where things really begin to diverge is when Kaede starts trying to take charge.
In canon, during his free time events with Kaede, Kaito actually mentions that he would've started leading the group himself if Kaede hadn't beaten him to it. While she's alive, he's nice enough to not obstruct Kaede's efforts at least (although his peers bash him the whole time for seeming lazy for it)
In this talentswap, Kaito is not nearly as nice. Evidently, an Ultimate Supreme Leader with his personality wouldn't want to be shown up by any of his peers. So from here, we have a split in the group as they become divided into two; like a more extreme, exciting, and prolonged version of canon's Chapter 3.
Our two teams are as follows:
Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Supreme Leader
Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Detective
Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Cosplayer?
Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Tennis Pro
Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate (Makeup) Artist
Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Magician
Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Anthropologist
Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Entomologist
Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Aikido Master
Gonta Gokuhara, the Ultimate Prisoner
Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Adventurer
Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate ???
Keebo, the Ultimate Inventor (still a robot, as I tend to do with my talentswaps)
Tenko Chabashira, the Ultimate Survivor
Rantaro Amami, the Ultimate Child Caregiver
Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Maid
Turf wars!! Woohoo!!! So obviously, with Chapter 1 comes the First Blood Perk. And Kaito Momota does not like the First Blood Perk. Kaito Momota wants an exciting killing game, with an exciting class trial. Thus, he decided to cause problems on purpose.
That's right! Kaito Momota engineered the first case by targeting the Ultimate Prisoner, Gonta Gokuhara. But he can't just kill Gonta because then he'd miss the rest of the killing game! Here's where the content warning comes in; do be careful reading the next two passages (please).
Unfortunately, Mister Gokuhara is very unaware of his own strength. As in, he is prone to manslaughter level unaware. He was raised by prison family! Sometimes they went away, but they always came back... (kill me)
Kaito, being a benevolent Supreme Leader who spreads the truth, took it upon himself to inform Gonta that he was a danger to society. And with this knowledge, Gonta took his life into his own hands; thus bypassing the First Blood Perk.
(I think??? this is dark humour??? god I feel like a sadist right now)
In the first class trial, Kaito insinuates that the culprit must be someone who wants the whole group dead, hence they didn't take the First Blood Perk. This leads Maki to point the direction of doubt towards Tenko, the Ultimate Survivor. Unlike canon's Rantaro, Survivor Tenko had full knowledge of what being the Ultimate Survivor meant. Alongside that, she shared that knowledge with the group. Maki reasons that the Ultimate Survivor doesn't just want to escape the killing game; rather, they play the game to win.
So from there Kokichi and co. have to fight back and reveal the truth, etc. Though I don't have details brainstormed for this segment, I would like to throw in that Kokichi's class trial gameplay would feature a lie detection mechanic; ironically, this would replace V3's gameplay element of lying, meaning Kokichi doesn't end up lying in class trials. Fun, huh?
I envisioned that you'd be prompted to pick out a statement as a lie out of a section of the trial's transcript, so to speak, but could pick many of the statements with only one being correct. Other statements would send you down winding branching paths, with some leading back to the correct path after detecting enough lies, and some being dead ends which might give a clue to the right answer. Kind of like extreme versions of the back routes.
On to Chapter 2!
After the first class trial, Kokichi heads out for a walk in the courtyard at night, as he is wont to do. For some reason he's really restless at night. Never really feels like sleeping.
Now, what Kokichi doesn't know is that someone's watching him!! That someone is on the second floor of the academy, and they are an excellent sniper. This would be the Ultimate Assassin, Shuichi Saihara, who used his skill in disguise to claim the title of Ultimate Cosplayer. Mister Saihara has been put up to eliminating Kokichi by none other than Kaito Momota. Our assassin friend figures he can just put a few bullets through Kokichi and call it a day.
So he shoots him once.
Kokichi seems rather resilient, though, and isn't knocked down.
So Shuichi shoots him again. And again. He shoots Kokichi through the head. He has to be dead now, he's even fallen onto the ground.
So Shuichi stops shooting and leaves to retrieve Kokichi's body, hoping he can hide it to avoid a class trial.
...Kokichi is not dead.
Mostly because he was never alive to begin with.
When Shuichi stops shooting him, Kokichi drags himself to the dorms and knocks on the Ultimate Inventor, Keebo's, door.
And y'know what Keebo says to him?
"... Y-you... are not human."
"Yeah, I kinda noticed."
Kokichi Oma is actually the Ultimate Robot, so realistic that he could pass for human. And Keebo finds that not only has he sustained heavy damage from being shot a couple dozen times, he is also low on battery. It's a good thing he figured out he was a robot before he ran out of power.
Apparently that's the most notable event of Chapter 2. I wrote in my notes that Rantaro was killed, but I didn't specify by whom; just know that it's someone on Kaito's side.
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Unpopular opinion(I think?): The V3 cast is dumb as fuck.(SPOILERS AHEAD)
Ok, so don't get me wrong, these people do have their smart moments, but said moment are so overshadowed by their general stupidity to the point it's a bit painful to watch. These people could've literally figured out the mastermind by the first half of the game, either:
- before the first death
- during the first trial
- during the second trial
Here I will explain each one of the cases of finding the mastermind, having as basis the the mastermind is also a participant in the killing game:
A. Before the first trial:
Something that we know from the start is that the mastermind wants us to kill each other. So let's "give" them a death.
First we'll figure out possible victims, the most obvious pick being Rantaro Amami, since for someone who is talked about as one of the smartest people in the building my man has made some of the dumbest mistakes you can make in a killing game:
a. he is always alone, making himself easy prey
b. he has nothing on him, leaving himself defenseless
c. In cannon he followed the flashlight produced by the camera without thinking that maybe "Hey, this could be a trap!"
Now that we know the "victim", it should go as follows:
→we think of a trap that in theory should kill him(as example we will use Kaede's)
→we make it look as if someone is planting a trap, making it unable of actually killing Rantaroand
→we make sure that he doesn't die before the plan gets into action, which we can do by stalking him for a bit(stalking is wrong, but since this is a killing game I would say it is excuseable).
Once he gets into the library and his attention is caught by the camera we'll only have to stay in position, most importantly we need to stay in blind spots of the cameras in case the mastermind wants to check the perimeter, positioning us in opposite sides of the room if possible.
Since the mastermind has to make sure that there is one death before time runs out, they will use the trap we made as an alibi and go for the kill. Wherever Rantaro dies or not in this part doesn't really matter, cause' we will be able to find out the mastermind and catch them before they flee.
B. During the first trial:
Ok, so let's say that we didn't think about plan A and that Rantaro dies from the mastermind's shotput ball.
I have absolutely no ideea how these bitches didn't connect the dots, but I'll do it for them:
• the moving door(since for some reason Kaede though that it's useless information)
• the way blood was splattered over Rantaro and the way he was laying on the ground(because those details should indicate that Rantaro tried to defend himself, which he wouldn't be able to do if he would've been killed by Kaede's trap)
• the mastermind being the only person that didn't show up with the rest of the group when the body was discovered
• the mastermind generally acting weird
This should be enough proof that the mastermind's a little bitch.
C. During the second trial
Let's say that we're dumb enough to doom Kaede and boom: second chapter babey.
Now you all are probably wondering: "How could Ryoma's death uncover the mastermind?"
Well the answer is: it can't. That's why Ryoma doesn't die in this chapter: because we are going to fake a death.
Whoever is reading this probably thinks I'm tripping balls at this point, but that's where you're wrong, for we have the best candidates right in front of our very eyes: Angie and Korekiyo.
Something that a corpse should have is low temperature and no heartbeat, things that Angie should be able to replicate.
Now I am sure that you are asking
"How the fuck would Angie be able to get rid of her heartbeat and body temperature???"
Well that is actually pretty simple:
1. A cold bath can get Angie to rather low temperatures to the point you would be able to think "HOLY SHIT ANGIE NOooooo"
2. When it comes to heartbeat things get interesting. All we have to do is get Angie's heartrate low enough so that we can make Monokuma *think* that she died. This is the part that *only* Angie is able to do as she has a big adventage: she prays(or mostly meditates).
I'm not saying that Atua will be able to lower her heartrate(although by the freaky shit she's been able to do I don't deny something like that wouldn't be possible). A fun fact about meditation is that it should be able to get her in a state where her heartbeat would be really low, low enough to fool Monokuma(because I don't think the bear puts on a lil' doctor suit and uses his teeny tiny equipment to cutely check corpses)
NOW we get to actual planning:
Something that we've seen was that Saihara was quickly able to get over Kaede's death, therefore he is giving himself enough time to start thinking of a plan to fake said death.
First things first, he should look for the blind spots of the cameras, then he should talk with Angie and Korekiyo (privately with each one of them) and convice them to take part in his plan.
The night the plan is put in function should go like this:
→Angie takes a cold shower just before she goes to "take candles for her ritual"
→Korekiyo goes to cut some wood for his "kill" and meets up with Angie
→Kiyo bonks Angie with the plank, enough so that it seems as if she fell unconscious(but this is all theatrics)
→Korekiyo carries Angie, heading for her lab, but once he reaches the camera's blind spot he "trips" and wispers to Angie to get ready
→Kiyo continues to carry Angie to her lab
→Kiyo fakes killing Angie with a knife, only cutting her throat a bit so that she bleeds
→Kiyo puts up the whole room decor
→Kiyo leaves
→The "body" is discovered the next day
→The trial starts
The reason why I think this plan is good is because:
1. Kiyo can't betray Shuichi because then Shuichi will be able to tell everyone about what Kiyo did (and everyone trusts Succi Sahara so Kork instanly gets executed+ Kiyo only kills women so getting rid of Shuichi ism't an option)
2. Angie should be safe since Monokuma will be paying attention to the trial (Monokuma shouldn't be able to get rid of Angie's body since without Tenko's death he wouldn't have enough time)
Now all Shuichi has to do is play dumb so that the mastermind will have to take the lead of this case, making them fall right into the trap as the mastermind will have to come with proper arguments in order to make people believe that Kiyo is the culprit since they wouldn't be able to reply with just "Kork is being such a sussy baka right now!" (said aeguments only knows by someone who would be able to look on the cameras). This was the reason I chose Kiyo as the culprit. He is so suspicious all the time that telling the group how suspicious he is makes you look desperate, leading the group to think that you are trying to frame him.
BOOM: Mastermind found. It doesn't take a goddamn genius to think of this.
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ohmyronpa-imagines · 5 months
I know that the Kaede angst saga but can I see one where Kaede's parents get arrested and Kokichi throws a celebration party for it.
Like the previous Saga works, this has some potentially triggering stuff in it, so be careful, y'all. Thank you for the ask, Anon, I hope you like it! - Mod Hajime
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Kaede Angst Saga: Extra!!
Kaede ducked behind the couch, watching a beer bottle fly over her head and smash into the wall. The stairs to her room were on the other side of the room, which out ruled running away.
Her mother had come home exceptionally drunk, which wouldn’t have been an issue if her father didn’t have one of his ‘friends’ over at the same time.
A screaming match soon turned into a brawl. Kaede had unfortunately gotten home when her mom was choking out the poor girl on their floor.
Because she was stupid, she pulled her mother off the girl and successfully got her out of the house. Of course, that left Kaede as the only vent for a drunk woman’s rage.
The minute Kaede felt a fist connect with her cheek, she saw her father grab her mom by the neck and throw her onto their glass table, shattering it.
Now she was here, stuck hiding behind a couch and listening to her parents abuse each other.
Kira walked down the stairs and stared at Kaede and then past the couch. She attempted to walk back up the stairs but was nailed in the back of the head with a mystery high heel, as it definitely wasn’t from the set her mom was wearing.
Kaede’s heart dropped, seeing Kira’s head smack into the railing and then the stairs underneath her with a disturbing thud. This didn’t stop her parents though.
The incoming sound of police sirens entered Kaede’s ears and her eyes widened. She made herself smaller and pleaded to be anywhere but her own house.
The front door was knocked down and multiple officers entered the house and apprehended her parents. Another officer ran towards Kira while one helped Kaede to her feet.
It was all a blur as she watched her handcuffed parents being removed from their home and Kira being moved out on a stretcher.
She was sitting outside her house with the officer, waiting for one of her relatives to pick up the phone. The air was cold and there wasn’t a single visible star. How fitting.
A bandage was applied to her cheek and Kaede touched it gently, she didn’t even realize she had been bleeding. It must’ve been a cut from her mom’s ring.
She was soon informed that her aunt would be coming to pick her up. Kaede couldn’t even muster a smile, what was she supposed to be excited about?
Even with her aunt reassuring her that everything would be okay, Kaede had already heard the officers discussing her living environment. She would be getting removed from her home as both of her parents would be going to jail for assault and battery charges as well as presumed child abuse. All of which Kaede couldn’t disprove.
Despite her parents being awful, Kaede didn’t want to be left on her own. She barely knew her aunt, the comfort of her room was about to be destroyed and it wasn’t even her fault.
The whole arrest had gone on some dumb tabloid network because Kaede, being a Hope’s Peak student, was apparently famous.
So when she walked into school the next day, the whole class was staring at her, but Kokichi was absent. She chose to stay silent but dropped her aching smile, realizing she couldn’t fake her way out of the situation.
Luckily, she lived in a dorm, so the process of moving wouldn’t affect her so much. But the looming news from the hospital kept her with a pit in her stomach.
Kira had hit her head hard. So hard that she’d gone into surgery for something.
Kaede could barely process if she was happy or sad about the news. Sure, Kira was one of her tormentors, but she was still the same age as her. They were both still young, and Kira’s venom was probably her way of dealing with the trauma of their home life.
She sighed as she opened the door of her dorm, ready to pass out. She was quickly surprised by a party popper going off in her face.
“Happy Parent’s-Finally-Got-Arrested!” Kokichi shouted. There was a platter of clearly store-bought cupcakes on her desk and a gaudy banner handing over her bed. “Sorry the party is so minimalistic, if I had known in advance, I would’ve rented a venue!”
Kaede couldn’t understand what was so great about it. Her parents had just gotten arrested, her sister was hospitalized, and she was being removed from her home. “So you decided to throw a celebration for this? What’s wrong with you?”
Kokichi’s smile fell. “Bad timing?” He asked, tossing the party popper in the trash with excellent accuracy.
“Yeah,” Kaede humorlessly laughed, “Shitty timing, even. Thanks for throwing a party for the worst event of my life, Kokichi. Real considerate.”
She hadn’t even realized the tears rolling down her face until Kokichi wiped them away with his sleeves. “Hey, Kaede, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to comfort people, so this was all I could think of.”
She gently pushed him away, “Just get all of it out of my room. I can’t do this right now.”
Kokichi quickly removed any evidence of the ‘celebration’ and came back two minutes later. Kaede scrolled on her phone, too tired to process any of the information being relayed to her.
She felt a weight on the edge of her bed. “You’re always welcome at my place.” Kokichi muttered.
Kokichi blew a puff of air, “My house isn’t shit like yours. I wanted to ask you earlier, but I figured you’d think I was rubbing it in your face.” He got closer to her, “So if you can’t stand being at whatever new house you’re staying at, come over to mine.”
“Aren’t you homeless and an orphan?” Kaede asked, not a hint of humor in her voice.
“What kind of dumbass did you hear that from? I’ll have you know I live in the biggest mansion in the country and have hundreds of siblings from all twenty of my mothers.” Kokichi snickered.
His exaggeration made Kaede crack a smile. “You’re so different from how everyone else sees you. I like that.”
“Isn’t that the same for you?” He laid down, spreading his limbs out.
Kaede laid down, purposely laying on his arm, “I guess so. But do you mind that?”
“I’d have to be an idiot to dislike anything about you.”
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kazooiesart · 2 years
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in my corner, not 100% understanding the plot of the games because I've only (almost) finished game 3, making silly nonsense aus
somehow bringing the dead back to life with health issues related to their deaths. I haven't looked through the tag much yet so I'm sure this has been drawn before
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