#just gotta document it so i dont forget
punkbxt · 11 months
it may have been janeways order to sever seven from the collective but it was b’elanna who actually severed seven’s connection to the borg with a power surge through them and i will be grasping onto this with bloody hands
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foervraengd · 10 months
Quick tutorial on how to paint still water?
Whatever idk i just gotta document what i have learned recently before i forget and the best way is to explain it.
What you will need:
- Any art software that have layers and especially some sort of layer mask feature. (i use clip studio paint)
1: (first image) You can start by first adding the core objects of the artworks before adding any water. You can start on a gray or dull brown canvas if thats your thing. The rock here is going to be half-submerged in the water so thats why only the top part is more rendered here. But depending on the setting and your own style you pribably can render the lower half too, just remember to have the submerged part in a separate layer since the reflection of the water will be placed between the top-rock layer and above the bottom-rock layer.
2: (second image) Now you add the color of what the bottom of the river is. Most rivers where i live have muddy bottoms so im going with a brown color. Depending on how deep or shallow the river is, the more objects is visible. Note how i added a darker shade close to the grass but also at the bottom of the canvas. It’s not mandatory but i’ve noticed that it helps to give more depth.
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Now i make a new layer (or in my case a layer folder because i never end up using just one layer) and just add a sky! You can make it daylight or evening or lit up by the moonlight probably. Use either your favourite brushes, the default round brush, or some weird custom brushes for the clouds - whatever suits your style and fancy! Just keep in mind that the angle of the clouds should match the angle the overall painting has - but you can also just give the cloud an unspecific shape that works in any angle.
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4 and 5:
Okay so this is where the layer masks are your friend. You can probably be brave and just use the eraser but that method is quite unforgiving imo.
In the first image i used a big soft airbrush eraser (you can use a gradient tool as well) to lower the opacity on the bottom part of the water. I have noticed that, in certain angles, the sky reflection on water is more faint the closer it is to the viewer.
This isn’t necessary but i used two layer masks here, the first gradient one is on the layer folder. The second layer mask is on the blue sky layer. I know that not all art programs might have this, so you can just do all of this on one layer mask if thats all you got.
Now technically these are reflections of the rock and the grass that i am masking away. But since theyre so close to the water we dont get much visible details and mostly just the silhouette. If i had just added a 100% mirror-like reflection here it probably would make the water look like liquid metal or something. However, reflections in water can vary a lot depending on the setting, so look up references that match the setting you wanna go for and take notes.
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And this is essentially it!! Yes i know the example image isnt a masterpiece, but i didnt wanna expand this post even further and wanted to keep this simple. You can absolutely go further with this and add more vegetation or animals or droplets or rim light or 50000 overlay layers. I hope this made sense and is of any use or help for y’all out there!
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captainmera · 8 months
ello mera,
I wanted to ask how you post your comics online because i was thinking about making my own web comic series but i dont know where to start hehe
I think the website you used for IBWR was called Hiveworks but im not to sure how it works...
Also if you have any other tips when it comes to making comics like time management, planning, or even how draw those gorgeous backgrounds, it would be much appreciated :D
Thank you for your time ヾ(•ω•`)o ✧.*
Sure thing buckaroo, get in the backseat and let's hit the comic road!
ヾ(•`ω´•)o ✧.*
this is all from my perspective though, some stuff may not work for you, but hey - no knowledge is bad knowledge.
Hiveworks is a... Publisher! of sorts! Kind of. They're not like webtoons or Tapas when it comes to comic hosting, you have to be invited to Hiveworks (like me!) or apply to join them! :) They also have Hivemill which is a place where they sell merch for the comics. Either Hiveworks helped making the merch, or the artists themselves made the stuff and Hiveworks helps distribute it (I THINK, don't quote me on that. I haven't made or sold merch with them before. But it's what I understand. They have explained it to me, I'm just kinda dumb).
However! Comic control, of which Hiveworks uses to make the websites are free for anyone to use! :) So if you want your own website, go ahead and make one!
I'd still recommend you buy the URL you'll use in that case though. I pay a yearly fee on GoDaddy.com for mine. It's affordable and honestly worth it as a precaution, lest a dirtbag buy it just to ruin my day and give me distress for a year(s).
But my recommendation is that you mirror your comic in as many places as possible.
Now, my website has ads on it, so if you switch off ad-block when visiting IBWR, I can get ad rev from it! :D (thanks to Hiveworks, that is, they added the ad stuff on there. Idk how it works but it's nice passive income that I really need. It pays for my food).
That means I will prioritize the website over the secondary mirrored places. So that's the place I always link to first. So if people REALLY want to get the next page sooner, they can always check there first.
However, mirroring is great because it is very difficult to get people to read the story you've put so much love into. I want people to enjoy my story as much as I do. The more places you update it to, the more people will discover you.
I've noticed that people like to follow the artist/author on social media for update announcements and general news of what's going on for the comic - so know where your presence on socmed is at! If it's instagram, well, then prioritize instagram but don't forget bluesky or tumblr too! Just know where you're at.
BUT!! And I cannot stress (lol) this enough - but don't stress (lol) about it. which is easier said than done.
It can feel super overwhelming to constantly make each update of a page feel like a check list of "okay, posted announcement to insta, tumblr, twitter, I have scheduled a mirrored post to comicfury and tumblr, I have added all the links in the author section, uuuh, I gotta add a cropped panel sneak-peak in each and I gotta--" that shit gets tiring quick. Work smart not hard. I copy paste from a document and I print-screen crop a panel from my comic on my phone kind of flimsily and that works. Nobody cares if it's fancy. It's just extra energy on my part that I can't be arsed to worry about.
Like Webtoons require that you to always have a preview icon for each update. That's as complicated as I'm willing to get tbh. If it requires more than that from me I'm gonna hate it. But that's just me.
you want to be able to do something consistently.
Which brings me to..
bro, it's a job. It takes work. Work is not always fun, but you gotta show up for it. you're the only worker here. If you don't show up, it doesn't get done.
And people are not going to read it until there's at least pages enough for them to catch on to a story. If you're here for recognition right away, stop. You'll hurt yourself. I know we live in a time of quick-positive feedback through likes and shares, etc. But that's just not reality most of the time when starting up.
So, you got to want to tell the story more than whatever you are expecting to get out of this.
Which will also help you with managing your feelings if your reader count grows or declines. Just remind yourself of why you even want to tell your stories. It's easier said than done, but I found it to be a helpful philosophy to try stick by.
Everything I gain from sharing my story is just a plus. Not the reason.
What I did, also, was to just post whenever I finished a page. I had no readers, only commitment to myself and the comic. That's it. You'll find it easier if you don't force yourself at first, at least I did. And then as you gain your own momentum and work-pace, you'll be able to be like "Oh yeah, sunday works for me. I'll aim for that." Aim for it, don't promise. But show up. You're not a machine, shit happens, life comes in. If you have a deadline that makes you feel guilty, you might start avoiding it etc. So maybe just cut yourself some slack and go "whenever I'm done with a page is a good day."
You are your own boss. You make your own rules.
Yes, there is an algorithm to it all - when's the best time to post, getting new readers through memes or what have you. You might discover that the best way for you to get readers is to make funny videoclips on instagram or tiktok - there is no wrong way.
However, it shouldn't feel like too much of a chore. You should enjoy it at least a little bit. Like, maybe you kinda like making goofy vids of your comic, or draw memes, whatever, right? But you should enjoy some of it. If you hate making vids, but you know it is a good pond to fish in.. well, like... I'm sorry but you're gonna get frustrated with it.
I like posting THANK YOU FOR READING doodles of my characters on instagram stories! :D <3 I like that! That's not too much trouble for me.
who gives a shit.
enjoy yourself you goofy ass little comic artist. Blast your story everywhere, be proud, have fun. People enjoy having fun, they usually want to join in with the fun.
If you have fun, others have fun being with you.
dawg I wish I had any better tips than... Fuck it, poke at it however you want.
I usually have ten pages flimsily sketched out with speech-dialogues so I know what's gonna happen in the next pages, so I can pace the scene somewhat.
I say that, like I'm some kinda professional, but I jump between pages. Whichever page seems a little more fun. Sometimes I stare myself blind on a page and gotta draw on something else.
Some pages are super well sketched, others are just bald stickfigures making faces at other bald stickfigures.
Get references. Either look at photographs or take the yourself. Start getting into looking at buildings in real life. I, myself, spend quite a lot of time looking at different windows and brick buildings going "Dang, so that's a widow huh? Architects sure just make windows like BAM ENJOY THIS ONE huh?"
Basically, start appreciating the world around you. There's art everywhere. Someone has put thought - however big or small - into that sidewalk.
Is it a shitty sidewalk? Well, that's really grounding isn't it? Someone, at some point, looked at this space, sighed and thought "fuck man I just wanna go home. That's good enough." and that really grounds you visually into that this world is a place where people have been before you.
Sometimes I get lazy and at the same time in a mood to challenge my memory, and I'll start inventing what the heck a building or street looks like. And you can probably easily tell in a page when I, too, am going "fuck man I just wanna get this page done with, that's good enough."
Not everything have to be an awestriking master page! Damn, the pressure I'd be under if that's the only thing I had to produce asdfghj! if anything, great pages look better because some pages are shite.
It's okay.
It doesn't have to be perfect every time. Learn what didn't work, what worked. Post it. Move on. You can't sit on this forever or the story will never be told. Just post it, it's fine.
Post it in chunks or page by page. It doesn't really matter - new readers are going to read it all in one sitting anyway.
I think that's all I can think of for now??
Hope that helped!
Oh also I have this side blog I've been neglecting a bit, but feel free to check that out: @comicartistcentral
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shwarmii · 10 months
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hi, i'm @/shwarmi, and tumblr tERMINATED MY BLOG (AND ALL MY SIDE-BLOGS WITHOUT WARNING ME) and i messaged them to get it back but idk when theyll get back to me, so here i am in the meantime, hello, i guess this is my back-up account now, yes, my url is a pun on Roman numerals, anyway, sure do fucking hope i gET MY BLOG BACK JFC
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edit: i've been filling out a ticket form about Account Termination once a day (here's the link to it if you ever need help finding it for yourself in the future; please don't try to help me via spamming the ticket form or anything, they explicitly ask to not involve other people uninvolved in your account AND i feel bad enough doing spam once a day already; but, anyway, yes, i recommend doing what i did and having bookmarked the aforementioned link and just copy&paste my form answers into the ticket from a seperate document, like from Google Drive or something, so you don't have to retype it everytime), and i have recieved no reply nor even a confirmation e-mail. hence the lack of updates on how my account is doing. there's no other way to contact staff, except maybe via Twitter, as their support e-mail is no longer accepting messages (hopefully bc of the following they will be in contact with you sooner than they have been with me, bc i didnt know this following tip this past week i've been filling out that ticket and noW YOU DO, you lucky bastard. do what i did with a seperate document to prep in case this is a multi-day process, but hopefully you'll get farther in less time than i have bc jfc i wasn't even getting a confirmation e-mail beforehand big McYikes)
BUT!!1! a friend of mine who was terminated last year said to attach my un-terminated e-mail's account (aka the e-mail i am using right here for @/shwarmii, and not for the terminated @/shwarmi like i had been doing liKE A DUMMY APPARENTLY) to the ticket's general "Put your e-mail here" slot and to explain within "The more details, the better" part your original e-mail attached to the terminated account in addition to the rest of your explanation. and i finally got a confirmation e-mail that my ticket has been recieved! yes, it was just an automated response but yay! finally!! progress!!1! i at least got a fUCKING CONFIRMATION E-MAIL, HAHA, VICTORY!
god i fucking wish i knew about the "just dont use your e-mail linked to your terminated account" tip a week ago jfc on a hot dog stick, my guys, finally, a confirmation e-mail, gahhh
since i now have a confirmation e-mail, i will wait five buisness days (so today is the 8th and a Monday, therefore, i'll wait until Saturday which is the 12th except i said "business days" ergoooo Monday the 14th) to e-mail them again. i hate waiting tho ughhh like, fine, i'll do what i gotta do but also ugghhhhh
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↳ additional note: this update/edit was made on 8 August 2023. @/shwarmi has been terminated since 31 July 2023 (or 30 July 2023, and i just was too exhausted to make the account/post until the 31st. i forget. i was in the middle of moving and im disabled, so i was over-exerting myself big-time. i had processed that my account had been terminated at the time and just responded by taking a nap lmao rip but yeah, therefore, it's all been a blur)
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NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. COOL. (Narrator: It was not, in fact, "cool".) I WAITED AS PLANNED (this update is being written on 14 August 2023) AND STILL NO FOLLOW-UP TO MY CONFIRMATION TICKET. HATE THAT FOR ME.
instead of sending in a new ticket as i originally planned, i replied to their confirmation email since it said i could do that (for permalinks or whatever) so that they will HOPEFULLY get back to me without me having to be a pest about their automated systems, ugh.. (i have cropped out my email and the Ticket Number(? i assume that's what that string if letters and numbers are anyway) for privacy reasons, but here is what the confirmation e-mail looks like and how i replied. i am including this mostly to help out anyone who may be terminated in the future have an idea of what to expect and an expectation of "OH, okay, so i can reply to THIS email-address, got it" kind of nonsense or whatever. why not lmao)
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i will wait another five buisness days, so that'll be on the 21st of August 2023. hopefully, i will update with good news before then (aka: they'll haVE REPLIED MAYBE PLS PLS PLS) but i guess i will have to be annoying if not
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it is the 20th (so they have one more day before i have to be annoying anD I DONT WANNA BE.. pls send me ideas of how to be annoying that doesnt include the Hateful Xitter pls, my only idea is to DM them there and i dON'T WANNA) and even my gmail thinks the lack of response is fucked up lmao rip
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having a Bad Brain Day streak rn due to my (abusive) dad's failing health and unpacking and all this other shit i have to do post-moving like switching my insurance and renewing my liscence and fuck all, so bothering tumblr about not replying to me is gonna take a bit more of a backseat for a minute, hold on
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it.. is now August 30. brain still in gutter, but i forced myself to make a xitter/twitter (don't follow, ill delete the account after they help me or not). and it wouldnt let me dm, so i had to just @ them and post. brain so sad that i cannot even be amused rn that @/shwarmi on there was taken by a shwarma restaurant. @/tumblrsupport's Replies tab shows signs of helping people as recently as 2 hrs ago, but idk if there's another queue here. i guess we'll find out?? i just want my accounts with all their posts and shit back pls, this has taken so long to try to do 💔
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edit: if you're curious, it is 3 Sept 2023 and i am still waiting (it looks like they are looking at people who @'ed them on Sept 1 rn and iM LIKE "PLSSSS, I @'ED YOU ON THE 30TH OF AUGUST PLSSSSSSS", gonna give them until the 5th before i tweet again i guess 🥺)
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i am not god's strongest soldier. i continue to cry out for help, alas, i have yet to receive an answer
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it does not help that the twitter account sometimes says to people: "What is your Tumblr URL? We can check and see if there was a glitch of some sort. But be advised that if it is a TOS violation situation or a bigger tech issue, we cannot assist/reply on Twitter" so that doesnt make me panic aT ALL that maybe i broke TOS without any form of a warning or knowledge that i wasnt following tumblr's terms of services regarding things like nsfw and whatnot (narrator: they were panicking)
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i hate it here. staff should at least be able to tell me (via email, if not twitter) that i wont be getting my account back or whatever else instead of just saying NOTHING??????
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going to do all this again (tweet support, make a whole new ticket (i still have the info saved thankfully), reply to my old email confirmation) on September 27th (an arbitrary date based on I Have A Lot Going On Rn) if they continue to not reply. if i hit the 30 images limit, guess ill be reblogging and adding even MORE to this thread jfc juST TALK TO MEE!!!1!
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sluckythewizard · 2 months
ITS FASCINATING to speak to someone who has lived 80 years. almost every conversation involves me asking about a story of theirs, places theyve been, things theyve done. i feel like ive seen so much in only 20 something years of life, imagine that 4 times over?
all those stories, to have each and every one of them written down i feel like would be a beautiful thing. record keeping, storing that experience in an edible form, preserved for the future generations to study and cherish. imagine how many stories could be collected from not just 80 years of life, but 200? maybe more? imagine?
i LOVE characters that live to observe and document, keeping all their findings and knowledge and memories in tomes and records. i have several ocs that are functionally immortal, owning vast libraries holding all the knowledge of their lives. one of them is a man losing his memory, who has all his most vital memories tattooed onto his arms, so he will never forget what matters. FINN TIDESTRIDER. A MAGICIAN? WIZARD? SCIENTIST MAYBE. RESEARCHER ABSOLUTELY. CHRONICLER. LIBRARIAN. I HAD NO REAL STRUCTURE IN MIND FOR THIS POST. WHICH IS WHY ITLL SHOCK YA WHEN I BRING UP:
i dont know if the undersea is Perfectly comparable to religions like that, but it is certainly a culture that upholds a very 'the elders are always right and must be followed'. polygamy is punishable by death, releasing spawn is a natural step after marriage, etc etc, i wouldnt be surprised to find that the undersea has a crazy Purity Culture thing going on. to live your whole long life down there, where so much is forbidden, and finally breaking into the surface world to explore the unknown, who knew your own body would be part of that 'unknown'?
in that episode, in the uh. Book. he says 'his first man was a (shiphand)' or whatever idk i dont feel like relistening. but HIS FIRST MAN!! ur telling me Finn Sexguy Tidestrider wasnt banging dudes down in the undersea?? maybe hes just talkin about his first Human but whateeverrrr. is homophobia a thing in the undersea?? i guess itll be a while before we know.
EITHER WAY. to break free from an oppressive climate and finally having the chance to be sexually free. to finally be familiar with your own body and the bodies of others, to LEARN so much about what makes you and others tick, to experience a unique form of intimacy with another. while having sex is not a VITAL experience, to have the freedom and choice to explore that IS SO IMPORTANT...
sex isnt a disgusting thing, its not wrong and its not naughty its not sinful its not gross. but sex also is not sacred, its not a big important thing, its not vital. sex is JUST an activity. a fun thing to do with ur homies or someone youre close to. there are dangers of course, which is why KNOWLEDGE about it is such an important thing. ohhh my god i constantly have a huge ramble locked n loaded about sexual education but ill GET INTO THAT ANOTHER TIME.
TLDR i reaally like finn tidestrider because TO ME, he is not just a wacky funny old sex-having wizard. hes a man who lived a looong fuckin time under a religious climate that discouraged sexual exploration, and after he left, got to spend decades and decades of being FREE to explore. in MY heart.
i get like, haha funny old man yaoi, the shock of the old guy havin sloppy gay fuck sex, but yknow. i dont expect it but it would be neat i think if this sorta thing would ever be taken seriously and explored.
THE TIDESTRIDERS FASCINATE ME. for finn to say YES i LOVE having SEX all the TIME; and for gill to say NO i am NOT interested in sex EVER.. those are BOTH forms of sexual freedom. its the choice!! THE CHOICE!!!!
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Beg for Permission
Relationship: Gavin Reed/Nines (RK900)
Rating: Explicit (18+, MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: Nonbinary Upgraded Connor | RK900, Dirty Talk, Bladder Control, Watersports, Wetting, reed900’s piss kink, Dom Nines, Sub Gavin, that’s right Gavin pisses himself again, I just can’t help myself, Ass-Eating, Spit as Lube, but it’s android spit so it’s fine, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Wall Sex, Cum Eating, Aftercare 
Summary: Gavin has to ask Nines first every time he wants to use the bathroom while Nines, for whatever reason, just will not stop bringing him refreshments. It’s almost like his partner wants him to piss himself, but surely they would never plan for something like that to happen!
A/N: Nonbinary Nines returns! They use they/them pronouns, and words used for their sex characteristics are: cock and dick (kind of an underwhelming reveal but trust me they fuck for a WHILE)
Word Count: 2,352
Gavin’s car beeped as he and Nines crossed the DPD parking lot. For once, Gavin was in a chipper mood, because Nines had bought him a large order of his favorite coffee on the way to work, and he knew exactly what that meant: today was a holding day. 
He was already somewhat worked up, trying to mask his blush and giddy smile to seem like his usually cynical, bored self. Plopping down in his chair, Gavin turned on his terminal and got to work. 
As the day progressed, Nines brought Gavin coffee after coffee accompanied by water after water, excusing the excessive number of drinks as simply feeding their partner’s caffeine addiction and keeping him hydrated. 
Two hours and three cups of each drink later, Gavin started to feel the effects of having so much fluid in his system. He shifted in place, trying to relieve the slight pressure of his filling bladder, and pulled out his phone to text Nines (a requirement of holding days). 
gav > can i pls piss 
gav > i really gotta go 
tin can > No. 
Gavin felt a rush go through him, smiling down at his lover’s response before getting back to work. 
After another three hours and four cups of water, Gavin had his legs crossed under his desk, teeth gritted and thighs clenched as his belt cut into his now-swollen bladder. He was half-hard and unable to focus on anything other than holding in the torrent he knew was on its way. 
gav > my hands are shaking like crazy
gav > 9s idk if i can do this
tin can > You can, and you will. 
gav > kinky bastard
tin can > You seem to forget that, although this was initially my idea, it took absolutely no convincing to get you on board. 
gav > can i pleaseeee just go??
tin can > No.
A few heads turned his way, having heard Gavin’s groan of frustration. Downing his last cup of water, he masked the noise as his usual hatred of paperwork. All Gavin could do was try to look busy, typing different variations of, “i am soooo working and definitely dont HATE MY PARTNER >:((,” before looking up to see Nines glaring at him, who evidently saw it on their shared document. 
Half an hour of passive aggressive to downright slanderous comments on their documents had passed when Gavin’s phone buzzed with a new message from the main antagonist of his life (also known as Nines). 
tin can > You know, insulting me isn’t going to get you to the bathroom any sooner. 
gav > ughhhh youre the worst
tin can > That’s no better. 
gav > yk maybe i wouldnt be so rude if you would just let me go piss
gav > i feel like im gonna explode
tin can > Quit being dramatic; you’re fine. You can hold it. 
Gavin put his phone back on his desk, drumming his fingers and trying his hardest to keep the floodgates shut and locked. 
Ten minutes passed, and he’d continued his efforts to hold everything in, but to no avail. Suddenly, Gavin felt a few drops leak out of his fully hardened dick, finally having reached his limit. He squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his thighs together and willing it to stop, and luckily it did. Soon, though, hopes and prayers wouldn’t be able to tide him over. 
gav > 9s i swear to god i will piss myself RIGHT HERE if you dont let me go NOW
tin can > Fine. I suppose I wouldn’t want you making a mess of yourself. 
tin can > Not here, anyway. 
Somewhat relieved, Gavin turned his chair to get up. His phone buzzed again.  
tin can > Did I say you could leave?
With a huff, Gavin sat back down. Ignoring his glare, Nines came around to Gavin’s side of their shared desk and sat on the edge. 
“Gavin, you don’t look so well,” Nines said, feigning concern. 
“I wonder why,” Gavin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. 
“I think it’s in your best interest to leave early. Here, I’ll drive you home,” Nines suggested (though Gavin could tell it wasn’t a choice). 
The second he stood, however, he felt his cock dribble, wetting the front of his boxers; he immediately sat back down. His face must’ve turned beet red, because Nines’ look softened and they helped him up to his feet, slinging one of his arms over their shoulder for support and walking him slowly out of the precinct. 
To Gavin’s surprise, instead of going to his car, Nines steered him to the back-alley behind the precinct, just out of sight from prying eyes. As they rounded the corner to their final destination, Gavin doubled over, holding his groin and groaning as his bladder spasmed and ached for release. 
“Ni-i-i-i-nes,” the detective croaked. 
“I know, my love, just a bit longer for me,” Nines cooed. “You’re doing so well.”
In a blink, Nines pushed Gavin against the wall next to them and pressed their lips to his. He was trapped between them and the hard surface to his back, his hips held in place by his partner’s large hands and his bladder groaning as Nines ground into him, their height putting their cock right against it. 
“Ha-a-ah-” Gavin gasped, putting every fiber of his being into keeping everything inside him. It was incredibly difficult to focus with Nines shoving their tongue into his mouth, stealing the air from his lungs; another roll of their hips coaxed a few more drops out of him, finally dampening his jeans. The android must’ve heard the whimper he let out, because they instantly started palming at his very prominent bulge, squeezing it as they felt a small leak soak through and moaning softly into his mouth before pulling away to let Gavin breathe. 
“I don’t remember giving you permission to go,” Nines scolded. 
“I-I’m sorry,” their boyfriend stammered, furrowing his brow with the effort it took to stop. 
Nines stared down at him for a moment, most likely considering his punishment. One moment, they had him firmly in place with his back to the wall, and the next, Gavin’s face was squished against it, his legs kicked apart and his ass pushed out against Nines’ pelvis. The surprise of it all forced another spurt of piss out of him, and Gavin whimpered again. His partner took a moment just to feel him, running their hands up his chest, squeezing his tits, and pinching his nipples before moving down his sides to his waist. Nines brought them around to press on his swollen bladder, reveling in the moans they pulled out of him, all before unbuckling his belt and slipping the button out of his jeans, bucking their hips into his ass at the sigh of relief he let out.
Putting an end to the teasing, the android hooked the long fingers of one hand under the waistband of Gavin’s jeans and circled those of the other hand around the base of his cock to keep him from letting go – in any capacity – before he was allowed to. When it was clear Gavin wouldn’t lose control any time soon, Nines slowly pulled his pants to his ankles and dropped to their knees with them, groaning at the sight of their boyfriend’s plush ass. A yelp turned into a whine as Gavin felt sharp teeth sink into it. 
Cutting right to the chase, Nines licked a long stripe from his taint up over his hole, which was fluttering with the effort of holding. Gavin let out a loud groan as they pushed their long tongue past the ring of tight muscle, thrusting in and out to lubricate the area with their artificial saliva. The android soon thrust a finger in with their tongue to little resistance, probing for his sweet spot and finding it almost immediately, before pushing in a second and scissoring the digits to stretch Gavin out. By the third finger, he was whining for Nines to hurry up, but his pleads fell on deaf ears. After all, they needed to make as much room as possible for their dick; even with the prep, it would inevitably be just a little bit too big. 
Gavin was nothing but a squirming mess, just barely grasping what little dignity he had left, panting with the effort of holding for this long. All of a sudden, Nines stopped and stood up behind him, still clasping the base of his length. 
“I’m going to let go of your dick now, and you’re going to continue to hold it. We wouldn’t want you wetting yourself, now would we?” Nines whispered in his ear. 
A sob racked Gavin’s body. “I don’t know if I can…”
“You can, and you will,” Nines responded sternly. Then, softer, “Color?”
“G-green,” Gavin stuttered. Nines simply responded with a kiss to the cheek and got to work unbuckling their belt and unbuttoning their pants. 
Unlike Connor, who wore underwear as a courtesy in case he somehow got pantsed during an investigation, Nines had a complete disregard for basic public decency. This proved incredibly convenient for their and Gavin’s very healthy sex life, just one less layer for them to remove when they were in the mood. The human knew better than to turn around when he heard the slick sounds of Nines stroking themself to full mast, despite his curiosity; it’d only put more pressure on his bladder, and that was the last thing he needed. 
The sound stopped, and Gavin felt the moist head of the android’s cock rub over his aching hole, slowly rocking the tip in and out. Fucking tease. After a few more passes, they finally pushed fully into him at a torturously slow pace until they bottomed out. Gavin’s rasped groans echoed through the alley as he took every inch, wincing when they pressed against his bladder from the inside. Nines let out soft moans in time with their boyfriend’s clenches, allowing him to adjust to their size. 
Within seconds, Nines’ patience ran out, and they began to slam into Gavin with no remorse. Taking enough force to bruise, another sob racked his body. His partner was strategically hitting his bladder with every thrust, and he wasn’t going to make it much longer. 
“Please, Nines, can I please piss? I’ll be so good, I promise, just please let me piss!” Gavin begged them. 
“Just a little longer, my love,” Nines promised. 
When the android ran a large hand from their boyfriend’s hip to lay over his bladder and pressed, Gavin’s control began to slip. He sprung a leak, piss running down his length in a slow stream, soaking into his boxers and the crotch of his jeans beneath him. Nines noticed almost immediately, and promptly punished him with a hard slap to the ass. In shock from the blow, the human let out a full spurt, which hit the brick wall in front of him.  
“Please!” Gavin sobbed. 
“Alright, you can let go, baby. You know I can’t resist when you beg,” Nines cooed, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. They adjusted their aim to hit his prostate directly at an inhuman pace, and Gavin was done for. 
Finally, finally, he could release, and so he did. Gavin started pissing full-force, letting out a long, drawn-out groan with the satisfaction of both emptying his bladder and Nines pushing hard into his sweet spot. His cock bobbed with every thrust, rhythmically spraying onto the lower half of his shirt, splattering against the wall, soaking the cuffs of his jeans, showering over his shoes, and coming back again. 
“God, I fucking love your pretty noises, and the smell- drives my olfactory sensors wild, honey,” Nines groaned. “Shit, do you even know the things you do to me? Dear god, you’re so fucking good, love you so much- unh, Gavin!”
Nines swearing and moaning was just about the hottest thing Gavin ever heard. When his bladder was finally empty, the human was completely enveloped in pleasure. Pre was dripping down his dick into his underwear, and he was so close to cumming; all he needed was permission. 
“Mmph, love you and your cock! Ohh, fuck, Nines! Can I cum? Please, god, can I cum? Need it so fucking bad!”
“Go ahead baby, you’ve been so good for me,” Nines moaned. 
A deep groan echoed throughout the alley as Gavin came, the fluid hitting the wall and falling into the puddle of piss below, his hole spasming around the android’s length. Nines pressed flush against him and came deep inside him with a grunt, an arm wrapped around him and a hand on his hip squeezing with a bruising grip. 
Gavin could feel their hot breath against his shoulder as his lover turned on their internal fans so as not to overheat. When the two finally came down, Nines pulled out; Gavin could feel their synthetic cum dripping down his thighs. Two fingers dragged across his leaking entrance, and he looked back in time to catch the android sucking their fingers clean, his cock twitching weakly at the sight. Gavin pulled up his jeans and underwear in an unnecessary attempt at modesty. 
“Oh, goddamn it,” Gavin mumbled, having forgotten about the cum and piss that soaked the wall until he turned around and leaned against it. 
“It’s not like that’s going to make you any more of a mess than you already are, dear,” Nines chuckled, an amused look on their face. 
“Shit, I am kinda gross, aren’t I?” Gavin noticed. 
“Don’t worry, I planned for this,” they assured. After helping their boyfriend out of his clothes, the android pulled a sealed bag from a conveniently placed cardboard box nearby, taking a pack of wet wipes out for Gavin’s sticky skin. They tenderly wiped him down, then pulled out a soft change of clothes for him to put on, offering their arm to keep him steady. 
Once Gavin was ready to leave, Nines draped their jacket and an arm gently over his shoulders and walked him to their car, holding him close and making sure he knew just how much they loved him. 

A/N: This was a fun one! It’s been a month in the making and I’m very happy to have it finished. 
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sociieties · 2 years
assorted 2 & 3 am thoughts by mars, csm editon. mostly about beam i think
its more so thats he’s extremely temperamental and very aggressive, especially when things dont go Beam’s Way, which is less so “i dont want to kill other devils” and more so “i didnt forget you guys have me working jere against my will bc i was TRICKED and TRAPPED into being here”so ofc hes gonna be too rough and rowdy for anyone in the agency to deal with (makima’s the exception. bc… you know…. but she doesnt want to deal with him herself, which is why it goes unchecked)
but he’s also still a fiend/devilman whos very much (and very importantly) born from the SHARK!!!! devil and as you know about sharks and blood, basically like moths to a flame. it doesnt help that he actually likes fighting and the violence of it all, he’d happily hunt someone down just for funsies but that devil hunter agency has a leash so tight around his neck that he knows better
me, dropping headcanons here bc i cant be assed to format them to post on dash yet
i personally think that beam is more shark devil than human brain of they body more specifically, that beam follows more of the shark devil’s logic and instincts while retaining some of the dude’s impulses, but very little of them like the shark devil overrode the mind of the body years and years ago and specks may remain here and there, but they’ve been together for so long that its almost impossible to discern where one begins and the other ends the entire thing about beam and his speech pattern is a direct result of the shark devil. its something that will happen to any fiend shark devil makes, inevitably giving them blender brain and chopping up a large part of their vocabulary
@razrbomb: PLSSSSdon't even gotta format. why you leaving all this gold in the privacy of thee dms aknfknfr i would lov to read more and see this elaborated more
djdjdjd dw it’ll go on dash after i figure out more its just that the synapse are firing slowly
shark devil is older than devils like angel…. older than war and famine and most of the devils chainsaw consumed….shark devil is literally age old and has been around since the first people learned what a shark is and that is… terrifying to think about
not like. beam specifically. but shark devil as a whole, reincarnation after reincarnation and the likesonly growing stronger and stronger as the days become more and more modern only growing stronger as people begin researching and documenting and the moment people started making shark based horror movies, thats was basically is
as scary as gun devil is … that one movie with that fucking 4 headed shark and the entire sharknado deal going around? sorry, my money’s on shark….
also to be completely 100??? i sorta don’t believe that beam is actually a fiend
partially bc i can’t see and don’t understand wtf would have happened to shark for shark to decide “ykw? i’ll take the L and just deal with the power loss just to live as a fiend rn” bc like be serious, who or what tried killing him and why? also what was on earth in the moment that was so serious for him to commit to staying instead of just taking the reincarnation and going?
clearly shark (beam, but i wholeheartedly believe it’s entirely shark) has the whole im ur biggest fan for chainsaw for reasons unknown but up until denji became a hybrid, im pretty sure its implied that most, if not everyone, didnt know where in the FUCK pochita was? not that i put blind loyalty beyond beam, but still
IF i have to take beam actually being a fiend and that much isnt a lie, then i 1000000000% know deep in my very being that shark killed that person himself. actively sought out *this one guy in particular* at the beach and went “yes, this one is gonna be perfect for me” completely premeditated. tragic corpse.
no clue when pochita died in hell and was reborn on earth, or if he was just blipped over to earth like some reverse summon sorta thing (press x to doubt) BUT angel said that all the other devils that were in other divisions said the last thing they rmr’d in hell was the sound of a chainsaw and now i’m wondering if pochita handpicked the latest batch of devils (and consequently, some of the fiends) that are on earth rn to help him achieve his goal and ofc to get them on earth, they have to die so off he killed, but not consumed, them
but if not, then pochita just be out here killing at random which as likely as that is, i also find it strange that all (most?) the devils in the agency specifically last remember hearing a chainsaw. like thats a weird thing to mention outside of like “yeah chainsaw devil… scary…”
stares at beam shark devil i know you know than you put on you were one of them…. i KNOW you specially was handpicked, but was it bc you were always a follower of chainsaw or did you become a follower as a result….slowly but surely i’m falling down the rabbit hole
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basslinegrave · 1 year
sent off documents for starting my business and its on the move i need to think of it as a positive since school wise im still digging a hole for myself (also managed to call them cuz i didnt have time to overthink it and get too anxious thats also a plus
i also got some sweet treats i got a lollipop (though i didnt see my fav strawberry n cream one so i just got strawberry) and saw they also had pez candies but i didnt see which is which so i got 2 random packets and it was raspberry and strawberry and lifes good ive been craving pez candy for ages now‼️ i still gotta taste the raspberry i wonder if that one tastes like in the past cuz the strawberry is rly good S tier but not like i remember? like i want the sugary nostalgia.. i will buy more flavors next time if i dont forget
oh i also finally got some forsythia branches but i was too scared to take them in the park so i went for the very last one closer to our street which had very sparce flowers so it looks kinda sad but its ok mission accomplished (final rating: D)
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danyippee · 26 days
it has been a while gang, We're back w some updates, alot of things have happened and I gotta record my life in some way so i can look at it and tell myself how stupid I was at 16 years old.
I started listening to a bunch of e-punk/incelcore so like Gezebelle Gaburgably, Negative Xp, especially Fried By Fluoride & Npobu. I love their albums and I be fw them HEAVY but at the same time got back into some old bands like old gray or I Hate Sex and Modern Baseball (modern baseball if you can hear me, pls save us <3)
School has been getting somewhat better, I developed a crush on this girl from a school field trip (Like I even felt the moment it happened it was crazy or maybe I was jst trippin) and It's awesome cuz I've gotten to learn her interests and I love her passion when it comes to novels or manhwas and the characters. I even read Tomb Raider King and ngl it was pretty awesome (it was WORTH the 411 chapters RAHHH) but over time I think I'm just starting to assimilate that nothing aint happening and it's okay, as long as we are super cool frends :D CONTINUING ON WITH SCHOOL, I'm also thinking of applying to this thing called Leadership (it's like a class/club at school where u can join to help with events) but at the same time I wanna rot at home to read fics and write about pekomama and other characters I fixated on. Finally, finals for school are coming till summer break (I CANT WAIT TO STAY AT HOME ALL DAY.....if it weren't for the divorce my parents got when I was 8 months old) but Imma have a AP euro exam where I gyat to do: multiple choice questions, 2 shorts answers, DBQ and LEQ (basically writing 3+ paragraphs w/ documents for the DBQ and using ur knowledge to answer a prompt for the LEQ). Istg imma try my best but ik that imma fail so bad.
Back at home, things are still the same, I get home> do hw> listen to music and play games> eat> sleep> school> full cycle... Once in a while I go out on my longboard w my brother to collect songs on soundmap (pokemon but w music :3) It's a good things to chance pace of rhythm overall.
That's abt it guys :3c I'll see u guys next month, take care <3
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raincamp · 7 months
10 28 2023
ive actually been feeling a lot better recently i really wanted to document it. i feel like its important since i tend to totally forget i have periods of time like this, especially when i'm really struggling. emotional permanence hits too hard sometimes lmao
i weirdly have been feeling like i have more energy? like i'm able to take care of myself for once. it still takes some convincing and bribing myself but once i get going, it doesn't exhaust me in the way it used to. i was able to clean my whole apartment (excluding my roommates private spaces) and do a full hygiene routine today. i dont think ive ever cleaned more than one room in a day in my entire life before today.
i also feel so motivated to do things i enjoy which is new. i used to just force myself to because i felt like it was a logical way to make myself feel better, and it did, kind of, but it always wore me out and it took SO long to motivate myself or to get the energy to even start. but now im actively excited to engage in my hobbies.
im also finding myself not dreading getting up in the mornings. like instead of going to bed thinking "welp gotta get up and suffer through another day tomorrow" i go to bed excited about all the possibilities and things i can do the next day. i still find myself having to push myself out of bed in the mornings, so i tend to take it a bit slow, but im definitely making some progress.
lastly, I've just been feeling hopeful. idk how else to describe it. i feel like if i work hard enough i will actually enjoy my life again. i dont feel chained to my mental illnesses anymore. i feel like I'm living despite them instead of surviving through them if that makes any sense
im really hoping that this will be a long term mindset that i get stuck in instead of it being temporary and short lived like it usually is.
edit: im realizing that i think i split on my FP and have permanently let them go as far as allowing them to be close to me. which is helpful in the sense that i no longer get as triggered as i used to. and i was going through a bit of a "i feel like an empty shell of nothing" for a while but i think im starting to gain back my personhood. which im expecting will last as long as it takes to find someone else to latch onto. but for now im doing better.
- andrew
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lauranyx · 1 year
Its been awhile since I’ve dreamt anything but i did so just now ( literally went straight here to write out my dream b4 i forget everything)
I don’t remember much of the start but what i do remember is that the setting is a theater, Stray kids was performing or one of the performers at least. After the show i kinda left with the crowd but for some reason i decided to go back inside the theater. My brother was there too
When i went back inside, i was looking for my brother? And for some reason i went on stage to lookfor him maybe. I found him but i also spotted skz members and i was shooketh (even in dream world) some were on stage (dont ask me who, its so hard to remember dreams) and some where off stage, lingering somewhere around the seats/audience area.
I was able to talk to the skz members on stage and after that when I looked around i saw my bro w the rest of skz around him off stage so i went to him to basically freak put about meeting skz. They p much laughed at me for that reaction. My bro was sitting down so when i went up to him i had my head bowed over then i started punching him.
Details get blurry again but we, my bro- skz- and i, went back on stage to take some pics and then play some games and i think dance around???
Dayum i remember feeling so happy that i wanted to dream journal all that I can remember from this but the longer i stay awake the less i remember :/ anyway!
I just remember the impression that i did something w my brother and it impressed skz so they joined us. And then my bro and i played some game that i will now call wobble wobble ( this probs stuck w me cuz the night b4, my friend was telling me to get this pc game called wobble life or something so my brain got stuck w it) where we’re facing each other and 1 person has to mimic the others dance to the beat of “wobble wobble and shake a little” like we gotta say that phrase.
When it was just us two, it was my bro making up the moves and then i had to follow. After a bit skz joined us and lined up behind my bro. If i got the move right whoever was in front of me would go back in line and the next one would make up a dance . If i didnt get the move right, i keep going w that same person(i didnt have my own line behind me since all the kids went behind my brother) until i got it right.
Tbh this was the main reason for this dream journal. I wanted to remember this game lol. But also for some reason i had this thought when i woke up that i wanted to.. document? Share? Idk. But what i thought was “wow, so stray kids and my brother are my happiness…” and really thinking about it now despite literally just waking up to write this all out. That thought holds quite some truth to it. How long it remains the truth is a mystery but for now, yes. Lmao
Ayt thats all. The end
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kagayakimasu · 6 years
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jiilys · 3 years
would u help me out for a second. im in the mood to write for the first time, and i think your style is beautiful. sitting down n actually trying though, im stuck as fuck! i’m realizing that in your dialogue/scenes you’ve got a lot of Little Things. little tiny elements that are subtle & just enough. how are you deciding that lily is building a house of cards at the moment or sirius is sitting in a tree or whatever during a given scene? how do you come up with those ideas for dialogue that are so silly & real & sneakily tender? do you know where it’s going when you begin? any advice for just… starting something?
ps: i appreciate you. you make it look easy & that’s very very cool
This is a lovely question!! Sorry it took me so long to get to it, I didn’t want to get it wrong. Also I’ve included some examples to try and explain what I mean in practise, but it also comes off rather like plugging. tragically this is unavoidable. Anyway, all that being said I have no idea how to advise you about dialogue and coming up with it, I think just listening to people talk helps. Don’t forget contractions, and when in doubt always trust the reader to keep up, real people don’t say perfect or even grammatically correct sentences a lot of the time. We also cut each other off all the time, especially when we’re trying to be funny. Like, here’s an example from warm front:
“He’s not even two. He probably would have thought it was, like, having a lie down or something.”
Harry was laughing now, “A lie down?”
“Yeah, a spontaneous, truck-induced–“
“–Permanent–“ “
–Permanent, lie-down. I’m almost jealous now actually.”
Another thing, but people say um and like or can't speak or cut themselves off, especially when they’re nervous. James when Lily says she loves him for the first time: ‘“Wow,” He breathed, “I’m– wow.” He put both hands on her cheeks and kissed her crazy, abruptly, dumbly. Her head spun.’ He can’t even speak! Dumb boy.
I think natural dialogue sometimes just requires you to read it aloud, which is very embarrassing but ultimately quite useful in trying to figure out whether something sounds normal or not. Use casual words, and try not to go dictionary hunting: if you cant think of the word chances are your character can’t either
In terms of concepts I have no idea, but I do have a few tips. I write all my short one-shots in one document (its called ‘just bad’ lmao) so its easy to start something, write a few lines, and then if it doesnt work just start a new concept, but still have all the old stuff handy. if you feel like you’ve written yourself into a corner its probably because you took a wrong turn earlier, so its just a matter of going back up and figuring out where you turned onto the dead end, or where a line could be funnier and/or sadder and/or more meaningful. Sometimes the bare bones of a decent line is there but you have to work it a little.
In this harry/ginny thing where harry is apologising for all the attention and ginny brushes him off she says:
“It’s nothing,” her voice, all force, “Anyway, it’s more funny than annoying.”
The response went through a few drafts, all variations on the same thing:
(1) “You’re funnier.” [too short, doesn’t make sense, and not really that funny. unholy trinity]
(2) “You make it funny.” Harry said, looking at her for real, “It’s not– you make it like that.” [this could work! I have no idea why I cut this, I think I forgot abt it lmao]
(3) “You’re the funniest person I know, Harry said, sincerely, and Ginny felt her heartbeat all through her, “You make it funny.” [jumping from ‘its more funny than annoying’ to getting this sincere out of nowhere is a little much, even for harry who is famously whipped]
I ended up going with this:
“It’s nothing,” her voice, all force, “Anyway, it’s more funny than annoying.”
“You’re funny.” Harry said, looking at her for real, flustered, “I mean– you make it funny. That’s all you.”
It follows the flow of the conversation and I think the way he says it, ‘you’re funny’ like its obvious, and then being like oh fuck and over-explaining it stumbling a little “I mean– you make it funny. That’s all you.”. You know when you like someone and you say something that gives you away before you can stop yourself? I wanted it to sound like that. Just gotta keep in mind how people behave, we are so stupid a lot of the time, we give ourselves away.
The thing about short stuff i find is implying a lot of history without actually describing a lot of it. I normally do this by having memories come up as almost shards, one second of feeling. You know when you’re in a conversation with someone and they mention someone or a past event, and it rises to the top of your brain, but only for a second? i find sometimes when you’re reading stuff people will try and replay entire memories or events mid-conversation, which is not something you do when you think. You don’t need to replay it beat by beat, you were there! This sounds vague as hell so I’ll try and show you what I mean:
From good crimes: “Petunia is engaged.” Lily’s voice, raw and wrong, “To Vernon. Eliza Hunt told me at the supermarket.” Sudden flashes of Petunia, the only time he’d ever met her, sat in the back of Lily’s twenty-first, pinched and whispering. “Whose Eliza Hunt?” This seems as good a thing to say as any.
pretty on the nose (the phrase ‘sudden flashes’ is pretty so i'll allow it from past me). But see how you don’t need to know how Petunia didnt talk to anyone, how she left early, how she was the odd one out: you don’t need to read all that, you already know because she was sat in the back and because pinched is such a mean verb, spiteful and sharp, you can already imagine how the evening went without me saying so
From my proposal take, after Sirius finds out they’re engaged: Sirius’ grip on his shoulder tightened for one second, still grinning, and James knew what he meant. “I know.” He said, because only Sirius had been there for all of it, when they were fifteen, drunk on Firewhiskey for the first time and James had said I think I’ve fucked it, I think I’ve fucked it but I like her for real.
you don’t need a description of the whole night, what party they were at, who they were with, what they were talking about: the important bit is that Sirius was the first person he told, and that they’re both remembering that at the same moment because they’re soulmates lmao. You know when something big happens for a friend and you feel so full of pride & love that you feel like you’ll burst into confetti?? this needed to feel like that, and you only need a flash for it
I feel like I’ve sort of strayed off from what you asked me, which is really advice on how to start something. I normally start with a line, usually of dialogue, and then try and build from there because dialogue is my thing. You might have a different thing! Some people write from concepts or locations, or an image. i might start with one or a few lines of dialogue, write them down, and then try to build from there. For example for the proposal thing I started from james just saying “Marry me”, which I find more romantic than ‘will you marry me’, purely because it sounds like he simply couldn’t stop himself from saying it, like it rushed out. Another example, this thing started from just “don’t be mad at me” “okay” James agreed instantly, because he is such a sucker for her.
When I write I don’t normally know where I’m going! I normally set out to write something I think is vaguely funny and evokes An Emotion, and then I just play around with stuff until I get there. when I write certain stuff and I have scenes in mind, stuff I want to happen, but I find that if I try to plot it to tightly its not exciting to work on, because sometimes you write a good line by accident, that you hadn’t thought of when you sat down, and you surprise yourself. That is a really nice feeling! i want to maximise that feeling.
'What I mostly try to remember is that writing something down, anything down, is useful. Sometimes you write for a whole night and dont get anything useable, but its like clearing pipes. Sometimes you have to flush through shit to get to the good bits. All the rough stuff, the things you don’t like or didn’t work, you wrote to get you to the stuff that did work. All of the bad shit got you here! It wasn’t a waste, you were working to find the good thing
If I had any tips its just the usual stuff, read! It is annoying how much that helps. Also, and I know this may make you shudder, but reading poetry is useful just because in no other literary or media form is language so important. In comics you have pictures, in novels you have plot and character, in film you all that and cinematography, but in poetry you live and die by how good the words are. If you want recs here’s my poem roundup tag, that I do sometimes, or if you want something just now read this by Anne Carson, which uses words like ‘smashing’, ‘boatwash’, and ‘green’ in the best way possible. Also it has these lines: “Recently having learned to recognize the type of tree called sycamore, / I see them in any forest— / the ones that look harrowed, / in shreds, but / go also / straight up into life,”
I mean, think of a sharper image than that?? It’s not possible. Just try remember to stay true to your characters and that in real life, the little stuff is the big stuff. Little things the people around you do normally show they care more than big speeches, and if you want to show love that’s how to make it feel lived in. You want to build a world! the little stuff is usually the world. Take some from your own or dream the ones you wish you had.
This truly was a very kind message and I’m so grateful you like my stuff, I hope any of this was even half-useful, although now reading it back it is borderline nonsensical. I’m going to bed now, good luck with the writing, and don’t forget to send it to me!!
caro xoxo
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jangofctts · 3 years
Could you please do something about your ocs eating out habits or kinks?👀
Sunburst Squadron kinks
Blanche: size kink aLL THE WAY--he either likes a really smoL bb to swing around and just hug to his chest (or see that tummy bulge when he fuckin you kejrkjrh) or a veRY TOL bb he can bury his face into them tiddies or if they look like they can step on him. blanche is a big guy so with a tall s/o sometimes it’s cool to be able to look at your s/o in the eye kwjekjh. ALSo he do be bustin a phat nUT very quickly if you either bite him when he’s balls deep in you OR you let him fuck your tits.  Hair pulling--he wants his haIR YANKED, he’ll pull yours too if you want. mild handcuffs/ropes kink--he loves it when you man handle (as much as you can lmfaoo) and tie him up, maybe edge/overstimulate him. he likes a little pain like bite marks or scratches0--not toO much tho. oR ride his face, he ADORES that. it just shows how much he trust you when you tie him up so :)) (and well uh....he’s let you peg him if you asked teehee) idk if it’s a kink but kjhkj he gets hOT and bothered when youre being a badass or youre sparring with him. a Slight breeding kink--he likes seeing his cum drip out of you just so he can finger it back in.   
Blue: he likes grinding, ik it aint a kiNK BUT, he likes it a lot. he’s a bit of a crier too, he likes praising/worshiping you and doesn't mind if you return the favor. blue likes mutual masterbation--loves watching you fuck yourself and then when he's close he likes to cum over your thighs/tummy. he really likes your lips--they always make such pretty words and his name sounds so nice when you say it so, he reALLY likes it when you suck him off. he likes comm sex, likes to call you and whisper dirty things to you when he’s off planet. dont wanna say somnophillia but like he likes the idea of either you waking him up with a bj or him walking you up with oral, ya feel?   
Jaws: suCker for finger sucking--yours or his, he doesn't care. he’s big sappy romantic so..may I suggest...an oral kink where he’ll happily go down on you for hours with those puppy dog eyes. he likes when you ride his face or you offer to take him down your throat. he likes to do very light role-play like the “oH nO, there’s a big bad trooper who caught me stealing, whatever shall I do?”. he does have a kink for making sex tapes, they're kinda like shitty pornos buT he adores watching them when youre not there. he’ll make you watch them with him ifyou ARE there but--he just wants to document all of it wkejrhejh. he’s a bit of a joker so, he tends to run his mouth bUT when he goes quiet save for those breathy grunts yOU KNoW he’s close to cumming   
Sweets: sWeeTS BABY--listen, he is VERY vanilla at first bc he has no clue what he’s doing so ya gotta explore with him. tho he do be a big snacker so foodplay is something he’d like. put whipped cream on yours/his nipples anD YES he goes wild. tiddie fuckin is a yES, he goes feral for it, makes the most noises when you let him do it and cums verY fast wkjrhje. he doesn't like his hair YANKED but if you softly pull it and guide his mouth to wear you want him he likes that. ngl he does like fucking outside. he’s a nature boy, so his dream is just to fuck you on a bed of moss or some shit kwjerh--usually it ends up just being the floor. listen....yall forget that he’s an A Class sniper--boy sorta has a predator/prey kink. 
Kamikaze: kami is the nastiest mf ngl and like one of the only true tops in the squad kfhfh. his favorite place to fuck is the cockpit of his ship, or in very semi-public places. he’d rather have someone watch rather than watch you get fucked by another person, but he’d be fine with either. he likes teasing/overstimulation a littLE TOO much, so when you start to cry that’s when he relents. he likes handcuffs obvi, begging, likes watching you deepthroat and alSO likes breath play. kami is a Mean top so if you’re being too much of a brat he’ll spank you. he also has a kink for....vibrating panties ejjhejrh like if you’re in a meeting he’ll turn the vibrator on at the worst moments, yknow? little bastard man. he has a degradation kink to his s/o if a partner is into that   
Fuse: listen--this boy thinks he’s a top but he is Not krjkrjh. he’s a very bratty bottom and only presents as a top bc he’s so much of a brat that he’s always assumed he’s just a top wkrjkwh. this is controversial and I hate writing this but he might have like a mommy/mistress kink. he has a massive praise kink so do with that as you will. he likes wax play and also has a mild pain kink--heart eyEs mf when you give him a light slap on the thigh or cheek. likes biting and to be bitten or scratched. he do be liking quickies--he doesn't last very long but he can go a couple rounds sO quickies are his jam. he’s kinda a pig and will swipe your underwear (just a couple pairs ejrjeh) but dont tell him you know or he’ll just lie out his ass. HOWEVER. if yall are fighting or bickering he's a very big fan of hate sex while youre pinned against the wall yknow?     
Bruiser: tbh this boy is pretty vanilla when you first meet him (besides the size kink but rjekhkw), he fucks hard with a hand around your throat bUT once you introduce him to more things he'd be down. he’s an....ass man OOp. he doesn't wanna be pegged but he’ll buy you a nice butt plug or see how much of his cock he can fit in your ass yknow? he likes choking too but what reALLy gets him going is fucking in full armor. he thinks role playing is sorta dumb buT he adores when you’re already laid out on the bed and ask for your big strong trooper to come fill you up with all the armor on. he gets a thrill seeing where your nails chipped the paint when he’s on the battlefield. imma say it--he has a weapon kink. he gets so hard so fast if you kiss his blaster or grind on the hilt of his knife. he also likes fucking on furniture or walls--rarely a bed for some reason so ekjrhejh
Void: switch kjfhkwjhr--once he’s off the battlefield on leave and after you get him all relaxed he’s pretty mellow. he’s easy with anything you wanna try, what position you want him in yknow? you want him to kneel? sure thing. you want him to spank you? why not. he do be liking shower sex, something about the cramped refresher where there’s hardly any room for the both of you just gets hiM GoiN. he has a kink for dirty talk, so he’ll just be next to your ear the whole time chatting away. he has a kink for like, public places too I guess? mostly just storage closets but kjehrejh that’s p much it. ngl he’s gonna ask you if he can try to make you squirt, and if you say youve never tried/couldnt, well--he IS a medic after all kjhkjhr. he also has a kink for oral, so bonus points if he makes you squirt in his mouth. he hates anything that’ll leave a mark besides hickies/bite marks, sO that’s one of the only things he wont do  
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knitting-gay-nerd · 3 years
The highlights of the shared religion notes doc
What I wrote is in italics, what Ren wrote is not
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Image Description: [Black words on a white background. A screenshot of a Google Doc. The first few words are in Arial, and the rest is in a casual script. The word gay is disproportionately large in comparison. It reads: Ark of Noah fancy seeing you here i’m the one who started the document ah but im gay me too we are ultimate gay yesss oui ouiiii] End ID.
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Image Description: [Black words on a white background. A screenshot of a Google Doc. The first two lines are in Arial. The others are in varying scripts and handwriting fonts. It reads: You’re slowly regretting adding me to this this is fun and not threatening my life so it’s cool you will soon regret that i’m sure i will look its your handwriting mine is loopier loopy too loopy damn this is actually good though boo i found a handwriting called dildo oh my gosh oui oui puttana this is dildo handwriting THERES ONE CALLED BONBON BONBON goog good good butterfly kids i want you to know i will put this on tumblr please do the three of my followers that interact with my posts will love it amazing] End ID
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Image Description: [Black words on a white background. A screenshot of a Google Doc. It is written in varying scripts and handwriting fonts, some nearly illegible. It reads: THERES A FONT CALLED LOVERS QUARREL AND ANOTHER ONE CALLED JUST ME AGAIN HELLO??? They have ridiculous names MY FAVORITE IS DILDO ANOTHER ONE IS CALLED LOVED BY THE KING JUST ABOVE LOVERS QUARREL it’s bilibo but anyway SOME OF US CANT READ LUCY, DONT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST DILDO WTF IS THIS FONT I CANT EVEN READ IT IT LOOKS LIKE CHEST HAIR they should call this chest hair font headache-inducing, that’s what it does this one is called monsieur la doulaise they all look like chest hair] End ID
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Image Description: [Black words on a white background. A screenshot of a Google Doc. It is written partially in Arial and partially in other handwriting fonts. The words bridegroom & bride are written in nearly illegible script. It reads: NT Jesus prays for unity of members of the church like jesus is with the father
Jesus uses language of BRIDEGROOM & BRIDE to describe himself & the church are you putting it into lover’s quarrel it was in that, chest hair is the lovers quarrel you gotta make it chest hair y’know i’m just gonna leave it like this beautiful a torture chamber where they put sinners REN ITS TRUE SAINT DAMIANO? MANESKIN? DAMIANO, PUTA? REN I AM DYING AS YOU SHOULD THE FAITH TRADITION IS EVERY YEAR WE PUT A SINNER IN THE TORTURE CHAMBER this Christmas, don’t forget to put your local sinner into the torture chamber! IM DYING IM ACTUALLY DYING LUCY I CANNOT LAUGH to celebrate the birth of your lord and savior, JEsus Christ (cue bowing) punish a sinner!] End ID
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Image description: [A screenshot of comments on the side of a Google Doc. For context not shown, it was attached to an abbreviation of New Testament as "NT". The first commenter's profile picture is a man with equations in the air around him. The second commenter's profile picture is a white G on a purple background. the first commenter writes: "I thought that said NJ". The second commenter, replying, writes: "In New Jersey, Jesus prays for unity of members of the church like jesus is with the father". The first commenter, replying to the second, writes: "TAXES"] End ID
This was long. It took me forever because I forgot about copy and paste and then the page reloaded on me before I finished. But here we are.
So yeah, this is what our friendship is like
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Sad Balance/Graduation crossover where...
In the early years of their expeditions across time and planes, the team lands in this relatively safe looking world. Standard monsters, heroes abound, a love of accounting- everything seems pretty normal. They decide to scout for the light after watching it fall deep, deep into the wilderness, far from society and any living soul.
They split up into teams with Magnus and Merle heading straight for where they’ve triangulated it to be. And what they find at the end is exactly what they’re looking for, the light- but also something else that is now using the objective of their entire mission as a comfortable bed to sleep on.
The creature’s hair looks wildly grown out- due to the light’s magnificent power of growth, mushrooms can be seen sprouting from little spots on his head, breaking through the mess of mane. They rustle in their sleep, but does not awaken. Even after Magnus picks both of them up, and Merle begs to keep their sleepy little friend.
Flash forward to the Starblaster. With the light in their possession, the crew is free to spend the year as they please. It also allows them to figure out what to do with the little Firbolg friend Merle has decided to take care of (“What, I’m a nature guy! He’s all forest-y, I’m all save the trees kinda deal- look he’s even got mushrooms in his hair!”).
The team decides to look for the little firbolg’s family or clan, as Barry mentioned they would probably have one. During the scouting and search, each member of the team gets a little bit closer with their new guest. Magnus watches as they pick up boulders like nothing and excitedly begins training exercises with them. A firbolg’s gotta get big and strong right?
Davenport catches them curiously trying to steer the ship. Thankfully it is fully anchored and parked, but he finds it secretly endearing that this creature was drawn to his passion. He gives the firbolg a captains hat and makes sound effects while the little one pretends to sail. Lup walks in on this and Davenport swears her to secrecy.
Speaking of Lup, the twins are having a bit of an argument over which type of ingredient to put in the crew’s dinner that night. As they passive aggressively insist on their own ingredients, their little guest simply (and accidentally) adds their own spin on it. A couple of spices, some thrown in garlic chunks. Taako nearly punts the child off the ship, but not before tasting the stew. It’s absolutely fucking delicious and the firbolg becomes honorary chef. Taako secretly loves when he can give the little one experimental snacks he’s developing. They love it as well.
Barry and the firbolg dont spend too much time together, with him locked away in those early years trying to study the light. Though there is an instance where Barry finds that he slept in the lab (again) after a long night of research and there appears to be something...fuzzy in his arms. Merle has apparently lost track of the little one who had subsequently wandered into the lab and into a sleeping Barry’s arms. They have a quiet understanding with one another.
Lucretia too is rather kept to herself, locked away in her room. Though because of their new friend needing to be documented, she watches them toddle around the ship, following where they go, studying and observing. That is until the firbolg trips and nearly falls down the stairs. Lucretia catches them, dropping her pen and notebook and holding the little one in her arms. For a moment she looks around, rather then nose to page, and she laughs.
But the most important member of IPRE has to be Merle. Merle who feeds the firbolg every day (it’s actually a bit of a group effort), who finds him clothes to wear and begins teaching him the alphabet. Merle who talks about Pan and his religion and there’s no pressure but you seem like a sort of nature guy y’know? Merle who talks about how everyone should just share and be kind and forget about possessions. Merle who just gives off love and care and joy.
Merle decides to call the firbolg, Baby.
And when the storm clouds gather, and the wind picks up, and the eyes are upon them- the crew knows it’s time to go. They pack up, say they’re goodbyes, and head off into the sky with Baby sleeping away in the little nest of leaves and moss that Merle made for them.
Now, in the early years...the IPRE crew weren’t aware of the rules like we are now. Griffin specifically said they have tried to take others with them, but in the end- they vanish. And when the crew enters the next cycle, they don’t find Baby on the moss. They don’t find their little firbolg running around, filling the ship with a exciting and warm presence. There is no one. And they mourn the loss of their Baby.
And far away, a firbolg without a name any longer sleeps, waking up in the morning to find no one. Gone. And with no explanation.
Years later, in a new life and on the first day of school- we find a large mass talking to two of their roommates. They can’t remember a name, they don’t prefer it actually. What are names really? But what they do know and share is something the firbolg doesn’t like to think about. Like a stone in their throat traveling down to settle at the bottom of their stomach. They tread lightly around the thoughts as they begin to explain to their new roommates-
“I...I have no clan. I have no clan.”
This went on for so much longer then I originally intended but if you made it to here thanks for reading!
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