#what ive been up to
princesskimy · 5 months
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I’m still drawing 💕
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wolfjackle-creates · 6 months
So I know I haven't posted much this past month. That's because I signed up for the DP Ecto Implosion event and ended up writing a 20k fic for it!!!
Posting week just started, I plan to post the first half of it this week (starting Friday or Sunday) and the second half next week.
I can't wait to show off the artist who I was assigned. Their work is absolutely gorgeous and you all are gonna love it.
Continuing my trend of writing new styles and tropes, I wrote a suspense/mystery story, tropes I've never really done before but which were perfect for the art. (Great for me, because I'm really trying to expand my repertoire.)
I'd like to add that I only signed up for this event because I figured I could write a 3k one shot and have plenty of time to spare. Of course, that didn't happen and I spent so much more time on it than expected. (Just finished the fic this morning at 1:30 am before going to bed.) Still have quite a bit of editing to do too, though the first 5k is posting ready.
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browneyes-issac · 6 months
Hellos everyoneeee!!! 💞👋
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Sooooo I'm coming backkkk!! Finally!! 🙈💞😆
Warning This is super longgggg!! 🤣🙈
So I deeply apologize for dropping off the face of the earth back in February... I really had full 100% intentions of staying up to date with ready and writing... I just... I really think I overwhelmed myself working and trying to keep up.. Which that's nothing against anyone. I'm just super slow and I was still getting used to working evening being there five months. So I was sleeping more then my usual napping. So I think that's what started me backing away.
Then the housekeeping boss... She was becoming more and more of a bully to us and one of the ladies in laundry finally had enough and went to HR. She ended up getting fired. My aunt ended up taking the position.. Which yeah that was the logical choice but some stuff happened with her which I'll get into later on. But yeahhh, original boss lady strained on my mental health a lot...
And I am big on saying heyy blow up my phone if you need and or want to for whatever you want.. But I feel bad doing it to others so getting behind on my reading.. It kinda messed with me. Because I feel really bad for not staying up to date but also I just... I was getting burned out I think... 🥺🥺
A positive note ----
Biketok kinda consumed me on tiktok... 🤣🙈 gotta love the masked men love that Mando started for meeeee!! 🤣🤭
I have no words.. They all are so amazing and badass and I just... Yeahhh 🤭😍 I used to really hate sports bikes... But idk tiktok showed me they can be absolutely beautiful and their riders are so amazing... 🥺
I got a whole list of them that I follow and love but there is this one... His name is Angel. I don't even know where to start with him. He's so amazing, precious, dorky, idkk I just love and adore him. 💞
When I started following him it kinda started out as a crush.. Because ya know a booktok themed video of his popped up.. 🤣🤭 But once I got to know him through his lives and his more personal posts.. My love for him turned more into a comfort love. He brings me so much joy and comfort.. Like his fourth live I watched, I passed tf out. And I'm big on the saying; you fall asleep faster when you are laying next to someone you feel safe with. And it's the same thing with him. His voice just... 🥺💞🥰 Even when the dork is screaming and yelling at his games on live.. Still pass out and stay asleep. 🤣 he's really helped me heal a lot... 🫶
^^^^ this is the stinker in question. 🤭🤣 he did a face reveal, so I feel it's ok I am posting it on other social media. 💞 He's so stinking handsome I cantttt!! 😍💞🥰
I may still do thirsty comments on his posts.. But my teasing love and comfort love for him over powers that.. He just knows how to get under my skin with the spiciness.. 🤣🙈
He does have a girlfriend, which I'm endlessly happy for him.. He deserves endlesssss happiness!! 💞
If you would like to check him out... All socials are Outrunangels. He also has music out under that name. 🥰 he has music out under another name too, but not gonna promote it.. Not gonna type it out, if you'd like to listen to it after you've checked out the angel stuff.. Let me know and or I'll do a post about it too.. 🤣
Ok back to the annoying soppy stuff.. Enough of me gushing about my Angel baby.. 🤣💞🤭
So when I was pulled into biketok.. I found this one guy. He followed me back on tiktok and one day we started talked and he asked to move to snap, because tiktok didn't send him notifications good enough.. Which is fine, I had no problem with that. We started talking more.. Kinda... Kinda ended up being more of a spicy relationship. Which I was fine with. Because I've never been a relationship or had any romantic anything.. I know I've never shared this on here, but I've grown a lot and I'm not that ashamed of it anymore. I'll share about what helped me later on.
Anyways. This guy... I confessed I started developing feelings for him and that I'd love to start to get to know each other better. His response was I'm sorry I don't do relationships because I move around a lot. Ok I get that completely, but long distance can work and it doesn't hurt to at least have friends.
So I kinda started stepping back.. Because that hurt and as time went on it did more and I had some good days. Then around the middle of August, maybe the week after my birthday (it's the 6th ), he posted a few videos with a girl and I believe one said it was his girlfriend. Sooo yeahhh that killed me a bit. Like ok you could have been a decent human and said hey I don't like you anymore so let's stop talking, because I found someone.
I stepped back completely then.. I kept him on everything and just slowly deleted him off of everything. A few weeks ago a video of his popped up, he ended up breaking up with that girl.. I kinda laughed, because karmaaaa! 🤷‍♀️
Angel came into my life at a really good time. It was right before the crap with this guy got really bad for my mental health. And just like his name he was an angel and saved me. 🥺💞
Back to work stuff... Ya know how I said my aunt is my boss? Yeah kinda sucks now... So my dad is the manager for the bowling alley in town. He hired my cousin, my aunts son. He's been slacking a lot.. Dad has tried talking to him a lotttt... Fought to get him a raise... And then the Monday after my dad's birthday he fired him. Because he went behind dads back to the GM.. What's the point of dad being manager if he's gonna go to the GM?? Some other stuff happened too that caused dad to finally fire him.
My aunt is a childish person... So of course when my dad tried to talk to her calmly when she was there with her bowling buddies... She blew up at him talking about this isn't my problem blah blah.. And some other stuff that is family stuff.. Don't wanna get into it.. Been dealing with that mentally too much...
So she's been acting annoyingly at work.. Some other reasons too, but it irritates me too much so not gonna get into it.
Back in September one of the CNAs on my Hall was making fun t-shirts for all of us to wear for Halloween in October. She asked me to come help her and just hang out.. She only had mine left to do, pay day was the following week.. So I assumed that we were gonna wait to wear them until I had mine done. Which awesome, I'm fine with waiting.. Get to work Tuesday.. And all of them are wearing their shirts... It crushed me, but I didn't say anything because I've never been like that. But my mom, the protector she is... Did say something to Chrissy (aunt/boss) and a CNA she's friends with.. She talked to her in confidence as friend and fellow mom... Well this girl went to the nursing boss about it... So boss lady chewed the nursing saffs butts about it...
Mind you. Two of the CNAs I've known most of my life.
I think it was the Friday that this happened... When I got back upstairs from break, the girl that did the shirts asked if I was upset about not having my shirt yet. I said yes, but once I thought about it I was fine with not having it yet because I'm the housekeeper and the youngest, and my shirt is a different picture... And then mom got upstairs too because the CNA that actually cared about me out of the two I know, she had asked for mom to come talk to her... Because she knows how I'd react about the situation..
Mom and her walked away and I was still talking to the shirt maker one.. Boss lady and the other one I've known forever both said idk why we have to deal with right now and in the middle of the hall... Um excuse me, this is how we always talk.. It's not my fault you guys don't do your job properly so you gotta race to do things when state is in the building... So I walked away crying...
This killed me a lot.... Then the CNA that is mean that I've known... She keeps singling me out and setting me up for crap...
Mind you, she started doing this the week my mom was puking her brains out.
Oh and another thing I'm gonna share with y'all finally... I still live with parents.. We all aren't in a rush for me to move out and I help with bills, which is why I wanted a job...
We didn't know what was wrong with her.. She couldn't stand up really without feeling dizzy and puking... So no work for her.. I was having to worry about helping get her stuff done plus my hall. So I was slacking a lot. Because my mom is never sick. So I was freaking out and struggling a lot... She ended up going to the doctors and found out she has verdigo.
And this woman decides to start doing this crap that week and telling my boss.. I'm gonna leave this and see how long it takes lotus to pick it up... Like wtffff???
So yeah this all has been straining on my mental health a lot... I'm finally slowly getting bsck to being better... I'm gonna be switching to deep cleaning soon.. I'm training the new girl. I'm hoping she won't freak out and quite. 🤞
~~~ two postive things again.. 🥰
First.. The thing that had helped me not be ashamed of being single all my life and have no romantic background at all... I found this audio erotica app called Quinn. They have Voice actors that do spicyyy audios. It's such a wide range of stuff on there. Very sex postive. And their social media team posts so amazingly with helping us understand the positivity that goes with sex. They have helped me a lot with being ok with how I am not having experience. And I follow a few of the ones I love.. And ahh they are so sweet and awesome.. Have helped a lot too. Also, Quinn is only $5 a month.. 👀👀
Second... I got my first tattoo!!!
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The meaning ---- this is a mental health tattoo.🫶
no I didn't get the lotus out of cheesiness of it being my name. I got it because I love the symbolism of it. Lotus flowers grow through the mud. So I have always said; you have to push through the mud of life to blossom into the beautiful lotus flower you are.
The words. I have always said that to my friends and myself.. And ya know I don't really cuss unless I'm really mad and that is how I always type out that cuss word.
It is also in honnor the people we have lost to suicide. 💞 I've had some family friends, famous people I adore and just in general for people we've lost to it. 💞
It's still super weird I have one. I never thought I would be able to do it!! I'm so scared of pain, but this pain.. It hurt but not really.. My mom and I keep saying, it's the perfect pain that doesn't hurt like other pain. I so calm during it that my hand went cold from keeping it still.. 🙈🤣
I can't wait to get moreeeee!! 🤭🤭
Ok will post this with some tags and then reblog with tagging people and some more to write. 💞
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geeky-politics-46 · 8 months
I got to be Doctor Strange again this weekend for Bartow Con. Kinds wish I could have been at NY Comic Con instead, but it was still fun. I did have a costume malfunction during my solo though. My cloak trued to escape, lol. I guess that happens with sentient garments sometimes.
Here is a post-performance sweaty selfie as well as our whole group. That's the Star Trek: TOS transporter room behind me.
Dammit, Jim! I'm a Doctor... & a Sorcerer!
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Okay so as you guys might have guessed from the reduced whining going on here, the exam is over and I might actually have passed that one🥺
So now I'll try and get a headstart on some assignments and finally get back to writing
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danyippee · 2 months
Wassup gang Im back after a while
I mainly post on insta but its still fun to come to other sites and post random stuff (my username is the same on all apps I use mueheheh)😈
school is kinda boring and all ive been doing is reading books and listening to musik cuz I'm miserable🔥
I've been rlly into a bunch of artists like Yours Forever Yours, Doom, Crass, Subhumans, Gezebelle Gaburgarbly andddddd Birth Day.🤑🤑‼️
I wanna go to some concerts near my area (209) but the problem is like 1. I mainly use insta to find if there's any events and the only one i've gone is to a hcore show, but left early cuz there was a bigass fight outside and my cousin who took me was kinda worried the ppl that fought and left were gonna come back so we left.😔💔💔
Theres also a Panchiko concert thats coming soon in SAC and Imma see If I can ask my dad to take me mueheheheh, only problem is the moneyzz but dww I'll thug it out and work to get cash. 🤫🧏‍♂️
I've been getting alot into Antifascism books and this one book called "The status game" which I have to read for a book report in psychology, It's a rlly good book tho and it's like making me depressed in a good way??? if that sorta makes sense. 😓😓😓
(today I had like a school event and I got sad because I couldn't understand why many ppl were excited and I couldnt be for the life of me and I tried to get into it but I couldnt and I just kept making connections to the status book when it came to the games and ppls reactions to certain ppl who were participating)😥
This was one of my fav "songs" from crass, But I like how the voice gets muffled by the noise as it progresses and the ending how it chants warfare and finally "jesus died for his own sins, not mine" 👽👽
Anyways thats enough blabbering for today, good night guys
3/22/24 11:38PM
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cupowhale · 5 months
Hi all! I do want to apologize for the lack of post on my end! I have been currently moving into a new apartment!! Exciting and stressful times.
So till I get the move complete I will be pausing on my post!
Unless anyone is interested in commissions from me to help pay some of the expenses!
Thank you all and have a great day!
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riacte · 6 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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hinamie · 25 days
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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lemonlimekodkod · 9 months
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in a cornfield at night
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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I was rereading Skulduggery Pleasant and realised it was a goldmine for cute Alastor & Charlie moments.👌
I’m gonna project genuine friendship onto these fuckers and you can’t stop me!
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wolfjackle-creates · 6 months
Another week to week and a half and you'll all find out about my secret project!
It's at about 15k words now, I expect to finish it out around 20k. Then I need to do some good editing. There's some details I want to cut out and some things I want flesh out (if possible).
Having a ton of fun with this!
(But may do a one shot or two when I'm done as a pallet cleanse.)
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sirenetica · 3 months
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Get a load of these dudes!
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+ some silly romance-y stuff
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geeky-politics-46 · 7 months
Don't worry I'm playing catch up soon! I think I have 7 or 8 Kinktober stories partly written. We are just getting into pre-show crunch time for our Halloween show & I'm trying to keep all my dance students from going into panic mode, lol.
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Stories are partly written for:
Sinister Strange
Bucky Barnes
Doctor Strange
Defender Strange
Steve Rogers
Captain Ed Mercer
Arthur Shelby
Tommy Shelby
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buggachat · 6 months
tbh I really like the idea of married Adrien and Marinette adopting their kids. Both because it's kind of a flex on Gabriel and Emilie (who thought that the appropriate response to difficulty conceiving was to hunt down ancient magical artifacts and then create a magical son that they could puppeteer and control...... because adoption/surrogates were apparently.... beneath them. or something.) but also because I just think it'd be really cute.
Like, imagine Ladybug and Chat Noir, heroes of Paris, adopting Parisian orphans. imagine Marinette and Adrien struggling to get on the good side of a "difficult" traumatized child who used to spend their days in the foster system fantasizing about Ladybug and Chat Noir saving them without realizing the new parents trying to connect with them rn ARE Ladybug and Chat Noir. Imagine them fostering kids themselves and just being A+ stellar parents between Adrien's patience and Marinette's attentiveness and both of their affection. idk I just think there's a lot there and it could be sosososo sweet
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