#just comedy and its not too exciting but just plot and i dont care as much about what happens to the guys
yellowocaballero · 1 year
sorry if this is a repeating question! your posts got me interested in trigun, which one do u recommend watching first, the 1998 or the 2023 one :0? (i already finished the manga)
It's not a repeat question, and I love talking about Trigun!
Watch 98 first for sure. A lot of it is pretty close to the manga, with a lot extra. Stampede is more of a reimagining or reinterpretation of Trigun, and it's very different from both 98 and the manga. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not sure) I think that the Trigun 98 anime was created after the first two volumes of the manga, and the popularity of the anime got Trigun picked back up again for Trigun Max. The manga, the 98 anime, and Stampede are all really different works, and they all have their own individual merit. I've only read about a volume of the manga, though, I have to finish reading it.
98 is much more of a comedy than the manga, and the actual Plot (TM) of Trigun only really kicks in halfway through it and results in the most severe tonal whiplash I've ever seen in a show. The humor's a bit more 90s anime, the episodes get weird, and Vash is more heterosexual (anime polycule game on point). I've been chewing over the really interesting impact of how Vash's idiot persona is absolutely impenetrable for the first four-to-six episodes, to the point where the audience is given very little signaling or insight into how he's actually feeling or what he's actually thinking, and how putting that unfiltered whacky comedy next to the regular fucked up Trigun really changes the experience.
Stampede is great, but it spends almost all of its time on plot and worldbuilding and really misses a lot of the joy of just watching Vash be insane. 98 gives us a lot of time with the characters just watching them be insane and fuck around and spend time forming their relationships, and you feel that absence in Stampede.
The anime is much less of a fever dream if you've read the manga, but there IS a scene where Vash eats a salmon sandwich and talks about buying salmon sandwiches. WITH WHAT OCEAN, VASH? WITH WHAT OCEAN???
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dellinah · 2 years
A random (and spoiler free) review of The Bad Guys (2022)
(By a South American that got to see it early)
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Living in this hellhole apparently has a few positive sides to it, and one of them is that we get furry movies sooner (as the same happened with Zootopia, for some reason)
And since The bad guys came out today around here, of course I dropped everything to go check it out. Bc who cares about the things I need to do when there's a new furry movie in town. Heck yeah
It's pretty fun, actually. I enjoyed it a lot. More than I thought I would. 7/10.
Keep in mind I might be biased (as is everyone) bc not only it's a furry movie (and I am a shameless furry) but I am also a major Dreamworks fan. Dreamworks movies shaped my childhood even more so than Disney, and I have the fondest memories with a lot of them. So a part of me already liked the movie before watching it, bc it'd been a while since we got a Dreamworks original, and the last time I was actually excited over a release from them was How to train your dragon 3 a few years ago. So yeah, just knowing that this was a Dreamworks original that seemed good and had potential got me hyped!
The thing about Dreamworks that makes them great to me is how they will grab seemingly silly concepts and do them with heart. Kung Fu Panda (esp 1 and 2) and HTTYD (1-3) are comedy movies with crazy premises that end up having incredible characters and story arcs in the end. Same with Shrek. And I love that. I love how a movie about a panda played by Jack Black can be so mature, I love how a boy and a dragon can have such a beautiful relationship, how an ugly ogre can end up being a great tale of true love, how puss in boots suddenly has a mom he doesnt want to let down. That's what they do best, and I love them for it
So where does The Bad Guys fall in that concept and how does it hold up against Dreamworks' greatests?
Well, let me start by what they did right:
I think everyone who has seen the trailers has an idea of what the plot is going to be like. But unlike most of the trailers for movies today, TBG's trailers actually don't show all of the story and a great part of it was kept a surprise. So whatever the story you thought of is, let me tell you: there's a bit more to it and it's not played as straight forward as I thought it would. There's a few twists that I didn't see coming and I didn't always know where it was going. It's still somewhat predictable, but you'll be surprised more often than not. That was SUCH a relief
Another thing:
They get the obvious twists out of the way fast
The writers knew which parts of the story would be the most predictable and instead of pretending not to know and treat their audience like dumbasses, it was pretty self aware of its sillyness. So anything too predictable happened in the beginning, or as soon as possible, instead or them waiting till the third act for the obvious twist like nobody had seen it coming. I applaud them for that, honestly. I dont think a story being a bit predictable is bad, but acting like it's a super secret major twist instead is pretty annoying and condescending. So congradz on that
Its fast pace and the animation
Not much to say, it's really good. The animation is cartoony, they move in a very fun way, not always realistic but never being uncanny either. I LOVE the animation, the fur texture, the EXPRESSIONS. The movie is so expressive. Yet they know the scenes that need a slower, quieter tone. Which is good, because...
The movie actually has a few heartfelt scenes that I really liked
Now, this is not HTTYD or Kung Fu Panda levels of heartfelt. But there are a few scenes and concepts that work really well and are really nicely done. Sometimes it's just a character sitting down in silence, and I like that. I like that they don't try to be overdramatic and just let quiet moments be quiet
And... *sigh*. My friends are gonna call me out for this, but I SWEAR I dont mean it only in a furry way. But:
The wolf is easily the best part of the movie, and that is both good and bad (like him)
Mr. Wolf is a fun character. He's layered and he has internal conflicts, and has a personality that works with the other characters. He is the main character of the movie, and you can tell people put a lot of love and care into him and building him up throughout the movie. Honestly, I love him a lot
Unfortunately, this gets me to what I didn't like about the movie
Many of the main characters don't really feel like they got much of a personality other than being Mr Wolf's friends. Especially where conflict was involved, I get the feeling that a lot of what they did was more "we're doing this bc the plot demands we do it" instead of "we're doing this bc we have reflected on it and this is how we feel"
Following that pattern, a few of the themes the movie brings up are a bit surface level as well. While having a solid storyline and pacing, it feels like it never goes deep into the smaller conflicts and concepts it brings up. It's like a more surface level Zootopia. I think it does lack little touches in dialog/world building that would give it that special Dreamworks touch. So while still being a silly premise with a bit of a deeper meaning like Kung Fu Panda, I think it fails to analyze the complexity of some of the things it brings up so that it could explore it fully. Such as the whole "I'm a big bad wolf, and that's all everyone will ever see me as" from the trailer. I wish it was a bit more explored, but for what it was, it still got into it well enough. It's a bit difficult to explain without spoiling it all, but yeah. I feel like it could have gone deeper than it did, but it's not flat either. Somewhere in between
Overall, it's a very fun movie with a solid storyline and small conflicts that I think have a great lesson behind them. While I wish it did a bit more than what it did and it didn't explore the premise as well as other Dreamwork movies did, it's still heartfelt. I enjoyed it a ton, and I will watch it again for sure. Not sure how useful this was, but I have thoughts and will share them
One last thing, THE MOVIE ADDS LITTLE ANIMAL TOUCHES TO THE CHARACTERS AND I LOVE THAT. Growling, tail wagging, ear scratching, molting, etc. Any anthro media that does that has points with me, bc I love it. So yes, shameless bias, shameless furry, I love wolf tails and teeth.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 111
sigh~~~ I feel that my recent posts are a bit negative towards the anime, but thats cuz the chapters I’ve read so far are either unbelievably important character depth content cut for no valid reason or content in the anime but packed with million other things that it lost its purpose or importance. Basically tohu’s ep 6 which consists of 4 chapters & now ep 5 which is a momiji ep & yup, packed with 4 chapters as well... so, I apologize for any negativity, my intention is just analyzing artistic & story-telling aspects, I love se03, but yeah it screwed up lots of important characters due to its not so thorough plot decisions & harmful character insight choices.
today.. we explore Momiji... but only before his curse breaks.
Furuba anime struggling to know how to design an episode based on various plot-heavy chapters?
so, they decided 13 eps, & decided one ep for momiji cuz motoko’s graduation & the fanclub is the core of the furuba & have already cut tons of tohru, cuz who cares? she’s kind. be like her. end of lesson. No. really, jokes aside, how to do this?
How to combine several chapters in one ep? collect small snippets from chosen chapters/content like a bee does flowers? you gotta skip some content, you gotta highlight others. The ep is only 20 min after all & you got an op & Ed that you cant always skip.... so.. furuba team decide that momoji’s ep should be true to his zodiac animal, this is the rabbits last appearance in spirit. so, they went with quick hopping from one chapter to the other like a rabbit?
No really, ep 5 is really like a rabbit in its flow, you can’t savior a moment enough before jumping to the other: we learned momiji grew up!! loves toheu romantically, challenged kyo, really meant it, wanted a fair love game, got freed, lost tohru romantically & faced momiji! but that’s not all? we still have space!! quick add akito’s moodiness & love triangle with her dog & her submissive bed partner, add a happy comedy for no reason whatever & make shigue kiss tohru & wish shes 'was his lover instead!!!!!!!!! Mind you all this happened in the anime before shigure hurt tohru with his “the truth of the zodiacs talk & them accepting & feeling consolance that kyo is doomed”talk. 
-Gets whats my biggest surprise after reading this chapter ?????????
Shigure is consistent!! He isnt a rabbit hopping here & there. The dog is loyal & is tired for good reason! Him being depressed & his weird talk with thoru makes so much sense given the manga’s order.
Kyo is consistent!! In the anime, momiji surprise him with confession he loves tohru & challenge him, then kyo la~la~la~joins them downstairs for curry. Not a single expression on his face, where is the expression? it will appear when the plot is forced to address it: by the end of the ep when momiji face hin again. Then we get kyo’s reaction.
I need someone to tell the anime that actions require a reaction. You can refrain from showing a certain reaction if you can’t address it now, but you can’t erase it, negate it, then make it appear when have to!!!! couldn’t they make kyo refuse to join them & eat together? the     other characters wont be surprised they think he’s needlessly moody. The audience will know that kyo is troubled with momiji’s challenged & it will excite them!!! having kyo just go eat & watch the momiji/hiro/haru/yuki comedy skit is weird.
The manga’s author wanted kyo to join the dinner, like the anime did. but huge difference. the author actually cares for logic reaction & understands that the audience aren’t dumb little kids that will sit & wait for kyo’s turn to...react! nope! she did this: (a) & (b) below.
-Lost Small Bits/ Panels from the chapter.. But Sadly Big Huge Chunks for Characters buildup & Growth:
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(a) addressed the fact the hiro noticed kyoru is in love & dressed that shigure was right!! the cat being in love is a weird concept to the zodiacs! hiro reacted naturally & the author used hiro to flesh yuki’s (the rat), momiji’s (the rabbit) & haru’s (the cow) decision to silently watch the kyo (the cat) makes his own decisions to live!!! They won’t interfere or tell akito or remind him of his state as the doomed caged cat. So sad this moment is cut from yuki. Why must yuki only interact with kyo to beat him (all seasons)? why must yuki only think of kyo to envy him (all seasons) ? Here, yuki’s growth towards kyo as a person & his relationship with tohru is 1000 times better than all tohru is my mom’s sh!t & I envy kyo’s Sh!t we saw in the anime over & over till we memorized it.
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(b) kyo didnt just go la~la~eat with momiji after knowing he loves tohru. Nope, there’s small bits missing: called logical emotional reaction. He was surprised he’s caught pining over tohru! cuz yuki, the audience representative, has told us in the previous chapter that ppl in love dont notice anything around them. Kyo thinks him being cold hid his feelings. the dummy’s feelings are as bright as the sun in the Sahara, tohru too. a child read her! such small thing that wont take much space from the ep but was cut cuz kyo only needs to be responsive at the ep’s end. & this scene of kyo & tohru looking awkwardly at each other is minor in space but so important cuz kyo is determined to let go but his decision is challenged by not only momiji, but his natural attraction to tohru. Here he knows he’s caught & exposed... here he knows momiji is a better choice for tohru cuz he wont didn’t hurt her mom... here he knows that even yuki is better cuz never had to pretend to be cold to her... here he knows the world is better than him... & here he just cant help by smile & walks towards her... T_T ... another lesson in writing slow burns by Takaya-san.
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-Why would the anime team pass on this?? drawing kyoru closer after the epic tear in Cinderella ep, cuz they want empty suspense~! The anime team thinks that if kyo & tohru stand next to each other, then it means all their issues are solved & the audience are so stupid as to forget tohru’s mom, kyo’s imprisonment, kyo not confessing his sins to tohru & tohru’s need to make a choice wether to fogive hom or not.. nope! you see, they think, ppl who read mangas are smart, so the author can give this epic symbolism & pp would still be not sure kyoru is end game & tohru will forgive him or kyo even fogive himself, but ppl who watch, oh no, gotta cut all the plot worthy content, produce a graduation song for a minor character, cut all kyo/tohru interaction cuz it only means romance & not at all character depth & oh if we show yuki actually formulating deep thoughts that aren’t centered around him, the audience might forget his se02 struggles! or that might ruin yuki’s upcoming growth moment in the finale where he .. you guessed it hits kyo.. as he always do & sulk &  think abt himself cuz yuki can only do monologues when he’s directly involved.... man~it is so sad how the anime is dumped down.. Who is the target audience again? not kids as young as hiro cuz even hiro is smart!
-just look:
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 Momiji talks abt kyo shouldn't give up loving tohru & the authr shows this this ghost!!! his mom! The author reminds us that kyo isnt da~~~~ forgetting anything. He’s a deeply troubled soul & hos mom wants him locked cuz she too was locked in a cage & thinks that’s safer...why oh why you dump ur own story! sh!t~
Side Notes:
I like the closeups on Kisa’s face as she interacted with kyo. It’s very rare for kisa to have a world beside the endearing parental/big protective bro/big doting sister love she has with tohru & haru & off course the romantic love with hiro which was perhaps since their birth or sth. lol.  Kisa & kyo arent much on the brotherly side as they rarely interact, but its one of those  refreshing  interactions she has that helps cast a new light on her as tiny as it is,  but its sth out of the norm around her. She sees him  around tohru & gets to perceive his true unprovoked character. “He is  nice guy”.
I really wanted to punch kureno this chapter.. like Shigure is a jerk shitty dog for sleeping with akito’s mom but kureno... dude.. you submissively sleep with the guy’s eternal love interest & still walks in on him talking to her!!! lol. you’re mentally, emotionally & physically weaker than him & yet, she puts you on her bed, not him & you, tho not wanting her at all, dont walk away. No wonder shigure is defeated & wishing for someone like tohru, lol! Even if shigure met an older tohru-like person, it wont work. shigure deserve someone like him mean, schemer & loves playing power games. Tohru is someone who values honesty & commutation, not saying she’s an angel on earth, but tohru knows who suits her.. except fate is saying: NO. .... currently. lol.
I know kureno’s weakness is part of his character & I love that such characters exits. There are ppl ike that in real life. It’s just this chapter, I felt shigure’s frustration. XD
Yuki in this ep is the best yuki. no exaggeration here, I love when yuki is calmly thoughtful of others & here its kyo of all ppl !!!! cutting this scene is sad.. without it, kyo & yuki remain a cat & rat in the anime. Only ever thinking abt each other thro envious binoculars or hateful words or yuki giving kyo comedic hitting or life’s problem-solving hitting. Why can’t anime yuki be interactive outside his self-centered issues is beyond me.
Momiji & kyo’s interactions are always the best! whether comedy or drama.
I hated the curry cooking scene in the anime... so weirdly out of the ep’s flow.. very forced comedy... in the manga it had a purpose! not just quick add comedy cuz next shot momiji curse breaks & drama & we’ll close the ep with tears & sadness & glimpses of hope...
I love haru’s answer to hiro... so him.. “a guy can’t fall in love?”so chill.. so..simple.
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tempobaekh · 3 years
Rating Penthouse: War In Life characters
I asked my followers on Instagram to give me Penthouse characters to rate and my thoughts about them so I thought to post it here as well. Now this is my personal opinion about how I feel about the characters and how much I will rate them
My Instagram: Tempobaek
Logan Lee
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Lemme just say I love him SO MUCH
I absolutely loved his character and the fact that he was one of the few people who wants justice and is honest made me love him even more
Him playing Go Hu Dong was amazing as well and I didn't recognize him at all at first like he played it so well with the accent, costume and wig and everything
His accent and language switch in between English and the Busan accent Korean was so fucking sexy🥵
✨Mr. Joo✨
My man was also smart with his revenge
He was also serving amazing LOOKS every episode in the two seasons and I loved every single one of them
And I'm going to be honest here, after watching the preview for S2 ep13 his laugh was creepy in one of the clips and after reading a few theories I lowkey thought that he would be the next villian
I regret suspecting him now
But instead of that they gave us a bigger plot twist and blew up our man with a bomb😩
He literally went ✨LiGhT iT Up LiKe DyNaMiTe✨ (I'm so sorry)
I would've rather have him be a villian than die in the bomb
Joo Seok Kyung
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Another one that annoyed me angered me so much🙄
Like she was ruthless and had no mercy when it came to bullying and putting people down that she thought were a rival or putting people down in general
She didn't change even when Rona died
She also went as far as to like cheat her way to win the Cheong Ah Art High School trophy and blackmailed Cheon Seojin to win the trophy
But there were times where she would show emotions and those would be often her break down and weak moments
And those moments would really show how she is broken inside and puts up a careless and brave image, she is someone who needs healing even though healing takes time
I also saw someone saying like 'oh Seok Kyung hates her mom so much'
Yeah she hated her mom but she didn't hate her to death like she didn't wish death upon her
Seok Kyung was heart broken when she heard Suryeon's death and that showed that she still loved her mom even though Suryeon didn't give birth to them
I was heart broken when I saw that she cut her hair because here was no one there to tie it for her bc Suryeon loved Seok Kyungs long hair and that's why she didn't cut it but after he mothers death no one was there to tie her hair for her
I started seeing her in a different light after a while bc again it showed that he character was very broken emotionally and needed healing
I'm interested about seeing more of her character development after the last ep where she defended Rona
Also my girl is so hot, another one that was serving amazing looks
Joo Seok Hoon
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He was lowkey annoying at first ngl
Like my man was just🧍🏻‍♂️
It annoyed me so much how he defended his sister so much, fell for her tricks, covered up for her and did anything she said EVEN though its wrong
But after some time I understood that he cared for and that she was the only family left to him
I mean Seok Hoon hate Joo Dan Tae so he doesn't counts and Suryeon was dead at the moment
I will still not forgive him for bullying Seol A even though he regrets it
It also annoyed me how he didn't stood up for Rona at all in the first season even though he liked her
By he got so much better in S2, he was even part in the revenge plan
He is literally the human CCTV camera in Hera Palace like he knows more than even the viewers know
The way he was protective of Rona when he found out she was alive was so aDORABLE
And my man was amazing in the last episodes
I love him
Cheon Seo Jin
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Like I sometimes just was to 🤜🏻👩🏻
But sometimes I wanna hug her😩
Idk I feel like she became a horrible person bc of greed and that he father and mother placed too high expectations for her
Instead of praising her for her accomplishments her parents wanted her to do more
Maybe that's why she was desperate for love and affection and found that in Joo Dan Tae even though he pretended to like her
But that definitely does not dismiss her horrible actions
But also the harsh past made her the could hearted person, like she left her father to die
She felt more care towards her daughter after she almost lost her because Eunbyeol tried to commit suicide
She was in alot of pain and you could see it in her cries and when she was on the phone with the person
Soyeon's acting was amazing in that scene
She started to care more about her ex husband and daughter when she saw how much Eunbyeol was suffering and she realized that she genuinely liked Ha Yoon Chul hwen she saw how horrible Joo Dan Tae was
I did feel bad for her sometimes but after seeing that she didn't change I really didn't feel any sympathy for her
She needs therapy
Girlie was shocked when the doctor said she is losing her voice like bestie you are screaming every episode
She was also serving amazing looks every episode
Ha Yoon Chul
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The first male character I simped for
Like I am not going to deny it but he is hot🥵
But the first few episodes he was an absolute asshole and greedy
But I never expected him to be Yoonhee's ex boyfriend
I did like him a tiny bit when he saved Yoon Hee from Kyu Jin
His entrance in S2 with the helicopter was damn hot
I spoke too soon
His character development and fighting skills were hot as well
He was ADORABLE with Rona and Yoonhee
I seriously thought that Rona was his daughter
I began hating him after that💀
Like he went 📈📉 with his character development
I actually asked my dad what he thought about what Yoon Chul did and this was his reponse:
"If you look at it from a parents perspective they would want to do anything if they saw their child in pain like he did but I would've also scolded her and had a conversation with her about why she did it instead of wiping her memory from that night like he did. "
So that's that
Jonghoon's acting was chef's kiss in that scene
I was going to rate him a 4 but I gave him that 5 when I saw how he was at court, he admitted to his wrong doings but also still had feelings for Yoon Hee
I wanna see his reaction in s3 to Rona now bc now that he got to know that is his daughter I wonder how he will be
Lee Kyu Jin
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Like I have nothing to say about him rather than I hate him and that he useless just like his wife and son
I'm only giving him that one bc he was funny in the episodes
Go Sang Ah
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The only thing she does is gossip
And spills the tea☕
Giving her a 0.5 bc she is kinda funny eh
Lee Minhyuk
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Idk if it runs in the family but again he is useless
And a dumbass
He also nothing without his parents
Why is he there tho like you ain't even funny
All he can do is cause trouble
And bullied Jenny
His dumbass slipped and broke his own arm and blamed it on Rona smh🤦🏻‍♀️
Sometimes I just wanna 🤜🏻👦🏻
Also my dude was trying to sound all intimidating by saying
"Oh Jenny's father is a scary man, yOuR dEaD BaE rOnA"
Like dude worry about yourself bitch you are dead first for bullying Jenny
But like I hate the character but LOVE THE ACTOR HE IS SO HOT OMFG
Joo Dan Tae
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Like I legit thought he was nice in he first ep and then I saw him kiss Seojin and-
Bae Rona
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She was also annoying at first and was very ungrateful
But over time she got better, still a tiny bit annoying sometimes but better
When she came back from the US I WAS LIKE GIRL NO YOU FINNA RUIN THE PLAN
I do feel bad for her bc she went through alot with bullying, her mom going to jail not only once but twice, her getting to know that Yoonchul who she started liking sabotaged her performance, and also literally almost dying
My girl has been through a lot
I am excited to see her reaction to getting to know that Yoon Chul is her dad
Part 2 is also posted!
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fnafslinky · 4 years
Fazbear Frights 1-9 review.
Into The Pit:
Slow and meandering during the first half but picks up speed after Spring Bonnie shows up. Good message and good idea, but the execution could be better. 6/10
To Be Beautiful:
This story is so full of fluff, you can cut out like 60% of it and lose nothing. I know it's going for a fairy tale thing with the repetition and all, but fairy tales do that because it's made for children. Repetition is to train a child's brain to remember better. These books are aimed at teenagers, so this narrative device is not needed. On top of that, it has unfortunate implications of "Not like other girls" memes that we don't need to revisit. Only saved by its creepy af ending. 3/10
Count The Ways:
Legitimately my favorite story out of FNAF and one of my favorites of all time. It fixed the previous story's Not Like Other Girls problems by having the goth main character hate the pretty blonde and being called out for not even knowing her and being shallow. It is actually surprising to have these two stories be back to back.
The narrative device of switching back and forth between the MC facing her death and how she got up to that point means it keeps your interest throughout that the previous two stories had problems with. It makes for great drama and tension.
The main reason I love this story in particular is because of this exchange near the end:
“Silly Millie, for someone who doesn’t want to die you sure spent a lot of time talking about it,” the voice surrounding her said. “But that’s the way of things, isn’t it? Talk is always easier than action.”
“I think,” Millie said, sniffling, “that when I said I wanted to die, what I really wanted was to escape. I didn’t want death. I just wanted my life to be different.”
“Oh, but that really takes action, doesn’t it?”
And, if I can be real for a minute: I feel like that kinda changed my life. Or very least, my point of view.
As someone who has made attempts on his life before and frequently battles depression- It made my problems so much less overwhelming. Of course I didn't want to die. I wanted my life my life to improve. And now whenever the thought of suicide passes through my head, I just remember this phrase and it helps me keep it together and calm down.
And also F.Freddy's follow up with having to work for happiness is spot on too. Misery is comfortable, that's why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort. 10/10
I'm in the minority for not caring for this one. I felt like there wasn't any direction or character arc, I didn't find Fetch particularly scary or interesting, and the MC makes a lot of dumb decisions in it.
That being said, I love how it jumps right into the action instead of taking awhile to get to it like the other stories did. The stories tend to play out like a different book and then FNAF characters are slapped in at the end. This one gets right to it and makes it integral to its plot. 6/10
Lonely Freddy:
Another one I really love. The Frights series has a good traction with its tragedies and this one is no exception. I really connected with the feeling of being pitted against your siblings, usually by accident and circumstance with your parents. Particularly this line:
“Maybe you’ve made them what they are,” Aunt Gigi said, pausing for a moment before adding: “Hazel’s the easy one. Alec is the hard one. It’s like you put them on their own little islands.”
I wasn't Alec, but Hazel in this situation. And it made me realize what my sibling went through because of it.
And this is another story where Freddy's is more integral to the plot too, and one of the few times it's not already abandoned.
I really like how well done Alec's back and forth he had with himself whether to befriend his sister or not. It's a believable character arc when he realizes his mistake at the end unlike another story that we'll get to.
And the fact they made a God damn teddy bear legitimately creepy is a mastery of horror writing that I can only ever hope to strive for. Definitely the scariest in Frights 2. 9/10
Out Of Stock:
I agree with Dawko that this one feels best to make a 30 minute special out of. It feels like a Halloween special or creepypasta you would watch/read as a preteen. Old enough to want to explore more mature stuff, but young enough to still have more cartoony stuff be familiar. And I mean that as 100% a positive.
I also like how this one is a bit more comedy based. Like the scene where the MC gets thrown across the room after electrocuting himself and his friends dont even notice. I can picture that bit so clearly.
The climax is the best part of having a dire game of Red Light, Green Light with the Plushtrap Chaser. It's very energized and exciting that the other stories don't have as often because the subject matter doesn't lend itself to it.
The trend in these stories of kids learning to appreciate their parents, and they're parents realizing they have to sacrifice some stuff to make their child happy is very sweet. And it's no different here. 8/10
1:35 AM
What I like about this series is that you never know where its gonna go from story to story. I though for certain this story was about how the doll was gonna have an evil spirit possessing it.
But no, what actually happened is that it's never made clear if the MC is losing her mind, being haunted, or just seeing stuff because she's sleep deprived. That ambiguity makes the book a lot creepier and sadder because you don't know how this poor woman should be helped. And it ends without any clarification. That's great and a perfect idea for horror story.
That being said, Scott's writing quirks (and it's definitely Scott doing it, I can tell) of front loading info, constantly stopping the flow to have backstory and over explaining things that don't need makes it frustrating to read after several books of it. And we're not done with that either. 9/10
Room For One More:
I skipped over all the dream sequences because it adds nothing to the story. Its great you remember Sister Location, but it feels like you don't trust your audience to read a FNAF story if there isn't animatronics every couple pages. And honestly? Understandable.
I do know based on my own FNAF comic, pages featuring humans is a lot less popular than the ones featuring animatronics. And I get it, you're a bunch of furries it's more interesting to visualize. And you can go in the opposite direction and have very little FNAF stuff when they're needs to be more. The New Kid doesn't even bring it up til the last third.
But I digress. The strongest qualities in Room For One More is three points.
The location is very vividly described. The underground security office with steel walls, the radiation disposals, the musky scent. It paints a clear and unique picture.
The main character's fallen arc of self care and distrust of others is a well done cautionary tale. It goes hand in hand with the speech before of having to work for happiness, and the difficulties there are from even trying. But you still need to do it.
The body horror is not as visually disgusting as it could've been, and more conceptually horrifying. But if you have a fear of bugs in your skin or crawling in your mouth, prepare for something so much worse! And no, that's not a spoiler, it's pretty obvious where its going from the beginning. 7/10
The New Kid:
This one was disappointing. This is not the way to do a tragedy, because I don't care about the MC.
Throughout the entire story, the main character has literal sociopath tendencies. He is controlling of other people, he doesn't have any empathy, he sees other people as tools to use, he kills a bird and doesn't care- So at the end when he accidentally kills someone, I don't believe him feeling bad about it. And I sure as shit don't care about his death after him leaving his victim to die, while he was still breathing, and not coming back for a week.
Also the twist at the end makes no God damn sense and I'm not even gonna dignify it.
A better tragedy would've been his friend, Mick, getting into trouble for the murder after refusing to ever stand up to the MC. Or even the MC being betrayed by him last minute for him to learn how his shit behavior really screwed him over. But the end result ended up being an unsatisfying mess. 2/10
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I'll review the 4th's books with 5 and 6, since I'm sticking with a three at a time theme and because I haven't read 4 yet.
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shanyyhermosoxoxo · 3 years
My Top 5 Manhwa List
5. Omniscient Readers Viewpoint
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Status: On going
Chapters: 52
The first time I read this, it caught my attention. The Chapter 0 was written well. I was writing this after reading chapter 22 and like the others say, at the beginning of the story, it has a slow paced story but the growth of the MC is what I like about these types of manhwas. How to use the knowledge of knowing what will happen is what makes you continue this manhwa. The scenario and art are similar to other dungeon related manhwas but I really have high expectations from this.
Story - 9/10
Art - 10/10
Characters - 9/10
Overall - 9/10
4. The God of High School
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Status: On going
Chapters: 509
THIS WEBTOON IS AWESOME!! The plot, art style and the character development is top tier. Characters with great personality, these martial artist, some genuin fighters (Mori Jin) some power borrowers (Daewi Han, Mira Yoo), are some exceptional characters in GOH and the main protagonists. Their will to achieve their goals, their loyalty to their friendship and all the mysteries of their pasts that they in tern did not even know about. They go through ups and the even higher ups while staying true to themselves and they pass your love for them like a batton to each other throughout the story.
Storyline is great, it's funny and always keeping you on your toes. To be honest when I had just started I had no clue to where it was going, I just knew that it was about martial arts... and a lot happened in the manhwa that I cannot comprehend. After reading it, all the details and informations are still processing to me. I thought it was all about MARTIAL ARTS and SCHOOL and stuff but man, it was a roller coaster ride. I‘m sure you’ll be hooked as well. The plot twist is giving me anxiety lmao so yeah, if you like a lot of fighting, great characters and detestable villains then what are you waiting for?? I’m sure it is perfect for you and you’re gonna like it.
Story - 9/10
Art Style - 9/10
Characters 10/10
Overall - 9/10
3. Eleceed
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Status: On going
Chapters: 136
I really really love this story so just read it and don't read useless reviews. But I made one anyways lol. Sooo...
I clicked on Eleceed by mistake and I don't regret it at all. The cover picture looked very boring to me but the story is amaziiing. What are you still waiting for? Art will also get better with time and characters. I don't know how this is possible but I love almost every character in this manhwa. Like yeah, first you won't like everyone but there is this thing called character development. I am an avid fan of solo leveling so I made it in top 3 but solo leveling is still higher tho hahaha yes I do have favoritism. The protagonist will also become OP but you can see that he worked hard and well KAYDEN-SAMA (he's proly not japanese but I had to show some respects) is his teacher. Kayden is not the protagonist (sadly) but he's also the OP from the beginning. On the top of that he's very cruel and the tsundere type (which is really popular in the manhwa), haha. In the first chapter, he got seriously hurt by his enemies so he decided to turn into cat and hide. Meanwhile in this time, Jiwoo will find him (this manhwa is full of cat lovers, I love it) and take care of him. That's when they will get to know each other and build their beautiful father-pupil relationship. In next chapters, we will encounter many difficult situations with many different characters but seriously - I LOVE THEM ALL. They will turn into such babies, I swear, you will love them too.
This manhwa made me cry so many times. But not because it was sad. It was sooo funny! I don't normally read comedies but this is a gem. Yeah, so if you liked Solo leveling or The beginning after the End, you will most likely like this too. I feel like this is way too underrated, so let's change it! Let's make it into a well-known manhwa!
Story - 9/10
Art - 10/10
Characters - 10/10
Overall - 10/10
2. The Beginning After the End
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Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 101
This manhwa which is about a king being reborn in another world. The protagonist Arthur, short Art(pre-rebirth: King Grey), is learning magic and fighting from a young age and is good at it since he can use his experiences from his former life in swordsmanship and the KI from his previous world is similiar to the mana in the world the story is taking place in. The characters have nice backgrounds that are getting more clear as the story moves on. Also the characters are developing over time. The story is very interesting: Not only is it very exciting but it also has a lot of events that make sense and dont just come out of nowhere like it often happens in such mangas. If u don't read this you will really miss a lot of joy and exitement. I have put this on top 2 because I can? Haha lol jokes aside, I just really really love the storyline so much as it progresses, in recent chapter I just gosh my sail just sailed. I don’t know author-nim is focusing on more action/adventure/isekai genre but no hun, romance is in it as well!
As for negative things about the manga...The art isn't the best. Art's family loves fem heartily, but at times it can come across as a bit too gooey. There is homophobia in chapter 40.
Story - 10/10
Art - 5/10
Characters - 9/10
Overall - 9/10
1. Only I Level Up - Solo Leveling
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Status: On going
Chapters: 148
Review: I put this on my top 1 because duh?? The plot/ storyline is top tier, I know this is overrated by some of you but this manhwa is the defenition of a perfect masterpiece.
Well to be honest it is the best manhwa so far that i ever read and i love to know more so please author dont stop this manga for atleast a century and also waiting for when it is going to release its anime version.
Solo Leveling is a manga with the leveling aspect similar to ''the gamer or shield hero'' where we follow the breathtaking journey Sung Jin-Woo who is at the weakest amongst all hunters ''E-Rank'' fighting his way through many life and death experiences and hardships.
Story - 10/10
Art - 10/10
Characters - 10/10
And so.. that’s it!! I just wanna share my experience while reading these Manhwas. I am so glad that I found these masterpieces and so thankful to be born in this era hahaha. Author-nims’ I hope you won’t stop giving and feeding us this type of story. <33
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shouta-aizawow · 4 years
2) What if.... Crossover with PJO? Like: Bakugou being a child of Athena or a child of Hephaestus or Ares or even Apollo or Nike. There are other demigods like Mic (Apollo's kid) and kids on other clases (gen ed maybe). Usually the demigods don't become heroes, it's too much doing quest and also being a hero, they want a pice of normality, but Kat is different and want to protect and save and win. The monsters are more difficult to fight but it's ok. Points extra if the class finds out. 😉😉
Okay, so I only read the first book of the PJO series (idk why i didn’t read the rest) YEARS ago, so I barely know anything about it. Only the very basics.
That’s why it took me so long to answer this!! I had to look some stuff up after I finished my morning classes!!!
Anyway, this would obviously take place after the original series ends for plot convience and more artistic liberties.
After much consideration, I say that Bakugou is the son of Zelus. (have I ever heard of this god before? no.)
He’s the god of many things, but what fits Bakugou is the Dedication, Emulation (though not imitation), Eager rivalry, and Zeal.
I was tempted to make him the son of the goddess of victory, Nike, but I feel like this would fit more. This way, he has a rival (“you’re the child of Nike, but i’m the one that’s gonna win”).
Also, in this AU, All Might would be Heracles.
Of course, people wouldn’t know that.
They’d think that he just has a quirk, but no, he’s Heracles. Maybe, still got the quirk from the previous OFA user, so he still passes that off to Deku, but he’s still extremely strong and whatnot.
I think that during the battle at Kamino, he still shrinks, but he’s still the strongest man. He was still injured, so he still coughs blood (does that happen with gods? idk but it does now).
So Bakugou still feels guilty and whatnot.
Every summer, Bakugou went to Camp Halfblood. Obviously, no one except his parents knew that.
(his canon parents. He looks like Mitsuki because she’s mortal and had a child with Zelus. Masaru is basically Katsuki’s stepdad)
At the camp, Katsuki met Shinsou, son of Aizawa, who’s the god of sleep. (greek name is Hypnos)
So when they find out that they’re both attending U. A., the only hero school that knows about gods and goddesses and whatnot and trains them, of course both of them are excited.
At the camp, they bond, and even when they have to go back to school, they find themselves meeting on the weekends and whenever both of them are free.
(There’s really no plot I have in mind, just characters and relationships)
So they get into UA, and here, Shinsou got accepted into Class 1-A of the hero course.
Things stay relatively the same plot wise, except more of the classmates are children of gods:
Momo and Jirou, daughters of Apollo (sisters in this AU)
(or if you don’t want them to be sisters, Momo could be the daughter of Athena and Jirou is the daughter of Euterpe, the muse of music)
Deku, son of Hephaestus (he was weak, but his father didn’t just have a fire breathing quirk, he was the god of fire, and this is why after only 10 months, he was able to wield the strongest quirk(s), OFA)
Kouda, son of Gaia, “Mother Earth” and sister to Rhea, goddess of nature (the reason he’s so quiet is not only because he prefers nature to people, but because he’s a terrible secret keeper, and he doesn’t want to accidentally reveal anything)
Not in UA:
Ms. Joke could be Thalia, one of the Muses. the muse of comedy!!!
Inasa is obviously the son of the god of wind, Aeolus.
AFO could be Ares, god of war. ig
(and the formatting is probably really weird but i wanted to provide a hint of organization!!!)
So anyway, there are a few demigods and gods that either teach or are students.
They all somehow gravitate towards each other, and kinda bond over this.
Really all I can think about is them trying to balance living normal lives with normal humans and trying to deal with the monsters that are constantly being sent after them because they’re always managing to piss off the other gods and goddesses.
Like,, for some reason, Aizawa and a lot of the students that never miss a day are gone. The rest of the people there are panicking when none of them answer any calls or texts.
After about a day, everyone is ready to wreak chaos in search of their peers when they hear what sound like people collapse outside.
They run out only to find their classmates and their teachers in a heap on the ground, covered in dirt and superficial injuries and passed out.
They’re all confused/worried and just try to get them all inside.
Deku either wakes up and pulls out a notebook (demigod ver) or gets suspicious and pulls out a notebook (human ver), and Bakugou immediately gets up, destroys it (whether with his quirk or he just eats it) and passes out again.
Ofc everyone else is Even More Confused and Worried, but they just take care of everyone’s injuries and cleans them up as much as they can.
When the students and Aizawa wake up, they’re bombarded with questions, and everyone has a different excuse or just doesn’t answer.
After the 5th time this has happened, anyone that has the displeasure of having to take care of the exhausted pile of a god and some demigods just stops asking questions. (yes, they have woken up in stranger places and situations).
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charmspoint · 4 years
Got tagged by @autumn-foxfire to do this ask game :3c
Name your top 5 favorite anime/manga! (or cartoons/shows if you’re not into anime and manga)
Here we go!
 1.      Beastars – Haru is right there in my profile pic you can't expect anything else. The anime is perfectly fine and I adore the op and the ed but it’s the manga where it’s really at. It remains one of the only manga where I could consistently keep up despite not being hugely involved with the fandom and I adore the world, I adore the characters and most of all I adore the expressions. The anime really suffers from having to be pretty and not allowing for the amount of stupid goat faces Louis makes, or Legosi’s puppy excitability or Haru just being a fucking wierdo. The only complaint I have is that I wish the girls got more screen time, they are amazing every time they appear I just wish they had more of a chance to. Especially Juno, Juno really suffered from being just dropped out of the plot. Also one of the lions’ should have been Louis’ age so they could have been gay together, like ye Louis’s ending makes sense but you will never be able to take away ‘I feel more at ease surrounded by male carnivores then with a female herbivore’, just let Louis be gay oh my god, even his fucking dad saw it. Anyway Beastars is great and I love it very much and I am very sad it’s done ;-;
 2.      Re: Creators – I have very conflicted opinions about this one, despite it being number two. I really owe it an objective rewatch because the second part of it really slapped me in the face with the sudden boatload of fanservice so much that it soured my opinion on it through the rest of the show. Paired with both of my favs getting the short end of the stick in two different ways, by the end of Re Creators I was left with a rather bitter taste in my mouth so I really want to see how it holds up once I know what will happen. So why is it so high up if all I do is complain about it? The first part was just that amazing. It was the first and only time I watched an anime and felt ‘wow this was written for ME, this was written with someone like me in mind’. A story has never felt so personal and so lovingly crafted and I just adored every bit of it and god every time I think about the good aspects of it I want to sit down and rewatch it again to reevaluate the bad. In the end it felt personal, it felt like it was speaking to me and it felt heartfelt and cared for and that for me is something special. Also Magane really needs her own show, like I remember thinking ‘shes izaya but better’ and if that doesn’t scream she needs her own show I don’t know what does. Still bitter at the way they just dropped her at the end my god.
 3.      Durarara – This one has been a giant in my fandom experience. I wrote my first fanfiction for Durarara and one of very indulgent self-insert stories lead to me roleplaying in private for the first time and the person I roleplayed with eventually introduced me to group roleplay (Blu if ur reading this I love u <3) so it kinda lead to the way I’m mostly active in fandom today and some of my favorite OC’s originated from making Durarara OC’s not to mention Izaya remaining one of my favorite characters ever and someone who I look to whenever I want to make a fun villain. Durarara is a show that is filled with complex human interactions and at some points it really seems like a love letter to humanity. We are all weird, we all have our rich inner lives, even people who look ordinary get up to some stuff you would never have guessed, that’s what it feels like it’s saying. I don’t know there is no objective way to talk about it because it’s been so ingrained in my fandom experience it will simply always remain one of my favorites, no two ways about it. The fics I wrote for Durarara when I was a teen were cringy af and horribly planned but I received so much positive comments and support and I think that always remained a big part of why I kept on writing and why I felt that writing is something that I’m good at. Even now, knowing how bad they were it just motivates me more to keep on improving and whenever I feel down about my writing I always think ‘well people liked that trash and this is better so some people will like this too’. It’s also the reason why I can’t stand cringe culture, honestly I think I’m even more grateful to all the people who saw my baby fics went ‘yikes that’s edgy’ and then didn’t comment, those guys were the real troopers.
  4.      Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki- Kun – number four is where the going gets tough because of my poor memory and differentiating shows I watched, remembered and liked, from shows that left some kind of impact. Nozaki-kun is a dumbass comedy anime/manga and it’s the only manga I can remember ever making me consistently laugh at loud and I feel that that earns it number four spot well enough. The characters are all just lovable and stupid and lovably stupid, and I honestly can’t say there is a pair I dislike. Like it never feels like ‘oh its x character chapter yawn’ it’s always a fun time no matter what the matchup is. I don’t have anything smart to say about it, it makes me laugh, it’s a good time, it doesn’t take itself seriously I love it.
 5.      Servamp – this really shouldn’t be here because I stopped halfway through the manga and STILL haven’t caught up. But Servamp is the manga that’s constantly on my mind and I never stop thinking ‘man I really should catch up’. The only reason I haven’t is cuz I’m so terribly bad at reading stuff online even though the arc I left off was tense and I really want to know what happened with Tsurugi and Wrath was just given a time to shine and aaaaa one day I’ll catch up. There’s really nothing to say about this show, it’s dumbass vampire shonen and I’m really not sure why I like it so much. The character designs are fun and on point and anime is kinda horrible CUZ THEY DIDN’T PUT IN A WHOLE ARC WHO DOES THAT, but the op is delightfully edgy and the ed is a shameless high school theater style rip off of the kekkai sensen sen ed which is just amazing in how bad and awkward it is. This ed is such awkward dumb trash and I somehow just love it more for it, like it’s so bold about being a trashy rip off, bby what is you doing. Honestly I can’t say anything objective about this series cuz it’s been so long since I actually read it but it lives in my head rent free and that must count for something. Slaps gold star on.
I feel like I should also mention Bnha cuz its the fandom I’m most active in but hvhjvj I mostly like the fanside of BNHA rather than the show itself. For the show itself i think its good with some great moments but that’s about it. I’m just here for fan shit cuz hori made such a wonderful sandbox.
Imma tag @megacarapa @prince-liest @viiyverns-den @livie-stark @lanamnesis and honestly whoever else wants to do this because i dont feel like doing so many tags anymore, i just have a lot of people whos answers i’m interested in uwu
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targsdaenerys · 4 years
16-22 sound really interesting!
What is your best piece of advice for writing angst scenes?
make the reader feel. whether this has been built up to or it be where you started the story, show the audience the vulnerability, the sadness, the rage...this can mostly be done by emphasizing why whatever is happening is hurting the character so much. it can be something as simply as them just caring for the other person, or remembering that one time the character woke up early to make them breakfast. or it can be big: being the first to never abandon them, being the first to seem like they actually care. its even better when the character only realizes how much all of their history means during the scene. hyper-attention to physical reactions is great too.What is your best piece of advice for writing hurt/comfort scenes?
give the character what they need. this differs between characters, pairs, and situations. sometimes its a hug. sometimes its slow sex. make it soft, make it breathless, with long sentences with many ‘and’s. let tears flow. let the characters get snotty. sit back and ask yourself if you, as a reader, would be satisfied with the scene after reading hundreds or thousands of words previous to it where the characters were in pain. but, along with all of this, also make sure its within your characters’ personality. sometimes our characters arent that warm-and--fuzzy, even when they need it. know what would upset or hurt them and what would ease them.What is your best piece of advice for writing comedy scenes?
remind yourself that life is funny! if you think back at your day irl, theres not many conversations that don’t consist of a joke of some kind, whether it be forced or cringey. take note of your characters pasts and presents. what would they find funny? what may be annoying to them, but hilarious to the audience or even another character? try to steer clear of looming dark factors, too, if this scene is a part of a story that has a difficult goal. you can mention them, sure, but aim for mischief rather than danger.What is your best piece of advice for writing action scenes?
be clear with what youre writing and show emotion through action. adrenaline has your chracters moving quickly, no time for much ramble-thoughts on how they are feeling. make sentences short and to the point. it makes the reader speed up with their own energy and excitement, not needing to worry about long ideas.What is your best piece of advice for writing smut scenes?
everythings on fire. heat=hot in smut scenes. they are pretty hard in general, and i think the best bet is to just read alot of them to know what the fandom likes. one of my biggest problems that ive caught with my own writing: dont stray too much away from your story. this is still part of a plot, whether the plot be porn or not, and not only sex. make sure you are still talking about what the characters are mentally/emotionally feeling. whether that be towards eachother or individually.What is your best piece of advice for writing romance scenes?
understand the build up, understand their thoughts completely, understand the pace and the reasons. pacing is hard when it comes to romance. try not to pour all of the info into one scene, either--love is usually a gradual thing both to fall into and realize. if its not gradual, emphasize on the reason, and maybe make that the conflict-not-conflict (”i love you and i dont know why!” sorta thing). these dont always need to be the times every kind of affection is shown.What is your best piece of advice for writing fluff scenes?
just go for it!! i really dont know how to say it, but kinda just...handsy-cuddling-cuteness, cuteness, and being cute. imagine your characters in the best situation and there it is. this can depend on what world they are a part of, and again, depends on what kind of person your characters are in general. fluff is soft...if you let your hard, grumpy characters be soft, youve won.
whew, that was alot! but very introspective and honestly helped me evaluate my writing in ways i havent before. so thank you!
send me an author ask from this list
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steveharrington · 5 years
what are your top 10 fav breaking bad episodes?
10. Bug (4x09) 
this episode has TOO many iconic moments. skyler scamming the IRS by pretending to be dumb, gus walking toward the bullets, mike telling walter to shut the fuck up and leave jesse alone, jesse having dinner with gus, and then the Ultimate moment where jesse beats walter the fuck up and pulls the “can you walk? good :) then get the fuck out of my house :)” card GOD the whole episode is like the start of jesse’s realization that he should trust mike and gus more than walter and it feels so good to watch
9. Shotgun (4x05)
after a whole season of watching jesse in a deep depression it’s such a relief to reach this episode. the COMEDY of the start where walter storms into los pollos with a GUN and the music is so intense and hes like WHERES GUS FRING WHERE IS HE WHAT HAS HE DONE WITH JESSE and then on the phone jesse is just like “im fine” like god its literally unbeatable. it’s obviously the beginning of mike and jesse’s relationship, plus on another level the beginning of gus and jesse’s Real relationship because it signals the first time gus begins to trust him. PLUS provided us with the iconic you are not the guy youre not capable of being the guy i had a guy but now i dont you. are not. the guy. 
8. Dead Freight (5x05)
i know everyone says dead freight but dude.......it’s such a fantastic episode from start to finish! it’s such a weird combination of like, drama thriller but also sitcom hilarity? because obviously the stakes are really high and you know that if they get caught they’re going to prison like, forever, and also jesse could have straight up got run over by a train but at the same time it’s hilarious? i also love the emphasis on jesse being a problem solver at this point in the show and being able to accomplish things that even walt and mike can’t necessarily do without him. the last 60 seconds..........well we dont have to talk about that
7. Rabid Dog (5x12)
okay originally i wasn’t going to put any 5b eps on here, not because they aren’t amazing but because they aren’t exactly the kind of thing i can put on in the background and rewatch yknow? but rabid dog is so amazing because its FINALLY the point where jesse is done with walter. like it’s the final severance between them and just watching walter’s panic grow throughout the episode as he realizes that it’s going to end with one of them dying but not being able to accept that is just ... fantastic. it summarizes the complexity of their dynamic so succinctly for a single episode
6. Peekaboo (2x06)
obviously a quintessential jesse episode deserves a spot on the list. everyone is always like “this is the episode where i fell in love with jesse!!!!” and like personally i was already in love with him but yeah this episode confirmed it. it’s the first episode in the Jesse Loves Kids saga obviously and it presents the conflict he feels over like, the secondhand guilt he feels over supplying the product that puts the kid in his shitty living situation but also the knowledge that he’s trapped now. when he goes back into the house for the kid and tells him to close his eyes it’s like.......a compromise that jesse holds onto for the rest of the series. he knows he’s doing bad things but he tries to find ways to make them even a little better
5. 4 Days Out (2x09)
bottle episode #1 baby! one of the earliest episodes that is entirely dedicated to walter and jesse’s dynamic and it’s just.....classic brba. cooking in the RV out in the desert baby! jesse being dumb! walter being an asshole! ah wiiiiiiiiiiire! it’s such a good like.....foundation episode. it’s one of those episodes that you rewatch after finishing the series and you’re like “god everything has changed so much” and honestly if someone wanted to watch like One episode of breaking bad to get the gist of the whole show i would probably suggest 4 days out
4. Sunset (3x06)
another literal classic and also the first episode i watched with my mom hehe so it has a special place in my heart. in some ways it’s a very tragic episode because watching the RV get destroyed literally made me cry, but it’s so thrilling and exciting and it sets up the conflict between hank and jesse which is honestly a fav. i honestly don’t even have that much to say about it i just......love this episode it’s so rewatchable. and this is my own private domicile and i will not be harassed bitch!
3. Full Measure (3x13)
remember when Bill Hader was like “you know the end of an episode of TV that makes you gasp and wait all week for the next episode, well breaking bad has those moments constantly throughout the entire 60 minutes” THIS is the kind of episode that applies to! the battle and shifting power between gus and walter is obviously center stage but ultimately it comes down to jesse. the shot in the arcade where jesse is sitting alone and there’s the single red light GOD LETS GET INTO BREAKING BAD COLOR THEORY BABY! the episode is just so ..... dramatic and intense but artful and careful and ultimately it contains arguably the biggest moment for jesse’s character arc in the whole series
2. ABQ (2x13)
okay not to be a demon but i love this episode endlessly. i wish i could just combine it with Pheonix but i cant so ultimately i choose this one (despite it not having the water on mars conversation) it’s clearly like one of the saddest in the entire series especially for jesse but it’s so good. the introduction of mike automatically makes it memorable but the scene of jesse and walter in the crack den is burned forever into my memory its just so.....haunting. and in this episode i can FEEL myself being manipulated by walter. like i JUST watched him let jane die and i still catch myself watching ABQ and going “aw he’s talking jesse down.....he’s holding him........he’s taking him to rehab........” and that’s exactly what walter DOES to people and to catch him doing it to YOU is insane 
1. Fly (3x10)
taylor u literally knew this was coming sdkfjsdfkj yeah i think this is the greatest episode in the whole show ok! ozymandias whom! yeah it’s another bottle episode but i think it’s better than 4 days out in accomplishing the ultimate goal of a bottle episode which, to me, is putting the characters together in isolation for so long that eventually their boundaries fall down. i mean obviously the concussion and drugs are part of the reason that walter starts getting so open with jesse, but the fact that they’re enclosed in the lab until walter can accomplish a meaningless goal that’s borne from paranoia just makes the conversations they have that much more meaningful. i know a lot of people don’t like this episode because its “boring” but to me, when i watch tv shows, i ACHE for even one of the single moments that this entire episode is comprised of. the fact that vince was like “okay and now let’s dedicate an entire episode to this lingering guilt that walter feels over killing jesse’s girlfriend an entire season ago and that’s the whole thing” is so bold but also so admirable because he’s truly giving something so huge (jane’s death) the attention it deserves where most shows would just sort of drop it to make room for more plot. im literally rambling but it’s just a perfect balance of what we know, what walter knows, and what jesse knows which are all conflicting and battling. “it’s not coming down, it’s staying up there forever” like ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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nightfayre · 5 years
hi im the anon ! i dont remember what i said >
and I’m alarmed by the fandom mentality. Maybe HT means good - but how would we know? we don’t have access to his thoughts - but we must judge his actions, and his actions are for the least very troubling. It’s always abt coercing Mo and not respecting his boundaries. I see the trope “when she says no, she means yes” here and once again, the fact the fandom swallows it uncritically (bc HT is a poor, hot tortured boy) is alarming. Forcing Mo to wear his gift stinks of “this is my possession, don’t mess wt him” 2/5
Maybe im pessimistic n its actually to protect him by distance, but once again he totally disregards Mo’s will. What if he doesnt want to be protected ? what if he doesnt want to be an object to be pass around between self-entitled psychos ? The first step to protect and help someone is by listening to them. I hope Mo will react strongly and will tell HT that by saying this, he’s no different from She Li. And i hope that would provoke HT to self-reflect a lot - smth he lacks tremendously. 3/5
That being said i love HT and tianshan! And what i love is how realistic and flawed they are. Theyre both hyper violent, distrustful, and severly lacking in communication skills. Im thrilled to see how theyre going to evolve -for the better or the worse, both is good for me. But i’m very disappointed by the fandom reaction like “ooh how cute hes possessive it means love!” or “actually its not bad doing HT doing that bc his intentions are good”. 4/5
And I will be vry, vry disappointed if OX decides to follow this trend and to not show how this kind of actions is detrimental to their reliationship and use the tired and dangerous trope of “being violent means that you care”. I trust them to be more nuanced than that bc until now they are great at drawing grey relationship. So yea i hope next chapter, tianshan plunges (before being better). Anw sry for the rant, and plz continue the good work !! 5/5
phew. there’s a lot to unpack here – but I agree wholeheartedly with you. since this post is already kinda long, I will put my answer/explanation under the cut!
the parts that I bolded in your asks are what I intend to focus on in this answer. strap in, because this is going to be a long one. 
before anything, let me put a disclaimer: I love He Tian. I love Guan Shan. I love Old Xian. I love tianshan, and I love where they are headed in the manhua. does that mean I also love where tianshan are right now? no, it doesn’t. and I’m here to explain why I look forward to their potential rather than their current relationship’s dynamics.  
one of the hardest parts about being in a fandom is being able to separate fiction, reality, and morality. this is especially hard when a fandom is as old and endearing as 19 Days, and when you fall in love with & are rooting for all the characters. furthermore, 19 Days is not a tragedy. of course, when Jian Yi disappears, it will be tragic. but otherwise the majority of the manhua is a comical, romantic slice-of-life plot. as such, it’s easier for what would usually be seen as blaring issues/problems in tragedies to be disregarded for comedy or, in some cases, romance in a comedic, romantic slice-of-life. 
this is exactly the case with tianshan. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: He Tian’s current relationship with Guan Shan is not healthy. he doesn’t listen to Guan Shan. he doesn’t respect his personal space. he doesn’t know where to draw the line. he doesn’t know how to properly communicate with him, and thus resorts to violence or threats. tianshan just have a problem with communication. and, sure, maybe it can be chalked up to the fact that they’re young and stressed and don’t know any better. but that excuse is almost as bad as the “boys will be boys” excuse, and that doesn’t make it any better nor does it justify their actions. 
He Tian’s idea of relationships is so twisted, and as I talked about in a previous answer, it can probably be stemmed back to his trauma with the puppy Cheng took away from him. I won’t get too deep into that since I explained it in detail in that answer, but keep this in mind nonetheless: He Tian grew up in a family of violence, distance, miscommunication, and lies. it’s all he’s ever known, and that’s what he’s applying to his relationship with Guan Shan. does that make it right? no, absolutely not. but he’s learning. 
when Guan Shan had a panic attack at the restaurant, He Tian learned that people aren’t robots/pawns to use at his disposal and rather have their own strong emotions/backgrounds that shape them. thus, he brought Guan Shan home without a word. when he had his night terror and woke up to Guan Shan holding his hands, He Tian realized that there are parts of Guan Shan he still doesn’t know and, potentially, an aspect of their relationship that they’ve only started to uncover. thus, he thanked him without preamble and with a bowed head. 
what I’m trying to say is that He Tian does have good intentions at times, but not always. he’s learning as he goes, because god knows he didn’t have a family to teach him how healthy relationships should be. there probably is a part of He Tian that only wants to protect Guan Shan against She Li, but he certainly doesn’t show it in the right way. he acts possessive because he knows that if he doesn’t, he’ll lose what he loves (*insert flashback to the puppy*). again, does that make it right? hell no. jealousy and possessiveness are not cute and are entirely unhealthy in a relationship. the fandom should view them as such, but should also keep an open mind when considering He Tian’s background. 
and honestly, the reason why I’m focusing so much on He Tian right now rather than Guan Shan is because if it were up to Guan Shan, he would’ve dropped He Tian within the first few days (maybe even hours) of meeting him. but because of He Tian’s persistence, Guan Shan has no choice but to be involved with him and retaliate when He Tian verbally/physically/emotionally attacks him. nonetheless, Guan Shan has tried to walk away from He Tian on multiple occasions when He Tian’s teasing became too much, and on those occasions, He Tian has given in. (ex. I can’t find the exact chapter, but there is a chapter in which Guan Shan refuses to use He Tian’s fork to eat He Tian’s leftovers, and he gets up and says, “I’m going home,” to which He Tian replies, “Fine, fine, I’ll buy you new food.”)
so yes – tianshan certainly have flaws. He Tian holds too much power, and Guan Shan can’t catch a break. the fandom romanticizes their interactions, but if you take a moment to think realistically and recognize that character flaws are essentially bad but also critical for character development, then there is an even balance in the readers’ relationship with the manhua. don’t support He Tian’s violent interactions with Guan Shan and claim “omg He Tian loves Guan Shan sooooo much when he forces Guan Shan to do XYZ,” but rather support the fact that he hasn’t physically manhandled/harmed Guan Shan in many chapters. support and celebrate He Tian’s development, not his flaws. 
and as for what you said about Guan Shan telling He Tian that he’s “no better than She Li”? while I don’t think He Tian is truly as bad as She Li, I actually think that would be a painful, great, and pivotal moment in their relationship. after all, the most consequential scene in tianshan’s relationship thus far has been the kiss. at that moment, Guan Shan had told He Tian outright that he disgusted him and to leave him alone. since then, I don’t think He Tian has ever looked so… taken aback. unsettled. 
and guess what? their relationship has only gotten better since then, and He Tian hasn’t touched him like that again. 
I don’t know, anon. it’s a tough call. I think tianshan have a lot more chapters ahead of them, and I don’t think Old Xian will allow them to end on bad terms. actually, I don’t think Old Xian will allow them to end on the terms that they’re on right now. they can only improve from here on out, but how Old Xian will go about showing that improvement is unknown to us. there are many paths this story can take, but rather than worrying about what might happen, let’s focus on the here and now. let’s focus on the problems at hand, and let’s focus on the development the characters are undergoing. 
don’t ignore the wrongness/cruelty of characters’ actions, but don’t romanticize them either. if you do, you’re only doing a disservice to the character’s personality, existence, and the author’s intentions.
(and as for this newest chapter specifically: I see why people can get excited about He Tian telling Guan Shan to wear the earrings. He Tian wants to verify to both himself and She Li that Guan Shan is with him now. that Guan Shan is no longer under She Li’s control. who doesn’t love a little verification of their OTP’s relationship, especially when it involves an enemy?
but at the same time, it’s unhealthy. Guan Shan doesn’t have a say. he’s being handed around like an object. I don’t think this is pessimistic thinking; I think it’s the truth that no one wants to acknowledge/hear. but I’m not saying that tianshan is wrong in this chapter; I’m saying that He Tian has good intentions, but he’s not showing them correctly. and there will be a chapter in which he does show them correctly, but we must travel this rocky road before we get to that point. patience is key, and I cannot wait until He Tian and Guan Shan reach that moment of clarity. you can’t have light without the dark.)
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the-desolated-quill · 5 years
Quill’s Swill - The Worst Of 2018
Congratulations dear reader. You survived 2018. And you know what that means. It’s time for another best of/worst of list. Welcome to Quill’s Swill 2018. A giant septic tank for the various shit the entertainment industry produced over the course of the year. The films, games, TV shows and various other media that got on my bad side. As always please bear in mind that this is only my subjective opinion (if you happen to like any of the things on this list, good for you. I’m glad someone did) and that obviously I haven’t seen everything 2018 has to offer for one reason or another. In other words, sorry that Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald isn’t on here. I’m sure it is as terrible as some have been suggesting. I just never got around to watching it.
Okay everyone. Grab your breathing masks and put on your rubber gloves. Let’s dive into this shit pile.
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Hold The Sunset
The news that John Cleese would be returning to the world of BBC sitcoms was incredibly exciting, being a massive Fawlty Towers fan and all. Unfortunately Hold The Sunset was not quite what I had in mind. It’s one of those rare breed of situation comedies that chooses to offer no actual comedy. It’s not a sitcom. It’s a sit. Like Scrubs or The Big Bang Theory.
An elderly couple plan to elope abroad only for Alison Steadman’s son to barge in, having left his wife, and forcing them to put their plans on hold. Hence the title ‘Hold The Sunset.’ It’s like a cross between As Time Goes By and Sorry, but if all the humour and relatability were surgically removed by a deadpan mortician. The characters are weak, the plots are thin on the ground and the humour (hat little of it there is) feel incredibly dated. The middle aged mummy’s boy is something that hasn’t been funny since the 90s. It’s an utter waste of great talent and what hurts even more is that this tripe is actually getting a second series. I can only assume the people watching this are comatose. Either that or there’s an epidemic of people in Britain who have lost the remote.
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Avengers: Infinity War
Yes this is one of the worst movies of 2018 and no I don’t regret saying that one little bit. Avengers: Infinity War was fucking terrible. Period. There were too many plots and characters going on, which made the film hard to follow (and what staggers me is that the so called ‘professional’ critics have condemned movies for having too many characters and plots before. Spider-Man 3, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Batman vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice and even Deadpool 2. But because this is an MCU movie, it gets a free pass. Fuck off). The characterisation was weak due to sheer number of characters they try to juggle, resulting in characters coming off as one dimensional caricatures of themselves and scenes where characters such as Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Star-Lord sound completely interchangeable. The villain, Thanos, is a stupidly and poorly written villain, but that’s hardly surprising considering what a shit job Marvel have done building him up over the course of these 20+ movies. And let’s not forget that pisstake ending. A bunch of prominent Marvel characters die and it’s all very, very sad... except all these characters just so happen to have sequels planned, which makes this ending fucking pointless and have less impact than a feather on a bouncy castle.
I don’t know which is more shocking. That Marvel and Disney think their audience are that stupid and gullible, or that their audience are actually validating their view. Fuck you Disney.
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Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
I’ve always wanted a Harry Potter RPG, where you could customise your character, choose your house and actually live a full school life at Hogwarts. This year, Warner Bros and Jam City gave us just that.
That was a mistake.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the epitome of everything that’s wrong with the mobile gaming market right now. The gameplay is boring and involving where you just tap images on a screen until a progress bar fills up. Wizard duels are little more than rock-paper-scissors challenges that require no kind of skill. Bonding with friends and caring for magical creatures just consist of pathetically simple pop quizzes and yet more boring tapping. Oh and of course you only get a certain amount of energy to complete these tedious tasks. If you run out of energy, you wait for it to fill up... or pay up for the privilege. So determined are they to extract your hard earned cash from your wallet, there’s actually a bit where Devil’s Snare strangles your eleven year old avatar and the game effectively tries to guilt trip you into paying micro-transactions to save them. It’s sleazy, gross and manipulative. Honestly, you’re better off just playing Candy Crush.
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When the developers of this game said they wanted to give the player a trip through Hell, they had no idea how true that statement really was. Agony is dreadful on a number of levels. The design for Hell itself, while visually interesting at times, is often not very practical and gets quite dull and repetitive after a while. The stealth mechanics are a joke and the AI of your demonic enemies are pitiful. All of this alone would have been enough to put this game on the list, but then we also have the casual misogyny. Agony is a gorefest trying desperately to shock the player. We see men and woman get tortured, but it’s the women that often get the extreme end. The violence inflicted on them is often sexual in nature and the game seems to go out of its way to degrade and dehumanise women at every turn. The orgasmic cries of ‘pull it out’ quickly become a staple of the game’s experience as we see naked women raped, tortured and murdered, all for the purposes of ‘entertainment.’
I would call Agony sexist, but honestly that would be giving it too much credit. Agony is like a little child trying desperately to be all dark and edgy in a pathetic attempt to impress everyone around him, and we should treat it as such. Go to your room Agony. No ice cream for you.
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Peter Rabbit
If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of Beatrix Potter rotating in her grave.
Yes we have yet another live action/CGI hybrid, but instead of something innocuous like the Smurfs or Alvin and the Chipmunks, Sony instead decides to adapt Peter Rabbit, with James Corden in the title role.
It’s about as bad as you’d expect.
Their attempts to modernise the story are painful to say the least with pop culture references, inappropriate adult humour and twerking rabbits. Plus rather than the gentle, but slightly mischievous character we got in the source material, here Peter is a sociopathic delinquent who seems to revel in making the farmer’s life a living hell. He’s unlikable and unwatchable as far as I’m concerned and the film doesn’t in anyway earn the emotional moments it tries so desperately to sell to the audience. And the worst part is it’s getting a sequel.
Wait. Do you hear that sound? That’s the sound of Beatrix Potter tearing out of the ground, ready to kill whatever idiot came up with this shit.
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Fallout 76
I was excited for Fallout 76. A MMORPG where players band together to rebuild society after a nuclear apocalypse. Could have been great. Pity it wasn’t.
Fallout 76 is a dreadful game. Not only is it a buggy, glitchy mess that requires a constant online connection to play, which could result in you losing hours of progress if your WiFi went down, it’s also unbelievably tedious, and that’s because there’s nothing to do in the game. There’s no other characters to interact with, the various robots and computers you come across are really little more than quest givers, there’s no actual plot so to speak, and because of the sheer size of the world and the number of players allowed on a server, the chances of you actually meeting any actual players is remote. And let’s not forget all the behind the scenes drama. Bethesda falsely advertising Fallout themed canvas bags and players getting shitty nylon ones. Bethesda accidentally releasing the account information of various players trying to get a refund for said bag. Bethesda failing to program the year 2019 into the game code, meaning that the game’s nukes don’t work.
Maybe there’s a chance that Bethesda could pull a No Man’s Sky and fix everything over the coming years with various patches and DLCs, but the damage has already been done. It’s incredibly disappointing. The Elder Scrolls 6 is going to have be fucking incredible to win everyone back.
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Mama Mia!: Here We Go Again
I can’t stand jukebox musicals anyway, but Mamma Mia was always one of the worst. Its boring, meandering story with its one note, obnoxious cast of characters screeching out ABBA songs like they’re at some drunken karaoke session at some poor sod’s hen party has always grated on my nerves. So imagine my delight when they announced we were getting a sequel. Ever wondered how Meryl Streep met her three lovers and founded her hotel? No? Well tough shit, we’re going to tell you anyway.
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again is basically just Mamma Mia again. The actors still can’t sing, the characters are still annoying and story is still boring and meandering, completely at the mercy of the chosen songs rather than the filmmakers using the songs to compliment the story (you know? Like proper musicals do?).
How can I resist you? Very easily as it turns out. Gimme, gimme, gimme a fucking gun so I can end my misery.
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The Cloverfield Paradox
A lot of people were unhappy about the direction Cloverfield was going. They wanted a continuation of the found footage, kaiju movie from 2008, not an anthology series. I was personally all in favour. Partially because I thought the first Cloverfield was a tad overrated, but mostly because I thought it would be a great opportunity for more experimental film projects and could be a great launchpad for new writers and filmmakers. 10 Cloverfield Lane was a great start. Then The Cloverfield Paradox happened.
The Cloverfield Paradox is basically JJ Abrams trying to have his cake and eat it too. Maintaining the anthology format whilst connecting everything together in a ‘shared universe’ (yes, yet another shared universe). The result was a cliched, poorly edited and idiotic mess of a film that actually took away from the previous two films rather than added to them. Everyone hated it and, as a result, 2018′s Overlord, which was totes going to be part of the Cloververse, was made its own standalone film and Abrams double pinky promised to make a true sequel to the original Cloverfield. A complete and total disaster. No wonder it was a straight-to-Netflix film.
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The Handmaid’s Tale - Season 2
This is probably going to be the most controversial entry on the list, but please hear me out because I’m not the only one who has a problem with this season.
I was reluctant to watch The Handmaid’s Tale simply because of how gruesome the original book was, but I forced myself to watch the first season and I thought it was pretty good. It remained faithful to the source material for the most part and included some nice additions that helped to expand the story and mythos. If it was just a one off mini-series, everything would have been fine. But then they made the same mistake as The Man In The High Castle and Under The Dome did where they commissioned another season and attempted to tell a story that goes beyond the book.
There’s a reason why the original story ended where it did. The Handmaid’s Tale isn’t meant to be an empowering story about women sticking it to the patriarchy. It’s a cautionary tale about how fragile our civil rights truly are and how easily they can be taken away from us. It’s designed to shock, not to satisfy. So seeing a handmaid blow herself up in a suicide bombing feels very incongruous and just a little bit silly. It would be like doing a TV adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 where the first season followed the source material and then the second season turned Winston Smith into this heroic freedom fighter trying to overthrow Big Brother. It would represent a fundamental misunderstanding of what the book was about in the first place.
And then of course there’s the increased level of violence in Season 2, which many have complained about. In Season 1 and the original source material, the violence was justified. In Season 2, the motivation behind the violence has gone from ‘how can we effectively demonstrate how easily a fascist patriarchy can happen in the West?’ to ‘what brutal act can we inflict upon Ofglen to shock the audience this week?’ It’s purely for shock and nothing more. And with the showrunner (who I feel I should mention is a man) announcing that he has planned ten seasons of this, it seems that The Handmaid’s Tale is going to go even further with this depravity until it effectively becomes the equivalent of a Saw film.
The Handmaid’s Tale exists as a way of shining light on and critiquing misogyny in its most extreme form. Season 2 however demonstrates that there is a serious risk of it becoming the very thing it’s criticising in the first place.
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The Predator
I love the Predator franchise, but The Predator is the worst.
People thought that this would be good because director Shane Black had actually starred in the first Predator movie back in 1987. Instead we got this bloated, confusing, obnoxious and insulting mess of a film that seems to go out of its way to ruin everything that makes Predator so good. There’s no tension. No suspense. No intrigue. Just a bunch of gore, explosions and shitty one liners from annoying and lifeless characters. They essentially took this big alien game hunter from outer space and turned him into a generic monster from a bad summer blockbuster. It no longer hunts for sport. It wants to take over the world and splice our DNA with theirs. But don’t worry, a rogue Predator doesn’t want to kill humans (even though he himself kills a bunch of humans), so he gives us a Predator Iron Man suit to set up a sequel that will probably never happen because this movie was a box office bomb and it fucking SUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKEEEEEDDDD!!!
This film also has a very nasty streak towards those with disabilities. There’s a lot of jokes at the expense of a character with Tourette’s and it has an extremely ignorant and patronising view of autism, portraying the main character’s kid as being a super genius who can decipher the Predator language and even going so far as to say that he represents ‘the next stage of human evolution.’ Presumably the Predators want social communication difficulties because apparently it helps them hunt somehow.
What with Disney acquiring 20th Century Fox, the future of both the Alien and Predator franchises were very much in question. This film needed to be a success in order to make a case for Disney to keep making more of them. It wasn’t. Congratulations Shane Black. You might have just killed off this franchise for good. Thanks arsehole! :D
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So those were my least favourite stories from 2018. Join me on Wednesday where we shall discuss something more positive. Yes, it’s awards season. Who shall win the coveted Quill Seal Of Approval? Watch this space...
Or don’t. It’s up to you. I don’t want to force you or anything. It’s a free country.
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geckcellent · 6 years
p5 is a spiritual/successor to specifically, p2
that proposed p2 hd remake?? yeah i’m excited at the prospect but also filled with DREAD bc we have it in all but actual remake, and the name of the beast is p5
disclaimer: i love p5 & am having a blast with it and am not dunking on p5 in any way! (except its lgbt treatment which is nothing.. new...., ..,.,)
SPOILERS for p5 and p2:is
so i know the internet’s been going wild about how much p5 is similar to p2 ever since all we knew about p5 were the keywords ‘joker’ and ‘catharsis’ and the color red and some dude on a chair,, but like the more i play p5 the more intrigued i get. this is some stuff i was thinkin about, feel free to add/discuss;
- cognition: the metaverse is basically a wilder extension of the ‘rumors becoming reality’ plot of p2.. and THAT plot was setting up xibalba, which was more or less the metaverse™ but more standard smt (enemy demons instead of shadows, everything happens in the real world..ish,..,). pretty much everything that happened in xibalba was the dungeon adapting to people’s cognitions on the fly, like a room that turned into a torture deathtrap for people suspecting traps was a heal/rest point for the uh, simpler folks,.,.. and bosses were straight up cognitive versions of people (like jun’s mom and eikichi’s dad, a pod of Actual Alien Dudes to name some). jun, that poor bitch almost legit wrote himself out of existence at one point thanks to a self hating panic attack
- fun fact he did not in fact succumb to that bc everyone reminded him how sad his gay boyfriend would be if he didn’t exist
- one of the funkier things about xibalba was that using that logic you could also dictate your dungeon crawling experience a little bc it let you offer input at times and going ‘yeah i think we’ve barely gotten started’ would mean Oh Boy Time To Grind but ‘yeah! i think we’re at least half way’ would set you up on a fast track to the finish. real interesting
- some cosmic asshole playing a cosmic asshole with way too much free time game: the underlying thing driving the entire plot of p5, yaldabaoth's 'game' is literally the same thing as nyarlathotep's scheme in p2:is (proving humanity is a bunch of dumbass stupidheads with 0 good points), but with a happier ending and also no sequel to call for/justify a huge FUCK YOU PLAYER, FUCK YOU RIGHT IN THE FEELS, WITH A GOD DAMN CACTUS IN A POT FOR GOOD MEASURE
- adding on to that i'm not there yet but presumably you don't punch out real igor... probably ..,?? you can give philemon a solid wallop right before the epilogue it’s my fav part lmfao,, nyarlathotep also plays... Uh not quite fair but at least he doesn’t outright rig it iirc
- tatsuya had a cool kinda intimidating loner dude rep while akira's more Outright Scorned but in general they both function around a tight group that the world at large either doesn't understand or is at odds with.. they serve different plot purposes and are shown from different POVs but there are definitely similarities between the masked circle and the phantom thieves
- hot topic: "joker". admittedly it's been ages since i played p2 and the details are fuzzy but joker (jun) feels like what joker (akira) could've become had he ended up flying solo without teammates as checks or friends to keep him sane and without a caring parental/family figure.. the only person he trusts is himself in a shitty world full of disgusting people and betrayal; basically, joker (jun) IS joker (akira), had akira been without a support network.
- in short, joker!jun and akechi being similar motivationally is suddenly way more fridge given how p5 plays akechi as ‘not that different’ and i am now distinctly uncomfortable,.,,
- i would be laughing at pq2 being p5-centric and set in a 'movie theater' world (or so i've heard), but im not and thats only because i'm more salty that they took this totally sumaru theatre-feeling setup while conveniently pretending p2 and before never happened
- on that note p5's lgbt handling makes me SO SALTY because BRUH, P2 HAS THE BEST LGBT REP OF LIKE EVERY ATLUS GAME EVER and p5's is..,, well ., ,i thought it couldn't get worse after p3/p4 trans jokes but eeeeeeeh i have officially found my least fav beach pickup episode. yusuke’s lobsters are some sexy thots but nah that dont really make up for that fresh cuppa what the fuck
- the thought of a p2 hd remake fills me with equal parts excitement and dread because we already got a direct spiritual/successor in all but plot continuity and its givign me the worst fucking whiplash
- i lied i am shitting on p5 a little let me just get this out there Hi I Am About To Strangle One Ryuji Sakamoto Personally,
- give us a canon gay like jun & and a best comedy bro and total ally eikichi and also canon gay ship like tatsu/jun and when will atlus let me fuckign rest honestly
- ok i am going to rest right now actually it’s 2 fuckign AM ramble over
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charleshero · 4 years
finally its done my first book is done this is for a book series i am making this is the first book whoo hooo!
Author: Mr Deadly family                                                                                      created: it started Nov 28 2020                                                                    Genres: Fantasy, Horror, comedy, half a true story,                                        Which country of origin was this book made: Canada                                            Inspirations: my life, some friends, my own country and imagination,                   Will you make more books?: “soon probably’’                                                          Do you have a fandom for this?: “yes i currently do’’                                               What is your age?: “Fourteen’’                                                                                  What is your Dreams?: ‘’ i honestly have a couple dreams i don't know if i can list them all but i want to be a baker, a famous book writer, A talented artist, and a therapist,                                                                                                        What’s your favourite messaging app?: “discord cause that’s where i started”       Do you have any websites? “ a website about a show i'm working on with some idea’s                                                                                                                              What's the plot?: a kid with a average life but things have taken a bad to a good turn to a strange unique adventure
The Child the aunt and the godmother Book 1:
Chapter 1
                                                     I woke up in bed feeling average, like I did everyday, nothing strange, just plain old normal. I had a shower and got dressed. I went to go get my shoes on but I found two letters. it must have come from the mail slot. One from a hospital about my parents, the second about me going to live with my aunt. At this point you could guess I read number one. I was frustrated and sad to hear my parents had died in a car crash. I hid in my room and cried until my aunt knocked on the door. So I went to go open it. As I opened the door I noticed a weird happy grin on my aunt's face. I had two thoughts: number one she killed my parents or number two she was glad to have someone go live with her, since she was always lonely. She could see my finger twitch as she looked at me. ''Don't worry I wont hurt you'' she said as she picked me up and hugged me tightly ''I miss them too'' she said somehow I felt calm enough to fall asleep in her arms, when I woke up I found myself in bed, in a room, I've never seen before, it had all my stuff in it as well.. She must have packed up my stuff and put it in one of the rooms in her house.I Stretched and yawned remembering the letter I've tried to prevent myself from crying but it didn't work tears flowed down my cheeks my aunt heard and immediately opened the door she hugged me tightly more tighter than she's ever hugged me "shhh i'm here shhh'' she said trying to make me calm after awhile i stopped crying and told my aunt why i was crying she looked at my eyes and told me something "it's ok Dear i'll always be here for you i'll try to show you I love you" I smiled happily hearing those words  she saw my smile and she smiled back she was about to speak again "would you like a tour of the house? and maybe even the forest?"  Yes I said she stopped hugging me and stood up ''come on let's go hun^^"  he thought to himself ive never been called hun before. Ok I replied and stood up out of bed i held her hand and she held my hand tightly like how a mother bear would protect her young my aunt has been denied more then she has counted  all she has ever wanted was to start her own family  I can tell This means alot to her that she hopes this will work that she hopes i'll stay with her she showed me the bedrooms of the house even her own room she showed me where the bathrooms are, The living room, The kitchen, even the nice cozy fireplace i felt at home at this place already but the tour didn't stop there.
                   Chapter 2
She showed me where the house phone was located  "only use it in case of emergencies sweety" she said calmly     ok i'll remember that i said The next spot was the basement i told her i was afraid of the dark she laughed a little "what are you afraid somethings gonna hurt you?" I looked down at the ground feeling like i'm being bullied. She felt bad "h-hey i was just joking i'm just not used to caring for anyone i swear i'll try my best can you forgive me?" yes i forever you i said a little bit embarrassed  she turned on the basement light and we went down stairs the room was well lighted  i saw a picture of my mom and my aunt in the picture they looked about five or four "let me show you something about this picture" she said as she took it out of the frame it showed my aunt holding a strange creatures hand the creature had golden eyes, it had horns kind of like a goat's horns it had a skull for a head and a slim body it wore a old crown the creature looked female you could tell because it had round things near its chest like all females have  who's that i said curiously and a little bit scared  "oh yeah your mother never told you about her well she's your god mother she's a wendigo'' I backed up scared wondering if this was a trap  my aunt smiled softly she giggled "hey it's gonna be alright i swear i'll explain everything'' she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder I hugged her tightly and she hugged back "do you want to go meet your god mother? she's nice i promise me, your godmother, and your mother always hung out together when we were children'' s-sure i said nervously   she kissed me on the head and she grabbed my hand again as we went up on the stairs i had a couple thoughts. 1. is she gonna sacrifice me i don't wanna die!   .2.  Is she gonna feed me to that creature?!  .3.   Am I asleep or is this all real??............................ I hope not he thought to himself his finger twitched again which meant i was nervous very very nervous  I said absolutely nothing for awhile but i built up the courage to ask her a question Am i gonna die is this all real?! “Your not gonna die hun and yes this is of course real come on lets go we dont wanna wait until tomorrow do we?” Of course not, I replied.                                                                                               
Chapter 3
we stopped at the house door and my aunt turned to me "oh yeah forgot to mention we should  put on winter clothes so we don't get frostbite" I looked at her curiously winter clothes? wait are we on a mountain or something why would we need winter clothes? She looks at me giggling "oh yeah that's right you slept the whole way in my arms hehe you were  adorable when you were sleeping and yes were on a mountain''     Oh ok I walked away and went to my room i closed the door as i started getting undressed i gathered my winter clothes and i putted them on  i went to go to the house door to wait for my aunt it was a couple minutes to wait for her she was wearing black winter clothes we both putted are shoes on and headed out into the cold forest of this unique mountain the wind was howling the crunching snow under are feet was soft and nice. I started sneezing and getting a little cold. I thought I was getting sick. My aunt noticed and worried  “do you think you’ll be ok?” She asked like a very very worried mother. Yes I'll be fine I promise auntie we went back to walking we said nothing the wind was howling loudly  The breeze was very very cold more cold then a cold bath of ice I could feel my body getting colder and colder I hummed to myself to pass the time After I was done humming my aunt faced me she ruffled my hair saying i was silly and she wondered where i heard that song i told her i heard it from a stereo once i said happily she nodded smiling we played eye spy for a while my aunt won of course but soon i Yawned tiredly my aunt smiled "are you tired?" Nope i'm not tired i replied "ok then i was just checking she ruffled my hair again i smiled.      .
Chapter 4
We’ve been walking for a while. We’ve been going in circles. I wondered if I looked at my aunt. She smiled her normal happy smile “Where almost there I promise, do you trust me?”    of course i trust you your my aunt i said to her  she picked me up and placed me on her shoulder she tickled me making me laugh happily we soon arrived to a old looking cabin we went in and she placed me down my aunt was searching for something in there   What are you looking for? i asked   “a gateway to your godmother's house this is only the  entrance we will be teleported into her house do you still trust me?’’  Of course i do i replied a little bit worrying if she was going insane “there it is’’ She grabbed my arm and pulled a lever we were teleported into a house i heard birds chirping a bright sun i saw bright beautiful roses this place looks like a world of imagine could this be real? ‘’Of course it's real darling”  it is? ah ok Then I said curiously    My aunt held my hand “where in her garden located on the Sixth room” The Sixth room how many rooms does she have? I looked at my aunt and I thought this adventure was amazing. “no idea never really counted the rooms but do you really wanna know why your mom never told you about your godmother?”  Yes i certainly wanna know i was thinking about why she has never told me about her Do you know why auntie?        “Yes i do…...when your mom got married to your dad she found your godmother trying to break him apart by going into his dreams, Scaring him and stealing his money he got from work from all his hard work years later When you were birthed well when you came out of your mom Your godmother was there she was giddy and happy she was very excited She wanted to come up with a wendigo nickname or even just a name She even wanted to hold you and spend time with you, your mom and your dad But something happened between your mom and your godmother your mom snapped she said your godmother couldn't give you name’s  and that your godmother is a bad influence because of all the fun and scary adventures we did as children she even told your godmother that there friendship is over for the first time in probably never your godmother was angry and said she broke the window of the hospital and when your dad came in the room your godmother bite him on the arm causing him to bleed she turned to black smoke vanishing back to her home and that’s why your mother and father never mentioned your godmother….” I….. but w-why was my mom so harsh i know she was trying to protect me b-but f-family should stick together and n-not fight tears came from my eyes my aunt noticed quickly she hugged me tightly she sang me a song to calm me down it was a song ive never heard of before “shh little goat dont cause tear;s because auntie’s gonna make the bad person die and if that person’s blood isn't spilled she;s gonna hug and kiss you on the cheek until you’ll feel better’’
Chapter 5
I've seen to have now fallen asleep in my aunts arms again her voice was very smooth it was like silk it was filled with beauty she had black hair and she always wore black clothes she had white skin and green eyes while i just was just wearing a red shirt a winter hoodie pants snow boots i had black hair and black eyes with white pale skin my aunt carried me to a bedroom where she putted me in the center she didn't want to go take a long time to find a room to sleep in by herself so she got in bed and snuggled me tightly we were both warm and cozy we slept until the next day I opened my eyes and saw my aunt’s arms wrapped around me she was asleep i didn't wanna wake her i went back to sleep a couple minutes later she woke up and pinched me to try to wake me up i yawned and she smiled and yawned to we hugged tightly then we let go of eachother we stood up I stretched and she yawned again soon we were fully up we grabbed everything that belonged to us we walked out the bedroom and went a room that looked like a throne room i saw my godmother on the throne she was big and creepy and kinda cute i shook my head and lost that thought i didn't want to have the hots for my godmother i was curiously wondering if my godmother is a wendigo breeded with succubus i wondered if she was a mix or it was just well her gender that made her look strange “come on go see your godmother’’  i-iam to nervous i don't know if i can go over to talk to her i'm too frightened…… she had sighed and picked me up she placed me on her shoulders she walked over to her old friend aka my godmother The Female wendigo looked at us the wendigo stood up and got out of her throne She hugged my aunt tightly the wendigo turned her attention to me she had looked into my eyes wondering if my godmother will hurt me she gently took me off my aunts shoulder my god mother hugged me tightly smiling happily but kinda with a creepy looking  grin i've never seen before The wendigo finally spoke “welcome to my home my god son its so nice to finally well get introduced you have your mother’s beautiful eyes you even look just like her even though your a boy”  i spoke when she was finished “”t-thanks for the compliment i g-guess”” my aunt told my godmother why i was well with her my godmother looked sad to hear that my parents died she had pat my back gently and carefully “you poor little thing” She said worryingly.
Chapter 6
 My godmother puts me down. The godmother spoke again where are my manners you two must be starving. I'll get my butlers to serve food and follow me.  She must have wanted to change the subject badly. She said walking into the direction we followed her and ended up in the kitchen. I saw blood on the ground. I saw two dead bodys and i saw one of the butler’s cooking the corpse i was scared i thought we were gonna be turned into food i was about to run out But the god mother noticed i was scared She opened her mouth “its ok dear your not gonna be a victim of mine i am neutral ok and i would never hurt you your all i have left of your mother i love you dear and here try some it's not bad She had grabbed a spoon of soup she putted the soup in my mouth and i swallowed it She smiled and spoke once more “that's a very good boy!^^ did you like it?” Actually yeah i replied a little bit shocked i liked the soup will i turn into a cannibal? i wondered my aunt spoke “don't worry dear she hurts bad people but when she’s very hungry she goes for good people and theses aren't human body’s so don't worry” She hugged him tightly it was the god mother’s turn to speak “i haven't had human in years i kinda miss the taste but remember i wouldn't harm you anyways let’s go to the dining room” *we saw her walk out the room going into another it was a nice long table it had candles on it the candles were bright the was pictures of my mom, my aunt and my godmother together through there adventures on the other wall was pictures of other wendigo’s probably my godmother’s family it was just a simple guess honestly. All three of us sat at the table my aunt and godmother sat beside me they probably did this because they didn't want me to well choke on something  soon the butler’s have arrived they brought baked good’s and the soup’s made out of strange corpses one of the soups had a eye in them there was organ chilli  and theses weird shaped cut brains must have been my godmother’s version of chicken nuggets there was pudding that looked like it was mixed with blood there was a cake called a bloodvet cake  a velvet cake mixed with blood and there’s always a surprise in the cake it could be a hand, a head even a leg there was music playing in the background i couldn't put my finger on which song it was  Strange and very new it was better then any song i've heard. When we were eating my godmother asked me a couple questions “so hun what’s your name? how old are you? and i bet you haven't seen good food like this before”  Well my name is isaac  i've always wanted to change my name i am currently fourteen and your right i've never had good food like this this is very very amazing but now it's my turn to ask questions how old are you godmother? and what’s your name? The god mother spoke “my name is marinette the queen of wendigo’s and age? Well that’s a secret so i'm just gonna say young hehe” ok then anyways i turn to my aunt what’s your name auntie? The aunt replied quickly “Melissa von Rose, that's my name dear” Thank you two for answering my questions and I am glad we got to know each other. The two women replied “your welcome hun.
Chapter 7
The godmother Looked at me curiously ‘’so issac what would you change your name to if you don't like the name isaac” I replied instantly well i would prefer changing my name to Robbie it sounds like a very good name the name always interested me for some reason  She looked at me in surprise “sounds like a wonderful name hey issac do you mind if i give you a little nickname?”      sure godmother i don't mind and i feel like it's only fair since my mother didn't well let you pick me a name     “well it's more of a nickname i’ll nickname you seeker and seeky” It's a beautiful nickname i love it^^ i replied with that answer soon we were done eating the butler’s cleaned up the table  the godmother opened her mouth once again “How would you two like to spend the weekend here?”    My aunt replied first “only if it's okay with you marinette” The god mother replied to that “of course it is” I was excited to hear all this. I was gonna spend time with two people I care about and two people who care about me. Maybe this  could be my family instead. I hugged both of them tightly they hugged back smiling happily there smile looked like they had some type of hope they were probably hoping i would change their lives I yawned tiredly almost like a kitten both the females said “awww so cute” They both ruffled his hair after they were done ruffling his hair the god mother placed him on her shoulders she pinched his cheek gently she spoke “were all gonna have so much fun i promise this will make your life interesting no longer plain” I spoke when she was done talking this sounds fun already i don't know what else would be fun  i said then melissa replied “that's the point hun there’s nothing more fun than this at all we walked out of the dining room all of us smiling very very happy we were glad to all be together we loved each other it was like they were a married couple and i was the son.
Chapter 8
We had walked into the hallway heading to a room they must be putting me in bed i thought after all i did yawn tiredly they must think sleep is very important to me and my body my aunt had open the room door my godmother placed me into bed they both kissed me on the head smiling i closed my eyes my aunt turned on a lamp and told melissa why she turned on the light it's because i have a fear of the dark they walked out the room and closed the door i can't wait for the second adventure tomorrow I Thought to myself and fell asleep.
0 notes
gaarfielf · 6 years
my list of lupin movies ive watched for the sake of keeping track and making sure i dont rewatch some
Castle of Cagliostro (10)
favourite Lupin movie of all time. Fantastic art, cast, plot, everything.
Blood Seal: Eternal Mermaid (8.5)
Really good animation and really interesting plot. Another ‘Lupin has to babysit’ movie but it was treated in such a way that set it apart from other ones. He gives her a lot of good advice and overall I really enjoyed this one even if it’s kind of underrated.
Burning Memory - Tokyo Crisis (8.5)
Surprisingly good like I wasn’t expecting a 90′s Lupin movie to come for me like this but the animation is really solid and the movie itself was really funny. I also liked that Maria and Zenigata weren’t a thing like that cleared my pores.
The Bloodspray of Ishikawa Goemon (8)
The animation is fucking stellar but there were odd gaps in the movie that were really inactive. I liked the two subplots going on though like they were both interesting.
Bye Bye Lady Liberty (8)
The classic convoluted subplots worked well here tbh and the Goemon romance stuff was gunshot noise gunshot noise cash register noise. The animation had this weird glow to it but it was (almost) the 90s lol
Hemingway Papers (8)
They really got me with Goemon and Jigen going against each other and Lupin being in a relationship with someone aside from Fujiko (a relationship that was genuinely romantic) was actually pretty well done. That whole bit at the end with the karaoke machine? Amazing
Return the Treasure (7)
Another one that was really close to being perfect. The only loose ends was that the “treasure” wasn’t really explained very well (but i mean, the lead up to it was very good) and i could’ve done with more scenes with the whole gang (it seemed like there was a lot of times where it was lupin jigen and fujiko or lupin goemon and fujiko, but not enough of all of them together)
From Siberia With Love (7) 
The usual amount of humour and action from a Lupin III film and the art is pretty standard. Goemon got a few nice quotes in and Fujiko talked to a woman. Could’ve done without Rasputin but thats just me.
Elusiveness of the Fog (7)
Lupin offering Goemon to the princess was kinda funny and I actually really liked OG Mamo (not the short freak) being revitilized bc his episode in the original series was really entertaining. The history of where they were was a little wonky but I’ll give it to them this time.
Pilot Film (7)
That shit was wild i liked how jigen was introduced as the gunman and then beat the shit out of 3 police officers with his bare hands. also goemon i guess dedicates his life to killing lupin so thats fun, like he’s on zenigata’s side i guess. could’ve done with fujiko making an expression at any given time but yknow what? it was funny and it was only 12 minutes long
Another Page (7)
Surprisingly not that bad. To summarize the film as a whole I’d say: it could have been worse. The plot made sense which is more than i can say about most lupin movies and they stuck to two subplots that were both interesting and meshed pretty good by the end. And the two lady characters that got introduced didn’t betray anybody AND didn’t die.
Farewell to Nostradamus (6.5)
The animation was pretty good and I liked the whole ‘we gotta protect this kid’ thing but I always mix up this one and Bye Bye Liberty Crisis like this movie is it’s less interesting twin. Both of them have kids they need to protect but Bye Bye Liberty Crisis was just better. I feel like this one had a really good ending but aside from that the movie wasn’t that memorable for me.
Fuma Conspiracy (6.5)
i liked Goemon being in a relationship bc it was really sweet, i just wish there wouldve been a better balance of romance to plot. Also terrible voice actors but that just affected my enjoyment not really the plot or anything relevant.
Sweet Lost Night (6)
I like time shenanigans and my only two critiques are the inconsistent art quality and they seemed really hesitant to embrace time skipping. Like “he’s limited to twice before he becomes brain dead” was a little bit of a small window. If anything they missed out on a good opportunity for a classic lupin montage of him time skipping way too often. Maybe if they changed it to “you skip time every 12 hours, to every 6 hours, to every 3 hours, etc” until he stops existing?? like that seems more in line with a lupin plot not to mention a little more suspenseful.
Dead or Alive (6)
The new art style is kind of neat and didn’t really affect the personality of the characters like I thought it would. The plot itself was complicated and hard to follow but I mean, it wasn’t awful. Nothing I really hated and nothing I loved.
Jigen Daisuke’s Gravestone (6)
Handsome Jigen was cool but tcm i’m begging you to drink your Respect Women Juice. Also Goemon wasn’t in this one what the fuck was up with that. Lupin looked like a crispy toenail in the new art style but again the animation is gucci so I can’t really complain on that front.
Napoleon's Dictionary (6)
Reminded me a lot of Mamo except with more respect in women. Just kidding Fujiko was kind of a crapshoot in the end and the ending was more or less just. cut off?? like they crashed into the ocean after lupin ruined zenigatas marriage and the credits started rolling. it was weird bc it had a lot going but i guess they ran out of time for a proper ending?
Mystery of Mamo (6)
Respect Women Juice needed and also why was Goemon purple. The pros to this movie was the overall aesthetic being really attractive BUT the plot was sketchy and didn’t make a lot of sense. The only remarkable scene I remember is Jigen shooting the can by Lupin’s feet like I wish that emotion would’ve carried through the film and not ended there.
Red vs Green (5)
Really good animation, no fucking idea what happened in this film.
Walther P-38: Island of Assassins (5)
They missed an opportunity to be a little more psychological and the lady of the week dying was meh but I will say the plot stayed on course like they didnt try to do too much at once like they tend to do. I wish they would’ve delved more into lupin’s past with the doctor because that seemed kind of random but the more lethal, edgy plot was handled decently. I’ll probably forget this one in a week tbh.
Dragon of Doom (5)
I like learning more about Goemon but his girlfriend was really distracting and uneccessary. Like, if you want to introduce Goemon’s childhood friend sure its whatever but she only showed up to either threaten lupin or flirt with Goemon. And it was very obvious she was going to betray him so all her build up was pointless. I will say though, the plot was pretty cool which was surprising.
Voyage to Danger (4)
tcm I’m begging you to let Jigen talk to a woman and not have it be like ‘this is Jigens girlfriend now’. Sometimes women be talking and they aren’t thirsting for a man triple their age. It just be like that sometimes. Thats literally all I remember about this film.
First Contact (4)
I remember being excited for this like ‘oh wow their first ever meeting’ and i s2g this film was boring. And also a giant plothole. With no real redeeming qualities. I don’t even remember the animation being that good.
Columbus Files (4)
This film was at least funny bad but my hand to god I’d never watch it again. This is the first time I’ve ever watched a movie and had to watch the dub bc the sub was boring me to death. It was just... so bad... Especially when you’ve seen Wings of Death like this ain’t the Fujiko I know please leave.
Seven Days Rhapsody (3)
The comedy in this one was so weirdly incorporated and featured another really good ‘here’s Jigen’s dead girlfriend’ that i just could not care less about and then finished off with this what like 13 year old girl asking to be Lupin’s girlfriend? fuck outta here. The ONLY good part was Goemon slapping Lupin across the face.
Alcatraz Connection (2.5)
Really, really boring. The content wasn’t necessarily bad but they had 4 subplots going on that were equally uninteresting and some scenes went on for so so so long. It deadass took me 5 hours to watch this movie bc i kept pausing to do literally anything else. The art was unpleasant and by the time they got the treasure i didn’t really care anymore. Not to mention the plot was way too complicated and tin-foil hat for my liking.
Missed by a Dollar (2.5)
Made very little sense and in general was really annoying. Between Goemon being a born again Christian and the plot briefly derailing so Lupin could establish an oil company it was like can we pick something to focus on? By the end of the movie I was like wait when did they get the broach? What does the broach do again? And then he gives it to someone random and its like??
Gold of Babylon (2)
This one if the definition of being cursed and Pink Jacket deserved so much better than this nonsense. Like Lupin III isn’t known for its coherence, sure, but this movie had absolutely no structure. Upon finishing the film I was trying to remember anything that just happened and my brain refused. It kept the good cartoonish animation but god at what cost.
Angel Tactics (2)
TCM PLEASE DRINK YOUR RESPECT WOMEN JUICE. The art was just. Stunningly bad. Bad to the degree where about a minute thirty in I already regretted starting it. Not to mention the classic “we don’t actually wanna draw this part so we’re gonna jam cgi in here”. Also the most awkward use of “hey heres 3 women hey heres 3 men lets shove them together”.
Harimao’s Treasure (2)
nazis and transphobia which was extremely unfortunate considering the opening was actually one of the stronger ones I’ve seen from Lupin but immediately after the villain was introduced the quality of the film dropped about 90% and i wanted to die for the entire last half of the film. if they had changed the villain it would’ve solved 90 of their problems.
Twilight Gemini (2)
this was one of the only films in the entire lupin series where i was rooting for lupin to fucking perish. not only was goemon only in this film for 26 seconds, jigen was there for about 30 seconds and im not entirely sure if fujiko was there at all. not to be that guy but when they make lupin to be the most intolerable piece of shit in the world for this movie, don’t give him all the screen time. having to stare at this asshole for an hour and a half was exhausting.
Princess of the Breeze (2)
How a movie where Jigen has to carry a baby around in one of those funny baby-carriers turned out this fucking goddawful I have no explanation for. This movie was like an AU where all these other characters no one cares about happen to exist in the same universe as lupin. and when lupin does show up, i want him dead. Just horrifically boring and lazy art mixed with bad cgi. The only upside is that it isn’t Return of the Magician.
Return of the Magician (1)
I’m giving it a 1 on the principle that this wasn’t even a movie. It was a little less than an hour long and my god i’ve never seen a film so full of pad-time that if i can be so bold, there was more pad time than plot. What little plot they had made absolutely no sense and the art used cgi in the most bizarre and ugly ways. i’m pretty sure the credits played twice at the end. if there was a world record for lowest budget in a film, Return of the Magician would win hands down.
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groundramon · 7 years
Do you have a list of like top 5 tv shows? (Cartoons and anime included)
!!! Yes I do, actually!
I’ve actually thought about doing a YouTube video about this in the past, and while I do want to do list-like videos (and I already have at least one in mind) in the future, I put off doing this one because it actually…depends greatly on where certain shows I currently like are headed because some currently-airing shows would be on this list if they hit their full potential, but who knows if they’ll hit their full potential. Also I always split anime and cartoons into two categories because I always had a hard time picking otherwise xD But I do have some semblance of a list, and I adore talking about this kind of stuff, sooo:
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This spot is kind of a three-way tie between Voltron, Bojack Horseman, and FMAB, all for extremely different reasons. So consider Voltron and Bojack my honorable mentions. But while I believe Bojack’s best is honestly some of the (if not the) best out there, and if Voltron promises through on what they’ve promised it will easily skyrocket up this list, Bojack’s worst is everything I hate about Hollywood and Voltron just has too many holes at the moment.  FMAB has the best of both worlds because it has great animation like Voltron, doesn’t have any of Bojack’s bad kind of moments, and doesn’t have many holes in it.  (Another honorable mention goes to BNHA, but like Voltron, I just don’t think it has had enough time to develop all the way. Unlike Voltron, it doesn’t really have any holes, but I do have a problem with how strictly it adheres to cheesy super heroes of the past.)
BUT onto FMAB itself. God cmon, its FMAB, do I really need to elaborate why its so great? The characters are compelling, their motivations are powerful and interesting. I could write an essay examining Ed’s character alone, because he has so many interesting motivations and morals that seemingly conflict with his angry disposition, and I don’t even like Ed that much. The story is exciting - there’s basically no filler, and it almost moves too fast at points. I do have problems with the show - as I said, it goes too fast. The only two deaths in the season happen in the first 12-15 episodes of the series, and although I think that’s because the original FMA animated those scenes already, it still fucks with the pacing of this show. Additionally, despite Lust, Gluttony, and Envy all being revealed before, the show introduces a completely new villain - Greed - to introduce the homunculi. And then they kill Lust - the presumed leader of the first three introduced homunculi?? Idk man, the show barrels in a completely different direction way too quickly. But other than that, its a great show. The only reason it isn’t higher is because I’m a biased shit towards other good shows.
4. Teen Titans
Speaking of being a biased shit, idk if it shows or not, but I have a HUGE soft spot for corny kids shows that try to give kids bad laughs and dark/relatable storylines, or rather, have a heart while doing so. Its not so much that I like a balance of comedy and darkness in my shows - although that’s a good thing, I eat pure angst up and I’m all-for pure comedy shows that have the aforementioned heart (ie we bare bears, another good show not on this list) - its just specifically corny pun-ridden teen/tweeny-feeling shows/games that actually have a decent story underneath that get me. (Also my sense of humor aligns much more with shitty teen lingo and puns than modern cartoon humor that’s considered “good”. Like I find Teen Titans 10x funnier than I’ve ever found Steven Universe. I’m a 90s kid at heart even tho I wasn’t alive in the 90s)
But the biggest impact of this show for me was the heart and the plot. The silly moments made me laugh, sometimes iromically and sometimes unironically and sometimes I wasn’t sure how, but it was the story that really gripped me. The first season’s overarching plot for Robin is honestly one of the most compelling things I’ve seen in kids cartoons…period. Its dark, its unique, its a subversion of such a simble and broad trope. Sure it had a nice cheesy ending but Robin actually saves the day through INTELLIGENCE, something he always had. No other Teen Titans ending did that, but I digress.
And god, do not even get me started on Terra’s arc. Just because Robin’s was the most well-structured arc doesn’t mean his was the most emotional. I was fucking distraught after Terra’s season. Those memes weren’t a joke, I legitimately cried right in front of my mom. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS, BUT IN MY BLIND LOVE, I MISSED ALL THE SIGNS… and god, even when she comes back, even when she’s given a happy ending, she manages to make me cry AGAIN. I never, ever thought I could cry over a character like Beast Boy, but she made me do it. I didn’t even cry when Sokka’s girlfriend died, but this really, really got to me. Once for personal attachment, and the second time because…the finale is so good. Literally its Bojack levels of deep, emotional, and realistic, and this was the ending of a fucking kids show. What the fuck. To this day I still get emotional whenever something reminds me of her arc. Which brings me to my next series…
3. Cybersix
Hi so did I mention Cybersix is really good? Because Cybersix is really good.  I’m not even done with it but yeah, I love this show.  It’s got an amazing art style, great animation, an intriguing story…I have a feeling I’m gonna be really disappointed when it ends because I’ll want to know what happens next so badly.  I like the characters, I like the aesthetic, I like the old-timey music that dates this cartoon so wonderfully, I even like the romance between Lucas and Cybersix/Adrian!  How’d you make me do that.  Oh yeah, because it’s not hard to get me to care about a mutually rewarding relationship that’s gradually built up through a friendship, then an aesthetic attraction, then presumably a relationship but idk yet, where both parties care about one another and their boundaries and have gotten along well since the start.  I forgot.  (I could nitpick that Lucas doesnt have the same buildup for the relationship as Cybersix [its complicated, basically he’s friends with Cybersix’s alternate persona Adrian but he’s in a relationship with Cybersix, and he doesnt know theyre the same person] but I’m not gonna.)  It’s just…a good show man.  @ hollywood, reboot THIS you cowards.  Stop rebooting shit nobody wanted a new version of and reboot shows that were ended to quickly.  Actually dont reboot Cybersix because the only animation studios that would be able to do it any justice are Studio Mir and anime studios, and whoever owns the current copyright to Cybersix would probably be okay using flash for it
2. Digimon Adventure (with a honorable mention to Digimon Tamers)
You can rip my love for the entire Digimon franchise from my cold, dead hands.  I’m sincerely surprised any show passed up my love for this show.  If/when the currently airing series in Japan gets brought over here, I’ll watch it, even though Digimon has kind of abandoned what made it so great in the first place.  But hell, even Fusion was enjoyable - the second arc, from what I remember, was pretty dark and interesting (im still mad they got rid of the two best characters tho) - and the only reason I disliked Data Squad so much is because of Marcus (that and it doesnt have anything else that’s absolutely stunning, in fact from a technical standpoint Marcus is the best thing about the show).
But there’s a reason I put Digimon Adventure here and not the entirety of the Digimon franchise.  Digimon Adventure is what started it all.  No Digimon season has as much heart in it as the original.  Sure the animation improves each season, sure Tamers is probably better story-wise on a technical level, but I dont think any season matches the raw charm of the original.  It was so charming, in fact, that what was supposed to be a 13-episode miniseries evolved into a massive franchise that’s still beloved to this day.  Hell, there’s still content being released for the 8 Digidestined of this season!  It’s right alongside Pokemon, Invader Zim, Hey Arnold, and all these other beloved 90s/early 2000s cartoons that are being revived in recent years, and I think that says a lot.
I wasn’t even alive when Digimon Adventure was airing, but I loved the Digimon games I had played so much that I went out of my way to watch it.  And I…loved it.  Sad as it may be, it was the greatest TV show I had seen at the time.  Growing up in the late 2000s watching only Nickelodeon and CN was not a good period to grow up in, and I never saw Avatar as a kid.  By the time the 2010s had rolled around, I had mostly given up on cartoons, and besides, they were all fugly.  I still tried to watch some, but just…the humor didn’t grip me, they seemed dumb, and they weren’t pleasant to look at.  (Okay the main shows I’m vaguing about are Adventure Time and Regular Show, as well as whatever Nickelodeon was doing but I begrudgingly put up with Nickelodeon for the most part because I preferred Nick and I never knew what else to watch)  Then Digimon came around, and hol-y-shit.  The characters were like nothing I had ever seen before, the storylines engaging and interesting.  Sure it was cheesy, but there was 95% less fart jokes than the average cartoon, a good story, and actually relatable characters that actually go through hardships and actually change for the better!
Digimon Adventure has been and always will be proof to me that no matter what you are, no matter what your show is, you can make a good show out of it.  If you get people who care, who can make relatable characters, who can come up with an interesting story, you can make a good show.  Digimon Adventure is basically a big long toy commercial, and yet its better than lots of shows that dont even have merchandise - and its also better than a lot of shows that have merchandise now, but weren’t created to sell toys in the first place.  I just.  Love it a lot.
Also, the reason I specifically chose Digimon Adventure, outside of having a personal attachment to it since it was always my favorite, is because Tamers hecking scared me as a kid and I’ve never gotten over how creepy the last arc is.  Like it’s good, but it still scared me.
Honorable mentions: Bojack Horseman, Voltron: Legendary Defender, We Bare Bears, Gravity Falls (thats a big one, it would definitely be on this list if I had 10 spots, and will gladly take the 6th spot if Voltron doesnt follow through or Bojack goes south), Over the Garden Wall,  the aforementioned Digimon Tamers ,and Infinity Train might be #2 or at least #3 if it wasnt just a single episode l m a o
1. A tie between Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
HI SO YEAH if you didnt expect this then you dont know me //BRICKED
Before I explain both, I want to be very clear that I’m not counting them as a single entity.  No, I just cant pick between them.  They’re two extremely different shows, and I actually agree with people who say ATLA is overall a more-rounded show.  Problem is, I watched both during a period of my life where politics and darkness make an extremely interesting show for me (aka the current period of my life) and thus its a very biased and “nostalgic” pick, just like Digimon Adventure.  Had I watched these shows when they were airing, I dont know if LOK would even be on this list.  Heck Digimon adventure probably wouldnt be on this list since ATLA would’ve held the crown for my favorite show for all those years.
They both have amazing animation and solid writing, but that’s about all they have in common in my eyes - even though they share the same world.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a kids show.  Through and through, its a kids show.  That’s not an insult in the slightest though; no, the fact that they can make something so sophisticated and enjoyable that still clearly appeals to children is really a testament to their skills.  Many kids shows that try to take on heavier/darker stories feel like completely different shows when they try to do that - shows that arent intended for kids.  Voltron and SU are the most notable examples of that, but even LOK has a little bit of that (but in LOK’s case, its the entire show, so I kinda give them a pass lol)  Other shows do it okay (Gravity Falls) but really the only show I’ve ever seen match Avatar’s perfect balance of comedy and seriousness is Bojack, which isn’t a kids show so it has an advantage over Avatar.
Avatar’s world is fanciful and larger than life.  I’m so sad that I watched Avatar and LOK after my fanfiction days; I would’ve loved to spend nights thinking about a potential Avatar story, complete with my own Avatar and original cast.  I could put it before Avatar, after LOK, who knows? but it would’ve been so much fun.  Hell I HAVE thought about Avatar stories, but I obviously dont have much thought up on any of my potential ideas.
The pacing of Avatar is golden.  How a show wish such good pacing got through Nickelodeon, I dont know, but whatever deal allowed Avatar to go on for three seasons and then end was a once-in-a-life-time deal (as evident by what happened to Korra).  Somehow this show came out almost completely perfect, with few or no flaws.
This is the pinnacle of children’s entertainment, in my opinion.  This is proof that there’s no excuse for the garbage that makes up 90% of children’s entertainment.  The standard doesn’t have to be this, since this is the best, but this show is proof that we need to raise the standard.  I wish executives actually gave a shit about quality; if they did, maybe we could get mostly good shows instead of mostly bad shows.
If most shows were half as good as Avatar, the average show would be gorgeously-animated, smartly-written, and really good, even if it had a flaw here and there.  If most shows were half as good as Avatar, Steven Universe would be the average instead of a godsend.
If I someday, somehow make a show that’s 2/3rds as good as Avatar, I’ll officially be a good writer.  I’d love to make tons of shows just as good as Avatar, but hey, I cant get TOO cocky now lol
Now for The Legend of Korra.  Korra has slightly better animation (god i love studio mir) and different but still intriguing worldbuilding.  I know a lot of people found the political bs to be annoying, but I actually found it quite intriguing.  Avatar did a little bit of exploring moral gray areas and playing with politics, but Korra just goes all-out.  I wish the first season’s morality could’ve been a little grayer, but even then, the politics were still interesting.  And god, that one scene in the first season finale, the murder-suicide…that’s still a really powerful scene.  The entire finale would’ve been super powerful were it not for everything resetting by the end of it, but hey, they basically did the same thing in season 3!
Holy shit though, season 3.  An on-screen strangling.  Someone exploding themselves to death.  And then the finale’s fight.  The finale’s fight. The finale of season 3 is one of the most intense things I’ve seen…ever.  The atmosphere in that fight is just…so good - combined with the animation and choreography, its just amazing.  You can almost feel every hit, you actually feel concern for Korra, you’re legitimately concerned for her life.  And you know what?  You should’ve been!  Because she almost dies, and she has to suffer the consequences of that.  The fourth season has a time gap in-between, but even then, she spends episodes trying to fully recover.
In my opinion, the only thing making Korra a kids show is Milo.  I’m certain they put him in there because otherwise, it wouldn’t have been allowed to be called a kids show.  It’s dark, its intelligent, its beautiful, and it’s going to go right over most kid’s heads.  As a kids show it does kind of fail; it just doesn’t really appeal enough to them.  Once you’re old enough to understand, say, Naruto or Dragon Ball you should be okay, but ATLA appeals to all ages while Korra really needs a certain maturity in its audience to be understood and to not scare its audience.
They’re just both. so good
(thanks for the ask!!!)
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