#just a few psa's i guess
sisterdivinium · 1 year
I suppose I don't much focus on avatrice because I judge that what the show has given me is sufficient.
This isn't to say I think there is no need for the story to go on or that we had a satisfying "definitive" ending (not at all!), only that the treatment Ava and Beatrice have received in canon was so well-done (and I trust it would continue to be so in future episodes) that my imagination doesn't find much interest in coming up with alternative scenarios or weaving theories of what might be in store for them or filling in any blanks.
This is entirely personal and subjective, of course, and I'm not deriding anyone who does any of that. I am content with what I have received and might yet be given if all works out, so I prefer to enjoy and contribute to fandom in other ways.
The reason for writing this is not to point fingers at others from my high horse, merely to state that even if I do not interact with this particular aspect of fandom, I do love avatrice, as it is.
It might also be a good time to say that, even though I very much write fanfiction (which I technically shouldn't be doing, after officially "retiring" in 2017 in favour of original fiction), I haven't read any in some ten years and probably won't unless clearly asked to do so. This is for a few reasons: a) the aforementioned disinterest in fan renditions of something I am quite happy with already, considering how, to my knowledge, most of the stories going around focus on the main ship; b) to preserve my own ideas for stories, should I encounter someone exploring a plot I had thought of exploring myself, so I can avoid mixing things up, or going through the disheartening effect of "they've done it already so I won't bother"; and c) because my eyes are not what they used to be when younger: between reading fanfic on a screen and reading classic authors (my favourite) in physical books, I hope you will not begrudge me for choosing the latter.
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meatriarch · 3 months
overview cont. i guess lmao. no one asked but its been something in the back of my mind for a while now & i got an anon tonight telling me i come off intimidating and i feel the need to just. make note of some things so that hopefully if anyone feels a certain way with how i run this blog then like. know and understand both my side as well as that my dms / disc is open for anyone to pop into -- just obv depends on the headspace at the time.
i know this is long & am sorry if it doesnt make sense but. just setting it gently out there.
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but, again, my disc ( same as my url ) is open for any mutual. its open to shoot the shit. open for plotting. open for memes. what have you. i may not always get to every message. i may not be in the headspace for certain things or certain energies. but its open for anyone as long as we are mutuals & if handles are different between here & disc then i just get a heads-up abt who you are so i know lmao
likewise, i am fairly fucking slow writing-wise and alot of that is because of offsite issues chipping into me but also because most, if not all, of the things i DO have in the inbox or drafts are from my affiliates at this time ( tho i do have some more from the archive i need to move over from a couple people ). alot of my spoons and drive to write and post is because of the dynamics and plotting built between our muses. im not a blog centered on plotting but, it does help to have a better idea on how to navigate between muses c: esp for those technically outside of my kiddos' texas canon obviously. that being said, anyone is welcome to like any inbox calls i put out there. and my inbox is always open and accepting, even if i havent reblogged prompts in a while -- i have my tag linked on my pinned and its available always & for whomever. it just comes with the understanding that i may take a while to respond to them & they may not get as expansive as some of my posts can get with my affiliates; which again, is just simply from how much we've been building together that helps with that!
on that note. my connections with my texas pals are very dear to me. both ic & ooc. as i noted in my overview post, i talk about the dynamics we've built openly and freely here because theyre so integral to my portrayals. they & their kiddos have my entire heart and i unapologetically love having fun with them and going on tangents with them and bouncing thoughts off of each others posts on the dash.
my experiences in other corners of tumby rp have not been particularly kind. and its been a long time since ive felt comfortable especially ooc with writing partners. and i understand if i may come across closed off or intimidating or unapproachable. i understand if i also come across partial to them / play favorites because frankly... i am. i do. thats because they've built bonds not just between characters but also with me. ill be very transparent and say that i am very particular in who i get close with and that translates into here too. but thats also just something that easily can also happen with literally anyone. again i do understand if i come across closed off in any sense but genuinely? im not scary and i have options open for continuing to grow more connections with people c: theyre open always. what im not going to do, however, purely out of personal experience is chase after interactions. the last fandoms i wrote in i did so and it wore me down into my last hiatus. i will show equal enthusiasm to whats given. but i wont fish for it, either. its just not my cup of tea.
i like to think im fairly patient and understanding in a lot, probably moreso than i should in some cases -- sincerely though if theres issues know that im fine with it being brought up. but im also not going to be welcoming nor tolerate my boundaries being disregarded or disrespected, im already dealing with that with an offsite friend. not dealing with it here. i do not like feeling so uncomfortable existing on my own blog or in my own disc. and i get that already with my personal disc & this offsite friend in particular. im not dealing with it here too.
which on that note, i also wont be receptive with issues regarding what i post, what i talk about, who i write with, who i choose as affiliates or mains or w/e. my blog & my dash are my safe & comfort zones and these muses often help me alot with navigating when my headspace is at a fucked up level. if any of that is a concern yes youre welcome to come to me and talk it over but end of the day? my comfort & mental state is a priority to me. if thats ever an issue i truly would just recommend you do what you feel is best for you. everyone existing on this hell-plane are entitled on curating their space in whatever manner they see fit.
again. i promise im not scary. im not an ass. but i do curate my space to be in my best interest and at my age & experience across the 10+ yrs ive been rping on and off here, ive seen alot, heard alot, experienced alot. i do apologize however if i do come across unapproachable or intimidating. i do apologize if i seem closed off to only a select few. i dont mind if you follow / we're mutuals solely just to keep up with what i write! thats completely okay too and i thank those who are <3 but if i seem unapproachable i literally just gently gesture again to my disc or prompts tag etc! i welcome any to get to know myself or my muses. regardless of how much time has passed since following one another. just again, comes with the understanding that my social battery & headspace often does work against me. and thats not personal against anyone, ever.
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respondedinkind · 4 months
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I made a decision over night and I hope people will be okay with that, BUT:
I changed my main verse on this blog from the 'Alien Verse' to the 'Mixed Alien / Star Trek Into Darkness Verse'.
ALL NEW INTERACTIONS WILL HAPPEN WITHIN THIS VERSE. Already existing interactions will remain within the Alien Verse unless we talk about it and just change it (which can easily happen in some interactions).
I just feel that my 'new version' fits much easier into Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness, since it includes Khan's past as a ruler and his importance within the Eugenic Wars.
Basically: Khan is not an augmented human but rather an alien from another planet who has received some genetic engineering on earth during his childhood years to improve on his already outstanding superiority. The super soldiers from the Eugenic Wars were created out of his alien DNA mixed into human DNA, making them genetically altered, human Augments. Khan is the only 100% alien and therefore the most powerful, which made him the absolute ruler for some time. Besides those changes, the events of Star Trek / Star Trek Into Darkness are mostly canon for his new verse.
Obviously so, the original Main Verse (Alien AU) is still available and will be written as well in case people are interested.
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its-captain-sir · 9 months
Another thing kind of in a similar vein to that last post: I really can't stress enough that if you are the cool family member that hangs out with the kids, don't ever stop doing that, even as they get older. I feel like for a lot of people it's really easy to bond with little kids cause well they're little kids! they think just about anything you could do is cool! and it's maybe a little easier to keep them entertained with simple games. But then as they start getting older like 8, 10, 12, etc, people tend to draw back more and not interact as much, which is absolutely the worst thing to do honestly. Kids at that age Are getting more self aware and maybe a little more self conscious and they Are trying to figure out their place in the world so maybe they don't play all the exact same games they used to, but I bet they still loving playing games!! And given the chance, I bet they would love the fact that they get to play with YOU, their old friend, even more. You might have to work a little bit harder to get them to warm up to you again at first, especially if they don't get to see you very often, but once you get past that they're gonna fall into the same habits around you that they always have and honestly, it's gonna be such a relief for THEM that they are able to act that way with you. You end up being something they can count on, a constant even as they change and grow and an opportunity to let loose a bit as they settle into themselves as people. And if you keep that up alllllll throughout their childhood and alllllll throughout their time as teens, you're gonna end up with a really great relationship that will probably last for the rest of your lives. So yeah, keep being there for all the kids in your life, especially the ones in the awkward phases!!! It may be years down the line, but they'll thank you for it one day, and I promise you'll both cherish that time forever and forever
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cagedchoices · 11 months
As we trickle on down the line with more people becoming more aware that there are some people out there in this world using AI language programs such as ChatGPT, OpenAI and CharacterAI to write positivity, come up with plotting ideas, or write thread replies for them, I'm going to add a new rule to my carrd which I'll be updating later today:
Please, for the love of God, do NOT use AI to write your replies to threads, come up with plots, or script your positivity messages for you. If I catch anyone doing this I will not interact with you.
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vimbry · 7 months
what's the weirdest piece of they might be giants lost media. the video for rabid child? a dial-a-song exclusive with no known copies? not if this exists:
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gayvampcentral · 1 year
almost time for artfight which means it’s almost the 2 year anniversary of the time someone did a series of drawings of 2 of my OCs in which they put one of them into a wheelchair (the character doesn’t use one) to have the other one then shove him into a pool.
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dancingdcrks · 10 months
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tag dump / blog-centric stuff
🐢🗡 // stick it in your shell / ic
🐢🗡 // if we told you; we'd have to kill you / musings
🐢🗡// who are you calling impulsive and overemotional?! / about
🐢🗡 // an all you can beat buffet! / likes / aesthetics
🐢🗡 // don't give bad orders; and i won't second guess 'em / music / playlist
🐢🗡 // i always thought the future of ninjutsu was taller / dash commentary
🐢🗡 // it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes / starter call
🐢🗡 // so what if I got a temper? i’m still the best fighter we’ve got / visage
🐢🗡// let's trash the place / answered
🐢🗡// that's adorable and sad ; it's ‘sadorable’ / open
🐢🗡// yes; that's why we're laughing; because you sound nothing like that / drabbles
🐢🗡// unmotivated bursts of anger is kinda my thing / ooc
🐢🗡// i was just having some fun / memes
🐢🗡// we've never gone into a fight like this and i don't know what's gonna happen / psa
🐢🗡// i'll never be cruel again; just leave me alone / wishlist
🐢🗡// hey; the stealth bike's my thing / self promo
🐢🗡// if you love it so much; why don't you marry it / promo
🐢🗡 // v / the secret of the ooze made the chosen few / main
🐢🗡 // v / i wanna fuck the world ; i wanna make it hurt / vampire
🐢🗡 // v / teenagers scare the living shit outta me ; they could care less as long as someone’ll bleed / foot
🐢🗡 // v / just a little something up ahead ; i’m dreaming of being human / human
🐢🗡 // v / we tried the world; good god; it wasn’t for us / future
🐢🗡 // v / the world has changed. it's a neverending wasteland now / mutant apocalypse
#🐢🗡 // stick it in your shell / ic#🐢🗡 // if we told you; we'd have to kill you / musings#🐢🗡// who are you calling impulsive and overemotional?! / about#🐢🗡 // an all you can beat buffet! / likes / aesthetics#🐢🗡 // don't give bad orders; and i won't second guess 'em / music / playlist#🐢🗡 // i always thought the future of ninjutsu was taller / dash commentary#🐢🗡 // it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes / starter call#🐢🗡 // so what if I got a temper? i’m still the best fighter we’ve got / visage#🐢🗡// let's trash the place / answered#🐢🗡// that's adorable and sad ; it's ‘sadorable’ / open#🐢🗡// yes; that's why we're laughing; because you sound nothing like that / drabbles#🐢🗡// unmotivated bursts of anger is kinda my thing / ooc#🐢🗡// i was just having some fun / memes#🐢🗡// we've never gone into a fight like this and i don't know what's gonna happen / psa#🐢🗡// i'll never be cruel again; just leave me alone / wishlist#🐢🗡// hey; the stealth bike's my thing / self promo#🐢🗡// if you love it so much; why don't you marry it / promo#🐢🗡 // v / the secret of the ooze made the chosen few / main#🐢🗡 // v / i wanna fuck the world ; i wanna make it hurt / vampire#🐢🗡 // v / teenagers scare the living shit outta me ; they could care less as long as someone’ll bleed / foot#🐢🗡 // v / just a little something up ahead ; i’m dreaming of being human / human#🐢🗡 // v / we tried the world; good god; it wasn’t for us / future#🐢🗡 // v / the world has changed. it's a neverending wasteland now / mutant apocalypse#yes i did recycle tags from my main#.tag dump.
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wileys-russo · 6 months
elf on a shelf II a.russo & l.williamson x reader
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lil christmas fic number two! psa; just because i write this does not mean i ship them irl elf on a shelf II a.russo & l.williamson x reader
"woah! someone's speedy today, what's wrong then? where's the missus's?" katie was quick to snag you as you stormed into the dressing room, throwing your bag down with a scowl.
"if they've half a brain between them as far away from me as they can get!" you warned, shrugging off your friends arm and dropping down by your cubby to change into your boots.
having driven yourself this morning after a particularly nasty row with the blondes who shared your heart you'd stormed out of the house without a single look back, shocked you'd not copped a speeding ticket with how heavy your foot fell on the accelerator, determined to get as far away from the two girls as possible.
"oi! none of that pissy little attitude with me thanks. tell us what happened then." katie warned lightly, sitting down beside you and knocking her knee against yours as you sighed and dragged your hands down your face, starting to recount where it had all started.
if you were to know just how far things were going to go, you'd have never ever even considered getting that stupid little elf.
everything had been laid into motion last week when you'd seen a few tiktoks of adorable elf on the shelf ideas. never having really given them much consideration before you had thought it might be an opportunity for some cute christmas cheer around the house.
not that it needed much more. between you, alessia and leah all three of you had decorated your shared home extensively for the holiday season.
as you had prepared for there was the usual arguments around the tree, the worst of them being who got to choose the theme and who got to place the angel of the north of course, on top.
"what on earth is that babe?" leah had scoffed as you'd dropped it happily on the coffee table with a grin. "oo one of those elf things!" alessia had gasped happily, grabbing your hips and tugging you down onto the sofa with her.
"well its not a fucking reindeer less." leah chuckled earning herself a filthy look from the striker as you kissed her cheek with an amused smile.
"you're supposed to move them around the house and pose them to look like they're doing weird and funny stuff. it's mostly parents who do them for kids but i thought it could be cute for the three of us to take turns." you tossed your phone to leah who scrolled through a few videos with a hum.
"i think it's a great idea baby." alessia agreed, squeezing you tightly in approval. "guess it's not the worst idea you've had." leah shrugged as you kicked her ankle gently.
"sorry, it's a cute idea love. you start tonight, then less, then me." leah smiled apologetically, scooting closer and handing you back your phone, the three of you getting comfortable.
how naive you were not to know just how far things would go.
your first turn started off harmlessly, once your girlfriends had gone up to bed you spread some flour out on the counter, creating a snow angel and leaving the elf spread out in the middle, snapping a picture with a happy grin.
"oh that's so cute baby!" alessia was the first to notice it the next morning, snapping a picture and uploading it to her instagram story with a smile.
it took leah a little longer, never the most observant woman in the mornings but once she'd had a coffee she'd chuckled at the elf, wiping down the flour before the three of you needed to leave for training.
your suspicions should have peaked when you noticed kyra and vic hanging around alessia all day, seemingly always in her ear as she would nod and note something down in her phone with a grin.
her first turn the next night again was harmless, you waking up to find the elf in the fridge sat on top of a carton of eggs with a sharpie in its arms. the eggs with funny faces drawn all over them you let out a laugh which warmed the blonde's heart as she hugged you from behind.
"naughty naughty elf." she'd tutted in your ear, kissing your cheek and reaching past you to grab out a carton of juice. "really?" was leah's response once she'd spotted it, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl who shrugged.
"he must have gotten bored." alessia grinned sipping at her coffee. "yeah babe, maybe he just wanted the eggs to look their very best on their death day!" you added on, chopping up some peppers to make omelettes.
"death day? touch dark there gorgeous." alessia laughed, rinsing her mug in the sink and tapping your bum as she passed you with a wink. "the two of you are something else, why do i put up with it?" leah sighed dramatically, closing the fridge.
"think you mean why do we put up with you!" you teased, her body pressing against yours and nipping at your bottom lip before she placed a tender kiss against them. "hilarious my girl, hilarious."
for leah's turn she was a little more stumped than the two of you had been, having to do some extensive research to try and find some ideas she felt were achievable.
you'd woken up the next morning to find the elf sat on the bathroom counter with a tube of toothpaste in his hands, UTA spelled out in toothpaste on the marble top.
taking a photo and sending it in the teams group chat you rolled your eyes with an amused smile and hopped into the shower, leaving it for one of your girlfriends to clean up considering both of them were refusing to get up.
your next turn meant you'd filled up the kitchen sink with water, dropping in a bunch of goldfish crackers and propping the elf on the tap with a straw to look like he'd gone fishing.
that had gone over well with both your girls and ended up on leahs story, though having to fish out the soggy crackers from the sink had left you gagging and reconsidering the idea all together.
for alessia's she'd poked holes in a piece of toast, sticking the elf's arms and legs through and leaving it sat by the toaster with a little note stating 'it's cold outside...but i am toasty in here ;) '.
you'd found it adorable, leah less so. which had meant you'd spent the entire morning of your day off fussing over the striker who was grumpy with leah for her response, and then in turn you'd spent the afternoon placating a moody leah who'd felt ignored all day.
by dinner time they'd settled down and made up again and the three of you were curled up on the lounge eating pizza, seemingly a normal evening. until leah had to of course open her mouth and set forth the ball rolling which would eventually lead to a series of unfortunate events.
"why don't we make this elf business a bit more interesting?" the eldest between the three of you had challenged with a smug smile. "how so?" alessia raised an eyebrow, your legs draped across her lap as your top half was tucked into leah's side.
"no more posting photos. end of each rotation we show the girls and they choose whose was the best? most successful choices by the end of the month wins." leah challenged with a smirk.
"no! come on it's just supposed to be something cute for the three of us." you'd protested but it was no use. "you're on." alessia agreed with a smirk that matched leah's causing you to exhale deeply.
"why does everything have to be a competition with the two of you?"
things escalated after that to say the least. with you not wanting to compete you'd been cut from the roster all together, leah and alessia now just going night for night, too absorbed in their competitive natures to notice that it had upset you to see it turn into this.
throughout the week though the elf seemed to take on a little more of a personal vendetta against your girlfriends, the pranks going from harmless and cute to targeted.
alessia had started it by wrapping all of leah's trainers in foil and leaving the elf on top of them with a sign that said 'free shoe shining service'.
leah had countered by tying all of alessia's hoodies together tightly and stringing them from upstairs down to the christmas tree, sitting the elf on top with a candy cane as if he was sliding down them.
still alessia had won that round which leah was not impressed with. you on the other hand barely even paid their turns much attention, refusing to give them any sort of praise of acknowledgement beyond a hum or a nod, not that your vote counted for anything anyway.
it was taken up a notch when alessia had frozen leah's house keys in a block of ice overnight, sitting the elf on top with a makeshift scarf wrapped around him and a pair of tweezers in hand like a small ice pick.
that earned her an entire day of stony silence from the defender, meaning you were instead pulled back and forth between them both after your attention since they weren't receiving any from one another.
leah had once again stepped it up, laying out a bunch of alessia's makeup on the counter, smashing up an eyeshadow pallete and highlighter stick, and writing 'elf was here 2023' on the mirror in her favourite shade of lipstick. the elf in question was sprawled out on the counter with an empty bottle of wine and smeared makeup all over his face.
"leah catherine williamson!"
you'd shot up awake hearing alessia yell, rubbing your eyes and reaching around you, frowning when both sides of the bed were cold and empty. "oh what now." you mumbled tiredly at the noise of the bickering carrying from the bathroom.
"leah most of this stuff is fucking expensive you stupid idiot!" alessia seethed, gesturing wildly to the remnants of what was once her makeup on the counter. "babe i'll just buy you more, you're overreacting." leah rolled her eyes dismissively.
"no you've taken it too far! you fucking ignorant selfish moronic-" alessia struggled to think of her next words as you entered the room. "hey, lessi baby breathe." you gripped her bicep with a concerned frown, steam practically pouring out of the blondes ears.
"oh of course you take her side!" leah scoffed with a roll of her eyes as you fixed her with a stern look. "why wouldn't she? you're the one in the wrong!" alessia spat, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug and pulling your shorter body into hers possessively.
"it's a joke less! lighten up and grow a funny bone would you?" leah laughed, only fueling alessia's anger further as you quickly grabbed her face before she could explode, murmuring it wasn't worth it as the striker huffed and let go of you, storming out of the room.
"leah." you started with a disappointed sigh, crossing your arms over your chest and staring her down. "what?" the older girl rolled her eyes sitting on the edge of the bath.
"she's right lee that's too far. none of these have damaged anything." you reminded her. "she froze my keys!" leah whined with a glare. "your house keys babe, we have two extra sets. what would you do if instead of wrapping your trainers in foil she cut them up?" you challenged with a sigh, standing in between her spread legs.
"that's different! trainers are-" "expensive? but can't less just buy you more." "yeah alright you might have a point."
"clean this up and go and say sorry, sincerely. and if she doesn't want to talk to you then give her some space and apologize later." you grabbed the blondes chin, pecking her lips before leaving her behind to clean up her mess.
indeed alessia hadn't wanted to speak with leah but after a few hours of sweet words and grovelling, all seemed to be forgiven.
key emphasis on; seemed to be.
that next morning you'd woken up to yelling again, only this time the roles were reversed.
"alessia mia teresa russo you come here right now!"
"what did you do?" you shot up awake again same as yesterday, thsi time staring down at the smug looking blonde who was laid in bed beside you.
"i didn't do anything, maybe the elf was feeling naughty again." she'd mumbled with a smirk as you pinched the bridge of your nose and inhaled sharply. "alessia. what. did. you. do?" you asked firmly, poking her chest with each word.
but you didn't have a chance to hear her answer as footsteps pounded upstairs and leah flew into the room, not another word said as she grabbed your hands hauling you up and out of bed.
"leah! put me down!" you yelled in shock as suddenly you were flung over her shoulder, watching alessia sit up in bed as you were carried out of the room and downstairs, dumped suddenly on the sofa.
"look what she's done!" leah spat, pointing to a pile of clothing on the coffee table, the elf sat on a tissue box with a pair of scissors. "lee. baby i just woke up, please stop yelling at me." you sighed, closing your eyes and massaging your temples.
"look!" leah huffed, ignoring you completely as she held up shirt after shirt, all with sporadic holes cut throughout them. "oh for fuck sakes. alessia!" you called upstairs, leah continuing on her angry rant without even pausing to take a breath.
"good morning!" the younger blonde smiled happily, slinking downstairs as leah fell silent. "you've ruined half my wardrobe alessia!" she spat, lunging for the blonde as you hastily leapt up and grabbed the back of her hoodie.
"i didn't do anything, the culprits got the scissors right there." alessia shrugged pointing to the elf. "i will stab you with those scissors!" leah spat angrily as you shoved her to sit down in your previous position. "you! kitchen, now." you warned alessia pointing in the other direction as she rolled her eyes but left anyway.
"my love. deep breaths with me please, in for five and out." you started, sitting down on the blondes lap who did as you asked, calming down a little.
"i will take you both shopping this afternoon and less will buy you some new tops, and you'll replace less's makeup." you gave her a firm look as she opened her mouth to protest, eyebrows furrowing together angrily.
"fine. but i'm not sitting in a fucking car with her this morning and i'm not talking to her until she apologizes. just like i had to yesterday!" leah warned as you nodded in understanding, pecking her lips and standing up allowing her to storm off upstairs.
"alessia." you started with a sigh as you appeared in the kitchen, your other girlfriend leaning against the counter looking through her phone. "what?" she mumbled sourly, lips forming a pout.
"don't give me that, you know you went too far." you warned, pulling yourself to sit up on the island. "she started it!" the blonde moved to wiggle inbetween your legs, wrapping her arms around your torso and resting her head on your chest.
"you both started it when you agreed to make what was supposed to be a cute new tradition, into a competition!" you carded a hand through her hair with a deep sigh.
"we're going shopping after training love. you're going to buy leah new shirts and she's going to replace your makeup." you stated, a stern glare silencing the strikers protests as she nodded. both of you winced as suddenly the front door slammed close, leah's car starting in the driveway.
"you can start with an apology though lessi."
things once again seemed to calm after that, both girls ignoring the small elf for a further three days and you breathed a little easier enjoying the extra attention it meant you got from them instead.
but of course one kyra cooney cross had to open her mouth complaining about the lack of elf content with several of the girls backing her up, and you could have wrung their necks then and there, leah and alessia sharing a look across the dressing room which made your stomach lurch.
your warning them against it fell on deaf ears, their anger at one another for the mistakes of the past evaporating as they spent the afternoon teasing one another for who would win, leah having borrowed an elf off beth without your knowledge.
"thats it! i am over this. both of you leave me alone until you go to bed and i can get some peace and quiet!" you snapped as they started to go back and forth over the top of your head, shoving both of them off of you and storming to the spare bedroom.
you busied yourself with your studies for the rest of the evening, having taken a break over the holiday period considering your course was self paced.
but needing something to keep your mind off things you sprawled across the bed reading your text books, ignoring both your girlfriends attempts to coax you back out to spend time with them, the door firmly locked with the key in your pocket.
eventually having to give into how much you missed them, you snapped your books shut and padded to the bedroom. "baby!" alessia perked up at the sight of you, opening her arms expectantly as leah gave you a tired smile.
"you're both so annoying sometimes." you mumbled as you crawled into bed between them, settling into alessia's arms as leahs face tucked into your neck. "we're sorry gorgeous, we love you very very much." alessia whispered, kissing your cheek gently as leahs hand snaked up your top.
your breath hitched feeling her cold fingers trace shapes on your bare chest as alessia caught on, her lips settling on your neck as leah pushed herself up and hovered over you with a wolfish grin, suddenly wide awake.
"how about we make it up to you then baby girl?"
waking up that next morning you smiled seeing finally both of your girlfriends were in bed with you. no yelling, no arguing, no naughty little elf related disasters.
oh how wrong you were.
ignoring their half asleep grumbles for you to stay you wrenched yourself out of leah's tight hold, kissing both of their foreheads and slipping out of bed to make all three of you breakfast before training.
except you didn't make it to the kitchen.
this time it was leah and alessia who woke up to yelling, though this time when it was a cry of pain they both scrambled out of bed, tripping over one another in their haste to get to you.
"baby?" "love?"
you groaned in pain at the bottom of the stairs, leah hastily grabbing the back of alessia's shirt to stop her following in your footsteps.
"leah!" the striker gasped with wide eyes, the stairs covered with mountains of toilet paper supposed to look like snow which is what had caused you to slip down them.
"alessia!" leah echoed in the same tone, eyes falling to the kitchen where a thin layer of flour covered the entire room head to toe. but hearing you groan both of them snapped out of it, carefully making their way down as fast as they could toward you.
"do not touch me!" you warned as they reached you, the scarily calm tone of your voice causing them both to recoil as you gradually got to your feet. "baby we didn't-" alessia's words fell short as you held up a hand.
"not a word, from either of you." you whispered, anger on the brink of boiling point as you turned on your heel, slightly limping as you headed for the kitchen, none the wiser of what was to greet you as all you wanted was an ice pack for where you'd landed right on your ass.
"oh this is going to be ugly." leah mumbled, grabbing alessia's hand as you rounded the corner and your eyes landed on the kitchen.
"my love we-" again their words fell short as you held up a hand, back faced toward them as you leant forward, sagging against the counter as your hands gripped the marble with white knuckles.
a thick uncomfortable silence formed, both alessia and leah sharing a terrified look as you slowly turned, a murderous look in your eyes.
it was safe to say the words that followed were not PG13, both of your lovers remaining deadly silent as you ranted and raged at them, storming upstairs and changing in the blink of an eye, door slamming after you as they both cringed and hurried off to clean up and get themselves ready.
which is what brought you back to present time, sat beside katie as you finished recounting the mornings events to her. "fuck, well that explains it. incoming!" the irishwoman nodded toward the door where your girlfriends had entered.
alessia tried to approach you first as katie mumbled her a good luck and darted away after caitlin, however the piercing glare and stony silence she received were enough to send her right back to leah.
the older blonde was next, taking a much bolder approach as you felt her sit down beside you as you were hunched over tying up your laces. "baby girl." she started sweetly, wincing as your head shot up and your eyes slit into a glare, the name which normally had you swooning having no effect whatsover.
"both of you need to stay away from me. do not talk to me, look at me, breathe near me for the entire day." you warned the defender before stomping out of the change rooms, a few of the other girls gravitating toward her to question what had happened.
true to your wishes both girls steered clear of you, though that didn't stop you feeling their eyes on you throughout the day. they'd hoped to catch you maybe in a better mood once training was done but you'd already left, not bothering to shower but rather leaving as soon as you could, the first one gone for the day.
when they came home it was to no surprise you were once again locked in the spare room, a stony silence meeting them as they knocked gently, leaving you be for a few hours and hoping with time you might come to them.
when that didn't happen, they knocked heads together to come up with an alternative plan.
which is what lead to yet another round of knocks on the door, your head turning to look at it with a roll of your eyes, tucked up and watching a movie quite comfortably. but thats not to say you wouldn't be more comfortable with your blondes either side of you.
"baby. please open the door and let us apologize face to face." alessia begged softly. "please love, we really miss you and we want to make things right." lead added on quietly, a soft thump sounding as her forehead rested against the door.
with a sigh you paused your movie, getting up to unlock the door, not opening it as you settled back into bed and your girlfriends took that as a green light as they pushed it open slowly and stepped inside.
you refused to look either one of them in the eye as they sat on the edge of the bed, giving you a healthy amount of space not wanting to overstep your boundaries. "we are so incredibly sorry gorgeous." alessia started softly. "very very very sorry." leah nodded enthusiastically.
"for?" you questioned, still not meeting their eyes. you didn't miss the way alessia elbowed leah, the girl clearing her throat for a moment.
"for turning something that was supposed to be fun and light hearted into a competition, and getting carried away with that competition and being immature, selfish numpties." leah recounted, the tone in which she used making it clear it had been rehearsed as you tried to keep the smile off your face.
"if you come downstairs with us please babe we have a surprise." alessia asked hopefully. "please." leah added on as you finally met their eyes and nodded, still remaining quiet but standing up to follow them regardless.
"what-" you started as leahs hands came to cover over your eyes and alessia steadied you, grabbing your hands and guiding you downstairs. "just go with it." leah encouraged as you sighed but nodded none the less allowing them to guide you.
"ta-da!" you blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted to the light, but once you did your hand moved to cover your mouth.
before you was a pillow fort they'd both clearly put some time and effort into building, spare duvets and cushions littering the tee-pee like space. one of the elves was sat on top of a pile of pizza boxes and snacks, holding a sign that said he was very sorry for misbehaving.
the other was taped to a spoon which was dunked into a mug of hot chocolate, next to him was a sign that read 'it was all his fault but i took care of him' and an arrow pointing toward him.
"they wanted to say they were sorry as well." alessia grinned, leah taking her chances and wrapping her arms round your waist, her chin settling on your shoulder and body relaxing when you didn't pull away or push her off.
"we are also very sorry baby, very very sorry." leah murmured as alessia hugged you, effectively sandwiching your body between them as you sighed. "you're both forgiven. but those elves are finding new homes and they are not welcome back!" you warned, all three of you pausing before laughter broke out.
"we've got christmas movies, lots of pillows and blankets, snacks, pizza, cuddles, kisses and even got a pint of your favourite ice cream from that little place down the road." leah recounted as alessia took your hand and guided you down into the little fort.
"the peanut butter choc chip one?" you perked up at that as the strikers face paled. "you told me her favorite was the rocky road!" leah groaned glaring at alessia who shrank into herself with a sheepish smile.
"less that's your favourite flavor!" you cracked a grin, smacking her thigh playfully as leah shoved her head to the side. "you still like it though, you always steal mine when we go babe." the striker pouted, pulling your body to sit between her legs as she leaned into leah's side.
"merry almost christmas, my pretty girls." leah smiled lovingly, hand resting on the back of alessia's neck and pulling her into a kiss, leaning down to press her lips against yours next, alessia following suit, pulling away and kissing your nose causing you to scrunch it up adorably.
"i love you both very much, even if you drive me to the brink of insanity sometimes." you craned your head up to look at them, tapping your lips again with a cheeky smile as both of them took turns giving you what you wanted.
it was safe to say after that you were not surprised to see the next day both elves on katie's instagram story, wasting no time texting caitlin a firm warning about their misbehavior.
as well as a strict reminder they were not welcome back into your home, not even for a visit.
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whispereons · 9 months
Oracle!Reader Part 17
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 16, Part 18
PSA: I'm going to go through my followers and report + block porn bots. Porn bots look like users who have nothing posted. So if you don't want to be blocked please put at least one post saying that you are human.
Warning! This has your good old violence! This is a SAGAU imposter au so this to be expected.
The ice in your calves throbbed as spikes of pain fried the nerves every time you shifted into a better position. That's not even counting how the arrow in your chest jostled and wedged deeper into your skin.
"Let's start with some easy questions, yeah? Like your name, date of birth, and occupation."
You wished Yelan would just ask the important questions only. It would make your life so much easier. Who knows what information you could give her here that unknowingly connects to what they know about the 'Creator'.
Yelan's expression turns neutral before she steps closer. Your body tenses in preparation before she grabs your hair to pull your head up. Hissing in pain, you glare at her with animosity.
"Don't overestimate your body, Y/N." She drawl's as if speaking to a child. "I could just remove this pretty little mask and bring you back to Liyue for those with... more experience to handle."
Was it a natural thing for Hydro users to threaten you with torture? The thought makes you wanna laugh but you gasp in pain instead as she releases your hair harshly.
You didn't have time to be a smartass. Your mask being removed was the worst thing that could happen. The only question was, should you admit to being an Oracle or not?
"My name, as you already know, is Y/N. I don't have a last name, or maybe I do and I don't remember it. Same situation with my birthday, I just celebrate it whenever I feel like it."
Genshin always sends you a gift in the mail when it's your birthday. It's a good guess that everyone knows your birthday, having the same birthday would be suspicious. What if it's like your face in which no one else can share the same birthday with you? Far-fetched but better safe than sorry.
"I'm an adventurer who signed up a few days ago. I have my handbook and commission list to prove it if you want to check."
There was a chance she knew about your Oracle job from when you had to stay at the Teahouse, but you won't offer that bit of information unless she specifically asks for it. Far too many of your own victims on Earth screwed themselves over when they revealed things only to learn you were shooting in the dark.
"Quite the convenient story. No last name or set date of birth means you must be from one of the villages. Name it."
Yelan gets comfortable resting against a tree as Shenhe stands close to you with a cold glare. The questions were still easy but you didn't want to be stuck here any longer. You needed an escape.
"I was born in Inazuma, one of the less-tamed islands called Kannzaku. But after the recent war, all the people that were still living either died or left. I chose to leave as well."
Yelan hums at that, you aren't sure if she truly believes it or if she's just making a mental note to look into it later.
"Then how did you manage to catch the Alcor of all ships to bring you here? They aren't one to take passengers along easily."
Has she been watching that early on or did she trace your path that far back? If so, she may even gain information about your time in Inazuma. Best to keep everything aligned with the most public knowledge.
"The Yashiro Commission helped me find a ship. I don't see how my upbringing in Inazuma has to do with whatever reason you have for attacking me."
Flexing your feet, you try to adapt to the pain. Yelan nor Shenhe were going to let you go even if you did answer everything correctly. That was a fact just based on how much trouble you gave them.
Yelan keeps a watchful eye on you as she stays silent. You know this tactic, you've used it before. Staying silent to make your hostage squirm and anger till they burst. That, or slowly die in place from any wounds.
This wasn't a problem for you. Every second you stood there in silence was just more and more time for you to get used to the pain. The arrow was too deep to remove, you would bleed out and become weaker so it'll have to stay stuck inside your skin.
Yelan and you could have gone all day, but Shenhe wasn't nearly as patient or stubborn.
"Ask your question and finish your job already, Yelan. If you take any longer then I'll just exterminate them." Shenhe moves to stand directly in front of you with her weapon raised.
She points it directly at Yelan. "And if you try to stop me, I'll kill you too."
Seems they aren't as in sync as you originally thought. 
Yelan sighs and moves from her spot. It seems even she knows better than to trifle with the bomb in the shape of a crane. The grass crunches beneath Yelan's heels as the trinkets on her jingle. 
Lifelines wrap around your wrists and waist and she pulls you forward. Nails dig into your skin through her gloves making you bite your tongue in slight pain. The pretty azure color is coated with crimson as emerald eyes stare into your soul.
"What's giving you the confidence to claim to be the Creator's oracle? If you don't repent and shed this flimsy mask, the Qixing will have you sacrificed in the city's center."
Your heart stops at those words as flashes of the sacrifices you witnessed in Inazuma come to mind. Taking off your mask would get you killed, but not taking it off would also get you killed. Torn between laughing and crying, you hated the fact that once again you were stuck in a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ situation.
Frowning at the strange expression on your face and the lack of confession, Yelan sighs with frustration and even a bit of hatred. “Not willing to speak even now, huh? Then my job is nearly done. Ningguang can deal with you instead, I’ll just reap my share of the rewards after you die.”
Patting your now bloody cheek condescendingly, she turns away from you. Her lips can be seen moving from her side profile but you could care less about what she's saying.
All you can focus on is the feeling of being talked down to. Being treated like a child, being treated like an idiot. The inner lining of your cheek begins to ache from how hard you're biting on it. 
Specific personas you've created and used in your work would include ditzy and dumb acts. The patronizing tone they would speak to you with was annoying but tolerable. But this? This?!
Lips curled into a snarl, you look up at the woman with a boiling glare matching your equally hot temper. Yelan's features seem to continuously morph and switch with a man who would speak to you in that exact same demeaning way.
"Where the hell do you get off speaking to me like this?" 
Yelan shuts her mouth but doesn't move her snobbish eyes off your form. Shenhe holds her polearm tighter as she keeps her eyes on you. Well aware of just how stupid, rash, and careless your next actions are, your brain tries to calm down.
But the moment you lift your bloody chin to look up, all you can see is condescending eyes taunting you.
"What the fuck is giving YOU the confidence to indirectly call yourself extraordinary by calling your deceased teammates 'ordinary folk'?! You only got to your position from the charity and sacrifices of other people!"
Breathing heavily from the anger and strain from yelling, you wipe the blood on your chin away. You were giving it your all to survive and weasel your way out of this situation. That's what you have done all throughout your time in Teyvat.
It wasn't fair, it wasn't right, it shouldn't be possible that all your efforts would be for naught from just one person. Everything you've worked at all this time, gone, just because Yelan and Ningguang couldn't mind their own fucking business.
"You can inflate your ego all you want with clever schemes and working solo but that doesn't take away from the fact that you would be dead without everyone around you. Your ancestry of heroes, Ningguang's patience and willingness to wait for you to train and move on from your friend. Even the lessons you learned on how you aren't invincible didn't seem to click until you lost your whole team!"
Grinning widely with malice and blood staining your teeth and lips crimson, you finished your jab. "You know? The same team you basically disowned and dissociated yourself from after they died. After all, you’d rather isolate yourself instead of properly acknowledging your team's talent and appreciate the life they lived no matter how short!"
Your mouth felt dry and all you could taste was copper. The shards in your calves were slowly melting making your legs. A vast contrast to the burning anger you harbored. But it seems you aren't the only one feeling this way.
Yelan hasn't moved from her spot but the look she has on her face is clear as day. Her neutral and taunting smile has dissolved into a murderous expression. Viridian eyes sharpen almost like an arrow and gritted teeth grind together. Your blood stains her blue gloves much like how you successfully stained her invincible reputation.
As good as it felt to get back at her, the slightest bit of guilt plagued you. That blow concerning her teammates was low, even if it was true. It's a bitter truth that she probably still struggles with. Living knowing that someone had to be sacrificed for your life pushed you to the brink more than once. Even still, you can't find it in yourself to take back those words, to apologize.
After all, you could never disregard the help and place your dad had in your life even with his early death.
The Hydro vision on Yelan's side glows as she takes long strides to your trapped form. No longer summoning her bow with flair, she points it at you. Bracing yourself with bent knees, you flex your fingers preparing to summon your sickle and escape the disadvantageous position.
A huge leaping rocky creature almost flattens Yelan who swiftly dodges by jumping backward.
"GRAW!" What you can now identify as a Geovishap roars loudly and slams his hulking fist onto the ground. The impact sends Yelan flying through the air and the ice trapping your feet shatters.
Not even allowed a second to enjoy your newfound freedom, Shenhe lunges either polearm poised at the ready. Grinning, your sickle clashes with her weapon as you shift to a more comfortable position.
Fighting both women would be impossible for you, they've trained for years. But it was still within your limits to defend and escape from one. Thanks to the Geovishap, you now have been granted that possibility.
The lingering shards of ice in your calves keep the blood somewhat clogged but the blood dribbling out down your ankle is uncomfortable. Ignoring it to the best of your abilities, you dig your shoes into the ground as your sickle repeatedly blocks her attacks.
The spear's minor side curve gets hooked onto your sickle leading to a stand-off. Planting your feet deeper into the ground, you focus on pushing against Shenhe as she does the same. Your arm strains with the force needed as Shenhe's full power begins to overpower you.
Not that you weren't expecting that.
Shenhe fought a god as a child and would have won if Cloud Retainer hadn't cut it short. She grew up in these mountains fighting, training, and eating whatever she was given. Cloud Retainer didn't raise a child, she groomed a soldier.
Your wounds ache as your body is pushed back. Inhuman strength wasn't something you ever encountered on Earth. This wasn't the city where you could pull a dirty trick and get away. Wasn't there anything else you could do?
Perhaps it was the determination you felt to stand your ground. Or maybe it was the desperation you felt to escape and live. You couldn't be completely sure as power mingled with your flesh, giving you a burst of energy.
The air grows cold and the ground shakes beneath your feet. The Electro wrapping around your sickle crackles louder, nearly masking the creaking of the ground. Geo petrifies the ground as it travels from your feet to hers.
A dark umber-colored stone traps her feet with cracks of topaz. Shenhe frowns and tries to rip her feet out but is stunned when it doesn't work. The petrify only moves to consume her body faster.
Knowing that you must be the only reason for the Geo, you take advantage of the newfound power. Breaking the grapple, you move out of her polearms range. Her braids loosen as she tries to lunge at you even with her torso completely petrified.
In some last-ditch effort to kill you, Shenhe holds her polearm in one hand and prepares to throw it at you. Not a moment sooner, the petrify entraps that hand locking it in place.
"Don't run away, demon!" Shenhe shouts in fury as her braid loosens. Her face is permanently etched as a harsh scowl and furrowed brows when the Geo overcomes her completely.
Not wanting to waste the precious and limited time you have, you turn on your heels and run away. In a split decision, you run to the left, the same direction where you first met Shenhe at that hilichurl camp.
Greenery and foliage are trampled on as you push past the burning pain. You pass the threshold of the stone and a large thud catches your attention from behind you.
Curious, you look back to see the Geovishap be pierced by Hydro projectiles. The blood and water splatter and mix on the ground as the Geovishap collapses. A weak gurgle of a roar is all that could be heard.
Glazed eyes holding no consciousness, no life, stare at your wide, sympathetic ones before crumbling into dust. A different pair of wrathful green eyes stare back at you instead.
There's no time to teleport. You couldn't fight in this state. Running was your sole option and your body moved on its own.
The river water dampens your shoes as you run, and the moonlight filters through the leaves of the trees above you. Slimes peer at you curiously as you avoid running into them. 
The only thing you could properly focus on was not tripping and not getting hit by the arrows raining down on you.
Between your honed instincts and Teyvat’s warnings, you manage to dodge the vast majority. Yelan wasn't in the position she is today without mastering her archery.
Pain and most likely a bruise bloom when her Hydro-infused arrow hits your shoulder. It's not deep so you quickly pull it out before it gets lodged like the one in your chest.
The chase is intense as your ragged breaths nearly mask the sound of her heels following you. More arrows cut your clothes and graze your skin. 
The sight of the red staining the cloth makes bitterness spread and fester deep within you.
Just why couldn't you bleed gold?
Now in Nantianmen, you pass by the hilichurl camp where you met Shenhe in. You must be getting closer to the ruins, maybe you could lose Yelan in the twists and turns of the rundown ruins.
But that plan quickly is thrown out the window when the only exit is a large drop-off, small broken ruins with broken ruin pieces serving as platforms on the large river. Treasure hoarders roam that area from what you remember.
To your right is a large mountain, climbable but no doubt time-consuming. On the left is where the ledge is. The only thing in front of you is a path leading to a boss, that you can’t be certain would recognize you or not. And above it would just be another cliff only serving to prolong the chase. 
Faced with the choice, the shallow water washes the crusting blood off your legs. Climb the mountain and be shot down by Yelan, or glide off the edge into Tianqiu Valley and be shot down by Yelan or the treasure hoarders.
Aren’t you spoiled for choice? 
That sarcastic thought is quickly swept away as you narrowly avoid an arrow that hits the water. Only sparing a glance behind you, you move to the side avoiding the follow-up arrow. The click of Yelan’s heels is replaced with the sloshing of water as she runs after you.
She dodges the Cryo that a large Cryo slime shoots at her as you back away with urgency. Before you can make a panicked split decision, a new Geovishap tackles her right into the Cryo slime.
The combo of being frozen and shattered seems to knock the wind out of Yelan as she falls onto the ground and slowly rises to her feet. The Cryo slimes, now with the addition of another that popped up out of nowhere and this new Geovishap, form a circle around Yelan.
The circle is tight and her soaked form only hinders her further. The wounds and bruises she sustained from the previous Geovishap are still visible. 
You recognize this as an opportunity to escape.
The sound of Yelan’s grunts and groans of pain as she’s thrown around out of sight are washed away as you pull the game screen up. It loads slowly but you aren’t too worried, Yelan is spent after chasing you and fighting so much today. 
Once the map is loaded, you quickly swipe to the statue of the seven. Selecting it you press the teleport button and wait. You wait with bated breath and expectant eyes to finally be free of this whole battle. Yet, as the screen stays the same and a whole minute passes by with no response, your heart pounds with fear.
Trying to deny the worst possibility you press the teleport button again. You press it again and again and again with no results. The sounds of the Cryo slimes being splattered onto the ground make you suck in a harsh breath.
In one last desperate attempt, you close the game screen and open it again. Repeating the same actions before with no difference in the result.
It’s refusing to work.
That revelation fills you with a mix of dread and a manic mess of anger combined with sadness. A disbelieving laugh escapes your mouth in a low tone before you sprint towards the closest escape option. There’s no more time to waste, the petrify is going or already has worn off and Yelan won’t be occupied with that Geovishap forever.
Your scratched-up and coarse fingers haphazardly grasp the grooves of the mountain to climb as fast as possible. It’s painful to put your body weight onto your legs but it must be done. That pain is almost completely blinded by the agonizing burn of when the arrow in your chest is pushed further in whenever you accidentally scrape the wall.
The air becomes thinner as you climb to the halfway point, your digits grasp onto the next protruding rock and it’s too late when you realize that it’s too loose. The rock slips out, hitting your face and temporarily blinding you as your other grip becomes weaker.
Dangerously swaying backward, you stop breathing and scramble to hold on to something. When your cut-up fingers finally grasp something more stable, your face hits the rock and it makes the blood from the wounds Yelan’s nails left leave a splotch.
Pain and sharp aches rack your body but you grit your teeth and continue climbing. The mountain seems to almost vibrate and you look down to see Yelan be smashed onto the wall. A thrilling chill of happiness runs down your spine at the sight of Yelan getting pummelled. You can only hope it scars her the way her injuries most likely will scar you.
The struggle is finally over as your fingers dig into the grass at the top and haul yourself over the ledge. Crawling with the last bit of your strength, you lay on your back and breathe in as much of the thin air as you can. Sharp and burning pain electrifies your nerves as you stare up at the night sky.
Just how shitty was your luck to end up like this?
Gingerly touching your head as the world briefly spins, you open the game screen. Maybe, just maybe it will work now that you are away from the battle. Perhaps it didn’t let you teleport in some stupid rule of ‘no teleporting when enemies are nearby’ or ‘you can’t teleport in battle’. You are well aware that Genshin never had that rule but you wanted to hold onto some hope.
Of course, it doesn’t work. Hope at the end of the day is just that. But being away from a life-or-death situation at least brings back some clarity of mind. You select a different teleport waypoint and try to teleport. It doesn’t work, and after trying nearly all of the waypoints you close the screen and groan in frustration.
You close your eyes and just try to breathe, to relax your heart that just won’t stop beating frantically. It becomes suspicious when your blood runs cold and your stomach churns in a familiar feeling of danger. With anxiety-fueled fear, you roll your aching body a few feet away as the wind caresses your skin trying to help you.
Dirt and grime cling onto your clothes and make your open wounds itch as it enters your body. But your attention is pulled away by a polearm piercing the spot you were lying at just a moment ago. Frantic yet oh so tired, you pull yourself onto your sore feet and stare warily as the cloud of dirt dispenses.
As much as you dared to dream that maybe it was Xiao, the long white hair and crane-patterned sleeves aren’t surprising. Disappointing nonetheless though.
Shenhe grips her weapon tightly as she stays in place, the rock she struck in pieces beneath her. You can already imagine what kind of damage she would have done if you didn’t move away in time. She doesn’t lift her head as she mumbles something.
Not willing to move closer but also too cautious to move away in fear of triggering her, you stand in place. Her head lifts up to let iridescent eyes glare at your beat-up and bleeding body. “I hate you.” She mutters as strands of hair droop to frame her face.
“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate-” She mutters endlessly from her position as you begin to take slow steps backward. The red rope tying her hair is already gone and the ones on her clothing are close to slipping. Most of them are ripped and gone anyway.
Shenhe harshly rips the last of the red rope off and gracefully twirls her polearm into the correct position with a look cold enough to freeze your blood. Actually, that’s just the frost creeping from her feet…
“I hate you!”  Shenhe’s yell is swift and her weapon is merciless as her attack pattern changes from the elegant crane style to one more comparable to a raging bull. You hurriedly summon your sickle in the nick of time.
Your hands are shaky from the exhaustion weighing down on your body. Combining that with Shenhe’s erratic wrath attacks makes your movements clumsy.
Each narrowly raised block and shaking deflection eat away at the little energy you have left. 
It's not enough. 
That fact becomes more and more obvious as your grip on the sickle gets weaker. What other fate awaited you when being hunted down by Shenhe who has fought and trained nearly all her life?
The past battles you've been through are viewed in a new light. Your first fight with those treasure hoarders led you to rely more on your wit than skill. The first Fatui encounter with Heizou had you more as a support than an attacker. Beisht wasn’t even attacking you and you struggled against the elements more than anything else on Beidou’s ship. After taking the commission to save Yiran from the kidnappers, you teamed up with Xingqiu and Chongyun for every battle after that.
Even afterward when you were forcibly separated and Cloud Retainer strangled you, it was the other Adepti that pulled her off. The only battles after that were your hit-and-runs with Yelan and Shenhe. Have you ever actually fought and won on your own since that first scuffle with the treasure hoarders? They even ran away after you threatened them without touching them!
The realization of your less-than-stellar fighting capacity makes your movements sloppier, your body feels heavy with the weight of your journey. All the injuries you sustained, even the ones already healed, seem to chip away at your resolve.
You were tired. You’ve been tired for a long time. It would be accurate to say that you were tired of being tired.
Shenhe’s emotions bleed through her fighting style, the wrath she’s consumed by makes her attacks rough but misaligned. Slices that should have cut deep into your shoulder or slashes across your unguarded areas miss their mark. Each one only makes her more aggravated leading to even sloppier motions.
A terrible cycle that was helping you out enough that you use your new Geo power to petrify her feet. But Shenhe has already experienced this, her spear is waved erratically around her keeping you away. 
This rare chance of escape isn’t lost on you, turning on your heels you book it and narrowly avoid the polearm thrown your way. The graze makes the already scraped side bleed heavier, and the burning feeling of pain doesn’t subside.
Running across the greenery and leaving a trail of dotted red on the dark grass, you don’t bother trying to recall where you might be. There was never much of a reason to climb all the way up here as a player and you had no time to stop to observe the map.
The rocks, trees, and flowers blur in a shadowy hazy mess. You can’t be sure whether it's from all the blood you lost, the pain that plagues your body or the starless night sky. A single rock jutted out of the rock trips you and the pain blinds you as you lay on the ground.
Stumbling back onto your feet, you hold a nearby branch with a death grip as your body sways and your vision spins. This intense lightheadedness could only be from blood loss, one would think that it’s a shame how easily you can tell blood loss apart from any other injury it might be. 
The sound of water splashing catches your attention and you do your best to follow it quickly without any more falls. The toll of the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins is starting to settle and you know full well how nasty it can be. A small lake appears in your vision and you collapse onto your knees once close enough.
A group of Cryo slimes begin to make their way towards you from the middle of the lake, or maybe it was Hydro slimes? The wind is both sweet relief on your clammy skin and a rude reminder of your aching wounds. Crawling to the side where you can only hope that Shenhe won’t find you as easily, you let your bag fall off your shoulders.
The bag has holes but as it’s not a normal bag, nothing has fallen out. To your immense relief, of course, the medkit you pull out is your only hope of surviving just a little longer. The slimes gather around you curiously, even this close the only thing you can be sure of is their blue coloring.
Ignoring them, you apply the disinfectant, ointment, bandages, and anything else that might help you with your numerous injuries. Most of them were bandaged fine with you skipping the minor wounds to not waste your precious resources, but it was the major two damages that you couldn’t touch. 
The remainder of the ice spikes in your calves were slowly melting which, unfortunately, was only leading to more bleeding. The arrow in your chest already made breathing hurt like hell. There was no way you were gonna risk yanking either of the two out. With the bleeding slowed down, your body feels a bit better but the fatigue anchors you to your spot.  
Surrounded by the slimes and gently showered by the moonlight your head rests against the closest solid structure. Thoughts of what kind of disease, danger, and death you might experience are washed away. The rippling reflection of the moon on the lake lulls your mind into a haze. Eyelids fluttering shut, you can no longer resist the urge to just rest...
Oh boy, finally done and over with. It actually had more but I decided to cut it here and post the rest with the other parts next chapter. It may be shorter than this one. Or not, who knows. Thanks to my patient editor @serpent-benediction who edited this today. I hope everyone enjoyed the differences yet similarities between Y/N and Yelan. I did write this on Google Docs rather than on Tumblr so maybe the format is weird. Tell me if this one is too dense looking or any other opinion on it. Edit* Guess which dumbass forgot to add the read more option? Taglist - Remember those that are in italics are those who I couldn't tag! I appreciate all the comments and reblogs! Ya'll can be so funny and sweet at the same time. @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100
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salaciousdoll · 11 months
Giving erwin head seems like a dream to you especially while he watches your sextape featuring the men of your dreams
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· · " Says It Feels Like Heaven To Him" · ·
・˳ . ⋆ Featuring Professor! Erwin Smith with Guest Appearances of Levi Ackerman, Miche(Mike)Zacharias, Nile Dok ( even threw in a little Zeke and Eren Kruger for a second) x Fem! T.A. Reader・˳ . ⋆
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Warnings: Smut, fivesome( just in the video), Apple Vision hasn’t come out yet so work with me here on the little research I did, Erwin is rich, double penetration in both and one hole, fucked dumb, deep throating, oral ( m receiving while watch the video on the Vision Pro), aot au/ modern au, sloppy top for Erwin cause he deserves it, I think this has plot, idk, spit roasting, pet names, big praise kink, some degradation here and there, I may make another one with Zeke and eren Kruger( don’t know yet, throat bulge, big and heavy cock Erwin, tears( dacryphillia), Levi being a mean and nice Dom, black reader in mind but anyone can read, Dom Erwin, chubby reader, may be considered dc, first time writing for him so he may be ooc, overall nasty nasty stuff
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Word Count: 3.7k
18+, Minors do not interact
Credit for art in header
Psa: the italics is the video playing on the Apple vision pro headset
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With the void, black space and sparkling little dots in the sky, you traveled home in your car listening to the radio play hits of the month. Tonight was heavenly for you, you loved hot summer nights ever since you were a kid, don’t even get you started on spring or fall nights. Summer nights were filled with people walking on the sidewalks talking with their friends, relatives, and partners. They were filled with loud music blaring from bars, clubs, and people sitting in their cars.
As you drove to your professor's house as his T.A., You passed lots of entertainment and that made you smile so much. You couldn’t wait to collect the test answers so you could grade your students' tests. You wanted to be able to enjoy this adolescent night. You were planning to go to a restaurant that stays open until 4 am with your friends since they needed to catch up with you. All you need is the test answers and then you’re set, probably should be finished by 12:30 am. Your friends should be coming out of the club by 2:30 am, so you’ll even have time to shower and get ready. You all decided to pull an all-nighter because you missed the days when you used to do it.
You passed a few big houses before you made it to his large house, the house always brings up memories you held deep inside of your memory. Memories that you shared with 4 other men including Erwin Smith. You stopped your car and got out after turning the headlights off. Your keys jiggled and moved as you walked up to his door proudly with a small smile on your face. Once you made it to the double entry wrought iron doors that stood taller than you. You have no idea how he could afford this but you had a guess in mind since he wears a lot of expensive tailored suits to work.
You pushed the doorbell, rocking back and forth to calm your nerves of being here again. You haven’t been here in a month, couldn’t face them outside of work. You were glad you only got to see Erwin instead of Levi, Who was in the same department as Erwin but had a different subject— which was Writing while Erwin had History. Miche was in the art department while Nile was in the science department with Hange. Hange, a person you wished you could’ve had there as well since you’ve always eyed them.
You rang it again before deciding to knock on the door when you didn’t hear an answer. You moved to the side and peaked through the glass to see if you saw anyone and you didn’t. So you stood there for a minute until you decided to just go in. You twisted the doorknob and it opened, it was almost like someone left it open for you. Erwin definitely did because he always used to say let him know when you’re on your way and you did, only two hours ago. You shrugged your shoulders and walked inside— closing the door softly, avoiding the slam the door always did when you used to come here freely.
You walked to the entrance of his living room and heard his groans loud and clear. He was too occupied in pleasuring himself out in the open to even realize the door bell had rang. He had on the new Apple vision pro vr headset and the noise coming from them was so lewd that you were speechless. You could hear it from where you were standing, so you slowly put your purse/bag on the table an arm length next to you and slowly walked to him.
Once you got closer to Erwin, you heard the slick noises of him stroking his dick up and down with , from the smell of it, strawberry lube you brought over here from the last time you were here. He kept it with him and you wanted to know why, soon you will find out. Just as you were about to speak, you heard your voice speak from the headset in a needy tone.
“ Fu-ah-ck~!! I can’t take it anymore Miche, please please please.” Your moans were so pretty and you almost wanted to pat yourself on the back from how pornographic they sound. You slowly walked around the couch and stood on the edge of it looking directly at Erwin.
“ shit! Welcome, Miss { reader’s last name}. Your…”. Erwin was stuck when his dick pumped in excitement in his hand. You didn’t know if the excitement was from the video, the adrenaline of being caught, or from your stare on him. His body was sweaty and you could tell he’s been at this for a minute now because of the smell of strawberry and cum around him. The saltine air was doing something to your senses and it went straight to your now tingling pussy.
“ Is this how you greet all your past T.A.’s, Mr.Smith. If so I’ll begin to think of you as a horny pervert. Wouldn’t want that now would cha’?”. Your whispering was getting to him as you now noticed he paused the video with his finger pressing into the air. “ How can you even see out of those? Hmm, wanna give me an explanation as to how that is and what I just walked in on.” Your voice was so alluring to him, it didn’t matter if you had a gruff velvet tone or soft tone, he loved hearing your voice.
Erwin showed you his small smile as he began to talk again after searching for his voice for about 5 seconds, “ I would gladly explain this futuristic device to you later, miss { readers last name} but I’m a little preoccupied with trying it out right now. If you’re looking for the test answers, they’re in my office down the hall. Specifically on the desk.” He then lifted the device off his eyes, setting it on top of his blonde, unruly hair. Sweat built upon his forehead as the lines from the device formed on his red face making him, surprisingly, look very enticing to you.
You looked back at the hall he pointed to prior to looking back at him with low eyes, “ They’ll have to wait for now. After all, we have a three day weekend starting tonight, so why don’t I show my appreciation to Professor Smith. Put back on that VR set, sir. Want you to focus on that video and that video only.”
He almost let out a low groan at the pet name he so desperately loved, especially when you called him that. School or not, he’s always gonna feel something when you call him that. You slowly took off your top as he slid the car set back on his face. After your top came off, your bra followed— gently falling to the floor. You walked up to Erwin and slowly got on your knees in front of him. His cocked open legs were so thick and muscled, you were planning on riding them sometime in your life, maybe tonight. Who knows. You trailed your acrylic nails up his thighs— dragging them close to his trimmed pubic hairs. You watched as he bit back a moan and as his dick jumped against his lower stomach. The red angry tip was having a stare off with you and you were winning because of his twitching.
Your knees hurt on the carpet but you were gonna ignore it for now. You wanted his cock in your mouth and you were gonna get him in your mouth. You tried to enclose your right hand on his dick, but it didn’t fit around the entirety of his cock. Thick fingers trying so hard to wrap around his thick abnormal dick, you then pressed his tip on your lips giving him a little peck prior to rubbing his wet tip across the lower half of your face. You wanted this to be messy and you were gonna get it even if he was caught by surprise when you did that.
Erwin was bigger than Levi and close in length to miche whilst being close to Nile in girth. You could tell he started the video over because you heard your whimpers which meant you were being teased by Levi.
“ How long have you dreamed of this, little girl? I’m sure you even day dreamed about being used like a little slut by us. Such a shame really. Such a pretty little shame.”, Levi says on the video. Erwin watched on the big screen he had on his Vr set. He was so glad he got this VR set because he could watch this video in 3d with a fake background of the ocean.
He watched your eyes look up in a squint as you looked at Levi, “ I’m not a little girl. So don’t call me- hnngn.” Two fingers were placed inside of your pussy by Levi who looked at you with low sharp eyes, “ what was that? Couldn’t hear you over you being a slut for my fingers.” The camera panned to Miche, Nile, And Erwin before he set the camera up on the tall night stand in his room.
Erwin moved next to you to plant his kiss on your buttercream scent lips as Miche whistled at Levi words, “ Come on, Levi. You gotta give the girl credit for seducing each one of us with those pretty brown eyes of hers. Eyes that told stories without talking, we’re now experiencing another story of hers.” Leave it to Miche Zacharias to bring his perception into this, reasons why he’s an art teacher.
You, on the other hand, took the tip of his cock in your mouth causing him to let out a low moan. The way your lips instantly lock on his dick should be awarded. The sucking sounds from you was enough to cause him to put down the VR, but he’ll never be able to get to his favorite part if he does.
Erwin's body shuddered when he heard your pleas in the video and felt your lips swallow more of his dick in your wet, hot mouth. You almost vomited on his dick, but you controlled your breathing and throat to take him in completely. Both of your hands were now on the lower part of his cock as spit slowly glided down his dick and onto your hands. Erwin held your head in one of his hands as he tried so hard to keep his eyes on the screen like you said.
The convulsing of your throat was enough to make him want to snap his hips up, but he resisted and let you take control, just this once.
“ Ummph, your dick is stretching me, Nile. Pl-”, you moaned as he slid inside of your wet pussy with the help of miche holding your legs open from underneath you. Levi let a small smirk display in his face in the video. Erwin just now noticed that little smirk and he was so gonna tease Levi for it later but right now your moans plus your lips wrapped around his cock was the only thing on his mind.
“ Ease up a little, Nile and Mike. Don’t want my little TA to call off work just because we broke her.”, Erwin said as he played with your pretty nipples in a clockwise motion making you squirm even more. Levi stroked himself on the side of you while sucking on your neck. Nile was too busy trying not to cum because of the way you were squeezing around his dick, “ Looks like she needs to ease up on me before my dick breaks. She’s fucking tight. So please, sweetheart. Ease up for me, will ya’ ?” Nile held your face in between his hands— looking directly in your eyes.
You couldn’t even think straight because of the fullness you were feeling in both holes. They complimented each other all too well, but you got pulled out of your daze when you felt a kiss on your mouth from a different man. The man in front of you, Nile. His kiss was ruff but a little passionate which suddenly made you loosen up around his dick causing him to move back and forth with ease. Miche groan loudly when you convulsed your other hole around his long cock, “ Fuck, pretty girl. You’re treating my dick so well.” His deep baritone voice sent shivers down your horny spine and you couldn’t do anything but moan, loudly too.
Levi rolled his eyes when he heard you repeating curse words with a whine laced in your whimpers, “ Erwin shut her up before I do it.” He was such a mean Dom and you loved it. Nile and Miche shared a choked moan and groan because you tightened around them at the same time when you heard what he said. Erwin chuckled and turned your head to his standing cock, “ Come on, my princess. Don’t wanna upset him any further now, do we?” His tone was chilling, almost like a threat and you loved it. Erwin took his cock in his hand and tapped your plump lips, “ Open up wide for me, darling. Want you to open up nice and wide for me.” You looked up at him through your lashes as your body thrashed up and down due to Nile and Mike’s movements. They were so in sync with each other as you parted your lips as you could go. Next sounds that were heard were your slurpy moans and the moans of all the men around you as you pleasured them.
Levi was in love with the way you twisted your hand around his cock, “ such a pretty view to see you filled up in all of your holes. Shit! Your fucking hands are working me so perfectly. Being such a good girl right now, baby. Keep it up for me, got that?” Your moans on Erwin’s dick told everyone everything they needed to know. You were gonna be a good girl for them after all.
Erwin couldn’t handle the way your head bobbed up and down on his cock with ease now. Your throat warmed up to him and he couldn’t be more proud of you. You were struggling to take him in the video but now here— it’s like you were a new person or spirit. He loved every second of it, paying attention to the dick sucking sounds you made as you devoured him. “ Mmm” and “ hmm” were heard all around his living room. Teary eyes was something he saw after rolling his eyes to the back of his head in pure lightness. He looked down at you slurping his cock up like you were drinking out a small straw with a thick ass milkshake.
Erwin reached to the top of your head, setting a shaky palm just over your hairstyle, “ May I?” You bobbed your head up and down to answer his question and he sequenced after moving whatever hairstyle you had in your hair out from your eyes, so you can really see. One of the small things you noticed about Erwin compared to the others is that he knows the boundaries and doesn’t over step them without thinking about it. Bare minimum? Yes.
He tasted so good in your mouth, salt with a small hint of used cum. You couldn’t describe it exactly but you knew his dick had just the right flavor to openly want to suck his dick up the way you’re doing it right now. Hollowing your cheeks caused him to spring up and try to knock his knees together but you scratched at his stomach letting him know to sit down and take it like he told you plenty of time on his desk, bed, etc. “ Ah, Ah, swee-sweetheart, I’m going to cum soon if you keep doing - oahh- that.” Erwin was never this vocal before and he needed to start being this vocal because now one of your hands dropped from his dick— moving down to your undergarment. You rubbed yourself in slow circles feeling the wetness spreading on your fingers like it was honey.
You removed your other hand and dropped that one to his balls to play with them in a soothing but pleasuring way. Your moans were getting louder on the screen and off the screen. It wasn’t just only your moans though, Erwin’s moans were off screen. He was enjoying himself too much and honestly he didn’t care. He was mouth drunk in a sense. Could wait for it to end no matter what. He didn’t want this memory to end at all. Miche was right, you were a part of the memories he had to reminisce about when he gets older and wither away like all older people do.
The sounds of gagging were heard when your mouth moved further down his cock up until the little blonde hair on his pelvis. Your moans from playing with yourself were stuffed so good with his cock deep down your throat. “ fuck! Sweet girl, your mouth and hands feel so good. So. Damn. Amazing. Keep going for me, my sweet doll.”
The video now showed you now taking him and Levi inside of your pussy together. Your screams of pleasure were one for Erwin’s history books. “ Fuck, she’s fucking swallowing my dick right now. Erwin you choose the right one to be your damn T.A.” Erwin chuckled as he focused on holding your thighs— you were in the cowgirl position on top of him.
“ You should see her face taking both of us right now, Levi. So damn beautiful.” Erwin kissed your neck wrapping both of his arms around you— Levi wrapped his arms around your arms pulling your upper body up a little bit, “ beautiful huh? Maybe Mike or Nile could take a picture and send it to Eren Kruger and Zeke, let them know what they’re missing.” Tears fell down your eyelashes as they battered their dicks inside of you with soft little kisses from Erwin to comfort you even more than you already felt.
Miche chuckled with his head tilted back before getting up to come hold your chubby face in between his big hands, “ such a beauty indeed. Even more beautiful with a fucked out expression on your face. Such a pity they couldn’t come, huh.” Nile came up beside him, both with their dick standing on full hard, “ I’ll take the picture only for me, then two don’t deserve to see this masterpiece of a woman, isn’t that right my little bunny?” Just then Erwin snapped his hips up as Levi followed after, both spilling inside of you as your mouth fell into a silent O as you came on their cocks— That silent O soon got filled with a thick tip of Mike’s dick.
“ God, I wish you could see how pretty you look right now. Gonna- mmph.” Erwin groans turned into moans when you let out a little moan against the sensitive part on his dick, his veins. The video stopped and you notice he snatched off his Apple Vision Pro headset and grabbed your head to make you engulf all of his dick without any room to breathe. Erwin grabbed your throat to feel his bulge against it and nothing could ever satisfy him the way your throat bulge did. You stayed where you were until you felt thick salty fluid in your mouth. You had no choice but to swallow all of his cum inside of your gagging mouth. Small Snot flowing down your nose with Spit and the rest of his cum you couldn’t swallow flowed down this dick to his ass. “ Holy shit! Fuck, m gonna cum in that pretty little mouth, don’t run. Don’t run. Breathe through your nose for me….” And you did to which he responded with a lazy smile after he came down from his high, “ good girl. Such a good little slut for me.”
He let you go when you tapped his thigh and you automatically lifted your throat off his cock, coughing a little prior to a small smile displaying on your face, “ Next time, could you do that during the intercourse. I liked it, especially if it’s from you.” Erwin body slumped against the back of his couch as he peered down at you with low blue eyes, “ You’re so pretty. I need you to say it back to me, pretty girl.” You didn’t know where the serge of affirmation came from, but you were living for it as you looked at him like he was the only man in the world. Little did you know, you were always the only woman in his world.
“ I’m pretty— your pretty girl.” Your voice was so low and he knew it was because of his dick. Erwin pulled you up by your hands, kissing them. He then pulled you down on top of him and kissed you on the mouth, “ Yes, my pretty little butterfly. Thank you for giving me the best I ever had …. Now about those test answers?” He lifted up his eyebrow at you. Somehow, you had forgotten about them because your jaw hurt. You’ll have to grade tomorrow and make sure the girls make it back safely. You’ll have to reschedule everything all because of Mr.eyebrows with the big dick chuckling at you waving your hand whilst laying on his chest.
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Tagging: @shunsuist @simpingfor-wakasa @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia @emomanswhore @honeybleed @angelshub
787 notes · View notes
xo-cori · 8 months
it’s all a game to me anyway (II)
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pairing: abby anderson x fem!reader
summary: pining after athletes is never a good idea. that is, unless you’re good at getting what you want.
warnings: smut (MDNI), choking if you squint, praise kink, jesse being an ally
a/n: y’alllll this is ass but i got sm requests for a part 2. also @feelsoseencantdream wanted me to tag them so i’m thinking of making a taglist??? lmk if you wanna be added 😈 ALSO PSA!!! don’t sleep w anybody if you aren’t 100% sure that they’re CLEAN ok thx
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The very next day, you follow your usual routine. Daydream through all of your classes until you can finally start your venture towards the sports building, phone on silent with one headphone in your ear. However, the thrumming of your heart only drowns out the music, and it’s an unfamiliar feeling; the way your nerves are getting the best of you, the way you can only hope to be the one in charge here.
But, your nerves turn out to be right.
When you open the door to the rink that is usually filled with people at this time of day, you’re surprised to see that Abby is sitting there alone on the first bleacher. She doesn’t have on her usual hockey get-up; rather, she wears a grey hoodie and sweatpants, which tells you that she isn’t here to practice. Instead, she repeatedly runs a sharpener over the blade of one of her skates.
“Looking for someone?” She wonders, not even sparing a glance in your direction.
You cross your arms, opting to ignore her question and spare yourself the embarrassment. “No practice today?”
“Got cancelled. Coach’s daughter has a stomach bug,” she huffs, “besides, I think we all could use a day off.”
“Oh.” You reply, a small amount of anxiety creeping its way into your body. You step forward to take a seat a few inches away from her. “But you came here anyways? Why?”
Abby finally looks up from her skate and raises an eyebrow at you. “Why did you?”
This is a dynamic you aren’t used to. Being questioned like this without having anything snarky to say in response; it’s almost like Abby has the ability to steal the words from your mouth before you can even come up with them. “You know why.” You say.
She gestures to the empty rink. “No, not really. I figured you’d leave once you realized that there’s no one here to watch.”
“I’m here because you started something without finishing it.” You tell her, sternly, but it only makes her smile in amusement.
“Without finishing you, you mean.” She points out. “There’s cameras here. You, of all people, should know that.”
“We’ll go to the locker room again,” you reach out to grab her hand. “We can–”
“No.” Abby shuts you down immediately, though she doesn’t retract her hand from your grip. She lets you run your thumbs over her calloused palm and pretends not to notice the way it makes goosebumps rise across her arms; chalks it up to how damn cold it is in there. “Give me your phone.”
You tilt your head, confused, but you do what she says with a bit of hesitance. She takes your phone and goes to your contacts, adding her own number and name before giving it back to you. “I have to go. Text me your dorm number.”
Then, she stands up without another word and heads toward the door, leaving you in the same position you’d found yourself in the night before; this time, though, there’s hope. There’s an implication that she’ll finish what she started after all. You make sure to leave out the back door.
“Dina!” You call as you unlock the door to your room, seeing your roommate perk up from the couch. As per usual, her boyfriend, Jesse is laying with his feet kicked up on the armrest and his head in her lap.
She smiles when she sees you, quickly grabbing the remote to pause their movie. “What’s up, babe? You look like you just ran a marathon.”
A cheesy smile makes its way onto your face. “Literally nothing is wrong right now, because guess who’s coming over.”
Dina thinks for a moment, nose scrunched in concentration seeing as there’s lots of possibilities. But, the fact that she’s never seen you this excited about a girl before is enough of a hint as to who the lucky lady is. She pushes Jesse off of her and shoots up from her seat. “Abby?! No fucking way!”
You nod excitedly. “Yes fucking way! I don’t know when, or why, but–”
“Wait, since when is she into girls? Wasn’t she just with Owen?” Dina puts a hand on her hip, obviously just as confused as you.
“They broke up, but… if I was with Owen, I’d probably switch sides, too.” You shrug. “Either way, she’s coming tonight.”
“Which Abby?” Jesse asks, sitting up on the couch to look at you. “You’re acting all lovey-dovey, so I’m gonna assume she’s a good catch.”
You roll your eyes. “Come on, you know which Abby. Abby Anderson, captain of the hockey team? Six feet of pure muscle?”
Suddenly, Jesse seems just as invested in this conversation as you and Dina. “Jesus Christ, how’d you pull her?” He jokes, though you know it’s a genuine question– anybody involved in your university’s gossip knows that Abby hates hook-ups, and anyone who shoots their shot with her usually just makes a fool of themselves. Not you, though. You aren’t sure why but you’re hoping to find out.
“I don’t know! I’m so nervous. Why am I so nervous?” You place a hand over your rapidly beating heart.
Dina strolls over to you and grabs your shoulder. “Because you’ve been trying to scoop her up for, like, three months now. It’s weird to see you all amped up, but I don’t blame you, honestly. She’s intimidating and hot.”
“I’m literally sitting right here,” Jesse reminds her.
“Not for long, hopefully.” You look up at Dina. “You guys can do me a solid and finish your movie at Jesse’s place, right? Please?”
“Two steps ahead of you, sugar. I’m not waiting around for Anderson to show up. She’s… well, like I said, she’s intimidating.” Dina grabs Jesse’s car keys from the kitchen counter, which is Jesse’s cue to finally get off of the couch.
“Agreed,” he shakes his head, “I’ve seen her on that rink once and I can tell she’s not to be fucked with.”
You let out a sigh, relieved that this last-minute arrangement is already going smoothly. “Oh my god, thank you,” you say as Dina places her hands on your shoulders so that she can look into your eyes.
“Don’t have too much fun, you hear me? The last thing we need is a noise complaint.” She instructs you, then leans in to give you a peck on the forehead. “See you tomorrow morning?”
“Yeah, yeah, I hear you.” You grumble under your breath. Jesse waves a goodbye before they both head to the door, opening it and promptly freezing.
You lean forward to see that Abby is already standing right there.
“Oh. Hey,” Dina says, “uh, we were just leaving.”
Jesse smiles awkwardly while Dina grabs his wrist and ushers him out the door. Abby steps inside, head tilted over her shoulder to watch the couple speed-walk down the hallway before she shuts the door. “You seriously shoo’d your roommate away?”
“No,” you lie, “they… she was already going to his place tonight.”
She just stares at you, obviously not buying it. “Something tells me that isn’t true.”
You cross your arms. “Whatever. Why did you come here, anyways?”
Abby sighs as she walks forward and glances around, not yet directly toward you, almost like she’s surveying the area. As she gets closer, you catch a whiff of the familiar scent of her shampoo; pine and vanilla, already clouding your senses with desire. Your need for her has become primal. It’s something deep inside of you that has no beginning or end, no rhyme and no reason. “You don’t really need me to answer that question, do you?” She scoffs. “I thought I made it pretty clear.”
You look down at your feet. “Still would be nice to hear you say it.”
With the distance between you down to only a couple of inches, Abby’s standing in front of you in no time, her undivided attention now completely on you. You feel so small, and you kind of like it.
“What do you want me to say?” She shrugs. This time, though, there’s no underlying mockery in her voice. It’s a genuine question that gives you a sense of security. You gaze into her ocean blue eyes, cursing yourself for the way it makes your heart skip a beat.
“Maybe that I didn’t make myself look dumb yesterday when I told you how much I wanted you,” you answer, “and that you feel the same way.”
Abby tilts her head. “So, you expect me to say that I want you?”
“Kind of.” You mumble.
“Hm,” she leans back a bit, seemingly deep in thought for a moment (though her eyes don’t leave yours once). “My ego’s a little too big for that, but I’d rather just show you.”
You’re given no time to reply before you find yourself in the same position as the night before, with Abby grabbing hold of your waist and lifting you up to sit you down on the kitchen table. You spread your legs so she can stand between them as her lips finally meet yours, the show of strength making you melt beneath her.
This kiss is nothing like the last; carnal, sure, but there’s a hunger inside it and a strange sense of urgency, as if the world is ending and she needs to have you now. Her tongue effortlessly slides against yours and, unlike last time, there’s no battle for dominance. You submit to her without hesitation.
Abby, on the other hand– you’d have no idea how hard she’s trying to keep it together. You’re not exactly the type of person she could see herself falling for. She has a reputation to upkeep, which just so happens to be the complete opposite of yours. If anybody were to even speak both of your names in the same sentence, it could ruin her, leave her image tarnished while you move onto the next girl.
That doesn’t stop her, though. Now that she knows how it feels to kiss you, to touch you, to hear you beg for more, she doesn’t think anything could stop her.
You reach down to grab hold of her wrist, guiding her hand up to its rightful spot on your throat, and she wastes no time pressing her fingers down on the sides of your neck. Your mouth falls open with a gasp, thighs tightening around her waist. She rears back to look at you. “So fucking demanding.” She laughs.
“Just want you to touch me,” you huff out, voice low and shaky. “You left me hanging, Abby.”
“Because I wasn’t gonna fuck you in a locker room.” She says.
You smile, a mischievous glimmer in your half-lidded eyes. “But you’ll fuck me here?”
Abby smiles, too. “That’s the plan.”
She reaches down to the bottom of your sweater to pull it up over your head, throwing it behind her on the floor somewhere. It suddenly becomes very obvious that you’d been counting on getting lucky– you didn’t even bother putting on a bra.
Her eyes fall onto your chest and she stares shamelessly. “Really?”
Instead of responding, this time, you grab her wrists again and use the leverage to place her hands over both of your breasts. Even in the dim light of the kitchen, you can still see the way her pupils dilate once her palms meet your soft skin. She gently squeezes down, just once to test the waters, but you can tell from that action alone just how inexperienced she is with other women.
You place your hands over hers, making her squeeze again. Her breathing becomes heavy and her eyes become curious. She watches the way your skin moves between her fingers, beckoning her to explore.
Abby moves down to your neck, pressing hot kisses all over the marks she’d made the night before, licking over each bite mark that had already began to fade. You hadn’t even tried to cover them up. This only means something to her because she’d seen you walking around campus in those low-cut tank tops, a concoction of makeup smothered over your neck to cover just a few hickies, though they’d remain visible to a trained eye.
She bends down to slip one of your nipples into her mouth, suckling and drooling as you let out soft whimpers of approval. You bring a hand to grip the edge of the table whilst the other snakes up to the back of her head, beneath her long braid so you can tug at the roots of her hair. Each time your fingernails scratch at her scalp, she lets out a quiet moan, sending the most intoxicating vibrations right between your legs. From this new position, Abby can feel the growing warmth pressed against her abdomen, even more so when you subconsciously roll your hips into her. You’d do anything for some friction, and you already know that she’d let you.
After a few moments, you use the leverage you have on her head to pull her off of your chest, making her look up at you with those wanting eyes of hers. “Get down,” you hum, pulling her down by the hair so that her cheek is pressed into your thigh. “It’s like I told you yesterday– you know what I want.”
Now it’s Abby’s turn to find herself lost for words. Maybe it’s the way you’re looking down at her, or maybe the fact that she can already smell you and it’s making her mouth water.
Her hands drag down your waist until they find the waistband of your shorts, hooking her fingers into it so she can pull them down. Too slowly for your taste, but you’d never blame somebody for wanting to take their time with you. Your raise your hips from the table so that she can finally pull the last piece of clothing from your body, letting it fall past your ankles as she gets down onto her knees. “Oh, fuck me,” she mumbles mostly to herself.
She’d never need another confidence boost after this. Abby’s been in your apartment for maybe ten minutes, and you’re already soaked down to your thighs.
As a cue for her to get a move on, you lay your right leg onto her shoulder and tighten your grip in her hair. It’s a wordless gesture that tells her everything she needs to know.
The moan that leaves your mouth when she finally dives in is nothing less than pathetic.
What she lacks in experience, she makes up for in enthusiasm. She tries to recall what makes her feel good; tracing certain shapes with her tongue, licking you up and down until you’re practically gushing into her mouth. She swallows every last drop as she eats you like a woman starved.
Her hands grab onto your thighs, keeping them closed around her head. She’d never admit it, of course, but the way you tremble beneath her hands only riles her up more. Her lips wrap around your clit and she whimpers when she feels all ten of your fingers grab onto her hair, keeping her trapped right there despite the fact that she could easily break free if she wanted to. You revel in that power– knowing just how strong she is, knowing that she chooses to let you be stronger.
The heels of your feet dig into her shoulder blades as her strong hands do their best to hold you in place. Sparks of pleasure catch fire in your belly, the first tell that you aren’t going to last long. “Slow down,” you cry, but the sound of your voice all needy and soft just sends Abby into overdrive.
Her tongue attacks your clit, overwhelming you with the focused stimulation, causing your back to arch closer to her. Your head falls back as your eyes shut tightly, mindlessly whimpering and whining. She can feel your muscles tensing, trembling, like you don’t quite know what to do with yourself, and finds herself wondering how many other girls have had you in this same position. How many other girls have thought they’re the only one to make you feel this good, to make you bend to their every whim like this.
In your mind, though, you can only think of one thing; this odd feeling that Abby has awakened inside of you. A desire to be savored rather than devoured. She licks you up like you’re the last drop of water on Earth and you can’t even find it in yourself to mock her for it. There’s another feeling, a more physical one, quickly approaching. Embarrassingly quick, might you add.
Your hips jerk when you feel one of Abby’s fingers gently slip into you, exploring your warm, soft walls that clench around her so graciously. The arch in your back makes it easier to find that gummy spot which she wastes no time stroking with the rough pad of her finger. “How– f-fuck, how do you know all this?” You whine.
“Read some articles,” she mumbles right into you, sending waves of pleasure up your spine.
You let out a short-lived laugh at the thought of Abby fucking Anderson doing research on how to pleasure you properly. You can’t imagine any of her boyfriends had shown her how to take care of a woman, though, so it was only a matter of time– if it wasn’t for you, it would most likely be for herself. “Good girl,” you sigh, “I’m so close… oh, shit.”
The praise makes Abby moan into you as her dark blue eyes look up from between your legs to appreciate the sight. Your thighs are pressing against her rosy cheeks no matter how hard she tries to keep them open, your eyes struggling to stay open, your chest heaving up and down as you try (and fail) to preserve some stability in your breath.
Finally, that feeling in your belly reaches its peak when a second finger joins the first. Your head falls back and you put a hand over your mouth to muffle a quiet scream.
You make a point of not telling her, or even asking for permission, seeing as your trust had already been destroyed by her in this department the night before.
She seems to be in a very different mood tonight, though, because she doesn’t let up even after the tremors had stopped and the pleasure turns to pain; the good kind, where it’s all too much and there’s nothing you can do about it. You press your heel into her shoulder, pushing against the muscle there so she’d finally detach from you. A small gasp leaves your lips when she slowly pulls out her pruned fingers and looks up at you. The lower half of her face is completely covered in your cum, a sight you’re sure will be forever etched into your mind. How could you go back to normal after this? How could you pretend that anyone else compares?
You grab her jaw and bring her back up to your level, messily smashing your lips to hers as you hold onto her shoulder with your other hand. Much to her dismay, though, you’re quick to pull back.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’ve done that before, Anderson.” You say, albeit breathless.
“If you knew any better, you wouldn’t have let me do that.” She replies. You laugh, but you know she’s right, and you know she’s serious.
“But you liked it,” you implore, clearly searching for some sort of validation, which she quickly grants you in the form of a toothy smile; a genuine one that she just can’t wipe away.
“Maybe. How long do we have until your roommate gets back?” Her clammy hands come down to your waist, kneading the fat of your hips.
You raise an eyebrow. “Long enough. Why? You want a taste of your own medicine?”
The question is enough to visibly light up her eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, I do,” she confirms with a shy voice like she didn’t just give you the best orgasm of your life in under fifteen minutes. She’s sure her boxers are soaked right through the fabric, and honestly, she’s starting to think only you could bring the release she craves.
“Say no less. You gotta carry me, though,” you huff as you wrap your trembling thighs around her waist. “I can’t feel my legs.”
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sadomas0chist · 1 year
────── o.miguel
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psa: i’ve been wanting to write filth about that man ever since i saw him so this is gonna be a one shot about him outside the spiderman universe ; no claws and fangs lol
tw: miguel o’hara x fem reader, unedited, teasing, fingering, oral sex (female), spanking, miguel hinting he wants to feel your second hole (lmao i know), doggy sex, unprotected, slight hair pulling, use of the word daddy (once). MDNI
⤷ after losing your kitty and having put notice everywhere, a man finally comes at your door to give you what you’ve been looking for.
“oh my god!” you exclaimed as soon as you opened your front door, greeted with the mewls of your lost kitty. you nearly teared up as you take him from the stranger’s arms, pulling him close to your chest. “i thought i’d never see you again,” you whispered to your fluffy boy, as it licked your face. it took you a few minutes to finally acknowledge the man standing in front of you.
“i’m so sorry,” you sniffed, extending your hand to present yourself. “where did you find him?” you held your puppy even closer, at last taking in the handsome buff man. he was gorgeous.
“i saw the notice a few days ago and stumbled across him by mistake really, i’m glad i could help. you’re lucky he wasn’t very far from your location.” he explained, his hand gripping your door frame. “miguel o’hara, nice to meet you.” he reached to shake your hand, your puppy licking his fingers. you both chuckled and stood silence for a while until you finally spoke up.
“oh right the reward, i’m so sorry for keeping you here, i’m just still taken back.” you smiled, miguel’s lips mirroring yours as he anticipated your moves and grabbed your arm gently, stopping you. “i didn’t do it for the money, i know what it feels like to lose a pet. i’m really glad i could help.” he stated, his beautiful spanish accent rolling out the words. deep down, you felt a weird attraction towards him. tall, beautifully tan, buff, cheekbones sitting up high his face. he was so perfect. you wouldn’t mind inviting him to get to know him better.
“at least let me invite you for a cup of coffee? lemonade?” you began guessing with a sweet smile, miguel chuckled before rubbing his hand across his face. “sure why not.” god he was hot.
as soon as he stepped in, his tall figure fully towered over you, giving you an entire view of how tall he was. he fixed his hair and waited for you to invite him further in to follow you. you stepped to the side, reaching behind him to close the door then mentioned him to follow you to the kitchen. “lemonade is fine thanks.” he politely said, watching as you gently put down your cat and bent over to reach for the lemonade that was sitting at the lower shelf of your fridge. he gulped, restraining himself from looking at your perfectly shaped ass, reminding himself that he wasn’t a pervert freak. he wanted to dip his finger in your jeans to pull you back against him and roam his hands on your ass. it was killing him.
you turned around, your cleavage showing as your tank top was pulled down by your hand movements to open the bottle and serve him some.
“there you go,” you drank, miguel following your lead. “i’m really glad i had the address in the papers. i’m even more thankful that no creeps showed up to my place instead.” you chuckled, the tension building up as you caught him gazing at you, his elbow resting on your marble counter. there was something electrifying about this man to say the least.
he smiled at you, gulping the last drops remaining then said: “i had a cat, but it died a few years back.” he frowned. “i’m so sorry.” you put your hand on his forearm, his muscles tensing under your touch. miguel looked at your concerned face and smiled gently, putting his hand over yours and leaned in. he wasn’t sure what he was going to do next.
“you smell good.” you muttered out, earning a small hum in return. you felt pulled in by his demeanor and you wanted more. “miguel…”
“¿si bonita?” he spoke up, his finger lifting your chin up. your thighs rubbed together, the friction of the jeans leaving a low sound that he heard. “tell me what’s wrong,” his hand moved up to rub your arm.
“i’m sorry i didn’t mean to,” you pulled back, afraid he’d think that you were just a thirsty woman who’d fuck anyone you just stepped into her house. but he was way ahead of your thoughts. “you’re not doing anything wrong. if you want me to leave just say so, i can l-“ you interrupted him, your body beating your brain as you got on your tip toes and kissed him. it didn’t take him long to smirk and kiss you back, his palm bringing your head closer. his other arm wrapped around your waist, slightly pulling you up.
you tilted your head, his tongue parting your lips. you gently sucked on it, making him squeeze your waist. “miguel,” you whispered between kisses. your hands grabbed his shoulders. “qué?” you bit your lip, guiding his hand down your thigh, watching how his eyes lit up when he felt your throbbing core. “want me to help you out?” he chuckled once you began riding his hand. he gripped your covered cunt, feeling its pulse before smacking your plump ass. “such a nice body, such a pretty face,” he muttered, sliding down your jeans along with your white panties.
“wait- i didn’t shave,” you remembered, your face red in embarrassment. he swat your hand away, grabbing your hips as he pulled you up easily and sat you on the counter. “i’m not a boy bebe, spread open let me see,” his words made the tips of your ears grow redder, intimidated by him as you slowly opened your legs for him, his finger going around your exposed sex, teasing you. you squirmed, watching miguel eye your pussy. “so beautiful, can’t wait to have a taste,” he deadpanned, pushing his index finger in your entrance.
“mig, shit,” you moaned as he curled his finger, enjoying how you squirmed before removing his finger and inserting it again. he loved the way your pussy was clenching over nothing. “please,” you begged him pushing your hips closer to him. he didn’t think you’d be so needy, but he wasn’t cruel. he couldn’t say no to such a sweet creature. he pushed his finger in again, kneeling so he could take a better look at your pussy. your fingers tangled up in his hair as he began kissing your thighs, then trailed towards the inner flesh. he added another finger, feeling the stretch caused by his big fingers, a yelp followed by a hum of pleasure leaving your lips. his kisses and bites reached your clit, slowly kissing your bud before sucking it, his fingers still working against your soft insides.
“fuck, so good, ahh,” there was something so exciting about having a stranger eating you out in your kitchen. a hot stranger. he was eating your pussy better than anyone has ever done before. slurping and sucking on your pretty cunt like a hungry man. he spread your legs further open with his hands, his face fully buried against your sex, enjoying the slick and wetness leaking out of your tiny hole. you bucked your hips, his fingers teasing that special spot. “dios, you taste so good, so sweet,” he murmured as his tongue kept lapping your spasming cunt. “miguel, mig,” you whimpered, your orgasm washing all over your body, your upper half thrown back as your elbows were your only support to hold yourself from falling. “cum undone baby, c’mon”
and you did. miguel was more than happy to lick you clean, his hands grabbing your thighs to pull you up and kiss you, lifting you up to put you back on your feet. however you weren’t just needy, you were also greedy. now that you had a taste of what sex might be with him, you wanted more.
“are you okay princesa?” he asked grabbing your face. you nodded, your hand instantly pressing the growing bulge in his pants. “i want it,” you pout, rubbing your hand over his clothed dick, a wince leaving his lips.
“you’re killing me,” he looked down softly at you before his animalistic instinct came forth and turned you around pulling your ass against him, your hips rotating to grind up on him. “tan hermosa,” miguel groaned before slapping your flesh, making it giggle and he could’ve sworn he just died at the sight. he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants, his hard member slapping against your round shape. you giggled, moving your hips as if you were toying with him, his dick softly rubbing on your flesh. he spanked you again, and again, the sound of your yelps and the way your ass jiggled making him go crazy.
“i want to feel this ass,” he whispered, his hand carefully going from your second hole to your lower back. “maybe another time, though,” his words made you shiver, excited even. miguel stroked his dick for a few seconds before running it up and down your slit, gathering your slick then slowly pushing his pretty tip in. “mierda,” he exhaled, your walls squeezing him as he pushed himself in, helping you accommodate to his size inch by inch. “gonna make you remember each vein bebe,”
you mewled, your face pressed on the cold marble. miguel’s hand went to grab your hip as the other wrapped around your hair to adjust your angle, his hips thrusting slowly and deeply. “miguel, so big, ngh, so good,” you whimpered, your eyes rolling back as he began picking up his pace, his hand going from grabbing your hip to spanking you then going back to its original place. he pulled at your hair, making your body jolt up.
he kissed your head, his hips hitting yours, making the sounds of your skins clapping together louder. although your ass was taking all of his attention, he couldn’t help but slide his hand in your tanktop to pinch and fold your breasts. “so perfect, head to toe perfect,” he whispered in your ear, biting on your lobe. you went limb in his arms, unable to do anything but take his dick. “faster, please, faster,” you begged him, your arms wrapping around his neck, his face close to your face. miguel picked up his pace, his grunts audible in your ear.
“gimme your hand,” he deadpanned, taking your free hand and placing it on your lower stomach. “feel me? daddy’s here,” your body was on fire and the nickname he had just given himself was enough to send you over the edge. your legs shook as you came, your grip around him tightening as you held onto him. “good girl, cum on my cock,” he kissed your shoulder, his orgasm shortly following yours.
miguel pulled out, giving himself a few strokes before coming, the hot ropes of cum landing on your ass.
you both panted, regaining your breaths before you jokingly asked: “lemonade?”, making him burst out in laughter.
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 months
Bets & Bargains - Part 5
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Series Masterlist
➪in which bradley finds something out about you that has him barely in control of himself, and he decides he needs to test something out before going forward with you.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 4k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
You were still reeling from the kiss you had with Bradley, even well into the next day.
Kissing his cheek was one thing, but feeling his lips against yours was something else entirely. You wanted more. 
You didn’t get the chance to see him after class yesterday since your schedules were so different, but you didn’t mind since you two had been texting nonstop. 
The texts you shared with Bradley were a nice refresher to the last few messages you shared with Luke, especially that last one he sent you that you didn’t even bother replying to. If he thought that the four years you were together were a waste of his time, then you wouldn’t give him another minute of yours by texting him back. 
Your phone went off as you were walking to the gym that was a few blocks away from the campus, and you sipped on your coffee as you read Bradley’s latest text. 
Fratley: It’s been over twenty four hours since I last saw you. Can we do something today? Pretty please?
You laugh and text him back with one hand as you reach the gym and use your key card to unlock the door to the room you rented for an hour. 
I can’t right now, I’m teaching a yoga class in a few minutes. After?
Bradley read your text but instead of replying to it, he called you. “Why am I just now finding out that you teach a yoga class?” He asked as soon as you accepted the call. 
You laugh and set your bag and mat down onto the floor. “Hello to you, too,”
“Hi. Why am I just now finding out that you teach a yoga class?” He repeats his question, making you laugh loudly as you sit down next to your bag. 
“I don’t know,” you answer and look at your reflection in the mirror that was along the wall across the room. “It never came up, I guess.”
“Fuck,” he cursed and you laugh again, stretching your legs out in front of you and beginning your warmup while on the phone with him. “I should’ve asked you more about yourself. I had no idea you taught a yoga class. That’s so hot.”
Rolling your eyes, you put your phone on speaker and set it down on the floor next to you before reaching forward with both arms and stretching out your back. “It’s really not,” you brush off his words. “It just keeps me busy when I’m not in class. I only do it once a week, though.” 
Bradley mutters something you can’t quite hear before he sighs. “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” He asks and you snort as you sit back up straight. “First you kiss me, and now you’re telling me you do yoga.”
“You liked that, huh?” You murmur and lean off to the side, opening up your ribcage to get it ready for the positions you would be doing once everyone got here. 
“Liked it? Are you seriously asking me that right now?” He asked in disbelief. “You should let me come to this class.”
“No,” you immediately answer, sitting up again and picking up your phone. “Not a chance.”
“See, I knew you were teasing me,” he muttered. “Please? I’ll be good, promise.”
You scoff. “You’d just be a distraction,” you say. “I can’t focus on anyone else when there’s a stupidly hot guy in the room.”
You could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he said, “So I distract you, too,” then he added, “That’s what you get for kissing me then bailing right after.”
“I did not bail,” you defend yourself with a stupid smile on your face. “I had class to get ready for, and I’m pretty sure you did, too.”
“Alright, alright, fair enough,” he murmured and you gave up on your warmup, instead you sat against the wall with your knees against your chest. “Still can’t believe you’re blowing me off to teach yoga. I’d be mad if I didn’t find it so hot.”
“I’m not blowing you off, I said we could hang out after,” you remind him just as the first few people came through the door. “Speaking of; I gotta go.”
Bradley hummed, “Okay. Can I pick you up after? We can get pizza or something,”
You hadn’t actually eaten much today since you would be wearing tight fitting clothing and didn’t want to look bloated, so pizza actually sounded really good right now. “You know the way to my heart,” you tease and he laughs that deep laugh that had you pressing your thighs together. “Sounds perfect.”
“Great, you should send me the address now so I can be prepared, you know?” He trailed off and you rolled your eyes again. 
“You’re not watching me do yoga,” 
“Fine,” he huffed, making you grin. “I’ll see you later, babes.”
There was that name again. You thought he called you it by accident yesterday, but here he is saying it again and making you feel all flustered right before you were about to teach a class. “Okay,” you agreed in a whisper, hanging up after before you could say anything embarrassing.
Bradley couldn’t believe how turned on he got when you told him that you taught a yoga class every week.
It was yoga, for fucks sake, why did he find the image of you doing it so attractive? Then he remembered that he’s found literally everything you’ve done since he met you attractive, then it started to make sense. 
An hour or so passed since his call with you, and then you sent him the location of a gym that was a fair distance from campus. He had a feeling you walked there, and were probably planning on walking back if he didn’t offer to go get you, even though it was nearing seven thirty at night and it was getting darker by the second. 
He wasn’t very fond of the idea of you walking around all the time by yourself, even if the areas surrounding the campus were relatively safe. He knew he shouldn’t be this protective over you so soon, but he couldn’t help it. His mom raised him right in that sense.
Bradley stopped for pizza on the way to pick you up, and he made sure the seat warmer was on since he knew you liked being scorching hot while in the car for some reason. 
He was waiting for only a couple minutes before you exited the gym, and you looked insanely sexy for someone who just finished teaching a class. Your black leggings and tight tank top was really doing something to him, and Bradley had to quickly adjust himself in his jeans just as you opened the car door and got in. “Hi,” you greet and drop your bag onto the floor. 
“Hey,” he managed to say back before gesturing to the pizza on the backseat. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I got pepperoni to be safe.”
“That’s fine, thank you,” you smile and put on your seatbelt as he starts driving again. “Sorry, I look kinda bad right now. If I had known we were hanging out after, I would’ve brought a change of clothes.”
Bradley wanted to laugh, then he realized you were being serious. “You don’t look bad,” he scoffed and turned onto the street that leads out of town and back to campus. “You look as hot as I thought you would. Maybe even more.”
“You’re full of it,” you repeat what you told him the last time you were in his living room, and it once again had him laughing quietly to himself. “You remembered to put the seat warmer on.”
He glanced over at you with a raised brow. “Yeah, you’re the only person I know that puts that shit on when it’s still summer,” 
You laugh, covering your mouth as you did so and he couldn’t stop himself from calling you out on it this time. 
“Why do you do that?”
You look over at him with confusion on your face, “Do what?”
“You cover your mouth when you laugh,” he said, then lightened the mood by adding, “You don’t have anything in your teeth, I promise.”
“Oh, my God,” you cover your whole face this time as you groan, and he cackles. “Thanks for that, I know. I don’t know why I cover my mouth, I guess I just don’t like the way I look when I laugh. That’s all.”
That was by far the craziest thing Bradley has heard all day. He saw you laugh at the party, and even though he was drunk, he still remembered how pretty he thought you were, and it only intensified when he made you laugh the other night at Five Guys. You were carefree that night, but now you were restricting yourself around him, and he didn’t like it. It felt like you were going backwards, and he was more than prepared to go forward with you. 
“I think you look pretty when you laugh,” he said and thought it would make things feel like a cheesy moment in those romcoms he forced himself to watch with Bri, but it didn’t. It felt normal. “You don’t have to pretend with me, you know. I like how natural it’s been between us since we met.”
You lean back in your seat and look over at him in a way that makes him want to pull over and kiss you again. “I like it, too,” you confess quietly.
The rest of the car ride passed by quickly and comfortably, and soon enough Bradley had you sitting on his lap at the small table in the kitchen he barely used. He kicked out the chair next to his for you to sit on, but you surprised him by draping your legs over his and pressing your side against his front. 
He wasn’t complaining a single bit as he casually wrapped his arm around your middle while you both ate. “So, do I get to have a private one on one now that there’s no one here for me to distract you from?” 
You blushed and shook your head as you bit into the crust. “Absolutely not,” 
Bradley whined. He actually whined as he said, “You keep teasing me,”
“I’m not,” you laughed, but this time you didn’t cover your mouth, and that had his pout softening until he was smiling up at you. He thought the whole yoga topic was done after that, then you shifted on his lap and offered him something that made his hold around your waist tighten just a bit. “Ask me that question again at some point and my answer might change.”
You stayed over for another hour after that, and then you rejected his offer to drive you back to your place as you said you wanted to ‘work off the three pieces of pizza’ you ate. 
Bradley already missed having you in his space as he cleaned up the kitchen and put away the leftover pizza, and when his phone went off with a new text, he shamelessly hoped it was you. 
It wasn’t.
Bri ❤️❤️: Hi, Brad. I was thinking about you all day. I know it’s kinda late, but can I come over? 
Had she sent him this text before he started getting to know you, he would’ve been all for her coming over right now. But as he read her text over and over again, he didn’t really feel anything. Maybe he was thinking about you too much right now to be able to take in her request fully, and he honestly hoped that wasn’t the case.
You were so different from Bri. You were sweet, funny, nice, and everything she wasn’t in all the months he was with her. 
Still, he found himself wanting to test something out. He wanted to make sure of some things before he continued hanging out with you.
Sure, I’ll leave the door unlocked. 
He sent the text before he could talk himself out of it, then went upstairs and waited for Bri to arrive. He was flipping through the lecture notes he took today when she knocked on his bedroom door and invited herself in. “Hey,” she said, dragging the word out as she closed the door behind her. 
“Hi,” he said back, finding himself not feeling the way he usually did every time he was alone in his room with her. 
“It’s been a while since I was in here,” she commented as she dropped her bag onto his floor, making herself at home as she began to inspect his room. 
If you consider less than a week a while, he wanted to say, but held off on it. “Yeah, I guess,”
She smirked over at him as she trailed her finger along his desk before lifting her gaze up to the bulletin board that was hung up on the wall above it. “Ooh, the Botanical Gardens?” She asked as she pulled the ticket from the board and held it in her hands. “We should go there. It’d be so pretty this time of year. And I hear it got recently renovated.”
It did. He got to see it firsthand with you. And it was pretty. But Bri wouldn’t get to see it with him. He went to the gardens with you on what he considered a date now that you and he were getting closer, and he refused to let Bri taint his prior experience there. He didn’t want to go there with her, not when he had already gone with you and ended up having a really nice time. 
Bradley stayed silent, making Bri look back at him as she set the ticket you bought him down on the desk instead of putting it back on the board. “Not feeling talkative tonight?” She cooed, reaching up to slide off her jacket. It dropped to the floor as she made her way over to his bed, where he was still laying on his side and watching her every move. “That’s okay. I can think of a few ways to get you in the mood.
When she pressed one of her knees onto the mattress and traced her fingers along his thigh, he tensed up. “Bri,” he said in a warning tone, but she must’ve thought that was an invitation to continue. 
“I know, I know. I’m really sorry about the way things ended between us,” she murmured, biting down on her lip as she moved so she was on her knees next to him. “I miss you, Brad. I shouldn’t have broken up with you.”
This was it. This is what he wanted to hear her say ever since she walked out of this very room the morning of the day he threw that party. The party he met you at. He wanted this, but not anymore. 
It was clear to him now, and by the way his body reacted negatively to her instead of him getting turned on by her advances, that she wasn’t what he wanted anymore. Maybe she never was. 
Maybe it was all just a filler until he met the person he did want. And he was pretty sure he’d already met that person. It was you. 
“Bri,” he tried again, but she ignored him.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, leaning in to brush her lips against the side of his neck. He pulled away from her touch, but she followed after him with a laugh. “We were good together, weren’t we, Brad? I know you miss me as much as I miss you. Come on, quit teasing.”
He already knew that he wasn’t physically attracted to her anymore, he didn’t need to let this continue on any further. He felt guilty, even though you and he weren’t even together. He wanted this to be you. He wanted you. 
When she reached for the zipper of his jeans, his hand shot out and wrapped around her wrist, halting her actions instantly and making her jump slightly in surprise. “Briana,” he muttered and her eyes widened at the seriousness in his voice. 
She looked so dejected, he almost felt bad that she clearly wasn’t going to get what she came here for, which was his body. She made sure he knew that his body is all he’s good for when she broke things off with him, and it was obvious that’s what she was wanting to get out of this little reunion. 
Still, he didn’t want to completely offend her or make her feel bad. “I have an early class tomorrow. You should go,”
But then her gaze turned cold. “Oh, my God,” she gasped, pulling her hand out of his grasp. “You like that girl you were talking to at the party, don’t you?” So she did see him talking to you, but still went home with Jensen anyway.
Bradley stayed silent again as she didn’t need to know about his relationship with you. No one did. What he had with you, that obvious connection you shared, he wanted to keep that just between you and him. 
She let out a humorless laugh. “You really moved on that quick?” She scoffed and he narrowed his eyes. 
“You moved on the day we broke up,” he pointed out and she rolled her eyes. 
“That’s different,” she muttered and he pushed away his notes and sat up.
“How? How is that different?” He asked and she huffed, standing up and grabbing her jacket from where she dropped it by his bed.  
“It just is,” she answered, throwing her jacket on and glaring at him. “I can’t believe you. What, you meet one girl who actually gives you attention for more than five minutes and you suddenly forget about me?” 
Bradley opened his mouth to defend both you and himself, fed up with the way she talked to him at this point and now about you, but she went on,
“You’re pathetic, Bradshaw,” she laughed again and grabbed her bag. “Thanks so much for wasting my time tonight.”
She opened the door and slammed it behind her, and he could hear her loud footsteps as she went downstairs and left the house, slamming the front door behind her as well. 
Bradley scoffed and ran a hand through his hair, kind of pissed off at the way that whole thing went, but he also didn’t let himself get too heated. She really wasn’t worth it anymore. 
He was getting better at calming himself down before he got too mad, but he was still feeling irritated because of Bri, even after he had a shower and got ready for bed. 
He wanted to call you, wanted to talk to you and let himself get lost in your kind and sweet voice. 
Fuck it.
He grabbed his phone and pressed on your contact, holding it to his ear for a few seconds as it began to ring.
Wait. No.
He didn’t want to bother you with this. You had a good day today, and he didn’t want to ruin it by calling you when he wasn’t fully calmed down yet. 
Bradley quickly ended the call and threw his phone onto his bed before falling down onto his pillow and groaning. He was only a few seconds into his pity party when his phone went off, and when he grabbed it, he saw that it was you calling him back.
“Fuck,” he muttered, rolling onto his back as he accepted your call. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you say and he could hear the small amount of panic in your voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he answered, draping his arm over his face as he sighed. “Why?”
“You called me then hung up,” you laugh nervously, “I got worried.”
Bradley felt himself beginning to smile, and he somehow knew you would be able to make him feel better. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, dropping his arm back down to his side. “Something happened and it made me….never mind. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you say quietly, then it was like you read his mind as you asked, “Do you want to talk for a bit?”
Bradley leaned back on the pillow and let himself picture the way you looked at him when he said that he thought you were pretty when you laughed. The smile you gave him in the Jeep was so pretty, he was getting flustered just thinking about it. “Yeah,” he answered just as quietly. “Can we?”
He heard you shuffling on your end of the call, and he wondered if you were in a similar position he was in. “Of course,” you say. “What do you want to talk about?”
He thought about it for a few seconds before asking the first question that popped into his head. “What’s your favorite color?”
You laugh in response, and the sound has Bradley’s mood lifting considerably. “Mint,” you reply. “What’s yours?”
“Blue and red,” he rasped, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“Mmm, a fox,”
“The Catcher in the Rye,” 
“Do you like coffee?” He asked and added before you could answer, “This one is very important.”
You laugh again, “Oh, is it? Yes, I do, sometimes,” 
Bradley falls silent for a few seconds after that, feeling himself get lost in the way you sounded so sweet and genuine right now. 
“Did I answer it right?” You asked him and he turned onto his side, sliding the hand that wasn’t holding his phone under the pillow. 
“How do you like your coffee?” He asked instead of answering your question, and you didn’t seem to care very much as he was met with your laugh again. 
“I like french vanilla. It’s actually the only way I can drink coffee,” 
Perfect. You were perfect. You sounded perfect. 
He felt like he didn’t deserve to be talking to you like this or even to be talking to you in general. Bradley has always messed with things that didn’t need to be messed with and almost always ended up ruining it, and he really didn’t want to do that with you. 
But he didn’t want to end the call so soon. “What’s your favorite movie?”
“That’s a tough one,” you mumbled and he could hear you holding back a yawn. 
“I’m boring you, aren’t I?” He teased and you huff out a laugh.
“No, not at all. I’m just in bed right now and I guess my head automatically thinks I’m supposed to be sleeping,” you say in a quiet voice. “Um, my favorite movie…oh, I Know What You Did Last Summer.”
Bradley laughed at that. “A 90s slasher? Why am I not surprised?” 
“Hey, you asked,” 
You and he ended up talking for a while after that until you eventually had to go to sleep. He ended the call before getting up and putting the ticket from the gardens back on the board, looking at it for a few seconds afterwards. 
By the time he plugged his phone in and got under his covers, Bradley realized that he was no longer mad or annoyed about what happened with Bri, and that you had successfully calmed him down with just your voice. 
He hadn’t felt this way about anyone in his entire life, and not once did he ever feel like this about Bri. He knew he needed to tell Wes and Eli that he was done with Bri and that although he was hanging out with you, it wasn’t because he made a bet on you. 
He assumed they would be checking in on how things were going with the bet soon, and even though he had that brief conversation with Eli the other day about you, he knew it wasn’t enough to have him believing that Bradley’s intentions with you were pure. 
And maybe they weren’t in the beginning, maybe he went to those gardens with you after Bri broke up with him just to spite her, but it wasn’t like that now. He knew that, he just had to make the guys believe it, too.
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aro-barrel · 6 months
i was blissfully ignorant of how much that one poll blew up. all i gotta say is, yikes.
i guess, just a PSA for aspec folks? even if it's tempting, don't get dragged into discourse with aphobes. many of them are set in their beliefs about us. (apparently, they've just been waiting for an opportunity to voice their aphobia.) generally, i see too many aspec people bringing up instances of oppression to prove exclusionists wrong, and honestly? a lot of them don't care. they tend to adhere to some strict definition of queerness that we cannot meet. if we say we face oppression, they'll just move the goalposts.
don't interact with these bad faith actors. you won't change their minds.
on the other hand, it was nice seeing non-aspec people stick up for aspec identities. maybe i saw the poll too late but i saw way more people in the notes supporting aspec identities than not. i genuinely don't think this would've been the case a few years ago. i'd like to believe we're making good progress. crossing my fingers and hoping we don't bring the discourse into 2024.
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joohanisms · 11 months
xdh + their favorite way to make you cum 💭💫
this is soo silly and more of a characterization exercise than anything else but!! i hope you guys like it &lt;3
cw: oof here we go, afab reader, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, mention of thigh riding/dry humping, overstimulation, mention of squirting and dacryphilia, edging, slight begging, fingering, twitter porn link in junhan's, oral (fem receiving), mention of face sitting if you squint wc: ~900
a traditional man
Nothing beats some pounding. he Will make you cum with his dick inside your cunt.
big fan of cumming together <3
he's all about the connection, honoring the making love expression, fucking you deep and slow...
but dw, he Will have his balls slapping your clit while taking you from the back if the situation (your sex drives) requires.
likes making you a little cock dumb. it boosts his ego in unimaginable way – he's making you feel so good you can't think about anything else other than him <3
will probably go a bit insane if he ever hit it raw. like there had been very few times he came before you. but this was a moment.
he'd be sooooo overwhelmed over how much he Loves and Wants you + your pussy ain't helping him at all :-(
idk how to say what i mean but. non-penetrative stuff
dry humping, having you hump his leg, thigh riding, being used i guess? but in a loving way <3
his thoughts are somewhere around damn this is so low maintenance?? i'm not even doing anything?? and i make you feel good this easily?? this is all i've ever asked for??
but not in a "lazy" way. you know how he's always looking out for everyone? now he can take care of you only by standing still/rutting himself against you. not having to think is refreshing sometimes, you know?
in his opinion, it's sooooo absurdly hot to be able to make you cum without barely doing anything!!
has accidentally cummed in his boxers multiple times in his haste to make you cum.
btw if you can cum untouched (only by nipple stim, for exemple) he might die on the spot
if he's in a dommy mood, he will also play with you through your underwear just to be a tease :-(
absolute menace
likes overstimulation very much.
doesn't really have a favorite method to do so, but is best with his fingers (as expected from a guitarist)
has a vibrator.
looovesss to play with your clit. will go LBLBBLBLHLLLBLBLHL with his tongue (i laughed writing this)
bonus points if you either squirt or cry!
even more bonus points if your mascara runs off!
aaand it's top tier sex if he gets to cum on you later!!
will hold your hips down and pull your hands away if you squirm too much – but if you start uttering the first syllable of the safeword he is immediately off of you.
if you ask nicely, he'll let you use a vibrator on him and give him a taste of his own medicine <3
and just a psa: i think that because of his love to overstimulate you and wreck you, he'd be one of the members who would be so down for a threesome he'd suggest it himself <33
another menace.
as insane as jiseok but all the way on the other side of the menace spectrum = edging king
so controlling and aware of his every move. will make you INSANE, sobbing pleaseplewspelspelseseungminseungmin, have you like 5 seconds away from cumming .. and then he STOPS????
although you know the orgasm will hit you harder after being edged, you cant help but want to kill him /lovingly
will get you worked up and stop touching you (you whine) only to go hard on you (you nearly scream) in any way he'd like :-)
if you favor any method, he'll be more than happy to comply!!
likes it a lot when you get a little desperate. he will shush you, say "it's okay, baby" and start POUNDING. you see stars when you finally cum <3
i have a vision bear with me.
fingering. but you're across his lap. like this. (PORN LINK for reference)
really likes fingering you in general because it doesn't matter how lazy he is at the moment, he Will be making you cum! cleanup is pretty easy too :-)
his sex drive is something like a low thrum. he's not usually insanely horny, but he's slightly horny (nearly) all the time, willing to make you feel good (as long as it's not public. he has limits.)
so if you come onto him, he's ready to give it to you – sometimes he won't even take his clothes off. he'll just focus on you.
the power trip it gives him + the feeling of being in control makes his head spin... 😵‍💫
will inevitably get hard by the time you cum and you inevitably get him off then.
absolute MUNCH!!!!!!
pussy to his face all day. smother him. hold his hair in a ponytail. give him thigh earmuffs. could probably go a month with only pussy and a cup of water
sit on his nose. if he dies he dies
absolutely sloppy with it but insanely good
drooly boy <33333
when he's in his usual bratty mood he will be SOOOOO cocky and smug to the point you would slap him on the back of his head if his tongue wasn't making you see stars.
in a subby mood though... puppy. puppy boy. if you pull his hair, he'll moan so sweetly against your cunt :-(
if you pull him away from you while he's at it, he'll rest his head on your thigh and look at you with sparkling eyes and a wet chin, waiting for an explanation as to why you're interrupting his 5-star meal.
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