#jordan rietveld
kazcreates · 2 months
if Jordie lived, and everything went around the same as it did in canon, he would play the same role as Steve Harrington in Stranger Things. Babysitting all of these children who are getting into business that they have no business getting into.
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username599 · 9 months
I try to be tough, I try to be mean
But even after all this, you're still everything to me
And I know you don't care, I guess that that's fine
But you know I can't let it go
I've tried, I've tried, I've tried for so long
- the grudge, Olivia Rodrigo
This is so Kaz Brekker about Jordie and Pekka Rollins
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fairytalesofforever · 8 months
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a quick and basic Jordan drawing + some jalby from the last chapter :)
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popquizhot-shot · 2 years
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parasolyaa · 5 months
drew this a while ago. forgot. remembered & decided to post in the last few hrs of 2023 so I won't have anything left from this year
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based on the concept of jordie being this all-judging voice in kaz's head that is basically a constant background noice, but which also has nothing to do with what jordie would actually say
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incorrect-soc · 1 year
Is it just me that thinks abt how Kaz's middle name is probably 'Jordan' and how it's probably bc their parents let Jordie pick it out, but he was only four years old and he only knew his own name? Great, now we can all think abt it and suffer-
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alltheworldsinmyhead · 5 months
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ain't no mountain (high enough)
There is a wedding on a farm two towns over from Lij. Everybody talks / or, no trauma au
#no trauma AU #everyone is alive AU #Jordie Rietveld Lives #Family Drama #Wedding Fluff #Alternate Universe - 1950s(but very vaguely)#POV Multiple #POV Outsider #Kaz Brekker gets to have a mom #Inej Ghafa gets to be a blushing bride #awkward dinnertime conversations #cottagecore au #everyone is ooc because they are happy and mentally healthy #mentions of human trafficking #Culture Clashes #heirloom jewelry #all comfort no hurt #Happiness because they deserve it
The wedding is to take place on the Rietvelds' farm, two towns over from Lij. The banns are read in church a month before the set date; when the names of the bride and the groom are announced, a collective gasp spreads through the congregation like wind through a wheat field.
Soon enough, a small Suli caravan arrives in horse-drawn wagons, intricately painted in yellows and reds. Their women wear veils on their heads and their children are dressed in all manner of colorful clothes that the quaint Kerch countryside has never seen before. Ilke, the miller’s daughter, falls out of her window in her attempts to get a better look, getting a broken leg for all her efforts (but then again, Karl, the shoemaker says to anyone who would listen, she was never the shiniest apple on a branch, if you know what I mean). They set up a camp by the forest edge, on the border of Rietvelds’ and van Graafs' fields. The children sneak in closer to gawk at them and their parents pretend that they don’t notice it.
It is said that the younger Rietveld boy met his bride in Ketterdam, during his studies at the University, but what the girl was doing there no one knows and the tongues waggle feverishly.
There is, of course, a leading hypothesis, because what else could a Suli girl be doing in a big city, but the voices hush wherever even a strand of hair on Theresa Rietveld’s head shows up. Everyone and their mother knows she is very protective of her younger son and she doesn’t tend to hold her words back whenever she feels his character is judged unfairly (and she feels so fairly often, according to the general opinion of her neighbors. Insufferable woman. But who could blame her for placing all of her hopes in Kazimir, after Jordan– )
Whoever she is and whatever she did back in Ketterdam, there is one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to Miss Inej Ghafa:
She’s so pretty, the little girls sigh and their fathers nod and their mother shake their heads.
The bride-to-be rides in the wagon leading the procession down the dusty country roads, all dressed up with ribbons and paper-mache lanterns and flowers. Sitting underneath the garland of red geraniums, she is as radiant as the sun, a light-yellow veil spilling down her dark hair and a sheer scarf around her shoulders. She doesn’t rouge her cheeks or lips like the bolder local girls do and she doesn’t wear curls. Her beauty is a quiet, intriguing one, not drawing attention but making it hard to pull one’s eyes away once they find her. She watches everything, wide-eyed, and Lij watches her right back.
She meets their stares, openly. Boldly.
************read more on ao3**************
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moondal514 · 2 months
Can I just say I love the way you format fic rec lists! I love the structures and themes you give them! 🩷 Out of curiosity, do you have any fic recs for six of crows rarepairs?
Aw thank you!
Unfortunately I don’t read Six of Crows fic all that often (I’m actually kind of an imposter in that fandom…I haven’t read the books 😅) and when I do I tend to stick to the popular pairings. I don’t want to leave you with nothing though anon, so here are a few of my fave Six of Crows fics I’ve read so far:
still on that tightrope by alltheworldsinmyhead/ @alltheworldsinmyhead
In Fjerda, Ravka, and Shu Han alike, mothers tuck their kids in, kiss their foreheads, and start their goodnight stories with the words: "the Crow Circus always appears out of thin air."
No announcements, no fanfare, no advertisement; just a tidal wave of excited voices spreading across each and every town when, at the dawn of a completely unremarkable day, someone would spot the tents that rose on some field or by some riverbank the night before.
And when the clock strikes midnight; it’s time for magic.
Love love love the dreamy atmosphere in this one, it’s gorgeous
it isn't bad work by demigodbeautiies/ @jackwolfes
It isn’t bad work, really.
He’s lucky to be at the House of the White Rose. Pale skin like yours fits right in, Onkle Felix had said, pinching his cheek when he first stopped in asking - begging - for work. He hadn’t even known it was a high end Pleasure House when he stepped through the doors, flute in hand, ready to ask about a role as a parlour musician. They had laughed at him for that, but seen him through anyway.
And now he was here.
Alternate canon where Wylan finds work after leaving home on the West Stave. What other options does he have?
I adore this one for being a wonderful execution of the type of au I don’t usually go near, but also for the absolutely fantastic nonlinear structure of the main story, which I find inspirational and would love to replicate in my own writing
Dirtyhands Regardless by Serene_Victory_77
A Canon Divergence AU in which Kaz and Jordie both make it out of the Reaper's Barge alive, but Kaz still becomes Dirtyhands. Insights into Kaz's childhood and why he became Dirtyhands while Jordie doesn't, and how Kaz becomes close to the crows.
One of the letters is from Jordie and Kaz stops and stares.
“What?” Inej asks him. She doesn’t look at the scribbled words on the back of the envelope until Kaz tilts it towards her to read, and when she does, her face morphs into one of pure confusion.
Kaz Fucking BREKKER or whatever your name is, if you don’t reply to this letter you are going to be in so much trouble. You’re in trouble regardless, but be prepared, you dumbass. I am so fucking mad at you. - Jordan Rietveld, Lola’s Inn, Lij, Southeastern Kerch.
Nothing gets me like sibling feels and Kaz and Jordie’s relationship in this one really truly gets me
people like us float by ilgaksu/ @ilgaksu
If what we are is what we want to be? What does that make him?
One word: untouchable.
A jaw-dropping gorgeous little Kanej piece
Now We All Are Chosen Ones by endoftheworld/ @endoftheworldhere (WIP)
Kaz Brekker is reaped for the 71st Annual Hunger Games, kicking off a line of Victors that will change Panem forever.
Probably the best Hunger Games crossover ever (and also the fic responsible for me reading Six of Crows fic even though I haven’t read the books 😂), like I have never read a crossover so dedicated to its worldbuilding as this one and it’s fantastic
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mrsmiroir · 1 year
physically i am jordan johanus rietveld lying face up in the canal, emotionally i am his little brother clinging to his corpse
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kanej-aes · 11 months
tweeted this really cute kanej baby hc the other day so I thought I’d share it here too:
Little jordan rietveld is an adventurous child. she loves climbing everything no matter how high. Her adventurous nature also makes her love swimming & being in water, despite kaz's worry (bc ykw) & inej’s hesitation, they take her to the beaches of novyi zem one day. And although it breaks her father's heart a little bit that he can’t go into the water with her (not necessarily bc of trauma but bc his leg makes it more difficult) he loves watching his girls laugh everytime a wave is a lil higher than expected. And he welcomes his wife and his daughter with a smile on his face and open arms at the shore.
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dyingsnail · 1 year
In my head Kaz's full name was Kasper Karter Rietveld. Kasper came from someone i saw on reddit saying that Kasper and Jesper would be a cool parallel to Casper and Jasper from the bible (i think? I'm not super familiar with christianity). And Karter is just a name i though went well with Kasper (Carter witha K), because, like Jordan Johannus, i think their parents just liked to have the first and middle names star with the same two letters.
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violetfolgi · 2 years
"hand to your face as if to hide it" (link to ao3)
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This is my first SoC Big Bang 2022 @sixofcrowsbb piece for the incredible enby Kaz fic written by the lovely Amira (0363_ThisIsDifficult_5915 on ao3). click for better quality!
[Image ID: digital drawing in brown and yellow hues of Kaz and Inej standing in front of a big oak tree, with words written on its trunk: "Jordan Rietveld" and "Kaz Rietveld", along with some scratches. The light reflects bright from behind the tree as Kaz contemplates the writing on it. / End ID]
I had such a fun time working with Amira @0363thisisdifficult5915 who wrote and discussed concept ideas for the drawing with me and Ace @ace-in-a-shopping-cart who betaed, thank you both for a great experience <3 this was truly lovely to make, y'all should go read the fic cause it's absolutely beautiful and takes you on such a journey. link up on the title!
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orangesideirrational · 11 months
good fanfic
“You…you’re Jordan Brekker.”
Jordie appraised the man silently, keeping his knife firmly against the stranger’s throat.
“Bastard of the Barrel, Dirtyhands - I go by a few names,” he said casually and let the sharp edge of the blade rise slightly to touch the man’s lips. “Once I cut out your tongue, you won’t be able to say any of them.”
A heavy silence fell between them - interrupted by a crunching sound. Jordie sighed and looked over his shoulder to where Kaz was eating an apple.
“Can we go to the fair now?” he asked impatiently. The man frowned.
“Who is that?”
Jordie plunged the knife into the man’s throat and shook his head.
“Kaz, we’ve talked about this.”
Jordie lives and becomes Dirtyhands. Sometimes, it's a little hard to be Jordan Brekker when your baby brother is Kaz Rietveld.
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fairytalesofforever · 8 months
Hey, I am loving Best Worst Kept Secret in Ketterdam and was wondering...
Whether you'd so a face reveal/ cast (where you choose who you'd cast for your characters based on what they look like)?
Have a great day <33
okay, so I found *this* pinterest reference for Jordan:
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and this one for Alby:
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but I also drew them here !
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csigoose · 1 year
WARNING: Jordie Lives! Salt.
Inej crossed her arms, watching the new addition to Wylan’s table with calculated wariness. She didn’t like this one bit.
He said his name was Jordan Rietveld. Perhaps she sort of saw a resemblance, in their similar facial structures and their similar heights, but she didn’t know what to make of this. This was a stranger in the house and Jesper and Wylan had welcomed him in like an old friend and now expected Kaz to... To what? She wasn’t quite sure. He didn’t like to dwell on his past and this surely seemed like a good way to stir up a lot of anger. Which wasn’t good for anyone, let alone the man here claiming to be Jordie Rietveld.
Kaz told them that Jordan, Jordie, had died that night in Reaper’s Barge. It took a whole year after the Ice Court to tease this information out of him. There was no reason to lie. He wouldn’t lie, either. Not about something like this.
So, who was this stranger in Wylan’s house? And why were her nerves bundled in her throat like she was going out into battle instead of sitting down for dinner?
Jesper poked her leg and motioned for her to smile with his free hand. He chose to celebrate this ‘joyous’ occasion with a shockingly yellow suit and orange vest. To symbolize the brightness ahead, he had told her when he ushered her into the dining room. “Will you ease up?” he whispered. “He’s going to love this.”
She frowned at her friend’s enthusiasm. “Because Kaz famously loves surprises,” she said.
“Worst comes to worst, we’ve made a new friend,” he insisted. “It gets lonely sometimes, you know. There are a lot of hours in the day and we never really get to talk to anybody our age. Those Merchants and everyone--they all know our history and it’s very hard to make friends these days.”
“I know, but...”
Inej wanted to sympathize. She really did. She knew how lonely life was now that she wasn’t living in the bustling Slat where everyone worth knowing was a knife-throw away. She had made friends out of her crew, but she had quickly learned that she couldn’t truly be their friend. Not when she was their boss. Not when she was a young girl who couldn’t let her guard down when surrounded by sailors easily twice her size. It was easy to trust them with her life in the thick of battle. Harder when the sun went down and she was trying to sleep, trying to remind herself that she didn’t need to be afraid of every stray noise the ocean made.
“What are you two talking about?” the man named Jordan asked, leaning away from Wylan. “Secrets about my beloved baby brother? Let me tell you--I have some great stories from when we were growing--”
Jesper’s face lit up and Inej knew he was going to fall for the bait of the stories. “Not at all,” she interrupted. “I was just relaying to Jesper about a trip I took down south. Somewhere around the landbridge.”
Jordan scrunched his nose. He leaned across the table and shot her an undisguised whisper. “A pretty girl like you should be careful. I heard rumors about the Wraith hunting on the True Sea,” he said. “They say she kills people with no motive and no remorse.”
“The only people that need to be afraid of the Wraith are slavers,” a voice drawled from the entryway. “Inej can take care of herself.”
“Mister Brekker!” one of the maids called, running after him. “Mister Hendricks has asked that you please use the door when you arrive!
Kaz gave the young woman a bored look. “I used a door,” he said.
“The front door.”
Kaz shrugged. “They’re all doors in the end,” he said.
(Click the link to
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parasolyaa · 5 months
I came up with a jordie lives au fic idea and decided to slap a lot of religious imagery onto it. check out the preview!
The Bastard's Penance
Young and promising priest, known by the name of Jordan Rietveld, prayed to the Saints six times a day, thirty times a work week. He did it before and after each meal, but two extra times on the weekends, making it forty-six times a full week. Sometimes he asked the Saints to bless his day or help him get through the month on his miserable pay. Sometimes he begged them to forgive the unforgivable.
They stayed silent.
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