#jj maybank dirty one shot
samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Warning: These one shots will contain adult content. Please read with caution. 🖤
You can go to my main masterlist to find my other works.
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𝙎 𝘼 𝙈 • 𝙂 𝙊 𝙇 𝘽 𝘼 𝘾 𝙃
Rescue Me
Change of Plans
30 Minutes Late
Eternal Bond Vampire!Sam/reader
Baby Fever
Dominate Me
Stressed Out
𝘾 𝙊 𝙇 𝘽 𝙔 • 𝘽 𝙍 𝙊 𝘾 𝙆
Making Bank
Can’t Make it Home
The Woman in Charge
Comfort Levels Rising
Hate Sex
Caught in 4k
Gettin’ By ft. Jake Webber
𝙅 𝘼 𝙆 𝙀 • 𝙒 𝙀 𝘽 𝘽 𝙀 𝙍
Other End of the Line
Back to You
Gettin’ By ft. Colby Brock
In the Glowing Green Lights
Jewelry Addiction
𝙅 𝙊 𝙃 𝙉 𝙉 𝙄 𝙀 • 𝙂 𝙐 𝙄 𝙇 𝘽 𝙀 𝙍 𝙏
Two Little Lines
Two Little Lines Part Two
Act Natural
Hand to Myself
Together so Well
𝙕 𝘼 𝘾 𝙃 • 𝙅 𝙐 𝙎 𝙏 𝙄 𝘾 𝙀
Only Thing I Need
Cuff Key
𝙏 𝘼 𝙍 𝘼 • 𝙔 𝙐 𝙈 𝙈 𝙔
Pretty Vibes
Just Kidding?
𝙅 𝘼 𝙍 𝙀 𝘿 • 𝘽 𝘼 𝙄 𝙇 𝙀 𝙔
Surprise Guest
𝙈 𝘼 𝙏 𝙏 • 𝙎 𝙏 𝙐 𝙍 𝙉 𝙄 𝙊 𝙇 𝙊
First Date
When the Universe is on Your Side
𝘾 𝙃 𝙍 𝙄 𝙎 • 𝙎 𝙏 𝙐 𝙍 𝙉 𝙄 𝙊 𝙇 𝙊
Self Care
𝙍 𝘼 𝙁 𝙀 • 𝘾 𝘼 𝙈 𝙀 𝙍 𝙊 𝙉
Pink Little Ribbon
Play Better
𝙅 𝙅 • 𝙈 𝘼 𝙔 𝘽 𝘼 𝙉 𝙆
Catching the Flight
High Sex
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itneverendshere · 5 days
THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE - rafe cameron (+18) - two
request: "a rafe enemies to lovers 🫣 the reader is jjs sister the whole drama before but then she gets left behind on the ship and rafe ends up comforting her and then yea that’s all I got you can do whatever else the rest 😛"
WARNINGS: maybank!reader x sorta canon!rafe; doesn't exactly follow the real plot line but...it does?; am i turning this into a series? maybe.
word count: 6k...
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Neither of you ever mentioned that night again, as if it had never happened. It couldn't have happened; it must have been a figment of your overactive imagination. 
There was no way in hell you would have let Rafe Cameron have you on top of a dining table, living up to the derogatory "dirty pogue" nickname. You were better than that. You knew better.
Despite that...You found it impossible to look at him for the next forty-eight hours. In fact, facing yourself in the mirror became a challenge, so much so that you refused his help in tending to your wound. Self-sufficiency had long been your norm. Growing up with Luke meant mastering the art of tending to your bruises from a young age. 
Initially, there was an undeniable tension between you and Rafe.
Every time your paths crossed, it dragged you back to that regretful moment—the feeling of his hands, the memory of his presence inside you—but there were bigger things at stake, and so, you pushed the nagging feelings aside, focusing on one thing only: getting out.
You and Rafe didn’t mix, oil and water, two stubborn bastards with heavy emotional baggage. Sometimes it was tricky to work together, but other days, it flowed so easily it gave you whiplash. In the time that followed, you both worked tirelessly to plan your getaway, meticulously plotting every detail to ensure success and not another round of bullets. Your job was to sit around and act innocent, while Rafe had to ensure you had a way out and enough money to pay someone off. Avoiding Ward was easy enough since he spent most of his time in Guadalupe.
Rafe scoffed; his arms crossed over his chest as he eyed the small, weather-beaten boat skeptically. "I'm not getting into that piece of shit. No fucking way," he declared, voice dripping with disdain.
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the knot of frustration building in your chest. He was so fucking insufferable. 
"Oh, so you've got a better suggestion?" you shot back in defiance.
He shot you a glare, but you couldn’t help but notice how his eyes caught the shimmer of the clear night sky, "I do," he retorted, gesturing towards a sleek motorboat moored nearby. "That one looks like it might get us somewhere without sinking halfway."
You followed his gaze, your entire face scrunching up as you took in the sight of the motorboat. It was certainly more modern and well-maintained than the rusty old dinghy you had been eyeing, but something about it made you uneasy.
"Hell no?” you hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. "It seems a bit...too much. We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves."
Rafe rolled his eyes, "C'mon,” he scoffed, his voice tinged with impatience. "This isn't the time to be playing it safe. We need to get out of here, and that boat is our best chance."
You bit your lip, torn between your instincts and Rafe's seemingly reckless impulsiveness. On one hand, you didn't want to take any unnecessary risks, but on the other hand, you knew that time was running out and you needed to act fast. Ward was coming back to the island soon enough and if he dragged Rafe away with him…you were a lost cause. There was no third chance. 
“What about the guards?” your voice dropped to a whisper as you glanced around nervously. The last thing you needed was someone overhearing your plans.
Rafe’s stare flickered with a hint of irritation,  “I’ve got it covered,” Your skepticism must have shown on your face because he stepped closer, lowering his voice, “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I’m not about to let us get caught. I’ve been dealing with Ward’s security my whole life. I know how to slip past them.”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration, “Fine. But if this goes south, it’s on you.”
“Yeah, yeah, isn’t it always?” he replied, dismissively waving a hand, “Just try not to get shot this time.”
"You think you're so fucking funny, don't you?"
"Keep your voice down."
The tension between you two was palpable, but there was no time to dwell on it. You both turned your attention back to the task at hand. The sleek motorboat gleamed in the fading light, its potential for escape glinting like a promise of freedom. As night fell, you both moved with practiced stealth, with a reluctant nod, you followed him towards the sleek motorboat. The docks were eerily quiet, save for the gentle lapping of the waves against the hulls of the boats. Your heart pounded in your chest as you kept a lookout for any sign of the guards. Rafe moved with the confidence that you envied, quickly untying the boat and preparing it for departure. You glanced around nervously, half-expecting to hear the shout of a guard at any moment. Every shadow seemed like a threat, every noise a potential alarm.
“Hurry up,” you hissed, glancing over your shoulder.
“Calm the fuck down,” Rafe muttered, though he did quicken his pace. “We’re almost ready.”
Your anxiety spiked. This was it. No turning back. Rafe started the engine, the low rumble sounding like a roar in the silent night. You winced, half-expecting the noise to draw attention. The sound was louder than you expected. But luck seemed to be on your side.
“C’mon,” He whispered, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of trouble, “Get in.”
You climbed aboard, your hands shaking as you settled into the seat. 
“Go!” you urged, glancing back at the docks nervously. Rafe didn’t need to be told twice. The boat lurched forward, cutting through the water with surprising speed. As the island receded into the distance, you felt a surge of hope. For the first time in months, freedom was within reach.
As Rafe guided the boat out of the harbor, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. 
“See? I told you it’d be fine,” Rafe said, a hint of smugness in his voice.
“Just keep your eyes on the water,” you retorted, refusing to give him the satisfaction of being right.
He adjusted the throttle, the boat picking up speed. "Relax, Maybank. Enjoy the ride," he said, his tone dripping with mock concern.
You shot him a withering look, gripping the edge of your seat. "Just focus on getting us out of here in one piece.”
He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, a muscle in his jaw ticking. "You think I don't know what I'm doing?"
"Frankly, I don’t care what you think you know. Just keep us moving," you snapped back, your voice tense.
Rafe's hands tightened on the wheel, but he said nothing. The silence between you was a common thing, the hum of the engine the only sound cutting through the night. Minutes passed, each one stretching longer than the last. The coastline was a distant memory now, the open water vast and foreboding. You kept scanning the horizon, every wave a potential threat.
"You're acting like we're about to get ambushed by pirates," Rafe finally said, his tone lighter but edged with irritation.
"Better safe than sorry," you muttered, refusing to meet his gaze.
Rafe let out a sharp laugh. "Always so paranoid. That's what gets you in trouble."
You whipped your head around to glare at him. “No, your family got me in trouble. In case you’ve forgotten.”
His face hardened, the easy bravado slipping for just a moment, “Huh, right. ‘Cause your friends are such fucking saints.”
“At least they’re not murder—”
You cut yourself off before you said it, but the damage was done anyways. Rafe's jaw tightened, the muscle there twitching as he ground his teeth, lips pressed into a thin, unforgiving line. He didn't respond verbally, but the anger radiating from him was answer enough to you.
He turned his attention back to the horizon, his grip on the wheel tightening until his knuckles were white. The boat's engine roared louder as he increased the speed, the vessel slicing through the water with renewed urgency. The waves splashed higher, and the night air became colder, but Rafe didn't seem to notice. His focus was absolute. Yeah, he was pissed.
What could you possibly say? Apologize? There was no way in hell you were apologizing to him. Not after everything his father had put you through. If anyone owed an apology, it was him. And you knew you'd see the world end before Rafe Cameron ever uttered those words. It was infuriating. There he was taking a step forward, leaving his loyalty to Ward behind and he still refused to show remorse if not between four walls with you. Never out in the open, never too loud.
The sound of the engine became a steady thrum, drowning out any other noise, as if creating a barrier between you and the rest of the world. You sat in silence, each lost in your thoughts, the weight of the past pressing down on you like a lead blanket. It was done. And although you wished things had been differently, they weren’t. 
Despite the chill in the air, sweat prickled at the back of your neck, tension coiling in your muscles. The night stretched on, like a never-ending path.
After what felt like an eternity, a sliver of light appeared on the horizon, signaling the approach of dawn. You breathed a sigh of relief, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly. The worst was over, for now at least.
Rafe glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, “We’re almost there. Keep an eye out for any patrol boats," he instructed, his voice curt and businesslike. He was all focus still, facade slipping away to reveal that calculating side that had always unnerved you. 
You nodded, scanning the waters diligently. The further you went, the more the reality of your situation sank in. You were out there, in the middle of nowhere, relying on a Cameron to get you to safety. The irony was almost laughable.
“Where are we heading?" you asked, breaking the silence. Your voice was softer, the edge of anger dulled by exhaustion.
Rafe glanced at you, his expression unreadable. "We'll head south, find somewhere to lay low for a while. I've got contacts who owe me favors."
“Uh? We’re not going back to The Outer Banks?”
He shook his head, attention fixed on the horizon. “No. Not unless you want to get killed.”
The Outer Banks, once your home, now felt like a trap waiting to snap shut. You should’ve figured Ward would send someone after you the minute he figured you were gone. A loose end. Shills ran down your body as you remembered your close encounter with death. 
"Your contacts won’t sell us out?"
He smirked, though there was no humor in it. "They know better than to cross me. Criminal, remember?”
You sighed, ready to jump into the water if it meant a little space from the unbearable atmosphere. Despite everything, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling of guilt that twisted in your gut. 
“You know what I meant, Rafe.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Listen,” you began, your voice faltering as you struggled to find the right words. He glanced at you, his expression guarded, but you pressed on, determined to break through the wall of resentment that had formed between you, “I don’t care, okay? Not right now. What matters is that you’re here, not with him.”
Rafe's face softened slightly; the hard edges of his demeanor were momentarily blunted by your words. He looked away, his jaw working as if he were chewing over something in his mind. When he finally spoke, his voice was quieter, more subdued than before.
“If you say so.”
As you drew nearer to the shore, details of the island began to come into focus. Lush greenery blanketed the landscape, punctuated by towering palm trees swaying gently in the breeze. It was oddly like the place you’d been stuck in for months, but this time, there was no sense of dread in you. The boat slowed as Rafe expertly maneuvered it into a small cove, sheltered from prying threats by rocky outcrops and overhanging foliage. With a soft thud, the vessel came to a stop, the engine sputtering into silence.
Once he was done, he stepped onto the water, knees deep as the sandy shore still lay a little ahead.  You blinked in confusion as he turned to you, his arms open wide in a gesture that left you momentarily perplexed. The water laps gently against the sides of the boat, its surface reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun.
"What are you doing?" you asked, your brow furrowing in bemusement as you eyed his outstretched arms.
“Helping you.”
You blinked, caught off guard by his simple gesture of assistance. It took a moment for his words to register, and when they did, a faint blush tinged your cheeks at your slowness. In all fairness, you weren’t used to this side of Rafe. You’d only seen it a few times and it was…something else entirely.
As Rafe's hand brushed against your waist while helping you out of the boat, your skin prickled in goosebumps, despite your efforts to remain composed. You quickly brushed off the sensation, chalking it up to nerves from the situation. With a grateful nod, you stepped onto the sandy shore, feeling the warm grains shift beneath your feet. The island stretched out before you, its landscape dotted with lush vegetation and towering trees. It was larger than you had anticipated, much bigger than Ward’s private hell.
"We should find a place to sleep,” you said, turning to Rafe as you scanned the horizon for any signs of civilization.
He nodded in agreement, his gaze following yours as he surveyed the landscape. "Let's head towards the center of the island. There should be some motels.”
With a shared nod, you set off along the sandy shore, the waves crashing against the beach providing a rhythmic backdrop to your footsteps. The warm, humid air carried the scent of salt and seaweed, adding to the coastal ambiance. As you walked, an uneasy feeling crept over you, the hairs on the back of your neck prickling, maybe it was just the paranoia that had become like second nature to you over the past year.
After a while, you noticed a winding path leading into the dense foliage of the island's interior. Without a word, you and Rafe followed it, venturing deeper into the heart of the island. The sounds of civilization faded, replaced by the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds. 
Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, you emerged into a clearing. Before you stood a beat up motel, its faded paint and weather-beaten facade blending seamlessly into the surrounding landscape.
"This should do," you said, nodding towards the building, "I guess."
“Yeah. Good for a night or two, my contact won’t be here till then.”
As you entered the motel lobby, the air was thick with the scent of stale cigarettes and cheap air freshener. Rafe followed closely behind you, his expression unreadable as he glanced around the dimly lit room. You approached the front desk, where a bored-looking clerk sat slouched behind the counter, flipping through a magazine with half-hearted interest.
"Hi there," Rafe said, flashing a charming smile as he leaned casually against the counter. "My wife and I are looking for a room for the night."
His what? Your eyes widened in surprise, but you quickly masked your reaction, playing along with his impromptu act. It was obvious it wasn't the first time Rafe had pulled a stunt like this, and you had to admit, he had a knack for getting what he wanted. To pretend and lie his way out.
The clerk glanced up from his magazine, peeking over the two of you with mild curiosity. "Sure thing," he said, his tone disinterested. "How many nights?"
"One for now," Rafe replied smoothly, reaching into his pocket to produce a wad of cash that you hadn't even realized he had. It was a substantial amount, more than enough to cover the cost of survival for at least two weeks. 
The clerk took the cash without comment, handing Rafe a key with a grunt of acknowledgment. "Room 203," he said, gesturing towards a staircase in the corner of the lobby. "Upstairs, second door on the left."
"Thanks," Rafe said, pocketing the key with a nod of gratitude. He turned to you; his expression unreadable. "Let’s go, baby.”
He must've been out of his goddamn mind. His hand found yours, rough fingers intertwining with yours in a gesture that felt oddly intimate. You glanced at him, confused, but he simply squeezed your hand reassuringly, focused on the hallway ahead.
When you reached the door to room, he released your hand with a reluctant sigh. That always happened with him, there was always something new you couldn’t pinpoint, but eventually got used to. The charming, panty-dropping posture was gone in an instant, replaced by his usual brooding demeanor as he unlocked the door and pushed it open, revealing a modest but comfortable-looking room.
“After you.”
You swallowed your surprise at his manners and stepped into the room, grateful for the relative privacy it offered. Rafe followed close behind, closing the door behind him with a soft click. It was sparsely furnished, with a queen-sized bed dominating the space and a small television mounted on the wall opposite. A worn armchair sat in the corner, and a narrow window offered a glimpse of the night sky outside.
"It’s a fucking dump,” Rafe said, his tone light but with an underlying note of exhaustion. "But it'll do for now."
You sank onto the edge of the bed with a weary sigh “Better than my room back home.”
"Don't act so surprised," you said with a wry smile, a hint of defiance creeping into your tone. "We're not exactly living in luxury over there."
You could see the realization dawn on Rafe's face as if he’d forgotten your background, “Didn’t think it was that bad for you.”
"Yeah, well, appearances can be deceiving," you replied, trying to keep your tone light despite the underlying edge of irritation. "But let's save up the pity for later. I'm more interested in asking you why the fuck you got just one room with one bed."
“I can sleep on the floor, relaaax.”
You shoot him a skeptical look, eyebrow raised in disbelief. "Seriously?" you ask, a hint of incredulity coloring your voice. "You'd actually sleep on the floor?"
He shrugged, "Why not? It's not like I haven't slept in worse places."
You didn’t want to delve into that. Instead, you only studied him for a moment, searching for any hint of insincerity in his expression. To your surprise, you found none. Moments like these reminded you that he was human, and you hated it.
With a weary sigh, you rose from the bed and began to remove your shoes, the events of the day finally catching up with you. Exhaustion settled into your bones, dragging you down like an unbearable weight.
Rafe watched you for a moment before turning away to rummage through spare sheets and pillows, preparing a makeshift bed. There was no time to change clothes; you had left the little you had behind. As you slipped beneath the covers and closed your eyes, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the calm before the storm. It felt too easy.
You heard the rustle of sheets as he settled onto the floor, making himself as comfortable as possible, “Don’t fucking snore, Cameron.”
Rafe chuckled softly, the rare sound carrying through the darkness of the room. "Wouldn't dream of it, Maybank.”
Hours later, you woke suddenly, your heart pounding in your chest, the remnants of a nightmare still clinging to the edges of your consciousness. For a moment, you lay there in the darkness, disoriented and trying to make sense of your surroundings. Then, you heard it—a low, murmured voice coming from the other side of the room. Turning towards the source of the sound, you saw Rafe lying on the makeshift bed on the floor, his face twisted in a grimace of pain. 
He was tossing and turning restlessly, his brow furrowed as he muttered incomprehensible words under his breath. Concern gnawed at your gut as you watched him, the sight of him trapped in a nightmare and it weirdly stirred something protective within you. Despite everything, despite the walls he put up, you didn’t like to see him in pain. It felt so familiar, and for a second you were back home, in your room, rocking yourself back and forth after waking up in hysterical screams.
Moving quietly, you slipped out of bed and crossed the room to kneel beside him. Gently, you reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake.
"Rafe," you whispered softly, trying to rouse him from his restless slumber. "Hey, wake up."
In the next second, you were gasping for breath as Rafe's hands closed around your throat in a vice-like grip. Shock and fear surged through you, your body instinctively fighting against his hold as you struggled to break free.
"R-Rafe!" you gasped, your voice coming out in a strangled whisper as you clawed at his hands, desperate for release. But he was lost in the grip of his nightmare, his grip unyielding as he continued to squeeze, his eyes wide and unseeing.
Panic took over you as the world blurred around the edges, darkness creeping into your vision while your lungs burned for air. Frantically, you tried to call out to him, to wake him from whatever hellish nightmare held him in its grasp, but your voice was little more than a choked rasp, "Rafe!"
Then, as suddenly as it began, the pressure around your throat vanished, leaving you gasping and wheezing for breath as you collapsed against the bed. Blinking away the tears that pricked at your eyes, you looked up to see him kneeling beside you, his hands shaking as he stared at you with wide, horrified eyes.
"Fuck, fuck," he whispered, his voice trembling with fear and disbelief. "Shit, shit. I didn't mean to—I didn't know—"
His words were choked off by a strangled sob as he buried his face in his hands, his entire body shaking with the force of his sobs. It was a startling sight, seeing the usually composed and confident Rafe Cameron reduced to this, his vulnerability laid bare for you to see. For a moment, you were frozen, unsure of what to do or say in the face of such raw emotion. But then, instinct kicked in, and you reached out to him, wrapping your arms around him.
He practically dragged you into his lap, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other tangled in your hair. He only shook his head, his sobs growing louder as he buried his face where your neck and shoulder met, his entire body wracked with tremors. All you could do was hold him close, offering whatever comfort you could. Eventually, his sobs began to subside, his breathing evening out as he clung to you like a lifeline. 
You held him close, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head, “Better?”
Rafe nodded against your shoulder; his breathing still ragged but gradually steadying. "Yeah," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the soft sound of your heartbeat. "Yeah, I think so."
You remained silent, holding him close as he slowly calmed down. The weight of his body against yours was oddly comforting, grounding you in the present moment and pushing back the memories of his violent outburst just moments before.
After a while, Rafe pulled away slightly, his eyes red-rimmed but clear as he looked up at you "I didn't mean to hurt—”
You reached out and brushed a stray lock of his blonde hair from his sweaty forehead, your touch gentle and reassuring. "I know," you whispered softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "It was just a nightmare. I have them too.”
You don't know why you offer him that solace.
"You do?"
You nodded, though you knew he couldn't see it in the dim light. 
"Yeah," you admitted, your voice soft but steady. "They’re pretty bad too.”
There was a brief pause, filled only with the sound of your quiet breathing and the distant hum of the night outside. Then, Rafe spoke again, his voice tinged with curiosity, "What do you dream about?"
You hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But something in Rafe's earnest expression urged you to be honest, to let down your guard just this once, “Luke. You?”
Rafe's immediate reaction was defensive, hands pulling away from your body, “Doesn't matter."
You felt stupid for asking him such a personal thing. He wasn't like you.
“Do you want to sleep in bed with me? It might be better than the floor."
"I'm fine on the floor. Don't worry about me."
But you weren't about to let him off the hook that easily. With a sigh, you reached out and gently grasped his arm, turning him to face you again, "Rafe," you said, voice borderline pleading, “Just sleep on the bed. Okay?"
For a moment, he hesitated, his gaze flickering between you and the bed, but with a reluctant sigh, he nodded, his defenses crumbling. 
"Okay, okay," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Fine."
With that, he rose from the floor and cautiously joined you on the bed, his usual bravado replaced by a rare hesitancy. You shifted slightly to make room for him, and as he settled beside you, a wave of warmth and comfort washed over you, “Don’t snore.”
“Not more than you do.”
The rest of the night passed in a blur of fitful sleep and restless dreams, but somehow, with Rafe by your side, it felt more bearable. When morning finally came, you awoke to find he was already gone, his side of the bed cold, no traces of his presence, and a messy scribbled note left behind on the bedside table.
"Picking up food and clothes, brb. Don't open the door."
You felt relieved that he hadn't disappeared without a word and was instead putting in the effort to rely on you. Deep down, you knew he had left as soon as he woke up, probably sprinting out of the room to avoid waking you and having any awkward confrontations about last night. It was going to be a long day, especially if he was determined to hide his emotions and weaknesses. You knew the old, bad Rafe Cameron would make a reappearance.
Pushing aside your conflicting emotions, you rose from the bed and stretched. The events of the previous night began to fade into the background as you focused on the task at hand: a shower. You stank. It had been two days since you had washed, and the thought of having gone to sleep in such a state made you want to hurl. You’d have to ask for another set of fresh sheets if you stayed another night.
As you stepped into the bathroom, the warm water cascading over your skin felt like a soothing balm, washing away the remnants of fear and tension from the previous night. The steam filled the small space, enveloping you like a comforting embrace as you took your time, allowing the water to ease the knots of stress from your muscles. You focused on the simple act of washing away the dirt and grime, letting the familiar routine ground you.
Yet, even as you lathered soap onto your skin, your mind couldn't help but drift back to Rafe, to the way he had clung to you in the darkness, his vulnerability laid bare. It served as another reminder that despite his tough exterior, he was just as human as any of you, with fears and insecurities that ran deep. And it terrified you, because up until last month Rafe Cameron was not capable of emotions to you, only violence. 
You stepped out of the shower, the steam still lingering in the air and with a towel wrapped snugly around your body, you stepped back into the main room of the motel, feeling refreshed.
“Huh, good morning to you too.”
You nearly jumped out of your skin, “Fuck!”
Rafe stood leaning against the doorway, something similar to a playful smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he watched your startled reaction. His arms were laden with bags of groceries and a few articles of clothing.
"Didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to make sure you were alive in there."
You stared at him incredulously, “Turn around!”
He scoffed, walking into the room as he closed the door with his foot, “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
He said it so casually, it irked you. As if you two hadn’t been purposely ignoring that night ever happened. You shot him a withering glare, snatching a towel from the nearby chair and aiming at his face, full force.
"That's not the point, Cameron," you grumbled, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment, “And you didn’t see shit. I was dressed.”
Rafe raised an eyebrow, catching the towel with ease before tossing it back to you "What's the matter, Maybank? You shy all of a sudden?"
“Will you shut up?”
Rafe held up his hands in mock surrender, his grin widening as he leaned against the nearest wall. There was no point in getting into a pointless argument with him, especially not when you had more important things to worry about. Instead, you focused on drying yourself off and getting dressed in the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
As you emerged again, fully dressed and composed, Rafe had already begun unpacking the bags of groceries, laying out an assortment of food on the small table in the corner of the room. The sight of the makeshift spread made your stomach growl in anticipation, reminding you just how long it had been since your last meal.
“Hungry?” Rafe asked, glancing up from where he was arranging the food.
You nodded eagerly, making your way over to the table and helping yourself to a plate of fruit and plain toast. As you ate, Rafe filled you in on his plans for the day. It was strange, hearing Rafe talk so casually, without insults, without fear, or threats. For so long, you had seen him as nothing more than a spoiled, entitled rich kid, content to coast through life on his family’s wealth and influence. But ever since that night, you couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of respect for him. He wasn’t Ward.
When he finished speaking, you glanced up from your plate, “Sounds like a plan,” you said, your voice steady and confident. “Is your contact here, yet?”
“Nah, only tomorrow.”
“Great. So, we’re on our own for now?”
“Yeah, you and me, Pretty Maybank.”
"Hey," you began, your tone light as you tried to sound casual, "I've been curious—why do you call me 'Pretty Maybank'? Is there a story behind it?"
Rafe's gaze flicked up from where he was picking at his food, a hint of surprise in his expression. He seemed taken aback by your question as if he hadn't expected you to bring it up.
He shrugged, "I don't know," he admitted his voice casual but tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "Just seemed fitting, I guess."
You raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, "Fitting? How so?"
Rafe hesitated, elbows dropping to the table as he searched for the right words. "I don't know," he repeated, his voice softer this time. "You just...are pretty, Maybank, everyone knows that.”
You felt like there was more to the story.
He leaned back, now sat in the old chair, “Might start calling you snoring Maybank though.”
Your lips twitched, fighting back a smile, “You’re not funny. At all.”
You tilted your head, studying him intently. He looked like a completely different person from last night, “Do you feel any better?” 
“About what?” He feigned innocence, avoiding your gaze, as his fingers started tapping nervously on the table. You knew what that meant. 
You leaned forward, expression softening as you reached out to touch his hand gently. “Uh—Y'know, last night, your nightmare.”
“Don’t,” Rafe's abrupt change in demeanor catches you off guard, his walls shooting up in an instant, his tone laced with defensiveness and irritation. You straightened up, your expression hardening as you withdrew your hand, a wall of your own rising to match his. 
"It’s not important," he snapped, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "Just drop it, okay?"
You recoiled slightly at his harsh tone, the sting of his words making you want to slap him across the room. It was clear that he wasn’t in the mood to talk about whatever demons haunted him in the night, and you knew better than to push him when he was like this. But you were feeling inspired.
“Why do you always do that?” You blurted out, frustration bubbling over. You needed some sense of security around him, and every single time you were close to getting it, he backed out.
He stood up straight, rolled his shoulders back, and narrowed his eyes at you “Not doing anything.”
"You always shut me out," You continued, words coming out in a rush as you struggled to articulate your feelings. "Every time. You say a few words, and then bamb, gone. We’re not friends, that’s fine. But I need to know you’re someone I can rely on, okay? You can’t be doing this. One moment you’re all trusting and the other…I don’t even know what the fuck you are. You can say no nicely, you don’t need to act like a dick.”
Rafe's jaw clenched, his expression turning steely as he locked onto your gaze, "I don’t want to be your fucking friend, Maybank," he retorted, his tone laced with irritation. "I'm protecting myself. And if you can't handle that, then maybe you're the one who needs to reevaluate things."
The words stung like a slap to the face. Resentment flared within you; the color drained from your face.
"Protecting yourself?" you shot back, your voice rising with each word. "From what, exactly? Me?"
He didn’t move, didn’t so much as toss a glance your way as he responded, “Keep your voice down.”
You shook your head, standing up from your seat. He'd said the same exact thing before you got on the boat and you were tired of being pushed aside like a toy.
“No, I fucking won’t. You’re the one who punched me on that ship, your guards were the ones who shot me, your father is the one who wants me dead,” your lips quirked in a small, humorless smile, “And you want to talk about protecting yourself?”
Rafe felt himself flinch, noting how his brows seemed to furrow ever-so-slightly. There was a feeling in your stomach that you couldn’t make out yet, but it was heavy and made you antsy.
"You think I don't know that?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You think I don't carry that guilt with me every single day?"
His words caught you off guard, the raw emotion in his voice sending a shiver down your spine.
Rafe ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched into every line of his face. "You have no idea what it's like. To carry that weight, to know that everything you touch turns to shit.” His voice was probing, his eyes scanning your face with a scrutiny that made you want to run out the door.  “And you—Shit, you’re just searching for some confirmation that I am as horrible as everyone’s made me out to be. Newsflash, I am."
You let out a groan, the sound scraping against your throat. "I’m trying to help you! Are you stupid? Oh my god.”
"I don't need your help!" he snapped, standing taller than you, "I don't need anyone's help. I've been doing just fine on my own."
You stepped closer to him, pushing against his chest with your finger, "Fine? Is that what you call it? Living on the run, constantly looking over your shoulder, never knowing who you can trust? That's not fine, Rafe. That's not living."
His hand shot out, gripping your wrist tightly, “I don’t know how to live. I know how to serve, that’s it.” His grip on your wrist tightened as if he was trying to anchor himself, "I just...I can't."
Can't trust you, you think that's what he wants to say.
“Right,” You swallow, finding the carpet of the room suddenly all too interesting, “Good enough to fuck, not to trust.”
His grip loosened slightly, his hand falling away from your wrist as if burned, “I never said that.”
“You don’t have to. Dirty pogue, remember?”
His breathing mirrored your own, both erratic, leaning in closer, breath hot against your skin as his nose brushed against yours, “You think I’d risk my life for you if I believed that?”
“I don’t know. Would you?”
“You have no idea," he breathed, “Do you?”
"I don't understand you."
"Neither do I."
Without another word, he closed the distance between you in a single fluid motion, his movements graceful yet filled with an underlying urgency. His hands found their way to your face, fingers tangling in your hair as he deepened the kiss. His touch wavered between tenderness and roughness, with soft, gentle kisses blending seamlessly with fervent, desperate ones, as if he was unable to choose between cherishing the moment and giving in to his desires completely. You melted into him, your body responding instinctively to his touch. It felt different from the first time you kissed. Less violent, less primal, more…intimate. It was as if he was trying to convey everything he couldn't put into words, everything he had been keeping bottled up inside, and you welcomed it. 
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours.
“You can’t kiss me to avoid questions, Rafe.”
"I know," he murmured, "It's just easier than talking."
You sighed, your hand coming up to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing lightly against his stubbled jawline, "It's wrong."
He closed his eyes, his breath hitching slightly at your words. For a moment, you thought he might pull away again, and retreat into his shell. But then, to your surprise, he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against yours in a feather-light kiss.
"I know," he murmured against your lips, his voice rough with emotion. "But for now, can we just...be?"
You nodded, "Yeah," you whispered, "For now, we can just...be."
Neither of you knew what you were doing nor the consequences to come. 
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echobx · 29 days
It's... complicated?- Rafe Cameron × polyam!reader & JJ Maybank × polyam!reader
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summary: you're in a relationship with Rafe, but a one night stand with JJ turns into more and suddenly you find yourself entangled in a relationship that you don't plan on getting out of any time soon
general warnings: cheating, angst, fluff, smut, swearing, lying, reader being a bitch, talk of marriage angst warnings: mention of death, downward spiral, self-doubt, fighting (verbally), fighting (physically), traumatized reader smut warnings: p in v (unprotected), oral (f & m receiving), 3 way, cnc, creampie/cumdump, spanking, dirty talk, praise kink, degradation kink, (heavy) pda, subdrop adjacent, aftercare, foreplay, toy use (not primarily), overstimulation
word count: 19k
author's note: this started as a Rafe fic but immediately my brain fucked me over and then I was too deep to change it so I kept it and decided to explore the throuple idea. I wanted to not have it be cheating plot but I couldn't figure out how to do that while keeping the set dynamic, so I hope you're gentle with me on that :) I genuinely hope you enjoy it, it's the longest one part one shot I've ever written lol (p.s. I wanted to do dvp here but I couldn't find an appropriate place for it, but if you want it, I can write it separately)
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“Can you maybe not do lines on my boobs tonight? Last time you got some on my vintage Chanel dress and I haven't managed to get it out yet,” you ask Rafe while leaning in the door of his room, watching him get ready.  “I'll just buy you a new one,” he shrugs and buttons his shirt up. “That's not the point, babe, and you know it,” you shake your head, swaying your perfect curls. “It's also vintage, and you can't just buy a new one. Besides, I paid for it, not you.”  “You mean your dad paid for it?” he eyes you with a smirk playing on his pink lips.  “Nope, pretty sure that it counts for me now,” you smile, faking it as per usual when the topic of your dad comes up. “Dead people can't pay for shit.”  He steps over to you, tilting your chin up and kissing you. “Let's not talk about him. Instead, we can go and have fun, all right?” 
“Eugh, whose house is this?” you scoff as he stops the car in the driveway. The mansion isn't even half the size of your own, and it makes you feel a little disappointed.  “Hey, be nice,” Rafe smiles and takes your hand up to kiss it before getting out and opening your door for you.  “I am always nice,” you tell him, but he knows it's a lie. Your way of being nice is what other people would call bitchy or bossy. You aren't nice like people want you to be, not since your dad has died. He was the only one who you had tried your best for.  “You know I love to see your claws out, but I have to sell shit tonight, so none of that, please,” Rafe begged, his arm tight around your waist.  You roll your eyes and look up at him, “fine.” 
The party is already going, and a few people greet you while walking in. You find Topper and Kelce rather quickly, taking your seat next to Rafe you let your eyes wander as they talk.  “You know, you guys are boring as fuck,” you groan after having had to listen to them talk about golfing for twenty minutes straight.  “Since when are we here for your entertainment, y/n,” Kelce scoffs, but he gulps as you get up and lean over him.  “Maybe you should suck a dick to fix your fucking attitude,” you snarl and walk away towards the kitchen. You never cared what Rafe's friends thought of you, you never cared what anybody thought of you. 
“Look what the cat dragged in,” you roll your eyes at the blonde boy, who's leaning against the counter. His ring clad fingers are holding onto the solo cup, but the flirtatious smile is just for you. You had gathered as much over time.  “One day, you'll beg, y/l/n,” he says and takes a sip.  “Not if I make you beg first, Maybank,” you smirk and take the bottle of tequila to fill two shot glasses.  “I never beg,” he counters, and you laugh.  “Oh, I'd bet my BMW you do.”  “Does Rafe?”  “I won't tell you that, you'd just go runnin’round tellin’ people,” you poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue and hold the shot out for him to take. “Be happy that I'm keeping him on a leash. He'd have ripped your head off by now if I didn't.”  You watch him take the shot, and follow. The slight burn in your throat wakes you up, and the warmth in your stomach is familiarly cozy.  “And why would he do that?” JJ asks, tilting his head to the side.  “‘Cause you won't stop staring at my tits, Maybank,” you bite your lip and take the step over to him, leaning in and whispering into his ear. “I know how you look at me, as if I'm the ultimate price. But you wouldn't even be able to handle me on your best days, pretty boy.”  “You underestimate me, princess,” he whispers, and you pull away to look at him fully.  “Maybe in another life, Maybank,” you wink at him, grabbing the bottle of tequila and making your way back to the couch. 
“What he want?” Rafe asks as soon as you get back and take your seat by his side.  “Nothing,” you sigh and kiss Rafe's cheek, leaving a lipstick mark behind. He doesn't need to know how much it riles you up when JJ flirts with you. How much you have to suppress the need to kiss him whenever you see him. It doesn't even make sense why it is like that.  JJ and you have nothing in common, and you are happy about that.  You love being in a relationship with Rafe. You don't care much about love anyway, so why would you need to love the person you are in a relationship with if they are perfect on paper? Rafe is everything your dad had wanted in a future son-in-law. He comes from good money, takes care of the people close to him, and knows how to act around money. You don't need to love him to build a good future with him. After all, your grandparents had done it the same way. And when you look at your own parents' life together, you keep wondering if it had really been the wisest decision to marry for love.  No, love was overrated, and so was whatever you felt when JJ looked at you. 
“You sell any yet?” you ask straight out, and Rafe clears his throat and gives you a look that doesn't really make sense to you. “What?”  “You know they won't buy shit when you're here, unless you act it,” he whispers to you and you roll your eyes.  “Fine, but only one,” you cave, and for the next few hours you play the dumb girlfriend. For some reason, all of his buyers are some type of misogynistic asshole, and the only one who you could talk to without feeling looked down on is Barry. But Barry never gets invited to the parties, because he doesn't fit in.  To you, he's not much different than the businessmen your dad had worked with, the same ones you would have to deal with once you were officially taking over the company. 
“Baby, c’mere,” Rafe claps on his thighs, and you turn to straddle him, giving him a single warning glance to not fuck up.  “Love when you use my tits for it, babe,” you giggle stupidly, but internally you feel like throwing up. And it just gets worse when he puts a little line of the fine powder on your skin and dips his head down to snort it off. Your eyes cross with JJ's as soon as Rafe's head is down, and he vanishes from your vision the moment Rafe comes back up, wiping his nose.  “Thank you, baby,” he smiles and kisses you. It's a show. When you moan into him and buck your hips; and for once you're not sure if the show is for his clients, or for the blonde Pogue who can't keep his eyes off of you.  “I wanna go upstairs,” you whisper to Rafe and he nods.  “Just gimme ten and I'll meet you there.” 
You get up and walk off, towards the stairs. A quick glance back to Rafe, who's focused on counting money, before you take the stairs, downstairs instead of up.  You decide to take a look around. The pool is a perfect 80 °F and if you had swimming stuff with you, you'd consider swimming for a while. Training a little to clear up your mind.  “Didn't you tell him you'd be upstairs, waiting?” You hear JJ behind you and turn around.  “And? I changed my mind. He doesn't care if he fucks me here or at home,” you shrug and JJ shakes his head.  “God, you really are something.”  “What do you want, Maybank?” you sneer, walking around the pool towards the sauna at the end of the room. The sound of your heels on the concrete floor echoes through the huge room.  “Why are you with him if you hate him so much?” he asks and starts walking closer, following you.  “I don't hate him. I hate his friends, anyone but Barry, basically. I hate how he acts around them. But I don't hate him,” you clarify, and JJ nods.  “But you don't love him.”  “Who needs love anyway,” you smile. The picture-perfect smile you had practiced in front of the mirror since you were 12, the same one you had to relearn when your dad had died. It was an ironclad mask.  “I forgot, you don't have a heart,” JJ smiles but drops it instantly.  “Tell me what you want, or leave,” you roll your eyes at him and he steps closer. Your heart starts racing as he leans over you, brushing a curl from your face and tucking it behind your ear.  “What do you want?” he rasps quietly and your eyes flutter, it's a reflex, and you don't know why. You don't understand why he has this effect on you.  “Nothing,” you press out, and his thumb ghosts your lips.  “I don't like when you lie to me, y/n,” JJ whispers, and you can't stop yourself from getting lost in his blue eyes. They are so different from Rafe's. JJ's eyes are bright and hopeful, they feel like happiness entrapped to you. And you can't stand it, because this isn't how it's supposed to be.  “Tell me what you want,” he demands, leaning down to smell your neck, his nose brushing against your skin and giving you goosebumps.  “It’s neither appropriate nor allowed,” you hush, and he chuckles.  "Since when do you care about any of that? You make the rules on this side of the island, don't you, princess?” 
You blame it on the tequila when your lips find his. You blame it on the daiquiri when he leads you into the cold supply closet, without pulling out of your kiss. You would blame it on the coke, when he pushes your dress up and sinks into you; but you hadn't had any coke that night. 
“Fuck, you're so wet for me, baby,” JJ groans, he had sat you down on a lower shelf, and you did your best to hold onto the metal structure that was pressing into your back.  “Shut up and kiss me, asshole,” you gasp, and he does just that. His kisses are wet and sloppy, just like his fast thrusts. But you can't stop kissing him, not only because it feels like heaven and hell combined. But mainly because you know you'd be screaming by the way his cock keeps kissing your cervix.  “You're so good at taking it, princess. Fuck, you feel so good,” JJ moans, and you can't help but feel pride in how much he seems to love it.  “Look at it,” you demand, and he dips his head, focusing on where you are connected. Your slip tucked to the side, but it's ruined anyway, it had been from the moment on he had started to flirt with you.  “What's that say,” JJ asks, his thumb rubbing over your tattoo, making you smirk.  “Eat me, Maybank. It says, eat me,” you moan, and he grins.  “Next time, princess,” he growls and starts rubbing your clit in harsh circles. You don't understand how he does it, but he has you moaning even louder, and clenching around his cock in the matter of minutes. The band in your stomach is ready to burst, and you don't think you've felt this good ever before. It feels like he's made for you, but you know that can't be the case.  “Cum for me, pretty girl. Soak my dick,” JJ breathes into your ear, and as soon as you come undone, he pulls his hand from your clit and shoves his fingers down your throat to shut you up.  You feel afloat and completely dazed when he pulls his fingers out and clasps his hand over your mouth. 
“Shh, quiet,” JJ whispers, and you hear footsteps outside the closet. If someone finds you, you're screwed.  “No, she's not down here either. Check upstairs again, man,” Rafe's annoyed voice carries through the door, and you stare at JJ. You're not scared of what might happen to you if Rafe found out, but more so that he'd finally snap and actually hurt JJ like he had threatened so many times before.  Rafe is still outside the door when JJ decides to start fucking you again, and your eyes roll back uncontrollably. He knows how badly you want to make a sound for him, but you can't let yourself.  As soon as his footsteps carry Rafe back upstairs, you let out a loud groan, pulling JJ into a kiss and purposely squeezing his dick just to prove to him that you're the one in charge. And when his hips stutter, and he spills out inside of you, you don't even mind it. You like the feeling, especially when he keeps fucking it into you, muttering incoherently about how good he fucked you. 
“Do you always praise yourself after?” you ask him after having pulled your dress back down.  “Do you always cheat on your boyfriend with Pogues?” he smirks, and you push him back against the shelf.  “If anyone finds out about this, you are dead, you understand? Either you shut up, and hope for a second time, or I can ruin your life. I don't need Rafe to do it for me, I can do it all by myself. Do you understand?” You poke into his chest and he nods.  “Good,” you take a step back again, and he grabs for your chin, pulling you close again.  “I have one question, princess. Has he ever fucked you raw?”  “I don't trust him enough for that,” you reply, and JJ snorts.  “Why'd you let me, then?”  “You don't sleep around as much as you pride yourself, Maybank. I mean, you're not bad, but- Well, it all comes down to the circles you run in and the ones you don't,” you give him a mean smile and open the door to go look for a bathroom. 
“How do you plan on not letting him find out if he never-”  “I told you, he does what I say. If I say no, he's not getting any,” you tell him and turn a corner towards the bathroom.  “You really got him wrapped around your finger,” JJ laughs.  “You too,” you grin before sitting down to pee, you don't care that he is standing right next to you.  “Didn't you literally call Cally R. disgusting for insinuating that she doesn't mind peeing in her boyfriend's presence?” JJ laughs.  “First of all,” you say while finishing up and standing. “Cally R. is a lying slut, the only reason why she keeps having to piss in front of her boyfriend is because she can't get rid of her std. And why doesn't it go away? Well, because little miss piss queen keeps on fucking Tyler Folly on the side. Calling her disgusting was the kindest thing I could do to her.”  “And the second reason?” JJ cocks his brow up.  “You're not my boyfriend, Maybank. And getting rid of your shit inside me, is kinda necessary unless you want me ending up like Cally,” you give him a threatening smile, and he holds his hands up in defense. “Good.”  “I'm just wondering if it's not hypocritical, with the whole fucking on the side and all,” he mumbles before wetting a towel and trying to remove the red lipstick marks from his face.  “I don't claim to love my boyfriend, and Rafe never claimed to love me. He thinks we have an open relationship on his side. I don't see why it can't be open on both,” you shrug and pull the lipstick from your bra to reapply it.  “Was I- was I better?” JJ mumbles, rubbing his hand over the nape of his neck.  “Could you choose between your two favorite types of food?” you ask, and he starts to grin.  “You know, that's a weird metaphor.”  “Simile,” you correct him, and he exhales a laugh.  “You're a real smartass, y/l/n.”  “And you can be glad you're pretty.”  “Pretty enough to fuck your brains out,” JJ turns you towards him and leans over, his lips ghosting yours and when he pulls back you exhale a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. “See,” he smirks.  “If you want to do it again you can't fuck around, and most importantly you won't tell a soul. But then again, who would even believe you,” you scoff and turn around to leave, taking the stairs and vanishing in the crowd before anyone had noticed where you had come from. 
“Where were you? I was looking all over,” Rafe sounds concerned and hugs you, out of courtesy, surely. Rafe rarely hugs you unless you ask for it, or the social obligations call for it.  “Just here and there, I went upstairs and forgot why. I'm sorry, babe,” you tell him, and he lets it go.  “Hey, y/n, wanna play a game with us?” Topper asks, and you turn to look at the group of people gathered, your eyes get stuck on JJ for just a second before they snap back to Top.  “Sure,” you smile and push Rafe into a chair, sitting down sideways on his lap. 
It's a dumb drinking game, just like always. It stays rather boring until Topper's new girlfriend gets to speak, and you instantly regret your choice to take part.  “Never have I ever had sex with someone in this room,” she giggles and falls back down into Top before they each take a sip of their drinks.  You take a sip, focusing on Rafe, but Rafe is staring right across from where the two of you are sitting.  “Why does Maybank keep staring at you,” he whispers in your ear and you shrug.  “He's a creep, you know that, babe,” you try to calm your boyfriend down, but you know it's not gonna help much. 
“Never have I ever cheated,” JJ says and takes a drink, but the chatter went mute as soon as the words left him. “I thought we were being honest, guys. God, you guys really are some Kooks,” he laughs and stands up to leave. His eyes are yet again fixed on you, but this time you can't force yourself to look away.  “Maybe cheating is just a Pogue quality,” you say, and a few silent mumbles seem to agree with your lie.  “You must know all about that, princess,” JJ smirks and tips his non-existent cap to you before turning and walking away, out of the house and into the darkness.  “He’s so weird,” Topper's girlfriend lets out a disgusted grunt.  “Was he even invited?” Topper asks and I roll my eyes.  “They don't check invitations at the entrance, stupid,” you laugh it off. “He probably stole something,” someone out of the crowd suggested, and you stood up in a light fit of anger, before you realized that you couldn't act on it.  “What would he steal here? Cheap candles from Target?” you scoff and walk off. “Rafe!” you call out, and he takes a moment before he meets you outside by the car. 
“I didn't wanna go home yet,” he complains.  “And? You have to drive me home. After that, you can do whatever the fuck you want,” you scoff at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest.  “What's up with you?” he snorts, opening the door for you and letting you get in.  “I'm tired and annoyed by these people who think they're better than anyone else, just because their dad's play golf and fuck their secretaries,” you mutter, and he stops asking, dropping you off at your house and driving off as soon as you are inside. 
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Weeks go by in which you don't even see a glimpse of JJ. You manage to push the memory so far back into your brain that you don't even dream of it, well, not as often.  And when Rafe fucks you, it's good, it's great, but you don't feel as complete after as you had with JJ. 
“Best pussy in the fucking world,” Rafe groans as he pounds into you from behind. Your face is pressed into the duvet and your ass is high up in the air. He had been stretching you out for what felt like hours. It was good, he hit every single spot inside of you perfectly, but you couldn't get yourself to cum.  “Would be so much better without it, baby,” Rafe rasps, and you're not really listening, just nodding and groaning in response to whatever he's saying.  Before you can actually register what is happening, he has pulled out and slammed into you again, but it feels different. You can feel him more clearly, every single vein on his thick cock, the soft tip that kept nudging your cervix as he went deeper.  “Fuck, I love you, I love this pussy so much,” Rafe moans and without a single warning he cums inside you, filling you up and clouding your mind. You gasp, close to an orgasm but not yet there and if he'd just- but he pulls out and you all you can feel is used.  “Shit, did you not,” he pulls you into him, having fallen into the sheets by your side, but you put on a smile.  “It's okay. Next time,” you tell him and get up to clean yourself up. You curse yourself for losing yourself in your thoughts about JJ instead of paying attention to what your boyfriend had said to you. And now you had two guys thinking they could fuck you over anyway they wanted.
“Are you okay?” Rafe asks as you leave the bathroom wrapped in your robe.  “Yeah, just next time, maybe warn me beforehand. Probably would've been better if we had both finished,��� you say and roll your eyes while your back is turned to him.  “Why are you getting dressed?”  “I have to buy q tips, we don't have any left,” you lie and he scoffs.  “You could just ask the help to go buy some, and I could make it up to you. Come on, baby,” he slaps the empty bed to his left, but you shake your head.  “I just need some air, all right.”  “Fine. But text me so I know you're okay,” he sighs and gets up to take a shower. 
You basically run out of the house, jumping in your car and driving off towards the Cut before you realize you don't even know where to go.  You pull out your phone and scroll down a long list of contacts before you find his number, saved under three Xs to remind you to never text him, but here you are, doing just that.  “Where are you?” you type out and hit send, a second later a text appears on your screen.  “why?”  “Tattoo” is all you say, but the three small dots stay for a while and then they vanish. You are about to curse him out when a text pops up.  “you know the Château?” “Routledge?” “yes” You put your phone away and start driving again. Maybe you'd have to thank Topper's weird obsession with Sarah for knowing where the house was, but you really couldn't. 
As soon as you arrive, you kill the engine and jump out of your jeep, stomping towards the porch.  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Kiara sneers at you, but you don't pay her any attention. You grab JJ's hand and drag him into the house.  “That's the wrong way,” he chuckles and holds you back from going deeper into the house, pulling you to the side and into a small bedroom.  “Tell me what's wrong,” he asks, wanting to hold onto you, but you brush him off.  “He said he loved me,” you yell at JJ even though it's not his fault, nor can he do anything about it.  “And that's bad?” he raises his eyebrows at you and you huff.  “Yes. Yes, it is. You don't fuck someone, not let them fucking finish and then tell them you love them,” you hiss quietly, not wanting his friends to be able to hear it all.  “I see. I can help with one of those,” JJ smirks and pulls you into a kiss. A kiss that makes you forget why you even came over. Like a snip of his finger, he had erased all the bad thoughts and feelings inside of you, replacing them with warmth and desire.  “They didn't believe me,” he whispers against your lips before bringing them into another kiss. You pull on his shirt, and he takes it off.  “Told you they wouldn't,” you smile and take your own shirt off before starting to fumble with his shorts.  “Now they have to,” JJ chuckles and pushes his pants down, leaving the boxers on. 
He pushes you onto the bed, kissing you all over, especially focusing on your tits, and you nearly cum just from that. His skilled tongue toys with your nipple while his hand squeezes the other tit mercilessly.  “You have the best tits, baby,” JJ moans against your skin, squeezing them another time before trailing his lips down the valley of your breasts and over your stomach to the hem of your jeans shorts.  “Are you sure?” he asks while looking up at you, but the way he's lying between your legs is godly. His unruly hair is hanging into his face, his lips slightly parted in a mischievous smile.  “I'll go ask one of the others if you don't want to,” you tease him, and he nips at your hips. “Don't ever suggest that shit again, princess.”  “Noted, but only if your tongue’s as good as your dick,” you smirk.  JJ takes his time taking off your shorts, teasing you and edging you on, and you want to drown in the feelings he can so easily conjure in you.  “You smell different,” he notes and presses his nose against your slip. “I'm not gonna do this when you smell like him.”  “I told you,” you sit up on your elbows and look at his disgusted face.  “You didn't say he fucked you raw. That's different, and you know it,” JJ complained and sat back up.  “I don't see the problem. It's an easy fix,” you shrug and pull him closer by his neck. Your lips press against his until you have him lying underneath you. 
“See, easy,” you grin down at him, pulling his boxers down just enough to let his hard cock spring free.  “Aren't you pretty,” you whisper to his pink tip, placing a kiss on it and tasting his salty precum.  “If you do that again, I'm busting a nut. You gotta warn a guy,” he laughs nervously.  “Cute,” you giggle and lift yourself up, pulling your slip to the side and brushing his throbbing tip through your aching slit. You let out a sigh of relief as you sink down on him, the familiarity makes you feel better instantly.  Fucking JJ is easy, it's messy, it's freeing.  You don't mind that he can't keep himself from cumming when you do, because he's ready instantly as if it never had happened.  You claw at his chest while you bounce on him, screaming of pleasure and not caring who can hear you.  Your pussy sounds obscenely wet, and can feel the mix of your many releases spill out of you and onto him. But JJ doesn't care as long as you keep fucking yourself with his dick, he doesn't even mind having to take over when you get a cramp in your leg.  He's moaning and cursing worse than you, calling you all kinds of dirty things, but mostly he's showering you with compliments, which turns you on even more than you had ever thought.  And when he finally pulls out, your pussy is still clenching, pushing out all of his and your cum. 
“Would you look at that, princess. We should definitely not clean you up and send you back home just like that, show him who's actually better at fucking this pretty pussy.” JJ says and takes two fingers to push his cum back into you.  “J, please,” you beg him to stop. You are overstimulated and sore, so sore you feel like you might not be able to walk properly the next few days.  “Oh, but we haven't even done what you promised me, princess. You wouldn't let a poor guy starve, would you?” JJ gives you a pout and moves back to kiss your swollen cunt. A jolt goes through your body as he does it another time.  “You taste so sweet, baby,” he moans into you, his hands massaging your thighs; tongue dipping into your hole and nose brushing against your clit.  You moan and mewl as he slowly kisses and licks you to your orgasm, you can't even remember how many you've had that day, but what you do know is that the last one was the best one. 
“Where'd you learn to use your tongue like that?” you ask him out of breath as he's lying next to you.  “Natural talent, y/l/n,” JJ boasts and turns his head to kiss you, twisting his tongue with yours and then pulling you closer. His hand is harshly gripping your thigh, pulling your leg over his own; while your own hands are entangled in his hair. There's a sense of security in the way he kisses you, like you know he won't leave even if you'd tell him to.  “JJ-” you try to pull away, but his lips keep on chasing yours, even when you try to get his attention by biting him. So, you pull on his hair, holding his head in place and making him whine with it.  “S’unfair,” he murmurs.  “I have to go home, it's late,” you remind him.  “You could stay, I could show you how much better I am at morning sex,” JJ tries to convince you, but you know it's impossible.  You let go of his head and twirl a strand of his hair in between your fingers. “It's a charming proposal, but you know I can't. He'll come looking for me, and we don't want that to happen, do we?”  “I’ll let you go if you answer me one question.”  You roll your eyes at his antics, but agree to it anyway. “Deal, dumbass,” you smile. “Why’d you text me?” JJ whispers, and you sigh, turning around to look at the ceiling.  “I don't know,” you lie.  “I think you do, you're just lying to yourself if you say anything else. Because I wouldn't have told you to come by if I didn't feel the same,” he admits and nuzzles his face into your neck.  “It's a polar opposite. And I never thought- It's difficult to know you want a specific thing when you never had it, and once it’s there, it's hard to forget about it. And he won't give me that, I know it,” you explain quietly and JJ kisses your neck in response.  “I would never even consider not letting you cum, baby,” he hushes against your skin, and it gives you goosebumps all over. It's cozy and loving in a way, and it might just scare the life out of you when you realize that you crave this affection he's giving you.  “I have to go,” you press out and jump up, leaving JJ groaning as he runs his hands over his face. You find your clothes pretty quickly and put them back on, while he stays in bed, lying there looking like a Greek god.  “You look severely fuck out. I like it,” he grins, his head propped up on his hand. “Walk of shame material?”  “Nah, nothing to be ashamed of.”  “You know that's not what I meant,” you sigh and leave the room to go look for the bathroom.  “Left,” JJ calls out, and you turn left, towards the end of the hallway and enter the small bathroom. You don't understand how they can live in such a narrow space, but you know mentioning it will not end well. 
Your curls are standing up in every possible direction and your eyes look extremely tired.  “See, not bad at all,” JJ smirks, leaning in the doorway of the bathroom.  “Do you have a hair tie or something?” you ask, and he steps behind you and pulls a drawer open. You pick out a simple black hair tie that could easily pass as one of your own, and wind your hair into a loose knot.  “Tell me again why I should let you go back to that asshole?” JJ asks, laying his chin on your shoulder.  “One, because he's not an asshole, and two, because he's gonna kill you. I don't want to see you dead, you're really good at what you do,” you say while looking at him through the mirror, and the smile on his face gets deeper as you speak.  “The secret side piece,” JJ flashes his brows at you, and you can't stop the light chuckle that leaves you. Charming and sweet and all you should ever want and need- “I really have to go now,” you remind yourself, and he lets go of you. 
When you walk out onto the porch, your eyes meet Sarah's and your heart stops, but you can't let yourself get caught up in it. You know, she hasn't spoken to Rafe in a whole year. She surely won't break that silence just to tell on you.  Your feet quickly move you towards your car, but before you can open your door, you are harshly turned around and pushed against the metal.  JJ kisses you so hard, you wish you could go back inside and do it all over again. His hand is holding onto your neck while the other is gripping your waist. It feels like the best kiss in your entire life, and it awakes something inside of you that you had long thought dead. The tiny flutter in your stomach is as faint as a gust of wind in spring, but you know it's there, and you know it'll just complicate everything else with it. When he pulls away, he does it slowly, leaving an abundance of small, soft kisses on your lips before running his thumb over them.  “She won't tell. None of them will, I promise,” he whispers and you nod, believing him.  “You should go. Didn't know kissing alone could turn a guy on like that.” You smirk innocently as your hand traces over his erection, and he can't even hide it because he hadn't thought about putting on anything more than underwear.  “That's all you,” JJ whispers and kisses you one last time. “Text me,” he says before stepping back and letting you get into your car.  As you drive off, you can see him flipping off his friends before going inside; and then the house, and all of them with it, vanish as you make your way back home. 
“Where were you?” Rafe bludgeons as soon as you get through the door.  “Out. You don't need to know everything, you know?” you snap at him.  “You didn't text and were gone for hours, y/n.”  “Shit, you sound more like my parents then my parents ever did,” you laugh and make your way into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice and downing it in one go.  “Excuse me for giving a fuck,” Rafe barks, and you roll your eyes.  “If you hadn't been selfish, like fucking always, I wouldn't have walked out.”  “I wanted to make it up to you. You left!” he counters and you gulp hard.  “Tell me what you would've done. Something that puts me first for a change or no?” Your blood is boiling and there is nothing that can stop your fit of rage. It had been easier to look past Rafe's selfish tendencies when you hadn't known any better, but now that you do, you can't help but get annoyed at him for it.  “Where's this coming from now?” he laughs, pacing along the room.  “God, why can't you fucking open your eyes! You know, sometimes I fake it just so it's over quicker,” you spit out, but he knows it's a lie, it's the one thing you promised each other to never lie about.  “You never tell me what you want either,” Rafe says, and you hate that it's true.  “Would you do it if I did?”  “I can try,” he raises his shoulders in what feels like defeat to you, but you can't be sure.  “Good,” you glare, but you know it's unnecessary.  “Now?” he asks, somewhat hopeful, but you shake your head.  “Maybe tomorrow, or whenever. I'm tired right now,” you sigh and make your way upstairs to take a bath. 
The hot water is soaking your body, and you close your eyes and let it play out again. How JJ kept kissing you as he fucked you senseless, how his praises worked way better for you than Rafe's degradations. How he had kept looking up at you with his head buried between your legs.  Your hand travels down between your legs, rubbing soft circles on your clit, and it's not enough. Your fingers plunge into your pussy, curling perfectly, but it's not enough. You can't reach, and it frustrates you.  You step out of the tub, dripping wet as you make your way into the bedroom and Rafe doesn't complain when you straddle him. And he complains even less you start to fuck yourself with his dick. It's not something you’ve ever done with him, but he wants to be better for you, and he doesn't mind as long as he gets to fuck you one way or the other.  “Tell me how much you want me,” you moan softly while bouncing on his huge cock. The light stinging feeling his size always causes you just adds to your pleasure.  “You're so fucking hot, fucking me like the slut you are,” Rafe rasps, holding onto your hips.  “No, something nice. Tell me something nice.” You shake your head but keep going anyway.  “Uhm, okay… You're fucking me so well, baby,” Rafe says, but his eyebrows are furrowed until you moan louder.  “Yes, more.”  “I love your tight pussy, baby,” he groans, and you fall down on top of him, kissing him, but it doesn't feel at all like you had hoped. He tastes like whiskey, but you craved the mix of weed and beer. Yet all of your thoughts about it fly out the window when he stops your hips and starts pounding into you from below.  “Faster,” you gasp into him, biting his lip and digging your nails into his shoulders. It's mind-bending, they way he fucks you and his uncontrollable noises turn you on even more. Rafe grunts and moans like you've not heard it before, and you wish you had made him try it earlier. 
“Fuck, baby, tell me you're close,” Rafe moans, and you press your face against his shoulder, feeling the band inside you tighten.  “So close, babe, don't stop,” you cry out and snake a hand down to your clit rubbing harshly and suddenly JJ's words echo in your mind.  “Cum for me, y/n. Be a good girl and let go.” You scream when your orgasm rips through you and Rafe follows just a second later, pushing in deeper and painting your walls in his pretty white.  “Keep going, just a bit,” you instruct him, and he fucks his cum into you with a few more thrusts until you tell him to stop again.  “That was probably the best sex we ever had,” you sigh, still not ready to get up and have him leave you.  “Definitely top ten,” Rafe pants and runs his hand over your back.  “No, definitely the best,” you argue with a smile and he caves.  “All right, the best.” 
After having cleaned up you're back in bed, and cuddled into his side, your head resting on his chest.  “Why didn't you tell me all that earlier? We could've done this already,” he whispers, and you don't know how to come up with a good lie.  “I don't know. Maybe I hoped you'd figure it out on your own one day.”  “It's very different from what we usually do,” Rafe mumbles, brushing over your hair.  “I like how you fuck me, but sometimes I need something for me. I need control too,” you whisper and he kisses your head.  “We can do that.”  “Good.”  “I love you,” Rafe sighs, and you can hear his breath slow as he falls asleep. 
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Your dreams are haunted by JJ, always, and you wish you could turn it off. Sometimes Rafe gets to him, other times you see yourself living the Pogue life, as if that was ever something you'd even do as much as consider. But tonight it's different from any other time. 
You are at home, Rafe is sitting at the kitchen island, and JJ is lying on the couch. They are both aware of each other and not actively trying to murder one another. The whole scene makes you incredibly suspicious, but it just gets worse when two blonde children come running in.  “Dad!” one of them yells and both JJ and Rafe pick up their heads.  “What's up?” Rafe asks and gets up from his seat, giving you a loving smile before leaning down to the child and talking to it.  “Well, your friends are pretty fucking stupid for not getting it,” Rafe tells the child and JJ snorts.  “Yeah, what's not to get? My wife has another guy, and we play daddy roulette every single time.”  “Daddy roulette?” you ask and furrow your brows at the two.  “You said it's better to not know. Removes the thing for fighting or whatever,” JJ explains.  “This one, definitely mine,” Rafe points at your stomach, and you look down at yourself to see yourself severely pregnant. Your belly is bigger than you'd ever imagined and it feels even worse.  “Why is it so big?” Your heart starts racing, and you feel like you're about to fall over.  “That's because we're having twins. You got a Maybank and a Cameron in there, baby, just like you love it,” JJ grins and your vision goes blurry. 
“Y/n, will you please stop screaming? I was trying to sleep!” Rafe groans after shaking you awake.  “Sorry,” you mumble and turn away from him.  “Bad dream or what?” he asks.  “You don't have to pretend to care,” you whisper, and he snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest.  “I do care, but I also really need to sleep, baby,” he mumbles and kisses your neck a single time.  “We should just sleep,” you mutter and this time you are allowed to get your few hours of dreamless sleep instead of being haunted by your mistakes. 
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Weeks turn into months, and one hookup every other week turns to some every other day.  The more Rafe tries to focus more on you, the more you seem to crave JJ and the lightness of what you have with him.  Like the quick fucks in the Country Club restroom, or the “business meetings” you tell Rafe about. After all, you really don't have a choice, because where Rafe is still reluctant to go down on you, JJ is offering it every single time, even when you are really not capable of cumming another time.  You know it would be technically easy to break up with Rafe, but you can't. You promised your dead father to marry a good man, someone from a good family. And Rafe is exactly what your dad had in mind.  And even if that wasn't the case, you still couldn't, or just don't want to, really.  You like that every girl on the island seems to want what you have, especially with both boys on your leash. You like that people are scared of you, because they know Rafe does what you tell him to, and not because he’s scared, no because he knows it's the best way to live his life. What most people don't know is that although still rich, the Camerons had suffered a dent in their savings, and not a small one. But you, you are secured by a long line of rich assholes. Old money. More than you could ever spend in a lifetime. Which just means that Rafe doesn't have the faintest idea why he should ever leave you. You are his perfect package deal. 
“boat day?” The text from JJ rips you out of your thoughts, and you praise the fact that Rafe has the day packed with meetings.  “sure” you reply quickly and get back to doing your hair.  “I should come pick you up”  “no, you really shouldn't.” You shake your head at his dangerously stupid idea. The boat thing is after all already risky, you don't need to up the chances of anyone finding out. “Will be there in 30.”
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Kiara scoffs as soon as you get out of your car.  “I invited her,” JJ shrugs as if it's nothing special and keeps walking towards the pier.  “You shouldn't get to invite anyone, especially not the Kook bitch who keeps fucking you on the side to get back at her even worse Kook boyfriend,” Kiara complains. “I'm not getting back at anyone,” you smile at her, knowing how much it must enrage her that you keep your cool and calm exterior.  “Just, please be nice, Kie,” JJ yells from afar and you hide your grin.  “John B!” Kiara hollers and walks back into the house, while you keep standing there, leaning against your car. As soon as JJ comes back they all gather on the porch, discussing the matter of your attendance. 
“You know I can hear you, right?” you say loudly after Kiara had called you a slut the third time in a row. “Then why are you still here?” she snaps at you.  You stroll towards the steps that lead up the porch and walk to where they are standing. It's not that you are particularly happy that they are all there too, but you at least have the decency to be nice to them, if not for anything but JJ’s sake.  “I'm interested in what your issue is here,” you ask and Sarah scoffs.  “Maybe that you're a horrible person. Using JJ? Cheating on my brother?”  “Oh, a horse can only be that high,” you smile at her.  JJ tugs on your hand and makes you look at him. “You said you'd be nice.”  “I am nice. I'm not the one calling people slut and whore and what else y'all can come up with for me. But I'm not gonna stand here and hear these insults if they can't even take one back. And for the record that wasn't an insult, it was the truth and y'all know it,” you say and John B runs his hands through his hair, visibly on edge.  “Are you kidding me? You literally insult us all the fucking time,” Kiara spits at you, and you can't help the tiny laugh that escapes you.  “I don't insult Pogues, you guys have it hard enough as is, but… you're not a Pogue, Carrera. I guess that means you're fair game, because that one,” you point at Sarah, “is basically family, as much as I hate to say it, and you don't go against your own.”  “You’re not my family. You'll never be,” Sarah shakes her head.  “Okay,” you roll your eyes at her.  “Can we just-” JJ tries to get control of the conversation, but Kiara stops him.  “No, we can't. If she's here, I'm leaving.”  “Y'all are the worst fucking friends in the world,” you laugh and take a step back, ready to leave. “Incredible.” You turn around and walk back to your car, JJ right behind you. 
“Don't leave, please,” he asks, and you stop in your tracks, turning around on the dirt and looking straight at him.  “I tried, you can't tell me to do more than that. I'm not gonna be called a whore and slut every five fucking minutes. It's appalling how your friends can't even pretend to like me for a few hours, but I'm supposed to do so while also being insulted. I'm not doing that. I'm sorry.” “I'll make it up to you, just don't go,” he begs and you shake your head. “No.” “What do you mean no?”  “I mean, no, because you have nothing to make up to me. They are the ones constantly fucking up. Last time you told them beforehand, and suddenly they all had different plans. They hate me,” you tell him, but he didn't seem to wanna hear it.  “Can we just try and-”  “I did try. Don't force me to do this, J. I can't do this if they can't even manage to not call me names,” you say quietly, and he takes your face in his hands, warm and calloused.  “Will you wait just another few minutes and if I can't fix it, we will go to my place. Sound all right?” His voice is low and raspy, and it's making you wet just a little bit.  “You never invited me to your house before,” you whisper, blushing and pressing your thighs together to try to get rid of the growing desire between them. “It's an equally favorable outcome to the other thing then?”  “More favorable to me,” you smile and lean up to peck his lips. “Use that magical charm of yours,” you whisper and push him back to go talk to his friends. 
Half an hour later you're all sitting on the small boat somewhere in the marsh.  “You want a beer?” JJ asks and hands you a can. “You know how to shotgun, right?”  “I can pretend I don't so you can show me,” you smile at him and he laughs.  “That would be cheating.” You grin at him before taking out your keys, plunging a hole in the can and chugging it in a matter of seconds.  “Impressive,” JJ notes before shotgunning his own can and dropping some beer on his sun kissed skin. You don't even think about it when you lean in and kiss the droplets away. Your kisses trail upwards, along his neck until they connect to his mouth, and he kisses you like his life depends on it. His hands come up to hold your face, while yours are in his neck, twirling the hair at the nape of it.  “I should shotgun a few more if this is the new process,” JJ smirks, his forehead leaning against yours.  You blink slowly, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and giving him a small nod. “M-hmm,” you hum, and he places another kiss on your lips. 
“Should we, uh, play a game or?” Pope suggests, and you turn to shift your focus away from JJ and towards the people he calls his friends.  “What type of game?” you ask with a genuine interest.  “Truth or dare,” Kiara suggests with a mean smile on her face.  “Who starts?” you ask and give her a polite smile, serving its intended purpose when she rolls her eyes.  “Truth or dare, princess,” JJ asks and turns your head towards him with a simple nudge of his finger.  “Truth,” you whisper.  “Why did you come when I asked?”  “Because I like you,” you gaze into his blue eyes, and he smiles, “for more than the incredible sex also. It's actually pretty fun with you.”  “Definite win on my end,” he whispers.  “Truth or dare… John B,” you say before turning your head to look at him. He gives you a confused look, his eyes jumping between JJ and you.  “Truth,” he shrugs.  “Do you actually hate me or do you just hate me because your girlfriend hates me?” Your smile is sugar sweet, but the glare you give Sarah could definitely make milk curdle.  “I mean, you're a Kook and I don't understand what this is,” he gestures at JJ and you. “But I guess, I don't know you enough to hate you or like you.”  His answer genuinely surprises you because you didn't think he'd be honest and not just say the thing Sarah wanted to hear. 
The game goes back and forth with a few dares and a few harmless truths in between, until it's Sarah's turn, and she glares at you as if she wants to actually kill you.  “Truth or Dare, y/l/n?”  “Dare,” you reply quickly, and her mean smile grows wider.  “Call Rafe and tell him where you are,” she demands. “It's 2:30pm, he's in a meeting. I'm not gonna call him during a meeting just because of a stupid game,” you scoff and laugh at her stupid dare.  “How do you know he's in a meeting right this second?” she hits back at you, and you can't help but laugh even more, but you catch yourself and answer a bit more seriously. “I have his schedule memorized. That's what you do when you're a good girlfriend.”  “A good girlfriend wouldn't cheat!” she screams at you. “You think he doesn't? That's a pretty narrow-minded way to look at it, sis.” You know the new nickname has her boiling, and the little sadistic part of your brain loves to see it. “And you don't get to talk about cheating, everyone is aware of your timeline errors.”  “I never loved Topper,” she defends herself, as if it makes her morally superior to you. “And I don't love Rafe, but you at least had a fucking choice because your shitty life was never bound to you marrying whoever your parents pick so you ‘get to’ inherent what would rightfully be yours anyway. So don't fucking tell me what to do with my life, because everyone else has always done it too, and they had more legitimacy for it,” you yell at her, unintentionally spilling more of your secrets than you had initially wanted to, and they all go quiet. The only thing you can hear after you're done is a few frogs, the birds close by, the waves crashing against the boat and your heart pounding in your chest.
JJ pulls you in closer and hugs you while placing soft, calming kisses on your neck.  “I wanna go home,” you whisper to him, tired of having had to pretend, even if it had just been for an hour.  “Let me talk to them. I promise it's gonna get better,” he says and gets up.  There's no doubt in your mind that it won't. Yet you don't understand why you keep giving him, and with it, them, one chance after the other, when you wouldn't usually give anyone even a second chance. You look out onto the water, your legs propped up, arms around them and your head lying on your knees. You think back to the last night you had with your dad, before he had died in a horrible car crash. T-boned by a drunk driver who hadn't seen a red light. You think about how you had tried to convince him to change his mind, that you could run the company without a man by your side, that you were good enough. But all your pleas had fallen on deaf ears. And your mom isn't any better. She decided to stay away, vacating in Palm Beach and only coming home every other month to make sure you are still alive. She deals with grief like that. By sunbathing and drinking and pretending like everything is fine and perfect and not at all in shambles.  Instead, you decided to close off your heart, and that worked for nearly two years until JJ decided to charm his way into it. You don't like it, the thought of feeling all this pain again. Or worse, to know once you let yourself love, the pain will be inevitable. People leave one way or the other, that's how life has always been and how it always will be. 
“Hey,” John B rips you out of your head, and you don't even turn to look at him as he sits down next to you.  “What do you want?” you say in the meanest way you can conjure, but it still sounds pathetic.  “I'm sorry about your dad, I know he died a few years back. I, uhm, I just wanted to say I understand how hard it can be to live up to their expectations, especially after they-”  “I don't need your pity, Routledge,” you snap and look at him. “You don't know anything about me. You don't have to pretend to care.”  “I was just trying to help,” he apologizes and gets up again. 
Your mind wanders back to the night, to the pain. It's scarily easy to revisit that memory. Seeing yourself standing over the table in the morgue, having to identify that, “yes, that's my dad,” because your mother had broken down as soon as the message had come through. You were keeping yourself together for her, for everyone around you who came with their condolences and expected a consolation prize for caring the bare minimum. You remember taking the ring from his cold, stiff finger. You remember having to pick out the casket, the suit, the food, where and when and how and-  You feel like your lungs are empty, like you had stopped breathing air, but pain and desperation instead. Tears are building in your eyes. You can't blink, can't let them run, can't let anyone see you cry, especially not these people. The only one who has gotten to see you cry ever, apart from your parents, is Rafe. And maybe you are aware that you can't leave him because he knows the part of you that you try so hard to keep hidden. Because he was the only one caring for you when everyone else was solely relying on you.  And now you are hurting him, in a way you never thought you would, but you can't help it, you're too far in it now. You need to tell him, needed two months ago, but you hadn't, because you were scared of breaking his heart. Because you know telling him might mean losing the one good and secure thing you had going for yourself. Maybe you never considered it love, because it doesn't look like the love from the movies and books you basically inhaled in your early teens. Maybe you do have a childish outlook on love after all, because whatever connects you and Rafe goes deeper than that. 
“You okay?” JJ asks, standing over you, and you muster a faint smile for him.  “I just really wanna go home now, I'm sorry,” you apologize for it, although you know you're not the only one at fault for it. You're soft for him, because he needs it, because you need it in a way. But it's so different from Rafe and you don't know if you can survive without either of them. If you could, you'd put them in a blender and get the perfect boyfriend out of it. But life isn't a fairy tale. “It's okay,” he smiles and kisses your forehead before turning to the steering wheel and starting the engine. 
As soon as you're back at the Château you get off the boat and basically run towards your car. If not for JJ, you wouldn't even think twice about ever coming back. But this was his second home, his happy place.  “Hey, y/n, wait a sec,” JJ calls after you and you stop to turn around.  “I don't care if they like me, J, but I'm not gonna be able to do this again. Not like this. I really want to, for you, but if they can't bring up the same amount of- They need to try too, all of them, and not when I accidentally tell them my whole life story so they can pity me. I'm not gonna do it that way,” you say softly and he nods.  “I understand. Will you text me that you got home safe? Please,” he whispers and you nod. There's a moment of silence, insecure and heavy, as if he doesn't know what to do, so you do the only thing you can think of to stop the awkward moment from prolonging. In a quick motion you lean up and kiss his cheek. 
As soon as you come home you text him a quick “am home” and turn back to wallowing in your sadness.  It takes Rafe another two hours to get back home and as soon as he walks in, you jump into his arms, trying to find the little security you knew you could always hold onto.  “Hey, baby, what's up? Huh? Missed me that much?” Rafe asks with a light chuckle while holding you up, with one arm around your waist and the other holding onto his bag.  “Missed you,” you mumble into him, not wanting to actually tell him why you are feeling down, but you know you need to. Soon. Very soon.
He puts down his bag and carries you into the kitchen, sitting you down on the island and taking your puffy face in his hands.  “What happened?” he asks softly, softer than you know him.  “I don't want you to be angry with me,” you whisper, and he prods the inside of his cheek with his tongue before nodding.  “I won't be, I promise.”  “I, uh…,” the words get stuck in your throat, and you feel the tears well up again.  “Whatever it is, you know I love you,” he says, and it makes your heart feel even heavier.  “I've been seeing someone else,” you whisper, and he takes a step back, laughing and running his hands through his hair. There is no mistake in how mad he is, because this was a new level of mad, one you haven't seen before.  “Who?” he barks and you flinch. “Who is it, y/n?”  “No, you'll hurt him. I won't let you hurt him,” you shake your head, and he steps closer again.  “Why should I give a fuck about how you feel right now? Huh?! For how long have you been cheating on me?” he screams into your face. “Rafe, please,” you beg softly, and he takes a step away again, and a second later his fist lands in a cabinet door.  “How long, y/n?” he yells.  “Four months,” you whisper and he laughs.  “You gotta be kidding me.”  “I didn't know- It's confusing and then today-” you stammer, and he interrupts you.  “You were with him today? That's why you're crying? And you expect me to not go and kill that guy instantly?”  “I love you,” you yell at him, and he stops, furrowing his brows and looking at you more confused than you have ever seen him. 
“What?”  “I think so, at least. It's very confusing,” you mumble, looking down at your hands.  “Is that supposed to be an apology? You tell me you've been fucking some asshole on the side and think it'll all be made okay by finally telling me that you love me after two years?” His anger is back, but he's still confused, and you don't know what to do about it. All you know is that you need to be truthful about it, as much as you can, as much as he lets you. “I know it doesn't make sense and I know it's not an apology. I don't mean it like that. But today, things were said by other people, not him, he was trying to help- I don't know what I feel,” you shake your head.  “None of that makes any sense, baby,” Rafe runs his hand over his face.  “I didn't think that what I felt for you was love because no one ever told me it could be like that. But I do. I love you and I made a horrible mistake, but I would have never known- I can't survive on just one. I need both of you to be happy,” you say, and he steps closer, harshly taking your face in his hand.  “Who!”  “JJ,” you whisper and his hand slips down to your throat, holding you tight enough to restrict your blood flow, making you dizzy.  “You let a dirty Pogue fuck you? And then you come back here and pretend like nothing happened?”  “I love you,” you are practically begging him to not hurt JJ, your own well-being has become secondary the moment you decided to tell Rafe about it all.  “Is that why you wanted to do all that new shit?” he laughs almost hysterically, squeezing a little tighter and your vision starts getting blurry.  “Please,” you choke out, and he lets go again.  “You know what the worst part is? That this started making more sense in the last few months, and now you're tellin’ me it's because you’re fucking Maybank on the side. That's fucked up, y/n,” Rafe shakes his head.  “I never got mad at you for cheating on me,” you remind him quietly, it's a low blow, but you know it's gonna do the trick. His escapades early on in your relationship, and even a few slip ups in the first year after your dad hadn't bothered you much anyway back then.  “No, but you never got mad at me for anything because you don't have a fucking heart. You were acting like a fucking robot until-,” he doesn't even finish the sentence, only shaking his head yet again.  “I don't understand why, Rafe. You have to believe me. And I tried not to. I did. For months before. And then it happened once, and I tried to stay away but then you- you hurt my feelings and I had no one else-” you stammer, and he glares at you.  “The best sex we ever had? Because you had just fucked him?”  “I know you. You're not happy with all I need. And everything you can give me- It's not enough, and I hate myself for it. I wish it was but it isn't. And I can't keep on trying to change you. I won't do that to you. It's not fair to either of us,” you whisper.  “You think you can have us both? Maybe we should call your little boy toy and ask him what he thinks, because apparently you value his fucking Pogue opinion more than me!” Rafe snaps and rips the phone from your back pocket.  “Rafe, please don't,” you cry, and he smirks, but it's neither playful nor sweet, it's simply vicious.  “Oh, I have a way worse idea, baby, and you won't say no because you love me, right?” he taunts, and you nod slowly, knowing whatever’s to happen next won't be the last punishment you receive for your crimes. 
Rafe throws you over his shoulder and carries you upstairs and into the bedroom. Throwing you on the bed as if you weigh nothing.  You know not to move when he's in a mood, he'll do it by himself or give you strict orders to follow. Doing anything on your own account will just make it worse for you.  “Take off that horrible dress,” he barks while walking into the closet to pick out a tie and get his special box for you. You do as you are told, and he comes over to you, pulling on your arms and tying your wrists together behind your back so you can't use your hands anymore.  Then he pulls on the strings of the tiny bikini you had on, having expected to go swimming before you had left for JJ’s. The flimsy piece comes undone and Rafe slaps your ass a single time, but it stings harsh enough for you to whine a little.  “The more you cry, the worse it'll get,” he threatens, and you try to swallow the pain as he sits and pulls you to lie over his lap, spanking you for half an eternity. And even when he's done and goes over to softly massaging your butt, it's still stinging, and you don't know how much more you can take if this was the start of it. 
“You think that was enough? Or do you deserve some more?” Rafe asks and you gulp before replying quietly.  “I was a very bad girl,” you say, just like he always wanted to hear. It had only happened two times before that he had decided to play these games in such an extreme way. The first time you had drunkenly flirted with some Touron and Rafe had decided it was the best way to teach you a lesson. That was a month into your relationship. The second time was a week before your dad had died, and he keeps telling you that he regrets doing it, but you know he doesn't. You had made fun of his family that night, just a little bit, but it had been enough to grant a punishment.  But neither of those come close to the pain you imagine he must be feeling right now. And you rather let him take his anger out on you than go and hurt JJ. That was the better option, surely.  “Yes, you were, baby. That's why you're gonna do whatever I say now. You know the rules. And if you cum I'll hurt you some more,” Rafe pulls you back up and you nod.  “Won't cum.”  “Good. Now lay down and let me fuck your throat,” he says, and you hesitate for a second but do it anyway. He's aware that you don't like it, not because it's not fun, but because he's simply too big for you to be able to breathe properly while doing it on his terms.  
Yet here you are, lying on the bed with your head hanging off the edge. But before he tells you to open up, he goes to his box, taking out a tiny device and smirking mischievously.  “You know what, we're doing it differently tonight,” Rafe pulls you up to sit. Then he goes to bend you over and for a moment you think he's just gonna fuck you, but instead he shoves the toy into you, filling both holes without any prep, and you cry out at the unexpected intrusion and the low vibrations of the toy.  “No. You're not gonna cum from that, and if there's anything on that when I pull it out, I'll make it hurt worse. Do you understand?” He warns and you nod.  “I understand.”  “Good. Kneel,” he orders and points at the rug in front of the bed and you follow diligently. 
When he tells you to open up, you do it, and when he tells you to moan around him, you do it, and when he tells you to look into the camera, you do it, albeit reluctantly.  Rafe doesn't care that you're close to choking on his cock, or that you can't stop the tears from streaming down your cheek. He doesn't care that your jaw will hurt for the two following days. He doesn't care because he knows it's still not enough punishment, and you know he's right.  Once he's happy with his little video, he tells you to get up and lie down again, and once you do, he pulls you towards the edge of the bed again and goes back to fucking your throat. What you can't see, because his balls are in your face, is that he's gone back to filming you, especially the part where his dick goes so far down your throat that it's visible on your neck.  Somehow you managed to blend out the vibrations in your pussy and ass, the low intensity was barely doing anything to you but edge you on more and more. 
“You're a real slut, aren't you, baby,” he huffs after pulling out and manhandling you to be face down before him. Your legs are propped up and spread wide as he harshly pulls the toy out, and you can't help the gasp that escapes your throat.  “Tell me you love me again, and I might stop,” he rasps, and you are about to say it, but just as you open your mouth to speak, he thrusts into you. An obscenely loud moan is all you can conjure before he starts ramming into you.  “Tell me how much you love me!”  “Love you, Rafe. Love you and your cock so much,” you cry out and a second later your phone lands on the bed right next to your head.  “Look who called to check up on you, baby. Tell him how much you love when I take what's mine!” Rafe demands and your eyes fill with tears as you see the screen.  “What the fuck is this?” JJ asks and you sob.  “Rafe, no,” you cry.  “You want him so bad, he has to know what it means to share you. Because I'm not letting you go, baby,” Rafe growls, fucking you harder and your tears keep on streaming.  “Princess, it's okay. Focus,” JJ tells you through the phone, and you don't understand why he didn't hang up immediately.  “I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Rafe, please,” you beg, but he won't stop, not until he's got what he wants.  “Tell him how much you love me,” Rafe barks, pulling on your hair and yanking you towards him. “You don't get to make any demands tonight, baby. You know what you did to me!”  He pushes you back down, and you land face first in the duvet, sobbing uncontrollably. “I'm sorry. I love you. I'm sorry,” you are close to hyperventilating. Your body is sore and tired, but he won't stop the attack on your poor pussy.  “You hear that Maybank, she loves me!” Rafe says, jealousy drenching his voice, and picks up the phone. “But I still don't think she deserves to cum. Do you?”  “You're sick, Rafe,” JJ hisses through the phone, but your mind is starting to go blank, the noise of his skin slapping against your own, and the quenching sound of your pussy is filling your ears.  “No, she's sick. One dick isn't enough for the little bitch. Nah, she needs two fillings to feel better about herself,” Rafe laughs, and you're so far gone that you can barely hear him anymore.  “Princess, focus on me. Come on, pretty girl,” JJ pleads and you nod absentmindedly.  “Shit, stop,” Rafe moans, but you can't. JJ's soft, loving words of encouragement have triggered your release, and you really don't have any control over it.  You moan so loud you think the whole island might hear, but you don't care, actually. And when you push your ass back into Rafe he loses his game and cums so hard that he collapses onto you almost instantly. 
Panting you lie there, incapable of saying a single word, but at least JJ had disconnected the call.  “I get it now,” Rafe pants and pulls you into him, hugging you and kissing the top of your head. “Maybe I can learn to live with it.”  “Love you,” is all you manage to say before your exhaustion takes over, and you fall into a deep dreamless slumber. 
You don't even feel like getting up the next morning, but you do it anyway. Pulling on one of Rafe's shirts to feel a tiny bit of familiar comfort you prod downstairs after having cleaned up the tiniest bit.  “Good morning,” Rafe says as soon as you step into the kitchen.  “Morning,” you walk past him, kissing his cheek just like any normal day. But unlike any normal day, Rafe isn't dressed yet, he's only got his shorts on and something tells you he had planned it.  “I don't think you should get to wear my shirts right now. I'm still mad at you, remember?” he nods at you, and you sigh, wanting to turn back and go change, but his hand shoots out to hold you back. “Oh, no, no. You're gonna take it off here. And you're gonna eat without it on.”  “But I don't have anything else on,” you complain quietly and he shrugs.  “Not my problem.”  You pull the shirt over your head and hand it to him. “Anything else?”  “Actually, yeah,” Rafe gives you a lopsided grin before sitting you up on the island. 
It stings when he pushes into you, stretching you to your limit without any prep. But it's a punishment, you shouldn't enjoy it anyway.  His grunts and curses and intensely hard thrusts make you whimper, but at least he doesn't tell you off about it this time. Instead, he encourages you, wanting to see the tears and as soon as they start running his thrusts grow sloppier.  “I brought waffles as a peace offering,” you hear JJ's voice and footsteps that are coming closer. Your head spins around, and you stare at him across the room. The shock on his face tells you that he had just as much been blindsided by this as you, and it takes him another moment to drag his eyes away from the scene. But Rafe just laughs and keeps fucking you.  “Look at him, he can't even look at you while I fuck you. How the fuck is that supposed to work, baby?”  “As if you'd like to see it the other way round,” JJ snaps back at him, his back still turned to you. But the pain is too much, you can't take it anymore.  “J, please,” it's a mere whisper that leaves you, but he walks over to you anyway, avoiding looking at Rafe.  “It's all right, I'm here,” JJ whispers to you while caressing your hair, and you look up at him, into his pretty blue eyes.  “Make her cum,” Rafe demands and JJ rolls his eyes.  “You know, if you were better at it, she would've never fucked me in the first place,” JJ glares at him, but you pull on his collar, kissing him and moaning into his mouth while Rafe keeps fucking you.  “You're doing so great, princess. Such a good girl,” JJ praises you and your stomach starts filling with tiny butterflies.  “More,” you moan and JJ looks up at Rafe. “Touch her,” he orders and for some reason Rafe does what he says and starts rubbing harsh circles on your clit.  “Oh God!” you scream, so close to your release that you feel like bursting. Your back lifts off the cold marble and your lips tremble. “That's it. Look at me baby,” JJ whispers and when your eyes meet his you feel afloat, just like the first time. “Let go,” he hushes, and your eyes roll back. You scream and feel how hard it is for Rafe to keep fucking you, but he tries anyway until he can't hold back anymore and fills you up with his hot seed.  “That was better than last night,” Rafe pants while tucking himself away and JJ comes around to pull you up and carry you upstairs. 
“Is this what you want?” JJ asks quietly after sitting you down on the toilet. Your voice is strained, but you only manage to nod a yes.  “We'll have to put down some ground rules, because I really don't wanna be in a situation where I find out what Rafe looks like when he finishes. That was way too close already,” JJ says while letting in a bath for you.  “I'm sorry,” you rasp, but he shakes his head.  “Don't apologize. If I hadn't told you to come by yesterday, this wouldn't be happening. And you should save your voice,” he smiles. 
The hot water helps with the pain, but leaning back into JJ and being with him without having to think about what might happen if someone finds out is freeing. It's nice and good and feels a thousand times better than before.  “I don't care if they get it or not. I know you can't help it,” he whispers to you, softly massaging your sore thighs under the water. “Stupid hearts,” he sighs.  “You okay?” Rafe asks, standing in the door, and you turn to look at him and nod. “Good. I have to go to work,” he says and takes a few steps over to kiss you softly. “Love you,” he whispers and turns around to leave without waiting for you to say it back. 
The following days are filled with planning and talking and fighting over phrasings, but in the end they manage to come to a conclusion that they can both live with. The easiest one at that. You get to choose, anything and everything when it comes to what happens between the three of you, in this weird new relationship you found yourself in. 
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Most nights you find yourself sleeping in JJ's bed instead of your own, but Rafe doesn't mind it much, never having been much of a cuddler himself. But when it gets to your darkest moments, you don't trust yourself enough to talk to JJ, maybe it's stupid, but somehow you can't change it.  Yet you also don't think you'll ever regret your decision, especially when you're waking up to JJ plastering you with kisses before slowly fucking you awake. Or when he goes to eat you out while a boring movie is playing.  Or when Rafe comes home frustrated from a meeting and uses you in any way you let him, and sometimes he even lets JJ join and not just sit there and please you mentally. 
Your new favorite thing has to be sucking off JJ while Rafe is plowing into you.  With every deep thrust of Rafe's hard cock into your clenching core, you moan louder around JJ, and it's even harder for him to not cum as soon as he sees your puffy lips wrapped around his dick. And you love to swirl your tongue and play with his balls a little, slapping your lips and cheeks with his pretty cock until he begs for you to suck him dry. 
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The days in between when you get time to recover properly are filled with surf lessons from JJ or going shopping with Rafe.  It's passed the point where only the three of you and the people close to you know about the arrangement. Especially parties start to be a boiling pot for dramatics. 
You're at the Boneyard, playing stupid drinking games with JJ, having fun the way teenagers are supposed to be.  You're aware that the people around you talk, but you couldn't care less because you're on cloud nine, too happy to let anybody ruin it. But JJ is the complete opposite. The more people he hears, the more agitated he gets.  “What’ya say?” he snaps at some guy, pushing him back.  “Chill bro,” the boy tries to laugh it off.  “No, repeat what you said, asshole,” JJ pushes.  “Only the biggest of sluts need-” He doesn't get to finish the repetition of his words when JJ's fist lands in his face. You yell for him to stop, but it's like he's in a trance. It takes both John B and Pope, who storm over from the other side of the party, to pull JJ off the guy.  “What the fuck, bro,” John B shoves JJ backwards but J just laughs.  “He deserved it.”  “Why ‘cause he said something mean?” Pope snaps, and you cross your arms in front of your chest.  “You wouldn't get it, Pope,” JJ shakes his head and looks up at the night sky. “Y'all just don't get it.”  “We don't, because it doesn't make sense,” Pope counters and you scoff.  “Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it's shit or that we're horrible people for it.”  “I didn't say that,” he shakes his head, but you're done with them, you have been for a long time.  “C’mon, J,” you say and start walking towards where you had parked your car. 
At home, you start by cleaning him up, kissing him all over in the shower until he pins you against the tiles. His kisses are forceful, and he's groping at your ass and thighs. Picking you up and fucking up into you while you moan and gasp. He doesn't give you time to cum when he finishes and puts you down on your feet.  This is different from what you know of him, but it intrigues you too. JJ turns you around and snakes his arm around your thigh, pushing two fingers into your sore cunt to stop you from spilling out.  “I know I should've asked, but it's gonna be great. I promise,” he whispers into your ear before leading you into the bedroom and making you lie down.
JJ is standing in front of you, your legs pressed to your chest, and he’s holding onto your hips as he fucks you. It's not loving and soft like any time before. It's harsh and fast, and you like it too much. You like the sound of his claves crashing into your ass, the way his balls slap against your skin. The wet noises your pussy makes when he drags his cock out of you just to slam right back in. And the way your tits jiggle with the movement. Your hands are clawing at the sheets when JJ starts playing with your clit, making you cum in a matter of seconds. You know you'll be there for hours when he shoots his cum into you and just keeps going. You haven't quite figured out which way you like it better; with JJ’s incredibly small refractory period, or Rafe's stamina to hold out for just how long he wants to. 
“Who's gonna clean that up?” you hear Rafe ask and your head spins around to look at him. Your mind is blurry with pleasure, your mouth agape and JJ doesn't stop and rips another orgasm from you. Rafe has never actually watched him fuck you, but something about this is making him want to stay and watch.  Your back arches up again, and JJ grunts and curses, filling you up for the fifth time that night, and you watch Rafe's face contort in a light confusion.  “You just keep going? Maybe you should give her some time, dude,” Rafe says, and you shake your head at him.  “She'll have time once I'm done,” JJ growls, and it sends shivers down your spine, making you roll your eyes back. “Isn't that right, baby?”  “Yes, yes, yes-” you scream each time his cock pushes against your cervix as if he wants to pass through it. “Want your cum, JJ, all of it,” you babble, maybe you like giving Rafe a show too.  “Good girl,” JJ moans and cums another time, making you clench around him with ease. 
“You see that,” JJ smirks down at you, and you prop yourself up on your elbows to see the tip of his dick poking against your stomach. “That's it, princess,” he praises you before pushing down on your stomach, and you fall back, moaning, incapable of holding yourself up with the intense pleasure he's giving you.  “Give me my phone,” JJ orders and for a moment you have forgotten that Rafe is still there, still watching. He hands JJ his phone and J points the lense right at where you two are connected.  His free hand is back to rubbing torturously harsh circles on your clit, making you mewl and cry out.  “Cum for me, princess. Make me proud, baby,” JJ hums, and you let go of the tension. Screaming his name and squeezing his cock so hard that he cums almost instantly, pushing in farther and holding himself there until he's all done.  And once he's pulled out, he goes down on his knees before you, pointing the camera right at your pussy, clenching around nothing and pushing all his cum out of you and letting it drip down onto the rug. 
“What she do?” Rafe asks just as JJ comes back from the bathroom, a wet washcloth in his hand.  “Nothing,” JJ mutters while cleaning you up, but you can't move, not yet. Your legs feel like they are made of rubber and your mind is empty, only having enough capacity to listen to their words.  “Why'd you do this then?” Rafe points at your utterly fucked out state.  “Do I ask you why you do what you do? No. Just let it go,” JJ snaps at him and leaves for his room.  “You could at least change the fucking sheets!” Rafe yells after him, but it's no use. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” Rafe whispers and picks you up, holding you in his arms while you regain your strength.  “Frustrated,” you mumble and look at him with your glossy eyes.  “Maybank? Why?”  “Fight- Asshole-” you stammer, and he carries you out of the room and towards JJ’s.  “What did you do?” Rafe barks at JJ, your body still tightly wrapped around him.  “None of your fucking business,” JJ hisses.  “It fucking is when it ends with her losing all bodily capabilities, you ass,” Rafe yells, and you try to cover your ears, but it doesn't really help.  “He called her a whore, and he had to pay for it. I don't care what they say, but they don't get to insult her,” JJ explains harshly, and you start to slowly feel your toes again.  “Doesn't explain why you nearly fucked her into subdrop,” Rafe shakes his head and caresses your back. “You can't just do shit like that, and you know it.”  “She said she was okay with it.”  “She's a fucking people pleaser, asshole,” Rafe snaps, and you lift your head from his shoulder.  “Please stop,” you whisper, and he wipes a tear from your cheek.  “It's okay, baby,” Rafe whispers to you before turning back to JJ. “Don't let your fucking anger out on her without making sure she's alright.” “Noted,” JJ says, and you can practically hear him roll his eyes.  “Good, because you gotta aftercare the shit out of her now. I'm not cleaning up your messes, Maybank,” Rafe tells him and basically hands you to him as if you were nothing more than a puppet. 
“I'm sorry, love,” JJ whispers, placing you in the hot water and running his hand through his hair.  “S’okay,” you mumble and look up at him with a droopy smile.  “I'm gonna clean up, and then I'll be right with you, all right?” He kisses you gently and leaves again.  You think back to it, the moment he snapped. He looked like a different person, more like his dad in a way, and although you never even saw Luke Maybank up close, you know it’s true. You know the rumors are true. He didn't tell you, but in your heart you know it.  If his friends hadn't come, he wouldn't have stopped. If they hadn't showed up, the other guy would be dead. If it hadn't been for you, none of it would've happened.  It’s a rather quick spiral that you go down, and you can't stop yourself from crying, not even when JJ comes back and looks at you rather confused.  “Hey. Hey, pretty girl, don't cry. It's okay. You're okay. I'm here,” he tells you and pulls your head to his chest. But it doesn't help. You can't stop feeling like it was all your fault, all the pain in your life is your fault.  “Rafe!” JJ shouts, and it only takes a minute for him to run in.  “What you do now?”  “Nothing, I came back, and she's crying, and she won't stop,” JJ defends himself.  “Go. You seriously have no clue,” Rafe shakes his head and takes JJ's spot next to you. 
“What's wrong, baby,” Rafe whispers to you, holding your face in his big hands.  “It's my fault. I killed him. It's my fault,” you sob and he shakes his head.  “No, it's not. You know it's not,” Rafe assures you, but you're too far gone for it to work. “I did it. I killed him,” you cry and he clenches his jaw.  “Y/n, you didn't drive that car, it's not your fault. Please, listen to me,” Rafe pleads, but you shake your head, not wanting to believe him.  “Hey, hey, look at me,” he orders, and you turn your eyes back on him. “Three things you feel, name them.” “Pain. Tired. Sad,” you answer slowly.  “Four things you can touch.”  “Water, you, me, bathtub,” you reply a little faster and he nods.  “Five things you see,” Rafe whispers, and you look around in front of you. “Towel, shower, robe, painting-” your eyes get stuck on the blonde boy that is standing in the doorway of the bathroom, “JJ.”  Rafe snaps around to look at him. “I told you to leave!”  “What's wrong with her?” JJ asks quietly, and your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach.  “Leave!” Rafe yells, and it takes a moment for JJ to realize that it will have consequences if he doesn't. But Rafe had already turned back around to you, stroking your hair. “We should get you to bed, baby.”  He dries you up and puts you in a shirt of his to sleep in, before laying you down in your bed and turning off the lights. 
When you wake up, you're alone, and you decide to not get ready and just go downstairs the way you are. Before you can meet the boys in the kitchen you overhear them talking and stop in your tracks.  “That doesn't make sense,” JJ says.  “No shit. But that's just how it's been ever since. Your stupid fight triggered something, and the day is coming up in a week- It's a fucking minefield this time of year,” Rafe sighs.  “So we distract her?” JJ asks and Rafe scoffs.  “That's just delaying it. No, you just gotta stay with her and make sure she won't spiral. And when she does you have to keep telling her that it's not her fault, and pull her out of it. The naming thing always works,” Rafe replies.  “And what if it doesn't?”  “I don't know.” 
You turn the corner and pretend like you had just come down the stairs, walking straight to the coffee machine.  “How did you sleep?” Rafe asks with a smile.  “Alone,” you say and take your mug, nearly burning your tongue as you take a sip.  “I'm sorry, y/n, for yesterday and all,” JJ apologizes, but you just shrug.  “Shit happens.” Pretending to not care was easy, too easy.  “I’m gonna be at the office all day. You think you're gonna be all right?” Rafe asks and you nod.  “I don't know why we shouldn't be.” 
You spend your day training, not having done so in too long for your own liking. The water calms your mind and gives you enough time to reflect on your life choices.  You know Rafe is right. You know that it's not your fault. But the guilt you feel around it doesn't just vanish because of it. 
Later that day Rafe texts you that you're having dinner at the country club with his dad, meaning JJ isn't allowed to come.  “I'll just enjoy the view right now,” JJ smiles and watches you get dressed. The underwear set is new, and you can tell by the way he's looking at you that he wants nothing more than to take it off again.  “If it was my call,” you start, but he interjects.  “I know, but it isn't. Besides, I don't really give a shit about family dinners and all that fancy bullshit.”  “Sarah will be there, and John B,” you remind him, but he shrugs.  “So what?” “Have you talked to them at all in the last few weeks?” you ask and JJ rubs over the light stubble on his chin.  “They didn't reach out either.”  “They are your family though. That's what you told me,” you whisper. “I have a new family now. I have you,” JJ smiles and takes your dress from the clothing hanger.  “That's not enough, and you know it,” you say while stepping into the dress and letting him zip it up.  “It's enough for you,” he says, and you sigh, looking at him through the mirror in your closet. “But I'm a heartless bitch with more money than anyone else on this island. I don't need anything more, and if I did, I could just buy it.” Your fingers fumble with the necklace until JJ takes it from you and places it around your neck.  “I know there's a heart in there,” JJ says while holding you from behind, his right hand resting on top of your chest.  “Horrible. We should go get a knife and cut it out,” you whisper with a smile and he kisses your shoulder.  “You'd kill me if I said what I was thinking right now,” he mumbles against your skin and your heart stops for a moment, scared that he would say the dreaded words that you knew would definitely complicate your life even more. “Then you really shouldn't say it.”  “I should, but I won't,” he looks back up, leaning his head against yours, smiling. 
The dinner goes rather smoothly, although Sarah still gives you a side eye and once the Camerons are gone, John B asks how JJ is, but nothing more.  “Boring as ever,” you complain on the drive home.  “Glad he didn't ask when we're getting married,” Rafe exhales a laugh.  “Hmmm, let me think,” you tap your finger against your chin in a joking manner. “We can fuck them all over and just fly to Vegas right now.”  “Wouldn't be the worst idea we ever had,” he laughs and takes your hand up to kiss it just as he turns into your driveway.  “My mom expects a huge white wedding. At least a hundred guests,” you sigh while getting out of the car.  “We should start planning then,” Rafe grins at you, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your head.
“What happens to that one, once we get married?” Rafe asks you, pointing at JJ who is standing in the kitchen with nothing more than his boxers on.  “They should make this harem thing legal,” JJ says and shugs the rest of his drink.  “A harem is one guy with many women, dumbass,” you laugh.  “The opposite of that then,” JJ shrugs.  “Sure,” Rafe rolls his eyes at him and JJ flips him off.  “Sometimes I think you guys forget who's the boss around here,” you say and zip your dress open, letting it fall to the ground and walking upstairs. “First one up gets to start,” you call out and hear them arguing already. 
“Just because you're first, doesn't mean you know what you're doing,” JJ complains.  “Fine, you start then, genius,” Rafe scoffs, and you furrow your brows, it was unusual for Rafe to give in and let JJ do anything to you unless you specifically asked for it.  “What's the plan here, boys?” you ask with an anticipating smile on your lips.  JJ pulls you into his arms, kissing you deeply and pushing you against the bed. The backs of your knees hit the wood and you fall down.  “Just relax, gorgeous,” he muses and drops down on his knees before you, taking off your heels and letting his hands run up to your thighs. You sigh into it, the feeling of his fingers digging into your skin and the kisses he leaves on the inside of your thighs before unclasping the lace body right on top of your pussy.  JJ rolls the fabric up to reveal your stomach, kissing and nipping at your skin; biting your hip and making you jump in surprise. He loves to tease you, and you'd never tell him to stop, ever.  He comes up to kiss you, pushing the lace up even farther and helping you take it off completely. Kissing your neck and leaving marks you hear him chuckle, then his lips meet your ear, and he whispers, “you think he's taking any notes?”  Your eyes dart over to Rafe who has pulled a chair over and is watching you carefully. “Maybe,” you reply.  JJ hums, picking up his head to smile at you. “Hopefully.” 
JJ kisses down your neck, following along your collarbone and to your tits. He sucks on your nipple, grazing over it with his teeth before he pulls on it and your back arches up.  “Would be neglectful to not give you the same attention,” JJ says to your other tit, and you would tell him off if he wasn't squeezing your sensitive nipple right in that second. His hand is playing with your sore tit while his mouth attacks the other. It's overwhelming and perfect, and you don't see any reason to hold back. Your moans and gasps fill the room, and they continue on even once he has let off your boobs and moved downward again. He sucks hickeys into the soft skin of your thighs, making you mewl and squirm.  “Tell me what you want me to do to you, princess,” JJ demands, and you grasp into his hair to push his face into your clothed cunt. He blows a little against your wet slip, and you instinctively want to close your legs, but he holds them in place.  “You should let me take this pretty thing off first,” JJ smirks and you lift your hips. The tiny slip is off faster than you can say your own name. 
“Tastes so fucking sweet, baby,” JJ moans after licking over your wet pussy, his tongue dipping between your folds and torturing your clit a little.  “Hold on, princess,” JJ smirks up at you and your hand finds his hair, tugging on the fine strands as he plunges his tongue into your pussy. His nose presses against your clit, and with every stroke of his tongue, he edges you closer.  “More, JJ, please,” you moan, and he starts to suck on your clit while pushing his fingers into you. Curling them and sucking harsher, almost biting down on your clit, and you can't help but grind your hips against him. When his fingers come up to your face, and you lick them off, you already feel like you're about to explode.  “Cum on my tongue, baby,” JJ hums into you, licking long strides up your pussy before pressing his tongue flat against your entrance and rubbing his nose on your clit.  You keep rolling your hips and moaning his name as you come undone for him. His new technique isn't as good as the old one, but you're not one to complain about it. JJ gets up and wipes his face on a small towel that Rafe hands him, but you can't stop staring at the wet spot in his boxers.  “Again?” you ask JJ with a smile and he shrugs.  “Can't help it. You taste too good, baby.” 
You hold your hand out for Rafe after sitting up, and he takes and intertwines your fingers. He's still in his suit pants and shirt, looking down at you with a lustrous smile.  “You look really hot in this,” you whisper and nod, but your hands wander to the buttons, slowly opening the shirt until you can push it off his shoulders. His abs look so rideable to you, but you are still unsure if he'd let you once you ask.  “You're way hotter, baby. Next time I get to take off the fancy shit,” Rafe growls, his hand  cupping your tit, brushing his thumb over your tit, but his eyes shift towards JJ. “You understand?”  But JJ just holds his hands up in defense and sits down on the chair.  “Take the pants off, babe,” you pout at Rafe, and he slowly opens his belt, pulling it out and dropping it to the side. It was like he was doing a strip show for you, and you loved every second of it.  Rafe pushes you to lie down, your hands pinned over your head as he kisses you aggressively. His free hand gropes at your tit, and you lift your hips to press your wet cunt against his hard cock.  “Always so needy,” Rafe mocks you before going down on his knees between your legs.  He's aggressive and fast, sucking on your clit with so much pressure building that you are scared he's gonna rip it off. But your screams just turn him on even more. His tongue thrusts into you with a harsh pace, and you try to get away from him, but he's holding you in place.  “Curl it,” JJ says and Rafe listens, curling his tongue up and ripping an orgasm out of you in a matter of seconds. 
“J,” you pant and Rafe wants to get up, but you close your thighs around his head. “No, you stay. J, come here,” you tap the bed right next to your head. They do as you say, and while Rafe is eating you out another time, JJ is fucking your throat and praising you.  Before JJ can cum you pull him from your throat and pump his cock slower, trying to pace him just a bit. But when you look at the two boys, so helpless when it comes to your wants and needs, you can't help yourself.  With a quick move you have J’s dick back in your warm and wet mouth, swirling your tongue and hollowing your cheeks. Your hand is massaging his balls, and he throws his head back and fills your mouth with his salty cum. It feels so good, you cum instantly, creaming all over Rafe's pretty face.  “Definitely doing this again,” you sigh, falling flat into the bed and not planning on getting up anytime soon. 
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The engagement dinner is jarring and the only reason you can get through it is, because Rafe keeps reminding you that it'll be over soon, his hand resting on your thigh the whole night. 
But the engagement party, the weekend after is fun, is actually fun.  You invited everyone you knew, including JJ's friends and Barry, who you hadn't talked to in ages. You spend the first half of the night tightly wrapped in Rafe's arm, smiling and laughing at some things his friends say.  Sitting on the couch on Rafe's lap you let your eyes wander, and they get stuck on JJ who is visibly uncomfortable while nipping on his beer.  “Maybe a blowjob will lighten his mood,” you whisper to Rafe, but he shakes his head.  “No, but honesty might.”  “What do you mean?” you ask and look at your, now, fiancée.  “I mean, he's been miserable and fighting it ever since we brought up that this would be happening. Not like you have much of a choice anyway,” Rafe shrugs lightly and runs his hand over your back.  “How do you know he's miserable?” you wonder, eyeing your boyfriend across the room.  “Because I use my eyes, and to be fair, I'd be pouting too if you wanted to marry him instead of me.”  “And what am I supposed to tell him? He knows I don't have a choice if I wanna keep the company,” you sigh.  “The truth. That you love him,” Rafe whispers and kisses your cheek.  “You can't know that,” you shake your head and he laughs.  “I see the way you two look at each other. I love you so much baby, but you've never looked at me like that.” “That doesn't mean anything,” you fight his words, not wanting him to be right about it.  “I mean, you can try it with the blowjob, but I think the truth would be better,” Rafe smiles and slaps your ass, signaling you to get up. 
You're dragging your feet walking over to JJ. “Look at that, a Pogue in a Kook mansion,” you tease with a smile.  “Hey,” he mumbles without looking at you.  “You okay?” you whisper and he nods, avoiding your eyes.  “Why shouldn't I be?” “Because you've been avoiding me all day.” You reach out your hand to hold onto his and as soon as your delicate fingers close around his, he stares at you. Pain filled blue eyes and a merely unnoticeable tremble on his lip.  “Do I have to be happy about it? You want me to be happy about the fact that you're leaving me?” he hisses at you, but you feel like a weight is lifted off you, a soft smile tugging at your lips.  “Come on, I need to tell you something,” you whisper and lead him upstairs to your bedroom, unlocking the door and stepping inside. 
“Why did you bring me here?” JJ asks, his hand is holding onto the bottle for dear life. “Sit with me,” you say and place yourself at the edge of the bed. He follows reluctantly, yet again avoiding to even look at you.  “JJ, I'm not leaving you,” you whisper and he scoffs. “Sure you aren't.” “I'm serious, J. Just because I have to marry Rafe, doesn't mean anything changes between us.”  “Sure it won't, until you want to have kids, and then it's no longer appropriate,” he mutters, and you don't know how to convince him. Maybe Rafe was right with his assumption about him, about you. But the thought of it is debilitating.  “When I have kids they will have my name, JJ. Do you not want kids?” you ask and he sighs.  “I don't just want any kids, y/n, I want your kids,” he whispers and turns to look at you.  “Why would you think I'll leave you then?”  “Because you are marrying Rafe. Starting a family with Rafe. Just like the plan was. I'm nowhere close to being part of that picture,” he talks himself down, and you really have no more words left inside you. 
You take his face into your hands and kiss him. Your heart is racing while looking at him and your throat feels dry, but you know you have to do it. And you know Rafe is right, you've known it ever since you let JJ compromise your thoughts from the very first time.  “I love you, JJ,” you whisper, and his eyes go wide.  “You sure?” he asks and as soon as you nod he pins you down onto the bed and starts kissing you. Your giggles and the soft attempts to get away from him are making it even better, until he has you pinned right where he wants you, and you are panting, looking up at him.  “You're so beautiful, y/n,” JJ whispers, diving down to kiss you, sloppy and with a smile on both your lips.  “We should go back down,” you whisper and he shakes his head.  “Not yet.” “They might be looking for us and I don't-”  You don't get to finish your sentence when his lips find yours again. He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and entangles his tongue with yours until you moan into him.  “I love you, y/n,” JJ whispers, and nuzzles his face into your neck. 
And before you can think twice about it, your little make out session has turned into the best sex you've ever had with him. JJ is sitting under you as you softly roll your hips. He's buried so deep into you that every miniscule move is sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. His hands are rubbing over your hips and ass in a perpetual motion, while yours play with his hair.  You think you could stay like this forever, just you and him in perfect synchrony; in love.  And the only time his eyes leave yours is when he dips his head to suck on your tits, or kiss your neck.  When he turns you around to lie down and thrusts into you, it's like he's fucking you for the first time. A plethora of praises and a dozen more “I love you’s” fall from his lips while all you can do is moan and babble incoherently about how much you love him too. 
When you find your way back downstairs, after what felt like an eternity, his arms are wrapped around you. JJ is himself again, flirty and always joking, and so incredibly more touchy than before.  “I see you made up,” Rafe smiles and holds his hand out, for you to take your seat back on his lap.  “Excuse me, you had her all night,” JJ complains and pulls you away, just to sit down right next to Rafe and let you kiss him like you had wanted to.  “No more trouble in paradise?” Rafe whispers to you and you shake your head.  “I love my boys,” you sigh.  “And I thought you went with the blowjob,” Rafe teases you and you roll your eyes.  “I could've gotten a blowjob?” JJ gasps quietly and softly pinches your thigh.  “You get those all the time, dumbass,” you giggle, and he smiles at you, completely enamored by your whole being.  “To think I get to be this lucky just because I couldn't stop staring at your tits, princess,” JJ whispers.  “Pretty nice tits,” Rafe agrees with a mumble.  “Pretty nice dicks,” you giggle and cuddle into JJ, bathing in the newfound closeness and in your mind you're already planning it all out; the kids, the dog, and the two loves of your life. 
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taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart
185 notes · View notes
abookloverlmao · 6 months
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Summary: save my life and i'll save yours, pretty boy. In the coastal paradise of Outer Banks, Y/N teeters on the edge of the rooftop in socks, drowning in despair, and there's Papa JJ appearing in her life like an angel.
"'Cause it's too cold for you here and now, so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater."
Warning: female!reader, triggering themes (mental health struggles, including references to self-harm, depression, or suicidal thoughts and acts), alcohol, drug, weed, swearing, etc., this will angsty as shit and fluffy, do not read if you don't want to! you have been warned, let me know what you think!
JJ has no idea that he had saved a life.
well, he never believed such a thing, never believed that he was this special to think twice that the person he saved will do anything to pay him back.
And that person was Y/N, the girl in socks on the roof of a building, a tall one.
It was a summer night, the night of the Fourth of July, an hour away from the fireworks starting and here was the handsome blond walking out of the store with few beers and snacks with Sarah Cameron by his side.
Yelling echoed around the neighborhood, and the two blondes turned towards the sound, a man running after a very gorgeous girl in shorts, a top and some socks.
No flipflops, or sandals, just black socks, running down the streets and busy looking behind to notice JJ and Sarah standing there watching in pure confusion until she bumped at him.
"YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH COME BACK HERE!" The man yelled and Y/N picked up the bags of snacks he held, apologizing and handing them to him in panic.
Eyes wide with tears covering them, wild hair like she was electrocuted, chest going up and down rapidly, she met Sarah's eyes and shot her the most heartbreaking smile.
"I am so sorry," she turned to JJ, meeting his pretty eyes that watched hers in concern, god she was beautiful, he has never seen someone this gorgeous even in the state of panic.
Before he could even open his mouth to respond, she continued running, she was very fast, legs moving in a speed of light, everytime her feet landed on the ground, pain rushed through her veins.
Adrenaline pumping, the summer night breeze slapping her cheeks left and right, she could feel Sarah Cameron's eyes on hers and the handsome boy whom she bumped into.
As they climbed the Twinkie, JJ's mind not once left the girl who disappeared five minutes ago, he knew who she was, well... he saw her in a few parties, standing there with a drink in hand talking to one pogue mostly.
"I feel like I saw her before," he whispered turning to Sarah who watched in slight worry as the man ran past them with so much hatred in his eyes, a murderous look that scared her.
"That's Y/N, sweetest Kook with apparently a rough life," she replied wincing as another curse left Mister L/N's lips, a frown on her face, JJ's hand was on the steering wheel, feeling a sudden protectiveness towards the girl who bumped into him.
It looked like she had a rough life, especially when she was running in only socks with a man chasing behind her, his eyebrows almost touched and he watched the man in disgust.
He reminded him of his dad... but oh he didn't know that he was basically his dad's twin brother.
"God I hope she doesn't get caught by Mister L/N," she whispered in worry, guilt eating her alive and once JJ started to drive, he looked around in hope to find her.
"It's the fourth of July..." spoke Sarah again, and his mind went back  to Y/N's eyes... brimmed with tears reminded him so much of his, he really wanted to know the reason why she was in that state.
And the second time he saw her was on the roof of a building, John B has sent him again to buy fireworks to light on the beach, but then something caught his eyes.
The moonlight shone down on her, black shorts, white top, hair flying everywhere thanks to the wind, black socks, she stood on the edge of the roof staring ahead, the moonlight kissing her skin and making hear tear glisten like diamonds, what the fuck.
Without thinking twice, he sprinted up the stairs, ignoring that it was a building with people living in it, rich people that would knsult him idf they saw him in, he raced up the stairs, boots clapping against the ground as he grabbed the railing for support trying not to trip
He never ran so fast, worry ate him alive as he ran in the speed of light.
Opening the door to the roof with all his force he rushed to the girl just as her feet lifted and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back to his chest.
She gasped in surprise, her tear-streaked face turning towards him. For a moment, time stood still as their eyes locked. JJ could feel the rapid thumping of her heart against his chest, matching the adrenaline rushing through his own veins.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and relief, he turned her around and watched as she looked into his eyes, body shaking with a combination of fear and exhaustion.
"You don't have to do this. You're not alone."
She studier him with glossy eyes, watched as he pushed away her hair from her wet cheeks and cupped her cheeks as if he knew her for years.
At his words she collapsed in his arms, clinging to him tightly, as if holding on for dear life, he wrapped his arms around her as tightly and ran his hand down her hair.
He wasn't used to giving hugs, felt awkward when someone gave him one ir he did, but he hugged her, the weight of her struggles and pain was palpable, and in that moment, JJ understood that there was so much more to her story than what he had glimpsed before.
"Grab my hand," she did as told, hand trembling as he gently guided her away from the edge, leading her to a safer spot on the rooftop.
She slipped down the wall, wrapping her arms around herself tightly ss the breeze got rough, then JJ sat beside her, forgetting his task and what he was supposed to buy.
They sat down together, the distant sounds of fireworks starting to fill the night sky, but not the Outer Banks yet, in 10 minutes, JJ's heart raced as he tried to find the right words to say, wanting to offer comfort and support to this girl he barely knew.
He turned to her, taking off his red hat and ruffling his blond hair, "sup, I'm JJ," he finally said, his voice soft but steady and she chuckled at his words, "And you...you don't have to face this alone. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude, she sniffled, wiping away the tears that continued to stream down her cheeks.
"Sup, I'm Y/N..." she whispered, her voice barely audible as she pulled her knees closer to her body, staying silent for a minute gnawing at her lower lip, she spoke again, "Thank you, for saving my life and...being there when no one else was."
JJ's heart ached at her words. He couldn't fathom how someone as beautiful and kind-hearted as Y/N could feel so alone and unloved.
He pulled out the lighter and played with it for a few seconds, "I don't know what you've been through, but I want you to know that Papa J, is here for you, no matter what. You deserve to be surrounded by people who care about you."
Y/N's eyes welled up with tears once again, but this time they were tears of relief mixed with a glimmer of hope. She had never expected a chance encounter with JJ to lead to this moment of genuine connection and understanding.
But she blinked away the tears and smiled at him brightly, sitting by his side, her shoulder pressed to his as they stared ahead, "I'll make sure to keep that in mind, Thank you, Papa J," a smile that showed his dimples appeared and she felt herself go warm.
"You know what will make you feel better?" He suddenly spoke standing up and slapping his butt to get rid of the dirt, she looked up at him in confusion, wondering what will make her feel better.
JJ smiled down at her brightly like a Cheshire cat, "light some fireworks on the beach, smoke weed, drink beers," he suggested putting his hand in front if her to take.
She stared at his hands for a hot second, glancing at the edge of the roof that she almost fell from and then back at him, she never drank alcohol or even had a puff of smoke, breaking the rules sounded like a good idea at the moment.
"why not." She put her hand on top of his watching him hold it carefully, gently, his rings cold and sending a shiver down her spine.
He lifted her and glanced down at the socks, "damn don't your feet hurt?" She laughed softly and followed his eyes down, "they are hurting now, like a bitch." He nodded in response and they walked towards the stairs, hand still in hers.
Her eyes went back to the edge of the roof again, but JJ blocked her path and pushed the door for her, "after you, be careful not to slip, I almost did with my damn boots." She rolled her eyes but grinned at him.
"You're the clumsy one."  She replied making him roll his eyes and gasp dramatically, pretending to faint while doing so, it made her laugh.
She had a gorgeous laugh, contagious that it made him laugh as well, he wondered why a girl like her would even think of trying to leave this world.
He wanted to ask, but no. This wasn't the right moment.
He handed her his scandals (which led to her saying that his feet were bigger than her face) and called John B to apologize and explain what happened while she was looking for slushy flavors.
Then they went to the beach, watched the fireworks, drank beers, and shared weed, one after the other, placing her lips right where his were, he taught her basic surf tricks, and he did everything to make her forget about the troubles filling her mind.
And it worked.
They laughed, and they talked for hours, sharing stories, dreams, and even their deepest fears, water was reaching her thighs as she watched the colorful explosions in the night sky.
She was high and watching the sky have multicolor stars with so much awe, her eyes glossy and her hand waving underwater, and JJ admired.
Every single feature, the way she watched the fireworks and stood by his side, hair wild and crazy, speaking her mind in a way he never thought anyone would do so, wearing only her bikini top and shorts.
How can a person high till cloud 9 speak like that? He thought, "I mean, that's the thing, Lana Del Rey once said..." She put her finger up, swallowing, "Live fast, die young, be wild, and have fun. That’s my motto, but my dad did everything to not give me my freedom, everything, and believe it or not this is the first time I felt happy."
JJ knew what it was like, it was the same for him, his dad was a fucking asshole and everyone knew it, they all blamed that man's crime on him, and he hated that she had the same problems.
"I think we need to get out, you're way too high baby," he spoke with a laugh grabbing her waist and starting to make his way out of the water.
"oh come on I'm trying to be emotional here! Wait- did you just call me baby?" she asked grabbing his wrist, slurring over her words.
JJ chuckled, his heart warming at Y/N's playful reaction. He had been so caught up in the moment that he had let slip a term of endearment without even realizing it.
But now, with her intoxicated state bringing out her candidness, he found himself unable to hide his smile.
"Yeah, I did call you baby," he replied, his voice teasing, "It just slipped out. But you know what? I think it suits you."
Y/N's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and amusement crossing her face. "Oh really? And why is that?" he couldn't respond instead raised his eyebrow at her, showing his cute dimples that made her smile even more brightly.
"I will not tell you." and next thing he knew she pulled him deeper in the water and pulled him along, pushing him with her in, his hand wrapped around her waist to not lose her and water surrounded them.
them swimming around one another, the light coming from the moon and fireworks the only thing brightening their surroundings, all euphoric. As their eyes locked underwater, JJ felt a surge of anticipation, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them suspended in the watery depths.
They swam closer and closer, her hair moving around her like a mermaid, he watched as the multicolor lights flashing kissed her skin, eyes twinkling like pearls.
As they swam closer, their bodies gracefully gliding through the liquid medium, time seemed to slow down. Every movement, every touch, was heightened by the magical atmosphere surrounding them. The water embraced them, caressing their skin and amplifying the intensity of their connection.
Y/N has never seen such a beautiful person like JJ, his blonde hair shimmered like strands of liquid gold, framing his face in a way that accentuated his angelic features, ocean eyes watching her in a way no one did, it made her blood run hot even underwater, his muscles twitching as he moved.
God, he was beautiful....
He was angel. That's it, he was an angel sent from heaven to save her from the roof and make her life worth living for.
Their faces drew closer, the space between them narrowing with each passing second, but just as her lips were about to brush against his, doubt crept into JJ's mind. 
He hesitated, like he always did, his thoughts momentarily overpowering the weird feelings he felt in that moment. He withdrew slightly, his hand releasing its grip on her waist.
His wide eyes met hers, and for a moment, the silence between them was deafening, she hesitated as well, confused as to why he did in the first place, but never going to question it.
Maybe he didn't feel comfortable, she thought, JJ's mind raced, questioning the wisdom of his decision, too risky, she's high and probably won't remember by tomorrow- JJ calm the fuck down.
He hated himself for hesitating but he had no choice, she grabbed his shirt and swam back up with him to the surface, JJ followed, cursing himself for letting his doubts cloud the moment, for allowing fear to guide his actions. 
But deep down, he knew he couldn't ignore the nagging thoughts that had caused him to retreat.
Y/N, for her part, seemed to accept the situation without questioning it. Her silence spoke volumes, leaving JJ with a mix of relief and regret, as they resurfaced, the world above the water greeted them with its own set of distractions. 
The sounds of laughter and music filled the air, the festivities of the night continuing as if nothing had happened below the surface. Y/N's wide eyes met his again, searching for answers that he couldn't provide.
JJ gave her a weak smile and her, perceptive as ever, returned his smile with a gentle nod, and just before she started to swim back to land, he spoke with a high pitched voice to not make her go.
"me and my friend want to become Kooks, looking for gold, anything that will make us rich, when this world will become gentle with us, I'm gonna get a new board. I'm gonna deck it out, and I'm gonna go on a surf trip. Ride, whatever the waves take you, you know?" he said watching her stop and turn back around.
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she listened to his plans, his determination shining through despite the uncertainties of their current moment.
Dreams do save lives after all.
"Do you have your passport, pretty boy?" she asked with a laugh at his determination, it made his hammering heart slow down, and relief wash over him as he thought she was mad at him at first.
"Hell no, I don't got a passport, Kookiest thing ever." he replied making her laugh even harder, throwing her head back and staring at the sky, her laughter echoing through the water and bringing a sense of lightheartedness to their conversation.
“You definitely should do that, that’s a real dream, surf trip, I believe in you,” she said with a chuckle, starting to swim towards the rock where they kept their stuff hidden just in case someone might steal them, gesturing him to come along.
“you’re saying that like I will do it alone,” he said lifting himself up and out of the water, wrapping the towel he had in the Twinkie around her and grabbing his stuff, “well you will do it with your friends, not alone,” she replied wrapping the towel tighter around her, putting on her sandals.
JJ grabbed their stuff and walked out of the rock, offering his hand so she wouldn’t slip, “and you,” he replied making her smile and glance back at him, "me? So I'm a Pogue now?" she asked teasingly ruffling her hair with the towel.
"Well, I am your friend, you like adventure, saving animals and the sea, you don't hate us, I think you are born a Pogue, besides we could really use your help to become rich," he said shrugging while opening the door to the van.
washing her feet to get rid of the sand she climbed in the passenger seat, towel still tight around her, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Well, if being a Pogue means embarking on thrilling escapades with you and running from cops, count me in," she said, her voice filled with excitement.
and she did become one, helped them find the gold by stealing maps from her father's office, and became a sister to almost everyone, Kiara didn't trust her which was fine, but she didn't hate her either.
Besides she understood what it was like, JJ had stayed by her side for the rest of the time, she was on his, she saved him in many ways, the jacuzzi night, she held him, they ran from cops, she stole for him, for them, got in trouble as well and she was loyal.
That way she cried with him that night when she found out what Luke did to him was the same thing her father did to her, cried with him, and held him at the same time, they were both broken after all.
The night she tried to end her life was the night she met JJ Maybank and he saved her in every way a person can be saved, she stayed the night in John B's house, on the couch, her head to JJ's.
everyone was already asleep, both of them damp after their night swim.
"I see you," he suddenly whispered, the light buzzing from god knows where filling the silence along with the crickets, for a second he thought she had fallen asleep since no answer came from her, "and?" she asked a hot minute, tilting her to the side.
His scent filled her nostrils and made her tensed shoulders relax instantly, "you wouldn't have jumped." he replied staring at the ceiling, his blonde hair falling over his eyes.
JJ's whispered words hung in the air, the weight of their meaning sinking in. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she processed his statement, his words cut through the darkness, reaching deep into her soul, and touching upon a truth that she had kept hidden for so long.
"God knows what would've happened if you weren't there," she whispered staring at the ceiling with tears blurring her vision, she played with the shell charm of his bracelet.
"but I'm glad it was you," her voice was barely above a whisper, but he heard it, and when he spoke his voice was as soft as a feather, "I'm glad too," he had said and then she felt her blood run hot, cheeks turning rosy.
and with that, they both fell asleep, her finger hooked around his bracelet and his finger drew patterns, their faces so close at the edge of the couch, her head to the right and his to the left, noses almost bumping.
Their breaths synchronized, her scent mixing with his creating the most intoxicating perfume that ever existed, peace washing over them as they slept close to one another, safe from any trouble.
They fell in love, and they hesitated to tell one another, like the night they hesitated to kiss, there was a palpable tension that's for sure, even the blind could sense it.
But the day she realized that one day she will stop hesitating was in the boat when he fell off it.
He whispered and Y/N walked away with JJ following behind her, a man suddenly appeared in front of her making her call out for the pretty blonde, "JJ..." "of course, there's more of you..." he said pulling out a machete, "get down on your knees," he ordered and JJ grabbed the girl by the waist pulling her back as soon as the man stepped towards her. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." with that, he charged at the girl who ducked immediately, JJ punched the man and pinned his arm, and Y/N kicked him right in the crotch before with the door to the emergency power locker supply.
Y/N ran towards the railing calling out for the Routledge boy, "JOHN B!" she yelled not even noticing the man approaching her from behind, JJ's eyes widened in horror as he called out for the girl.
"Y/N!" she turned around, eyes on the weapon that went flying towards her, she moved away but it sliced her arm making her wince in pain, "Y/N!" he called again in worry.
Eberhimi lifted his machete and JJ caught his wrist, grabbing him from behind, and elbowing the younger boy in the stomach, he swung at Y/N who caught his wrist and grabbed her collar, her head went to the side and the end of the weapon went right to JJ.
Her eyes widened in terror as JJ fell off the boat into the water, she bit Eberhimi's wrist before grabbing the hand that held the machete, twisting it, and she slammed his head against the glass before the wall.
And with that, he fell to the ground unconscious, Y/N ran towards the edge and called out for JJ whose face was on the water, "JJ!" she called loud enough for Outer Banks to hear.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the boy, she climbed the edge and her demons immediately consumed her, panic gripped her as memories of her own pain and struggles flooded her mind, the night she was standing on the edge.
the same feeling she felt during the fourth of July threatening to overwhelm her, she didn't do it, yet here she is standing on the edge once again.
But she knew she couldn't let fear paralyze her. She had to act. She will step off the edge, god she hoped the water wouldn't turn to solid rocks and kill her immediately, as a payback for not doing it that night
Either you face it or JJ dies. she thought.
With her heart pounding and her mind filled with a mixture of terror and determination, Y/N took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly before stepping off the edge. 
The air rushed past her, and for a split second, she felt weightless, suspended between the fear of the unknown and the hope for a different outcome.
As she descended towards the water, her mind raced with thoughts of what awaited her below. Would the water be a lifeline, cradling her safely in its embrace? Or would it become a cruel reminder, punishing her for the choice she didn't make before?
It was too deep, way too deep, she wasn't that good at swimming either, her feet touched the sand for fuck's sake that night because she was scared!
"JJ!" she screamed swimming towards him, turning the boy around she wrapped her arm around his waist, trying to keep them both afloat. 
Her heart was racing as she struggled to keep her head above water, tried to fight her own demons that gripped her hair, feet, and everywhere and pulled her, "Please wake up JJ," she pleaded, her voice choked with tears and water that started filling her lungs, "I need you." she begged.
"JJ, stay with me." she called pushing his pretty blonde hair out of his face as she slapped his cheek gently, "J, please. Please!" she exclaimed louder this time.
Y/N's arms were growing tired, and she was struggling to keep JJ's head above water, his entire body leaned against hers desperately.
She could feel herself slowly drowning, but she refused to let go of him. Kicking and trashing around, moving her legs in fast motions, looked nothing like swimming, but kept her head a little above. She moved her legs around at a rapid speed to keep them both afloat, her heart was pounding in her chest, and she was gasping for air, her eyes burning from the salty water.
"Hang on, JJ," she said, her voice shaking. "We'll make it through this together." Despite her fear and exhaustion, Y/N continued to fight, determined not to let JJ go.
she leaned her head against his, his entire head leaning on her shoulder, "John B's coming, John B's coming." she whispered hoping he could hear her, mostly to herself, so she doesn't give up and let her demons take her.
The world really was against her huh?
Y/N was growing weaker by the second, her arms and legs were aching, and she could feel her muscles going numb. 
She slowly leaned back, her eyes growing heavy as she struggled to stay conscious, "JJ," she called his name a thousand times, her voice barely above a whisper, "Stay with me, please." 
Y/N knew she was fighting a losing battle, she did everything she could to stay awake and not let the water take her. 
She squeezed him tightly, feeling his body grow heavier in her arms, despite the pain and exhaustion trying to take over, and dominate, she stayed awake until help arrived.
until John B. arrived.
Y/N's lungs were burning, and she could feel the water going into her mouth as she called out for help.
"Help!" she shouted, her voice hoarse, "Please, John B help us!" she could feel herself slipping away, her body growing numb as the water enveloped her. 
She coughed and sputtered, the taste of salt water filling her mouth, but even as she struggled to breathe, she refused to let go of JJ.
She held him tightly, her arm wrapped around him so tightly, doing everything she could to keep him above water, even pushing him slightly above her even if it resulted in her being underwater.
"Hang on, JJ," she said, her voice shaking, "Just a little longer. John B is coming." Despite the overwhelming odds against her, Y/N continued to fight, her legs moving rapidly as if she never swam in her entire life, determined to stay alive for JJ's sake.
Y/N sobbed against JJ's neck, her tears mixing with the salt water, "I'm sorry," she said, her voice trembling from the cold and fear, "I'm sorry. I should've been hit." 
She felt guilty and responsible for JJ's injuries, and the weight of it was unbearable. 
The water felt like it had hands, pulling her down and dragging her away from JJ. But she clung to him, her grip growing tighter as she fought against the current. 
Soon enough, John B appeared and the pogues called out for their friend, "NO! No! No!" exclaimed John B stopping the boat and reaching for his best friend, his brother, and his family.
Y/N couldn't hear her friends calling out for her. She was lost in her own world, struggling to keep her head above water.
As soon as she felt JJ's weight slip away from her, safe and in the arms of her best friend, she let the water take her. 
She felt herself sinking deeper and deeper, the darkness closing in all around her.
It wasn't until she felt the strong hands of Sarah, John B, Pope, and Kiara grabbing her and lifting her from under the water that she opened her eyes, gasping for air. 
She clung to them tightly, using their strength to lift herself up and out of the water. She was shaking and disoriented, but she was alive.
 "Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "Thank you for saving me." with that, she looked around for JJ, and her heart sank to her stomach when she saw him lying motionless in the lifeboat.
She crawled towards him, her hands shaking as she reached out to slap his cheek, "Wake up, JJ," she pleaded, her voice choked with emotion.
"Please, wake up!" But JJ remained still, and Y/N felt a sense of panic rising in her chest, no, he can't die. 
she knew that she had to do something to help him, so she began slapping his chest, trying to get the water out of his lungs, her friends surrounded her with worry and fear rushing through their veins.
Only Y/N calling and begging him to wake up boomed around them. "Come on, JJ, you can do this. Get up!" she said, her voice quivering badly, she was always a tough person with no fear in her eyes, and now they could see the pure anger and worry in them.
"Don't leave me like this." Y/N continued to work on JJ, refusing to give up even as her arms were limp and her eyes were blurry.
JJ suddenly sat up, coughing and spluttering, water coming out of his mouth.
He looked around, disoriented, and saw John B smiling down at him, "Welcome to the land of the living, dude," John B said, his voice filled with relief. "No CPR needed, huh?"
He didn't respond, instead, his eyes landed on Y/N's hand on his chest, and then on her tear-streaked face.
 He sat up, feeling the weight of what had just happened hit him, his tensed muscles dropped at the sight of her like this, "Hi," she greeted, her voice hoarse and filled with relief.
"'sup?" he added teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.
Everyone laughed, and Y/N smacked him before pulling his head towards her chest and hugging him tightly. 
She cried silently and kissed his forehead repeatedly, whispering, "Oh, darling, oh JJ, I thought I lost you."
JJ hugged her back, burying his head in the crook of her neck, "I'm here," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." He held her tightly, feeling her warmth and her love envelop him.
For a moment, everything else faded away, and all that mattered was Y/N and JJ, together and alive, that was also the day they both realized they were really in love.
"What the hell happened?" JJ asked, reaching to touch his wound, but Y/N slapped his hand away, replacing it with a piece of fabric.
"The blunt end of a machete," replied Cleo, her voice filled with concern, "Machete?" JJ asked a hint of pride in his voice, "The blunt end. Next time, duck," Y/N said, nodding at Cleo before turning to glare at JJ.
JJ chuckled, wincing slightly at the pain in his side. "I'll try to remember that next time," he said, his voice laced with humor, "Thanks for the save, Y/N."
Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "You saved me, I save you," she said, her eyes softening as she looked at JJ, "I couldn't let anything happen to your dumbass."
JJ smirked, but then he suddenly fainted dramatically, his body falling back onto the boat.
Y/N gasped and rushed to his side, checking his wounds, "JJ, JJ, are you okay?" she asked, her voice full of worry, suddenly, JJ's eyes snapped open, and he grinned up at her. "Gotcha," he said, laughing.
Y/N rolled her eyes in vexation, but she couldn't help but smile, "You're such a drama queen," she said, shaking her head in amusement.
JJ sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in his side, "What can I say?" he said, his voice filled with humor. "I like to keep you on your toes." she looked at JJ in pure annoyance, raising an eyebrow, "I can throw you back, you know," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.
JJ grinned, knowing full well that she would never actually do it. "You won't," he said, his voice teasing.
But then Y/N gave him a glare that made him wince. "You won't, right?" he asked, suddenly unsure, "if you annoy me, then I will." 
A/N: this might be one of the most beautiful things I've written along with Fairytale, my Kaz Brekker book which you can check out on Wattpad, my account is: KazBrekker090!
I am in love with JJ, that is it, took a while for me to finish this so please do comment what you think and whether I should write a Part 2 where they kiss? Request anything you wish by the way! and thank you!
Like and comment pls!
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thatbloodymuggle · 3 months
SUMMARY: in a world where everyone has a predetermined match, JJ Maybank and Y/N Montgomery want nothing to do with theirs. it has to be a cruel joke; the universe forcing two people to love each other when they don’t know how.
PAIRING: jj maybank x reader / soulmate au
WARNINGS: smut, mirror sex, choking, oral (m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, choking, slight humiliation kink
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“What a great match, Georgie! That last cross-court shot was just picture perfect,” Clyde Montgomery praised his youngest daughter as he swirled the celery stick around his bloody mary. 
You feigned a smile beside your mother, resisting the urge to slump over in your seat and nod off. You hadn’t slept more than 4 hours the previous night, and Georgia’s post-tournament club dinner was the last place you wanted to be on the island. But you knew you had to uphold your end of the deal with your father, and that meant pretending to be invested in the 13-year-old brat’s success. Still, you struggled to keep your eyes open. You hadn’t been able to sleep for the past few nights; ever since JJ’s visit. 
Your gut twisted at the thought of that night, and despite the time passed over the past few days, the sensation hadn’t subsided. You had seen a side of JJ you never imagined existed. His vulnerability, and the ease with which you provided him comfort, terrified you. It scared you shitless, and each night since then, you found yourself restless thinking about it. His radio silence certainly contributed to your anxiety, as he had left before you woke up and hadn’t texted you since.
Needless to say, you were not in the mood to hear your family drone on and on about frivolous things. You found yourself subconsciously passing the time by watching the condensation drip down your glass of water and peering around the restaurant, a small part of you hoping to catch sight of his tousled blond hair. You knew he picked up shifts on Saturdays, and you hated that you knew that. 
“Y/N,” your father’s stern voice snapped you from your train of thought and you jolted in your seat. His eyebrow was raised expectantly and all eyes were trained on you.
“Yes, sir?," you stumbled.
He sighed, exasperated, and ran a hand down his face, “I asked what you’ll be having. You need to be more aware of your surroundings.”
You flushed and your eyes jumped to the menu which you had yet to look over, “Oh, um, I guess I’ll get a club sandwich.”
“Why don’t you get the fig salad?” Margaret Montgomery’s voice cut through the air like a knife, “The dress you picked out for Midsummers was a tight squeeze when you tried it on, and I’m not getting you another one.”
You flushed as your sisters snickered at your mother’s pointed insult. You pursed your lips and slumped in your seat with a nod, trying your best to swallow down the lump in your throat. It was at that moment that you caught sight of the dirty blond hair you’d been keeping an eye out for all day. His eyes shot to yours and you held his gaze for a fleeting moment before looking back down at the condensation on your water glass.
The sharp stabbing pain of embarrassment from your mother’s comment muddled with the influx of emotions his presence brought was overwhelming. Your hands were clammy, and your leg shook with anxiety. You jumped abruptly from your seat and barely excused yourself before walking as fast as you could to the nearest bathroom. Your heart pounded and you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you made it inside the single stall bathroom, slamming the door shut behind you. 
You turned on the faucet and ran your hands underneath the water. Your shoulders relaxed as you drank in the relaxing sensation and focused on the coolness of the water.
You leaned your elbows against the counter and shut off the flow of water after a minute or so. Your dripping hands lay limp over the sink as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You frowned as you studied the bags under your eyes and the pimple erupting on your chin.
A sharp knock sounded on the door.
"Occupied," you called as you continued your self-scrutiny. 
The knock sounded again, and your brows furrowed in annoyance, "I said occupied!"
The sharp knock turned into a banging, shaking the door at its hinges. You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists against the counter. With a huff of frustration, you swung the door open, ready to give the nuisance a piece of your mind. Your glaring eyes narrowed as they met a familiar set of devilish blues. 
"What the hell are you doing?" you hissed. You stumbled back as you were met with a soft, but forceful shove inside.
JJ swung the door shut behind him and locked it in one swift motion. 
"Someone's gonna see you, you can't just--" he cut off your rambling by pulling you flush against him and crashing his lips onto yours.
You tensed in shock at his brazenness. He pushed your back against the wall, and you let your eyes flutter shut, melting into the kiss. His lips were rough against yours, and you found yourself drunk on the feeling as they moved in sync. Your eyes shot open as he abruptly pulled away and began trailing kisses down the side of your neck. You gasped as he pushed the strap of your tank top aside and sucked harshly on the junction of your collarbone. 
"We can't do this here," you squeaked.
He ignored you and wrapped his arms around your thighs, roughly picking you up and sitting you on the counter of the sink. He nudged his thigh between your knees, forcing them apart. 
"We're gonna get caught," you weakly protested.
JJ let out a groan of irritation against your skin. He dug his blunt nails into the soft skin of your inner thigh, and you jumped.
"Do you ever shut up?" his nose trailed up behind your ear, and the tickle of his voice made you shiver. Your breath hitched as he moved his hand underneath your skirt and toyed with the edge of your panties, "The only way we're getting caught is if you keep running your mouth."
You bristled at his condescending tone, but couldn't stop yourself from lurching forward and closing the gap between them, reconnecting your lips once more. He curled his fingers underneath the band of your panties and pulled it back before letting it snap back against your skin. You gasped at the stinging sensation, and he used the opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth, deepening the kiss. 
Desperate to take back control, you shoved at his chest, and JJ stumbled back in surprise. You swiftly flipped him so he was leaning against the counter as you reattached your lips to his. JJ groaned as you reached between down and unbuttoned his khaki shorts. He reached down to release his cock straining against his boxers, but you swatted his hands away. 
"You had your fun last time. It's my turn now," you mumbled against him before biting down on his bottom lip, eliciting a hiss from him. 
JJ relented and allowed you to take control, at least for the time being. 
You shoved his shorts down so they pooled around his ankles. You trailed kisses down his neck as you ran your fingers along the hem of his boxers teasingly. He groaned as you palmed him through the thin material.
"My patience is running thin, sweetheart," he grunted, sliding one hand underneath your skirt and groping the curve of your ass harshly.
Before he had a chance to flip you back around, you sank to your knees in front of him. JJ bit back a moan at the sight of your doe eyes staring up at him through your long lashes. He watched, jaw slack, as you slowly pulled down his boxers, releasing his throbbing length. He sucked in a breath as you dribbled spit on the head. You wrapped your hand around his cock and stroked up and down the shaft, twisting your wrist at the bottom. His eyes rolled back as you licked a slow strip from the base to the head before taking him into your mouth. 
"Fuck," JJ moaned as you moved at a steady pace, up and down his cock, using one hand to massage his balls. You rolled your tongue around his length as you moved, paying particular attention to the head of his cock each time you pulled back. He wrapped one hand in your hair, guiding your movements. He couldn't help himself from bucking his hips, groaning as you gagged around his length. Spit dribbled down your chin as he began fucking your mouth. You looked up at him through teary, hooded eyes, and he nearly came at the sight. JJ jerked you off of him in one swift movement, pulling you to your feet. 
"You had your fun," he roughly turned your body so you faced the mirror and he stood behind you, "Now it's my turn."
You gasped as he bunched your skirt up around your waist and shoved your panties to the side. He ran a finger through your folds and you flushed as he chuckled into your ear, "You're dripping, princess."
You tried to turn in JJ's hold, but his grip around your waist was firm, forcing you to face the mirror. Your eyes fluttered shut and you lulled your head back onto his shoulder as he sunk one finger into your heat. Your lips parted as he curled it inside you, hitting a spot you didn't even know existed.
Your eyes shot open as JJ wrapped his other hand around your neck and forced your head forward.
"Don't hide, baby. I want you to watch yourself, see how pretty you are," his rasp sent a shiver up your spine. He added another finger and you let out a strangled moan. Your cheeks burned and you tried to turn your head away, but his grip was firm, "You want me to stop?" his movements slowed. 
You whined and shook your head, "Uh uh."
"Then be a good girl and watch yourself fall apart on my fingers," he nipped at your skin.
His pace increased as he massaged your walls, curling his fingers in just the right spot. Your eyes watered as you watched yourself in the mirror. You were embarrassed by the vulgarity of the image, but even more so by how aroused it made you. You whimpered as JJ unwrapped his hand from your throat and moved it down to rub your clit. Your knees buckled at the doubled stimulation, and you grasped at JJ's biceps, desperate for something to stabilize yourself. You gnawed on your bottom lip, trying your best to suppress your cries of pleasure.
"JJ, I'm--" you blabbered, unable to think straight.
He curled his fingers even faster, creating an obscene squelching sound. You shuddered and your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself approaching your high. You cried out and nearly crumpled to the ground when he abruptly removed his fingers. Your lips parted in shock and tears pricked at your eyes at the cruel smirk on his face.
"Oh, sorry, princess. Were you close?" his mocking tone made your bottom lip wobble. 
"I hate you," your voice trembled.
JJ chuckled at this and flipped you around, lifting you onto the counter. He pressed his lips against yours and you melted into the sloppy kiss. "Well you sure have a funny way of showing it," he mumbled against your mouth.
Before you had a chance to retaliate, JJ yanked your panties down your legs, tossing them aside carelessly. He pulled you forward so you sat on the very edge of the sink. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. You snaked one arm around him and sunk your nails into the soft skin behind his neck, "Shut up and fuck me into tomorrow."
He didn't need to be told twice. JJ hastily lined up against your entrance, and pushed in slowly, his jaw slack as he watched his cock disappear into your body. You stifled a moan as he bottomed out, drunk on the feeling of him buried so deep inside of you. He pulled his hips back slowly until just the tip of him remained inside you. You whined at the loss and clawed at his back. JJ rested his forehead against yours before swiftly crashing his lips against yours and snapping his hips, plunging back inside of you. 
You yelped against his mouth as he set a punishing pace pounding into you. You felt stuffed to the brim and held onto him for dear life, sinking your teeth into his collarbone to muffle your cries. The sound of smacking flesh filled the marbled bathroom. 
"Touch yourself for me," he grunted against your ear.
You reached a shaky hand in-between your bodies and rubbed your clit as he rutted into you. The added pleasure made your toes curl.
JJ pressed his lips against your neck, "You're taking me so well, baby. Can't get enough of this tight little cunt."
You fluttered against him at his sinful words. His unrelenting tempo made your gut tighten, and you couldn't tell if it was his or your own high rapidly approaching.
"I'm so close, J," you mewled, trying your best to keep quiet.
His hips stuttered at the sound of your desperate plea, "I know, baby. Let go."
Your vision blurred and your jaw dropped as shockwaves gripped your body. JJ released a guttural groan as your climax sent him over the edge. He rolled his hips against yours as he spilled himself inside of you, your fluttering walls milking every last drop of his seed.
Dazed from the euphoria of their climaxes, you slumped against each other trying to catch your breaths. JJ inched out of you slowly, and your breath hitched at the loss. You flushed as you became abruptly aware of the mess between your thighs.
"Can you--" you started but were cut off by JJ handing you a roll of toilet paper, as if he had read your mind.
An awkward silence enveloped the two of you as you cleaned yourselves and tried your best to hide any evidence of the fleeting interaction.
Your eyes widened at the sight of your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was a mess and your mascara had smeared, not to mention the blush which just wouldn't budge from your cheeks. JJ watched you from the corner of his eye as he pulled on his boxers.
"You know," you rasped, breaking the tension-filled air, "I was thinking about your situation."
JJ paused his movements and you noticed his whole body tense, but opted to continue as he hadn't stopped you.
"I could help you with reporting him, getting out of that house. I can only imagine how impossible it must feel without the right resources and support, so if you--"
"And then what?" JJ snapped. His cold tone made the hair on your arms prickle.
"What do you mean?" your brows furrowed.
He scoffed, "What happens when I turn him in? CPS comes in and uproots my life, throws me in the system. Maybe even throws me into a worse situation?"
"That's not necessarily true, they could actually help more than you think--"
JJ whipped around to face you with menacing eyes, "He might be a piece of shit, but that's my dad. He's the only family I've got," you shrunk in on yourself at his tone, "You don't get it, Montgomery, and you never will..”
You frowned. You gently rested a hand on his back while he bucked his belt, “I know it’s not my place," you spoke softly, “But I just can’t stand to see you suffering–”
“You’re right, it’s not your place,” he threw your hand off, “You've got a silver spoon shoved so far down your throat you can’t see straight. You’re so fucking sheltered from hardship. When will you get it through your thick skull that I don’t wanna be part of your perfect little family in your perfect little house?”
JJ’s words cut you deep. Your voice trembled as you spoke, “I know hardship. Maybe not in the way you do, but just because my pain is invisible doesn’t mean it's any less real.”
“Invisible pain,” he scoffed, “What? Like Daddy didn’t buy you the Prada shoes you wanted?”
Tears of frustration welled in your eyes, which only egged him on.
“I don’t want your help, and I sure as hell don’t want your pity. But most of all, I don’t want you, Montgomery. We made an agreement that this,” he gestured between you, “Is purely physical. Don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s anything more.”
Your bottom lip wobbled as a tear trailed down your face. His words were vicious. You sucked in a deep breath, trying to collect yourself. You looked into his eyes, the once bright blue now a stormy gray; a deathless shield. 
“You’re right," you spoke quietly in an effort to keep your voice even, “It’s nothing more. I should get back to my perfect little family.”
You didn’t spare him a second glance as you turned on your heel and fled the suffocating bathroom. You didn’t care that tears were now rolling freely down your hot cheeks. You didn’t care that he could feel your nails digging into your palms, or that your mascara was probably ruined. You didn’t care, because no one else did; no one cared for you, so why should you?
As you approached the table to rejoin your family, you wiped your eyes and straightened your skirt. You covered the mark on your neck with your hair, and put on your best plastic smile. You sat back down next to your mother, your back straight and your hands resting in your lap, ready to smile politely and say nothing. No one spared you a second glance. But this time, you hadn’t deluded yourself into thinking they would. They hadn’t noticed you'd been missing for the better part of an hour, let alone that your eyes were swollen red. Because they didn’t care. 
So, with a heavy heart and a hollowness inside, you stared down at the fig salad, which looked back up at you mockingly. You clenched your fist around your fork and shoved the food fit for a rabbit around the plate. You glared down at the bits of pecan and crumbled goat cheese, which seemed to symbolize every bit of rage you felt towards your mother. Your jaw clenched as you fumed quietly. Why were you so spineless? Why were you so concerned with maintaining your fragile reputation as a perfect little Montgomery child, when your parents cared so little for you? Why couldn't you, just once in your life, stand up for yourself? And why the fuck were you letting JJ Maybank’s words dictate your entire being?
The sight of his ruffled blond hair bussing the table across from your family was the trigger–you had had enough.
“You know, I met my soulmate the other day,” your uncharacteristically cold voice sliced through the air. The whole Montgomery family paused their conversation and stared at you in shock. Margaret dropped her fork, Clyde choked on his drink, and Dixie and Georgia’s jaws fell slack.
You stared at your mother, and at the boy who had sent your life into upheaval behind her. JJ had his back turned away from your table, but you could see he had stopped his movements, frozen in place. Good, you thought to yourself.
“Yeah," you sighed. Your next words were calculated and you spoke in a sickly sweet tone, molasses dripping from your lips, “Your biggest fear came true, Mother: he’s a Pogue. The Montgomery family name has a big, fat stain on it now! Wonder how you’re gonna cover that one up.”
You could hear a pin drop a mile away.
Margaret shook with rage, whereas Clyde’s face had turned the shade of a tomato. You looked just past your mother to see that JJ had turned around, his eyes wide with shock at the scene unfolding before him. A smug grin took over your face at the chaos you had created.
“You..,” your mother seethed, “you ungrateful little brat. You’re a miserable excuse for a daughter, and if you think for one minute that I’m about to let you ruin–”
“Get out,” Clyde’s eerily deep and even tone cut off his wife. His menacing eyes bore into yours. “Get the hell out of here. Now.”
You gulped in fear, but maintained your stone cold mask, determined not to show weakness.
“Gladly," you bit back, throwing your napkin on top of the fig salad before not so quietly storming away, effectively capturing the attention of bystanders.
You could hear your parents bickering behind you as you made your exit, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t care less about the impending consequences of your outburst. All you cared about was getting as far away from there as possible.
You trembled with pent up anger as you finally escaped the suffocating air of the country club. Your nails dug into your palms as you stomped down the road, desperately searching for an outlet. You felt like screaming until your throat hurt, or punching something until your knuckles bled.
A shiver crept up your spine at the feeling of a feather-light touch stroking your forearm. Your blood boiled at JJ’s pathetic attempt to comfort you. This was all his fault. If it hadn’t been for him, you wouldn’t have been in this mess in the first place.
You cried out as you felt the bark of the nearby tree splinter underneath your knuckles. You cradled your fist in your arms and squinted your eyes shut, as if doing so would block out the pain. 
At least he got the message, you thought to yourself as the feeling of his touch on your arm abruptly left. 
You fumbled through your bag in search of your phone. You blinked back tears as you pulled it out and stared blankly at your home screen. The picture of you grinning alongside Anna only sent you deeper into your hurricane of emotions. 
You frantically searched for Topper’s phone number, but paused as a text notification populated your screen.
8:06 PM Sarah: what are u up to tonight? i heard there’s gonna be a kegger on the cut
Your fingers moved to respond before your mind could catch up.
to Sarah:
i’m in delivered 8:07 PM
The pungent smell of weed and stale beer invaded your senses the second you stepped out of John B’s van.
The nearby beach was flooded with Tourons and Pouges alike, chattering over the blasting bass of some rock song. In the center of it all was a blazing fire pit, complete with beer pong tables and spike ball nets. 
“I know it’s not your typical party scene,” John B hopped out of the van, “But I think you’ll find that Pogues do it better.”
You laughed, “This is perfect. Thanks for inviting me guys.”
Kie grinned at you and looped an arm through yours, “Welcome to the dark side. We don’t have any cookies, but we got a lot of beer.”
You giggled as the two of you set off towards the crowded beach, followed closely by John B and Sarah. 
While this technically wasn’t the first time you had made an appearance at a kegger, it was certainly the first time you’d shown up with a group of Pogues. A small part of you felt bad for leaving Topper and Kate in the dark, but the thought of entering a mansion, let alone attending a Kook party, made your stomach churn. This was the perfect escape from your suffocating life on the Figure Eight; even if just for a night.
“Soo, I was promised beer," you teased Kie with a nudge as you arrived at the center of the crowd.
“Coming right up, m’lady!” John B grinned as he filled a red solo cup to the brim with alcohol.
You smiled as you took the plastic cup from him with a courtesy, “Thank you, kind sir.”
“Who the fuck invited her?” a familiar voice sent a shiver up your spine.
You whipped around and swallowed down a gasp as you came face to face with the boy who had sent your life into complete upheaval. The sight of him was an acrid reminder of events earlier in the evening. You trembled as you were reminded of the touch of his skin against yours. Your face fell as you remembered the seething look on your father's face after your outburst at the dinner table.
Despite the fiery rage bubbling in the pit of your stomach at the sight of JJ, you couldn't help but swoon at the sight of his windswept hair dusted with sand. You studied the slight downward curve of his lips, and the cinch between his brows. Pope lingered behind him with an awkward grin which looked more like a grimace.
JJ’s jaw ticked with irritation, and you only narrowed your eyes in response. You threw your head back as you chugged the contents of your cup, ignoring the burning sensation of stale beer down your throat. 
“Oooh, Kook can drink!” Pope cheered you on.
You resisted the urge to gag as you crumpled up the empty plastic cup in your hand, beer dribbling down your chin. You burped loudly, sending Kie into a fit of giggles.
“Last I checked you don’t own this beach, Pogue," you quipped.
JJ grinded his teeth with a snarl.
“Cool it, JJ. And Y/N, if you’re gonna hang out with us then no derogatory usage of ‘Pogue’,” Kie intervened before a fight could erupt.
“Force of habit. I digress,” you averted your gaze from JJ and turned to the others with a smile, “So am I the only one drinking?”
Pope and Sarah grinned before raising their cups in unison, following your lead and chugging their drinks. 
“Refill?” John B nudged you.
“Please," you laughed as he filled another cup to the brim.
You didn’t need to look at JJ to know he was seething; but frankly, you didn’t care.
“Who wants to play pong?” Kie shouted with a grin.
“You’re so on!” you snatched Sarah’s hand and dragged her to the nearby table before the Cameron girl had a chance to respond. Kie and Pope swiftly followed, taking position at the other end of the wooden table.
“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, Kie. I have a long standing winning streak," you teased from across the table as the teenagers arranged plastic cups on either end.
Kie snorted, “Well good luck ‘cause Sarah’s a notoriously awful shot.”
“Hey,” Sarah shouted back with a frown, “Don’t forget I won last time!”
“Only ‘cause I was on your team,” the sound of JJ’s gravelly voice right behind you made you tense. Nevertheless, you ignored him and continued setting up the game, pouring a liberal amount of beer into each cup. 
“How about losers have to do a keg stand?” Pope called out as he tossed you a ping pong ball.
A devilish grin crept onto your face, “You’re so on.”
The teenagers set to work playing the game. You could feel JJ’s eyes burning through you, but you avoided his gaze and instead focused on shooting the plastic ball into the beer-filled cups, tipping back drinks all the while. 
“Looks like Little Miss Montgomery is about to lose that winning streak,” Pope teased from across the table as they prepared to throw the balls yet again. You frowned at the sight of a single cup on your end of the table in comparison to the three remaining cups on the other end. 
“Don’t get cocky now, you still have to make the shot," you slurred, the alcohol catching up to you.
Your words were almost instantly drowned out by Pope and Kie’s cheering as he sank the ping pong ball into their final cup, effectively ending your long-standing winning streak.
You groaned as Sarah pulled the ball out of the cup and chugged the beer inside. 
“They were right. You really do suck at pong," you grumbled as Sarah threw down the cup and wiped her mouth.
“Hey!” she pouted, “It’s not all about winning.”
“Uh, yeah it is,” Kie snorted, “And I’m pretty sure there’s a keg stand waiting for you two, if I remember correctly.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t fight the smile tugging at your lips. You threw your hands up and relented, “Okay, okay. But Sarah’s going first since I carried that game.”
Sarah huffed but marched towards the keg. John B followed closely behind, and held her legs up as she positioned herself in a handstand on top of the large container of beer. A small crowd gathered, cheering as she took the tap head into her mouth and began chugging. You whooped alongside them as your friend chugged until she couldn’t take anymore. Sarah came down from the keg with a loud belch, sending the group of Pogues into a fit of laughter.
“Alright, Montgomery, your turn!” Pope nudged you towards the keg.
You stumbled towards the silver container, already feeling dazed from the alcohol. Still, you braced your arms on either end of the keg and kicked your legs up. Pope helped stabilize you as you took the tap head and followed Sarah’s lead, letting the bitter taste flood your mouth. Your head pounded from your upside down position and you were vaguely aware of the cheering crowd as you chugged. You continued until you felt your arms begin to wobble and the urge to vomit. Finally, Pope released his hold and you flipped back onto the ground, stumbling as you regained your footing.
You laughed and gave a dramatic bow to the onlooking crowd, ignoring JJ’s hawk eyes on you. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you clumsily dug it out. 
11:56 PM Topper: why the fuck is your find my at the Cut?
You squinted through blurred vision as you sloppily typed out a reply.
to Topper:
kgr on th cut!!! come or ur a bitchff delivered 11:58 PM
“Hey Y/N! What are the odds you skinny dip in the ocean right now?” Sarah’s shrill voice pulled you from your phone. 
You glanced up at your drunk friend through hooded eyes. Sarah’s infectious smile made your own lips curve upwards.
“1 in 10, but only if you do it with me," you giggled.
Sarah’s eyes widened as she doubled over in laughter, “Okay, who’s counting?”
John B frowned and grabbed Sarah’s hand, but she slipped away and wrapped her arms around you instead.
“I’ll do it,” Pope raised his hand before burping loudly, sending you into another fit of laughter.
“Hold on–” John B tried to interject, but was drowned out by Pope’s dramatic countdown.
You and Sarah shrieked as you shouted the same number in unison.
“Look what you’ve done!” you cried and gave Sarah a playful shove.
Tears streamed down Sarah’s face as she doubled over in laughter, “Well rules are rules, come on!”
“Come on, Sarah, don’t be dumb,” John B interjected with a sour face. 
Sarah ignored her soulmate’s protests as she grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the ocean. You avoided JJ’s burning gaze and followed your friend.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, John B! I’ll keep mine on,” Sarah shouted over her shoulder as you sprinted together towards the crashing waves. 
You and Sarah ignored John B’s protests as you clumsily got rid of your clothes. You giggled as you tripped while stepping out of your jean shorts, nearly falling down onto the sand below. Sarah peeled off her top and yelped at the feeling of the cool breeze, wrapping her arms around her chest. You continued until you left only in your underwear. You ignored the wolf whistles erupting from the crowd of Pogues and Tourons that had gathered around. 
You felt a rush of hot anger which wasn’t your own bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You glanced over your shoulder and caught sight of JJ and John B standing side by side, arms crossed and jaws taut with irritation. You were too far away, and frankly too drunk, to decipher the look in his eyes; but his rage coursing through your veins spoke louder than words, and it only egged you on.
A devious smirk crept onto your beer-stained lips. You grabbed Sarah’s hand and set off into a clumsy run towards the water. You shrieked with laughter as you crashed into the waves. Goosebumps erupted along your body, but the numbing effect of alcohol fueled you on.
“Oh my god it’s fucking freezing!” Sarah’s shrill cry brought you back to reality.
“It feels so good," you laughed as a wave came over your shivering friend
You bobbed up and down in the water, reveling in the cheers of the crowd from the beach. You threw your head back into the ocean, letting the eerie sound fill your ears. You fluttered your eyes shut and grinned blindly up at the winking moon. The combination of alcohol and the freezing cold of the ocean flooded your brain, and for once you felt completely and utterly free.
You abruptly pulled your head back with a gasp as a splash of water came over you. You didn’t hesitate to retaliate, splashing Sarah back with all of the strength you could muster. You went back and forth splashing each other for what felt like hours, but was in reality mere minutes.
“Come on, Sarah, that’s enough,” John B’s muffled shout sounded from the beach. 
Sarah rolled her eyes but relented, “We better get back before he actually loses his mind.”
“Nah, I’m not done yet. And I don’t answer to men,” you quipped as you spun in the water.
Sarah grabbed your hand, “Come on, Y/N. I’m actually freezing now and I’m not leaving you behind.”
You refused to budge and pulled your arm back with a drunken grin, “You can go ahead. I’ll be fine.”
Sarah frowned and glanced between the intoxicated Montgomery girl and her angry boyfriend in the distance.
“Seriously, Sarah, go ahead. I promise I’m right behind you. Just a few more minutes.”
Sarah sighed, but with alcohol clouding her judgment, she relented, “Okay. But no more than 5 minutes or I’m sending John B to get you.”
You mockingly saluted your fellow Kook, “Yes ma’am!”
You watched as Sarah swam back to shore and hastily ran over to her clothes discarded on the sand. You could see John B approach from the distance, blocking the dissipating crowd’s view of his girlfriend’s nearly naked body. You could see him chewing Sarah out as she got dressed, and you rolled your eyes. 
“Come on, Y/N, you’re way too drunk for this,” Kie’s concerned voice shouted from a distance.
“I’m so sober right now," you shouted back, lying through your teeth, “I bet I could hold my breath for a minute!”
You didn’t hear the rest of Kie’s protests as you sucked in a deep breath before submerging yourself completely in the cold, dark abyss. Your head spun as the iciness engulfed you. You squinted your eyes shut and embraced the feeling as a welcome escape. As you counted down the seconds, you reveled in the sanctuary of silence. Through the pounding in your head and the burning in your lungs, your mind was completely void; no stuck-up parents, no fake friends, and most importantly, no JJ.
You remained underneath the water until you felt faint and you were forced to resurface, gasping for air. You panted as you wiped your eyes and turned to the group of Pogues on the beach.
“How long was it?” you shouted.
But you only heard a scream before a wave crashed over you. 
The brutal force swept your body back under water as a sharp pain erupted on the back of your head. You flailed your arms, desperately trying to make your way back up to the surface, but to no avail. Your chest burned from the lack of oxygen as panic and fatigue simultaneously set in. The once peaceful escape was now a vicious cage, and the adrenaline fueling you slipped away. You let your eyes flutter shut.
Just as your tired limbs started to slow, you felt the electrifying touch of an arm wrap around your waist.
Your eyes shot open as you were pulled back to the surface.
You coughed violently and gasped for air. You subconsciously wrapped your arms around the shoulders of your savior as you fought to catch your breath. The once calming sensation of water against your skin was suddenly scorching, and you wanted nothing more than to escape. Slowly, your blurred vision began to regain focus as you were dragged through the water. As the shore approached, an arm snaked underneath your legs and you were lifted from the water. Finally lucid, you averted your gaze to face your savior.
JJ’s stormy eyes stared down at you as he carried your shivering body to shore.
The look of panic on his face made you abruptly aware of the pain in the back of your head. And just as suddenly, you became aware of your tight grip around his neck, and the unwanted comfort his touch rained down over you. 
You fought every instinct to tighten your grip around him, and instead flailed your legs and pushed at his heaving chest. 
“Let me go, you fucker!”
You squirmed out of his grip and cried out in pain as your body hit the sand below. JJ scoffed and unceremoniously tossed your discarded clothes from the sand on top of you.
“Oh my god, Y/N, are you okay?” Sarah’s voice was frantic as she kneeled beside you.
“Can you breathe?” Kie followed suit, gripping your shoulders.
You winced and nudged Kie off of you, “I’m fine," you grumbled.
“What the fuck is going on here?” 
The pounding in your head amplified at the booming sound of a furious Topper.
“Y/N, what happened?” Kate arrived at the scene, kneeling between Kie and Sarah.
“I don’t–” you tried to respond but were drowned out by the sound of Topper and the Pogues bickering. 
You lazily tried to pull on your clothes, but Kate, Kie, and Sarah’s grabbing hands shooed your own away as they helped you get dressed. The touch of the three girls and the bickering of the boys was suffocating, and you felt yourself gasping for breath again as if another wave had crashed over you.
“Would everyone just leave me the fuck alone?” you cried.
You sucked in a breath as the grabbing hands and arguing voices subsided.
You weakly pulled your shirt over your head. You ignored the burning gaze of the Pogues and your friends as you slowly hauled yourself up from the ground, stumbling over your trembling legs. They waited with bated breath as you dusted the sand from your body and turned to face them. 
“I’m fine," you rasped, your voice hoarse.
“Y/N, I really think we should take you to an urgent care or something. What if–”
“I said I’m fine, Kate. Would you drop it?” you snapped at your friend.
Kate frowned and glanced towards Topper, urging her boyfriend to step in.
“I’m getting another drink," you grumbled. You ignored the throbbing pain in your head and set off towards the keg, but were stopped in your tracks by Topper’s strong grip around your bicep.
“No the fuck you’re not. You’ve had enough,” he forcefully pulled you back, and you fought against his iron grip.
“Last I checked I have free will," you slurred, finally yanking your arm away, “And I plan on exercising it.”
“Please, Y/N, you’re not thinking straight. At least let us drive you home,” Kate pleaded, her eyes wide with concern.
You scoffed and let out a manic laugh at the suggestion. 
“I’d rather end up in a ditch then go back to that hell hole,” your voice cracked as you spoke.
You stomped away before Topper or Kate could stop you. You grabbed a plastic cup and filled it until the cheap beer sloshed over the edges. But just as you raised it to your lips, it was snatched away.
Your jaw fell slack and your body shook with rage as your eyes met JJ’s. The softness of the ocean water dripping from his blond hair was a stark contrast to the sharpness of his clenched jaw. You grabbed at the cup he had stolen, but he threw it aside before you could retrieve your drink. You stomped with frustration as the contents spilled onto the fine sand below.
“You trying to kill yourself or something?” he seethed.
You ignored the Pogue and reached for another cup, but he knocked your arm away. Your anger only intensified at this. 
“Would you stop trying to take care of me? I don’t need your help, and I sure as hell don’t need you," you hissed and shoved at his chest with all the strength you could muster.
His dry laugh made your skin crawl, “If I didn’t jump in and save your drunk ass you’d be at the bottom of the ocean right now. Cut the shit, Montgomery.”
“I’d rather be at the bottom of the ocean than anywhere near you," you spit.
You lunged forward towards the keg, but he wrapped his hands around your forearms. 
A tear of frustration slipped from the corner of your eye as you screamed profanities at him and fought against his grip, but to no avail. 
“You can’t just pick and choose when you give a shit about me, Maybank," you finally twisted out of his hold, “You made your feelings perfectly clear. Stop pretending to care,” your voice cracked as another tear escaped.
You made one last attempt towards the keg, but JJ wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his bare chest.
“I’m not pretending,” he rasped into your ear.
The floodgate broke.
Tears rolled down your face as sobs wracked your body. You weakly flailed your arms but JJ only tightened his grip around you.
“Leave me alone," you sobbed, “just leave me alone.”
“No,” his voice was stern.
You weren't sure how long you struggled in his grip. But the pounding in your head began to take over, and you couldn’t see straight with tears clouding your vision. Finally you relented, crumpling against him. You fell limp as sobs continued to wrack your body. JJ eased you to the ground, all the while holding you flush against him, afraid to let go.
“I’m so tired of all of this," you cried as you wrapped your hands around his arms, finally giving into his hold, “I’m tired of crying. I’m tired of living my life for everyone but me. I’m tired of being perfect. I’m tired of my parents, and I’m tired of you.”
You couldn’t stop the stream of words and tears. You were vaguely aware of the crowd of your friends watching your breakdown, but you couldn’t stop it; no matter how hard you tried. You gasped for breath through your sobs, and JJ buried his face into the crook of your shoulder.
“Can you count to 10 for me?” his mouthed against your skin.
You shook your head violently.
“I’m just so tired,” your voice cracked as you cried.
“I know, baby, I know,” he whispered, “Can you feel my heartbeat?” he pulled you impossibly closer.
You shut your eyes tight and tried to focus on the pounding of his heart against your back. You nodded weakly.
“Focus on my heartbeat,” he whispered. He tapped his hand in rhythm against your forearm, “Can you tap with me?”
You trembled as you weakly tapped your hand against his. You put all your energy towards focusing on the heavy pounding of his heart. Your sobs slowly subsided.
“Good. Now can you breathe with me?” JJ’s raspy voice soothed you.
You nodded and mimicked his deep breaths, focusing on the feeling of his chest expanding and shrinking in over and over again.
Your chest heaved as the tears finally stopped rushing down your face. Your whole body ached and your head felt like it could explode. But the feeling of JJ’s bated breath against your skin and his arms wrapped around you was a safe haven you had never felt before.
“How’s your head?” he mumbled against you, rocking your body in a soothing manner.
“Hurts," you whispered back.
“I know,” he sighed.
Guilt tugged at your heartstrings. You had momentarily forgotten that JJ could feel every bit of physical and emotional pain you were in.
“Please let me get you out here, Y/N. We can go back to my house,” Kate’s soft tone snapped you back to reality. 
Your puffy eyes fluttered open to meet your friend’s concerned gaze. Kate was knelt beside you and JJ on the sand, cautious not to get too close in fear of upsetting you again. Topper stood behind her, his lips pulled taut at the scene before him.
You averted your gaze to the ground and you subconsciously gnawed on your bottom lip. Your predicament with JJ was painfully obvious, and you knew you had a lot of explaining to do. But that would have to wait for another day.
“Y/N?” Kate questioned softly.
You gave your friend a weak nod.
JJ moved to unwrap his arms from you, but you tightened your grip, unwilling to lose his touch just yet. He sighed and looked up at the two Kooks. His gaze hardened at the sight of Topper, but he knew it wasn’t the time or place to pick a fight.
“I’ll carry her to your car,” JJ’s voice was gruff.
Kate and Topper shared a look, but nodded. 
You wrapped your arms around JJ’s neck as he released one arm from your tight grip to slide underneath your legs, carefully lifting you from the ground. You closed your tired eyes to avoid the watchful glances of the rest of the Pogues. You rested your head against his chest as he carried you through the sand away from the crowd of the party.
“I’m sorry," you whispered so quietly you were surprised JJ heard you.
His grip tightened slightly, “I’m sorry.”
His shaky voice made you shrink further into his hold.
You reluctantly peeled your eyes open as he approached Topper’s Range Rover. Kate swung the backseat door open and JJ carefully lowered you inside the vehicle. You flinched at the feeling of the cool leather seat against your skin. Your watery eyes met JJ’s, which were swimming with an emotion you couldn’t quite decipher. He reluctantly unwrapped his arms from around you, and you fought the urge to pull him back.
“Get back safe, okay?” he whispered.
You nodded, and your heart dropped as he moved away. You watched longingly as he averted his gaze to the ground. You sucked in a breath as he shut the door, and your vision was flooded with the darkness of the tinted window. As Topper started the engine and pulled the car out of the parking lot, you could feel the distance between you and JJ grow with each passing second. 
The urge to jump out and run after him was strong. But your fatigue was even stronger. You fluttered your eyes shut and relented to your tired body, letting yourself slip from consciousness.
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princessmaybank · 6 months
New Message
Pairings: JJ x fem!bestfriend!xreader
Warnings: MDNI, unsolicited dick pic, sexting, mention of masterbation, making out, etc.
Summary: JJ woke Y/N up at early hours of the morning because he needed her help.
Authors Note: Enjoy! Let me know if I should write a part 2!
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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I looked at the clock that sat next to my bed. It read 1:36am.
*1 New Message from Jayj <3*
JJ: Hey are you awake?
I groaned. What could my best friend possibly need at this time? Was he in trouble? Was he hurt? I had no idea.
Y/N: I am now. What's up are you okay??
I wasn't expecting an immediate response but that's what I got.
JJ: No I need your help
Y/N: What's wrong?? Do I need to come get you?
JJ: No but if you came over I wouldn't mind 😉
That is not the kind of response that you use when your friend thinks you are dying, well unless you are JJ Maybank.
Y/N: Okay then what do you need?? Why did you wake me up???
JJ: I'm hornyyyyy
A sudden redness shot to my cheeks. JJ definitely play flirted with his friends, including me but this takes the cake. Yes he was hot, yes I had a little crush on him, no I did not expect this.
Y/N: Uhm- why are you telling me this JJ?
JJ: Bc you're my best friend, and I've noticed the way you've been looking at me. You undress me with your eyes every time you see me
Somehow I was blushing even harder than before. How did he know? Before I could respond I heard my phone ding again.
JJ: I know you wanna see what I'm packing, you're at least a lil curious.
(Authors Note: MDNI!!! This is a RANDOM dick pic I found online. Please proceed at your own risk.)
I gasped. I wasn't entirely ready to see that, but I'm not gonna lie I did like it.
Y/N: JJ. You're my best friend, and don't you have a line of girls ready for you at all times?
JJ: I mean I guess, but none of them are you.
Y/N: What do you need from me JJ?
JJ: I need you to talk dirty to me please. I'll do anything.
I gave in so quickly. This could be the one chance I have with him.
Y/N: Are you touching yourself baby?
This was my first time talking like this so I had no idea what I was doing.
JJ: Just for you princess.
The thought of JJ touching himself to me and calling me princess got me extremely excited.
I couldn't stop my hand from creeping into my pants as I texted JJ back with my non-dominant hand.
Y/N: Mmm Jayj I can't stop thinking about your huge cock.
JJ: Oh fuck, please tell me you are touching yourself too.
I wasn't sure if I should lie or not.
Y/N: Of course I am after seeing you.
JJ: Good girl.
Fuck. Me. That is so hot, especially coming from him of all people.
Y/N: JJ I need you. I can't just do this by myself. I'm no good at dirty talk.
JJ: *Read 2:04 AM*
Oh no. He hates me now. He knew I wasn't experienced but he was always nice about that. This will be awkward to bring up at a later time.
About 10 minutes went by and I heard a *tink* on my window. I look over and see JJ sitting on my roof waving back at me. I eagerly opened my window and welcomed him in. Before I could get any words to leave my mouth his hands found my hips and his lips had found mine. He walked me backwards until my legs hit the edge of my bed. He laid me down and continued our deep kiss.
"Fuck you're so hot." He whispered in my ear after sucking on my soft spot. There would definitely be a mark on my neck for a little while. I blushed when I heard him call me that. No one has ever called me that. Then I started to get self conscious. "JJ...before we continue I want to know your intentions." "Y/N. I have been in love with you since the day we met. I was waiting for you for years. I realized you probably would never want me, so I started acting like a slut. But my intentions are to please you tonight and hopefully every night for the rest of our lives. Ya know if you let me ask you out." I couldn't stop the redness forming in my cheeks. I tried to put up a wall of confidence really fast. "Is that your way of asking Maybank? Or just what you say to all of your random hookups?" My eyebrow lifted as I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes. "Maybe it is, and I've never said that to anyone else, I cross my heart and hope to die." His eyes never left mine as he made the hand motions to go with his phrase. I trusted him. I trusted this man with my whole heart. I didn't say anything, I just attached my lips to his once again. This was going to be a long night and a good life.
(Authors Note: Let me know if you'd like a part two! I was going to write a whole sex scene but I thought this was already long enough.)
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kaylasficrecs · 1 year
jj maybank recs
three times | one shot, angst | @obxsummer (tw)
pogue on pogue | one shot, trifecta (angst/fluff/smut) | @skiller0dani
nowhere else to go | one shot, fluff (slight angst) | @tbyfandoms
details | two shot, angst (part 2 has some fluff!) | @spider6oy
breathe with me | one shot, angst | @maddiwrites (tw)
six times he realizes he loves you | imagine, fluff | @fandomtravels
protective | imagine, fluff | @toomanyfandoms02
road trip | imagine, flangst (more fluff) | @toomanyfandoms02
pretty girl | imagine, fluff | archived blog
hospital chairs and shitty vending machines | imagine, flangst | @amourology
can't you stay a little longer | imagine, heavy angst | @anxiousstark
madly and deeply | imagine, flangst | @mydogisveryadorbs
perfect | imagine, fluff | @bruh--wtf
love you back | one shot, fluff | @milkiane
meet me at our spot | one shot, fluff (little angst) | @amourology
speechless | one shot, flangst | @buckyseddie
only love can hurt like this | two shot, flangst | @maybaenk (this is part 2 bc i love it so much)
unexpected valentine | one shot, fluff | @katsu28
like i'm gonna lose you | imagine, flangst | deactiavted blog
nightmares | imagine, fluff (some angst) | @fangirl-writes
savior | imagine, fluff | @pixelated-pogues
promise | one shot, flangst | @jjs-bitch
i got you | one shot, flangst | @jjs-bitch
love sick | imagine, fluff | @demxters
swell | imagine, fluff (brief angst) | @the-maidofgevaudan
aftermath | one shot, flangst | @maybaenk (tw)
this isn't what it looks like | drabble, fluff | @winchester-books
too much to drink | imagine, flangst | @pankowholland
brown eyes | drabble, fluff | @hybridluv
too busy being yours to fall… | imagine, flangst | @mvybanks
three seconds | two shot, angst | @xveenusx
why would you? | imagine, fluff | @maybankslover
the one where you get your period | imagine, flangst (more fluff) | @mvybanks
nothing else matters | drabble, fluff | @ruewrote
you | one shot, flangst | @xveenusx
thought that i was dreaming when... | one shot, flangst | @https-florals
practice makes perfect | imagine, smut | @meadowscarlet
where jj protects you from your brother | two shot, flangst | @mvybanks
bad boy x good girl | headcanon, fluff, bit of smut | @maybankswhore
it was always you | imagine, fluff (kinda flangsty) | @destourtereaux
dying to tell you | one shot, flangst | @obaex
pinch me | au, imagine, flangst | @obaex
i'll go anywhere you go | imagine, fluff | @voidcameron
greedy | imagine, smut | @voidcameron
"you came." "you called." | imagine, flangst | @maybankswhore
the one where jj is touch starved | drabble, fluff | @mvybanks
now your mess is mine | imagine, comfort flangst | @fandomxpreferences
the one where jj is scared of love | imagine, flangst | @mvybanks
it's going to be okay | imagine, flangst | @angelbabyxworld
a little dirty | imagine, fluff | @obaex
1K notes · View notes
Okay ||JJ Maybank X RoutledgeReader
JealousJJ Maybank X RoutledgeReader
18+ Minors DNI
Plot: The one time Pogues and Kooks can get along. Until two hot-shot Pogues start causing problems.
Warnings: Jealousy, slightly toxic relationship, drinking, fighting, frustrated sex (angry, desperate, make-up), implied relationship, praising, dirty talk, language, pet names, teasing, fingering, pinv sex, no condom (wrap it before you tap it), overstimulation, oral (male and fem receiving) no mention of y/n Let me know if I missed anything
AN: I am so sorry for the amount of world building. I absolutely love working characters into scenes and tend to spend too much time doing that.
Co-Written with @buckybarnesbbydoll
There was something intoxicating about parties at the Boneyard. The way that this was the only place everyone on the island seemed to get along. The only time the kids from Figure 8 can tolerate us from The Cut. And then there is the Tourons. My brother calls them "Chum for the sharks." Which, I guess, is kinda true.
"Hey, sis," I whip my head around as John B. jogs over to where I am currently flirting with some random touron. Chum for the sharks, right?
He hands me a red cup and starts talking as I take a drink. "Dude, this party is fucking awesome."
I chuckle. He is clearly shitfaced, "It really is. How many beers have you had?"
"It doesn't matter. I'm just having fun. BUT," he speaks louder than I think he actually meant to, "go back to flirting with this guy-what's you name?"
The guy I've been talking to looks confused and it occurs to me that I can't actually remember his name. He stares blankly before my brother waves his hand, "Luk-"
"LUKE!" JB nudges me, smirking, before walking away. I sit back down and take a sip of beer before turning back to Luke.
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The sun set about 20 minutes ago. Bonfire started long before but now they are the only form of light on the beach. I stopped talking to Luke an hour ago and have since been flirting with all the guys. Especially the Kooks.
I know I'm driving my boyfriend crazy by flirting and I can feel his eyes burning into me as I saunter around.
Everything is normal until I hear a commotion and gasps from partygoers.
I turn just as I see Topper punch my brother, knocking him to the ground.
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?"
I can feel my hands tighten into a fist and, without thinking, walk to where the fight is happening. JJ must have seen me because he rips away from Pope, who was trying to calm him down, and grabs me from behind.
"Baby," he whispers in my ear and I struggle to break out of his arms. "Babe, calm down. Let him deal with it."
I continue to struggle as JB gets up and tackles Topper. Sarah and Kie are both yelling for them to stop. By now, JJ lets go and starts cheering JB on. "That's what I'm talkin' about!"
I watch as they throw punches until Topper flips JB and starts pushing his head underwater.
I freeze as I watch some fucking Kook try to drown my brother. I can feel Pope stare at me, watching to see what I'm going to do. I start to lunge towards them and Pope grabs my arm, keeping me back.
What the fuck is it with people holding me back?
I am fighting to get away from Pope when I see JJ put something to Toppers head. Fuck. The gun we found earlier.
JJ speaks so quiet that he can barely be heard above the cheering, "Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski."
Pope finally lets go of me and everyone is shouting trying to get off the beach and away from my psycho boyfriend.
There is more shouting and arguing between the group before JJ yells, "Okay, everyone, listen up? Get the hell, off our side of the island." He fires the gun into the sky.
There is a pause before we all start yelling and pushing and arguing.
"What the actual FUCK, JJ." I'm yelling at the top of my lungs.
The rest of the Pogues have walked to help get JB and bring him back to the Chateau.
"Do you know how fucking stupid that was? Like, honestly? How shitfaced drunk and high do you have to be?"
"Really? You're yelling at me for protecting my best friend-your brother? AND you were the one flirting with guys literally ALL FUCKING NIGHT," he's angry, and desperate, and drunk, and high, and all the things that make it hard for me to be mad at him.
"I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry that we have to hide our fucking relationship from my brother. I'm sorry that I flirted with guys in front of you. I'm sorry that I'm drunk enough the try to fight Topper for trying to kill my brother. I'm sorry that we're fighting because I don't want to argue with you; I'm just so fucking frustrated."
He stares at me, unblinkingly, as I rant.
"AND to top it all off, you look so fucking hot right now and all I want to do is run my fingers through your hair while having the best fucking make-up sex of our entire relationship."
I look down realizing I'm somehow I'm close to tears. Maybe it's the alcohol maybe it's the fight with JJ, maybe it's both. I don't know. All I know is that I'm crying, in front of my boyfriend, after telling him I want to have sex.
He still hasn't said a word and I'm starting to wonder if he is planning on telling me to go home because I'm drunk or some dumb shit. I don't look up until I feel him wrapping his arms around my back.
"Fuck, baby. I can't be mad at you when you go say shit like that," JJ speaks in a low tone, his voice hoarse.
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We barely make it back to the Chateau before our clothes are on the floor of my room.
JJ unzips the back of my dress, his lips never leaving mine. His kiss is possessive and angry.
"Do you know how much I wanted to fucking kill every guy you flirted with? You're fucking mine. Got it?"
I rip his shirt off of him and run my hands over his abs.
He grabs me by my ass and I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me against a wall. His head moves to my neck, kissing and sucking his way down to my left breast. He stops as he reaches my bra.
I lean into him and his hand slips behind me to unhook it. He pulls it off of me and his lips are locked back on mine before I hear it reach the floor.
He starts grinding his hips against me and I moan into his kiss, starving for more. His kisses trail back down my collar.
"JJ," I whisper.
I drop my legs and he stares at me. I smirk, "I'm going to show you what happens when you do stupid shit. Got it," he nods. "Good. Now," I drop down to my knees and starts unzipping his pants. I pull his boxers and jeans off in one motion. His hard cock sits inches from me. I stare up at him as I wrap my hand around his dick. I pump up and down for a few moments before licking the tip of it with my tongue. He moans deeply and throws his head back.
I move my mouth up and down and play with his balls in my hand. I can tell he is getting close by the way his deep moans turn into moans of desperation. Desperate to cum, to be inside me, to cum inside me.
Without warning, he pulls me back up and kisses me deeply. We walk to my bed and he pushes me back on it. He towers over me.
"You're not the only one who is fucking pissed. I'm going to fuck you so good, the Kooks are going to hear you screaming my name."
And with that, he lines his cock up with my slick folds. I whimper as he pushes himself into me. We do this all the time and I still don't get used to it.
He roughly thrusts into me, kissing me deeply. I moan into his mouth as he thrust into me harder and faster.
"Fuck, baby you like the way I fuck you" JJ says. I can only moan in response, as I feel myself getting close to coming undone. "Fuck- is my pretty girl gonna cum for me?" JJ mocks.
I whimper, "please JJ" I say begging for that sweet release.
"Yea sweetheart, beg for me- fuck".
"Please,please,please" I beg as I come feeling my walls clench down on his girthy cock.
"There ya go love, fuck good girl" he praises me as I come down from my high.
He ruta into me a few more times before I feel him unload inside of me. We lay there panting for a moment before he pulls out of me and moves his head in-between my legs.
He pushes two fingers into me. I'm still coming down from my last orgasm and I buck my hips in response. Apparently that was all he needed because his tongue found my clit.
"Oh, fuck, JJ. Holy shit."
He chuckles as he suckles my clit. It doesn't take very long before I cum again. He licks my pussy until he gets every drop.
He comes back up and kisses me deeper than any other kiss.
"Does that mean that you're not mad at me anymore?" JJ's voice is soft.
"I love you, JJ."
"I love you too."
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pinkydevil16 · 1 year
JJ Maybank x reader
"Hey Y/n whatcha-" Y/n instantly shoved her hand onto JJ's mouth shushing him from where she was crouched, tugging him down to behind the bush. His eyes wide as he stared at her, tilting his head and pulling her hand off her, Y/n raising as hand to her lips and tilting her to head to where she was spying on Pope and Ki.
"They're on a date and Ki said if she got too nervous i had to call her." Y/n whispered, JJ grinning as he relaxed, sitting on the ground next to Y/n's crouched body, his eyes going between the couple who both looked like they were going to combust from nerves and Y/n. 
"Could she not text you instead of you perving?" Y/n giving JJ a dirty look as he whispered close to her ear, pushing his face back as he fell into the ground with a small noise. Y/n ducking as Pope looked around, Ki getting his attention away from where she knew Y/n was hidden. A smack on the chest from Y/n made JJ hold in a laugh, putting his hand over his mouth as she sat back up, his body laid next to her. Leaning over Y/n flicked his head, JJ faking pain and removing his hand from his mouth to show her his pout.
"Be quiet!" Her voice just above a whisper as she stared at JJ, she'd been hidden for almost 20 minutes now and she had a plan to get away if Pope noticed her not if he noticed both of them. JJ getting her attention back on him as he pushed her into being sat on the ground, her eyes widening as she wobbled back and fell against it, glaring at JJ as he dropped his head into her lap.
"If we're camping out i'm gonna get comfy." Y/n pushed his head, trying to shove him off but JJ just forced her hands into his hair and closed his eyes with a cheeky grin, Y/n huffing out some air as she sat up barely able to see over the grass with JJ's head weighing her down. Playing with his hair as she watched Ki push back her hair, Y/n gasping as she did it on both sides, the double tuck.
"She did it, she did the double tuck! She's so into him." Y/n whispered, grinning down at JJ as he peeked his eye open and nodded, tapping her hands which had stopped playing with his hair, Y/n mumbling a quick sorry as her eyes snapped back to Ki. 
"What's the double tuck?" JJ was half asleep, her hands in his hair lulling him slowly as he listened to her.
"Well, when a girl really like someone, they do the hair tuck but when they really really like someone they do it on both sides and it's the double tuck." Y/n not looking at him as she smiled at Ki and Pope, Pope moving closer to Ki and handing her a beer, classic move. 
"Hmm." JJ nodded, shifting so he was deeper into Y/n's lap, her thighs making cushions for his head, the two sat in silence as Y/n ran her fingers through JJ's hair, lifting one to tuck her hair behind her ear whilst his eyes stayed closed unaware. 
JJ ran over to Y/n, her eyes widening and a grin breaking out as he gripped her shoulders with a childish grin. 
"It's true!" Y/n raising an eyebrow as she laughed at his excitement confused at his words, shaking her head in confusion as JJ shook her with a bigger grin.
"The tuck! It's like a secret weapon for securing chicks!" Y/n's heart hurting slightly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder her turning her to where a touran tucked her hair behind her ear and waved at JJ with a blush on her cheeks, Y/n giving her a polite smile as JJ stepped back in front of her. Kissing her cheek and running backwards with a wink towards Y/n.
"Thanks Y/n, you're the best!" JJ almost jumped as he bounded back to the girl, the touran laughing as he dropped next to her, pulling her into his side. Y/n blushing at his words and tucking her hair behind her ears, Ki throwing her arm around Y/n and pulling her to the beer pong table taking her attention off JJ and the touran. 
"Yesss!" Ki screamed as Y/n made her shot, John B groaning as he took the last beer in defeat, Ki and Y/n doing a victory dance and mocking the boys as JJ walked over, the touran under his arm as he whispered to her and jogged to the table by himself. Looking over his shoulder with a grin as John B clapped him on the shoulder with a matching grin.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow, i've got a hot touran to go bang." Ki and Y/n scrunching up their noses and John B laughed the two high fiving, Pope giving him a thumbs up as he turned and winked at Y/n. Jogging back off to the touran, teasingly pulling her in the direction of the chateau. Y/n pushing the thought out of her head as she once again pushed her hair behind her ear without realising, instead picking up the two remaining beers and handing one to Ki. The two beers hitting each other as they cheered and drank them, John B and Pope rounding the table and swinging their arms over the girls. Pulling them further into the party, John B and Y/n dancing as Pope and Ki wandered off to talk, John B's eyes moving to where Sarah and Topper drunkenly walked up the beach. Y/n grinning as she moved to ruffle his hair, John B faking a mad expression and doing the same back to Y/n.
"Sooo...when are you going to ask Sarah out?" Y/n teased, John B pushing her lightly as they joked, his eyes moving back to where Sarah was now thrown over Topper's shoulder making his face sour. Y/n pushing him back to get his attention off the cameron girl and to improve his mood. A teasing grin on her face as he groaned pushing his hair out his face.
"I'm not going to, she's with Topper and i thought i'd try to y'know move on. I kissed Ki and got smacked because she likes Pope, and you're the most off limits person ever because JJ would kill me." Y/n rolling her eyes, she was JJ's best friend, even more than John B so he was protective and had made the pogue boys swear to never try it on with her when they were younger and apparently it had stuck even now they were older.
"Very funny, i'm off limits because i don't want your pining ass trying to kiss me pretending i'm pretty princess Sarah." Y/n breathing out her name as she pretended to swoon, batting her eyelashes as she mocked John B's obvious crush. John B laughing as he shook his head, he knew Y/n didn't believe she was actually off limits, but JJ had hammered it into the guys so much every time they looked at her for too long in her bikini or when she'd drunkenly flashed them once. He knew it was because JJ liked her, but he'd been telling everyone she was off limits including himself. 
"She is a pretty princess isn't she?" John B got an innocent smile on his face, looking down as he thought about Sarah, he was sure she was going to break up with Topper. She'd told him she was going to, but it seemed she wasn't going to anytime soon and it hurt his chest. 
"The prettiest Kook Princess on the island." Y/n confirmed, making John B roll his eyes and pulled her into a playful fight, Y/n laughing loudly as he got her in a headlock, ruffling her hair as she jabbed at his ribs. The two parting with laughter and falling onto a beach chair, looking at each other and laughing again until they quietened down the alcohol hitting them harder than the adrenaline.
"God i can't even go home yet because JJ's got a touran there." John B said, groaning as he ran his hand down his face, Ki and Pope were no where to he seen and he was at a good buzz that he knew more alcohol would lead to him throwing up, Y/n feeling the same. Turning her head and standing up, slapping John B's leg as she did, stretching with a yawn.
"Come on, you can crash at mine. My mum's working a double over night so she won't be back until atleast 10, we can be gone before she comes back." John B nodding as he yawned aswell, following Y/n as they walked back to hers, the house clean since Y/n didn't want to piss off her mum who worked at the hospital constantly just to afford the shitty house. John B collapsing onto the sofa as Y/n grabbed some blankets throwing them at him as she grabbed them both a glass of water and some meds for the hangovers they'd have tomorrow. John B thanking her as he took a drink and the meds, knowing he'd forget in the morning, Y/n waving him off as she plodded to bed.
"Don't be sick, fold the blankets and keep it clean." Y/n shouted, the usual rules for her house. 
The next morning Y/n did a quick clean, moving all the blankets back into her room and heating up some water for her mum to have a drink, an omelette cooked and ready to be reheated, the same routine she did everyday. Her mum let her do whatever she wanted as long as she respected the house and didn't get arrested, so Y/n made sure to keep her buttered up with breakfast and dinner if her mum was home. John B was up bright and early, helping Y/n as he looked around, the paint on the walls chipped and the outside looking worse for wear since the hurricane but he knew Y/n had tried to clean up as much as possible without the pogues help. The pair locking up and walking to chateau, the sun only just rising as they did, Y/n climbing on logs and trying to balance.
"Is your board still at mine?" John B asked, Y/n nodding as she grinned at him, the pair getting excited to go surfing since it had been a while. Opening the door the chateau John B shushed Y/n as they crept towards JJ's room, pushing open the door to find him passed out half naked, the touran girl gone but her thong half out of JJ's shorts making Y/n scrunch up her nose. 
"Ahh!" They both screamed making JJ jump, falling out the bed with a loud thud as the two laughed barely standing up, JJ groaning as he looked at them. Standing quickly and running towards them, Y/n slapping John B as they screamed running away from JJ.
"Split up! Split up! Shit!" Y/n shouted, pushing John B in the other direction as JJ ran after them, John B quicker than Y/n as JJ chased her down, her hand on the back door as he grabbed her, grinning as she shouted out for help.
"Help me! He's got me i'm gonna die!" John B laughing as he stood on the other side of the door, all three of them laughing and grinning as JJ carried Y/n away from the door.
"Gotcha, now you're gonna pay for waking me up!" Y/n calling out to John B.
"You traitor!" JJ throwing her onto the pull out sofa and tickling her, Y/n crying out in laughter as she tried to escape, turning on her stomach and crawling a few inches before JJ grabbed her legs and pulled her back. John B entering the room with the stick, holding it like a sword as he threw another one to JJ who caught it and pulled Y/n up as a hostage. 
"My hero is here to save me!" Y/n exclaimed, pretending to swoon like a princess as JJ and John B laughed, JJ's arm tightening around her waist as he looked down at her, his eyes casting over her before snapping back to John B.
"Let the Princess go or i will have to slay you!" They all were laughing as they tried to stay serious and play the part, Y/n breaking as John B posed like a hero, pursing his lips and faking a smoulder, her hand clutching JJ's around her waist as she could barely breathe from laughing. JJ laughing at her as he held up the stick, lightly pushing Y/n to the sofa as she cheered them on, the two boys hitting sticks against each other in a duel.
"Admit defeat." JJ shouted, hitting his stick against John B's, his eyes widening as his stick broke in half, John B pretending to stab JJ, the stick sitting between his arm and chest as he dramatically fell back next to Y/n on the bed.
"I am wounded, only a kiss from the princess can save me now. I see the light!" Y/n and John B laughing loudly as JJ clutched his chest and pretended to cough, Y/n gasping in fake shock as she clutched his head, her lip between her teeth to hide her grin as she snorted.
"I thought you're the bad guy? Princess's don't usually kiss those." JJ putting on an offended face as he looked towards John B.
"Are you hearing this? She won't save my life!" John B laughing as he watched Y/n hit JJ's chest, the latter pretending to cry out in pain as he looked at Y/n with fake tears making her roll her eyes.
"Just one kiss to save your favourite pogue." Y/n laughing as she shook her head, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek, JJ pouting as Y/n pulled the stick from his arm with a surprised gasp.
"You have been saved!" Y/n declared, looking down at JJ as he gave her a grin, her hands pushing him off her lap as she stood up laughing at JJ's dramatics pretending to still be hurt, falling into her arms.
"I don't know, i still feel close to death. The light is getting closer, i need a real kiss princess." Y/n rolling her eyes and pushing him onto the sofa bed where he made an oof noise and turned over with a grin.
"This princess doesn't give out kisses sorry." John B ruffling Y/n's hair as he grabbed them a beer each, chucking one to JJ as he sat up on the sofa, Y/n thanking John B as she tucked her hair behind her ear, JJ's eyes widening as he looked between the two. Unaware Y/n had done it in response to JJ's words, her cheeks slightly pink before she looked back to JJ with a grin.
"We should find out where Ki and Pope got to." JJ nodding as Y/n walked away, sipping on her beer as she called Ki, John B sitting next to JJ as the two opened their beers,  silence taking them over as they caught their breath but JJ was still staring where Y/n had walked out.
"Did...did Y/n go home last night?" JJ asked, pushing his hair out his face as he tried to keep his voice normal, not wanting John B to sense the emotion behind his words. John B oblivious as he nodded his head, drinking from his beer as he laid back on the sofa bed.
"Yeah, i crashed on her sofa since you had company. She made her mum breakfast and we left before she got back." JJ nodding as he scowled at his beer, it wasn't that Y/n didn't invite the pogues back to hers but it wasn't common, only JJ really stayed at her house often, he couldn't help the slight jealousy that John B had been there. Sure he was on the sofa and JJ always slept in her bed, with his arm around her but still, she'd invited John B back to hers and not JJ. He knew it was irrational, he'd gone home with a touran and John B wanted to sleep, it wasn't a weird thing to do to offer but still it made him unsettled especially since he'd seen the hair tuck. 
"Cool." JJ responded, John B giving him a weird look as Y/n came back, dropping between the two as she shoved her phone into her denim shorts.
"Pope is picking Ki up and they'll both be here soon so we can go surfing. Apparently she has something to tell me." Y/n teased as she made kissy faces, pretending to be Ki and Pope as she made out with her hand.
"Oh Pope, give me a big ol' smooch." JJ doing the same, pretending to be Pope as he mimed kissing, John B laughing and hitting the two idiots as they stopped with a laugh.
"Come on, lets get sorted." Y/n nodding as she stood up, pulling JJ up as he pulled her into his side, the two walking into his bedroom and grabbing a bag, shoving waters and suncream into it, well mostly Y/n since JJ was still trying to wrap his head around the idea of Y/n liking John B. 
Y/n climbed on her board, standing up as she rode the wave, JJ a few metres behind her as he grinned watching her, her laughter loud as hit the wave, barely staying on with arms high when she got to settled water. Dropping down and sitting on her board as she paddled, Ki drifting next to her with Pope following soon after, JJ wading up to them as they watched John B ride another wave, Y/n grinning as she noticed Sarah walking along the beach. JJ staring at Y/n and then to John B before pushing away and riding the wave, Y/n cheering him on as Ki and Pope shared a look. JJ looking back at Y/n as she cheered his name, his smile breaking out at her attention being on him, pushing his wet hair out his face to give her a thumbs up. Y/n copying him, leaning back on her board as she looked at the sun, sighing as she drank it in, closing her eyes. JJ paddling over and splashing her as she opened her eyes and glared at him, his cheeky grin making her roll her eyes and kick the sea water onto him starting a splash war that involved everyone in the end. Y/n cried out as JJ grabbed her board, his arms finding her waist as he dragged her over to his, Y/n laughing loudly as he threatened to drop her in. Y/n surrendering as everyone laughed calming down, all soaked through and ready to dry off in the sun, JJ detaching her board from her ankle and attaching it to his board as he paddled them both back to shore. Her back pressed against his front and legs against his as she sat relaxing on his board.
"Can i stay at yours tonight?" JJ didn't know where the question came from just that he'd said it before his brain could process it, Y/n looked over her shoulder with a smile, tapping his leg.
"Of course, my mum's home for dinner so i'm cooking, i'm sure she'd love to see you again." JJ smiling as Y/n turned back around, climbing off his board as they got close to the shore, carrying her board towards the chateau with JJ following. 
"What are ya cooking?" JJ asked, trying to keep his eyes on the back of her head and not trail them down to her bikini bottoms and tanned legs, Y/n turning her head and walking backwards careful not to hit anyone with her board.
"Guess." JJ giving her a soft grin as moved closer, their boards on each side of their body blocking out everyone else. Y/n giving him a knowing smile.
"Is it the famous Tacos?" Y/n giving him an excited nod as he grinned, high fiving Y/n before she turned back around the pair arriving at the chateau moments later. JJ helping Y/n lean her board against his before they walked in, his arm slung around her shoulder tugging her into his side, her arm loosely around his waist.
"Hey guys Ki's ordering pizza you want some?" John B asked as he saw them walk through the door, seeing how JJ was holding Y/n against him.
"Sorry guys, i'm cooking for mum and JJ so we'll be heading off soon." Y/n giving them a smile as JJ grinned happy she hadn't invited them until John B spoke.
"Are we missing the famous Tacos? You promised last time you'd do them for us!" Pope and Ki agreeing as everyone stood up, JJ's grin faltering at he saw his evening along with Y/n turning into a pogue hang out but Y/n shook her head with a laugh.
"I'll cook it for you next week i promise, if my mum wasn't home i'd have you all round but you know she doesn't like too many people. Plus JJ's her favourite because he flirts with her." Y/n turning to JJ with a cheeky grin, his face matching hers as he winked at her, Y/n's cheeks going pink as he looked away to defend himself.
"I gotta make sure she loves me as much as her daughter." Y/n rolling her eyes and pushing him, his arm around her forcing her with him as he laughed. 
Y/n stood in the kitchen, the smell of her food going throughout the house as JJ brought her mum a cup of tea, the older woman smiling at him as she pat the seat next to her wanting to be caught up on everything.
"Your dad been leaving you alone?" Her question cut through JJ, giving her his normal smile to hide the slight fear, nodding his head as she laid a comforting hand on his hair, Y/n humming as she cut the lettuce up. 
"Nothing i can't deal with Miss Y/l/n." The older woman giving him a sad smile, tapping his hand as Y/n turned around and plated up.
"Hey guys, foods ready." JJ standing quickly to get away from the conversation, sitting next to Y/n as her mum sat across from them, kissing her daughters head and thanking her. JJ not able to hold back his smile at watching it, Y/n handing out the food and sitting down in her usual spot. JJ taking a bite and moaning loudly as he closed his eyes, Y/n laughing as he turned looking at her.
"God you're actually my favourite person. I could marry you right now, seriously i'll get a ring and everything." Y/n rolling her eyes as he looked away, pushing each side of her hair behind her ears and taking a bite, her mum smiling to herself as she watched the pair. JJ looking back at Y/n whilst she smiled at him, her mum finishing quickly and shooing the two to bed.
"Come on, i want to watch my tv without you two commenting on it." JJ laughing as he put everything in the sink.
"We would never, i'll clean the dishes tomorrow morning Miss Y/l/n." Y/n's nodding giving him another motherly smile as Y/n pulled his arm tugging him towards her bedroom. The door closing softly behind them as Y/n dropped onto her bed, closing her eyes with a sigh, JJ staring at her before laying down, his bag next to her bed already. 
"God you have such a comfy bed." Y/n laughed at his words, turning on her side as JJ copied her, both of them staring at each other with smiles.
"Mm well that's what happens when you don't have hundreds of touran's bouncing on it...well on something." JJ rolling his eyes and pushing her lightly, Y/n grinning as he hid his face in her bed.
"Don't talk about that, you're meant to be nice to me." His front now pressing into the mattress as Y/n rolled over laying on his back, her face in his neck.
"I'm super nice to you, it's not my fault you're a manwhore. Just live with the title." JJ huffing as he sat up, Y/n squealing as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, JJ standing up holding her thighs as he hoisted her higher.
"I will wear that title with pride from anyone but you, to you i'm your innocent best friend who you love and think is really hot and secretly totally want." Y/n rolling her eyes as she hit his shoulder, grinning over his shoulder at her before throwing her off and onto the bed making her yelp almost falling off.
"I think you need your ego checked because you have it wrong." JJ grinning as he pulled her towards him, Y/n flopping and letting him until he leaned over her, the closeness not uncommon for them.
"What parts wrong huh? I'm completely innocent! And we all know you want some of this, i mean look at me. I'm your dream man." Y/n pushing his chest, not seeing the slight change in his eyes as she shook her head.
"Nope, i think my dream man is literally anyone else." JJ pressing further into her as he raised his eyebrows, hiding his jealousy as he thought about how her and John B had been. 
"Yeah, you sure about that? Or is it just John B?" Y/n's face changing to one of confusion as she pushed him off sitting up, looking at him as he stood over her.
"What? What's John B got to do with it?" JJ shrugged, looking away as he fiddled with his shorts.
"No nothing just y'know, you guys have been...close." JJ looking back at Y/n as she burst out laughing, pushing him in the stomach with a shake of her head.
"You're unbelievable! He's in love with sarah cameron! Also ew! Why would i have a crush on him?" JJ scratched the back of his head, looking down at the ground as Y/n flopped back still laughing. JJ looked back at her before deciding he wanted to say it, all the nerves hitting him as he spoke.
"You did the tuck thing, i saw it." Y/n sat up quickly, her cheeks red as she looked at JJ, eyes wide and mouth dry.
"No, no i didn't. I...i don't do that!" Y/n tried not to let her voice get too high, she only did it at JJ which meant he'd seen her, sure he'd gotten the context wrong but still. 
"Yeah you did! You were all like oh my god John B, you're my hero." Faking her voice as he pushed the hair behind his ear, Y/n now glowing bright red as she recalled the morning when she'd done it, however his idea of the events was completely wrong. Standing up Y/n put her hands on her hip and stared at JJ, the blonde boy copying her as he waited for her to crack and admit her crush.
"I did not! And i don't sound like that, i never tucked my hair at John B!" JJ throwing his hands in the air as Y/n got more red, JJ getting annoyed that she was hiding it from him. 
"Just admit it!" Y/n pushing back her hair as she let out and annoyed grunt and shouted back.
"I didn't tuck my hair at him! I tucked it at you, you moron!" Her eyes widening as she slapped a hand over her mouth, JJ staring at her as he opened and closed his mouth. Y/n's face bright red, her whole body on fire as she tried to back track.
"Not you, not like...like i do it at you y'know. Just that you saw it wrong and i was just moving my hair and it has no meaning. Absolutely no meaning so you should just forget it and...y'know what i'm really tired so i'm going to get dressed and into bed." Y/n rushing past JJ, grabbing her pjs and escaping to the bathroom where she pressed herself against the door cursing herself for speaking. JJ still speechless as he stared at where she'd been stood, moments later a wide grin taking over his face, his whole body buzzing as he waited for Y/n to get back. Y/n walking in a few minutes later, head down and trying to sneak into her bed when JJ moved forward pulling her into his arms, Y/n resisting as she tried not to look at him.
"Y/n come on, look at meee." JJ whined, Y/n breaking as she looked at his grinning face, groaning as she pushed his face away.
"Stop being so cocky, i told you it means nothing so don't read into it okay! I don't need teasing." Y/n pouting as JJ grabbed her arms trapping them under his, his smile wide as he stared down at her, her mind whirling as she only saw playfulness in his eyes not wanting to be teased or made fun of.
"I'm not teasing, and i'm allowed to be cocky when my dream girl tells me she likes me." Y/n flushing red again as she rolled her eyes trying to pull out his arms.
"I told you i don't want to be teased okay? Haha very funny Y/n said something wrong. I want to sleep." JJ shaking his head, crushing Y/n against him, one hand coming to push her hair behind her ear and stroke her face, making her eyes find his as he gave her a genuine smile. 
"I like you too, like a lot alot, more than anyone else. Ever." Y/n stared at JJ, her eyes dropping to his lips before darting back to his eyes as he continued smiling at her.
"Is this a trick? This feels like a horrible trick where you then wrestle me to the floor like when we were kids." JJ shaking his head with a laugh, cupping her face and kissing her gently, allowing her to pull away if she needed to, his mind relaxing as she kissed him back. Pulling away a moment later as he grinned down at her dazed expression, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip, a smile pulling at her lips as she snapped out of the daze. 
"Just to let you know, i'm going to be the cockiest bastard you've ever met now that i scored you. Like seriously i'm never going to let anyone forget that i got to kiss you." Y/n rolling her eyes and hitting his chest, going to move away as JJ pulled her back, kissing all over her face making her squeal out.
"JJ!" The blonde grinning as he picked her up, continuing to kiss all over her face as she laughed trying to push his face away.
"One more kiss and then i'm going to cuddle the shit out of you." Y/n pushing his face away as he went to kiss her again, a wide grin on her face.
"You're insufferable." JJ humming agreement as he pushed her hand away landing a kiss on her lips as Y/n relaxed into him, letting him place her on the bed and deepen the kiss. JJ sighing against her lips as he couldn't stop the grin on his face again, barely having stopped since it all clicked.
"I'm the luckiest guy in the world so i'm allowed to be insufferable princess." Y/n shaking her head as she laughed, covering her face with her hands at his words, pulling them away to see him still grinning down at her.
"Don't look at me like that!" JJ rolling his eyes and pulling her hands away from her face, placing more kisses over her face making her giggle.
"Then let me kiss you! Just can't stop now i've started." Y/n finally pushing him away as she grabbed a pillow hitting him in the face starting a pillow fight which ended with them both laid against the bed panting. Y/n looking towards JJ as he stood up throwing his shirt and shorts onto his bag, climbing back into the bed and pulling it open for Y/n who joined him seconds later, her body against his as they cuddled in silence. JJ being the first to break it as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
"I'm so fucking lucky you know that right? I never in a million years thought you'd like me." Y/n smiling as she cuddled into him further, the pair laid down in the bed, blankets covering them.
"How could i not, you're my person JJ." Y/n moving to tuck her hair behind her ear without thinking, JJ smiling to himself as he placed another kiss on her head, both their eyes closing as they fell asleep in each others arms. 
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JJ Maybank MasterList
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JJ Maybank and Kook Reader MasterList
Incarceration: Part 1 / Part 2
Diversion: Part 1 / Part 2
The Price of Greed: Part 1 / Part 2
Loud: Part 1 / Part 2
The Grease Monkey: Part 1 / Part 2
Bloodied Knuckles: Part 1 / Part 2
Eggnog: Part 1 / Part 2
Whatever It Takes
The Bartender
Helping Hands
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Better Than Gold
Two Weeks
Finish What You Started
Never Really Over
Deny, Deny, Deny
An Adventure in the Twinkie
Worth A Thousand Words
Under Their Noses
Hired Help
The First Time
Catch and Release
Turning Tables
Because I Can
Blow My Mind
Not So Innocent
Dress Up
Phone Sex
Sex Tape
The Importance of A Safe Word
Convince Me
The Problem With PDA
Your Game, His Rules
No Nut November
Don't Test Me
Take Care
Just Another Reason
Sweet Dreams
The Effect of His Kiss
The Other Side
Leave A Mark
Topper's Sister
All Mine
For Your Consideration
After School Special
All The Right Curves
What Do I Get Out of It
The 26 Letters of JJ Maybank
5 Minutes Or Less
The Christmas List
Mrs. Clause
Cock Roach
The Effect of Mistletoe
The Nanny And The Pool Boy
What's In A Name?
Guessing Game
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause
903 notes · View notes
filthyfluffyfantasies · 9 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
❝Ouch!❞ jj maybank hissed as he shot you a dirty look. you moved closer in his lap and continued to gingerly dab the damp rag in your hand at his busted lip wordlessly. as you worked to clean the wound, jj stared up at you. ❝you have pretty eyes. never noticed before.❞ - this had you squirming in his lap just slightly as your breath caught in your throat and you dropped the rag. ❝i make you nervous, darlin?❞ he asked after the air between you got so thick he couldn't take it anymore.
❝n-nope.❞ you answer, determined not to fall victim to the charm of the island ladies man. he barely spared you a second glance as far as you knew so it'd surprised you when he got into a brawl with one of the kooks after they'd grabbed your ass when you made your way past their table to clear the ones in your section. ❝why'd you do it?❞ you question after a long pause.
jj coughs. takes a shaky breath and he stares up at you, baby blues darkening by the second as he weighs his next words carefully. words aren't coming and this is foreign territory for the blond.
❝i didn't like th' way he kept touchin you, darlin.❞ jj answered. he reaches out and grabs hold of your jaw to make you look at him, ❝i could tell he was scarin' you and maybe i wanted to protect you.❞
you are wordless, frozen in place. staring at him. but jj, oh my god, jj he's ever the opportunist so he seizes this exact moment to lean into you, a larger and rough hand settling on your hip to squeeze as he rakes you completely against his body and pulls your mouth down against his own..
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k2padfoot · 1 year
JJ Maybank x Y/n
summary: JJ finds out you’ve been taken by Rafe & Barry in return for the cross.
warnings: *TW* abuse, violence, Rafe being a psycho, drugs, angst, swearing, some fluff.
notes: So there’s a point where it switches to JJ’s POV & i just hope it makes sense /: also this was not meant to be so long lmao hope you guys enjoy!
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It was another crappy shift at The Wreck, you had been running around taking orders all night when Rafe and Barry came in acting like you owed them something. They both wouldn’t leave you alone about JJ, or about how you “know everything,” whatever the hell that meant. When your shift ended they were still around talking about God knows what but you were just happy to get away from them.
You threw on one of JJ’s sweatshirt when you walked outside, the cool night air nipping at your bare arms. You started to walk towards you car, swiping through the unread messages on your phone.
✆ 8 text messages
JJ: Cant’ wait to see your beautiful face later! Sent 6:32pm.
Kie: I think I’m gonna say fuck it & wear the black top anyway lmao. Sent 6:45pm
JJ: Oh and just a heads up it might get chilly tonight just bring something warm incase. Sent 7:02 pm.
Sarah: I think I might be able to get a keg for tonight! Sent 7:31pm.
John B: Hey y/n/n, if you could stop at the general store on your way here and grab some claws that be awesome! I’ll totally get you back for them. Sent 8:00pm.
Kie: Maybe I shouldn’t.. Omg Y/n you have to help me! I’m so indecisive. Sent 8:12pm.
Pope: You’re coming to JB’s tonight right? Sent 8:23pm.
JJ: You still off at 9? Sent 8:37pm.
As you read the last text on your phone you suddenly felt two hands grip your shoulders roughly turning you around.
When you spun around you were met with the face of none other than the islands favorite coke dealer, Barry. Peaking from behind him you could see Rafe Cameron, Barry’s best customer.
“Hey pretty girl.” Barry said in a depraved way.
His grip on your shoulders didn’t let up, if only it got worse. “What the hell? What the fuck is this?” you tried to fight against him.
Rafe let out a breathy laugh from behind Barry, “Awh, don’t act like you don’t know sweetheart.” Rafe answered.
“Know what? I have no clue what you mean.” you tried to tell them.
Barry waisted no time shoving you right into Rafe who gripped your wrists behind your back, “What are you doing? Rafe what the hell?!” you cried out.
Rafe didn’t respond, instead he forced you down toward the dock with Barry right behind him, a smug look about his face.
You struggled against Rafe doing your best to lose his grip. “Just tell me what’s going on!” you pleaded with them but Barry just shot you a filthy smirk.
You were tossed onto a boat, a rather large one at that. Before you could get up Barry took a hold of you, his rough hands gripped your hair in a fist dragging you to the cabin.
“Get the fuck in.” he yelled at you. You turned around to look at him when you noticed Rafe behind him holding a knife. Rafe shoved himself past Barry to get closer to you, close enough that you feel his hot breath against your skin. You recognized the disturbing look in his eyes as he stared at you, without warning the knife you saw a second ago was jammed up against your side.
“Now you’re going to tell us what we want to know and it’ll be fine, okay?” Rafe demanded, you swallowed hard and nodded in response.
“Good.” Rafe smiled, “Now sit down.” he ordered. Barry started scrounging through a backpack before pulling out a set of old ropes.
“Tie her up.” Rafe told him.
Barry carefully tied your hands with the dirty old ropes making sure to pull tightly on each knot. You tried to fight against them, loosen them maybe, but it wasn’t going to work.
“Just relax doll.” you heard Rafe say as he came to stand above you, “All I need to know is where that cross is.”
Suddenly your phone began to ring as your eyes went wide in fear. “Fuck, give me your phone!” Rafe shouted. Quickly you scrambled through your pockets and pulled out your phone, JJ’s name was written on the screen as it continued to ring.
Rafe ripped the phone from your hand and tossed it to Barry. “You’re not going to be needing that.”
“I don’t understand why she wouldn’t answer my calls. She always answers the text I leave her while she’s working as soon as she gets off and she still hasn’t. And I texted her at 9:15 asking if she was on the way but she didn’t answer that either. Have you guys heard from her?” JJ looked to the rest of the group for answers.
“I haven’t heard anything back from her yet.” Sarah answered.
“Me either.” Pope said, “Yeah.” Kiara agreed.
Worry began to set in for JJ. “I asked her to stop for some White Claws maybe that’s where she is?” John B suggested but JJ just shook his head.
“No, no way she wouldn’t answer any of us this whole time if that’s what she was doing. It’s almost 10– this isn’t like her!” JJ yelled.
“Alright okay, we will figure th—
Before John B could finish his sentence JJ’s phone began to ring. “Wait, wait hold on!” JJ put his hand out towards John B as to wave him off. “Who’s number is 555-6328?” he asked everyone.
Sarah’s face immediately fell, “JJ.. That’s Rafe.” she revealed.
“Rafe?!” JJ shouted, “JJ just answer it!!” Pope told him.
“Yeah ok— Hello?” JJ answered.
“Maybank.” Rafe spoke through the phone.
“What? What the hell do you want Rafe?”
“Don’t act dumb JJ. I think we both have something we need from each other.” Rafe stated coldly.
“And what would that be?” JJ asked Rafe.
After a few seconds of silence your voice could be heard in the background. “JJ!! JJ is that you?” you were calling out.
Once JJ heard your voice his blood began to boil, “Rafe I swear to G—
“Then get me my cross. You have 24 hours.” Rafe demanded before hanging up on JJ.
“What the hell was that?” you shouted towards Rafe.
He started to cross the room, “You don’t need to know, I’ve got it taken care of alright?” He hovered over you, his fingers gripping your jaw forcing you to look at him as he spoke. “I said alright?” he growled, you let out a whimper trying to tear your head away but he only grasped harder. You quickly nodded in response and he released his grip on your jaw flinging your head to the side in the process.
For the next 30 minutes you sat in silence. Barry was on the top deck probably trying to figure out how to get some more coke, Rafe was slumped into the couch across from you keeping his eyes locked on your every move and you were starting to get antsy.
“S-so what are you gonna do with me?” you nervously questioned.
Rafe stood up, his fingers digging deep into his temples. “Jesus Christ, do you ever stop talking?” He yelled through the cabin.
You went to open your mouth to say something again but Rafe was quicker, he shoved an old bandanna into your mouth and secured it behind your head. “There, that’ll solve it.” he smirked.
Anxiety was consuming your entire body now, how were you supposed to breathe like this?
Your heart started beating hard against your chest. With every rapid thump a numbing pain shot through your head. Each labored breath you took felt like your lungs were filling up with water.
The panic was setting in.
Sweat was dripping from your forehead and your skin was turning a sick pale color. You weren’t aware of your strained wheezes being so loud or the way you were noticeably shaking, but Barry did.
“Yo Rafe? Hey get that shit off of her! You’re gonna fucking kill her man.”
Rafe sighed roughly as if he was inconvenienced by your current state. “Yeah ok, whatever.” He told Barry as he ripped the bandanna from around your head letting it fall to your neck.
You took a harsh breath forcing yourself to take in as much air as you possibly could before coughing desperately. “Don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit?” Rafe tilted his head at you.
“F-fuck off.” you choked out. “You aren’t getting that cross.” you coughed once more, “It doesn’t belong to you.”
Rafe rushed at you, his fingers sinking into each side of your face. “Oh really? How about I make you tell me?” He threatened. “What’s it gonna take sweetheart?” The chilling tone of Rafe’s voice sent shivers down your spine.
Without warning Rafe’s coarse hands wrapped around your neck. “How bout this? Huh?” He spoke in rage.
“R-afe!” you choked out as you dug your fingernails into him out of desperation, but he wasn’t letting up.
“Tell me! I know you know Y/n so say it!!” Rafe shouted at you all while his hands were still gripped around your neck shaking you like a rag doll.
Your face was getting extremely red and you couldn’t form any words, all that could be heard from you was small ragged gasps.
“Alright, alright! That’s enough man.” you heard Barry say as he pulled Rafe off of you.
Your fingers hopelessly clawed at your neck and your head kept spinning as you tried gasping for air.
“Oh calm down, you’re fine.” Rafe mocked you. You rolled your eyes as you watched Barry grab a pair of keys off of the table next to you.
“Yo I gotta make a run, am I gonna come back to her dead in here?” Barry asked Rafe.
“Nah, nah it’ll be fine man just go.” Rafe waved him off.
Great, now your stuck in here with a raging psychopath and no one to stop him from killing you.
You were becoming increasingly anxious by the minute. You kept thinking about JJ, did he know where you were? Is he coming to help you? but before you could finish another thought the doors to the cabin were ripped open.
It was JJ. A sense of relief filled your body as soon as you saw his face, but a sense of fear immediately rose when you saw the gun in his hands.
Quickly Rafe grabbed your arm and ripped you from the couch. He tugged on the rope that was securing your wrists to hold you in place. “Step away from her right now.” JJ said firmly, the gun in his hands pointed directly at Rafe.
Rafe pulled a knife from his pocket and centered it above your throat, “Or what? You gonna shoot me? If you even cock that gun back i’ll do it.” He threatened shoving the knife even closer to your neck as you whimpered in fear.
“N-no! No just— here i’m putting it back alright?” JJ secured the gun back in his waistband fearing what Rafe might do if he didn’t.
“You want your girl? Then where’s my cross?” Rafe said as he pulled you even closer to him.
“Ok-okay, relax.” JJ said, his eyes landing on your own telling you that it’s going to be okay. “It’s locked up at the church.”
“What?! At the church? So your telling me you don’t have it?” Rafe panicked.
“I do, just not here. I don’t know if you remember but it’s pretty fucking heavy.” JJ sarcastically said. “I’ve got the keys to the church right here, so if you want your cross let her go.”
Rafe’s grip started to loosen up on you and he lowered the knife, “You better not be fucking me Maybank.” He said as he let you go and shoved you towards JJ.
JJ immediately caught you as he tossed the keys to Rafe. “What are you doing?! What about the cross?” you asked him.
“Don’t worry about that right now we’ve got it covered, are you okay?” JJ asked as he held your head in his hands, his eyes frantically scanning you all over. You nodded in response but JJ knew you weren’t okay. He decided not to pry on it right now because you both needed to get out of there immediately.
“Alright princess we have to get out of here now.” JJ told you as he untied the ropes from your wrists and lead you out of the boat.
Once you stepped onto the dock JJ’s feet began moving much faster as you tried to keep up, “JJ what’s going on? Where are we going? And the cross?” you asked.
JJ stopped in his tracks turning himself around to face you, “Okay, so the cross is safe with some uncle of Pope’s and we need to get on a plane right now to South America.”
“South America? Wait wh-
“Because El Dorado. We have to go help Big John, Sarah & JB. Come on we’ve gotta get movin.” He told you as he grabbed your hand once again and you followed.
“El Dorado?” you questioned under your breath.
Once you were in the old cargo plane JJ explained everything in detail to you. The pogues we’re about to go full kook. “Holy shit! Holy sh- oh my god! We’re gonna be rich!” you yelled out in excitement. JJ’s hands were intertwined with yours as you both jumped of joy, “Hell yeah baby! Full kook, WOO-HOO!!!” JJ howled in excitement and you both started laughing until you couldn’t anymore.
JJ’s smile was wide as ever as he looked at you, until it wasn’t. His eye’s landed on your neck again. Your own smile began to falter now, “What? What’s wrong?” you asked him.
JJ sighed roughly, “I’m so sorry.” he whispered like his voice was going to break.
“Because..” He motioned towards your neck, “This, you don’t deserve this. I shouldn’t have let this happen to you.” He gently placed his lips to the jagged red marks surrounding your neck delicately kissing the bruises to be, “I’m so sorry baby.” He whimpered.
You sighed as you leaned into him, “JJ stop, it isn’t your fault. It’s there’s okay?” You tried to reassure him, your hand slowly rubbing his back.
JJ kept his eyes down, “I just wish I could’ve kept you safe, I’m supposed to keep you safe for God’s sake.” he said letting out a low pitiful whine.
Gently you reached for his chin and tilted his head to look at you, “You couldn’t have known this would happen, please don’t beat yourself up. I’ll be okay, we’ll both be okay, we’re about to have all the money in the world baby!” you teased as JJ let out a breathy laugh.
“I’m going to take care of you, I promise you’ll never get hurt again if I have anything to do with it.” JJ told you as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “I love you princess.”
You smiled softly at him, “I love you too J.”
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
[jj maybank x reader]
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[ part of the “taylor swift anthology”]
summary: with summer comes changes and you all for it. except when those changes brings a truth you don't want to accept. and your best friend is responsible for leaving you intrigued.
or, in which you and jj have become closer during summer, but growing feelings make you push him away. it might take a storm for you to figure out what you really want.
pairings: jj maybank x kook!fem!reader
w.c: 1.9K
warnings/content: insecurities; self doubt (conversations about not deserving someone); mataphors about drowning (nothing bad happens!); a storm™; sarah cameron gives great advice <3
A/N: found this in my WIPS and thought it fit anti-hero pretty well. this is my interpretation of the song which I relate a lot. + we got obx s3 being released tmr and this is kind of a celebration to it (I miss my boys and my girls). good reading!
A/N²: poorly edited. I'm sleepy.
❝ it's me, hi, I'm the
problem, it's me. ❞
➶ ➷
“I see what you do when you get attached, you know?” Sarah broke the silence after a few minutes. Her hair had gotten a lighter shade of blonde over the summer, you noticed.
It wasn't the only thing that changed in Sarah Cameron during the summer. Your best friend had gotten stronger, much different from when she was last year, less judgemental about certain subjects her dad brainwashed her with.
You were proud of her. So incredibly proud for what she had become.
One thing, however, had not changed at all: how well she was able to read you.
You changed as well. For the better? For the worst? You weren't sure. You just know that your friends had become your family more than anyone else in your life. And you were grateful for that. Maybe, they were a big part of your change during the summer, too.
The dirty haired blond with toned body that surfed the harsh waves in front of you was definitely responsible for those changes, too. You couldn't deny it; you just didn't say it out loud.
“Attached to what?” You replied after a while of observing the boy. He hipnotized you some times. JJ Maybank had a way with you you'd never understand fully.
“Attached to someone, romantically.” Sarah specified, giving you a look to let you know she knew you weren't paying attention. “You're doing it to him.”
You shifted on the towel, feeling apprehensive. Sarah had become fucking bold, huh?
No. She had always been like that.
“I don't even know what you're talking about, Sarah.” You said, playing dumb.
“Yes, you do. I can see it in your face. You venture with someone new, have fun, and as soon as your heart gives that little jump you run away.”
You rolled your eyes, turning to look at your other friends who were engaged in a calm conversation. You watched as John B. pecked Sarah's lips and sprinted towards the sea with his board.
“He cares about you. More than you see,” Sarah's smile died down as his boyfriend dove in and she turned to you again, nudging your thigh with hers. “JJ is a good guy, you know? Which, of course, that does not give anyone a hundred percent certainty of no heartbreak—”
You groan, burying your face in the towel as you spun on your back to the sun.
“— and if he does break your heart I'll murder him—”
“—but you have to think about trying before giving up, alright?” That caught your attention so you lifted your face to stare at her bewildered. She had a look as if she knew something you didn't. “If you don't try, you'll never see if it will be worth it.”
You knew she said it from experience. Her relationship with John B. had been a shot in the dark. Before they came to know each other better. There were hardships, there were bad moments. But there were good ones. A lot of those; you saw it. And the way they looked and cared for one another... It was all worth it.
A shaky sigh left your lips as you say down again. The sun was gone and the clouds painted the sky a dark shade of gray. A storm was coming. You could feel it.
“I don't even know if he wants a relationship with me, Sarah,” you blurted out, pushing your hair back. “And—and even if he did. It would never work out. We're completely different people. Polar opposites. JJ deserves someone that is worth his time.”
The boys were surfing together, now. Hyping each other up. Kiara scolded them because of the storm and ordered them to come back.
“You're blind as fuck to not notice the way he looks at you like you're a fallen star or something,” she rolled her eyes as you started to play with the hem of your bathing suit. “You need to let yourself feel happiness. I like seeing you happy, it's an amazing sight to see my best friend happy, do you know that?”
Laying your head on her shoulder, you let out a long sigh.
“I like seeing you happy, too, Sarah. I love you.”
“Thanks, I love me, too.”
You slap her thigh, gaining a pinch in your arm. Making a face, you retracted your hand to massage the spot. Sarah grinned at you.
“And who the fuck told you you're not worth JJ's time?”
You gave her an eye-roll as your cheeks heat up. You weren't, you knew it. How could you be? You weren't half of the person you wanted to be and he deserved a hundred percent. Of everything.
JJ Maybank did not deserve halves. He deserved the whole fucking sea. What good would it be for him to have someone wearing masks because the skeletons in their closets was too much to bear?
He already had too much on his plate. You wouldn't add to it. You were the problem, not him.
Looking up at the horizon, the clouds were a deep shade of grey. You could hear the soft patter of the rain against the sand. You raised your palm to feel the tears from the sky.
Sprinkles of cold water landed in your face interrupting your inner monologue. You flinched when it hit your bear back, too. It wasn't the rain. Lifting your sight to glare at dirty blonde hair and a killer smile, your eyes softened without you noticing.
“A beer for your thoughts?” He offered, plotting down next to you. Seems like none of you were bothered by the coming storm, everyone else was either still swimming or splattered around in the sand.
“Thanks,” you accepted the cold bottle with a smile, taking a sip. “Won't share anything, though.”
JJ gave you a pout, “That wasn't the deal.”
“Tough life, baby.”
His lips stretched in a soft smile. It had been a while since you said the petname. It had been a while since you've held a conversation with him, to be honest. For weeks, JJ had been trying to figure it out what he had done, how he attempted to mess up his relationship with you. It would eventually happen, he knew it. He fucks everything up at some point. Blame it on genetics.
Was it something he said? An action? Had he made you uncomfortable?
He didn't know. He just wanted to make it right again. He felt like you were slipping through his fingers, like the drops of rain falling into your hand. And even if he only were able to have your friendship, that's alright; he didn't want to lose you. Never. You were the stable path he had searched for his whole life. he couldn't miss the trail. Not again.
“You alright?” you asked, noticing the small pinch in his eyebrows as he stared unfocused at the sea. Sarah had abandoned you for John B and Kiara, they were racing each other like children. You hadn't seen when Sarah left her spot, only who took it. You haven't decided if you should be happy or frustrated. JJ seemed to show up every time your thoughts reached his persona. Leaving you unprepared.
The rain was starting to pick up. Maybe you should head in to the Chateau.
You didn't move. Neither did him.
“Yeah. Are you?” He threw the question back at you. Tis tone made you drift your attention back to be beer. You glared at it. And you also mentally glared at Sarah and her stupid words that wouldn't leave your mind.You're blind as fuck to not notice the way he looks at you like you're a fallen star or something.
“Why wouldn't I be?”
“I don't know. Can't read your mind.”
“What's the fun if you could?”
“Then I would know what I did wrong.”
You sucked in a breath, meeting his eyes without meaning to. “What?” You knuckles turned white as you held the neck of the bottle tighter. JJ didn't wavered. He was always the brave one. You were always the coward.
“You've been distant,” before you were able to protest, he rushed out, “Maybe I'm reading too much into it, maybe you really are. I don't know. Did I do something to upset you?”
“No,” you said without hesitation. Because he hadn't. What was happening wasn't his fault. “I— I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.” It was yours. So for the first time —blame it on Sarah-Motherfucking-Cameron—you chose to own the truth instead of offering the easy lie.
His eyes softened. He could see the struggle in your eyes. “Are you sure? 'Cause I can handle it. You don't have to pretend I didn't fucked it up for my sake,” JJ knew you too well to know you would rather be silent than to hurt anyone with your words. Even if it would hurt you. He didn't want it with him. He wanted you to be okay. Truly okay. No masks or lies needed.
“JJ,” you whispered. “You did nothing wrong. I'm just— I'm confused, it's all. It's not your fault, if anything, it's mine.”
He frowned, “Why would it be your fault?”
You sighed, “I distanced myself. from you. I didn't meant to, but I did. It wasn't anything you did. At least not like you think.”
“Not like I think?”
You chuckled at his puzzled look.
“I care about you, JJ. So we should give up from this and just, move on to another subject. An easier one.” You pleaded.
He rasied his eyebrows, “I don't want to move on from this yet,” he felt a bit bold. “Why did you distanced yourself if it wasn't something I did?”
You stayed quiet, watching his fingers pull his now-wet strands back. Your own hair was starting to stick to your shoulders and back because of the rain. It was getting stronger. But your body was frozen because you were caught off guard. You weren't expecting this conversation to arrive today. Or ever. You would never be prepared for this.
“It was easier.”
“Why was it easier to be away from me?”
“Because I was drowning and even if I know how to swim I'm not sure I want to.”
JJ was in desperate need of your full attention now. But you wouldn't meet his eyes as hard as he burned his onto your face. He was searching for answers.
“That's fine,” he said carefully, scared to drive you away again. “You don't have to keep swimming. You can just... stay afloat for a while. Rest your breath. You won't drown.” The water of the sky tasted salty in his tongue. He observed your profile paint with drops and refrained from brushing a thumb against it.
I've been drowning since the first moment I laid eyes on you. You thought, blinking fast when the rain started to lnd in your eyelashes.
“I can't stay afloat,” you croaked out softly.
“I can help you with that,” you gazed up at him. “It's not hard,” he said with a soft smile, his palm capturing a bit of the storm like you were doing previously. “You just have to believe for a second and relax. Let your mind free, you know? I'll be there the whole time, if you let me.”
Please, let me.
“What if I drift from the shore?” You frown when his hair fell right into his eyes, drenched. Holding yourself back to not push it back.
“I'll swim and bring you back.”
I'd dive into the end of the ocean to find you. JJ thought.
“I could be too far gone, Maybank.”
Because you're the antihero in your story. You sabotage and you bargain your love life for the sake of being lonely. Simply because you couldn't handle being out of control. Or being reciprocated. It was terrifying to not be loved back. But it was even more terrifying to be loved.
“Never.” he shook his head. “Only if you want to be. Do you want to be?”
Too far gone from you? No.
I can't. Not anymore.
“No,” you admit after a while. Gaze glued to his. “I don't want to be too far.”
He hums, “Then I won't let you drift away. Do you trust me?” He asked, brushing a stray strand behind your ear.
“I do,” you feel a smile creeping in your face. “Of course, I do.”
He was grinning, a happy glint in his blue eyes. Even with the rain brushing against his face like tears. He was beautiful. “Well, then we don't have much to worry about, do we?”
“No, I don't think we do.”
The storm didn't diminished. And you didn't move. Maybe you could swim close to the shore, after all.
➶ ➷
A/N: part two?
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
bestie idk of you write for JJ, but i have this very specific desire to lick his teeth during sex- before you judge me, it’s his bottom teeth yk? they’re all crooked and pointy and i just want to lick them while riding him-
could pls write that?
Warning: smut and language included ! (I did not proof read so my apologies in advanced)
“JJ get off of me” You jokingly yelled out as your boyfriend of 3 months hovered over you on the couch in the Chateau, his fingers dancing alongside your hips. You let out spurts of giggles as he continued to tickle you before his movements stop, his body still hovering over you. You furrowed your brows together as you realized he was staring.
“What?” you asked softly, since his face was right above yours. He shook his head lightly, his shaggy blonde hair following as a gently smile formed on his face.
“You’re just so beautiful” He responded, still looking deeply into your eyes. “Takes my breath away” You looked down at the space between the two of you, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. For some reason when JJ complimented you it always gave you butterflies and you would instantly get shy around him. You looked back up at him, his facial expression not changing before he leaned down, pressing his lips against yours.
The kiss was soft and passionate at first, but then it became a bit more aggressive, your hands tangling in his hair. You watched as he leaned up for a second, pulling his shirt over his head before he leaned back down, his lips finding yours once again. This time you pushed slightly against JJ’s bare chest, giving yourself room to be able to take your shirt off, which jj Helped with.
“Wait” you interrupted as he had slid his hands down towards your shorts. “What if the guys come back?” you asked referring to the rest of the Pogues that like to crash at the Chateau.
“It’s fine okay? IT’s Sunday theyre all working” JJ said with a shrug of his shoulders. “But to be safe we’ll just do a quicky” he implied before he leaned back dpwn, kissing you once again. His lips trailed down to your neck and over your shoulder before he looked up at you.
“You wanna get on top?” He asked, his lips pink and puffy from the make out session you both just had and his chest heaving a bit more than usual. You bit your lip nodding. You always felt a bit insecure about being on top but JJ insisted it makes him last longer and he absolutely loved the view and feeling when you were in control. JJ smiled widely, showing off his crooked teeth before leaning back away from you, pulling down his shorts and boxers to his ankles. He sat back down on the couch, his back leaned into the cushion behind him as he slowly pumped himself as he watched you quickly undress your self.
You made your way back over to JJ, your legs on both sides of him, hovering just above his tip. You threw your head back with your mouth open as you slid down on him, his size never failing to stretch you. JJ’s mouth immediately when straight to your nipple while his hand groped the other, pinching it slightly between his finger. You lifted yourself up and down his body as his mouth did wonders against your breast, shooting tingling feelings to your core.
You started grinding your hips against him at a faster pace trying to bring yourself close to your high. He lowered his hands, squeezing against your hips and pushing against them to help you move along him. You placed your hands above his head on the back of couch, your breasts bouncing in his face as he continued looking down, seeing your clit rub against his pelvis over and over.
“Fuck JJ” you moaned out, feeling yourself getting close. He looked up at you before grabbing the back of your head, pulling you towards him , your lips landing on each other. You placed his bottom lip inbetween your teeth, tugging on them some before you suddenly ran your tongue across his bottom teeth, taking him completely by shock. JJ pulled his head back, his eyes widened at you causing you to stop your movements along him.
“What?” You asked out of breath. He shook his head in disbelief at the words he was about to say.
“Did you just lick my teeth?” he asked with pure confusion written on his face. You immediately regretted the decision, it being clear that it probably weirded JJ out.
“Umm” you replied lowering your head, “Your teeth are such a turn on to me I just- uhm i-“You stopped talking completely lost for words. You didn’t know how to explain your reasoning for it because to be honest you weren’t even sure why you did it, you just knew it was something you definitely fantasized about. JJ saw how your face became red and you were looking down with humiliating.
“No baby, that was hot as fuck” He laughed out, his smiling becoming big. You looked up at him, this time your face filled with confusion. He didn’t even bother to wait for your response before he grabbed your hips, pushing you down to where your back was laid down on the couch.
You gasped loudly as JJ inserted himself into you, your legs bent up high , almost touching your chest as he rocked his hips back and forth at a fast pace into you. He placed one hand above your head on the arm rest while the other rubbed circles at your throbbing clit, causing you to moan out loudly. JJ built his climax up with each thrust, his head leaning back as he shot his load into you. You dug your nails into his back as he lowered his head next to yours, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he rode out his high, finally bringing you to your own climax. You wrapped your legs around his waste, pulling him deep inside you as you came around him, both your juices mixing.
You felt his body begin to relax on yours before he sat up, removing himself from you before grabbing at his shorts pulling them up.
“Who would’ve known that you had a fetish for teeth” He joked , looking back over at your naked figure. You shook your head, face palming yourself.
“Only yours JJ, only yours”
This was my first JJ fic so I Hope you liked it Anon !
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100 Acts of Dirty Love | #9
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: "I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to fuck you senseless right now." & "Maybe I should get you a collar so you don't forget who you belong to."
Word Count: 100
Warning: If you don't like smut, don't read this.
Note: Number 87 and 94 from the prompt list! I hope you love it!
JJ," he hums and smirks against your neck as you moan while he fingers you. "We can't."
"I really don't care." His voice is husky, "You still look hot and I'm trying not to fuck you senseless right now."
You wish he could but he isn't your date to Midsummer. Topper is, which is why JJ pulled you inside a closet. You told him that you had to be his date and saying JJ was pissed and upset would be an understatement.
He thinks out loud, "Maybe I should get you a collar so you don't forget who you belong to."
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imaslutformaybank · 3 years
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A/N: hey, hi, hello.  no, this is not a request.  this is actually stolen from my wattpad that i don’t use anymore😩anyways, sorry i haven’t updated in a while, school has been KICKING MY ASS.  hope you enjoy😏
one shot, blurb, or head canon?: one shot
summary: after one hookup between jj and the reader, the dynamic of their friendship is thrown off.  the reasoning for this is discovered one night at a party.
pairing: jj maybank x reader
warnings: cursing, jealousy, possessiveness, dominance, mentions of underage drinking, dirty talk, fingering, oral (fem receiving), slight edging, car sex, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), and i think that’s all.  let me know if i missed anything🙏😩
wc: 2987
“there he goes, off to flirt with the first girl he sees,” kie said as we sat down on a log.  i followed her gaze to see jj flirting with a tall, blonde girl.  i watched as he threw his head back in a fit of laughter and i couldn’t help but be disgusted.
jj maybank, my best friend since the 3rd grade.  we met one day on a playground and have been inseparable ever since.  something that happened pretty recently though, has changed the way i look at him.
about a month ago, jj and i hooked up.  it was a moment of weakness.  we were both drunk out of our minds and fresh out of broken relationships.  we thought it would be a good idea to just fuck, and never talk about it again.  it has not been as easy as i thought it would be.  
i know i fucked up by having sex with him in the first place, but i thought i would still see him as my best friend.  i don’t.  now i see him as someone i’m in love with, and it’s killing me because i know he doesn’t feel the same.
things haven’t been the same since that night.  i mean, we’re still super close and everything, but there is an unspoken tension in the air.  i’ve tried to bring the topic up to him, but i just get nervous and bail every time.
“hello, are you good?” kie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“i was asking you if you wanted a refill?” she asked, nodding toward the empty cup in my hand.
“oh, yeah, sure,” i said, handing it to her.  she took it and stood up, making her way over to the keg.  i directed my attention back to jj, and saw that he was now alone.  he was leaning against a large branch, using his arms to prop himself up.  i admired the way his muscles flexed when he shifted his weight.
“y/n?” i heard someone say from behind me.  i turned and faced them to see that it was the sweet guy from my 8th grade science class.
“holy shit, alex?” i asked, standing up.
“yeah! how are you?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around me.  i hugged him back, taking in the pleasant smell of his cologne.  
“i’m good.  how are you?” i asked, pulling away and assimilating his appearance.  puberty hit him like a truck.
“i’m doing pretty good.  it’s great to see you! you look.. different,” he said, his eyes scanning over my body.  i guess you can say that puberty also hit me like a truck.  
“yeah, you too.  what are you doing here? i thought you moved to wilmington?”
“oh, yeah, i did.  i’m just here for the summer,” he answered.  i nodded my head and prayed that he would talk again because i didn’t know what the fuck else to say.
“hey, who’s this?” kie asked, coming up beside me.  thank GOD. 
“oh, hey, thanks,” i said, taking my cup from her, “kiara, this is alex.  alex, this is kiara.”
“nice to meet you,” she smiled as she shook his hand.
“you too,” he replied.
“hey, alex, get over here!” i heard someone yell.
“well, i guess that’s my cue,” he said, “kiara, it was nice to meet you.  y/n, i’ll see you around, yeah?”
“yeah,” i said, nodding my head.
“bye,” kie waved as he walked away.  i took a sip out of my cup and kie turned to face me with a bewildered expression. “he is cute as hell! how come you’ve never told me about him?”
“i don’t know,” i shrugged, “the last time i saw him, he did not look like that.  it’s been like 2, 3 years.”
“shit, girl.  you should get with him,” she said.  i shrugged, knowing damn well that the only person i’m interested in is jj.
“hey, kie! come here!” i heard someone call.
“i’ll see you later, alright?” she said.  i nodded and waved goodbye to her.
a few seconds later, i felt someone tap me on my right shoulder.  i looked to my right to see no one there.  i then rolled my eyes and looked to my left, knowing it was jj.
“’sup?” he asked, taking my drink out of my hand and bringing it up to his mouth.
“hey!” i said, taking it back from him.
“who was that you were talking to?” he asked.
“it’s kind of sad that you don’t know our best friend’s name after all these years,” i answered.  he sucked his teeth.
“not kie, asshat. the guy,” he said.
“alex,” i replied.  he stayed silent for a couple of seconds, waiting for me to elaborate.  i didn’t.
“alex who?”  he asked.  
“he was in my science class a few years ago.”
“do you think he’s hot?” he asked, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.  
“what an odd question,” i said.
“just wonderin’.  he seems like he’s your type,” he said.
“and you care what my type is, why?”
“would you fuck him?” he asked, ignoring my last question.  
“would you?” he asked again.
“i seriously don’t understand why you care-”
“just answer-”
“what if i already did?” i bit back.  i don’t know why i said that.  i guess a tiny part of me wanted to see how he would react.  i came to regret that decision when jj began pulling me by my arm.
“you ass, you made me drop my beer,” i whined as the cup landed in the sand.  he ignored me as he tugged me away from the party.  i trailed behind him until we ended up outside of the twinkie.  he finally let go of my arm.
“jj, what the hell are we doing?”
“get in,” he said as he slid the door open.
“no,” i said, crossed my arms over my chest.
“no?” he repeated.  i shook my head, “why?”
“because you’re not giving me a good reason,” i said.  he raised his eyebrows.
“you need a good reason?” he asked, stepping closer to me.  i nodded my head slowly, losing confidence in my answers as he stared down at me.
“how about this?” he asked lowly as he leaned down, closing the gap between us.  
when his lips touched mine, memories of that night flashed inside of my mind.  i didn’t realized how needy i had been for this kiss until it was happening.  
my back was pressed against the side of the van as jj slipped his knee in between my legs, forcing them apart and causing me to gasp.
“will you get into the van now?” he asked.  i nodded my head yes and basically scrambled into the twinkie, eager for what was coming next.  jj climbed in after me and closed the door behind us.  i grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him toward me, rekindling the kiss.  
his lips were soft, and he tasted of weed, beer, and mint.  this is a combination i would usually be opposed to, but since it’s jj, i don’t care.
he slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss as he crawled on top of me.  
“you ever think about me?” he mumbled against my lips as his right hand ran up and down my body. “about that night?”
“all the time,” i replied, the words coming out muffled against his lips.  
“remember how good i made you feel?” he asked.  i nodded. “want me to make you feel like that again?”
“please,” i replied, my voice coming out more pathetic than i wanted it to.  he pulled away and sat up, pulling his shirt over his head.  he then beckoned me toward him with two fingers. 
i crawled over to him and settled myself in his lap.  he placed his hands on my hips, guiding them as i began to rock back and forth against his growing dick.  
“fuck,” he breathed out, a sound that made the place between my legs ache.  his hands moved up from my hips to my back, tugging at the edge of my shirt.  i got the hint and pulled it over my head, throwing it somewhere in the van.  he began kissing my neck, sucking and nibbling lightly as he reached behind me to unclip my bra.  he then pulled away for a few seconds, admiring my bare chest.
“so fucking beautiful,” he mumbled, “lay down for me.”
i did as told and got off of his lap, laying down on my back and unbuttoning my shorts.  i then lifted up my hips so i could slide them down my legs with minimal effort.  
i let out a gasp when i felt jj’s fingers rubbing against my clothed clit.  when i looked at him, i realized that he was left in only his boxer-briefs.  when the hell did the happen?
“you’re fucking soaked, baby,” his low voice spoke as he looped his fingers around the hem of my underwear, pulling them down my legs.  after throwing them into an unknown corner of the van, he took his middle finger and ran it through my slick folds, sending shivers down my spine. 
“fucking perfect,” he mumbled to himself before pulling his finger away from me and bringing it into his mouth, a sight that was almost enough to make me cum on the spot.
he then began kissing my inner thighs, causing another shiver of anticipation to run down my spine.
“jj, please,” i whined, tugging at his hair.
“please what?” he asked in between kisses, getting closer to my heat with every one.  i huffed and bucked my hips upward, trying to get the friction that i so desperately needed.  finally, jj held my hips down and pressed his tongue against my clit.  a sigh of content left my lips as he began sucking on my sensitive bundle of nerves.
as the time went on, i could feel myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm. my legs began to shake slightly and i bit my lip to prevent from being too loud.
“fuck, that feels so good,” i whimpered out, “i’m close jj.” just as i was about to fall over the edge and cum, he pulled away.
“what the fuck?” i asked, sitting up.  i reached down to play with my clit, desperate for a release, but he slapped my hand away.
“what are you doing?” 
“chill out,” he said, leaning in to kiss me again.  although i was skeptical of his actions, i kissed back.  all of a sudden, i felt jj’s hand graze against my clit again, causing me to moan into his mouth.  he pushed two of his fingers into me and my hips started rocking against his hand involuntarily, causing him to smirk into the kiss.
before i knew it, i could feel my climax building up again.  i whimpered against his lips again, grinding my wet cunt against his hand.
“are you close?” he asked.  i nodded my head yes and he pulled his fingers out of me.  i pushed him back with a scowl on my face.
“what the hell are you doing? you’re pissing me off,” i said.  he suddenly grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks together.
“if you don’t shut the hell up, i’m not gonna let you cum at all tonight,” he said, “got it?”
i huffed and nodded my head yes.  jj let go of my face and i ran my hand through my hair.  jj took his briefs off, letting his length spring free and hit his lower stomach.  fuck.  i forgot how big he is.
“lay down,” he ordered.  i did as told and laid on my back while he got himself situated on top of me.
“you ready?” he asked as he lined his cock up with my aching pussy.  i nodded my head yes, eager to have him fill me up.  he leaned down to kiss me when i finally felt his dick slip inside of me.  i let out a breathy moan against his lips as i felt him pull out, then push back into me.
“fuck, i missed this,” he groaned as he sped up his actions.
he began fucking into me at an ungodly speed and i became a moaning mess underneath him.  low grunts escaped his mouth as he snapped his hips into mine at an alarmingly fast rate.
“fuck!” i moaned out when i felt his dick rub against my g-spot. “harder!”
he did as told and began thrusting into me harder than he was before.  my legs began to shake as he hit my sweet spot over and over again.
“did alex fuck you this good?” he breathed out, “was he as good as me?”
“fuck!” i moaned, scratching at his back. “no, no one’s as good as you.”
multiple moans, groans, and profanities flew out of both of our mouths as we found ourselves approaching our highs.
“jj, i’m so fucking close,” i whimpered, “if you stop i’m gonna fucking kill you.”
much to my content, he reached down and began rubbing my clit in quick circles.
“i’m not gonna stop.  cum for me,” he said.  as if on cue, i finally felt my orgasm wash over me.  i felt my pussy pulsating around his dick as i came harder than i ever have before.  he continued fucking into me, helping me ride out my high and trying to arrive at his own.  
soon, his thrusts became sloppy and broken moans spilled out of his mouth as he came inside of me.  he then stilled himself, trying to catch his breath as he came down from his high.  i wiped the back of my hand against my sweat-coated forehead as he pulled out and flopped down next to me.  
“that was fucking amazing,” i said as i stared at the roof of the van.  
“better than alex?” he asked, a smug tone clinging to his voice.  i rolled my eyes and sat up, searching for my clothes.
“i never fucked him,” i said, slipping into my underwear.  
“you didn’t?” he asked.  i shook my head no as i put my bra back on.
“nope.  and you’re a hypocrite for that,” i said.  he furrowed his eyebrows.
“for what?”
“for flirting and fucking with multiple different people, but when you thought i did it with one person, it’s bad.”
“i haven’t fucked anyone else since we were together that night,” he said.  i raised my eyebrows.
“are you serious?”
“yes, i’m serious.  sure, i’ve been flirting with other people, but that was to try and get my mind off of you.  i haven’t been able to stop fucking thinking about you since then,” he said, causing my cheeks to flush a dark red.
“we just fucked around for a good 30 minutes, and that’s what gets you to blush?” he asked.
“shut up,” i laughed, slipping my shirt over my head.
“have you been with anyone else?” he asked.  i looked up at him and shook my head no. “good.”
“good?” i asked.
“yes, good.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“what are you, fucking dense? it means good.  i don’t want you with anyone else.”
“so, what are you gonna do to prevent that?” i asked, digging deeper to try and see if he wanted to be exclusive.  he pursed his lips as he slipped his shirt on over his head.
“you’re really gonna make me say it?” he asked.  i nodded my head.
“you, me, together.  yes? okay, good.”
“that’s not good enough,” i said.  he sighed.
“you know i’m not good at this,” he said.  i shrugged, “i love you.  and i would like for you to be my.. girlfriend.” a wide smile took over my face and i crawled toward him.
“you love me?” i asked.  he looked away from me, his tongue poking against the inside of his cheek trying to prevent a smile.
“yeah, i love you,” he said, looking down at me.
“guess what?” i said.
“i love you too.”
“yeah, you better after the way i just made you cum,” he said.  i pushed his shoulder playfully.  
all of a sudden, we heard chatter and footsteps approaching the van.  we both scrambled to put the rest of our clothes on before the van door slid open revealing pope, kie, and sarah.  john b hopped into the drivers seat and started the car.  
“where’d you two sneak off to?” sarah asked as she climbed into the van.  
“uh, just got bored of the party,” i lied.
“why are you all sweaty?” kie asked, following behind sarah.
“we were... playing.. tag,” jj said, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose.
“it smells like sex in here,” sarah said.  i opened my eyes to see the dumbfounded look on their faces.
“wait...” kie started, realization flooding her features.
“holy shit, you two are fuckin’!” john b exclaimed.
“uh, yeah you are.”
“in the van?!” pope yelled.  i covered my face with my hands.  
“when the actual fuck did this happen?” kie asked.
“how long have you two been doing it?” sarah asked.
“we haven’t, it was just tonight and one other night,” i said.
“please for the love of god tell me it wasn’t at the chateau,” john b said, causing jj and i to exchange a look.
“you have to be kidding me,” pope said.
“okay, look, we don’t care that you two are fucking, alright? just do it at your house,” john b said.
“yeah.  anything else you need to get off your chests?” pope asked.
“well, i mean, we’re dating now,” jj said.
“wow, how cute.  now, don’t ever fuck in the van again”
“what are you gonna do to stop us?” jj asked, causing me to hit him in the chest.
“we won’t.”
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