#jingo's group
antfur · 1 year
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i have vague memories of her from back when i read po3. skimming through her wiki page, she seems like a cool lady. she's just doing her best y'know?
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
A Personal Note: Celebrating 500 Quotes
"Aren't you going to talk to the men, sir?"
Vimes looked at the assembled...well, multitude. There was no other word. Well, there were plenty, but none that it would be fair to use.
Big ones, short ones, fat ones, troll ones with the lichen still on, bearded dwarf ones, the looming pottery presence of the golem Constable Dorfl, undead ones...and even now he wasn't certain if that term should include Corporal Angua, an intelligent girl and a very useful wolf when she had to be. Waifs and strays, Colon had said once. Waifs and bloody strays, because normal people wouldn't be coppers.
Technically they were all in uniform, too, except that mostly they weren't wearing the same uniform as anyone else. Everyone had just been sent down to the armory to collect whatever fitted, and the result was a walking historical exhibit: Funny-Shaped Helmets Through the Ages.
Terry Pratchett, Jingo*
*A Rare Personal Footnote: I don't know if Sir Terry Pratchett intended to describe his fans when he saw the growing Watch arrayed before his imagination, but he may as well have. I also don't know if he was thinking of his own absurdly-shaped and deliberately disordered creations when he described the Watch regalia; but if there was ever a literary exhibit rightfully captioned "Funny-Shaped Helmets Through the Ages", surely it is the Discworld.
Over the years of personal reading and the last year of sharing this beloved series with others around the world, I must acknowledge that this man's work does collect waifs and strays like few others ever managed. There are no normal people here. There is no uniform. We started in different places, remain for different reasons, and reach for different aims. We are wearing whatever fits. And yet here we stand assembled with one thing in common, for the moment, in a chaotic multitude, hanging on the words of someone who, though gone, still seems to see us clearly.
My life looks very different now than it did fifteen years ago, when I first plucked Jingo off the shelf of the public library and fell headfirst into a mind and world that I loved. I met myself on those pages and found a voice that sounded like the one I practiced in my head. I still love these books, and I still catch glimpses of myself and the people around me every time I crack open the spine of a Discworld novel.
Many things have changed since I began this journey, but one thing remains true: Whoever you are, wherever you're going, I'm glad to be standing next to you in this strange multitude. And, may I say -- I like your hat.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
De-Stress The Aggressor (Blue Lock)
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Hey hey, guess who wrote Lee!Raichi and never posted it? This girl! Two fics today- who am I? *flips hair, slicks back eyebrows* A controlled mess! :D
Anywho- Today I bring you Lee!Raichi because he's a bit of a grump and needs tickles to reset. Who of course is better to bring those tickles than our little squad of mischief causers (Aka Bachira and friends)? I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
Summary: Raichi's loud and aggressive. Bachira's touchy and mischevious. Put them together and you've got yourself quite the disaster.
“Oi, whoever took a shower before me- you left your nasty suds everywhere!” Raichi yelled out as he returned to the main room, towel around his shoulders and shirt in hand. “Rinse the stall, dammit!”
“Sorry, Jingo-bells! That was me!” Bachira called from his futon, grinning cheekily at the fuming man. “I used that new strawberry shampoo! It didn’t taste as good as it smelled…”
“You ate my shampoo?” Chigiri blinked.
“WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?” Raichi raged, earning a loud cackle from the dribbler. Across the room, Isagi raised a brow as he turned his attention to Kunigami.
“He’s so loud, huh?” He asked, wincing some at the string of curses the ash blonde let out.
“And always angry.” Kunigami nodded, starting to stand. “Come on- let’s go save your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my…” Isagi blushed but followed, entering the danger zone.
“Oo, Rai-Rai’s angry!” Bachira giggled, dancing out of Raichi’s reach when the other went to grab him. “So slow! You’re gonna have to be faster than THAT!” He did a little tap dance as he spun around the bigger boy, jabbing his fingers into his back as he passed. “Come on- dance with me!” A few feet away, Chigiri began the slow act of scooting to safety.
“Oh, you're itching for a fight, aren’t you? Come he-HEH!” Raichi twisted just as Bachira went to poke him again, the alignment resulting in a finger being jammed into his hip. “Watch your hands!”
“Ow!” Bachira waved his own finger with a pout, blowing on it. “That freaking hurt! What’s your body made of, cement-” Then the smaller boy paused, slowly looking up. “Did I hear that?”
“Hear me telling you to watch your gremlin fingers? Yes!” Raichi growled, suddenly a foot away with his arms suspiciously low to his body. Behind him, Chigiri looked on with wide eyes.
“He giggled.” The redhead pointed out.
“No the hell I didn’t!” Raichi snapped, twisting to glare.
“Raichi’s ticklish?” Isagi gaped, starting to grin.
“He is!” Gagamaru called out from across the room.
“The hell I am-”
“That was definitely a laugh.” Kunigami nodded, cracking his knuckles. “Our raging Raichi is ticklish! Just like the rest of us.”
“NO I’m not! You just caught me by surprise!” Raichi growled, hands balling into fists as he stared them down. The top of his cheeks were dusted pink, further countering his argument. “Plus that shit hurts! Who pokes people in the hip like that?”
“I do! All the time!” Bachira darted out, poking him in the same spot and earning a similar reaction. “It’s rather effective!”
“GAH!” Raichi spasmed and backed up. “Son of a-AH!” He yelped and jumped forward when a new finger poked his other hip, Chigiri’s soft giggles following. “Princess, I’ll kill you!”
“Oi, don’t start threatening people-” Kunigami began, but Bachira beat him to it, chasing the taller boy around as he aimed tickly fingers at his waist.
“Come here! I’m gonna getcha! I’m gonna getcha, Rai-Rai!” Bachira cried, closing the gap as he leaped onto Raichi’s back, making him take a knee. “Oo, here I come! A coochie coochie coo, Rai!” He sang, fingers going right for the armpits.
“FUCK!” Raichi arched, unable to fight down the smile pulling at his lips. “Y-You son of a bihiiiihtch!” He cried as he broke, raspy laughter pushing past his lips. “Gehehehheet ohohohohoff!”
“Oh my god, he is ticklish!” Isagi stared in awe as he watched the pair fall to the floor, Bachira’s childlike giggles mixing with Raichi’s wheezy curses. “How’d he get away with it for so long?”
“Probably because he and Gagamaru always gang up on everyone else.” Kunigami shook his head with a chuckle, the sound nearly lost in Raichi’s growing hysterics. “Hey, Bachira, need a hand?”
“Doohohohn’t you dahahhare touch mehehehe, you son of a bihhiihihihihihihihtch!” Raichi all but squawked when Kunigami kneeled beside him, going right for the ribs. “Kuuhuuhuhnigami, screhehehehehw yoohhoohoohohu!”
“Aww, that’s not nice. Maybe we should teach you some manners on how to talk to others.” He grabbed Raichi’s wrist and pulled, exposing his entire side and armpit for him and Bachira to attack. “There we go!”
“Nahahhahahhaha, yohoohoohu fuhuhuhuuhuh-pffft- Srehhehehewhhwhhwhw yohoohohoohohou!” Raichi thrashed about, trying in vain to send someone flying. His cheeks were growing increasingly red, eyes squeezed shut with mirth as he twisted about. “Geehehhehet ohohohohohff mehehehe, you ahahahhhhahsshohoohoohoholes!”
“Aww, you love it!” Bachira cooed from his spot above, bringing his other hand up to get the back of Raichi’s neck, making him squeal. “Isagirin! ChiChi! Get his legs!”
Chigiri, who had been watching behind drawn up knees, blinked upon being called upon. Sharing a look with Isagi, he shrugged. “Eh, why not?”
“Noohohohohoho! No don’t you dahahhahre, Pri-EHehehehhehhehehehehehess!” Raichi squawked in mirth when he Chigiri crawled over, half laying across the back of his flailing thighs, going to town on the back of his knees. “Hahahahahaha, fuhuhuuhuhcking jehehehehehheerk!”
“You cuss a lot.” Isagi teased as he sat in the remaining position by Raichi’s feet, a devious grin on his lips as he wiggled his fingers. “Let’s see what happens if I do this?”
“Doohohoho what? Wha-No! Nohoohohohoho, don’t you da-AHAHHAHAHAHHARE GAHHAHAAHHA!” Raichi all but screamed as his feet were attacked, Isagi’s skittering fingers relentless. “FUHUUHUHUHUUHUCK!”
“Wow, bad spot?” Bachira teased, nearly taking a headbutt to the face.
“Given how we’re going for pretty much all his tickle spots, it’s hard to say.” Kunigami shrugged, tone playful.
“Heh, and here I thought we were bad.” Chigiri mused out loud, voice nearly lost in the ash blonde’s giggle fits.
“Raichi, do you give up?” Isagi asked, wondering if he should stop soon.
“GEAHHAHHA! NEHEHEHHEHVER! I REFUUHUUHUSE!” Raichi declared, even if his eyes were wet with mirthful tears.
“Wow, what a guy. Still need you alive though.” Kunigami laughed, signaling everyone to back off. Raichi gasped for air as the four scooted away, small hiccupy breaths pushing past his lips with each inhale. For a moment, Isagi wondered if they’d pushed it too far.
Then he was sitting up, eyes dancing with vengeance. “Which one of you is ready to die first?”
There was a brief, tense moment where the four in question looked at one another, deciding on how to answer him. Finally, Bachira stepped forward.
“....Scatter!” He cried, grabbing a nearby pillow and yeeting it into Raichi’s face. The gang was off, all flying in different directions as Raichi let out a muffled swear.
Isagi couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he ran out the door, Bachira’s warm hand finding his own as they flew down the Blue Lock halls. He was so happy he came here.
Thanks for reading!
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exocynraku · 2 years
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Anatomy of a Hero - Samuel Vimes
He wanted to go home. He wanted it so much that he trembled at the thought. But if the price of that was selling good men to the night, if the price was filling those graves, if the price was not fighting with every trick he knew... Then it was too high. History finds a way? Well, it would have to come up with something good, because it was up against Sam Vimes now.
Terry Pratchett, Night Watch
Fantasy has created some truly remarkable characters, and it's fair to say that Samuel Vimes of the Discworld series is among them - and he's a personal favorite.
This is the first in a (sporadic) series of posts analyzing my favorite fantasy protagonists and what I think makes them work as characters and how they fit into their stories.
Samuel Vimes is the protagonist of eight of Terry Pratchett's seminal Discworld novels - specifically, Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, Fifth Elephant, Night Watch, Thud!, and Snuff. These novels make up what is colloquially referred to as the City Watch series, and they answer the question "what if the city guard in a fantasy series got stuff done?"
Vimes is the head of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch and starts off as a parody of the drunken watch captain, literally waking up in a gutter at the start of Guards! Guards!. While it's obvious from the start that he has a sense of justice and a desire to see justice served, years of being beaten down by a city that doesn't need him anymore has left him at his lowest point. In fact, Guards! Guards! is about him getting her proverbial groove back and solving his first real mystery in ages.
We then see Vimes grow into a respected member of the community, transforming the City Watch from a joke (at the start of the series, it's four people) into a pillar of the City, an institution in its own right.
Vimes himself struggles with addiction throughout the series with the help of his wife, Sybil, and members of the Watch (especially his right-hand man, Carrot), going from alcohol to cigars to bacon sandwiches by the end of the series.
We also see how Vimes fits into the central theme of the City Watch - social inequality and the importance of overcoming it. Sam starts the series with a... not-great view of the non-human residents of the city of Ankh-Morpork (although this view is better described as general misanthropy than racism, with him distrusting anyone who isn't his wife or a member of the Watch). This view is changed as the series progresses - between the first two novels, a coalition of minority groups successfully sues the city of Ankh-Morpork for employment discrimination in government positions and Vimes is forced to allow non-human people into the Watch. He comes to recognize that these people are, well, people with value not only as people but as law enforcement officials. Twice, Vimes uses his social power to advocate for downtrodden species to be treated as people, with full rights and protections under the law - for golems in Feet of Clay and goblins in Snuff, and the City Watch becomes the most diverse organization in the entirety of Discworld.
The last thing I'll talk about is Vimes' aforementioned desire for justice. Night Watch gives us a view into the life of an early Sam Vimes (Vimes is sent back in time to just before the Glorious Revolution, a now-forgotten struggle against a despot) - indeed, in his youth Sam was a revolutionary, inspired by Sgt. John Keel (whom Vimes takes the place of after finding Keel dead). During this Revolution, young Sam Vimes witnessed a number of things that would impact him for the rest of his life, including the torture chambers of The Unspeakables, a secret police force who committed horrible crimes in the name of the public good and who act as the antagonists of the novel. The quote that started this essay comes from near the climax of the novel, and I think it really encapsulates that desire for justice and why Sam Vimes works as a protagonist - one of the best in fantasy.
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bonefall · 8 months
Are you going to do anything with the group of cats in the Sun-Drown Twolegplace from Sunset? I always hoped they’d come up again in a super edition or something, and as far as I’m aware they didn’t. I think they’re neat
You mean the group from Sunrise? The group of cats who previously followed Sol, but had since learned their lesson?
Jingo (leader)
Pepper (Jet's littermate, killed by dogs)
Frisk (Speckle's child along with 3 unnamed siblings)
These ones?
Unfortunately it's very likely they're going to get elbowed out of BB because of the Sol reduxes I've done. He isn't JUST some cat anymore; Sol is a god and its vessel is Harry. So there wouldn't be a scene where they go and meet these random cats.
In general I tend to avoid the various "random" cats outside of the Clans. Imo, I find it somewhat frustrating that canon has such a HUGE cast of various Clan cats, but every 3 books we get a ton of one-off outsiders who are never relevant ever again.
Like Cody for example, in TNP. Yes Cody is cute, but they couldn't have Leafpaw grow close to like, a WindClan elder escaping the poisoning? Or just, Ferncloud, who's going through a lot right now? Show us some more details about Ashfur who's about to be a major romance option for Squilf? You don't have any arc for a side characters you could use this time for?
You couldn't pick a character with some kind of legitimate emotional connection to their ANCESTRAL HOME BEING BULLDOZED?
Idk, it often annoys me. It's an extension of how some of these books feel packed with filler and dead-ends.
BUT, I do try to build outsider groups when possible, so Clan cats aren't totally alone in the world.
If I could figure out a good reason for them to exist without it being distracting (for example I would get frustrated if I had to set these characters up during the Salt Patrol episode instead of building up the massive apprentice generation) I wouldn't be opposed to them being here.
I could also repurpose them elsewhere, if I do end up making a Hengest Culture. I can bookmark them for that. Jessie is going to eventually return to Hengest after cat-divorcing Bramblestar, they could show up then.
TL;DR Unlikely I'll need them, but I'll keep them in mind.
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You just had your birthday!
Sol is a HUGE tortoiseshell tom with thick fur around his neck like a mane, long tufted ears, a long tail with fluff on the tip like a lion's, and brilliant amber eyes.
Sol, originally known as Harry, was born near a junkyard to Cinders and Whispers. Whispers hated his mate, who only ever asked him to hunt for her and their oopsie litter. He belittled her constantly, and resented his children. They had a massive fight one day, he never had a new mate, or kits. When he left, he walked across a very busy road....
Cinders was left full of grief. She still loved her mate, despite everything he put her and her kids through. After a major depressive spell, she gathered up her children, and took them all towards INSERT, meowing at doors, begging an Upwalker to let her and her children in.
Finally, a woman opened her door, and immediately let the tiny family inside. All together. Cinders's old name was Flame, and she is a sunshine torbie with bright golden colors and a white mark on her head. At least, before things got bad. Her coat has dulled, and living alone with her kits for a while left her murky and stained. She looked more gray than anything, hence the woman renaming her Cinders. Cinders took to the name immediately, even after her pelt began to brighten again. Her kits are given names as well; Harry, Sunny, Foggy and Ivy. 
Harry became lazy, and whiny, and spoiled from their new owner. He became bossy with his siblings, and when they stopped wanting to take it, Harry cried to his mother that they were bullying him.
Eventually, Cinders catches him snapping at one of them, swiping at his sister Ivy and connecting his claws with his meek sister's muzzle. Cinders snapped at Harry, and chased him out...
Harry would soon find himself on Skyclan's borders, where he would cause problems with Leafstar and Billystorm's children, making an already bad situation much worse.
Leafstar finds out about him more through his mother, and finds just how dangerous he can be. She boots him out of Skyclan for it, permanently.
He wanders through the land, forcing others to occasionally catch food for him, coasting on the kindness of Twolegs. He wanders into White Hart Woods, or rather, what is left of it. A storm drives Harry into an old cave system, where, at its deepest point, lies an ancient chamber with the broken remains of The Moonstone. It calls to Harry, and, in what will be a horrible turn of events for the Clans, he finds himself resting on the Shattered Moonstone.
I cannot reiterate enough, readers, that you Should Not Do That.
His head is filled with knowledge, things he shouldn't know. Blackstar's Trial and his leadership ceremonies, and how to charm him. Firestar's sacred Prophecy about his Kin, and who their parents are. He knows that Russetfur will be mauled by a Windclan cat and that the Moon will cover the Sun. Harry has been overexposed to a much more raw, archaic place than any Starclan spirit can get to.
He had found The Sky Beyond The Stars.
When he wakes up, he renames himself Sol, after an old, dead god that has now been reborn. And he knows about The Moonpool, too. It's like a beacon to him. He heads down, bullying groups he comes across like Jingo and her friends, but when he reaches Thunderclan territory and tries to climb a tree, he falls... There's a horrible crunch, and Sol falls limp for just a moment...
His father Whispers has been haunting him, and he decides to finally put that spirit to use.
Sol gets up, shakes himself off, and feels just a little lighter before continuing his walk, deciding to stay off of trees. Eventually, he hears a small group of young cats nearby...
He recognizes Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw. He is taken to camp, where he makes his infamous prediction. Squilf is nearly killed in the battle against Windclan, and, to be fair, it looks like Sol caused the whole thing. He had forgotten about the WindThunder battle, genuinely.
Firestar exiles him, his heart broken over his Terribly injured daughter, along with his friendship with Onestar having shattered. Russetfur was mauled, his grandson Jaypaw was nearly killed, and Blackstar is almost definitely going to lose a life over this.
Not to mention Lionpaw has just killed someone.
So... Yeah. Bye Sol. Go find a new home.
And Sol does. He knew that Blackstar would be vulnerable. He charms him, speaks to him in that new hypnotic way he has learned to do, like staring at a small mirage created by the sun's heat on the road.
He had been able to get Russetfur out of her comatose state, he said exactly what Blackstar had wanted to hear in a way he knew would get to him...
It is to let Sol help him. Guide him. When was the last time Starclan spoke to you? Gee, it's been a while. If they don't trust you anymore, what's the point of trusting them? Your deputy has been mauled by a Windclan cat who has seen no punishment over it... Seems despite your trials and tribulations... Starclan has abandoned you.
Perhaps it's time to put your faith in a new god.
The next stage is so fast, Lionblaze desperately works with the young new Shadowclan warriors, Owlclaw and Redwillow, to create a fake sign, and while it becomes real, Jay is off fighting with Sol. But now, Jay's got some warrior skills under his belt.
He is about to seriously wound Sol, when the slippery tom speaks once more.
"You look so much like your father. Well, your real one, anyway."
The shock of that statement is too much, and when Jayfeather tries to gauge how Sol is feeling (because, well... He could be full of crap) his mind is filled with the Sun god's horrible blinding light, physically painting him.
"Interesting power you've got there. Mine came from the same place. There's another Sky out there. Beyond Starclan. There is more out there than you can imagine. Spirits, places, power... Did you know you I've died before?"
Poor Jay is left dumbstruck as Sol darts away, not to be seen again until OOTS.
From there, he meets a different fate. Hollyleaf's mind has changed about the code. It's important, sure, but also stupid in places. And it doesn’t account for this.
She kills him, the two fighting in a dusty clearing outside of Thunderclan land, his head smashed onto a stone. She gives him a burial, as a kind thing to do for a body no longer housing a soul. 
The Sun God has had its vessel destroyed, and will have to seek out a new one.
Sol enters the Dark Forest. Most cats dislike him, but he doesn't involve himself with Tigerstar's plans. He keeps to himself in a corrupted version of the dump/Skyclan's camp, an amalgamation fused together horribly that he calls his Sun Kingdom. It randomly grows dark, and cold, and laughter is heard from countless cats until it suddenly becomes blindingly bright, then back to normal. The whole thing is sun bleached and the place stinks of wet cardboard box.
A king sits alone upon his cold, sun bleached throne, decreeing his royalty to a crowd that doesn't exist, and only laughs.
The Sun's Rage is brewing.
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luna-3-clips · 9 months
What I think each characters sexuality's are and why
(I'm taking another small break from the basic info. series but it's almost finished, I have 12 characters I still wanna do, and I can do any others if you guys want)
Jingo Raichi - I can't really see him liking guys or anyone else other than girls, but he would be hella supportive. He's that friend on pride month who would wear a rainbow flag or put one outside his house just because at least one of his friends is part of the LBGTQ+ community.
Yudai Imamura - He's a playboy, I don't know what you expect. But he isn't homophobic and he acts VERY gay, even though he's not.
Okuhito Iemon - I can only picture him liking girls, although he would be supportive of the community. He's like the dad friend of the friend group so he wouldn't care who you like as long as his friends are happy, then he's happy.
Keisuke Wanima (Younger) - He's definitely not part of the community, and he might not show it, but inside I can picture him being a bit homophobic, but he wouldn't show it since his own twin is part of it (maybe, who knows? *wink wink*).
Zantetsu Tsurugi - He doesn't know what the LGBTQ+ community is, but once he found out he was like: "That's cool, but I only see guys as bros, nothing more." He would be sweet about his reaction but I but dumbfounded since he's still new to the whole thing.
Rin Itoshi - He is not part of the community, but he supports it since his brother and his enemy.... (only for his brother, not his enemy *a lil bit of a spoiler*).
Adam Blake - He looks straight (to me). He is straight. Periodt.
Anri Teieri - (Sadly) I can picture her being straight, but she supports it. [Quick lil headcanon: I can imagine Anri (even without being told) putting up rainbow flags around the Blue Lock facility during pride month.]
Jinpachi Ego - I cannot for the life of me picture his as part of the community. Although, he would be the type of person to act homophobic "Because love gets in the way of your performance" but on the inside he would be supportive.
Oliver Aiku - He would be that friend that acts hella gay even though he's the straightest friend in the group.
Mark Snuffy - I can't see him being part of the community, he's supportive though.
Don Lorenzo - Again, I can't see him being part of the community.
Issei and Iyo Isagi - I can't see them being LGBTQ+, but they'd be supportive.
Yoichi Isagi - He most definitely likes guys, but he likes girls too but he hasn't seen one in a while (besides Anri) so he's grown attracted to some of the guys.. *Cough cough* Kaiser *Cough cough*
Rensuke Kunigami - I can't really explain it.. he just is..
Asahi Naruhaya - He acts homophobic, but in reality he's bi as fuck.
Ryosuke Kira - Is it just me, or does he look it?
Junichi Wanima (Older) - It's like a one sided love with him and Chigiri, he acts like he hates him but he actually likes him.
Aoshi Tokimitsu - He's had a crush on a few guys before but was always too scared to come out since he was afraid of what everyone would think.
Jin Kiyora - He kinda just screams bisexual, I don't know why though..
Ranze Kurona - He definitely likes Isagi...
Eita Otoya - He acts like he's straight, but he has a crush on Karasu.
Leonardo Luna - I can fully picture him being bisexual, he's definitely liked guys in the past.
Julian Loki - I dunno why, but he just screams bi...
Shuto Sendo - He most acts as straight as he can to try not to be suspicious, but he's actually bisexual (but for who?).
Sae Itoshi - Have you seen the way he talks to Shido? He still likes girls though, but the public doesn't need to know about him and Shido.
Alexis Ness - *Cough* Kaiser *Cough* Sorry, I think I had something in my throat. Oh, what's he doing here? He's supposed to be in the straight section...
Chris Prince - He likes Noa, but he's only told one person which is Yukimiya.
Noel Noa - He's had crushes on guys in the past. (And maybe he likes one now?)
Wataru Kuon - He tried to get to know Team W after making the deal with them and he succeeded but it wasn't for long since he remembered he had a team meeting with Team Z.
Ikki Niko - I think he would be gay, and he looks like he has a thing for sweaty men.
Seishiro Nagi - It's "too much of a hassle" to say he likes Reo so he says he's gay and it's the end of the conversation no matter who he's talking to.
Kenyu Yukimiya - This could just be me, but he looks gay. Is that just me?
Nijiro Nanase - Nijiro in Japanese means 'Rainbow', take that however you like.
Ryusei Shido - I don't even need to explain.
Yo Hiori - I don't know why, but I can see him being gay.
Dada Silva - Brazilian Baller, c'mon now, just that name alone sounds gay as fuck (my opinion).
Pablo Cavazos - Just take a look at him, he's cute, but I see him as gay.
Michael Kaiser - Have you seen how he acts with Isagi?
Lavinho - Noel Noa, end of discussion.
Yu Bachira - She gives off Lesian/Pansexual vibes, I don't know why...
Meguru Bachira - Meguru Bachira in Japanese means 'tour flyer', the tour is around all the different people and he's just the representation of it.
Reo Mikage - He likes everyone and anyone, unless you steal his 'treasure' from him, then he doesn't like you.
Jyubei Aryu - Anyone who's 'glam' or 'has styl(e)' is amazing in his eyes.
Transgender: (I know you can be trans and gay/bi/etc.. but out of laziness I'm only putting each character in one category)
Gin Gagamaru - I can see him being trans.... somehow I can..
Hyoma Chigiri - He's either trans or girly pop.
Gurimu Igarashi - He was raised to like girls and only girls, but upon entering Blue Lock he started developing feelings for one of the players. Now he's trying to figure out his sexuality as well as his true feelings and whether or not he should listen to his parents and the other monks. (I feel like I just wrote a story summary, but I would read that story ngl.)
Shoei Baro - He's had little to no experience in love, and he knows what the LGBTQ+ community is, but he's unsure if he's part of it or not.
Keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and none of it (at least that I know of) is canon and actually happened.
That's all, have a good day/night!
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discworldbooksbracket · 11 months
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coastalraccoon · 7 days
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ID in alt text.
Always thinking about my Darktail and Sunstrike being siblings au. There mother is now a WindClan cat named Cranberryswipe. She got with Sol while he was in the abandoned house with Jingo's group.
Darktail leaves WindClan at some point, finds Sol and beats him up for information, then goes to SkyClan and kills a bunch of cats for not being "real warriors".
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theholypeanut · 9 months
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♪ platonic ♫ romantic ♬ nsfw
Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event Masterlist
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Blue Lock
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Isagi Yoichi
- You Belong with Me (Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami x fake dating)♫
- Isagi x Friends to Lovers (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Bachira Meguru
- Sparks Fly ♫
- You Belong with Me (Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami x fake dating)♫
- Bachira comforts you after a nightmare from watching horrors ♫
Kunigami Rensuke
- You Belong with Me (Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami x fake dating)♫
Kurona Ranze:
- Planet Hotline Disaster ♫
- Being besties with Kurona, Hiori and Niko (as a nerd clique) ♪ (bonus smau of your group chat) ♪
Otoya Eita:
- To All The Girls You Loved Before ♫
- Otoya x Forced Proximity (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
- Otoya x Fake Dating (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
(Otoya is honourably bullied in almost every of my fics)
Yukimiya Kenyu:
- Big brother Yukimiya ♪
Tokimitsu Aoshi:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Aryu Jyubei:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Zantetsu Tsurugi:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Raichi Jingo:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Hiori Yo:
- Being besties with Kurona, Hiori and Niko (as a nerd clique) ♪ (bonus smau of your group chat) ♪
- Hiori x Grumpy and Sunshine (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Niko Ikki:
- Being besties with Kurona, Hiori and Niko (as a nerd clique) ♪ (bonus smau of your group chat) ♪
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- Blue Lock Dere (Which dere are they when they have a crush on you?) ♫
- Kuroko no Basket x Blue Lock Crossover Headcanon ♪
- Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom ♫ ♪
- Being Ego Jinpachi’s smart daughter with zero athletic skills ♪
Meme value:
- Barbie or Oppenheimer? (Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Kunigami, Rin, Reo, Nagi, Barou) ♪
- Barbie or Oppenheimer 2 (Shidou, Sae, Yukimiya, Karasu, Otoya, Aryu, Tokimitsu, Gagamaru, Niko, Kurona) ♪
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Tendou Satori:
- Tendou x Love at First Sight (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
- Tendou x Second Chances (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Hoshiumi Korai:
- Hoshiumi x Forced Proximity (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Haijime Iwaizumi:
- Iwaizumi x Forbidden Love (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
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- Haikyuu boys as Taylor Swift songs ♪
- Haikyuu boys as Romance Tropes ♫
- Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom ♫ ♪
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Kuroko No Basket
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Kuroko Tetsuya:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Kise Ryota:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
- Kise x Love at First Sight (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Midorima Shintarou:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Kagami Taiga:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Aomine Daiki:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Akashi Seijiuro:
- Akashi x reader reunited at the airport after time apart ♫ ♪
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Murasakibara Atsushi:
- Isekaied into Yōsen?! How I Became a Nanny to 208 cm Giant Baby part 1
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Takao Kazunari:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
- Takao x Second Chances (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Kiyoshi Teppei:
- Kiyoshi x Second Chances (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Satsuki Momoi:
- Satsuki x Enemies to lovers (wlw!) (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
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- Kuroko no Basket x Blue Lock Crossover Headcanon ♪
- Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom ♫ ♪
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pratchettquotes · 10 months
Ankh-Morpork no longer had a fire brigade. The citizens had a rather disturbingly direct way of thinking at times, and it did not take long for people to see the rather obvious flaw in paying a group of people by the number of fires they put out. The penny really dropped after Charcoal Tuesday.
Terry Pratchett, Jingo
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mika0001 · 1 year
Omg I forgot I even had this account💀😍 but I’m back and with more embarrassing things I did while playing soccer/voetbal
Characters: Kenyu Yukimiya, Eita Otoya, Tabito Karasu, Jingo Raichi, Rensuke Kunigami, Shoei Baro, Anri Teieri
Warning: none
Kenyu Yukimiya
- Nothing. My husband would never do anything embarrassing :|
- He got milkshakes right before a soccer/voetbal match while being lactose intolerant
- his mama went by the kfc for his sister and would drop him of at the field after
- so while in the drive-thru he was craving a vanilla milkshake so his mom got him 2 sinds the milkshakes there are small af
- he drank them both😺
- half way trough the match he felt IT
- his *ss was on fire he needed to find a toilet quick
- so he faked that he was sick so he could go to the bathroom
- when he got to the toilet he to a massive long- actually you know what I wanted say
- he sh*ted SO LOUD it was like fireworks went of and at least half of the people right outside the toilet heard it
- when he went out he tried that “someone is sh*ting in there
- he cried the whole way home
Eita Otoya
- now Eita likes football
- you can even say he loves it
- but in his family he isn’t the only one
- he has this little cousin around 8 who is obsessed with it and does nothing but football
- and at his aunts bday party his little cousin asked him if he could play a 1-on-1 match against him
- first he didn’t want to play because he was very tiered and just wanted to eat and maybe even sleep a little
- but one other thing Eita loves are girl
- and his niece brought her hot friend (disclaimer? This girl was probably well over 20 now that I’m thinking back)
- and he wanted to impress her a little (w rizz)
- what he would do was play around a little
- ‘help’ his cousin shoot a little and then let him win
- with this he could show his own skills and show her he’s good with kids
- it was around the end of their little match and she still didn’t even glance his way
- so he came with a wonderful plan where he would playfully bully his little cousin
- he said stuff like ‘I thought you where good at this’ and ‘come on I’m not even warm from this match’
- but like I said his little cousin LOVES football so he didn’t take lightly to his words
- so Eita got punched in the guts by his little cousin
- Eita lost
- everyone saw that
- even his niece hot friend
Tabito Karasu
- so Tabito his mama isn’t always as supportive
- some weeks she doesn’t ask him anything about school or football and other
- some weeks she is driving him to school picking him up, bringing him new football shoes and treats him after every game
- so his mama was in the super supportive mood this week
- and Tabito mentioned that he was going to have a match with his friends
- but he forgot to mention it wasn’t official and it would be just him, his friends and his friends friends
- so he is getting ready to go and his mama wishes him good luck
- nothing suspicious right?
- his mama shows up with a horn to cheer for Tabito
- everyone was laughing at him and he could get his mama to stop
- now he will never tell her anything
Jingo Raichi
- tournaments where held against school and Raichi decided that he would use a old trick
- intimidation
- because 1 he wanted people to talk about him and his school
- and 2 his team this year was terrible
- so he got his friends from other schools to talk about him and his team
- he and his team got killer nicknames like ‘sniper’ or ‘evil wizard’😍 (in my defense it was every cool back then)
- it went so far that there where stories about the team that where not true but
- about how the have played against really big under-16 teams (in my country they’re very common)
-or how the whole team got scouted by big youth groups
- and weirdly enough most people believed the stories
- the day from the tournaments he got to see the team he was up against
- and damn
- that team was big
- the measures that you can think about is a 12 year old against a 18 year old
- I’ll save the sad and embarrassing details but Raichis team lost 5-0
- he doesn’t want to talk about it ever again
Rensuke Kunigami
- this happened at a family party (I can’t recall if it was a birthday or whatever)
- and one of his uncles who is a dead beat brought his child who was the same age as Kunigami (they are now bffs 4 life)
- his new cousin might be the same age but he was very small very shy and had very very bad eyesight and had those special glasses
- this party was very awkward and tense because… well his uncle brought a full grown kid no one knew about
- and by the uncles behavior you could see he didn’t know his own son
- and sinds nobody wanted to talk to him Kunigami decided that he would be the first one
- so he asked him if he wanted to play football with him
- surprisingly he said yes so they went to the garden to play
- now how the layout was was the garden connected to the big living room with big full wall windows so if you where inside you had a very clear view of the outside
- everyone was located in the living room except for Kunigami and his new cousin
- at this age Kunigami was already pretty skilled with shooting and also very sporty however when he would shoot the ball it could go any direction
- his new cousin was nothing like that
- so Kunigami decided that instead of a 1-on-1 he would just play that goalkeeper game where his cousin would stand and try catching the balls that he shoots
- so at the first shot it already goes wrong😑
- Kunigami tries to shoot behind him but it goes straight to his face
- and like I said this poor boy was wearing glasses
- so so the glasses shatter
- the glasses?
- broken
-the rim?
- snapped
- thank god that there wasn’t any glass in his cousins eyes
- but with all the tension of that day Kunigami started sobbing and ugly crying
- it was so loud that a lot of adults started looking what was going on
- all they saw was a screaming Kunigami and a very confused boy with broken glasses
- luckily nobody was mad and they just laughed about it
- after that him and that cousin became each others favorite friends
Shoei Baro
- this wasn’t while playing real football
- he was playing fifa
- so it can’t be that bad right?
- it was just after his birthday and he got a lot of money that year (around 300 #bigfamily)
- so his mama went to a friends house just to catch up with her and Barou went with her with his birthday money because after that he would buy a new iPad
- this friend has a son 4 years older than him
- this guy loved gambling
- so Barou got kind of pressured into playing fifa for money with him
- Barou was very confident with his fifa skills after having spend a view years playing it himself
- so they went to this guys room where he found like 4 other guys sitting there (I think friends or something)
- the rules where very simple, you need to play against everyone and per game won you could get 50 from the the person who lost. And with finals if you lost you lost all the money you won and the rest
- Barou didn’t really have a choice in this so he played
- Barou won the 4 rounds against this guy his friends but didn’t take the money because he found it bullshit and had his own money
- the last one was the the guy with the gamble addiction
- but this guy if foul
- he faked that his controller was broken and said he would grab a other one and that Barou could use the freshly new one
- the new one was bugged af
- so Barou lost hard and all his birthday money was gone
- the money for his new iPad was gone
- he got laughed at by all 5 of them
- he faked being sick so his mama wouldn’t find out about his lost money
- this story does have a happy ending
- the friends of this guy bought him a better and more expensive iPad because they started feeling bad for him and even got his birthday money back after they stole it from the guy
Anri Teieri
- she was young and had no idea skills in playing football
- she only watched it
- Anri had only a few girl friends who knew about football because of their boyfriends (Anri doesn’t have one and her friends where fake af)
- so at a cute little friends hangout session Anri mentioned that she wanted to learn how to play football
- one of her friends who said something about her being such a goalkeeper
- everybody agreed and started hyping her up
- Anri kind of liked it so she started agreeing with them
- so at a other hangout session her friends took a new friend with them
- he was a football player and one of her friends brought up hoe Anri also plays football
- that was a lie
- but the boy got all excited and wanted to know what position she played and wanted play football with her
- with everyone there she decided she would just agree
- it can’t be that hard to stay at the goal and stop the ball
- wrong
- with everyone they went to a football field close by
- there you can borrow a football and for one euro you can play on a field (very common in my country although right now playing on the field is free and you pay for the ball)
- they would play the goalkeeper and striker shit (think about the second part from blue lock where you needed to get a 100 goals)
- she stood there and the guy was ready to shoot the ball
- she wanted to be careful by using her arms to block?
- bad idea
- the boy shot and he shot so hard
- Anri got to the ball and stopped it
- but then she felt something
- first both her arms where ice cold and then absolute pain started going trough both of them
- one arm was broken and the other was very badly bruised
- but crying around so many people?
- no way
- so she went that whole day without telling everyone
- but at night she couldn’t hold it in and started crying about it
- her friends dropped her shot after that (literally the next day)
- this story also has a happy ending
- the boy who broke her arm brought her to school every single day until her arms where healthy again and they stayed friends
I feel like I school give a little more context about the ages and stories. Also all the stories that I’m talking about happens in ‘middle school’ and I started high school when I was 12yo so I was very young
Kenyu: i was 12 yo
Eita: I was 11 yo
Tabito: me and my Mama have a very rocky relationship but I can’t remember how old I was I think also around 12 yo
Raichi: that was honestly my last big lie😭😭 but I was 10 yo (I know very young but in my defense I live in Europe)
Kunigami: right now he is my favorite cousin and we where both 7yo
Barou: I still follow the friends on Twitter and I was 13yo
Anri: that is the story from my niece she was 14yo at the time and now she is 21yo
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ninewhiskers · 11 months
Thoughts on Jingo? That random cat with that group that was never brought up again?
actually getting asks is making me so happy but anyway I WANT MORE OF HER. and also i never want to see her again because i know the erins would fuck her up horribly and im happy that in addition to being a good leader for her group she managed to be a good female character that snuck out of the erins' grasp
that line brambleclaw(?) has about calling her jingostar has never left my mind. gold star for knowing she exists and suggesting her to me. that whole book was pretty awesome iirc
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notwarriorswiki · 10 months
Noticed Harveymoon and Jingo and some of her gang! How did they all end up in the kin?
The Kin and Sol’s Group are blended here to make one big super group. Jingo is the mother of Nettle, and Speckle is the mother of Frisk, Burr, and Mae.
The Kin, led by Sol, has a goal of putting one’s self first, and having all needs met in the world of the living. They’re very anti spiritual and think cats are being manipulated by StarClan, and that they’re selling their souls away by worshipping them. They want to set the clan cats free and dissuade them from StarClan. They’re designed to have merit to their message, and plenty of them are true and kind, but some of their methods can be flawed as well.
Darktail’s goals lie more with bitterness towards his father. He is less about the spirituality and more about simply destroying the clans.
Sol on the other hand believes he is God and wants people to follow him, parroting it as saving people from religion itself. He’s a massive hypocrite, making his own religion of worship in a way while claiming all others are bad.
Harvey moon joins The Kin after they stop in SkyClan. He’d already been feeling rather displaced due to the growing xenophobia his own clan was growing to have. The Daylight Warriors felt unwanted, many finally cracking and simply giving up their two legs to finally have acceptance. It reached a breaking point when Ebonyclaw said she was sick of it and returned to be with her two legs fully. If SkyClan wouldn’t respect them, then she wanted no part.
When Sol comes and starts whispering in Harveymoon’s ear, he resolves to revolt against SkyClan, as their xenophobic gods said there was no place for him, so his place was with The Kin. He left SkyClan to be with them, his Daylight Warrior status actually being honored there. He doesn’t travel with them fully, as he’s with his Twolegs, but he has noticed his Twoleg slowing down more and more lately…
Sol secretly wishes he’d leave and follow him as his leader, but manipulation takes time.
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
Jingo (from sunrise) or Flipclaw for the character bingo? My two wasted potential children
I will do a bingo for Jingo (omg that rimes) bec i haven't read the books w/ Flipclaw in em!
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I love Jingo! She is so sweet and a great leader! She's very interesting in her backstory, I love getting to see different groups of cats outside of the clans! I don't have much to say on her beyond that tho.
Also shee may actually have a longer part in the plot of RoC depending on what I do with Sol!
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