#jess deserves better
jessmmariano · 6 months
If I think about Jess’s childhood/high school years too much I get sad because no one deserves that. And Gilmore Girls just glosses over it.
I get that’s not the tone of the show, but how on earth did Liz get a redemption plot? Meanwhile, so many fans hate Jess just because he made mistakes at seventeen. His mother was an alcoholic and addict who drank while she was pregnant. Jess worked two jobs while in high school so he could be financially secure. It was heavily implied that Liz was constantly dating/marrying men who mistreated her and Jess. Yet so many fans continue to hate Jess.
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teddypickerry · 3 months
team jess but not team literati. i am my own kind of cancelable breed.
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frazzledsoul · 3 days
I may be an outlier here, but I don't think a relationship where Rory is entitled to cheat on Jess at any time she wants (since it's justified whenever she does it to anyone else), he can never be forgiven for what he did in high school (although she is never responsible for any of the hurtful or cruel things she has done) and she is deemed to be perpetually morally superior to him is at all a relationship that I want him anywhere near. He worked hard to create a life on his own and become a stable, successful, reliable, and generous person as an adult. I do not want to see that person suffer under a relationship where he is going to constantly emotionally abused and deemed to be inferior.
Do I support a mature, adult relationship between these two individuals where they could admit their past mistakes, not judge either one to be inferior to the other, and genuinely respect and remain faithful to each other? Absolutely. However, none of that is possible if Rory is allowed to treat him the way she has treated her boyfriends in the past and all of the bad things she has done are deemed to be completely justifiable. The cheating, the lying, the gaslighting has to stop. He deserves to be treated with more respect than that.
This is not a new or unacknowledged dynamic between them. He said this to her verbatim in season 6 when she tried to manipulate him into being used to cheat and she agreed. He deserves better than this.
The cliche is still true. The person she was at the end of season 4, the end of season 6, the end of AYITL is too messed up to be good enough for him. Until she learns to grow up and take responsibility for her past mistakes, she will not be any good for him.
He matured: she didn't. Now it's her turn.
Oh, and while I'm at it, Logan deserves better than the relationship described above as well, even if he is just as much of a filthy cheater in AYITL.
Oh, and as a final note, it really isn't a sign of immaturity to want your favorite character to be treated with basic decency and respect. If Rory is too selfish to consider that because all she cares about is making herself happy and doesn't care who she hurts, then she really doesn't belong with him until she changes for the better.
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honeyppie · 1 year
I hope Jess leaves Kendall's employ asap cus that was complete bullshit, idc if he's upset, Kendall should never have said that shit. And don't even get me started on Rava needing to get as far away as possible from Kendall.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
me, whenever i read booby trap, immediately thinking of:
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gif credit
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starwarjotta · 4 months
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Cody surrounded by family and the people he loves, because that is what he deserves
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walter-hotgirl-white · 2 months
being a breaking bad fan with media literacy is harder than anything that fuckass bald man went through
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lalalvlove · 1 year
Drew this quite a while ago but they’re still judging companies for not treating animation right
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spiderbae2319 · 7 months
Hondo: Haha Captain I have trapped the entirety of you Torrent company and are holding them for ransom!
Rex: Ok, but I need to say something to them first.
Hondo: Uh… ok.
Rex: Goodbye you little shits.
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squidsponge · 1 year
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That time Fives didn't duck at all and then smiled softly while Jesse bluescreened, because even though their odds were shit, Fives had faith in his brothers, and they proved that his hope wasn't misplaced.
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And then less than a year later, on the orders of another darksider.
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Poetry rhyming in the worst way possible.
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piastrispastry · 1 month
First we had the rumors of Kimi Antonelli going to Williams, replacing Logan Sargeant as soon as Imola.
Quite frankly, this makes absolutely zero sense. How on Earth can the Cratchit’s of the F1 world right now afford the boy people are proclaiming is “the next Max Verstappen”? They couldn’t afford a spare chassis for the first five races let alone a whole driver swap.
Secondly, Williams failed Logan in bringing him up to F1 too early, that is a fact that I believe James himself has admitted (though don’t quote me on that). So say they do, hypothetically, bring Kimi up it would just show that they have learned absolutely nothing. It would have meant that Kimi would be doomed to fail.
Kimi is not ready. It’s as simple as that. He’s skipped F3, had three races in an F2 level car so is only just finding his feet. Never mind the fact he is only 17, a literal child. There are so many voices trying to put him down because he is not winning every race in F2 yet who totally forget these things. He has quite literally went from the baby pool with armbands only to have them taken off him and pushed in the deep end with the instructor saying “now swim!”.
I have every faith in him that maybe, come next season he might be ready for F1. Maybe in 2026. That’s ok too, he’s young, he has time. Putting him in the hardest car on the grid to drive is stupid.
Logan’s made mistakes yet, but he is again in a car which is extremely hard to drive. He deserves the second chance Williams claimed to have given him, I am yet to see that chance. I hope he will get a point at his home race just to throw it in Williams’ face.
So no, I don’t believe this rumor.
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imlovelace · 10 months
one thing about the gilmore girls that pisses me off.
while rory and jess were dating we only saw their arguments and reconciliations. i can't believe that we saw their date (?) scenes only while she was dating dean.
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supermusicallee · 1 year
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so you were able to change, i just wasn't worth it
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jessmmariano · 10 months
Everyone always talks about the failed Jess in California spin-off but you know what spin-off I want to see? The adventures of Truncheon. I want to see Jess work at a publishing press being happy as he writes, gets to talk about and be surrounded by books, have friends, and not get his heart broken!!
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marimondart · 3 months
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yo, are we cookin or what, bitch?
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manzanamarim · 2 years
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I loved Infinity Train! have some main casts boy I sure do wish there were twice as many seasons
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