#jeon yunho
allaboutthedongs · 1 year
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yoonqua · 1 year
mingi x reader // word count: 976 // non idol au
(the seasons greetings couldn’t have come at a better time)
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“I like you.”
You stare at the boy standing in front of you in pure disbelief–your mouth hanging so low it might as well have been scraping on the ground. You feel like you’re dreaming–like you're floating. Cause ain’t no way that he just said those words to you right now. 
This must be a joke, it has to be. But he’s looking at you with those eyes. Like he’s pleading at you to acknowledge him. His lips are pursed together and eyebrows scooted together in concentration. He’s looking down at you slightly due to your height difference and you think it’s the cutest thing ever. 
Oh, Mingi, you think, you sweet sweet boy. You had been crushing on him since freshman year of high school. And coincidentally he was a friend of your best friend, so you saw him enough to quench that crush-feeling and eventually it was something you could easily ignore. Until you both ended up going to the same university.
You actually didn’t see him too often, and it wasn’t until the end of fall semester that you bumped into him in the hall on your way to your last final exam. His face had brightened up so much you thought you would faint. His smile was so wide it turned his eyes into small crescents. He had enveloped you into a hug and you immediately turned into a 16 year old you. 
After that he had asked you to catch up a few times. You’ve only gone twice since your schedules don't align with Mingi being on the football team and you constantly being swarmed with art projects and internships. So, his confession currently was sending you into complete and utter shock.
“What…” Is the only thing that can come out of your mouth currently, which causes Mingi’s eyebrows to shoot upwards most likely in confusion, poor guy.
“I said,” he sighs, “I like you–and it’s actually been a while.” He starts fidgeting with his hands as you make him suffer with no response back, “I just never found the courage to–I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to do with my life and didn’t want to hold any of us back from our dreams over a confession.” he rambles.
You remember his dream back in high school–well, his and Yunho’s. They were going to be famous and you’d be able to leech off of their money and fame as their friend. What you didn’t know was what those two went through that caused their dream to be completely shattered.
“That’s sweet Mingi,” is what you say while remembering how carefree you all were in high school. See, this is why you always had such a hard time with your feelings for him. Giant, sweet, considerate Mingi. How could anyone not love him? You were starting to regret your own reasoning for not confessing your feelings, because he was willing to say his, but he was still considerate of your own life in not doing so.
“I’m so sorry, Mingi,” you begin and Mingi can feel his heart physically stop, “I should’ve said something sooner,” he’s breathing again, maybe there is hope? “I’ve liked you since high school.”
“Huh?” he says intelligently paired with wide eyes and a large smile. He forms a tight smile trying not to laugh.
“Yea,” you say shyly, “I just never said anything because I was scared–which was dumb of me! Cause you’re the kindest and most honest person I’ve met,” and now you’re the one rambling and fidgeting in your confession, “So I apologize.”
“Hey,” he says, causing you to look up, “You don’t have to worry about a thing, high school was scary overall. And we’re now so,” he drags and tilts his head to the side and you focus on the mole under his eye that moves along with his face. 
“So,” you begin to try and break the awkward tension, “Why’d you do it now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, knowing you, I always thought you would be the type to confess in a more romantic place instead of the library while I’m half covered in paint,” you shrug and you see the gears turning in 
“You’ve thought of me confessing before?” He smirks at you and you roll your eyes and let the blush creep its way on your face because there’s simply no point in fighting it.
“Well, it was sort of a last minute thing- but you look cute in paint!” Oh you sweet boy. You now lower your face, placing your paint brushes next to you on the table as you laugh quietly.
“Oh man, if this happened in high school I would’ve gone crazy,”
“I really should've, especially after Yunho said– wait.” he catches himself from rambling. Nice save, Mingi.
“Yunho?” you question and Mingi sits up straighter, eyes darting everywhere but your own.
“Have I told you about how pretty you looked during prom?” you falter and look at him like a deer caught in headlights, until you remember how that night went down exactly. You had ordered your outfit online, but the store sent the wrong one and in a completely different color making you stand out and visible from a mile away. 
“Nah nah, you and Yunho laughed at me when I left my room and kept laughing even after I changed.” You point at him jokingly and he laughs at just remembering that moment. He didn’t think you looked ugly at all; what he said before was true. 
“Back to what I was saying—Yunho told you?” and now you were talking in a somewhat serious tone. “I think I need to pay him a visit.” You say as you begin to slowly pack up your supplies, Mingi also begins to help as he thinks of ways to save Yunho and possibly himself.
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maxsix · 1 year
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yakuly · 1 year
Lego Love | C. S
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¡NonIdolSan! x ¡FemaleReader! (Feat. ¡NonIdolSeonghwa!)
Palavras: 5.771 palavras
Avisos: San levemente ciumento e emburrado, muita vibe boyfriend material 💅
N/a: como disse, escrevi isso aqui quando tava boiolando pelo San :). Apesar de ter ficado boiola com ele cantando unholy, aqui tá mais pro San com legos do Seonghwa, então pensem no San de preto e óculos da live dkdj.
Qualquer um que a visse com San, veria o modo como seus olhos brilham sempre que o vê, como suas bochechas ficam levemente rosadas sempre que ele sorria, ria e as vezes ficava mais intenso quando ele a tocava.
Mas para San, você era simplesmente uma grande amiga. Uma amiga querida. Uma amiga do peito... Claro que não era sua situação favorita, mas se era preciso isso pra poder continuar perto dele, então que seja.
Então quando San descobriu que você precisaria reformar seu banheiro inteiro, por conta de um vazamento, ele não viu problemas em oferecer não somente seu banheiro, mas seu apartamento inteiro, por que o rapaz não via sentido em te fazer entrar e sair de sua casa, se poderia passar uma temporada tranquila com ele.
A questão está no fato de que você aceitou o convite sem nem pensar duas vezes. Quando seus amigos descobriram, todos, sem exceção te olharam como se fosse alguém digna de manicômio "você vai morar com ele?!"
Não, eles não estavam errado quando avisaram que seria provavelmente sua maior provação. San é o tipo de namorado perfeito: ele acorda todo dia de manhã e prepara o café da manhã, ou te ajuda, quando é você quem acorda primeiro; ele sempre deixa bilhetinhos fofos pela casa, seja pra informar algo que acabou, algum lembrete pra comprar ou organizar alguma coisa, ou... apenas um bilhete do quanto ele se importa com você.
San, também nunca sai de casa sem um abraço de despedida, e nunca volta sem uma bebida, comida, ou chocolatinho...
Ah! E como se não fosse o suficiente, San faz questão de ouvir sobre seu dia, e assistir suas coisas favoritas quando você está triste...
Você jura que consegue sobreviver com esse San, apenas amigo, mas sempre que vocês se separam, seu coração dói, pois sabe que um dia terá, não somente, que ir embora, mas também ele não te ama do mesmo jeito, e todo esse carinho um dia, será pra outra garota de sorte, que você já odeia.
Um dia, Seonghwa um dos amigos em comum que possue com San, passou no apartamento que agora dividem, para conversar, mas também se divertirem, montando seu novo set de lego.
Os dois estavam então sentados confortáveis, um ao lado do outro, com uma música leve tocando ao fundo. Ambos focados no que faziam, conversavam distraidamente sobre suas vidas. Aproveitando que seu outro amigo não estava em casa, Seonghwa a perguntou sobre como estava.
Após contar, despretensiosamente sobre como se sentia, mudou logo de assunto, não queria pensar muito na situação, isso geralmente a deixava pior.
Como sempre, sendo o amigo carinhoso que é, Seonghwa te olhava como um irmão carinhoso, e logo muda de assunto, contado algo sobre wooyoung que te faz gargalhar.
San que estava fora, é agraciado com sua risada alta quando passa pela porta da frente, e automaticamente ele sorri. Deixando as sacolas da janta que trouxe na cozinha, e seguiu um de seus sons favoritos. Chegando no quarto que ele lhe cedeu, sua expressão, assim como seu coração caiu. Choi a viu rindo desesperadamente de Seonghwa, que te olhava amavelmente, enquanto oa dois pareciam muito bem confortáveis em uma espécie de... encontro?!
"Hyung! Não sabia que você ia vir..." O moreno comenta tentando esconder sua confusão, então ele sorri de lado. "Consegui achar o lego que s/n queria montar e achei justo vir montar com ela" o mais velho responde simples, e você o mostra a pequena peça que ainda montava. San a olha com carinho no olhar, e da um sorriso sincero e amoroso.
"Querem jantar? Eu trouxe comida da rua, mas não sei se é o suficiente pra nós três" San diz, mais uma vez, tentando esconder sua frustração. Antes de chegar em casa, ele tinha certeza que os dois iam comer, enquanto assistiam juntos no sofá (provavelmente abraçados), mais um episódio da série que viam juntos.
"Nós acabamos de comer, sannie, mas você deveria jantar, deve estar com fome" o soco que recebeu na barriga, fez o moreno duvidar se era por suas palavras, ou por que você nem o olhou. Apenas concordando com a cabeça, e com seu biquinho chateado, típico, ele saiu do quarto.
"Acho que ele não gostou muito disso não, s/n" Seonghwa chama sua atenção, e você o olha confusa. As sobrancelhas do mais velho estavam erguidas, enquanto ele tentava sugerir algo. Algo absurdo de mais. Por isso apenas riu dele, voltando sua atenção para o brinquedo.
Alguns minutos depois, os dois ainda conversavam calmante, montando muito focados, e ignorantes ao San, que bufava de cinco em cinco minutos no andar de baixo, tentando focar na televisão, mas sendo constantemente interrompido pelo som do murmúrio de suas vozes, e risadas.
Seonghwa nunca foi tão engraçado assim, por que você ria tanto? E o que raios um pedaço de plástico poderia ter que ele não? Um abraço mais confortável? Beijos carinhosos e aleatórios, que te faziam ficar adoravelmente vermelha? Por favor...
Mas... Seonghwa também tem braços que abraçam, é um par de lábios que beijam...
Sem pensar duas vezes, San está novamente no quarto (aliviado quando vê que os dois mal se olham). Pegando sua cadeira de computador, Choi a posiciona ao seu lado, e a observa atentamente. Você é tão linda concentrada, aproximando e afastando o objeto, as sobrancelhas unidas enquanto tentava adivinhar o porque as peças não juntavam...
"Você está encarando. O que já falamos sobre encarar?" Sua voz é calma, mas ainda não o olha. Meu Deus, qual seu problema hoje?!
"Você é linda. O que já falamos sobre você ser linda?" San diz, suavemente, vendo suas bochechas ficarem coloridas. Seonghwa ri de leve, esquecido em seu canto. "E você não me recebeu direito hoje, tô com saudades de você." Ele responde, levando seus dedos até seu queixo, e virando seu rosto, o fazendo o olhar.
Ele estava com uma cara adorável, e aquele biquinho que esconde mais cedo. Engolindo em seco, você tenta responder como se não tivesse sido intimamente afetada por aquilo. "Mas você me viu hoje de manhã"
"Sim, muitas horas atrás, eu sinto falta da sua cara linda, quando estou longe. E aí quando volto, quero ver ela o tempo todo"
O ar some de seus pulmões, e não tem como conseguir fingir que não sente nada por ele, muito menos que aquilo não foi nada.
Seonghwa, que já entendeu toda a situação, se levantou calmamente recolhendo seus legos, com cuidado, claro.
"Acho melhor deixar os dois pombinhos em paz, boa noite" ele saiu do quarto. Você quer o acompanhar até a porta, mas além de não confiar em suas pernas, San ainda está a sua frente, te segurando no lugar.
Os dois se encaram por alguns muito longos segundos, até que o mais velho quebra o silêncio:
"Será que finalmente tenho só pra mim?" Uma de suas sobrancelhas se ergue, enquanto ele estuda seu rosto. Sem coragem de falar alguma coisa, apenas concorda com a cabeça.
San abre o sorriso, que sabe que derrete qualquer pessoa, vítima de seu carinho, e murmura um "ótimo", antes de se esticar e deixar um selinho rápido em seus lábios antes de se levantar, e te puxar pela mão até a sala, onde ele iria colocar sua série, enquanto você fingia que seu coração não batia como uma taquicardia.
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sadclownparadoxxx · 1 year
Blackout*:.。 。.:* K.H.J
Pairing: Park Seonghwa/Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Genre: Smut.
CW: one night stand, mutual masturbation, deprivation, praising kink.
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: You go out on a friend hang out, ended up on a place where you have to stay masked and blind folded. Entering just because you see your bias Park Seonghwa go in, with the hope of being able to talk to him. But when you you think you’re fulfilling your dream of speaking to who you think is the man of your dreams, it might not be who you were expecting.
Note: this was my first time writing a one shot in English, since it’s not my first language I hope everything is written correctly but I apologize if there are some errors. Please enjoy. I got this idea out of a dream I had some time ago.
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At first instance you weren't pretty sure about going out for the plan that night. You never trusted that group of friends that much, especially for a plan that includes them taking you somewhere as a surprise.
"You will know when we get there". They continued saying, and if if weren't because your best friend was going with you, you wouldn't be going at all.
Why not? It was a three day trip and it would be such a waste to spend the night at the hotel room just because.
You were only hoping not ending up in prison that night.
Once the Uber full of girls parked and you all got out of it, you started walking towards a big elegant two floor building.
Was the name of the place.
You were all dressed for the occasion in case it was a case it was a restaurant or a club, but you were anticipating it.
Your nervousness was about to lead you to rip out your fake nails when you something new and quite familiar got into your sight.
A tall men with pink hair, dressed with a long sleeved black shirt and some trousers with white stripes. And you couldn't believe your eyes.
Park Seonghwa was standing a few meters away from you.
The man that you have admire, followed, loved and biased for the last two years.
He was even more beautiful and stunning and real life, just talking to a men beside him.
You felt a hand squeeze yours with the same amusing excitement you were feeling.
"Is that really Hongjoong?" Your best friend said with a shaking voice.
She has been a Hongjoong biased since debut, and she loved him so deeply that her girlfriend was already used to the idea of having to share her significant other with Hongjoong for the rest of her life.
"Well, if that is not Seonghwa with him it doesn't make sense that I'm seeing the most beautiful men ever existed" you said squeezing her hand in return.
"Should we say hi?" She asked without taking her eyes off of her bias.
"I don't know, they're in their time out of schedule" you answered with a bit of sadness in your tone.
But suddenly the events take a turn that you were not expecting at all to fit into your plot; they were getting in the building of the restaurant you we're going to.
A giggle slip through your lips "maybe we can meet them inside and have a chance to say hi later"
"Oh please god, help us today"
You both held your shaking hands and walk inside the building almost holding your breath the whole way. Your friends were all laughing, flirting with their partners, while you two were having a heart attack without very much trouble.
The tallest of the group looked at you all with a smirk when you got to the gate, and honestly, out of all of the outcomes of The posible surprise place you were building in your mind the whole taxi trip, nothing was even close to the second when you got in and you had to face the big billboard on the hallway.
Welcome to the Blackout
Take your mask.
Tonight this will be the last thing you'll be reading.
Cover your eyes, let us guide your experience.
Let yourself enjoy the anonymous experience of your next blind meeting.
"So you brought us here so you could hook up?" Said one of the girls super offended to the friend of the ideas that haven't stop smiling the whole while.
"This was supposed to be a girls night" other one replied.
But on the main part, the three couples in the group were looking more than happy for the suggestion of place, you could see in their faces how they were just about to probably fulfill a fantasy, and that made you yuck to your insides.
The only reason you were not complaining over this was that inside of that building was Seonghwa.
Ok, probably you were not going to see him at all but you would be in the same place, and that would be more than enough.
"Come on, it will be fun" one of them said and after some minutes of confrontation and growls going back and forth they finally ended up agreeing to go in with the condition of everyone had to respect the meal time, that seemed fair to everyone on the group.
And that's how you got into that restaurant, putting on a mask that was not only supposed to disguise your face, but also to cover your eyes. You didn't found why would they make a cute shiny elegant mask if no one would be able to see it.
"They're made that way so you can take off the fold at any point if you need to see" said the girl with the mask standing at the door. "But you can only take it off at the second floor, to protect the identity of our guests".
Ok, that sentence had a lot that you needed to take a second to process.
So as long as you were understanding, that was probably a place where rich people were going to take one night stands and protect their identity. Phones were not allowed so people wouldn't be able to take pictures or steal their contact information, and you were pretty sure that was the reason Hongjoong and Seonghwa were there.
That meant you could not talk to them by any means. And if anyone there had a single clue that you knew them you would probably be on big trouble. You pouted. The night was not getting any enjoyable.
You were so close but yet so far from meeting them in person.
You sat down for dinner, and you all ordered guided by the waiter. You were not sure how people would meet each other in this kind of circumstances where they could not see a thing.
You enjoyed your pasta, it was as delicious as you would imagine for such an elegant place. And I'm the mean time you could hear how a voice could slip in the noise your friends would made. It was his voice and you couldn't do anything but pout.
"I'm hearing the most beautiful voice a man can have and I can't talk to him" you growled on a low voice drinking from the straw of your cup "that surely has to be the man of my dreams".
None of your friends really take your words seriously and they just continued talking happily while the meal time kept going.
It certainly were a weird experience talking to your friends and not being able to see them, while you had dinner not really knowing what was goin on.
The bad part started the first time you all heard a moaning coming from one of the girls on the table.
"You guys are unbelievable" you heard one of your really upset friends.  Because, of course, they were horny hormonal teenagers that obviously would use every single chance to hook up. And you, as the single older friend, were there in quality of babysitting and convince their moms that they would not get in any problem on the trip days.
"So you brought me here so I could watch you get action when the love of my life is two tables away?" You complained, not to anyone in concrete, you were just upset and uncomfortable at that point, knowing that your friends were just being a bit too unashamed right in front of you.
"Technically, your not watching"
You were just about to maybe stamp your head to the table when you felt how your mask fell off and the sudden light got you blinded for a second.
At first you didn't really knew how to react, you could maybe use that as an excuse to get out of that trap the girls have set up. But on the other hand, two tables away you were able to see the smile of the pink haired man that would never fail in making you sigh or blush.
Lucky must be the one that he gets to choose tonight.
You thought before getting to go to the bathroom. Maybe that way you could find some rest of the whole situation that you somehow have ended up accepting.
You washed your hair and looked at your reflection on the mirror. Such a shame no one was able to see how fine you were looking that night.
You needed some help to put on the mask again, you realized when you tried a few times to put it back again, so you got out of the bathroom looking for some waiter that could help you.
A girl with a kind smile find you on your way out and helped your out it back again, now it was a bit to tight but maybe was just a way to make your you wouldn't be bothering again. Honestly, you would've done the same.
Now with all set you we're ready to go back to the rest of the pain in the ass that was being that night.
"Oh, I'm sorry" you heard a deep voice said as you felt someone bumping into you. It had an Asian accent and you were sure, it had to be him, there was no way it wasn't him.
"It's ok" you said because your brain stoped working for a few seconds after your realization. You were preparing to continue your way to the table when you felt a hand being placed over yours.
"Excuse me. Would you help me find the bathroom?"
Funny how he would ask you that now that you just got out of it, but it was maybe lucky you that you remembered the way.
"S-sure" you clumsy stuttered and you felt how your heart raced in embarrassment.
The almost unknown almost stranger placed his hand over yours shyly, almost not wanting to and you stopped working completely, hoping he would not feel how your hands were shaking.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked.
"No, not at all" you answered fastly, too precipitated, embarrassing you to the point of feeling your cheeks go hot and red.
"Are you sure?" His voice sounded legitimately concerned and you heart felt warm to his response "you're shaking"
Damn it.
"I'm ok" you sigh "it's just this place. I don't want to go back to my table"
It was not completely a lie. You would rather tear up your skin that to go back to that table to be sorounded by the moanings of your friends making out with each other.
"Why is that? Are you not enjoying the place?"
"Well, my friends brought me here on a deceit so yeah, not quite the way I was planing to spend my night" You heard him chuckle and if he could see he would see your face contract on a frown. "What are you laughing at?"
"I'm sorry" he cleared his throat before speaking again "It's just that happened to me the first time I came here".
"So you come here often?"
"Just when I'm in town. A few times a year".
Well, that was gossip.
Honestly, you were not surprised at all that an idol, especially one as desireable a Park Seonghwa would come to this kind of places where he could surrender to his libido without anyone know. Probably to avoid the tedious process of the confidentiality agreements just by covering his identity by a mask on a city that not much people really knew about a still growing group like ATEEZ.
"Well, that says a lot about you" you joked like an imbecile, like if you ever treat anyone that way, but it wasn't like he would recognize your face at a concert or something.
"Let's say my work interferes on my personal relationships a lot" he answered calmly. Not upset at all "don't worry, it gets better when you find the right company".
If you were drinking something you surely would've spit it out. Was that an insinuation?
"What are you implying?" You questioned almost without breath.
"Not implying anything. Explicitly inviting you to avoid your friends with me, if you're ok with it".
If you didn't have any breath before, now you were asphyxiating. He was actually inviting you to hang out with him. You might even meet Hongjoong.
The million times you manifested meeting Ateez in person you never expected it would be under this kind of circumstances or context. Sadly you wouldn't be able to tell them how much you loved and admire them, not only it would probably be uncomfortable for them finding out you were an atiny. It was way deeper than that. Meeting them at that place, him confessing how he's a regular attendant to it and probably the rest of the group too.
It was the kind information that could ruin their career in a second, cause a disband in a best scenario, considering how Korean industry tends to react to that kind of gossip.
The best you could do was shut your mouth and keep the secret.
"Ok, I accept" you finally said after a long silence.
You waited for him outside of the bathroom door. Humiliating under almost every concept but you were more than willing to accept a little bit of humiliation for that man, maybe a lot of humiliation on more of a night time concept.
"Not really into that, I'm more of a praiser" you heard right next to you. And you could not believe you really thought that out loud "but I'm always willing to try new things".
"If you're lucky" you confidently said, hiding as much as you could the part of you that was shaking and almost peeing her pants.
"I heard you earlier on your table. I think I'm already lucky".
That fucking asshole was bold enough to bring that up, you opened and closed your mouth a few times, trying to think on a comeback.
"But maybe you are, considering you're meeting the man of your dreams" that cocky motherfucker dare to add.
"What makes you think I was talking about you?" You threw as a defensive response, trying to hold on to a bit of dignity.
Ok, you were obviously liking this side of him that you've never seen on interviews, but he was taking too much freedom on you as someone he has never met in his life. And you could not allow him to know he had you at hello.
"Lucky guess? A little of hope?"
"Already charmed? Record time for me" you joked sounding cocky, as you could under normal circumstances, as it should be.
"Normally I'm the one that cause that effect without the mask"
"So what is that make Prince Charming hope on a complete stranger for think about him?"
"Well, usually fairy tales start like that"
"So you will look for me all over the city if I loose my shoe? Or do you prefer I leave my underwear?"
He laughed and you thought that could be the more beautiful laugh you have ever heard in your whole life. But something was not right with that laugh. You knew that laugh. It was not deep and velvet soft as you have seen in past videos, I was high pitched and playful.
"You're fun"
"Yeah, that's the compliment you get when you're ugly"
"Well, I cannot tell but I'm pretty sure you're not"
The next thing you knew from that, was that you were feeling some pressure over your lips. It was too sudden at first, catching you with your guard off, but you ended up corresponding it. At first being playful and soft, hearing a giggle here and another one there as his hand catched your cheek. He bit your lower lip a little too hard taking a little moan out of your throat, you felt a bit embarrassed, but you were enjoying way too much the way he would play with your lips between his teeth again and again to focus on something else.
You were kissing Park Seonghwa. This was something that have only happened in your imagination and now I was out of your brain, materializing in front of you.
His tongue made his way inside your mouth, leading a delicious dance full of lust and sin, as he grabbed you by the waist and pull you closer, making you gasp the second you felt how hard he was getting under the fabric of his pants.
"Should we go upstairs?" He said on a hectic whispers that made your fever go up feeling how his breath hit your wet lips. You hummed an affirmation, too stunned to properly speak.
He grabbed your hand, linking his fingers with yours, making you draw a smile on your lips. This was beyond your craziest dreams, yet, here you were, holding Seonghwas hand while he was leading you to be his company for the night.
It was beyond perfect.
Well, almost.
From a second to another, the knot of the lace failed, making the fold fell from your eyes, showing you, under the low lights of the place, the man in front of you. And then was when you realized why there was something that was not fitting on your thoughts.
The men holding your hand lacked of that imposing height you saw making his way in the building earlier that night, instead, he was shorter, almost reaching your own size
The hair that you clearly saw as bright pink, was vibrant red and then you realized.
You just kissed Kim Hongjoong.
Not only that. You were about to have sex with Kim Hongjoong.
What was even happening?
You swallowed hard and tried to hold the now inexistent knot behind your head as good as posible with your shaking hand.
You heard his giggle again, and you felt like throwing up from nervousness as he stops walking "I'll be back in a second."
You assume he had taken off the blind fold of the mask so he could be able to see.
When you heard his steps go further you took off the fold under your own mask, letting yourself stay undercover without the blindness.
What were you supposed to do now?
From all the outcomes you could have imagine for that night, having sex with Hongjoong you could not say that was even on the list.
He was sweet and gentle as the taste of a strawberry cheesecake. How could you ever think of reject him? You couldn’t.
Yes, your hopes were placed on Seonghwa, the man that you loved so deeply you could cry over him singing every time.
But Hongjoong was having a laugh and flirting with you, holding your hand, kissing you so deeply as you could ever dream of, and he could make you forget for a second everything.
The real problem wasn't actually the fact that you would've preferred Seonghwa, the actual problem was your friend.
How could she react if she ever finds out what was about to happen to you?
Would she hate you? Would she understand you?
It was all blurry and confusing.
"Here you are" you heard that so well known voiced and you turned around to find the figure of your best friend smiling at you. "I have been looking for you. Maybe we can say hi to Hongjoong and Seonghwa"
"Why would you want to say hi here where we all know what they are doing?" Her girlfriend said with a judging tone and a pout.
"M-maybe the best we can do i-is pretend we didn't see them" you clumsy said trying to scape that conversation.
"But there's like zero chance this happens to us ever again" she whined shaking the hand that she had linked to her girlfriend's.
You were about to say something to try to convince her when you saw her face turn red and her jaw fell as her eyes were place on something behind you, and before you could even curse that second, you felt a pressure fell onto your lips once more.
"Everything is set, we can get going" He smiled widely, completely ignorant of the mess happening in your head in that second.
"Yeah?" Was the only thing you could say, letting your eyes travel to his lips and beautiful smile.
He nodded "let's go"
He left a peck over your lips before taking your hand to lead you upstairs. You were able to see the face of your friends, with their jaws almost touching the floor, not believing their eyes. Maybe if your thoughts weren't a mess you would have that same face.
"I can explain" you articulated while walking away.
"You better" you heard her say before she disappeared out of your visual field.
A feeling of torny guilt was place on your chest and your throat as you let Hongjoong lead your way upstairs and through the hall.
She was probably going to hate you forever now and that thought would turn your desires down.
Well, at least that’s what you thought at first, before that smile turn to you again, with those eyes of a lion haunting his next prey. And that was exactly what you were, nothing but a victim of those lips when they touched yours. Of that demon called Kim Hongjoong that was able to fill your entire body with lust with just the touch of his hand on your cheek and his fingers lingering in your hair.
“You ok?” He suddenly ask inside the whole blurry fog of desire “are you uncomfortable?”
Yeah, you would totally melt right ther now between his arms.
“I’m ok, I just got a bit distracted downstairs” another half a lie. But honestly, it was not like you would tell him about your whole life when you were there to live the moment and only that. “My head just got a little messy”.
“Want me to distract you a bit from that?” He almost purred caressing your hair softly. Disarming as he could be with that smile that you could not take your eyes off.
You really were thinking about something else?
You had that ravishing man pressing your body against the wall with his and we’re you really considering leaving?
Why would you? Loyalty?
Maybe loyalty should have its limits, specially with this kind of extraordinary cases that only come one in a life time.
At the end of the day, it wasn’t like you were stealing your friend’s boyfriend or anything. She was going to get some action that night anyway. Why would you stop yourself?
You choose being selfish for that moment.
“Please” you yearned biting your lower lip, burning in expectation, making another giggle crawl out of his throat.
Without further ado he went back to attack your mouth, this time more savagely and deeply.
His hands went down to your waist, pressing you against the hardness of his body before turning you both gracefully to lead you to the bed.
Your hands lingered in hair pulling it slightly as your tongues danced together, tasting every part of each other with need.
He placed himself over you, pulling your dress up, over your waist. That way you could feel his hard member pressing against you, moving up and down, taking moans out of your mouth louder every time.
“Your moans are pretty” he chuckled agains your ear while your fingers were busy unbuttoning his white shirt “do you yells that way too?”
“Why don’t you find out yourself?” You sight with your shaking breath, unlocking his belt.
“Are you in a hurry?” He giggled again.
“Yes, my pumpkin leaves at midnight” you answered cutting.
“Well, let’s make this time worth it then” almost instantly his hand slipped into your under wear, pressing agains your clit and getting inside of you, making you arch your back as you let out a loud moan. “You sound prettier than I thought”.
He continued moving his fingers in and out of your wet cavity, pressing it enough over your clit, driving you crazy with every move.
Your hips moved along with his hands, wanting more friction, needing more and more of what he was giving you.
He was just enjoying by seeing your teary eyes look at him submissive under him from that bed until your hand flew to the bulge on his uncovered black wet underwear, taking now a raspy moan from his throat.
“I want to play too” you whined, making his smile go wider.
His free hand took yours and made it go under the fabric covering himself. Placing your palm on that big cock he had, making you go up and down slowly to feel it patiently.
“Then let’s play together, baby girl”
And that you made.
Both touching each other, you saw him clutching and moaning to your touch as you hand went up, down and over his longitude. Both of you thrusting your hips towards each others hands, fulling the room with shaky breath.
You were about to surrender to the orgasm when he suddenly stopped and took his hand out of you, making you growl In disapproval.
“Why?” You whined when he tried to make you let go of your toy.
“I want you” he sighed on your ear before going to your neck to leave wet hickeys, that made you bite your lower lip, burning in expectation and sin. About to finish just for his touch while he was getting rid of your underwear, throwing it away.
He took down the zipper of your dress to take it off over your head, as fast a he got rid of his own pants, and in seconds you were both wearing only each others saliva and red marks created with your theeth.
He fastly took a condom from the counter and gracefully put it on. He did not lost time at all. As desperate as you were, he got inside of you. Fast, certain and hard. Making you yell from the top of your lungs out of pleasure.
“Good girl, your taking it so good, baby”
He could not be really calling you that. You melt between his arms, clinching your whole body to his, your nails scratching his back, making him moan even louder.
You were in heaven as his thrust stared to go harder and harder in and out of you. His hips were made by God, or maybe the devil.
“Do you want to cum?” He playfully asked hectic.
“Yes, please” you almost begged, trying to pull him for wet kiss but he not letting you.
“How much?” He asked with that smile created on the deepest floor of hell by the incubus, as the only plausible explanation.
“I will die if you don’t make me cum” you answered impatient for him to finish his work. He giggled and pulled back your hair making you sigh deeply.
“We can’t let that happen” he whispered before making you turn to leave you laying over your belly. He placed himself behind you.
You whined at first, needy of his touch to come back to his job. But then you cry out as you felt his teeth wrap around the skin of your thighs.
“As I thought, you look beautiful from every angle”
With your knees on mattress he had complete access to your whole body, it was his. He had took possession of you completely.
Like a drug getting into your body and filling your veins.
After a few bites he went back to his abandoned work, getting inside of you once more, this time mod gently, and slow, making you moan long and deeply.
This time he took a while to go back to the rhythm he had before. He started slow, and progressively stared going harder and faster, pulling your hair, pressing your head to the mattress.
“Can I cum, please?“ you begged with your eyes closed, exhausted and white your eyes full of tears.
“Beg for it, then” he chuckled giving you another powerful thrust.
“Please, please, please. I want to cum” you whined as he asked. The hand that he kept on your belly went down to your clit and started masturbating you at the same time he moved inside of you.
“Who am I to deny something to such a sweet, princess?”
With the movement of his fingers and his dick hard in and out of you, you finally reached your orgasm with a loud yell, that led him later to his own. Both of you falling dead over the mattress next to each other, exhausted form the whole ride Hongjoong had gave you.
“I bet your blush cheeks look beautiful under that mask” he sweetly whispered pulling you to rest on his chest. Holding you close and tight.
“I guess you’ll never know” you giggled closing your eyes, enjoying of the warm body of the man that would stay forever anonymous to your memory.
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This man 🤤🤤
©  whitedaydream
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christinesolstice · 1 year
Ateez Goes Rogue: 3
Yunho's Darkness
Yunho is always seen as Ateez's smiling golden retriever. But what really lurks beneath the facade? Will anyone ever truly understand him?
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Yunho knew that he shouldn’t have done it. He was supposed to be one of the responsible ones. So he definitely should not have snuck away from the studio to walk by himself down the crowded streets of a city that he knew nothing about, in a country that he had only been to five times.
He just couldn’t take it anymore. The noise, the stress, the faking smiles. He felt like he was going to implode. He had to get away. He NEEDED to get away.
And so, while everyone else was shopping or resting or working, he took his break time to actually leave the vicinity that they were allowed to stay in. Throwing caution to the wind while throwing on his coat, he walked straight out of the music studio without even a single glance backwards.
Yunho didn’t know where he was going. He didn’t have the slightest clue. He just knew that he was going. Anywhere. Everywhere. Somewhere. As long as he could drop the sunshine-happy puppy mask that he always wore around his group members and their fans ATINY
Yunho, for the most part, really was a happy guy, the golden retriever of the group for sure. But sometimes… sometimes he needed space to stop smiling. He needed time to delve into the darker emotions that he often pushed down.
Deep inside of him lay a dark kernel of intensity that very few others knew about. Those in his group had only received vague glimpses of it, even his best friend Mingi didn’t know the full extent. And he didn’t want him to know the full extent.
There were only two people that truly knew what hidden beneath his happy-go-lucky exterior.
The first of the two was his ex, his first love. He had shared everything with her. His thoughts, hopes, dreams, darkness…she was even the first that he had shared his body with. He thought that he had finally found someone to understand him, someone who could accept him and everything that he was. But all it took was one look at the monster within and she had fled. She dumped him without any warning and the next day she was already dating some other guy that was probably not shrouded in darkness of any kind.
The second person who knew was the eldest in music group that he was in. That person was Seonghwa. And the fact that Seonghwa knew was completely unintentional and was never meant to have happened.
Yunho had never wanted anyone in the group to witness that side of him. It was ugly, grotesque. The darkness made him feel dirty, unworthy and perhaps, at times, even a little unhinged.
Yunho was known to often stay after long after dance practice had finished and to continue practicing even after every one else in the building had left for the night. The night that Seonghwa had discovered his secret was no different.
Yunho always practiced hard and even though dancing had always come fairly easily to him, he still never felt as though he was good enough. The voice in his head would always mock his efforts, his hard work, reduce it to nothing but a mere speck of talent. And so he continued to work harder and harder, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion, refusing to give in to what that voice whispered inside of his head.
That night, he had been practicing the choreography for one of their new unreleased song that would headline their comeback that was right around the corner. The entire group had been working so hard for their comeback and the pressure was on big time. Yunho’s feet spun around in a sequence of complicated dance moves but he had accidently leaned to far to the right and he felt his ankle twist underneath him, causing him to fall hard to the practice room floor.
“Fuck!” he yelled, now holding his sprained ankle.
Yunho hung his head in defeat, sweat dripping off of the tip of his nose. He knew that he had to call it quits for the night, there was no way he could risk hurting himself any further, especially when their comeback was in sight.
Yunho sighed and dropped his arms, he was about to try to push himself off of the floor when he locked eyes with himself in the mirror and immediately froze in his actions.
“Weak. Pathetic. Never good enough.” The reflection seemed to whisper to him.
Yunho closed his eyes, trying to push down the rising anger he was feeling but he could tell that this time it was going to be a losing game. The veins in his neck were sticking out as he started clenching his jaw against the rage that was rising up in his throat.
Squeezing and releasing his tingling hands, he looked up and faced the reflection in front of him. Once glance over the body in the mirror and his anger snapped through him like a white hot streak of lightening. Without a second thought and a yell that reverberated around the empty dance studio, he slammed his fist forward into the mirror and shattered it, his reflection splitting into pieces, glass slicing deep into his knuckles.
Seeing the dark red blood dripping down his hand caused him to pause in his tirade. It had been ages since he had let himself explode like that. It had been ages since he had promised himself that he would not explode like that again. He failed.
‘I failed. I failed. I fucked up. I failed.’
“Yunho…what’s going on?” came a quiet voice from behind him.
Yunho’s head jerked around in fear to see Seonghwa staring at him in shock, his glance bouncing back and forth from Yunho’s bloody hand to the destroyed mirror. Shame immediately enveloped Yunho and he felt his entire face heat up and flood with it.
Seonghwa slowly walked towards him, concern etched into his handsome face. Yunho hung his head, wrapped his arms around his knees and pulled them up towards his chest.
“Why are you here?” he asked into the stillness when Seonghwa paused beside his shoulder.
Seonghwa squatted down, taking Yunho’s large hand into his more delicate one, and looked over the cuts in concern.
“We were all going to go eat together so I came back to force you to go with us.” He explained.
“ Why did you punch the mirror?”
Yunho avoided Seonghwa’s probing eyes and kept his stare on his knees.
“I…” Yunho started before trailing off in helplessness. How was he going to possibly explain when he didn’t even understand his emotions himself?
Seonghwa looked at him in sad understanding before wrapping his long arms around the younger man. Yunho stiffened up because he had not expected Seonghwa to react that way. No one had ever reacted that way when confronted with the rage he held inside.
Seonghwa held on tight for several minutes before slowly pulling back, one of his hands staying to rest on Yunho’s shoulder.
“I get it, you know.” He whispered.
Yunho eyed him warily, not really trusting the words he was hearing.
“I understand the feelings that we hide inside. I get it. I.. I struggle too. I just don’t tell anyone about it because I’m the oldest, I’m supposed to watch over all of you and protect you. But… I have my dark day too.” He said quietly, shock going through Yunho at the revelation.
“You don’t have to be ashamed of it. We love you no matter what. I love you know matter what and I accept you. I accept all of your feelings, no matter what they are, no matter how dark they are.”
Yunho had looked into Seonghwa’s big sparkling eyes and he felt the tears begin to well up inside of him. Tears for the darkness. Tears for being scared to face the darkness. Tears for not realizing that anyone would ever accept him for who is was inside.
And so, Seonghwa held onto Yunho as tight as he could while Yunho released all of the anger and frustrations that he had inside, sobs wracking his big body until he was left trembling.
Seonghwa had let Yunho calm down before pulling him up to drag him to the bathroom to clean himself up before going to go eat.
They hadn’t really discussed it again aside from Seonghwa’s, “Come talk me whenever you need to, I’ve got you.”
Even though they didn’t really talk about it again, it was like Seonghwa was tuned into Yunho’s hidden side and could always sense when Yunho was feeling out of sorts. Seonghwa was quick to come up with reasons to take the others away from Yunho until he was calm again. Not for the protection of the others, but for the peace of Yunho.
So in a way, Yunho didn’t feel too terrible about ditching out, he knew that Seonghwa would help come up with an excuse of some sort if anyone started to get suspicious.
He did have a little anxiety about not telling anyone where he was going but since he didn’t KNOW were he was going….
Yunho glanced around the busy city street, feeling somewhat claustrophobic being in the middle of the crowds of people. He brain had just started itching when he noticed his savior, a sign across the road heralding the opening to the city park. He waited impatiently for the crosswalk light to turn on and then he walked across as fast as the people around him would allow.
Stepping into the park was like a deep breath of fresh air. That or it could have just been because Yunho was breathing in deeply, exhaling the nervous tension that had been building.
Yunho looked at the map of the park that was painted on a huge wooden sign that marked, “You are here”, in bold red lettering, and he realized that the park was a lot bigger than he had originally thought.
Feeling his mood start to lift, he pushed his fists into the pockets and his fleece-lined jacket and set off to wander around the park aimlessly. Yunho started taking in the red and gold leaves that were littering the trees, the crisp autumn breeze as it tickled his golden hair, the warmth of the sun shining down on his ruddy cheeks and he began to feel a little flitter inside of his chest. The flitter that existed to remind him that he was alive.
Yunho’s musings were interrupted by a notification going off on his phone. Take his phone out of his jacket pocket, he looked at the notifications to see an unopened message from Seonghwa.
Yunho felt his tension start to go up and the thought of already being called back to work but once he opened the message he realized that he really shouldn’t have been worried to begin with.
“I told everyone that you had a migraine and needed to be alone in my room for a while. I threatened all of them that if they so much as even whispered at my door then I would kick their ass. Enjoy your time away. Just be careful and call me if you need me. See you later.”
Yunho smiled and typed out a quick reply, the last of his worries evaporating with the kindness of his elder. “I’ll owe him a new LEGO set.” Yunho smiled to himself and slid his phone back into his pocket.
The day was beautiful and it was the perfect day to be outside. A joy that had sorely been lacking in the group’s routine lately due to them having so many commitments going on. The men had been talking for years about going on a group camping trip but so far, their schedules had not aligned nor cleared up enough for them to be able to do so. It was a shame really. Yunho loved camping and fishing and was thirsting to be sitting by the water again. They were sorely lacking the grounding that the earth could give them.
Yunho walked around for close to twenty minutes before he spied an empty park bench sitting in the sunshine, close to the large pond in the middle of the park. Feeling his spirits soar, he quickly jogged over to it. He plopped his tall body down onto the bench and sighed in happiness.
The bench had been baking in the sun and the warmth slid through his body and chased away the chill that he had started to feel. It wasn’t long until the warmth of the sun and the sound of the birds in the trees started lulling Yunho into such a relaxed state that his eyes closed, not realizing how exhausted his body truly was.
Yunho was in a dark room, everything was pitch black and he couldn’t even see his hands in front of his face.
“What’s going on? Where am I?!” he yelled to no avail as he was utterly alone in the darkness.
Yunho could feel the vein in his temple start to throb as he tried to walk forward blindly but struck face-first into what felt like a glass wall.
Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind him and he jumped, his heart feeling like it was in his throat, and spun around quickly to see a spotlight shining down on what looked like a full-length mirror. Hesitantly he approached the mirror, seeing nothing but himself inside of it. Yunho studied his reflection, confused and wary. He was halfway convinced that his managers had put him into a new surprise variety show, that is…until his reflection smiled at him.
“What the fuck!” he yelled, stumbling over his feet in his panicked movements to walk backwards.
His back landed against the glass that he had earlier run into and he felt chills shoot down his spine. He straightened up and slowly turned, his fears becoming reality when he was faced with yet another mirrored image of himself. Instead of smiling, this one was looking down at the ground, head tilted downward, almost as if in defeat.
Yunho shook his head, his mind feeling muffled, his brain not allowing him to put together a reason as to what was going on.
Yunho saw a light turn on to his side and looked over, there was yet another mirrored version of himself lit up. Slowly, as if one spotlight after another was being turned on, Yunho’s head followed the circle of lighted mirrors appearing. One by one they started coming into being until he was completely surrounded by other versions of himself. One looked pissed, while one was crying. One was smirking at him while another was covered in blood. On and on the reflections went, each showcasing a side of him that he didn’t want to see.
“What’s going on?! What is this shit?!” he screamed in panic, feeling fear whaling up inside of him.
“Don’t you get it?” the smirking reflection asked. “We just want you to see us Yunho.”
The reflection’s smile dropped and a look that was intimidating and grotesque warped the reflection’s face.
“We just want you to see how pathetic you are. How dumb. How stupid. How slow.”
“You’ll never amount to anything” another reflection hissed and Yunho shook his head back and forth rapidly, lifting his hands to cover his ears in attempt to drown out the cacophony of voices.
“NO! YOU’RE WRONG!” he yelled at the reflection that seemed to be the ringleader. The warped face gave a haunting smile.
“You’re vile.”
“Everyone fucking hates you.”
“God, you’re nothing but a little bitch.”
“Seonghwa doesn’t really stick up for you. He always tell everyone and they laugh at you.”
“You’re useless.”
“Nothing but a fraud.”
“A loser.”
Yunho was crying in earnest now, the voices beginning to speak louder and over each other, the noise becoming unbearable. Yunho fell down onto his knees, tears streaming down his face.
“Stop.. please stop!” he whimpered, he begged.
The voices didn’t stop.
The reflections were suddenly out of the mirrors and walking towards him, surrounding him. Yunho cowered on the ground, his arms over his head, screaming out every emotion he was feeling. The reflections closed in, their hands grasping his body, shaking him roughly back and forth. He heard them laughing at him, he heard their mocking.”
Yunho jerked his body violently forward, almost falling off of the bench in the process. His hand grasped his chest as his drug in one rough breath after the other, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. His vision slowly started clearing and he realized that he was still in the sunny and beautiful park, still on the warm bench, still safe.
Whipping his head around, he found a woman sitting beside him, her hand was on his arm and staring at him in concern. His gaze quickly scanned over her.
Straight black hair framed a high cheekbone face with a pointed chin and a dimple in one cheek. Heavy black eyeliner circled her eyes, golden in the sunlight. Her eyeshadow was dark and artfully applied into a deep smoky look, her black lipstick was adorned by a silver hoop curving around the center of her middle lip, enhancing her tanned complexion. Although she was dressed in a long black jacket, he could still see hints of tattoos along her tanned collar bones and on the backs of her hands.
Yunho had never seen someone dressed so alternatively and gothic in real life with tattoos and chains, black lace and leather.
And in that moment, she was the most beautiful angel he had ever seen.
“Thanks for waking me up.” He said, finally lowering his hand from his chest.
The woman shrugged and began digging around in her black backpack, fishing out a zippo lighter and a pack of cigarettes.
“No big deal, it looked like you were having a hell of a dream though.”
She put a cigarette in her mouth before offering the pack to him. Yunho took one of the cigarettes and fished his own lighter out of his pocket.
Technically, idols were not supposed to do things that would allow for them to come into controversy but every idol he knew had some type of shtick to help them cope. Seonghwa built LEGO, Yeosang went skateboarding, Jongho alternated working out and drinking, Mingi fucked around. And Yunho? Well.. Yunho smoked. But only when he was in a bad place, like now.
Taking a deep inhale of the cigarette, he let the smoke fill his lungs and held it for a few second before exhaling his soul out.
The woman was looking at him curiously and he felt his face flush.
“So what was it?” she asked, taking a drag.
“Um… what was what?” he replied, his mind momentarily frozen when he saw that she had a smiley piercing and the hormonal side of his body reacted positively to the new sight.
“What was the bad dream?” she asked as she flicked her ashes away, stretching her long legs in front of her and crossing one black Doc over the other.
The slit in the front of her skirt falling open to reveal a tattooed snake thigh piece semi-covered by black fishnets. Yunho gulped and looked away guiltily, trying not to seem like a pervert.
“It uh.. it was nothing.” He mumbled and then cleared his throat.
The woman arched a fine eyebrow at him, smoke leaving her lips in a huff. “It sure didn’t seem like nothing when you were flailing about like a scolded child.”
Yunho’s mouth gaped open as he stared at her and she started laughing. Reaching over, she put a finger under his chin and pushed his mouth closed.
“Don’t worry, I only took one or two pictures.”
Yunho groaned and squeezed his eyes shut in mortification, sliding down in the bench and hunching himself as much as he could inside his jacket. The woman’s peals of laughter floated on the air around them.
“I’m just kidding! You really wasn’t thrashing around. You were just groaning a lot and your hands had started shaking. I figured I needed to wake you up before it got worse. I know how bad nightmares can be.”
Yunho’s head snapped around at that. “Do you have nightmares too?”
This time it was the woman’s turn to blush and he had to admit that he enjoyed seeing her tan skin deepen with the blush. A wicked thought about how else he could make her body flush crossed through his mind. But he quickly pushed the thought away as soon as it came to him, focusing on her words.
“Yeah.. I’ve had nightmares since I was a kid. Always around the same time of night, normally the same type of dream. It’s not as bad these days but… it still gets bad sometimes.”
“Can I ask…how do you deal with it?” Yunho questioned, sincerely wanting to know her answer.
The woman stubbed out the butt of her cigarette on the grass and then slipped it into a pocket on her backpack to later throw away in a trash can.
“I just… do. Sometimes I walk or read, or turn on the TV and watch it until I fall back asleep.”
Yunho nods at this, very familiar with all of those things.
“Sometimes when the nightmares become frequent again I’ll drink myself into oblivion. Sometimes I fuck myself into oblivion.” She said with a shrug, seeming to be confident in her sexuality.
Yunho’s body jerked at her words as flashes of them “fucking themselves into oblivion together” popped into his head. He straightened himself up on the bench to try to seem as though nothing had happened. It had obviously been way too long since the last time he had hooked up with someone.
“And what about when that doesn’t work?” he asked curiously, getting his mind back on track. He, himself, had tried those exact methods and while they did work most of the time, there were times when even the strongest drink or the most eager body couldn’t chase away the lingering shadows.
“When those don’t work? Then I write. I write until everything is numb. Until I’m numb. Until nothing exists anymore.”
The woman stared out at the pond, lost in thought and for the first time, Yunho felt as though he truly recognized a part of himself in someone else.
“Could I… would you let me read something that you’ve written?” he asked hesitantly, hoping that what he said wasn’t misconstrued as rude.
The woman narrowed her eyes at him, looking at him as if she was weighing his measure. After a moment she pulled a journal out of her backpack and gently held it out to him. Yunho took it into his large hands and gently flipped through it, his eyes roaming over a few different passages.
“Another night disappearing at dawn,
The nightmare releasing as its pawn,
My eyes blink blearily into the light,
Still succumbing to the whims of the night.”
“During the day I hide behind a smile,
During the night I drown in my bile.”
“The sun’s caresses licking my skin,
Keeps the darkness at bay that I hide within.”
“Betrayal and deceit,
Lying thick within your skin,
An unforgiveable grievance,
That will never happen again.”
Yunho slowly took his eyes off of the page and looked up at her.
“This are… hauntingly beautiful,” he said with his voice thick with emotion.
The woman took the journal back shyly, tucking it away into her bag.
“Thank you… they mean a lot to me.”
“I can tell.. and.. I know the feelings you were writing about…” he said, looking down at his feet. “I actually feel like you could understand…” he trailed off quietly
The woman cocked her head and looked at him inquisitively. “Understand what?”
Yunho shook his head, forcing a light laugh to his lips, waving away her question. “Ah.. nothing. Never mind.”
The woman looked at him with furrowed brows, “You’re kinda weird, you know that?”
Yunho gulped and looked away, feeling himself start to turn inward.
‘I’m weird. She thinks I’m weird. I’m weird.’
His spiraling thoughts were interrupted by the woman placing her soft hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes to see that she had scooted right next to him on the bench and was pressed up against him.
She looked into his eyes, looking back an forth, her eyes shining like the most brilliant gold that he had ever seen.
“I happen to like weird people” she whispered.
Yunho’s pupils dilated as she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to his.
In a move that surprised them both, Yunho wrapped his arms around the woman and pulled her firmly against him, one hand moving up to delve into the hair at the nape of her neck and cup the back of her head. The woman whimpered as his fingers tightened in her hair and her fingers curled into the material of his unbuttoned jacket.
Yunho slanted his head and kissed her heavily and passionately, letting out all of the emotions he had been keeping at bay into the kiss. Her mouth opened for him and his tongue ran over her lip ring before seeking out her tongue.
The woman’s hands slid inside of his opened jacket and ran down his muscled chest and stomach, her quiet groan being swallowed up by him. The hand that was not in her hair found its way to her tattooed thigh and started caressing it, feeling the glimpses of tan skin that the fishnets allowed through.
The woman pulled away from him, her eye closed and chest heaving for air. Yunho’s heavy lidded eyes took in her blushing cheeks and he unconsciously leaned forward to press a sweet kiss to the one with the dimple.
“T-That was…um…that was…” she trailed off, at a loss for words.
“Yeah...” Yunho agreed.
Both of the people a little in shock by the electricity zipping between them.
Yunho started to lean again, the woman’s lips coming close to his before an alarm went off on her phond and she gasped, causing his eyes to fly open.
“Oh my god, I didn’t realize how much time had passed!" She panicked, pulling her phone out to shut off the alarm. "Fuck! I’ve got to go, I’m late for a meeting with a client.”
“A client?” he asked in surprise.
The woman stood and started gathering her belongings.
“Yeah, I’m a tattoo artist at Midnight Haven over on Elm.” She paused to look at him for a second. “Maybe you should come by some time.”
Yunho smiled a little sadly, “I would but.. we are only here for a little bit of time before our company has to go to the next location.”
“Ah… well…” the two looked at each other in awkward silence before the woman pulled a card out of her jacket pocket. She took the step that separated them and looked down at him. Yunho, still sitting, looked up at this golden beauty above him.
"I'm Corintha... by the way."
Yunho was sure that Corintha was the most beautiful name that he had ever heard.
"Hi Corintha, I'm Yunho."
The woman slowly leaned down and slipped the card into his front jacket pocket.
“Look me up if you ever come into town again. Perhaps when we both need a midnight haven of our own…”
She closed the distance between their faces, her hands coming up to cup his cheeks and she pressed a gently soft and lingering kiss onto his beautiful mouth, which he returned gently as well, his hand coming up to stroke her jawline.
Puling away from this kiss, she surprised him even more by throwing her arms around his neck. He hugged her back tightly, confused as to why it felt like a part of his heart was breaking.
“Remember, “ she whispered into his ear. “Everyone is weird in their own way. Not one single person is actually normal, so don’t let your struggles and differences make you hate yourself. You may have demons and you may have to fight them, but that doesn’t make you any less than anyone else.”
Yunho felt tears prickling the corner of his eyes as she pulled back, kissing him one last time before running off into what he assumed was the direction of Elm street.
Yunho sat in a daze for a few minutes before his ringing phone jerked him out it. Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was Seonghwa and knew that his time was up.
Sneaking into the hotel was not as easy as sneaking out of the studio. As soon as he stepped into the lobby, he saw the whole gang waiting by the elevators. Their laughter and conversation stopped as soon as they noticed him come in.
Seonghwa’s face fell into the palm of his hand, his plan to get the other men up to the meeting room before Yunho walked in, falling through due to the men’s short attention span that evening.
“Um…. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!” Wooyoung shrieked loudly as Yunho walked up.
“What do you mean?” he asked innocently. “I was feeling better and stepped outside for fresh air for a minute.
“Oh really…” Hongjoong said, stepping forward and peering over the top of his glasses at the taller man. “I didn’t know that having a migraine included a makeover.”
Yunho looked at their Leader in confusion as loud laughter emitted from the group.
“You know… I never though black would be your color.” Jongho smirked.
“Yeah, but it’s kinda working for me.” San said teasingly, fluttering his lashes.
“What the hell are you all on abou-“ Yunho stopped mid sentence as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the elevator door.
The woman’s black lipstick had smeared all over his lips. Yunho looked around sheepishly as he was pushed into the elevator and all seven of the men started hammering with question about who, what and where.
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alina-exe · 1 year
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Did i get tattooed a day befor the ateez concert? Maybe
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atiny4lyfe8m1 · 1 year
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Imitation 5/6
Story: 6
Acting: 9
Chemistry: 5
Comparable to: Dream High (kdrama); Best Hit (kdrama); The Liar and His Lover (kdrama); Entertainer (kdrama)
I’d definitely say this drama is more geared for those who are a fan of Ateez or SF9. That’s not to say this isn’t a good drama. For me it’s just sorta like a ‘meh’. It’s predictable, cheesy, chemistry isn’t particularly there for the leads, and the storyline has been done a thousand times, if not better (Dream High). Again I’m not saying this isn’t any good it’s just ‘meh’.
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allaboutthedongs · 2 years
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[STATION : NCT LAB] JAEHYUN 재현 〖Forever Only〗
➫ 2022.08.18 6PM KST
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yoonqua · 1 year
el chico del apartmento 512
yunho x reader // 1146 words // non-idol au
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This is embarrassing. Why would you ever subject yourself to this type of torture? There is literally no reason for you to be doing this right now when instead you could be in bed  (not really, you’d be regretting not being here actually). No matter what you do tonight  you’ll end up regretting whatever the fuck it is you do, and whose fault is it? Yours? No, it’s Yunho’s. And Yeosang’s.
Yunho, your sweet, giant, perfect neighbor. Why did he have to crawl through your heart the way he did? Making you feel as if you were in high school again with all the stomach butterflies he gives you everytime he smiles at you in the hall or when he holds the elevator door open when you’re running late. Or even when he drove you to work because you missed the bus once. 
There was no hope for you the second you saw him move into the apartment across the hall that fateful day. Whistling as he did in between yelling at his friends to not throw his boxes around. You had been excited when apartment 512 was finally going to be occupied. You were curious as to what type of person would end up there especially since your floor was pretty empty. It was just you and an older lady down the hall.
Yeosang, your dear best friend who had warned you against developing feelings for the giant man due to how messy it could get. Alas, you never listen to him and so here you were, feeling for a man. 
And in your eyes–he’s perfect. You’ve seen him carry groceries for the elderly neighbor, help a lost kid look for his mom in the lobby, and pass by the elementary school he happens to teach at. You were down bad.
So, as your bestest friend, Yeosang took it upon himself to research the guy. Sure he had warned you about liking your neighbor, but if he makes you this happy when you’re not dating then so be it. Yeosang basically had found his IP address and every possible social media he’s ever had. You didn’t even get to stalk much before seeing the overwhelming amount of pictures with a certain someone.
“He has a boyfriend!” you had moaned to your panicked friend.
“We don’t know that–” You swear you got goosebumps all over your body.
“I remember seeing that guy when he moved! I thought they were platonically affectionate,” you lean back on his couch, draping your arm over your eyes, “I shouldn’t have assumed. Of course someone would want to date him.”
Yeosang nervously twiddled his thumbs over his computer keyboard, his eyes moving back and forth from the screen to you, “Maybe you should still tell him,” he had said after a while.
You had practically jumped off the couch, “You’re crazy. No way in hell–that's embarrassing!” You narrow your eyes, “I’m not gonna become a homewrecker, Yeosang.”
“No–like, he hasn’t told you that he’s seeing someone,”
“I’ve talked to him thrice,”
“Exactly– you don’t know–or not supposed to know anything about him, so you’re just gonna let him know you think he’s cute…or whatever,” he shakes his head, “and then that's gonna prompt him to give you a clear response.”
And that's why you’re here. Out in the hall. Dressed in jeans and a clean, plain t-shirt–nothing fancy, just presentable. You continue to stare straight into Yunho’s door as if you had heat vision and it were melting straight away, allowing you to peek into his abode. You’ve never had to knock on his door and you don’t know how he would react to it—and you’re pretty sure you saw the guy from his posts in the lobby today, so imagine if he opened the door. How you wish the earth would just swallow you right there. How you wish you could just slip a note under his door as if it were his high school locker.
Too many wishes, you think as you sigh and begin to roll your shoulders. You breathe in and begin to knock three times. You wait before attempting to try again until the door is yanked open by the exact boy from his posts and the lobby.
“Oh,” you say very intelligently.
“Hello,” he says and he has the cutest smile ever, making his eyes turn into crescents, “Are you looking for my friend? Yunho?” he says.
“Oh, uh, yea,” you say. You stop. Friend? Oh they’re just friends. “I’m his neighbor,” you say with serotonin rushing through your veins and pointing to the door behind you, “I’m Y/n.”
“Oh, I know who you are,” he says vaguely before Yunho sticks his head under his arm, eyes widening when he sees you at his door. He begins to shove Mingi behind him with one hand, but because his friend wasn’t budging he resorted to using full force with both arms.
“Hey! Y/n, what’s up?” He smiles sweetly. Oh god you’re gonna puke. Can he stop doing that for the sake of your heart?
“I wanted to talk to you—” You see Mingi trying to eavesdrop behind Yunho, “Alone.” you giggle. 
“Hold on,” he says and walks inside his apartment and softly closes the door. You’re confused as you’re now left alone to your thoughts and the muffled, “Mingi, stay in the room!” and laughter. 
Yunho pops his head out the door to make sure you’re still there, “You don’t mind talking out here do you? Uh, my place is a mess.”
“It’s fine,” you say and he steps out with his hands behind his back.
“Is there something you need?” he asks.
“Kind of?” you begin with newfound confidence, “I wanted to tell you that I like you, Yunho,” your heart stops. You’re actually doing this. Okay, no backing up now, “And I don’t know what you want to do with that information–I don’t even know myself. My only certainty is that I know my feelings towards you.” Your hands balled into fists at your sides as you awkwardly smiled at him, watching his eyes widen.
“You read my mind,” he says before bringing his hands forward from his back and holding an envelope out to you, “I was planning on giving this to you today. It basically says the same thing you just said plus a little more.” He rubs his neck sheepishly and you look down at the envelope in your hands decorated with a spider man sticker and the words “Don’t leave me hanging,” written on it. 
“You just had to add that reference didn’t you–” Mingi begins since he literally spawned right next to you. 
Yunho grabs at Mingi, but he was too fast as he raced back into the apartment, “Mingi! Get—” 
“Sorry,” Yunho says while internally trying to lower his blood pressure, “Are you free next friday?”
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xxstar-girl · 1 month
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park seonghwa x reader x choi san
✩ SYNOPSIS: lee y/n is just a normal girl, who’s family owns a small coffee shop. she finds herself being accepted in kq-u, the prestigious private university for the wearily. after saving the son of the chancellor from a car accident
✩ PAIRING: park seonghwa x female!reader x choi san
✩ WARNING: suggestive themes, suicidal jokes, mentions of car crashes, explicit content
✩ GENRE: love triangle, smau, fluff, angst, crack, written, smut
✩ note: i will try to post twice a week, depending on how work will be beating my ass with annoying customers. this is also kinda inspiration from girl over flowers drama.
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[AREA 51👽part1] [PRESTIGIES💰part1]
[AREA 51👽part2] [PRESTIGIES💰part2]
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01: getting in kq university📝
02: first day
03: give me free cookies and coffee
04: down bad
05: invite your friends!
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jeon-ify · 7 days
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on live - nakamoto yuta
pairing: yuta (nct) x female reader *
a/n: hello!! this is my first nct smut!! ofc its gonna be of my bias????? yuta is rlly hot in this one and hes super super dom and mean but recently ive been into cnc (its a trauma response or a coping mechanism mannn idk) and i had a dream about yuta last night so i think this would be THE ONE! this might be my most toe curling and nastiest and most graphic smut i’ve ever written and tbh i love it 😁
in which yuta fucks you and makes you touch yourself on camera for him to watch while he’s on tour.
warnings: swearing, dom!yuta x sub!reader, unprotected sex (yeee a big no no) mentions of tossing out birth control (ib @justaaveragereader ), yuta calls reader a bitch, slut, whore, cnc!play, sextape in the making, pussy slapping, titty slapping and sucking, face slapping, spit play, breeding kink, female anatomy, she/her reader, some?jaehyun? sex on live, if i missed anything lmkk
genre: smut, dark romance
mdni. 18+
enjoy nasties
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“wait, why are you buying lingerie? isn’t yuta leaving in like 3 days?” your friend asks you as you both decided to shop around for a set of lingerie to prepare for a film that your boyfriend was oh so excited to make.
as you both walked through the last couple of aisles, you find a gorgeous black and pink set. you already knew yuta would go insane over it, already imagining the different positions and scenarios he’d play out for you.
lately, yuta’s been into cnc play. something that he was so unsure and insecure about; but when the topic came up, he brought it up to you. you were always open to trying new things with yuta, as long as you both knew where you stood, and that there was a line.
“girl come look, oh my god…” you hold up the piece for you friend to see, watching the way her eyes shift to the corset area.
“good luck walking normally for the next week. he’s gonna fuck your brains out!” she says, almost too loud for the crowd.
you pick out your size and check out to head home. you throw your bags in the car, finally getting a chance to text your man.
my yuta 🤍: hey baby, i’m on my way home. i’m gonna stop at target really fast
my yuta 🤍: are you home?
y/n: hi baby!!!!!!!!! i’m not home yet
y/n: i’m almost there tho
my yuta 🤍: okay gimme like 20 minutes bb
y/n: okay :3
you pull into your driveway, grabbing your things and rushing inside to hurry into your new set. you quickly showered and did your hair, spraying it to hold the wet hair look. you rubbed on body oil followed by a body shimmer, yuta’s favorite thing you do. you sprayed perfume on your ankles, wrists and neck, wherever yuta would be closest to you.
you also put on a touch of makeup, as yuta loved when you wore makeup, just so he can watch it run down your face when he fucks your throat.
after 20 minutes of getting yourself ready for your man, you unlock the front door, running up the stairs for yuta to see you waiting on your knees in the middle of the bed. you calmed your breathing, nervousness clouding your entire body when you hear the front door slowly open.
the front door was never unlocked unless something was going on— and this had yuta’s blood rushing, knowing you were home with the door open already for him.
“baby? i’m home, why’s the door unlocked?” he yells for you, getting no answer— expecting him to walk upstairs looking for you. you hear him putting some bags down, listening to the jingling of keys and shoes being thrown around.
“my love, i’m not playing this game.” he sighs. you hear him finally walking up the stairs, blood rushing to your ovaries and making your head spin in excitement. he opens your bedroom door, taking in the view before him. you’re on your knees in the middle of the silk covered king bed, with a pink maid lingerie set on, your wet hair almost coming down to your breasts, shifting with every deep breath you take.
you hurriedly finish setting up the camera on the chair across from bed, making sure your hair and outfit looks perfect— if you’re posting this on twitter, it has to be astounding.
you rush to get back into position, hearing yuta’s footsteps approaching. he nears the room, leaving the door completely open. his gaze darkens, curiosity at the scene before him is making his cock hard. he can only wonder what’ll happen next.
“fuckin’ hell. this what you were doing? look at you, pretty girl. is this new?” he walks up to you, reaching for the straps on your fabric, admiring the way your clean skin is perfectly suited by the set you’ve had on.
“all for you, baby. wanted it to be a surprise when you got home. i remember you mentioned you wanted to try cnc, so i got excited.” you breathily laugh. yuta’s fingers run up your neck and down to the valley of your breasts.
“yeah? good memory, baby. what do you say i rip this off you and pound your pretty cunt, hm?” his long hair bounces off his shoulders when he stands up and undresses himself. slides off his white top, his black trousers following suite.
he doesn’t notice the camera at first, but when he catches you looking at the phone on the chair every 20 seconds to make sure it hasn’t fell, his cock (impossibly) gets harder and harder.
“yuta, aren’t you tired from work?” you pretend to push him away from you, but yuta doesn’t budge. he leans over your smaller figure, planting a kiss on your forehead.
the smell of his car is what’s following his body, the new car scent making your head spin. the cologne he wears makes compliment to his aesthetic, edgy and mysterious— with notes of tobacco and ocean breeze. you catch a tiny bit of vanilla as he moves away from you. the mix of fragrances makes your mind fuzzy.
“never too tired to fuck you,” he continues demandingly, cupping your jaw to get a better view of your nervous look. his shoulders are tense and you notice the sweat beginning to form around his chest. “no, yuta. i don’t want to,”
“don’t fight me baby. you’re only making this worse for yourself,” his large hands press your back down onto the mattress, spreading your thighs to kiss around your heat. his teeth magically unbutton the body suit you struggled to clasp together. amazed, you moan out when you feel his teeth graze your cunt through your thin lace panties. he pushes your thighs apart as he kisses and licks you through the thin material.
letting go of your legs, he rips your panties off and licks a long stripe from the top to the bottom of your clit. he sucks at the sensitive area, whimpering and gasping at the taste of you.
your pussy clenches and convulses around his tongue while your thighs attempt to shut around his long haired head. his brown hair is damp with sweat, using his free hand to brush his hair back. he bites at your clit, making your legs twitch. “yuta, stop— please,” you whimper with watery eyes while your orgasm threatens to approach.
he only groans in response, sucking harder and flicking his tongue faster up and down your entire cunt. your orgasm approaches; you release all over the area where a beard would sit.
his stronger hands make impact with your pussy, your body jolting in response. “stop fucking moving. i’m gonna use you how i see fit, am i clear, y/n?”
“but i-“
“but i don’t care. don’t make me tie you down.”
his dark eyes lock into yours, making your heart jump in fear and excitement for what’s about to come. your legs force themselves open while yuta strokes himself slightly and lines his cock up with your soaked, sore cunt. in one thrust, he’s all the way in, giving yourself no time to adjust. he places his hand on your mouth to block out all sound from you. “yeah, keep that fuckin’ mouth shut. only thing you’re good for is this pussy.”
he lands another sharp slap on your cunt, making you cry out. your back arches upward and you could’ve swore you just saw your brain from how hard your eyes rolled back. “gonna toss out your birth control and fill you up every. fucking. day.” with every word, he pulls out completely, then thrusts harder back into you. your body shivers and your toes curl at the contact. with your back arched up, he takes the opportunity to remove his hand from your mouth and undo your entire set, stripping you completely naked.
after he’s satisfied with the scene before him, he slaps your right tit, then your left, then the right. the muscle turns red and you wince out in pain. he leans down to suck and lick at the area, earning a gasp from you.
“don’t cum in me, please!” you beg. you absolutely need him to breed you— it’s a staple in your’s and yuta’s sex life. it wasn’t sex if he didn’t full you up by the end of it.
“shut the fuck up. the last time i checked, sluts like you don’t care about getting pregnant, hm? they just sleep around and wait for someone to empty their cum into their loose pussies, yeah? that what you are?”
“n-no.” your eyebrows furrow in anger at the words he throws at you. the expression on your face doesn’t match the expression your pussy displays. you’re throbbing and swallowing him in, unknowingly cumming around him for the -nteenth time.
“yeah, you are. say it with me.” his tone softens as he talks you through the most vulgar words, waiting for you to say the words.
“i’ll call someone if you don’t let me go.”
“who are you gonna call, darling? the cops? i’ll make them watch.” he slaps the left side of your face, leaving a red handprint on your glossy skin.
“open your legs. don’t make me repeat myself,” you force your shaky legs open while yuta continues his assault on your sore pussy. the lewd moans he lets out makes your head fuzzy. “so fucking tight. even after i fucked you for hours,”
his thrusts slow, then they continue at a rough and fast pace. his fingers are hooked into the right side of your mouth like a dental clamp. your teeth are covered in your own arousal.
he repositions the both of you to where you’re both facing the camera. he cups your jaw, making you watch him fuck you through the camera. you connected your phone to the tv, so you’re both seen on the screen.
“say hi to your fans, bitch. we’re on live.”
somehow, yuta managed to switch to a livestream, the comments being flooded with a sweaty face emoji and thirsty comments. he pounds into you while you’re both whining and whimpering, holding your hair back to push you deeper onto his length.
“n-no, yuta, let me go!”
you’re cut off by a sharp slap on your ass. “one more chance. say hi.”
“h- fuck, i can’t!”
you watch the views go up dramatically, while yuta smiles manically.
cznniehoe: man im tryna get my coochie stretched too
johnnysuh: no sharing?
jaehyun: hot
marklee: dude this is so hot
taeil: bro what let me get some
the views only increase, making your heart clench at nervousness.
“say hi to jaehyun for me.”
“i can’t—“ another slap to your right ass cheek, already forming a bruise. he pulls you off of him, watching yours and his cum drip down his cock and your thighs. “h-hi jaehyun,”
jaehyun: hello pretty girl
“there you go. wasn’t so hard was it?” yuta leans over to grab the camera and angle it at your face. it’s at selfie level as you stare at your own arousal on your face and the mascara on your cheeks. your lips are puffy and red with strands of hair on your face.
you look like yuta’s bitch.
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sadclownparadoxxx · 1 year
•*¨*•.¸¸☆ Never Leave•*¨*•.¸¸☆ P.S.H
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Angst(ish), Fluff, Hurt/Confort.
TW: Description of depression. Low mood. Self destructive thoughts. Abandonment issues.
Word Count: 0.5k
Summary: Seonghwa is trying to remind reader that they are loved after a bad day. (First person narrative).
Note: this has been on my drafts since forever and I decided to upload it for some reason. Hope you like it.
Every time I see Seonghwa I feel home.
I like holding his hand and playing with his fingers and when he smiles at me. I feel like I belong somewhere.
"Are you ok?" He suddenly asks. Maybe it is because we had spent way too much time together but I think he can smell when I'm not feeling well. Maybe he's just too intuitive.
I sigh and and press my lips together.
"I feel like I'm a awful person" I spit looking down, not able to actually look at him while I speak.
Through all this year I've been unable to hold vincules for too long. I make people mad, I make them leave. They always leave.
Hwa knows I'm thinking he will eventually leave too. We have talk about it but it never makes it any less mad to hear it. He's patient and understanding to me but he's still human, I get it.
I don't want to bother him anymore. He hears me talk again about how I think I make awful things to people without knowing, how I feel like I deserve to be alone.
"Do I need to tell you that is not true?" He inquires holding both of my hands and I nod. We are both sitting in front of each other and I'm not able to Look at his face right now, but he gently takes my chin between his fingers to make me.
I look at his big worried eyes and mine water instantly. He press his lips against mine and I can't hold my tears anymore.
I love being loved by Seonghwa. That's the only thing I know when he kisses me like this. He want's to show me that I deserve to be loved, he have said it a thousand times.
I have a ton of flaws but he wants me to know that he loves each one of them. That everything that we don't like we can talk it out. That it doesn't have to be like this. That he is here for me and he won't leave me.
And I'm scared because I love him.
I love him so much my heart aches every time I think about him, and I don't want him to ever leave.
I'm scared again he will find something he can't handle in me and leave me taking my heart with him.
I'm terrified of not being loved by him anymore.
"Please, never leave" I cry against his lips and he grabs me to make me sit on his lap.
"I won't" he smiles softly wiping my tears. I'm a mess and he still manages to look at me like I'm the stars in his sky.
I know there's no way he can be sure about it. But I choose to believe it.
All I have is this exact moment when his arms are holding me close and I can see the love in his eyes.
I only have this second when I can touch his hair with the tips of my fingers and can caress his cheek to feel the shadow of the soon to grow beard. When he kiss my fingers and smile and I want to make it last forever.
This exact second is the forever I'm asking Seonghwa, and right now, when I'm this fragile, it is enough.
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everyonewooeverywhere · 2 months
i promise you, if you ever see me giggling and blushing at something on my phone it's one of three things...
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the chokehold this trio has on me is undeniable
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