#january meme 2019
kuwdora · 4 months
Okay, a late entry for the January posting meme... January 21 - what's one of your favorite fandom related memories? lyntergalactic
I have so many favorite memories, it’s very hard to pick one….. but it is Festivids Eve so I’m gonna talk about my excitement about this vid exchange. Cause it’s my favorite moment right now because I feel like I’m staying up late with milk and cookies waiting for Santa to arrive. I have so many great memories and VID RECS in this long post.
Festivids started in 2009 as a vid exchange for rare fandoms. Which was great because I think a lot of vidders really needed this so we could celebrate and get exposed to a whole bunch of new small and rare fandoms, unheard of media and literary sources that hadn't been really been vidded before.
Each year there’s a guest-the-vidder post, and @bingeling has been great about organizing live watches on discord. Sometimes I miss a few vids here and there during the initial weekend of go-live because it’s SO MANY VIDS, but then I always catch people’s recs or vid posts in the following weeks.
It’s just a joy to keep finding new things that I never realized I wanted and needed in my life because there’s so many interesting media and books out there to make vids for and people’s imaginations and technical skills continue to blow my mind.
Way back in 2009 when I signed up for the very first exchange I got assigned to Sol-se and matched up on the source/fandom that I had introduced her to: Little Mosque on the Prairie. We literally spent weeks months and years talking about Little Mosque on the Prairie, being a fandom of two. AO3 was in its early days yet so there wasn’t even any fic, okay. So when I got matched up, made the vid, the guest the vidder post happened and everyone guessed it was me. Everyone likes to claim that they made all the vids so I said that I indeed did make it, of course I did. Yet I was still able to cast doubt in Sol-se’s mind about whether or not I had made it because?? Who knew, maybe there was someone else who happened to get into the show and make an awesome vid for it. It was very fun hypothesizing with her in DMs about who could have made the vid if it wasn’t in fact me. It all comes back to love.
The first vid I made for Festivids in 2009: All For Swinging You Around.
Little Mosque on the Prairie. Ensemble. LOVE. Y’all I had bought Little Mosque DVDs through the CBC website back in the day and was still learning how to rip things. Aspect ratios. Scan lines. It was a TIME I do not miss. Though I do still have the DVDs and probably could rip them better now.
My other favorite memories from festivids is (aside from all of the vids) are the vids made for ME over the years!
2009 When You’re Strange by colls, a Sanctuary vid featuring music by Echo and the Bunnyman. A++ song choice and Amanda Tapping’s face will always inspire me. Sanctuary did so much with so little and this is such a great vid for a fantastic lil’ genre Canadian show.
2012 Meant to Fly by e-transitions. This is a Modern Family vid focusing on Manny, Gloria and Jay who were my favorite of the extended family on that show. Manny in particular is my favorite! This is Nicki Minaj’s Starships and it’s super sweet and endearing look at family coming together and reaching new heights together. And shenanigans. All of my favorites things.
2013 Fame by chaila (also on tumblr here). This is a vid for the show Transparent and focuses on Maura. Do you know what it’s like to get a gift from someene whose fanworks you have loved and admired for years?? I was so blown away by the cover chaila found for this vid. Mree’s vocals are so evocative and still has this powerful determination in the vocals. It’s really, incredibly moving. I was so lucky to receive a gift like this.
2015 Simple Machine by sol-se. This is for a 2014 webseries called Caper which I can’t even remember how I found. I think I was on an Amy Berg kick and was trying to watch everything she’s written for. The vid focuses on Penny who is an inventor who created a super suit and of course a white dude came along and tried to take credit for all of her inventions and hero’ing, so that’s what this vid follows. The show was incredibly dorky and sweet. Superhero fanfic, low-budget staffed with people who were able to call in a lot of favors for cameos along the way. The show also has Beth Riesfgraf and Harry Shrum, too! Along with a few others.
And of course Solvi delighted in being able to make me a vid for ANOTHER SHOW where we were a fandom of two. :D the vid is great and I have a strong affinity for Guster’s music because I listened to so many of sdwolfpup’s vids with that music when I first started vidding.
2019 I GOT SIX VIDS in 2019. I pretty much cried when go-live happened because??? How??? I guess I just had really appealing requests that year. So let me tell you about them.
Little Lion Leo by turquoisetumult. This is for the AMC version of Humans which is a parallel present/scifi show based on the Swedish version of the show Äkta människor. I had actually vidded Leo for the Swedish version but I really really adored Colin Morgan’s portrayal of Leo Elster. Mumford and Sons is such a mainstay in vidding circles and for good reason: the musicality is so gripping and the vocals area always so intense and lovely. That means it’s perfect for Leo and his angst and pain. THE BLOOD! The feelings. Trying to survive with his synth family in a world that wants to end them.
I just rewatched the vid and I immediately want to rewatch the show now, omg. Gemma Chan was extraordinary in the show and the show had a fantastic approach to discussing the the ethics and actual legal standing of artificial humans that I hadn’t other shows touch upon that well.
Raising Hell by bingeling which is a vid for the movie Ready or Not which was one of my favorite movies from 2019. Samara Weaving and that wedding dress getting progressively more fucked up throughout the film as she fucks up the that shitty family?? Kill the bad rich people, those fuckers.Beautiful. Cathartic. This is on top of the well-known fact that I fucking love Kesha’s music (I’ve vidded Kesha 9 times since 2010). Bingeling’s editing here is punchy as hell and this SONG!!!!!!! It makes me crack the fuck up, especially with the lyrics at 1:49. It’s perfect. My heart. My heart. Kesha! Everyone is trying to murder her and she murders them instead. Badass woman with a wedding dress, bandolier and sneakers.
Pity Party by winterevanesce. This is also for Ready or Not. Phenomenal song choice. I have no idea who the artist is and never heard of her before but that doesn’t matter. This song was made for this vid. The editing on this vid is orgasmic. I literally am slack-jawed each time I watch this vid. I cannot emphasize that enough. I love it when people know exactly what I want and need in my vidding soul.
The Middle by turquoisetumult. This is a Fleabag vid! Featuring Fleabag and Fleabag/Priest. It’s a poignant cover of the song, too! It’s so sweet and makes me ache so much for Fleabag because heyooo, shit is hard, esp when you tend to fuck things up along the way. I love how this vid makes want her to do better and have better things in her life. That hope! So good.
When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? By starlady. Star Trek Discovery, Mirror Philippa and Michael. This is to Billie Eilish’s song “Bury a Friend” which I had never heard before but it is dark. It is sexy. The tone of the song and the synth-y beats and clicks drive me up the wall with the editing in the vid. Philippa’s sinister competence. That confidence. Starlady and I go way, way back and of course she could make me something that hits ALL OF MY FUCKING BUTTONS. I have long been vocal about how much I love Star Trek and women. And villain women and anti-heroes. Hhhhhnngh. Dark sexy vid of my Empress.
You Should See Me in a Crown, by AurumCalendula. Star Trek Discovery, Mirror Philippa. TO BILLIE EILISH. Because Billie Eilish's music screams Philippa! lmao. Everybody knows exactly what my fucking type is and I AM HERE FOR IT FOREVER. This vid features more of the Mirrorverse episodes and Philippa and HHHHNNGHHHHH. I am so loved by being seen because y’all know me so well. Aurum’s editing always has me glued to the screen. I am also here for Philippa’s face, oh my god. NOTE: Click on the dropbox link in the end notes to stream it. Aurum’s got all their videos private while dealing with some copyright strikes on their account (ugh YouTube).
Those are just the vids made for me. There are many more vids that I have recced for festivids over the years and so much more to come!
The 2023 Festivids Collection currently has 137 fanvids and 111 fandoms right now. A bounty!! Barbie vid! Bottoms1 Cycling RPF?! Vids for books! Hong Kong action films! Janelle Monae and musicals. And more omg.
Festivids. Featuring lots of great fannish memories and great vids. Highly recommend. It's also been a great way for people getting into vidding to make their first vid, too! I love this exchange.
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33max · 7 days
my favourite max lore part 2 (link to part 1)
- max weighed 3265g (7.1lb) when he was born, which means he was actually a perfectly normal sized baby despite turning into a spherical chonk a few months later
- one of max’s gamer tags is crgboy007 and he was ranked 21st in the world on FIFA Ultimate Team in January 2019, and 31st in the world in August 2018. basically - when he sets his mind to something he will become one of the best in the world.
- not really my favourite but I feel I must set the record straight!!! he passed out in malaysia 2016, and despite the fact RedBull claim otherwise, yes he did and here is the very sexy evidence 😔
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- max once provided the ultimate discord burn to a driver called bradley philpot who had bashed him regularly on twitter
- speaking of discord, when team redline disconnected from the 24hrs Le Mans he went on another rant and encouraged sim racers to DELETE THE GAME 😂 let’s go baby you tell em’ (he’s right and he should say it)
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- he follows some very interesting instagrams accounts including pigsareawsm, capybara.lover_life, drunkbetch, barked (dog memes), thetinderblog and many more!!!
- max promised his sister, victoria, that he would buy her a handbag when he scored his first f1 points… apparently this was the first thing he thought about when he crossed the finish line in malaysia 2015
(I’m 99% sure she confirmed it was a lv speedy 25 ?? someone help me source that!!!)
- max’s favourite cheeses are gouda, halloumi, and mozzarella… he likes young cheeses 🧀
- max recently paid €4.99 to have a sleepy cat on his discord pfp
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Ayo thank you for your contribution to society and world culture through the SVSSS iceberg, now if you don’t mind can you please explain it? I’ve been in the fandom a while but I swear I’ve never heard of some of these
Sure! Explanations will be sorted under the cut:
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- all items in this tier are either surface level details from the source material or
- daily bingpup is a popular fandom meme (used in the metal gear sense lmfao) started by @ kamkamquats on Twitter that's pretty self explanatory: kam draws and posts a bingpup picture every day! The archive is available here.
I probably should have made this point just bingpup, as I believe his origins precede kam's art, but she certainly boosted his popularity significantly, and now her art and bingpup are canonized with the publishing of the 4th volume English translation of the novel, so I thought it was a fun point!
- Feynite's au collection: an extremely popular collection of alternate universe fics written by legendary Scum Villain fic author Feynite.
- Scum Villain is a tragedy: an interpretation of the books that poses that from every other perspective besides Shen Yuan's, Scum Villain is an incredibly depressing tragedy.
- Luo Binghe is Airplane's self insert: "Don't asky why Luo Binghe wasn't the embodiment of [Airplane's] ideal man; Luo Binghe's use had primarily been to fulfill his desire to be a badass and get revenge, as well as his desire for wanton [this section has been censored]" (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 4, page 163).
- Shen Yuan died on his birthday: Shen Yuan's death date is never given in the original novels, but in the first scene of the donghua when he dies while at his computer, you can catch a glimpse at the date reading September 21st (both his birthday and the day svsss was published!)
- Shen Qingqiu's canon fursona: binghe compares sqq to a crane multiple times in the story but is depicted as a cat in fandom much more frequently, leading people to joke about how the fandom disregards his "canon" fursona in the same way bingpup is much more prevalent than sheep binghe.
- Shen Qingqiu can knit: there's official crossover Christmas merchandise that shows all of the mxtx couples participating in different holiday activities: wangxian are decorating a tree, hualian are baking cookies, and shen qingqiu is knitting a scarf for luo binghe.
- Luo Binghe's birthday: Luo Binghe is actually the only main mxtx character that doesn't have a canon birthday. He's noted in the books as being born on "the coldest days of the year", but it's debatable whether this is late December or early January, and there's no specific date from this that we can confirm is his birthday.
- sv manhua's indefinite hiatus: much to the excitement of starved fans, a Scum Villain manhua began publishing in 2019. It ran for a grand total of 3 wonderful weeks before being unceremoniously put on indefinite hiatus because of drama within the fanbase stemming from rumors that the artist/company drawing it actually hated scum villain. It has yet to return.
- Moshang's horrible first time: MXTX stated in a Q&A interview that neither Mobei-Jun nor Shang Qinghua enjoyed their first time having sex together.
- Shen Qingqiu invented maxi pads: the "scum villain pad commercial" is a commercial from the first season of the donghua depicting an exchange where Ning Yingying is self conscious about going out on her period because her sanitary supplies aren't cute, so Shen Qingqiu magics her up some maxi pads.
- Shen Yuan read mpreg yaoi: "#18 Peerless Cucumber [Expert]: Upthread, keep cool. This forum has a lot of Green JJ sisters 😎" (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 4, page 145). / "''Great Master' Liu! Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky didn't write a green Jinjiang mpreg novel!'" (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 4, page 295).
- Shen Jiu transmigrated into Shen Yuan: A somewhat popular theory in the fandom that when Shen Jiu died, he transmigrated into modern day Shen Yuan the same way Shen Yuan did to him.
- Cursed monkey island: Cursed monkey island is/was a private discord server made up of very og sv fans that was known for outputting somewhat dark/off-color/weird fics for each other, often with funny porn spoof names and niche concepts. The first fics from there were published in 2018, while the last fic in the collection seems to have been published in 2022, so they might still be active, but I'm not sure.
- Moshang has a 20 year age difference: Shang Qinghua died at at least age 20 (probably older) and since he transmigrated into a baby, he has 20 extra years of consciousness from his first life on the PIDW native characters, who he meets when they're both teenagers in the Airplane extras. Though physically the same age group, he would've been mentally somewhere around 30-40 years old at this point getting bullied by teenagers.
- The microwave: some of the first previews released for the donghua were static turnaround videos of the 3D models set to elevator music -- after these dropped, it was radio silence on the show's status for a long, long time. Fans called these previews "the microwave" because of the static rotation of the models and referred to the time it took for the donghua to come out as "defrosting it in the microwave". There's a fair amount of art/memes from this time period featuring the characters literally inside microwaves, even to the point where people made microwave-themed SV merch. When the donghua finally came out bingqiu were declared "free from the microwave" and a wave of fanart of them destroying microwave prisons emerged.
- Wangxian have read resentment of chunshan: in the mdzs audio drama extra episode "Accompanying you to sleep - Lan Wangji", Lan Wangji takes care of a drunk Wei Wuxian by getting him ready for bed. Towards the end of the episode, Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to read him a bedtime story. Lan Wangji says he isn't good at telling stories and Wei Wuxian suggest he reads him The Resentment of Chunshan (bingqiu fanfiction). Unfortunately, Lan Wangji had never heard of it before and thereby could not ASMR it.
- Six Balls x Zhuzhi Lang: a rarepair (also called bamboo balls) written by the lovely Alex here.
- Shen Qingqiu has the protagonist halo: a theory/headcanon suggesting that when Shen Yuan transmigrated, the role of protagonist and subsequent protagonist halo left Luo Binghe and transferred onto him. Often used in angst canon divergences wherein due to the lack of a protagonist halo, Binghe dies from an event he otherwise would have survived because of his story invulnerability.
- Shen Yuan's sister found his dead body: an angst headcanon centering around the idea that Shen Yuan's sister found his dead body rotting in his apartment after he died- very good art made about this here!! (Gore/blood cw)
- Who is zhuzhi lang's dad: we all know zhuzhi-lang's dad was a big snake but what kind of big snake? How big? Why did his mom fuck him? all important questions heavily debated about in this fandom.
- Every ship is cumplane: we already know Luo Binghe is Airplane's self insert, and Mobei-Jun's cold demeanor is somewhat reminiscent of Peerless Cucumber's tsundere wife-isms, making bingqiu and moshang arguable proto-cumplanes. However, we can go further and argue because Airplane created the entire world of PIDW, all of it in a way reflects him and his feelings, therefore meaning that because it loves Shen Qingqiu and Shen Qingqiu loves it back, every possible PIDW asset x sqq is cumplane in its basest form.
- Original donghua designs: the first pv for the donghua actually featured slightly different designs for bingqiu, which were then changed later in production! You can see the original ones here.
- PIDW is real: someone actually posted PIDW on jjwxc so you can get the real Shen Yuan experience.
- Shen Yuan penetrated into the body of the scum villain: there is a listing for the svsss donghua on Amazon prime video (though no episodes are actually available) which features this banger summary:
 An ordinary youth, Shen Yuan, after reading the novel "Arrogant Gods and Demons' Journey", triggers the mysterious system so that he crosses into the book world and penetrates into the body of villain--Shen Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu's disciple, Luo Binghe, is the main character of the novel.
- Airplane's foot fetish:
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thatonecrookedsmile · 1 month
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I would say that, considering his history, he's not that wrong, but even I have doubts as to whether that would be right. But at the end of the day, this is just a joke that's been in my head for a while, sooooo…eh.
Oh hey, an attempt at a comic? Made by me? That I didn't give up during the process or lost all motivation? What was my only attempt at this, 2019? Damn, it's been a long time.
I thought about leaving this here without editing or any colors, just the natural ones from the paper and pencil. But something in my head said "HAHAHA, no" so I went back to work. I had to put this idea down on paper this time (literally). If another year passes without me being able to execute this idea, I would lose my mind.
This scenario was inspired by this video by Jehtt, inspired by the original meme by Windii. Credits to both of them.
For a long time I wanted to joke - especially on the anniversary - that I wanted Sammy to only have less than 5 seconds in the next game (or in other words, take his screen time in DR, and shorten it even more). You know, just for the funnies (unless..?) But,thanks to the news released at the beginning of January this year about The Cage, I legally can't do this joke anymore…this year. Don't worry, after that comes out (and finally gives Sam the screen time he wants,hopefully) and we start to crawl into the Bendy 3 production era, I'll make this joke when I can.
Anyway, happy birthday Sammy Lawrence. You may not be my favorite character in this franchise, but there are some things I can actually appreciate about you. Plus, you made me laugh a few moments before (you know what I'm talking about) so there's that.
And happy 7 years to Chapter 2, and by extension, Susie, Norman, Alice, the Searchers, (Johnny????), and Beta Ink Bendy. (I would mention Jack too, but he was only introduced with the release of CH4, so technically it's not his birthday yet, but I'll consider him here).
And now? May I be able to do something for CH4's anniversary. Wish me luck,cus I'll need it.
(it might be really late now, but it's still the 18th where I live, so it's still his birthday, so I still won)
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thefrontofmymind · 10 months
matty healy x reader ig blurb
FC: Olivia Cook
a/n: there isn't really a particular trope i could put this under. like there's marriage and a baby, all of it soft launched. idk. help me
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yninstagram oui oui baguette, bisou xx
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ynfan1 living for yn the rockstar girlfriend
ynfan2 our meme queen
>1975fan1 her and matty are so made for each other
ynfan3 omg i thought she was in paris i saw her today adsskdfjs
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yninstagram why travel with your rockstar of a boyfriend if youre not going to get a metric tonne of fries from room service?
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ynfan1 the past generation had alexa chung, we have yn
ynfan2 how is she so prettyyyyy
yninstagram via stories:
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yninstagram via stories:
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caption: home.
trumanblack via stories:
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yninstagram via stories:
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trumanblack Love. Love. Love. Love. What other word could I use? Happy birthday.
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yninstagram love you
1975fan2 so im guessing i have no chance?
>trumanblack none at all, i’m afraid.
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yninstagram lol
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ynfan3 im sorry why is everybody freaking out?
>ynfan4 matty posted a photo of yn in a wedding dress seemingly from a while ago, everyone thinks they’re married now
trumanblack nice shirt, i wonder who’s wardrobe you stole it from
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yninstagram im watching you. also stream being funny in a foreign language, its by…the 1885?
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ynfan1 she’s so right they are mum and dad
1975fan1 im sorry im just thinking about that deuxmoi post from like january
>1975fan2 what one? sorry im a newer fan
>1975fan1 it was about a singer and a model who got secretly married and had a baby like a couple months later and it was never revealed who it was
>1975fan2 oh thats interesting!
ynfan2 obSESSED with that ring
ynfan3 i STILL cant get over that yn and matty are married! Im never going to recover from this
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yninstagram throwback to baby’s first aquarium visit (yes, this is what you think.)
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ynfan2 mother is mothering the most a mother could mother right now
>1975fan3 omg half of the 1975 are dads now…
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yninstagram BRITS.
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trumanblack milf.
>yninstagram thx
charli_xcx FITTIEEEE
>yninstagram THANK U BABYYYY
ynfan1 step on me
1975fan1 the 1975 WAGs make me bi
ynfan2 how is she real???
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dailymail Yn shares new video of her son on instagram, the tot was captured splashing in a puddle of mud in an instagram story from his mum. This is the first we’ve seen anything of Yn and Matty Healy’s baby after the “soft launch” back in November.
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ynfan1 is this really news? a mum shared a video of her child doing something cute, it happens every day
>ynfan2 well yn was the one that posted it, surely she expected people to talk about it
ynfan3 so so cuteeee
1975fan1 I can’t believe my parents are actual parents!!
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pearl-likes-pi · 1 year
please bullet point explain how you went from memes to dreams i am so curious
Ok basically
2015 - graduated hs, started college in Atlanta, started making SU memes
2016 - got internship/co-op at CN Games (coincidentally right by my school), kept making memes, eventually the CN social media team asked me to do freelance for them, started meeting the SU cast at cons and stuff
2017 - the year where things got crazy lol, YouTube and memes thing was pretty wild at this point and I got to start collabing with the cast. CN decided to do a Steven Universe podcast and asked me to host it and then I also interned on the show at the same time to learn about animation production. Moved to LA for the summer for that
2018 - kept doing the podcast remotely from Atlanta and YouTube and college
2019 - podcast ended, started getting really serious about voice acting and taking lessons, got a voice acting gig, got hit by a truck (lived!). Graduated college (December) and got hired for a PA job on an animated sitcom @ Titmouse starting next January in LA
2020 - moved to LA start of the year, started working as a PA, got VO agent, pandemic, worked remotely and tried not to go crazy all alone in LA, got promoted to production coordinator, pretty much stopped YouTube after SU ended
2021 - finally broke in as an assistant animatic editor on a different animated show at Titmouse (Beavis and Butt-Head lol), continued taking a lot of VO classes
2022 - promoted to assistant editor and then Animatic Editor™ on B&B, somehow managed to make the leap to animatic editing on Jentry (honestly forever gonna be grateful they were willing to take a chance on me)
2023 - now I'm animatic editing on Jentry and auditioning for VO jobs all the time as well (and occasionally even booking them, when I'm lucky lol)
I'm sorry I tried to be brief but also im bad at summarizing lol, if anything doesn't make sense lemme know. i feel so grateful so many people were willing to help me get to where I'm at so im genuinely always happy to answer any questions if my experience can help other people in the same boat!!!!!
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Lexx pray tell what is Phantom Phight Club?
I'm so glad you came to me. Let me take you on a little story of our Phandom History.
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So the tl;dr is that it's a Danny Phantom shitposting tournament. There are 64 entrants who go head to head over 6 rounds. It's a stereotypical tournament style, so head to head rounds until there is just one final Phight Club Champion.
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The history of this epic tournament is that in 2018, @ectopusses and @raycr0ak (formally rayhoosier) challenged me to an epic phight behind the Denny's. We trash talked for a while before @dannyphandump (aka Tali) started a Betting Booth on me vs ectopusses, which was then coined as an official phight.
After the idea gained popularity, Tali made a post to see if people wanted to set up a genuine, Hunger Games style shitpost tournament. @catalystofthesoul then set up how the tournament would work, and Tali and Vic (@babypop-phantom) then worked to bring it all together for January 2019.
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2019 came with the FIRST Phight Club. @reallydumbdannyphantomaus won, @heyheyitsstillgay came in second, and I came in third.
Here are some amazing examples of the hilarity to come out of this event.
An incredible Danny outfit change by @heyheyitsstillgay
A Conlang Ghost Speak I made in one day
Danny reveals himself via snapchat by @punkhalfghosts
Danny cooks an egg by @reallydumbdannyphantomaus
2020 came next, and it was another slam dunk year. @ecto-american won, @auroraphantasma came in second, and @grimgrinningghoul came in third.
2020 also had some fantastic content:
A Clockwork Animation by @auroraphantasma
This Fenton Washer/Dryer Infomercial by @half-dead-half-wit
The time Danny convinced everyone he was being kinned by @grimgrinningghoul
When Vlad revealed himself by becoming Butch Hartman by @lumanae
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So then 2021 came, and unfortunately both Tali and Vic needed a break. The events were always massive and involved essentially two full months of festivities, including art making, ghostsonas, oneshots showcasing epic battles, fake jobs and fake workdays, and more. Then 2022 came and went with no phight club even mentioned.
At this point, many of us just assumed that Phight Club was a thing of the past. A fun little thing we participated in for a few years that had stayed in that era of the phandom along with the famous Apocalypses and other meme-y events.
Well that was, until Last Night where Vic mysteriously posted this ominous flickering Denny's sign, the first peep this blog has had in the past few years.
Then shortly after, they changed their header to say this.
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So is a Phight Club 2023 in the works?
Are we going to get an epic reunion?
Well, let's find out.
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halfahelix · 2 years
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shout out to the me in January 2019 (beginning of S3) who made this meme that happened to predict some dialogue in Elation
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writeblrfantasy · 6 months
lila's 2023 writing wrap up!
we continue my yearly tradition of taking stock of what i wrote this year!! this year was a little different, in two big ways: the first was that i spent months editing and proofreading and publishing two books.
the red king's mystical suitors, which is out now
and the lover with five names, which drops january 23rd!
as well as managing all the work of being a self published author. (tldr it's no joke! not for the feint of heart! i feel a bit like the meme of the boy drowning!)
the second reason was that i spent a huge amount of time writing fanfiction this year, which was huge for my mental health but not forgiving when it came to original books. these two things combined means that i didn't spend as much time drafting new books as i typically do. not something i'm unhappy about, or am ashamed of, just a change! without further ado:
projects i finished this year:
skyriders (73k)
jack of fools (65k)
queen of crowns (74k)
the night auction (73k)
and 230k of fanfiction across 3 different fandoms! (hannibal bullet train and loki if you're wondering. if you want my ao3 then message me lmao)
unfinished things i wrote this year:
king of aces (51k)
weavers (17k)
untitled wip i called art gays: 12k
daybreakers: 11k
miscellaneous other 10k, let's say
projects planned for next year (a fun addition because i almost never end up going through with what i have planned, fun to look back on from the previous year)
the night auction sequel
secret wip #1 (mlm romcom)
secret wip #2 (sapphic romance)
secret wip #3 (no hints on this one)
i tried out secret writing for the first time this year, too! won nanowrimo for the first time since 2019, and it worked an absolute dream! 10/10 would and will do again.
(edit: realized i actually did win nanowrimo in 2021 and 2022. i'm an idiot)
until next year, everyone!
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @chayscribbles @magic-is-something-we-create @rodentwrites
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staffs-secret-blog · 2 years
I miss all the Shaggy memes, I can't believe that was January 2019...
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maestriovermind · 8 months
From the archives
To celebrate my 23rd birthday, I decided to dig up some really old art!
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The first profile picture I ever drew for myself was made:
December 3rd 2019
The first mindflayer profile picture I ever drew was made:
March 26th 2021
Below is some highlights from my experience as an artist!
(nsfw works ahead)
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the oldest piece of (finished) digital art that I made that I could find
Nov 12 2019
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The last iteration of my "Dallis" character that I used as my Twitter/Tumblr persona before I decided she should be a mindflayer
December 1st, 2020
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The first meme I ever made with my drawing tablet
February 13th, 2021
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One of the first pieces I made that surpassed a level of quality that I was comfortable with
July 9th, 2021
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First ever instance of my potential fursona (that I drew)
August 27th, 2022
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Many iterations of the mindflayer oc design over the years
nah I'm not fetching all those dates
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Every time I drew Hex Maniac from the pokemon games
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I drew this thinking it was very important shortly after waking up from a dream so I wouldn't forget it
October 10th, 2022
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One of my more popular pieces from that year
January 16th 2022
Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone, and may you have an excellent day!
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teleported-bread · 4 months
On 5 years of bread teleportation
I made this blog in January 2019. Which is kind of crazy, realizing that that was five years ago and how much my life has changed in every single way since then, and what a big percentage of my life five years is. I mean, 18 to 23 is a hell of a trip. I moved far away, started college, and recently got engaged!
These last five years have been the five strangest of my life. But I really enjoy having this blog, even when I haven't been able to be active. This blog has 1.7k followers, which is nuts to me, but a lot of the usernames I see, I see a lot, and some I've seen for a few years, some since the beginning. And even if we've never interacted, it makes me happy to see your usernames in my notifications.
And for whatever reason you came to this blog, thank you. If you came from the fanfic, the memes, or anything else. I think about everybody who was in the TF2 Fun Pit discord server every day.
So thanks, folks, for hanging out with me in this bread teleportation station. Here's to many more years 👍🍞
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demivampirew · 1 year
What a turnaround! yesterday Henry announced his farewell to Superman and today he announces partnership with his "girlfriend"! I think it's now obvious that this is all PR, it was all orchestrated. Henry wanted the Warhammer project and Natalie wanted to be famous. I don't need to say anything else, right?
Well, she didn't join the project due to her love to the Warhammer world. I mean, she didn't seem very interested on Warhammer before now
Also "when Henry introduced me to Warhammer a couple of years ago" *insert lady doing math meme* As far as I know, Henry lives in the UK and she lives in LA, so I'm not sure how he could have introduced her to Warhammer "a couple of years ago" . couple = 2 And they've been seen together only last year, there hasn't been eve 2 years. It reads to me as if she wants to create a timeline where they've been dating in secret for years. which is hilarious because she clearly knows less than his fandom about his life:
December 2019 - possibly January 2020 he was in something with Freni Perry
February 2020 - Kalentine's Day post, he confirms he's single March 2020 - he starts to film the Wicher
April 2020 - quarantine / lock down begins; he's at a rental in the UK
May 2020 - she's "SELF-ISO" in California
He does interviews for Variety and with Sir Patrick Stew and mentions his ex, Lucy and how great she was (there were rumors they were back together)
November 2020 - he posts about leaving Yorkshire because England went back to lock down
December 2020 - he posts post injury news that he was going to do a pc update, he looked single
February 2021 - travelling to the UK was able but there was 15 day mandatory quaratine
April 2 - Witcher season 2 filming wrap video - no signs of her, only him, Leah and crew.
April 7 - "Mysterious" girl walking with Henry, less than 5 days after leaving the studio
April 10 - Henry goes Instagram public with this woman and follows her - something he's never done, more knowing his fandom and there's a part of the fandom that usually go and insults and harass his girlfriends
I'm curious Nat, how are you maths that you say "couple of years" meaning last year actually last year, less than 2 years total. Also, why haven't you shared anything before about your love for Warhammer? This reads to me as a person who gave 2 f*cks about fantasy until Game of Thrones became popular
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librarianpirate · 2 years
Oh, should I update?
Some of this happened before I left, especially since I didn't ever super leave, I just petered out? BUT ANYWAY
KIDS! Still have the two perfect kids. Kinsie is 15 and perfect, Pips is 13 and perfect.
RELATIONSHIPS! Got a divorce. Got a pretty girlfriend. Then got a pretty fiancée. In 2024 I'm getting myself a pretty wife.
PETS! Our kitty Nenene died in 2019 - I think I was still here? We have 3 cats, now. We got Holly (formally HRH Eggalicious Holly von Boopersnoot of the A-town von Boopersnoots) in January 2020. Fury is still being Fury - demanding food and pets at alternating intervals. When Dawn moved in she brought Gonzo, the tiny elderly grey cat who I adore.
WORK! Still a children's librarian. Still at the same library in Chicagoland. Still love my job.
OTHER! I still love the stars and galaxies and memes and plumposting and poetry and dancing and reading and ttrpgs. I've developed an obsession with clouds. It's dinovember so I'm currently at my library wearing my hoodie that makes me look like a dinosaur and I'm happy as a clam.
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sleepyssnail · 17 days
My task for the day is to scroll to the top of my messenger conversation with my friend, copy and paste all the messages about our original story into a word document, and never use messenger for anything other than sharing recipes, memes, and talking to my out of country family ever again.
Our conversation goes back to roughly January 2019. I hate messenger's stupid updates.
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slightlyspooky · 10 months
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The impact of Le Samouraï (1967) can be traced to the present day and this post by Tumblr user @cum-rade
In this essay I will outline the series of events leading the creation of the above post and the lasting effects of Le Samouraï on modern culture.
November 1955 Vietnam War begins
1967(?) Le Samouraï begins production directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
June 1967 A time traveler* burns down the studio attempting to end production
October 1967 Release in the France
1972 dubbed release in the USA titled as The Godson to capitalize from The Godfather's Success
1972 Arthur Bremer's relationship ends, quits his job, plans to assassinate Richard Nixon or George Wallace, and ultimately shoots George Wallace while posing as a supporter and living out of his car
April 1975 Vietnam War ends
1975 Paul Schrader writes the script for Taxi Driver, inspired by assassination attempts and Le Samouraï while living out of his car
Summer 1975 Taxi Driver has begun filming
September 1975 Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme of the Manson Cult attempts to assassinate President Gerald Ford
February 1976 Taxis Driver is released staring Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, & (child) Jodie Foster and directed by Martin Scorsese
Break for Taxi Driver Rundown (spoilers)
Robert De Niro plays Travis Bickle a lonely, mentally ill, white, male Vietnam War vet who drives a taxi
Travis thinks the world is a dirty horrible place that somebody should clean up
Travis says the iconic line "We live in a society"*
Travis is infatuated with Betsy (played by Cybill Shepherd)
Travis goes on a few dates with Betsy
Betsy breaks up with Travis because he brings her to a pornographic theater
Travis deletes Facebook, hits the gym, and lawyers guns up
Travis attempts to assassinate a political candidate while posing as a supporter
Travis gets away cleanly
Travis kills a bunch of pimps to save a sex trafficking victim named Iris (played by Jodie Foster)
Travis puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger
Travis is celebrated as a hero
Timeline Continued
John Hinckley Jr. watches Taxi Driver (1976) at least 15 times
Hinckley becomes infatuated with 14 year old Jodie Foster
1980 Hinckley moves to Connecticut to stalk Jodie Foster
Hinckley emulates The Joker Travis Bickle IRL
October 1980 Hinckley is arrested for illegal possession of a firearm while stalking President Jimmy Carter
Hinckley chooses to support Ronald Reagan
1980 American Gigolo, directed by Paul Schrader is released as the second installment of Schrader's list of movies based on Taxi Driver
January 1981 Reagan becomes president of the USA
March 1981 Hinckley shoots Reagan and several others
1992 Light Sleeper, directed by Paul Schrader is released as the third installment of Schrader's list of movies based on Taxi Driver
1997 Le Samouraï re-release in the USA
2007 The Walker, directed by Paul Schrader is released as the final installment of Schrader's list of movies based on Taxi Driver
2011 Drive inspired by Le Samouraï staring Ryan Gosling is released
That greentext where Anon pretends to be Ryan Gosling's character in Drive takes place
2016 Hinckley is released from psychiatric care
2019 Joker, (which is the same movie as Taxi Driver) is released staring Robert De Niro who's brains are blown out on screen
Joker meme culture captivates lonely males
2020 a ruling allows Hinckley to showcase his artistic work under his own name
2022 all restrictions on Hinckley are lifted
2023 Tumblr user posts about Hinckley's artwork
Le Samouraï is the basis of the Loner Male movie genre and lead to Ronald Reagan being shot. You can continue the legacy of Le Samouraï by missing the point of of the genre. Do toxic masculinity, it's very cool* and you can be just like Arthur Bremer, Travis Bickle, John Hinckley Jr., and Mr. The Joker.
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