#izumi household
izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot] ~ 4th Ending Theme Featuring Characters: Koushiro[u] Izumi (Koushiro “izzy” Izumi in U.S.) + Tentomon + IZUMI FAMILY APARTMENT / HOUSEHOLD
“Blue skies, the ends of the ocean
There’s a tomorrow that NO ONE KNOWS about.”
- Song Lyrics (that play over moment above)
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC CHARACTER/POSITIVITY FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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izvmimi · 8 months
cw: selfship content. married with named children. fluff.
Izuku has been pacing around the kitchen for the past five minutes, and you, devilish as you are, are pretending not to notice, content with your late night snack of hot chocolate and lightly buttered bread.
The kids are all asleep, or at the very least turned in for the night, and things have been overall peaceful in the Midoriya household for the past few days, so whatever has your husband in distress is unlikely to be that bad. Additionally, he has an expression he makes when the situation is more embarrassing than dire, and that's written all over his face at the moment.
You bite into a particularly crunchy part of the bread and the sound appears to echo - Izuku looks at you and you return his gaze with your mouth full, blinking innocently, then burst out laughing when he frowns.
"Fine, I'll bite. What's wrong, baby?" you ask.
Izuku stops pacing then stands still facing you, one arm crossed over his chest and his other hand balled into a fist under his chin.
"Did you know Izumi had a crush on..." his voice was already hushed, but now it falls into a barely audible whisper, "... Ami?"
You blink. That's all? you wonder.
"Well, yeah..." you reply. "He's uh... been like that since he was 8?"
Izuku looks betrayed for a moment, then moves over to you quickly, pulling out a chair to plop down on.
"Okay, but his sketchbook is literally filled with portraits of just her!"
You drink the last of your hot cocoa, then smile at him, resting your hand on his wrist posed on the table.
"Sounds like his dad."
Izuku turns pink at the ears, but then he shakes his head, trying to focus.
"It's not the same!"
You sigh. "Are they tasteful at least? They seemed fine when I saw them."
Izuku's mouth opens and closes quickly. "W-What do you mean tasteful?"
"I mean he is 15."
"___! They're okay, he's not a pervert!"
You tilt your head to the side. "Exactly, so what's the problem?"
Izuku looks at you with incredulity, shocked by your unbothered manner. "You know, perhaps the 10 year age difference??" Izuku starts. "What if he gets his heart broken? It's not like it can happen!"
You take another long look at him, then laugh again.
"Don't burst a blood vessel, it's just puppy love. He'll get over it."
"I didn't get over my first crush!"
"... Honey, how old do you think I am?" you ask. He sighs then sidesteps your statement, knowing he sounds ridiculous, then presses his head against the table. You push your plate and mug aside now, then take his fingers in yours, and he turns his head to the side to look up at you.
"You know, it's not weird for your teenage son to have a crush on a pretty girl, especially when she was his babysitter most of his life. It's harmless."
Izuku frowns.
"It's not weird I promise. Plus, it won't last." With that last part you lean just a bit closer to whisper, "I heard him on the phone with someone else, he has a crush on another person in his class right now, which I also know because he actually starts caring if I iron his shirts for school."
Izuku seems briefly relieved, then again bothered by this additional info.
"Why doesn't he tell me anything?" he asks.
"Teenagers don't tell anyone anything, don't worry about it." You say, squeezing his fingers. He gives you a half-smile, then you decide to change the subject.
"By the way, Atsuna needs to get stuff for cheerleading, so you can you take her tomorrow? I have some errands I need to run."
"Cheerleading? When did she start cheerleading?"
Izuku looks genuinely dumbfounded, following you as you get up to put your dish away.
"Two weeks ago." You snap your fingers. "I need you to keep up."
He pouts, and you actually feel a little bad.
"I'm kidding," you insist, but the damage is already done. You lead him back to a seat in the kitchen, and he frowns again, tapping his foot anxiously as he sits.
"I'm a shit father," he mumbles, and your heart aches for just a moment. You shake your head then cup his face in your hands. Izuku looks at you and you soften then kiss him.
"No way. You're just doing a ton at once right now. Let me take care of things for now, and then we'll catch up this weekend, okay?"
His hands circle around your wrists, and he's not completely convinced but he nods.
"You do such a great job, I wanna pull my weight," he murmurs and kisses you again. You let his kisses warm you more than the cocoa and press your forehead against his.
"You pull yours too, baby. We can't give 100% to everything all the time so I'll cover you and you cover me, okay?"
He nods.
"Thank you," he adds. You move out of your seat into his lap, and caress the side of his chin, feeling the roughness of his unshaven face, tired but still handsome.
"I'm taking more days off," he promises.
"You don't have to," you insist.
"I don't have to, but I want to."
You laugh but it's just a breath through your nose, and press yourself closer to him so that your face buries into his chest.
"#1 Pro Hero wants more days off so he can give his son the Talk? That will go over well with the Hero Commission."
Your sarcasm hits a little too close to home but he gently grips your fingers again and pulls them to his mouth, kissing the finger tips.
"Izuku, your husband and the father of your kids, wants to spend more time with the beautiful woman he married and the children he helped create," he states. You look into his eyes and he looks determined to make a change and you smile, accepting his resolve.
"Thank you."
Your phone rings in the late evening on Sunday, and you can't help but be amused as you pick up. The second you say hello, you can already hear screaming on the other end of the line.
"Is there a reason Deku is suddenly off the patrol schedule for an entire month?!"
You stifle a laugh.
"Why don't you ask him, Kacchan?" Calling his name like your husband does only serves to aggravate him more.
"Very funny. Tell him to pick up the fucking phone."
You glance over at your husband who is busy helping your youngest daughter, Ai, braid her hair down for bed in the living room. Ai holds a mirror and tells him where to part her curls, and Izuku's tongue sticks out as he tries the style on the video on the TV screen. Despite his slight confusion, he looks happy as Ai observes his work and gives him plentiful encouragement.
"When he's no longer busy. Bye! Hug the wife and kids for me!" you say cheerfully as you hang up.
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isaksbestpillow · 3 months
Ossan's Love Returns episode 7 eng sub
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It's me and some freshly baked subs again! Notes below the cut. Two more episodes to go, I try my best to finish them in the upcoming weeks. This episode is so lovely, please watch it!!!!
Previous episodes, welcome on board: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6
Episode 7
Do not reupload to any streaming sites.
The title of the episode (How do you live) is also the title of a novel by Yoshino Genzaburou and the Japanese title of Miyazaki's The Boy and the Heron. I've been lazy and not translated the previous titles but this one felt important enough to include.
Fukuro/bukuro: bag
Isshou isshoni itekureya: When Izumi completes Haruta's sentence after asking him about Maki, the line is a lyric from Lifetime Respect by Miki Douzan. It was a big hit in 2001.
Single mothers are some of the most socially disadvantaged groups in Japan and their plight is only worsening. 50% of single-parent households live in poverty.
Drag/drug are pronounced the same in Japanese (doraggu).
Anta: This is a rude second person pronoun that stands out because Izumi is usually well-mannered at work and never calls Haruta anything but Haruta-san. I obviously couldn't translate it literally since it literally just translates to you.
They make you drink barium at the annual health checkup to screen stomach cancer. I was very weirded out this when I first got the invite to a screening but apparently stomach cancer is still one of the leading cancers in Japan due to helicobacter.
Shiruko: a dessert made with azuki beans.
Tag list (let me know if you'd like to be tagged!):
@babeluda @twig-tea @nieves-de-sugui @nongnaos @veikonvihannekset @bengiyo @thirstkanaphan @my-rose-tinted-glasses @faillen @ellieellieoxenfree @randifrn @fromisstar @lurkingshan @penguin251159 @i-remember-yyou @remadi @thesedamncannibals @sewichii @littleragondin @thegalwhorants @mirkoscarrot
Please enjoy!!!!
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Home alone
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Tags - Modern AU, swearing, threatening children (in a joking manner), reader is called Mommy by children
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When you first walked in the front door, before you were able to even slip into a pair of house shoes you were always bombarded with hugs and kisses of greeting, ones you were always happy to receive. When you walked in today, however, the house was unusually quiet. Which was not what you expected. “Sanemi? Shinya! Seina!” You called out to the whole household, heaving the bags of groceries into the kitchen as you looked around. The house was tidy, toys put back in their usual spots, and no blankets scattered around the sofa and floor. There wasn’t a single stuffed animal sitting in a random spot in the house. It was suspiciously spotless. “Sanemi Shinazugawa!” you called out again, wandering down the hallway towards the wing of the house where the bedrooms were. Peering into each room for any sign of a small human or even your owl-eyed husband. Going back to the kitchen you pulled your phone from your bag, dialing your husband's number. It was picked up after 2 rings. “Hey babe, what’s up?” “Where are you? Where are the kids?” You put the phone on speaker so you could put away the groceries, organizing the many snacks for the twins and even snacks for you. “We went to the park. I bet them that if they could clean their rooms faster than I could clean the living room we would go to the park. They won, don’t check under their beds though. They both shoved most of their stuff under them. I didn’t even want to correct them, they did it.” You laughed, knowing that even though they no longer shared a room, they still shared ideas and personalities. Your neighbor had mentioned a twin telepathy thing that you denied, but it seems you were being proved wrong once again. “Oh, alright. Thank you for cleaning my love, it looks beautiful. Not one single block for me to step on” Sanemi laughed this time. You could hear children screaming in the background, high-pitched laughter, and squeals of joy. “Is that mom!? Tell her hi!” “Hi, Mom! Dad lost! Izumi is here too!” “Get out of my face, don’t scream in my ear you two. Go play with The Tomioka’s you’ll see Mom later.” Sanemi continued scolding the twin, Seina’s sharp tongue lashing right back at her father. She was a crybaby most of the time but when she was riled up she had an attitude that could rival her father's. “Seina be nice to daddy! He doesn’t like loud noises they give him headaches.” You called out, hoping she could hear you. “You hear that brat? Be nice” You didn’t have to see to know Seina was pulling a face, the grumbling that resonated through your speaker made you shake your head. Thankfully Shinya had chosen to remain quiet. Although he was 10 minutes older than Seina, he had your temperament, more docile and quick thinking rather than emotional. “Alright babe, I’m gonna throw Seina in the lake, go ahead and make dinner for three” Sanemi interrupted your thoughts with a maniacal laugh. “DAD! NO!” giggling ensued on the other end of the line, a few squeals accompanying it. “Dad! MY turn, spin me!” Shinya was joining in. “Alright bud, hold on. Let me say bye to your mom first.” “Bye, Mom!” “Bye, Mommy! Love you” You gave them your love “Okay, baby we’ll be home in like an hour. I love you” “I love you too Sanemi, Be safe.” The line cut off, letting you continue with the task at hand.
“Mommy we’re home!!” Shinya ran into the living room where you were seated, jumping onto the couch next to you. “Daddy took us to the park and we got to play with Izumi because she was there too. There were ducks and even a bunch of frogs! Daddy said I can’t keep one” Shinya was pouting as he cuddled into your side, resting his head on your shoulder. Sanemi finally showed up, Seina fast asleep on his shoulder. You waved him over to you, motioning to the seat on your other side. “we can go back and visit the frogs. But you can’t take them from their home, their parents will miss them. Just like Daddy and I would miss you if you left.” Shinya nodded, letting out a yawn. “are you guys hungry? I made Beef curry.” Sanemi shook his head laying his head on the back of the sofa. “They wore me out just as much as the park wore them out. Did you know that Izumi bites? I’m so glad they don’t, I would have to bite back” You giggled, reaching over to smooth back his hair. before looking down at your son who was passed out on your shoulder. You cooed smoothing his hair down as well. “And you bite hard my love, I’m pretty sure I have at least one scar of your teeth on my shoulders” “ah, that is supposed to be there, no one is going to fuck with a woman who has my teeth in her. No one should fuck with you anyways” You nodded “Very true, I also don’t think anyone would mess with a woman who has two screaming 4 year olds. No matter how cute they are, they were terrors when they are well rested. C’mon, let’s put them to bed, then we can eat and pass out on the couch” Sanemi didn’t waste time getting up from the couch, offering you a hand as you lugged the children to their rooms.
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 6 months
My 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝟐𝟑 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 from 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 🎉
I was tagged by @shoobysims! Thank you (insert catface emoji) ! It was an interesting year 🤣 These are in no particular order, because they're chaotic as it is.
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Izumi recognising that she is fabulous.
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Arturo reading to Marzia.
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Cow joining the Romano household.
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First photoshoot after the Computerpocalypse of 2022/23.
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Kylie Jenner who? Trashleen shows how it's done.
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Emilio and Sabrina's wedding.
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Agnes' long day.
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Marzia sunbathing with her friends.
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Marzia and Sebastian's wedding.
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Arturo, Chiara, Emilio and Zircon go for a power walk.
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Festive tree lights.
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Joe and Carole with their real actual tigers.
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Trashleen making friends.
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Agnes remembers her beloved parakeet, Edie Britt.
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Ryozo takes Cow and Elio for a walk.
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Biblically Accurate Trashleen.
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Connor and Isabella.
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Alaric's incident.
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Khalid goes diving for furniture.
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Agnes makes a point.
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Alaric does invoices.
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Cow helps a new friend.
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Heather has a nighmare about her 'Selvadorada Specials' getting popped.
I tag @titosims, @anotherplumbob, @daedriyth, @plumbobcubed, @sim4areason, @ninjaofthepurplethings, @treason-and-plot, @simsaralove, @kimmiessimmies, @aroundthesims
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bengiyo · 3 months
Ossan's Love Returns Ep 9 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, everyone sensed that something was up with Kurosawa, and so the squad rallied to host a home party to cheer him up. Kurosawa spent much of the episode working on saying goodbye, and even left instructions for Maki with some household tips before teaching him how to make his version of miso soup. He left goodbye videos that completely destroyed me, and his final scene in the park with Haruta brought me back to the In the Sky goodbye in ways I was not ready for. I don't want to mourn him, but I feel like I already am.
I can't drink those smoothies that just taste like grass.
He kicked the doctor!!!
All this drama over red food!?!
Oh lord his home sold. Where is he going to go??
I hope the entire cast comes to visit him a little bit at a time. This is great.
"Give me back my tears, geezer!" Yes, Maki! Fight him again!!!
I'm with Haruta. I think about my parents getting older. I've been making slow preparations for the future.
Good job, Chizu. I'm glad you're still here to keep Haruta from spinning out.
Oh, thank you for the shower scene. Tanaka Kei has a great body.
Natflax real estate???? I'm gonna lose it.
This recruiter looks familiar. I'm going to need to look them up later.
STYLER JIBS!!!!!!!!!
Oh no Haruta is having nightmares now.
Whoa, is that Tabasco hot sauce???
I really do love the way Kurosawa and Maki moments have evolved over time.
I love that the whole crew is here for a surprise party, and glad Kurosawa is back to tormenting Maki.
Haruta bursting into tears whenever he feels too much love is one of my favorite things about him. He always appreciates every earnest gesture from Maki.
This is beautiful. I would love to be surrounded by all the people I love telling me all the things I did that made them feel supported and appreciated.
Takegawa got a cat! That feels so correct.
This whole sequence is incredible. It's an ongoing group hug, a party, and a talent show.
Maika is always eavesdropping and she is correct. Not all queer relationships need names that fit neatly into other expectations.
It does feel like a family photo. I have quite a few with my wider digital families.
Wow, the cherry blossoms scene was beautiful. I really appreciate how explicit this season has been about the complex nature of family and that finding community and joy in it is possible in any number of configurations.
Maro is such a dude I love him. He would absolutely get into a fandom just to be closer to his mom and wife.
Kiku and Izumi made it! Can't believe that they've grown on me a little bit.
Teppei, Chizu, and Maika having dinner with their kids as Teppei sings another song is perfect for them.
Maki stay trying to slam the door on Kurosawa.
Another almost brawl!!
"WE ARE FAMILY!!" I got all my sisters with me!! Okay, I cried.
Final Verdict: 9, Highly Recommended. I think, even if you bounced off or didn't watch Ossan's Love (2018), you should absolutely check this show out. There's so much to be had in this show about adults navigating what they want for their lives as they try to take care of the people they love. Maki and Haruta figuring out what their romance is going to Iook like when it's not just an idea landed so well for me. I like that Maki is still able to be a little bit terse or reserved, but he's finally able to say clearly to Haruta how important he is to him and he's also better able to be around others. Izumi is right that Haruta is this beacon of love that others seem inevitably drawn to. Kurosawa is such a huge presence, and he reminds me of some of my favorite gay elders. I hope to be as powerful and loved as him when I get older. I'm so glad I went back and watched Ossan's Love properly. I can't believe I denied myself this incredible experience for years.
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schro4444 · 8 months
thank u I'm gonna now rotate all those specific Family Shenanigans my mind like a rottisserie chicken
but YES!! EXACTLY!!! like ik the (boring) answer as to why we weren't shown the learning curve was ANIME but his parents are genuinely so weird and extra and THIEVES THEMSELVES I'm 1000% certain that the answer was HIGH-OCTANE CHILDHOOD like...look at bby kaito...in one (1) panel w Toichi and already popping up right in front of his Professional ThiefTM dad without Toichi realizing, what a menace, I love him.
About Toichi though...... I would ALSO have wanted to see THAT learning process and I'm kinda bitter it was never mentioned actually. gimme the Chikage training Toichi montage!!! like, weird penchant for standing inside tower exhibits in the dark and memorizing laser grids to impress ladythieves aside, as far as we know he was just a weird little magician man who suddenly decided to become a thief, and while his being an escape artist would have useful applications on his budding career as a thief there are lotssss of things being a magician doesn't cover. Plus it was Chikage who was known as the Woman of Twenty Faces! why did they suddenly make TOICHI the expert in disguise who taught Vineyard and Yukiko! like yeah I buy Chikage being gleefully retired (izumi curtis "I'm a housewife!" vibes but like gleeful instead of menacing) until Toichi's death but like...waste of potential man...at least a mention abt her teaching Toichi would be nice...........
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no boring answers in this household, only SHEER SHENANIGAN POTENTIAL!!! like, what else are you supposed to do as two (2) happily married overdramatic phantom thieves/theater kids with a super genius baby who has an improbably high iq and a photographic memory? OBVIOUSLY you train him in the family business without telling him that's what's going on. and OBVIOUSLY he gets ridiculously good at it by the time he's in first grade. quoting some old tags of mine: shapeshifting nightmare baby that can already pick locks. he's impossible to babysit!!! my favorite gremlin.
YOURE SO RIGHT. i want this prequel so bad. oh my goodness. he was just a Really Good Magic Nerd, that'll only carry you so far!! eventually my guy had to learn from his beloved wife how to break open safes and avoid snipers!! I kinda like the idea that maybe they combined their knowledge on disguises--maybe toichi was more on the acting side of things while chikage had the latex, lol--to make the Ultimate Disguise (enter kaito, stage left). the woman of twenty literal faces + some guy with a mustache who could probably convince you that the sky turned green, through sheer charisma
chikage: so what was your plan for getting out? have you memorized the blueprints yet? I've counted at least twenty potential escape routes for you, as long as you're feeling agile enough to get through the vents, hehehe toichi: well you see toichi: I was going to. um. talk my way out chikage: chikage: sweetie you were going to What toichi: IT ALWAYS WORKED FOR ME BEFORE
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kzmeru · 1 year
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you give your love to me this way
─ warning(s) ; mentions of familial problems, insecurities and slight self-deprecation
author’s note ; hai :3 i wrote this as a vent kinda(?) felt silly tbh i swear im okay :> i just need my silly izumi to comfort me until the day i die bc
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Sleeping at night had always been difficult, especially while living in a loud household. Your nights were spent burying your face into the pile of pillows, your headphones on max volume, anything to keep the noise out.
For nth time of the week, they were yelling at each other, again. Holding back tears, you stared up at the ceiling, completely unable to do anything to stop your parents from arguing, nor did you even have the energy to.
Silent cried occupied the dark room, before your phone lit up and started to buzz.
"What the hell…" You groaned, wiping your tears away as you grabbed your phone from the bedside table. As you saw the contact name, your eyes eventually lit up.
"Hello? [Name]— are you crying?" Quickly picking up the phone, it was expected that Izumi, no other than your boyfriend would be able to tell that you weren't feeling the best. "Ah… was it not the best time to call?" He sighs, with a hint of worry in his tone.
Wiping your tears with your sleeve, you immediately denied it, laughing nervously as Izumi stayed silent.
"Wait there." Was all he said before he hung up and left you hanging.
The yelling had stopped, but their argument and the words they had said during it was something that you couldn’t forget. Maybe, just maybe, it was all my fault. You thought.
Pulling your legs against your body, you curled up into a ball and sat in silence. "Maybe if I wasn't born, they wouldn't be fighting…" You whispered, tears welling up in your eyes. No, I shouldn’t even exist in the first place.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Izumi?" You deadpanned, opening your window as you saw your lover outside. Your boyfriend, who had climbed up the window like you're in a cliché romance novel.
Izumi huffed, dropping a bag on your bed. "You're crying." He says, his eyes refusing to leave your figure as he examined you. "Stop crying. I don't wanna hear you cry." Despite the harsh comment, the concern in Izumi's tone was still audible.
"What’s in the bag?" You asked, slightly salty about his previous remark. Grabbing the bag and ripping it open, inside was full of snacks, canned drinks and a note. "…" Your lips suddenly curled into a teasing smile.
"Don’t you dare say anything. It was just a coincidence that I was by a store while I was walking over to your house." He grumbled, plopping himself down on your bed and tightly hugged your pillow. "…Feel free to talk. I'll be listening."
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joseimukeaddict · 2 months
Probably gonna fail a class so here are random headcanons for Izumi Tachibana from A3!
(It’s pretty long IMO and not proofread, sorry)
(I also am not caught up with the JP main story past Act 10 so sorry if anything contradicts sth that happens later)
CW: it gets kinda depressing near the end, my mood kinda seeped in 😓; mostly backstory stuff
- my girl is bi (more so bc I want a chance)
- her mom was always a stickler for a clean house so she’s super serious about making sure everyone does their chores, even more than Sakyo
- this one is more about Yukio and her mother but that man’s taste is women is definitely serious women in charge (they say you tend to fall for someone similar to your parents *winkwonk* SakyoIzu being the gender bent ver *winkwonk*
- Women on top tho, the men are simps (Yukio has to call at least once a week or else)
- On that note, her mom definitely holds grudges by the way she doesn’t even want Yukio to be mentioned in her household; Izumi holds mini-grudges too but they eventually fade with time bc she’s forgetful and just really nice
- not one to scream at a person when she’s angry, just raises her voice and speaks in a firm tone (she’s really good at choosing the right words though so it’s kinda worse to get her mad bc she’s usually so tolerant and her words hit deep)
- always speaks from the heart so this skill not transfer to acting 😭
- when her dad left so suddenly, she tried watching plays to cope but then started crying in the middle of the performance bc she thought of what her dad would think of a specific scene bc they used to do daddy-daughter play trips
- briefly tried to take up a different artistic hobby instead of theatre but when that failed, she just threw herself into her studies
- average student but she can get higher scores if she really tries
- scores into a pretty good college but a friend encourages her to go to a decent college that at least has a good arts program bc they’re worried Izumi is gonna throw away her life’s passion
- although she had that horrible experience where the theatre head told her she has no acting talent, at least being able to help create plays with backstage work rekindles her love of theatre and gives her an even greater appreciation for behind the scenes positions
- she works her way up the back stage ladder, trying out all sorts of different jobs to get a feel for each of them and eventually gets to an assistant director position
- and she’s absolutely in love with it (my girl is a career woman through and through)
- she gets why her father loved it so much although he was a great actor himself
- so thankful to the friend who encouraged her to go to that college, they’re still in contact (long distance bc she’s still at their home town) and they text and do late night calls often (they’re platonic soulmates dw)
- She was decently popular before daddy issues happened and lost a lot of the fair weather friends and only has a few close ones she’s made and kept over the years; she’s making more connections via theatre nowadays bc MANKAI keeps her so busy (it’s a crime that Liber doesn’t even give Izumi just one friend outside of her relation with MANKAI)
- Although MANKAI and her friend have never met, they refer to each other by nicknames at this point bc of how often Izumi catches them up on what the other is doing
- I know for a fact this girl is a praiser, she’s just so proud about them like a mother (especially when it comes to MANKAI)
- Takes almost no credit for them however, my girl has some insecurity issues being around such immensely talented people 😢
- She’s very talented in managerial aspects but she only found out after years of no talent in various arts
- She’s not one to tell people about her troubles (she knows she should) but people who know her well can tell when she needs a pick me up
- and one last happy one bc wow it got depressing and long: at least every few months, she schedules a weekend off and goes back to her hometown to spend time with her mother, after realizing that she should cherish more the family she has close by after moving into the MANKAI dorm and being reminded of family by the boys (both mother and daughter look forward to this event every time) (what do they do? Just relax and chat over Japanese snacks while her mother gives Izumi some tips on how to better run the dorm) (If you think Izumi is a praiser, her mother is worse, 1000% yaps about her wonderful daughter all the time to her friends behind Izumi’s back)
Sorry it was so long… too many thoughts for MANKAI’s one and only Director…
I have so many more but no one would want to read that much in one sitting. IDK Part 2 when I fail another major assignment that will cost me my grade?
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ran-orimoto · 5 months
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In December someone asked me for more Fatinamon, my Fairymon rookie Fakemon, and I can’t find the ask any more. I want to 🌊cide. I plan to draw more for Fatinamon this year and I’m currently working on a stupid piece that will feature her too in a certain sense, but for now, whoever you are, I hope you can accept messy recycled sketches for some months ago I have never shared here.
It’s a bit of Fairyblitz ofc⚡️🍃, but Fairyblitz in their rookie forms because I love drawing my lil wind and thunder bugs. And it’s also a bit of my Junzumi fankids lmaoooo, because each of them has got their special relationship with their Digiparents (🤣?), ehm, or better, their parents’ Digimon. Fairymon loves perching on Kou’s head to give him pep talks about how to treat girls properly (because he is a disaster at that and she is the feminist icon of the household for sure along with Izumi), and Kou isn’t pleased ofc. Instead, when it comes to Ran, since she loves butterflies and likes being considered as a butterflies expert (she wishes)….It’s…Love at first sight with Fairymon’s rookie form. Now it’s Fairymon’s turn not to be pleased but there are times Ran and her can bond over music, because in my hc Fairymon eventually becomes (*returns) blind after a while and hearing, melodies, the whistles of the winds become the colours painting her dark life.
Bonus: Kou asking Blitzmon to help him with his maths homework because Kou might not have a Doraemon, but now has got a man of science at home. LOL. Hate myself 🤣.
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nazukisser · 1 year
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PROFILES :: householders
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Fun Facts !!
Tomoya and Hajime are matching profiles right now.
DomiFoods is Domicile's grocery store brand. Domicile bought out Grocer Shop and rebranded it to DomiFoods 3 years ago.
Ra*bits is a group that posts their music on domivid, but they are not signed with a label or agency.
Kuro makes their outfits.
Leo (& Izumi) have modeling careers, and Leo composes songs on the side. He's composed a couple of songs for Ra*bits.
The GC "householders" comes from a conversation they had when the GC was named. Kuro had called everyone in the groupchat "like household pets" and it became "householders" soon after.
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if you would like to be tagged, please send me an ask!
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maikingsenseofit · 2 years
Canonical evidence of Mai and Zuko’s unrelenting love for each other
I’ve seen many claim that in Zuko’s flashbacks we see Mai have a crush on Zuko, but that feeling wasn’t shown to be reciprocated, thereby emphasizing that their relationship came out of nowhere and was a late stage addition by the creators. But there are several details that hint otherwise, the most prominent one being that Mai was mentioned in Zuko’s flashbacks, was associated with happy memories with his mother, and was important enough to him to be an integral aspect of his childhood. And also, Zuko blushing back when talking about knocking an apple off of a head, while practicing his knife skills in front of Azula.
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And of course when Azula mentions how Zuko and Mai have had childhood crushes on each other in the Going Home Again comic:
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Speaking about the Going Home Again comic, Zuko explicitly mentions that “he missed seeing this side of Mai” - in reference to her carefree, outgoing emotions. Zuko’s banishment, Mai’s isolation from those her own age, and her repressive household have caused her to become a shell of what she once was. But she will always fondly remember the times she used to throw mud in Zuko’s face.
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Now let’s talk about the Legacy of the Fire Nation book, which is surprisingly cited as “anti-Maiko” “pro Zutara” material as some users on the app. (As a separate aside, Iroh absolutely understands the powerful friendship between Zuko and Katara, and the other Gaang inserts can be interpreted as equally romantic (Was that all you were, or were you something more - something Iroh said about Sokka and Zuko)).
Also keep in mind the author Joshua Prett stated that he wasn’t allowed to introduce any new plot resolutions, which is why Izumi and Mai are mostly omitted save for this one golden piece of information.
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I’ve seen many try and use this excerpt as hard evidence that Iroh absolutely detested the idea of mai and zuko. But the thing is, Iroh is explicitly referencing his and Zuko’s journey involving Ba Sing Se and the search for the Avatar, which is why he mentions the desert, Zuko having trouble sleeping, and finally, his relationship with Mai.
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Although it’s a small mention, it’s an important one. It shows that throughout his exile, Zuko was thinking about Mai. So much so that he confided in Iroh about it.
Ive seen some try and make the argument that “living through something” means an explicit negative connotation. But let’s objectively analyze this. When Zuko feels something, he feels it deeply. So much so that the people around him are also enveloped in those feelings, like we saw in The Beach. Zuko missing and agonizing over Mai, even when she’s not there, and so much so that Iroh lives through his feelings, shows that she’s always been on his mind. Living through something means vicariously experiencing the other persons thoughts and emotions.
My personal, not so head canon: When Iroh suggests Zuko go on a date with Jin to experience being a normal teenager and shake him from his pessimism, it’s quite in line with canon to interpret this as him wanting to stop pining over Mai. Of course, that doesn’t work mainly because of Zuko’s guilt and hesitation (he will never be a normal teenager, so why the pretense) but also because Zuko isn’t over Mai. I mean we saw how he acted when Mai broke up with him and dated Kei Lo :)
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Couple this with the fact that in the uncut script of the Avatar the Last Airbender cartoon, Mai gave Zuko a heart shaped rock for him to hold onto during his banishment. (Cr. Minireklamo)
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But perhaps the most amazing part is when Mai is shown to be enjoying tea and pai sho with the rest of the Gaang members. The Gaang is an undeniable, essential part of Zuko’s life. He chose to share that part with the love of his life. And mai, despite being reserved and reluctant to enjoy things most times, is an active participant in this intimate part of Zuko’s life. She’s engaging with his friends. She doesn’t scoff or turn away. Zuko’s friends become her friends. She is so important to Zuko that he chooses to share this happy, comfortable moment with her. They might be from different backgrounds, opposite sides of the war, but they all love Zuko. Also Mai and Aang are besties by the way, and Aang (Zuko’s best friend and most important ally, and the most important part of his redemption and reckoning) canonically describes Mai as Zuko’s soulmate.
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“I’m happiest of all for Zuko. He is the new firelord. And it seems he found a real soulmate in Mai. She’s so much prettier now that she smiles.”
Being a fan of Mai and Maiko means you are at a distinct disadvantage - Mai is not one of the main members of the Gaang and therefore has 1/8th of the screen time of everyone else. She’s not subject to the same emotional, groundbreaking journeys that the rest of the Gaang embark on with Zuko. Very little is shown of her childhood and upbringing, so the audience is left to reconcile with what we are given in canon. While the show is limited, the Avatar universe expands a great deal on the budding relationship between two childhood best friends, lovers, and soulmates. It is up to the reader individually to determine how much they want to recognize in their interpretations - but it does not change that in the canonical universe of Avatar the Last Airbender, Mai and Zuko were destined to be together and forever. PS: Seeing as fans of other ships pick up what they want to from these in universe materials as insurmountable evidence for their ship, I want to see more Maiko fans appreciate the nuggets of information we have from them.
The point is, Mai and Zuko were never written by the creators to be a random ship that suddenly popped up in Zuko’s life. We see explicit evidence of their reciprocated crushes in the show itself. We see that Mai was such an integral aspect of Zuko’s happy childhood that she’s mentioned in his fondest and deepest memories. She was introduced to the show outside of her relationship with Azula , in contrast to Ty Lee, who we see only when she joins Azula’s team. Her character was given arguably one of the coldest, rawest lines in the whole show. In universe canonical materials suggest that Mai never stops loving Zuko, Zuko never stops loving Mai, and their breakup was only temporary, given how Bryke themselves said “I wish we could turn the comics into an in between show. We were going to show a mini clip of old Zuko and Mai.”
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kaveuh · 2 years
Hi, your izumi comforting s/o after a toxic relationship was so neat, so may I ask for kaoru who comforts his s/o in a similar situation but instead it's her parents who are toxic? Like their marriage is messed up and her father was negligent and harsh towards his wife which makes s/o deeply traumatised and is scared that she will end up in the same situation as her mom? When he asked her one day on a date why she's so fidgetty and jumpy with him she bursts out crying and shaking and tells him about her family? I'm sorry if it's oddly specific, thank you very much.
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"IT’LL BE OKAY, I'M HERE." kaoru hakaze.
author’s note — happy birthday kaoru my little scrimbly.. also i may have gotten carried away with this just bcs🔥🔥
genre — angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
warning(s) — toxic household, mental breakdowns, invalidation of self-trauma
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kaoru notices and remembers all these little things about you— from your features, to your silly little hobbies, etc. which is why it didn't take long for your boyfriend to realize how you'd always fidget when he's around you. he chose to brush it off, reasoning with himself, such as: 'maybe she's just nervous.' or 'maybe it's just a habit.' etc.
until it was getting out of hand. kaoru was not aware of your situation at home, no one else was. besides yourself, of course. instead, he ended up overthinking it. was he the problem? are you uncomfortable with him? is it because he used to be a playboy back in highschool?
you chose to forget about your home life. however, your constant fidgeting, being on-guard at all times was something that you can’t help. it was exhausting. you were perfectly content with how things were— with kaoru being completely oblivious about your life at home and treating you normally like a normal boyfriend would. you didn’t think he would notice and ask you so suddenly about it.
"[name], am i making you uncomfortable?" kaoru came to a stop, facing towards you with a stern expression and stiff posture.
it was a surprise. you, flabbergasted didn’t know how to answer his question. 'what did he mean by that?' your date was already coming to an end. you had fun, but what made him suddenly ask that question? you began to overthink. what you experienced at home began to flash through your mind.
"i don't mean to pry or anything, but if anything's wrong, then you can tell me. i won't judge you or—" he stopped upon seeing your glassy eyes. if there was one thing in this world that you wanted to avoid at the moment, that would be crying. kaoru panicked, looking around as he gently took you to a more private space. kaoru sighs, scooching down to your level (as you ended up doing so the moment you arrived).
you wanted to disappear. you didn't want anyone to worry— let alone, kaoru, who had already lost his mother and had a shitty mother worry about you. after all, he has it worse than you, right?
"[name]," the blonde called out, visibly choosing his words carefully as to not upset you any further. "may i touch you?" he asked, smiling softly as he saw your nod. kaoru moved closer to wrap his arms around your trembling body. "it'll be okay, i'm here." he cooed, holding you until you had calmed down a bit. "i won’t force you to tell me what's wrong. but, if ever, i'll be here to listen. it's not good to bottle things up, you know?"
you sniffed, wiping the remaining tears as a result of your breakdown. "okay," you began, leaning into his touch as you proceeded to tell him everything— from your childhood to present. kaoru did as he said: he listened. he was patient, no matter how much you paused to cry, no matter how much you were slurring. he stayed and listened.
"[name], i can’t promise you anything in terms of me being able to help. but i can promise you that i can be any type of support you need. you deserve so much, and i can never, ever, imagine myself hurting you like that." he took a deep breath, before taking a water bottle out of his bag, opened it and handed it to you.
"you don't have to believe me now, heck, i wouldn't even blame you if you can't trust my words. but i mean it— i may not be the best with comforting, but i can assure you that i'll take care of you."
you finally looked at him, rubbing your puffy eyes as he caressed your cheek. "i trust you…" kaoru’s eyes lit up, his gaze softening. "thank you, kaoru."
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: izumi tachibana | isuke matsukawa | tetsuro iwai | yuzo kashima | ken sakoda | reni kamikizaka | haruto asuka summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: homelesness, bullying, implied organized crime, rating: sfw a/n: why was this the fastest i've written one of these? why? i don't even particularly like some of these people?
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ izumi tachibana ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were... well, you were a little baby back then, nothing remarkable yet. you were the only child of your parents, a pair of famous actors. and they just so happened to be friends with yukio tachibana, izumi's father.
✿ you were about three years old, while izumi was a newborn, only a few months old. you'd been eager to meet yukio's new baby for the longest time, but you'd been busy travelling with your parents.
✿ obviously, your parents brought you over to the tachibana household so you could all be introduced to the new baby. you were pretty much dragging your parents over, as much as you could with your wobbly baby legs. and when yukio finally showed you izumi, you were entranced.
✿ you made it your mission to look after izumi whenever you were over. your parents thought that it was because you wanted a sibling, but in reality you just thought she was far too tiny to survive without any supervision.
✿ ...izumi had no thoughts on you at the time. you, on the other hand, became extremely protective of izumi. she was so tiny, so cute, far too fragile. the adults thought it was precious, while you thought that they were stupid for not being as careful with the tiny thing as you.
≿━━━━༺❀ isuke matsukawa ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were homeless. to put it simply, you'd recently lost your job and apartment and were looking for somewhere to work where you could also get board, preferably anyways. previously though, you were a marketing manager for a small movie theatre.
✿ you were 26, the same age as isuke. you'd been homeless for about two months, living in your car. isuke on the other hand had been the manager of mankai company for about two years.
✿ you were waiting in the lobby of the mankai theatre, waiting for the manager for a job interview. you'd come across the barista/ticket seller job advertisement and immediately applied, mostly due to the room they were offering to go along with it. isuke walked into the room, took one look at you, and immediately hired you.
✿ after the most confusing job interview you'd ever had, you quickly moved in to the dorms, right next door to isuke. it turned even more confusing when you discovered that you and isuke were the only employees. you really had no idea what you'd gotten yourself into.
✿ isuke was mostly just grateful to have someone else to help around with the company, even if the barista position was the least of his worries. but meeting you, and realizing how hard working you were after a bit of living with you, he started to really admire you. isuke was... something. that's certainly a way to describe him. messy, bit rough around the edges, literally a living disaster. but he was too cute to scold whenever he did something wrong, even if you desperately wanted to every time you saw his work schedule.
≿━━━━༺❀ tetsuro iwai ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a weird little kid, obsessed with puppets and marionettes. everyone else in your local pre-school thought that you were far too weird, and your parents were extremely concerned by your unwillingness to socialize with anyone.
✿ you were 6 years old and you'd just recently been moved to a new kindergarten after the bullying at the last one got too much. tetsuro was 5 years old.
✿ you were trying (and failing) to put together a new puppet from scraps of broken toys, when tetsuro wondered into the room you were in. you didn't pay any mind to him, especially since he didn't say a single thing and simply came to sit by you. a few minutes later when one of the older and meaner kids came by to drag tetsuro away, you scared them off by literally growling at them.
✿ you sort of became tetsuro's protector, though largely unintentionally. it just happened to be that you scared the other kids and tetsuro took advantage of that to not get bullied and to get some silence. eventually it became weird to see the two of you apart.
✿ tetsuro thought that you were the coolest kid, both with your attitude and your creativity. you took thrown away stuff and made them into funny little friends. that, and sometimes you put on some puppet shows for him, which was the best thing he'd ever witnessed. tetsuro was a person, that was for sure. but he was also really quiet and didn't bother you or your puppets, so you allowed him to hang around. but if anyone asked, you didn't like him. not at all. he was just someone who hang around. read that with the most amount of sarcasm possible.
≿━━━━༺❀ yuzo kashima ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a little baby actor, working at various theaters and films as opportunities came. you'd only started professionally acting a year ago, though you were a natural at it, at least according to your nightmare coach.
✿ you were 20 while yuzo was 21. while you'd been professionally an actor for only a year, prior to that you'd only done some school plays. yuzo had been acting for several years already.
✿ you'd been invited as a guest actor for one of the spring troupe's plays, as they needed someone with your exact talents to play the co-lead, with yuzo as the lead. he wasn't there when you were hired, so the first time you saw each other was at the first rehearsal. everyone thought it was going to turn out horrible, but the two of you had excellent chemistry on stage.
✿ the following rehearsals kept going better and better, and eventually yuzo came to also like you as a person instead of just as an actor, which lead to the two of you actually hanging out and developing even better chemistry.
✿ yuzo was mostly impressed by your skills, you bounced off of him so effortlessly and beautifully. frankly, it was the most attractive thing he'd ever seen. though he heavily denied this when his troupe mates started asking about it. yuzo kind of reminded you of your coach, both of them being absolutely dreadful with their criticism. thankfully, yuzo didn't find much to criticize (yet), which lead to you liking him way more than the old man coaching you. way, way more.
≿━━━━༺❀ ken sakoda ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were just your average joe, a store clerk at a small convenience store. the most interesting part about you (besides your little puppy) was your dream of one day becoming a famous crime writer. thriller books and detective stories had always been your favorites.
✿ you were 19 and you'd been living by yourself since you were 16. you'd been lying about your age for years to work, but recently you'd gotten a proper job. ken was 18 at the time.
✿ you were closing up at work, locking the door when you spotted a body laying by the backdoor. you stared at it for a while, realizing whoever it was was unconcious, before picking him up onto your shoulder to take him home. it wouldn't be the first time some unfortunate outcast had ended up on your couch. so you decided to take care of him.
✿ ken woke up confused on your couch, though after a short explanation of what happened he became extremely grateful to you. he stayed for a day to recover and then left. you didn't except to see him again, but he turned back up a few days later and then would show up every once in a while for a place to sleep.
✿ you were an angel to ken, even if you continuously denied his praises. but really, you were way too nice to someone like him. you always had some food ready for him, and a warm bed to sleep in even if you never knew when he was going to show up. ken was fun. that's the most you got out of him the first time he stayed over, but after that you came to discover how helpful he liked to be. you really enjoyed having him over, and eagerly waited for a familiar knock from the door, even if you told him he could just walk in.
≿━━━━༺❀ reni kamikizaka ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a famously reclusive playwright, known for your god-like scripts. but despite your reputation in the theatre world, nobody had ever actually met you, at least not knowingly. people commissioned you, and received their scripts in mail, never in person.
✿ you were 25.. no one knew your real age though, so everyone thought you were some old guy. reni was 24 back then, and the newly minted director of god-za.
✿ you have really no idea how reni managed to find you, but he showed up at your house with a request for a play. usually you'd never open the door for someone, but you were expecting a food delivery and foolishly decided to open the door without checking. after a moment of staring at each other, you tried to slam the door on his face but he was really determined to not let you.
✿ you reluctantly allowed reni inside, where he fell into a spiel about commissioning a few plays from you. it was then that you discovered that this idiot wasn't aware of how you took commissions (mail). but you did decide to write the plays for him, which started a several decades long work-relationship.
✿ you were very different to everyone else reni had ever met. you hated being outside, you hated having to interact with anyone, but you seemed so fascinated with everything he did. but you were so real, he instantly knew you were the best choice for the job. reni was pushy, kind of rude, incredible fucking stupid. but also so sincere, even if he came across as arrogant that way. he was a fascinating person that definitely got all your creative juices flowing. he was perfect, in a way.
≿━━━━༺❀ haruto asuka ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an unknown little talent that kamikizaka had found and just recruited for god-za. nobody had ever heard of you before, ever seen you act anywhere or even happened upon your name. but somehow, kamikizaka was certain you were the next star of the show.
✿ you were both 23. haruto had been at the company for over a year at that point, while your joining was suddenly announced just a week prior.
✿ kamikizaka brought you to the company to introduce you to everyone, though you weren't particularly interested in anyone until you got to haruto, who's scathing eyes locked onto you immediately. it was the first time the whole night you bothered to do your own introductions, to kamikizaka's surprise. haruto didn't seem particularly impressed though.
✿ kamikizaka immediately realized you latched onto haruto, and partnered the two of you up. haruto didn't really enjoy this, but seeing you interact with anyone else at the company he realized why that happened, and started to try and mentor you. it didn't exactly work, but it was funny to everyone else.
✿ haruto sort of thought that you were enroaching on his turf. kamikizaka was so keen on you, he felt like his opportunities were being snatched by some unknown nuisance. then you liked him, and suddenly he liked you too. haruto was the only interesting person at the company. people often saw you as far too perfect, which you hated, while haruto didn't. he clearly didn't like you, and you liked that. and then he started to like you, and weirdly enough you didn't hate that.
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luna-di-fuoco · 2 months
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*art is credited to krasch.ca @ instagram*
Name: Izumi Himeno (姫野 泉) Birthplace: Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, Japan Nationality: Japanese Birthday: May 16th (Taurus)
PHYSICAL FEATURES Age: 16 - 17 (WMS Arc 1) | 17 - 18 (WMS Arc 2) | 18 - 19 (WMS Arc 3) Height: 166cm Weight: 52kg Hair Color: Reddish Brown Eye Color: Medium / Dark Brown
GENERAL INFORMATION Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Unnamed Aunt Personality: Upbeat and bubbly by nature, she exudes a warm and welcoming aura to those around her. She tends to be a bit forward with her speech, which occasionally gets her in trouble from being nosy.
A semi-hopeless romantic, she tends to develop crushes easily and chase after them, even if it leads to extremely short-lived relationships. When she's not boy-hunting, she's reading romance manga or listening to her K-Pop / J-Pop groups.
Culinarily inclined, she's an excellent baker. She's a member of the home-ec club at Kuroran Academy and hopes to one day become a teacher on the subject.
HISTORY: Hailing from Fukuoka, Izumi moved to Kyoto with her mom to live with her maternal aunt after her parents' divorce. This was caused by her father being a workaholic and her mother feeling the pressures of acting as a single parent in a married household. Needing more emotional support, her mother decided to return to her native home in Kyoto and begin anew.
"It'll be a clean slate for us," her mother told her. "For you, and for me."
Entering her sixth year of elementary school, Izumi was transferred into Kuroran Academy's elementary division. Amongst all the students in her class, one of them stood out: a young girl with dark hair and fair skin, her eyes a warm shade of brown.
Introducing herself to this student, she instantly complimented on her beauty. Seeing the girl's reserved but gentle response, she then learned her name: Yukina Kurimoto.
From that day forward, Yukina and Izumi's friendship grew, blossoming into its form during the main story of White Moon Saga.
Izumi's voice claim is Mayu Sagara
Her go-to drink is mugicha with lemon
Her favorite manga series is called Lavender Hues
Despite her parents' divorce, she keeps a good relationship with her dad and visits him during winter break
She frequents idol shows and will drag Yukina along on occasion
Her original surname was "Harada" until 2022, where it was scrapped and changed to "Himeno"
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izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Event Story Translation “Moon Traveler” - Chapter 1
A blast from the past and MANKAI's plans for the upcoming performances.
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On one spring night, just a few weeks before my birthday—— I slipped away from the institution and went to the hometown where I grew up in.
It took some hours to get there by bus, and the trip back would take just as long. The only money I had to my name was pocket money I saved up from helping out. If I lose this, then I can’t go back home. I clutch the coins in my pocket.
No matter how uncomfortable it was, there will always be food to meet you when you go back to the institution; it’s the only way you can avoid dying out in the streets.
If I don’t return before the break of dawn, I’ll be sent to the punishment room.
I briskly walked along the fenced path then came to a halt. I put my hand on the lower half of the wall where two blocks fell off. I pulled myself up and jumped over the wall in one fell sweep.
The night I was kicked out from my household, there’s a vacant lot where I look up at the moon alone. Nothing had changed. I thought I’d feel some fond nostalgia, yet strangely, I felt nothing at all.
“Ah, right. The moon…”
Only tiny stars were twinkling in the night sky.
“Why can’t I see the moon?”
All of a sudden, I heard a boy’s voice and turned around in surprise.
“Do you know why?”
Before I knew it, in the supposedly empty vacant lot, stood a boy dressed in stark white.
“... It’s cause the moon has already set. The moon sets just like the sun does. You can’t just see it anytime you want just because it’s night.”
“Wow, you sure know your stuff! You even jumped over that high fence just now, didn’t you? You’re pretty athletic too, that’s amazing.”
The boy’s eyes were sparkling.
(What the hell is with this guy… at this hour too, talk about suspicious…)
As I was about to put some distance between us, I heard loud voices talking.
“Hahaha! That’s why I’m telling you, you drink too much! You’re gonna get pissy again!”
“You’re one to talk!”
It sounded like footsteps of men who seem to be on their way home from a bar getting nearer.
My body started to tremble.
(If they found us kids in a place like this at this hour, we’re sure to get in trouble. We need to make haste and run away…)
As I started taking my steps, my gaze wandered to the boy, dazed, wondering what was on his mind.
(No, I might as well leave him behind.)
Just as I was about to start running, he grabbed my arm quickly to stop me.
“What?” “Do you have a family?”
The boy’s question brought several faces to surface in my mind. In an instant, I drowned them all out with a sense of contempt.
“Not really.”
“Do you have a dream?”
(Talk about carefree…)
Now’s not the time to be talking about that. I try to shake his arm off, but he’s surprisingly strong.
“Hey, what’s your dream?”
Frustrated, I looked up at the night sky involuntarily, what I was looking for was not there.
It’s like everything I want disappears from my grasp.
“I got none.”
“Then, will you make my dream come true with me?”
The boy said, smiling softly.
*Flashback end*
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Alright, that’s gonna be it for today’s leader meeting.
Thank you for your hard work.
You guys done?
Yup, just shifting roles.
Ain’t it Spring troupe’s turn next?
Keep it up. Good work.
Good job everyone!
You wouldn’t have been talking about me by any chance, yes?
How did you know!?
Lucky guess?
Perceptive as ever. We were planning to talk about it later.
Then, let’s get started with Spring troupe’s meeting.
First on the agenda, is regarding the 10th Spring troupe performance. Earlier at the leaders’ meeting, we talked about having the sixth member of each troupe play the lead role.
Guy-san for Winter, Azami-kun for Autumn, Kumon-kun for Summer and we have Chikage-san for Spring troupe!
And why is that?
I think it’s time to show off our individuality more than ever in preparation for the new Fleur Award, which will begin under the new structure.
And the last four guys to join the troupe, you’ve only had one lead role, correct?
I figured it’d be refreshing and topical to have you guys play lead roles again.
Additionally, we simply wanted to see the growth of you four compared to when you first joined the company.
So that’s why.
I also learned a lot from my second leading role in the company’s flagship performance. I was hoping Chikage-san would experience it too!
Besides, anyone who plays the lead role always ends up improving quickly.
It’s a great opportunity.
Chikage can have a breakdance with this!
Chikage Though, isn’t it going to be tenth anniversary play of each troupe? Am I really suited for the lead role?
It’s a nice milestone and a commemorative number, but for the theater troupe, this is just a passing point.
We’ve got to keep going!
You’re all overflowing with positivity.
So, what’s the move? You in or not?
Well… even if Director-san says it’d just be a passing point for us, I think the fans will expect something more for the 10th show.
They might wonder what we got up our sleeves after so many performances.
I had a warm welcome as a rookie for my first lead role, I feel a little pressure, but…
I’ll do it. Everyone’s gonna be expecting a lot from me.
You surely took your chime.
I’m just gonna guess you meant time.
Because he did. Why didn’t you just say that from the get-go?
Just goes to show how much he thinks of the theater company.
It was so easy during the 4th show.
I know right. But if he just nodded his head along like he did back then wouldn’t that be worrying?
Since Chikage-san’s gonna be the lead for the first time in a long while for this show, I’ll put my all into the script too!
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