#(2020 Koushiro and Tentomon Too)
izzyizumi · 1 year
U.S. Dub 2020!Tentomon to TAI: A FRIEND of Izzy's is a Friend of Mine! M E: \o\ \o/ /o/
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taikouvember · 10 months
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Rules & FAQ
Even though most of the general rules for the week were already written down in the Event Announcement Post, we would still like to specify some of our Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure Taikouvember will turn out amazingly for everyone involved!
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Do's & Recommendations
The event goes from November 6th to November 12th, one day for each of the 7 prompts. 
You may choose either one or both of the contrasting prompts to use for each day. Interpret the prompts as you like, you can find some helpful tips in our Prompt Guideline. You may submit as many entries for each prompt as you like.
Every kind of entry will be allowed: Fanfiction, Drabbles, Poems, Fanart, Comics, Sketches & Doodles, Music, Playlists, Music Videos, Picture Sets and Edits, Gifsets, Meta, etc.
You can of course decide which series or medium you want to focus on: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, all corresponding movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, Digimon Adventure: The 2020 Reboot, games, manhuas, audio dramas, novels, the stageplay, etc.
You are free to choose how to interpret the relationship of Taikou - whether that's romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
Other canon characters are allowed to be included, as long as the entries contain the original ship Taikou, the original characters, Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi, and/or in extension, their partners, Agumon and Tentomon. You can also include multi-/polyships, OT3s, etc. as long as they contain Taikou.
Crossovers, Alternate Universes (AUs) or Own Characters (OCs) are allowed, as long as the entries contain the original ship.
When posting your entries, please make sure to @ us directly as @taikouvember in the entry post or use the following tags: #taikouvember2023, #taikouvember 2023, #taikouvember. You can also submit your posts directly to our blog.
We will search the different ship tags for your entries too, so regardless of what spelling you use, we will try our best to find it. Late entries beyond Taikouvember are perfectly fine, we will search the ship tags until at least the end of November. If we missed your entry, please contact us directly! #taikou #koutai #taishiro #taishirou
Old content may be reblogged by using our handle @taikouvember, so we can find it or you can send us content you would like us to reblog for consideration. We highly encourage creating new content though!
On Day 7, you may post whatever comes to your mind in regards to the ship, something you always wanted to shout into the world, but never found the opportunity to do so! We’re excited to see what you have in mind!
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Don't's & Restrictions
Do not post any ship or character bashing/hate concerning any other Digimon ships/characters. It will not be reblogged.
Only post your own content, art theft etc. will not be tolerated.
Spoilers for the most recent movie, "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning" will only be reblogged if tagged accordingly and/or put under "read mores"!
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content may be submitted in moderation and in line with tumblr's guidelines, but only if it is hidden under "Read Mores". Any kind of adult themes and triggers need to be tagged accordingly. Please understand that we might not reblog explicit, disturbing or any kind of discriminating content.
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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly! Have fun!
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froggie-bolt · 1 year
Just a Digimon Adventure 2020 Post about The TaiShiro Moments
I love how Taichi and Koushiro are both shown to think highly of the other. Taichi even brags about how smart koushiro is sometimes, its so wholesome.
Everytime the group gets separated, the first person Taichi tries to call is almost always Koushiro.
and in the first episode Koushiro meets up with the rest of the group in the digital world, Taichi's face immediately lights up.
Like if anything happens ever, Koushiro usually addresses Taichi right away. Between Him and Tentomon, both are the ones checking in on Koushiro and making sure he's doing okay.
Specific moments from episode 36:
"but there's only 20 minutes left"
"that's more than enough"
"we won't know unless we try right?" Taichi believing in his ability.
"there's no time left, lets go"
"alright, I'll support you!"
"Let's go, koushiro!"
Koushiro, you have to do this!"
"me!? No way! I can support you, but I can't--"
"I leave it to you."
"I'm counting on you."
*kou hesitates*
"Go, Kosuhiro!"
It was also just great to see Koushiro feeling good about his own ability- especially with this music at the end, damn.
episode 43 was funny.
They call eachother like, every episode to see how it's going.
Episode 59
So when they get that trial wrong, Taichi is taken, and [digimon] says he's gonna undergo surgery to become a digimon.
Taichi just smiles and says "Nah don't worry about me guys, I leave the rest to you Koushiro."
Then Koushiro blames himself for whats gonna happen to taichi.
And whiole all this is going on, we know taichi is worried about how the other is handling it right now, since he's under a lot of stress.
Bro koushiro looked so sad.
and then tentomon always believes in koushiro, always. which is exactly what he needs
So let’s start from the top once again
Episode 1’s script for the most part is unchanged :)
However, there is the changes to the names.
While in the original Tai was just ‘Tai’, this time his full name is Taichi, and Tai is just a nickname. His last name though has still been changed to Kamiya instead of Yagami.
Koushiro actually does keep his Japanese name in the English dub! But this time ‘Izzy’ is also just a nickname. Of course, he retains his last name ‘Izumi’ like he did in the original English dub.
one of my favourite bits from episode 1, is when Koushiro is showing Taichi his timeline, and Taichi goes something like:
(I actually posted the clip here)
“Well..I’m really bad at that stuff. You’re awesome, Koushiro!”
And Kou seems surprised and caught off guard by the complement, before quickly turning his attention back to his tablet in embarrassment and saying:
“Y-You can just call me Izzy—!”
And we know later in the dub, that Koushiro prefers being alone, which also suggests he doesn’t have many friends, or doesn’t go out of his way to make any. He doesn’t really like being around people. So we can guess that before Taichi, the only people that call him Izzy are his parents.
So Koushiro giving Taichi express permission to call him Izzy, especially for Koushiro, is something special and significant, even if Taichi doesn’t know this.
I will absolutely be adding onto this in the future
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uniarycode · 4 years
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You vs The Mon he tells you not to worry about.
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earlgreymon · 3 years
Yay for writing :D I'm in serious need of Koushiro content: 5+3 (Taishiro+Rocking a baby) & 7+21 (Koura+Infectious laughter). All the prompts and pairs seem so much fun, so tell you what: you pick either 5+3 or 7+21 and I'll write the other one myself! How about that? Or make it an OT3 Taishirora/Kourachi <3 Have fun! xx
🍡 taichi + koushiro // [3] rocking a baby + [14] tantrum/rant prompt no 14 was given by @sunnquy-lavendrr who requested taishiro too, so i thought why not merging as one. although i don't think i deliver this well enough. i have struggles writing rants (or dialogue in general orz). think of this fic as something that happens after kizuna, with a crisis similar to the first episode of da:2020, but with koushiro's office in tri as the setting. also, a mention of taiora and my headcanon of their kids, which i wrote here. inspired by this video which somehow showed up on my youtube again. not that i am complaining.
“No, you don’t understand—”
“No, you don’t understand!”
“Koushiro, Koushiro. Listen,” Taichi tried to calm his friend down while his younger son was still crying in his embrace. “I’m going to have an important interview with CNBC in less than thirty minutes, so I don’t have a time for a debate. I really need your help to look out for Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa just for fifteen minutes, okay? Fifteen minutes. That’s all I ask.”
“Taichi-san. I believe you don’t understand how critical the situation we are all in now.”
“I do! That’s why I’m going to explain to the TV about the whole blackout, so they’ll understand!”
“But I can’t divide my concentration just like that! The numbers of Argomon keep multiplying, and if I don’t keep both of my eyes on the system, not only you have to explain to the viewers virtually, but you also have to go to Shinjuku and explain everything face-to-face in front of the Defence Minister!”
“Okay, then! Bring Agumon and Tentomon here and tell ‘em to take care of the kids.”
Koushiro’s tone raised in annoyance. “What do you mean with ‘bring Agumon and Tentomon’?! They’re battling Argomon with others, for God’s sake, not some babysitter—”
“And that’s exactly my point! I know we have duties for the Digital World, but remember that we’re also an adult with a life and our own responsibilities in this world! I don’t want my sons to be tripped over and get hurt, just like I don’t want Agumon to get killed—”
“KILL, DADDY! KILL!” Tsuyoshi mimicked as he stopped running around Koushiro’s office while dribbling his ball; his excitement grew after hearing a brutal word that somehow sounded cool for a three-year-old.
“Sh—ugar honey ice tea, I shouldn’t say that,” Taichi uttered frustratingly. Koushiro frowned at his friend’s desperate attempt to avoid cursing in front of the kids. Did Taichi just make up an acronym of ‘shit’? “Right, we should stop fighting. Hold Tsubasa for me; I’m going to grab his walker and my tux on the car.”
“Wait, Taichi-san—!”
There was no way he could reject when Taichi handed Tsubasa to him unless they wanted Tsubasa to fall. Taichi successfully dashed out of Koushiro’s office to the elevator, leaving Koushiro dumbfounded with Tsubasa now crying loud and louder after realising that he was in the arm of a man who was not his father and a red hair who was not his mother too.
“Shh, shh. Your daddy is going to return soon, Tsubasa-kun,” he gently rocked the baby while trying to watch Tsuyoshi from his peripherals. Koushiro was not religious, but he prayed so hard right now for the safety of his workstation since Taichi Jr kept dribbling his ball around the room.
If only he read the messages from Taichi earlier, Koushiro definitely wouldn’t step out of his chair. This morning, Tokyo began to experience blackout ward by ward. Koushiro then found out a large group of Argomon was attacking the network, so he immediately sent Tentomon and others while he tried to fix the system somehow. On the other hand, Taichi—who now worked as a staff for the United Nation’s sub organisation for Digital World affairs—was asked by several media to provide a statement regarding the Tokyo Digital Crisis. Unfortunately, the blackout had affected his apartment complex, so he reached out to Koushiro, whom his office-slash-house was always guaranteed with electricity and internet, even in the middle of suspension.
However, to make matters a little more complicated, Sora was in Kyoto because she had to take care of her sick parents. In other words, Taichi had to look after his two sons this weekend by himself, and a call for work was the last thing he wished for.
Taichi returned a while later, immediately placing Tsubasa on a baby walker. Tsubasa seemed to calm down when he found a bunch of toys attached to the front side. “Tsuyoshi, don’t play football inside! You’ll crash Uncle Kou’s computers!” he yelled, and Tsuyoshi stopped at instance, although he gave his father a pout. Taichi mouthed back at Koushiro, saying that he needed to borrow the bathroom before he dashed off again with his changes of clothes.
It was tempting to go back to his workstation, but Koushiro realised it would be impolite not to serve anything to his guests. If only Tentomon was really here. He opened the refrigerator, sighing in relief when he found some ramune bottles inside. The kids should love them, even though maybe Tsubasa was too young for that. He still pulled two bottles, though, with one canned coffee for Taichi and a big bottle of oolong tea for himself. As he closed the door, Taichi too emerged from the ensuite. That was rather quick, and Koushiro found out the reason after.
“I forgot my pants!” Taichi hollered, and while he didn’t exactly come out bare-bottomed, he still used the same shorts he wore earlier with a suit and tie for his upper part. And he was the spouse of a fashion designer. “Must be slipped on my wardrobe! They won’t notice as long as I sit down, right?!”
Koushiro no longer had the energy to snicker at his dumb friend.
“Okay, great. I’m going to use the spare room. Do not enter until two pm-ish.”
Taichi went on, fixing his tie hastily. He ordered Tsuyoshi to sit down on the couch and lectured him about not playing football, keeping an eye on Tsubasa, not playing football again, and not disturbing both him and Koushiro while they were working respectively. Taichi then grabbed the coffee with a quick thanks before entering the spare room attached to Koushiro’s office with his laptop, making sure the door was closed.
Koushiro looked at Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa once again. Another long sigh, and then he put down the bottles of ramune that he had helped opened for them. “Stay here, okay?” he pleaded as calm as he could.
Tsuyoshi just blinked. Koushiro took it as a nod in agreement.
Back to his workstation with his dose of favourite caffeine, Koushiro quickly called Tentomon to check on the condition. The bug had evolved to Kabuterimon, so did the others to their adult form, and it seemed that they managed to eliminate more Argomons. This gave Koushiro a sense of relief, so it was easier for him to do his other ‘duty’ of watching Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa every one or two minutes through the gap of his screens.
The easiness didn’t last long, however. The Argomons somehow turned into their adult form too, so Kabuterimon had to work harder to beat them. At some point, Koushiro even found a surge of activity around the centre of the system, where some adult Argomons had evolved further. Kabuterimon and others had to match themselves by evolving once again, and Koushiro was forced to pay more attention because a little damage might have a significant impact considering they were already near the system’s core.
The last ten minutes felt like an hour as the battle was getting more and more intense. Koushiro couldn’t even stop his feet from tapping the floor quite hard—some habit he had every time he was feeling nervous. Luckily, he finally discovered Argomon’s weak point and came up with a plan, which he relayed quickly to AtlurKabuterimon. Per Koushiro’s plan, AtlurKabuterimon led his friends to execute the plan, and with a combination of their ultimate attacks, they finally managed to beat what was thought to be the boss.
“Yossha!” AtlurKabuterimon raised one hand in victory—his fingers even morphed into the shape of V—while Koushiro slumped himself tiredly. “I know you’re the best, Koushiro-han! Take a drink first; I’m going to see if there’s another boss still wandering around. I think we just need to clean these small larvae, and we’re done.”
“Thank you so much, AtlurKabuterimon. I’m counting on you.”
He saw AtlurKabuterimon flee from his screen to another direction, which gave him the opportunity to drink just like his partner’s advice. He took the bottle of oolong tea he grabbed earlier, but when he tried to crack the bottle open, the corner of his eyes caught something that he had forgotten for a short while.
Tsuyoshi was no longer on the couch. The baby walker was just disappearing behind the door of the spare room, which was now widely opened.
It was Koushiro’s turn to fly as fast as possible. He rushed inside the spare room, half-sliding half-jumping as he found Taichi was trying his best to shoo away Tsuyoshi—who was standing beside him—without switching his gaze from his laptops or pausing his rants. However, it was apparent that Taichi’s voice was slightly trembling to hold back the emotion and the embarrassment. Koushiro immediately leaned in and ducked forward, pulling Tsuyoshi out of the room along with Tsubasa who was still in his baby walker. Tsuyoshi started to bickered in protest (“I WANT TO PLAY WITH DADDY! LET’S PLAY FOOTBALL, DADDY!”). At the same time, Tsubasa was not happy when he felt something was forcefully pulling him in the opposite direction of where he wanted to go.
Koushiro could hear Taichi finally stopped to apologise repeatedly, but that was when he knew that Taichi was so disturbed. Therefore, he dragged the kids a little bit faster, only resulting in Tsubasa’s baby walker getting stuck on the edge of the door. Koushiro tried to detach the walker in panic; come on, get out, get out… AHA!
He finally shut the door quite loudly.
Tsubasa was stunned. His loud whimper filled the room once again.
Koushiro felt like lying on the floor. Today was exhausting.
epilogue 1 The news anchor on TV: Well then. I suppose thank God your spouse quickly come to the rescue— Taichi, almost standing up: HE IS NOT— Taichi, remembering that he only wears shorts: —my spouse…
epilogue 2 Sora, texting Taichi after the interview: Not gonna lie, but the red hair makes it look like Koushiro was Tsubasa’s parent instead…
epilogue 3 Kae, texting Koushiro after the interview: Sweetheart, I saw the news! Why didn’t you say that you have kids with Taichi?
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This fic takes place in the universe of Digimon Adventure Psi (or Digimon Adventure 2020) and shows how Koushiro met Tentomon. I'm using my hc that Koushiro was a bit old when his biological parents died.
Alone in the world
Koushiro recognized that landscape immediately. He had seen those colorful forms and sparks when he first had contact with the network space, back when Taichi had gone there for the first time. However, the older boy was nowhere nearby. Koushiro found himself alone in that world.
“Taichi-san!” Koushiro called, wandering through that strange place. A cold wind sent chills down his neck. “Taichi-san, where are you?” he insisted, getting increasingly desperate. “Please, answer me! Taichi-san!”
Was he really alone there?
A sensation he had tried to bury for years was reemerging. Once again he could hear, in the back of his mind, the whispers from those people, who were too sure a grieving child couldn't listen to them during his parents' ceremony.
“That poor helpless kid!”
“It's so sad!”
“He has no family anymore.”
“He's all alone now.”
“Alone in the world.”
Koushiro was surprised when he saw the teardrops falling on his tablet. He was clutching the object against his chest, as if afraid of losing it. The boy knew he had done that many times before. Maybe that was a silly fear, but it was still overwhelming. It probably lingered from that great loss he once suffered.
He wiped his tears with the back of a hand and faced forward. Koushiro wasn't a helpless child. Taichi had told him that he had been helpful, that he had been useful. He had to believe in his friend's words. Koushiro just needed to keep his calm and think. There had to be something he could do.
“It's going to be alright,” the boy told himself.
“Of course it is! Don't worry!” a voice suddenly said behind him, startling the child.
Koushiro turned around quickly and saw a huge ladybug hovering a couple of meters away from him. The insect was staring at the child.
“Hi, there! I'm Tentomon!” the monster greeted. “I saw you and thought you were lost. So, I'm here to help!”
“Tentomon...?” Koushiro repeated that name in low voice, studying the other. “Are you a digimon...?”
“Yes, of course I am!” Tentomon confirmed. “What are you? You don't look like a digimon.”
“I'm a human being, I came from a different world. My name is Izumi Koushiro, nice to meet you!” Koushiro introduced himself, bowing slightly.
“Izumi Koushiro-han...” Tentomon said, “Izumi-han... Koushiro-han! That's it! Koushiro-han sounds better! I'm going to call you that!”
The boy was about to say that the digimon didn't need to address him with a honorific, but a question made its way to his lips before he could think it through:
“Is that Kansai dialect?”
“What is Kansai, Koushiro-han?”
“Ehr... never mind that...” the boy muttered, trying to come up with a theory for the monster to talk like that without ever being in Japan. Then, another concern rose in his mind, which led him to begin to ask:
“Excuse me, uhm... Tentomon-san...? Have you seen-”
“I don't like the sound of that at all!” Tentomon interrupted. “Don't call me with 'san,' please!”
“S-Sorry!” Koushiro hurried to say. “If you don't like 'san'... should I call you 'Tentomon-kun,' then?”
“That sounds even worse!” Tentomon complained. “Just call me by my name alone.”
Koushiro felt blood rushing to his face. When talking to someone, he always used a honorific. To drop it, especially with someone he had just met, felt too audacious for him. However, he couldn't insist on using honorifics if doing that upset the other.
“If that's what you want, then I'll respect your wishes, Tentomon,” Koushiro said in low voice. Hopefully, he would soon get used to calling him that and stop feeling awkward about the lack of honorific.
“Thank you, Koushiro-han!” Tentomon exclaimed.
“You don't have to use honorifics with me,” Koushiro told him.
“But I really want to call you 'Koushiro-han,' and you said you would respect my wishes!” Tentomon contested.
Koushiro thought that he couldn't argue with that kind of logic. The boy felt it was unfair that he had to drop honorifics while Tentomon wasn't willing to do it, but decided that it was best to let that slide.
“So, Koushiro-han, you were looking for someone, right?” Tentomon asked.
“Yes! I'm looking for another human being!” Koushiro confirmed. “His name is Yagami Taichi-san. He's taller than me and has big brown hair. Have you seen him?”
“I haven't seen anyone around, besides you,” Tentomon told him. “I could help you to look for him. This Taichi-han is older than you, right?”
“Yes, how did you know?” the boy asked.
“It was just wishful thinking, actually,” Tentomon said. “I was worried when I saw a little kid like you all alone, so I hoped that there was someone out there to take care of you.”
“T-That's not...” Koushiro mumbled, shaking with embarrassment. “Taichi-san doesn't take care of me!”
“Does he treat you badly?” Tentomon had a worried voice.
“No, of course not!” Koushiro denied. “He's a wonderful person! Taichi-san is kind and encouraging! The way he smiles at you... and his way of talking that makes you feel...”
the boy lost himself in his memories of his friend and had to be taken back to reality by Tentomon.
“He sounds like a good friend who takes care of you!” the digimon exclaimed.
“I-It's not like that! I mean, Taichi-san has done a lot for me and many other people... he does amazing things... but I helped him too, he told me that I helped him! I got to be useful... I wasn't just...”
Fragments from his past echoed in his mind. He remembered the day he had met Mr. And Mrs. Izumi. Back then, how fiercely was he clutching that tablet against his chest?
“You don't have to be scared, Koushiro. You don't need to worry about anything.”
“We will take care of you now.”
Koushiro felt his eyes getting warm as those memories returned, but refused to cry. Crying had never helped him, it had never returned anything he had lost. It would be just bothersome for other people if he were to cry in front of them.
“Then, you take care of each other! That's how friends should be!” Tentomon said, excitedly.
Koushiro was taken aback by that statement, but wasn't bothered by it. The idea that he was capable of doing something for the sake of others filled his heart with joy.
“Say, Koushiro-han, what's that thing that you're holding?” Tentomon asked, pointing to the tablet that Koushiro had in his arms.
“It's a tablet that I can also use as a computer,” Koushiro explained. “I use it to analyze data and it helps me to communicate...”
Only then the boy realized that he could've contacted Taichi a long time ago and felt like the dumbest person alive.
“I... I can actually talk to Taichi-san and ask where he is...” Koushiro muttered, embarrassed, “I had forgotten about it...”
“You can talk to him? That's great!” Tentomon sounded excited. “After you talk to him, I can take you to where your friend is.”
“You don't have to go through that much trouble because of me,” Koushiro tried to dissuade the digimon. He didn't know how far away Taichi was or how long it would take to find him. It wasn't fair to inconvenience Tentomon that way.
“Don't worry, it's not like I have anything better to do, anyway!” Tentomon assured him. “Besides, I like talking to you. It's going to be a fun trip because I enjoy your company!”
“You... enjoy my company...?” Koushiro asked, in disbelief. The boy tried to remember if anyone had ever said such a thing to him before.
“You sound like a very intelligent person and you're also very polite. You seem to care very much for other people, which I find admirable,” Tentomon told him. “I like you a lot already, Koushiro-han!”
The sensation born from that statement was warmer than what he felt when he was able to be useful to someone. I'm not a bother... I'm not bothering him... Koushiro thought. He couldn't begin to describe the deep happiness that was engulfing him.
Koushiro found a spot to sit and then contacted Taichi. He was surprised to see that Sora from the summer camp was with the other boy, but was glad that his friend wasn't alone.
Then, Koushiro realized that the other kids couldn't be alone because they had digimon with them. He wondered if Tentomon could be to him what Agumon was to Taichi. Koushiro felt that was an audacious thought. Tentomon was probably just a nice digimon willing to help him out of kindness. It wouldn't be the first time he found people like that. However, Koushiro wished that wasn't the case.
Like he had done when he lost his parents, Koushiro wished he didn't have to be alone in that big and strange world.
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o-w-quinlan · 3 years
Brief thoughts on every Digimon Adventure 2020 episode
It’s been a while since I wrote a review for Adventure 2020, for lack of time or enthusiasm, so here I’ll go through every episode saying “I like it”, “I don’t like it” or “I’m ambivalent”, along with other brief thoughts.
Breaking it down in short “arcs”, my opinions are as follows:
Character Introductions (1-8): Liked 6, didn’t like 1, was ambivalent about 1.
Perfect evolutions and Nidhoggmon (9-18): Liked 6, didn’t like 3, was ambivalent about 1.
Takeru and Devimon (19-24): Liked 1, didn’t like 1, was ambivalent about 4.
Hikari and DarkKnightmon (25-33): Liked 1, didn’t like 5, was ambivalent about 3.
MoonMillenniummon arc? (34-36 as of now): Didn’t like 1 and was ambivalent about 2.
Overall: I liked 14 episodes, didn’t like 11 episodes and was ambivalent about 11 episodes. The vast, vast majority of the episodes I liked were before the second Omegamon appearence.
Pretty long list below the cut
Tokyo Digital Crisis: I like it. Established Taichi and Koushiro very well, had great fights and ended on a good cliffhanger.
War Game: I like it. Not as much as the first, but the fights were pretty good.
And to the Digital World: I like it. First half was just a remake of Our War Game, but second half was a great showcase of Taichi and Koushiro.
Birdramon Soars: I don’t like it. Sora’s lack of reaction is ridiculous, and the action is terrible.
Holy Digimon: I’m ambivalent. Backstory dump was okay, bond between Koushiro and Tentomon was good, the offscreen escape was ridiculous.
The Targeted Kingdom: I like it. Excelent introduction for Mimi, her personality, background and conflicts, characterization for the rest was great, the situation with the protection against the siege was handled great.
That Boy is Jou Kido: I like it. Not quite as good as Mimi’s episode, but good for basically the same reasons.
The Children’s Attack on the Fortress: I like it. It’s the start of the whole “barrage of attacks that hits nothing” trope for the show, but it’s fun, Yamato’s epiphany was surprisingly well handled.
The Perfect Attacks: I like it. It’s the start of “non-protagonists stand around and do nothing” for this show, but the whole deal with Ogremon and Greymon was great enough for me to not mind it.
The Super Evolution of Steel: I like it. I interpreted it as the synchronicity between Taichi and Agumon being the catalyst for the evolution, and that’s unique enough for the franchise that I enjoyed it. Still had tons of problems though.
The Wolf Standing atop the Desert: I don’t like it. It had Yamato go through the most annoying tropes usually associated with the lone wolf archetype, and the evolution cathalyst was remembering the far more impactful episode 8.
Lilimon Blooms: I like it. As others pointed out, it’s an episode long reference to Castle in the Sky, but I actually liked it better than that movie.
The Crimson Winged Garudamon: I don’t like it. Sora was upstaged by Yamato on her own episode, and Jou was just there to be humiliated.
The Kings of the Insects Clash: I’m ambivalent. There’s enough good stuff here to love it and enough bad stuff to hate it. Pity the lessons Koushiro learned here basically stayed here too.
Zudomon’s Iron Hammer of Lightning: I like it. Jou’s determination to not go back on his word and protect his friends by himself was great, as were his initial attempts at strategy both working and failing because of his lack of experience.
The Jet-Black Shadow Invades Tokyo: I like it. Liked the paranoia this evoked.
The Battle in Tokyo Against Orochimon: I like it. It’s the summation of everything that happened before in terms of every single character.
Countdown to Tokyo’s Annihilation: I don’t like it. It was terrible in terms of plot, character and action.
Roar, Juouken: I’m ambivalent. Tons of good stuff here, and all of it relies on incompetent villains and heroes forgetting their power-ups.
The Seventh One Awakens: I like it. Nay, I love it. Best episode in the series, maybe, the culmination of Yamato’s character up to that moment and the first appearence of the Holy Digimon justifying all the hype for them.
The Tide-turning Update: I’m ambivalent. Agumon and Taichi were good, as was the action, but Yamato doing a 180 on his attitude towards Takeru, and Takeru’s extremely convenient rescue of Eldoradimon, dragged this down.
The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius: I’m ambivalent. Tons of good stuff, but the emotional core of it was Takeru, and he plain didn’t work here.
Meesenger of Darkness, Devimon: I don’t like it. Lame fight scene extended to full episode length.
The Final Stage, Done Devimon: I’m ambivalent. Flashy, but ultimately meaningless.
Dive to the Next Ocean: I don’t like it. Terrible in almost every regard, with the brief scenes of the B-Team being the highlights.
Break Through the Sea Monster Barricade: I don’t like it. The first scene was good and then it spends the episode reiterating its message.
To the New Continent: I don’t like it. Still repeating the same worldbuilding as the previous episode, though at least now everyone is here (for the last time so far).
The Children’s Fight for Survival: I’m ambivalent. Not a whole lot happens but it’s all directed spectacularly (as in, it’s pure spectacle, and I respect that craft).
Escape the Burning Jungle: I’m ambivalent. Some good moments here, but otherwise still reiterating the same “this is a world where the strong eat the weak” bit from 3 episodes ago.
The Ultimate, WarGreymon: I don’t like it. It’s a worse repeat of episode 10.
The New Darkness, Millenniummon: I don’t like it. Lopmon was cool, but everything else was dull.
Soaring Hope: I like it. It finally made Takeru work as a character, explained what Patamon’s deal was and gave us branching evolution lines.
Hikari of Dawn: I’m ambivalent. There’s some good stuff here, but it’s so underwhelming after so much build-up.
Hikari and Tailmon: I’m ambivalent. Fun set-up, but Hikari’s personality change was immersion breaking and I just couldn’t ignore that once again vastly powerful characters (not just the protagonists, but MarinAngemon and Daipenmon) did nothing just so Tailmon got a moment to shine.
The Glowing Angewomon: I’m ambivalent. It’s pretty terrible that the way they decided to make us care about Tailmon accross is via exposition dump of her emotions and issues, and once again her big conversation with Hikari mid-battle was more than a little ridiculous, but it was a compelling concept for their bond, so I’m willing to overlook it.
Operation Satellite Sniper: I don’t like it. It was going well enough (still with problems, but well enough) until the gratuitious BlitzGreymon evolution and not even Koushiro’s info-dump on his feelings (which will most likely be forgotten after this episode again) could fix it.
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noctisfishing · 4 years
What Do You Treasure?
Day 6 - Treasure
#noct writes taiora week 2020 [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 ]
@taioraweek for more Taiora love! @noctisfishing for Taiora/Digimon writings and more. :)
Setting: Digimon Adventure tri.: timeframe / Canon Divergence
Tags: Fluff, Humor
Other Characters: 01 Chosen Children and Digimon Partners
Notes: My challenge for this was to separate this prompt theme from a multi-chapter fic that I’m still working on. ;) Like a few of my other fics, I pictured everyone in high school in this one.
Basically, everyone has their own answers. ;D
“What do you treasure?”
Sora arrived home after school one afternoon with that question lingering on her mind. The teacher had posed the question to the class during a discussion about a novel in which the students were assigned to read.
“Is it an item that has some meaning to you? A place you’ve been? A friend, or a loved one? There is no wrong answer.”
When she met Piyomon in the living room and asked her, she responded right away.
“It’s you, Sora!” Piyomon leapt into Sora’s arms and nuzzled her beak against her. “Meeting you and becoming partners is the greatest treasure I could ever want.”
“Oh, Piyomon…”
Sora smiled and held her partner tightly, knowing that she felt the same way. 
She thought about calling Taichi to ask how he would respond. She already knew what she would tell him. 
But she also couldn’t help but wonder what her friends would say.
The moment Taichi arrived home and asked Agumon the same question, he responded without any thought.
“Hamburgers?” Taichi repeated.
“Can we go get some later?”
“We just had some with Sora and Piyomon the other day!”
“They’re so delicious, I could have them every day!”
Taichi laughed, shaking his head. “You sure never get tired of them.”
He went into his room to set down his school back on his desk chair, and he noticed the picture frame on his desk with his friends and their Digimon partners. Sora was standing next to him, and he remembered that the two of them were laughing together at the time the picture was taken.
He wondered if the answer was that easy to tell.
“Who do you treasure, Yamato?”
Sora with Piyomon sat on Yamato’s couch as she asked him the question. Gabumon sat in front of her, lifting his paw toward her and laughing playfully as she gently waved his paw up and down.
“Are you thinking about sensei’s question, too?” Yamato asked quietly while he tuned his bass guitar.
“Yamato might not tell you,” Gabumon added. “But you could probably make some really good guesses.”
“I’d rather you not.”
“He’ll tell us if he wants to,” Sora replied with a smile. She didn’t want to push Yamato into talking about something he was uncomfortable with.
She saw that Gabumon was eager to talk, but he kept quiet as he beamed at Yamato fiddling with warm up chords. She didn’t have to ask to know that Gabumon and music were his treasures.
Yamato paused his playing and looked as though he had just remembered something. “I was supposed to call Takeru today to help him with something.”
Both Sora and Gabumon both knew that Takeru was another one.
“I can’t just choose one pair of shoes!”
Taichi had caught Mimi on her way home as he and Agumon went for a walk.
“So, you treasure your shoes?” Taichi asked.
“My whole closet, actually. I do have a favorite dress and cute boots - oh, and just paired with the right necklace and earrings? Ah! It’s an outfit that I cannot live without!”
“Then, your treasure is something you can wear. Something, not someone.”
Mimi looked at him from the corner of her eyes in suspicion. “Why? Do you treasure someone, Taichi?”
“Well, uh…”
Taichi went red in the face the longer Mimi stared him down. He could tell that she was reading his mind.
“I don’t have to answer that!” he stammered.
“I’m sure you’ll admit it when the moment’s right,” she said with a wink. But then, she let out a giggle that sounded less mischievous. “It’s Palmon for me. And you, and all of my friends. The Digital World, too. It would be hard to deny that for any of us.”
Taichi smiled back. “That’s true.”
“Peace and quiet.”
Sora smiled with hesitation the moment Jou responded harshly to her question at his front door. “I’m sorry, Jou,” she said. “We must be bothering you.”
“Relax, Jou!” Gomamon added, jumping onto his arms. “Sora never comes here to make any trouble.”
Jou sighed, suddenly looking remorseful. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Sora. I’ve just been stressed.”
“It’s okay. Entrance exams are sure to be stressful.”
“Don’t worry,” Gomamon said with a cheerful smile. “I’ve been here to root for him when he needs it!”
“I’m sure you have been!”
“I should make you some tea! I already have the kettle going for Jou!”
Gomamon jumped off from Jou and disappeared from the door, leaving Jou to chuckle timidly. “Don’t feel like you’re intruding,” Jou told her. “Please, stay for tea. Gomamon will whine if you leave now.”
As Sora sat down at the table with Jou and waited for Gomamon, Jou had decided to answer her question.
“I don’t know where I’d be without Gomamon,” he said. “He truly is my best cheerleader.”
“I see,” replied Sora. “But I imagine ‘peace and quiet’ is still a true answer?”
“Yeah… Taichi and Agumon can test me on that. They showed up earlier and asked me the same question.”
“Oh…” Sora held her hand to her mouth to try to stop herself from laughing. “I’ll be sure to talk to him about it later.”
“My treasure?” Koushiro asked Taichi, his eyes transfixed on his computer screen as they both sat in his room.
“You know, something, or someone… that could have a special meaning to you.”
“Well, I think that’s an easy answer for me.” After clicking a few times on his computer mouse, Koushiro pushed himself away from the keyboard on his desk. “Tentomon, for one.”
“Koushiro-han…!” Tentomon replied on the side, and Taichi could swear his face was glowing redder than the shell on his body.
“And… my parents, too.”
Koushiro sat in his chair as though deep in thought.
“That makes sense, Koushiro,” Taichi assured him with a smile.
Koushiro remained quiet, but Taichi heard Tentomon clear his throat loudly and shift himself next to Agumon.
“Just try to stay away from his harddrive,” Tentomon whispered to Agumon. “He almost imploded when I nearly dropped one of it parts as he was building it…”
“Ooh, gotcha!” Agumon whispered back.
“Patamon… and Yamato, of course!” Takeru replied with a cheerful smile to Sora.
“I figured you would say that,” Sora said, giggling.
“He probably would tell me he’d never talk to me again if I told him.”
“But he would still talk to you again a minute later!” Patamon said chiming in, sitting on top of Takeru’s head.
“You must be really interested in everyone’s answers,” Takeru added.
“It’s nice to know what can make someone’s eyes light up,” replied Sora.
Patamon made a squeak, and Sora noticed that Takeru had been looking above her for a few moments.
“Has anyone asked what it is that you treasure, Sora?”
“Not yet.”
At that moment, Sora realized where Takeru and Patamon had been staring, and Sora moved her hand up to her hair, lightly running her fingers through her locks.
“Think he’ll figure it out?”
Sora laughed. “I’m sure he will.”
“My stupid, adorable Onii-chan, of course.”
“Staaahhp,” Taichi said, pushing Hikari away from trying to pinch his cheeks. He had returned home, where she sat in the living room with Tailmon.
“This one, too.” Once Hikari stopped, she picked up Tailmon and nuzzled the top of her head.
“Is it really that easy?” Taichi asked. “Everyone responded with answers that seemed to roll off of their tongues.”
“It’s not too hard to figure out, Taichi. Even if you are afraid to say it out loud, the answer just comes to you.”
Taichi grimaced. “I didn’t say anything about being afraid.”
The doorbell rang. Hikari looked at Tailmon, and Taichi looked toward Agumon. They weren’t expecting any guests, and their parents weren’t going to arrive home until later.
Sora was at the door when Taichi answered, with Piyomon standing at her side.
“Hey, Sora,” Taichi said, finding himself happy to see her. “What brings you here?”
“Oh, well…” Sora had met eyes with him, but suddenly looked to the side with a shy smile. “I’ve been going around asking everyone a question, and I think it’s your turn.”
Taichi was taken aback. He had returned home after getting hungry, but he had planned to call Sora right after he had dinner.
He wondered if it was the same question he had been asking all afternoon. He watched her bring her hand to her hair, tucking a lock behind her ear, and then, he noticed it; a red shiny gem clipped in her hair on the side.
It was the hair clip he had given her for her birthday one year. He didn’t realize that she would keep it for so long.
He realized that that must have been something she treasured, just like how...
“I treasure you, Sora,” he said aloud. Somehow, his realization at that moment urged him to say it, and it seemed to tumble out of his mouth.
With a nervous laugh, she turned to face him again with a wider smile.
“I treasure you, too, Taichi,” she replied.
Even with the sizzle on his cheeks, he couldn’t have been happier. 
They stood face to face, suddenly laughing at each other. He knew that she had been nervous to say it, too, but he found relief knowing that saying it aloud wasn’t as hard as either of them thought, after all. 
Taiora brought their Digimon to a burger place and Taichi ordered the avocado burger that Mimi had told him about earlier. Mimi found out later and got upset that they went without her.
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 14: The Kings of the Insects Clash
Koushiro’s laptop stops working, but Taichi’s team push ahead through a maze of canyons.  Unfortunately, a new enemy is waiting to hunt them down.
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It’s no secret I prefer the dynamics between Sora’s team and this episode highlights their strengths over only a few minutes.  The digimon have been trading off between carrying the children and other partners so they’re covering more ground and keeping everyone well-rested.  It’s a good strategy and Jou’s insistence that Yamato gives up his lone wolf persona is really endearing.
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We finally get an update on the Human World and I’m assuming it’s still the evening on Day 1, which I’m guessing means under 12 hours has passed assuming Taichi and the others left around late morning or early afternoon (Sora must’ve had a bit of time to do some shopping).  We don’t have a great sense of how much time has passed – it feels like either we’re skipping night in the Digital World or the days are much longer than the Human World, because otherwise the kids are accomplishing a lot in a very short amount of time.  
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I like the visual of everyone’s phones gradually powering down, but also… it’s 2020.  Doesn’t anyone carry around a portable charger?  Also who uses the elevator when there are rolling blackouts of unknown origin?  I realise some people would be short-sighted enough to do that (if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s that people don’t always think logically during disasters), but I still think it’s a strange thing to focus on.  Are we not worried about hospitals running out of fuel for their generators? Or is that a little too scary for kids?
Meanwhile, Mimi stumbles on some funhouse-like mirrors.  It’s probably the most childish we’ve seen her act and it’s a different side to how we saw her in her focus episode when she wanted to push on as soon as possible. Koushiro tries to analyse the rock, but his laptop has completely stopped working and Tentomon picks up on his distress even if he doesn’t say anything.
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Their break is cut short when a swarm of Kuwagamon attack.  Although the digimon all manage to evolve to Adult, they are prevented from evolving further by the relentless attacks by Kuwagamon.  Even running doesn’t turn out well as they stumble across Okuwamon.  Retreating again only ends with them being separated. This is the first time in a few episodes where the Chosen have been so thoroughly outmanoeuvred and does a good job of upping the tension.
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Without his laptop to help him analyse, Koushiro can’t calm down enough to think clearly.  However, Kabuterimon’s words snap him out of his fear, and Koushiro’s strategy saves them.  
AtlurKabuterimon’s evolution feels satisfying and well-earned for the episode. It is also a nice change that it happens outside of the fight.  I did find it a little funny though that Koushiro gave Taichi and Mimi a really good strategy and then said this:
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To be fair, all the other evolutions have also had head-on fights and in terms of type, AtlurKabuterimon should have the advantage.  It was just a bit funny after all the talk of strategy up until this point.  It’s a good fight scene though and I don’t feel like the above took too much away from it.  It’s definitely a cool moment for Koushiro and AtlurKabuterimon.
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Oh, now the laptop starts working again! But with an upgrade.  I imagine we’ll be finding out what that entails soon enough.
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Final Thoughts:
I really liked certain aspects of this episode: the dynamic between Jou, Sora and Yamato; Koushiro’s strategizing; and the tension from Okuwamon and Kuwagamons’ attacks.  I do feel that this episode could’ve had a better build-up though. We don’t actually see much of the trio heavily relying on Koushiro and his laptop – in fact, he was almost a hindrance in episode 12, insisting on analysing runes that added nothing to the plot (so far) and wasting time that led to Mimi getting separated.  It also didn’t really sit well with me that Koushiro had been putting all this pressure on himself and yet the rest of the group doesn’t acknowledge or address it even after the fact.  Instead, Koushiro’s laptop gets an upgrade (presumably from the Perfect level evolution), and Taichi just says how awesome he is, which almost seems to paper over the conflict of the episode.  Hopefully we’ll see Koushiro using a bit of strategy without his laptop again in future episodes, or at least being a bit more aware of his surroundings while doing so.
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020 Ep 16 Reaction
That was sure a thing that happened!  I do not know what to make of it!
OKAY so Team Chaos walked into a cave last time and popped out in Tokyo.  At the time, I thought that Taichi, Koushiro, and Mimi explored the cave purely because “it was weird.”  But Team Sora turned up to join them later, so now I’m like...  Wait, was this the rendezvous point the whole time???  Or???  I don’t remember these digivices having a tracking option like they did in Adventure...
ANYWAY, setting that aside...  Team Chaos finds themselves in Tokyo, wandering totally silent crowds who don’t notice the digimon.  Koushiro gently points out that something is weird- although I think it’s hilarious that “there’s wind in this cave” was judged weirder than “no one is talking or reacting to the digimon,” but I digress-
Anyway, Mimi wants a...  An avocado cheeseburger, which is a large talking point in this ep- apparently Mimi was the Agumon of the reboot all along- and, uh...  Yeah, Mimi is too pumped to be home to notice that things are odd.  Taichi seems pretty chill, too.  Koushiro looks disturbed the whole time, but doesn’t say much about it.  
Anyway, when the kids finally try talking to someone (and was it me, or did a lot of the random adults have Hikari’s exact Tri hairstyle?????), and the humans all repeat a phrase or two on loop.  Surprise!  They haven’t left the Digital World at all, and they’re in sort of... a virtual simulation of Tokyo.
(Speaking of which, I guess the kids don’t live in Odaiba in the reboot!  I hadn’t thought about it before, but clearly, Taichi and Koushiro live in Shibuya.  I think Mimi was heading elsewhere, apparently an expensive part of Tokyo according to Taichi, but somewhere nearby).  Admittedly, all I know about Shibuya is: railways, shopping, nightlife.  Kinda different from Odaiba, a residential area!)
So, in my opinion, it was a bit boring waiting for the obvious payoff that the kids weren’t actually home...  And I would have liked more suspicion (and for Koushiro to speak up more; he was clearly sensing a problem the whole time).  But the visuals were really fun when Eyesmon and baby Eyesmon revealed themselves!  Kind of a Pokemon vibe, with like...  Maybe a mob of ghost Pokemon in the tunnels, working together?  
So, Eyesmon used “Tokyo data” (retrieved from the Network, I wonder?) to make a virtual simulation of Tokyo.  Although it’s only an adult level digimon, its abilities made it difficult to battle; it kept rearranging the simulation to protect itself.
Eventually, Team Sora rolls in (with Weregarurumon sitting, legs crossed, on Zudomon, looking absolutely over it) to help fight, helpfully evolved all the way to perfect (why do they insist on evolving stepwise???).  And, of course, when we work together it’s much better!  They defeat Eyesmon, and we find out that:
1.)  It’s almost been 72 hours on earth, ie full power outage in Tokyo is near
2.)  Time seems to have synced up between the Digital World and earth, so the Chosen have lost their “slowed down time” advantage
3.)  Yuuko...  Doesn’t seem...  Concerned???  That Taichi has been gone... for roughly 72 hours?  And...  She is evacuating Tokyo... without him???  But that’s okay, because he’ll... call...  When he arrives home...  Assuming his mobile phone (which are canonically mysteriously functioning during the outages, along with the internet) does not lose all its power.  WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, YUUKO.  SURE, LET’S FOCUS ON THE HEALTH INSURANCE CARDS, THAT’S THE FREAKING PROBLEM HERE.
This is one of those eps were the immediate “what now” seems more interesting than the setup.  Like... really, what now?  Huh.
So this is minor, but you know what I noticed this ep?  There’s a part where Mimi is scared, and she seems really let down that she’s not actually home.  Palmon says, “Mimi, let’s get that burger together when this is over,” and takes Mimi’s hand really sweetly, so Mimi will have the courage to face a truly horrifying opponent.  Like, the humans all grinning and turning on them and morphing into eyeball monsters?  Yikes!
My point here is that the Chosen Child/digimon bond seems a little different in the reboot.  The digimon and kids seem a little less... on the same mental level?  The digimon are always offering emotional support to get the kids through problems, instead of mostly physical support in fights.  Like, okay, for sure the digimon always support the kids, but...  The digimon seem to take on an older, advice-giving, guiding role in the reboot.
We see this the most with Gomamon, who basically held Jyou’s hand through everything, especially the first perfect evolution...  But we also saw it with Tentomon guiding Koushiro through his self-confidence breakdown, and with Gabumon seeing through Yamato’s fronts, and with Palmon gently guiding Mimi and being conscious of her emotions.
It feels a little less like “the other me, on my level as a child” and more like “my protector and personal life coach.”  
It’s an interesting shift!  I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts on this.
And let’s just wait and see where the heck this goes next week, because I got no ding dang idea.
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{D I G I M O N} ~ K O U S H I R O & T E N T O M O N
{From here!}
(2nd Re-size by Me) {DO NOT RE POST} (Please ASK to Use)
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izzyizumi · 1 year
ME: Everyone shut up "Be The Winners" from "Digimon Adventure:" (2020 reboot) is playing!!!
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{DigiAdv 2020 Ep. 59} ~ 2020!Koushiro & INFO DUMPING {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Dear ANYONE going to Toei's AnimeNYC panel (tonight?!??!) -
(I'd much rather everyone stay safe and NOT go to cons but) on the off chance someone is going to be there either way --
PLEASE report back with news on 2020!Koushiro's possible Voice Actor (or Impressions of them) + the Taishiro in Ep01+02
The Entire Taishiro Fandom Will Thank You Immensely
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{Gif by Me} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use) {Post marked 'no re-blog' because we'll have news by tonight maybe?!? idek I'm just throwing this out there}
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izzyizumi · 1 year
Digimon Adventure (Series) + 2020 reboot series x Zutomayo - {note: if top is not displaying properly, check the above link!}
"STUDY ME?" / "Figure it Out?" / "I'M (/KOUSHIRO'S) NOT A 'PROBLEM' TO BE 'SOLVED'"
Featuring duo/ship/O.T.P.: KouTai / Taishiro[u]; Koushiro[u] Izumi x Taichi Yagami
It is recommended you read the lyrics before or after watching! (Check under the 'read more' for more info/lyrics!)
(Characters Koushiro is otherwise involved with, like Izumi family, Tentomon, Jou, Yamato, Menoa, and Mimi; + vs. Vademon also show briefly at times but the focus is Koushiro & 2020!Koushiro + KouTai with minor spoilers from tri, Kokuhaku, BNM, Kizuna, and 2020 + its ending)
This A.M.V. was pretty much made on a complete whim after I heard this thanks to a Japanese Taishiro/TaiKou fan on Twitter recommending another by this group as "DEFINITELY a TaiKou song" and let's just say Yes I see a Theme & Patterns going {with this group's songs+lyrics!} and I am Spilling Koushiro Thoughts Via Analysis by A.M.V. As a result it IS in actuality semi canon compliant to a very strong degree, but please keep in mind the intended pairing is mainly KouTai (though I ship various other Koushiro ships too!)
{I do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdvs (C) Toei; this is FAN MADE}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure / 02 / tri. / Last Evolution: Kizuna / “2020:” (Reboot Series) A.M.V. [Preview] ~ “rob0t” b0y (Robot Boy) [As this is technically still a preview, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro (& side/e.t.c {YamaKouTai)}; as friendly) [+Izumi Family; & Tentomon] MUSIC (C) Linkin Park Digimon Adventure{s} (C) Toei Animation {Some minimal Koushiro-spoiler[s] for Tri & 2020} (mainly Koushiro focus eps) [& Kizuna end credits!Koushiro at end]
{Lyrics + Commentary under the ‘
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Other Digimon Adventure & 02 fans often ask me “why” Koushiro Izumi (known as “Izzy” in the U.S. dub, he’s mainly and very specifically intended as “Koushiro” here - but I love “Izzy” too, so!) is one of my top favorite Chosen Children, (if not my MOST favorite) “even” within his CANON storyline, in all versions of the series. This A.M.V. is probably the closest you’ll get to a ‘full’ answer from me. On a side note, June 18th is actually Autism Pride Day! (Though I was intending this A.M.V. to be for the August 1st anniversary...) As an ‘ActuallyAutistic’ fan-works creator, I’ll be glad if other fans can enjoy this A.M.V. when they ask me “why” I appreciate this character so much, on a personal level.
Because that’s something that can be pretty hard to explain in words, but maybe it shows through at least a little here.
This A.M.V. took about 10 full hours to make in total, and it contains about 117 clips (not including the last couple of clips.) The second to last clip (after the song) contains a scene from Digimon Adventure “2020:” Episode 36 (Un-subbed, I’m adding that later) (which also appears throughout the A.M.V., among the start of “2020:”) The “2020:” ending episodes’ (namely Ep. 66)’s Koushiro scenes relevancy are also used in some spots, though the final battle itself is not seen much outside those. There are some Tri spoilers from the middle and ends of the 3rd & 6th parts, especially, but again, the most major of final battles is not shown frequently (only a single post-battle moment, but it does imply some things.)
(I’m also including a lot of cross-canon ‘Parallels’ I’ve noticed in this Can you note/find them all?)
(Note: replying/Tags that are positive/respectful are ok!)
You say you're not gonna fight 'Cause no one would fight for you
And you think there's not enough love And no one to give it to And you're sure you've hurt for so long You've got nothing left to lose So you say you're not gonna fight 'Cause no one would fight for you You say the weight of the world Has kept you from letting go And you think compassion's a flaw And you'll never let it show And you're sure you've hurt in a way That no one will ever know But someday the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go Hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go So hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go So hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go Just hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go...
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