#ive been watching 2012 tmnt
dippyisawsomer · 1 year
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I edited the base I made, and got a ton of orders that I have to finish now, which ig means that I did SOMETHING right
I know its temporarily closed but the pinglist is wide open for anyone (I can add a special note for myself (or just make different pinglists on a doc or something) if you only want to be pinged for a certain thing + it kinda works as a bump so it's a win-win)
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matryoshkalex · 3 months
so,,, i may or may not have Returned to my tmnt hyperfixation,,, and have finally started watching rise! i had watched the first episode a while ago and idk wasn't super into it but ive gotten a few episodes in this time and oh my god i love them
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eyesoftheholder · 1 year
2012 tmnt scares me so much i hear “oh yeah remember when raph turned into a plant” and nothing else
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anissapierce · 1 year
And with that final episode im all caught with yj. Honestly i literally forgot how jackie died and bc of a recent post i misconstrued i thought she fought against a bear? Despite remebering now that literally right after the ep came out i heard at least one podcast mentioning how she died. Also i misunderstood a gifset and thought that taissa discovered what she did in her sleep despite literally reading a textpost that dispelled that. Loved the proto evangelion moment. It wasnt as tense of an episode as i expected to be and tbh i thought that wed see what the show began with tied in more. Neway misty is still probably my favorite
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aroacewolfic · 4 months
its currently 2:30pm and i havent eaten all day but for some reason all I want is pizza or pizza pockets just something pizzary just gimme pizza
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octolingkiera · 6 months
12, 14, 17, 23!
omg hiiii anon~ lol thanks for the ask!! :0
(the list)
12. Favorite turtle across all iterations?
i havent seen most tmnts, so i don't know if i have a single favorite across All iterations, exactly, but i can name my favorite one(s) from the ones ive seen! (which are rise, MM, and 87)
(i need to watch more but there's scheduling conflicts with friends and sitting down to watch new stuff is so hard sometimes WAH)
SO!! for rise, my favorites are leo and donnie (they're constantly engaged in a fist fight in my head for who's number one, tho leo tends to edge donnie out more often) bc they're both just. chefkiss. hashtag relatable and also just absolutely hilarious
for 87 i really like raphael bc he's a snarky little shit, tho donatello is also really great bc he's just. casually unhinged lol
MM raph is also really great (and also lowkey unhinged) but i like the others as well. i feel like it'll be easier to pass judgement on favorites once the show is out and we get to see them in some different situations!!
as a bonus, just judging from fanworks ive seen, i think i'd also be a fan of 2003 donnie (who is also casually unhinged from the sounds of things) andddd idk, 2012 mikey??? he's just a silly lil guy
14. Which character would you want to be friends with?
ooooh uhhhh. prolly Any of the mikeys tbh LOL (except bayverse 💀) tho 87 raphael and rise leo and donnie would be an absolute riot to hang out with lol. i feel like the three of them together would just shoot the shit and be the WORST gossips but in like the best way lol
17. What’s your favorite pizza topping(s)?
im super lame in that my favorite toppings are just. cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon,,, lol. im not a fan of most vegetables, and something like hawaiian... i dont like ham at all, so that's a no from me just bc of that
23. If you could have a tmnt crossover with ANY other series, which would it be?
oooh that's a tough one. i feel like tmnt could make for some really fun crossovers with both other superhero series, and also series either based in NYC or having to do with like. weird scifi/fantasy/supernatural stuff. there's a LOT of like. aliens and robots and magic stuff in tmnt, (like WAY more than i expected going into the 87 show after rise) so i feel like a lot of stuff could be twisted to work well
ive seen some really good rise crossovers with marvel/dc, a few really fun danny phantom crossovers, and even a couple with gravity falls. ive ALSO seen a couple with sonic and some of them make me laugh so hard reading the summary that i don't think i'd be able to read them lol. the first fic i ever read with tmnt in it WAS actually a sonic crossover (that i read on ffn waaaaaay back in the day) so in a way it's like returning to my roots lol
i love seeing specific crossovers of my interests so if i see one that grabs my attention im all over it lol
more specifically, i would love to see a crossover with rise of the tmnt and american dragon jake long, and it's like. a future project of mine. i've been talking about it with a friend and telling her for Months that they have a lot in common and it would make for an interesting fic. there's some serious potential there i think!!
(on a more theoretical note, ive also done some really light brainstorming/daydreaming about a potential rise/undertale crossover bc i think it'd make for some neat scenarios lol)
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
Hello. I have never seen an "teenage mutant ninja turtles" show, comic, or movie. The characters however, appeal to me. If any one show or movie would suffice, where should I begin? Other sources have not been helpful.
OHHH GODDD OK WELL. OK SO. the thing is that different iterations are SO different i'm not entirely convinced that comparing them to each other is very ?? helpful?? a lot of people these days get into tmnt through the 2018 animated show Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. HOWEVER, that show only has like 2 seasons and is not the end all be all of the tmnt universe.
it's kind of hard for me to advise you to watch or read any one specific piece of tmnt media to get into it, because I kind of just already knew about it the entire time growing up?? like i never really actively watched it but i was generally aware of the concept for my entire life.
and i'm not sure exactly ABOUT the tmnt characters interests you, so i wouldn't know where to point you.
with all that as a disclaimer here's some of the more popular film/tv shows (I'm about as lost as you when it comes to the comics to be honest)
ROTTMNT/rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. it's the newest series as far as i know and it has fantastic animation. it's very funny and lighthearted most of the time and the boys even get magic powers (eventually) it's the one that really got me into tmnt. this one kind of switches around the roles of the characters. Usually you'll see Raph being depicted as the rash one, or the one with anger issues who strikes out on his own (and i still think thats true to an extent in rottmnt) but he, as well as Leo, are definitely portrayed in a different way than normal in rottmnt. which i like tbh it's fun. (i could write a whole essay about how their characters are different but also kind of the same in rottmnt vs other media but that would take all day)
TMNT 2012 series. The 2012 series is very influential as well, and heavily beloved by many. I haven't seen all of it yet, but it's biggest drawbacks (to me at least) is its very 2010's american childrens show style of comedy which can come off as uncomfortably cruel/annoying if you aren't ok with it. it's also an early years CGI animated show, so sometimes things don't look as good as they could. STILL it's definitely interesting and i like the dynamics between the brothers there so I'd give it a chance.
TMNT 2003 series. honestly i havent heard a lot about this one, but i really like the style and ive watched a few episodes of it, and it's definitely solid, sorry i can't say much more than that.
TMNT 1987 series. also can't say much about this one but it is hella goofy from what i've watched of it. it's also the original cartoon series i believe, airing as a sort of "saturday morning cartoon" situation.
TMNT 1990 movie. this one is part of a trilogy of tmnt movies, but i've only seen the first and a half movies. I really enjoyed the first one, it was a fun time and kind of campy, and the guy who plays casey jones is cute. this one is live action and the turtle costumes can look off putting to some people, but personally i liked them.
im sure people in the replies/reblogs of this post will add their opinions too haha
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sleepyheadd0 · 8 months
tmnt 2012: splinter projecting himself and shredder onto leo and raph
a rant / analysis
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1.4k words; unedited
under cut
okay okay, im gonna try to talk about this as clearly and concisely as i can. 2012 splinter is projecting his relationship with shredder onto leo and raph. people have probably talked about this but i just wanna explain my point of view on this.
so. as the story goes, shredder (also known as oroku saki) was found by splinter's (also known as hamato yoshi) father after the foot clan was defeated. splinter's dad adopted shredder and raised him as his own, having splinter and shredder be brothers. we all know this (i assume).
we also know that splinter and shredder's relationship, while always competitive, doubled down on that (and even became bitter and spiteful, even on both sides at points), when tang shen is added into the mix. as the story goes, both splinter and shredder fall in love with tang shen, but she falls in love with splinter, and so shredder gets all pissy and violence occurs. since they couldn't come to an agreement, tang shen died and miwa (now known as karai) was literally kidnapped by shredder.
but what does this have to do with leo and raph? lemme tell you what
leo and raph, in the very beginning of the series (literally the pilot), are introduced to us to be butting heads, even after sparring is over. as the pilot continues, raph is bitter that leo was chosen as leader, even though raph was physically stronger than leo. even after it was proved that raph couldn't be leader (and leo got to stay leader), there was always some sort of tension between the two throughout the course of the series (or at least up to season four, i have yet to find a way to watch season five and watch their dynamic during then. but i figure, given the clips ive seen, that their tension seemed to mellow out in that final season.)
do you see any parallels there? because i do
so. two brothers, training to be ninjas in the hamato clan. growing up, they were always butting heads, but that's not to say there was any malicious intent in that. then, one day, something the both of them want is added. (tang shen for splinter and shredder, leadership for leo and raph.) this only causes more tension to grow between them, causing their previous unharmful headbutting to take a turn for something a bit more hurtful. next, this special something is chosen for the more responsible brother. (tang shen falling in love with splinter, and it being proven that leo is the only brother with the mental ability to lead the team.) this, of course, only deepens the hot headed brother's bitterness; which in turn makes this brother act out in aggression towards the responsible brother. (shredder attempting to murder splinter, and raph having less self control when training against leo. (if im not wrong, there's an episode where raph's anger gets the best of him, and he goes too far on training with leo. if anyone can confirm that, that would be great lmao).).
so why do i say splinter is projecting this relationship onto leo and raph? great question.
as seen throughout the series, it's not all that difficult to see how splinter has farm more of a relationship with leo than he does raph, donnie, and mikey. the blatant favoritism is, due to what i believe, is seeing his younger self in leo. he's hardworking, responsible, reliable, diligent, and would do anything for the hamato clan / family. this is how we saw splinter himself act when the turtles went back in time when they first met renet. and if it's true that splinter saw his younger self in leo, then he very easily could've been seeing shredder's younger self in raph.
raph, being impulsive, having a short fuse, being very physically powerful, butting heads with the responsible brother, those are all traits that shredder had when he was younger. even the way that leo and raph's relationship dynamic was, it was parallel to splinter and shredder's. and when splinter declared leo the leader, that parallel became even more apparent.
but, splinter had already seen first hand how that parallel ended the first time: death, loss, and overall tragedy. and so, i believe splinter decided to try and nip the problem in the bud.
with raph, we can see splinter time and time again trying to mellow raph's anger; to have him bottle it up instead of letting it be a part of him and learning to control it. the biggest example i can think of is the episode "turtle temper", one of, if not the first proper non pilot episode of the entire series. not only does splinter set raph up for failure with his training exercise, but he literally told raph a story of him and shredder, and how the shredder exploited splinter's anger. even though splinter was comparing shredder to someone else, the use of a story about splinter and shredder leads me to believe that splinter could be using those experiences, in more ways than the one shown in "turtle temper", to help splinter parent raph and leo. now, while not actively villainizing raph, splinter still does paint raph's anger issues in a darker light than what they are.
and on the flip side, how does this affect splinter's parenting of leo? well, splinter already saw what happened if that parallel went on, and it only led to death and suffering. and with tang shen literally sacrificing herself to save splinter, i feel as though splinter could believe he failed tang shen and miwa. so with splinter being splinter, he tried to teach leo to not fail in the ways splinter believes he did. the harshness and strictness, far more one on one time spent with leo on screen, hell, even telling leo he'll have to take splinter's job as both a mentor and father to his brothers when splinter passes? it's hard for me to not believe splinter is projecting onto leo. this is simply because splinter just doesn't want history repeating; he doesn't want another shredder created out of his son.
but, from what clips ive seen of season 5, it wasn't even necessary. leo and raph do get along while splinter isn't there to project, and that's even happened a bit in the space arc. (only major argument i remember between them in that arc is when they were on the corrupted planet.)
because leo and raph AREN'T splinter and shredder... they're LEO AND RAPH.
they're different people with different morals and motivations. but splinter didn't quite see that.
also, when the tang shen situation was happening, i feel like grandpa hamato was kinda pushed in between the conflict between splinter and shredder; unable to choose just one side to support, but getting pushed to the back either way. i think this parallels with donnie and mikey; they can't chose between leo and raph to support all the time, because they're their brothers. but they get pushed to the back and out of focus; and now also out of splinter's focus specially.
now i have seen those ending clips of season five, and i believe this can be seen as why splinter only hugged leo and karai.
-leo: he still saw himself in. but now, he could also see the success that he himself was unable to achieve.
-karai: his daughter, the one he thought he lost due to the conflict between him and shredder. she was one of the driving forces in the conflict, and came out still on splinter's side.
-raph: while splinter still loves raph dearly, just as i assume he still loves shredder dearly, the dark legacy of the shredder still taints his view of raph unintentionally.
-donnie and mikey: like his father, he loves them both dearly. but, like their grandfather, they ultimately got pushed to the side unintentionally. still loved greatly, just not the main priority.
now, do i think this is all canon? no, it's like 99% likely to not me. i was probably really reaching with this, and it could've just been completely unintentional by writers and just came about because of recycled conflicts. but it is now 6:34 am so i don't care.
thanks for reading lolzies.
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thimbleb3rries · 2 months
What happened was..🧍‍♂️ an old hyperfixation came back from the dead and punched me in the face??? HAHSGAHA
TMNT community.. hello 👋👁👁 I’ve had nothing but turtles on the brain for weeks and I’ve made some art
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The 2012 turtles are my favorite because those are the ones I grew up watching ❤️
I’m still figuring out how I wanna draw them. I love seeing people use different greens and speckles and little things that give them some uniqueness so I’ve been messing with those
Also really fun when they're drawn with nostrils it's so cute
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Also really love Casey Jones, ultimate silly guy
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I’m putting him under the hydraulic press I love him
I haven’t gotten past season two UNFORTUNATELYYY 💔💔 but I’m working on watching 3-5 eventually
also teaching myself to draw the rottmnt boys as well because oh my gosh they are so precious to me i love their sharp lines and angular shapes
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pinazee · 6 months
Ive seen every tmnt show. Here are my awards (because i like making lists but ranking them was too hard with such a variety of tones)
Best turtles personalities/ brotherhood dynamic:
Rise (im sorry, but Leo getting to be the fun, laid-back guy was such a shift i actually felt sorry for the other Leo’s for having to be so serious. And Mikey getting to be a sweet innocent lamb instead of just a lovable idiot made him so precious to me)
Best April:
-Rise (she’s so weird and so fun and i love her)
Best Casey Jones:
-2012 (chaos loving little freak lol)
Best Splinter:
-2012 (i liked his full story and that he got to have some humor too. Plus that ep with all the baby turtles was cute)
Best use of Shredder:
-2003 (a solid villain. I prefer the backstory and motivation of ‘12 tbh, but overall i think he was best utilized in ‘03)
Best animation:
-Rise (i love, love, love that they’re all different types of turtles. Donnie covering his soft shell with his tech??? Genius)
Best overall plot structure:
-2003 (good pace, plus Usagi was fantastic)
Best theme:
-1987 (its iconic for a reason.)
Best sarcasm/ ha ha’s:
-1987 (that is the humor of the show. They perfected it haha and i need season 3 ROTTMNT so Raphael can really come into his sarcastic roots, thank you)
TMNT wasn’t a part of my childhood because it would’ve been the serious ‘03 one and i liked the haha’s. But im glad i watched it now. ROTTMNT is probably my turtles (they are all so precious) but the new Mutant Mayhem was a delight. I really hope we can get more of both.
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t4tails · 1 year
is donatello actually canonically autistic in rottmnt or are you all big liars bc ive been background playing tmnt 2012 for nostalgia reasons while i do work and im considering watching it maybe
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matryoshkalex · 2 months
i finished season 1 of rise and realized season 2 isn't on netflix 😭 but i found somewhere to finally go and finish 2012 so,,, i just finished season 3 (though i did watch it way back when, i had mostly forgotten what happened after vision quest tbh) n damn,,,, i forgot abt splinter :'( mikey crying was what got me though, i genuinely started tearing up. i think i stopped watching somewhere in the beginning of season 4 so imma try to get through it quickly n then go find somewhere to finish rise bc i really wanna get to the movie
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ccasey0 · 23 days
Nooooooooo but I'm so very mysterious- you can't know who I am!!! >:(((
Also, no, I enjoy this as well. Just paranoid that I will annoy people. (One of the reasons I am anon >.<)
Ah, yes, I do enjoy TMNT. Rise is my favorite, though I have been trying to get myself out of that bubble and into watching other iterations for a while now. (It has not been successful) I've seen some 2012 and the weird anime, that's about it.
How many iterations have you seen? And have you seen the weird anime they did? There is like... three episodes I think.
-mystery anon
HUH?!?! there is a tmnt ANIME?? no, i havent seen it. but now i want to! ive seen the 2012 series, the batman crossover, some of the 2003, Rise series, rise movie, the bayverse, the creepy live action with the weird suits(just the first two. i refuse to watch the one with venus.), the really good CGI one that lionsgate owns, mutant mayhem, and that one mini animated movie based on the 12 series: Blast to the Past. i wanna watch the 1987 one, but it isnt available to me currently. I cant wait for tottmnt tho!
does pineapple belong on pizza? explain.
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alyxmin · 10 months
i only got into it a little less than two months ago but ive been so fixated on it i finished rise, im like midway thru 2012, ive read a bunch of comics and i know a LOT about the timeline of tmnt as a franchise for whatever reason. THIS IS SO AWESOME YAYAYY!!!!!!!!!
YOOOOO THATS SO COOL !!!! tmnt is such a Franchise i swear. it’s absolutely insane how much lore is there just abt four walking turtles. also good luck finishing 2012 LOL. when i was reeeeally into it i think i stopped watching it around season 4 ish, just because i stopped watching episodes once they released and kinda just. forgot abt it 💀💀 and i remember the plot was actually just insane. idk what the writers were on but it was certainly Interesting. recently rewatched season 1 and GOD that show still make me froth at the mouth despite it being pretty questionable at some points 💀💀 there’s SO much i can say abt tmnt it’s just such a franchise. happy your into it though :D !!!!!
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tazzykiki · 4 months
What fandoms are you in right now I need to get caught up on tazzykiki lore,
i love tv and movie and viddy gaem so muchh
-My Hero Academia(am anime only, specifically dub because apparently i love roleplaying as internet explorer and experiencing century long delays )
-Godzilla(mostly monsterverse, shin, and minus one.)
-everything Sailor Moon!(i'm currently rewatching the 90's series and then Crystal and hopefully followed by me continuing the live action series)
-Genshin Impact(even tho i havent played in like over two weeks-)
-Honkai Star Rail...kinda? I've not caught up and am going slow with it so lol
-TMNT(mostly 2012 and Rise but am familiar with most other versions)
-Transformers(Mostly Prime and Earthspark. But also really into Beast Wars and Cyberverse)
-Madoka Magica & Magia Record(tho magia record is more passive because the NA servers were shut down a few years ago and the anime was shit)
-Evangelion, both og and rebuild.
-Ninjago! Currently waiting for new season of dragons rising
-How to Train Your Dragon, always and forever. it will never leave me NEVER. If you mention the nine realms to me you legally owe me emotional compensation of one billion dollars
-Rise of the Guardians which ive been meaning to rewatch for the past like 5 years
-Demon Slayer(also anime only...and dub only[at least bnha is simulcasted haha i have to watch demon slayer a year after everyone else])
-Birdy the Mighty: Decode...if it was more than like two people and a piece of lint. it's me and my tiny playlist of collected amvs against the world!
There's a whole bunch of other stuff im into that pops up every so often and others i would gush about but may not be active in the fandom itself, or just havent interacted with in so long i barely remember it.
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punkray · 3 months
ay, been following u for a while! was wondering what’s a good place to start w/ tmnt
Honestly i think you should start off with 2003. it's more aligned with the mirage comics and its such a good show in general. after that you can watch any other iteration. personally, i started with rise and that one is my favorite out of all the shows i've watched.
i also watched 2012 since that one gets the most praise, but i didnt like it tbh....
check out the IDW comics too ive heard theyre really good as well
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