#itzy yuna fluff
writers-ex · 1 year
literally blushing at the thought of yuna being protective ash over 6th member reader like getting mad at fans if they get too close to yn and make them uncomfy and just holding yns hand and dragging them away from paparazzi/dispatch also her always having her hand around yns waist and holding her hand or literally just being really intimate on lives w yn
uwu yessss soft yuna headcanons
like even though she's the youngest in the group she can't help but be overprotective of you since she may or may not have a crush on you, always being by your side yuna has one arm on your waist and another making sure no one stepped inside the lil barrier she makes moving her hand around, she's fine with you being with the other members but should someone from another group get closer to you ooooh is she livid and possessive that the fans make edits of the two of you and write the ff about your personal lives which she may or may not also read...however if during a fansign or dispatch decides to get too up close and personal you can bet yuna will be standing right behind you glaring at whoever and pulling you away with such force that you didn't know the younger had, she'll nag and whine about your personal space and often times you have to calm her down with a kiss on the cheek which usually shuts her up and makes her blush giggling at the girl who made your idol life more colorful and joyful than before
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nichuuu · 8 months
Dried Things & Humanity
말린 것들과 인류
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Word count: 13k+ SMUTLESS FIC
"The world, after all, was still a place of bottomless horror. It was by no means a place of childlike simplicity where everything could be settled by a simple then-and-there decision" ~Osamu Dazai
Dried flowers. 
They sat by your bedside, a constant reminder of how far you would go for love—A love that would never be anything more than a short-lived euphoria. They’d died some time ago, wilting rather quickly under a lack of care, but you kept them. The text that came when spring first rolled around saying hey let’s break up was not expected, neither was the part where she blocked you, nor was the part where you almost jumped off a bridge. Yet it all happened, a confusing, muddled, mish mash of events that went down over the span of a week. If it weren’t for your friends, you would be at the bottom of the river by now, joining your grandfather and maybe your family dog up in the clouds, or wherever it was that spirits wandered to. At the moment, getting out of this life didn’t seem like too bad of an idea.
You stupid child! Your mother had chided when she found out about what you almost did. What do you think you would’ve achieved with that? What good will it do? 
Then she hugged you, held you tight and sobbed as she thanked god for letting you live another day. Frankly, you didn’t know what was the appropriate response for your mother. You opted to hug her back, tearfully whispering your endless apologies to her. Even though you promised to never make another attempt on your life, the fear of losing her only boy still lingered in your mother’s mind. Your mother and father were always in the office. So, in fear that living alone would drive you to the worst possible option, she sent you to live with your uncle who ran a secondhand bookshop in a small town not too far from the city. She filled him in with what happened and pleaded for him to help you “recover”.
“Don’t worry little sis,” he assured your mother. He threw an arm around you, “I’ll take care of him like he’s my own son. We’ll get along, won’t we?”
Park Sang-hoon—the people living in the area called him “the librarian”—was your mother’s older brother. You hadn’t seen him since you graduated from middle school, and he’d certainly aged from the last time you saw him. The hair that was once jet black and slicked back was turning white and receding. The same friendly complexion remained however, the amiable smile that you remembered greeting you when he opened the door to his house. It was a stone's throw away from the bookstore.
The house and the business had been imparted upon him by your grandparents. It was relatively small, but there was enough room for the two of you to live with your own privacy (though that didn't really matter since he’d just come barging into the room you stayed in anyway.)
The door to your room flung open. “Hey kid! Rise and shine!”
You grumbled something incoherent and pulled the blanket over your head. 
“Up! Up! It’s time to get up!” your uncle bellowed in a sing-song tone, “there are so many things to see and do! Get up you lazy child!”
Your blanket was yanked off your entire body.
“Is this really necessary?” you snapped. Your uncle grinned.
“No. But it’s fun,” he beamed. You rolled your eyes and rolled onto your left side, you back facing him, 
“Leave me alone…” you muttered, “let me sleep…”
“I’ve been letting you do that for the past week,” your uncle huffed, “now your mother is calling me, demanding to know if you’d even emerged from this room. She said some mean things to me, you know?”
You sighed and turned onto your back. “I’ll go out tomorrow…”
Your uncle sighed. “Let me tell you something…”
Let me tell you something was the signal for you to tune out. “Let me tell you something”, “Let me tell you this”—your uncle always said these before he launched into a long rambling story that really added no value to what he was trying to say. It was either that or he’d leave you with a cryptic message to decipher yourself. You never understood why he did that, it was probably just an old people thing.
By the time he was done with his little storytime, you were still in bed. With another heavy sigh, your uncle said, “fine… If you’re not gonna go anywhere today, at least come and help me with the store.”
Your mind told you to stay in bed, but your body told you that you needed to get outside. You decided to listen to the latter party for once. 
The bookshop was old, one of those shophouses down a stretch of road that townsfolk usually walked past on the daily. Needless to say, the store wasn’t the most appealing from the outside. The inside however—That was something else.
You remembered visiting the bookstore with your mother once or twice. A stack of books nearly fell on you that time, and your uncle was berated rather viciously. He’d definitely made some improvements in the time you were away. The store was warm, cosy and relatively organised. The shelves were evidently a little worn from the years, but they still looked and felt sturdy to the touch.  It was a welcoming environment, the interior bearing a striking resemblance to a bookstore of the early 90s.
“I’ve kept up with the times!” your uncle boasted proudly, “nowadays everyone and their mothers are all into this retro aesthetic, so I made sure to keep as much of the hip and cool retro feel.”
Your uncle definitely did his research. You couldn’t help but look upon the shelves filled with books with awe. “This is…”
“Pretty lit, am I right?” your uncle grinned. You cringed.
Your uncle frowned. “What? Did I not use the phrase correctly?”
“N-No it’s just… Ah whatever,” you muttered.
“Damn… I swear I had the meaning for that one down,” your uncle muttered, “the slang of the youth… Such an odd thing.”
After giving you a little more time to admire the place, your uncle tossed you an apron and instructed you to put it on. 
“I’m alright with letting you stay with me for free,” your uncle told you as he helped you tie the strings of the apron behind your back, “but I won’t let you wallow in this post-breakup sadness all day.”
He spun you around, his hands gripping your shoulders tightly. “You just graduated from highschool, no?”
You nodded. 
“Perfect, you’ll need some job experience then,” he grinned, “from now on. You’ll work for me till your stay here is over!”
And so it began. From that day onwards, you started filling shelves, dusting books, pasting on price tags and flipping through pages of books that had been sold to the store to assess the state of the book. It was far from enjoyable in the beginning. It felt akin to the life of Andy Dufrane in Shawshank redemption, the same old routine repeated day after day in what felt like an endless cycle. You were up early in the morning to open the shop with your uncle, the brown apron on your person by 7am in the morning and the door to the shop open by 9am after you were with the opening up preparations. You had to flip the plastic sign hanging on the door from “open” to “closed” every morning, and from “open” back to “closed” in the late evenings. Lunch was usually around 12pm, where your uncle would go out to one of the nearby restaurants to get lunch for the two of you. You’d sit opposite each other in the small break room that sat behind the counter, munching on whatever he bought. 
Handling customers was also another gruelling task. You admittedly didn’t have a voracious appetite for books, many authors sounding foreign to you. A good majority of the books that the store had on hand were classics from esteemed authors, varying in language, length and appeal. When customers asked you what you’d recommend, you could only shrug, earning yourself a nasty gare before they walked off. When they asked about the disparity between the prices of the same book, you could only stare blankly before calling to your uncle.The store had duplicates of some books, the only thing separating the copies being the cover art or the type of book cover. 
“Let me tell you something,” your uncle had told you one fine day, “hardcover books are much more valuable than the usual soft cover books. You want to know why?”
That last part wasn’t a question, rather more of a filler. Apparently, a hardcover was typically more durable, allowing it to better protect the pages within. This meant that the book would stay in better condition for longer. Ultimately, the process and materials needed for hardcover book printing were more expensive, hence this cost is passed on to readers. 
“Capitalism,” you muttered, placing the hardcover version of Greek Lessons by Han Kang on the shelf. 
As for the cover art—Some covers were objectively more appealing than the other, making the book more valuable. This was the case for Osamu Dazai’s No Longer Human. The two covers looked about the same to you. 
 On some days, you wondered how such an old secondhand bookstore could’ve lasted for so long. There were days where you only sold two books for little Won each, and those were typically on weekdays where some of the townsfolk—usually on the more elderly side—would come through the doors and browse through the books. But on the weekends, you were reminded just how hectic this place could get. The youth from the city loved to flood the shop over the weekends, making the commute from the heart of the country to this small shop in a small town to browse through the seemingly endless selection of books.The line to the counter often snaked out the door and onto the street on those days, and your fingers would be aching by the end of the day—A byproduct of gripping those handles of those paper bags while struggling to get them open.
After a week or two, you got used to the whole routine. It didn’t help to remove the monotony of your tasks however, and you often found yourself wondering how your uncle could run this place on his own for so long. With the memories of your ex still tormenting your mind, you found it hard to focus on your tasks at times. Sometimes, you just didn’t want to get up in the mornings. The dried flowers by your bedside were a constant reminder of the pain. You’d bought them for her on the day that text came, now you couldn’t let go of them.
One evening, your uncle decided to close up the shop a little earlier. It’d been a slow Wednesday, so there was no harm in resting up a little earlier than usual. 
“Come with me,” he told you after he’d locked the shutter in place, “I want to take you somewhere.”
You walked up the stretch with him, walking past the rows of shophouses that lined the street. You saw bookstores that looked similar to your uncle’s a couple of times, prompting you to wonder just how many people sold secondhand books on this stretch. 
He took you to a small bridge at the end of the road. It was one of those old, traditional Korean bridges with the stone tiling that arched over the water. He took you up to its apex and made you look out into the water. 
“What do you see?” he asked you.
“Is this one of those stupid lectures again?” you muttered.
“Just answer me.”
You sighed. “I see the water and some trees.”
“Good. What else?” he urged. 
“There’s nothing else,” you told him.
“Wrong. Look again.”
You rolled your eyes and set your sights a little further. “I see Cogongrass.”
“What else?”
You were certain that this was one of his stupid little talks again. “Just tell me what you want to say, uncle!”
“Always so impatient…” he chuckled.
Gently, he grabbed your chin and tipped it up. With his other hand, he pointed out into the distance—Past the trees, water, the cogon grass and the roofs of the shophouses. There, you saw the mountains and the roads that stretched for kilometres, the faint shape of those big blue signs that pointed you in the directions to different places.
“You limit yourself to what you see in this area,” he explained, “but you fail to see past this river and this small town.”
He turned you back to face him. You were a little taller than him, so he had to look up at you. He placed both his hands on your shoulders, holding them firmly. 
“You must learn to set your sights further, dear nephew,” he told you, “learn to see past the trees and the water in your mind. Then and only then, will you be able to live once more.” 
The cryptic message left you admittedly puzzled on the way home. It took you some thinking to read between the lines and understand what your uncle had told you—You had to look past the memories of your ex in order to move on with your life. 
“Excellent,” your uncle had praised when you knocked on his door to ask if your interpretation of his message was correct, “I hope that you can remember this. I hate to see you moping around my store. It scares my customers away too!”
Your first step in looking past the memories was to toss out the dried flowers from your bedside. Even though it was painful, you did it. You knew you needed to.
In its place by your bedside, you bought an alarm clock—one of those old ones that still used the hammers to knock the two small bells—And a framed photograph of the town. You bought both of them from one of the nice old ladies who ran a souvenir shop just down the road. 
It was the start of a new beginning. It felt like you were human once more.
Dried Persimmon.
That was what you were munching on when you were handed your first paycheck from your uncle.
“W-Why are you paying me?” you stammered, “I-I thought this was just something to occupy my time!”
“I may be cheap, but I won’t exploit my own nephew!” your uncle laughed, “now quit sneaking snacks on your shift and get back to work!” 
You knew that your uncle was generous, but you never expected him to be this generous. With a smile, you wiped the bits of the dried fruit from the corners of your lips before pocketing the envelope. 
“Thanks,” you beamed. You raised the small jar of dried persimmons and asked, “want one?”
“Tsk. I’m a professional, I don’t eat on my shift,” he sneered. 
“You sure?” you confirmed, “this is a fresh batch from Miss Cho’s…”
“From Miss Cho’s?” he gasped, “gimme some of that!”
You had become well acquainted with the townsfolk, especially with the ones that ran the stores on the same stretch as the bookstore. Sometimes, the sweet old ladies from down the road would come in to deliver some gifts to you and your uncle. Everyone seemed to be friends in this town. Miss Cho was one of the many townsfolk that specialised in dried goods. A sweet lady really, a little older than your mother but not as old as your uncle. Persimmons were seasonal fruits, so they were naturally high in demand in late spring. 
You let your uncle take one piece of the dried fruit before closing the lid and setting it atop the table in the break room. Your uncle stepped aside to let you exit, and you went to continue your shift. 
Surprisingly, it didn’t take too long to move on from your ex. Yes, you did share some fond memories with her, but you found these “core memories” made with her easy to forget. She no longer appeared in your dreams, neither did you think about her when you were going about your tasks. She’d become a distant pain, a pain that you never intend to revisit. 
Once, she did happen to come by the bookstore on a weekend. She walked into the crowded store, hand in hand with a brand new boyfriend while you were calculating somebody’s purchase. You caught yourself staring at her as she browsed through the books, her boyfriend lingering close by as he read over her shoulder. It was then that your uncle firmly grabbed you by the shoulder. He’d seen pictures of her. He could recognise her on sight
“Look past the trees and the water,” he reminded you, before going back to checking out books. You tore away your gaze from them and continued with your work.
When she came out to the counter to pay, the look of shock on her face almost made you want to double over in laughter. Swiftly and wordlessly, you took her books and packaged them neatly in a bag. 
“That will be forty-thousand Won ma’am,” you had smiled respectfully. She was still staring at you, her mouth open in the shape of an “o”.  Her boyfriend had to pay and take the goods from you before directing her out of the store. 
When they left, your uncle gave you a gentle pat on your hand. Well done was what he was trying to say. 
True to your uncle’s lesson, once you had gotten over her, you felt like you were alive. You found that you quickly took a liking to this new lifestyle, immersing yourself in the wide array of books that were at your disposal and even taking home a few to read. It felt like a fresh new chapter had begun in your life, and you were more than ready to welcome its start. The monotony was now welcomed in this slower-paced segment of your life.
“By the way,” your uncle called to you as you set down a box of books. He’d just bought them off a guy moving overseas. “I have a feeling that business will start to pick up soon!’
“Why’s that?” you asked.
“You’ll see…” he smiled. He popped another dried persimmon into his mouth. “Damn! This batch is bussin!”
You cringed. You could get used to life in this small town, but you knew that you’d never get used to your uncle throwing out the slang of your generation. You wondered if he had Tik Tok on his phone or if he’d seen one too many Instagram reels.
With your box cutter, you cut open the tape that sealed the cardboard box, the one that housed the goods. You opened the box. 
“The hell…” you muttered as you stared at the books within, “who did you get these off?”
“Some preschool principal. What’s up?” your uncle asked. 
You produced one of the many alarmingly thin books from the box. “Hate to break it to you but… These are all children’s books.”
Your uncle was never one to swear, but he made a rare exception for that moment. 
“Fuck!” he cussed rather loudly, “I should’ve asked what the contents were!”
You chuckled and placed the book back into the cardboard box. “Don’t worry uncle, we can always sell these to the daycare, can’t we?”
“Bourgeoisie scumbag! I paid a lot for that!” your uncle continued to ramble. You decided that it would be best to silently push the box into the storeroom while he let his frustrations out.
Dried leaves. 
That's what you were sweeping when a black van rolled into the stretch of street. The front doors opened and a man and a woman stepped out. It was early autumn. The leaves of those trees that grew next to the bookstore—Once beautiful and elegant in nature—became pesky as their leaves had begun to wither and fall. Your uncle saw the mess outside the store and immediately got you to start sweeping it up. He couldn’t stand the sight of it.
You halted your broom as the man and woman approached you. 
“Hello,” the woman greeted you, “is this Park’s second hand books?” 
You nodded and pointed at the sign above you. The woman grinned. She turned and told the man to get the gear out. 
You recognised the city accent in their voices. 
The man wrapped around the vehicle and opened the trunk. You tried to look into the van but found that the tinted windows didn’t let you see anything. The man came back around, a heavy video camera—those ones they used to film movies—on his shoulder. The woman approached the door of the van and pulled it open. 
Five girls got out of the van, selfie sticks with Gopros attached to the end in their hands as they filed out of the vehicle one by one. It took a moment for you to recognize the five of them, and another moment to realise that there were global superstars standing right before you. 
In a wordless panic, you dropped the broom and bolted into the store. Your uncle was behind the counter, counting the bills in the cash register when you called him.
“ITZY is in front of the store!” you exclaimed. Your uncle cocked his head.
“ITZY?” he inquired, “is that a new slang or something?”
“N-No! T-Their idols, uncle! There are idols outside the door!” 
It took a moment for your uncle to process what you’d said. Then, he simply smiled. 
“Right… I forgot to tell you about that,” he said. He placed the bills he had been counting back into the register and walked out from behind the counter. 
“Oooh… These girls are much prettier in person,” your uncle mused as he walked by. He opened the door to the store and stepped outside. You could hear his booming voice through the open door. “HELLO! WELCOME! WELCOME!” 
You could hear them exchanging greetings outside the store. Hurriedly, you scanned around the store, looking for any signs of mess. There were thankfully none.
“Come in! It’s rather cold out,” your uncle said, “it’s much warmer in here!”
You quickly stood up straighter, your hands by your sides as the five ITZY girls walked through the door of the store. 
“Welcome to the store!” your uncle grinned, “that over there is my nephew, he runs the place with me for now.”
The girls turned. The feeling of five pairs of eyes on you was nerve-wracking, and the two cameras that started to flank you on either side weren’t helping to ease your nerves. Where did the second camera come from? You couldn’t help but wonder.
You gulped, a tug of war between waving and bowing to the girls ensuing in your head as you stared blankly. 
“He’s uh… A little shy,” your uncle chuckled. Then he gave you a look, one that said hurry up and say hello you dense child.
There was no victor in the mental tug of war. In the end, you resorted to an awkward half wave, half bow. The girls sniggered at your greeting.
Then and there, you wanted to shrink down and hide in the shelf behind you. 
The woman from earlier started speaking to the girls. “This is the final place. Now, we will draw lots to see who goes where!”
She produced a handful of popsicle sticks. The girls started talking about how nervous they were, giggling amongst themselves as they started to draw the sticks one by one. Your uncle stood by the woman, a small smile on his face as he patiently awaited the result.
“Oh. Looks like I’ll be working here!” Shin Yuna smiled as she looked at her stick. You weren’t sure if it was excitement or disappointment that you heard in her voice. 
“Excellent!” your uncle beamed. “How old are you?”
“Nineteen going twenty, sir!” Yuna answered bubbly. 
“Ah! Looks like my nephew will have a friend of his age then!” your uncle laughed. 
“E-Eh?” you blurted, “w-what’s happening?”
Your uncle walked up next to you. He put an arm around your shoulder.
“I’ll explain later,” he whispered.
Yuna giggled and cleared the hair from her face. You made eye contact with her. 
She grinned. 
You felt a burning sensation on your face. 
Dried Pollack soup.
That was what you ate with your uncle as people came in to set up cameras around the store. Every corner, every angle, every millimetre was covered by at least one Gopro.
“They said in the email that it was for their Youtube,” your uncle told you, “they're gonna live in this town for a bit, work at some of the stores… Taking a break from their idol activities apparently.”
“B-But why the bookstore?” you inquired. Your uncle shrugged.
“I don’t know. They sent me a 30 page proposal that I didn’t bother to read. I figured that having idols in our store would help boost our business. Get people from other parts to come here—You know what I’m saying?” 
You did not know what he was saying. The whole situation was so overwhelming. An idol working at the bookstore? For how long? What did you need to do?
A knock came on the break room door. You turned and saw a man standing there, Gopro in hand.
“Sorry to disturb you, but can I put a camera in here?” he asked politely. 
Your uncle gave him a look and asked, “is that completely necessary?”
“I-I mean… If you guys are okay with it,” you replied. Your uncle sighed.
“Take the soup out,” he instructed you, “give them space to set up…”
A very, very dry mouth. 
That's what you had when Yuna walked into the store for her first day of work. 
She was tailed by one cameraman and another woman, both of them wearing the same shirt that read “JYP CREW”. You could feel the cold sweat on your palms as you handed her the apron that already had her name tag on it. With a rather apparent stutter, you welcomed her to her new job. She smiled, that radiant smile that you’d only seen on your phone screen now right before you. It sent a warm fuzz down your spine. 
Your uncle showed her around, breaking down the various jobs to her as you opened up a box of books—they weren’t children’s books this time—and got to filling the shelves. You could hear every word that came out from your uncle's mouth as you explained the tasks that the idol was to undertake, as well as the opening and closing timings of the store. He finished his run down just as you finished placing the last book from the box on the shelf.
“What should I do now?” you heard her ask. 
“Go help my nephew. I think he could use a hand,” your uncle replied.
“Right! On it!” came her bubbly reply. 
You could feel your heart beating faster as you felt her get closer and closer. 
A tap on your shoulder.
“Hello!’ she greeted you, “let’s work well together!”
You managed to sputter out something. She asked for instructions on what she should do. You blanked out for a second. Then tremulously, you reached into your apron and pulled out the second box cutter. 
“U-Um,” you began. “T-There’s a box of… B-Books in the store… Just… Just uh…”
Her gaze felt piercing even though it was gentle. It’d been awhile since you’d stood before a girl this gorgeous. Your nineteen-year-old hormones were getting to you, sweat beading your forehead as you struggled to give the idol instructions. 
Then suddenly, you ran away. You didn’t know why you ran, but you just ran out of the store and down the street. Getting away from the store was your main task, and you ran quite a good distance in the chilly autumn air before you finally ran out of breath. Clammy, tense and exhausted, you rested outside one of the shophouses along the stretch. 
“Fuck… What’s wrong with me?” you questioned yourself. It was like you’d never talked to a girl in your life. 
It only took a second or two for the adrenaline to fade. In its place came embarrassment as you buried your face in your hands. What are you doing you stupid idiot! Why did you run? You chided yourself, beating your cheek with your own palm. 
You heard someone call your name. You raised your head.
“Why are you slapping yourself in front of my store?” Miss Cho inquired. She was pushing a cart full of pears. They were probably freshly harvested. 
“Oh… Hey Miss Cho,” you greeted her, “I was just… I-I don’t know…”
You ended up pushing Miss Cho’s cart back up the street. 
“She’s a what now?” Miss Cho pressed.
“An idol Miss Cho,” you explained. You eventually got around to telling her the reason as to why you were beating yourself in front of her shop. The concept of someone singing and dancing for a living sounded completely foreign to Miss Cho—Someone who spent most of her life drying fruits and making snacks—So you had to explain it to her. 
“Ah… I remember my daughter saying something about it,” Miss Cho mused, “so… Why did you run away from her?”
“I… Don’t know,” you told her truthfully, “I guess I just freaked out.”
“Because she’s famous?” she pressed. You thought about it for a moment, then you nodded.
Miss Cho stopped addressing you for a moment to greet Mrs Han, the lady that ran one of the restaurants on the stretch with her husband. Miss Cho gave the restaurant owner a whole carton worth of pears, telling Mrs Han to make something tasty out of them before the two of you continued moving along.
“Why are you scared of an Idol?” she continued to question.
“I-I don’t know… I-I guess it’s because she’s popular and all, so I’m scared that I’ll make a fool of myself in front of her,” you reasoned. 
Miss Cho hummed and nodded. “I see…” 
She stopped once more, this time in front of the sweets store. You helped her pull out a crate of apples from the bottom of the stacks of pears and handed it to the store owner. Miss Cho requested for a batch of the sweets when they were ready before the two of you got to moving again. 
“So… Why does this girl being this idol make her any less normal than you?” she asked. 
“P-Pardon?” you stuttered, “I-I never… I never said that…”
Miss Cho chuckled, one of those nice Ahjumma laughs that could warm one’s heart. “You did not, but the way you spoke of her implied it.”
You let that sink in for a moment. Now that you thought of it, you’d made Yuna sound like some high and mighty god that could smite you with a snap of her fingers.
“Just because someone has millions of fans doesn't mean that they’re any less of a human than you and I,” Miss Cho told you, “just because someone is adored doesn't make them more superior. If that was the case, I’d be a warlord by now!”
The dried fruits specialist cackled at her own joke. She always had a tendency to do that.
“You see… The problem with fame is that everyone places you on a pedestal,” she continued, “a mistake could cost your whole reputation. A good choice could gain you more popularity. It’s a never ending game, dehumanising in the sense that these famous people can’t afford to live normal lives. Why? Because they’re not considered normal! That’s not right if you ask me…”
You were wondering where this knowledge was coming from. You made it a mental note to talk to Miss Cho a little more. Was it normal for all the old people in this town to be so wise?
The two of you finally stopped in front of the bookshop. Miss Cho instructed you to take in a crate of pears, assuring you that she could make the rest of the journey down the street herself. You waved goodbye to her and prepared to enter once more.
“Remember,” she called to you. You were just about to open the door. “That girl is human. Treat her the way you’d treat any other human.”
She left you with that nugget of wisdom before she bade you farewell and continued with her journey up the street. You sat on her words for a moment before you entered the bookstore once more. 
Yuna’s head snapped towards the door when she heard the chime of the door. You made eye contact with her. 
With a smile, you carried the crate into the store and asked, “pears anyone?”
A dry wipe. 
That’s what you gave Yuna to clean the dust off the shelves. Two weeks had elapsed since she’d started working with you and your uncle. You never got used to the fact that there were always cameras around you, nor did you ever get used to the fact that the woman and the cameraman would pull you aside and ask for your opinions on Yuna as an employee every now and then. You would always try to be as honest as possible, excluding any embarrassing slip ups she made in an effort to not badmouth the girl.
Within her first week here, she’d already clocked in late once. She apologised furiously that day, working twice as hard to compensate for her mistake. Standing tall, she could reach for the things that customers couldn’t, making her a great help to the regulars. She learnt quickly, finding the most optimal way to replenish the shelves by her fourth day and figured out the best way to assess the state of the book on her fifth.
Weekends had become more packed because of her, the word that Shin Yuna from ITZY was working at the store getting out rather quickly within the first Saturday she worked here. The next day, you had a flock of Midzy’s in front of the store 3 hours before opening. You had to guide Yuna in through the back entrance to prevent her from being swarmed. While Yuna greeted her fans that came to see her in the store with a big smile, you couldn’t help but notice the hint of tiredness behind her eyes. It was like she didn’t really want to be there, but she had no other choice
Now, she was doing an excellent job getting the dust off the top shelves. 
“I think that’s good enough Yuna,” you told her. She turned to look at you.
“You sure? I think it still needs one more round,” she told you.
“I’ll take your word for it,” you told her, handing her another sheet of dry wipes while you took the blackened one from her hands.
“This is great,” she told you, beginning her final round of cleaning, “it makes me feel like I’m at home again. I feel like I’m a kid.”
Here’s the thing about Yuna—Her joy was contagious. When you saw that smile on her face, you couldn’t help but smile along with her. The silliest things could make her grin, and you’d end up grinning with her even though you didn’t find it amusing. You were convinced that it was a special skill of the sort. 
Yuna wiped up whatever dust she could find, leaving no stone unturned as she completed her task. It was almost closing time, a relatively slow day for the bookstore as usual. Yuna had been completing her shifts diligently, only ever disappearing for lunch and toilet breaks. 
Hell… If she wasn’t some bigshot idol, I’d have her employed full-time in a heartbeat! your uncle had told you over lunch one day. You couldn’t help but agree with him. 
“There! All clean!” Yuna exclaimed. 
“Could you show us the cloth, Yuna?” the lady producer asked her. 
For a moment, you saw a hint of annoyance behind her eyes. Then the usual, childlike wonder took its place and Yuna presented the cloth to the camera.
“Ta-da! All clean!” she beamed proudly. You politely clapped your hands in the background. The female producer gave Yuna a thumbs up before tapping the cameraman’s shoulder. “I think we can wrap up for the day.”
The two turned and walked out of the store. Yuna waited till both of them had exited before letting out a deep sigh. 
“Break from idol activities? Yea right…” she muttered, stepping off the step ladder. You stretched out your hand to take the dry wipe from Yuna. She suddenly seemed to remember that you were there, and that bright smile returned to her face. She handed you the dry wipe, all bubbly and smiley.
“I’m going to wash my hands in the bathroom, boss!” she told you. You nodded and let her go. She skipped off towards the back entrance. Your uncle walked out of the storeroom. He was drenched in sweat, his green shirt turning dark under the moisture.
“Hand me a towel would you?” he requested. You quickly walked behind the counter and tossed him his slightly moist towel. He caught it, smiled, then wiped his sweaty face.
“Who knew organising could take so much out of me?” he chuckled. He looked around. “Where’s Yuna?”
“Bathroom,” you explained. Your uncle gave you his Ah I see expression. Then he took a look at his watch. “Let’s get ready to close up shop.”
You nodded and walked over to the door. As you were about to flip the sign from “open” to “closed”, you saw Yuna walking back towards the shop. You raised an eyebrow.
Coming in from the back would’ve been much quicker…
As she got closer, you could make out the tired look on her face. Then you realised that the cameraman and the female producer were following her once more. So much for wrapping up you thought to yourself as you pushed the door open.
“Yuna!” you called to her, “come in! We’re gonna start closing up!”
The weary look disappeared in a flash. Yuna smiled from ear to ear and began jogging towards the store. You found that the cameraman and producer were far from wrapping up, following the idol back into the bookshop like chicks tailing their mother. 
“H-Hey um… Didn’t you guys say you were wrapping up?” you asked the producer. She turned and looked at you.
“We need as much content as we can get. Gotta keep going,” she told you. Then she left to catch up with the camera man. You were suddenly ill at ease. 
They continued to follow Yuna as she assisted you and your uncle in closing up the shop. They were like shadows, tailing the idol with every move she made. There was an unmistakable look of irritance on Yuna's face, but she only let it out when her back was turned to the camera. At the end of it all, the female producer made the idol shoot a thumbs up to the camera and exclaim, “Another job well done today!”. Only when they had gotten a perfect take of that did they truly cut the camera and start packing up for the day. 
“Try to be a little more energetic tomorrow,” the producer told Yuna. You were all outside the store by then. The shutter was closed and locked. The final piece of equipment had been loaded into their van.
“Got it!” Yuna beamed. The producer nodded and wordlessly got into the van with the camera man. The van pulled away, leaving the three of you to breathe in its exhaust as it became smaller and smaller.
“This street was never built for cars…” your uncle grumbled. Then he turned to Yuna and told her, “good job today. We’ll see you tomorrow!”
Yuna smiled—this time a little less bright and more weary—and bowed. “Thank you for today! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
The idol turned on her heel and walked off towards the small house that she and her members stayed in for the time being. You couldn’t help but notice the way her shoulders seemed to slump. 
“Are we overworking her?” your uncle asked. He must’ve noticed too.
“I’m not sure,” you answered, “I feel like it’s not the work…”
Your uncle raised an eyebrow. “What else could wear her out today? She’s been cleaning and stacking all day!”
You pursed your lips. Then, you turned to your uncle and said, “go home without me. I need to do something.”
You set off after the idol. She hadn’t walked too far over the course of your conversation with your uncle. You caught up to her in a matter of seconds.
“Yuna!” you called her. She turned.
“Hm?” she hummed. 
You stopped before her. “Could I… Take you somewhere?”
You only realised how weird that sounded after the last syllable left your mouth. Inwardly, you cringed and hoped to god that she didn’t find that creepy. Thankfully, she gave you a smile and said, “sure!”
You took her to the bridge where your uncle had imparted his wisdom upon you. The walk there was filled with awkward silence, only broken erratically by your comments on the different shops. In the chilly Autumn air, you walked side by side with Yuna till you reached your destination.
“Wow…” Yuna muttered as you stopped at the apex of the bridge, “this is…”
“It’s prettier in Spring,” you told her.
“I can imagine that,” she whispered. 
She placed her hands on the railings and leaned her body weight against it. You silently stood next to her, letting her take in the breathtaking scenery without disturbance. You had a hunch—The fact that cameras were always on her had been taking a toll on the idol. You figured she needed some time away from the cameras, a moment where she didn’t have to live with the fact that she was perpetually in the frame of a lens that was recording her every move. 
You didn’t know what to do when the first teardrop came rolling down her face. When her body started to shake, you started to panic internally. That wasn’t part of the agenda. You awkwardly fumbled around, patting your pockets to see if you had any tissue to give her. By the time you had pulled out the small tissue packet from your pocket, the girl was already seated on the bridge, knees tucked in and arms locked around her legs as she bawled and bawled. Awkwardly, you sat down next to her. You maintained a distance from Yuna and silently slid your tissue over to her. The last thing you wanted to do was make her feel uncomfortable in her moment of vulnerability. 
You gave her time. Breakdowns like hers would never be finished in a matter of minutes, you knew from experience. The sheer internal bedlam a human could experience under certain circumstances was no joke.
It took some time, but her shoulders eventually stopped heaving so violently, her breaths becoming more uniformed in nature. 
“I-I’m sorry… I-I just…” she started to apologise. 
“It’s… It’s alright,” you assured her, “it… It must be tough for you.”
You gestured to the packet of tissue next to her. She gratefully accepted it, pulling out a couple of pieces to dry her eyes. There were no more words spoken between the two of you, only an odd, comfortably awkward silence in the air as you both sat with your backs to the railing. Yuna sniffled intermittently, and you could hear her drawing tissues to blow her nose. 
You didn’t say anything to comfort her. But that day, you unwittingly made her start trusting you.
Dried apple slices. 
That’s what Yuna had bought to share with you. She’d gotten them from Miss Cho’s, and had asked to eat them with you on the bridge after your shifts had ended.
“These are so good!” she exclaimed.
“Miss Cho’s family spent lifetimes perfecting their formula. It’s gotta be good,” you told her.
Yuna squealed happily as she dug her hand into the container and pulled out yet another slice. You could pinpoint the exact moment where the flavour of Miss Cho’s apple slices burst forth in her mouth. Her wide-eyed silent glee was your indication. On the railing of the bridge you sat, side by side with the idol. There was an unexplained affinity between you two since that day she cried next to you. Your interactions in the bookstore had increased, becoming friendlier in nature. It was like something suddenly clicked between the two of you.
“Man… These things make me want to live here forever!” Yuna laughed, kicking her legs like a child as she dug her hand into the container for yet another slice. You smiled as you watched her. She seemed more carefree that day.
“You’re from the city, right?” she asked you, popping another slice into her mouth.
“Yep… I’m just staying here for a while,” you explained to her. 
“Don’t you have to search for a university?” 
You kicked your legs and sighed. “I do… But that can always wait.”
Your truth—You didn’t want to leave this town. Life was much simpler, slower. You’d originally come here to recover, hatred and bitterness brimming in your heart. Now that it had been purged from your being, you found a connection with this humble, small town. You knew that you’d eventually have to leave, go back into the hustle and bustle of the city when you got back to your life as a city boy. You dreaded the arrival of that day. 
You told this to her. A look of understanding crossed her face.
“How long have you been here?” she asked. 
“Since early Spring so… About a month now?” you replied. 
“Ah… And what’s this bitterness that you had?” she pressed. 
You took a dried apple slice and popped it into your mouth. You munched on it a little before replying, “I had to recover from a breakup.”
Yuna chuckled. “Ah… I suppose this place seems like a nice town to get back on your feet.”
You were glad she understood you. 
“You know… This spot is really something,” she told you, “it’s so beautiful and calming… I really gotta thank you for showing it to me.”
You waved it off. “No problem.”
Yuna folded one leg up. “I came here with the girls once after that evening. It was a good break.”
She sighed heavily. You wiped your hand on your jeans.
“It must be tiring,” you said.
She turned to look at you intently. You stared at your sneakers. The once snow white shoes had been dirtied by gravel and all sorts of elements, but you didn’t really mind. 
“It must be tough living with no breaks… I imagine it can get pretty overwhelming,” you told her. Yuna stared off into the distance for a moment.
“When they told us that we would be coming here to take a break from our idol activities, I thought that we’d actually be able to rest…” she muttered, “then we saw the cameras and got handed those damn selfie sticks… That’s when I knew that we were just making more content while we’re supposedly ‘resting’.”
You could hear the spite in her voice. Your heart went out to her. 
“I hate this,” she continued, “I just want to have a moment where I’m not dancing, where I’m not singing, where I’m not being recorded by some stupid fucking camera while I keep some pretty smile on my face.”
Her truth—There were times where she wondered whether the idol life was meant for her. While they existed, she couldn’t recall the last moment where she was just Shin Yuna, a regular nineteen year old girl finding her way in life. She liked the bookstore, it made her feel human. While she was going about her tasks, the sheer monotony of it all brought some semblance of regularity into her life. For a rare moment, she wasn’t just some money making machine for a company, she was just a regular human, like you. It gave her an unexplainable joy, a joy that was quickly stripped away when she turned and saw a camera being pointed right at her.
She told you this in hew own words. You bit your bottom lip.
“But of course, I can’t let that show, can I?” she laughed bitterly, “gotta be pretty preppy princess Yuna. Can’t be angry, can’t be annoyed, allowed to cry only in concerts or in interviews… Fuck all this idol shit.”
Her life didn’t sound as great as you’d imagined. You admittedly thought that many idols lived in luxury, showered with love and attention from fans worldwide while earning big bucks doing what they always aspired to. In reality, their lives were the most cruel and unforgiving, an endless cycle of practice, classes and content. They were always being watched and monitored. They maintained a happy, cheerful image for their fans, but deep down they just want to take a break for some time before coming back to this life of theirs. It sucked. It sucked big time, but they all lived with it.
The harm that humans could bring upon each other was frightening, yet the world was as such. 
“I think you’re incredibly strong Yuna,” you voiced your sincere thoughts, “it takes a lot to be you. I don’t think many people can confidently look me in the eye and tell me that they’re fine with being watched twenty-four-seven, let alone pretend like everything is great with their life when it really isn’t.”
There was a moment of silence. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, “I… I think I really needed to hear that. You summed it up really well.”
She shot you a sincere smile. You chuckled softly and scratched the nape of your neck. There was a warm sensation on your face. 
“You’re… Welcome I guess?” you told her. She laughed at that.
“You’re funny,” she remarked, “I like your company.”
The warmth on your face was now more of a burning sensation. You looked down at your sneakers, feeling a grin plastered on your lips. Her smile was as contagious as her joy. 
“How… How long are you guys gonna be here for?” you asked her.
“I forgot... I only know that we’ll go back for Chuseok, then come back here for a few more weeks. We’ll be out of here by the middle of November if I recall correctly, then back to comeback preparation in early Winter,” she replied.
Time was a funny thing. It could go by so fast when you wanted it to be slow, but it could also drag on like a snail when you wanted it to be a rabbit. Time was a wave, almost cruel in its relentlessness.
In your heart, you prayed that Yuna’s time in this town wouldn’t be fleeting. In your heart, you prayed that time could show mercy on this girl.
Dried anchovies. 
That’s what your uncle needed from Miss Lee, the general store owner, to cook the stew for that night's dinner.  You shrugged on your jacket that evening and headed down to go buy what was needed. Mrs Lee greeted you with the usual warm smile, though you could tell that the Gopro on the counter was making her ill at ease. 
The ITZY girls were there, talking amongst themselves as a camera man and a different lady producer stood behind them. You did your best to slip by undetected, snagging the bag of dried anchovies and a bottle of water without being spotted. You didn’t know that they’d follow them till this late. 
You paid for the good and exited quietly. On the way back, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You spun around to come face to face with Yuna. 
“Hey,” she beamed. She must’ve seen you. How did she get out?
“Oh. Hey,” you smiled back. 
“Can we meet at the bridge later? I’d like to get some fresh air after my dinner,” she requested.
You smiled and agreed. You set a time, then split off in your own separate ways to go about your evenings. You couldn’t really focus on your uncle’s rambling that night, you mind drifting to Yuna’s smile while your uncle said something about the stock market. 
9pm. That was the time you’d arranged to see her. On the pretext of taking a walk, you slipped out of your uncle's house and journeyed down the street towards the bridge. She was there by the time you’d gotten there, a bright smile that could light up the darkness gracing her features when she caught sight of you. She let you walk over to her before handing you something. It felt like a stick.
“What are these?” you asked. 
“Lanterns,” she answered, turning hers on, “Chuseok is coming up. The Chinese like to carry lanterns and take walks on that day. I thought we should do something while I’m still in this town, make some memories, you know?”
The lanterns she had purchased were from Mrs Lee’s general store. Mrs Lee had always been obsessed with Chinese culture, particularly in terms of decorations and practices. She sold those lanterns all year round, even though no one really bothered to buy them.
You and Yuna walked around the town with your lanterns, talking and laughing, laughing and talking… It was a night to be alive. It was nice to see Yuna in this light. You’d grown out of your 2 dimensional perception of her, discovering the multitudes she possessed. On the surface, she was simply Shin Yuna, ITZY’s maknae and visual. Beneath that, there was Shin Yuna, the nineteen year old girl who could easily make someone smile and blush. Then beneath that was Shin Yuna, a nineteen year old girl who craved regularity, a nineteen year old girl who wanted to be momentarily freed from the glitz and glam. You were happy that she trusted you enough to be comfortable around you, and you were more than happy to have that gut feeling that she was truly being herself with you. 
“This town is amazing…” she remarked as you found yourselves before the bridge once more. You’d walked a full round around the town by then, lost in conversation as you took turns down the roads on a whim. 
“Maybe you should just move here,” you joked. 
“Oh how I wish I could!” she sighed, “everything’s so nice here… I wish I could just stay here forever…”
I wish I could stay here forever. She always had a tendency to say that. While working in the bookstore, she’d let it slip. When you were talking with her on the bridge, she’d say it at least once. She struck you as someone who was vocal with their opinions, someone who would freely speak her mind if she could. You enjoyed listening to her long, rambling talks about her various life stories. Though you could never bear to listen to such rants from your uncle, you found hers enjoyable to listen to. There was a certain way she drew you in with her voice, your attention becoming captive to her tone and intonation while she went on and on… 
When you parted ways with her that night, you found that you wanted her to stay and talk with you a little longer. Of course, you never vocalised this desire. She’d already broken rules to come out and see you that night, the last thing you wanted was to get her in trouble. 
As you walked home with your lantern that night, you wondered what it would be like to date a girl like Yuna.
Drier air.
That’s what you felt had changed that late October morning when you stepped out of your uncle’s house. 
“Aish… Winter is coming already,” your uncle grumbled, “time passes so fast these days… I ought to keep a better track of it.”
It was Yuna’s final weekend in the town. She was due to leave by Tuesday next week. As expected, Midzys showed up in front of the door, prompting your uncle and you to wrap around to the back entrance, where Yuna was waiting. The female producer and the cameraman were right there with her, asking the idol some questions in front of the backdoor as you and your uncle approached. Her eyes seemed to light up upon the sight of you, the smile on her face growing wider as she waved to you. 
“Yuna, focus on the interview,” the producer reminded her sternly. She quickly set her gaze back on the camera. Your uncle waited patiently for them to wrap up with their questions before opening the backdoor to the bookshop. As you walked in, Yuna walked up to your right and whispered right into your ear.  “10pm. Bridge. Don’t be late.”
You’d never wanted a shift to end so badly.
That night, you met her at your usual haunt. Her smile—Usually brimming with joy—was noticeably sadder, dimmer under the moon’s beam. It felt hard to accept that her time in this town was running thin. You wished that there was a way to extend your fleeting time with this woman, find a way to make some more memories with her. Alas, time could only move forward at a rate unknown to you. Autumn was slowly becoming Winter, and Yuna would soon be gone from this town. Every moment was now more precious than ever.
The truth you kept to yourself—Though your heart fluttered around her, you knew that you and her could only remain in this stage of friendship. Progressing forward to a new stage of a relationship would be hard. You could only hold on to her as a friend, hoping that she wouldn’t forget you when she returned back to the big city. 
The two of you stayed out late that night, eating dried fruits from Miss Cho’s and drinking some Makgeolli that Yuna had bought and snuck out. 
“My last day as a human,” she told you that night while cracking open the bottle, “then it’s back to being a doll…”
Human… Why could she never seem to prove to everyone else that she was human as well? The fame, the shining lights, the pedestal that she’d been placed on… They all created a false image for her. It brought forth a notion—She was privileged, someone who could receive the attention of fans and brands alike. There was no room for blemishes, her body “perfect” and her personality flawless. She had to accept all that, live with it without a fuss or hassle. 
When she rambled about this, tears flowed freely from her eyes—Years of pent up anger, sentiments of unfairness and many other emotions coming forth in moonlit steaks that ran down her face. You poured her another glass of Makgeolli. She tossed it back to soothe the pain.
“You know… I always feel so comfortable with you,” she whispered, “it’s like I’m talking to an old friend… Someone who actually understands me.”
Under the stars that night, the two of you admittedly got a little tipsy on the bridge. Under the stars that night, Yuna had let slip her true feelings towards you. Under the stars that night, you two shared a kiss, one that would change the complexity of your relationship, spurred by the raw emotions of the night that had manifested through the catalyst that was alcohol. 
As your fingers ran through her hair and her hands held on to your waist, she leaned on your shoulder and whispered some words into your ear. They weren’t words that you wanted to hear, but you knew that you’d just have to accept them.
It pained the both of you to know that you could never truly love each other the way you wanted to. The expectations of her company and of society set a boundary, one that kept you two so far yet so close. While you saw her as a regular human, she still had to abide by the rules and regulations of the company that controlled her. Those rules defined her, the regulations moulding her into something no longer human. It made her life strict and unforgiving. 
She was like an unwilling puppet, trying in vain to resist the commands of those who had power over her. A sisyphean task it proved to be. 
To them, she was an idol. And according to them—Idols and humans were not to love each other.
Dried flowers
That was what you held behind your back that morning where you saw the ITZY girls off. You and your uncle waited outside the house they stayed in, dried flowers tucked away behind you. Then they came out. The five of them, rolling out their luggages, dressed warmly to combat the rapidly dropping temperature. She caught sight of you. A sad, warm, gentle smile crossed her face. The bosses of the shops that the girls had worked for respectively had all come to bid farewell to them, giving you some time to talk to her one last time. The goodbyes were tearful, full of hugs and “I’ll miss you”s. Yuna gave your uncle a hug, then she turned to you. Surprisingly, neither of you shed a tear as you stared at each other. 
You produced the dried flowers that you’d gotten from the florist and presented them to her. 
“They’re beautiful,” she whispered as she accepted them. 
“Glad you like them,” you replied, “try and keep them alive okay?”
She stared up at you for a moment. 
When the first teardrop rolled down her face, you didn’t hesitate to pull her into a hug. She cried into your chest, a million and one apologies bursting forth as she held you tight. It was as if it was her fault that the two of you could not start a proper relationship. It was as if you’d disappear if she didn’t hold you as tight as she could. 
When it was time to go, you dried her eyes to the best of your ability. She gripped the dried flowers tight, a grim look on her face as she said, “I’ll take some time to think about us… When we meet again, I’ll tell you what you mean to me. We can go off from there.”
You smiled. “Alright then, I’ll wait.”
She fiddled with the wrapping of the dried flowers.
“Till then,” Yuna requested, “could I be selfish and ask you to hold on to these feelings?”
You smiled and assured her that you’d try to. When we meet again, I’ll let you decide if we should kiss or not, she told you. 
In the cold morning air, you made a then-and-there decision to share one last kiss with her, not caring about the fact that staff and her other members were present at the scene. As the van took her away from the town, your uncle placed a firm hand on your shoulder.
“Are you going to be okay?” he asked you. 
You wiped a tear from your eye and whispered, “I hope those dried flowers won’t die as quickly as they did last time.”
The cold snap hit when you came back to the town. A fresh, fluffy and thick sheet of snow covered the streets. Your boots made a satisfying crunch with each step you took, the frigid winter air biting your face as you hurried towards the bookstore. All around you, people walked up and down the street. City people—you recognised their accents. 
You found it hard to adjust back to life in the city. The roar of the traffic was jarring, making you yearn for the quiet of the town streets. The pavements were jam packed with people, making you long to return to the empty streets of your uncle's humble town. The subway was packed like sardines, making you think about the times where you could get to wherever you wanted on foot. It was safe to say that you had some forms of withdrawal symptoms, but you eventually got over it. Then university came. The workload was immense, the readings mountainous. It took you some time to figure out a way to efficiently cover all the content you needed to, but you eventually found your footing. You were in your last year now. Time was truly so fleeting, a wave, almost cruel in its relentlessness.
Now that you were back in this familiar place, a sense of comfort filled your being. Not much had changed over the course of your four year absence. Aside from the fresh coats of paint and increase in tourists, everything was just as they were when you left. 
The bookshop was teeming with life when you entered. You were pleasantly surprised. You remembered your uncle telling you about how good the winter crowds were, but you ever imagined it to be this good. You hurriedly removed your scarf and coat before approaching the counter. There, your uncle was busy packing book after book into paper bags. You hung your coat on the coat rack and grabbed an apron. 
“I’m back,” you said, taking your place next to your relative. Your uncle cast a glance towards you. 
“I’ll greet you later. Busy now,” he mumbled. You chuckled and tied the strings of your apron behind your back. 
It didn’t take long before you settled back into that old rhythm—Open, pack, take the bills. Open, pack, take the bills. It brought an odd sense of joy into your heart. You’d missed the monotony of this life. 
The bookstore closed a little later that day. You waited till the last customer had slipped out into the cold evening air to flip the sign from “open” to “closed”. Then you shut the door behind you.
“I should really employ a part timer,” your uncle mused. He beat his lower back with a clenched fist. “The crowds are only growing these days… I’ll need some help.”
Then he waddled over you. With a warm smile, your uncle pulled you into a warm embrace. 
“Welcome back, nephew. It’s good to see you again.”
You hugged him back. The usual old people's statements ensued—How have you been? You’ve grown taller! Jeez… You’ve gotten a little more plump! Have you been eating well? The same old questions were hurled at you. You were happy to answer them all. 
You helped your uncle close up shop for the day. To celebrate your return, he took you down to Mrs Han’s to have a barbeque. The restaurant owner greeted you with her wrinkly, warm smile and welcomed you back to town. The meat was fresh, well marbled and tender. Freshly imported Mrs Han had told you, they just came in today! You came back at the right time!
It was safe to say that your belly was filled that night. Mrs Han had kindly put the cost of the meal on the house, and your uncle hurried you out of the restaurant when you insisted on paying. 
“It’s rare for her to be this generous. Accept it while you can,” he told you. You rolled your eyes. He was as thrifty as always. 
Your uncle took you to the bridge that night. Proper lighting had been installed on it, small yet powerful lamps illuminating the path as you and your uncle stood side by side on the apex of the bridge. The river was frozen over, the trees around it bald and bare. 
“You should’ve came back in the spring,” he remarked, “there were more flowers this time. It was beautiful.”
“I can imagine that,” you replied. 
Your uncle sighed heavily, a sizable cloud forming before his face. “You know… She came back this spring.”
“Is that so?” you replied alarmingly calmly. Your voice betrayed your emotions. It felt like a small ball was caught in your throat. “How is she?”
“She seems alright, definitely grew a few centimetres,” he told you. 
“Is she healthy?” you pressed. 
“She definitely looked a little more plump in the face. She’s seemed a lot stronger,” your uncle replied.
Silence hung between the two of you. Then your uncle inquired, “You never managed to see her in the city, did you?”
You lowered your gaze to the frozen water. 
“No…” you grimaced, “I… I could never find a way to see her.”
The truth—It felt like fate was against you. You could never secure a ticket to any of her performances, nor could you ever get into any of her fanmeets—Online and physical. You never expected that you’d face such difficulty in trying to see Yuna, but you persevered nonetheless. When the university workload came in however, you found your free time had been stripped from you, tossed out to the wind as assignment after assignment plagued your days. Yuna couldn’t be your top priority no matter how much you wanted her to be. You didn’t know why the idea of getting her phone number never crossed your mind while she was with you. Then again, exchanging phone numbers could have landed her in trouble…
You told this to your uncle. He nodded silently.
“I guess we were never meant to be a thing,” you whispered dejectedly, “I was a fool to hold on to those memories”
Your uncle sighed and patted your shoulder. “Some memories never heal. Rather than fading with the passage of time, those memories become the only things that are left behind when all else is abraded…”
“Han Kang,” you muttered. It was one of the quotes from her book Human Acts. You had a paper on that book coming next term. Your time at the bookstore made you discover your love for books, hence you pursued a degree in Literature in university. 
“You remember,” your uncle chuckled. It was one of the first books that he’d made you read. “Your memory serves you well, nephew.”
The quote he’d recited could be interpreted in many ways. In the context of the book, the protagonist spoke of their memories in the bloody Gwangju massacre in 1981. The sights, sounds and horrors left them scarred for life, so scarred that they’d take them to the grave—hence the usage of heal in memories never heal. Healing meant forgetting.
For you, healing meant forgetting too. The only difference—You didn’t want to heal. You wanted to keep those memories carved into your brain, make them a permanent part of your being. You wanted to ingrain that smile in your vision, keep that voice playing on loop in your ears. You were more than willing to take those memories to your grave. 
“First a breakup, now this,” you muttered, “am I not built for love, uncle?”
“Everyone is built for love,” came his instant reply, “it’s just a matter of finding the right person to receive love from.”
The right person… 
Your parents were meant to follow you on this visit back to the town, but last minute work held them up in the city. They’d found an Airbnb house in the town for the three of you, but now you had it to yourself. As you laid down on the bed, you found that the silence was deafening.
Silently, you wondered what’d be like to date a girl like Yuna. She felt like the right person.
Maybe all of those emotions were just teen hormones. Maybe the feelings were just bright out in the heat of the moment. Maybe you didn’t actually love her, maybe it was more of an infatuation. It all sounded logical and reasonable to you. 
Yet when you saw her again, all of that no longer seemed to make sense. 
There she stood in the cold winter morning, scarf around her neck and a pair of earmuffs atop her head. In her gloved hands, a bright pink tote bag, a bouquet of flowers sticking out from the opening. She stood before the store, staring at the closed shutter, mouth parted ever so slightly. Her hair—Red when you first saw her—Had been returned to its natural colour. She was as beautiful as the day you said goodbye to her. 
You swore that your eyes were deceiving you. When she turned her head, you were convinced that her jaw dropped open as wide as yours when the two of you locked eyes.
Then in the next moment, she was in your arms. She had her ear pressed to the left side of your chest, as if she needed to hear your heartbeat to verify that you were truly there.
“Hey,” was all you could manage.
“Hi,” she whispered back, “it’s been awhile.”
Her eyes gleamed with the same childlike wonder. Her smile was as genuine as you’d remembered. You wanted to kiss her to see if her lips would feel the same, but…
When we meet again, I’ll tell you what you mean to me. We can go off from there…
She did give you the freedom of choice to kiss her when you reunited, but you decided against it.
Catchup was done in the warm respite of the bookstore. With aprons adorning your bodies, you filled each other in on what you’d missed in each other's lives. This was all done to the backdrop of filling in shelves and rearranging stacks of books. Lunch came and your uncle left the two of you on your own. You got some tteokbokki with her from Mrs Han’s—to go of course—and hit your old spot. 
“Even without the leaves, this place is still so stunning,” she mused, staring out at the frozen water.
“I still prefer it in Spring,” you told her, “I like it better when the trees are less… Bald.”
She laughed at that. 
When the sun started to set on the small town, your uncle made the executive decision to close up early. The sun may be gone, but the night is young he told you with a wink. You gave him a grateful smile and took off your apron. He let the two of you go off early that day.
Dinner that night was once again at Mrs Han’s, and she wasn’t so generous that night.  A walk around town was what she asked for afterwards, both of your footsteps seemingly synchronised to produce rhythmic crunches in the snow. At one point, she’d stopped walking to gather up a handful of snow, forming a hefty snowball to chuck at you. You didn’t hesitate to fight back. 
“University sounds tough,” she mused, munching on some grapes from Miss Cho’s.
“I think it’s just my course,” you remarked, “the rest of my batchmates seem to be having a relatively good time.”
“Literature is demanding,” she agreed, “but what do you wanna do with it in the future?”
You sighed and shoved your hands into the pockets of your jacket, “I’m still figuring that out…”
“Maybe you can become a writer,” she suggested, “write some screenplay… Make it different from the usual stuff.”
“I’d probably need to save up some money before I do that,” you chuckled, “I have a degree that guarantees a higher chance of living on the streets than living on someone’s couch.”
She laughed at that too. Then she said, “hey, maybe you should come work for my company when you’re done with university. That way, we can see each other more often too.”
You chuckled. “That’s a possibility… I’ll try and keep that in mind.”
“I’ll make sure to vouch for you,” she declared, “the big boss likes me enough to listen to me…”
You laughed and nodded. Silence hung between you two. 
Then it was time for the hard question. 
“So are you seeing anyone?” you asked her. Yuna licked a grape seed off her lips before answering.
“I’d like to think so…”
Your heart sank, but you still cocked your head in feigned curiosity, “oh? What do you mean?”
Yuna bit down on her lip. “I mean… I like him, but I’m not sure if he still likes me.”
“Ah,” you mused.
“Yea…” Yuna sighed. She looked up at you and asked, “what about you?”
You took a moment to formulate an answer. “I think… I’m just waiting for love as of now.”
“Ah,” Yuna parroted, “well… I wish you the best in that then.”
There was a sudden tension in the air. It was like your respective cryptic messages had conjured a rubber band of the mind, pulling it out to its maximum length as you continued your silent journey down the street.  Perhaps your hopes were set a little too high—You’d expected her to remember the love that existed four years ago, run back into your open arms so that you could shower her with kisses. But you’d forgotten—No… Chose to forget what she’d told you on the bridge that night. 
I love you. I know that it’s too late for this, but I love you. I’m sorry we can’t love in the same way others do, but do know that deep down, I wish to love you in the same manner that you love me. It’s confusing, I know… But my life doesn’t allow us to share the life we want to. I’m sorry.
It was a painful thing to hear, but you still kissed her right afterwards, and you still kissed her the morning after. You now realised that perchance, you’d gambled a little too much, gone all in with the chips of your heart only to lose. You didn’t understand why she couldn’t date freely, be with someone that truly made her happy. She was a human, a human deserved to give love and be loved.
She got a call a few minutes later. It’s my manager. I gotta go now. 
She gave you a small wave, handed you the last few grapes from the container. Then, with a it was nice seeing you again, Yuna turned on her heel and walked off. The grapes felt oddly heavy in your hands. Again, she was to disappear from your life. Like grains of stars in an infinitely expanding galaxy, she spilled through the gaps between your fingers once more. This felt like a scenario you’d read in books a thousand times over, and frankly, it sucked.
But happiness is being able to hope, however faintly, for happiness. So, at least, we must believe if we are to live in the world of today. 
Osamu Dazai had said that. You weren’t sure why you thought of it as you watched her back get smaller and smaller by the second. 
Hoping faintly for happiness? Is that what I’m meant to do? You asked yourself. She was getting further by the second. Hoping faintly for a chance that she’d turn back, you stood there. She never did.
Hoping faintly…
No. You wouldn’t settle for that. 
The grapes fell from your hands as you ran towards the girl that you’d so hoped to see again. Four long years you’d tried and failed. Now, with the opportunity right in your grasp, you were certain that you had to make something out of it. 
In three more bounds, you were right behind her. Yuna you called, grabbing her by the shoulder. You didn’t give her time to say anything before you turned her around and planted your lips on hers. She yelped, her body tensing as you held her cheeks in the cradle of your palms. 
A quiet smack resonated when your lips parted. Yuna trembled in your grasp, teary eyes gazing into yours. 
“I’ve been waiting for your love Yuna,” you admitted to her, “for four years, I tried to see you again but I just never could. We said that we wanted to sort out what we meant to each other when we met again, but we failed to do that today. Tell me Yuna—What am I to you?”
She let out a shuddery breath, the smell of grapes saturating the air. 
“I-I have to go,” she muttered.
You were tired of waiting.
“Yuna please,” you begged.
She looked away, as if contemplating if she should give you her answer.
“You… You are who I want to love,” she whispered, “I-I thought that… Maybe I was too selfish to ask you to keep loving me for all these years. I-I guess I didn’t expect this selfishness to be rewarded.”
“It isn’t selfish,” you corrected her, “it’s… It’s human Yuna. The desire to want someone to keep loving you, that’s human.”
Her lower lip trembled ever so slightly. “Right… I can only feel like a human when I’m with you.”
Suddenly, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. You pulled her in once more, holding her as tight as she did on the day she left your life. You kissed her, tender and passionate as she gripped the fabric of your jacket. Her perfume was sickly sweet, intoxicating and lulling you deeper into her body as she reciprocated the kiss. Her hair, cold and slightly damp from the snowball you threw at her, was silky, smooth to run your fingers through. The repeated dying of it had definitely affected its quality, but only in the slightest.
Her voice was strained when your lips parted, but you could clearly make out what she’d said. 
I don’t want to go back tonight. I want to be here with you. 
When the first teardrop rolled down her cheek, you didn’t hesitate to wipe it away. 
“You’d be breaking some rules won’t you?” you questioned.
“I’ve broken them before. I can always break them again,” she replied, “humans were made to break some rules after all…”
With a smile, you let your hand slip into hers. It was warm, just like any other human. In her eyes, there was a gleam that every other human could possess. In her smile, there was a sincerity and joy that any other human could show. Sure, the Dispatch article that posted the photo of you kissing Yuna did call it the unexpected relationship between a top idol and a civilian. 
But in your eyes, Yuna was as human as anyone could ever be.
Dried things and humanity—An unlikely combination for a love story, but it was certainly fit to start the first chapter of your story with Yuna.
Hello! A rare, smutless Yuna fic has mad its way onto my blog. I know it'll disappoint a lot of you guys, but this is what I wanted to write, so here we are. Hope you guys enjoy this one. Take a break from the horny and have some simple love <;3.
~Lots of love, Nichuuu
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ryuttaeng · 4 months
could you possibly do either hcs or a fic of new itzy member reader who was the each of the girls gay awakening?? i feel like chaeryeong would be panicking and really nervous because she hasnt felt something like this and so strongly too 😭🥹
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okay so you were added to the group members lineup at the very last moment, you barely knew any basic info about each members and nearly freaked out when you first actually met them. itzy’s reaction wasn’t so bad, but wasn’t very pleasant either…. at least at first. ever since you performed together, you grew closer to each members. how could they not notice how insanely beautiful you are??? and you were also kind but had a struggle with opening up to new people but anyway, you’re their bff now! or at least for now.
i guess yeji would be so dumbfounded when she realizes that she likes you??? and not in a friendly way??? girlie is so nervous about that fact and she just can’t handle it but to tell to her members but she can’t because they’ve never discussed same-sex relationship before 😭 she always thought she was into guys only, and even if she liked a girl, she would think it was just a friendly sympathy. yeji would also get so smiley around you and will often just smile to her own thoughts. if she will have enough courage to confess to you, she will make her best to do that in private, and also would try to be romantic. but my pookie is just so nervous, she will stutter and almost tripped over when she came 😭🤞🏻🤞🏻 thank goodness you just simply kissed yeji and asked her to be your girlfriend faster than her.
LIA MY BELOVED 😞😞😞 i think she will just simply accept the fact that you’re the first girl she ever liked as not a friend. eventually she’ll ask her gay friends how to confess to you properly and will ask some advices how to give you hints that she likes you lmao 😭 she will always touch your hand, always leaning on your shoulder during breaks on practices and just will rub circles on your arm while holding your hand and you’re just like 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’re okay w it and don’t really pay attention to it. lia would reveal her feelings by getting jealous when one of members were jokingly flirting with you 😭 she would just storm out of the room, making you confused and go after her. asking her what’s wrong and she will kiss you quickly, and after that lia would get so shy 😭😭🤞🏻 but you just chuckle and hug her tightly, kissing her cheek.
ryujin will just go 🧍🏻‍♀️ when she realizes that she have feelings for you. girl would occasionally flirt with you but you just laughed it off, thinking it’s just her personality and she will just be like “oh well yep 🧍🏻‍♀️”. she would complain to other members that it would be easier to have feelings for some guy and not you instead, but you come into the room with “have feelings for who?” and bae will just be “no one 🧍🏻‍♀️” help 😭😭🤞🏻how she would confess? she would get so wistful one day and it made you feel worried for her. “are you okay ryu?” and she will just automatically nod and not pay attention to anyone. at the end of the day you’ll sit down beside ryujin, telling her that you’re worried about her, and she will just go “i think i like you, y/n. no- i don’t think, just- oh well….” 😭😭😭 she’s so nervous but you calm her down by kissing her nose aww
I AGREE W YOU ON CHAERYEONG. she’s my cutie that nearly freaks out when her friend told her that she has feelings for you 🤞🏻😭 i also think that she will distance herself from you to reflect about her feeling towards you and it will also affect you by making you worried about chae. members would notice that something about you two is wrong and would try to do something about it, for example, they would interrogate chaer that is there’s bad blood between her and you? but she would get so nervous that she would just straight say that she has feeling for you 😭😭 other members would support ryeong and tell some advices how to get closer w you and how to confess. one day members would call you to help them out with something but once you’re at the place, you see only chaeryeong in the room, beautifully dressed and nervously fidgeting her fingers 😭 she would confess to you after a few minutes of overthinking, so scared about your reaction but! you took her hands in yours, telling her that her feelings are mutual and she’s just so happy to hear that 😭😭😭🤞🏻
bae yuna would giggle whenever looking at you and leaving you wondering what was that. she would feel so lightheaded about her feelings to you, that she almost forgot to do or take something. i feel like she would have some diary where she writes about you, her feelings for you and overall just you. she would hide it really hard, thinking that you would think she’s some freak 😭 but aye ryujin would’ve find it first and tease younger shin for that 🤞🏻😭😭😭 but i’m sure ryu would’ve helped yuna to confess to you, giving her some advices. yuna would ask you out to the restaurant, and will calmly confess to you after eating. after hearing your ‘yes’ yuna’s face lit up and she just started kissing your face 🤞🏻😞
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rk1stars · 2 months
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Riki, a young artist, was going through a tough time mentally. Despite his struggles, he was afraid to express his feelings. One day, while playing Roblox, he stumbled upon an online "therapist" who caught his attention - not only because she matched his weird energy but also because she seemed to be a fan of his music. However, he soon discovered that this "therapist" was actually a girl his age who was desperately seeking Robux. Despite this unusual situation, Riki couldn't help but feel drawn to her and curious about what their interactions would bring.
cursing, sexual jokes, mention of boobs
i really think abt royal highs downfall
( hssnd (turn upside down) )
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TAGLIST ★ @leaderwon @nikiswifereal27 @loriszeretinikit @astrid-potato @chappellraon @enh4ht @rosas-in-the-garden @yerisrev @ihrtnrk @rikisgeef @rikikiynikilcykiki @ms-no1kpopstan @roastandtoast @pepririka @soobs-things @soobiary @dimplewonie @miyseung @sol3chu @bambangan
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likelyfox · 16 days
stupidly in love
Minjeong x Fem!Reader
Winter & Y/n are both students at the same school, and are best friends however with starting a new semester Winter caught feelings as did Y/n.
wc: 0.7k
A/N: stream armageddon
One thing about you is that you rarely fall in love which annoys you. So many times your friends including Winter herself have pointed out with who you would look the best.
Winter on the other hand tries to hide that shes in love with you, matter of fact she tries to deny that shes in love with anyone especially you.
"Hey Winter" You called out her name
"Hey" Winter said
"Everything alright?" You asked
"Yes, why?" Winter asked back
"You speak a lot less recently...." You answered
"Im just thinking" Winter said
"About what?" You asked. Winter could be honest and say that she has been thinking about you which is true. Winter hasnt gone a single day without thinking about you for about 8 months now which bothers her a ton. She keeps telling herself that you are only her best friend and that having feelings for you cant be possible! They just cant!
"Life." Winter answered
It isnt just Y/n who caught on how quiet Winter has been her other friends have too.
"Does our Winter have a crush?" Karina teased, seeing how she didnt stop looking at you in a distance. You didnt see this so she felt safe.
"I do not." Winter tried to deny
"Come on you have been looking at Y/n for the past 20 minutes" Giselle said
"Seriously! I havent seen you be this obssesed over someone ever" NingNing said
"Y/n is my best friend." Winter said "I...dont have a crush i just..."
"Just?" Karina asked
"Admire her!" Winter said
"We have known you your whole life this isnt the admiring another girl Winter, this is the having a crush and being obsessed Winter" Karina said
"I am not obssesed over her" Winter said
"Not obssesed? Are you kidding me?" Giselle said "That was funny i will give you that"
"Winter listen. Its fine to be unsure about your feelings for another girl afterall Karina was also unsure that she had a crush on you" NingNing said
"I didnt have a crush on her" Karina said
"Nah you did" Giselle said
"Whatever this isnt about me" Karina said
Winter's friends arent the only one who have noticed, your friends have too. While being at lunch your friends had the chance to ask you the question.
"So." Ryujin said "Did you finally confess to Winter?"
"What?" you said
"I guess you havent" Ryujin said
"I dont have a crush" You tried to deny
"and the sky is green." Yeji teased
"Why do you think i have a crush on her" You asked
"Simple" Yuna said while putting her phone on the table "You speak about her to us a ton. On your phone you have her saved as 'My love' which im sure isnt common among friends or best friends. You also have started reposting posts about love"
That made you think. Maybe you are in love with Winter? Everything Yuna just said is true. At this point you have no point in lying.
"I guess i do have a crush on her" You said
"Finally!" Yeji said
"Now go confess." Ryujin said
"What? Now?" You asked
"You can do it tonight too" Yuna said "Invite her to your place"
"Okay sure." You said. Tonight came quickly you texted Winter saying you want to spend time with her and she should come over to your place. Which she quickly replied to and happily agreed, and now she is at your place trying so hard not to cuddle up to you.
"Y/n?" Winter called your name softly.
"Yes?" You said
"Can i tell you something" Winter said
"Sure." You said
Here it goes.
"Its something i wanted to tell you for a while now. 8 months and 23 days to be specific. As we are best friends we share a ton in common, Y/n. I love you."
"Oh wow." You said "There's something i wanted to tell you too. I love you too."
"You do?!" Winter asked happily
"Of course" You answered her, Winter couldnt hide her happiness right now she genuinely felt happy, being with you.
"Can i kiss you?" Winter asked you and you nodded. Winter connected the distance between the two of you in a warm and soft kiss. The kiss that confirmed everything you and her have been feeling for the past 8 months.
Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Your First Kiss with Itzy 💋
tw: kissing before dating, yeji’s is slightly angsty (inspired by the first kiss in heartstopper,) eating food (lia,) laser tag w/ guns (ryujin,) playful wrestling (chaeryeong,) sharing a bed (yuna)
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You paced back and forth across your bedroom as the rain pounded against your window. You barely got any sleep the night before. Every time you started to drift off to sleep, your brain would remind you of that highly embarrassing moment you just experienced.
You were at a party with your crush, Yeji. You both got tired of the loud music and crowded dance floor, so you decided to find an empty room upstairs and take a breather together. There was undeniable chemistry between the two of you as you flirtatiously bantered back and forth. At one point, it got kind of quiet, and with the way she was looking at you, you thought it would be the right moment to kiss her. You were both leaning in slowly, about to connect your lips, when someone knocked on the door looking for her.
“I… I should go…” she told you. You nodded apologetically, and once she was gone, you threw your head in your hands to have a good cry.
When she didn’t text you later that night to ask where you went, you figured she was avoiding you. You must have misread the situation. She was probably just going to kiss you back out of pity. You felt so stupid and gross. You really thought you had lost her forever.
“Y/N, someone’s here to see you.” your roommate said from your doorway.
You jumped at the sudden intrusion, but nodded as if to give them permission to come in. Your roommate stepped back and held out their arm for your visitor. You gasped as Yeji suddenly appeared in front of you, soaked from the rain. Part of you was relieved, and the other part wanted to throw up from anxiety.
“I’ll let you guys talk…” your roommate mumbled, excusing themselves. They immediately understood the vibe in the room, since you had spent most of last night crying to them about what happened between you and Yeji.
You waved goodbye to them, shutting your bedroom door as they left. You turned back around to face Yeji.
“You didn’t bring an umbrella?” you asked with an awkward chuckle.
“I was in a rush to come see you.” she explained. Her hair and clothes were dripping wet, she was bare faced, and her cheeks were tinged pink from the cold air. It was the most beautiful you had ever seen her, which made this hurt so much more.
You swallowed hard, then exhaled to begin your spiel. “Yeji, I’m so sorry about last night. I came on too strong and I should’ve read the situation better.”
“Y/N…” she tried to interrupt, stepping closer to you.
“No, you deserve an apology. I know you probably just kissed me back out of pity.”
“And if you never want to talk to me or see me again I totally understand. I wouldn’t want to be associated with me either.”
“I completely regret what I did and I’m so-“
You never got to finish that sentence, because Yeji pulled you in by the collar of your shift and crashed her lips against yours. Your eyes widened at first, but once you registered what was happening, they closed and you melted into her touch. This was all you had ever wanted. Her lips were wet from the rain, your hands were on her damp shoulders, and you could feel her cold hands slightly warming up on your waist as the kiss went on. Finally, she pulled back and looked at you with a satisfied smile.
“That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up.” you practically whispered, a relieved smile on your face.
She giggled shyly. “I wanted to kiss you last night, I really did. I just thought the moment was ruined when Ryujin knocked on the door. I tried to find you at the party, but you were just gone, which I understood. I really should have texted you last night, but I was just so overwhelmed and exhausted. I’m sorry.”
You wrapped your arms up behind her neck.”It’s okay. You made up for it.”
She grinned gratefully, tilting her head to kiss you again. It was shorter this time, but just as sweet.
You pulled back, happier than ever. “Alright, let’s get you some warm, dry clothes.”
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You and Lia had been seeing each other for about a month now. You weren’t quite exclusive yet, but you both really liked each other and hung out quite a bit. You hadn’t gotten more intimate than holding hands and cuddling, but something you recently started doing was giving each other kisses on the cheek.
You were taking a walk in the park together, when suddenly she spotted an ice cream truck. You could see how her face lit up at the sight of it, and asked if she wanted to get some. She nodded sheepishly, and you told her you’d get some while she found you a nice place to sit.
“Alright, I got your favorite! Two scoops of strawberry with rainbow sprinkles!” you beamed as you met her on the park bench.
“Awh, thank you so much!” she beamed, taking it from you gratefully.
You smiled brightly as you sat down next to her, gaze fixed upon her. She just looked so precious, licking up the ice cream that threatened to drip off the cone, holding it with both hands as the sun made her golden hair and pink cheeks practically glow. You couldn’t help yourself, and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek.
“What did you get-“ she began, turning her head towards you. She was cut off by her lips pressing up against yours, making both your eyes widen.
You quickly pulled away and began apologizing profusely. “Ah I’m sorry! I meant to kiss you on the cheek, but you just turned your head right before I could!”
“It’s okay, Y/N!” she giggled, placing a hand over yours. “To be honest, I’ve been wanting to kiss you on the lips for a while now, but I’m just way too shy to initiate it.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, placing a hand over your chest. “Oh thank goodness, I thought I just totally ruined this whole thing…”
“Speaking of which… what is ‘this whole thing?’” she asked suddenly. You met her eyes, which were sparkling with curiosity.
“Well, we’ve reached the age old ‘what are we’ conversation…” you chuckled anxiously. “I wouldn’t mind calling you my girlfriend, but I understand if you’re not ready to be exclusive just yet.”
She tapped her chin with her pointer finger, pursing her lips to playfully exaggerate her thoughtful expression. “Hm, well since we just had our first kiss, I think I have to be your girlfriend now.”
You laughed, lacing your fingers with hers. “You don’t have to do anything, but I appreciate the traditional mindset.” you joked.
“Well, I don’t have to do this either.” She gingerly placed a hand on your cheek and tilted her head to curve her lips into yours, on purpose this time. Your eyelids fluttered shut, indulging in the feeling of her lips on yours for a moment before you cautiously brought a hand up to her waist. It was sweet, and tasted like strawberries, and you didn’t want it to ever end. However, you had to pull back eventually, smiling at each other bashfully.
You put your free hand over hers, which was still on your cheek, and gave her a cheshire-cat-like grin. “Aren’t you supposed to be shy?”
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You both were at a laser tag place with all your friends, and things were getting intense. Hyunjin and Jiu had gone rogue and started a guerrilla warfare attack on everyone, and Bella and Heejin were trying to take them down. You were just trying your best to avoid being tagged, running from one hiding place to the other in a chaotic frenzy.
Suddenly, you heard a march of footsteps. Scared of being attacked, you made a run for it clear across the room. It was a risky move, but better than standing like a deer in the headlights. Just as you were about to reach the most vulnerable spot however, a hand gripped your wrist and pulled you down into a tunnel.
“Are you crazy? You could’ve gotten killed!” your rescuer yelled. It was a bit dark, but you immediately recognized it as Ryujin. She seemed to be the only other sane person in your group.
“I didn’t know what else to do.” you explained, breathing heavily from the exertion. “I thought someone was after me.”
She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “They tried that tactic on me too. They must be getting desperate and wanting to take us as ransom.”
You laughed along with her, resting your back against the wall. “Thanks for saving my hide.”
“Anytime sweetheart.” she winked.
“Ugh, don’t be so greasy…” you cringe-laughed, hitting her on the arm playfully.
“What, you don’t like my flirting?” she mused, feigning shock and betrayal.
“I never said that.” you dared, turning towards her with your arms crossed as to mirror her. “I only meant, if you’re going to flirt with me, do it right.”
She gave you a small smirk, then inched closer to you. She began to brush your hair behind your ear and fiddle with the ends.
“I like what you did with your hair today. It’s really cute.” she complimented you in a low, husky voice.
You gulped. There was always a spark between you and Ryujin, but nothing had ever seem to come of it. You figured she was just flirty with everyone. However, you noticed she never went as far with Jiu or Bella, and Hyunjin and Heejin never flirted back with her. You guys definitely had a special dynamic. You just never knew what to call it. But it seemed like you would gain an answer soon enough.
“You’re a really beautiful girl/guy/person, you know that, right?” she asked rhetorically, eyes tracing over your features admiringly.
She brought a hand up to your cheek, turning your head from side to side as if examining you. “Such bright, sparkly eyes… a cute little nose….” Her gaze was fixed on your lips. “And don’t even get me started on those pretty lips. I’d kiss them, but… I don’t think I’d be able to stop.”
She leaned forward, making you jut your head forward expectantly. Your eyes were about to flutter shut, when she suddenly pulled back.
“How was that?” she teased with a shit-eating grin.
You scoffed offendedly. “Ugh, I hate you Ryujin!”
She raised an eyebrow, still smiling. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
You thought to yourself for a second about how you should match her energy. Then, without any warning, you threw a hand behind her neck and pulled her down to crash your lips against hers.
Her eyes gouged out of her head in shock, and she was frozen in place. You pressed your lips to hers for a few seconds, then pulled away with a satisfied smirk. However, soon after, her eyes darkened, and she was looking at you like she absolutely needed more of you. You looked at her hungrily, then dove in for another kiss. She was happy to meet you halfway, hands slipping around your waist to pull you closer.
“Ha! You guys are out!” someone screamed triumphantly.
You both whipped your heads around to see Jiu and Heejin standing at the entrance of the tunnel, guns in hand.
“You guys aren’t even on the same team!” you exclaimed frustratedly.
“We switched partners.” Jiu explained. “I can’t trust Hyunjin anymore.”
“Come on, I think I saw Bella across the room!” Heejin proposed, tugging Jiu away.
You and Ryujin both turned to each other in disbelief. Not only had you just had your first kiss, but you had lost laser tag.
“Well… you wanna go get a pizza and pick up where we left off?” she suggested, a pleasant smile on her face.
“I’d like that.” you told her. You held out your hand, and she took it, leading you both to the exit.
“Do you think they saw us kissing?”
“Who cares, they’re way too invested in the game anyway.”
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“Give it back Chae!” you demanded, lunging forward. She quickly jumped out of your trajectory, making you fall face first into the sofa cushion.
“No way! You’ve been keeping your crush a secret from me this whole time, and I’m gonna find out who it is one way or another!” she retaliated, clutching your phone to her chest.
“You can’t!” you pleaded, fumbling around like bambi on ice until you were back on your feet to chase after her.
The two of you were just hanging out at your apartment, waiting for the rest of the girls to show up so you could go out to dinner. However, Chaeryeong had just brought up the fact that Yeji told her you had confessed who your mystery crush was to her over text last night. You of course got defensive, because she was your crush. There was no way she could find out. And Chae being herself, promptly swiped your phone out of your hand and ran off with it.
“You’ll have to catch me first!” she teased, waving your phone around in the air.
You began chasing each other around your living room, ducking and diving past each other. Having no other escape, she hopped onto the coffee table for a vertical advantage, holding your phone up on the air. You tried jumping for it, but it was just too high up. Seeing no other option, you scooped her up in your arms and slammed her down on the couch.
“Give me my phone!” you ordered, pinning her down by her shoulders.
She had it caged between her hands in a tight grasp, refusing to let go. “No! Not until you tell me who your crush is!”
You tried prying her hands open, but she was just too strong. You feigned a defeated sigh, sitting up slightly.
“Fine. I didn’t want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice.” Then, without warning, you began relentlessly tickling her sides.
“No, Y/N, stop!” she pleaded, laughing uncontrollably. She began to squirm and kick her legs to no avail.
You couldn’t help the amused smile that made its way onto your face. “I’ll stop when you give me back my phone!”
With her growing weaker by the second, you finally managed to pry your phone out of her hands, tucking it into your back pocket. Still pinning her down, you loomed overtop of her victoriously.
She suddenly looked up at you with these huge doe eyes, and you realized just how tangled up the two of you were. Legs and arms a mess, sprawled out over the couch, clutching onto each other so you wouldn’t fall off…
You were both panting from the excursion, chests forced up against each other. You glanced down at her lips, which were plump and slightly parted. They seemed to be aching for you to kiss them, and her eyes were practically begging you to. In this moment, it felt right to lean down and brush your lips against hers, so you did. You must have been right, because she pushed her head up the tiniest bit to meet you in the middle.
The kiss was soft and innocent, your lips barely pressed against each others, but just enough to where you could feel each others’ longing. Through her lips, you could feel all of her, and how she wanted this just as much as you did.
When you pulled away, you were both breathless, staring at each other with wide eyes and parted lips.
“I guess I know who your crush is now.” she grinned triumphantly.
You rolled your eyes playfully, leaning down to kiss her again. “You’re such a dork.”
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The two of you were hanging out at her place, eating pizza and watching the new episode of the drama you were currently watching together. It was becoming a weekly occurrence, and you would usually sleep over afterward. She insisted on you taking her bed, making herself a little blanket fort on the floor. However, right now you were both on the bed, her head resting on your shoulder as you watched the tv.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, he kissed her!” you squealed at the scene playing out. The main couple had finally gotten together.
“What’s the big deal?” Yuna asked apathetically, glancing up at you.
“What do you mean? They’re kissing!” you exclaimed, hands held out in front of you in exaggeration.
“I just don’t get why kissing is such a huge milestone.” she sighed. “I mean, if you really think about it, it’s just two people smashing their lips against one another. It’s kind of weird.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “Wow Yuna, you’d think you’d have never been kissed before with the way you’re talking.”
She just sat their in silence, gaze shifting over to the other side of the room.
You gasped, sitting up. “Oh my gosh, have you never been kissed before?”
“Shut up!” she whined, pushing you playfully. “It’s embarrassing enough already to not have been kissed by the time you’re 19, you don’t need to rub it in!”
“There’s no need to be embarrassed, Yuna…” you reassured her. “You debuted as a 15 year old, and your company was probably really strict on dating rumors. It makes sense that you haven’t really had the opportunity to kiss anyone.”
“Yeah, but still… it’s been almost four years since we debuted, and it still hasn’t happenend…” she huffed, pouting slightly. “Like… what if something’s wrong with me?”
“Yuna, there is nothing wrong with you!” you giggled, grabbing her hands. “You’re perfectly fine. There’s plenty of people who would kill for the chance to kiss you.”
She laughed along with you, then squeezed your hands. “Thanks Y/N. It’s just…”
You looked at her comfortingly. “Yes, what is it?”
She looked down at her lap anxiously before meeting your eyes once again. “Can you be my first kiss?”
You were taken aback at the proposition. I mean, obviously you would love to kiss your beautiful best friend. But what if this changed you mr relationship forever?
“It doesn’t have to mean anything.” she quickly explained. “I just…. want my first kiss to be with someone I trust, you know? Someone who could give me honest feedback.” She leaned forward to look up at you with sparkling eyes. “Please?”
You gulped, blinking a few times. I mean, how could you refuse when she asked so nicely?”
“Okay, I’ll do it.” you told her, straightening up your posture. You cautiously placed your hands on the sides of her face, prompting her to lift her chin up. You inhaled one last time, gathering your courage, and slowly leaned to down to graze her lips softly.
Her eyelids fluttered shut, and after a little while she was melting into the kiss, placing her arms up around your neck. The two of you crashed your lips against each other a few times, poking your tongue between your lips every now and again to wet them. Her hand went up into your hair to tug at the nape, and yours traveled down to rest on her lower back, feeling the bare skin under her crop top. Your chests were pressed against one another, making it easy to feel each others’ rapid heartbeats.
Before things got too steamy, you pulled back, releasing her lips from yours. Her eyes stayed close for a second, but opened again momentarily.
“Wow…” she breathed with the tiniest smile. “I totally understand why kissing is such a big deal.”
“Yeah?” you chuckled airily, still catching your breath. “You’re not disappointed at all?”
She shook her head. “Not in the slightest.”
You nodded, eyes shifting around the room awkwardly. “Um, it’s getting late isn’t it?”
“Yeah, we should probably go to bed!” she agreed, obviously happy to change the subject. She hopped off the bed to get comfortable in her little blanket fort. You both silently curled up into your sleeping positions, ignoring the obvious tension.
“Yuna?” you finally asked before turning the lights off.
“Hm?” she chirped, a satisfied smirk evident on her features.
“Do you wanna sleep up here tonight?”
She happily bounced up from her spot on the floor and under the covers with you, cuddling up to your side. You clicked the lights off and put an arm around her waist, trying hard not to think about how good she smelled, or how your heart was racing, or how warm your cheeks were getting. Maybe this had changed your friendship, but it seemed to be changing in a way that you both liked.
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finnbbl · 3 months
Hyunjin x M! Reader - Dancer AU |SMAU | Chapter 6
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Ch. 6 - Tokyo | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter|
| Story Masterlist |
Written: No
Smau: Yes
Warnings: Swearing, i think that’s it?
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Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo
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urfriendlylocalidiot · 10 months
In honor of ITZY’s comeback
Reader x ITZY
Returning Home w/ ITZY
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Coming home to your love is always the best part
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She would be so nervous about you coming home after 4 long weeks. What if you didn’t feel the same anymore? What if? Would probably stress-clean the apartment before you arrive. And it would be spotless to say the least. Everything just had to be just right for when you came home.
And just right it was, when you did arrive home, she ran into your arms, just for you to change it to a long-awaited makeout session. Even showing her the flowers you had picked up for her along the way. They were her favorite, proving that you hadn’t fallen in love with her after all. And although you were tired, you were full of adrenaline with being around her again.
Instead of unpacking, you guys decide to just have a long romantic date night. You both get changed and get ready to head out for a night out. Something she really needed, with all the stress of her comeback. You guys decide to get dinner together at your favorite restaurant and catch up on everything that has happened in the past 4 weeks. You end up staying until closing and having to carry Yeji back into your apartment, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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You guys definitely missed each other. Like so much. Like handwritten letters every other day since you left. And so when the day finally came that you were coming home, you were honestly both elated! Yes, you had some good times with your new friends, but nothing could truly compare to being with Lia.
When you do get home, she pulls you into a hug and gives you a signed copy of her comeback cd! Needless to say, you guys have a lot to catch up on. Even though you guys wrote each other everyday, there was still so much else to talk about.
You guys end up staying in bed all day, which was honestly just what you needed after a long day of traveling. She told you more about her comeback and you were finally able to see the music videos she had wrote about recording. Obviously you told her some memories you made while away, but they paled in comparison to a whole comeback.
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The moment you step foot into your apartment — bags and all, she jumps you.
“I missed you” she murmurs into your neck.
“I can see that” you say, chuckling.
And don’t expect this to change for literal hours. You manage to set down your bags despite having a literal Koala attached to you. It was clear that today was not going to be the day you unpack your bags. Which was honestly fine with you. For the most part of the day you guys just stay cuddled up on the couch, nodding in and out of sleep.
You guys even manage to cook a dinner for you two, it was a simple chicken and rice, but it was still the first meal you guys had together for 4 weeks. It was honestly perfect for you two.
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Definitely nervous and worried about you coming home. But the excitement easily overpowers that. You’re finally coming home!! After 4 long, stressful weeks without you, you’d finally be home again. And god, you had a lot to catch up on — daily phone calls still weren’t enough to fully express everything.
So when you do arrive home, she jumps into your arms. And she relishes the feeling of finally being with you again. Like she even cries a little out of happiness of you coming home. And she cries even more when she sees the flowers you bought her. She’s just so happy and full of love now that you’re back.
You guys obviously spend the rest of the day together. She even cooks your favorite dinner since you’re actually home now to enjoy it. My god, she’s missed you and neither of you guys can stop smiling from the joy of being together again.
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AHHHH!! To say she was excited was an understatement, she was literally counting down the days until your arrival back home!! 4 weeks was far too long to spend apart. She would literally wind up at the airport like 3 hours before your arrival time. She was just that excited to see you again!
In order to kill the 3 hours though, she buys you flowers and even makes a poster for you. God knows how she found a poster making shop in the airport, but anything for you. She’s just so happy that you’re finally coming home. She was so restless without you. But thank god, you’re coming home today, so all is going to go back to normal.
When you do land and come out of the gate, Yuna literally runs into your arms. And obviously you pick her up and give her a little spin. When you eventually put her down, you see her holding the poster and flowers and pull her into another hug. Only to pull away to pull out some flowers of your own for her. Needless to say you both missed each other a lot.
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imnameimswrld · 4 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐈𝐓𝐙𝐘 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 || 𝗢𝗧𝟱 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . the itzy members as different love tropes ♡ ❫
YEJI ❪ 황예지 ❫ – ⋆·˚ ༘ * holiday romance
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❪ ✈ ❫ ━━ it's your first big trip to a foreign country, and all alone, incidents were bound to happen. what made you think taking the train would be easy is beyond your knowledge, because you couldn't read a damn word – anywhere. luckily, someone took note of your deep confusion, and offered a helping hand. her eyes were sharp and yet, full of kindness and warmth. falling for yeji was as easy as knowing left from right. for 3 months straight you never spent a single day apart, and for some that may be overwhelming, but neither of you wanted to waste a second of your limited time together. when your time to fly back home arrived, there was worry in the air, but there was something else too that night... hope ;
❝ forgetting you is out of the question, but until the next, *kisses you deeply, cradling your face with care, and she pours all the words he tears withhold from leaving her heavy heart* ❞
LIA ❪ 최리아 ❫ – ⋆·˚ ༘ * rivals to lovers
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❪ 🤝 ❫ ━━ only one person can be at the top of the academic chain at your university, and every year, it comes down between yourself, and your biggest rival, lia. you weren't bitter towards each other, in fact, your friends were convinced there's lia has a thing for you. it was unbelievable at first, until you realized that everytime you were around each other, your eyes always drifted to her... where'd they'd meet hers always gazing back. it was a drunken moment that caused you to ask her out, and you were fully expecting it to go horribly. that is, until the night ended with belly-aching laughter and, well, a kiss. more than one, actually. from then on lia never left you alone until you admitted your feelings and said yes to being hers ;
❝ i'm kicking your ass in that exam next week baby, *says with your favourite smile that reaches her eyes on her face, holding your hand tightly in hers as you walk the hallway to class * ❞
RYUJIN ❪ 신류진 ❫ – ⋆·˚ ༘ * second love
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❪ 💌 ❫ ━━ your first love left you in shattered shard of the most perfect wine glass, the delicate feelings it held a lie, and you swore of romance for the next decade of your life. that was the plan, and all it took was a girl with wicked charm for it to go up into wild flames. you were stubborn and guarded for months but, ryujin never gave up. she wasn't overbearing, but always ended up being there in the moments you needed a companion the most. it was slow, but you found yourself wanting her around more, and not just on the occasional run-ins. you were terrified of opening up your heart for another again, but your smiles for ryujin couldn't be faked, and neither could the feelings you developed. she'd become your second, and she promised to be your last. she promised forever, you believed her ;
❝ your heart is safe with me, i'll cherish it forever, my love, *tucks a stray stand of your hair behind you ear, before pressing a delicate kiss to your forehead* ❞
CHAERYEONG ❪ 이채령 ❫ – ⋆·˚ ༘ * friends to lovers
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❪ 💏 ❫ ━━ for years you've told each other you loved each other, and it took a singular moment in the snow to realise the depth of which those three words meant. hugs grew longer, cheek kisses drifted closer and closer towards the lips, and gazes turned from friendly to admiration. there was fear, but the excitement overpowerd it, and gave chaeryeong the confidence to warm your shivering lips with hers. it was a simple peck, and then silence, before you're pulling her in by her waist for another. no one was suprised when you broke the news to the rest of your friends, and they were all just simple relieved you two finally realised what truly lied in your hearts ;
❝ no wonder no one ever felt like home, cause it's always been you, *gazes up from your neck into your eyes, her smile the prettiest thing to have even been viewed upon* ❞
YUNA ❪ 신유나 ❫ – ⋆·˚ ༘ * opposites attract
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❪ 💞 ❫ ━━ you never thought an outgoing girl like shin yuna from bio would be into someone as quiet as you. you barely interacted in the classes you had together, although she did always smile at you whenever she saw you, and it was always the sight of her two front teeth being bigger than the rest that caused you to smile right back. according to mutual friends you shared, yuna was crushing on you big time. but you never thought it was serious until she showed up at your front door with an assortment of flowers in her hands, claiming she had no idea what kind you were into. unable to resist the giddiness in her aura, you plucked one out, removed the stem, and slid the daisy into her hair. she blushed, and you pecked her pink cheek before grabbing her hand and leading her to a restaurant you knew she'd like. it wasn't to your taste, but if it meant you could see that bunny smile of hers, you'd suck it up and do it all over again ;
❝ you're pretty talented for someone who hates nail polish, *she smirks as you finish her pinky, breathing a sigh as you mutter your signature line 'anything for you, princess,'* ❞
━━━━━━━━❪ all in us ♡ ❫━━━━━━━━
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hwangyeddeongie · 2 months
hwangyeddeongie's masterlist
smut fluff angst
threesome with sub!yeji and ryujin
earned it. (mommy!yeji x gp!ryujin)
overstim with sub!yeji
strap with sub!mommy!yeji
dodging my gf's kisses prank with yeji
dodging my gf's kisses prank with ryujin
yeji picking up drunk!reader
itzy most to least loud in bed
itzy most to least likely to send nudes
switch yeji headcanons
bratty yuna headcanons
yeji with muscled!masc!gf
hunger games au
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
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writers-ex · 1 year
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yuna ver.
forced to share a bed 🛏️
you both got stuck in a rain storm that was too heavy to outdrive
so you pulled into a random inn and oh would you look at that
every room is taken except for the one room with one bed
yuna is grumbling the whole time complaining about her needing the bed to get her beauty rest
you roll your eyes and grab a pillow to take the couch
when you go shower first and try to sleep you shiver and sneeze bc it’s so cold in those places
yuna was hogging all the blankets and after she steps out of the shower and sees you shivering she goes to bed and scoots over
“…I have space here for you… get in before I change my mind…”
she doesn’t have to ask you twice
placing a pillow in between the two of you you warn her not to cross the line and pull the blanket near you
as you close your eyes you hear yuna’s light snores and feel her arms wrap around your body clinging onto you
trying to get out of her hold you sigh defeated and let her hug you the whole night falling asleep right after peacefully having one of the best rests of your life
your kindness and ability to sleep through her snores and kicks is over looked as yuna screams awake and shoves you out of bed
you head to brush your teeth annoyed by her accusations but as you turn to walk out you fail to notice her red cheeks and speeding heart rate as she stays still staring at the spot you slept at
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ryujenini · 4 months
IMAGINE #37 (fluff)
Imagine play fighting with Ryujin that ends up with you cuddled up on the floor and her peppering your giggling face with soft kisses and even softer hair caresses
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angelicvity · 8 months
paris in the rain, shin yuna x fem reader
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genre: fluff
warning: none
a/n: shes so <33
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in the enchanting city of paris, yuna and y/n, their hearts intertwined with a deep affection, found themselves embracing the romantic ambiance as they strolled hand in hand through the rainy streets. the soft patter of raindrops overhead created a serene backdrop, perfectly mirroring the tenderness they felt for each other.
as they walked, y/n couldn't help but steal glances at yuna, her heart fluttering with affection. "yuna," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rain. "i can't believe we're here, in this beautiful city, sharing these moments together."
yuna smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with adoration. "me neither, jagi. being here with you feels like a dream come true."
they continued their leisurely walk, their steps synchronized as they moved in harmony. the city lights reflected off the wet pavement, casting a romantic glow that mirrored the love between them.
y/n's heart swelled with emotion. "yuna, anywhere with you feels right," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "being by your side makes every moment special, even in the simplest of settings."
yuna's gaze never wavered from y/n's. "you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world," she replied softly. "being here with you, in the rain, it's like we're in our own little fairytale."
they walked hand in hand, their fingers entwined, as they explored the charming streets of paris. the rain washed away any worries, leaving only a sense of peace and contentment between them.
they found themselves in front of a quaint café, its warm lights inviting them inside. yuna pulled y/n gently towards it, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "let's take shelter from the rain and warm up with a cup of hot chocolate," she suggested.
y/n nodded, their hands still tightly clasped. they entered the café and settled into a cozy corner booth, the ambiance welcoming and comforting. their laughter filled the air as they shared stories and whispered sweet nothings to each other.
as they sipped their hot chocolate, they exchanged loving glances, their eyes speaking volumes of their affection. y/n leaned across the table, her voice filled with adoration. "you know, every moment in your presence is filled with magic and love. it feels like a fairytale."
yuna reached out to caress y/n's cheek, her touch sending shivers down y/n's spine. "you're my everything, y/n. cause anywhere with you feels right. you make every place feel like home."
their conversation continued, filled with laughter, affectionate touches, and heartfelt promises. they lost track of time, blissfully lost in each other's company.
when the rain finally subsided, they left the café, hand in hand, ready to continue their adventure through the streets of paris. the city seemed to come alive, vibrant and welcoming, as if celebrating their love.
as they wandered through the charming streets, y/n couldn't help but lean into yuna's embrace, feeling the warmth and comfort of her presence.
yuna pressed a soft kiss to y/n's lips, their love sealing the moment in time. it was a gentle and passionate kiss that spoke volumes of their affection.
they broke apart, their eyes locked, and shared a tender smile before continuing their journey.
as they walked, a mischievous grin spread across y/n's face. "hey, yuna," she said playfully. "do you remember that time we got caught in the rain and ended up dancing like fools?"
yuna chuckled, a gleam of amusement in her eyes. "how could i forget? we were soaked from head to toe, but we laughed so hard that day."
y/n's laughter filled the air as she mimicked their clumsy dance moves. "we must have looked ridiculous! but it was one of the happiest moments of my life."
yuna joined in the laughter, her heart filled with joy. "yes, it was. and it's moments like those that make our journey together so special."
they continued to share stories of their silly adventures, their laughter intertwining with the sounds of the city. in that moment, they knew that their love was not only deep and passionate but also filled with lightheartedness and joy.
hand in hand, they walked on, their steps light and filled with joy, knowing that as long as they were together, anywhere they found themselves would feel right, just like their own personal paradise—paris in the rain.
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purecantarella · 1 year
Too Little, Too Late
who missed meeee? HAHAHA but yeah, finals have come to a close and i now have a significant amount of free time!! so i will be back for the next week or so before the beginning of the next term kicks up but since i've been going through my own heartbreak as of recent, yall have to feel it with me HAHAHA enjoy lovelies!! update to this, not super heartbroken anymore and i might just wind up with this girl, so pray for me. shin yuna x reader ; chou tzuyu x reader disclaimer/s : nothing much, i had to change this disclaimer cause i ended up writing a fluff piece rather than the angst it shoulda been but there's a hint of angst if you squint.
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If you were asked just what you liked about her, you’d stare off and just be in awe of Shin Yuna’s whole being. The way she smiled, the way she made others feel, the way she dressed, the impeccable way her eyes would shine when she spoke.
It was just so perfectly her.
While others called her flighty, a loose cannon ready to leave at the drop of a hat, you looked passed that. You saw her at her best and loved her at her worst. You knew why she was the way she was.
You’re her best friend after all.
“Hey!” She cries while wrapping her arms around your neck, permeating the music blasting in your headphones. Any normal person’s response to that would be immanent shock or to be confused, but you were used to her antics at this point. You smile warmly and lay a hand on her forearm before pausing your music. “Hey yourself, your manager was up all night calling me asking where you were.”
A faint sense of bitterness rumbles in your chest as you face her, “I wondered the same thing if I’m honest.”
She giggles cutely before shrugging, “Here and there, you know how it is, N/n.”
You roll your eyes, a hint of jealousy in the action but it goes completely unnoticed. As it always does. Yuna’s always been the type to go out without a word to her managers or the rest of the girls, choosing that it’s better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission. Which lead you to often lie to her managers, telling them you were with her all night.
“So, N/n, my sweet girl, my partner in crime,” Her rattling off makes your heart melt ever so slightly but when that cheshire grin pulls up on her lips you know she means trouble. You shake your head with an adamant look on your face, you say, "Nope, I know what that look means."
She sighs dramatically before falling into your lap. You can't help the smile tugging on your lips, because even if she's a world-renowned idol, she was still this silly little kid. And you adored her for it. "It's a company party and Yeji and Ryujin are going together, Lia and Chaer are bringing separate dates, would you really want me to be going alone?" Yuna looks up at you with a pout and the softest eyes imaginable, completely obliterating whatever self-control you have.
You breathe a deep sigh before leaning back on your arm, running your hand comfortably through her long dark locks. Paying special attention to her bangs that began to grow out. The singer smiles under your touch as you mutter, "You are an agent of chaos, Yuna."
"That's not a no." She retorts sing-songy, letting her eyes slide shut for a moment. You laugh gently, and for a moment you allow yourself to take her in. The soft features she has, just how loudly your heart was beating in that moment, and how the afternoon wasn't so unbearable when she was here with you.
It was stupid that you couldn't say no to her, but there was no way she would have it any other way. "Fine, I'll go to your stupid party." A satisfied smile breaks onto her face as she cracks one eye open slightly, "I'm happy."
"I can tell." As you pull your hand away to try and look at your phone, Yuna's hand finds yours. You eye her curiously before she places it back atop her head. "Don't stop doing that, it..." She trails off for a moment, her voice becoming small, "It's comforting."
Your heart stops for a moment, before you smile down at her, both her eyes now open as she smiles the way she does. Her eyes bright and warm as stars, the afternoon just drifting away. All you can think in the moment is how radiant she looks under the light of the sun and just how lucky you were to have her in your lap.
Even if it were just as a friend.
The night of JYPE's ball, you anxiously stood in front of the off-site stylist's mirror. It was odd seeing yourself in a suit or a turtleneck, it wasn't often that you were given the opportunity to wear anything like it, much less how expensive you knew the items were. You sported a dark blue suit jacket over a black turtleneck with matching black slacks and dress shoes.
You stared at Yuna getting her make-up done from behind you, laughing and joking with staff and Chaeryeong who sat beside her. You couldn't keep your eyes off her, and it was becoming more and more difficult to hide. Chaer's date siddles up to you with a gleeful look on their face, "Someone's looking rather smashing."
You smile and pull the high neckline away from you, "Are these supposed to be that itchy?" You ask with a genuine look of discomfort. They laugh and pull at their own collar. "Well, we are walking in with Itchay."
You roll your eyes and push their shoulder gently, "You're awful." They smile at you with a toothy grin, "But now for the big reveal?" You feel a pang of nervousness before you're abruptly turned around and you hear Chaer's partner ask, "Ladies, don't we just look stunning?"
Their conversation is broken the moment you both turn around. Chear, unable to hide her excitement jumps up from her chair and embraces her partner, spewing compliment after compliment between kisses. You smile as you stare at them, wishing Yuna would give you the same attention.
But what you got was somehow better.
You look over at her and see a dumbstruck look on her face as stares you up and down with a shy smile on her face. She excuses herself from her make-up artist and saunters up to you. Before you know it she's in front of you, fixing the lapels of your jacket wordlessly. Hand snaking around your neck until both hands are interlocked behind your head.
"If I'd known I'd be walking in with the most dapper gentlewoman I've ever laid eyes on, I would've dressed up a bit more." You chuckle and wrap your arms around her waist. You raise a testing brow, "Dapper? Never thought I'd ever hear that from you..." You pause as she stomps her foot while whining, but before she can fully pull away, you pull her closer, "And you don't need to dress up when you're next to me. This is me keeping up with you, bareface, full face of make-up, or whatever."
There's a silence in the room as Yuna stares up at you with soft-eyes and while you break-down internally, thinking you said the wrong thing. Then her face breaks into that bunny smile you adore so much, adorned with a light coat of blush that you can't make out if it was there before she got up or not. Her hands unclasp and pinch your cheek hard, "You're an idiot, N/n."
You laugh nervously before she turns around and sits in her make-up chair again, talking to the make-up artist and stylist. You stand there dumbfounded and feel a sense of loss when she lets you go. Chaer looks over at you once she'd finished gushing, and whispers, "You did great, just give her a minute to figure everything out."
You smile at her, disappointment resonating in your chest, "Yeah, but I don't know if I have a minute to spare anymore."
A couple hours and about a million photos for their Instagram, you found yourself in the middle of a party with aspiring stars and some of the most recognizable face in Korean pop music standing with you waiting for their drinks. You were there primarily to get a breath away from Yuna, someone who was supposed to be your best friend.
Who you promised to sit next to and whisper random gossip you'd heard or seen across the room. But after the debacle in the dressing room and how much it muddled your sense of self and how much you felt for her, you needed a break.
The bartender walks back and forth trying to get everyone's orders right, "Excuse-Can I-? Fuck it this is pointless." You grumble to yourself as you take the napkin in your hands, tearing it to little shreds.
"Yeah, they can be brutal on guests they don't know by face or name." A voice called from behind you. You turned and saw the face of the youngest member of TWICE, Chou Tzuyu herself. You blush seeing her this close, you'd always confided in Yuna that you found her the most attractive of the members of TWICE after a long drunken night on the phone. To which Yuna cussed you out and laughed.
You never thought you'd get to see her in person.
You gulped as she walked up to the bar, catching the barkeep's attention. He attended to her immediately, "A mojito and..." She trails off looking at you, you nod to the man, "Whisky on ice, please." He whips them up almost instantly, and it wasn't long before they were both in your hands.
You smile tipping your drink towards her. "Thanks, I really needed a drink to handle tonight." Tzuyu nods solemnly, before taking a sip of her own drink, cringing a bit at the taste. You laugh as you take your own sip. "Stronger than you thought?"
"No- I mean, yes?" You laugh again, staring at the singer with a quirked brow, "I saw that you needed help with the bartender and I wanted to sound cool, the other members usually order a drink for me." She says with a light flush over her tanned cheeks, you feel a flutter in your chest as she does.
You smile before nodding off to the balcony, "I think some fresh air would do me some good," You pause as you watch her face falter a little. "Care to join me?"
You were absolutely right.
The night air did you so well, and being around Tzuyu definitely helped. She was easy to talk to and even when you'd both finished your drinks, you didn't want to leave. She told you an assortment of stories about what happens behind the scenes. How Dahyun and Momo are almost always late cause they're too busy with each other, Nayeon and Jeongyeon's arguments in the morning, and how she and Sana got together. It twinged you a little to know your bias was taken but she just seemed so happy.
"Short to say, Nayeon-unnie was not very happy about the compilations of Jeongyeon-unnie with Jihyo-unnie." The young woman finished as you cracked up.
"I didn't realize just how jealous she was." Tzuyu shakes her head with a goofy smile. "There's a lot you all don't see, which sometimes I think is a good thing." She says again quietly, you look at her.
With a small gust of wind of wind takes you both by surprise. Tzuyu shudders under the cold blow and wraps her arms around herself. Mindlessly, you take your suit jacket off and drape it over her. She looks at you, her cheeks an embarrassing shade of red which makes you smile.
"Sana's lucky to have you." Tzuyu smiles up at you before the glass doors of the balcony open up. Revealing an disheveled and irritated looking Yuna. She grins at Tzuyu with a sickeningly sweet smile. Your eyes go wide before you look down at your phone screen. You'd told her you were going to get a drink almost an hour ago.
Tzuyu stifles a giggle before nodding of to you, "I have to go, N/n. I'll just get your number from Yuna then?"
You were fully aware of what she was doing, you nod off before she pushes away from the railing with her empty glass in hand. Before she can walk in though, Yuna clears her throat, "Unnie, Y/n's jacket please."
The older woman chuckles and slips off the jacket, gingerly placing it in Yuna's open palm. Your best friend's gaze never wavering, baring imaginary holes into yours. Yuna rattles off before Tzuyu can even get into the building, "I've been looking for you for the past half hour, Y/n."
The older woman pulls a sour face and shoots you finger guns, mouthing, 'good luck' before finally closing the door behind her. "I've just been here, Yuna. Socializing. Isn't that what you wanted?" You ask pointedly, spinning the empty glass in your hand.
"What I wanted was for us to be here together." She pauses taking a step closer. "What I wanted was for my best friend to be with me, smiling and chatting with me. Not sneaking off to a secluded spot to make out with her bias."
You laugh, completely blown away by Yuna's outlandish statements. "Did it look like I was anywhere near doing that?!" You call out, hands up in the air. "What if I had been just a second late, you two were standing awfully close for two people who were, just as you say, 'socializing'."
You roll your eyes and begin to walk off when Yuna puts her hand in front of you. "You don't get to walk away, Y/n."
You rub your eyes tiredly as Yuna flares her nose and stares up at you with the eyes you'd normally swoon over. "You think I didn't want to do that? Walk in with you be all cheery and make fun of the execs who are wearing suits too trendy for their own good?" Your voice softer now, not wanting to escalate the argument further.
"I wanted to be there with you, hell..." You pause, your confession on the tip of your tongue but you bite it back. Knowing that once it's out you'll never see Shin Yuna again. "You know what, forget it."
Her hand is on your wrist pulling you back, she's still fuming. "What? What were you about to say, Y/n?" Her saying your name was nails on a chalkboard to you, she never calls you by your full name, even when you had arguments.
In your mind, you really fucked it up this time.
"I can't say it."
"Well, if you aren't I am. I wanted you there with me not as my friend, not as a guest, but as mine. Because I like you so fucking much! It's insane to me just how much I like you." Your breath catches in your throat as her confession spills messily.
She pants madly as she pulls her hand away from yours stepping away from you. Normally, you'd catch her hand in yours and tell her everything's going to be okay but you're stunned in place. Yuna covers her face, no doubt red as a tomato at this point as she tries to recompose herself.
"I've done everything I can to avoid this feeling, going out to parties, taking more hours rehearsing, talked to different people. But then I saw you in the park yesterday, being your geeky self, reading the book I suggested to you and something snapped." She releases another breath, "Then I saw you out here with Chou Tzuyu, someone you said you'd leave me in the dust for..."
"That was a joke, Yuna..." You finally say before walking up to her. Before you could touch her though, she shys away from you. Leaning on the stone railing of whatever building JYP could book for his lavish event. "I know it's too little, too late. I...I'm happy for you if you want to go chase after Tzuyu."
Finally, the storm clears and Yuna looks up at you with the same puppy-dog eyes she gave you when first saw you tonight. Your stomach leaped over and over as you looked into her eyes. "Yuna...Tzuyu..." You pause, watching her cringe at the sound of her name rolling off your tongue. You smile, "Tzuyu's dating Minatozaki Sana."
She whips her head over to you with a look of shock on her face. A smile blooms on her face, "I fucking knew it! I saw them behind the scenes of one of their music videos once and I-"
Before she could finish her thought, your lips were on hers, cutting her off. Her words muffled and eyes wide as your hands cup her warm, defined cheeks. In an instant, she melts and leans into you. Arms draping over your shoulders, pulling you closer.
You pull away, just a hair apart you smile down at her, "Suffice to say, I'm no where near dating or making out with Chou Tzuyu. You were right, I'm all yours."
Yuna says nothing but pulls you closer, the noises of the party inside completely vanishing as you held her under the moonlight. Like you'd both always wanted. Completely numb to her members all crowding towards the glass doors, abruptly screaming and cheering.
You both pull away from one another, and laugh at the enthusiasm her members and their partners had for you both. You look down at your best friend, planting a lingering kiss over her cheek, making her blush deepen.
A warm and delicate smile over your lips as you say, "Not too little, not too late, Yuna." Another kiss to her nose. "You were right on time."
and there's another one!! this was what i was meant to post as my comeback but i went back to workshop it a bit. i hope you all enjoyed it!! i'll try to keep posting but given my classes begin again next week, i won't promise much. i'll crank out as many as i can this week tho HAHAAH i love you all vv much and i will see you all soon!! bye lovelies 💕 - r
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lesbolieeh · 11 months
She left behind a poem
Yuna (ITZY) ✦ Fem!Reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
WC—3.8 ✦ k
THEMES—sfw ✦ light angst ✦ future fluff (?) ✦ best friend au ✦ crush au
WARNING—anxiety ✦ heartbreak ✦ crying yuna :(
NOW PLAYING—Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship) ✦ Studio Killers
[A/N.] 언니 (eonni) = older sister
Original ver. “The Notebook” (Somi x reader)
M.LISTS—itzy ✦ latest updates ✦ read on wp
All rights reserved © lesbolieeh
✦ ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ✦ ੈ ✦ ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ✦ ੈ ✦
Today was one of those bad fucking days. One of those days when you can't find any positivity in anything. One of those days when you don't feel like talking to the people you love the most. One of those days when you just want to give up.
The first thing you saw in the morning was a the notification of a text from your girlfriend. Looking at the white speech bubble is something you usually look forward to when you see Somi's name bright up your screen, knowing she always has something entertaining to tell.
But this particular morning she said something you wish were a joke.
SomSom babieboo💞
[ive been thinking lately and _____ i think we need a break]
[You're not going to tell me why?]
Seen 10:17
You asked her the first thing that came to your mind. She couldn't possibly just expect you to be OK with having a break without a reason, right?
After an hour you accepted the fact that she had left you on read and that she wasn't going to reply anytime soon.
Maybe it was because she called you _____.
She never called you by your name. Only your friends called you that. She was supposed to call you weird or cheesy pet names and nothing else!
She left you with a headache. She left you with your bad thoughts and theories. Damn you, Somi.
It was very human-like of you to be in a bad mood. Only a robot would feel nothing in this situation. The day wouldn't get any worse. You were going to make sure of it! Your mood may have been bad, but you weren't going to let anyone else get affected by it. Lashing out on innocent people because you don't feel good on the inside is something you hated doing.
Today you were going to hang out with your best friend, Yuna, have a picnic on a park next to the Han river. Yuna had packed a cute pink basket (that she had specifically bought for you two to use for picnics together since they happened at least thrice a month) which was filled with tuna and kimchi kimbap, green grapes, two clementines and some churro flavored chips and you had packed a large outdoor blanket so Yuna wouldn't have too much to carry. For almost a week you two hadn't met up and you both missed each other and wanted to make up for the days you had spent apart so of course you went for the nice, typical no-homo picnic hang out session.
But no.
You weren't going to meet Yuna and ruin her parade with the rain cloud that was following you around wherever you went since you opened your eyes this dark morning. No, you weren't going to let the first time you two meet in such a long time be ruined by the sad news you got this ugly morning.
언니 🥰
[I can't hang out today, sorry]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[why not?☹️]
언니 🥰
[I'm not feeling too well]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[it's ok i'll get some soup for u😊]
언니 🥰
[No, you don't need to, I don't want you to get sick!]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[but ive missed u sm☹️]
언니 🥰
[We'll meet another day I promise to make up for this!]
And so you put the phone gently on the table to lay on the sofa and binge watch some random show. You made sure to turn your phone off first since you knew you'd cut Somi some slack in case you read any persuasive text from her — she's good with words and making you feel loved. Whilst you were looking through all the lists Netflix had created for you, which were filled with movies and series you either had already seen or weren't interested in, Yuna was still expectantly waiting for her screen to go bright.
She must be joking, she thought.
Unlike you, Yuna's morning had started out brilliant. From the moment she opened her eyes, she was smiling and full of energy, excited to hang out with you after not seeing you for five whole days. She had missed you. Spending time with you was one of her favorite hobbies! Since you two had picnics regularly you two had decided that you would take turns in deciding and packing the picnic basket and this time it was Yuna's turn! She had been so excited all week, planning out a shopping list days before. She had specifically purchased grapes this time because she had this fantasy of putting one in your mouth (which sounded weird, but it would feel intimate to feed you fruit) and also playing around and throwing grapes up in the air and catching them in the mouth.
Needless to say, she liked you a little more than a best friend should and that was a bit of a problem. Her friends kept telling her that it was stupid to spend so much time with you and that Yuna should either try to ignore her emotions or she should distance herself from you until she loses feelings, because it was unfair to hurt herself by giving herself false hopes of getting somewhere with a taken girl.
And Yuna knew it. For so long, she'd known that it was a bad idea to like you. You didn't like her in the same way, and you even had a girlfriend for fuck's sake — and a really pretty one at that! But no matter how many red flags there were, she still wanted to spend everyday with you. She didn't want a week to go by without being with you. She wanted to cuddle with you on a picnic blanket. She wanted to kiss you when you visited photo booths. She wanted to share shirts with you. She wanted to stay up late and talk until you two fell asleep in each others' arms. She wanted to be the only one you called Baby.
Wondering why you called Yuna 'Baby' when you already were in a relationship with Somi? Well, Baby had been Yuna's nickname before you even met Somi (yes, you'd known Yuna longer than you'd known Somi, yet you still found yourself in a relationship with the latter — or not anymore actually). And though your (then) girlfriend never liked it, you had convinced her it was just a friendly pet name. Because that's exactly what it was.
To you.
To Yuna it was the closest she'd ever feel to being your girlfriend. But you started using that pet name less and ever since Somi came around and ruined everything more than it already was ruined. Yuna even had to change her contact name on your phone to include the word 'baby' so you wouldn't forget to call her that.
She loathed Somi.
Somi was always the reason why you couldn't hang out with your bestfriend for too long, why you couldn't call her Baby on certain occasions and why you couldn't look at her as a potential girlfriend. Somi was an attention thief. Not really. But it felt like it. Yuna was jealous of everything Somi had with you.
Because your girlfriend obviously was a threat, Yuna felt like she needed even more of your validation than before (which was already a lot). She needed your attention. If you ignored her she'd think it was your way of telling her that you had left her completely for Somi. Ridiculous! She shouldn't feel like you owe attention to her.
Your friendly fucking friendship was the closest thing Yuna had to being together with you in the way she really wanted, so she valued it a lot. Not having you as her girlfriend was painful enough, but not having you as even her friend would break her.
Right now you weren't validating your time together, nor your friendship — or at least it felt like it to Yuna. She always needed. Your attention and unlike normally, she wasn't getting it right now. Her smile dropped and so did her excitement for the day.
Was this the end?
She knew that spending one week without each other would lead to more time for you to spend with your damn girlfriend but she didn't know it would lead to the end of your friendship.
No way she'd bail on the picnic plans.
Baby Yunanana🍓
[can i pls come over? i bought fruits for u<33 i'm sure fruits is exactly what u need right now!!]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[idc if i get sick or not bc i still wanna hang out w u]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[pls 언니]
Sent 11:33
You had ignored her only once before and it was a horrible experience.
The way you ignored her (on accident) was so hurtful that she had to leave the gathering that she had looked forward to for so long, confusing the other guests, to go and lock herself in a bathroom so she could cry without bothering anyone. You'd gone right after her since you knew it wasn't very Yuna-like to leave a fun time for no reason. After you had knocked on the door and reassured her you were her best friend and not a random person coming to make fun of her, she let you in the bathroom.
The sight you were met by was her crumbling figure on the floor and overflowing tears on her cheeks. She had thought that you wanted nothing to do with her. Stupid you didn't see the obvious signs. It was because of the fact that you hadn't paid any attention to her that Yuna had gotten the idea that you had grown bored of her or that you wanted to leave her for Somi (she hadn't told you the latter part, of course). And weeks later you did get together with Somi. And that made her cry herself to sleep for days which you never knew.
How much your lack of attention and affection for Yuna had affected her was scary. And a fucking sign, you idiot. Nobody gets so worked up over the loss of affection of someone they view as a friend. Ever since that incident you'd made sure to always remind her of how much you value your friendship.
Except for today.
She thought she had made it clear enough to you that you never ever should ignore her unless you really meant It. Unless you really wanted to part ways. To go from the bestest friends to cold acquaintances. Some people might think it's crazy to be this attached to a best friend but you weren't just her best friend. You were her love and happiness. Without you she didn't have either.
Five minutes passed since she triple texted you and she still had no reply. Slowly she felt how her tummy was turning into knots and how her eyes started stinging.
Baby Yunanana🍓
[ur making me worried]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[hey!! text me so ik u didn't die from choking on strawberry milk 언니😰]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[r u ignoring me?🫠]
Baby Yunanana🍓
[unless u have corona, meet me by the river at 6 if u care abt me. i need to talk to u abt smth important]
Sent 12:04
If you didn't show up she knew for sure that you had left her behind forever. If you did show up then she'd confess to you. So spontaneous. She couldn't keep her feelings away from you for another year because it wasn't healthy and she knew it. She knew she would have to tell you about her feelings sooner or later. And after being without you for a whole ass week and after experiencing the cruel punishment that is being ignored and even thinking you broke your dear friendship off, she knew the time had come for her to finally woman up and confess.
Whilst she was anxiously thinking through why she made such a bold move and possibly ruined any future she had with you, the girl she loved was being lazy and stuffing her face in pillows in front of a TV.
one season of Young Royals later...
Tossed between blankets and an overflow of pillows, your tummy roared like a lion. You hadn't eaten anything yet. Maybe it was time to do something other than numbing your feelings with Netflix and the drinks you had at home? As you stood up you felt heavy. You had moved maximum 100 meters in the past few hours — to go to the bathroom then kitchen and back to the living room — and it had taken a toll on your body physically.
You sat back down on your sofa and brought your phone to view after hours without it.
[6 new messages from Baby Yunanana🍓]
Fuck. The last message was sent so long ago. You looked at your windows. It was dark outside. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. As fast as you physically could, you put on a pair of shoes and a jacket with your aching limbs.
In just a few minutes you were on your way to the closest bus station. The whole bus ride to the river was filled with thoughts putting you down. Your favorite person in the world was sensitive about this stuff and you hurt her. You were supposed to not let your bad mood affect anybody around you. But who were you kidding? Of course something had to go wrong with an idea you constructed and analyzed for four microseconds.
Before you knew it you had arrived at the destination. You were speed walking to the river. You two always went to the exact same spot by the river since it was usually vacant, by some miracle, and had a pretty view of a bridge.
You were naive enough to think that isolating yourself from your bestfriend and your phone would help solve your problems, so you were certainly naive enough to go and check if Yuna was still at your meeting place hours after you were supposed to meet her. What if she wasn't there? What if she was there?
The water was shimmering from the moonlight and next to it was a bench and a thin, tall silhouette. Your eyes widened. Could it be...? Sniffles. That's the sound that came from their direction. You walked closer and could make out the lines of a figure that was all too familiar.
The silhouette turned around and though it was dark you could see that it in fact was her. You quickly sat down beside her and noticed that a couple of notebooks were scattered on the ground next to a bike. You didn't know what to do, never having seen glad Yuna cry. After another particularly loud sniffle you turned your attention back to her. The light of the moon exposed the redness and tears on her face. For hours she'd been outside and her face was still wet with tears.
"Why are you still out at this hour?"
She choked on her tears and rested her face in her hands, "Because I'm a fool."
"No, you're not a—"
"Why are you here?" she interrupted you.
"You told me to meet you if I care about you."
"You come here hours later as if I don't mean anything to you," she hurried out before her voice could crack.
"I'm sorry about that. But if I didn't care about you I wouldn't show up at all," you spoke with a soft tone. The last thing you wanted was to be harsh, especially since you were the reason your best friend was upset.
"Why did you do this to me, 언니?" she looked you in the eyes as if she'd find any answers inside them.
"I promise I didn't do it on purpose. I would never hurt you on purpose," you took her hands into yours, oblivious to how the simple gesture made Yuna a bit hopeful on the inside.
Her hands were so cold it was shocking that she was shaking because of her crying and not because of the ice-like coldness. That's what happens when you're out for hours when there's no sun — or person — to keep you warm.
"I saw the messages 20 minutes ago and got here immediately. I would never purposely ignore you, Baby."
You made sure to use her nickname in almost every sentence you spoke, silently telling her that you don't want to fight. Slowly you brought her hands to your lips and kissed them lightly, five kisses on each hand for every finger. She looked at your lovely action and felt how her tears were slowing down. The kisses didn't make her warm — maybe for a second — but at least they made her feel somewhat better inside.
"I'm so, so sorry you had to be here in the cold," you apologized and kept her hands in yours as an attempt to warm them.
One part of Yuna wanted to continue being mad and make you feel bad for the hurt you'd caused her but the bigger part wanted you to hold her in your arms. She loved you and couldn't stay mad at you for long even if she tried.
"I-It's OK, 언니. At least you're here now," she whispered and looked at your locked hands, admiring the sight since it may never happen again — or maybe she should make sure her hands are cold more often—
You sent her a sorrowful smile and let her head rest on your shoulder, resting your own against it as an instinct, both from being comfortable and tired.
"From now on I will check if I have any texts every hour for you," you said with an exaggerated joking voice to lighten the mood.
She giggled. You weren't even being that funny but you were both tired and sad, so anything even a tiny bit funny was hilarious to both of you.
"What did you want to tell me before, Baby?" you whispered into her fluffy hair and petted it.
Should she tell you how she feels? Should she possibly ruin this? If she told you how she truly felt, would you ever kiss her hands like you did just now? Would you ever touch her this caringly ever again? Would you continue to call her Baby? Or would all of that be gone due to your loyalty to your sweet precious girlfriend Somi?
For hours Yuna had been outside in the cold waiting for the love of her life so she could tell her the truth. But it took time before you, the love of her life, showed up. Too long.
When a person is alone outside with notebooks filled with blank pages to write feelings and stories in, it's easy to let emotions take over. She ended up writing around seven poems. Some poems were really cheesy and written in the spirit of the moment. Some didn't even rhyme. Some were a perfect description of where she was in her non-existing love life.
But they all had one thing in common.
They were melancholic and written from the point of view of a woman who was hopelessly in love with her best friend.
"Nothing. I just wanted to have a picnic with you, 언니. I was just being dramatic to convince you to come despite feeling under the weather," she lied right through her teeth.
That made no sense because you two had never been on a picnic after sunset and Yuna would never lie to make you come see her. But you were tired and desperate to leave the cold outside, so you chuckled lightly, believing her immediately.
"Then where are the snacks?" you asked, confused since the only things around you were notebooks, a bike and water.
"I ate them."
Laughter filled the air; your genuine one and her fake one.
You put your face in her cheek, making her blush (not that you'd notice, since her cheeks were already red from before), "Well, my tummy is a little too thin right now, so let's go somewhere."
"In the middle of the night?" she questioned.
"Yes," you smiled against her cheek and she felt it, making her smile too.
You both were still smiling when you were picking up all the notebooks to get ready for the ride. Jokes were thrown here and there. It was as if nothing had happened. You both knew it was a misunderstanding and you valued the friendship with the other too much to put energy into arguing. And you were tired too, so the argument wouldn't even be that epic even if you tried.
"What about your bike?"
"Oh nooo! The buses are always so full now that it's too late to take the subway!" Yuna whined.
"You know what? Since I was a jerk you can go take a warm bus while I ride in the cold," you said impulsively.
"B-But, 언니—" she smiled, flattered.
"B-But nothing," you interrupted her and sat down on the bike. Anyone who had spoken to you knew you were stubborn. She laughed. The little sadness she had left was gone by now. Her cheeks were dry. Still red, but not from crying, now they were red from blushing.
"OK, whatever you say, 언니."
"You brought a transport card right?" you made sure since she came by bike.
"Yes I do~ See you in an hour, 언니," she winked at you and waved with a smile brighter than the moon before running to the bus that just arrived.
You waved back to her and got ready to bike — you definitely needed a head start. But before you started you couldn't help but see something white standing out in the darkness.
It was another one of Yuna's notebooks. You must've been too tired to notice it when you were picking them up. Thankfully the notebook was open or else you wouldn't have noticed it as it had a dark cover. You took it into your hands. To make sure it really was Yuna's you needed to read at least a snippet.
You prayed it was Yuna's because it would be worse if you read a stranger's private thoughts than your best friend's since you already knew all her secrets. The snippet was Yuna's. It was from one of the pages of poems that didn't rhyme, that was very cheesy but depicted how sappy she was feeling and also told her part of the story that you never knew.
i want to feel my best friend's lips on my lips
ugh how much of a cliche gay can i be haha
i don't want her to call me 'baby' only
i want her to call me 'mine'
i want to call her that too
You drop the book on the grass. So that's what she wanted to tell you.
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❝ Jenny, darling, you're my best friend
But there's a few things that you don't know of
Why I borrow your lipstick so often
I'm using your shirt as a pillow case
I've been doing bad things that you don't know about
Stealing your stuff now and then
Nothing you'd miss, but it means the world to me ❞
—chubby cherry; 2013
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ryuttaeng · 1 year
can u write something cute with the itzy members teasing yuna for having a big fat crush on 6th member!reader and pushing her to ask u out
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— pairing: yuna x 6th member!reader
summary: …yuna covered ryujin’s mouth, afraid that you might heard her, “i didn’t heard you clearly, what did you say?” “nothing!” yuna replied you in a high-pitched voice before she quickly walked away with ryujin.
contents(warnings): fluff, yuna confesses to y/n after being told to, friends to lovers, yuna is very shy
genres: fluff
a/n: i changed it a bit if it’s okay
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“shush! ugh, unnie…” yuna whined, holding lia’s arm. five of girls sat on the floor, while four of them giggled at their maknae. “yuna-yah! you’ve got a crush on y/n and you’ve been covering it up from us? aren’t we’re like your sisters?!” yeji playfully scolded yuna, shaking her by her shoulders, while yuna covered her face with hands.
telling the truth, she didn’t expected her crush on you will be revealed like that. she thought that playing truth or dare wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
yuna turned her head when she heard cooing from her unnies, only to face you in the doorway. feeling her heart beating faster than before, yuna turned away from you, pretending to be busy with something.
little did she knew, ryujin planned something. ryujin waved at you, as you sat down on the couch, older girl smiled mischievously. “y/nnie, did you know that yuna actually likes you so, so-“ ryujin didn’t finished her sentence, as you heard only muffled sounds coming from ryujin.
yuna covered ryujin’s mouth, afraid that you might heard her, “i didn’t heard you clearly, what did you say?” you asked ryujin again, but received response from yuna. “nothing!” yuna replied you in a high-pitched voice before she quickly walked away with ryujin.
“unnie! are you insane?” yuna whispered, as she closed the room’s door. she obviously did not wanted you to know about her crush on you but it was hard to keep it in secret due her members that wanted to tease her.
ryujin removed yuna’s hand, “what? what’s wrong in dating with y/n-“ older girl raised her voice a bit more to make whoever stood behind the door hear everything because she clearly heard someone behind it. “shush! ryujin unnie…” yuna whined again, as she pouted.
yuna squeaked at the sudden knock on the door, taking a few steps back. the door opened, revealing you behind it and making yuna mentally slam her head against a wall. “unnie, can you leave us alone for a while please?” you asked, looking at ryujin. older girl mischievously smiled, winking at yuna.
you turned to yuna, “listen, ryujin unnie is just a- she was joking okay? they just wanted to- um, well…” yuna started rattling but was cut off by you.
you placed a soft kiss on yuna’s cheek, making her blush even more. yuna looked at you with her eyes wide open, covering her cheek. “actually i like you too, yuna.” you simply said, looking in yuna’s eyes.
“ew, don’t do anything gross like-“ you both heard ryujin’s voice behind the door, hearing multiple whispers after, scolding ryujin.
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