#its too far fetched
orionsangel86 · 19 days
the stuff that happened to you in australia is wild, are you sure you're not stanley yelnats
Lol ya know sometimes I'll watch that film and think "this seems familiar" haha!
I don't talk about it much at all, and only a few people in my real life know the whole story. It happened 14 years ago but there are times when I think back to all the shit I did and risky decisions I made and wonder how I survived. At the same time I remember all the people who legit saved me at various points.
The Israeli guy who found me outside my hostel in sydney stressed and jetlagged and all alone and offered to take me to the beach for the few hours before I was able to check in. He bought me lunch. He kept a nervous half asleep and already sunburnt british girl company for my first few hours in Australia and was such a lovely guy. Not once did it feel like he had nefarious intentions.
The coach driver from Dubbo to Burke who saw a young girl all alone waiting to be picked up by a sadistic farmer who decided last minute not to pick me up til the next day so I was stuck at the Burke coach station at night all alone - the coach driver found me a hotel and paid for me for the night, he called his wife and got her to speak to me and give me her number as they were worried about me. They tried to convince me not to go to the farm - I should have listened.
The two Australian brothers who were on a hunting trip with their two young boys, who stayed on the sadistic farmers property and realised I was distressed, scared, and had no way out, and offered to smuggle me off his farm at 5am and take me back to Burke.
The Aussie guy who found me at the coach station in Dubbo after my long escape, asked if I was okay, and if I knew where the hostel was, and when I said no and burst into tears he found a hostel for me, called them and gave me a lift to the other side of town and got me checked in. Once I was there I knew I was safe, and the hostel manager got me in contact with the Aussie authorities to report my experience. Again, another saviour who wanted nothing but to know I was okay.
Its funny writing it down now, the good parts anyway, because each time I put my faith in strangers, all of them men, and in all circumstances it could have gone very bad, but miraculously in all circumstances for me they all just genuinely wanted to help.
I used to joke that my superpower was playing the damsel in distress and making men genuinely want to save me. But the fact is, I WAS a damsel in distress, and I WAS saved, by good decent people every time. The time I spent on the farm was horrible. I don't like to think about it much. I didn't come to any physical harm, but mentally it was the worst experience of my life - but I do try to remember the people who saved me. Who took care of me and extended kindness my way when I really needed it. Its made me a better person I think.
But anyway thats why I hate country music with a fiery passion. If you listen to it on repeat for 2 weeks whilst stuck in a prison of mind games, fear, and constant threats on your life, you start making associations. In the section of Hell reserved just for me, they play country music round the clock.
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coldgpa · 2 years
I'm saying Joseph quinn purposely made eddie gay on his own accord. Like I think he read the script and saw exactly what we saw
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hitokiri-izou · 7 days
I know my most popular post is of aventurine and ena the order sharing an eye color and ena possibly being gaiathra triclops but i don't necessarily believe it. It's a pretty common theory but im not exactly sure if that's the conclusion we should draw. It seems a little too implicit to be a red herring but ena being gaiathra triclops would sort of undermine aventurine's story and journey with religion.
Im sure we'll get more lore reveals in future versions but with what we have now, I have 2 theories:
1. Gaiathra triclops is separate from the aeon system but as perhaps a minor deity, she derives her power or maintains her existence through the order. I'm thinking in broad terms here since aeon lore is shaky but it's possible gaiathra triclops is too minor a divinity to be counted as an aeon but she still exists. When ena got devoured by xipe, an event that surely has lasting effects, maybe an overflow of power seeped into the universe and several minor divinities were able to be born and sustain themselves through it. Of course this wouldn't necessarily mean that all beings using that power would follow the path of order especially since it no longer exists, but form their own paths/ideologies.
2. Gaiathra triclops is an off shoot divinity of ena. In many mythologies, deities are born from a body part or aspect of another greater deity. An example would be athena being born from the skull of zeus in greek mythology, or amaterasu, tsukuyomi, and susanoo being born from izanagi's eyes and nose when he washed himself after visiting the underworld in japanese mythology. So there are a lot of things that gaiathra triclops could have formed from; ena's tears, ena's regrets, ena's musical notes, or even body parts like the eye in ena's portrait. When ena was devoured, some aspect of her crystallized into another being i.e. gaiathra triclops.
This is slightly different from theory 1 since this would mean gaiathra triclops was once a part of ena the order while the first theory would mean that she is only using power/energy that comes from the order.
Both could explain why aventurine and depictions of ena the order have the same eye color. Which honestly, is the only thing that ties the two together; if it wasn't for that no one would really connect them.
In any case I actually have no idea why this tenuous connection exists but i wanted to explore more options beyond the 'ena is gaiathra triclops' theory
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someoldfires · 5 months
thinking abt the things the writers said on that panel recently abt the will they/wont they tension keeping people watching and that youre not gonna give that up too easily. thinking about nandor + guillermo + kiss post it note. thinking about the seemingly random upswing of people involved in the show recently denying/downplaying the romantic buildup between them while also keeping everyone talking about it. many thoughts
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
sometimes i consider writing about aus of the saiki k gang just in the universes of other fandoms i like (ie: the steven universe kubosai idea i posted) and then i realize that like.. it almost never works because saiki would be a totally different person if they all lived in a universe where supernatural powers were accepted and he had people around him with similar experiences..
so basically every au is just "what if kusuo saiki was less traumatized?" and it changes his entire character...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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Ich verstehe seine Haare nicht
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daincrediblegg · 13 days
You know… I think I’d enjoy bridgerton more if it engaged in its stakes more than it engaged with its payoff. You know. Like all the jane austen’s novels it’s trying to chase through charm
#like. idk. it’s fun but it’s disenchanting bc it doesn’t engage with class social structures in any meaningful way#also where are the fucking soldiers??? shouldn’t there be some colonels running around?#it’s regency what does everyone not know that the napoleonic wars are happening#like this is what I’m saying it won’t engage with any of the history and then try to pass off small gestures as the things that love is#made of. like. did you not read p&p??? god sakes#and what’s worse is that a good portion of other copypastes in this genre that I have seen do exactly the same thing#i mean even sanditon which I would accuse of similar crimes still manages to talk about colonialism and race in a way more meaningful way#even if it does seem a little far fetched#and I’m glad penelope is finally getting an arc but even still its like. it never wants to really penetrate the fatness issue#like it’s not the crux of why she’s so socially outcast and rather make it about her being a wallflower#and yeah maybe I’m too close to this one and I care a little too much bc I have been in her position before (and spoilers it didn’t end well#but all of this is to say is that the pure wish fulfillment kinda bores me ngl. like put the characters through their paces for gods sake#and ofc I’m saying this coming off game of thrones so ofc my outlook is bleak but like. romance can be more fun and maybe it would have#a better reputation than it does if we didn’t just act like its happening in a vacuum
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alicornae · 3 months
i still REALLY wanna take a crack at doing an rp event where celestia hosts a party of some kind- maybe a gala or a ball to celebrate the change of the seasons! i was thinking summer but spring could work too!
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probablyaseamonster · 4 months
hey so I'm back on my bodyswap bullshit again! (What can i say, its one of my favourite fanfic concepts!)
Alright so hear me out on this one.
feel the crack.
Alastor is character A in the swap...
But character B is someone he's never interacted with
He probably doesn't even know she exists
Shes from a different show entirely
But they have one thing. ONE THING in common.
Its the cherub Vivzie herself voiced in that one episode.
The one literally named "Deerie".
So basically a cute "innocent" lowest-of-all angel gets bodyswapped with one of the most feared overlords in hell.
And the most important thing is that NEITHER of them are happy about it.
#Like idc what you think#Alastor would NOT immediately see the situation as an opportunity to get info on heaven#At least not at first#Bro couldn't give less of a shit about the angels#From his monologue in the pilot we can infer that he might even practically side with the exterminators#At least in the virtue of sinners deserving serious punishment#He has never shown ANY interest in going to heaven#And given what we know of his backstop its not too far-fetched to think that he'd planned to go to hell#That mentality of “id rather be a ruler in hell than a nobody in heaven”#And that would also be in character because from what we and a bunch of other people interpret his mysterious personality#Bro's power-hungry as shit#He probably dislikes the angels on the virtue of submitting to God#And now... he's the lowest of them all#A cherub. The heavenly equivalent of an *imp*#But much. Much cuter#He's gonna try to maintain a smiling face#Because we all know his philosophy on that#But it's especially annoying because he doesn't have his reputation anymore#Cherubs are known for being moved to tears fast and making waterfalls with that salt#So the intimidation factor is entirely gone#Plus he has to do office work to maintain the ruse#... he's probably gonna intentionally get caught cannibalizing a fellow cherub just to get kicked back into hell.#Seems like the less humiliating option#And then there's Deerie over here#Trapped in the body of a tall skinny sexyman demon with barely any deer features#Plus the. You know. Serial killer reputation and casual cannibalism#She's deffo not having a good time either#Probably regretting banishing that trio#Nah they were advertising their business illegally and acting on God's behalf#Shea such a bitch I love her
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theclosetedskeleton · 7 months
WHIMSY POSTING PAUSED the day I finally stop my compulsive skin picking habits is the day its OVER for all of my enemies
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godofsmallthings · 1 year
the thing abt gaylorism is that above all else it's a community and a state of mind and you just can't understand it unless you've been in it
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shepherdenjoyer · 9 months
instagram is wacky i just saw someone comment that banning ear cropping would just lead to ppl importing dogs instead, or doing it "in their kitchen with scissors and baking soda".. i dont think everyone is as out of their minds as you are dear social media user. also as if several countries didnt already make that change years, if not decades ago in a lot of cases. its literally fine.
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misspickman · 2 years
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yunogf · 1 year
look at this jaehyuuunnn
nooooooooo jaehyunnnnnn :((((((( my whole entire heart ☹️😫😫😫 he was sooooo cute as a baby &the fact that he still resembles his happy baby self now when he laughs is so endearing i could cRY
link 💔
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frankieslaboratory · 2 years
a girl in my american revolution and cultural memory seminar just did a presentation on bioshock infinite and the mythologization of the founding fathers, a topic i also intensely thought about when i prepared my presentation topic, and i was so excited which further proves that these games own me
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yk maybe i do want to be a librarian and live in mg and have a cool autumn sense of fashion and have my parents support and hold my pratices close and not struggle with capitalism and internalized racism as much
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