#its still 68 degrees out here
bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 88. brb x oc
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a/n: it's 37 degrees celsius right now but there's nothing hotter than this man
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff with a smidge of suggestive as always uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
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@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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He groans on the bed, burying his face on the pillow, “Fuck.”
“Everything okay?”
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“I would never laugh at my husband.” she giggles while sitting on his lower back, pushing her palm’s heel over his back until she reaches his shoulder blades, “God, Roos, it’s like the hills of Scotland on your back, you are so tense.” and it was during their shower together that Beatrice noticed it, promising him as soon as they left the shower they’d resolve that.
Her husband just groaned again, happily so, his eyes almost rolling back into the sockets when she added pressure to another spot on his back, “Jesus fuck that’s so good.” Beatrice laughs above him, her Iron Maiden nightshirt up to her hips as she massages his back in a slow but firm pattern, “It’s been a while since this happened,huh?”
“Since I massaged you?”
“I think the last time was after we moved in here?” she suggests while pushing on his back and smiling at yet another deep groan that made its way out of him, “Why are you so tense though? The last time was because you were going to be deployed.” she pauses, “Are you going to be deployed?”
“Not that I know of.” he murmurs, sighing quietly into the pillow before he turns his head to look at her, “I think it’s just…I don’t know, overall stress. I heard some things through the grapevine.” 
“Did I ever tell you how me and Mav got back to talking?”
“You did say it was on a mission, but you didn’t elaborate on it.” she says, rubbing his ribs in circles, “I didn’t want to pressure you on opening up when you weren’t ready.”
And his eyes close because his heart cannot take such sweetness. He just smiles back at her, folding his arms under his chin as he remembers everything, “We had to blow an uranium enrichment facility, everything went well until well…Mav got hit then I got hit.” he notices how her hands stopped moving for a brief second before continuing, “And we had to leave in the oldest fucking fighter I’ve ever seen, that thing had spider webs in the spider webs.”
“But you made it back.”
He blinked before turning his head to face her, her own eyes soft and smile gentle as she rubs the back of her finger against his cheekbone, “I did…and it was really good too…but uh,” he clears his throat, “Mav told me how they wanted to replace the pilots with drones.”
"Yeah, instead of a person that trained for years to get good at their craft.” he says, still letting her massage his shoulders and upper back, pressing his lips against his arms, “The new recruits asked me about it, they looked so terrified because they thought they’d be replaced before even beginning their careers Bea.”
She makes a face above him, gently rubbing the golden skin that was adorned with tiny nicks and scars - and some of her own doing if she might add - that were there because of years of work. Blood,sweat and tears to get good at what he does…and then to be terrified because they’d be replaced by machines? She couldn’t imagine.
But she could somewhat understand why that option was given thought. 
Rooster’s job was dangerous, she knew it was, he told her it was and she had seen things once she started working at the Hard Deck. It’s…understandable that human lives couldn’t be rebuilt like a machine would.
Part of her, the rational part of her - the one that often sounded like Guillermo or her father talking - said that while it was a loving sentiment to think about the pilots’ safety, there was more to it. It wasn’t just because they were worried about the pilots, it was probably because taking care of a drone was cheaper to handle. 
They needed no food, no shelter, all they needed was a quick check up to see if everything was working right.
Her head was hurting thinking about this.
And Rooster noticed because his brow raised in question as he looked over his shoulder at her, “Baby.” he calls, “You okay?”
“Mhm, just…thinking about what you said.” she smiles, leaning down to kiss his cheek, “Hopefully…there is a way to resolve that, you know?”
“I hope so,I don’t really feel like getting replaced by Deus Ex Machina. It’s one thing to play games dealing with that, it’s something completely different  to live it.” and he pushes himself to a sitting position as Beatrice disappears in the bathroom to wash her hands clean of any of the massage oil, “What are you thinking about? Any input you could give?”
“Yeah gorgeous, you.” he chuckles, resting his arms on his bare legs with a gentle groan, muttering how she had ‘magic hands’. But Beatrice takes a while to reply, so much so he has to tilt his head towards the bathroom door and see if she was listening to him or not. “Gorgeous.” he tries again, seeing that her eyes flick towards him before looking away.
“I don’t know how I can help.”
“You always do,I value your opinions.” 
Beatrice wipes her hands on the towel closest to her as she thinks about how to reply, “...I don’t know Roos.” she says honestly, offering him a shrug after tossing the towel aside, “It’s…hm,” she frowns, “I just hope no one else suffers because of these new options…you said they tried doing that back when Mav got back?”
“Yep.” he spreads his arms and legs so she could step between them and he could hold her waist close to him, his hands cupping the back of her thighs, “If it wasn’t for what happened at that mission I’m sure this conversation would be still up and about for a long time.”
Beatrice hummed as she ran her fingers through his hair, smiling when he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes, “Maybe there’s a way for both to coexist.” she whispers, “I’d like to think so at least…is there anything else in your mind?”
He pauses, still rubbing his head against her hand like a cat to catnip  - she could swear she heard purring coming out of his throat - before opening his eyes, “No,” he says then, “It’s just something to keep in mind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh,gorgeous.” he smirks, pulling her legs apart so she could straddle his lap, his hands cupping her buttcheeks, “I’m sure. Thanks for listening to me though.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” she grins, “I’m your wife.”
“And my best friend.”
“And your best friend.” they share a laugh, one that only makes Rooster lean closer to kiss her, “Hm! Roos,” she gently breaks the kiss much to her husband’s loud disappointment, “I’m going to make us dinner, is there anything you want?”
He drops his eyes over the length of her body - stopping at her panties for a few seconds - before looking up at her again, “Well~”
“Something edible,Roos.” she reinforces, brushing his cheekbones with her thumbs, “Come on,handsome, you can give me a straight answer.” She could feel the full body shudder darting all over him when she calls him ‘handsome’ and his head drops to the curve of her shoulder.
With a sharp inhale of that delicious lavender scent, he mumbles “How about some honey sesame chicken?” he questions, “With some salad? Do we have wine?”
“Oh, you're feeling like drinking are you,Mr.Bradshaw?”
Again the shudder and he lifts his head to look at her, pressing their noses together with a lazy cat-like smile, ‘Yes,I am, Mrs.Bradshaw. It’s been a while since we had it…and we still have to celebrate Nikki’s newest milestone.”
Beatrice just smiles softly at him, pecking his lips quickly, “Okay.” she climbs off his lap, something he didn’t really want to happen but he did allow it to, just giving her ass a quick slap before she turned around fully. Beatrice squeaked but huffed out a chuckle, playfully shoving his shoulder, “Stop.”
“No.” he replies, trying to imitate her high-pitched tone, “And because you said that you’ll get one more.” and he slaps the opposite cheek as she has her back to him now, quickly tugging her shirt down to cover her ass as she shuffles out of the room. She glares at him from the door, then pokes her tongue out, “I’m gonna get that too!”
“No you won’t.”
“...Wanna bet?”
Beatrice sees the way his legs are bending and her eyes widen, much like a fawn trying to run from a predator, she just slowly disappears from the door, “Bea…” he is standing up, careful steps nearing the threshold, he could hear the weight of her footsteps - light as if she’s trying to hide where she’s going - “Bea, I know where you are.”
She knew he had the clear advantage in this situation, his legs were longer and he was obviously faster than she was so she could either risk it all and run or she could just stay put and pounce on him when he least expected it. That was the plan at least.
Because in her thinking process she got distracted and her husband creeped up from behind her, she had her back to the door as she neared the railing, and immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, “Gotcha!” Beatrice yelped in surprise, her legs kicking in the air as the sudden shock turned into laughter, “I got you, gorgeous, told you I would.”
“Nooooo!” she laughs, trying to break free, “Not fair! I didn’t even hear you.”
“Years of training,gorgeous.” he smirks, kissing under her jaw repeatedly, “But I’m going to let you go so you can get everything ready, then check on Nikki.” he slowly sets her down, kissing the top of her head and her nose, smiling when she scrunches at the contact, “Call me if you need help okay?”
“I will.” she leans up to quickly peck his lips, walking around the railing towards the stairs. Rooster leans on it to watch her going down, his wife looking up to smile at him one more time - Jolene following her closely - and he mirrors the expression.
As Beatrice is out of sight, his smile falters a bit, his thumb spinning his wedding band on his finger as his eyes look at nothing. That…drone conversation did something to him but not on the way he expected it.
Maybe there was a way for both to coexist.
He sighs as he straightens himself to turn his body to Nicole’s room, knocking his knuckles on the railing as he walks away. He gently pushed the door to his daughter’s room open, the creaking sound making Eleanor and Jack’s heads lift from the floor, the white dog still in front of Nicole’s crib and her brother partially under it.
Eleanor’s tail wagging only intensified when Rooster entered the room, petting the female dog first and crouching a bit to pet her brother, “You two taking care of my little girl?” he smiles as he scratches Jack’s chin, grunting as he stands to his full height.
Nicole is peacefully asleep, her little chest rising and falling and her body sprawled on the mattress, the onesie she wore - he just took notice of it - had a fighter jet on it and was mossy green, making it seem like her arms were the jet’s wings and her legs its’ tail. He smiles down at her, gently brushing her soft cheek with the back of his finger, “Aren’t you just so precious?” he coos, his daughter making a little noise but not waking up, just turning her head the opposite way.
He folds his arms on top of the gate, inhaling softly as he keeps his eyes on Nicole. He was extremely thankful there were no talks of deployment yet but he knew he had to mentally prepare whenever there was. He tapped his finger against his arm, then lifted the same hand to hold his head up as he kept on staring at his baby daughter.
Rooster loved his job.
He achieved a lot in his young life.
And yet the talk with Cyclone often repeated itself in his mind. His superior was tough for many reasons and Rooster would never disagree with him…unless it involved Nicole. He wanted his daughter to grow up with him no matter how far and hell,he knew she wouldn’t understand why he had to leave.
He didn’t,when he was a boy and his father was gone.
He didn’t when–
He stops thinking about it immediately, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingertips before sighing. His little daughter was peacefully asleep, oblivious to her father’s turmoil, happily crawling in her dreamland if the little smile on her face was any sign. Rooster smiles down at her, bending down a bit to prop his chin on his folded arms, “...you and your mother are the most precious things in my life,Nikki.” he whispers, “I swear, birdie.”
Nicole moves a bit when he talks, then her light green eyes blink up at him and he immediately regrets it, “Oh no, no no, sweetie. I’m sorry,” he coos, “Daddy didn’t want to wake you up.”
But she didn’t cry, in fact she didn’t seem like she was bothered by it.
She rubbed her little fists on her eyes and kept them there, almost as if she wanted to stretch but was too lazy to. Nicole blinked a few more times, finally dropping her arms as she looked up at Rooster, “Hi,sweetie.” he coos, gently sliding his hands under her to pick her up since she didn’t appear to go back to sleep, “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
Nicole just snuggles his neck, big light green irises disappearing behind her eyes as she sighed, almost as if she just wanted to sleep on him now…then blinked them open, staring at the pilot with wide eyes. “Hi.” he coos, “Hi, pretty.”
His daughter was probably confused, because he wasn’t that close before and now he was?? She just looked at his arms, then at him and then turned her head to the crib, “Yes, you woke up, cutie.” he says, gently combing some of her hair down, “I actually woke you up,I’m sorry honey.”
Nicole just vocalized something and held onto his neck. Rooster just closed his eyes, hugging his little girl tighter to him and smelling that soft cotton flower scent that came from her hair. He just furrowed his brows a bit, kissing her cherub like cheek before he turned on his heel, “Let’s go see mommy, yeah?” Eleanor and Jack followed them as soon as Rooster was out of the room, walking down the stairs with Nicole still clinging to his neck.
Beatrice was too busy preparing their dinner, jumping a bit when she heard his voice coming from behind her, “Something smells good.” Beatrice’s shoulders sag in relief as she turns around, face lighting up when she saw who he was bringing along.
“Hi! Oh my sweet baby!” she wipes her hands off any sauce to pick Nicole up, their daughter still sleepy, sighing quietly as her mother placed her on the crook of her shoulder, “It was about time she woke up.”
“I think I made her wake up too.” he says apologetically, “I touched her cheek and she just blinked those big eyes at me.”
“Oh, it’s okay, she just needs a few more minutes to wake up fully, hm?”
“Do you need me to do anything,gorgeous?”
Beatrice looks back at the stove, then towards him, “You can get our wine and set it aside.” she smiles, “Everything else is under control.”
Rooster chuckles softly, leaning down to kiss her forehead and Nicole’s scalp, walking around them to get the wine glasses from inside the cabinets, “Oh, by the way, I’m going to the bar tomorrow, a bit earlier.”
“Yeah, Penny wants me to teach Jessie how to use the ice machine.” she explains, bouncing Nikki around, “She is still nervous getting close to it.”
“Considering the size of that thing,I wouldn’t blame her at all.”
“It can be a bit menacing yeah.”
Rooster gently set the glasses down on the counter, licking his lips before he spoke, “How about I stay with Nikki tomorrow?” he asks,spinning the wine bottle on its axis on the counter, creating a scraping sound from the glass. When Beatrice didn’t say anything he turned his torso to face her, “I think it’d be fun.”
“Well, you know I don’t mind.” she says, with a smile but her brows were furrowed, “It’s been a while since you suggested it.”
“I know, I guess I miss her a lot.”
Beatrice knew there was something else in there but she didn’t say anything, “Well, I’m okay with it.”
“I can take you to the bar and pick you up.” he nods at their daughter who was now waking up again, “With Nikki.”
“Roos,I’m going to leave the bar around midnight, you don’t have to. I can drive back.”
He licks his lips again, tapping the end of the glass on the counter as his tongue prods the inside of his lower lip, “Are you sure?” she nods, “Well…then let me just take you and Shells can give you a ride, how’s that?”
Beatrice felt that the options wouldn’t be that many and that he’d end up trying to find more reasons to take her. She huffed out a laugh, but nodded, “Alright.Shells and Bob can bring me home, is that better?”
“I have to wait after I feed Nikki,” she says, adjusting Nicole in her arms while nodding to the bottle of wine, “Then we can have it.” She didn’t know exactly what brought this on but she wasn’t going to complain if her husband wanted to spend time with their infant daughter, on the contrary,she’d support it all the way and would try her best to help him out during that time too.
Their conversation was cut short by Nicole, who was now fully awake and alert, vocalizing while chewing her mother’s shirt, “Oh, speaking of which, it’s time isn’t it, pretty?” she coos, kissing her daughter’s head, “I’m going to sit on the kitchen table,Roos. Can you keep an eye on everything for me?”
“Always,gorgeous.” he smirks, supporting himself with his arm against the counter, his smile only widening as he watches his girls sit down with the dogs lying by Beatrice’s feet. He inhales shakily, closing his eyes briefly before he turns to the stove.
Maybe he could call Mav tomorrow…to keep him company.
And to have a talk.
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obligatorynasty · 2 years
Hi, previous anon here! Hm, if we are talking about really smutty prompts, maybe cumflation with Starker? If that works for you :) PS: I ADORE your stories!!!
Little Blue Prototype
--starker, nff, cumflation--
“I’m sorry, run that by me again,” Peter pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply, “You did what?” He stared at his boyfriend with exasperated eyes, his gaze rapidly flickering to the lab table, the empty test tube, and then back to Tony.
“Engineered my own blue pill, took the prototype, currently testing the side effects, yada, yada, science,” Tony shrugged, wiping his arm across the sweat beading at his forehead. “May have miscalculated the dosage,” He puffed out a heavy exhale, tapping at the hologram screen floating beside him to check the temperature. “When did it get so hot in here? FRI, bring the arctic.”
“Yes, boss,” FRIDAY chimed over the lab speaker as Peter rolled his eyes. “Tony it’s already 68 degrees in here. You’re either having old man hot flashes or a heart attack,” He gave a threatening grin, crossing his arms. “If it’s a heart attack, I’ll kill you.”
Tony laughed, slumping down against a lab stool, “Hot flashes, plausible. Heart attack, unlikely. Although – and you’ll have to excuse my language here—”
Peter interrupted with a dramatic snort, “Oh my god, you are dying.”
“—my cock may just pack its fucking bags, fall off, and go on sabbatical if I don’t have the best orgasm of my life in the next five minutes. Actually… you know, let’s make that four." He shook his head, shucking his jacket and tossing it against the desk with a hefty breath. "You know what, no, three.”
Peter glanced down, catching sight of Tony’s tenting pant zipper before meeting his gaze again, leveling a look of suspicion. “Did you make this little blue prototype because of what I said yesterday night?”
“You try having your young boyfriend ask for more sex and not be able to deliver,” Tony chuckled, groaning as he wiped more sweat from his forehead, a knit in his brow, fanning himself with his hands. “You’d be playing mad scientist too.”
“Tony, you’re supposed to be a genius,” Peter sighed, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to Tony’s lips, pulling away just inches from his face. “You don’t always have to fuck me, you know? You can just touch, or watch, honestly anything would be fine as long as it’s me and you figuring it out. You don't have to worry about stuff like this.”
“Wow, Pete, you-” Tony paused, laughing at himself as he shook his head. “I’ve really gone and done it this time, haven’t I?”
“Yeah,” Peter smiled back, bringing his hand to Tony’s jaw. “But we shouldn’t waste a good opportunity, right?” He dropped his voice low, stealing another kiss, this one deeper and wetter than the last, before slowly pulling away. “We’ve got a prototype to test, Mr. Stark.”
“I love you,” Tony blurted out as he rushed over to a small drawer at the bottom of his desk. “Have I told you that before?”
Peter laughed, pulling at his jean button, “I remember you saying something like that a few months ago.”
“Good,” Tony returned, a bottle of lube in one hand, while the other worked on his pant zipper. “I mean it.”
“I love you too,” Peter could feel his face flush. No matter how many times they joked around, those words still made his heart race and they probably always will. “You’re such a big sap.”
“Pot meet kettle,” Tony quipped, an arrogant smirk tugging on his lips as his eager hands made their way to Peter’s waist, rushing to pull down on his jeans and briefs, leaving them at his knees. “But you’re right,” He nodded, freeing his cock from his suit pants. “I am a big sap for you, Pete – so I promise to do everything you want later.”
Peter gave a playful gasp. “A lab quickie, Mr. Stark?” He teased, turning around to bend over the lab desk, swaying his hips gently. "Just can't wait to have me, can you?"
“Guilty,” Tony admitted, not bothering to play any of their usual flirtatious games as he hastily lubed his fingers and worked them into Peter’s hole with relative ease. 
The effortless stretch was a perk from yesterday night’s events, which Peter found himself breathing a sigh of relief for, considering how quickly everything was heating up. He couldn’t hold back his moans from the push and pull of the hurried finger fucking. How could he? There was something so tantalizing about Tony's haste. He usually took his time with things, but this was different. Peter was convinced that the prototype dosage was too high, might not even be safe for consumption with how fast Tony was in getting his cock lined up with his entrance. 
Still, it was thrilling; the way Tony grabbed onto his hips and sank inside, breathing out that deeply satisfied groan that rang in Peter's ears like siren song. Pleasure shooting up his spine as Tony pushed right against his favorite spot – the spot that never failed to have him moaning with shaky legs and squeezed-shut eyes. Had him trembling as Tony began pistoning his hips, fucking into Peter’s tight heat with an unusual vigor, rapidly dragging against that bundle of nerves and making Peter see stars much faster than normal. 
“Oh my god, Tony!” Peter screamed, dropping his forehead onto the lab desk, his mind overrun with the sensation of his boyfriend’s cock. “It’s so good!”
“You too, baby, fuck-” Tony grunted, ceaseless in his thrusting, huffing out strained breaths with each forward flick of his hips. “You’re so good,” He mumbled out, brow furrowed, recklessly yanking against Peter’s waist. “Gonna come inside, baby.”
“Mhmm, please, please,” Peter whined, throwing his hips back to meet Tony in the middle, focused on getting his boyfriend off more than his own hardness hanging between his thighs. Once this prototype was out of his system, they could go to the penthouse, fuck nice and slow on Tony’s bed, or maybe he would make Tony watch this time. Yeah. That thought was enough to make him feel lightheaded, swimming in the pleasure of each rushed thrust.
And just as Peter lost himself in his thoughts, Tony brought him back to the present by bottoming out. The sound of his enraptured groan was more music to Peter’s ears. Made him release his own lust-drunk moan, trembling as Tony came, feeling the warmth of his cum hitting him deep inside, filling and… wait, filling?
Peter gasped, surprised that it wasn’t stopping, why wasn’t it stopping? 
“Tones, what’s-”
“Won’t… stop,” Tony muttered out between a taut breath, his hands rigid at Peter’s sides like his body was locking up.  “Fuck- sorry, Pete, I-”
Peter would be lying if he said panic wasn’t his first reaction, and his second. The flow of cum just wasn’t stopping. It felt fiery and heavy in his gut, a constant stream of pumps that flooded his stomach, building pressure against his abdomen. Panic might have been his third reaction too, because it was happening fast, so fast that Peter couldn’t even think to pull away. Not that he had anywhere to run. He was stuck between Tony and the desk, and all he could think about was how much pressure was on his belly as the cum continued to flow.
“I- I’ll pull- out.” 
Tony’s strained words were what brought on Peter’s fourth reaction: “Don’t!”
It surprised them both. Tony’s cock was still filling every crevice of Peter’s insides, causing his stomach to dome heavy from the gravity of being bent over. Yet, something about being helplessly pumped full of cum had Peter’s body buzzing with arousal, so Tony stayed buried inside until the very last drop forced its way out.
Tony took a deep breath, running a gentle hand up and down Peter's side, “You okay, baby? Your stomach is… it’s um… wow.” Tony was speechless as he trailed his fingers on the edge of Peter's belly. “I should pull-”
“Not yet,” Peter whined, desperately clinging to the full sensation as he reached a hand between his legs and began palming at his cock.
Tony inhaled sharp, probably working his way through his own chain of reactions as he rambled out, “Ok, that’s- wow, yeah, um- Pete, baby, let me, c’mere.” He leaned forward, pulling Peter upright with his cock still inside, reaching around to stroke his hand over Peter’s length.
“Tones,” Peter shuddered, his eyes flickering downward, finally getting a good look at himself – a good look at his stomach, the swell of it. Fuck. It felt so good. Too good. Shamefully good. A moan fought its way out of him, involuntary feedback to his torrid arousal mixing with the heady pleasure from Tony’s hand thumbing against the slit of his cock. He was close, barely able to feel the tension of his near orgasm amid the absolute stretch of his gut and the warm slosh of cum that did it. 
“Getting off from being all filled up by me, baby?” Tony whispered, catching Peter so off guard that his entire body flinched, tensing and untensing all at once.
“Uhn… Tony!” Peter moaned, coming ribbons against the lab desk, feeling high from the sensation of his own clenching, making the full feel even fuller. “Mmm… pull out, pull out,” He mumbled, wanting to feel the complete release in the midst of his climax.
And Tony quickly complied, pulling his cock away with a soft grunt, but keeping his hands steady on Peter’s waist as it all flowed out.
“Oh- oh my god, Tony,” Peter whimpered as it streamed down his thighs, drenching and pooling in his briefs and jeans where they sat around his knees, sopping into the fabric and leaving his inner thighs wet and sticky with Tony’s cum. 
As the swell slowly waned and Peter got used to the feeling of cum-soaked socks, he felt the embarrassment catch up with him because he was a little too into that; a little too desperate for it, a little too eager about it, a little too-
“So the prototype was a success, right?” Tony asked, causing Peter to abruptly turn around in surprise.
“You think so?” He grinned, feeling red in the face from his new found desires and the sheer amount of wetness on his legs. “You liked it too?”
“I might fine tune out the heart attack symptoms, but yes, Pete, I liked it,” He smiled. “A lot.”
“Ok, well, you know fine tuning usually requires iterative testing?”
Tony belted out a laugh, pulling Peter into a quick kiss, “Yes, we can do it again. Is that what you want me to say, hm?”
Peter smirked, “You said it first.”
I hope you enjoyed the fic! It turned out longer than I thought it would but the words finally came to me and voilà, smut! :D
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tayne-dot-exe · 2 years
I have been exactly perfectly comfortable setting my a/c to 78 all summer which is great cos apparently this is like the highest they'll tell you to keep your a/c to save power (I'm cheap but also once in a while power company would send texts like "gonna be a hot one, do your part and dont let the grid get overclocked today!" -_-) and the past month or so its cooled off to where if I completely turn off the a/c it stayed about that temperature inside. (side note my power company apparently gives a breakdown for how much of your power is on heat/air conditioning/the fridge and I was wondering how they can tell and I guess they cant because even though my overall power use has gone way down it still portions a bunch out towards a/c) But now its Really cooled off and I need to figure out what my comfortable "paying for heating" temperature is because either theres something wrong with me or I'm just not BUILT for anything less than tropical weather like it got down to 71 in here and I needed to get out my warm socks and a layer of flannel.... da power companies are like "68 is good for when you're AWAKE but what if you lowered it 7-10 degrees from that at night" if I woke up and it was 58 in my house I would not have the power to get out of bed and I may as well be in a tent.
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Protect Your Passion: Essential Tips for Violists
The Viola, the elder brother of the Violin has a warm, rich sound, and is a unique instrument in the world of music. It is used for orchestral pieces, chambers, and even solo compositions, and thus, it adds a lot of depth and character to the music. For violists, their instrument is a tool and an extension of their musical soul. On the other hand, violas, just like any other valuable instrument, are subject to damage, stealing, or loss.
The following are some fundamental tips to help you keep your invaluable instrument and ensure that it keeps making you happy for many years.
1. Invest in a Suitable Case
Your viola case is the first thing that will defend your viola. A firm and well-fitted case will safeguard your instrument against knocks, scratches, and sudden impacts that can also lead to cracks or damage to the delicate finish. Ensure that the case is made of resilient materials with soft cushioning inside to provide the viola with comfortable protection. One of the investments is a case equipped with a hygrometer that will help you monitor the humidity levels, which in turn might affect the instrument's structure and sound.
2. Create Safe Instrument Handling Policies and Procedures
The proper management is necessary to stop the unintentional destruction. Always make sure that you pick up or set down the viola from the bottom, not the top. Create a routine of checking the viola for tuning while it is still in its case to prevent it from falling. When you play the viola in a standing position, use a secure viola stand that provides a flat and stable platform. Adopting these easy methods would significantly decrease the chances of accidental harm to your instrument.
3. Keep the Conditions of the Playing Field at the Top Level
Humidity and temperature variations can be a real bane for your viola. Extreme heat is the cause of the wood twisting, and dryness makes the body crack. The best scenario is when the temperature is moderately cool, between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22 degrees Celsius), and the humidity is 45-55%. Invest in a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on the time of the year, to keep the atmosphere within your practice space at a desired level.
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4. Regularly Maintenance is the Key
Regular maintenance by a professional luthier is important in keeping your viola in excellent shape and condition. A luthier can easily detect many minor issues before they become serious problems. Periodic inspection is essential to ensure your strings are correctly fitted, the bridge is set up properly, and the sound post is tuned to bring out the best sound. You look after your violin, which will add to its longevity and value.
5. Consider Insurance
Even though taking the necessary measures can lower the likelihood of damage, accidents do happen. One way of securing your viola from unforeseeable events is to get viola insurance so that you can get financial compensation in case something happens. The coverage policies would include theft, accidental damage, and even loss, leaving you with peace of mind and your investment protected.
Beyond the Basics
These tips give a good starting point for instrument care. Here are some additional considerations for long-term instrument health:
• Regular Professional Maintenance: Book a luthier for regular inspections to guarantee the instrument remains in good playing condition. • Bow Care: Know how to properly work with bow rosin and hair, including maintenance and application. • String Selection: Try out various string types to find the one that will be most suitable for your playing and your musical taste.
A Musician's Best Friend
Your viola is not only an instrument; it is your creative partner, a voice that allows you to reveal musical ideas and emotions. These tips are vital since they will enable your viola to be your friend for a long time. Getting a top-notch case, using proper handling methods, keeping the viola in its best playing condition, and considering viola insurance are all effective ways of protecting your passion and continuing to produce beautiful music.
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jaderimehardt · 6 months
I have been super MIA for months now, I know, and I apologize! Its been a mesh of things keeping me away.
#1 Holidays, #2 Getting sick (yuck), #3 Game Events, #4 Temperature - Honestly I didn't think this would be a thing until it became a thing, y'know?
So resin doesn't cure optimally unless it's in 70-72 degree climates and I was working with it in my garage typically around 80-90 degrees, which was fine.
Sometimes I'd notice it get issues when I'd work with it around 95-100 and I'd be like okay~ not today, lol 😅. That didn't bother me, those days were too hot anyways.
I'm on the west coast. We didn't get ideal 70 degree days. It dipped quickly from 80 degree days to 60 degree days (too cold for resin) in like, a matter of days maybe weeks.
I've been trying to research if a curing machine would fix it but I'm just finding a whole lot of "some curing machines are designed to cure at room temperature blah blah" and "heat can be added via curing ovens, radiant heat, expoxy curing blankets". Yeah okay thanks google AI 🙄 /s
It's something I need to either look into a lot more or just wait until the weather gets warmer.
In the meantime, I can either draw more stuff for my RedBubble (which I'm not happy with at all), + deal with the holidays- which is what I've been doing (dealing with the holidays).
I may also just start drawing and make this a seasonal thing? Resin in the summer and drawing in the winter? Ping Pong back n forth? I'm trying to figure things out.
I was also bouncing the idea around of bringing the resin into the house but we don't keep the house above 70 degrees either, lol. I know people will think we're crazy for that. We keep the house between 62-68 degrees. Just barely missing that 70 mark. And then I don't know if the room I'd work with the resin in, would get proper ventilation cause I'd have to open a window, thus making it colder inside 🤷🏻‍♀️ (because it's around 50 degrees outside, and still only Fall).
There has to be a solution here 🫠. And it may be the seasonal ping ponging. Because I don't have a shop up yet so it's not like this is a 'business' yet for this to be a dire need or anything.
Sorry for the rambling, just thought I'd drop an update 😅
Last night and today I've been working on a couple of Emojis for Discord- as in a literal two.
I haven't drawn anything in 10 months, and I've never drawn this character before so I'm really out of my element with this. And we know emojis are something I mostly do for fun that I do to improve myself, so go easy on me when I post them 😅.
Originally I wanted to make 4 but the inexperience of never drawing him before and having not drawn in so long, paired with having an event tomorrow... had to trim it to just the 2. It's better than none I guess. I want to say maybe more in the future but don't hold me to that; I get weird especially when people hold me to expectations 🫣
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cyarsk52-20 · 11 months
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'The Idol' Is Officially The Worst Reviewed Show In HBO History, By Far
Paul Tassi
Senior Contributor
News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet.
Jul 10, 2023,10:24am EDT
the idol
The IdolHBO
If there was any question that the David Zaslav era of WB/Discovery/HBO/Max is on shaky ground, it might be the fact that The Idol was approved to be released under the prestigious HBO banner.
The sex and misogyny-drenched show starring Lily-Rose Depp and The Weeknd was trash by critics, audiences, everyone, with some of its worst moments turned into memes. It was so bad there’s some measure of theorizing that the show actually pulled its last episode to end at five instead, just so it would be over faster.
In fact, if you want to visualize just how bad The Idol is, you can look at the grand total of every HBO and HBO Max series ever released. Out of 106 shows tallied, The Idol is ranked…106th, and by a good margin at that. Here’s the bottom 10, in reverse order:
The Idol – 19%
The Time Traveler’s Wife – 38%
Velma - 40%
The Nevers – 49%
Coastal Elites – 57%
Arli$$ - 62%
Little Britain USA – 64%
Entourage – 65%
The Vow – 68%
True Blood – 68%
That should give you some measure of HBO’s overall quality by itself, the fact that only five shows in its history are rated “rotten” out of 106 total, and by the end of the list we get into shows that are still considered classics of the service. Arli$$ was already regarded as universally pretty bad. I actually liked The Nevers and was sad it didn’t get picked up again. I don’t know much about the formerly worst series before this, The Time Traveler’s Wife, only that it starred Rose Leslie from Game of Thrones. I guess it went poorly.
The IdolHBO
But The Idol is on another plane of existence, 19% lower than other lowest show here and 38% below even the fourth-worst HBO series of all time. But it’s not just critics. The Time Traveler’s Wife and The Nevers actually have decently high, 80%+ audience scores. The Idol has a 41%. Everyone hated this show.
It feels like Sam Levinson from Euphoria was given free reign to do whatever he wanted with The Weeknd, and unlike Euphoria, the result was catastrophic. This is deeply embarrassing for The Weeknd on every level, from the conception of this project to his role and acting within it. I’ve never seen someone have so much control over something that makes them look so, so bad. It’s a rarified degree of self-unawareness.
This show should have never seen the light of day and HBO/Max/Zaslav/whoever needs to figure out exactly what happened here and how it can never happen again. They already took the HBO out of the Max name, but if they take the quality out of HBO, it’s game over.
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phoenixlandingbar · 1 year
Do you drink wine cold?
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Do you drink wine cold?
"Picture this - you're sitting on the porch, basking in a warm summer evening, sipping on a delicious glass of wine. But wait, is it chilled or room temperature? The age-old debate continues! So here we are to answer the question: do you drink wine cold?"
How to store wine
When it comes to storing wine, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, always store your wine in a cool, dark place. Second, if you are going to be storing your wine for an extended period of time, make sure to invest in a good wine cooler or cellar. Finally, always make sure to keep your wine bottles stored upright so that the cork does not dry out and allow air to enter the bottle.
Read more: quietest wine fridge.
How long to let wine breathe
Wine is meant to be enjoyed at its fullest potential, and letting it breathe is a crucial part of the process. But how long should you let your wine breathe? It all depends on the type of wine. Red wines are typically the ones that need to be allowed to breath, as they tend to have more tannins. The tannins are what give red wines their characteristic dry, astringent taste. They come from the grape skins, stems, and seeds, and can make young red wines taste harsh and unpalatable. The oxygen in the air will soften the tannins in red wine, making it taste smoother and more balanced. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the age and quality of the wine. White wines generally don't need to be breathed because they don't have as many tannins. However, giving them some time to open up can still improve their flavor. A good rule of thumb is to let white wines breathe for about half an hour before serving.
Know more... Sparkling wines are an exception to both of these rules. Because of their high acidity, sparkling wines actually benefit from being served immediately after opening. Allowing them to sit out for too long will cause them to lose their effervescence and become flat. So when in doubt, consult a wine expert or tasting guide before uncorking your bottle
The perfect serving temperature for different types of wine
The debate of whether to drink red wine cold or not has been around for years, with proponents on both sides of the argument. However, the perfect serving temperature for different types of wine is actually dependent on the type of wine itself. Here is a guide to help you find the perfect serving temperature for your next glass of wine: -Red wine should be served at 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit. -White wine should be served at 50-58 degrees Fahrenheit. -Sparkling wine should be served at 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit. -Dessert wine should be served at 45-55 degrees Fahrenheit.
How to chill wine quickly
If you're in a hurry and need to chill your wine quickly, there are a few methods you can use. One is to put the wine in a bucket of ice water and stir it occasionally. This will help the wine to cool down faster. Another method is to put the wine in the fridge for an hour or so before serving. This will also help the wine to stay cold longer once it's been poured into glasses. Whichever method you choose, make sure that you don't leave the wine in the fridge for too long, as this can cause it to become overly chilled and lose its flavor.
In conclusion, the best way to enjoy wine is to drink it at its optimal temperature. Red wines should be served slightly chilled and white wines should be served cold. The type of wine being consumed, as well as personal preference will all play a role in determining the ideal serving temperature for any given variety. Ultimately, however, the goal should always remain to drink your wine at a temperature that will allow you to fully appreciate its flavor and complexity.
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Its my favorite time of the year again, when I can sit & smoke on my balcony because at 9pm its still in the high 60s to low 70s 😎😎😎
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
hot cocoa & cuddles (spencer reid/reader)
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Title:  Hot Cocoa and Cuddles Request: no Pairing: Spencer Reid/Gender Neutral!Reader  Category: Fluff Content Warning: swearing (if any), mentions of murder/death, talk about the case Word Count: 4,199 Summary: Reader is freezing while they’re working on a case in Alaska. Spencer has some fun facts about body temperatures and conserving body heat  A/N: this is based on episode ‘Exit Wounds’ (ssn 5 ep. 21). nothing too bad, just fluff. i really liked writing this one, made me a softie™. anyways, enjoy!  check out my masterlist
I should have realized just how cold Alaska was going to be when we got on another plane to get to Franklin. Granted, Alaska is cold, and I should have known that before. But still… I’m happy I bought a blanket. And, I’m more than happy that I had the blanket over my lap on the plane. I’m guessing JJ was too, as she was cuddled beside me under my blanket.
“I’m never coming to Alaska again,” I muttered just loud enough for JJ to hear. She laughed and nodded, agreeing with my statement. The pilot of the plane told us all we were about to land and to brace for impact. God this was so much worse than the jet. At least on the jet, I can drink… Here I’m motion sick and miserable.  
Since JJ and I were the two smallest, next to Emily and Spencer, we were the first on… Making us the last off. But, let me tell you, I was more than excited to be off the stupid sea-plane and on still ground. It was a little embarrassing when I tumbled out of the plane and into JJ, who in turn tumbled into Spencer.
I was shocked by how cold it actually was. The coolness nipping at the back of my neck, the tip of my nose, and the ends of my ears. I’m sure my ears, nose, and cheeks were starting to turn red because of how cold it was. I’ve been cold since JJ mentioned coming to Alaska, and I just know I’ll never be warm again.
“Holy shit! It’s so freaking cold here!” I looked at the other members of the team. Spencer, who was standing closest to me, looked at me with an amused smile. I hugged my arms around my body to conserve some sort of heat, it was useless. “I’m freezing my tits off,” I spoke, mostly to myself. Emily looked over her shoulder at me with a sly smile, telling me she heard that. I winked at her, my smile being playful.
“Uh here,” Spencer spoke, pulling a hat from his pocket. I looked at it before picking up from his hands. “You tend to lose 7-10% of your body heat from your head.” He looked at me and smiled. I pulled the hat on to my head. 
“That… I guess that makes sense,” I shrugged, folding my arms back over my chest. Spencer looked down at me and smiled. “Thanks,” I smiled at him. He nodded, silently returning welcoming me. 
Hotch took the lead with the Deputy and Sheriff as he told everyone where to go. I was grateful when he told me to go with David and Spencer to the ME, where I’d be inside, semi-warm. Something about being in Alaska was telling me that I would never be warm again.  
“David, can you turn the heat up?” I leaned over the center console and looked at the person driving. David raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at me. “Please, I’m so cold,” I practically begged. He lifted his hand before turning the heat up. I smiled at him as I sat back in my seat. 
He pulled into a parking lot for what seemed to be an abandoned gas station but right next to it looked like a doctor’s office. I looked between the two men in front of me before unbuckling and following them out. 
“Doc Johnson,” a man spoke up from the porch of the doctor’s office. Spencer and I both looked towards his direction, watching as he stepped down towards us. 
I smiled and gave him my name. “And this is SSA David Rossi and Doctor Spencer Reid,” I smiled and gestured behind me to my colleagues. 
“Sheriff asked me to keep everyone on ice till you got here,” the doctor spoke as he led us towards a basement. I looked up at Spencer with a cocked eyebrow. “Still, I can't believe someone from Franklin Would be capable of this.” The doctor’s tone was filled with disdain. I could feel the darkness as we entered the basement. We all stopped right at the feet of the victims.
“What convinced you she was stabbed with the arrow Instead of shot?” I asked through a shudder. I couldn’t tell if it was from the bodies in front of us or if it was the freezing air. Probably a mix of both, to be honest. 
I shuddered as I poured myself hot cocoa. My blanket, which I conveniently packed, was draped over my shoulders like a cape. I could hear Derek and Penelope’s giggles from behind me.
“Smart of you to bring a blanket,” Spencer’s voice came from beside me. I smiled and looked up at him. He was making himself a cup of coffee. 
“The second JJ said we were going to Alaska, I knew I had to get a blanket.” I looked at him and smiled, pulling the blanket around me more. “Still freezing to death though,” I shook my head in disbelief. The ceramic mug was nearly too hot to hold, but I was beyond freezing. It felt nice to not be outside anymore, instead inside. The fire felt good, but I was still cold. 
“You’ll warm up,” Spencer laughed as he poured what seemed like an entire thing of sugar in his cup. I raised my eyebrows and nodded.
“You have enough coffee with your sugar?” I asked, bringing my mug to my lips. 
“Not sure there’s ever enough,” he shrugged sipping his coffee. I shook my head and turned to sit. He followed behind me, sitting beside me on the couch. 
“Garcia, how's it coming with town records,” Hotch asked, looking between Penelope and his case file. I looked at her and fixed my blanket as she tapped away on her laptop.
“I've run everyone who's been printed through CODIS. Nothing's come up so far. I'm gonna pull an all-nighter, finish going through the town records. Should have background checks by sunrise,” she nodded, looking up at Hotch with a smile. I yawned as I looked down at my hot cocoa. Derek, who was standing behind me, ruffled my hair and laughed. 
“I’ll have to agree with, Honeybee, here. I’m exhausted,” Derek spoke, looking around the room. Everyone else in the room had the same look on their face. A mix of determination for solving the case and finding the unsub, and wanting to pass out from exhaustion. A feeling we’ve all felt before when a case like this goes awry.
“I’ve got four rooms set up for you upstairs,” Carol, the owner of the tavern, spoke as she looked between different agents. I dropped my shoulders, my blanket falling off my body, and looked down at my hot cocoa. It comforted me in a weird way and kept me warm, which I will be internally grateful for. 
“Uh, four?” Spencer spoke up, cocking his head to the side. The disappointment and confusion in his tone almost made me laugh. I bit my lips so I wouldn’t let the laugh or smile show.
“Sorry, that’s the best I can do. I mean,” Carol gestured around the room to the 6 FBI agents. 
“Your team is nearly double the size of my department,” the sheriff spoke up, his tone unnecessarily rude. I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced a Spencer. He was looking down at the coffee table, his lower lip bit back between his lips. I snickered lightly as I brought my mug to my lips. “Goodnight,” the sheriff added before leaving with the deputy. 
“Goodnight,” Hotch nodded towards the sheriff. “Looks like we’ll have to double up,” he added, looking up from the file on his lap. I smirked again and looked around the room. 
“I’m not sleepin’ with Reid,” Derek spoke from behind Spencer, Penelope and I. I looked back over my shoulder and smiled, shrugging. 
“Dibs,” Penelope spoke as she reached back and grabbed Derek’s arm. I laughed and looked at Spencer, who returned his gaze back to the coffee table. 
“I’ll bunk with you,” I whispered as I nudged his shoulder. Spencer blinked as he looked over at me. He smiled shyly and nodded. I turned and looked up at Derek. “It’s not that hard, Worker Bee, sharing a room with Reid,” I looked at him. Derek rolled his eyes and laughed.
“Why don’t we all go and get some rest. We’ll have an early morning,” Hotch stood up, closing his file. I looked down at my hot chocolate and pouted. I’d have to leave the only thing keeping me warm behind to go to bed. 
“You can probably bring that with,” Spencer whispered to me before standing up. I looked up at him and shrugged. I was just sad that it’d get cold sooner rather than later and I was in no mood to get cold. 
“Yeah, probably could,” I whispered, as I adjusted the blanket back over my shoulders as I stood. I pulled it tighter around my body and followed behind Spencer. Carol handed over the key to the room to me as Spencer grabbed our bags. I smiled at her and looked down at the bronze key with a dark blue room tag. 
“Lead the way,” I looked up at Spencer. He nodded before taking the stairs up and towards our bedroom. I fumbled with the room key in my free hand while we walked down the hall. I silently celebrated as I got the key in my hand. Spencer stopped just to the side of the door and allowed me to try and unlock the room.
“You alright?” Spencer asked as I shakily put the key in the lock. I glanced at him and nodded, feeling a shudder go through my body.
“I’ve just been cold since we got here and can’t seem to warm up. Nothing is working,” I pouted, unlocking the door, for real, and pushing it open. “I think I have 3 pairs of socks on. I’m on my third cup of hot chocolate. I’ve got my blanket, sweater, and jacket… And, I’m still freezing.” I pouted as I unlocked the door. 
“Did you know the human body will start losing body heat as low as 68 degrees Fahrenheit?” Spencer spoke as we entered our room. “And, since it’s been approximately 34 degrees since we got here,” he added as he carefully placed our bags on the ground, just beside the door. I dropped my shoulders, my blanket once again falling off my body, when I saw it was a single, full-sized bed sitting in the middle of the room. “The human body loses about 2% of its heat through air conduction. Although… water causes more heat loss from the body than air does, so heat can be lost from the body very quickly when placed in close water.” He continued to ramble as he grabbed my blanket from the floor. I looked over at him, more annoyed with the single bed than his info-dump. “So, just don’t go swimming or conveniently get pushed into a lake,”
“Spencer,” I kept my eyes on him as he held the blanket between the two of us. I pulled it from his hands and draped it over my arm and cocked my head to the side. 
“Was I… Was I rambling again?” he asked, keeping his voice low like he was embarrassed from the amount of information he just gave. I blinked at him slowly and nodded.
“Yes, but that’s not why I’m annoyed,” I spoke, mildly annoyed as I brought my mug to my lips. I turned back and looked at the bed. Spencer followed my eyes and looked at the bed. A small “Oh,” fell from his lips in realization of why I was frustrated. “Rochambeau for the bed?” I glanced at Spencer as he stepped into the room more. He looked at me as he grabbed both bags. 
“You can have it,” he smiled as he entered the room. I watched as he placed the two bags on the bed before digging into his. I let out a small sigh of relief and entered the room. I pressed the door shut and turned back to look at him. He had pulled out his pajamas and towels to shower.
“You sure?” I asked, watching as he went towards the bathroom. Spencer stopped in the door frame and turned to look at me. He smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll sleep on the floor. Don’t worry about it,” he readjusted the grip on his clothes. I nodded and turned to look at the bed. “I’m going to take a shower real quick.” He jerked his thumb behind him towards the bathroom. I looked back at him and smiled.
“Sounds good,” I nodded. He quietly entered the bathroom, pressing the door shut behind him, leaving me alone in the room. I placed my hot chocolate on the side table before turning back to my luggage bag. I fished for my own pajamas. I really didn’t want to take off my jacket, sweater, and rest of my already warmed clothes. But, I also didn’t want to sleep in jeans. 
All well. I’d rather be comfortable and get warmed again than be uncomfortable. So, I quickly changed into my pajamas before slipping between the covers. My teeth were chattering so hard I was worried I’d break them. 
45 minutes later, Spencer stepped out of the bathroom. He was shaking his hair through a towel as he walked towards the bed. I glanced at him with furrowed eyebrows. He looked back at me, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer asked, putting his dirty clothes into his bag. I nodded and swallowed roughly. He smiled, mostly because he knew I was lying. My body was visibly shaking from how cold I was. “You sure?”
“It’s so cold,” I pouted, pulling the blankets tighter. Spencer laughed and looked down at me. I silently cursed myself for not bringing or buying a hot water bottle to keep warm. “I’d do anything to get warm again,” I pouted. Spencer laughed again.
“It’s proven that cuddling is the best way to share body heat,” he spoke, draping his towel over the bathroom door. I sat up and looked at him. “Cuddling naked with your significant other, or even a dog if you’re single,” Spencer started as he made his way back towards me. I glared at him as I pulled my knees to my chest. I watched as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Under a blanket will warm you up faster than a fleece sweater, or sleeping alone with multiple blankets. Apart from being energy-efficient, there may be other added benefits as well,” he finished his info-dump and looked at me. I dropped my shoulders as I stared at him. “What?” 
“I’m not sleeping with you, Spencer,” I pointedly stared at him. He opened his mouth to protest but failed to speak when I continued. “Naked or not. I’m not sleeping with you. I’d rather be cold.” I stated. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was a lie or not, and I think Spencer couldn't decipher my statement either. Sure, I’d do anything to warm up… But I think cuddling with Spencer is where I draw the line. 
“But you sai-”
“Yeah, I know what I said. But, I’m not cuddling with you,” I pulled the blanket back around me as I coiled into the fetal position on the bed. Spencer laughed at me, again for the third time. I glared at him as he stood up. 
“Suit yourself then. Enjoy being cold then,” he winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. I watched, as best as I could, as he pulled the extra bedding from the closet to make a makeshift bed area on the ground beside the bed. “Did you turn the heater up?” He asked. Pfft, did I turn the heater up? What kind of idiot does he think I am?
“No,” I looked anywhere but him, pulling the blanket over my head. I let out a deep sigh as Spencer chuckled. “Listen! All I was thinking about was changing into my pajamas and getting under the covers! I didn’t think about the radiator! Because I was cold!” I half-shouted through the blankets. The bed dipped beside me, telling me Spencer was sitting down. I pouted before pulling my head out of the blankets. “Can I help you? I’m busy?” I glared at him.
“Really? What’s keeping you busy?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I glared and looked down at my body, under the blankets. 
“I’m trying to re-warm myself because it’s damn cold out here!” I half-shouted as I pulled my knees to my chest. Spencer smiled at me before ruffling my hair. “Hey!” I glared at him again. 
“Well, I turned the heater up for you. Sleep tight,” he smiled as he shut the light off before laying down in his makeshift bed. I rolled my eyes as I tried to get more comfortable. Granted, it was useless because I was beyond cold. I was freezing. Sleep would never come and I would probably wake up still cold and in a bitter mood. I hate the cold. 
“Alright,” Spencer spoke to the dark room. I furrowed my eyebrows as I rolled to face where he was. I could just barely make out his silhouette in the dark-ish room. “I can’t sleep with the teeth chatter,” he spoke, turning the light on. I let out a groan of protest as the light hit my eyes, nearly blinding me. Great, now I’m mostly blind and cold! I pulled the blanket tighter around me and looked in Spencer’s direction. 
“What… What are you do-doing?” I spoke through chattering. Spencer looked at me as he picked up the pile of blankets on the ground.
“Well, assuming you’re still, as you put it earlier today, freezing your tits off, I’m going to change that,” he muttered, pulling the blanket off my body. I widened my eyes and let out a small yelp. The cold was instantly at me. Like needles poking at my exposed skin.
“Spencer!” I half-screeched as he laid down next to me. He was quick though, moving closer beside me as he pulled the covers back over us. “What… Are you mad!?” I turned to look at him, my eyes wide. He reached behind him to shut the light off before wrapping his arms around me. “This isn’t just some way to get in bed with me… Is it?” I asked, not entirely sure if this was real. But, of course, it was in fact real. Spencer Reid just pulled the covers off me and laid down in bed to keep me warm. “Seriously?” I stared at him with wide eyes.
“Seriously. Sharing body heat can keep a person warm,” he looked down at me. I stared at him, this moment entirely too intimate for two friends and co-workers. “I know I’m already warming up,” he shrugged, nuzzling his head into the pillow beneath him.
“Probably has something to do with not being on the floor anymore,” I pointed out, a small smile on my lips. Spencer laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, that probably has something to do with it,” he opened his eyes and looked back at me. He had a small smile on his lips, making me want to laugh. 
“We’ll see if your theory is true, Reid,” I looked up at him as I turned around, making it so my back was pressed to his chest. He was careful as he wrapped his arms around my middle, resting right under my chest. His legs suddenly got tangled and mixed up with mine. And, he rested his head right on top of mine. Part of me wanted to hold his hand, but another part was screaming at me and telling me that we should not be cuddling, no matter how warm I was getting. 
 I exhaled a deep breath, suddenly feeling safer and warmer than before we went to bed. Damn, he wasn’t wrong, I am getting warm. Of course, Spencer Reid isn’t wrong. Bastard is always right… About freaking everything. 
“Are you warming up?” Spencer asked, his voice low and filled with sleepy. I smiled softly and nodded. He hummed, clearly pleased with my answer. “Do you want me to go back to the floor?” his tone sounded pitiful. 
“No, no you’re fine, Spence,” I whispered, giving up and just grabbing his hand. He hummed again, happy that I’m holding his hand. “I think it’s because of the extra blankets though. Nothing else,” I laughed, taking note in the 4 blankets over our bodies. When should I start to worry about overheating and will that be possible? I sure hope not.
“That’s it? Nothing else?” Spencer mused. It was clear he was suppressing a laugh, which only made me laugh. I smiled and shook my head.
“I think that’s it,” I chuckled and nodded. Spencer let out a breath of air, which tickled the back of my neck. I laughed as I pulled the blanket tighter around me. “We should get some rest, Spencer. Early morning,” I pointed out and repeated with Hotch had said earlier in the day. 
“I like your thinking,” 
“How’d you sleep?” Spencer asked as I tied up my shoes. I looked up and shrugged. He was fixing the bed, making it so it was nice when we got back. I’m happy he was awake a while before I was, making it not awkward for either of us to wake up in each other’s arms. He was ready for the day well before I was even awake. 
“I slept okay. Crick in my neck though. It’ll go away over time,” I stood up and grabbed my sweater and jacket. I walked back over to Spencer as he was smoothing out the final wrinkle. “But, it was some of the best sleep I’ve gotten in weeks,” I smiled at him. He glanced up at me, a small smile on his lips. 
“Did you get too warm? Or… Uh… Were you-” he started to ask but gave up because he was tripping over his words. I chuckled as I pulled my sweater on. 
“I was comfortable. Thanks for asking,” I shrugged my jacket on, “Only my toes were cold, but that’s an easier fix than the rest of my body,” I winked at him. I pulled the hat he gave me yesterday out of my pocket and pulled it on my head. 
“Yeah! I can complain about that!” Spencer exclaimed as he pulled his own jacket on. I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. “Does that mean you want me in the bed again tonight?” he asked as we walked towards the door. “Or do you want me back on the floor?” He asked, his voice softer than before. I grabbed my small throw blanket and folded it back up, draping it over my arm.
“Only if you can keep me warm like you did last night,” I smiled as we both left our room. Spencer chuckled and nodded. 
“I’m sure I can make that happen,” he whispered as we headed towards the commons room. Everyone, other than Emily, was sitting around the room and drinking coffee. 
“What’s got you two all smiley?” Derek half-grumbled as we entered the room. I looked back at him and beamed. Spencer stepped away from me to make himself a coffee.
“Can you make me hot cocoa?” I looked away from Derek and towards Spencer. He smiled and nodded. “Just had a really good night of sleep. Slept like a log,” I looked back at Derek as I took a seat on the couch. I folded my blanket over my knee and waited for Spencer to come back.
“Oh, so Pretty Boy and you are a thing now?” Derek asked. I laughed and shook my head.
“No, he slept on the ground… Just like you,” I smirked at him. Spencer handed me a mug of hot chocolate and I was slightly warm again. “For the first half of the night,” I said the last half under my breath. Spencer glanced at me and shook his head. 
“I slept amazing last night. I don’t know about you,” Spencer looked across the room and towards his friend, “The temperature was just right. Not too hot, not too cold,” he added with a small smile. It was my turn to smile and shake my head. 
“Hold up, how did you get warm on the floor?” Derek asked, looking at Spencer with disbelief on his face. 
“I guess my radiator is better than yours,” he retorted as he sipped his coffee. I looked over at Spencer before sneaking a quick glance at Derek. 
“Clearly something happened between you two. When you guys are ready to tell the rest of the class, I’m sure we’ll be delighted to hear,” Derek stated as he crossed his arms over my chest.
Yeah, we’ll just let them think something happened. Because all that actually happened was two friends keeping each other warm. Nothing actually happened.
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noona-clock · 3 years
What’s Your Sign?: Aquarius
Genre: Future/Space!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Words: 6,180
Author’s Note: Since I’m so fascinated by astrology, I decided to do a Zodiac series! I will be writing a one-shot fic for each sign featuring different members from different groups (and even an actor!). Each story will be posted on the 5th of the month during that sign’s season. Please reblog, comment, or send in an ask with your feedback! Thank you for your support 💜
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Yunhyeong’s eyes blinked open as the soft trilling of his alarm clock began to gently float through the air, and as he did every morning, he forced himself to sit up to decrease the chances he would fall back asleep.
As the alarm began to get slightly louder as the seconds passed by, Yunhyeong cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak the first words he spoke every morning: “Computer, turn off alarm.”
The trilling cut off and the eerie silence of outer space settled in his bedroom.
Honestly, he should be used to the absolute quietude of being in space, but... somehow, he wasn’t. It still put him on edge and made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
“Computer, what’s the weather like on Earth?” he asked as he swung his legs over the side of his bed and stood up, sliding his feet into his slippers.
“Please specify a location,” the computer replied, and even though it was literally a computer, Yunhyeong was pretty sure he detected a hint of sass in its tone.
“All right... how about... Paris?”
“Please specify. There are fifty-three locations on Earth named ‘Paris.’”
Yunhyeong pursed his lips in slight annoyance before retorting, “What’s the weather like in Paris, France?”
“It is currently three degrees Celsius in Paris, France, with a 36% chance of precipitation, 68% humidity, and winds of 14 km/h.”
Well, it certainly didn’t spark any romantic images of the City of Love in his head, but it was interesting to know, at least.
I guess.
“Thank you, Computer,” Yunhyeong murmured as he turned around and bent to make his bed.
He didn’t start every morning asking the computer in his living quarters what the weather was like on a prominent Earth city, but maybe now he would. Maybe he would have to add that into his usual morning routine, right in-between getting out of bed and smoothing his sheets down over his mattress.
I mean, it had been a full two years since he’d lived on this space station, so it was probably time for a small change... right?
As long as the change didn’t get in the way of his research, of course. That’s the whole reason he was out here in the first place, alone on a privately-funded space station: to research and, hopefully, breed new species of plants.
Climate change was (and had been) really taking a toll on Earth, but technology in the last few decades had allowed most, if not all, humans to immigrate to various other planets and space stations in the Alpha quadrant. But living in space and on non-Earth planets meant having to figure out whole new ways to farm and live off the land -- even when there was no actual land.
So, Yunhyeong had been delegated by the government to conduct research and experiments on a fully-equipped space station to try and grow new edible plants.
It sounded boring, yes, but it really wasn’t! I mean -- not for him, at least, because Yunhyeong loved to cook. More than anything, really, he loved cooking.
He just felt at home in the kitchen, and nothing excited him more than experimenting with ingredients and coming up with new recipes. Even if the dish turned out to be basically inedible, he never felt defeated or like he should just give up. On the contrary, cooking energized him! And it felt that much better when he got a recipe right.
Honestly, that’s the only reason Yunhyeong had accepted this position even though it had meant living by himself for... who knows how long? 
He was an outgoing extrovert, but being constantly alone was overshadowed by the fact he was constantly cooking and growing his own ingredients -- and being paid for it!
...Still, though. Sometimes he did have to admit that it would be nice to have some company. Someone with different taste buds who could try his recipes and give real feedback.
When he’d asked his manager why it had to be a solo mission, the reasoning had made sense: adding another person into the mix increased the probability for conflict, and it was pretty vital that Yunhyeong stay focused on his end goal.
Totally understandable.
But that didn’t stop him from daydreaming at night just before he fell asleep.
We... won’t get into that, though. The day had just started, after all!
After making his bed (and, today, hearing about the weather in Paris, France), Yunhyeong ducked into his closet to change into one of his government-issued suits. All of his clothes were basically the same, and while it had bothered him a bit after first moving here, he’d gotten over it pretty quickly. No one else was here to see him, so what did it really matter what he wore? The clothes he’d been given were perfectly fine, and he would have plenty of time to dress a bit more flashily once he returned home.
As he always did, Yunhyeong quickly but thoroughly brushed his teeth after getting dressed, ran a comb through his hair, then set off toward his hydroponics lab.
Once he began his work -- taking cuttings of new plants that were growing, jotting down observations of changes which had happened overnight, experimenting with the sand from a nearby planet and seeing how its cellular structure changed when different liquids were added to it -- he realized that today would be just a typical day. Another day as same as the ones before it.
It had actually been quite silly of him to think that something so trivial as asking about the weather conditions on Earth would somehow have an effect on his day.
Except... it kind of had. Nothing major, of course. He still got his work done as he always did, and he was still incredibly focused. But he also found his mind had been slipping, daydreaming about Paris, France -- especially centuries ago when films were in black and white and men walked around in suits with hats every day. 
Paris back then seemed so romantic, didn’t it? He imagined the whole city had a sort of candlelit glow about it even though there had definitely been electricity at that time. But candlelight made it dreamier and, even though he was a botanist by trade, Yunhyeong was a total sucker for anything dreamy.
(Did this have something to do with the fact that an old girlfriend had once told him he had very dreamy eyes? Perhaps.)
By the time his mid-day meal break rolled around, he’d gotten plenty of work done and made plenty of progress with his modified Thyme plant; he also found that the almost-ancient song “La Vie en Rose” had become stuck in his head.
Since he didn’t have to work for the next hour or so, Yunhyeong asked the computer to play the song through the station’s intercom system.
A warm but immediate thrill emanated through him as he heard the opening notes, and he told himself he would have to play music more often -- any music. He hadn’t realized until just now how lifeless this space station truly was. 
He lived here, but was he really living?
It’s not like he expected this situation to turn into some sort of romantic film where a beautiful stranger happened to be passing by and fell in love with him at first sight. He was level-headed enough to realize that would never happen! 
But he could still have fun, couldn’t he? Off the clock, of course. His job was too important and time-sensitive to risk losing focus because he wanted to have more fun.
No, he could absolutely wait until he’d finished work for the day before turning on some music and letting loose.
Oh, boy, he could just imagine it now: some good music flowing through the intercom -- maybe some Jazz music. A nice glass of wine. And his mother had sent him a very nice pair of silk pajamas recently that he hadn’t yet worn --
He was, apparently, at the age where jazz music, wine, and silk pajamas was considered “fun.”
But, to be fair! He was in outer space! On a space station! By himself! Growing plants for a living! What other kind of fun could there be?!
It’s not like he could just go out to a restaurant or a club with some friends and --
A sudden and very loud banging interrupted his thoughts, and Yunhyeong was so startled that he almost dropped his glass of water.
His brow furrowed immediately as he took a few steps out of his kitchen, craning his neck past the doorway to look toward the entrance to the station.
The station didn’t really have a “front door,” per se, but for all intents and purposes, someone had just knocked on his front door.
More than knocked, actually. They sounded like they wanted to smash the door right off its hinges!
“Who in the world could that be?” Yunhyeong muttered to himself as he cautiously crept toward the entrance. He hadn’t received word that a supervisor was coming for an evaluation or anything, and he couldn’t imagine someone would come all the way out here for an unannounced visit.
Just as he reached the keypad to unlock the inner door, his mysterious visitor knocked loudly again, though they sounded more desperate this time.
Yunhyeong quickly typed in the code, and after hearing the hiss of the door unlocking, he turned the handle and opened it.
You rushed in as soon as the gap was wide enough, barreling past Yunhyeong and nearly knocking him over.
“Whoa!” he cried, startled and very, very confused. “Who --”
“I’m sorry, I don’t have time to explain,” you answered after you’d just barely come to a halt a few feet away from him. “But the police are probably going to be here soon, and I need you to tell them you don’t know anything, okay? You’ve never seen me before. Where can I hide?”
Yunhyeong stared at you, blinking slowly in astonishment.
“I -- I’m sorry?” he stammered.
“Where can I hide?” you repeated, your voice hurried but quiet. “Please, I must hide. I’m fairly certain they’ll be here any minute now.”
“The police! I just --” you hissed, though you stopped yourself short and took a deep breath. “I can explain everything later, I just need somewhere to hide.”
Yunhyeong stared at you some more, and now that you weren’t blabbering on about hiding from the police (seriously?! Hiding from the police?!) he was able to take a few moments and gather up the situation in his head.
You -- a complete and total stranger, of that he was sure -- had just showed up at his space station asking to hide from the police.
...This couldn’t be real. Right?
And what made it even more unbelievable was the fact that you were actually quite beautiful.
If he had to be totally honest, your attractiveness was one of the very first things he’d noticed.
He was an adult male who’d been living entirely alone for an extended period of time, okay?! Can you blame him for noticing that someone was incredibly pleasing to look at?!
But then his thoughts of your looks were interrupted by his thoughts of what you’d said.
You needed somewhere to hide, and even though he absolutely should not let you hide in a government-issued space station... his romantic sensibilities took over.
I mean, hadn’t he just been thinking a very short while ago about a beautiful stranger somehow appearing on the station?! And how he’d never considered that it would actually happen because things like that don’t ever happen in real life?
But it was happening now! A beautiful stranger had somehow appeared on the station!  You were most likely a criminal, and there was a very good chance he would lose his job if anyone ever found out he’d helped you...
But, I mean, come on. You can’t blame him for thinking this was just a tad exciting!
So... yes, he was going to help you! And if you ended up staying here and falling in love with him, then so be it!
“My lab,” he said, nodding toward the door behind you.
You let out a soft breath and murmured a thank you before turning on your heel and darting into the room.
He followed you, pointing out the small storage room where he kept his extra equipment and watching carefully as you rushed over to it.
As soon as the door slid closed behind you, there was yet another knock at the station’s entrance.
Yunhyeong’s eyes widened slightly for two reasons: 1) He hadn’t had any visitors in a very long time, and now, all of a sudden, he was about to have two? 2) You had been eerily correct about the police showing up any minute -- if this was, in fact, the police. 
He wasn’t sure who else it would be, so he made a hasty retreat out of his lab and back toward the entrance.
Again, he quickly typed in the code to open the door, and he had just barely touched the handle before the new visitor -- or visitors -- let themselves in.
“Excuse us, Sir,” said a middle-aged but very fit man in an Intergalactic Police uniform. “I’m very sorry to disturb you, but we’re looking for a wanted criminal and thought we’d tracked her down to this area.”
Yunhyeong gulped, nervous that he wasn’t a good enough liar to help keep your cover. But he would do his best!
“A -- a wanted criminal?” he asked as he knit his eyebrows together in worried confusion. “What -- no, I haven’t seen anyone. It’s just me here. I haven’t had any visitors for... well, quite some time. Or ever, really. I’m doing government research, you see, so I don’t really have time for anything except my work.”
The policeman nodded slowly, and the younger woman in uniform behind him let out a short huff of breath, obviously frustrated their lead hadn’t taken them any closer to catching you.
“Understood,” the woman murmured before adding. “So sorry to bother you, Sir. If you catch word of anything, please contact us as soon as you possibly can. We believe she should be considered armed and dangerous.”
...Excuse me?
Yunhyeong’s mouth fell open slightly, and his brain was starting to yell at him to tell these police officers the truth. He hadn’t seen any weapons on you when you’d come in, and you had certainly seemed more panicked than dangerous... but they were saying quite the opposite!
Except... he hadn’t seen any weapons on you when you’d come in. 
If he remembered correctly, which he had to assume he did since you had just come in a few minutes ago, you weren’t wearing large or baggy clothing, so there really wasn’t any place to hide a weapon -- unless it was a very small weapon. In that case, Yunhyeong felt almost confident that he could manage to take it from you somehow.
Plus, your beauty was definitely clouding his judgement, and he wanted to get the chance to actually talk to you before letting you go and never seeing you again.
So, instead of coming clean and being a useful, helpful citizen, Yunhyeong simply nodded. “Yes, of course,” he assured the officers. “I will keep an eye out.”
The officers turned to leave, but the man stopped before he could turn around all the way.
“Actually, would you mind if we just did a quick search?” he asked in a very polite tone. “Just protocol, of course. Plus, she might have beamed in without you knowing, and we wouldn’t want to leave without knowing for sure you’re not in any danger.”
Yunhyeong raised his eyebrows but then took a step to the side and extended his arm out into the station to allow them inside. “Please, be my guest.”
The female officer headed back toward the kitchen where he’d been putting together his lunch not even ten minutes ago while the male officer basically made a beeline for his lab.
“Ah, that --” Yunhyeong said, following him and peering into his lab over the man’s shoulder. “That’s my lab.”
“What did you say you do again?” the officer asked curiously.
“I’m doing research,” Yunhyeong answered. “Plant research. For the government.”
The officer let out a low hum of understanding and continued to stand there, presumably eyeing his equipment and searching the room for any signs of an intruder.
But the longer he stood there, the more quickly Yunhyeong’s heart began to beat.
Finally, the officer took a step back and turned on his heel to search other areas of the station.
Yunhyeong let out a soft breath as soon as the officer was out of sight then went back to the station entrance to wait for them to finish.
After only about five minutes, both officers met him at the door, thanked him for his cooperation, and wished him a nice day before stepping into the small chamber separating the inside of his station from the void of outer space and beaming themselves out.
Yunhyeong closed the inner door, turning the handle to lock it and letting out an anxious breath. But he didn’t have time to lean back against the door and gather his thoughts because there was currently a wanted criminal hiding in his lab.
He practically ran to the doorway of his lab, grasping the doorframe and calling out, “They’re gone, you can come out.”
A few seconds later, the door to his equipment storage room opened, and you peeked your head out.
“They searched the station and just left,” Yunhyeong explained, his heart fluttering inside his chest upon seeing you again.
You let out a breath and stepped fully into the lab, closing the door quietly behind you. “Thank you,” you murmured as you began to make your way over to him.
“Sure...” he replied expectantly, waiting for you to start explaining the situation.
When you stopped a few feet in front of him, a cautious and bashful smile tugged at your lips. “So...” you started, your voice a bit shaky. “I, uh -- It’s really not as bad as you might be thinking.”
Yunhyeong couldn’t stop from smirking -- just a tiny one. “Well, the police said you’re a wanted criminal who should be considered armed and dangerous, so what I’m thinking is pretty bad.”
Your eyes widened and you held your hands out in front of you, waving them a little to assure Yunhyeong he had it all wrong. “No, no -- I’m not armed, I swear! And definitely not dangerous. Just -- This is going to sound like I’m making it up, but I promise you, I’m not.”
Well, now Yunhyeong was really intrigued. “Go on,” he pressed.
“I... Well, for the last couple of years, I’ve been working on a... project.”
“That doesn’t sound shady at all,” Yunhyeong chuckled.
“I was trying to create a clone,” you explained hurriedly. “Nothing shady, exactly. It’s kind of a long story, but I got a research grant and decided to try cloning but it didn’t turn out like I expected because my clone kind of went rogue and she is the armed and dangerous one. Not me. But the police don’t know it’s a clone, obviously, so they’re looking for me when it’s really all just a big mistake!”
Your story did sound a bit far-fetched, and Yunhyeong shouldn’t have believed it.
But... for some reason... he did. There was just a look in your eyes that told him you were being truthful. A timbre in your voice that emanated sincerity.
So, he believed you. Despite logic telling him he shouldn’t, he did.
One corner of his lips lifted into a half-smile then, and he said, “Well, you’re welcome to stay here for a bit. Are you hungry?”
A look of pure relief washed over your exquisite features, and you held out your hand toward him. “I’m Y/N, by the way. That’s my real name, you can look me up.”
Yunhyeong let out a soft laugh as he shook your hand. “Don’t worry, I believe you. And you’re safe here. I’m Yunhyeong.”
“Thank you, Yunhyeong,” you replied, your hand gripping his firmly. 
But then, suddenly, your grip loosened, and you wavered a bit where you stood.
“Oop!” Yunhyeong uttered as he reached out to steady you. “You all right?”
You grasped onto his forearms, and when you tilted your head to look up at him, he saw your complexion had blanched quite a bit.
“Yes, I --” you murmured. “Sorry, I guess I haven’t eaten in a while, and the adrenaline’s worn off, I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, come eat,” he said as he moved to slide one arm around your back and then began leading you toward the kitchen.
You continued to apologize as he helped you down the hallway, and once he’d pulled out a chair at the small table, he assured you there was absolutely nothing to be sorry about.
To be honest, this whole situation was quite thrilling for him. A mistakenly wanted criminal who had almost fainted from hunger? He had never cooked a meal for a mistakenly wanted criminal who had almost fainted from hunger before, but he now felt like this was what he’d been meant to do. Born to do.
I mean, he’d always loved helping and taking care of people, and he certainly loved cooking.
(Plus, you were just so gosh darn beautiful. It was his absolute pleasure to have you in his home and serve you a home-cooked meal!)
He whipped you up the quickest but heartiest thing in his repertoire: a ham sandwich. But his ham sandwich was not just any old ham sandwich. Of course, not! He used only the best mayonnaise, only the best lettuce and tomatoes grown right here on the station, only the best bread he’d baked himself last night, and only the best ham... which was not really the best ham because, living in space, he had to use his food replicator. And he hadn’t yet found one single food that was quite as good when using the replicator. It was fine, but it just didn’t taste exactly the same.
Oh, well. He hoped the rest of the fine ingredients would make up for the slightly less than average ham.
“It’s not much,” he said when he set the plate in front of you just a few minutes later. “But it’ll do the trick.”
“Oh, no, are you kidding? This is wonderful,” you said breathlessly, your eyes widening slightly as you gazed at the sandwich. “You wouldn’t believe what I’ve been eating the past couple days. This seems like a feast compared to that.”
Yunhyeong couldn’t help himself; after hearing that remark, he pulled out the other chair at his table and slid into it, his brow furrowed with curiosity. He set his elbow on the table and rested his chin in his palm before asking, “What happened?”
You took a huge bite of sandwich first, closing your eyes with pleasure as you chewed. And then you began your story.
You told him all about how your clone had gone rogue for reasons you still hadn’t figured out. She had replicated weapons and gone on a crime spree, robbing and killing anyone she could get her hands on. You actually got choked up as you told him, and Yunhyeong had to resist the urge to reach out and put his hand over yours.
Of course, you had tried your best to stop her, but that had only made it easier for the police to confuse you for her and make you their target.
Once you’d realized the police were on the hunt for you and not your clone, you’d gone into fight or flight mode -- and you had chosen flight. You’d hidden anywhere you could find, only staying in one place for a few hours.
“How did you end up here?” Yunhyeong asked, taking your empty plate and standing up to make you another sandwich. You’d eaten this one so quickly, and if you really hadn’t eaten much real food over the last few days, there was no doubt you had to be famished.
“Honestly... pure happenstance. I just found a small space station on the map, punched the coordinates into my transporter, and beamed right in.”
A smirk tugged at Yunhyeong’s lips but he turned to start making your sandwich before you had the chance to see.
Pure happenstance. Luck. You hadn’t come here by design; you’d just picked his station and beamed yourself in unknowingly.
“Y’know...” he began as he took two more slices of bread. “It’s funny because I’ve been on this space station by myself for quite a while now, and just this morning I was thinking about some beautiful, random stranger just happening to pass through. But, obviously, I was thinking about how it wouldn’t happen.”
“That,” you said before clearing your throat. “That’s a strange coincidence.”
When Yunhyeong glanced over his shoulder, he saw your expression had turned shy, and it made him feel a little shy. Which was odd because he was rarely ever shy.
“Very,” he murmured in agreement after turning back around and continuing to make your second sandwich.
It was comfortably silent for the next minute or two, the only noises that of Yunhyeong spreading mayonnaise on bread and tearing up the lettuce to fit better on the sandwich. But then, when he turned back around to join you at the table and set the plate in front of you again, you murmured a soft but earnest “Thank you.”
“My pleasure,” Yunhyeong replied before once again sliding into the chair across from you. “And... you’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like.”
You had just picked up the sandwich to take a bite, but upon hearing his words, you paused. Your brow knit together, forming deep wrinkles in your forehead. “Oh, no, I --”
“I think you’d be safer here than anywhere else,” Yunhyeong interrupted gently. “The police have already been here, and there’s no logical reason they would come back here to look for you. At least, not for a while. And maybe we could get this all squared away in the meantime. Find your clone and clear your name.”
You stared at him in slight confusion for a few moments before shaking your head a little and asking, “But... why? Why would you... help me?”
Yunhyeong let out a soft chuckle and lifted his shoulders into a shrug. “I guess... it’s been a long time since I’ve even talked to another person face-to-face. And you’re innocent. I can’t just let you go and risk you getting caught and arrested when you’re only guilty of an experiment gone wrong.”
For a split second, he thought about adding on the fact that you were incredibly nice to look at, and he was becoming overwhelmed with an urge to take care of you. But when he remembered the shy look you’d gotten after he’d just said the word beautiful, he decided against it.
For now, at least.
You slowly put the sandwich back down on the plate, and before Yunhyeong could try to distinguish the expression on your face, you burst into tears.
“Whoa,” Yunhyeong murmured, his head jerking back in surprise. “No, please --”
“I’m sorry,” you sniffed, bringing your hands up to cover your eyes and cheeks. “I just -- It’s been difficult the past few days, and I thought --”
Without hesitation, Yunhyeong got out of his chair and crouched down next to you, resting one hand gently on your back and the other on one of your wrists.
“It’s all right,” he assured you in the gentlest voice he could manage.
“I can’t even remember how many times I thought I was going to die,” you admitted, your voice muffled and interrupted by sniffling sobs. “And you have absolutely no reason to help me, but you are, and I’m so relieved, and I just --”
Yunhyeong shushed you, rubbing your back and watching with concern as you began to wipe your cheeks.
You then turned your head and looked over at him, tears still brimming in your eyes.
“Thank you,” you choked out.
Yunhyeong’s lips curved into a smile, and he moved his hand to your shoulder, squeezing you there. “You’re welcome. You’re going to get through this, okay? I can help. I work for the government, so I bet I can get in touch with someone who can straighten this all out.”
You shook your head a bit and gulped down the large lump of emotion obstructing your throat. “But I -- I can’t do anything to repay you --”
“I told you that I’ve been living here on my own for a long time, right?”
You nodded.
“Honestly, having some company is repayment enough. Just... be my friend,” he said with a tiny shrug. “For as long as you’re here, that’s all I ask in return. Be my friend.”
Yunhyeong’s heart burst when he saw the corners of your lips lifting into a small smile, and it began to glow in his chest when you nodded again.
“If you’re going to keep feeding me delicious food, I can definitely be your friend,” you assured him.
“Hey, if it’s delicious food you want, you’ve come to absolutely the right place,” he grinned before squeezing your shoulder one more time and then standing up to let you eat your sandwich in peace. “Listen, I’ve got to get back to work soon, but feel free to look around and make yourself at home. There’s not much, really, but there’s a shower and some extra clothes.”
“Okay,” you said quietly, nodding and wiping away the last of your tears.
As you turned back to the table and began to eat your sandwich, Yunhyeong quickly made one for himself to take back to the lab. Since he’d been interrupted by... this whole situation, he hadn’t been able to actually have anything to eat during his lunch break. But as long as he turned away from the plants and equipment to eat, it should be fine.
“I’ll just be in the lab,” he said after completing his sandwich and heading out toward the hallway. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay,” you answered just before he stepped through the kitchen doorway. And then you called out, “Thank you again! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this!”
Yunhyeong simply smiled to himself.
Hopefully, he would be able to get back into his work mindset -- at least for a few hours or so. He needed to try his best to get as much work done as possible because he had a sneaking suspicion you were going to become more and more of a distraction the longer you stayed here.
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Even though he had been given no parameters as far as work hours when he’d started this position, Yunhyeong had set a schedule for himself to try and keep some semblance of a normal life. He, like most people, needed time to unwind after working all day, but if he had no specific clock out time, it was very possible he would work well into the night.
So, from his very first day on the station, he’d set an alarm for six in the evening so he could force himself to stop working and enjoy his evenings.
And, unsurprisingly, his evenings after work always started off with cooking.
But, unsurprisingly again, this evening was a little different than most.
Or... all. It was different than all of the evenings he’d had on the station thus far. Every single one.
Over the past several hours, he’d only heard your presence on the station a few times. He must’ve been too focused on work to notice much else -- either that or you’d just been incredibly quiet. But, apparently, you’d been up to a lot because when he locked up the lab for the night, he caught sight of you standing by the window in the living room across the hall. Your hair was wet and you were wearing a pair of his pajamas, something that unexpectedly tugged at his heart.
“Hey,” he greeted as he stepped into the room. “I’m all done with --”
He trailed off when you turned around to look at him. Your face had been scrubbed clean, and even though you really didn’t look much different -- if at all -- the sight of you standing there, fresh-faced with damp hair and wearing his pajamas... it made his heart jump up into his throat and his breath catch, for some reason.
Truly, it had been far too long since he’d had any social interaction.
You must have thought he was staring at you for reasons other than that, though, because you bashfully looked down at the pajamas and said, “I wasn’t sure if it was okay -- I can just wear my own clothes if you --”
“No, no,” he interrupted hastily, taking a step closer to you. “No, it’s fine. Sorry. Wear whatever you want, really.”
Your lips curved into a soft grin, and you gestured behind your shoulder with one hand. “I was just admiring the view,” you told him before turning back around to gaze out the window.
Yunhyeong joined you, taking several large steps to come and stand next to you.
He glanced very briefly out at the scenery before him, finding his eyes were of a mind to settle on you instead.
Either he had forgotten just how beautiful you were or the relief of being safe had melted your anxiety and heightened your attractiveness because... wow. The slope of your nose and the curve of your lips were stunning and enticing. Your eyelashes, your cheeks, the way your hair framed your face.
“It’s so beautiful,” you said, your gaze fixed on the stars and planets visible from the window.
Yunhyeong almost laughed because you had voiced aloud his thoughts almost exactly.
“Yes,” he agreed with his eyes still locked on you rather than the outside view. “Yes, it is.”
You continued observing the scenery for a few more moments -- long enough for Yunhyeong to get his wits about him, thankfully, and when you turned to look at him, he was fairly certain it wasn’t obvious he’d been staring at you.
“So,” you stated. “What can I do to help?”
“Well, you’re in luck,” he answered with a grin. “I mean, unless your idea of fun isn’t quite the same as mine... But I was planning on making pasta for dinner and then breaking open some wine, putting on some music -- Jazz, if you’re into it -- and just... relaxing.”
And, now, if you were there, he could actually have a chat. A good, old-fashioned chat.
But... if you liked to create clones in your spare time, then you most likely weren’t the type of person to label that type of evening as ‘fun.’
“That sounds... amazing,” you replied, somewhat breathless.
Color him surprised!
“Yeah?” he asked, trying to tamp down his excitement. “I’ve come up with a pretty great recipe for spaghetti sauce. I can teach you how to make it?”
Your lips curved into a smile, and you nodded quickly. “Yes, please. I would love that.”
As Yunhyeong led you to the kitchen, he found himself already daydreaming about... well, so many things.
Cooking with you. Drinking wine with you. Listening to music with you. Chatting with you. Getting to know you better. Allowing himself to open up to you so you could get to know him better.
Then, of course, daydreams about all that led to daydreams about later on down the road. Cooking with you and sneaking kisses in here and there. Drinking wine and listening to music and snuggling on the couch with you. Chatting with you those really deep chats that only surface when you’re fully and entirely comfortable with someone.
He still hardly knew you, of course, but at this moment... he could imagine himself falling in love with you. And even if that never happened -- or even came close to happening -- just the idea of it was enough.
He wanted it to happen, of course, and he was definitely going to try as long as you were willing.
But, if today had taught him anything, it was to never assume. Never assume things can’t or won’t happen. Never assume that, just because every day previously had been the same, today wouldn’t be different. Anything could happen!
And he knew this had absolutely no bearing on the events of today, but... Yunhyeong planned on asking the computer what the weather was like on Earth more often.
Just for fun.
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60. “have you always been this beautiful?” + 68. “You owe me a kiss.” for sean/reader plssss?
Glitter in The Air (Sean X Reader)
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A/N: This is just pure Sean Falco bubble gum cotton candy fluff just for Joz ☺️☺️😍
You held your finger above the mouse and debated which road to take:
Add him. It's only been four years, but he's bound to remember you.
Forget it. It’s been four years, how would he ever remember you?!
Without a second thought you clicked add friend on the Facebook name “SeanFalco92.” You typed out a little note just in case.
Hey, Sean.
I'm sorry about what happened at the University. You're a bit infamous. Not every day the quiet Irishman gives it to the campus police. That fire hydrant was ugly anyways.
Y/N, The Dark Room Princess
Then you switched off the internet to prevent yourself from nervously checking every ten minutes to see a response. So you poured yourself a cup of coffee and put your headphones in. It was gonna be an all-nighter on your grad school thesis.
Your computer made a loud ping noise that startled you from sleep you didn't realize you had fallen into. You raised your head and looked at the time “11am.” Thank God, still a few hours until you had to turn in your thesis. Then you were free to never worry about university again, until the loans rolled in. You groaned.
Still you adjusted yourself and your glasses to read the message that had come up alongside the friend request acceptance.
Hey! Yeah it's totally been awhile. How have you been? I felt the wrath of my parents when they bailed me out. Due for a bit of community payback for a few months. Sorry “Service.” Next time I won't get nicked.
Not quite sure about the dark room reference, but was thinking you should meet me at the carnival on Friday. I know I shouldn't be on campus, but I had tickets before everything went down. Care to be my reason for still showing my face after all that humiliation?
You shook your head and laughed. He definitely didn't remember you, and you weren't exactly sure what he was up to. Who turns down an opportunity to spend the night with Sean Falco?
You took your time replying. Showering. Eating lunch. Printing your thesis and assembling it. Not wanting to appear eager in your reply. He pinged again.
You there? It looked like you were online. Sorry, didn't mean to appear so needy or forward. I just thought it’d be nice to be reacquainted.
You cocked an eyebrow, cheeks flushed a bit and finally returned a response.
Yeah. I would like that. I live in the Madison apartments. Get to Union station (I'm guessing you lost your license?) and we’ll take the Gold Line back to campus. See you at 7.
Sean's comeback was immediate.
It's a date!
Your face grew even hotter. Fuck, it's a date.
You couldn't help but be nervous as you paced around the front steps of your apartment complex. You felt confident in the cute outfit you rushed out and bought impulsively. Or how you bit the bullet and got your hair done too after you delivered your thesis. You claimed it was in celebration of the rest of your life and nothing to do with the tall, lanky Irishman now headed your way.
“Sean!” a bit startled as you turned around in his direction.
Curly hair a bit wild, his jeans looking industrial but you knew they weren't bought that way. The purple tee-shirt he wore somehow made his leafy green eyes positively stunning. His hand was outstretched with a flower held towards you.
“T’ought I might go a bit old-fashioned t’night,” you took the --- from him. “Maybe a bit o’ congratulations for finishing your t’esis paper.”
Glad your hair covered your ears because you knew the tips were bright red. You never remembered his lilt being that strong or noticeable. Maybe for some strange reason it was his nerves too?
“A Peony? Sean, these are my favorites! How’d you know?” you smelled it briefly before you tucked it away behind your ear. Pleasantly surprised. “Thank you.”
“I may have creeped around your photos a bit, hope ye don't mind?” Sean raised his hands and crinkled one of his eyes shut.
“This is my first flower from anyone, so I'll take some light stalking in the meantime. We should hurry though, the train leaves in ten minutes.”
The two of you side by side. You sat turned to face him, back towards the window of the car. Sean faced forward and stole sideways glances while you talked.
“So what does a young lady with a Masters in Art History do fer livin?”
“I want to restore old paintings at the Met in New York, but I'll probably be stuck here in Portland till I'm thirty. What about you, think you can bypass a degree and still be a photojournalist? Maybe and Irish Ansel Adams?”
Sean laughed, “How did you know any of that?” He looked directly at you with a gleam in his eyes.
“You really don't remember me do you?”
You took a chance and slid your hand into his to prevent him from picking at a loose thread in his shirt. Sean easily enclosed it without hesitation.
“Mostly!” Cheek hidden in his smile. “I just thought something about ye clicked in my brain. Can't figure out why, but was hopin’ going out with ye would jog my mind. Is t’at ok?”
There was no time to answer. Soon enough you were back on campus. You talked Sean into some french fries and corn dogs before tugging at his hand excitedly.
“Ok, the Ferris Wheel! Let's do that first? We should be able to see downtown, and it'll be dusk by the time we get on.”
Sean hesitated as his eyes glanced up towards the top. A flash of nerves behind his eyes, but he gave up and shrugged. Obediently following you in line while he ate, a bit sullen.
Surely the guy who just fought a fire hydrant and a cop wouldn't be scared of heights, you thought. Then you flashed back to that day Freshman year and Sean's panicked voice in the dark. His ragged breath and palms that sweat through your tee shirt as he held onto your shoulders.
You shoved a cheese fry in your mouth as the line staggered forward slow and steady. The conversation had died quite suddenly, but you knew you had to take the chance. Cheesy romantic comedy as this all was, who doesn't want to be with a hot guy alone stuck on a ride?
“Uh y/n?” The giggle was back in Sean’s voice now as you broke from your reverie. “You've got some..” His thumb swiped at the corner of your mouth before he lifted it to his own. “Cheese.”
“Thank.. you?” The tension was silent and awkward.
Then, as the two of you simply stared at each other, Sean let out a sound somewhere between a strangled laugh and a snort. It was infectious, and you instantly joined in. That type of laughter you aren't sure how people achieve, but it leaves you breathless and annoying to everyone in your sight.
“I don't know.. why..I licked.. my thumb,” he wheezed around the most childlike giggle. “It was like a weird compulsion.” The way he said the word came out like “way-rd,” and instigated more laughter from deep inside you.
It seemed to ease Sean’s apprehension as the two of you began to board the ride, though. A calm coming over him as you both quieted down. He white-knuckled the bar as it clicked into place over your laps. Eyes wide as it lurched into motion.
You brushed your fingers tentatively over his clenched fist. Sean had a glazed look in his eyes as you slowed and stopped multiple times. You inches towards the top. He really was frightened.
“I've just gotta get over this. I'm confronting my fear is all.” He sounded so serious with a hint of pride, you stifle a chuckle with a bite of a lip.
Sean peered slightly over the edge of the car and looked downwards. Then it halted suddenly and he grabbed your hand and covered it with his massive one. You squirmed around to hold it properly as he squeezed his eyes shut. The car swung back and forth a bit on the precarious side, even for you. One last time, and it would start spinning in its giant lackadaisical circle.
Forward. Pitch to a stop even harder than the last few. This time Sean buried his face in your shoulder, and you relished this surprising role-reversal. But then he looked up at you in the most serious manner.
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
At the same exact time you said:
“First claustrophobia now heights”
You both sat up straight and gaped.
Again simultaneously.
“How d’ye know I'm claustrophobic?!”
“Did you just call me pretty?”
For the moment, Sean was no longer afraid. Your sentiment about his fear distracted him long enough that he loosened up immensely. Long fingers scratched at his mess of curls while deep in thought. Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, heart beating wildly in your ears.
Sean tugged at his chin with a forefinger and thumb. Obviously deep in thought as he gazed off into the sky. It was like a lightbulb finally popped on over his head.
“Jesus (jaysus) Dr Bacher’s photography course. Freshman year!”
You smiled, “By Jove I think he's got it!”
“T’at’s how ye know me. We got right stuck in that darkroom door. It was like a pitch-black tube really. Man I bloody well panicked.”
“I thought you were screwing with me at first! Your hands were so sweaty my tee-shirt was wet from where you were groping me. I kept thinking how every single girl in our class would've killed our professor to be stuck with the hot Irish guy. All that heavy breathing, my teenage brain thought it was sexual tension.”
“I was 18 wedged in a small space with a cute girl. It was claustrophobia, but it was also sexy.”
You bit the inside of your cheek and smiled. The two of you ignoring the ride and it's slow rotations. Still holding hands.
“I don't think I imagined that..” you struggled with the next line.. “parts of you were totally poking into me.”
Sean's mouth dropped open but he repeated his prior sentiment. A bit higher pitched. “I WAS 18 IN A SMALL SPACE WITH A HOT GIRL!” His lilt was more pronounced.
“Who gets a fear.. boner,” you rolled back into the hysterics from earlier on the ground.
Sean's face a deep crimson as his mouth tightened into a straight line. He looked away, but you knew he was playing along. Those eyes betrayed him with a hint of a smile.
“You told me if I got us out you’d take me on a date.”
“I said I'd kiss ye if we got out alive. Never knew how long it’d be til someone found us.”
“You did!” you agreed excitedly. “The door just needed hoisted up and back on the track. Which I did! Then we stumbled out and I practically threw myself in your arms for that kiss.”
“Wait, did we?” Sean turned back to you as the Ferris wheel slowed to another stop. Neither of you remembered it moving.
“No. Stupid ass Derek Sandoval was in the classroom waiting for you.”
“Oi! Watch now, he's still my mate.” Sean's turn to tease now.
“I bet he is.”
The two of you sat back in the car. Your fingers still entwined but the fright had melted away. Sean let out a long steady breath as he really looked out on the carnival and the multicolored lights as they danced around you. The stars blanketed the sky.
His face heavenwards. “Yeah y/n?
“I think you owe me a kiss,” your words soft, almost a whisper.
Sean’s gaza came back down from the clouds. The music and noise from the crowds seemed to fade away as your breath caught in your throat. Without a second thought, he let go of your hand and put his arm around you. That soft mouth leaned over and almost melted with yours. Your bodies enveloped in a hug as Sean slid the tip of his tongue between your lips. Your own darted forward to fight with it.
Then the car hulked into motion again and you broke apart. A smirk on Sean's face revealed a dimple, and you joined in with a grin of your own.
“Well, that was worth a four year wait.”
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @robertsheehanownsmyass @magic-multicolored-miracle @elliethesuperfruitlover
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monkeymindscream · 2 years
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I posted 4,347 times in 2021
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I added 805 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#2. could villain fans as a whole start using the phrase ‘‘rehabilitator’’ when describing themselves from now on? because that’s brilliant
My Top Posts in 2021
Beloctober Day 8: Wittebane
My every attempt to make ANYTHING for this prompt has been met with whispers of “but you should add a little more to explain things better...” and I don’t have that kind of time. So fuckit - Wittebane headcanons/the outline of a fic I’d like to write if I did have the time and/or creative energy:
(Incoming angst-fest; canon’s gonna come decimate it all anyway, I might as well go all-in).
~Let’s get the basics outta the way first - I’m pretty damn sure Belos is Philip (but then who isn’t at this point?).
~Given the proposed location and time period for when the Wittebanes were in the human realm, they’d have almost definitely been puritans. With this in mind I have a strong feeling that Philip would have likely been alienated from his community well before he got to the Boiling Isles. Look at these:
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71 notes • Posted 2021-10-14 23:45:35 GMT
Beloctober Day 10: Favorite AU
I don’t know who came up with this concept first - I just know I saw it somewhere (I’m going to be honest, I was probably half asleep at the time, that’s common), I took it to Wig, and next thing ya know we’ve got whole subplots going on top of a main. (and with that in mind I desperately want to turn this one into a full fic. But we’ll see, we’ll see...)
So if you get done reading this and realize that you are the one who first came up with this, please come forward so I can shake your hand.
The recent acquisition of the portal key was nothing short of a blessing, damaged though it was. Damaged was fine - Belos could work with damaged, he just needed a little time to play around with things.
(That, of course, being where the majority of his problems arose: he needed time. Which, with his deadline approaching with increasing aggressiveness, he didn’t have.)
The portal was still behaving strangely, though frankly he’d expected that to some degree. The thing had been blown up – a few hiccups in its operation were inevitable, no matter how diligently he reconstructed it. Still, it was… concerning. Far be it from him to get the jitters before proverbial-showtime, but…
Belos closed his eyes and took a small breath in and out to clear his mind. Run a few tests, pinpoint the issues, then resolve them. That’s all he needed to do. Time was running short, but he wasn’t out of it, not yet. He gestured, and the Abomaton standing ready off to the side began the now well-practiced task of opening the power-flow to activate the door. The doorframe glowed as the magic entered it, and Belos glanced down at the patched key in his hand. He felt himself take another breath, but this time around he held it as he raised the key to the lock. 
The key had leaked a fair amount of blood. Would it still work? It had to. It had to…
He slotted the key into place, and his heart lurched when it didn’t disintegrate on contact. He turned it, hearing the tumblers click into place, and he would admit his hands were shaking when he went to turn the knob. 
His cautious hopes were swiftly dashed at what he saw on the other side of the door. 
It wasn’t the human realm, that much was obvious (or at least he hoped not; something there had gone very wrong indeed if it was). The landscape was comprised of abstract shapes, and there were… cubes? Floating cubes? Dotted here and there. 
How odd. 
Belos leaned forward slightly, trying to get a better look, grudgingly fascinated. True, his disappointment at his failure was paramount, but at the same time this was like nothing he’d ever seen before surely he’d never seen it before. If it wasn’t the human realm, where was it? What were those floating cubes, what purpose did they serve—?
He finally looked down, and his stomach dropped. 
He’d seen dark ooze like that before. Typically, on the floor or walls as he shuddered in residual pain from an outburst.
Close the door, something told him. This is all wrong. Try again.
His arm twitched as though about to follow through with the thought (truly, he wanted nothing more than to not be looking at the pool of sludge in front of him anymore), but stopped as he noticed… he wasn’t sure, exactly. Movement was what had initially caught his eye – somewhere ahead there was something stirring in the muck, he just couldn’t make out what.
It appeared to be something slowly rising to the surface, he decided. Though most bizarrely it seemed to be rising vertically, which considering the paced speed at which it was doing so shouldn’t have been possible. It came to a slow stop, and after a prolonged moment of squinting to get a better look Belos decided it almost resembled a person (albeit one thickly coated head-to-foot in the surrounding muck) on their knees, head tilted back as they gazed upward.
It was… exceedingly unnerving, to be honest.
It moved, slowly tilting its head down to look directly towards the door, as though it had just noticed it was there. Belos got the distinct impression somehow that he was being looked through rather than at. There was a beat wherein he just looked back, unsure how to respond (if indeed, he ought to respond at all), and then it began crawling towards him.
Fumblingly, Belos moved to shut the door, but at that moment the frame began shuddering and sparking. He jolted back instinctively, and his (mostly voluntary) exclamation signaled for the Abomaton to shut the portal down. From the corner of his eye he could certainly see it trying, but its efforts weren’t making any difference in whatever issues the door was having. If anything, the malfunctions seemed to get worse. 
He cast around for absolutely anything he might use to deescalate the portal’s apparent breakdown. If it kept up like this it might irreparably damage itself, and he couldn’t lose all his progress now. Not after how far he’d come, not when he was so close—
Close it! shrieked something frantically. Close the door!!
Belos tried, jerking towards it, but before he could get it to latch something slammed into it from the other side, nearly knocking him down the stairs behind him. Before he could regain he bearings enough to once more launch himself at the door to try to shut it, whatever he’d seen on the other side staggered past the threshold. It had managed to rise to its feet at some point, apparently.
Very well, that was fine – the portal was still wide open, all he’d have to do is knock it back through, far enough this time where he’d have time to properly lock the door behind it—
So of course that was exactly the moment the Abomaton managed to finally shut the portal down. The mystery world on the other side fizzled from view, the door swung shut of its own accord, and Belos was left with a hunched-over thing dripping in ooze that he didn’t know what to do with. Utterly sensational…
Belos summoned his staff, preparing for a confrontation, when the figure once more dropped to their knees and promptly began to vomit.
…if this was its strategy to catch him off-guard, it was working fabulously. Looking closer at what it was expelling (more because he couldn’t look away than anything else at this point), he recognized the gunk as what it had just been floating in and what was presently covering its entire body.
…except wait, no, the ooze was starting to slide off, mixing with the vomit pooled on the floor. To Belos’s surprise, his initial summation of the thing seemed to have been correct: It was, indeed, a person who’d simply been covered in slime. But how—?
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79 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 16:45:44 GMT
Hey so since Eda’s “curse” is more or less confirmed to be an actual sentient creature trapped inside of her, how crazy would it be if Belos’s curse is the spirit of the Titan, and that’s why he claims he can hear it?
181 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 17:38:48 GMT
Me: [looking up info on puritans so I can write about the Wittebros with some degree of accuracy]
A Very Rude PDF:
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275 notes • Posted 2021-10-14 01:40:12 GMT
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Beloctober Day 2: Golden Guard
Second day and I’m already falling behind, good grief.
So because of this:
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352 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 06:46:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kuramirocket · 3 years
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MEXICALI, Mexico — Lucía Laguna carries her fate tattooed on her face — from the corner of her mouth to her chin, black lines surf across her coppery skin — the tribal art honoring her people will also serve an important function later on.
“After my death, it will be guide me to my ancestors. With the tattoo, they will recognize me and can take me where they are," she said, as she talks on the banks of the Colorado River.
But under the merciless sun, Laguna, 51, worries about the fate of the river and its impact on the Cucapá, her Indigenous people. A searing drought is exacerbating the deadly heat in a region that long ago saw its river flow diminished, after almost a century of U.S. engineering projects.
"Cucapá means people from the river, that's why we are fighting for it," she said, pointing to a decrease in the river's flow she is seeing every year. “We cling to the river and fight because it gives us water so that the fish can arrive and we can earn our livelihood. But it is a fight that seems that we will never win," she said, disheartened.
Mexico is experiencing the worst drought in three decades. NASA images from the recently released Landsat 8 satellite showed the extremely low levels of the Villa Victoria dam, one of the capital's main water reservoirs.
According to meteorologists, three quarters of the country suffers from drought; in 16 of the 32 states, it affects their entire territory. Thus, 60 large reservoirs, especially in the north and the center, are below 25 percent of capacity.
"Over the past 70 years, the temperature in Mexico has a clear and conclusive increasing trend. In the last decade, it increased very rapidly and that rise is even higher than the average for the planet," Jorge Zavala Hidalgo, general coordinator of the National Meteorological Service, said.
Rainfall has always fluctuated, he explained, but now the rain is concentrated in fewer days. "And that is bad because we all want it to rain — but nobody wants it to flood, especially the farmers, because that destroys the crops. That is why we are studying everything that is happening."
The increase in temperature especially affects the forests, which go from being a paradise of greenery to time bombs for fire risks. As of May 5, 562 forest fires had been registered, 27 percent more than in 2020. And the burned area grew 69 percent, reaching almost 900,000 acres.
"There is more drought and therefore the vegetation is waiting for someone to arrive, light a leaf and from there, the fire begins," said César Robles, deputy manager of the Fire Management Center of Mexico's National Forestry Commission. "The area affected by fires is directly correlated with the increase in temperature and the decrease in rainfall."
An area resident, Imelda Guerra Hurtado, 43, pointed to the barren lands of El Zanjón, an arid, semi-desert enclave that reaches the banks of the Colorado River delta.
She remembers her grandparents taking her fishing — and points to areas that used to have water.
"Sometimes we feel that we are dying of thirst. Although many deny it, the climate has changed," she said. "We have always lived off the fish in the river, since I can remember. Now we can only fish once a year and it is our main livelihood."
U.S. engineering and their consequences
The Cucapá are one of the five native tribes of Baja California, and they descend from the Yuman people. According to official data, there are now only between 350 and 400 members of the Cucapá people but, in the 19th century, Western colonizers documented between 5,000 and 6,000 nomads who organized into clans.
"You have to understand that these Indigenous people see the entire region, both the part of Mexico and the United States, as their territory. In their traditions, it is remembered that they received a lot of water and, little by little, they were running out of that flow," said Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, director of the Coastal Solutions Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
The history of the Colorado River, and the problems it suffers today, is an ode to progress and engineering that tried to tame nature. It is the most important water system in northwestern Mexico. It is essential for farming in a semi-desert region.
In the 19th century, the river reached Mexico with a wild power of about 42,000 cubic feet per second. At the beginning of the 20th century, however, the United States began struggling to convert the arid regions of the Southwest to arable land, thus undertaking engineering works to divert water to the Imperial Valley of California.
"From 1922, everything started badly," Hinojosa-Huerta said. The United States did a study to divide the water from the Colorado River and, coincidentally, it was the 10 wettest years in the basin." Thus, a distribution was made on paper that included more water (16 percent) than there actually is. And then the reservoirs began to be built.
Treaties, dams — and then climate change
In 1936, the Hoover Dam was inaugurated, between Nevada and Arizona, which lowered the flow to 164 cubic meters per second for Mexico. In 1944, a bilateral treaty was signed that guaranteed Mexico about 1.8 million cubic meters of water per year, but most of it goes to agriculture.
The agreement did not consider the rights of the Cucapá people and their ancestral relationship with the river. But it affected their traditional ceremonies, causing a shortage of fruits and grains, and the trees and shrubs used to make houses, boats and clothing. "Nobody asked us anything," Guerra said. 
In 1966, the Glen Canyon Dam in Arizona was erected, and the river's flow decreased to 8 cubic meters per second. But what no one seemed to count on, between treaties and dams, was climate change.
"In Mexicali, it has never rained," Hinojosa-Huerta said, "the flow that reaches the region and that supports agriculture comes from snowfall 2,600 kilometers [1,600 miles] in the Rockies."
It all depends on precipitation in Wyoming and Colorado, but since 2002 snowfall has been below average, depleting the river and resulting in a "desolating panorama," he said.
Years of warmer temperatures, a failed rainy season last summer and low snow cover have combined to cause Mexico's Baja California rivers to decline.
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Hell on Earth
But heat also kills. In 2019 there were at least eight deaths in Mexicali associated with high temperatures; in 2020, they were 83.
"People cannot live with those temperatures, that is, people die", Zavala said, "although they are used to the heat, even small increases break the threshold for the human body to survive."
On Aug. 14, 2020, Mexicali registered 122 degrees Fahrenheit, breaking the record of 121 that dated from August 1981.
Froilán Meza Rivera, a veteran journalist and writer from northern Mexico, consulted the archives of the Secretariat of Hydraulic Resources. It appears that in July 1966, in Riíto, a Mexicali community, a thermometer reached an unprecedented figure of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. And that was its limit: the mercury rose to the top and could not measure any more.
It would be the highest figure in the world: according to the World Meteorological Organization, the highest recorded temperature is 134 degrees Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913, in California's Death Valley.
The region is exposed to the worst possible scenarios in terms of a climate emergency, according to Roberto Sánchez Rodríguez, an academic from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte. "Governments have mismanaged resources, and that is why there is less water available," he said.
Since 1993, the fishing territory of the Cucapá has been included in the Upper Gulf of California and the Colorado River Delta Biosphere Reserve, which has a surface area of ​​2.3 million acres. This protected area was created to preserve the flora and fauna, such as the vaquita porpoises and the totoaba, which are at the brink of extinction.
"We abide by the rules, we know that species have to be protected because we are an Indigenous people, we use the nets and equipment that the government asks of us and we do not go out when it's not our turn," said Rubén Flores, captain of a panga, a boat used for traditional fishing.
An earthquake in 2010 also affected fishing. "It left us huge cracks that got bigger, and that doesn't allow us to fish like before," said Hilda Hurtado Valenzuela, 68, president of the Sociedad Cooperativa Pueblo Indígena Cucapá, one of the associations that groups together the people who are still fishing.
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Sitting on a plastic chair near the patio of her home in El Indiviso, a semi-desert piece of land, she said she likes to get away from the sun. For a long time, she has not seen the sun as a source of life but as a tough enemy who takes out her tribe, destroys the river and forces them to forces them to do their chores and work at night during the harshest moments of summer.
"The heat here is unbearable, we have never experienced this. There are even people living on the streets who die because they cannot stand the temperatures," Valenzuela said. "And it also affects the animals because less water arrives from the river and the fish breed with the mixture of fresh water and salt, so there are fewer and fewer fish."
The townspeople insist that they do not fish the totoaba, whose swim bladder is considered a delicacy in the Asian market for its supposed medicinal and aphrodisiac properties (when it reaches China it costs $55,000 or $60,000).
But the intense demand leads to fishing with professional nets, thus also trapping the vaquitas and leaving them on the brink of extinction.
Various environmental and journalistic investigations have pointed to the Dragon Cartel, a criminal network with Mexican, American, Chinese and other intermediaries who conspire to exploit and fish the totoaba in that region.
Flores said that just by looking at the sky, he knows what the weather will be like. That's why he shakes his head disapprovingly every time he sees the relentless sun.
"Something strange is happening here. It is as if the sun lasts longer, so the fish do not like that heat. They are born less and weigh less." It used to take them two days to fish for curvina, now it takes them a whole week, he said, looking at the river.
The intense drought also has affected the fish's reproduction, so they must go further and further out, with poorly prepared boats, with small engines and without much fuel.
"We comply with everything, but the people of the surrounding towns also fish and don't (comply) —and many times we're punished for that, said Paco, a veteran fisherman with more than 25 years of experience.
"And we must also be careful because the narco is there, they follow our routes through the area and they fish in order to hide tons of drugs underneath. We tell the police, but nobody does anything," said Paco, whose last name is being withheld for fear of retaliation.
"I want the river to stay"
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Lucia Laguna considers herself a guardian of the Cucapá, keeping alive their language, customs and traditional clothing to preserve them. Her memory is one of the most important reservoirs of the Cucapá past.
Kneeling on the banks of the Colorado River, she touches the dark water with special devotion while reciting an ancient song. Two little girls are with her.
"My tata [grandfather] fishes because without that we cannot eat. I too would like to be a fisherman, because I really like the river and being here," Marleny Sáenz, 10, said.
"I want the river to stay, to have our traditions," she said. "I like to sing because it is part of me, I feel very proud to be part of this town."
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It is a ritual that they used to celebrate on the banks of the river. From time immemorial they burned the cachanilla, a wild plant with a fresh aroma, while chanting their songs so that the fishermen would be lucky in their long expeditions at sea.
"It is about opening paths, so that everything goes well," Laguna said.
"We are paying the consequences of the pollution of other people. The people of the cities have to understand that we are affected by what they do. They do not live alone in the world," she said sadly, touching the water and singing to the river.
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h4knyeon · 4 years
tripping | minhyuk (monsta x)
minhyuk x female reader
genre: SMUT!!!
word count: 2k
summary: minhyuk is skeptical when he comes across a bottle of aphrodisiac pills, but can’t control himself when the effects kick in.
warnings: unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, oral (female receiving), slight cum play i think, uhhh needy minhyuk hehe, also titled like that because its sum drug usage in here but not hard drugs just sex drugs lol
a/n: lol i got this idea from one of those korean sex asmr videos.. it was sum crazy shit but i was addicted to it lmao but i could imagine minhyuk being a whiny little mess if he got his hands on some of these pills so here we go.
“boosts sex drive…” minhyuk mumbled to himself as he read the bottle of pills. he was home by himself, and he was bored out of his mind. he saw the container of aphrodisiac pills and he slowly became more and more curious. of course, he was skeptical about the power of its effects. after a while of inspecting the container and its labels, he opened it up and popped a pill into his mouth. he looked down at his body, expecting instant results, but he didn’t feel any different. he shrugged it off, walking to the living room and plopping down on the couch.
he fiddled with his thumbs for a few seconds before he began to feel his body get warmer. he thought nothing of it at first, until he started feeling extremely hot. he threw his sweater off, previously feeling quite cold in his home. he ran to check the thermometer. 68 degrees. how was he feeling so hot when the temperature was so low. he went back to lay on the couch, kicking his sweatpants off as well, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. he looked down and could see his growing bulge through the fabric, finally connecting the dots. oh fuck, he thought; the pills were kicking in. he sat back up, grabbing his phone and pressing on your contact name. the line rang a few times before you finally picked up.
“hey babe,” you answered with a sweet and calm voice. minhyuk however sounded out of breath.
“jagi, when are you getting back?” he asked.
“i’m on my way home right now, why?” 
“i-i need you,” minhyuk whimpered. your eyes widened.
“wow babe, you sound pretty desperate,” you teased, letting out a slight giggle.
“i uh- i took some pills.”
“oh… did you try those sex pills?” you asked, your voice dripping with concern and a bit of arousal.
“i didn’t think the effects would be this crazy. i only took one pill and my skin is crawling,” he whined. “please, how long will it be?”
“i’m right around the corner baby,” you reassured him. “just hold out until i’m there. i’m speeding for you,” you laughed.
“okay, see you soon, please hurry.” he placed his phone down and tried to calm himself. he was already painfully hard and his boxers were already stained with precum. he rubbed his hands up and down his thighs, shivering at the sensations his fingertips sent through his skin. he closed his eyes and tried to relax, his hands traveling up to his chest. he let out a moan as his fingers grazed over his nipples, goosebumps appearing all over his arms. his bottom lip was tucked under his teeth as he continued to let his hands roam his body, however, leaving his most sensitive area untouched.
he heard you open the door and set all the groceries on the kitchen counter. he listened as your footsteps got louder and louder as you approached.
“oh minhyuk, baby,” you said, coming up behind him and kissing his cheek from behind the couch. you let your hands feel up his chest, dragging a moan out of his throat.
“y/n please, i-i’m so sensitive, i feel like i could cum any second now,” he whined, flinching at every touch.
“so no teasing?” you asked, letting out a quiet laugh.
“i just want to be inside of you. i’m about to explode.”
“your wish is my command.” you walked to the front of the couch and stripped yourself of your clothing. minhyuk tried not to cum just at the sight of your body, closing his eyes and sucking his bottom lip back between his teeth. you got down on your knees in front of him, pulling his boxers down his legs and disposing of them somewhere to the side. his cock rested against his stomach, an excessive amount of precum leaking from the tip. “minnie, the sight of you like this already has me soaked,” you whine, standing up to straddle his lap. you gently grabbed his cock, lining it up with your entrance. “are you ready baby?” you asked before letting yourself sink down onto him.
“yes, go easy on me,” he breathed, placing his hands on your hips. you let him enter you, immediately hearing a guttural moan from him. you looked at him for the ok to continue your motions. when you checked to see if he was okay, his head fell back onto the back of the couch, his voice quivering. “i-it’s so sensitive babe,” he whined. you could fell his body twitching underneath you from the pleasure.
“do you want to stop?” you asked, bringing your hand up to stroke his cheek.
“n-no, just give m-me some time to calm down.” he took slow deep breaths, rubbing his hands up and down the sides of your waist. after a few seconds, he lifted his head back up to look at you. “you can move now.”
you followed his order, slowly lifting yourself just enough for only his tip to remain inside of you. you slowly let yourself sink back down onto his cock, not going too rough, knowing he was extremely sensitive. he grabbed your hips impossibly tight, letting out a sharp breath. you slowly rolled your hips back and forth on him, grabbing onto his shoulders for stability.
“a-ah jagi, it feels so good,” he cried, his face straining with pleasure. you attached your lips to his, not halting your motions on his sex. he pulled away from the kiss, letting out a moan that sounded like it was straight out of a porno. “babe, i-i’m gonna cum,” he whimpered.
“go ahead min.” you picked up your pace just a bit, knowing you wouldn’t have to do much to get him over the edge. he dug his nails into your hips, letting his buck up into you, shooting his load inside of you. the pleasure from his orgasm sent chills down his spine. he caught his breath, looking at you through hooded lids, and attaching his lips to yours once again. you lift yourself of him, his cum leaking out of your pussy and dripping onto his thighs. you sit next to him on the couch, rubbing his knee in circles. 
“jagiya?” he called.
“yeah min?”
“i’m s-still hard,” he pointed out. you looked down at his throbbing cock, watching it twitch against him.
“damn those pills are something to be reckoned with,” you laughed, but your swollen cunt was craving more. “are you down to go another round? do you think you can handle it?”
“it’s all i want right now,” minhyuk breathed, bringing his hand up to caress your face. 
he reattached his lips onto yours, immediately slipping his tongue into your mouth. you kissed passionately, letting his tongue roam your mouth as he pushed you to lay on your back on the couch, holding himself up over you. he pulled away after a few seconds, struggling to hold himself up.
“i-i almost came, just from kissing you,” he admitted sheepishly. he lined his tip up with your entrance, sliding right in, a mixture of his cum and your arousal allowing him to slip in with ease. he moaned loudly, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck. he slowly pulled out then quickly rocked his hips back into yours. after a few more thrusts, he was already reaching his high, pumping you full of his seed, and decorating your neck with purple marks. he pulled out and leaned back, sitting on his haunches. he watched you clench around nothing, his cum spilling out of your hole. “jagiya, let me taste you.”
you nodded, turning on the couch and spreading your legs wider, inviting him to dive down. he got down on his knees on the floor in front of you, rubbing circles on the inside of your thighs before placing a kiss on your most sensitive part. his tongue dipped down to your gaping entrance, tasting himself and your arousal. he lapped up the cum leaking from your hole, moaning at the taste. the vibrations from his mouth sent ripples of pleasure through your body, your hand reaching out to intertwine your fingers into his locks. 
he soon had you coming undone with his fingers working on your clit and his tongue dipping into your entrance over and over, and the vibrations from the moans that left his mouth was the icing on the cake. your release gushed out all over his face, and he continued to eat you out through your orgasm. he lapped at your pussy until you whined from overstimulation and he pulled back, resting his head on your thigh. 
you noticed how his body shivered and you glanced down at his dripping cock, immediately seeing the mess he made on the floor. he orgasmed without even being touched. 
“wow minnie, look at the mess you’ve made,” you teased glancing down at the puddle of cum between his knees. 
“i know, i’m surprised i still have more,” he chuckled, his face red with embarrassment. “i’ll clean it up.”
“okay, but you can clean it up later. it seems like you still want some more…” you trailed off, staring at his cock which was still painfully hard. he nodded, turning away from your gaze. 
you got up from the couch and lightly pushed on his shoulders, silently commanding him to lay down. he laid on his back as you went to straddle him, hands trailing across his stomach.
“are you still feeling sensitive?” you asked, trying to be careful with him.
“not as sensitive as before, but every touch is like four times more intense than it usually is.” he placed his shaky hands on your hips.
“well, let’s take it home,” you announced before lining his tip up with your entrance and immediately sinking down. minhyuk’s muscles tensed up at the feeling, his jaw dropping in a silent scream. his grip on your hips was bruising and you were sure there would be marks after you were done. 
after giving him a few seconds to calm down, you began rolling your hips onto him, every move drawing a delicious moan from minhyuk. when you thought you got him riled up enough, you moved onto your feet, fucking him at a quicker pace. minhyuk lost control of his volume, loud moans and whines of your name filling the air and you were sure your neighbors were well aware of what you two were up to. 
you quickly brought minhyuk to his orgasm, feeling his cock twitch inside of you as he pumped you full of his seed once again. but this time you didn’t stop moving on him. minhyuk’s nails dug into your skin as you kept up your pace, chasing your own release. the room echoed with the mix of your screams of pleasure and the sound of skin slapping against skin. tears welled up in minhyuk’s eyes from the intensity of the stimulation, and he couldn’t control his volume at all at this point. you could feel the knot in your stomach ready to explode at any moment and minhyuk could feel his fifth orgasm of the day approaching.
you slipped your hand in between your legs and began to toy with your clit, sending electrifying waves of pleasure up your spine. your stomach tightened as you finally released on his cock, milking him to another orgasm. you collapsed onto minhyuk’s chest, both of you glazed in sweat as you slowly regained your breaths. you laid there like that for a moment before minhyuk placed a sweet kiss on your forehead and urged you to get up so he can clean the mess.
“that was intense. maybe next time you can try the pills and i’ll see how you like getting pounded when your boochie is on fire,” minhyuk taunted playfully, wiping up the cum on the floor.
“hey, just say you can’t handle me,” you teased, rubbing circles on his back. “i’m gonna hop in the shower, it feels like i just ran a marathon.” you began to walk toward the bathroom. “you’re welcome to join me stinky.”
“okay, but be ready for a triathlon once i get in there,” minhyuk laughed impishly, strutting after you.
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from-aldebaran · 3 years
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Here are my lovely Secret Santa treats from the fabulous @wheel-of-fish​ !!! I love cats and Christmas lights--Fish combined both into a lovely string of cat shaped string lights!   I love sweet treats and the Jelly Babies are amazing!  (Yes I just opened this package within the quarter hour and yes I am already eating the Jelly Babies....I regret nothing except not going up to check the mail sooner!)
The Stroopwafels fulfill a desire previously unknown to me for baked waffle treats filled with caramel...my surname, which Fish did not know, is Dutch, as is part of my paternal ancestry, and the Stroopwafels come to me via Fish from Holland! I love hot chocolate and I believe the ice cream cone shaped treat is used in some manner to create hot chocolate and I am highly motivated to figure out how! Background Erik seems particularly interested in the l’il bunny, which hold bubble solution and even without such a fun purpose, is just incredibly cute! And lastly a lovely deer ornament--again Fish could not know that for years I have been slowly planning and collecting ornaments to have a tree someday trimmed with nothing but things found in nature, animals, birds, leaves, pinecones, snowflakes--and the deer will always remind me of Fish and her fondness for them! The accompanying card featured a little snowman asking “Got snow?”  and the reason I did not get the mail sooner is--wow yes, we got snow, an actual rip-roaring blizzard, the worse storm I personally have ever been out in, which started Wednesday afternoon, plunged the morning temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit down to 0 degrees by evening (7 C down to -18 C), had winds of 50 mph gusting to 68 mph, and whiteout conditions.  Where I happened to have been assigned to work that day was in a northwest suburb that by chance had the highest recorded snow total of the metropolitan area.  They say it was 9 inches but I can tell you that is a severe underestimate.  Had to dig my car out three times just trying to get out of the parking lot, traveled 20 feet on the road and said Nope, not driving in this and headed for a hotel. So I was away from home...and many things I needed to do...for an unexpected 48 hours. Anyway, home and safe and all is well.  In less than 2 hours, I will be a giddy attendee of the Saturday Stream.
Fish, I have told you I think, what you and these streams have meant to me, but in case I wasn’t clear, or even if I was, I want to tell you again.
Phantom fandom hit me like a bolt out of a forgotten blue on November 30th 2019 when I attended the restaged helmed by Derrick Davis as the Phantom.  I will tell another time the fuller tale, but suffice to say I had never seen the musical, and had no idea about many of the major plot points...most especially Christine’s gift of kisses to the Phantom, which sparks an awakening of love and compassion in a man who has been tragically abused and set aside from humanity his whole life.  Despite the flaws inherent in this staging, the story and themes were still powerful, especially as performed with his whole being by Derrick Davis.  It set its hooks in me like nothing has in a very long time, sparking my own awakening of interest and creativity and a desire to be involved with people who felt a similar pull.  I saw that production three more times in three different states in total.  
Then in February I chanced, from where I lurked outside of tumblr and read various blogs,  upon the listing for a special Satruday Stream, February 15th...and the magic words “shy anons welcome” enabled me to find the courage to attend. Since I was not on tumblr, I missed the restart of regularly scheduled streams mid-March but found them after the first few and haven’t missed any since. To say this has been life changing for me is...an understatement.  I went from barely being able to bear being online in my own home to anticipating it.  From being so scared to attend that first stream to having them be the absolute highlight of my week.  From having written only one piece of fanfiction in more than ten years to posting my seventh Phantom of the Opera story just this week. From having no one who counted this as their primary fandom to so many fellow phans and now, several who have become true friends as well.  From never believing I would ever be able to engage in any form of social media to...well, going on far too long, in public, in this message, on my very own tumblr, right now. A tumblr that now has a header of Derrick Davis, my first transformational Phantom, created for me by a friend, and commissioned for me...by you, Fish. Full circle.  A pleasing symmetry.  Rebirth. I can never ever thank you enough for what you have done for me, helping me to communicate from outside of tumblr and gently, gently, gently coaxing me into the light.
And now this tremendous gift and the thoughtfulness of all your choices. Thank you Fish, now and always, and merry merry Christmas to you and all your family.
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eternalrevivalist · 3 years
Greece: A historical essay - Part 2/4
                        ROMAN AND BYZANTINE GREECE:
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It is often said that the Romans conquered Greece with might, but the Greeks conquered Rome with their culture. Much of Roman religion, mythology, alphabet, language, culture and philosophy were heavily based on Greek ideas and sometimes even outright taken and implemented with few differences.
In terms of Philosophy, the Roman period brings us the grand life practice of Stoicism, the advancement of Platonism and Aristotelianism, the mathematically-based philosophy of the Pythagoreans, and finally the rival of Stoic thought, Epicureanism. Platonism and Aristotelianism heavily influenced the later faiths of Christianity and Early Islam, Stoicism and Epicureanism were the main two philosophies of the educated and literate class in the late Roman Republic.
Rome itself is another large topic, so I will do my best to be brief here (although I could not help myself and included some of interesting, yet irrelevant, details).
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Originally, Rome was a city-state of farmers who fought for the expansion of their civilization. Most of the early history we have of Rome is filled with righteous and defensive wars. in the absence of other, non-roman, sources, we have to take these claims with a grain of salt. But regardless of how the wars were started or who was at fault for them, we know that Rome expanded rapidly through Italy, uniting the peninsula, and then continuing into Southern France, Eastern Spain, and North Africa. At their height, they controlled all lands surrounding the Mediterranean, Babylon and most of Western Europe.
The basis and ideal of Roman society was the model of the citizen-farmer-soldier, this was referred to as “Romanitas” or “Roman-ness”. A Roman was expected to actively participate in the political life of the city (citizen), have a few acres of farmland and some cattle (farmer), to sustain their family and to maintain their weapons and armor in peacetime, so they’ll be ready to defend their country whenever it is threatened as a united army of levied militia (soldier).
Politically, The Romans were in a constant tug-of-war between aristocratic and republican governance. In the beginning of the Roman Republic, the wealthy patricians and, to a degree, the middle equestrian class, were the only people allowed in most government offices. After some years of vocal plebeian dissatisfaction with this state of affairs, the Plebs got their own office in the Tribune of the Plebs, soon after laws barring Plebeians from government offices were repealed and eventually they could hold most offices and legal privileges by class were mostly nullified. For a small number of years during the late Republican period, a silver lining was found. New problems appeared though and the Republic could not avoid being replaced by an empire. This situation lend itself to 2 broad political factions: The populists and the aristocrats.
With the Roman conquests of north Africa after the Punic wars, there was a great supply of slaves coming into Roman territories. The wealthy Romans used the absence of the soldiers from their farms to buy them out and expanded them through slave labor. Since slaves require no wages, these farms operated very cheaply and with great profit compared to the small farms of the soldier-farmers who were just returning home. Most were eventually outcompeted, had to sell their farms and flood to the city for urban work. The cities were not in a much better shape, slaves there would work in manufactories of sorts, creating urban goods at little expense. In the end, Roman citizens became a squalid underclass in the fringes of Roman society, dependent on the state or rich patronage for their sustenance and selling their only property, the vote, to the wealthy each election season.
The Populist Gracchi brothers, descendants of a rich plebeian family who had gotten into the Senate, pushed for reform, specifically land reform, in favor of these dispossessed roman citizens. The Oligarchic senators, in a paranoid frenzy, murdered both of them because of their fear that they had aspirations of becoming kings. Their laws were left unimplemented or outright repealed. The state of the common citizen did not improve.
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The Late Roman Empire right before Caesar’s dictatorship. 
Red: The empire’s extent at 68 B.C.
Yellow: Caesar’s conquests as military commander
Blue: Pompeii’s conquests 
Green: Roman client states
Afterwards, there were the Marian reforms, named after the populist Gaius Marius, which turned the Roman army into a paid professional force and then the dictatorship of his enemy Sulla. Eventually we reach the age of Julius Caesar, who established a life-long dictatorship before being murdered, his successor, Octavian (Augustus), took over and formed the Roman Empire. Caesar’s solution to the state of the average citizen was to provide them the famous “Bread and Circuses”, he created and expanded the Roman welfare state in an effort to win over the people. While this program is often disliked as a dictatorial measure to pacify the masses, I believe it is important to judge it compared to the previous state of life. Despite that, it would still be appropriate to call it a band-aid solution at best.
Throughout all of these changes, Greeks remained mostly unaffected, only being involved in the wars, civil wars and one major failed revolt, where the Greek regions were devastated for a few years. The emperor Hadrian at one point went to Greece, where he had served as Archon of Athens before the start of his rule, and tried to organize the Greek cities into an autonomous Koinon (Commonwealth/League), which was not materialized de facto in any way unfortunately.
At this point in time, Christianity appears as a faith, first mentioned around 70 A.D., it spreads to many of the Eastern Roman provinces and Greeks are some of the first ethnic groups to convert to it, creating substantial Christian communities all over the mainland, its islands, the coasts of the Levant and Asia Minor. By the 4th century, Greece is almost completely Christianized.
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The Roman empire was eventually split into two parts by Diocletian, in order to be more efficiently governed. This cut off the more wealthy eastern provinces from the western Empire, which was in great need of funds. The Western Roman empire was barely able to last 170 years after the split, whereas the East lasted, in one form or another, until the 15th century A.D.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, we arrive at the Eastern Roman Empire, with its capital in Constantinople, where emperor Justinian takes the Throne in 527 A.D. He implements great legal and economic reforms, strengthens the army and sends it to many of the fallen parts of the former Western Roman empire to take them back. With his capable general Belisarius by his side, he conquers north-western Africa/former Carthage (modern-day Tunisia and north Algeria) from the Vandals, takes back Italy from the Ostrogoths and pushes the Visigoths of Spain to the interior, gaining back its south-eastern coast. These great conquests stretch the empire’s armies thin, greatly burden its economy and, combined with a devastating plague, lead to the rapid loss of all that land not even 50 years after it was attained.
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Justinian’s Empire by 555 A.D.
This is often considered the beginning of the Byzantine Empire. With the loss of these territories, the empire is once again isolated mostly to the territories of the Greek population, with the only notable exceptions, Egypt and the Levant, being lost to the emerging Arab caliphate of the Rashidun and its new faith of Islam.
The Arabs would be the main enemies of the Hellenized Eastern Roman Empire until the arrival of the Turks in the late 11th century.
The Byzantine empire is considered to have become officially Greek with the reign of Heraclius (610 - 641 A.D.), who made Greek the official language of administration in the empire, abandoning Latin.
The powerhouse of the Byzantines was Asia-Minor for the most part and it was generally concentrated in Asia-Minor and Mainland Greece, occasionally ruling over most of the Balkans and parts of Syria but rarely having the strength to venture further.
Within the Byzantine Empire we get the formation of the Christian Orthodox dogma, traditions and structure. Even before the official split with the catholic church in 1054.
The Byzantine empire was legally an elective autocracy. The Emperor was viewed as a politically-neutral defender of justice and the Christian faith, the role was likened to the referee in a sporting event, handing warnings or punishment to bad actors and prizes to fair winners. The elective element came from the legal requirement that the successor to the emperor should be chosen through a vote of the senate, something which could be (and always was) bypassed by 2 methods: The emperor had the right to appoint a co-emperor/caesar/despot (the name of the title changed over time), who functioned as a vice-president of sorts, and that individual would become the emperor after the old Emperor’s death. So emperors chose their successors by handing them the office and made elections redundant. The other route was a palace coup or open rebellion. Byzantine politics were generally very cut-throat affairs and political ministers had to always watch their backs for rivals while also avoiding the emperor’s wrath.
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In 1071, Byzantine forces are defeated at Manzikert by migratory Turks, who proceed to invade Asia Minor and conquer as far as the Aegean coast, the picture above shows the areas of control around 1081.
The Byzantine emperor Alexios I seeks aid from the Pope and Western Europe in beating back the Turks and Arabs, this call for help is utilized by the pope to start the first Crusade. The first few crusades help the Byzantines reconquer much of Asia Minor again, helping the “Komnenian restoration” period of Byzantium, even if they also lead to territorial disputes with the new Crusader states of the region.
Despite that, after only a few years Byzantium keeps declining territorially and is dealt a great blow during the 4th Crusade, which gets derailed by an exiled Emperor who promises great wealth to the Crusaders if they take Constantinople for him. long story short, they take it, he cannot pay them because the treasury is empty, they loot the city and divide the empire amongst themselves.
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Some Greek Byzantine remnant states are created, with the most important among them being the Empire of Nicaea, the Despotate of Epirus and the Empire of Trebizond. These gradually kick the Latin states out of mainland Greece and Anatolia, until the empire is reunited by the Palaiologoi dynasty of the empire of Nicaea.
After some internal fracturing of their own, the Turks unite behind the relatively new Ottoman dynasty-state and start conquering the Greek mainland and Balkans during the 14th century, until finally taking the city of Constantinople itself in 1453. Ending Byzantium, the final remnant of the Roman empire.
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