#its my only wip fic left for mafia i think?
mdemn · 10 months
and when i start to actually type this paulie/gates fic… what then 🫦
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pixiemage · 1 year
5, 17, and 43 for the fic ask game!
[For the Fanfiction Writing Ask Game]
Three questions??? You spoil me! <3 I think I'll need a Read More for this one my friend xD
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, sometimes my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to see. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (Maybe I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Not really! Usually once I get an idea, I just - jump in. If I get stuck and want to skip something just to keep the writing ball rolling, I'll throw one of these in the middle of the page: ASDJNAKFBEKAJBA ...and just leave it for later. It's bold, red, and easy to spot when I'm scrolling through a long document, which is nice! It helps make sure no blank spots get missed in editing! (I also red-dye words, sentences, or paragraphs I'm feeling shaky on, so I can spot them easily and come back later when I get a better idea to fix it.) And if I decide to completely change a section I'm writing, I'll often copy the original version, paste it at the bottom of the doc in case I decide to change it back, and turn it a pastel color so I don't confuse old versions for the current text.
I also sometimes make calendars on Excel/Sheets if I really wanna keep track of time, and I often have a separate (and somewhat disorganized) doc for Notes on my longer fics. There's also a document where I write down potential lyrics options for There's Not a Word Yet chapter titles, but that's the only time I've done that for a fic.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I feel like someone asked me this a while back, so I've definitely thought about this! But honestly? A mystery or a time-travel fix-it...which I am well aware are two VASTLY different tropes lmao.
I've always been envious and in awe of well-written mystery/detective stories, because so many little details go into them to make them work. I'd love to build one of my own someday, but I have yet to find the right motivation to do so.
As far as time-travel fix-its go...they're just...they're so fun to read, because I love to see how one little change can affect an entire timeline (see also: Domino Effect) but they're also a LOT of work to write because it involved basically retelling a story that's already been written but in your own words and with a twist. Somehow writing something fully original comes easier to me than trying to build my writing around something else that already exists. But god I'd love to have the motivation to write one of 'em anyway! It'd be fun to decide how everything changes all because of one little difference in choice :3
5. How many WIPs do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, though most times my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to check for this hah. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (But I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two Marvel/IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, and one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
(One of them is a cute 5+1 one-shot about Tango calling Jimmy "buddy" and Jimmy learning that "buddy" has a lot of different meanings depending on how Tango says it and who he's saying it to. The second one is an extension of a one-shot I already posted called Coming, Coming Home, where S8 HASA!Tango crash-lands in the mesa outside Tumble Town, and like - yeah. Yeah. I'd love to continue that one. And the LAST one is a Double-Life-based Witches/Familiars AU that started as Renchanting Duo and has since extended to every member of the Life series and even some Hermits.)
***ALL THE OLDER FICS I HAVE YET TO COMPLETE: I've got one for Doctor Who, a handful for JSE Egos - #SamLives - one for Night at the Museum, one for Encanto. Six for Marvel/IronDad (including a Mafia fic, a SPN AU, a Peter-gets-shot and Tony-goes-dad-mode hurt/comfort, and A Little Late On the Blood Work which as I said I'm just longing to get inspiration to return to). A witch/familiar Supernatural AU fic and an SPN time travel fix-it that I barely started. There's a TangoTek one-shot I've abandoned featuring his rage moments from both LL and DL. I also have an old fic from high school for a game called Ib that I'd love to revamp someday...and my Original FanFic that started it all, which was for Harry Potter, and I was like 12, and it will never EVER see the light of day. My god. It's...it's rough.
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ascottywrites · 3 years
AO3 History
That list that I, for some reason, think is valid enough to share. My personal Ao3 History. 
Saddle up. The inner interests of my brain are kind of all over the place. 
The Basement by My_Write_Life (Wip: 25/? | 40,696) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
Stiles doubles back to the Argent’s house to free Erica and Boyd before making it back home. In which Stiles, not forgetting all about Erica and Boyd very much remaining in the basement saves them, Derek and Peter killing Jackson does make him go through the process of rebirth but he is brought back human and not a werewolf. Allison and her family go through the very legal repercussions of abducting three teenagers and Scott and Stiles friendship is put on hold because of that. Derek’s still the alpha.
Strip by Fessst (Wip: 12/? | 54,439) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
"Singletail whip. Your favorite, isn't it?" Red. Stiles felt nauseated as he bent over the bench. Red. The tremble only increased when his wrists and ankles were secured with leather straps. Red. He heard the Dom behind him give a sample crack of the whip in the air. Red. This would likely pierce his skin. So fucking Red. "What's your safeword?" Red. "Stiles?" "The... the stoplights, Sir."
When Your Back’s Against the Wall by A_Diamond, Michicant123 (Complete: one-shot | 11,976) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
Fifteen years ago, the country of Beacon was shaken to its core when three slaves murdered most of the royal Hale family and one of the politically powerful Argents in the course of a single night.
Six years ago, Stiles Stilinski was forced to grow up fast and hard when his dying mother, herself a freed slave, left him at the head of an abolitionist revolution.
Two months ago, beloved princess-to-be Allison Argent was assassinated; three weeks ago, Stiles was caught and charged with her death.
Five hours ago, he was sentenced to serve the remaining Hales—tyrannical King Peter and reclusive Prince Derek—as a slave for the rest of his life. In a palace where the only people who may hate him more than the king are the ever-present family of the woman he’s convicted of murdering, the best he can hope for is that death will only be a few torturous years away.
Caution: swallowing dick may lead to injury - memoirs of a size queen
raeupchen (Complete: one-shot | 7,115) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
“Derek, can you give me my phone? I want to document this memorable moment,” Stiles said, before making grabby motions in the direction of his phone. Derek – unable to deny the other man anything – gave him the device before sitting back in his chair. He only raised one eyebrow when he saw what Stiles was up to. Apparently ‘documenting this memorable moment’ meant for Stiles to take a selfie and post it online. He showed Derek the picture with the caption ‘Dick sent me to the ER’.
soulmates tbh by bleep0bleep (Complete: one-shot | 1,423) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated Teen and Up] 
"It’s been five months," Derek says darkly. "Why am I still getting these proposals? You know these are probably all fake marks."
Five months since the paparazzi had snapped that photo of him with the overzealous fan tugging at his shirt, five months since millions of people on the Internet realized that the birthmark revealed was in fact, the mark, five months Derek was inundated by claims from people who desperately wanted him to believe that they were his soul-mate.
Cornerstone by Vendelin for foreverblue_navy (Complete: 6/6 | 83,738) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
The Triskelion Mafia - Volume I by JamesAlexander (Complete: 10/10 | 20,834) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
Derek Aletto saw his family being killed in front of him. Years of ruling the underworld of the organized crime were flushed down with the flames and the shot of a gun. Sixteen years later, under the name of the Triskelion Mafia, the family is back, leaded by Derek. He keeps his most trusted people close, for the Argento family is forever watching, trying to usurp Derek's prestige among the hidden world of New York. And everything seems to go according to plan, until the Argentos set an ambush for Derek's consigliere, Lydia Martini, and in the middle of the rush for survival, she ends up bringing Stiles along with her to the family's hideout.
tipping scales by jdphoenix (Complete: 2/2 | 3,810) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: BioSpecialist [Rated Teen and Up] 
An early morning emergency wakes Jemma and Grant.
Slick As A Baby Seal by Faradaze (Wip: 52/? | 131,098) Game Of Thrones: Brimund TarthBane [Rated E]
Tormund is in love/lust. Brienne is repulsed, then intrigued. The story begins shortly after Brienne arrives at Castle Black. This is my interpretation and expansion of the greatest ship that never was. Spoilers for GoT season 6, canon divergent as of season 7.
Rich Man, Poor Man by TyReed (Complete: 10/10 | 58,055) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated M]
During a first date gone horribly wrong, Stiles Stilinksi realizes that the snarky guy he's been asked out by is actually Derek Hale, an heir to Hale Industries, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in the son of a teacher and a cop, a loser who spends all weekend watching movies in his pajamas, and who is also possibly one of the biggest dorks on the Internet.
At the same time, after screwing up their first date horribly, Derek Hale realizes that the funny guy he's asked out is Stiles Stilinksi, the warmest and kindest individual he's ever met in his life, with a family just a loving and caring. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in a guy who screws up everything he does, lacks any semblance of a backbone, and who is possibly one of the biggest history dorks in all of the United States.
These rich and poor men will come to experience a taste of each other's lives, and learn where the real blessings in the world can be found.
Bonds of Blood, Bonds of Family, Bonds of Love by TyReed (Complete: 10/10 | 44,003) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated M]
After being beaten up by a door, werewolf Stiles Stilinksi finds himself bonded to Derek Hale, of the Hale Noble Bloodline. For a scrawny, wimpy, Tainted Bloodline werewolf, Stiles runs away, embarrassed and humiliated as he worries about bringing shame to the Hale Family, and even more shame to himself. Because the Nobles and Tainted just don't mix, never have, never will.
Except, things aren't exactly what they seem.
With the help of the (meddling) Hale family, his adoptive (meddling) human parents John and Claudia Stilinksi, and one very persistent Alpha Derek Hale, Stiles might come to see himself as more than just the blood that runs through his veins, and open his heart to find the happiness, friends, pack, and the family that he'd always wanted.
Matenapped by xcaellachx (Complete: 12/12 | 36,671) Teen Wolf: Sterek [Rated E]
Alpha Derek Hale has known Spark Stiles Stilinski was his mate for over six years. The traumatized Spark had killed the rogue alpha who tried to kill his friend so many years ago and was still scarred by the experience. Now, Stiles was settled in as a magic shop owner and Derek was ready to claim him for his own. The ritual of matenapping was an old but accepted tradition and Derek had his den ready to receive his mate. It was time.
Stiles Stilinski thought Lydia was insane for thinking the sexy alpha wanted to matenap him. He was damaged by his past and determined to stay single so he didn't harm anyone. He kept his magic tightly leashed and couldn't believe that anyone could want him. Not a murderer. Even when the wolf came to see him and touched him gently, winking at him and looking at him longingly, he just couldn't accept it.
Very soon, Stiles wouldn't have a choice but to believe it. Derek was taking his mate and bringing him to his mating den where he would court and woo him until he couldn't help but fall in love with him.
(A/N: This is a lighthearted fic for the most part. This isn't an evil kidnapping/fall in love with your captor type. Not very serious at all, to be honest. Enjoy!)
**I could have sworn I had more eclectic tastes but I guess in 2018 I was firmly about the Sterek. 
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twilightofthejedi · 3 years
fic: sorry to my unknown lover (wip)
He has never considered himself much of a religious man. His upbringing was in a Catholic family, so he went to mass with his family, but he had never found solace in religion like his late adoptive father had. And after he had joined the mafia, there had been too many stains on his soul for him to even consider the supposed blissful salvation of God.
But with Cha-young, he is somehow prepared to repent for all of his sins, if she would just be his heaven and hell.
or, what if vincenzo had been kidnapped by han-seok in ep 19 instead of cha-young?
inspired by this post by @ppppppenguin and @my-bated-breath
read chapter 1 on ao3 here or under the cut ꜜ
chapter 1: kristallnacht
Calling the monk had not, in hindsight, been his smartest move.
He allows himself to sulk on his couch for approximately two minutes before pushing himself up to pace. She had completely blindsided him with the makeup, and the jewelry, and the shiny straight hair that had swayed as she walked away from him, and now he can not feasibly think about anything else. She had baited and switched him, and he had been helpless to her every move.
There are a million things he needs to do. He needs to call Luca to make sure his dealings with the Lucianos had gone well. He needs to talk to Agent Ahn and Mr. Cho to make sure that the NIS is working with them to keep Han-seok in jail. He needs to pay another visit to Choi Myung-hee, as per Cha-young’s plans.
But right now, he cannot physically bring himself to do anything but think of the fact that Cha-young is currently wearing the earrings that he had bought her.
Madre di Dio, he is royally screwed.
He has never considered himself much of a religious man. His upbringing was in a Catholic family, so he went to mass with his family, but he had never found solace in religion like his late adoptive father had. And after he had joined the mafia, there had been too many stains on his soul for him to even consider the supposed blissful salvation of God.
But with Cha-young, he is somehow prepared to repent for all of his sins, if she would just be his heaven and hell.
Get a grip on yourself, Cassano.
He inhales, and then lets out a long breath. Time to get to work.
There are geraniums for sale in the flower shop down the street from the plaza.
Vincenzo had met up with Mr. Cho to make sure that their plans were set, and as he had been walking back from the rendezvous point, he had seen the flowers, and had wandered into the shop like he was in a trance.
It’s not a secret that Cha-young loves geraniums. She buys a bouquet every few days to keep in the crystal vase in her house(the one with the curled edges), and always complains whenever the store increases the price. He has grown used to listening to her rant about it when she comes to work in the morning, coffee in hand. Now, he stares at the bunches of bright red flowers and wonders exactly how to store flowers.
“Good afternoon! How can I help you?” The cheery store clerk has seen him, and descends upon him like a vulture. Twenty minutes later, holding three bouquets of not only geraniums, but also peonies, and a lily-of-the-valley and baby’s breath combination, he wonders at the persuasive abilities of people in the retail industry, and thinks idly that flower shop owners would make excellent lawyers.
He takes his time walking back to the plaza, where he will surely attract attention by walking through the halls with the enormous bouquets in his arms. He meanders through the streets of Seoul as the night awakens, hungry and powerful in its cover, spreading its inky fingers throughout the dusky sky. The world ebbs and flows around him, underneath the twinkling night sky. On the streets, he is just one more face, one more person, with his own story alongside millions of other stories, millions of other people, millions of other faces.
His own insignificance against the backdrop of the city is, in a way, comforting. Here, Vincenzo has no one to answer to, no one to ask him questions he cannot answer, no one except the vast sky and endless stretch that peek into his soul and pull out the parts of him that he does not know. The colors that he cannot change, the stories that he cannot explain.
Before he knows it, he is staring at the dark office of the firm, wondering where on earth they keep their vases. Hong Yu Chan, the plant lover that he was, must have kept flowers in vases, right?
A phone call to Mr. Nam later, Vincenzo concludes that Hong Yu Chan did not, in fact, keep flower vases in his office.
He spends ten minutes considering whether or not to call Cha-young, and then realizes that he is manufacturing a reason to talk to her. Setting the flowers down on the cool tabletop of the office, he looks up where to buy a flower vase, and then leaves the building feeling extremely foolish but having no idea why.
He buys the vase and begins the walk back to the plaza. He is just about to leave an alleyway when he feels a terrific pain in the back of his head. The vase falls from his suddenly limp fingers and falls to the ground with a crash, and he feels the sharp impact of his knees on the ground.
The last thing he sees before his eyes close is a gray hood, and floppy brown hair.
Hong Cha-young slides into the driver’s seat of her car, feeling supremely satisfied at a night well spent.
First she had completely flustered Vincenzo before she had left. Then, she had gone to the reunion and made sure that everyone was jealous of her. To top it all off, there had been excellent alcohol there, and she had taken full advantage of the open bar, and listened to everyone gripe about their jobs, or their kids, or their irritating spouses.
She sets her phone in the built in stand, and pulls out of her parking spot. The night air is warm, so she rolls down the windows and lets the smell of street food waft in. Seoul’s nightlife is vibrant, even more so in the summer, and she smiles at the people milling out on the sidewalks. She spots a noodle stand, and makes a mental note to bring Vincenzo there and buy him the spiciest noodles.
Just as she is pulling into her designated parking spot in Geumga Plaza(it’s still marked Hong Yu Chan), her phone beeps. She smirks to herself. She’s surprised Vincenzo lasted this long without texting her, but it’s sweet that he couldn’t hold off longer. She unplugs her phone, and lets the screen light up.
Joon-woo: 2 new messages
The screen seems to shake before she realizes its her own shaking fingers, and she sets the phone down on the center console, unbuckling herself with fingers that will not stay still. How is it that she still hasn’t changed the contact name? The heart emoji that he had put in after his name on his first day as her hoobae is still there, and she feels a rush of freezing anger at herself, at her weakness. She exhales shakily, and unlocks her phone.
Hi sunbae! Did you miss me? the message reads.
Attached with the text is an image. She downloads it impatiently, morbidly drawn to the screen like a moth to a flame. She knows that she will burn, that she will end up nothing more than ashes on a whispering wind if she does not stop and just think, but Cha-young has a horrible sinking feeling.
The image is of Vincenzo.
The picture has been taken from the ground, and the first thing that she sees is the glass. Thousands of shards of clear glass, stained dark red, on the ground. In the background, slightly blurred, she can see Vincenzo sprawled on the ground, blood matted in his hair.
In between her quickening breaths and blurring eyes, all Cha-young can think of is how much, in the picture, Vincenzo looks like the fallen heroine in one of the tragic operas that Vincenzo had dragged her along to. In the last act, as the music turns frenzied and faster, and then reaches a crescendo, and then falls to nothing more than a single sustained note of a violin, a lone lament to the dead.
The image has a caption.
Night of Broken Glass.
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brightgolden · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
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Thank you for the tag @neondiamond I love doing this!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
201, 925 - and I have both number in my blog just because. lol
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
One and only - One Direction.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I only have 4 but okay.
The Money Mark
Love in the Dark
Sugar at Night
Neither Wine Nor Dine
5) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Despite the epilogue being very short, they are all very very happy
6) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Probably Love in the Dark? But that's because they have gone through a lot (I think).
7) Do you write crossovers?
No. But never say never.
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Depending on the tone of for the fic
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! But haven't in a while. I usually do it when I post a new fic, since I don't open my AO3 that often. But I read all comments in my emails. So thank you very much to who left a comment!
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Luckily, no.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have no idea.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I have a feeling I might be terrible at it though
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Since Larry is a way of life - I'm going to go with none.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but you don't think you ever will?
Fire Meets Gasoline. It's not a WIP per se, because I've never written a word for it. But, I usually do outline before start writing and the outline I have for that fic is meh. :/ Could be the reason why I don't write anything for it too.
Although, I love the concept so much and I'm sure I will do it one day.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Probably outlining? I usually do very intricate outline before writing.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. I can only write one smut scene per day and my brain is fried at the end of it. lol
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Wonderful - I guess?
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
One Direction
20) What's your favorite fic that you've written?
Oof, that's hard.
I love all of them for different reasons and just because I only have four, just let me. I promise to make this short
Neither Wine Nor Dine - I love it because it's my first published fic. It's short but I love how everything works in that.
Love in the Dark - This is my first fic. I started writing this wayyy before NWND. And I love it because of its worldbuilding (which I may never write ever again) and how long it is. I spent literal months on this and yes, always going to be so proud of it.
The Money Mark - The first outline is so different from what it turned out at the end. LMAO. This is basically my favourite trope and I love how much everyone loves it (if that makes sense).
Sugar at Night - I read a lot of mafia/crime books (like probably close to a hundred?) and it just seems... fitting. I dreamt about writing a mob book even before I started writing. It has the most flawed characters I've written to date and I love it for that.
Pretty sure like tons of people have done this but let's try.
Tagging @thinlinez @pocketsunshineharry @greenblueish @stylesthebrave @larrydoinglaundry
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caelesjjk · 2 years
tumblr 2021 year end review o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
tagged by: @missgeniality
rules : post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
lessgeddiiittt <3 (leaving this in because its my fav)
1. top 5 works i'm most proud of that i released last year:
All At Once - mostly just because it was the first BTS fic I ever posted. Its not great lol, But it was a flip.
If By Chance - the ongoing love of my life fic. Dilf kim seokjin is the perfect man.I’m really proud of it and can’t wait to keep writing more of it.
I only have those two posted right now :((( I didnt start posting my fics until recently, but look forward to a lot more this year.
2. top 4 WIPs that i'm excited to release this new year:
Violent Delights - my first jungkook fic...he the bias so I need to do him justice. I’ll be posting this for a mafia collab I’m apart of...so mafia boss jungkook coming at ya.
Datura - my spin on Hades and Persephone, featuring my love Kim Namjoon as Hades <3
an unnamed Vampire King seokjin fic that im already in love with.
Aeipathy - college art student tae being a bit of a fuckboy to his muse
3. top 3 biggest improvements in my writing over the past year:
I’m getting a little more patient with myself and my stories, Like it’s stilla struggle not to rush some times but it’s getting easier.
Dialog is on point
being as descriptive as I can without overdoing it is getting easier
4. top 2 resolutions (wishes to improve writing/blog) for the new year:
Want to make sure I write more often and stop just daydreaming about the stories. Because honestly, they deserve to be written.
I just need to be more confident in wht im capable of
5. number 1 favourite line i've written this year:
The dark purple silk dress fit like a dream. It had to...it was made just for you. Long and flowy, a slit at your right thigh that left little to the imagination. The cold diamond necklace lying against your chest was a constant reminder of how wrong things could get, but you left them on. You kept on the diamond earrings and the Louis Vuitton heels and you tried to not think about all the blood on the money used to buy them. You wouldn’t let the guilt eat away at you because deep down, you liked it. You like the power a little more each day.
- from Violent Delights, which hasnt been released quite yet.
No pressure tagging: @playmetheclassics @dntaewithluv @jeonjcngkook @m-yg93 and anyone else who wants to play!!
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faejilly · 4 years
I was tagged by @la-muerta​ & @facialteeth​ & @thedivinemissema​ for the WIP/Title Game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
AND THEN  by @shadoedseptmbr​ @msviolacea​ & @ravenclawnerd​ for the “stories you want to write... but for some reason haven’t yet”
so this will be a mish-mash of both? The WIPs will mostly have blurbs in this case (to fit the second meme) but you are still welcome to ask follow-up questions, if you’d like ;) Assuming you make it through the list, it is uh. Not Short.
Anyone who would like to play with their WIPs, please consider yourself tagged in either or both of these. :D
Misc Fic Folder:
“untitled document” - where I’m working on fictober fills so I have word-counts for my GYWO tracker. I am not working on these because Brains Are Dumb and also Going Back To Work Is Exhausting
I made a file called “YULETIDE!” which has nothing in it but I’m determined to finish this year so that is definitely technically a thing in the Unending WIP List of Doom worth mentioning. (Tho obviously that’s all I could say even if I had started, because anonymous.)
“coda-fics, rewatch!” -yes, that exclamation mark is important! it’s to keep me motivated! (it didn’t work). Much like untitled, this is for putting stuff so I can do word count tracking even if I don’t know what I’m doing. Currently I think it just says “MARYSE” because I was working on my SH 1x6 coda-fic and then got distracted and haven’t typed anything up yet. (Yay notebooks? Boo notebooks? Not even sure at this point.)
WNIP (works not in progress) Folder:
“TOG” - I had one vivid mental image of how Nicky & Joe met (blood-stained evil smiles?) but then no idea for a follow-up story and also the fandom is insane and I’m not sure I want to deal with all of *gestures vaguely* all that
“Shan Xia Notes” -for a TTRPG that never quite got off the ground; she was a semi-tragic selkie who was still in love with the evil queen/lady who stole her skin and I got to play her for like one session and she was surprisingly chaotic neutral, which wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting. But the game never really got off the ground, so I never had enough info to really delve into writing backstory fic
“post-Kruschev” -Kruschev’s List was the last episode of Scarecrow & Mrs King, and I was debating writing an epilogue in place of the s5 we never got, to try and tie up some loose ends, but the fandom’s three old-ladies in trench coats and I never quite worked up the gumption to get it anywhere
“Code Realize warm as silk sequel” -there is literally nothing in this file except “SEX! Only a little angst” because I wanted to write some “we can’t actually touch each other” smut but never actually did. 🤷‍♀️
BioWare (also all Not-In-Progress Anymore)
“seb/adelaide”, “Theia” & “DAI Erana” -these WIP folders were cannibalized for ficlets for the last few times I did fictober, and while originally I had ideas for longer epilogues for all three of them, at this point I don’t think any of the remaining bits could support a story any longer.
”whispers in the dark” -Maia Ryder never really got much fic at all; the cancellation of any further Andromeda stuff was really disheartening, and at this point I’d have to play the game again, and I don’t think I’m gonna manage that any time soon
”TSP” -a Mass Effect 3 Shepard AU collab project that kind of went off the rails, and our mutual brains/lives never quite seem to line up so we can try and rebuild it ”Ngaio & Tane” -my one truly ruthless Shepard (Alliance background, who romanced Traynor) whose father Tane Shepard was, I think, in PsyOps, and I wanted to figure out their complicated relationship but never really did know where I was going with it
”JE Zu & Yaling” -so I’ve rambled about my Tragic Sagacious Zu Romance Thoughts regarding Jade Empire more than once (#Icy Yaling should have most of it) but apparently I want to yell about it more than I want to actually write it? Whoops.
”CI sequel: 5 times fic?” -Cruel Intentions is a kinkmeme fill that I started and then it sat for like five years before I actually finished it, and I liked the ending, but it does leave a giant fucking question mark in terms of how those people got from there to where they are after the game, and I kind of wanted to write a proper h/c fic rather than just... leaving them wallowing in all that trauma?
But I didn’t. I don’t even remember for sure how I wanted to frame the 5/1 of it all, besides it being something sad about allowing people to see you or touch you in some way. (Prayers maybe, since I think there was definitely some Sebastian & Fenris & faith stuff going on in there.)
“candles” -Merribela prompt fill that I never was happy with? Not sure what I might do with it at this point, so it’s just sitting there all sad and lonely and neglected-like.
“Persuasion” -so I keep trying to write Persuasion AUs in many fandoms because it’s my favorite Austen, but I think I like it too much, I have no real solid concept of how I’d transform it, and if I don’t have anything else to say about different characters within that framework, I have no push to actually write anything? Also this SH version of it suffered from MASSIVE scope creep when I started outlining and it got too big for me to handle so I like, killed it twice? Whoops. This one is really probably never gonna happen.
“oosdt sequel” -I wanted to write more about the Forest That Eats People and Magnus & Alec as Guardians Between Worlds, and also some background Magnus’ Found Family & Lightwood Family Feels (maybe some clizzy?) and I left a Madzie plot-thread dangling from the first one on purpose even but I think this one had too many ideas and not enough focus so it’s sort of sprawling all over a doc with a lot of “???” in it
“procedural-ish” -this was originally going to be a sex-farce. and then it turned more serious. and then maybe kind of copaganda which was uncomfortable in terms of the Everything That Is The News in 2020, and then maybe it was more a Mafia AU and at that point I had self-inflicted tone whiplash and I wished the voices in my head were a little more forthcoming about their plans so I stopped before I brained myself on my computer monitor in frustration.
“I had rather a rose than live forever” -I started a reverse!verse Malec (Shadowhunter!Magnus, High Warlock!Alec) for bingo last year, and I couldn’t quite get it together in time, so I made a moodboard inspired by the bits I’d started instead. I may see if one of my prompts from Bingo this year help me finish it?
“fall fright fest (practical magic  au)” -exactly what it says on the tin! almost exactly a year old & neglected! IDEK ANYMORE (I talked about this one with the WIP meme last time tho: here)
“priest!kink theology?” -I thought it was gonna be smut? I like priest!kink. I have made other people like it and yell at me even! But then I kept diverging into demon!Magnus thinking about Priest!Alec’s faith and as usual, IDEK ANYMORE *laughs*
(If they’re remotely canon-adjacent or divergent, a bunch of these are in here because I need to rewatch the show to get the pacing/timing/tone right and I haven’t, and I don’t know why, because I enjoy the show, but BRAINS! Are Dumb! So I guess that’s it?)
“I do” -I have tried to write this damnable Malec arranged marriage fic like six different times. I have signed up for fic exchanges and bangs with it, I have rewritten massive sections, trying to change tone or structure or POV or whatever, and it basically comes down to they like each other too fast and I keep not gutting it enough to get back to a useful pace, but by the time I realized that I was on take six and kind of sick of it. I may get back to it eventually
“wing!fic” -canon divergent in early s1, trying to deal with the consequences of Simon’s kidnapping as the Truly Serious Event that it should have been. It uh. Got heavier than I expected with those consequences (considering it was originally just supposed to be Alec’s wings flirting with Magnus) and also see above re: rewatching for pacing.
“2x20 aftermath/date night/pandemonium porn“ -yes that is the actual wip title. It used to be “spite fic” because I was originally inspired by fighting against a lot of fic!Alec characterization that was clearly based more on the books and ATG syndrome than the Alec in the show, which is the Alec I know and like and want to read about. BUT, pacing and etc. again, I think. Also I have somehow entirely lost my knack for writing porn, which makes it difficult to finish something originally intended to be smut!fic. Or even teasing almost!smut.
“rubbish heap” -so this is about three different fics that I realized complemented each other really well so they’re now all in the same file as I try to turn them into the sequel of “with an if in its soul”. It includes amnesia, parabatai lore shenanigans, a s3 rewrite, and some truly awful Owl adjustments that make me wince in horrified authorly delight and pain. BUT, as with the other ones in this file, the scope is large and I normally write short-fic and I kind of just threw up my hands in exasperation. I may have to break it back up into the three different fics instead, if I ever actually want to write it. Them? But also I need to take better notes on s3 to make sure I have what I need in here.
SH Pt 2: Started posting or not yet in hiatus because it’s actually almost ready to be a thing in the real world! maybe!?
“kisses (firsts)” -I actually started publishing this one, a “series of firsts” that was supposed to be kind of relationship milestones and kind of an excuse for smut, and then there wasn’t that much smut and I lost momentum and also dear lords & ladies the timeline is stupid, wtf. I may not ever add to this one, tbqh. It doesn’t stop in a terrible place, and they’re all ficlets so they stand alone all right.
“clizzy epilogue” -this is blank atm, it’s more a reminder for me to keep poking away at my “girls who can’t breathe air, only fire” collection BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO ACTUALLY GET TO THE CLIZZY AT SOME POINT
"mer!alec" -pts 2-4 of a series, but apparently having an actual plan gets in the way of me *writing* the thing, and I haven't managed to throw the half an outline far enough away from my brain to be able to write again. Or something like that.
"ibhww" -if broken hearts were whole is a soulmate fic I started a million years ago, and purposefully set aside to finish some other WIPs because I thought they'd be quick, and now it's just buried under two and a half years of regret and shame so it's hard to get back to it
"iafy" -i am for you is a delightful & frothy semi-epistolary fluff piece that also just lost momentum because Life & 2020 & etc. It's far and away the most popular thing I've ever posted on AO3, which also makes me feel weird sometimes, and I feel like the fact that there's no grand conclusion planned, just a bit more fluff and settling in, might end up being disappointing? Basically, it's the first time I think I've psyched myself out about reader expectations, and until I get over that I'm going to have trouble finishing the last couple chapters. (There really are probably only two more chapters though. IT’S SO CLOSE, I wish I could just... write it. And yet?)
“fake-hating” -I do not like fake dating as a trope that much, I just do not get it, but I love outside POVs and arranged marriages and there’s this delighful tumblr post about how they wished there was more fic about people who were together but had to pretend they werent’, and uh. This may be that? Eventually? I’m not exhausted by my failure to finish it yet, so it’s still in the regular folder rather than the hiatus folder, even though nothing’s been posted for it.
Not as terrible as it could be, but still. MANY WORDS THAT MAY NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. Posting the equivalent of one’s old ratty sketchbook is always a weird feeling. :D
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thekidultlife · 4 years
Aww yall are the sweetest! Missed u too! 🥺💖 Can u guys do leanne's illicit affairs and hyeri's jihoon steampunk au for the wip game if you haven't already? (im a sucker for mafia aus they're so 🥵🌶) Don't forget to stay hydrated and smile today 👁👄👁 Thanksies! 🤸‍♀️
HELLOOOO, ANON! Thank you so much for asking for this!!! "Illicit Affairs" will probably come out in November or December (no promises--the number of WIPs I have is astronomical, I kid you not, and I don't know how to get to them all in time LMAO), but this is a snippet of what you will see in this fic! Also, please look forward to "Run, Run, Baby" and "Protect" (snippets of Hoshi's arc) as well, because they are parts of one big Mafia AU using different members' arcs and perspective. So, yeah, "Illicit Affairs" and "Run, Run, Baby" are parts of a Mafia AU! 😊
“We are currently searching for the gunman and one other confirmed accomplice who pretended to be the wedding officiator. As of now, however, we have no solid leads, no clues at all—we…we are still trying to get our bearings and are as of this moment figuring out a way to make sense of this attack. We are also confirming that we are taking into consideration the possibility that this might have been an inside job,” Chief of Police Kang Sejung states during the press conference held earlier this afternoon. “It is one of the most plausible theories that we have right now as to how the gunman and his accomplice could have entered and left this place without a trace.”
When asked about whether this case might have ties to the infamous Brotherhood, of which Congressman Shin’s family has long been suspected of having ties to, Chief Kang tersely responded, “The City has been safe from such violence for years now. There is no more Brotherhood. There is no more [mob-related] violence. Our City has never been safer than in our times today. This is an isolated case with possible designs of an inside job. And as we thoroughly investigate this tragedy, I am confident that the leads and results will show as such. That is all. Thank you."
More in-depth reports about this case will follow as details become clearer.
As the Officer pushed away the very thin case file, he closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. 
Many things have happened tonight. There were too many questions and too many uncertain answers. But there was only one thing on his mind that rang true. 
"Fuck you, Kang Sejung," he growled underneath his breath as images of bodies mangled by fire and bullets flashed across his mind. "Fuck you and your lies. The Brotherhood is very much alive, and I say fuck you once more for trying to cover that up." He slammed his fist onto his desk. Pictures of the cathedral which had burned to the ground flew around him.
Breathing heavily, he got up from his seat and walked around the empty room of the Heinous Crimes Division. Computer screens lit up occasionally with the insignia of the City Police Department. 
He was alone. 
He was the only one who was truly searching for answers.
But he should have known that he would not find it within the databases of this City. 
Something darker and deeper was at work the moment that gunman burned the cathedral to the ground. Perhaps even before that. 
But there was one thing the Officer was sure of: the Brotherhood has not disbanded. And this atrocity was the very proof that they were still, very much alive.
I hope you liked it!!! 😊😊😊
Steampunk AU 1:
“Knyazhna.” He hissed through teeth, exasperated that you never did try to be as malleable as other girls out there; and you could very well imagine the look of contained rage on his face. “I’m trying to protect you. And please, watch your language.” 
“Don’t play mom with me Jihoon. I hear you cuss day in and day out,” you arched a brow, even though he can’t see you. “Besides, I bet you just want to chase crooks around too. Controlling dolls can be as boring as hell.”
Too annoyed to respond, Jihoon cut off the communication. He knew you were stubborn and if it were a normal day, he wouldn’t have any problem with a rebuttal, yet he was unwilling to bicker with his boss especially on an important run. Instead, Jihoon leaned against his seat and ran fingers through his bleached hair. The darkness of the room made his Cyrillic circle enchantment, with its cerulean glow illuminating his cheeks, obvious to the eyes. 
He swept his finger in a deft curve along the outer ring; arranging the dolls to form a three-line barricade on your four sides in real time. It was simple information manipulation, but you couldn’t help but widen your eyes at what he did. The lines of dolls made you look like you’re the one needing protection from the criminal you were currently chasing after. 
You groaned, teeth gritting because of his passive-aggressive retaliation, unable to do anything but go with it. It was more than entertaining to push his buttons, knowing that he’d rather have you behave like a sweet little girl, which you aren’t; thus creating ripples of havoc in his head. However, you knew more than to childishly fight back; it was important that you catch this guy and you needed your right-hand man for it to be possible. Jihoon can kiss my toes later. 
FREAKIN LOVE THIS ^^^^^^^ (Knyazhna i think is ‘princess’ in Russian;; so it’s more like a title than YN’s actual name!)
Steampunk AU 2:
“You don’t look so good.” He sighed.
A voice—slightly annoyed, but mildly worried—reached your ears as you sought where it had come from. Training your head, you saw a figure beside you as he observed your countenance for any sign of major discomfort. 
You gazed at him with dazed eyes, and noticed that he had soft platinum blond hair, chocolate brown orbs for eyes and plump pink lips, often in an adorable pout. He had a look of concentration, wrecking his brain for any ideas on how to take care of someone who seemed so weak. 
It might’ve worked, you guessed so, as he raised his hand to feel your forehead for any heat way above the usual. You would’ve jerked aback only if you weren’t so uncalibrated and frail. 
He hummed. “You don’t seem to have a fever…I guess all you could do now is rest.” 
The young man sighed once more and stood up, the sleeves of his white button up shirt falling past his arms, seemingly too big for him. Yet he doesn’t seem to mind, and carried the pail of your vomit somewhere. You watched him go; his back the final image you saw when your eyes fell like heavy curtains. 
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lil-creatorwritings · 4 years
Author Interview
I got tagged by @alloveroliver ! Not sure how this will go but let’s do it~
Name: Well you can call me Becky! Trust me, my surname is a tongue twister and you don’t need to know that.
Fandoms: Er dear lord, that’s a lot if I count the ones outside of otome. If we’re talking just that, then it’s mainly Cybird titles (MidCin, IkeSen, IkeRev and IkeVamp). I have anime and video games fandoms too and you can ask me about that here or on my personal blog! Want to do in the future: Write more, I guess. And get a new phone for more otome games!
Where You Post: Tumblr and AO3 for my fics. Twitter is mostly for my ranting about routes or something about the otome and my main place for finding fanart (and retweeting them, BECAUSE WE DON’T STEAL OTHER PEOPLE’S FANARTS).
Most Popular One-Shot:  It’s apparently my Day 2 Kinktober. A lot of y’all are thirsty for some Leonardo smut eh?
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: The MitsuhidexOC smut trilogy (which I am now calling the Phone Call trilogy lol). It’s hilarious because whenever I think of this story, I remember that it wasn’t suppose to be a trilogy in the first place (it was a one-shot but then someone aggressively persuaded me into writing more of it). I honestly didn’t expect it to blow up like that (and I underestimated the Mitsuhide stans hahaha). Here is part 1, 2 and 3.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Probably my Day 21 of a 31 Day Writing Challenge I did in 2018. I also had an original work, but it’s been put on the back burner for awhile now.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Five, which was my first IkeSen fic. I was nervous because I wasn’t sure if I got Masamune’s character right and for a personal reason (that I’m just gonna leave at that hahah).
How You Choose Your Titles: Most of the time, I either have a pending title for it or the title comes to me first as I’m writing it. The general theme of the story also has weight on its title. 
Completed: 70-ish fics. Which reminds me that I need to fix and update my Masterlist lol.
Incomplete: *tucks away my wips and google docs of future fic ideas* What incomplete works? Who is she? (lol but seriously maybe..2 or 3. I don’t usually write something and then start another one without completing the previous one, which is probably why I have few incomplete WIPs--because if I didn’t start on it, it’s technically not incomplete lol.)
Do You Outline?: When I first started writing, not so much in the way that I would write them in bullets or a flow chart. I would imagine the scene in my head then write it out, which works for me most of the time. I suppose you could argue that it’s a form of outlining too.. But I mostly type or write the general flow of my fic when my thoughts start to wander and branch out of my original idea to keep me in check.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: An IkeRev Ray fic that... I’ll be honest it’s a little diamond in the rough, and the theme isn’t really a pleasant thing to talk about. But this is a fic that I feel compelled to write for personal reasons. I don’t want to say much now because I’m not even sure how to start it as of right now. But I do want to write it. There’s also a soulmate AU I want to do for IkeVamp (and for some reason I wanted to do it with Arthur but I haven’t done his route yet), an IkeRev mafia AU (trying to steer away from the ‘crystals are drugs’ and think up of another idea), an IkeSen detective with that femme fatale thing (look idk what the genre is called but think Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea), an Edgar Bright art student AU, and just... more stuff lol. But more smut!
Do You Accept Prompts?: I do, but I rarely get them. Maybe because I don’t get to them on time and my followers don’t bother to ask me for stuff lol :( . I don’t really mind that I don’t get them, since I often write my own ideas. But I mean, feel free to drop one if you want to!
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Uh, I guess to finish my Kinktober..?? yes shut up i know its 2020
(Apparently the next questions were added by Ash, so I’ll go ahead and answer them too~)
What do you use to edit?: Currently, I’m not using any third party writing editor. That’s just my personal preference though.
Writing setup: My main set up is in my room, sitting in front of my desk with my laptop and bluetooth keyboard (some of the letters on the laptop aren’t working, so I use an external one. I always have a water bottle with me (because I could sit for hours) and Spotify playing on my phone on speaker. I use Google Docs for all of my fics. Sometimes I’ll go mobile and hook my bluetooth keyboard to my phone and type from there, especially if I can’t stay in my room.
Do you use a beta reader? Nope. For some reason, it’s not a habit of mine to ask someone to beta read my work, though I have done it a few times before. I write, walk away from it, come back to proofread, post, then try to stop obsessing over if it will get notes or not.
Where do you get your writing inspo?: A lot of places--books, songs, anime, tv shows, the internet, other people, prompt lists.. As to the motivation to write, well, that’s something that I’m also struggling with right now hahaha. 
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP?:
It wasn’t much of a surprise. This amount of workload always comes with the highest ranking officer in the army, and you’ve always understood that. There are some things that can’t be delegated or that specifically need his approval. Yet it didn’t stop you from feeling a little left out and wanting some of his attention.
Feeling restless, you push off the table and head towards the door. If he was still working, there was only one other person you could think of to keep you company. Skipping down the hallway, you stop in front of one of the doors before knocking on it enthusiastically. “Hm? Little lady?”
Sirius’ room was pristine as always. You step in and plop down on his bed, not caring if your skirts ride up your thighs. “Ray’s still working.”
He smiles and sits down next to you. “And I suppose you came to me to keep you entertained?”
This time, you pout at him. “So what if I did?”
Idk who to tag so if any of my followers (who haven’t done this) see this, go do it!
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bangtanficrecs · 5 years
Lost & Found Batch #20
Can’t start up the blog again without posting the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read quite a while ago and if you can help me i’ll be forever grateful... it was about namjoon having powers and accidentally causing damage, so seokjin (who was a kind of a social worker assigned to him) sent him to live with yoongi as a way to make up for his “crime”. Yoongi was also magical and lived isolated from society. If I remember correctly hoseok was also guilty of something and sent to yoongi with namjoon. Sorry if it’s too vague, but that’s all I remember
2) Hi, I decided to give this a try though I think the fic may have been deleted because I just can't find the fic anymore. Basically its ot7 and the main character (Jungkook?) took the boys to meet his mom. The author had the boys super athletic, tall and in college;they were also from Texas. Jungkook sadly had to deal with homophobic classmates. It was a one shot I believe.
Hey, Momma by CaridwenAngetueur1
3) hi!! i’m trying to find a yoonmin fic i read a while ago, where yoongi lived in this small town and had an apothecary and jimin would come and sing in the town centre, and yoongi would give him something for his nerves before he’d go on stage. i remember jimin would glow and light would shoot out from him when he sung. it was a completed fic on ao3, i can’t seem to find it. thank you so much for your help!!
4) Hello! If you don’t mind helping me, im looking for a jikook fic i can’t seem to find again on ao3. Its a time travel, canon au where present day bts where in japan and Jungkook had went through a shrine? He ends up in the past with younger!bts and acts as like a cousin to Jungkook until they can figure out how to send him back. I remember there being a scene where younger!bts miss their flight to help older!jungkook get back to the future? If you need more details please let me know. Thank you!
5) Hello! I'm looking for a vmin fic where flowers literally grow on Tae and he's really insecure about it and gets depressed. It's super soft and fluffy and the entire thing is pretty much just Jimin taking care and comforting him. I'm pretty sure it's a one-shot and that they are the only two that are explicitly brought up. I love it so much and I hope that this isn't too vague.
6) hi idk if any of u can help me find this fic but imma try: its an au in which kids go disappearing often and i can only remember that one day taehyung is one of them and jungkook takes it up on himself to find him bc he firmly believes that he isnt dead yet. not sure bout this but i also think tae got kidnapped to get tested on? and seokjin is one of the doctors in that institution??? this fic is written by a fanboy as far as i can recall and had a reallyyyyyy hard to remember title sigh 😔
kotov syndrome by wormkun Note: The fic is locked and requires an AO3 account to view
7) Hey so I read this fic a while ago but no matter what i search, i can't seem to find it. Namjoon was a depressed ?college student? and he wrote songs that he only showed to his friend Jimin. He and Jimin go to a coffee shop where Yoongi works and yoongi keeps leaving notes to RM on Joon's coffee cups, but namjoon doesnt' know who RM is. I think it turns out Jimin had been posting Joons songs and yoongi recognized his voice and wanted to encourage him. NJ writes always and almost attempts suicide
8) Hello, I was wondering if you could help find this fanfic I've looking for forever. It's an ot7 relationship fic ( I think it's jimin centric). it was still not completed. The summary was something like taehyung asking jimin if he wanted to be in a relationship with them and jimin saying No. Because technically he already knew they were all in a relationship and he felt betrayed that he was left out for so long. There is something about a creepy sasaeng fan too. I would really appreciate it.
Last to Know by Meadow_Wanderer
9) Hi! Im looking for an au fic where Jungkook was depressed, and was with V who had anger problems bc of past child abuse. Jhope didn’t like Jungkook bc of something about his dark past involving his sister who I think was raped and died. I also remembered RM having a tattoo and being an ex member of a mafia group. He blew a gas station up, and Jin thought he died but he came back, and they had sex on the window. JK attempted suicide as well but Jin saved him. Thanks!!
10) I'm searching for a vminhope fanfic. It was I believe an A/B/O one. It was on aff. Hoseok was a berserker, Jimin was a beta and Tae was an omega.
11) Hi!!!!! I've been looking for this one fic forever. It's about jungkook who's an art student and jimin and taehyung are cops who look out for him. Jungkook talks a lot about suicide and he's a university art student. I think one of the art projects in the fic was a corpse painting with flowers. Jungkook also stole from a convenience store and when jimin and Rae caught up to him they noted he had a red beanie in his pocket. Thats all. Thank you!!!
12) There was this fic where Jungkook was lonely and lived alone in a hut on the woods, and he saw Jimin in a club took him to that hut and Jimin tried to run away but Injured his leg and had to stay. It's wip, and now i can't find it :( help please?
13) i'm having trouble finding a fanfic about taekook, where jungkook finds taehyung in a lake (or any body of water), and it turns out that he's from past times. he shows taehyung around present day, and taehyung at one point dresses up as a cowboy. jungkook gives taehyung's peepee the big succ, they get caught by the police, but they run away. from my memory, that's where it ends, or there may be more to it. even tags from ao3 to jog my memory will help.
14) I read this Taejin fanfic a while ago and now I can’t find it, all I know about it is that Taehyung was in some way abused and Jin brought him to his home, also that Jin had a twin brother, also it had many chapters, if you can find it I’ll be very grateful!!!
15) Hi! I read a yoomin fic in ao3 when I was new in the Fandom and I can't find it anywhere, I remember it being angst, mostly Yoongi's pov, it was set in the I need you era and Yoongi played the piano for jungkook's dance, I also remember Jimin struggled with eating disorders and alcoholism and that at some point they had a big fight when jimin came home drunk in a random cab d
16) Hi! I can't find a fic I read few years ago, so I was wondering if you could help)) It was Taehyung/Namjoon fic, and Namjoon hired him as his fake ex-boyfriend so that his friends (Hoseok and Jimin if I remember correctly) would stop asking him to go on dates or smth like that.
if it bleeds by wertstoffhof (roachprince)
17) Hello! I’m hoping you can help me find a fic, it’s a mental hospital one where all the members apart from jin and namjoon are in the mental hospital and another member (maybe jungkook) arrives and it turns out jin is making up their diagnosis because he thought they’d want to stay longer. If that’s too brief i can remember specific bits but i couldn’t find anything on your tags, thank you! Jin is a sort of like a therapist who looks after them and namjoon is like the manager of sorts i think
Seeking Heaven by fullofsuga
18) Hello, hope you're well! I was wondering if you could help me find a Jihope fic that I've been looking for forever! Jimin was friends with Taehyung and didn't know the rest of the boys until he was added into a group chat. I remember that Jimin worked in a shop that was broken in to, and that Taehyung didn't want Jimin and Hoseok to date? I think the chapter titles were all days of the week as well - thank you!!
19) Hey do you know the name of this historic au fic where Yoongi is a chaebol and I think he buys Jungkook from his abusive dad to be his servant? I remember he teaches him how to read and even gives up his money just to be with jungkook and becomes an author
tear the moon from the stars tonight by euphoriae
20) Hi! I'm looking for a YoonMin fanfic that's a pretend/fake dating au, where Jimin was at the grocery shop and his ex suddenly came up and started teasing/mocking him? Then Yoongi suddenly came up behind him and started pretending to be his bf? Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for the bother!
21) Hey! I've been looking for this fic forever (i've tried every tag on ao3, god help me). It's a v/yoongi fic where tae is really into public sex and yoongi too, but yoongi is shy at first. there's a scene at the beginning where yoongi is on a date with a girl and he goes to the bathroom to masturbate. at the middle they both are in a restaurant with 2 other people (from bts, i can't remember which members) and tae touches him. at the end tae masturbates yoongi in a restaurant/karaoke booth?
Hands-On Learning by pornographicpenguin
22) Hi! Looking for this multi chaptered abo fic where Yoongi is a omega and kookie presents as an alpha during practice and triggers yoongi's heat. Later on jin and joon become mates but it's mainly about yoonkook slowly getting together... Idk if that's helpful but it's driving me crazy because I can't find it
23) Hi, I'm looking for an old jin/yoongi fic that had a magical element in it I read a while ago and need a little help. Yoongi is an underground rapper and he always passes by this shop. One night after a gig he actually stops in front of it and goes in. Jin runs it and gives him a drink. (I think its tea but idk) he also gives him a muffin or cupcake. At the end jin tells yoongi he was looking for love and that's what led yoongi into the shop.
24) Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read a year back. It has Jin as an assassin and he saved the maknae line from abuse and stuffs and they fell in love with him. And he also has a relationship with Suga
25) Weird fic I read but I want to see if more came out. Anyway it's super weird, bts is the a werewolf gang and they go to a party for the higher ranking alphas. There they meet an omega of a high ranking alpha and then more stuff happens that I can't remember. I just thought of it randomly and I wanted to see if you could find it. It's okay of you can't I appreciate the help either way.
26) Ok color me corrected if you manage to find this fic, but I can’t seem to remember anything about it. It’s a red string of fate/soulmate au but I CANNOT remember the pairing. I think it was canon divergent, they lived in the dorm together. I remember that the string was actually tangible and the pair would always trip over it. Thanks haha
27) I am looking for a fic I read ages ago. It was jikook, they were in high school. Jk is really rich and loves taking photos one day he sees jm and is compelled to take a photo of his bright orange hair. Tae sees the photo and hires jk so take photos of jimin as he never sees him smile. Jm is very poor, he is freinds with joon and tae I think. Jin is jks brother. Jm initially gets mad at jk but eventually they become friends and fall in love. There was some past stuff with taegi too I think.
Imperfectly Perfect by whenIseeUsmile
28) Hi. I'm looking for a fic on ao3. It's a historical royalty au and I think it's yoonmin. I think it's incomplete too. Yoongi is a prince and his brother is JK. Jimin and Jin are spys from a neighbouring kingdom that's on the verge of war. The last chapter I remember has the castle being invaded and the royal family being killed, there may have been a fire. I hope you can help
Death In Disguise by pikachoi
41 notes · View notes
gffa · 6 years
DO YOU WANT TO CRY about some STAR WARS characters and relationships and feelings? But you’re not quite sure specifically what you want to cry about today?  Not sure if you want to cry about what Anakin Skywalker could have been?  Want to cry about Vader and his kids?  Want to cry about EVERYTHING ABOUT OBI-WAN KENOBI’S LIFE?  Want to cry about Rex or Ahsoka?  Want to cry about time travel?  Want to cry about the Phoenix crew? BOY, CAN I HELP YOU OUT, FRIEND.  Because fandom brought theri A-game in just about every possible way this time! STAR WARS FIC RECS: PREQUELS RECS: ✦ untitled Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan fic by stonefreeak, anakin & ahsoka (& obi-wan) & cast, 1.8k    Anakin sits on the floor in his room, back against the bed and face buried in his knees. He didn’t bother to turn the lights on when he came back, the darkness too soothing, too comfortable to disrupt. ✦ untitled Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan fic by stonefreeak part one + part two, padme & cast, 2.6k    The Senate has a crisis meeting to react to the bombing of the Senate Office Building. Dun dun dunnnnnn… ✦ Suffer Not the Children by ambiguously, katooni & cast, 2k    “The Temple has fallen. We must go now.” ✦ we were born for better days by FireflysLove, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 3.6k wip    Obi-Wan attempts to save Vader from the Dark Side, but the Rebellion, especially Bail Organa and Ahsoka Tano, are not going to believe that after a decade of terrorizing the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker can possibly be saved. ✦ Free Agent by countessofbiscuit, ahsoka & boba & cast (& background rex/ahsoka), 9.5k    In which Ahsoka falls in with more misguided youth, drinks to forget (it doesn’t work), and wastes no time broadening her career horizons with her boyfriend’s delinquent kid brother. ✦ Don’t Go Gently Into This Darkness by ThatDamnKennedyKid, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cody & rex & cast, 5.6k wip    When Cody awoke, his General was sitting next to his bed, body still and stare distant. He was thinking, planning, readying. That meant a disaster was coming down the line, and when Kenobi got to it, it would not be pretty for whoever was on the other side. ✦ Captain and Commander by Elfpen, ahsoka & rex & cast, 3.2k    A look into the special camaraderie shared by Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano, arcing from the issuance of Order 66 to past the end of Rebels. A story told in three parts. Rated for death and violence. ✦ Caught in the Tide by brinnanza, obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    He takes one look at the boy, his pale skin, the dark bags under his red-rimmed eyes, and breathes a soft sigh. “Oh, Anakin,” he says gently and steps aside to let his former padawan into the room. ✦ O Captain! by naberiie, rex, 1.5k    Rex is the last of Torrent Company. The ghosts of his brothers - their words - haunt him still. ✦ I Found You pt2 by KeeperofSeeds, obi-wan & shmi & cast, ~1k    She looks up and meets the eyes of Qui Gon Jinn. Her son’s grand Master. ✦ we found us a home by shiningjedi, shaak & adi & yaddle, 1k wip    Scenes showcasing the bonds of friendship and family between the Jedi of the Clone Wars and Prequel eras. ✦ In Time by Ripki, obi-wan & anakin, time travel, 18.8k wip    As the Clone Wars drags on and the secrets between them grow, Anakin and Obi-Wan have begun to drift apart. When a mysterious holocron sends them through time, they don’t only have to confront their past and future – but the present as well. (Or the Force, frustrated and tired with all their bullshit, sends the Team to an unconventional couple’s therapy.) ✦ Y'AIN’T SHIT, WITCH by subtropicalStenella, wolffe & kit & asajj & cast, 1.1k    The Clone Wars: Asajj/Wolffe/Kit Fisto, the fight which costs the Commander his eye. An Explicit Trash Talking No Holds Barred Brawl. ✦ Under a purple sun… by Perspicacia, obi-wan & ahsoka, ~1k    Ahsoka hadn’t been happy when Skyguy had left her with Master Kenobi for this mission, but it was still good to spend time with her Grand Master. ✦ Queen Under the Ocean by BloodyMary, padme, ~1k    Once upon a time, the people of Naboo had elected a queen. She had fought for her people, and she would not be forgotten. People like her did not die–they lived on in stories long after those who knew them had died. ✦ To tell you the truth, I’m relieved by Petra, obi-wan & anakin & death, discworld crossover, ~1k    When you die, you have to walk a desert. Obi-Wan and Anakin are dead, and they’ve been to deserts before. ✦ Rumour Has It by Ripki, obi-wan & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 5.2k    Rumour has it that the distinguished Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is seeking a new apprentice after successfully training the Chosen One into Knighthood. The whole Temple seems to be in a flutter of excitement; Anakin, less so. He sets himself the task of reviewing every single one of the hopeful Initiates. After all, it is not just anyone, who can survive being Obi-Wan’s Padawan. ✦ Fire by EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12, obi-wan/satine, NSFW, 1.7k    Between the incident with Tal Merrick on the Coronet and the long ride back to Coruscant, there are plenty of things that a certain Jedi Master and Duchess can get into… ✦ Help Me by FireflyFish, obi-wan & anakin, 2.5k    All seemed lost, light, love, and hope. And then Anakin cried out for help… ✦ A Good Time by daily_nightly, obi-wan & anakin, 1.4k    A story about a padawan who always gets in trouble and needs his master to rescue him. Typical Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi. ✦ Hondo Kenobi by StarWarsSyl, obi-wan & hondo & cast, 2.6k    It’s not every day the pirate Hondo calls Obi-Wan in to give him a baby. ✦ Recovery by Perspicacia, obi-wan & ahsoka & cast, 1.8k    Ahsoka came back alive from her fight with Vader but not exactly in good shape. Bail Organa promptly sent her for some recovery time with one of his most mysterious contacts in the Outer Rim. ✦ Oft Falling by kylohen, obi-wan/padme, NSFW, 10.5k    Every few months, whenever he can, Obi-Wan sends flowers to the Coruscant apartments of Senator Padmé Amidala. There’s a reason for this that he can never explain, except to her. If anyone else knew, it would ruin him. ✦ To lay your heart and head upon by ambiguously, ahsoka/barriss, 1.5k    Ahsoka is on a mission when she runs into an old friend. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan (sort of), d/s, 84.1k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. ✦ all spaces are liminal by Kierkegarden, obi-wan/anakin & sidious, & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 35.9k    Three years after the fall of the Republic, Obi-Wan Kenobi hasn’t come any closer to making peace with his new life. Three years after the fall of the Republic, Vader wants the gratification of forgiveness. Three years after the fall of the Republic, time doesn’t bend or break or alter. It simply rushes past those who cannot learn to embrace it. ✦ Return to the Point of No Return by cthene, obi-wan/anakin, time travel, touch starved, 26.7k    He turns around, his tunic soaked with blood, and holds the gorgon’s head up by its wispy hair. “Anakin, please-” “Don’t beg me, Master,” says the last of the Sith, tenderly reaching to cup Obi Wan’s hot cheek with a gore-stained hand. “Command me.” ✦ My Moon After the Tide by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, some d/s, 38.8k    After being inflicted with a paralytic toxin, Anakin is unable to care for himself until he recovers. Obi-Wan promises to provide his Padawan with everything he needs. ✦ starbird by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin, 8.8k    As far as Anakin’s concerned, Obi-Wan is the picture of a perfect Jedi. ✦ To Lose My Mind and Find My Soul by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & cast, fairy tale au, 3.2k wip    Anakin Skywalker is not allowed past the boundaries of the village, is not allowed to walk the path through the wood that leads to the world beyond, but sometimes he finds himself slipping away anyways, inexplicably drawn to the forest and the monstrous creature that stalks it. ✦ Eyes Wide Like Cherry Pies by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), FromDreamstoEmpires, obi-wan/anakin & padme & cast, NSFW, modern au, 6.7k wip    Anakin is a typical struggling college student studying art. Obi-Wan is a successful lawyer he meets one night through Padme and Staine. He doesn’t think he’ll ever see him again but neither of them can deny their attraction to each other. ✦ Last breath by Arctii, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 7.9k wip    Anakin leaves. Obi-Wan decides, reluctantly, knowing it’s probably not the smartest thing he has done, to try and track him down. That, surprisingly, proves to be a difficult task. Especially since there are so many realisations he doesn’t want to face, and since Anakin seemingly does everything he can to disappear. ✦ Star Birth by thatsakitkat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, a/b/o, dark themes, 7k wip    "Am I going to die, Master?” Anakin asks. Obi-Wan looks at him sharply. “No. You will not die, Anakin.” “I’m burning,” Anakin says. He blinks slowly and strains to concentrate. “You set me on fire.” ✦ Tumblr Prompt Drabbles by Adelphrexia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, various themes, ~1k wip (sort of)    A collection of Obikin drabble requests originally posted on my Tumblr. Mostly smut, any warnings will be posted on the chapter they apply to. ✦ The Team by writegowrite, obi-wan/anakin, human au, mafia au, ~1k    Behind a warehouse long abandoned by everything but rats, beneath a blue sky smudged brown by pollution, a pristine black Mercedes sat idling like a wraith. ✦ Almost Lost by aphorisnt, obi-wan/anakin & kix, 3k    Anakin gets injured and Obi-Wan does not handle it well. ✦ i didn’t want this thing called living by dorenamryn, obi-wan/anakin, 4.8k wip (sort of)    Alternatively: Obi-wan’s heart is forever shattered, and Anakin always burns. (A collection of ficlets cataloguing the tragedy of two lives both before and after the fall that was never supposed to happen.) ✦ Tumblr Prompts by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 6.6k (each chapter is separate)    A collection of prompts that I’ve filled on Tumblr. ✦ WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE by anecdotalist, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 13k wip    War has broken out between the Republic and the Separatists. But that is of no concern to Ben, one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. All he’s focused on is his next target…until he’s invited to a tournament of hunters on Serenno. There, he meets a young Jedi Knight—the Hero With No Fear, Anakin Skywalker—who’s disguised as bounty hunter Rako Hardeen. ✦ My Anakin by DonkerRood, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, bondage, some d/s, 1.1k    Obi-Wan is back from a mission and realizes Anakin always gets what he wants. ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ Master and Padawan by Katharos, obi-wan & luke & cast, 15.5k wip    What if Luke was raised by Obi-Wan as his Padawan? ✦ Ritual by ambiguously, bail & breha & leia & luke & han, ~1k    Two funerals Leia attended. ✦ Ben Whitesun by Perspicacia, obi-wan/beru & cast, 6k    When Obi-Wan brought Luke to the Lars’ farm, he found only a struggling grieving widow and not the young, happy couple he hoped. This is how Ben Kenobi became a moisture farmer instead of a hermit… ✦ Carmine by AceQueenKing, anakin & leia, 2.7k    The Princess stirs, waking; her eyes catch him at her door and her face darkens, ready for a fight. ✦ Useful by igrockspock, leia & luke & han, 1.4k    To earn her place on the Falcon, Leia has to be useful, so she tries to learn everything she can. ✦ Paper Trails; A Triptych of Leia Organa by glorious_clio, leia & cast, 7.9k    By the time she was 19, Leia has three defined roles that she slots in and out of, some are more obvious to outsiders than others. But Leia Organa is also more than the sum of her parts. ✦ Entail by Domenika Marzione (domarzione), leia & luke & ahsoka & cast, 2.4k    Families of all sorts come with obligations. And baggage. ✦ The Trick is to Keep Breathing by AceQueenKing, anakin & leia, 3.3k    She’s older now, and so is he. Far older now. She wonders: will he have lost any power with his age? Will he be shorter, weaker? An old man on a ventilator? It’s hard to imagine that he won’t still be dangerous. But then, that’s exactly what she’s counting on. ✦ Minor Counterintelligence Operations by igrockspock, han/leia & ben, 2.5k    Ben Solo knows three things: he loves his parents, they are weird, and they have a lot of secrets. He intends to find them out. CROSSING THE GENERATIONS: ✦ GrandMasters & GrandPadawans by ShadeCrawler, ezra & mace, background time travel, 2.2k    AKA. Where Ezra Bridger and Mace Windu have a discussion over juice. ✦ Round Two by ambiguously, ahsoka/sabine & cast, time travel, 1.4k    Sabine and Ahsoka get stranded in the past together. ✦ How to Kill a Ghost by saiditallbefore, kylo & yoda, 1.6k    “Fuck. I’m being followed by a dead Jedi.” “Jedi master, I was,” he says, tapping Kylo with his cane again. ✦ Spectre by Magical_Destiny, anakin & kylo, 2.2k    In the aftermath of Crait, Kylo Ren finally meets his grandfather. ✦ another city (better than this one) by notbecauseofvictories, lando & ben solo, 5.8k    The kid is sitting cross-legged on a drum of tibanna gas, picking at a hole in his leggings despite the bulky stun-cuffs binding his wrists together. He keeps darting black looks at the patrolmen flanking him on either side, and scowling. REBELS RECS: ✦ Mating Rituals by Velvedere, zeb/kallus & sabine & cast, 4.7k    Zeb has been acting weird lately. Kallus vents to Sabine about it. ✦ Seven by ambiguously, kanan & jacen, time travel (sort of), 3.8k    Kanan asks the wolves a question. The wolves bring him someone with a different question. ✦ The Care and Keeping of Ex-Imperials Who Need Coffee, a Nap, and a Hug in That Order by akaparalian, kallus & phoenix crew (& some zeb/kallus), 8.8k    Five Ghost crew members who helped Alexsandr Kallus, and one who he helped in return. ✦ When we have peace by apocrypha73, zeb/kallus, 2.9k    After the Battle of Endor, Kallus and Zeb enjoy the celebration. ✦ The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by ambiguously, kanan/hera & ocs, 6.7k    Kanan and Hera, from point A to point B, and all the places between. ✦ Without, Inferno | Within, Peace by auraelys, kanan/hera & sabine & ezra & depa, ~1k    In that moment, Kanan knows the choice he has to make, no matter how much it hurts. ✦ In the Middle of the Night by bar2d2s, hera & kallus (background kanan/hera & zeb/kallus), 1.8k    When one member of your self-made family is pregnant, you’re all pregnant. ✦ A Moment to Breathe by Mirror and Image, kanan & kallus & hera & ezra & sabine & zeb & cast, 8.9k    Everyone struggles to come to terms with the Season 3 finale - Kallus most of all - and in their grief and defeat one blind man gives them a moment to breathe. ✦ And a Million Years Gone By by ambiguously, hera & jacen, 5.7k    Hera worries about Jacen a lot. ✦ Morning Light by SweetSinger2010, kanan/hera & sabine & ezra & zeb & cast, 8k    He’d long since figured out he was in bacta. He was able to orient himself to the sound of voices in the room, sometimes. When it was Hera speaking, always. And he could sense that little flicker of light and life she carried with her–their child. AU. full details + recs under the cut! 
PREQUELS RECS: ✦ untitled Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan fic by stonefreeak, anakin & ahsoka (& obi-wan) & cast, 1.8k    Anakin sits on the floor in his room, back against the bed and face buried in his knees. He didn’t bother to turn the lights on when he came back, the darkness too soothing, too comfortable to disrupt.    Note: This fic is part of a larger series that should probably be read in order by this point. This rec will contain some spoilers for earlier chapters at the very least. This is a gorgeous look at Anakin’s character after Obi-Wan has been injured, how deeply he feels things and how much of an absolute mess he is when he descends into a panic attack about it. There’s something so painful about it and makes me care all the more about Anakin’s suffering, how badly he handles things, and how he slips and slides around when trying to understand what people are saying to him, what they mean–when he has a choice in front of him, it’s so easy to be suspicious of the Jedi, because Anakin just doesn’t know how to trust, but when this universe gives them a chance to better communicate, when it gives them all the breathing room to have addressed some of these things, when it takes Palpatine’s influence to a better distance, we get to see just how they would handle it. And that’s what I love, why this fic is so beautifully characterized and really gets this universe, because it doesn’t magically make everything better, things still hurt, characters are still a mess, things aren’t easy, but it shows that their internal problems were surmountable, it was the external ones that really fucked them over. It’s gorgeous for illustrating that in such a comprelling, heart-wrenching way (oh, Anakin, I can’t read this and not want to wrap him up in the biggest hug ever, the panic attack he has is so beautifully done that it physically hurts me), but also being just so warm and good. Another of my favorite pieces for this story! ✦ untitled Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan fic by stonefreeak part one + part two, padme & cast, 2.6k    The Senate has a crisis meeting to react to the bombing of the Senate Office Building. Dun dun dunnnnnn…    Note: This fic is part of a larger series that should probably be read in order by this point. This rec will contain some spoilers for earlier chapters at the very least. Putting these two together, since they’re part of the same piece of the story and, oh, I really loved these as well, it’s another gorgeous illustration of the state of the galaxy as it was in canon, but with enough breathing room (and Palpatine’s influence at just enough of a distance) to allow characters better clarity and to change things just enough. It’s a great fic for Padme as a Senator, the little details of how she’s given the breathing room to put things together, the better space from which to observe just how corrupt and selfish the Senate really is, all of it is so satisfying as a way to show that internal problems were overcomable when the external problems are at just enough of a distance to let the characters breathe a little. But also seriously it’s a great Padme fic at the same time and it was such a treasure to read! Her horror at what was happening around her, her disbelief and shock at just how selfish people could be, was really impactful on a visceral level, I felt it with her. ✦ Suffer Not the Children by ambiguously, katooni & cast, 2k    “The Temple has fallen. We must go now.”    Oh, my god, this fic was heartbreaking but so gorgeously written and did a stunning job of driving home just how much Order 66 hurt and was mind-numbingly awful. The sheer amount of loss and danger these children face, that it’s just 2k of the worst day of their lives, but it left me feeling exhausted afterwards because it’s so beautifully told and shows what these kids face just because they were Jedi. Sometimes it can get to be a little OTT, what Order 66 meant, but here it’s told exactly how the author means it to come across and it’s horrifying for it, even as I became so invested in these kids and the sheer soul-hurting pain of what they had to suffer through and what they have to face next. Just the sheer amount of loss, isolation, uncertainty, and yet the bravery and innate goodness of these children. Oh, my heart. ✦ we were born for better days by FireflysLove, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 3.6k wip    Obi-Wan attempts to save Vader from the Dark Side, but the Rebellion, especially Bail Organa and Ahsoka Tano, are not going to believe that after a decade of terrorizing the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker can possibly be saved.    I’m a sucker for canon-divergent fics where Obi-Wan and Vader meet earlier and this one really got its hooks in me with the second chapter, where their confrontation happens in a way I didn’t expect. I love Anakin having to face up to the enormous truth, there’s something so satisfying about it, even as it breaks my heart for him (and for Obi-Wan and for Ahsoka and for Padme) all over again, so I’m hoping that the next chapter will continue on with that because I am here for it. There’s also some nice stuff between Obi-Wan & Ahsoka in the first chapter as well! I’m definitely ready to see where this one goes! ✦ Free Agent by countessofbiscuit, ahsoka & boba & cast (& background rex/ahsoka), 9.5k    In which Ahsoka falls in with more misguided youth, drinks to forget (it doesn’t work), and wastes no time broadening her career horizons with her boyfriend’s delinquent kid brother.    This was a fun, irreverent caper fic that was half about Ahsoka trying to figure out how to not be such a mess (not that she’s too much of a mess, just that she has some things to figure out and isn’t in a great place) while interacting with Boba, on a mission to go rescue someone they’re getting paid for. I wouldn’t say it’s light-hearted, but it is sarcastic and impudent in tone, it’s messy in all the ways it’s meant to be, and a fun romp to read! ✦ Don’t Go Gently Into This Darkness by ThatDamnKennedyKid, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cody & rex & cast, 5.6k wip    When Cody awoke, his General was sitting next to his bed, body still and stare distant. He was thinking, planning, readying. It was a look generally reserved for when Skywalker or Tano were going to need defending in the Council. Insofar as he could recall, they’d been good. That meant a disaster was coming down the line, and when Kenobi got to it, it would not be pretty for whoever was on the other side.    This is a fic that’s definitely a WIP, not much has happened yet, but if you’re like me you’re absolutely here for Obi-Wan getting a heads up and starting to plan and that means people are going to be fucked, because Obi-Wan is actually pretty great when he has enough information to put the pieces together and formulate something, and it’s going to be super satisfying to read. It’s just the start of it for now, but there’s lots of fun little scenes, the ones with Obi-Wan & Anakin are a highlight, but also just the Jedi finding out about the chips in the clones’ heads and getting a chance to do something about it! HELL YEAH. ✦ Captain and Commander by Elfpen, ahsoka & rex & cast, 3.2k    A look into the special camaraderie shared by Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano, arcing from the issuance of Order 66 to past the end of Rebels. A story told in three parts. Rated for death and violence.    A gorgeous look at Ahsoka and Rex during Order 66, based on what we know of what was planned for those moments. It’s good for both characters, it’s aching for what they’ve both been through and what they’re going to suffer in the future, like I have so many feelings about both of them separately here, but it’s also a great look at their friendship, too. It’s a heartachingly beautiful piece to read and really shows how much they both meant. ✦ Caught in the Tide by brinnanza, obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    He takes one look at the boy, his pale skin, the dark bags under his red-rimmed eyes, and breathes a soft sigh. “Oh, Anakin,” he says gently and steps aside to let his former padawan into the room.    A short but really solid piece that shows what a mess Anakin Skywalker is, but also how deeply Obi-Wan cares about him, how it balances Obi-Wan’s reactions (his own losses, how he’s truly lost people, while Anakin can still see those he cares about, the urge to be angry, one that he acknowledges and then lets go, the way that allows him to remain so balanced, so steady, while still being so human) with his being a Jedi, there’s just such a solidity to his character, a warmth to the iron foundations he has, and such deep care. That even when he’s out of his depth, you get why Anakin leans on him so much. I picked it up for the Obi-Wan & Anakin interaction (which is the highlight of it) but got some solid Obi-Wan characterization out of it as well. ✦ O Captain! by naberiie, rex, 1.5k    Rex is the last of Torrent Company. The ghosts of his brothers - their words - haunt him still.    This is a heartbreaking Rex piece, who has no idea just how brave he is to have lived through everything he has. It’s non-stop pain, but that’s pretty true to Star Wars in general and just gave me so many Rex feelings, because, wow, when you step back, that guy has Been Through Some Shit. A lovely piece for a character that deserved better! ✦ I Found You pt2 by KeeperofSeeds, obi-wan & shmi & cast, ~1k    She looks up and meets the eyes of Qui Gon Jinn. Her son’s grand Master.    You should probably read the rest of the series before this one, it won’t make much sense without it, and while this fic series doesn’t entirely work with canon, it’s one that’s really dear to me because Shmi and Obi-Wan and someday Anakin will get here and this is a really short piece, but IT HAS HUGS. I am always a sucker for more hugs! ✦ we found us a home by shiningjedi, shaak & adi & yaddle, 1k wip    Scenes showcasing the bonds of friendship and family between the Jedi of the Clone Wars and Prequel eras.    A series of short but lovely, warm (and sometimes bittersweet, as it’s set during the backdrop of the Clone Wars) interactions between various Jedi that aren’t always showcased front and center. I loved the kindness and care shown in these pieces, it fits so well with them, and I love the way each of them feels natural, like these characters would of course have these relationships, that Adi would comfort Shaak when she needs it, that Shaak would seek out Yaddle to connect with her, and I love that these two chapters happened to focus on women, but mostly just I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS AHHH. ✦ In Time by Ripki, obi-wan & anakin, time travel, 18.8k wip    As the Clone Wars drags on and the secrets between them grow, Anakin and Obi-Wan have begun to drift apart. When a mysterious holocron sends them through time, they don’t only have to confront their past and future – but the present as well. (Or the Force, frustrated and tired with all their bullshit, sends the Team to an unconventional couple’s therapy.)    Chapters 7-8: I’ve done a more generalized rec for this fic here, which I link because I really want people to read this fic with me, as well as because this will be an update rec and focus on the current chapters, rather than the fic as a whole. These two chapters continue what the fic is showing us (and doing a really great job of not just telling us, but instead really showing the reader and the characters) the things that they don’t really understand about the other person, especially Anakin seeing just how much Obi-Wan has been through, as that’s always something he’s had trouble understanding. It’s this really great combination of time-travel, protectiveness between the characters for the other, seeing things with fresh eyes, character whump, and to really illustrate how much these two care about each other, through their complicated, difficult relationship.    In chapter 7, Anakin sees what Obi-Wan went through on Zigoola from Wild Space, then in chapter 8 dropped them back into the same place again for awhile, as Obi-Wan is having much more difficulty with this whole time travel thing, which feeds my desire for whump AND comfort fic AND the further sense of building up of Anakin getting that Obi-Wan has Been Through Some Shit, which hasn’t hit the payoff yet, but is clearly building towards understanding that his Master hasn’t had an easy life (and this is why I don’t mind the borrowing from the Legends stuff that can’t work with canon, because it’s used really well here! delicious, delicious physical and emotional whump! in such kind-hearted ways towards the characters!) and yet has still managed to make peace with it. I’m eagerly rubbing my hands together with each chapter that comes out because it’s so satisfying on an iddy level, but also satisfying for something that’s legitimately being built up in a way that does the heavy lifting of getting Anakin to understand, that it shows how deeply entwined these characters are in each others’ lives, and really shows the epic span of these characters’ lives. It also hits a good place between being shippy and being gen, that you can read more into it or you can read it on a purely platonic or familial level, that it’s the relationship between these two that’s important (and gives me so many feelingsevery time they worry about each other or run into a piece of the other’s past, how clear it is that they love each other so much) no matter what form it takes. I love this fic a lot and look forward to every chapter! ✦ Y'AIN’T SHIT, WITCH by subtropicalStenella, wolffe & kit & asajj & cast, 1.1k    The Clone Wars: Asajj/Wolffe/Kit Fisto, the fight which costs the Commander his eye. An Explicit Trash Talking No Holds Barred Brawl.    This was a really fun, delightful piece about the clones’ reactions to some footage of a fight between Asajj and some of the brothers, that there’s this great sense of joking around and how of course they have reactions to the crazy shit they see constantly via Force users (and aren’t necessarily immune to it themselves!), just really FUN, hilarious reactions to the wildness of the stuff you see on just another regular day in the GFFA. ✦ Under a purple sun… by Perspicacia, obi-wan & ahsoka, ~1k    Ahsoka hadn’t been happy when Skyguy had left her with Master Kenobi for this mission, but it was still good to spend time with her Grand Master.    I really loved this piece, because Obi-Wan & Ahsoka scenes are always lovely, especially when the fic really does great at showing Ahsoka’s youth and restlessness (that is perfectly normal for her age, something she will grow out of as she ages) against Obi-Wan feeling much more settled, that he teaches her by being both teasing and warm, that there’s little touches of what a Jedi apprentice’s life is like, and it just really, really sparkles. I love the poetry elective, the way Ahsoka doesn’t really get it, until Obi-Wan illustrates something for her, like way to get a straight shot to my teacher!Obi-Wan feelings AND my worldbuilding feelings! ✦ Queen Under the Ocean by BloodyMary, padme, ~1k    Once upon a time, the people of Naboo had elected a queen. She had fought for her people, and she would not be forgotten. People like her did not die–they lived on in stories long after those who knew them had died.    One of the things I always want more of is Padme’s story as Padme’s story, that I want more of her connection to Naboo and how her people saw her. You mix that with a beautiful sense of myth or fairy tale, some lovely imagery, and the sadness of her death touched on just the right amount, and you have a gorgeous piece for her character. ✦ To tell you the truth, I’m relieved by Petra, obi-wan & anakin & death, discworld crossover, ~1k    When you die, you have to walk a desert. Obi-Wan and Anakin are dead, and they’ve been to deserts before.    I would definitely have read at least another 10k of this, of Obi-Wan being settled and focused, while Anakin is just a mess of all the shit he needs to work through (because he never did in life, and because he’s a Forever Mess, that’s just who he is), while the two of them walked across a desert as a way to untangle the knots of their lives and relationship. This is a brief glance at that, as they have a conversation with Death, as Obi-Wan is as good with words as ever, making it a lovely little read that I enjoyed a lot! ✦ Rumour Has It by Ripki, obi-wan & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 5.2k    Rumour has it that the distinguished Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is seeking a new apprentice after successfully training the Chosen One into Knighthood. The whole Temple seems to be in a flutter of excitement; Anakin, less so. He sets himself the task of reviewing every single one of the hopeful Initiates. After all, it is not just anyone, who can survive being Obi-Wan’s Padawan.    Oh, I loved this fic so very much, it’s so much fun and sharp and hilarious, all the things a premise like this should be, but it’s also warm and heartfelt and really kind of sweet in a “Anakin why are you like this” kind of way, which is exactly what I want. I love that Anakin is such a dweeb when it comes to Obi-Wan, that he’s torn between how Obi-Wan is the best ever and deserves the best Padawan again versus how there’s that underlying sense of how he’s absolutely not ready to let Obi-Wan’s attention move on from him. So he goes about it in the most Anakin way ever, by obsessing over it and kind of terrorizing the poor younglings, while everyone else around him is exasperated. It’s a fic that clearly loves all these characters, that makes me love Anakin Skywalker even more than I did before (because he’s a relatable kind of disaster, not over the top about it, just that he’s not exactly put together) and it has so many great details and a fun sense of timing and then finishes it all off with Obi-Wan finally making Anakin actually talk to him, so I got my Obi-Wan&Anakin feelings in there as well. Honestly, I smile just thinking about this one all over again! ✦ Fire by EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12, obi-wan/satine, NSFW, 1.7k    Between the incident with Tal Merrick on the Coronet and the long ride back to Coruscant, there are plenty of things that a certain Jedi Master and Duchess can get into…    This was a lovely Obitine piece, which is mostly pwp, but in the way I like, that it’s a moment of dramatic intimacy, that it captures their voices and their relationship well, and it’s some satisfying kissing and sex! I really enjoyed the sense of history there between them, that there’s such a connection, while also that they’re not entirely entwined in each others’ lives, that they’re separate, even as they care deeply and share something special, because that’s exactly how I see them in canon, too. A very satisfying piece for a pairing I’m slowly starting to read more for! ✦ Help Me by FireflyFish, obi-wan & anakin, 2.5k    All seemed lost, light, love, and hope. And then Anakin cried out for help…    Oh, this fic gave me all the feelings, that it’s a canon divergence from the fight on Mustafar, where it almost goes like it did in canon, except here Anakin cried out for help and that changed everything. It’s just a few moments in this scene, it’s about this specific moment in time, but it does a beautiful job of showing how it completely changed the tracks of the future, this one tiny thing Anakin could do to change it all, because Obi-Wan could never resist Anakin asking him for help. And it’s gorgeously done in how it doesn’t sweep aside the weight of Anakin’s actions, the betrayal he committed, but it still shows that Obi-Wan loves him even through that, that it may take time, it won’t be easy, but of course he will eventually forgive Anakin in time. It’s a painful read, but in the exact, lovely way it’s supposed to be. ✦ A Good Time by daily_nightly, obi-wan & anakin, 1.4k    A story about a padawan who always gets in trouble and needs his master to rescue him. Typical Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi.    This was a cute little piece about Anakin getting himself captured and needing his Master to rescue him, who of course accomplishes this through the most flirtatious way possible and it’s just solidly fun and a great bite-sized fic to read when you want one! ✦ Hondo Kenobi by StarWarsSyl, obi-wan & hondo & cast, 2.6k    It’s not every day the pirate Hondo calls Obi-Wan in to give him a baby.    This was a cute piece where the highlight of it was JEDI WORLDBUILDING YAY, in which Obi-Wan is given a baby and delivers it to the Temple, trying to find the right place for it, the Force telling him each place wasn’t quite right. I liked the blend of the Force and more mundane ways of organizing things, the clan mothers that Obi-Wan meets along the way, the brief glimpses we get into how warm and adorable Jedi younglings are, it fit really well with what we’ve seen in canon and I’m always here for well done Jedi worldbuilding! ✦ Recovery by Perspicacia, obi-wan & ahsoka & cast, 1.8k    Ahsoka came back alive from her fight with Vader but not exactly in good shape. Bail Organa promptly sent her for some recovery time with one of his most mysterious contacts in the Outer Rim.    I’m very much a sucker for Obi-Wan & Ahsoka interaction in fic and I really liked Ahsoka having a chance to see Obi-Wan again after all that happened in the Jedi Purge, there’s something hopeful in amongst all the hurt that’s been piled onto them, which is what I was hoping for when I picked this one up. It’s a nice look at Ahsoka’s character, a nice look at their relationship, and the hints of how she might be introduced to Qui-Gon and maybe learn a few things, a potential way to pave a future path for her, also delighted me. ✦ Oft Falling by kylohen, obi-wan/padme, NSFW, 10.5k    Every few months, whenever he can, Obi-Wan sends flowers to the Coruscant apartments of Senator Padmé Amidala. There’s a reason for this that he can never explain, except to her. If anyone else knew, it would ruin him.    There’s something really lush and gorgeous about the writing of this piece, which is the real highlight of it. Obi-Wan isn’t really his sharp, focused canon self here (I’m chalking it up to this being set pre-AOTC, but even then I think he’s less focused than he should be) but the descriptions of Naboo, the way the writing gently touches on his connection to the Force and the sort of mystical feel he has as a character, as a psychic space wizard monk, is really lovely. The entire fic felt like a painting come to life in so many ways, that it doesn’t overdo the descriptions, but it’s also very much about those details, the clothes they wear and feel in their hands and the rain on their skin and the buildings they walk past and the food they eat, all of it contributes towards this really intimate, immediate feeling, that they’re the only two people in the world, connected as they are through these things they share. The writing is beautiful and the brief moments of sex, the physical attraction and the way Padme is described as he sees her in the garden in an intimate moment, are all also beautiful and really hot. I don’t often go for this pairing, but there’s something really entrancing about the way this was written, almost like a dream, and I really enjoyed it for that! ✦ To lay your heart and head upon by ambiguously, ahsoka/barriss, 1.5k    Ahsoka is on a mission when she runs into an old friend.    Oh, this was a lovely piece about Ahsoka and Barriss meeting again, just this one moment of the intersection of their lives and we can only guess where they go from here, but it’s that feeling of hope in the darkness again, that they’ve both suffered so much, and that, oh, my beautiful Ahsoka, she may not be a Jedi, but she certainly has the heart of one and it’s beautifully done here. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan (sort of), d/s, 84.1k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.    Chapter 17: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. Also, by this point there will be spoilers for the entire fic and likely this chapter as well! I have feelings and I need to talk about them! So, this is another chapter that sort of scrambled my thoughts because there’s so many little details I loved and for the ridiculously satisfying sex that happens and the big plot stuff that comes up, I hardly know where to begin! At the beginning, I suppose, which is a brief scene between Veris and Isten (after Anakin destroyed the datapads in a fit of pique), where it’s this quiet moment between them, where we get to see Isten’s jealousy, the brattiness that’s somehow so charming, one of those moments where it’s a little bit childish, but in a way that shows his vulnerability, so that I can see how much of Anakin Skywalker is still woven into the foundations of this character, but also how he’s different, like it’s not quite Anakin, but it’s definitely an Anakin, which just makes me fall in love with him all over again. When he’s rattled, he gets petulant, when he thinks he has to share Veris’ attention even for a moment, he gets sullen, when he’s uneasy about just how powerful the real Anakin is, even more than both him and Veris (which I love, by the way, because, yesss, nobody is ever as powerful as Anakin Skywalker), it’s so very easy to see Anakin’s face saying those things, to picture a version of Anakin being upset by these very things, and makes the contrast (or, well, frankly, comparison) against actual Anakin all the more intriguing for it, because they’re not that different in a lot of important ways–and that’s what this whole chapter is about, how much they both need reassurance and attention focused on them. And having that brief moment with Isten, as much as I enjoy it just for being charming, leads into what’s going on with Obi-Wan and Anakin as well.    We go from Isten and Veris curled up together to Anakin and Obi-Wan spending time in a little clearing, just laying together and talking (in conversations that aren’t terribly different to each other–but both are also adorable, Obi-Wan and Anakin’s banter is both sharp and adorable! I love the snappiness of the conversation about the bike, but that it’s also used to show that, yes, Obi-Wan does pay attention to him) in a quiet moment that’s just for them. For all that there’s a plot going on with this story, it’s also very much structured to be an intimate drama story, they’re isolated on this planet, it’s just them and themselves (of a sort), so these quiet moments between the characters are the journey, they’re what make the story worth reading. Also, they’re just really, really charming as all get out, as they go from sweet and teasing and content to the way they touch hands, that I can feel the shift in the air, as Obi-Wan gently touches his hands, contrasted against the memory of how brutal they can be in war. And the way the entire scene is sweet and kind and comforting, even while the building sex takes on some slightly rough edges (in ways that they both aim for) is perfect to what has been built between these characters–that’s the other appeal of the fic and I find that every time they come together physically, it really highlights how this relationship has been built in this fic, that they’ve spent time together, they’ve overcome obstacles together, that they keep revealing new pieces of themselves that the situation has brought up, that this sex scene couldn’t have taken place in a previous chapter, it couldn’t have been their first time, because it shows how much trust has been built, how much Anakin has been able to show the darker parts of himself and what he wants.    And, oh, the sex was beautiful, because it was the kind that pleased my id (I had no idea the spanking moments were coming, only that it would have some bondage, so that kind of sent me into happy orbit maybe kind of a lot) but also because this fic does such a gorgeous job of balancing the physical with the emotional. Yes, it’s super hot that Anakin kneels in the grass and has his hands bound behind his back and is bent over, taking whatever Obi-Wan will give him, but it’s also about how Anakin feels about this, how it’s very clear to both of them that this is what he wants every step of the way, that there’s something freeing for him in being able to give this trust to someone else, that he can get out of it any time he wants, but there’s a freedom in letting it go. There’s peace for Anakin here, someone who so very desperately needs it. And the fic doesn’t just immediately have him sink into submission, because that’s not who Anakin is, he has to work at it–the moments of Obi-Wan standing over him and watching him, noting the way Anakin’s gaze keeps flickering back up to him, the way he’s still very much Anakin working through something, that goes hand in hand with how wary Obi-Wan is about all of this, because he doesn’t want to hurt Anakin. That it shows Anakin wants this, rather than that it’s something alien stealing over him! Just let me lay here and breathe that in for awhile, as it’s beautifully perfect for both of them, because it shows how these characters would move towards this kind of dynamic, how they would have to work to get there, how thesecharacters would express their wariness and consent and desire about putting Anakin in this position. But every little happy sigh Anakin gives when Obi-Wan puts a hand in his hair or the way they can feel the rise and roil of Anakin’s lust when Obi-Wan binds his hands behind his back and how Anakin keeps asking for more and more, all of that shows that this is what he very much wants.    That doesn’t make it perfect, he’s still anxious, he still slams the bond shut when sending over a secret desire, still feels like he might be judged for what how helpless he is–and the fic is beautifully clear (without having to say it, you just feel it in every moment, every word they both say or think) that it’s Anakin’s own fears that he’s working through here, his own demons that he’s struggling to let go of, that it’s not about whether or not he has been rejected by Obi-Wan before, but that he still fears it, even now. Because that’s something that will stay with him for a long time and I love that it’s woven into this scene as well, not in a way that feels like a retread of what’s already happened, but that it’s something to be slowly chipped away at, which is exactly how that kind of thing works. That each time they come together like this, Anakin lets go of a sliver more of it, that Obi-Wan makes him be patient, that turning more of himself over to Obi-Wan lets the rest of the world fade into the background, there’s just this moment in his head, and it’s almost blissful for me to read how settled he is right here. Which is all the more satisfying for how it’s not a smooth, straight line–Anakin comes and goes with that peace. He starts to sink into that haze, to trust everything of himself to Obi-Wan, but then has a moment of being too worried or too honest about how he’s coming across, pulled back into that sharp anxiety, until Obi-Wan accepts him and continues to adore him. So when Anakin’s secret, hidden desire almost surfaces, he tries to hide it, but Obi-Wan sharply tells him to say it, and it’s that he wants to be punished, wants to have his Master’s attention on him and his disobedience forgiven by having it spanked out of him? Oh, shit, that was hot and got me right in the feelings place.    All of the sex was like that, having Anakin in this position was satisfying on a physical level, but when Obi-Wan says to tell him what he’s done to deserve this, it’s this moment of Anakin’s scrambled thoughts just pouring out all that stuff that he feels so guilty about, that he doesn’t listen, that he’s selfish and arrogant, that he doesn’t deserve Obi-Wan, all these things that haunt him even when he tries to deny that they exist. This moment is purging them out of Anakin, this moment is Obi-Wan truly seeing Anakin and accepting him, desiring him, and moving in sync with him, his hand coming sharply down on Anakin again and again, no judgement, just acknowlegement and a desire rising between them. That, yes, this is a lot about Anakin’s issues (because he’s the one that has so many of them) but that Obi-Wan isn’t just a passive presence here, he worries about how this will affect Anakin, he wants to put down these boundaries and structure and punishment/absolution for Anakin, he hungers for this beautiful man who is bent over and turned up against Obi-Wan’s hand, who has shown him this vulnerability and is the most precious person Obi-Wan has ever known. I almost didn’t even need the rest of the sex (that’s a lie, I absolutely did need it!), because the emotional buildup was so delicious, but when Obi-Wan finally pushes into him, how much Obi-Wan was possessive of this man who had given himself in such a vulnerable way (because one of the hills I will die on is that Obi-Wan’s Type is about those who are vulnerable underneath their bluster, the kind that he wants to help protect, to give them what would help them and make them feel safe and happy), it’s so good. It’s been built up over the last 80k, it’s been stoked from hidden embers into a fire, how much Obi-Wan has him, that Anakin is his, just as much as Anakin wants Obi-Wan in return. It’s not jumped into immediately, it took time to get there, but when Obi-Wan is finally buried into that pretty heat of Anakin’s and thinks how much his boy is his? This fic earned it.    And I’m still only just past the halfway mark on the chapter! (I know, I know, but NSFW chapters of this fic really bring out the verbosity in me and I like to run with that.) Because there’s a lovely, sweet scene afterwards, such care from Obi-Wan, who wants to make sure that Anakin is all right, because there’s not precisely guilt here but always a wariness (a deserved one, given that this is Anakin) and a recognition that, while Anakin is balanced in this moment (that he’s been able to acknowledge and let go of so much that he held inside! of course it would come via Obi-Wan giving him these boundaries and structure) it won’t last, it never does with him, but that makes it no less wonderful in this moment or no less absolutely amazing that they’ve gotten here in the first place. And I love that, I love that it took 80k of them being stranded in the middle of nowhere, their Sith versions (of a sort) there to stir up things they normally wouldn’t have time to look at, no war to pull them away from dealing with these things, and this is where they get. This is what I love about them–their problems are both internal and external, but I firmly believe that it was the external problems that kept them from dealing with the internal ones, so seeing a novel-length fic about getting them to where they have the space to deal with the internal ones and they do? Yes, no wonder I’ve practically written half a novel in response to the fic. (There’s a moment in the next scene, where Anakin thinks, Nothing ever changes here. The same forest. Same weather. Same stars. and I side-eye it as part of whatever Ugly is doing to this place, but it also fits with how I have seen this fic from the beginning–it’s a place almost out of time, which allows for all those external problems to fade into the background and thus let them focus on the internal problems that they are capable of clearing away. That the two–like so very many things in this fic do–go hand in hand together!)    There’s still more, of course, and the chapter ends on a killer cliffhanger (ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THE END OF IT??) and I love the little details of the bigger world intruding with Rex’s call–that Anakin is more settled now that he has more proof of the depth of Obi-Wan’s feelings, that Isten still isn’t happy about being parted from Veris and turns into his embrace to hide from it, that part of Obi-Wan would still like to just be rid of the Sith duo, but he holds himself to better standards because they’ve done nothing to deserve that. That it’s this complicated knot of his own personal morals versus his discomfort with them, made all the worse by how he doesn’t think he could strike down someone with Anakin’s face. Which is truly about Anakin, but also makes me think of Obi-Wan and Isten’s moments together, that even when they’re different versions, there’s still something of Obi-Wan and Anakin in their interactions. The way both duos sleep curled up against each other (which I love purely for iddy reasons in addition to the more narrative reasons) really highlights that, too.    And then the ending. Anakin with his dream (oh, Anakin, of course you fall asleep because you think nothing can get past you and your ridiculous power levels) that’s this beautiful, dark, gothic dream about flowers and the desert and a voice calling for him, and a garden of bones that he can’t quite seem to find to matter. All of which is really creepy, dreamy imagery that works so well for this fic (there really is a rich, lush feeling to the imagery used, the fic is really good at knowing when and how to use it! I love the use of the heavy flowers that I can practically feel the soft yet weighty feel of in my hand, the rich color of them against the black backdrop, it makes for beautiful pictures in my head) and you know exactly what some of those things mean and are left wondering and puzzling over others (in the way you’re supposed to be left wondering) and I lovethat, too. And while I cannot wait for the next chapter (THAT CLIFFHANGER, which comes out of nowhere for Anakin, except it really doesn’t, something has always been waiting, and, oh, it was so creepy to have his dream and the mansion come back up again, the little details, like with the descriptions of the relief on the wall, make it shivery and terrible, that sense of something almost elegant about the darkness that was waiting for him) I’m also really satisfied by this chapter and just very, very much in love with this fic. ✦ all spaces are liminal by Kierkegarden, obi-wan/anakin & sidious, & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 35.9k    Three years after the fall of the Republic, Obi-Wan Kenobi hasn’t come any closer to making peace with his new life. Three years after the fall of the Republic, Vader wants the gratification of forgiveness. Three years after the fall of the Republic, time doesn’t bend or break or alter. It simply rushes past those who cannot learn to embrace it.    I read this fic in just about two or three sittings because I really could not put it down, it just swept me up in it and carried me along and wouldn’t let me go until I was finished with it! It’s an AU where Vader finds Obi-Wan on Tatooine five years after ROTS and decides he wants to try to make his former Master Fall, but of course it doesn’t go as he plans. And it’s a fic that’s exactly the right length for what it is, that there’s a balance between the intimate drama (where it might as well be just the two of them in the entire galaxy, that nothing else really exists in their little bubble) and the looming events of the bigger plot (Sidious lurking in the background, the Rebellion that they eventually make their way to), so it satisfied both my want for something with plot and my desire to just read about these two characters who are trying so hard to put everything to rest just enough to give them some breathing room. And I love that it never really goes away, that even when Obi-Wan loves Anakin, he cannot forget what’s happened, that there’s no going back, only forwards. That even when they find balance, even when they are intertwined again, those bad things can never be fully banished.    Which is also what makes the thread of Anakin redemption work so well here, that he’s really trying, that it’s also balanced between Anakin still being a mess, wanting redemption only for halfway the right reason (because it’s a lot about Obi-Wan, just as much as it is an internal want), and that it’s not something so easily granted. It’s complicated and can never be wiped away. But also! Anakin Skywalker: Wants An Emperor To Follow, the way he can be so stubborn and aggressive, but it’s layered over this lifelong desperate desire to have someone to follow, to lead the path to taming the galaxy, that he can be guided by, that when you strip away the things Anakin tries to make himself be or the swirling storm of rage that takes over his brain sometimes, what he really wants is his Master back, both because he loves Obi-Wan and because he wants to follow him. It’s threaded underneath the plot of the story, which made it so satisfying for me to read.    And I didn’t realize that, going into this fic, it was going to be Sith!Obi-Wan (apparently I skimmed the tags, so that’s on me XD) but I did really enjoy it here, because the only way I can ever be convinced that Obi-Wan might possibly fall, is if it’s for Anakin, that he would be walking toward something, not breaking from the loss. Because that’s exactly how this fic sees Obi-Wan, that when he’s Anakin’s captive, he’s resolute and iron willed, but when something bad happens to Anakin, that’s when he steps over the line, when that rage and fear are focused on this person that he loves so much. It worked for me, Obi-Wan going from this person who is so good, this person who has unbreakable morals, to this version of a Fallen!Obi-Wan, that it’s probably kinda Soft Sith (which you will pry from my cold, dead hands!) and that works the best.    It also has a lot of things that worked really well within the story–a satisfying confrontation with Sidious about all of this, a fun plot where they join the Rebellion for awhile, a lovely sex scene where Anakin is just starved for Obi-Wan’s touch, no matter how much it hurts his partially burned body, he will take anything to have his Master touch him, no matter the pain, until Obi-Wan turns him over onto his hands and knees and steadily fucks into him that way, that it’s not just the physical part (though, that was very nice, Anakin getting that contact, getting that noise pushed out of his head because he’s filled with other things), but that it was wound together with the emotional beats, that it was used to show that quiet intimate drama between them, to show the state of their relationship, made it all the better.    I really enjoyed this fic, it was one of those that was this lovely experiencereading it, there was something very emotional about it (not over the top dramatic emotional, but an underlying quiet emotional way that was ever-present, that it was a mix of mutual pining, but also mutual “not being sure how to be with this person anymore” and mutual “I love him so much that being parted from him one more time is impossible to live without, I cannot do it again”, all of this without being hammered home with words, but instead shown through their actions, the tension between them, but also the way they stayed near each other, the way they looked at each other, the way they touched each other). It was exactly the kind of read I wanted from this fandom! ✦ Return to the Point of No Return by cthene, obi-wan/anakin, time travel, touch starved, 26.7k    He turns around, his tunic soaked with blood, and holds the gorgon’s head up by its wispy hair. “Anakin, please-” “Don’t beg me, Master,” says the last of the Sith, tenderly reaching to cup Obi Wan’s hot cheek with a gore-stained hand. “Command me.”    I cannot talk about this fic without some vague spoilers, to talk about the bit of a twist the concept of the fic has, so while I think it’s still totally a readable rec to someone who hasn’t read it yet, I do want to warn for that! Okay! There are a couple of caveats to this fic, in that it writes the Jedi as celibate and chaste and "no love allowed at all” in a way that directly contradicts canon, as well as I will never believe that Obi-Wan doesn’t know exactly when he’s flirting and that he was handsome as hell, but if you can roll with those things (and it’s pretty warm-hearted about them!) you’ll get a fic that’s super engaging and fun to read and satisfying. Because this fic just kind of lit up my brain in the way that I wanted to give it a high five, where Anakin comes back and he’s really more Vader than he is Anakin, but Vader is Anakin, and I really felt that in the story, that his issues stem from taking Anakin Skywalker’s issues up to a hundred, then dumping him into touch starvation mode and further dialing up his desperation to have someone to follow, someone to devote himself to, someone to tell him what to do, someone to take care of him, in all his murderous fury and unfair ragings.    The thing that was so great is that it didn’t ignore just how volatile and powerful and dangerous that Vader is here, but it also understood where that volalitly came from, that Anakin Skywalker is a giant walking bottomless pit of need and hunger, that he’ll sacrifice anything, no matter how much he wants to be part of the bigger galactic events, no matter how much he wants to just do what he wants to do, he’ll throw it all away for the touch of the person he loves, for them to fill him up with love. And he finally knows that about himself. Well, half-knows it. Knows it enough to tell Obi-Wan that he needs someone with a stronger hand than what he’s been given so far, someone who will commandhim and love him at the same time. That was so goddamned satisfying. And Obi-Wan reacts to this in a very understandable way, there’s something there that pulls at him, but also he has a bigger galaxy to think of and that informs his choices, that he’s lived his life once and he’ll do again what needs to be done (whatever that might be) but that it’s complicated.    And so when the fic is really ultimately about Anakin being locked away, that the greater theme of this fic (both before that and after) is about how these two characters feel like the only ones left in the world, that the time travel has isolated them from anyone but each other, that even literally they are the only two people they can feel in the Force, that’s just super well done and so satisfying. Anakin being willing to give up even his bigger plans for Obi-Wan to touch him again (because it’s such a marvel, it’s something he can’t believe he’d forgotten about, that perhaps he’d been made to forget, but also that the wayObi-Wan touches him is incredible), to desperately wrap arms and legs around Obi-Wan, not even necessarily wanting sex, just wanting to feel his Master’s touch, wanting to be consumed by feelings, it’s really well balanced with how intense and unbalanced he is, but that there’s something charismatic and magnetic about him, even when he’s really kind of so, so awful.    The whole fic is like this low-key d/s scenario and these characters flinging themselves into co-dependency because they do keep each other grounded and it’s the most important relationship in either of their lives, which makes it super satisfying to ship, because it hits all those iddy places (Anakin recognizing that he’s Anakin again, when he throws fits that are this close to being tantrums, when the power level he has is genuinely terrifying, when he wants so badly for Obi-Wan to just hold him down and be his Master again, even has he fights against it, so much conflict wrapped up in that stellar, brilliant idiot) but also plays on traits that Anakin has, that explores his character really well. Anakin was the highlight of this fic for me, it just got me right back into everything I felt about this idiot who has more power and anger than he knows what to do with, but also a praise kink and undercurrent of a sub kink a mile wide, it got me right in the feelings place every time he would wrap arms and legs around his Master to try to keep him there, would just settle any time Obi-Wan would grab his hair or kiss him. Yes, make the murder boy happy, okay!! ✦ My Moon After the Tide by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, some d/s, 38.8k    After being inflicted with a paralytic toxin, Anakin is unable to care for himself until he recovers. Obi-Wan promises to provide his Padawan with everything he needs.    This is another fic that I just could not put down because it hit my iddy wants just so very nicely! I do have a couple of caveats–it veers briefly into “Jedi aren’t allowed feelings” territory (though, it’s very brief and contradicted by how there’s a very thorough point being made about how attachments are dangerous because of exactly what’s happening with them, as well as they show their feelings right from the beginning) and Mace is more antagonistic than he is in canon, but they’re small moments in an otherwise solidly long fic that is exactlywhat it aims to be: A fun story about mutual pining even while they’re together and some goddamned fantastic sex. This is a story that whole-heartedly embraces that sort of nostalgic feeling I have for why I first started reading fic in the first place, that feeling that gets straight at my feelings being ramped up to eleventy over these characters and how much I want them to be together and the embracing of the tropes that keep them apart (that Anakin is his student–though, he’s 19 or 20 here, so he’s very much an adult–that there’s so much internal drama over the emotions, that they have to slog through their misunderstandings of where the other person stands, etc.) and it’s so much fun.    This fic really had a way of keeping me sailing right along, so that it hardly felt like an almost 40k fic, because it did so well with exploring the central roadblocks between Obi-Wan and Anakin getting together, it was one of those that was just easy to slide right into again every time I picked it up because it had such a charm to the writing of it, it was smooth and solid and easy. And it was stuff I loved! Anakin being paralyzed from poison, so he can’t move and needs someone to take care of him! That they both kind of revel in it, even when there are thornier issues that come up because of it, what they both want from it and why they do/don’t hold back. And, oh, the undercurrent of this fic, where Obi-Wan tries so hard to respect Anakin’s agency, because he’s trying to be so very aware of not putting Anakin under his thumb, not just ordering him around, that there’s this tension because Anakin does want his Master to just take him already, to do what he’s going to do, to take firm hold of Anakin and fuck him already. To the point that he gets frustrated and a little angry when Obi-Wan won’t just do it, because Obi-Wan keeps asking him what he wants. And that’s what I’m here for, I’m here for Anakin Skywalker not really knowing how to express that he wants this specific thing, that he wants to be loved and cherished and touched and guided. He wants Obi-Wan to tell him what to do, to put him where Obi-Wan wants him, wants to be filled up with him instead of his own annoying, buzzing thoughts. And it’s never really directly remarked on too much, instead it’s just there, it’s shown through frustration and understated words and satisfaction when Anakin finally gets what he wants.    Because, oh, the sex in this fic is fantastic for me, where the first time Obi-Wan opens Anakin up with his fingers, asking if this is what Anakin did to himself, how many did he usually fit in, while questing inside of Anakin, it was ridiculously smoking hot. Because Anakin got off on being held in place, having his Master’s hand inside him, having those fingers rubbing the right spot and undoing his thoughts and asking him these personal questions while just prying him open, emotionally and physically. He craved that kind of closeness. Or the next time when Obi-Wan pushes his legs back so he’s up in the air and rims the hell out of him, that sense of being held still, having to just take what his Master gives him, because that’s what he’s always wanted, to be taken apart like that! Or when Obi-Wan finally, finally fucks into him, when they’re finally joined in that manner, Anakin is this giant mess of emotions and wants and desires, that this is everything he wanted! I am here for that again and again, because it’s never enough for this needy idiot that I love so much.    So this is one of those fics for when you’re in the mood for something to really please you, something that will walk right up to your id and embrace it, something when you want a fun romp with a ton of charisma! It has some plot to it, it has a really lovely OC Jedi who fits right in with the Jedi of canon, it’s incredibly warm-hearted (and really ultimately nicely kind to nearly everyone!), and is nearly 40k of Obi-Wan and Anakin being ridiculously in love with each other and wading through those feelings in a way they both needed to work through, until they get where they need to be, making the whole fic just one of the most satisfying I’ve read in awhile. I think that’s the feeling I keep walking away with, that made me write like four paragraphs for a rec–I was so satisfiedby this fic, which I cannot thank it enough for. ✦ starbird by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin, 8.8k    As far as Anakin’s concerned, Obi-Wan is the picture of a perfect Jedi.    I’m pretty sure I’ve recommended this fic before, but I wanted to do a reread of it because I remember it being one of my favorite portrayals of the Obi-Wan/Anakin dynamic, that it really spoke to me and sung for me, so I wanted to see if it held up. And it very much does, I still think this is one of the best intro-to-Obikin fics I could suggest. There’s a lot of great stuff that’s going on under the surface here, that it’s how these characters work, that Anakin really has no chill, so Obi-Wan tries to chill him out and poke at him in understated ways, how he’s direct in all the right moments and indirect in all the other right moments. There’s a strength and focus to Obi-Wan’s character that is spot on to the canon, there’s such fondness for Anakin in everything he says and does, in that way you feel down to your bones, even if it’s just from a smile or a teasing comment. And what really gets me with Anakin–aside from how there’s this sense of how his anxieties and fears and doubts just cling to him, like a cloak settled over his shoulders–is that he’s absolutely boggled by Obi-Wan’s actions sometimes, despite that they’re perfectly in character for him, that there’s the undercurrent of how Anakin sometimes gets lost in his own perceptions of the galaxy that aren’t quite true. This is why the dinner scene is probably my favorite, the one I always think of first when I think of this fic. That there’s such a great, flirty dynamic between them that fits with how they are in canon, how it could almost be gen for how well it fits, and yet there’s still something more. There’s just a slight change in the undercurrent, the way Anakin thinks about Obi-Wan and looks at him (though, I would argue could fit with the canon), that makes this piece really shine, gives it a sharpness that makes my favorite of the author’s, even over the more famous fic. It’s just gorgeously written and hits my id just right and illustrates why I ship these two so hard and how there’s that solidity to these characters, especially Obi-Wan, that’s so genuinely good. ✦ To Lose My Mind and Find My Soul by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & cast, fairy tale au, 3.2k wip    Anakin Skywalker was born and raised in Jedha, and has not known anything of the world beyond the superstitions of his isolated village. He is not allowed past the boundaries of the village, is not allowed to walk the path through the wood that leads to the world beyond, but sometimes he finds himself slipping away anyways, inexplicably drawn to the forest and the monstrous creature that stalks it.    I love fairy tale themed AUs! And while this one is only the first chapter so far, I’m already delighted by it and would love to see more of it, that it really captures a sense of mysterious woods and a monster who haunts them, a sense of the supernatural with a beautiful backdrop. Honestly, as I was reading it, I couldn’t stop thinking about something like the woods from anime series like Mononoke or Mushishi, something otherworldly living right next to the human world, something old and not quite understood, maybe friendly, maybe dangerous, you can never quite tell. It’s a lovely start and I’m looking forward to more of it! ✦ Eyes Wide Like Cherry Pies by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), FromDreamstoEmpires, obi-wan/anakin & padme & cast, NSFW, modern au, 6.7k wip    Anakin is a typical struggling college student studying art. Obi-Wan is a successful lawyer he meets one night through Padme and Staine. He doesn’t think he’ll ever see him again but neither of them can deny their attraction to each other.    Chapter 2: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. This is another chapter in this fic that just goes straight for what I want–the start of a sugar baby AU where Anakin is a mess and Ben is charmed by this adorable guy and then flirt some more, there’s some lap-sitting, and then they go home and fuck for a second time, where Ben nicely rims him for awhile and denies him the chance to come (edging Anakin to teach him patience and really help along that shorting out of his anxious thoughts! gimme that for always!) until finally he fucks into Anakin, like they’ve both been wanting. It’s one of those fics that appeals to what I want from it, that sometimes I just want to read some fluff in a modern AU where they can just bang it out until I feel better, and this fic happily does that for me, it just whole-heartedly embraces all the tropes I enjoy (Anakin being greedy and desperate for more, Obi-Wan adoring him but making him wait so that it shorts out his awful thoughts, the mild d/s undercurrents to their interactions, Anakin’s cock being left untouched because he’d come too quickly if it was, Anakin tightening around him as he comes, all things I love) and just satisfies me. This chapter was such a treat for me and it just made me happy and I need all the fic I can get that will make me happy! ✦ Last breath by Arctii, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 7.9k wip    Anakin leaves. Obi-Wan decides, reluctantly, knowing it’s probably not the smartest thing he has done, to try and track him down. That, surprisingly, proves to be a difficult task. Especially since there are so many realisations he doesn’t want to face, and since Anakin seemingly does everything he can to disappear.    I’m often wary of picking up fic like this, where Obi-Wan or Anakin decide to leave the Jedi, because it’s hard to get that right and keep them in character, but I wound up sucked into this one and really enjoyed the five chapters that are here, because it knows exactly what to focus on–that mutual pining that’s delicous and the most fun to read about! Anakin just disappearing without notice, then Obi-Wan just unable to stop thinking about him, and the near misses they have when they almost meet up again, both of them wanting to see the other, Anakin being an absolute mess, while Obi-Wan is reasonably well put together but misses him? Yes, that’s what I’m here for. I’m really enjoying Anakin’s grief and how much of a disaster he is, because of course he is, and the fic definitely knows how to keep me interested even while making me wait for them to finally find each other again. Well, for Obi-Wan to finally pin that little shit down, but same difference! ✦ Star Birth by thatsakitkat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, a/b/o, dark themes, 7k wip    “Am I going to die, Master?” Anakin asks. Obi-Wan looks at him sharply. “No. You will not die, Anakin.” “I’m burning,” Anakin says. He blinks slowly and strains to concentrate. “You set me on fire.”    You should definitely read the warnings on this fic, it’s a darker look at the characters and the trope of a/b/o in fic, which I find has to be done carefully for my personal tastes, but I read this one and am definitely greatly intrigued by it. One of the things that helped me is that it notes right upfront that the Jedi here aren’t like they are in canon, which allowed that voice in the back of my head to just shut up about how this isn’t how the Jedi actually are and just roll with them being more awful here (though, if you’re sensitive to that like me, heads up that it will likely play more of a role as the fic goes on!) and instead I focused on what the story was actually about. Because it’s a fic about omega!Anakin burning up with his first heat, that it’s actually a legit terrifying thing for someone who has such a strong connection to the Force and so much power and so little control of himself normally, much less when he’s in the middle of a fever this intense. It was this really satisfying dive into Anakin being just out of it, this sense of how worrying that really was, how much he was suffering through this, and how very much Obi-Wan cared about him, how much he felt the pull towards him, how intensely protective of Anakin he was, and how this is really worrying and unsettling and dangerous.    It’s a difficult situation because Anakin can so very, very easily hurt other people around him, but also taking him out of a structured environment can hurt him as well, that Obi-Wan has to try to balance what’s best for Anakin versus what’s best for everyone, that the two don’t always overlap, and that this is not an easy problem with a simple solution. It’s a much harsher world for the a/b/o dynamics, but there’s something really super engaging about the set-up here, the way Obi-Wan and Anakin interact with each other. Part of it is my iddy enjoyment of the trope and their co-depending dynamic, but part of it is also that there’s something surprisingly warm here even when they’re suffering, even when terrible things are done. ✦ Tumblr Prompt Drabbles by Adelphrexia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, various themes, ~1k wip (sort of)    A collection of Obikin drabble requests originally posted on my Tumblr. Mostly smut, any warnings will be posted on the chapter they apply to.    Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, this is a nice little collection of porny snippets, for when you’re in the mood for some resolution! With all the gen or low-rated fic I’ve been reading lately, sometimes I just really need some “getting straight to the point” sex snippets and these gave me some ridiculously hot imagery and thus satisfying for exactly what I wanted from it! ✦ The Team by writegowrite, obi-wan/anakin, human au, mafia au, ~1k    Behind a warehouse long abandoned by everything but rats, beneath a blue sky smudged brown by pollution, a pristine black Mercedes sat idling like a wraith.    I really love the idea of Mafia AUs (as the author’s notes say, it’s basically a Sith AU with three piece suits!) and there’s some gorgeous imagery here (“a pristine black Mercedes sat idling like a wraith” is one of my favorite pieces of description I’ve read in awhile!) and this really lovely intimate moment of Obi-Wan thinking about Anakin, as he’s off doing some dirty work. It’s a neat way to map Anakin’s desire to be the Knight to someone else’s leader, to work in all those monstrous things he’s capable of, while also keeping Obi-Wan’s refined point of view. I like that it doesn’t need to be more than what it is, even though I’d have read another 50k or more of it, and it ends on a really lovely image as well, which says so much about who Anakin Skywalker is, with just a few words. ✦ Almost Lost by aphorisnt, obi-wan/anakin & kix, 3k    Anakin gets injured and Obi-Wan does not handle it well.    This was a very nice piece of Anakin whump and Obi-Wan actually handles it reasonably well, just not for Obi-Wan because, you know, it’s Anakin. I really enjoyed that this was just whole-heartedly embracing the hurt/comfort trope, that Anakin gets hurt, Obi-Wan’s thoughts get scrambled because he cares so much about this person, so there’s a lot of waiting and restlessness, and then everything breaks open from there. It was one of those fics that just really scratched an itch I had for this kind of thing, it was just so solidly satisfying for that! ✦ i didn’t want this thing called living by dorenamryn, obi-wan/anakin, 4.8k wip (sort of)    Alternatively: Obi-wan’s heart is forever shattered, and Anakin always burns. (A collection of ficlets cataloguing the tragedy of two lives both before and after the fall that was never supposed to happen.)    This is a collection of various ficlets, set at different points in their lives, sometimes when they’re fighting during the Clone War, sometimes after Mustafar has happened, sometimes things are a mix of bittersweet and hopeful, sometimes things are just sad, and it’s a lovely set of pieces that gave me a lot of feelings about how much was ruined between them, how much it hurts because it was good once upon a time. Another fic of “please stop punching me in the feelings (no, don’t, it’s really good)”! ✦ Tumblr Prompts by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 6.6k (each chapter is separate)    A collection of prompts that I’ve filled on Tumblr.    I think I may have recommended this collection before? But I wanted to make a special rec for Chapter 4: He Hurt Me (And It Felt Like True Love), because it’s 2.7k by itself and because it was based on a prompt of mine and, boy, is it one of those fics that I enjoyed because it just gleefully embraces the tropes and iddiness of it, that it just goes right for Emperor!Sith!Obi-Wan who binds Anakin and fucks the noise out of his head, like it knows what I want from fic when I need some resolution after all the other non-shippy fic/novels I’ve been reading. It’s nicely satisfying sex, it’s Obi-Wan teaching Anakin patience through sex and making him wait to come and domming the hell out of him before finally fucking into him and blanking out Anakin’s mind. Listen. Listen, I am always here for that, okay. And this one was just fun and hit me exactly as it was supposed to! ✦ WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE by anecdotalist, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 13k wip    War has broken out between the Republic and the Separatists. But that is of no concern to Ben, one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. All he’s focused on is his next target…until he’s invited to a tournament of hunters on Serenno. There, he meets a young Jedi Knight—the Hero With No Fear, Anakin Skywalker—who’s disguised as bounty hunter Rako Hardeen.    Chapters 3-4: I keep meaning to let this fic build up for a bit more (because every time I read it, I get to the end of the chapter and desperately want more!) but I can never resist, I have to read it pretty much right away, because it’s so goddamned charming, there’s such a charisma to the interactions between Ben and Anakin here, you can feel the chemistry they have with each other! I’m enjoying the set-up, I really like the way these characters’ lives are different in this universe, that Ben has so many elements of Obi-Wan (that sharpness and focus and presence especially!) and that Anakin has so many elements of his canon self (kind of a mess, leads with his feelings, so much talent with his skills!), so that the instant connection between them makes perfect sense to me, they just somehow vibe on each other, that all versions of them always will.    It helps that the writing is really sharp, that the attraction between them (even while they know they should be wary, Anakin especially just can’t help being wildly attracted to Ben and WITH GOOD REASON) and that Ben is an incredible bounty-hunter, I love that I’m sure the underlying meaning is that he’s Force-sensitive and lightly tapping into those abilities without knowing it, but it’s still really hot when he’s sniping targets from so far away or leading the other bounty hunters in an obstacle course or refusing to back down in front of Dooku, but without being a hot head about it. No wonder Anakin is all hot and bothered, it’s clear that he’s brilliant himself but Ben is just really, really hot and really, really good at what he does, and so it makes their natural chemistry work. And I lovethat Anakin continues to be absolute shit at flirting, if Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn’t teach him that in canon, no one could. Seeing Obi-Wan all cool and collected, while Anakin is a mess? Yes, gimme that combination always, it never gets old! I love that there’s also a plot going on, I’m genuinely intrigued by it, the mission they’re assigned to, whatever happened in the past with Qui-Gon, what’s going on with Palpatine, all of that, but also the charm of these two is so well done that I can’t help it, I want more of them in this universe! ✦ My Anakin by DonkerRood, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, bondage, some d/s, 1.1k    Obi-Wan is back from a mission and realizes Anakin always gets what he wants.    This was a lovely piece that I picked up for the sexy times and the tying Anakin up, but wound up enjoying it just as much for the “fuck the noise out of Anakin Skywalker’s head” aspect, that it was about Obi-Wan trying to find the balance of their relationship, because Anakin is so needy, that it’s next to impossible to resist him when he’s begging Obi-Wan for more. That it’s about getting Anakin to a better headspace, that this helps settle and calm him, just as much as it’s about the soft touches and comfort Anakin gets from being tied up and loved, that it’s about Obi-Wan teaching Anakin a bit of patience before finallyfucking him properly and I’m just so very here for that. ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ Master and Padawan by Katharos, obi-wan & luke & cast, 15.5k wip    What if Luke was raised by Obi-Wan as his Padawan?    This was a fic written post-TPM, but pre-AOTC or ROTS, so a lot of stuff is going to be different here, but it doesn’t really matter that much, because it’s a story about Obi-Wan raising Luke, halfway as his son and halfway as his apprentice, in a story that’s just CUTENESS ALL THE WAY AROUND. I really loved tearing through it and I don’t mind that it’s a wip that hasn’t been updated in ~15 years because it’s not one that’s about resolution, it’s about the slice of life dynamic between these characters as Luke (who is a ball of sunshine, of course, even as he’s also a little shit sometimes) grows up and Obi-Wan adores him and loves him. That it’s a heartwarming fic set on Tatooine, with Luke making friends with Biggs and they go to see a podrace with Obi-Wan as the exasperated dad chasing after energetic kids, with teaching Luke to be patient and let go of his anger and frustration, all of it was just really sweet and a nice read. ✦ Ritual by ambiguously, bail & breha & leia & luke & han, ~1k    Two funerals Leia attended.    This was a short but lovely piece that’s a look at Leia’s character, the way she approaches mourning, the impact it’s had on her life, as seen through two scenes of loss–one as a child that she doesn’t really feel that connected to, the other as a young adult that’s too massive for her to wrap her head around at once. All the while showing her resilience and strength. ✦ Carmine by AceQueenKing, anakin & leia, 2.7k    The Princess stirs, waking; her eyes catch him at her door and her face darkens, ready for a fight.    Another gorgeous look at Vader and Leia, that the fire and steel in her veins teases at something in the back of his mind, but also just simply that he recognizes someone it would be a shame to waste, someone who would be so much more valuable put to better uses. I love the strength of Leia’s character here, that she’s human and nineteen, but also that she’s so sharp she’s very nearly cutting just to look at her. The deft characterization and the way they interact with each other is spot on and it’s a really aching, hard piece to read, but also graceful and fascinating. ✦ Useful by igrockspock, leia & luke & han, 1.4k    To earn her place on the Falcon, Leia has to be useful, so she tries to learn everything she can.    Another lovely look at Leia’s character, during her time on the Falcon and how hard she pushes herself, the kind of impossible standards she holds herself to. It makes me ache a little for her, she’s so very hard on herself, always pushing more and more, but also so tremendously happy for her that she has Luke and Han, who are there for her. ✦ Paper Trails; A Triptych of Leia Organa by glorious_clio, leia & cast, 7.9k    By the time she was 19, Leia has three defined roles that she slots in and out of, some are more obvious to outsiders than others. But Leia Organa is also more than the sum of her parts.    Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t be able to read such an endless parade of Leia fics, that eventually character pieces should feel like they’ve covered all the ground of her, but I never seem to get tired of them, not when fic like this exists that are such a lovely look at the larger span of her life, the fire she has and the losses she suffers and just how much there is to her, all told through so many little scenes and little details given to flesh her out. It’s a really fantastic read if you’re interested in her character and her life! ✦ Entail by Domenika Marzione (domarzione), leia & luke & ahsoka & cast, 2.4k    Families of all sorts come with obligations. And baggage.    Another lovely look at Leia’s character (which I will never get tired of!) with a highlight on the Skywalker family and the Jedi and how it’s this really kind, goodexploration of what those things mean. I especially adored the conversation between Leia and Ahsoka, the introspection Ahsoka has clearly done over the years about what happened to her former Master, her part in all of it, and how it really gets how these characters related to each other and how things were beyond them sometimes. That Anakin maybe wasn’t meant to be a Jedi, but that didn’t mean anything bad about him in an inherent way or that the Jedi were bad, either, and that was perfect, that it understood and that this is how these characters actually would feel and realize things. It’s a story about Leia struggling to find her way through the Skywalker legacy and her connection to the Force, the connections her loved ones have, and how the past came to be, and it’s kind-hearted and charming, all while being sad and heartbreaking. I enjoyed this a lot! ✦ The Trick is to Keep Breathing by AceQueenKing, anakin & leia, 3.3k    She’s older now, and so is he. Far older now. She wonders: will he have lost any power with his age? Will he be shorter, weaker? An old man on a ventilator? It’s hard to imagine that he won’t still be dangerous. But then, that’s exactly what she’s counting on.    Oh, this fic was wrenching. There’s something so incredibly sharp and aching about this piece, one that’s exactly the length it needed to be (though, I would read an entire novel’s worth set in this story) and does an incredible, painful job of capturing Leia’s character, as she goes to see her biological father after the events of TLJ. There’s so many gorgeous details here (the life he lives, wherehe lives, how he lives, the people around him, the way he spends his time, the people in his sketchbook, the clothes) that I loved, but also just the sheer “please stop punching me in the feelings (no, please keep going)” feeling of it. It’s the most gorgeous Vader & Leia fic I’ve read in awhile, it really gets both these characters and how they would be in this situation, how there’s an undeniable connection there, but without removing Leia’s anger or her connection to her real parents. All of it is incredibly painful, especially Anakin, with his hope and his eagerness and his world-weariness all in equal measure, like, yes, that is Anakin Skywalker right there. I practically felt physically sore after reading this, just exactly as I was supposed to feel. ✦ Minor Counterintelligence Operations by igrockspock, han/leia & ben, 2.5k    Ben Solo knows three things: he loves his parents, they are weird, and they have a lot of secrets. He intends to find them out.    Oh, this was so adorable! Young Ben asking his parents about stuff kids ask about, except they’re not quite a normal family, so there’s a lot in Han and Leia’s past that has to be delicately approached, but they do such a sharp, charming job of it, even as you can see kidlet Ben getting a little too focused on them. The fic does a great job of not going too far in any one direction, but instead there’s all this hope and light and joy in their family, it’s genuinely darling and charismatic in how cute the kid is, while also being legitimately hilarious in moments. The comedic timing of the dialogue is really great and it just absolutely charmed the pants off me. CROSSING THE GENERATIONS: ✦ GrandMasters & GrandPadawans by ShadeCrawler, ezra & mace, background time travel, 2.2k    AKA. Where Ezra Bridger and Mace Windu have a discussion over juice.    I had a moment of wondering how these two characters would be thrown together in the same time and place, but then realized it was a time travel fic where Ezra gets to go back and meet this legendary Jedi of his lineage and, oh, I didn’t know how much I needed it until I had it. It’s so good, it’s a beautiful look at a quiet conversation between them (of course Ezra has a million questions, he’s definitely Kanan’s padawan in that) and Mace’s answers are spot on for him, that this is a fic that really gets the Jedi and the actual balance they strive for, Mace’s answer about attachment was perfect. I could have cried happy tears over how warm-hearted and good this fic was, but it’s also one that gave me a tremendous amount of feelings because EZRA GETTING TO SEE THE GOLDEN DAYS OF THE JEDI, I didn’t know how much that was going to mean to me. ✦ Round Two by ambiguously, ahsoka/sabine & cast, time travel, 1.4k    Sabine and Ahsoka get stranded in the past together.    This is a fic that drops you into the middle of the story and it’s not really aboutthe time travel, it’s about the more intimate personal dynamic between Ahsoka and Sabine, that they’ve been set outside of time, in a sense, and it’s a glimpse into how they deal with that, just moments of them stepping outside their own lives. I don’t know that I necessarily shipped it before this, but I found it to be a lovely piece and I could definitely see it here, and it was just a cool, neat read! ✦ How to Kill a Ghost by saiditallbefore, kylo & yoda, 1.6k    “Fuck. I’m being followed by a dead Jedi.” “Jedi master, I was,” he says, tapping Kylo with his cane again.    I would read at least a dozen fics of Yoda as a Force Ghost haunting Kylo Ren, basically annoying him into turning at least somewhat back to the light. I love the little touches in the fic, none are too heavy handed, but the loss of the Jedi, the hurt of everything with Anakin Skywalker, the passage of time, all of it is really nicely done, this isn’t just a crack fic, it has moments of genuine sadness and bittersweetness. But it’s also entirely hilarious and I would read the galaxy’s most fuck-awful road trip with these two for AT LEAST an entire novel’s worth! ✦ Spectre by Magical_Destiny, anakin & kylo, 2.2k    In the aftermath of Crait, Kylo Ren finally meets his grandfather.    This was a really great post-TLJ fic that hit all the notes just right for me, it wasn’t too over the top, it wasn’t too understated, it was just the right amount of Skywalker Drama with Anakin also still trying here and having achieved something better in death, more clarity that allows him to see better. And the fic doesn’t try to swing the characters too far one way or the other, while still allowing them reactions, and so it just kind of sucker-punched me in a way that felt perfect to the movies and where the characters are at this point in time. The conversation between them is satisfying for the brief moments they’ve given and thisssss is what I want from Force Ghost Anakin, yes. ✦ another city (better than this one) by notbecauseofvictories, lando & ben solo, 5.8k    The kid is sitting cross-legged on a drum of tibanna gas, picking at a hole in his leggings despite the bulky stun-cuffs binding his wrists together. He keeps darting black looks at the patrolmen flanking him on either side, and scowling.    I really loved the conflicted feelings this fic gave me, that it was easy to see the bad path Ben was on here, that Lando had to put the safety of others first, but also he handled it really kind of badly when he just shut Ben down the first time something (admittedly something really huge) happened, despite that he saw that Ben didn’t do it out of malice. And yet that this was a problem farbeyond Lando and he did the right thing. It’s a crappy situation all the way around and it was perfectly done for that! It is a fic that doesn’t really fit with canon but that doesn’t matter because it’s illustrating how Ben Solo could have gone so wrong, how he was loved and how he wasn’t just an evil chariacture, how a person can feel for him and be deeply disturbed by him, that it’s not just his power that’s frightening, but the morality behind it, the lack of understanding of how he uses it and how it hurts people. It really was a fascinating read! REBELS RECS: ✦ Mating Rituals by Velvedere, zeb/kallus & sabine & cast, 4.7k    Zeb has been acting weird lately. Kallus vents to Sabine about it.    With the brief exception of Kallus’ name, this fic could easily fit into the later parts of Rebels (which is one of the big hesitations I have with reading Kalluzeb fic, because I love that ending and want stuff that’s compatible with it!) and, even more importantly, it’s delightful as all get out. The writing is really sharp, it’s funny in that sort of understated, not directly a joke, just a hilarious circumstance kind of way, just the way Sabine is so dry about Kallus’ awkwardness, but not mean about it, is so her. And the dynamic between Zeb and Kallus is really charming and sharp, it’s a scream to read for the hilarity, but also because I ship those two so hard and it just really sparkled off the page here. An absolute scream of a fic! ✦ Seven by ambiguously, kanan & jacen, time travel (sort of), 3.8k    Kanan asks the wolves a question. The wolves bring him someone with a different question.    Another fic that I never knew I needed, this one just punched me right in the feelings with how it was absolutely perfect and so, so fitting with Star Wars and these characters’ relationship with each other. It’s perfect for Kanan, I have no trouble believing this fits into his story, just as much as it fits perfectly into what I would love to see for Jacen, it makes everything feel all the more settled, it provides a bit of resolution/closure in exactly the way it intends, it’s painful but in a cathartic way, and it works so, so well as something understated and meaningful without trying too hard. That it’s a brief few moments in time only increases it’s importance, that it doesn’t need confessions, they just get it, is so incredibly true to the characters that I could have cried a little at how much it made me feel. Gorgeous and everything I wanted from Kanan & Jacen fic. ✦ Ben Whitesun by Perspicacia, obi-wan/beru & cast, 6k    When Obi-Wan brought Luke to the Lars’ farm, he found only a struggling grieving widow and not the young, happy couple he hoped. This is how Ben Kenobi became a moisture farmer instead of a hermit…    This is really more of a Beru piece than anything, Obi-Wan is just kind of there and lacks the focus of his character, but I loved it for being an alternate storyline, for being such a great Beru piece. That Owen died and so Obi-Wan’s path became a little different, that their relationship isn’t this grand, passionate thing for either of them, they’re both too much about other things, too grounded and down to earth, but it is something comforting and solid and real, the fic balances that really well and made me care about them and really able to see that this could have happened for them. It’s a lovely picture of what life on Tatooine is like as well, that it’s hard and exhausting and dangerous, but there’s life and love and warmth there as well, that both of these people heal around each other, because of each other and Luke. It really charmed me to read this story! ✦ The Care and Keeping of Ex-Imperials Who Need Coffee, a Nap, and a Hug in That Order by akaparalian, kallus & phoenix crew (& some zeb/kallus), 8.8k    Five Ghost crew members who helped Alexsandr Kallus, and one who he helped in return.    This is a really satisfying piece about the Phoenix crew and Kallus and his slow adjustment to being part of them, a really great look at Alexandr Kallus as a character and where he’s at with all of them. That he holds himself back in ways that really fit with the character, that aren’t trying too hard or over the top about it, but instead that are pretty understandable and reasonable ways, that the fic is about the crew slowly warming up to him and him slowly learning to trust that he can tease back or admit to when he needs food or medical attention or even just trust that this is all real. I love the voices for the characters (Chopper just chucking food at him in frustration is a highlight, but also the back and forth with Ezra is probably my favorite), each one of them is different and sharp and true to who they are. It’s just exactly the kind of fic I really wanted to read! ✦ When we have peace by apocrypha73, zeb/kallus, 2.9k    After the Battle of Endor, Kallus and Zeb enjoy the celebration.    This was just a nice, solid piece of post-Rebels fic where Zeb and Kallus outlast the war, having these little moments along the way, whether discussing bigger events (like the hotshot pilot who destroyed the Death Star) or more personal, quieter and intimate moments (like discussing their lives) and it just helped satisfy that itch I had for more of them! Sweet and very nice to read. ✦ The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by ambiguously, kanan/hera & ocs, 6.7k    Kanan and Hera, from point A to point B, and all the places between.    This is the other Kanan/Hera fic I didn’t know I needed until I had it in my hands and was swept away into it. It’s the perfect length for a sort of slice-of-life (that spans a fair amount of time) post-A New Dawn and pre-series, as Kanan and Hera start to settle into this new friendship (and something more) of theirs, but I also could have read another 50k of it, because it’s so sharp and sparkling and charming. It fits them both so well for this time in their lives and really gets their ridiculous amount of chemistry down and even has original characters that I adored, who were perfectly used as they needed to be for this story. It’s a great read whether you’re full on diehard OTP for these or just more casually interested in them, I really loved it a lot. ✦ Without, Inferno | Within, Peace by auraelys, kanan/hera & sabine & ezra & depa, ~1k    In that moment, Kanan knows the choice he has to make, no matter how much it hurts.    This is a really gorgeous look at Kanan’s point of view from Jedi Night and really nails his thoughts and what he was going through and the connective web of his entire life and the path he walked. The sense of peace, the purpose just struck me really hard, they’re perfectly done and beautifully written. ✦ In the Middle of the Night by bar2d2s, hera & kallus (background kanan/hera & zeb/kallus), 1.8k    When one member of your self-made family is pregnant, you’re all pregnant.    A lovely post-series look at Kallus still trying to fit in with the Phoenix crew, as he interacts with Hera in a slightly awkward (but getting less awkward) run-in during the middle of the night. It’s sort of a Kallus-focused piece, but it’s also a family-focused piece, with the right amounts of cute and bittersweet woven together. ✦ A Moment to Breathe by Mirror and Image, kanan & kallus & hera & ezra & sabine & zeb & cast, 8.9k    Everyone struggles to come to terms with the Season 3 finale - Kallus most of all - and in their grief and defeat one blind man gives them a moment to breathe.    This was a lovely post-season 3 finale fic where Kanan wanders around and gently nudges various Phoenix crew and Rebels into feeling better, that he’s so Jedi about it, that he’s so Kanan about it, that it’s these wonderful moments of connection between all these different characters at a difficult moment in their lives, the moments of breathing room they get after everything that’s happened. I love that it fits with how a Jedi is someone who can create these moments to help others, that they get a little breathing room because of him, but I love it even more for being a piece about family, for being a piece about Kanan finding his path in life. The scene with Kallus at the end is probably definitely my favorite, but I really loved all of them, it was a lovely read. ✦ And a Million Years Gone By by ambiguously, hera & jacen, 5.7k    Hera worries about Jacen a lot.    Oh, I loved this fic, it was such a great piece for Jacen growing up and being a little strange and what that means and how Hera deals with it. It’s a series of scenes across the early years of his life, as Hera balances raising him with still fighting in the rebellion, as Jacen gets into the occasional situation here and there. That it can’t be an easy life, growing up in the midst of all that fighting and not many other kids his age around, but he’s no less loved by the people around him for it, that this is a piece about the family they’ve forged and chosen for themselves, and the ending brought that misty-eyed, “my chest is having those feelings things again” feel to me, it was beautiful for all these moments from Hera, who loves her son but worries about him, especially after she’s lost both the Jedi in her life already for a higher purpose, that the war has strained everything in her life. This is the fic I wanted to read about these moments in Hera and Jacen’s lives. ✦ Morning Light by SweetSinger2010, kanan/hera & sabine & ezra & zeb & cast, 8k    He’d long since figured out he was in bacta. He was able to orient himself to the sound of voices in the room, sometimes. When it was Hera speaking, always. And he could sense that little flicker of light and life she carried with her–their child. AU.    I am at peace with the way Rebels’ story went, it was obviously built up from a very long time ago, and the sacrifice Kanan made was a good one. That said, apparently I needed just the one AU where he lives and this one scratched that itch absolutely perfectly. The writing is lovely and the characterization is really solid, it has just the right amounts of both Hera being stubborn and reckless with how much heart and care she has, that once things settle she can put aside things and be soft again, too. It’s definitely a softer, kinder AU, but it’s not sugary sweet and I really appreciated that blend as well, because it takes Kanan time to recover, there’s a lot of shit going down in the background with the Rebellion, there’s a lot of worry about Hera pushing herself too far, etc. It hit the right notes of “I can see this fitting the Rebels canon” and “just fix everything already and give me the soft Kanera ending!!!”, which I greatly appreciated.
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shemakesmeforget · 6 years
15 fics under 1K kudos - WIPs
Here’s the list for wips, I might have to do a part 2 for this too lol WHO READS THIS MUCH JSADGSJG these are all fics I think are not abandonded (if I’m wrong, correct me) but I just listed stuff that've been updated in the last 6 months, just in case. Anyway, enjoy :)
A Practical Guide to Winning the Olympics (Dos and Don’ts) by Anna (arctic_grey) (@finleighsaid)
Canonverse, Rated E, 75K, 3 / 4
When pair skater Yuuri Katsuki’s career comes to a scandalous end, he does not expect the retired pair skating legend Viktor Nikiforov to suggest that they compete together. But taking on a new skating partner is full of trial and error, and the skating world doesn’t know how to react when the Katsuki-Nikiforov duo, against all odds, starts doing well. The last thing either of them should do, as they strive for their last chance at greatness, is to fall in love. Yuuri knows he is damaged goods, and Viktor knows his body is starting to fail him. They have competitions to survive and medals to win. No, falling in love is out of the question; they’re just very good friends. And even if Viktor felt something, he’d never act on it, and even if Yuuri happened to be hopelessly in love, he’d be mortified if Viktor ever found out.
“Well,” Viktor said, “let’s summarise: I’m pushing thirty, have a bad ankle, and haven’t skated competitively in three years. You’re barely out of a doping scandal, coachless, and on the JSF’s blacklist. Hell, Yuuri – we might as well go for it, then. What on earth do we have to lose?
When Viktor put it like that, it seemed to make an awful lot of sense.
• The fact that this is one of the few pair skating AUs out there it’s insane imo BUT this one is so good? just imagine the amount of UST, they’re all over each other, i’m in love!
Mon Trésor by KasumiChou (@kasumi-chou)
Canonverse, Rated T, 14K, 4 / 5
Curse his fragile little heart for always falling for people out of his league.
Like, what chance did he ever have with Victor Nikiforov? But Victor still became, not only his childhood idol but also, his first crush.
His first crush was a man four years his senior. A man who lived in another continent. A man that hadn’t known he existed until a week ago.
Then he had moved to Geneva, and his heart had been hypnotized by Chris’s charm
Before he knew it, not only had Chris hypnotized him, but also seduced him.
His fragile little heart had done it again, falling in love with another man out of his league.
At least his second crush had been a little more realistic.
He knew Chris, they had been rink mates - and later roommates.
Maybe that is what made it so much more dangerous.
• Get ready to be hit with angsty love traingle/polyamory feels my dudes, this is about to get juicy af. 
Sometimes you need an alterego by SassySalchow (@diedraechin)
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K, 1/?
In the daytime, I'm Katsuki Yuuri, just a dime-a-dozen figure skater with a normal life. But there's something about me that no one knows yet, 'cause I have a secret... cue theme music
The Miraculous Ladybug! AU that no one asked for but I'm gonna write anyway
• This is so fluffy and fun! I know nothing about ML and enjoyed it a lot anyway.
sweet like love (soft like pain) by postingpebbles (@postingpebbles)
Canonverse, Rated M, 9K, 3/?
Loving Yuuri was a choice that Viktor never regretted making. His smile, his laughter, the way his lips felt against his own—nothing could make him happier than having Yuuri in his arms.
But when the entire world has no idea that rivals Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are in a relationship, Viktor can't do anything at all when Yuuri gets in an accident and is rushed to the hospital the day after he proposes in a hotel room in Nagano
• Angsty secret relationships are apparently my thing, this one is so bittersweet because they’re so cute and soft but at the same time the drama!!!
the face of heaven (the taste of sin) by RedHeather  (@red--heather)
Canonverse, Rated E, 9K, 2/?
Yuri Plisetsky @y_plisetsky Pity you didn’t medal at Four Continents, 
@phichit_chu . That way you’d have something other than my hands around your fucking neck.Phichit Chulanont 
@phichit_chu @y_plisetsky, can you even reach my neck? 
There is a bitter rivalry between Yakov Feltsman and Celestino Cialdini that has stretched on for decades.
As tensions escalate and the ISU begin to punish any aggressors, it was inevitable that Viktor Nikiforov and Katsuki Yuuri, rivals-by-consequence and enemies-by-association, would fall in love.  
• Rivals AU but like whole skating fams against each other!!!!! Sassy Yuuri, pining Viktor, angry Yuri and lots of social media shenanigans.
Focus on Me by alipiee (@alipiee)
College AU, Rated T, 5K, 1 / 2
For Victuri Gift Exchange 2017 
Prompt: "College AU -Yuuri’s roommate Phichit has to suddenly move back to Thailand for the rest of the semester due to a family emergency, and Yuuri has to find a new roommate quickly in order to pay the rent on their apartment. Viktor is the only one who applies, and he’s not at all what Yuuri expects."
• ALL THE PINING with a side of misunderstanding, good stuff! so sweet
Time and Hearts Will Wear Us Thin by lunar_peach
College AU, Rated T, 151K, 19 / 20
Maybe it was the impact of the fall, and the numbing action of the ice, but he felt weightless. He felt conquered by cupid and the sting of his arrow right in the middle of his chest as he looked up at Yuuri, who held a blank expression on his face.
Maybe it was the impact of the fall, and the numbing action of the ice, but he felt weightless. He felt conquered by cupid and the sting of his arrow right in the middle of his chest as he looked up at Yuuri, who held a blank expression on his face.
Somewhere in the distance, though it seemed like a different dimension to Victor, a timer went off. The music stopped.
You could hear it in the silence then.
Victor’s heart was going one hundred miles an hour.
Or the one where Yuuri Katsuki, scented candle aficionado, and self-proclaimed hot mess, never intended to capture the attention of one eligible bachelor, Victor Nikiforov, but sometimes the universe has its ways of making things happen. Amidst inner battles with their demons and themselves, they find a world in one another neither quite expected.
• The tags look kinda crazy but don't fear (?) this fic goes through lots of years LOTS, a story about friendship, love, heartache, “we can't be together vs we should be together”, and the ongoing growth of the characters BEWARE it gets super angsty at times.
do you love me just a little, honey? by DefiantDreams (@gia-comeatme)
Spy/Mafia AU, Rated E, 4K, 1 / 3
Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan, has a type.
Yuuri Katsuki, Division 6’s newest honeypot agent, is sent to exploit that.
• Honeypot Yuuri aka my dream, awesome funny sexy mystery!
Victor the Great by Multiple_Universes (@witharthurkirkland)
Historical AU, Rated T, 43K, 17 / 21
At the age of nine Victor became the Tsar of all the Russias with Lilia as regent. One day he will be the sole ruler of Russia, the man who makes all the decisions and gets to do what he wants, with one exception: he has to marry a woman from a Russian aristocratic family. Except that he falls in love with a boy who is a foreign commoner. Will he risk the throne to be able to marry the one he loves? 
Based loosely on Peter the Great's life (with some tweaks made to history).
• Follow the life of Tsar Viktor falling in love with Yuuri and eventually having his very own St. Victorburg or Yuuriburg ;)
It's All Contextual by AlexWSpark (@alexwspark)
Office AU, Rated M, 24K, 6 / 8
Why in the seven levels of fuck was Victor Nikiforov buying him coffee?
Yuuri decides to find out.
• Dorky Viktor + Confident Yuuri + misunderstanding = surprisingly not an angsty story!! very cute and fluffy
The Roommate Trap by impolitecanadian (@impolitecanadian)
Roommate AU, Rated M, 11K, 5/?
Victor doesn't believe in marriage. So when Chris, his best friend and roommate of 6 years, tells him he's going to have to move out so he can get married, Victor is reasonably upset. Good thing Victor's upstairs neighbour is looking for a roommate and maybe a little (okay, a lot) more. 
this is basically the odd couple but with a lot more sex and non-subtextual gayness 
• Viktor is a fool, Yuuri is the sass master/anxiety disaster, Chris just wants all the drama. They totally don’t work well together but it’s hilarious.
Roses of May by cuttlemefish (@cuttlemefishwrites)
Royalty/Magic AU, Rated E, 18K, 5/?
At age five, all children are assessed for talent and beauty in the City of Hasetsu and the other eight cities of the Empire. Every year, five are branded with the mark of a rose before being carded off to the Emperor’s palace where they are trained to become Roses, or sacrifices to be sent every May to the Ice Spirit that lives in the castle at the top of the mountain. Roses never return, except for Katsuki Yuuri, who shocks the Empire when he appears again two years after his departure with a silver crown on his head and a blond baby in his arms, demanding the Emperor step down or face the wrath of his husband, the Ice King. But, not everything is what it seems.
• Such an interesting world with lots of very well thought details! also... growing up together, childhood friends to lovers...... you can’t come at me like that.
History Maker by 96percentdone (@96percentdone)
Time Travel/Soulmates AU, Rated T, 15K, 5/?
It's the year 2134. Katsuki Yuuri, recently turned 18, just got his soulmark. There's really only one thing left to do: submit it to the online database and figure out who his match is, meet up with them and hopefully live happily ever after. Seems simple enough, right? Well, it would be, if his soulmate wasn't Viktor Nikiforov, a figure skating legend from the early 2000s.
AKA the story where Yuuri invents time travel to be with his soulmate, and shenanigans happen.
• me at me: don’t read this you’re a big baby and you’ll suffer; also me:¯\_(ツ)_¯ I like this AU a lot, imagine being so iconic you invent time travel just to meet your soulmate.
Toxic Valentine by voxofthevoid (@voxofthevoid)
Demons AU, Rated E, 53K, 8/?
The worst he can do is kill you with his dick.
Viktor, pleasantly tipsy and unpleasantly lonely, assumes that the pretty man he sees in a club is a sex demon. Instead, he finds reserved, nervous Katsuki Yuuri who’s as reluctantly enchanted by Viktor as Viktor is by him.
The rest of the night is unforgettable, and in the morning, Yuuri’s still there.
Love bleeds into lust, infatuation becomes adoration, and it's not long before the loneliness Viktor wears like a shroud disintegrates under the weight of warm brown eyes and tender hands. But Viktor has his secrets, and Yuuri might not be all he seems. 
In which Viktor discovers life and love in a man who’s as mysterious as he is beautiful, and it could be the best or worst thing that’s ever happened to him.
• The love story between the thirstiest demon hunter aka Viktor and a demon???????  Yuuri. A great balance between fluff, sexy times and mystery!
Water by Peasantaries (@peasantaries)
Dancers AU, Rated E, 26K, 11 / 15    
Yuuri is nineteen, a student at the Royal Ballet School in London, and already having doubts when Viktor Nikiforov joins as a guest teacher.
Famous, beloved Russian Prince in Bourne's Swan Lake, Nikiforov is Yuuri's idol from afar, but these two forces soon collide after Viktor oversees Yuuri practising and decides that Yuuri could surpass him, if only he can learn to move like water.
• lots of dancing!!! off the charts UST!!! Two dorks that should DATE ALREADY!! amazing
Shall We Dance? by darlingholocene (@byebyeholocene)
DWTS AU, Rated T, 11K, 6/?
Season 21 of Dancing With the Stars is about to air its first episode (March 30, on ABC), and the celebrity cast has finally been announced today.
Among them is Russian ice skating legend Victor Nikiforov, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and five-time World Champion. Nikiforov, who just won Gold at the Sochi Olympics in front of his home public, has been paired with DWTS veteran Yuuri Katsuki, who is yet to win the Mirrorball Trophy despite this being his eighth season as a pro.
Victor and Yuuri's journey on DWTS narrated entirely through social media. 
• Totally a pick me up fic! light, fun and adorable!
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velvetchen · 7 years
temporary hiatus notice
you can see recent updates here !
i don’t take requests!
this also lists my WIPs - things that i am working on but that do not have a set upload date yet!
∞ series | ☀ fluff | ☁ angst | ◇ drabble | ☆ personal fav |  ★ fan fav 
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∞ ☆ draconian (dragon!au) | ongoing
draconian (adj.) (of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe. War is on the horizon.
next update → ???
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∞ deadly sins quartet (fantasy realm au) | in progress
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☆ → deluge (xiumin, suho, kai - pirate!au) | complete | part i / ii / iii / iv
▹ The search for the promised land leads you through many trials - among them, greed.
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→ labyrinth (chanyeol, d.o. - royalty!au) | coming soon  
→ ??? (baekhyun, chen) | tba
→ ??? (lay, sehun) | tba
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drabbles :: 
◇ bond (werewolf!au) ◇ dreaming (hidden relationship!au) ◇ home (ceo!au) ◇ coincidence (neighbor!au) ◇ secret (soulmate!au)
☀  umber (barista!au)
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drabbles :: 
◇ here (established relationship!au) ◇ after hours (ceo!au) ◇ turn the tables (royalty!au) ◇ good hands (mafia!au) ◇ affairs (ceo!au)
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☁ ∞ ★  bruise (boxer!au, ceo!au - ft. baekhyun) | in progress | part i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi / vii / viii / ix / x / xi / xii / xiii / xiv / xv / ?
▹ You have your life laid out in front of you, everything planned: from the clothes you wear to the man you have to marry. There’s no escape - or so you think. Until he turns your world upside down. ◃
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drabbles :: 
◇ again (mafia!au) ◇ stuck (vampire!au) ◇ acquiesce (ceo!au)
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∞ con ardore (piano instructor!au) | in progress | part i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi
▹ You’re on the verge of achieving your dream of becoming a concert pianist, but your new instructor and you don’t exactly see eye to eye… ◃
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:: drabbles :: 
◇ try (hidden relationship!au)  ◇ chase (coffeeshop!au) ◇ advantage (roommate!au) ◇ wash away (siren!au) ◇ rebound (mafia!au) ◇ conditions (college!au) ◇ morning (established relationship!au) ◇ maybe (established relationship!au) ◇ crazy (mafia!au) ◇ unhealthy (college!au) ◇ breathtaking (ceo!au) ◇ at odds (established relationship!au)  ◇ trust (mafia au)
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∞ ad finem (time travel!au) | on hold | part  i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi / vii / viii / ix / x / xi / xii / xiii / xiv / xv / xvi / xvii / xviii / xix / xx
↬ background info
▹ When the Museum of Ancient History reveals its newest exhibit, you’re expecting a blast from the past. You just hadn’t counted on it being literal. ◃
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☁ ∞ ★  bruise (boxer!au, ceo!au - ft. suho) | in progress | part i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi / vii / viii / ix / x / xi / xii / xiii / xiv / xv
▹ You have your life laid out in front of you by people’s expectations, everything planned: from the clothes you wear to the man you have to marry. There’s no escape - or so you think. Until he turns your world upside down. ◃
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drabbles :: 
◇ distracted (domestic!au) ◇ respite (werewolf!au) ◇ deal (ceo!au)  ◇ rapture (siren!au) ◇ forgiven (established relationship!au) ◇ intensity (fae!au)
☁  prelude (fantasy au) 
▹ sometimes, the wind tells us secrets. ◃
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☀  spellbound (supernatural!au)
▹ There’s that one vampire who just won’t leave you alone.◃
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☁  cold blood (vampire!au, victorian!au) | coming soon
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∞ ☆ latent (mystery, detective!au) | coming soon 
▹You’re caught up in something much bigger than you could have ever imagined when your brother goes missing, and the only way to solve the crime is to hire a certain reclusive private investigator. ◃
status: writing
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∞ dynamic (superhero!au) | complete | part i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi / vii / viii / ix / x
▹You’re the leading superhero of the city, and you’ve fought Dynamo for years. It’s the way it should be - good vs. evil, hero vs. villain. But what happens when a bigger evil threatens everything? ◃
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drabble :: 
◇ morph (siren!au)  ◇ chapter  ◇ return (hidden relationship!au) ◇ stargaze (road trip!au)  ◇ shatter (royalty!au) ◇ try (soulmate!au)
☀  accidentally perfect (winter oneshot)
▹ Things snowball out of control. ◃
∞ anonymous (tumblr!au) | complete | part i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi
▹ You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them… ◃  
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drabbles :: 
◇ tied (mafia!au) ◇ luck (spy!au)
☀  sweet on you (bakery!au)
▹This job was doomed from the start, but your new boss is surprisingly nice about it. ◃
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drabbles :: 
◇ more to it  ◇ choose (fake dating!au) ◇ distract (coffee shop!au) ◇ escape (established relationship!au)
☁ ☆ acatalepsy (soulmate!au, dystopian)
▹ In a world where soulmates are banned and their soulmarks genetically destroyed, one shows up on your wrist on your thirteenth birthday. ◃
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drabbles :: 
◇ ridiculous (roommate!au) ◇ trade (florist!au)
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☁ ∞ bound | ongoing | pt. i / ?
▹ How do you know which things are better left unsaid? ◃
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[ note; fics have warnings for violence, gore, non-explicit suggestive content, or language ] 
current fics word count, just for fun: 278.4k as of 181123
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catsbythegreat · 6 years
Fic Roundup 2017
-Total year-long word count: 256,852
Word count by fandom: - Bungou Stray Dogs: 255,117 words - Haikyuu: 1,735 words
Fics completed: 65 fics
*for the fics posted I’ll only post my faves except the chapter fics, which I’ll post all of since there’s not a lot.
Drabbles: - At my worst, I worry you’ll realize you deserve better.  At my best, I worry you won’t. (I’ve never been better.) (skk) -wait, you’re my soulmate? (skk) - you have no idea how much I want you right now (skk) - what did they do to you? (chuuaki) -skk hanahaki au with Dazai having hanahaki -it’s nothing (skk) -kiss on the ear (skk) -milking it (skk) -milking it (chuuaku) -Chuuya proposes to Dazai (skk)
Oneshots: -Do No Harm - bsd, skk, pandemic au -i saw you - bsd, skk, fluff -Mistake - bsd, skk, suicide attempt tw -Shades of Red - bsd, skk hanahaki au, gore tw -The Care and Keeping of Orphans - skk, no abilities Chuuya is a teacher au -who hurt you - skk -Target Practice - skk, nsfw gunplay mafia boss Dazai au -the beautiful various dreams - skk, coma fic -in the shadows - skk vampire au -Revival - skk figure skating au -Dance With Me - skk, genderfluid Dazai -Dog Run - skk dog walker au -this isn’t a private chatroom - skk chatroom fic -gone by morning - oda takes care of a drunk chuuya, background skk -you aren’t a good person (but I don’t mind) - skk, gore tw -In the Spring - kunichuu ADA President Kunikia, Mafia Boss Chuuya au -my hands have nothing to turn to - chuuaku, post Dazai leaving
Chapter Fics: -Once More - skk, post canon Chuuya trying to put himself on equal footing with Dazai -kataware doki - skk, kimi no na wa au -beneath the surface - skk, urban fantasy/kitsune au
Works-in-progress: 3 -Gifted - skk, experimental research facility au
This year I wrote and posted: 67 fics in total: 2 completed multi-chapter fics, 1 wip multi-chapter fic
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I wrote a lot more fic than I thought I would.  
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Any BSD pairing that isn’t skk basically. Chuuaku, Kunichuu, Chuuaki. I just ship Chuuya with a lot okay. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Do No Harm. I love writing au’s and sickfics and angst and I feel like this one turned out really well. I’ve looked over it a few times and I still enjoy how it’s written which is a good sign. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I took a few risks I think. I had three multi-chapter fics going at one point which is always a risk and I finished two of them. I wrote for ships and characters I never thought I’d write. I wrote smut, which isn’t something I write a lot of, to experiment with how I could write it. And then there’s the fidget spinner fic...so yeah. 
Your best story of this year: Hmm, I still think it’s Do No Harm. Revival I thought also turned out well. 
Your most popular story of this year: Once More. It’s also my longest fic written this year! 
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: I think they’ve been appreciated pretty appropriately, crack fics aside. I guess if I had to list one it would be heart that believes in others just because I really like the idea of Chuuya starting to struggle in the Mafia and caring enough about Dazai to make sure he never goes back to that. 
Most fun story to write: this isn’t a private chatroom. Something about chatrooms is always fun. 
Story with the single sexiest moment: Target Practice. I’m a terrible judge of this actually but people tell me this is the sexiest one I’ve written so I guess I’ll say that. 
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: You Spin Me Right Round. Uhhhh yeah I uhhhhh kadsjflkdjdflksjsfda 
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: Mistake. Mostly because when I after I wrote it I took some aspects of Chuuya from it and have pretty much been using them for the rest of my fics. Once More also, just because it was my first really character study of them. 
Hardest story to write: Tainted. Based on what the movie summary sounds like, it’s essentially Chuuya vs Corruption. I had a really hard time figuring out how to make it work, and how to describe Corruption, and there wasn’t a lot to work with concerning Shibusawa and the actual plot since the movie isn’t out yet. 
Biggest disappointment: four weeks and three days later. I wanted to do more for Port Mafia week (and Chuuaku) and I feel like this wasn’t executed as well as it could have been. 
Biggest surprise: The Care and Keeping of Orphans. I kind of started this and left it alone for months because I wasn’t sure if I could write this fluff au but it actually turned out well, and I was happily surprised by how many people enjoyed it! 
Most unintentionally telling story: not the first time, nor the last. (suicide attempt tw) It’s probably as close to a vent fic as will ever be published on ao3 by me. 
Favorite opening line(s): -”Dazai woke up on the first morning of the school year to find Atsushi curled under his bed like a scared cat, eyes wide as he watched Dazai try to fish him out.” - The Care and Keeping of Orphans (Honestly, I’m not good at writing compelling opening lines, so this is literally the only one I found that was actually good in some way on its own.) 
Favorite closing line(s): - “It’s been a long few years, Dazai.” - kataware doki  - “It sank in, more so than when Dazai had first left: he and Dazai were well and truly on different sides now.” - you can’t run -”The city was dying, and he felt like he was finally dying with it. But he was stubborn. Maybe at some point, he'd feel a bit less tired.” - in the flesh -”And he mourned Dazai and Chuuya's relationship, because it had already ended before it could begin.” - gone by morning  -”Love may have been suicide, but Chuuya knew it was a form of suicide Dazai would never be willing to commit.” Seasons Change One After the Other
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere: -’“You never remember that I know you inside out, too,” Chuuya said.’ - i saw you - “You look like the waste of hospital materials you’ve always wanted to be,” Chuuya said. - Do No Harm - “Dazai never jumped off this particular bridge. Looking down at the water, Chuuya wondered if it was because he was scared.He wondered if it was because the death was guaranteed.” - the beautiful various dreams - “It was a thin line between performing a breakdown and having one, and Chuuya didn’t know which way the performance would go until he was in it.” - Revival  -“I’m only good for killing,” Chuuya had said.Right now, Dazai could believe that killing was the only thing Chuuya had been put on this earth to do. - you aren’t a good person (but I don’t mind) 
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated from anywhere - Chuuya and Dazai meeting again at the end of kataware doki  -the end of Chuuya’s short program after he comes back in Revival -Chuuya right after he finishes his fight in you aren’t a good person (but i don’t mind)  -Chuuya and Dazai during their dance in Dance With Me -Chuuya almost begging Ango to erase Dazai’s records in Debt 
Fic-writing goals for next year: Maybe write another multi-chapter fic. I have one about Corruption I want to do but I haven’t been satisfied enough to start publishing chapters. 
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memswrites · 6 years
2017 Fic Writing Round-Up
AO3 Total Word Count: 23,955 Overall Word Count: -kept poor track of that this year-
Word Count By Fandom: 
Bungou Stray Dogs: 17,773
91 Days: 2,040
Yuri! On Ice: 1,798
Boku no Hero Academia: 1,221
Alien/Prometheus: 1,123
Fics Posted 
Finished One Shots & Drabbles: 50
Posted on AO3
Posted on RP blog
Posted on memswrites
WIP Fics: 1
AO3 - Sugar & Spice | Bungou Stray Dogs | Fitzsushi
Fics Unseen
WIP Fics: 6
Fandom Events Written For: 
Soukoku Week
Port Mafia Week
Otayuri AU Zine
OWC Gift Exchange
Voltron AU Zine
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought this year, less, or about what you predicted in January? 
I hadn’t actually planned on writing any fic in January tbh but here we are-
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? 
Bungou Stray Dogs; Fitzsushi. I also wrote a different brand of dark than I’m used to when working on Necron, so there’s that. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? 
Probably Reverence, because it’s a concept I’ve never written before and I got to play around with a character that I’ve never written before. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? 
I don’t know if it’s so much as risks, but I played around with style and trying to use different types of those literary devices they tried to teach you about in school. I learned that I work surprisingly well with present tense... As well as that I actually have the skill to write longer pieces if I choose to do that in the future. 
Your best story this year. 
Uhm. Frick. I’m gonna go with Nostalgie. I really loved the concept around it and it’s just. Pretty. 
Your most popular fic of the year. 
Noise Maker. Which was a god damn shocker, let me tell you. 
Story that’s most under appreciated. 
I don’t really think any of my fics are under appreciated; I love the feedback I’ve gotten this year. That being said, I guess the stuff written for rare pairs has gotten less traction, but they’re rare pairs, so. XD
Most fun story to write.
Paint Drops, easily. I die every time for domestic SKK. 
Story with the single sexiest moment. 
Roulette, but that’s because I’m garbage and have a thing for gun play in fics. 
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story. 
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters. 
Mmm. I want to say any of the drabbles that I wrote for my Akutagawa blog, mainly because it forced me to seriously consider and think about his motivations and his perceptions of the world.
Hardest story to write. 
Roulette. I kept having issues trying to stay in character while also getting what I wanted out of the fic itself. I think it turned out pretty bangin’ in the end though. 
Biggest disappointment. 
In general I feel that some (a lot) of my drabble endings feel rushed/incomplete. It’s something I’d like to change in 2018 and improve on.
Biggest surprise. 
Noise Maker’s reception in the BNHA fandom. Hooooboiii.
Most unintentionally telling story. 
Probably Nostalgie. Or Aftercare. I think both of those pieces in particular highlighted a lot of things that I hadn’t intentionally gone in to do but I liked the results nonetheless. 
Favorite opening line(s:) 
Their red string of fate was less a string, and more a blood-soaked cloth that bound them tight to one another. -Metem Psychosia
They call him the Mafia’s Dog. Rabid. Wild. An attack beast with a scent for blood. -III
Favorite closing line(s:) 
He’d never shared a bed before. He wouldn’t be doing it again. But he’d do it for the moment. -Ephemeros
What was this woman, he wondered, to look like that and look at him – and smell like comfort instead of rot? -Sakura
Favorite five lines from anywhere. 
Avilio makes a point of withdrawing the gun, slow, letting his lips cling to the metal like he’s sad to let it go, like he wants it in his mouth and down his throat and choking out his life. Spit trails along the barrel, slick and shiny, leaving a bridge of it from those longing lips right down to the muzzle. Slight, almost not even there, the tip of his tongue flicks along the end of it, circled around where a bullet could have killed him, but didn’t. -Roulette
The ease of falling into that emotionless trap should have washed over him. Feeling off, pleasure on. Plenty of people did it; it wasn’t that hard. He should have been able to give into the ego-boost this fucker’s tone should have given him, but it sinks in deep like a knife through ribs that it’s not an ego boost he wants - especially not from someone who, as Chuuya looks down into those listless blue eyes, only covets him for the heat between his legs and little else. He can’t fucking do it. He’s always wanted more. -Easy
Master told him to end them all. To feast. A decadent banquet had been laid before his feet in the form of the weak and the damned, and at Master’s insistence he was to devour each like he was starved. Send them down the gullet of the void… Appease the once-contained monster that sang sweet carnage in his head. It had been held at bay through his control alone for so long… Yet his Master had freed It and stripped It of inhibition.More, It wanted. More, more, more – And Master told him to listen to It, so listen he did.Those black-spire buildings rang familiar somewhere between the hunger and the order, but it wasn’t enough to jar him from his Purpose. He was a tool… He was servile. A monster with a loosened chain that led right back to Death itself and Death was greedy in its pursuits. Life was little more than sustenance, after all. -Tumblr Drabble
The air was still, a calm death that settled thick within the walls of the warehouse, a claustrophobic fog that threatened to suffocate. In the center, sat a boy, with blood up to his ankles. His cloak was too big for him, swallowing his body in a trembling shroud, but it wasn’t the body itself that trembled. The fibers of the cloak vibrated, a rhythmic undulation of something trying to get back out - the beast within he’d tried so desperately to control, but some rabid dogs are too feral to contain. He could hear it, in the back of his mind. It was the ravenous snarl of that thing inside him, always hungry, always laying in wait to consume, wanting its chance to devour. Insatiable should have been its name, but it deigned to be called Rashomon from the moment he had discovered it, and from the moment he had given it name it’d tormented him with its presence. He couldn’t control it. He never had. He never would. -Tumblr Drabble
Chuuya pauses his bite, and looks over at Dazai. The bags that were there while he was sleeping still hang under his eyes, somehow more than they had before. Last time they had gone through with Corruption, it had been out of necessity, and it hadn’t left Chuuya looking so weary. What a waste of the ability, doing it for show, letting it drag out the way it had.Dazai can tell that Chuuya’s not particularly convinced by his assertion, though he supposes that’s fine; he’s not convinced that Mori took it to heart, either, and can see it in the shrug that Chuuya gives before he goes back to his soup.“You’re going to unravel those if you keep picking at them, you useless mummy.” -Aftercare
Top five scenes you’d have illustrated from anywhere. 
^everything up there tbhhh.
Fic writing goals for next year. 
Finish up all my WIPs.
Actually get through a multi chap fic you COWARD. 
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