#its a hoot
thisshadowwrites · 1 year
yall be making up fake movies when a perfectly good, underrated movie already exists in "he never died" (2015). its a comedy without being comedic, its about a cannibal immortal, it got biblical themes and an autistic-coded main character. it got the vibes, it got the aesthetic, it got the humour, and it's on netflix. don't sleep on this gem!!! (also written & directed by a queer man and starring henry rollins who is famous for his music, being partnerless since he was twenty, keeping a jar filled with dirt soaking in his best friends blood for at least 10 years, and being an avid lgbtq activist!!)
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shawolsos · 1 year
Me: *thinks I'm like confident in my bisexuality*
*gets crush on girl*
Brain: Lesbian in denial.
*gets crush on guy*
Brain: Fraud.
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sonntam · 1 year
Autobiography of Jung in 1910:
I can still recall vividly how Freud said to me, "My dear Jung, promise me never to abandon the sexual theory. That is the most essential thing of all. You see, we must make a dogma of it, an unshakable bulwark." He said that to me with some emotion, in the tone of a father saying, "And promise me one thing, my dear son: that you will go to the church every Sunday." In some astonishment I asked him, "A bulwark - against what?" To which the replied, "Against the black tide of mud" - and he hesitated for a moment, then added - "of occultism" ... What Freud seemed to mean by "occultism" was virtually everything that philosophy and religion, including the rising of contemporary science of parapsychology, had learned about the psyche.
Is this not amazing? The complete inability to imagine a religion that would not be obliterated by sexuality. The earnest plea to make sexual theory into Everything. Probably understandable if you consider how no one talked about sexuality beforehand and if it faded into obsurity it would suck balls.
Still hollering over how funny this is. But that's not all! Let's see what Jung has to say in the year 1907:
Wherever in a person or in a work of art, an expression of spirituality (in the intellectual, not the supernatural sense) came to light, he suspected it, and insinuated it was repressed sexuality. Anything that could not be directly interpreted as sexuality he referred to as "psychosexuality." I protested that this hypothesis, carried to its logical conclusion, would lead to an annihilating judgement upon culture. Culture would then appear as a mere farce, the morbid consequence of repressed sexuality. "Yes," he assented, "so it is, and that is just a curse of fate against which we are powerless to contend."
Where to start. Freud being the fucking insufferable friend who keeps searching for sex everywhere (and keeps fucking finding it). The implication that sex devalues the spirit and culture itself. Freud fucking AGREEING WITH IT. It's too funny.
Us: Everything is about sex! (joyful)
Freud: Everything is about sex. (haunted)
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toboldlymuppet · 9 months
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spider punk!!!!!!!!!!
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Some of y'all trying to encourage empathy for these unethically wealthy people, who agreed to be bolted in to a metal tube, that was unapproved, unsafe and was controlled by a fucking off brand playstation controller from 2011 just for a cute lil death tourism trip is why we as a society will never be free.
They went to a part of the ocean that is so deep, more people have been to space than that far down. With a man who said safety shouldn't be a concern. Oceangate literally fired someone for saying that the window wasn't going to be able to withstand those depths. They'd lost another vessel before for 5 hours. Like plllsss the self preservation left the room. This whole situation is absurd.
Even this man's own stepson doesn't give a FUCK and you want me to? Nuh uh you have the wrong one I'm afraid😭😭
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mewvore · 10 days
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drew myself pregnant, for fun
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 4 months
Okay, so I'm not a Poppy Playtime fan by any means, I only know what is presented in the games, I don't know any of the hidden lore stuff or whtv. I thought the last two chapters were cool but severely lacking but man, Chapter 3 went legitimately hard. Particularly in the topic of today's discussion:
The Hour of Joy
It was pretty clear in the previous chapters that all the coworkers were dead but this one finally shows it and oh man was I hyped.
Throughout the chapter we get teasers to what happened, and I just tossed it all out cause I thought it was just generic horror stuff. Like the hallucination bit with the screaming in the lobby. I didn't bat an eye and just forgot about it till the end. But after watching another playthrough I was like "oh shit" and actually physically sat up in interest.
And then there's the VHS. Everything about that presentation was so cool to me. Firstly, we have the footage itself, which presents a terrifying tale. These random workers just going about another day at the factory. Standing around, talking with one another, all near what they presume to merely be a statue. And the unimaginable occurs. This statue, the same one they've walked past a thousand times pounces on one of the workers, tearing him apart in an instant before setting its sight on the rest. And he had it lucky.
Everybody begins to flee, screaming, begging, questioning. "What was that?" "What's happening?" And then long pink arms dart from the ceiling and pluck them from the ground. More toys converge on them, on workers deeper in the facility who don't even know what is happening. One particular man is converged upon by dozens of the teachers to meet god-knows-what fate.
And then we have Poppy's story. How she heard it all from the case. Could hear them scream, plead, and die. Her voice shaking, on the verge of tears even describing it. "It went on for so long. So, so horribly long." And the name in it of itself. "The Hour of Joy". A chilling title that really lets you know the toys' thoughts on the event.
TL;DR: Mob Entertainment, you did good on this one.
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soracities · 1 month
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Theodore Roethke, "The Kitty-Cat Bird", The Complete Poems of Theodore Roethke [ID'd]
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opal-owl-flight · 22 days
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christopher-bryant · 7 months
the brie larson hate is either sexist or band wagon hate because every claim that's made is contradicted by her work and people who have worked with her.
"she cant act"
yeah so thats why she has many accolades and co stars have said she's incredible to watch.
"shes cold and mean"
yeah thats why many actors and fans have said she's such a warm, thoughtful and kind person to meet. john goodman has said that on set she organizes events for everyone so they experience places around them. yeah sounds like something a jerk would do.
"she rolls her eyes and gets dismissive over questions asked during interviews"
she gets asked some sexist and ridiculous bs sometimes. id be fed up too and make sure everyone knows it.
"shes said bad things about her costars!"
you mean quotes taken out of context? things said in jest?
"shes smug and so full of herself!"
you mean she's confidant and outgoing? every male actor gets praised for that but its different for her, why? sexism.
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smengart · 2 years
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i bought the first black edition of the death note manga on a whim its been fun rereading
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Babygirl I enjoy Dr Who episodes you wouldn't even believe
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determinedowl23 · 7 months
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more shinies! yippee!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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he expected a lot more cobwebs… 🕸️
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drowmoment · 26 days
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can you believe i haven't stopped drawing her
pose on the left in the second picture is inspired by this drawing by @/feyflorist, i just think its hysterical
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shortsighted-owl · 1 year
New Fic: Electrostatic Attraction
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Chapter One: Charge Seperation (8.3 k)
In front of him Hen shifts, her body blocking his view of the ladder rising into the dark sky. Of the rain-slick figure of his captain charging hand over fist to the top of the rungs. Three points of contact be damned.
Her eyes, Eddie notices, are too wide, too bright from where she whips her head around to the sight behind her, only to startle and look at Eddie once again.
There's too much spinning round his brain, and he’s forgetting something, he knows he is.
He’d got Buck into his harness, double- no triple checked every buckle and loop, he’d looked Buck in the eye and asked him to come home with him. To him.
Then Buck had climbed as he had manned the controls. He’d stopped, with panic in his voice and then the world had lit up.
His sharp intake of breath must tip Hen off because she starts to speak, to say his name as Eddie gets a skinned-hand beneath himself and pushes upward, looking past her.
Backlit by the highrise lights, Buck’s blurred form sways from his final stop two-thirds up the extended ladder, only the single strap of fabric suspending him from plummeting to the asphalt below.
- The 6b!lightinng Strike Spec Fic or, 'The boys get struck by lightning, a hospital bed is privy to yet another life-altering conversation, and even without his memory Buck's body could never forget his Diaz boys.'
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