#its 11:16 and i have to get up at 5am to get ready for work
akisephila · 8 months
hi chat. here's my deltarune OC.
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heres her theme
and heres the fight theme for The Cruel Epok, the demon who possesses her after being summoned
Candyrune Masterpost:
Candyrune Character Askblog:
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captain-neutrino · 2 years
Before tumblr ate the ask, I believe it was @selfshippinglover who asked me something along the lines of "all the remaining asks for captaineer?"
To which i hilariously and charmingly responded, "Every single one???? You absolute mad lad." (If i got the wrong user im so sorry im at wits end after my answers got deleted 😭)
1) Who is the most affectionate?
The captain. Always with the shoulder pats and the ruffling of Mark's hair <3
2) Big spoon/Little spoon?
I feel like they just kinda collapse into each other when they're ready to rest and whatever assortment their bodies find themselves in is what they roll with djsskdj
3) Most common argument?
...How much they should tell the crew about what happened. If they should turn themselves in. Mark doesn't think anyone needs to know, the captain feels alone with the secret, Mark doesn't know why confiding in him isn't enough for them
4) Favorite non-sexual activity?
Looking at stars and terrains probably, they both have a big thirst for adventure and discovery
5) Who is most likely to carry the other?
The captain, as we've seen them do to Mark many times with their Strong Grip
7) What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
The captain stops calling Mark by his surname, which honestly wasn't that noticeable of a change for anyone since the crew heads all seem to be on first name basis, but Capt. Neutrino was more formal at first. Mark definitely noticed the difference right away and tried calling them by their last name instead of their title (Neutrino's first name is not easily accessible info)
9) Who worries the most?
They both have heavy weights on their minds: for the captain its 100,000 living souls, for Mark its uncountable dead ones.
11) Who tops?
I feel like given the content in the film, both Mark and the captain are canonically switches, but Im a top so im gonna have to go ahead and say my captain is a top too lmao
12) Who initiates kisses?
Usually the captain since Mark has trouble working up the courage sometimes; its still weird for him to think that he's allowed to kiss THE captain.
13) Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
The captain.
...It became a habit.
15) Who wakes up first?
Mark. No matter how hard the captain tries, that man is just always up even Earlier somehow. Like, the captain could wake up at 5am only to find that Mark has been up since 2am, absurd hours
16) Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
The captain. The captain needs their sleep.
But srsly, they never feel rested; Captain Neutrino sleeps whenever they can get a moment to shut their eyes. Mark is the opposite, always trying to stay awake at all hours with a cup of coffee in his hand, working. Trying to make up for what he did
18) Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
I think the two of them would take to eating with the colonists in the ship's cafeteria. But sometimes the captain gets notes with their lunch anyways: "STAY OUTTA MY KITCHEN"
19) Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Mark does, there's no way he would be able to keep his mouth shut about it. He probably bragged about dating the captain before it was even official
20) What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
If we're going by likely canon reactions... everyone thinks its BS that Mark gets to date them lmao, the captain is way out of his league. Potential jealousy aside, Mark's family/friends are happy for him, while some ppl (Celci) think its unprofessional/inappropriate
I haven't thought of any friends or family for Neutrino so for now this is N/A
21) Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
As in initiating it? Maaaybe Mark, he seems to be the first to go for high fives, hand shakes, and fist bumps
23) Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Mark would try coming up with some at Burt's suggestion, and then immediately stop the first time Captain Neutrino scowls at him 😂
24) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Neither, they're both the type to get sucked into their work or whatever they're doing, so they don't side track each other like that
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queerlynx · 4 years
tagged by @elinaline​ lets fucking go 
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
my what (have you seen my hair, seriously) 
2. name of a food you never eat?
garlic and i WILL die on that hill 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
always too fucking warm. im literally never cold. people ask me 10x/day ‘arent you cold’ even tho ive told them 1000x that no, i am never cold 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
i think i was still at the shops or maybe getting ready to go to the shops? 
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
always a slut for a snickers 
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
i dont think so? what would i do there anyways ……oh wait no i went along to a professional tennis game w my ex’s brother i think? i can barely remember it was like 6 years ago 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
genuinely can’t remember even tho it was probs less than 15mn ago to my flatmate. most likely something about the cat being cute. or maybe it was TO the cat. who knows. 
8. what is your favourite ice cream?
chocolate probably? or banana? banana and chocolate is also good 
9. what is the last thing you had to drink?
lemonade cause thats all i drink 
10. do you like your wallet?
it’s BB-8!!! so yeah of fucking course 
11. what was the last thing you ate?
a bagel w blue cheese laughing cow, ham, and one of them shitty toastie super processed cheese slices 
12. did you buy any new clothes last week?
me and whose money lmaoo i can barely afford food rn 
13. last sporting event you watched?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn?
recently ive discovered you can drizzle maple syrup on popcorn and oh boy. other than that probs salted caramel sauce. but like i almost never have popcorn 
15. who was the last person you sent a message to?
im gonna assume this is any message and not just tumblr, in which case it was my fiancé @yearningcurve on whatsapp 
16. ever go camping?
i love camping but last time i went was at least 6 years ago ): 
17. do you take vitamins?
lol no 
18. do you go to church every Sunday?
………moving swiftly on 
19. do you have a tan?
i avoid sunlight like the plague so i’ll let you figure that one out 
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
probs pizza but i like both 
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                      
i chug it straight from the bottle lol who’s got the time 
22. what colour socks do you wear?
im almost constantly barefoot unless i HAVE to put on shoes and even then i won’t always put socks on if i’m not gonna be outside for long 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
im always p much 5mph above the speed limit (fun fact, the display in cars shows your speed as roughly 2mph higher than it actually is, you can check it against a gps on your phone; AND speed cameras allow for +5mph anyway, so why the fuck wouldnt i be) 
24. what terrifies you?
like in general?? people leaving me, rejecting me, abandoning me, cutting me out, hating me in secret; not being a good person or liked or useful; people thinking i’m annoying or embarrassing or ridiculous or boring; the list goes on 
25. look to your left what do you see?
a very roumd and somft kitty :3 
26. what chore do you hate?
anything administrative or on the phone. i dont think it counts as chores but i genuinely enjoy tidying and cleaning so. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
i cant tell an australian accent when i hear one 
28. what’s your favourite soda?
lemonade, or fanta 
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru?
ever since ive gotten a car p much always drive thru cause why would i sit in a crowded fast food restaurant w screeching kids and angry karens when i could enjoy my disgusting feast in my own home??? 
30. who was the last person you talked to?
IRL that’d be my flatmate 
t31. favourite cut of beef?
32. last song you listened to?
Echoes by the Rapture, it played on my shuffle in my car and reminded me of how good Misfits was lmao 
33. last book you read?
it would’ve been over seven or eight years ago. can’t remember. 
34. can you say the alphabet backwards?
z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 
apparently so but it took a while tbh 
35. how do you like your coffee?
i mostly drink flat whites w hazelnut when i drink coffee but tbh despite being a barista w a professional grade home coffee machine i barely ever drink any outside of work lmao 
36. favourite pair of shoes?
grinders boots AND my trans pride converses. can’t pick between them soz 
37. the time you normally go to bed?
really is no normal. anytime between midnight and like up to 5am esp rn during lockdown. i never went to sleep last night actually i’ve been awake for like 28h now 
38. the time you normally wake up?
see above. anytime between 10am and like 6pm depending on when i went to bed. outside of lockdown i would wake up exactly an hour before i have work, so anytime between 5am-11am 
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
sunsets but i really love both 
40. how many blankets are on your bed?
one bedsheet and one soft blanket 
41. describe your kitchen plates?
they’re green. nobody is surprised 
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
cider. i be drinkin that shit like its juice 
43. do you play cards?
not really altho on lockdown i’ve taught my flatmates a french card/money game called Nain Jaune and they enjoy it so that makes me happy 
44. what colour is your car?
dark red like……burgundy kinda? 
45. can you change a tire?
probably not lol 
46. your favourite province?
province of what lol. either way it’s Brittany. 
47. favourite job you’ve had?
ive only ever had the one lmao so, barista it is 
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
top surgery (’: 
49. what did you do today that made someone happy?
fuck if i know. i guess i made coffee for my flatmates but like i do it everyday so they p much expect it by now i dont think it makes them any happier or like if it does they dont really say it rip 
not a big fan of tagging ppl so just. do it if you wanna lol 
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mrs-spindelle · 5 years
Never Work at Victoria’s Secret
Since I’m quitting Victoria’s Secret and have found a new job, let me give you girls some wonderful insight on the pile of dog shit company all us ladies have to shop at to hold our breasts in place.
Shopping there and working there are two totally different experiences, and let me tell you why you should never work in Hell- I mean VS.
1. As a customer, you are allowed to steal. Yes, that’s right! You ladies are allowed to take whatever you want if you can get the sensor off. We employees are NEVER allowed to ask for a receipt, accuse you of theft (even as we stand there and watch you rip the tags off), OR call security! That’s right, we would never accuse our beautiful honest angels of something as horrible as shoplifting. Just don’t take more than $1,000 in merchandise to avoid it being a reportable crime, don’t get caught by mall security and you ladies will have yourselves all the panties and bras you want. Oh, we’re also not allowed to go after you. I was once required to remove a sensor from a bra for a lady because she claimed ‘she bought it and we forgot to remove the sensor’ even though we ALL watched her rip it off a hanger. But by company policy, I cannot accuse her of theft or ask for her receipt. So she got a free bra. If you ever think you’re going to be caught, just accuse us employees of racism and threaten to call HR. We’ll back off. The company is terrified of a lawsuit.
2. You as an employee are punished far more harshly than a customer EVER will be. If they so much as think you’re stealing, your hours are cut, and you are the one who is watched on camera - not the group of girls who just walked out of the front door of PINK with $600 worth of leggings.
3. I don’t have proof, but I’m pretty sure many of their cameras do not work. They say the cameras are everywhere and can spin and zoom to see text so small like on an ID, but its a hoax. If they can’t even catch a thief who looks right into the camera, they won’t catch anything period. They couldn’t even catch the man who stole like, $20,000 worth of panties lmao.
4. You are required to be a customer’s punching bag. Dealing with drunken men at a bar is a blessing compared to working for the middle-low class entitled women of society. Victoria’s Secret has created an atmosphere that makes every woman feel special and sexy, but for a lot of women, it gives them a sense of power they don’t actually have, and they abuse that power by abusing the very employees helping them to find a piece of clothing to hold their tits in. I have been mocked for my thin body, tall height, small breasts and pale skin color. I have been called racist, told to get breast implants, or that I was mentally incapable of helping women with bigger breasts find what they need simply because I had B cups. I never once had an issue with a man while I worked there, but I lost count with how many fellow women abused me there. You would be surprised to see how little support you get, because we cannot verbally defend ourselves or others.  The customer is always right, even when they are outright degrading you like an animal.
5. No one gives a shit about that panty drawer filled with 150+ thongs you just neatly folded. No one. Walk away from it for 30 seconds and come back, I fucking dare you.
6. You don’t get to go home until all panties on top are folded in order. Gotta fold until 12 at night? Guess what, you’re gonna be folding until 12 at night.
7. Closing late but need to be back in the morning for a 5am floorset? Yeah, you’ll be scheduled to close until 10pm or 11pm and HAVE to come back at 5am. No ifs ands or buts.
8. Every company sets aside money to compensate for theft, but Victoria’s Secret has so much theft due to their shit policy that they raise prices. And you honest hard working women have to pay more so thieves can continue doing what they like. Example. Panties are typically 1 cent to make, and are $10.50 a piece. The lingerie panties are $16.50, and their newest lingerie panty is now $40+ A PIECE. They are made the same way as a $16.50 panty, but tripled in price. And you’re a sucker for buying it. I own one since I got one for free, and guess what? Its shit. Don’t put it in the dryer. Ever.
9. Ever wanted to clean up vaginal discharge and period blood? This is the job for you!
10. If you don’t ask for a break, you will not receive a break.
11. You cannot remind a customer that you’re closing in 5 minutes. They’re allowed to destroy the entire store, unfold everything, go in the fitting rooms for as long as they like, and fuck around until THEY choose to leave. The gates are NOT to be closed, not even half way, until that customer leaves - which makes opportunity for late night shoplifters to come in and loot while you’re busy trying to refold what that customer had just destroyed, so you can go home on time. But now, not only do you have to clean, you also will be staying late to file a long ass report about the theft - which Victoria’s Secret will do absolutely nothing about. 
12. Pregnant? Guess what, nobody gives a shit. Reach down at the bottom drawer to shop for a woman who is too lazy to kneel down herself and grab her XL granny panty. Your baby is an inconvenience to certain entitled women.
13. Got this job to avoid baby sitting? Well you’re going to baby sit, and watch as women drag their screaming children into the store meant for adults that’s filled with inappropriate lingerie and open-assed panties with lewd pictures of half-naked women all over the walls. Also get ready to pick up after other people’s children who drop their drinks, food, toys, and destroy store property by playing on shelves, ripping off manniquin arms, chewing on panties (and stealing them, I caught one child stuffing panties into their Else purses), and throwing the biggest demonic hissy fits when they don’t get their way. Think the parents will stoop to OUR level and clean up after their own kids? LOL they’ll go “Sorry” and walk away. You’ll be lucky if they even say sorry. You know they aren’t.
14. You will understand why 50% of marriages end in divorce simply watching how wives boss around their husbands to show off in the store. This goes back to the power the store gives women. When women enter these gates, their true selves show, because the sense of false power makes them act like the bitches that they truly are. I will say that not every woman is like this, but an alarming amount are.
15. The girls who buy boy shorts are the most condescending and judgmental of women - deeming those who wear thongs are sluts, whores and loose and are beneath them. Yet they buy boy shorts with ‘Yummy’ written on the ass. Hmmmmm...
16. If you find a co-worker who is real and takes time out of their day to help train you, stick with them. 9 times out of 10, you won’t get the benefit of training. You’ll be thrown into the chaos like I was and be expected to perform well. Its up to your fellow co-workers to help you. If some help you. Hopefully they’ll help you. I had only 1 help me, and that was during Black Friday.
17. Starting drama is forbidden. Unless you’re a favorite. Then you’re free to shit talk all you want.
18. Women are destructive little shits. They will rip apart anything nice and toss shit around. 
19. You are not allowed to carry any weapons on you for protection. You will be terminated for doing so.
20. Despite not being allowed to carry a firearm, policy has made it clear that in the event of a shooting, you must hide. In the event that the shooter FINDS you, you are encouraged to FIGHT BACK. . . With - what exactly? If you’re not allowed to carry protection on you, yet a man with a gun is shooting at you and killing people, then how in the fucking fuck are you supposed to fight back? You are practically set up to die in the worst case scenario. But consider the alarming rate of shootings today. Public shootings are becoming more and more common, its a horrendous tragedy. And we are faced with either being fired, or being fired at.
Your choice.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now I will say...not everything about it was bad. There were times where I had fun, I miss those times. I had a good handful of nice customers who made my job easier, and a few I could relate to. I suppose the issue is with the company. If the company had a different way of running things, then maybe the women would have a different mindset when walking into the store and treat their fellow women better. Who knows...
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xladyxfatex · 5 years
Little Dove (Chapter Four)
~~I want to give a huge thank you to @theworldofotps for all her helping putting this together and getting it posted. You Rock hun~~
The alarms on both their phones blared, as the two grumbled and got up. Early mornings never were her thing. Nicole made her way to the kitchen, started a pot of coffee and put her music on. She knew Norman had a habit of hitting the snooze button so she thought she'd at least get coffee going. Looking in the fridge she found the leftover steak, and thought of a breakfast.
Steak, eggs, hashbrowns and coffee. Yup sounds good to me. She deftly cut and diced the potatoes, onions and bell peppers, oiled up the fry pan and put everything in with some salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika. The potatoes would take the longest so she didn't want to start the eggs just yet. Once the coffee finished, she began to set the table, then turned back to make the over easy eggs. Once everything was cooked and the steak warmed, she went to wake Norman. God 5am is far too early.
Gently brushing the hair from his face and planting a soft kiss, Nicole began to whisper in his ear. "Time to wake love, breakfast if ready. Plus we need to get to set in the next 90 minutes." Norman only replied with a grunt and by pulling the covers up over his head. Nicole knew there was only one way to get him outta bed if the sweet approach failed. Standing from the bed she yanked the blankets off him and the pounced on top of him.  Springing up from his sleep Norman was very unhappy, well til he saw it was Nicole sitting on him. A giggle left her lips and she smiled innocently.
"Morning! Breakfast is ready and getting cold, come on up up with you." She giggled once more then placed a loving kiss on his lips as she removed herself from his body. Once he got to the table was flooded by the breakfast she had made, then again he always excited by her cooking.  They happily ate and talked about little random things including what was happening for the day. Things were going well, but then again they couldn't avoid the subject forever. 
"Nicole?" He wanted to do this right, he wasn't sure how to, it had been so long since he had a true relationship with actual depth.
"Yes hun?" Nicole was slightly nervous, she knew last night was bound to come up I mean come on how couldn't it.
"I want to ask you something…." Norman had trailed off, that made alone made Nicole's heart sink. "...but not now. I want to take you out tomorrow night." When he looked into her beautiful eyes he could just how scared she was, and her inner debate on what to do. "I swear it's nothing bad. Please go out with me tomorrow night?" 
She swallowed past the lump in her throat, and threw on her best fake smile. 
"Of course, tomorrow night it is. What's the dress code? Prim and proper, laid back casual, something in between?" Her only hope was whatever this was it wasn't prim and proper god did she hate formal dresses and heels.
"Laid back casual, I don't think heels and dresses are a good fit for where I plan to take you." He winked, got up and put his dishes in the sink. "I gotta get back to my room and change before we leave for set. Are we going together?" The sound of hope rang clear in each word spoken. Nicole fiddled with her fingers looking down. 
"Umm…..yeah I guess we can ride together." She wasn't her normal bubbly self and Norman knew it was because her mind had gone to the worst case scenario as to what he need to ask her. He pulled her hands part and brought her close to him, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame. 
"I swear Nicole, my beautiful Little Dove, you have nothing to fear. Please don't be scared?" He rubbed her back while whispering in her ear and he could feel her relax. She didn't respond with words just a head nod. Kissing her forehead he pulled back. "Alright I really need to go change. See you 30?" 
"Yessir!" She saluted him and giggled, God did he love that giggle.
Walking back to his room, he started to wonder if what he wanted to ask her was rushing things. That was til he looked back at their history together. 
They'd been together since the age 5, he was getting picked on when this small girl with dark hair ran over and shoved the taller boy down. 
"HEY!" A small voice yelled. "Its NOT nice to pick on people! Leave him alone or I'll pick on you Tony!" The boy Tony just huffed and walked away. The small girl spun around and offered her hand. "Hi I'm Nicole! What's your name?" The boy just blinked at the girl before taking her hand and being pulled to his feet. "Norman" Nicole looked over Norman and saw he had scraped his elbow when Tony had pushed him down. "Stupid Tony, you got hurt because of him, come with me I'll help you get that cleaned up." She offered a blinding smile and Norman couldn't help but smile back.
From that point on, the two were always together, thick as thieves. That was up until high school started 
"Look Nicole we've known each other forever, I've made great friends 'cause of you, but I just we can't be friends anymore!" It broke Norman's heart to do this but the only way to get the girl he wanted was for him to get rid of his best friend. The one who had stood beside him through everything, who helped in, who believed in his dreams of becoming an actor. The worst part was Mandy said it had to do this in front of everyone on at lunch. He watched the confusion and hurt in her eyes and cross her face, that was til she looked behind him and saw Mandy snickering, it all clicked and made sense. Whipping the tears from her eyes she looked Norman dead in the eyes and screamed with so much venom,
"FINE!  Throw away the last 11 years of friendship. I just hope that BITCH is worth it!" Nicole skipped the rest of her classes that day. Something she never did and Norman and confrontation had become the talk of the school. He heard the whispers "how could he do that to her? Nicole is nothing but sweet and kind. Hell does everything not only for him but practically anybody", "what an asshole I hope he knows Mandy's just gonna throw him aside the way he did Nicole. She never liked Nicole that's why she had him do that." And so an so forth. 
He got home that day only to be yelled at by his mother about how broken Nicole was, but 16 years old Norman didn't really care. Nicole's father had come to the school the following day and picked up a quarters worth of school work and got teachers and a few students to agree to come to the house and help Nicole with what she'd be missing. Guilt slowly consumed Norman, was this his fault that she was staying outta school? Mandy just kept laughing. Suddenly his attraction to the girl wasn't there anymore. He felt sick being around her and he wanted was his best friend back.
He tried to visit, tried to apologize and fix things. But he didn't know how to. Living nextdoor to each he would see her outside in her backyard sometimes and tried to talk to her but it was no use she blatantly ignored him. What made matters worse was that fact that not even 2 days after "officially" making Mandy his girlfriend she had cheated him with Quinn. One of the girls Charlotte who was helping Nicole with school work and giving her class notes, was sitting on the deck with Nicole when she told her about Quinn and Mandy.
".....but Mandy's Norman's girlfriend, she got rid of me why would she do that to him?" Nicole's voice was soft and sad. She missed her friend even though she loved him she'd never tell him, she wasn't anything more then a friend. Charlotte shook her head.
"Dunno huh, Mandy's always been a bitch, but…." She trailed off looking at the house next door the same one Nicole was looking at. "...but I know he probably really needs a friend right now." She gave Nicole a soft smile and hug before leaving.
Later that night Nicole went over to Norman's house with  Chinese take out, sodas, and bad horror movies. It wasn't a fix all to what had happened but right now he needed someone and she'd fill that spot.  When Norman's answered the door the woman nearly broke down in tears seeing Nicole there she had missed her so much. 
"Deary what are you doing here?" She asked kissing the small girl on the cheek, a greeting she had sorely missed.
"I heard a rumor that that son of yours might need a pick me up." Nicole's voice cracked slightly it was hard for her to be here, to be the one to pick him up and piece him together after the way he humiliated her in front of the school.  His mother knew what happened Nicole had told her father whom then told her, but the fact that she was there for her son right now, it meant maybe things could be okay again.
"He's up in his room, go on." Mrs. Reedus nodded her head in the direction Nicole knew all too well. She stopped in the kitchen to grab forks and went on her way to his room. She didn't bother knocking when she got there, she just opened the door. What she saw broke her heart. Norman sitting there crying, god did Nicole hate Mandy so much right now.
Nicole had no idea the tears weren't because of Mandy but because of what he had done to her his best friend. Nicole places the bags on his desk and dropped to her knees in front of him she held him in her arms and rubbed his back saying sweet things in his ear and telling him everything would be okay,  that that bitch clearly wasn't the one for him.
It took Norman a few moments to actually realize he wasn't dreaming, that Nicole was there, was, holding him, and was indeed telling him everything would be alright. He wrapped his arms around he tiny frame, he'd never tell her those tears he was crying were over her. That night they sat on the floor eating and watching bad horror movies, talking and trying to repair the damage caused.
Years later when he had audition for a movie that would film in Boston, Nicole wasn't exactly around she had been attending college down in that area and had begun dating a guy by the name Colin. Though Nicole had admitted during many phone calls that she didn't really like Colin she just didn't want to hurt him. When the audition was over he was asked to stay around till the end of the week the director Duffy had really liked him and was likely that he'd get the part. Not being able to afford a hotel that long and only knowing one person in the area he drove to Nicole's apartment.
Having just gotten in from classes Nicole was beyond exhausted, when she saw the email from Norman about being in the area she felt her heart beat quicken, knowing full well he had a key to her place. (Her father, herself and Norman all had keys for various reasons.) She decided she'd better go shower. Getting in and out was easy she then grabbed a pair of baggy sweatpants and a tank top. When she got to the living room and was tackled to the ground a squeak left her lips followed by a grunt. Opening her eyes when hearing laughter she groaned.
"Damnit Norman! You scared me!" She playfully hit his arm. Knocking was heard at the door and they looked each other both shrugging. Norman got off of Nicole much to his own dismay and she got off the floor. Norman yelled in an Irish accent which made Nicole rise an eyebrow, oh she was gonna need an explanation on that one. Opening the door Norman was busy laughing at his best friend's expression to notice the man at the door.
"Oh Colin! Hi come in?" Nicole suddenly felt unsure Colin had expressed concern when it came to Norman and Nicole's friendship. 
"Who the fuck is this?" Colin was not in a good mood and if he looked he known it was Norman, Nicole not only had shown him pictures but there were pictures on the walls. Norman being protective of Nicole decided he was gonna slip into character of Murphy Mcmanus accent and all, which confused poor Nicole even more.
"Aye I'm Murphy! Good friend of the young lass over der." He stuck his hand out which Colin only stared at. Nicole had never in her life met a person named Murphy and now this oh this was gonna cause shit.
About 25 minutes into an argument with Colin while "Murphy" tried interjecting lead to the break up of Nicole and Colin. Nicole wasn't exactly sad it was over, she was more upset that they'd been dating for almost a year and his whole reason for ending things was she was cheating on him with Murphy.  Norman pulled Nicole close and stroked her hair whispering comforting things in her ear. 
Confused she asked "who the fuckin hell is Murphy and why does he have an Irish accent?" Norman fell over laughing his best friend had just been broken up with but that's what was on her mind? God she was amazing. After he stopped laughing he told her about the movie and the role he was up for. Told her how the director liked him and wanted him to stick around. She had always believed in him and his dream and offered her place for as long as he needed.
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rovalent · 4 years
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With their lines supposedly mastered, came the time to show what they managed to learn last month. After going through the choreography of both of their songs, the boys continue with their practice until the following day.
With them in the room are both Jo Soonyang, their vocal coach, and Yoo Jaekyung, their dance coach. They exchange a few words with each other before turning their attention to the nine idols-to-be in front of them. “Well, good morning,” Jaekyung is the one to start. “You had to learn two choreographies last month, which you showed to me yesterday. I think it’s easy to say that it’s expected of Royal to have a better grasp on their vocals, but that’s no excuse to let your dance abilities fall short. You’re standing here to become idols—dancing idols.”
The woman stops talking for a moment to shake her head. “For how long have you been training here? Kangjoon?” She looks down at the sheets of paper she’s holding. “It’s been three years now? And that’s what you had to show me? What did you do during your dance lessons as a trainee? You’re a charming guy, so we tried giving you some center spots, but if you don’t get your act together it wouldn’t be the first time I had to rearrange a choreography before its release. And what’s worse is you’re not the only one I need to talk about.”
Jaekyung points at a name on the paper before reading it out. “Yoo Seonho. It’s been two years and a half, right? And you’re only better than Kangjoon. As a main vocalist, you’ll get a lot of lines, and if you can’t keep up with the dance how do you think that’ll turn out? During practice this month I’ll keep pushing you two, and if any of you complain you’ll be staying late. And Jung Jaehyun…” She looks at the last person she’s going to comment on. “If you’d like to join them it wouldn’t hurt you.”
The woman looks away and takes a step back. This is taken as code for Soonyang to speak. “Since you learned your pre-debut songs these last few months, we’ll move on to the next step of our preparation stage. You can come now.” She motions to one of the men standing by the wall and he starts moving forward. He’s very tall and chubby with a friendly expression. “This here is Kim Sohoon. From today on, he’ll be working as your manager. You’ll start having a bit more activities this month so he’ll have to keep an eye on all of you. Please, don’t abuse his patience.” Even with her request, the smile on the man’s face tells you he has a lot of patience to spare, unlike the coaches.
“Why don’t you hand them the lyrics?” With an excited “Yes!” Sohoon hands the file he had been holding to Baekhyun, who then needs to distribute them to the rest of the boys. “While you’re getting ready and set, we’ll also start work on the ‘go’ code. The thing you have in your hands is the lyrics of your debut song. It’ll work the same way as it did last time. If you learned anything from your time with us,” Soonyang takes a look at Park Jihoon, “then you should achieve a good result.”
This month, the boys of DE:CODE will have more than one mission to worry about. The first thing in line are the lines they received for their debut song, which is titled ‘Gorilla’. It’s rather different from their two other songs, especially ‘I’m Fine’, but the coaches tell they should leave a big impact from their debut, and this is the song to do it.
During this month, the members will be assigned multiple lines to learn and practice. None of these will officially be theirs and, by next month, the coaches will officially assign them. Their temporary lines for ‘Gorilla’ can be seen below:
Byun Baekhyun: 0:36 - 0:46 (Hui); 0:55 - 0:57 (Hui); 1:22 - 1:33 (Jinho); 1:42 - 1:43 (Jinho); 2:17 - 2:28 (Hui); 2:21 - 2:22 (Jinho); 2:28 - 2:29 (Adlibs: Jinho); 2:37 - 2:38 (Hui); 2:43 - 2:46 (Hui); 2:47 - 2:57 (Adlibs: Jinho);
Lee Seunghwan: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 2:09 - 2:18 (YeoOne);
Jung Jaehyun: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 2:09 - 2:18 (YeoOne);
Yoo Seonho: 0:36 - 0:46 (Hui); 0:55 - 0:57 (Hui); 1:22 - 1:33 (Jinho); 1:42 - 1:43 (Jinho);  2:17 - 2:28 (Hui); 2:21 - 2:22 (Jinho); 2:28 - 2:29 (Adlibs: Jinho); 2:37 - 2:38 (Hui); 2:43 - 2:46 (Hui); 2:47 - 2:57 (Adlibs: Jinho);
Kim Hongjoong: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok); 1:15 - 1:22 (Yuto); 1:51 - 1:59 (Wooseok); 2:00 - 2:08 (E’Dawn);
Park Jihoon: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok);
Jeon Wonwoo: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 2:09 - 2:18 (YeoOne);
Kim Mingyu: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok); 1:15 - 1:22 (Yuto); 1:51 - 1:59 (Wooseok); 2:00 - 2:08 (E’Dawn);
Lee Minho: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok); 1:15 - 1:22 (Yuto); 1:51 - 1:59 (Wooseok); 2:00 - 2:08 (E’Dawn);
On the morning of December 30th (because everyone has better plans on the 31st), the members will sing all their assigned lines in front of their coach and her results will be shared on the following month.
As promised, however, the nine boys will have more schedules added to that. On December 9th, they will be split into two groups of five and four by age to go to a hair salon (the same some of them went to for Dream Knight) and get their hairstyles ready for their pre-debut releases. They’ll be split by age, and the five youngest will go first early in the morning, and then the oldest later on. 
Kangjoon — Black ( reference )
Baekhyun — Blonde ( reference )
Hongjoong — Light brown ( reference )
Minho — Ash brown ( reference )
Jaehyun — Brown ( reference )
Jihoon — Bright brown ( reference )
Mingyu — Ash blue ( reference )
Wonwoo — Black ( reference )
Seonho — Black ( reference )
With this, the boys should be ready to head off to their first-ever photoshoot on December 18th. This will consist of two different sets, one inspired by these images ( 1, 2 ) and another by these ( 1, 2 ). The day after, December 19th, their music video recordings will start with ‘I’m Fine’ going first. They’ll record the video for ‘What Time is It Now?’ on December 20th.
5AM: Get hair and makeup done
6AM: Go to filming location
7AM: Change into outfits
7:30AM: Recording first beauty shots ( 0:30; 1:00; 1:19 )
8AM: Thank LUXE’s Ella for coming & Shooting of game scenes ( 0:00; 0:06; 0:09; 0:13; 0:24; 0:28; 0:38 )
10:30AM: Thank LUXE’s Ella for coming; Change outfits
11AM: Recording of second scene ( 0:03; 0:11; 0:18; 0:21; 0:46; 1:16 )
12:30PM: Lunch break
1PM: Filming of first dance scenes ( 1:09; 1:15; 1:20 )
2PM: *Change outfits & recording of solo scenes ( 0:04; 0:20; 0:23; 0:27 [Jihoon] / 0:19; 2:42 [Seonho] / 0:30; 0:31; 0:36 [Hongjoong] / 0:52; 0:58; 1:49; 1:55; 2:25 [Wonwoo] / 0:59; 1:03; 1:31; 1:40; 1:45 [Mingyu&Baekhyun] / 1:08; 1:11; 1:17; 2:04; 2:16 [Jaehyun] / 1:22; 1:26 [Minho] / 1:52; 2:07; 2:10; 2:30 [Kangjoon] )
6:30PM: Change outfits
7PM: Recording of white scenes ( 0:08; 0:15; 0:26; 1:29 )
8PM: Recording of white dance scenes ( 0:02; 0:07; 0:34 )
9:30PM: Change outfits 
10PM: Recording of dark dance scenes ( 2:11; 2:15; 2:18 )
11PM: Thank staff for hard work
11:30PM: Head back to dorm; eat, shower, rest
*Scenes may not correspond to their assigned lines as referenced on the video, but IC they’d match. The scene with Mingyu & Baekhyun will be split between a soda scene with Baekhyun and a books scene with Mingyu.
8AM: Get hair and makeup done
9AM: Go to filming location
10AM: Change into outfits
10:30AM: **Recording all the shots ( 0:00 )
1PM: Thank staff for hard work
1:30PM: Head back to dorm; eat, shower, rest
**The video uploaded by DE:CODE will be of the full song, unlike the reference video. There will be parts with a different choreo from the original for this special video, which the boys will learn throughout the month.
Write one four-post thread or one 300+ words solo about your muse practicing for their debut song or dyeing their hair for +3 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH and +2 DEBUT POINTS.
Write one four-post thread or one 300+ words solo about the day of their final month performance or their mv recordings for +3 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +1WK RELEVANT ACHIEVEMENT and +2 DEBUT POINTS.
The tag for this evaluation will be #de:code:deceval and posts should be up by midnight EST at the end of December 31st. DE:CODE members are told not to share the information given to anyone outside of Royal or else they’ll risk losing their place on the debut team.
DE:CODE DECEMBER EVALUATION (for the January 1 verification form)
+3 ___ POINTS
+3 ___ POINTS
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footprinting · 4 years
Tarawera 2020 ✨
"So Emma, how does it feel to have so many people you care about running this weekend?".
In an immensely thoughtful few seconds, Nico zoomed right into the heart of everything.
We were in Rotorua to run Tarawera. Friday had been filled with festivities. Saturday was to be the big one. We had a rare few minutes chilling at our shared house of dear friends, in between one activity to another.
It had been a whirlwind of a week. A week previously I had hopped on a plane to see my sister in Perth - and more specifically, her with her newborn wee girl. Winnie was 11 weeks when I visited. She's perfect. We had precious days together just being, and besotted by this tiny niece. After four days: back to Wellington. Sleep. Drive up to Napier. My brother had arranged for all of us to see Elton John at the Mission, in particular for my Mum. Spectacular. It was a colourful rainbow of joyfulness and festivities - no black t-shirts to be seen - and we immersed ourselves in the warmth and music and drank it all in from the grassy field. Then a through the night drive from Napier to Rotorua, arriving at 2am. Sleep. Up again. The weekend was ready to begin. A few of us headed down to the expo and squeals of enthusiasm welcomed people from far afield, with a particular highlight being Marieve from Canada. We leapt and hugged and exclaimed that this could barely be real. It was a feeling that was to continue. Family had shone bright that week. Treasured friends radiated that same meaningful brightness.
Its been three weeks since that weekend. I keep trying to write a race report. When I think of the weekend the numbers and details fade away. It's the feels that stay with me. Love. So much love. Highs. The highs that were stratospheric. Lows. When I hear someone had to quit from the event, or when my heart falls to my feet with worry for someone else who's not doing well. Thankfulness. For all the helpers. Bewilderment. At learning to accept help. And then: more love.
No pain. No pride. No rah rah rah I'm amazing. I read a book about ultra running this week. It missed a point. It was about pushing and striving and being hard. But nothing of what it means to build a family of people who gravitate toward these same meaningful journeys we go on. And that's the real story I want to tell. Nor is the photo of a medal or a jump or a selfie. It's of a torn up hand, raw; holding two gifted daisies in wonderment from two cheering kids.
(Here's the disclaimer that you're going to need a coffee, an Ultra IPA, or a big swig of electrolyte to last the distance on this read. Settle in!)
Friday was magic. Zooming around the race check in and expo and seminars and friends was like a trail running Disneyland. I could feel myself getting nervous for Chris and for Rachel, both in for the big dance of 💯 with me. Marieve called BS on my thinking: "Hey! You're racing tomorrow! Look out for you too!". She settled my mind for the better. Strong friends know to look out for strong friends. We found quiet oases of time. We had prepared a lot back in Wellington, and this helped gift us spare hours and relaxing. Bed. Early. Reasonable sleep -- never excellent the night before -- and we woke before the 3.50am alarm.
Saturday started with a series of familiar steps. Shower. Coffee. Bircher muesli. Whispered conversation. Our bags for the day re-checked. Out the door we went. In the dark we walked the fifteen minutes to our 5am bus. The drive reminded us the scale of the journey ahead of us. Winding roads took over an hour to the start line. It rained. We were grateful for this: not too hot, and the first rain for this scorched town since Christmas. The start line was a colourful blur of people, many focused on toilet logistics. We assembled on the start line. We were ready. We look into each others eyes, Chris especially, and with Rachel, we grasp each other with meaningful words. We set off.
I was calm. It was surreal, being back in this field, where I had been three times previously. Always a finish line to amazing days. This time was the beginning. We wound ourselves around fields and the trail. Two figureheads were clapping and cheering on the edge of a high up field: Paul, the race founder / beautiful human and Kerry, previous winner / coach extraordinarre / comedian and these guys are two of the biggest hearts around. Both have been gateway drugs for us into trail running and I admire them immensely. "Hey Paul! Hey Kerry!" I yahooed up at them. They both returned with a HEY! EMMA! and Kerry yells "Right folks, run with her today, she's the cheeriest runner around!". On we weave in this dreamlike but focussed state. They are new trails we're running when we get past the fields. Beautiful. I see great whirlpools of deep water alongside the weaving track. It's going to be warm today but we're still comfortable. We get into the foresty road after 5 or so kilometres. I'm excited about this section. My legs start moving more easily, eager to settle in to some happy miles.
And then. Kilometre 9 or 10. On a piece of gravel barely the size of a fingernail. I'm flying. I go down. I'm up and running again before I dust myself off. The guys around me got a fright, as much as I did. "I'm getting the fall out of the way for today!" I jest. Adrenaline keeps me going. It stings. My sunglasses are done for, the front of my clothes dusted up. I wash myself off a bit at the next aid station. This is a return of a shakiness that's bugged me since the end of last year, a previous fall on a trail. It's ok. I recalibrate. I'm feeling ok and I know I'll be fine, alongside the need to be careful.
Kilometres 10 through 35 tick along happily. It's flowing and beautiful. Never boring. The light is already rising over the trees. My phone is purposefully tucked deep inside my bag. I absorb it all instead. The flowy paths. The cheer and vibrancy of the aid stations. The banter. People ask me sometimes what I do not to get bored when I run. So many hours! They say. But this was all encompassing. Connected. I dove into conversations in my mind that I needed to have, and occasional ones with trail friends.
At kilometre 35, Tarawera Falls, it gets a bit more technical, and again going through Tarawera Outlet. It is magestic at the Falls. Those deep, dark whirlpools. I run past one amazing vista after another. At the fifth or sixth jaw dropping viewpoint I relent. It's time to get a picture. The trail running fairies will give me demerit points if I don't capture this magic. And so I do. On we go. Each of these aid stations is such a lift. People! Colour! A hive of activity and people looking deep into your eyes offering help.
Through Tarawera Falls to Humphries Bay to Lake Okataina, kilometres 35 to 58, is the most technical of the day. Gorgeous, tricky, playful trail. I'm slower than usual here. I charge my watch during this section; biffing it into my bag in it's entirety with the charger. I hear it chirrup with each kilometre. But I don't need to see the pace. People are slowing, tired, grumbly sometimes. One person behind me audibly swears every time she hits a tree root. Which is very often. Loudly. Distracting. I zoom on a bit to get ahead. I'm ticking along and managing energy all ok. I realise here that my time goals have galloped on. I won't hit the number I had in mind. And that's ok. I make peace with it. The day is more important. Later I reflect on this: was I not hungry enough? How much more could I have done? But I'm at ease. It's ok. I settle in. I'm more than half way, relaxed, and I've still got some work to do.
I see the sign indicating an aid station up ahead, cruising into Okaitaina at kilometre 58. For the people that have run Tarawera: we recognise this aid station sign in a nanosecond. It is magical. The simplicity of red lettering on white background simply saying 'Aid Station, 200m' brings with it floods of endorphins, a feeling of possibility, and the knowledge that people will be on the other side of that sign. I am floating now, skipping along the end of the trail as I reach it. There's something more here though. A megaphone. A women in a wedding dress yahooing at me through the megaphone. Hallucinations??Nope. This could only be Lesley, spectacularly inspiring fearsome badass lady and coach extraordinarre Lesley! We each leap and embrace and squeal and then she runs in her wedding dress to help me with what I need, talking to me through the megaphone the whole time. What do I need? How am I feeling? Hurry the heck up she says, we'll sort you right out! In a blur of joy I'm getting my stuff, being covered in sun lotion by a lovely lady. ("This reminds me of looking after kids", she says with handfuls of sun lotion and I say it must be my childlike glee). I see a really special colleague at my left elbow, who's supporting a friend. I ask how her day is doing, how her friend is doing, and before I know it I'm being chased right out of the aid station by Lesley. Chop chop she says, get right out of here! On I go to chase the next hill, the last 2 minutes a blur of people and wondrousness and noise and hilarity. That was the first aid station all day of supporters (alongside volunteers) and I realised even more then how much I valued their company.
I head into Western Okaitaina Walkway. The next section is the longest of the day, 16-17 kilometres. It will be a slog. Except it's not. Not too bad. I had literal nightmares after I ran this twice the first year, the first ultra ever and in a tropical cyclone, an apocalypse of mud that was neverending. I would wake for years later being right back there, skiing in ankle deep sludge. I'd remember the feeling of standing in the shower afterwards, all my clothes on and even shoes, the mud still stuck on me. Now? It's a beautiful winding trail. Birds chirrup as do cicadas. There's dense bush and flowy trail. Sure, it takes work. But it's special. And I'm grateful for the tree cover and a reprieve from baking sun. It could be hotter, or more barren. I get it done.
Afterwards someone says to me: you couldn't have a constantly negative attitude running ultras, could you? The positivity must help. And it does. Positivity alongside realism. Sometimes you get tired. You problem solve. You keep on. You're in it for the big picture. You embrace the ups and downs. I realise here what I've got Chris into, and Rachel too, each running their own days behind me. I feel guilty. They'll be so tired. It's so long. I'm tired too. I'm doing the maths on the course and I'm already seeing it will run a little long. But there's work to do: I focus on keeping my feet flowing and running within my abilities. I recognise some of the trail, and always find new bits I'm seeing as if for the first time. Each brings with it sets of memories. And onwards I go.
I reach Miller Road, after 17k through the up and over of Western Okaitaina Walkway. "Heck am I happy to see you!" I exclaim, and I'm not the first that day to say so. I fill myself up with ginger beer, being careful to keep things simple with food, I'm getting closer to the finish line now (at 75k) but there's still a long way to go. I see a couple of running heroes waiting for a friend of theirs: one heckles me, one heckles him for heckling me and with kindness. It feels good to run downhill on the gravel road. I belt it a little bit. These legs still work. My mood has stayed mainly high for the day. There'll be wobbles every so often. But all solvable. I see so much of the beauty. I feel so bloody lucky to be out here. The only thing I have to do is keep moving.
I come into Okaitaina campground where we camped last summer, and on next to the magnificent new boardwalk around the lake. My feet have been scratching at me. You don't mess around with these things: if it's almost a problem now it will be a problem in a few kilometres and then a Very Big Problem a few kilometres after that. I had meant to change my socks at Okaitaina before I sped out of there like a racecar in a highly tuned pitstop (led by Lesley in a wedding dress). I have spares in my bag. So I take a seat at the next opportunity, peel off my shoes and socks, wipe off my feet, and luxuriate in the ridiculously amazing fresh socks. Plus a quick message to Chris (I love you and I hope you're having an amazing day and here is where I am and things are good) and my friend who'll be waiting to join me (I'm running late I say, I'll be there as soon as I can!). A selfie is a must to a group of girlfriends. And: all this takes 7 minutes. Seven. The best. Could I have kept on without it? Of course. Might it have bitten me later by not changing? Likely. Was it worth it for my mind? Hell yes.
Off I zoom (lol - off I creak) further around Lake Okaitaina, then Okaitaina township, then into Tennant's Track, then on to Blue Lake. I'm always in awe of the thousands of hours volunteers are investing into the event. And so many marshalls sitting on corners are doing exactly that through here. I notice and I thank them and I keep on. Tennant's Track is pretty cut up and rooty, and there's lots of concentrating happening. I pop out near Blue Lake - and there are supporters! - yay! Maybe it's 20 kilometres to go now, and this is all feeling more possible. Around Blue Lake I go, maybe slower than ever, with a highlight being when I hear Stu Milne at my elbow. "Gidday Emma!" he says, as he speeds into view. Holy shit! my blurred mind exclaimed, Stu - you're winning the miler?? It wasn't far off: he was the pace runner for the first placed 100-mile runner, and the two of them floated along these smooth delightful trails at a speeding pace that I'd run a fast 10 kilometres in.
I come into the Blue Lake aid station, again to familiar faces, and again so grateful for the people that give up their weekends to help us in ours. There's a photo Julia took of me coming in here and I'm full beam, OMG PEOPLE and in realising the end is nigh. I know the trail from here and I am already looking forward to seeing more people I love. The sun is low as I run through the Redwoods. The light is very special. It's paradise. Still very hard. But there's no doubting it's special here. I look down at my watch and I know that there are more hills to come. But on we go. We got this. Bending around corners and over hills. Onwards. Through here there is a cluster of three people, of an adult and two kids. Each kid gives me a single daisy. Great job! they say. I almost lose it in a flurry of emotion. I high five them and thank them hugely. I promise to carry the daisies with me. They are in my palm for a long time, and then in my pack pocket. These are the things I remember.
On and on deep into the Redwoods. And then. We're getting there. The aid station is further than I remember. Now I can see the cars and hear the music with the people. With this there will be 7 kilometres to go. I am already anticipating seeing Kate's face, her energy as we run together for that last bit, what it means to share that time after she's been waiting. I get there. I see her! But hang on: there are more people. Abi is also going to run. Jaime, Nico, Richard and Julia are all there too. What's happening?? They are there to cheer and yahoo, especially. This lifts me so high that I feel like a whole new person, a new day, a new run. Off we set in our trio. "Tell me everything about your day!! How are you?? I can't believe you're here after already running the 20 today!!" I say, I want to know everything and hear everything and drink in their own achievements of what they've done. (Also fun tip: asking questions is a super great way of getting your breath back a tiny bit). Along we gallop, them steering me in the right direction and cautioning me of all the various bumps and dangers and mile markers of how far to go. I feel cocooned and accept the help. I feel like the luckiest ever.
There's more.
Lindsay and Mel are on a corner. They leap up and down. They have their running shoes on. They are here to join us. We are now a fivesome.
The sun is reaching the lake now and the water is ablaze with pink, reflecting the glowing skies. The light is otherworldly. It's like a storybook. And with these Queens. The best.
Michelle joins us in a field. All these people have already crushed a race of their own - and are running, again, a quietly planned flourish to end this shared day. We're collecting people! Then Mal. Jaime. Nico. The pace is getting faster and faster, we're almost there, and faster still when they tell me the beer tent is closing. (Jokes. But it helped). Nine of us round the corner into the finishing chute. We're there. I leap over the finish line and in the background you can see people. The crew. My loves. Hands held up high in cheers. We did it.
Kerry is on the finish line commentating, a book end to the day. He was there at the beginning and here he is on the finish line. I thank him. This is not a day of sleep for him, nor much even in the month prior. He's a cornerstone to many peoples journeys and has been part of mine in recent years. We share words. I thank him for making friends on that bus all those years ago on the first Tarawera: You think you've come for a run, he said, but you are going to stay for the people.
Around the corner into the aid tent I go and I want to zoom right out to hang with these cherished people (and to lay horizontal in the grass). Want do you want to do now? I say. And I realise there's nothing else to do. Nothing we have to. But to be. And they spoil me like heck, with those minutes and those hours following being about sharing in the day. Of all our days. I get a shower. We go out for dinner. I get a nap. We go back out to that majestic last aid station.
My voice is scratchy from so many hollers and cheers at the 2am cheer party. This is the final aid station where we spend over two hours. I see Marieve in her last few kilometres, and Rachel, and then Chris. CHRIS! We run the end of his day together too, a story all of it's own, and a very meaningful one. He finishes. We leave the finish line as the sun comes up. It's been more than 24 hours since we woke the day previously.
What a day it had been, in between.
It's never about the day. It's about everything that comes before it, and the learnings, and the relationships that flourish to make it what it becomes. That's what keeps us going back. And that - I don't say this lightly - changes lives.
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armlickers · 5 years
Shout It Out Tour :: Enmore Theatre :: September 16 2012
(Originally posted to my LiveJournal on September 17 2012.)
I honestly didn’t think any show could top Saturday night’s. It was exhausting and painful, yeah, and I couldn’t see a lot, but it was an incredible show.
Sunday night’s show at the Enmore Theatre blew Saturday night’s show away.
It was another early start – I ended up only getting two hours’ sleep, whether out of excitement or something else entirely I’m not completely sure. Woke up around 5am, backed my photos from Saturday night up onto my laptop, and headed downstairs for breakfast at around 8:15am. This is probably my favourite thing about the hotel I stayed at this weekend – free breakfast :D A bowl of Coco Pops, two pieces of wholemeal toast with Vegemite and two glasses of orange juice later I headed back upstairs, turned my laptop back on and read some fanfic from my writing folder (no Internet this weekend unless I wanted to pay for it, and there was no way in hell I was doing that) while my phone charged. The friend I was staying at the hotel with, Sabina, didn’t end up waking up until about 11am. Once she was up and dressed we headed out to go shopping. We hit World Square first for lunch and then decided to try and find a Starbucks, partly to get something to drink but also to see if we could spot Taylor Hanson in there (because let’s face it, every Hanson fan under the sun knows about Taylor’s caffeine addiction). No Hanson sightings unfortunately, but it was nice to go there for the first time in years. I treated myself to a strawberries and cream frappuccino, which surprisingly didn’t taste a bit like chalk by the time all the ice had melted away. I haven’t had the best luck with Starbucks in the past, so that was a nice surprise.
Pitt Street Mall was our destination after that. I spent a ridiculous amount of money, but it was sitting there on my credit card and I hadn’t spent much of it. And $350 is a lot of money to burn through. Bought myself a new handbag and earrings from Rip Curl, new thongs and more earrings from Rubi, and a new scarf from General Pants. We’d been hoping to spot the guys there, especially after Zac tweeted a photo of a chess set he spotted somewhere, but no luck. As it turns out, Taylor had been seen there on Saturday with his camera – he was wearing R.M. Williams boots at the MOE that afternoon (yes, I was close enough to see the tag on his boots :p), so I’m guessing he got his new boots there. We went back to the hotel after that so we could get ready for the concert – showered, made sure we had everything we were going to need (cameras, wallets, tickets, et cetera), and finished charging our phones. Once all of that was done we headed out to Central train station to meet up with my friend Katrina, so that we could hop on a train to Newtown.
I’m going to preface this next bit with a small disclaimer – I have a terrible sense of direction, and I am very bad at reading maps. So of course I managed to get the three of us lost. We ended up taking the long way around to the Enmore. Met up with another of my friends there, Meghan, and decided to grab Italian for dinner at the pizzeria across the road from the venue. The whole time we were eating, the line outside the Enmore started to progressively snake its way down Enmore Road. It was insane. We joined the line at about 7pm or so, thinking it would be another hour before they’d let us inside (as doors weren’t scheduled to open until 8pm), but there were so many people waiting that they let us in early. I went straight to the merchandise stand and bought two T-shirts, a bunch of stickers and a poster. Went upstairs after that to find my seat – I was on Taylor’s side of the Enmore, as I thought I would be, and I had a fantastic view of the stage with nobody in front of me. I love front row. :D I am very glad I wasn’t in the pit for the concert, because it looked insane. Not to mention that I would have ended up deaf before it even began, because whenever there was even the slightest break in the pre-show music this almighty wall of shrieking rose up from the pit.
Just like Saturday, the show kicked off at 8:15 – Matt Wertz was fantastic once again, getting us nice and excited for Hanson to take the stage. I found out on Twitter during his set that Hanson did sell out the Enmore after all – there were still tickets left yesterday, so basically it all sold out right before the show started. Eight shows sold out of a total nine shows is a pretty good achievement.
I think I was half-expecting last night’s set list to be the same as Saturday’s, so it was a nice surprise to find out that it wasn’t.
1. Waiting For This 2. Where’s The Love 3. Thinkin’ ‘Bout Somethin’ 4. And I Waited 5. A Minute Without You 6. Been There Before 7. Runaway Run 8. Crazy Beautiful
Acoustic set:
9. Penny And Me 10. Madeline 11. Go 12. Be My Own
13. With You In Your Dreams 14. Oh Darling (Beatles cover) 15. Can’t Stop 16. Thinking Of You 17. This Time Around 18. Give A Little 19. MMMBop 20. Lost Without Each Other 21. If Only
22. Rock ‘n’ Roll Razorblade
Go was Zac on the guitar, alone on the stage (he let us pick whether we wanted to hear it on the piano or the guitar, and the guitar got the loudest cheer), and Be My Own was Taylor’s solo. And both Rock ‘n’ Roll Razorblade and If Only got the balcony rattling. :D
Possibly my favourite part of the show, apart from Taylor’s solo and Isaac doing a guitar solo on his knees? Both the Hanson.net members and the Australian Street Team got shout-outs. Last night was the very first time that any of the Hanson Street Teams (and I do mean any) had received a mention from the band during a show – it makes me so incredibly proud to be a part of it. We worked hard getting the word out about the tour over the last five-and-a-half months, and to be acknowledged by the guys for that was truly amazing. They also promised that if we (meaning the fans) come back to see them again, then they’ll come back too. So maybe we’ll get another tour a lot sooner rather than later.
This has pretty much been the best weekend ever. I wish it hadn’t ended, but in a way I’m relieved to be going home. I’m sore, I’m exhausted, and I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. I’m going to pack up my belongings now so I can check out, go find a post office so I can buy something to put my poster in to protect it, and then I’m off to the train station so I can catch my train home.
My photos from this show can be viewed here. The camera I used was a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH1.
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tuantasticchewbacca · 6 years
85 Truths Tag  I don't do this kind of stuff but @jarlgogh​ you’re too cute :3 Also sorry it literally took me like ages to reply but I was running around like a headless chicken for the whole weekend, I’m here now though :)))).
I tag: @notsoguiltykpop​ cause you’re my wife, and @imahoeforyoongi​ cause you’re my only other friend here so lol, and the rest of the 18 tags can go to whoever wants to do its actually pretty fun to do ^^
Alrighty so here it comes... Last
1. drink - TEA (I'm pretty sure I’m addicted)
2. phone call - uuuuuuuuhhhhhh to my mum
3. text message - my mum, again... lol telling her that I won’t be recording my friends in college today cause one of the lads sprained his ankle...
4. song you listened to - Bailando by Enrique Iglesias.... I know it’s only by now, but my my it’s beat is too good
5. time you cried - Eh... last week? Lot of things were happening and I was feeling really self-conscious and I somehow ended up texting this guy that I clearly have no feelings for, and he asked if “I was okay”, lkjsadhgr boi no
6. dated anyone twice- the question should be have I ever DATED... lmao cause nope
7. kissed someone then regretted it - again I am a relationship virgin I don’t know how do any of that stuff
8. been cheated on - nope
9. lost someone special - nope
10. been depressed - I’m like a werewolf, I get depressed every full moon.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - alcohol virgin here too....
Fave Colours
12. red
13. blue
14. black
In the last year have you
15. made new friends - Yep, I’ve been to a few social events where I managed to befriend some people so wowie well done me :)
16. fallen out of love - In progress. I just wanna get over the guy, ya feel?
17. laughed until you cried - Oh for defo.
18. found out someone was talking about you - Yep... found it very intriguing tbh
19. met someone who changed you - Kind of? I think for the better but who knows...
20. found out who your true friends are - first you need to have more than one friend.... lol 
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Nope. 
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - All of them, I have this strict rule of just accepting people that I know irl, and if we fall out I will unfriend.
23. do you have any pets - Noooooooooo.... *sob* but I’m working on this cat that keeps on coming over to my house.... 
24. do you want to change your name - asdfghjkl YES I hate it, I’m currently working on having people call me by my nickname that I came up with with my friend, it’s a work in progress
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I don’t celebrate birthdays so I probably drank tea and slept cause lol I'm so wild
26. what time did you wake up today - Like 5am? but then I realised it’s not worth it and forced myself back to sleep
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - probably chilling with my mum in the living room...
28. what is something you cant wait for - Finishing college! Having an actual job! Getting a dog! 
30. what are you listening to right now - my dad clicking away on his laptop and muttering to himself
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - Yes. I knew a Tom but he moved now to a different country... hope you doing well bro!
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - my tendency to procrastinate, I can like physically feel the time ticking away but I’d still be playing 2048 on my phone... and people coughing without covering their mouths like WHAT KIND OF A PEASANT-
33. most visited website - Youtube.
34. hair colour - Dark brown, with a strip of cherry but you can't really see it cause my hair is so dark... (mum and I were feeling spontaneous one night)
35. long or short hair - shoulder length? but I just cut it recently, I literally had it like down to my hips...
36. do you have a crush on someone - Unfortunately 
37. what do you like about yourself - MY EYES- they’re like light brown, but in sunlight they become gold and I think it’s really pretty, EYELASHES- natural curl yo! and HAIR- we get on very well
38. want any piercings? - Yeeeeaaaaahhh... like I see myself with a tongue piercing but would never actually get one. But I am thinking of getting a helix piercing...
39. blood type - lol, who knows
40. nicknames - Marty, I’ve been called “midget” as well... yeeep that’s all
41. relationship status - single and reADY TO BINGO
42. zodiac - Scorpio
43. pronouns - a she/her
44. fave tv shows - I’m into few things at the time so bare with me... - Once Upon a Time, Riverdale (yes I’m one of those), Friends, White Collar, Gotham, The Good Place, Chuck
45. tattoos - iNone
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - Yeh, I was swinging on a swing (that was broken, it had no board to sit on or anything so there were just these three metal bars going across), then stood up on it while it was still swinging and I ended up falling with one of the bars ending up right between my legs... and well... I needed stitches..... (note that I was like 4 or 5 at the time okaYYYYY)
48. piercings - just in ears
49. sport - none, I used to play basketball a little and soccer but yeah... I dance a little though... does that count?
50. vacation - I love travelling if only I had more $$$$$ (planing on going to Iceland tho)
51. trainers - I literally wear any kind of shoe’s as long as I like how they look like 
More General
52. eating - if I could I’d eat pizza 24/7, but nothing rn
53. drinking - tea 24/7 but nothing rn, not... sure why... hold on...
                      Yep tea.
54. i’m about to watch - some DAN and PHIL cause I’m a hoe for them
55. waiting for - me to finish this cause I still got some college work to do, but I’ve been putting this off for so long that I’m disgusted with myself... hehe....
56. want - A dog... a boyfriend would be nice, but a dog would be more convenient 
57. get married - probably someday, not really into the whole marriage thing at the time, some of my friends just got engaged lately and I’m here like... why would you???
58. career - none, currently in college studying animation so hopefully would end up with something in that direction, if it fails I’ll probably go for hairdressing
Which is Better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs 
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - both? as a member of the SHORT Clan I am very much aware of the numerous advantages us quick-ending-limbs people have, but at the same time being tall must be very nice
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant (pls just don’t have me decide things cause just no.)
Have You Ever
66. kissed a stranger - nope
67. drank hard liquor - I think so??? Like I’m pretty sure I did I’m just not aware of the alcoholic stuff but like 95% positive 
68. lost glasses - Nope
69. turned someone down - Oh I did... 
70. sex on first date - nope, what is a date? ...I’m so lonely lmao
71. broken someone’s heart - nope
72. had your heart broken - Nope
73. been arrested - nope
74. cried when someone died - Yep, Jonghyun got me bad... but also... would crying over my guinea pig count?
75. fallen for a friend - you see the thing is I’m pretty sure we’re friends but like... I don’t even know what we are??????? so maybe?????? 
Do you believe in
76. yourself - happens every other day, so yeah sometimes 
77. miracles - not the ones happening these days I don’t
78. love at first sight - I mean, yeah sure, why not, I like being optimistic 
79. santa claus - nope
80. kiss on a first date - Um... I’m not really sure how the whole dating thing works so I feel like I shouldn’t answer cause I wouldn’t know???
81. angels - yep, but I don’t believe there’s like guardian angels and all that
82. best friend’s name - Lidzilla (that’s the nickname I gave her on messenger lol)
83. eye colour - like light brown, but with bits of greyish in them too
84. fave movie - can I mention more than one? cause there’s plenty...The Proposal, LOTR and The Hobbit movies I’d die for, throw in Star Wars... and Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one ;) )
85. fave actor - oh geez... probably Johnny Depp, Ryan Reynolds, Chris Pratt and I’m growing soft for Emma Stone, ANGELINA JOLIE will forever be my role model tho
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everlasting-gospel · 5 years
New Post has been published on Present Truth
New Post has been published on https://presenttruth.info/colombia-trip-report-jul-sep-2019/
Colombia Trip Report – Jul-Sep 2019
Martes (Tuesday) July 9, 2019
Download in PDF or RTF or DOC
On the evening of July 9th, 2019 I boarded an airplane headed for Bogota, Colombia. I had a layover in Houston, where I met up with Alfred Irizarry and his mother Pilar. At the airport I was able to practice a little of my poor Spanish with some of the people who were heading to Colombia. As I was boarding I spoke with an oil-field worker about the country of Colombia. He assured me that the people in the country are very Christian minded and talk about the Lord all the time. This helped to alleviate my minor concern about my safety in Colombia. He was happy to receive a copy of my recent booklet, The Source of Love, and the tract, Finding Your Identity. I try to always have literature available to give to people.
On the airplane my seat companions were an outspoken chef and a very nice Catholic man, who were both excited to talk about the Lord and their favorite part of the world, Colombia. The chef asked me how I came to the Lord. I was happy to have the opportunity to share my conversion testimony to such an eager audience. They were glad to receive a written copy of my conversion story, along with The Source of Love, and the tract, Finding Your Identity.
Miércoles (Wednesday) July 10
We arrived just before 5am in Bogota and stayed in the lovely home of Giovanni and Jhanna where we were warmly welcomed by several brethren from various locations. We spent the day getting ready for the upcoming camp meeting. That evening we were happy to participate in an evening meeting that was lively with testimonies from people from many different countries. I was privileged to see some brethren whom I have not seen in years. I also met some people whom I had corresponded with by email. Several of my books have been translated into Spanish which have been widely distributed in many countries in Central and South America, so several people knew me through the books, and I was now privileged to meet them in person. Later, our kind hosts acquired extra mattresses and spread out sleeping areas for about twenty people.
Jueves (Thursday) July 11
Several other brethren from other areas arrived on Thursday. The house nearly reached its maximum capacity. After morning worship we were treated with a variety of local fruits, including guava, granadilla (similar to passion fruit), and tomate de arbol (Tree tomato), pitalla (a bumpy yellow-skinned fruit with pale-white flesh and small black seeds that are soft and pleasant – this was my favorite of the new fruits I tried).
About forty of us boarded a bus and traveled three hours to a beautiful camp meeting area in San Francisco, Colombia at about 5,800 feet elevation. In Bogota we were at 8,400 feet, so it is warmer in San Francisco and it is surrounded by beautiful mountains. The location for the meetings was well maintained and very inviting. For the first meeting there were about 80 people in attendance from about ten different countries. The meeting started with some vibrant singing, after which I spoke on our need to be born again, and shared my testimony of how God delivered me from drugs. The Lord led some to dedicate and rededicate their lives to God.
That evening I had the privilege of sharing a room with three of my brothers in Christ. It cost $10 per person to stay in a tent, and $40 per person to stay in a room. That cost was for three nights and included three meals per day, and the meeting area was available for no additional cost. It was a very beautiful and economical place to have a camp meeting.
Viernes (Friday) July 12
During the day on Friday we were blessed by some great messages about health, country life, and admonishments to give glory to God in preparation for Christ’s soon return (Revelation 14:6-12). After supper I was asked to share a shortened version of the study on being born again with a few people who had not been able to attend the first message. Brother Alfred did a great job translating for me, and it was beautiful to see the Lord softening hearts to receive Christ.
Sábado (Sabbath) July 13
The day was filled with practical studies on working for the Lord, God’s supernatural power to protect the Bible, consecration, and the love God. There were times for small group Bible studies as well. In the evening several people dedicated their lives to God in baptism.
I went to sleep early since I was to preach at 5:30 the next morning.
Domingo (Sunday) July 14
The morning meeting started with songs at 5:30, and my sermon at 6am. I shared the message, The Source of Love, similar to my recent booklet on the topic, demonstrating our need for love and how we can acquire it. “We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). The Lord really blessed this presentation and several people commented on how much more deeply they could see the incredible love of God.
For the next meeting everyone representing a country or particular regions of Colombia was asked to come to the front as a group and introduce themselves so everyone could be known. It was beautiful to see so many areas represented at the camp meeting. Some had come from very far away.
After lunch everyone was busy packing to get ready for a bus to bring us back to Bogota, but not too busy to pose for a lot of pictures. The weather had been mostly cloudy, but this day it was sunny and mostly clear, which made for some great photos with the mountains in the background.
About forty of us boarded the bus and sang songs the three hours back to Bogota. The theme song that was sung over and over at the camp was sung over and over in the bus as well. It is thoroughly stuck in my mind now, and I like it. The chorus, “Oh, el Rey ya viene, el Rey ya viene!” (The king is coming) was sung with exuberance.
About twenty of us again packed into Giovanni’s home. We had a great evening of fellowship and a peaceful night’s rest.
Lunes (Monday) July 15
We spent Monday getting laundry done and making preparations for our next trip. We were scheduled to leave Tuesday morning to look at a possible piece of property for a school to be located. The local brethren in Colombia have started a medical and missionary training school called “The Madison Foundation,” and they want to expand. They already have a bakery to support the work.
Martes (Tuesday) July 16
We awoke early enough to get packed and out to the road by 6:15 to wait for a taxi to bring us to the bus so we could take a three-hour trip where we would look at the potential property for their school. The property is impressive. There is a lot of work to do to get it up and running, but it has great potential. The property has three large structures along with two houses, many fruit trees, very large bamboo, a raging river running along the edge, and a beautiful view of the mountains on all sides.
The evening was filled with praises to God in song and prayer, along with some beautiful fellowship. The people in Colombia in general are warm and friendly. The weather is very nice, and whatever location you are in, the temperature pretty much remains the same all year because they are so close to the equator.
Miércoles (Wednesday) July 17
We awoke refreshed and got ready for a long trip to visit some brethren in a jungle area near Puerto Rico, Colombia. Before leaving the brethren had a discussion about the new missionary training school they are starting. I didn’t understand everything they said, but enough to be excited about the project. I pray that God will bless it abundantly and cause it to bring many people into His kingdom. If you would like to support this work, contact the brethren at www.juan173.org.
Along the trip back to Bogota, while stopping in the town, Oscar and I walked through the city park, where we met two men to whom we gave a Spanish copy of God’s Love on Trial. Oscar is the man who translated that book into Spanish, so it was a special treat for us to be distributing it together.
Shortly after arriving back in Bogota we loaded up in two van taxis to take the twenty of us and our luggage to a large bus station, where we found out that no busses were going to the city of Puerto Rico that night, and that we would have to stay at the bus station until 4:30 and 5am when we could catch the first two busses in the morning. We tried to sleep, but the bus station has a policy that will not allow you to lay down on the floor, and whenever you did a security guard would wake you up and make you sit up. I got about an hour’s worth of sleep leaning against a large post. Others had similar success at sleeping, while some just stayed awake the whole night.
Jueves (Thursday) July 18
One small bus left at 4:30am and brought half of our crew, while another small bus left at 5am and brought the rest of us on our journey to Puerto Rico, Colombia. The trip consisted of about eighteen hours on a bus followed by a forty-five minute float down a river in a large canoe and about an hour on foot through the jungle. The location is outside of electrical service except for their small solar panels. The reason the trip is so long is because recent rains have caused landslides that destroyed bridges and a large section of a key road. This bus ride was normally a five-hour trip, but on this day it took eighteen hours. We arrived at Brother Jaime’s house near Puerto Rico late in the evening, where we would spend the rest of the night.
Viernes (Friday) July 19
Early in the morning we took two taxis from Jaime’s house to Puerto Rico. As we passed another taxi beside the road that had a flat tire, our taxi driver stopped and provided a jack to get the job done more quickly. It was refreshing to see strangers helping each other like that.
After arriving in Puerto Rico we boarded a larger than usual canoe with a motor mounted on the back to take a 45-minute trip up a river. They also loaded a motorcycle onto the canoe. We were headed to the house of Brother Arnulfo where we would be staying for the next few days. After the canoe trip we began the one hour walk to Arnulfo’s house. Along the walk we saw a large group of small monkeys climbing in the trees. One was carrying a baby, and all were making lots of noise. We also saw some leaf-cutter ants carrying pieces of leaves.
We arrived at Brother Arnulfo’s house which was a simple structure with dirt floors. The people there didn’t have a lot to work with, but they were very hospitable. They served us lunch, water, and fruit drinks. After lunch several brethren from the local area arrived and congregated in the meeting area. At 2pm I shared a study on the importance of being born again, along with my testimony of being delivered from drugs. Some other brothers shared studies on the gospel and righteousness by faith.
After supper brother William and his wife shared with me his testimony of being delivered from drugs. He started drinking, and smoking cigarettes and marijuana at 13, and continued until the age of 27. He was an atheist who did not believe in God at all, and was a guitarist trying to make it big into the music industry. He came to a place where he was in great trouble and, out of nowhere, he called upon God, saying God save me. He thought that was strange since he didn’t believe in God, but that night in his sleep he was overwhelmed by God’s love for him, and in the morning noticed that the marks on his arms from the drugs were gone. He was completely delivered from drugs and never did them again. That is an amazing testimony of God’s power to heal and deliver from addiction.
Sábado (Sabbath) July 20
We were awoken at 4:30am to get ready for a study at 6am by Brother William who shared a message on justification. Several more local brethren joined us in the meeting area after breakfast. Some powerful messages of God’s love were shared, and after lunch I shared a message on The Source of Love focusing on 1 John 4:7, 8, which says, “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”
After a short break Brother Alfred shared a message encouraging us to treat others with love and respect even when they are difficult. In the evening Brother Jaime shared a message on moving “From Servants to Sons” explaining how God accepts us as His children and does not want us to view ourselves as servants (Galatians 4:6, 7).
Domingo (Sunday) July 21
After breakfast we packed our things to get ready for the long trip back to Bogota. A mule was loaded with a large amount of luggage, and a couple motorcycles carried the ladies along the one-hour walk on a narrow dirt road to the canoe. The large canoe was loaded again with our luggage, a motorcycle, and about twenty of us. I got the privilege to ride at the front of the boat, and it was my job to look for logs or other debris in the river that could be a problem for the motor. It was very peaceful to be riding on a canoe in Colombia enjoying the view. Afterwards, we loaded our things into two taxis to bring us to the bus station where we boarded a large, comfortable bus for the eighteen-hour trip back to Bogota. This was a lot nicer than our first trip. The bus had a bathroom in the back, and we only stopped once or twice to allow people to get food at a restaurant. I was able to get some sleep on this bus. We arrived early the next morning in Bogota.
Lunes (Monday) July 22
We spent the day packing to be ready for our flights home. Several of us also took the bus downtown where we did some shopping and drank some delicious lemonade made from freshly squeezed sugarcane and limes. On one of the busses we were smashed in so tightly that the door barely shut, and there was no room to move around.
Martes (Tuesday) July 23
We awoke at 4am to get ready to leave for the airport at 5am. It was hard to say goodbye to my new friends and brothers in Christ. We made it to the airport with plenty of time to make my flight. I was concerned because my flight back was delayed about an hour, and I was not sure I would be able to make my connecting flight. I had only an hour and 35 minutes scheduled between flights in Houston, and I had to go through US Customs in that time. I learned that I should not be alarmed or concerned, since our heavenly Father is looking out for us (Philippians 4:6). Amazingly, I went through customs very quickly. I only waited in line for about five minutes. I made it to my next flight right before they started boarding, so I had plenty of time. Praise God!
By the grace of God, I arrived home safely. Overall it was a very good trip filled with rich Bible studies, wonderful fellowship, divine protection, and several baptisms. The Lord blessed in so many ways. I have a new appreciation for Colombia and the work the Lord is doing there. If you would like to learn more about the work there, or help with the school they are starting, contact https://juan173.org/. Please pray for more laborers in the harvest to help spread the gospel all over the world.
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How much would car insurance be monthly for a 2007 CLK350 Cabriolet?
"How much would car insurance be monthly for a 2007 CLK350 Cabriolet?
for a 16 year old?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What are some reasons a person would get kicked off of state farm car insurance?
recently i had gotten into a small accident in a private driveway. not much damage done to either vehicles. when we brought this to the attention of our State Farm Insurance, they said that my mom can be taken off the plan because i was an unlicensed driver with no other driver in the car. she had no idea i had the car though. i own the car but its under her insurance. i usually only take it to work, but something rather important had come up and i had no other way of reaching my destination. can they really take my mom off her plan for something she was not aware of?""
Me and my boyfriend wants to buy a car but were concern about the car insurance we cant afford to pay 200 dollars or more a month just for car insurance but we refused to drive with out insurance we have a baby on the way and we don't know what to do and we really need a car bad please anyone can you please help us out if so can you leave numbers if you know something we just need help
""Im 17, and looking for cheap car insurance in the uk, and cant find anything under 3000, can anybody help?""
i've used all the comparison websites, and the 3000 is on a 1 litre car with insurance group 1. i have tried www.insurethebox.com (limited miles) and www.i-kube.com (no driving between 11 pm and 5am) and neither have been able to help. is there a car you know of with lower insurance than this, or any particular insurance groups that will cover young drivers for fairly low prices. i've looked through most of the options Google found and none of them are any use. HELP.""
Best insurance companies for 21 year old passed my test.?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 21 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
What is a cheap auto insurance for a 20yr old male student?
What is a cheap auto insurance company for a college student 20yr old male, good grades""
Can anyone give me an estimate for A 17 year old car insurance!?
Hello I am 17 in december and am looking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and I was just wondering if anyone would have any estimate idea of how much it would cost to insure!? :)
Need advice concerning a comprehensive insurance plan...?
I will be getting married in December. Both my fiance' and I are still on our parents' plans (as we are below the age of 24 and have not been forced off yet). This includes car and health insurance. I am lost when it comes to how much I should pay, what kind of coverage I should aim for, etc. We will both need car and health insurance as of 12/20/09. We are looking for an all-around DECENT plan that will fit in a limited budget. Any advice/tips on what we should be doing or looking for would help a lot! Thanks!""
Can you drive someone else's insured car without YOU having your own personal insurance in Ohio?
I'm 17 and i get my license the 26th. My mom is now paying off my car but i do not have insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive hers or anyone else's car that has car ...show more
Who is the cheapest insurance company for first cars?
i am a female, and i am just wanting to buy a cheap first car""
If you are 17 and have a drivers permit can you have a car title in your name and insurance on your car?
i have my drivers permit and im 17. i have a car and its in friends name i want to put in in my name and buy car insurance. i live in florida. also how much will insurance cost me and what is the new law about car insurance do? thanks and please answer
Couple questions on motorcycle insurance?
So I recently just bought a motorcycle 07 Yamaha R6S. I'm 19 years old and first time rider. I financed the bike under my name. My parents have Allstate and I'm under there insurance for the car insurance. Can they add a motorcycle under their insurance or do I have to go on my own? If so, how much is full coverage on a bike for a 19 year old? I have 1 ticket on record. Would I be able to just get liability? I live in California. Any advice would be helpful.""
How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?
How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?
Auto Insurance Rates hlep?
In November 2007, I erroneously ran a red light and made a left turn, with the result was hit by an oncoming car. Some tow truck driver came and offered me assistance by taking the car to his body shop and have the car fixed at a much lesser cost. (the police gave me at fault ticket). The next day I called up my insurance company and reported the accident. In October 2009 I fought my ticket and my fine was reduced with 0 demerit points. I have my abstract which says AIL TO OBEY LANE LIGHTS CURRENT DEMERIT POINTS TOTAL 00. Every year my insurance company raises my auto insurance at present for 2 cars and 2 drivers we are paying over 6000 premium. The cars are Mazda 5 2010 model and Mazda protege 2001 model. the accident car was Mazda Protege. My husband is the first driver and has a clean record for more than 10 years. I would like to shop for another insurance company. How much details about the accident would they ask me? My present insurance company has marked an 'x' on conviction free dsic. Could someone please guide me as what do I have to disclose at the time of shopping of rates. I would like to add that this inquiry is for the province of Ontario - Canada Thanks Regds Jo-Anne""
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
""What are the best car insurance in Eugene, OR ?
I'm a college student and looking for the best car insurance in terms of reasonable price and have the higher coverage. I'm looking for full coverage. Please help me as you can whether you recommend one or you could lead me to a recommended insurance. Thanks in advance
Isn't it time the insurance companies stopped ripping us off?
Just how annoyed am I... I've been unemployed for 4 months and receive income based job-seekers allowance,we don't have enough to live on and finding a job seems harder than ever just now.My car had an engine problem and both the Tax and M.O.T had run out,with so little money coming in I thought it best to do without the car until I get working again so I scrapped it.I called my insurer to freeze my policy and was told that I could only freeze it for 30 days and would still have to pay the monthly 20, then I would have to cancel if I didn't get another car by the end of the 30 days,cancelling will cost me 90. What the hell,how am I supposed to find the money and isn't it time these greedy companies were asked to explain why they need to charge ridiculous amounts of money for doing nothing other than posting a letter,they also charge 35 to change the policy onto another car which I find a bit hard to swallow. Why though,why do they have to charge so much in these hard economic times""
Who insures a teenage driver when the parents are divorced?
We are getting ready to add my stepson to our auto insurance. He does not have a car yet, but when he does get one it will be in his father's name. His mother as far as I know has no auto insurance. She drives a car that belongs to her parents and I assume they insure it. This is the living situation and what is in place legally at this time. The mother is the primary custodian of the child. However, he resides at our house 85% of the time. My husband has educational gaurdianship so that he can attend school in our district. I have researched this and what I have found is that the parent who has primary custody is the one who adds the child to insurance. Then I also read that the parent with whom the child resides the majority of time carries the child on the insurance. I am just trying to prepare and educate myself before having to deal with the ex-wife. Money is not the issue as the child will be required to work and pay for his own insurance (our house rule). Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this?""
Ford Focus Insurance for a just passed Driver?
How much would insurance cost roughly for a 25yo female who's just past her test?? I haven't yet passed but when i do I want to get a Ford Focus and was wondering how much roughly insurace would cost!
Can I have a car title in my name & insurance in my dads?
Right now I am listed as a Second Driver under his insurance, and he is on the title of my car. Makes it so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for insurance as a college student. 270 every 3 months for full coverage is great. I'm getting a new (used) car. I am putting down 3/4 in cash and the rest in a small loan. He is an extremely busy person so I was wondering if I could purchase the car with the title in my name and still be listed as a 2nd driver under his insurance, but the car be under his name/insurance, even though the car is in my name?""
Is there a website where I can use a calculator to get an estimated insurance quote for a car I may buy?
I want to figure in the insurance as part of my outlay in this purchase without a bunch of insurance agents harassing me, calling me, emailing me and so forth. It would help me make the final decision on which vehicle I purchase.""
What car will be cheaper on insurance? 2002 Hyundai tiburon or 2000 Toyota celica?
So I'm hoping to get one of them by next year (when i'll have my license) and i know they'll both be pretty expensive on insurance but, which one do you think would be cheaper? i really need to know this asap! thank youu!""
Home owner's discount on auto insurance?
how does my auto insurance company know if I own my home? do they just take my word for it?
Where is the cheapest place to get Auto Insurance? In Canada?
New truck - need help.. :D ty
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!
How much would car insurance be monthly for a 2007 CLK350 Cabriolet?
for a 16 year old?
Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?
Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
How much cheaper will my insurance be ?
Want to no how much cheaper my insurance would be if my mum insured my car but put me down as a name driver? I have just passed my test, looking to get a fiesta 05 plate 1.2 something like that, also my mum has been driving for over 20 years ?""
New car insurance with only a learners permit?
I am a 16 year old student that lives in the state of florida. Ive had my learners permit for a year and my sister gave me as a gift her old car. I dont have anyone to ask so im asking you guys.. I want to get my operators license but i was in an accident in california a few months back with the other person involved at fault (i am a florida resident) Will that affect my car insurance rate? Will it affect my chances in getting my operators license? Please lend me your knowledge i need to know! ..Thanks.
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
""Whats so affordable about $6,000 deductibles and over $500 a month for one persons health insurance?
When can we expect the $2500 in savings Obama told us back when he was trying to get ACA passed?
""How much would it cost to get insurance (if you can) on a $100,000.00 car if your 18?""
Just asking for an estimate. If i cant get full coverage, could i just get liability?""
Does anyone know where to get affordable insurance rates for high risk drivers?
Any insurance companies offering affordable insurance for high risk drivers
How Can a 17 Year old Teen Afford Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old guy working on getting my first car. I was thinking possibly a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire, or a 2006 Saturn Ion. I had looked up a few quotes from Progressive and Esurance, and noticed that the semi-annual price was VERY high, way beyond anything my family could afford. I was wondering If anyone knew of a way that I could possibly afford this. Many of the quotes totaled at $800-$1000 per six months. This is outrageously high, and that was just insurance for an adult I had quoted. Adding a teen onto the insurance would be much more expensive. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do to cheat the system per say, or just find a nice and cheap affordable, reliable insurance company I'd be extremely grateful.""
Cheapest car insurance in brampton ontario?
i 22 and i need the best quote i paying 341 with state farm that bull and i got ma g , what the best and cheapest company out there i don't care much about broker as long he/she got a good deal.""
What is the purpose of a car insurance company giving quotes for the other insurance companies??
Just wondering... could they maybe lie about it? Why would they give quotes of the other companies if theirs isn't as good as the other ones? To me it just sort of seems like they are screwing themselves... Does anybody know why they do this?
Is affordable (not free) health care a right or a privilege?
There are many constituancies in this debate not the least of which is individual health responsibility. That said the costs are driven in large part by greed. Insurance, hospitals, doctors, drug companies, lawyers, restaurants and the food industry and fraudsters all have a dog in this fight. If affordable health care is believed to be a right (I believe it is) then all of these constituants need to come together. Al Tennessee""
Is this possible with AIG car insurance?
hi i have a full coverage on my car with AIG and it says, it covers rental insurance too.. what does that mean.. generally, how does rental insurance coverage works.. is it only when my car is in unoperable condition or just for any rental that i take when am away from my home...""
I have a Suzuki GS500 now & want upgrade. What is the cheapest sportbike on insurance 1998-2006?
Thinking of maybe a Yamaha R6 or R1, Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 or 919""
Car insurance when buying a new car?
Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?""
Does anybody have or had insurance thru esurance?
they are by far the cheapest i found for full coverage for me. i know cheaper isnt always better but i just need insurance because my car is financed. esurance isnt a very big name and i dont know anyone who actually has insurance thru them. anybody know how they are compaired to other companies?
Will I affect car insurance rates ring on the cars title?
Me and my fiance re buying a car together I asked him to put it in both our names but he said nothing against me he just don't want his insurance to go up but I was told I don't have to affect the insurance even if the title says (him and me) the insurance would still just Be in his name.?
Where can I go for the best and cheapest classic car insurance?
We have a 1965 classic mustang and want to insure it for it's restored value.
Help with car insurance?
im 17 and im buying a car but with the insurance i want to use you have to be 18 to et up a direct debit so i done a quote where my mum is the policy holder and im the main driver and my mum is a named drive am i allowed to do this and whos name would the car have to be in thanks for any help in advance
Health Insurance-please help?
I am 22 years old, and I will currently be in law school until May of 2011. Because I had to be declared as an Independent, I can no longer be on my father's insurance plan. I am scrambling to find something, because I do not want to be without health insurance and I will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2009. The school's insurance policy will not cover me until Jan. 20, 2009, it seems pretty shitty, and is expensive. What can I do? What is the best private insurance to get? Should I get private insurance? Thanks for your help, it is really stressing me out.""
How does progressive auto insurance work?
i have never bought insurance for myself, i am on my moms insurance. i want to get my own insurance and when i did a qoute in the progressive site it said like 56.02 for a 6 month policy but then i see it says 178.54 a month....sooo....i dont get how that works....so if you have progressive do you like it? and this is a stupid question but are you able to buy it online and it just automaticaly starts covering your car? because i see they have a buy online button and then im assuming they can take monthly payments from your card or something. basically all information you can give me please.""
Car Insurance for Citroen Saxo?
So i've been looking at cars seeing as im 17 and learning to drive. Well i really like a car ive seen which is a Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre and 2003 model. Round about how much insurance would it be? one of my parents would be on the insurance also and they have no claims. I'm female by the way if that makes much of a difference? Help would b appreciated :)
Is a '94 Integra considered a sports car ...?
Trying to figure out why my insurance is so damn high... Anyone else own early-mid 90's integra? Just curious, how's your gas mileage? How do you like these cars overall? This is my second car & still fairly new ... I totaled my first car in a bad accident within like 2-3 months. Thanks =)""
Cheapest car to insure for a 17/18year old new driver?
passed my practical 2 weeks ago. im 18 end of feb and want to get a car....i dont mind paying up to 2500 insurance however, im not sure to what car will be cheaper. is automatic cheaper or more expensive than manual? please someone who actually knows let me know please :)""
What is the best UK car insurance for me to get?
Ok, i'm a little confused here. Basically my insurance expires in a few days and i'm coming up to 4 years no claims. I've never protected these claims (obviously as you cannot protect less than four years) and on my renewal i've come to a dilemma; 1) I have got a fairly cheap quote which includes courtesy car, legal cover and windscreen cover (this is cheaper offer but doesn't offer protected no claims). or 2) courtesy car, protected no claims and windscreen cover (this is a little more expensive but doesn't have legal cover). Now my question is (since I don't know much about car insurance, i just know its a law), how important is legal cover? i'm assuming its very important but for the last four years i've never had any claims or been in any accidents, and i really want to start protecting my claims since my car is kind of old now and i'm worried about losing the last 4 years, any tips or advice? oh this is on comprehensive by the way. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.""
""When buying car, do i look at the fuel efficient or the insurance price of the car?
should i buy a car that will save me money on gas or buy a car that is cheap on insurance???
How much would car insurance be monthly for a 2007 CLK350 Cabriolet?
for a 16 year old?
What is a cool car that is low on insurance?
Im a 16yr old male looking for a cool car that is low on car insurance
Classic Car Insurance?
If I bought an 80's car, but my parents were the policy holder for the classic car insurance quote, and I am only 18... would I be able to be a named driver? (because you have to be over 21 to qualify for classic car insurance) Also... is this even legal? Thanks""
Car insurance going up?
We were involved in a hit and run accident. Obviously not our fault, but the people that did it drove off. They've yet to be found. Our car was totaled and we're currently waiting on a payment from the insurance company. My question is, will our monthly car insurance payment go up, even though the accident wasn't our fault? Also, if they find the people that did it (there's more to the story and we're waiting on fingerprints from the car) is it possible to get their insurance to pay the extra amount if ours DOES go up?""
""How much would insurance be on a peugeot 106, female, 17?""
Hi, im 17 and should be passed my driving test by christmas. I want a peugeot 106 and was wondering does anybody know how much (roughly) insurance would be? i live in a small town, in a quiet cul de sac and the car will be parked in my driveway (if this narrows it down)! thanks""
Any good/bad experiences with Farmers Insurance?
I'm considering becoming an agent of farmers.
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
""Speeding ticket in Ontario, How much will an increase be on my insurance per vehicle?
I have just gotten a speeding ticket in on my Ontario driver's license. Can anyone tell me a rough figure as for how much as an average I could be paying on extra insurance for my vehicle when it gets updated? And how long will these penalty premiums be in effect? Thank you.
Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance for a 19 year old boy in the UK?
I will eventually have my car when I'm 19 but i want to drive a 1.6 instead of a smaller engine. Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance because i know of people who got it cheap In england
50cc moped scooter insurance?
I live in PA. I am thinking about geting a moped scooter 50cc. About how much does insurance cost?
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
20 year old male toronto ontario G2 issued oct 2011 G1 DEC 2010 car 2003 toyota celica never been insured before quotes came up as 12000-16000/year i tryed it with a 4 door honda accord and it was 10000/year, i tryed 3 websites. Also is there an easier way to find auto insurance around toronto?""
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
A question on car insurance?
It is the first time we r thinking of a car. Can someone please tell what are the steps to get a insurance? It is a used car that we wish to buy from a friend. so, next what do we do?""
Can my grandmother add my car to her auto insurance policy?
I have a car that's in my name, with no insurance. I wanted to know if my grandmother could simply add my car to her policy. I'm a 19 year old male, if that makes any difference.""
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
What insurances do I need?
Setting up a dating agency on line
Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?
Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?
Which company have cheapest auto insurance?
Which is cheapest auto insurance
What health insurance plan should I buy?
Hi I'm currently looking for a health insurance. I live in southern California. I'm a 27 year old female, 30 lbs overweight, no known medical condition, looking for something to cover mainly major or serious medical problems. Dont know whats better Kaiser Permanente or Blue Shield Blue Cross? Should I look for a high deductible plan or a copayment plan, PPO or HMO? Really confused!!!!!!""
Cheapest car insurance in brampton ontario?
i 22 and i need the best quote i paying 341 with state farm that bull and i got ma g , what the best and cheapest company out there i don't care much about broker as long he/she got a good deal.""
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets?
whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets full coverage?
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
Looking For Cheaper Car Insurance Quotes?
I am trying to beat my best quote so far and I wanted to ask if anyone knew of anyone I could try or some brokers who could get the price down a bit for me. Here are my circumstances. 18 years old Full licence for 9 months 0 NCB Live in east sussex no claims or convictions car is kept in a locked garage looking for upto 4000 annual mileage will be using car for pleasure and commuting My car is an Renault megane coupe 1.6e sport My best quote so far I got from moneysupermarket which is 1560 and that was from swinton. I just wanted to ask If their was anyone I could try, like good brokers who might be able to get that quote down a bit. I am really looking at no more than 1400 . It doesn't matter how big or small they are I will give anyone a try. I have tried most of the major companies but none of them come close to my best quote so far. Also is it worth putting my best quote down when filling in online forms. Does it make any difference?""
Why is my car insurance the same price?
My car insurance is due up next month and I have been shopping around. I've used all the compare sites like go compare and money supermarket and I m basically the exact same price as I was last year. For the same car. I've been driving 8 years nd have 6 years no claims. I'm 25 and female. Every year it used to go down but now I'm being quotes the same and sometimes more?!
How much would car insurance be monthly for a 2007 CLK350 Cabriolet?
for a 16 year old?
Health care insurance in ny?
What is the best health care insurance for a low income 19 year old who just got cut of the affinity child health plan due to age? Any suggestions?
Is there any good insurance companys that will insure me for a 200sx turbo i am 20?
20 years old with convictions and a high performance car, this is my second high performance car my evo was 3475 last year need it cheaper this year ,all i basically work for is to run my car, the thing is when i got the evo instead of looking around i was tht deprate to drive it i took the 1st quote, never crashed and have plenty no claims ,can some one help? none of these comparison websites are any good there all large companys i need japanese specialists or young drivers insurance thanks all! x""
What should I get first insurance or car register?
So here is what happen. I went to pay for my sticker at dmv the insurance was done. They void my car sticker and gave a orange one that says void. Couple months I started working now I save up to get insurance to get my car sticker. But they when I went to get insurance they all asking for registration paper. So I lost those paper I looked everywhere. What should I do first get registration paper at dmv then go to insurance because then go back to dmv to get the sticker? Or get insurance first then go to the dmv??
Cheap cars with a nice interior??????????
Hey im 18 and hoping to buy my first car soon (Living inthe uk) I'll probably buy a used car too I want a car thats cheap to run, cheap insurance, etc But with a nice interior :) This cars interior is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you guys reccomend any?""
How much would the nissan altima coupe's insurance cost per year?
Prescott Valley, AZ""
How much do you reacon my car insurance will be?
I am currently taking driving lessons but in a few months I will be taking my driving test. If I pass my test my mum is giving me her car which is a 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I will have to pay for the insurance so I was just wondering how much it would be?""
International medical insurance for US-medical trip?
I have a condition that might require surgery in the US, but I don't live there. Please can you recommend an international medical insurance that can cover the surgerical expenses when the need arises? Or anytime i should make a medical -trip to the US?""
I do not have regular health Insurance?
I regularly go for activities like white water rafting. Is it possible to buy cover for injuries from such activities on per event basis?
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she ...show more""
""How much would the insurance be for a 2004 Range Rover HSE, for an 18 year old?
just an estimate thanks so much!! :)
""In California, do you have to have insurance on your boat?""
ive never had insurance on my boat before,,,
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they're trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don't insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?""
Cheap derbi insurance?
hey im 16 the end of the month and i am getting a derbi gpr 50. my question is, where can i find really cheap insurance for this bike in the UK?""
""How do i get an car insurance quote without giving (name, address, social security no, etc)?""
A 2001 toyota sienna xle, for a 15 year old driver W/ Learners Permit living in bellevue, WA never had one ticket or accident, mostly A's grades, employed PS Not 15 yet but am employed, just wanna know when the time comes""
Online auto insurance?
Other than the general, Is there any good online auto insurance providers??""
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Good question about financed car and insurance.?
I'm insuring two cars and my rate is high. I would like to know, Is it possible to tell my insurance company that my car is no longer finance (even if it still is) so i can switch to a liability coverage and lower my rate. Is my insurance company going contact my finance about detail...""
Car insurance help please!!?
Basically i passed my test in may and it is my 19th in 2 weeks, my mum just bought a car for my birthday which is in perfect running order and good condition as it was owned my an old bloke. It is a ford fiesta lx 1.2 s plate (98), Ive been searching around and have come to the conclusion that haggling on the phone will get the cheapest quotes. Just wanted to ask if anyone has the same car and how they got on insuring it, and if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest way of insuring the car and the cheapest providers for all types of cover. All suggestions are welcome apart from the ones about tracking devices as i have seen people being billed incorrectly and in some cases that i have seen, increased the insurance to well over other quotes! Cheers for the help!! :) Mike""
Young new driver getting car insurance?
Okay so i got my license January of this year and i am starting college. i already took a college class last semester while i was in high school. i heard you can send in your grades if their are good to reduce the bill. i lost my high school report card but i was wondering if i can request my college transcript ( which is one class) i got an A in it and i have a 4.0 so can i send that in to reduce the bill. and if not any other suggestions to reduce my car insurance? PS i have AAA and am going to be under my parents insurance
Car insurance for 20 year old?
hey im 20 year old just passed my driving licence and the insurance quote i get on a 1.0 corsa breeze is ridiculous. i live in a high crime part of london but the insurance company's want about 1500 pound a MONTH from me. anyone know what it should actually be n what i can do about it? i heard people pay max 300 pound a month at the age of 17.
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Pennsylvania law auto insurance question?
Someone hit my car when it was parked in front of my house, the car is totally wrecked. I know who's car it was but the owner denies being behind the wheel, claiming it was stolen. The thing is I currently don't have car insurance. Will the other person's insurance pay for my damages?????""
Where can I find a CAR RENTER'S INSURANCE that I could use for a week?
Found a cheap rental car- but they require insurance. Need a short short term insurance for renting car- HELP?
When will my car insurance go down?
About 2 years ago, I was in one heck of an accident. Everyone in my car passed out, and the other car was basically fine, so police only went off their story. And they're not going to say it was their fault I assume. Police report says it was my fault, but i don't know. Stuck me in a coma for a while :P I had a severe traumatic brain injury too. So all in all, I don't drive because my mom doesn't want me to pay much for car insurance. I've heard different numbers, but the cheapest quote I've heard is $300 a month! I'm actually going on an LDS mission for two years, and won't be driving until it's done. So about March of 2016. Will my car insurance go down at all in that time? I will turn 21 in June of 2016 too
First time Car Owner Getting Insurance?
I'm a college student, not living with my parents, which means I will need to start my own parents. and I'm looking to buy my first car, which might be an out-of-state title. Say I eventually, locked on a deal. The question is: Do I have to buy insurance before paying for the car. But then how does the insurance company assess the quote since I haven't had a car yet. Do I just tell them the make and year of the car I'm Going to buy for sure or how does it work? What if I bought the insurance, but the deal didn't work out, and I have to choose other car/ make/ year? Or, can I get it insured soon After I make the purchase? If so, what happens between I picked up it from the seller and driving it to get it insured. Do I get screw if I had an accident during this time. I probably sound pretty stupid by now.. but dude help me out here.""
How much would car insurance be monthly for a 2007 CLK350 Cabriolet?
for a 16 year old?
0 notes
morningrainmusic · 6 years
Top 25 Albums of 2017
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A lot of very good albums came out in 2017. These are my favorite 25, with some thoughts on each of them. See you in the new year.
The Staff of Morning Rain Music
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25. Ty Segall – Ty Segall  Almost all of Ty Segall’s albums (there are a lot) are made to be turned up to 11. His second self-titled release is no exception. Segall said of the live recorded album, “There’s something about a band in a room – it’s a feeling you can’t replicate. There’s a feel to the music. The band is so good, and I love the feel of this record.” So do I.
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24. The Feelies – In Between  I took one journalism class in college. The professor would play music before starting lectures and I vividly remember one class when he played The Feelies and then talked about how great and underappreciated they are for a little while. I don’t recall much else from the class, but I remember that. I wonder what Greg Downey is up to now.
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23. Mount Eerie – A Crow Looked at Me A Crow Looked at Me is this year’s Skeleton Tree (Nick Cave’s 2016 musical tribute to his late son). To call Phil Eleverum’s meditation on the death of his wife a slog of misery would be a profound understatement. Listen to it and feel his utter despair.
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22. Fleet Foxes – Crack-Up  Fleet Foxes’ return after six years on hiatus isn’t as triumphant as Helplessness Blues, but it’s a bold and invigorating odyssey of an album that could only come from the questioning, adventurous minds of Robin Pecknold et al.
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21. Ryan Adams – Prisoner I got really into Adams’ Heartbreaker this year. Could this have primed me to enjoy Prisoner more? It has been called his best and most personal record since his 2000 debut. You be the judge, I guess.
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20. Chastity Belt – I used to spend so much time alone If The National are music’s reigning “sad bastard” kings, Chastity Belt’s latest album make them contenders for the spot as queens. Or “sad bastardesses” maybe. A quick glance at the track-list is a pretty good indication of what you’re in for—“Stuck,” “What the Hell,” “5am,” “Bender.” These aren’t exactly pit of despair bummer songs. They lack the “look at me” dramatics of The Smiths or Joy Division. Chastity Belt keep it low-key, conveying something of a slow-crippling, dejected resignation that’s truer to life. If I’ve just made this record sound like complete agony, let me assure you, it’s not. I used to spend has some pep in its step—a bit of that Pacific Northwest punk spunk. One of the guitar breaks in “Something Else” even slightly recalls The Cranberries’ “Dreams.” So it won’t completely overwhelm with its ruminations on feelings of self-loathing/emptiness. For that kind of experience, turn to Mount Eerie.
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19. A. Savage – Thawing Dawn Thawing Dawn  has some glaring flaws, but I listened to it a lot in 2017 because I really like it. Andrew Savage (who is in a band called Parquet Courts, you might’ve heard of them) has an everyman’s voice that sounds like a too-clever-for-his-own-good friend talking to you on the subway, regardless of whether you’re actually listening (“Eyeballs”). He also delivers a tender, slow-burning love song (“Wild, Wild, Wild Horses”) and a full-blown country waltz, slide guitar and all (“Phantom Limbo”). It doesn’t all work (see the church organ-heavy dud “Untitled” and overly drawn-out existential crisis-mode plod of “What Do I Do”). But something about the rest of Thawing Dawn, imperfections and all, is simply pleasant and demanding of the occasional revisit.
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18. Kevin Morby – City Music If you like Bob Dylan (any era) you will probably like at least a handful of Kevin Morby songs. This may seem like a lazy assertation since the same could reasonably be said about a few dozen current artists, but I feel the comparison is worth making because Morby leans into the Dylan-ness a bit further on City Music, the follow-up to last year’s also excellent Singing Saw. The influence, of course, is not accidental and it isn’t limited to Morby’s charmingly wooden vocal delivery. City Music finds Morby getting even more introspective, a tad emotional and notably more poetic. One of the highlights is the ambling, groove-laden title track, which is preceded by a short Flannery O’Connor passage read by musician Meg Baird. The track gradually builds to a rapturous rave-up with Morby shouting the lyrics (there are only fifteen distinct words in the whole song). Play it fuckin’ loud. Side note: “Caught in My Eye” is a great introductory song to this album and Morby in general.
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17. The xx – I See You  The xx, a band known for hushed tones and stark minimalism, broke free and brought dancehall spirit to their brooding songs. I See You is a natural next step in the group’s evolution.
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16. The National – Sleep Well Beast  The National are not everyone’s bag, and understandably so. They require time and attention, which people seem to have less and less of these days. For those who do though, and are inclined to give The National a chance, the experience is a rewarding one. On Sleep Well Beast they do a bit of everything—rock out, wail lovelorn agonies, get glitchy, and mutter cryptic lyrics. I’d like to know who “dead John” in “Carin at the Liquor” store is, one of the record’s strongest, and most National-y tracks. But then again, The National are with each new record proving that they’re quite adept at going in a lot of different directions.
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15. Hiss Golden Messenger – Hallelujah Anyhow  Hallelujah Anyhow is a record that seems to have slipped through the cracks. That’s a shame because MC Taylor creates the kind of terrific country-ish folk rock that should make any self-respecting music fan who’s ever picked up a Lumineers or Mumford and Sons record seriously question some of his or her life choices—no offense to those bands. Listen to “Harder Rain” and tell me that isn’t dang good southern rock music. But really, listen to the whole album.
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14. Aimee Mann – Mental Illness  Aimee Mann does here what she does best, which is craft melancholy portraits of life’s disappointments. And she does so beautifully. It’s a strange and strangely uplifting album. Also, it might be the most universally enjoyable album on this list.
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13. LCD Soundsystem – American Dream James Murphy broke up his band when they were seemingly at the height of their popularity, threw a huge goodbye concert/party in Madison Square Garden, and then spent years puttering around with coffee, wine, and musical turnstiles. All the while he was (presumably) wondering why the hell he called it quits. LCD Soundsystem’s new album which, as recently as three years ago was never supposed to exist, is a solid homecoming that retreads their well-established punk meets electro art-rock style with some new tricks. They have a long history of spastic, challenging songs and American Dream contains the most in terms both of quantity of tracks that fit this bill and quality (the challenging-ness, that is). If you don’t like their first album (or the genre they’re working in) don’t bother. That being said, songs like “how do you sleep,” “oh baby,” “tonite,” “emotional haircut,” and “call the police” bring the goods dance-wise. Album closer/bonus track “pulse (v. 1)” finds LCD going full techno for almost fourteen minutes. So yeah, it’s good to have James Murphy and co. back again.
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12. Alvvays – Antisocialites  Alvvays, is one of those little indie bands that could. The spelling of their name is stupid. The songs they make are sunny and catchy. Lead singer Molly Rankin wrote much of the album “in isolation in an abandoned schoolroom” on the Toronto Islands. Taking your word on that one, Spotify “about” section.
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11. Japanese Breakfast – Soft Sounds from Another Planet  Soft Sounds could be called a distant cousin of Frankie Rose’s Interstellar from 2012. Both Rose and Japanese Breakfast’s Michelle Zauner sing in angelic tones, inspired by distant worlds in the infinite cosmos. Zauner, however, thinks a bit bigger, and quite a lot hookier too. I’m talking about entrancingly dreamy, poppy, shoegazing tunes that shoot for the stars and land firmly in the heart. Fantastic song titles too, like “Here Come the Tubular Bells,” “Jimmy Fallon Big!,” and my personal favorite, “The Body is a Blade,” also one of the standout tracks on an album full of those.
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10. Vince Staples – Big Fish Theory  Between songs during Vince Staples’ set at Pitchfork Music Festival in July, I leaned over to a friend and said I think Staples could be the next Kendrick Lamar. He looked at me quizzically and said, “I think he already is.” It was a bit of a “no duh” moment and one listen to Big Fish Theory proves the comparison to be accurate. It’s a club-ready banger of an album with sharp rhymes and an aggressive current running through it. “745” is, give me permission to write this just one time, the trillest track of the year. It also echoes Lamar’s “Backseat Freestyle” with the repeated “all I want” lyric.
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9. Spoon – Hot Thoughts By now, everyone who gives a damn about good music should recognize Spoon as one of the most reliably great bands of the last twenty years. Hot Thoughts sees them stretching their legs, experimenting with some new sounds, but always sounding like Spoon, which is to say cool, confident, sexy, and slick.
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8. The Courtneys – II  I feel like The Courtneys should be bigger. Maybe not huge, but definitely a lot bigger. They’re three gals from LA by way of Vancouver who love 90s pop culture and write songs that fall somewhere between candidly wise (“Tour”) and endearingly goofy (“Lost Boys”). There’s also a Big Star-inspired track (“Country Song”), one about a guy moving to the cold North Country (“Minnesota”), and one about iron deficiency (“Iron Deficiency”). Everything is up-tempo and there’s nothing not to like.
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7. Lost Balloons – Hey Summer How do you feel about fuzzy, sentimental jangle-pop? How about infectious melodies sung by a guy from Japan? How about deep left-field bands cracking the top ten of MRM’s best albums list? Those questions are rhetorical and this album is very good. Lost Balloons’ Jeff Burke and Yusuke Okada crept under the radar for a while, but they’ve earned the seven spot with a record full of sprightly, mournful ditties. They’re what the characters of Sing Street call, “happy-sad.”
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6. Mac DeMarco – This Old Dog The pepperoni playboy is so good at making excellent, laid-back, reflective indie-rock, it feels like only three full-length records in, folks are already taking him for granted. I’ve seen very little love for This Old Dog on other year-end lists…what gives? It’s the most stripped back and mature-sounding of DeMarco’s work so far. Is Mac more fun when he’s singing about the lighthearted aspects of life? Of course. But listening to a song like “Dreams from Yesterday,” it becomes clear that this gap-toothed goofball is at his best when he gets into the deep stuff.
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5. Alex Cameron – Forced Witness Part of me can’t believe one of the year’s best albums is by a dude who sings about prowling for women on the web, benching other guys’ bodyweight, and how he’s “packing heat” under his jeans. What’s so remarkable about Forced Witness is how easily it could have been a complete disaster. Adopting a stage persona this crass and outlandish requires an unwavering commitment to the character and, more importantly, having the musical chops to back it up. Cameron and right-hand man on the sax Roy Malloy deliver both, with a batch of killer tunes that weave tales of pathetic delusion, macho posturing, and (perhaps unexpectedly) extreme vulnerability. The carefully crafted façade Cameron takes on is one of the most entertaining aspects of these songs, but it’s how sadly desperate for connection his brazenly low-life characters are that make many of them perversely beautiful. Cameron mixes uninhibited rock star swagger with portraits of seedy, disturbed individuals from the underbelly—like Springsteen, Zevon, and 80s Joel all rolled into one greasy-haired goon. The results are mesmerizing.
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4. Mount Kimbie – Love What Survives The opening two songs of Love What Survives sometimes remind me of a terrific movie from this year, the Safdie brothers’ Good Time. The film’s music by Oneohtrix Point Never is a completely different brand of jittery electronic from Mount Kimbie, but these songs produce images of urban menace and escalating panic that, if you’ve seen the film, you’ll understand why they would fit snugly in its world. But then, three tracks in, the record pivots. “Audition” and album standout “Marilyn” slide in to cleanse the palate, providing a hazy, coolly detached warmth. If that sounds a bit enigmatic and contradictory, that’s because it is. This is the brilliance of Love What Survives, an album that earns the distinction of 2017’s breakout revelation. The genre Mount Kimbie occupies is admittedly not my area of expertise, but if ever I was asked to recommend an album of UK-based electronic/“post-dubstep” to a total neophyte, this might be the record. Built around a half dozen guest vocalists including James Blake and King Krule, Love What Survives is a gorgeous collage of sounds—organic and industrial, familiar and foreign, soothing and unsettling—that has a truly captivating effect. And while it is not the best of album of 2017, it is the most fascinating.
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3. Lorde – Melodrama  I want to begin by saying I think the music of Taylor Swift is pretty much irrelevant to Lorde. They are both massive female pop stars with fiercely loyal fanbases and, as it would happen, the two are pals (or at least they present themselves publicly as such). Stylistically though, all the two have in common is that their songs fall into the (depending on your point of view) ever-broadening or frustratingly narrow genre of mainstream pop. The reason I bring Swift up is because 1989, which is now just over three years old, seems to be the unanimously agreed upon best pop album of recent memory—it is also the highest selling. Its appeal is near-universal and it is indeed, a stellar album. I’m here to tell you that Lorde’s Melodrama is even better. This is a collection of moody and electrifying songs whose consistent quality is made more impressive by the fact that her previous record is similarly fantastic. Loosely based around the concept of a night spent partying, Melodrama is the rare example of pop music that transcends its generic conventions and manages to be both a supremely satisfying get-up-and-dance record as well as a thoughtful reflection on youth, romance, and the fleeting nature of both.
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2. Kendrick Lamar – DAMN. Crown him folks. Kendrick Lamar, best rapper alive. What’s that? We already did that? Okay then, if you weren’t sure before, you ought to be now. The man can do it all. DAMN. is a rightfully ALL CAPS PERIOD rap record that tackles everything from heritage to crippling self-doubt to our divided nation and racism like no one else can. When it comes to beats, flow, intelligence, and charisma Lamar is in a category of his own. “There’s a difference between black artists and whack artists, ” Lamar raps on “ELEMENT.” He’s not wrong.
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1. The War on Drugs – A Deeper Understanding  This is a blog so ridiculously unread that the point of keeping it up at times feels woefully nonexistent—I sometimes question why I don’t just shut it all down to the dismay of no one. Why post something on the internet for it to be utterly unnoticed? The same question could be posed to the tens of thousands of other amateur music bloggers across the country with year-end lists that probably look a lot like this one. I don’t know what their reasons might be. Complete lack of awareness? Blissful ignorance? The self-assigned obligation of a shameless vanity project? Mine, for the little it’s worth, is an unadulterated love of rock music and a compulsion to champion the uncompromising musicians that make compelling art. That’s a mission statement of sorts, generic and predictable as it may be, for a largely inactive blog run by a guy who listens to and reads a lot about rock music. That’s all this is. And since I’m on the subject of big cliché statements and uncommissioned content that oversaturates this largely vapid world wide web, here’s an undercooked question whose answer is as subjective as it is insignificant: What is the state of rock and roll in 2017? Reading Collin Brennan’s COS piece from early this year, in which he mines bands like Japandroids, Cloud Nothings, Jay Som, and Real Estate for something resembling a conclusion, I got to thinking about this question myself. Then I got to thinking about The War On Drugs and how they fit into this tired conversation. Here’s what I know to be true: rock and roll, contrary to what people may tell you, does not require a new roster of fresh-faced superstars. It does not need to dominate the charts. It does not need to be young people’s genre of choice, the soundtrack of a revolution, and it certainly doesn’t need to lazily repackage the sound of former greats. Don’t call The War on Drugs or any other band for that matter, “saviors of rock” because rock doesn’t need saving.
Artists like The War on Drugs, albums like A Deeper Understanding are proof that rock and roll’s health report is just fine. The Philadelphia-based band, led by studio obsessive Adam Granduciel, are endearing underdogs: the guys that rose from indie obscurity to fame-straddling heights on the back of an exceptional, critically adored 2014 release. They have made a name for themselves by borrowing from the best. A little Dire Straits, a lot of Bruce, some Ghost is Born-era Wilco distortion, Granduciel’s hushed, Dylan-esque drawl—their sound is built from a foundation of musical greats. These influences are easily recognized on A Deeper Understanding, but it never sounds like mimicry. Instead, it sounds like reverence. Steven Hyden (who also named it the best album of 2017) put it nicely, writing about how the record doesn’t actually sound like the artists the WOD are so frequently compared to. “It does sound like your memories of that questing, widescreen heartland rock music,” he writes. “This is what Adam Graunduciel does best: He evokes the spirit of classic rock’s past without ever literally replicating Bryan Adams’ gruff vocals, Mark Knopfler’s bluesy guitar, or Born In The USA‘s glockenspiels.” The band has mutated their sound over the years from rootsy to atmospheric to this new incarnation, which could be called “quietly epic.” This phenomenon comes across best in a song like “Thinking of a Place,” the eleven-minute opus that somehow doesn’t feel a second too long. “Strangest Thing” builds to the point where its swelling guitar motif will forcibly displace you from whatever you are occupied with and once it’s over you’ll need a moment to come back to Earth. “Nothing To Find” is the breeziest on the record, and equally suited for a large amphitheater or a car stereo on an open road. I could go on and on, but I won’t. This album will not knock you on your ass or change the way you think about music. It’s not the best thing since Nevermind, it’s not even the best album by this band. Here’s what it is: an engrossing sonic experience marked by lush guitars, heartland synths, and a whole lot of things being very strongly felt—longing, nostalgia, confinement, and of course, pain. It’s the kind of album that hits you at your core without sounding like it’s trying too hard to. If the question, “is rock and roll is still capable of having a profound impact today?” were a legitimate one, the sixty-six minutes of A Deeper Understanding would make for an effective, resounding, “Yes.”
Honorable Mentions:  Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile – Lotta Sea Lice Real Estate – In Mind Run The Jewels – Run The Jewels 3 Randy Newman – Dark Matter Four Tet – New Energy Margo Price – All American Made Big Thief - Capacity
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themartinsguide · 7 years
Koh Phangan and Koh Tao
11-16 March 2017
We arrived in Koh Phangan determined to have a great time but also not completely blow out on the exercise front. Seizing a great opportunity to start as we meant to continue, we opted for a short 1-2km pack march to our “resort” in the blazing midday heat, as opposed to a very reasonable taxi ride (Koh Phangan actually proved to be one of the most expensive places for taxis). Arriving at the suggested location, as marked on Google Maps by Booking.com, we were surprised to find an empty paddock. Not too perturbed, as some previous addresses had been out by a few hundred metres, we searched for another 30 minutes in ever widening circles. However, it was nowhere to be found and after some group reflection at a local 7/11 we decided we had better reconfirm the address. Fortunately, a friendly local (who was very concerned that we may be suffering from heat stroke) provided us with his phone, and an internet search indicated that the Booking.com address was wrong, and that we had been searching fruitlessly approximately 2km from the actual location. At this point, and after some further group reflection (James’ comment “I always reconfirm the address” was not considered helpful by Hannah), a taxi was hailed, and 5 minutes later we reached the “resort”. The proprietor appeared very unconcerned when she was informed about the address being incorrect on Booking.com despite James’ dripping wet clothes, and Hannah’s death stare.
After a quick dip in the pool, some AC time for Hannah, and a Fanta for James (“it’s Fanta time” has become a thing), we were nicely re-energised for an afternoon’s shopping. Walking back into town (gluttons for punishment) we passed ‘The Mason’s Arms’ which appeared to have been lifted out of the English Home Counties and deposited by the side of a Thai street, complete with picnic tables, healthy dogs and expat families. We decided to give it a whirl, casually walking in and ordering two shandies. The English proprietor, upon hearing shandy and seeing a quizzical look on the Thai barwoman’s face, jumped straight in and whipped up the finest shandies we have drunk in the last 3 months (to be fair the only ones). So pleased with our discovery, we returned that evening for steak sammies, after kitting ourselves out with the required fluorescent clothing for the next day’s festivities.
The day of the Full Moon Party dawned bright, and we were up nice and early, raring to go. Reflecting that perhaps we would be in a bit of a state the next day we headed out for a dawn run around the bays of Koh Phangan Island. The run was surprisingly hilly, extremely warm (especially once the sun crested over the island’s mountains), but we viewed glimpses of 3 different bays we wouldn’t have otherwise seen. It did occur to us that perhaps rising at dawn, in order to run and savagely dehydrate ourselves, may not have been the ideal preparation for a nights partying. Oh well.
But then we had a day to kill, as the Full Moon Party didn’t appear to kick off properly until midnight, on the other side of the island. Showing great restraint (or so we thought), we waited until 4pm to crack a few beersies by the pool, clad in our matching outfits. Recognising that we are in no ways hip or cool, we had opted (after much encouragement by James) for matching Team Jannah singlets and neon yellow shorts (which the shop owner considered to be “one size fits all” simply because she had (somewhat haphazardly) cut off all the sizing tags… now that was a funny conversation). Although our outfits were the cause of some judgmental stares and querying gazes, it actually turned out to be a great conversation starter and by the end of night we had developed an unofficial fan club and some (i.e. James) might say, a cult following. It did make us look like massive douche bags when we stopped for our shandies at the Masons Arms (we loved this place) on our way to the Party.
We had met a youthful chatty fellow on the ferry over to Koh Phangan, and as he was staying at what sounded like a party hostel we had made a pretty loose plan to meet up with him again. Turning up at the hostel early afternoon he was nowhere to be seen, but looking dope in our matching outfits, it was no worries as we blended in by tucking into a free dinner, painting ourselves in fluorescent paint, and knocking back a few strong drinks. Surprisingly no one else seemed ready to go, despite it being 7.30pm… Had we cooked the goose? Was it the wrong day?? Why was no-one drinking heavily???
It was the right day. It just transpired that all the youth had been at a Jungle Party the night before (not running at dawn), and were less motivated to drink and walk across the island mid-afternoon. Fortunately, the place quickly warmed up and within an hour we had met a number of people we would party with for the rest of the night (most of similar age - thrilling), met Team Jannah Fan No 1 (her idea, not ours… apparently we were some kind of “relationship goal” or whathaveyou), and decamped to a new bar for some Twister (Hannah) and pool (James). Come midnight, our group had coalesced into a semi-tight knit crew composed of:
Team Jannah; Team Jannah Fan No1 (Mary); Other James (Mary Fan No1); Johnny (swarthy Italian with great teeth); Jay (Welsh guy); Dan; and Creepy tall guy (name unknown).
The Full-Moon Party was as dominating and intense as we had expected, perhaps more so. The Haad Rin Beach stretches in a crescent for approximately 3 km, and along its length 15 separate bars had erected monster sound systems, pumping out a variety of music. In between each bar were stalls selling buckets of liquor for approximately $10NZD, each bucket consisting of a hip-flask of cheap Thai liquor (Sangsom is a particular winner), a bottle of Red Bull concentrate, and a splash of mixer. With most people wearing various combinations of fluorescent clothing and body paint, and each bar combining their music with a light show, the beach from end to end was a seething mass of people dancing and drinking. A pretty unique party atmosphere, but not one for the faint-hearted.
After a great night’s partying, and managing to keep our crew intact less Jay (sorry mate - we did look for you), at around 5am, having been on the go for about 22 hours, we were wilting rapidly. Having carefully planned our movement to the party, we had learnt nothing about how to get home. Unfortunately, the taxi area was not easily locatable in our state and after some aimless wandering we paused for some reflection (and so James could eat a sandwich). Mercifully, a share taxi pulled up, and offered us two seats at a somewhat inflated price, which James accepted over Hannah’s protestations of being ripped off (seriously - what position were we in to say no?). An enjoyable hour followed for James, loudly chatting to some Poles (one with a fractured collar bone) as he hung out the back of two taxis (we had to swap halfway). Hannah, feeling less cordial, was slumped in the sleepers sections of said taxis, desperately willing James to shut up. Still married, and pre sunrise (mercifully), we collapsed into bed.
The Mason’s Arms called us the next day (little else did). Bangers and mash for James and beef casserole for Hannah was just what the doctor ordered. Seriously, check it out when you’re next in Koh Phangan, it’s a game changer.
Having partied, exercised, and enjoyed some jolly good pub food it was time to head off to Koh Tao.
James had booked the accommodation on Koh Tao, so it was his fault we barely slept for the next three days. Located smack in the middle of Sairee Beach, which is the main backpacker town on Koh Tao, and accessed by a dingy staircase behind a pancake cart, it was an absolute sweat box. Perhaps this was a positive in its previous incarnation as a brothel, unless there is another reason for having a bikini clad Thai woman painted on the shower wall, but we were not huge fans. In the middle of the day the concrete box was uninhabitable, although at night if we opened the window and door (on to our balcony/pathway for drunk Nordic tourists), and angled both fans onto our prostrate bodies we could achieve a semblance of rest before waking in pools of sweat. Less the night of the power cut, when Hannah awoke James in a suffocating panic at 1am yelling, “the powers gone! I’m cooking! It’s a sauna in here!” The sauna like atmosphere was enhanced by the drunken crowds howling at the moon as the entire town was plunged into darkness.
Our exercise plans for Koh Tao had not been formed based on fragmented sleep, and semi-lucidity. However, feeling marginally more human as the days progressed away from the Full Moon Party we made good use of the close by and very well-equipped 'Koh Tao Gym and Fitness’, heading up twice for some treadmill sprints and weights work. A classic Koh Tao power cut once caught James out mid-sprint on the treadmill, sending him sprawling and cursing into the console cut.
We also managed to head out for an early morning mountain run, though we somewhat underestimating the steepness of the terrain. As we staggered into the viewpoint 45mins into it, we were met by a rather confused set of tourists who had been watching us shuffling up the steep road for the previous 15 minutes. James sparked up conversation with one sharp fellow, who felt it necessary to observe that it was quite humid and hot to be running. Unfortunately, our route home took us further up the mountain, but at the summit (thankfully) there was a roadside stall selling large bottles of chilled water. After checking directions with the stall owner we enjoyed a scramble down a washed out mountain path, with Hannah gallantly telling James “you better not break your ankle, because I’m not carrying you out.” We returned home safe and sound, but not quite done punishing ourselves…
It was a beautiful, still morning and we were feeling refreshed after a good breakfast, so we decided it was a perfect opportunity for 4 hours of kayaking. We set out for a secluded bay around the northern headlands on a calm sea, and in great moods. We arrived at Mango Bay, and found ourselves confronted by approximately 15 speedboats, each carrying up to 30 people, blaring techno music. The snorkelling was pleasant though, and we had a nice couple of hours lying on the beach. Ahhh the serenity… Perhaps it was the lack of any lunch, perhaps it was the strong wind whipping the sea into half a metre of chop, perhaps it was James’ helpful advice, perhaps it was the sunburn, perhaps it was fatigue from the mountain run… but the kayak home was not conducted in a great mood. Sea kayaking is now firmly consigned to the Martin’s possible divorce causing activity bin.
Despite the sweat box and kayak induced arguments, Koh Tao was a great success, as we went primarily to dive, and we weren’t let down. Going out with Mojo Divers at a grim 6am we were lucky enough to dive at Twins with no-one else there (Koh Tao is a busy dive spot). The visibility was amazing (15-20m), the water was glorious, the coral varied and colourful, and the schools of fish were pretty impressive. We saw one of Hannah’s beloved sea turtles (she is now claiming sea turtle magnet status), spotted sting-rays, a barracuda hunting through the schools of fish, and a great array of tropical fish. Returning back to shore after a second dive at White Rock, we were both in agreement that it was definitely one of our highlights so far.
The early mornings, moronically hot runs, late nights and broken sleeps were starting to wear us down though… it was time for a holiday within a holiday.
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