#itd be really tough
bare1ythere · 2 years
Sick and tired of being overly sensitive. gonna eat rocks about it
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Hi, im researching for a fic im writing, and i want to ask if you know whats up with Jai's messed up connection to the speedforce? and also how the fuck do they use the speedforce to get super strength? how does going fast translate into being strong? Do you know what issues to read to learn more about this? like why do Jai (& Jesse?) have super strength, how did they do this? Why did they do this?
So Jesse's strength is a very quick and easy answer so I'll address that first before jumping into Jai's whole thing.
Jesse's mom is Liberty Belle, a hero with super strength. Jesse inherited her father's speed and her mother's super strength. She's just... I don't want to say that she's better at being a speedster but high key she is. Jesse only figured out her super strength recently and it's still pretty touch and go. She used to only have the speed and then that fizzled out and she only had the strength for a bit and then it switched back to just speed again. She seems to have both powers now though and she seems to know how to use them both so fingers crossed 🤞
Jai is a whole different ballgame.
So Irey and Jai were born as fraternal twins. There were two things wrong when they were born.
A) Only Irey was born with a speedforce connection. Jai technically wasn't born with powers at all. Irey had wrapped her speedforce connection around Jai to share her powers but it was significantly damaging to both of them.
B) Their shared speedforce connection was tainted with Black Flash energy. (Negative Speedforce)
So let's talk about the Negative Speedforce energy. This is the stuff that turns speedsters into Black Flashes. This is what permanently killed Johnny Quick. One touch of this stuff will obliterate a speedster entirely. It's one of the only ways to permanently kill a speedster because it corrupts their speedforce energy in a way that cannot be undone. So there isn't anything left to bring back.
And this stuff was creeping through the twin's shared connection like a virus. That's what caused their fatal aging disease. Their speedforce connection was so out of wack and their bodies didn't know how to fight off this energy and their metabolisms went into overdrive. Aged them both to 100 within six months. Thankfully Wally figured it out and was able to absorb the Negative Speedforce energy. This cured the twins and deaging them down to five ish (but caused some serious problems for Wally).
Okay so back to point A. Their shared speedforce connection. Irey was sharing her powers with Jai subconsciously and that's why she couldn't run. She didn't have enough energy to. She could only vibrate through stuff. Jai also didn't have enough energy to run but he had other serious issues because he wasn't a speedster like Irey. His body wasn't built to handle that much energy.
As a result Jai had some weird stuff going on. Jai's main power was to hyper accelerate the growth of his muscles. This would give him temporary super strength. I say 'super strength' but realistically Jai on par with extreme weight lifters. He wasn't Superman levels of strong. But, again, Jai's body couldn't handle this so everytime he used his power he had about five minutes until he passed out. Then someone would have to feed him or he'd go into shock.
He also had some other strange things. Like his DNA mutating and devolving when he got stressed. Basically his DNA went 'back in time' and Jai shape shifted a bit. This wasn't something he could control and it was very very very bad.
Irey eventually took her half of the speedforce connection back, which cemented her connection and stopped them both from having seizures. Jai was not happy about no longer having powers. Even less happy about Irey being a child prodigy speedster. Although Irey shared her powers with Jai in emergencies (which gave them both superspeed because Irey had a stronger connection and more skill as she grew older), they couldn't do this without Jai being in extreme pain. Also his seizures coming back.
Now we need to talk about the speedforce surge. The speedforce surge is this insane amount of wild speedforce energy that has to go somewhere or it'll explode the world. It's an overload of energy. To explain the scale of this thing, it caused the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Wally tracked this dangerous surge down before it destroyed reality and he absorbed it until he could figure out what to do with it.
Well he gave it to Jai.
Jai's speedforce connection is the surge. Jai operates on this untamable wild speedforce energy. So Jai now has A LOT of energy to work with but it doesn't really work the same way typical speedforce energy does. That's why he can't run. (yet at least. can't run yet)
Instead, the surge energy ramps up Jai's friction barrier, healing factor and his metabolism. That doesn't sound like much but hoLY FUCK it's op.
Every speedster has a friction barrier that they generate when they run. It stops their skin from melting off when they reach top speeds, the wind from tearing their bodies apart, bugs from hitting them with the force of bullets, their bones from shattering every time they take a step, ect, ect. Their friction barriers can only do so much (they act as a cushion, they don't make them invulnerable. They won't stop a bullet for example) and they only really work when the speedster is actively running.
Jai put all of his goddamn energy into his friction barrier. The child is literally invulnerable. I'm not even joking. And it's constant too, it doesn't switch off.
Jai's metabolism and his healing factor are why he has super strength. Simply put, Jai has a lot of energy. A LOT. And what doesn't go to his friction barrier, goes to his cells. His healing factor is also amped up and would take care of any muscle tears, fatigue, lactic acid build up, dead cells, ect almost instantaneously. What I'm saying here is that Jai's body is in perfect condition always and he has an unlimited amount of energy for his muscles to use.
Jai has super strength because he doesn't have limits. Jai turned Minecraft from Survival Mode to Creative Mode. He can extend any amount of force without any negative consequences on his body. He uses his strength to do his Thunder clap move which is canonically, at 8 years old, stronger than a Kryptonian's Thunder clap. It's confirmed that Jai is still figuring out how to channel the surge energy correctly, so he's not there yet, but one day he will be stronger than the Kryptonians.
Which is insane.
Honestly Wally is the embodiment of 'I will do anything for my children' because Jai was sad about not having powers so Wally gave him a dangerously unstable energy source (that's killed millions of people) that has the equivalent energy of two stars colliding. AT EIGHT. Wally gave a CHILD this unlimited unchecked power!!
Anyway, father of the goddamn year. I love that man. He would truly do anything for his children and now I'm pretty sure his son can't die so 10/10 decision.
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horrorwebs · 9 months
why are men literally the fucking worst
#theres a guy in one of my uni friend groups who has a crush on my friend also from the friend group#and she feels so so uncomfortable plus she hasnt done ANYTHING thatd give a hint that she likes him back. bc she doesnt#and now she doesnt feel ok around because hes so attached to her and so so needy and its like. well. way to fuck it up dude. fuck you#he has been acting so strange lately and not in a good way. strange awkward and needy and like. possesive.#her and i also have another friendgroup where frankly i feel much better with and she does too. and its like. well the guy is always like#butting in but now really being part of anything? like its not like he comes over to the grouo to be with all of us hes just sort of . there#talking only to her or sometimes me but its like not nice its weird and annoying#ALSO HES SO PATRONIZING TOWARDS HER ITS AWFUL#AND hes like. a bit older.... where its not like. the weirdest age gap i dont think so. but it IS a bit weird considering some of the things#he has said. like the other day he made a comment about how my friend 'well shes so young like people her age sometimes dont get [x]' like?#if you think she is SOOO young and SOOO out of touch with people your age well why the fuck are you asking others if you have a chance w her#get away from her really#sidenote: today she was telling me and a different friend about this problem and my other friend said it was really uncomfortable and bad +#that he used to think the guy had a thing for ME BEFORE??? and i dont know if he also thought -i- had a thing for him but please god no.#even the hypothetical made me feel super uncomfortable. also i used to feel like that a bit like he might like me and it was bad and gross#so i dropped a comment that let him believe i was a lesbian i think? also got much colder towards him . like. thats what you get fucker#about the lesbian thing i meant that he told me about a friend of his that had it hard coming out as a lesbian and i said like oh yeah being#like that was hard for me also. finding out i was not straight was tough etc .#dont remember if i said the word lesbian i dont think so but i did say i like girls and i didnt mention boys at all so i hoped itd be enough#also people dont really -get- what being asexuas means + didnt want to tell him im ace + techically i Can like boys bc romantic attraction#is undefined to me but i was definetely not going to tell him that bc 1. im much more prone to like a girl and 2. not trying to get his hope#up.#so anyway it was gross to realize other people saw it too so i mightve actually not been insane to think he had a crush on me but it was bad#and also. i really need for my friend to be comfortable in class so i might have to kill him who knows. well see#spikeposting#personal
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Looking forward to the day where I won't have to be alone at home.
We can have a beautiful old house with a garden, a dog and maybe a cat. I can sing lullabies on the glider on the porch while we watch the older kids run amuck in the yard.
When it gets late, we can all retire into the living room and watch some show and play family games. Before it gets too late, we can say a family rosary before tucking the kids in bed and sharing bedtime stories. The rest of the evening can be ours and enjoy the quiet and peace of the night.
I just can't wait until our dreams are reality.
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orcelito · 5 months
I always get so angry but then I play video games and I'm no longer so angry
This is a problem when it comes to wanting to leave my shit ass job
#speculation nation#i was absolutely ranting with my coworker about this shit#if either of us leave we're both going. straight up.#boss was threatening to fire them and im like. if he does? im quitting on the fucking spot.#i dont have a job lined up yet but im gonna start seriously looking#and if it comes down to it i dont think itll take too long for me to find Something. not with my qualifications.#might not be the best paying job right away but so long as i have Something & it doesnt make me utterly miserable#itd still be better than this fucking shithole.#i used to love this place but everything has soured because of him.#ive toughed it out for Far too fucking long. and ive finally reached the end of my Fucking Rope.#8 years total of my life ive given to this store. but no more.#it's not a matter of 'if'. it's a matter of 'when'.#and once we leave at least 2 of the other seasoned employees will be leaving.#4 out of 6 of the fully trained drink makers. gone.#and the other 2 are leaving at the end of this semester Anyways.#so what are ya gonna do Boss Man? if our labor has really been that worthless to you then surely this will be no big deal!#right? right? right? from how youve treated us it's clear! it's clear you take us for granted and dont give a shit about us as people.#so youre gonna get a rude fucking awakening Very soon. have fun cleaning up the wreckage of your mockery of our lives.#anyways hi yeah shit's about to blow up at work and im jumping ship as soon as i can make it work#i also got caught in freezing rain and had to walk home (took an hour of walking when itd usually take 25 mins!) bc i Could Not Bike#may or may not have to go into work tomorrow and if i do i may just take a hammer to those fucking windows [joke][this is a joke]#its gonna ice all night and i voiced these legitimate concerns for my safety and got told#'well we'll follow what the city standards are' or whatever the fuck. and got told to take the bus.#WELL COME ON SHITSTAIN I STILL HAVE TO WALK TO THE BUS STOP NOW DONT I??????#plus i just dont like the idea of going out rn at all. it's so dangerous. im for serious Everything is ice.#even on a salted road my bike still slid out from under me. i Had to walk it home#walking very very carefully with very ginger steps. lord help me on any inclines bc gravity was pushing me Down.#it was awful. one of the worst commutes of my life. and this fucker has the audacity to tell me to just Take The Bus?#hes getting on my last Fucking nerves. oh yeah and him completely dismissing my coworker's concerns about passive aggression#ran out of tags (lmfao) so ill stop ranting here. but just. i am so Fucking done with him.
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cannibalcreeps · 10 months
What would be the wetlen siblings theme songs?? :00
Tbh I've never thought bout that before
I guess something ominous and threatening, like most horrors that have slashers based in the wilderness.
I've never been good with what music would suit well with my OCs 😅
The 5th gen kids like Alton, Moss, Rueben or Gorv, they'd have something rock or metal
A mix of hard and soft maybe.
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ok but seriously i spent like most of th last two days looking at ds rp stuff and its so. its. interesting. 
either its way too formal or way too informal for me. theres like No in-between. either its Server With No Definition Or Organization Running On Memes Alone or its 8 Years Experience Mutuals Only 10-Paragraph Fully-Formatted Posts (With Fonts) and i just. man guys holy fuck. 
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afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
My prediction for the poll is that Jerome will probably be a finalist, like even if he just makes it to the semi-finals, I don't think he'll be eliminated for that.
Tweak is dying already and poor Virgil is looking like he'll be next to try and he's a very sweet man but there is no fuckin chance I know it.
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endtimers · 5 months
takimg a risk and driving to the u instead of bussing Let's See If I'll Get Parking
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mechawolfie · 1 year
grrr I hate being so scared al lthe time of making my art too not sfw bc I love showing my siblings my art but I cant show them my art if it's all h*rny!!!! grrrrr
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othercrossee · 2 years
I will never talk about my experience with being I guess old mutuals with a bunch of famous people in a fandom who were attacking people left and right and now isn't on here anymore
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doodle-dragons · 5 months
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finally finished my mane six redesigns! ive been toying around with these for ages now. height comparison and design notes under the cut!
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earth ponies are naturally stocky, with tough hooves covered only partially by their fetlocks. very strong tails which they can use to sweep or whack things. their snouts dont curve like other ponies
pegasi are typically lithe, with hollow bones. their coats are thicker than other ponies, designed to keep them warm at high altitudes. their hooves are covered by a thin layer of velvet to keep them protected during flying. they also have excellent hearing! hence their longer ears
unicorns are considered graceful and beautiful. they have cloven hooves, and long fetlocks. their hair tends to be wavy. their have long tails that serve only for aesthetics. they have shorter, more smooth snouts. they also, regardless of gender, have beards!
each of the pony races have a "heart mark" on their back left hoof, which first appears as a simple heart at birth, and later changes to match their cutie mark more closely
applejack; her tail is kept short to avoid it getting in the way of work. the green in her mane comes from her pear blood. her cutie mark is meant to look like a quilt piece. similarly, her handkerchief is filled with references to her family and loved ones. lastly, her hat has stitching of a gem and a heart
fluttershy; i gave her a very deer like appearance, and markings on her wings to resemble birds. her ears are a bit longer, to resemble a bunny! she has small wings that are really only good for gliding. shes part unicorn (idk i just thought itd be cute if one of her parents was a unicorn) she used to keep her mane long but rarity was horrified by how many twigs and leaves she picked up, so she convinced shy to cut it. she quite likes it!
pinkie pie; PIEBALD PINKIE. gave her blue stripes to bring cotton candy to mind. her design is very asymmetrical which just feels very pinkie! even her eyes, they heterochromatic. the left being blue, and the right yellow. she keeps her hair up most of the time so it doesnt get in her way (during baking, party planning, baby sitting, ect) ALSO FAT PINKIE RIGHTS
rainbow dash; i wanted her coat to resemble the sky, hence the markings on her legs. her mane and tail are kept short to keep them out of her way. she is rarely seen without googles, as she wears them when she flys to protect her eyes
rarity; FAT RARITY RIGHTS. ahem. her eyes are green (small play on being green with envy) and she has poor eyesight, so she wears her glasses regularly. honestly, hers is pretty simple but i wanted it to be elegant, and beautiful
twilight sparkle; her design more closely resembles the sky at twilight now. deep purple fading into golden yellow. i had to keep her pink, but swapped purple in her hair for yellow cause the rainbow power ups got One thing right (also lends more cohesion to her design) becoming an alicorn granted star markings across her coat, which you can see constellations in! (only two but.. shush) i also changed her hair to resemble equestria girl's scitwi more. its just a cute look
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
found ur acc yesterday and when i saw ur post for requests i RAN /pos
anyways! can i please request a knuckles x gn reader where knuxs is lowkey crushing hard on them, but reader is just oblivious to his feelings. i think itd be super funny HSHSDH thank you!!
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𝐍𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐲!
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Note || Knuckles: note to self, be absolutely blunt and clear next time.
WC || 734
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Normally he isn’t one for romance, as he himself is unusually oblivious to such things. But overtime, he improved, got better with it. So much as to know that he had feelings for you, Knuckles didn’t know whether to be happy or just plain irritated that every time he made an attempt to talk to you and confirm his feelings for you: you were dense as bricks.
Not at all did you understand what he was trying to say, and that was what caught him off guard the most. Even other times the two of you were interrupted by Sonic, Rouge, or even some other force of nature. Which he beats himself up alot for everytime he builds up the courage to admit his feelings to you, clear as day. So he stopped trying to make the attempt to do so, fine with the idea of admiring you from afar. 
As much as he hated it, but it was obstinate and clear. Knuckles probably weren't meant for you, and you weren’t meant for him.
“Hey Knux!” You said, holding up what appeared to be pink and edible, balled into a round sphere. “These are so good you gotta try one!”
Knuckles flinched, red burning at his cheeks when you had gotten close to him. Once he cools down, he responds, “Mmh,” He sighs, crossing his arms. “What is that?” He asked, clearly confused what that edible in your hand was. You waved it again, then took another bite as you let out a content sigh. 
“It's mochi! Super yummy stuff.” You said after you downed your bite, you held out a second one – which was colored in purple. “C’mon, I got a grape-flavored one for ya.” You grin with an air of your usual bright personality. Knuckles couldn’t help but merely let out a chuckle, but he loved grapes, he took the bait. Not so much the bait, but you wanted him to try one. Taking a bite, his eyes shone with a brightness you only ever rarely see once in a while. 
“Told ya!”
He is so in-love with you it hurts, but he doesn’t mind it at all. So long as he can keep seeing you often then not without fail. Knuckles is completely enamored with every aspect of yourself, your personality most of all and your tenacity to keep going forward and braving danger regardless of whether or not you were scared. 
Knuckles has a tendency to pick you up and hug you real hard–well not so hard–he never usually wants to let you go. But he respects your boundaries, but to his surprise, you ask him to keep hugging you as you mentioned that you practically were really cold. 
You always seemed to see right through his tough facade half the time, other times you couldn’t which he breathed a sigh of relief about. Knuckles really didn’t expect you to care that much for him, which leads him to questioning whether or not you actually do have feelings for him as he has feelings for you. Your behavior a lot of the time  had concerned him or otherwise coerced him into a place of thinking if you did reciprocate his feelings which he had tried very hard to hide. 
It was Sonic who had seen the obvious romantic tension between the two of you to which he finally decided to give your relationship a little nudge, telling you Knuckles has feelings for you. 
“Yeah uh, he likes, likes you.” He says, slurring out the word to properly enunciate the weight in his words. Sonic watched as your face fell into a place of thinking, clearly very hard to process what he had meant about Knuckles. Your face after a few minutes finally began to light up in recognition, seeing what it was now. Now you finally understood why he behaved so weirdly these past few months. 
“He has feelings… for me?” You say, almost hesitant to realize this was actually true. Sonic nods, eyes widening with a hint of happiness that you actually know the truth, he couldn’t stand watching the two of you beat around the bush like that. More over with Knuckles, cause Sonic was fully aware of the fact of how you can be – oblivious – denser than most mobians here on Mobius itself. 
“TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!” Sonic shouts, elated that it truly set in for you.
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I'm going to make the best of these two years.
But man, I just want to get married.
My beloved knows this too, but he's not ready and I really get wanting to wait until he done with his military contract.
God has plans for us, and I will have an adventure in grad school. I might even get the opportunity to perform outside of the country. Maybe if I do well enough with graduate assistantship I can walk into a doctoral program (if I immediately get my doctorate, I 1000% do not care what that will bring but I am getting married and starting a family). That'd be nice, and maybe I can get a symphony job.
I hope I can do good at whichever parish I join, whether the community one or the Newman center. I am excited about joining a Bible study and meeting with people my age. I'm excited about having access to a gym. I'm excited about campus events, even if they're geared towards undergrads. I'm excited to make new friends and also living close to my boyfriend's family to help out.
Even with all that, I really wish we could get married sooner. I hate the waiting. I just want to be with him. I don't care if we don't have our lives together, I just want to be with him.
But, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my education and all the opportunities and experiences graduate school is going to give me. I'm very excited to get better at my instrument and become a better person.
And after grad school, we can get married, we can buy a house, and settle down. I won't have to worry about moving. We can be part of a community. We can have kids and we can teach them our love of sports, music, our faith, and loving others. I can teach, whether at a school or private lessons, and play in symphony. I do very much want to spend time with little ones and be a stay-at-home mom. I want a sweet little baby of my own.
I just have to make it through the next two years.
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zxvmp · 11 months
Hate Sex - Childe NSFW (Fem!Reader)
warnings: smut, vaginal sex, edging, rough sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling.
a/n: guys i need him so bad it’s not even funny….also not proofread sorry for spelling errors and mistakes
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You met him through the traveler, but once you two met you automatically hated his guts, and god did he hate you as well. It was almost every time you met you ended up fighting each other, you hated how strong he was, and he hated how you endured and kept pushing forward. You hated how he knew how to get under your skin, and how he acted so innocently with you when the traveler was around. He hated how you acted so tough and the way you did your hair, and he hated the way you acted like you needed someone to properly handle you.
But what you both hated the most was how attractive you found each other. You denied your feelings for months, telling yourself it was just your body needing something to release too. But you couldn’t help the way you clenched your thighs under the table where no one could see when Childe would enter the room with that beautiful smile of his. The way his eyes would glare at you with hatred, god it turned you on so much. You couldn’t hide it anymore, you needed him.
“Really (y/n)? You’re so desperate.” Childe teased.
“Shut the fuck up Childe, you know you feel the same way. What? You don’t think I notice any of the things you do? The times you grab my waist to push me aside, your hands brushing over my thighs under the table..”
He only laughed at your little out burst, he’d never take things seriously. Something else added to the list of why you hated him.
“So, what’re you trying to tell me (y/n)? You want me to fuck you?” Childe asked, now standing insanely close to you.
You couldn’t answer, to embarrassed to reply.
The traveler—who arranged the meal—had already left the room to head out and finish a mission they were assigned. So it was just you, and Childe.
“Hello? I’m asking you a simple question.”
You sighed, “Forget it Ajax, I’ll just go find someone else to help.”
As you pushed past him you felt his arm grip your wrist, pulling you towards him against his chest.
“No. And how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me by my real name?” Childe said, tightening the grip on your wrist, causing you to let out a small yelp.
“I don’t know, Ajax.” You smirk, knowing itd piss him off more.
“God you’re such a slut (y/n). You want me to get all riled up so I can fuck you mercilessly, don’t you?”
Once again, you didn’t reply.
He scoffed, pushing your back against the table.
“Fine, you win.”
Soft moans escaped from your lips from the sensation of Childes warm mouth latching onto your neck, scattering his markings everywhere.
“I’ll destroy you (y/n), and i’ll make sure to take my time doing so.”
His words made you shamelessly wet, you wanted him to rearrange your guts anyways.
As he stared down at you with his emotionless blue eyes, you started back up at him through your thick lashes. You heard him mutter something under his breath, to quiet for you to hear, before his soft lips pressed against yours. Biting your lower lip, you gasped, gaining him access to explore your mouth with his tongue. Throughout your heated make-out session you didn’t even realize Childe had already snuck his slender cold fingers through the waistband of your lacy underwear.
You immediately started to grind your hips to cause friction, your hole was begging to be fucked.
“Keep doing that and i’ll stop.” Childe threatened as he pulled away from the kiss.
“Please..” You whisper.
“Please what? Finish your sentence.”
You hated that he wanted you to use your words, he’s probably getting a kick out of how vulnerable you were being right now.
“You know what I want you to do.” You say as you place your hand above his, guiding it towards where you needed to be touched most.
Watching as he hands moved underneath your underwear was so satisfying, if only he’d just plunge his fingers into your needy hole.
“I don’t actually, why don’t you enlighten me?” Childe smirked.
Cocky bastard.
“Fuck me Ajax, I want you to fuck me.” You say bluntly.
“What’s the magic word?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “Ajax, i’m not your little maid that will do anything you say.”
His hand pushed your head down towards the back of the table forcefully, causing you to have a stinging pain on the back of your head.
“What the f-“
“Quiet. Since you don’t want to tell me what you want me to do, i’ll just do what I want to do.” Childe said taking off his pants, pulling his boxers down with.
Your eyes widened at the size of him, and how was he so hard already? You’d definitely have to bring that up afterwards.
His hands practically ripped off your skirt along with your panties, leaving your lower half exposed, legs dangling off the edge of the table.
In seconds he gripped your hips so tightly you were sure it’d leave marks, and dragged your body towards him just so your hips were at the edge of the table. As he hoisted your legs over his shoulders you felt his tip press against your entrance. And before you could even say anything he thrusted into you so deep it felt like he hit your cervix.
“Ah- Ajax!” You moan out, throwing your head back.
He began to thrust into at an incredibly rough and fast pace, body bobbing up and down from each contact his body made with yours.
“S-Slow down- It hurts..”
Ignoring your words he gripped your waist even tighter than before, angling his hips to hit even deeper inside of you. His cock pounded against your sweet spot deliciously, sending you over the edge. Eyes rolling back, hands clenched against the table, you were sure you’d cum soon. Childe took notice of the way your moans grew louder and the way you clamped down onto him.
“Ah, ah, ah, don’t cum yet.” Childe said slowing his brutal pace.
“No! Please don’t stop, feels so good.” You say through hitched breaths.
Childe chuckled looking down at you, you looked so beautiful with your hair already messy and sweat forming on your face, the way your breast were spilling out of your top. He needed to see them without anything covering it.
Continuing his slow, but deep thrusts, his hands lifted your top off to expose your beautiful breasts. The way they bounced from each thrust he did, how perky and soft they looked.
You felt his lips latch around your sensitive nipple, back arching and letting out a soft moan. He must’ve loved the way you mewled underneath him from the way his dick twitched inside of you.
“Ajax, faster please.” You beg, hoping he’d fulfill your wishes.
This time he followed through with your request, now returning to his original rough pace, making you see stars from each time he brushed against your sweet spot.
“Fuck, you take me so well.” Childe moaned out, throwing his head back.
Moaning out his name and incoherent words, you felt a familiar feeling bubble inside of you, begging to be released.
“Please let me cum..” You breathe out.
“Not yet, don’t cum until I say so.”
Who was he to tell you when you got to cum? Plus, you wanted to see what’d he’d do to you if you disobeyed him.
Smirking, you reached your hand down to mess with your clit to help you reach your high. And god did it feel good.
Childe immediately pulled out and watched as your release dripped out of your abused cunt.
Looking at him, his expression seemed insane-like. It almost made you nervous.
“Cant fucking follow orders, but when do you ever?”
Childe roughly flipped you over, shoving your face against the table. Aligning his dick with your hole, he thrusted into you immediately, filling you up oh so sweetly.
“Don’t wanna listen to me huh? I’ll make you regret that.”
His hands gripped your hair, pulling your head back, causing you to arch your back into him to help reduce the pain.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry!” You moan out, brain to mind-fucked to even sum up a good apology.
He only responded by gripping your hair tighter as his free hand fondled with your boob, squeezing it as if it was a stress ball.
In the position you were in caused him to hit even deeper inside of you, and you thought before he reached deep, but this was a whole different level. You could feel every vein and detail of his cock as he brushed against your walls constantly.
“Say my name.” Childe said leaning his head down close to your ear, his warm breath against you making you shudder.
“Ajax.” You whine.
“Again, louder.”
“Ajax!” You yell out, tears prickling at the corner of your eyes from the pain and pleasure you felt.
“So fucking good for me, you like it like this don’t you? Your back arched so perfectly for me, my cock thrusting into you, you fuckin love it dont you.”
His words were so filthy, so attractive. You could only moan in response, mind occupied at the fact you felt another orgasm coming.
“Answer me (y/n).” Childe threatened, tugging your head back more.
“Shit, yes! Ajax, I l-love it.”
He placed a kiss on your cheek before letting go of your head, instant relief filling your mind.
You felt him twitch inside of you once again, this time it signaling he was close to cumming.
“Please cum in me, want you in me.” You say with a breathy
You swore you heard him slightly whimper after your words, making you clamp down around him.
“I’ll fill you up, all the way up.” Childe groaned as his hips began to stutter.
His hand traveled down towards your swollen clit, rubbing soft circles around the bud.
“Mm, yes..just like that.” You say arching your back even more.
“Cum with me, (y/n).”
His words were all you needed, you immediately came at his words, cum coating his cock as a white ring started to form at his base while he continued to fuck you through your orgasm to chase his own high.
Overstimulated, your body started to twitch as you constantly moaned out his name, you felt as if you were on cloud nine from how good he felt inside of you.
And finally, you felt him shoot his load inside of you, stilling his movements as he buried himself so deep inside of you.
“God I hate you so much…”
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shiftingtomydrs · 2 months
Honestly? Shifting is probably one of the few things keeping me afloat. I know shifttok has talked about/glamorized shifting in a light that, only mentally ill people do it. And not everyone is like that; which is good. But truly. Shifting, scripting, daydreaming about it. All of that is something that just keeps me afloat and sane in this reality. And I love that Tumblr has given me more confidence to talk about my shifting journey. But I really just needed to vent and be like, “yeah no shifting is something that just keeps me going.” Because it does. I’m not saying I’m going to do something to myself if I DON’T shift. But, it’s something that keeps me sane when times get tough. Gives me something AMAZING to look forward too. But for someone like me, who probably isn’t alone, shifttok I feel like definitely has made it like, a more glamorized thing for people who want to harm themselves if they don’t shift. I’m not sure if that makes sense? Like, I am trying my best to shift, it’s the only thing that sometimes gets me through my days; but I’m not saying I’m going too off myself if I don’t shift; which I think something shifttok kind of makes ‘popular’ in a lot of their communities. Which I think is harmful for a lot of the ones who ARE shifting, just because they know they can.
yep i found shifting when i was really not in a good place mentally and i think the relationship i developed with it is really not a healthy one aka whenever i feel bad i shift to escape and whenever i feel good about myself i just kinda forget about shifting so currently trying to fix that (if anyone has any advice itd be appreciated) but yeah i agree shiftok has made some very problematic concepts popular which is also why im not on there anymore except to occasionally post edits when i finish one cos idk where else to post it tbh
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