#it's still summer
letoasai · 11 months
I get the biggest anxiety seeing back to school ads and commercials. It's not even August yet and you're throwing this at me. I don't want to go to target and see rows of backpacks. I don't want to see notebooks and folders and lunchboxes in the aisles were snacks are supposed to be. Having to think about going back to school while days are still long and so damn hot is depressing. I don't wanna dread my new class schedule. I don't want to last weeks of summer overshadowed by class supply lists and if i finished my summer reading. I don't want every other commercial to be a Back to School excitement were kids are doing choreographed dances down the hall way. I actually gave myself nightmares about this stuff. Don’t get me started on the bus schedule.  It physically makes me nauseous every year. Then i realize i'm over thirty and i don't actually have to do any of that. But that anxiety is still there like i'm worrying myself sick about starting 6th grade. 
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how do i explain too my teacher that i can't go to school because i'm too cold to leave the house
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littledemon55 · 11 days
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Palestine flag picked from Summer nights!Big Man
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clouvu · 22 days
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Joined in matrimony
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nikswonderland · 8 months
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𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘯 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘨𝘨𝘺 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘴…
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xiewho · 3 months
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no time to celebrate
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elbdot · 11 months
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LITTLE COMIC based on how I made a friend at 1 am while crawling on the ground, picking up Maybugs to save them from getting squished by cars.
PRETTY SURE I must've looked like a strange little gremlin to any onlookers passing by. Also yes he held a bug like a CHAMP. He passed my test. We still hang out 😂
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sourscratched · 3 months
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quick tiny fh scribbledies in between work stuff
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zipsunz · 11 months
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a comic i did for sunny's birthday ☀️ 🎨
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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lousysharkbutt · 9 months
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in honor of one piece premiere day i present u with THIS
check out the zine on patreon!
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toytle · 1 year
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everything abt this is outdated but ykw. tag yourself anyway, i’m jean and fred
text ID under cut:
mom jeans (jean): 1) leader but not by choice 2) never forgets a birthday 3) gets away with things due to her reputation
mom jeans (jean): 1) leader but not by choice 2) never forgets a birthday 3) gets away with things due to her reputation
fuzzy elf (kurt): 1) tries to be hip with the kids (is a kid) 2) honorary catboy 3) fingerguns his way out of situations
:3 (kitty): 1) impulsive shopper 2) livetweets everything 3) says ‘omg’ and ‘ttyl’ outloud 4) bakes muffins for her friends! they are inedible!
skater boi (evan): 1) cool guy syndrome 😎 (undiagnosed adhd) 2) steals food off his friends' plates 3) PARKOUR!
e-girl blueprint (rogue): 1) hopeless romantic 2) only child AND middle child energy 3) knows the best thrifting spots
“””team leader””” (lance): 1) tries a lot, fails a lot 2) anger is default emotion 3) probably named his car betty or smth
actual team leader (pietro). 1) cool guy syndrome 😎 (unmedicated adhd) 2) causes problems on purpose 3) motivated by attention
toad (todd): 1) thinks he's just soo funny. well, he is. 2) hasn't showered in a month 3) stays out of drama but Will grab the popcorn
bombshell blonde (tabitha): 1) self-loathing vs superiority complex: fight! 2) flirts with friends 3) parties to avoid being alone with her thoughts
scarlet bitch (wanda): 1) hates authority figures 2) cuts her own hair. and clothes. 3) in a constant state of overstimulation 4) deserves to snap tbh
hey it’s (fred)!: 1) cries easily 2) would literally murder for friends 3) treats plushies like living creatures
professor clean (xavier): 1) “hello el gee bee tee que community" 2) adopts every child he sees 3) knows everything and yet nothing at all
grrrr (logan): 1) that sounds like a you problem." 2) acts like he hates kids but tacks their drawings to the fridge 3) believes that violence is the answer
weather report (ororo): 1) everyone's bisexual awakening 2) has high expectations for everyone, including herself 3) live laugh love 😊😊😊 or else
mr beast but like actually (hank): 1) god, i could really use a drink." *makes chamomile tea* 2) longs to be a smooth rock basking in the sun 3) gives unwarranted life lessons
another blue one (mystique): 1) #girlboss 2) “gay rights but only for me" 3) loves her son but will dropkick other children
magnum dong (magneto): 1) heterophobic 2) "you have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair" 3) does not love his son AND will dropkick other children
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Summer Lovers (1982) dir. Randal Kleiser
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starspilli · 1 year
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but with everybody watching us, our every move
(click for better quality!)
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7amaspayrollmanager · 7 months
Alright let's imagine a scene that is all too normal in palestine. A palestinian business owner finds his building covered in graffiti stars of Davids and Hebrew that says "gas the arabs" and "death to arabs"
Now imagine there's a reporter there and asks the palestinian business owner what happens and they say "the jews attacked my business"
Pause. Now your response might be "uncle no. Say israelis not jews" and then this is when he would look at you like youre stupid because the israelis doing this are jewish. They are not the Christians or the druze or the palestinian ones with Israeli citizenship. They are Jewish israelis who believe in their religious supremacy. When you graffiti stars of david all over a palestinian business, car, or the street you seek that conflation. it sends a message, this is jewish land and you're next.
The problem is that these videos circulate in zionist circles. "Watch this video of children in gaza calling for the death of jews" "watch how they say they want to fight and kill jews" those children are referring to Israeli soldiers that come in night and do their raids with the star of David attached to their uniform or the ones that bomb them. It's easy to watch those videos and assume that palestinians are indoctrinating their children on anti semitism or you can realize that those children's only interaction with jewish ppl is through violence and parents cannot protect their children from this. Doesn't matter context is lost
Abby Martin went to Jerusalem and interviewed israelis for 2 hours and she says every israeli was extremely confident to say that this land is for them and that they should push the Arabs out and when she interviewed palestinians they spoke of freedom from occupation and their dreams. That's reality. Not the soundbites.
And yet we have invasive youtubers and interviewers constantly in the street of ramallah or wherever in palestine asking palestinians "do you hate jews?" And in those videos you hear those palestinians say "no we have no problem with jews we have a problem with occupation and we have a problem with zionism." Bc this is how we are trained to respond to this trope. Palestinians are very aware what the world thinks of us and the reality is that many palestinians have internalized it and we grow up reading books on the Holocaust and train ourselves to recognize anti semitic dog whistles so zionists don't get the soundbites they want.
So we say "anti zionism is not anti semitism" and we say "israeli zionists" and we do not say "jewish supremacy" even thought it exists in palestine but "zionist supremacy" and in these carefully worded speech we water down what is happening to us in an effort to not deter people away from solidarity. But it means nothing. The world categorically blames palestinians for rising anti semitism they blame us for jewish insecurity globally.
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peonies-and-dreams · 1 year
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keymintt · 15 days
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an illustration commission of goober for @bok-no-pickle !!
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