#it’s about the devotion on Soundwave’s part AND Megatron’s part
thewiglesswonder · 2 years
TFP MegaSound is so… good. It’s so timeless. It’s got that je ne sais quoi about it that makes it juicy. It’s bolstered by the fact that in TFP, both Megaton and Soundwave are undeniably really weird. Soundwave is called creepy even by Decepticon standards, he’s taken a multi-million year vow of silence that he breaks once to troll the Autobots, puts smiley faces and meme clips on his visor, all while spying on literally everyone, all the time. Megatron is another level of nuts right from the get-go, he thinks it’s a great idea to shove Unicron’s crystallized blood into his spark to make zombies and then clone ancient dragons to help win the war. They’re terrible and utterly perfect for each other. And that’s not even getting into the fact that they were both gladiators on pre-conflict Cybertron, who were shown to have been at each other’s side since the inception of the Decepticon faction.
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dorkicon · 2 months
thingie i wrote about a tf au i mentioned a while back 😐👍 thanks to my pals on discord who had to hear me prattle on about this. questions welcome. etc.
the autobot gang (optimus hound bee jazz prowl ratchet and skids) are a team of rescue vehicles sent down to earth alongside cybertronian drones to help rescue people. optimus is a first responder/fire truck, ratchet is an old hippy ambulance, prowl stays at the base as their intell guy, hes a pre established package deal with jazz, who is a search and rescue copter, bee is a hardened foot soldier/scout, skids is a scientist interested in humanity, hound is our pov character, a rough and tumble upstart.
megatron is also planetside with his team. megatron is a keenly loyal general to straxus, the leader of the decepticons, soundwave is his long suffering 2ic, astrotrain is the strong silent type...he does whatever hes told, but he has a bit of a soft spot, seeing earths technology as wildlife to be respected, starscream is starscream, he has some history with bumblebee, making it his goal to snuff out the scout personally! thundercracker is hounds counterpart, and stars protégé. theyre on earth in search of devastator, a lost combiner megatron is convinced will be the secret weapon that wins the war for straxus. nevermind that the constructicons are scattered across the planet after being hurtled across space a kajillion years ago...and wont be too keen on battle once theyre reactivated...
so the cons and bots butt heads on earth, ignorant to the larger war until word gets out that the prime, sentinel, has killed straxus, causing an immediate power vacuum and knocking the decepticons off balance. good news for optimus' team right? well...
sentinel sent them to earth as an invasion! hes using those drones i mentioned to strip earth of its energy as a last surge to squash the decepticons and win the war. and who cares if optimus' team gets caught in the destruction? cant make an omelet without destroying a few nameless autobots right?
(hey i couldnt find a place to fit this but alpha trion is the real leader of the autobots. hes more of a figurehead though)
well at the same time, megatron learns that straxus has been murdered. before he can get it in his head to get revenge for his fallen leader, megatron learns frm his source that straxus was killed after going to alpha trion with peace talks. his leader, who megatron has been devoted to for millions of years...gave up! well megatron dismisses it as propaganda. hes going to kill sentinel prime.
the issue here is that the autobots are the only one with a ship...and those drones going haywire arent exactly helping things, bc theyve begun to attack anything that threatens them indiscriminately. so...the only solution is to aid the autobots in disposing of them, in return for use of their ship.
megatron and optimus come to a shaky truce, that no ones really happy with, besides maybe tc and hound, with their already budding friendship. bumblebee and starscream are like lowkey trying to sabotage it, until they realize they make a pretty good team. to their horror. for example. megatron, for his part, respects his side of the deal, trusting optimus to do the same. he slowly comes to turn that loyalty he had for straxus onto prime, who isnt exactly sure what to do with it--hes no soldier!
of course, they also have to work together to get the ship back online as well, since it was kicked offline back when sentinel activated the drones. thats...pretty much where im at atm. also i think shockwave is megatrons source on cybertron. loyal in any universe baby.
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It is set in the G1 Cartoon. Unfortunately, it has grown more character analysis then I intend. I know have much more planned for the MegaShock / MoonShock.
MegaShock is like a childhood romance in this as I am going with the Megatron Was Made and Raised to Lead the Decepticons to Overthrow the Autobots backstory from the cartoon. Except I am applying seriousness to this. Also drawing from the G1 character notes of Soundwave being a blackmailer and feared in his faction and fully willing to overthrow Megaton if needed. They both are aware he's more loyal to the Cause and his Cassettes and have a friendly working relationship as a result of understanding fully where the other stands.
Shockwave in this is the more devoted one and he and Megatron have known each other since they were young as they were both made for Decepticon war effort. Shockwave was left behind while Megatron left with Soundwave and Starscream in the same way historically a king leaves with his generals and their spouse is left behind to "hold the kingdom" and Shockwave was Guardian of Cybertron. It is known that Shockwave is the Conjunx to be and that's part of why there is absolute confidence that he won't betray Megatron and why Shockwave clung to the belief he would return.
There's going to be some deeply emotional moments previously when Shockwave discovered he was carrying and it crushed him because Megatron should have been here. During a attack from Elita's squad to steal supplies due to the recent developments, Shockwave is slower and Moonracer realizes the symptoms in her or the same in him. They get stuck together when she pushes him out of the way and have a bonding moment trapped together while Elita and Shockwave's Seekers worked to get them out. Moonracer comforts him and Shockwave has an emotional moment of weakness. This is what leads to the peace.
Moonracer as the one who saw his moment of weakness supports Shockwave throughout his carrying while everyone else is still wary of the hostile and cool attitude he gives to everyone. She barreled passed this, but respected it when he established a need for space. This led to both of them growing tender feelings as Moonracer admits her lover Powerglide too. The bond over their shared loss and Shockwave's focus switches more and more to focusing on the Decepticons left behind and the future with a child as Moonracer was encouraging.
They finally admitted to having feelings for each other after "Progeny" and Mirage were born.
And then the Earth called and it turns out both their lovers are alive.
The concept of Megs having been made to lead the decepticons has interesting implications to it
OWO on that characterization of Soundwave, I think a lot about that one
Damn, that makes sense (the leaving Shockwave being compared to a king leaving the spouse behind for their own noble duty thing)
Fascinating how Moon and Shockers got together, I'm voting Moonracer noticed first
Which, this love story gets wrenched in another direction as Earth calls and they Learn Some Shit
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loveandscience · 4 months
For the meme, how about three Soundwaves? TFP / G1 / Earthspark?
Oo I do love the Soundwaves! Slow Burn with TFP Soundwave, because I want that relationship to have a solid foundation and to last. He also seems super committed to Megatron and Laserbeak, and it would probably take a long time to allow someone else to become so important to him. He seems to take his commitments really seriously and needs to know it's going to be mutual 100% beforehand. He probably has to compile a lot of data over the years to make accurate predictions about his potential love interest.
Fake Date with G1 Soundwave, since he leans heavily into the deception part of being a Decepticon. And if he was a little bit stiff in his acting, people would just write it off as that being his normal behavior. He'd probably most likely fake date at the behest of Megatron, but if it was a rogue move for the good of the cause, that would be fun! Megatron probably has enough trust in him to accept we are dating and that Soundwave isn't putting the Decepticons at risk by doing so. He'd probably make a case to me it was logical to pretend we're dating because it's mutually beneficial, and would probably tell me to do things/pick me up and put me places to be surveillance and have a whole master plan that I'd be suspicious of, but not enough to go against him on. Eventually I'd fall for him and be hurt if he betrays me at the end of it. Perhaps there'd be a dramatic end and he'd redeem himself and say he wants to date for real. Enemies to Lovers with Earthspark Soundwave. This man is emotional and has poor conflict resolution or empathy skills. He takes it personally that Megatron switched sides and can't logic it, and he's not so devoted that he follows Megatron to the Autobot side. There would be a lot of misunderstandings and taking things the wrong way on his end, until eventually he found someone (Rung? A finally-forgiven Megatron?) to talk out his feelings with and learn those skills. He'd realize that his being so upset has to do with caring about me and after a dramatic confession and romantic night, I would make a condition that he work on those skills if he wants a relationship. He would find some sort of therapeutic outlet and heal his inner protoform. Happy endings all around.
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galacticspaceguy · 2 years
I, am cringe. But I am free.
It was finally the day. This wasn't what Soundwave would have ever dreamed of happening.
Soundwave was never one for showing his emotions, masking his feelings was so much better. But as of recently, he almost entirely let himself go. His spark fluttered in ways he was unfamiliar with.
He remembered these feelings as slight notions he felt towards his ex-leader.
He was never like this with Megatron. This is so much more.
He looked over himself one last time. Nothing changed much. Except for the excessive gold that draped over his shoulders, waists and arms, and a purple cape, with the Decepticon insignia on it in a brighter purple.
Most of this was Starscream’s idea. But… Soundwave supposed he didn’t mind. Plus, Soundwave had his own surprise for the ceremony.
“SOUNDWAVE!!” Frenzy bursted into his room.
“Frenzy?” Soundwave was starting to finally use his actual voice after centuries.
“We’re starting- Woah.” Frenzy stopped and stared.
“Did I mess something up!? I knew something looked off-“
“You look so good!” Frenzy screamed. She ran up and grabbed Soundwave’s hand. “Now let’s go, your future conjunx Endura awaits!”
“You finally approve of me and Starscream’s relationship?” Soundwave lightened up. Perhaps there was hope-
“Haha! No.” Frenzy scowled. “But Starscream is gonna let me play my guitar, so…”
“Of course he did.” Soundwave sighed.
The Nemesis was beautiful. Rows of Decepticon flags were hanged up. There was energon, music, and a crowd of happy Decepticons.
Either they came because there was energon, or because no one has seen a proper bonding since the early parts of the war, where young bots and cons were ready to get their sparks tied before death got to them first.
Everyone went silent when old Cybertronian music started picking up, Frenzy’s guitar playing in soft rifts. All eyes were on Soundwave. Then the door on the other side of the room opened. Starscream stepped out, wearing gold and a cape similar to Soundwave’s, with the addition of a gold crown, with one big red jewel on its crest.
The Decepticon’s parted, making a clear path for the two. They were the envy of all. When they had finally met in the middle, their hands roughly held the others, not wanting to let go. It almost felt surreal.
Soundwave took in every bit of Starscream’s beauty. From the slight makeup to the polished paint.
“You look beautiful.” Soundwave whispered.
“Look who’s talking.” Starscream smirked, leaning in ever so slightly.
Starscream and Soundwave had already gone through most of the conjunx rituals, the four ceremonial acts that made them whole.
Now this would make it more publicity official.
They just had to finish the “Act of Devotion” showing off the admiration and desire they held for one another. Though Starscream had a few sincere words to say, Soundwave had something more planned.
They stood on a higher platform, next to the control panels and the warships screens.
They looked out at their people.
Time to start the ceremony.
It was the dead of night. They planned to sneak onto the Nemesis and recapture all the Decepticons that had escaped Ghost’s prisons. Optimus picked up a few more Autobots for the mission, but they were a small force against the Cons, even with Ghost’s forces right behind them.
“Megatron, are you certain?” Optimus knelt down beside him. “That’s about a few hundred Decepticons in that ship.”
“This will work.” It has to. “If we keep holding off to recapture those cons, the more we put this town, this planet, in danger.”
“We are putting ourselves, and these humans, in danger.” Optimus glanced towards the dozens of humans in black vans behind them.
“We have to do this.” Megatron was stubborn. Optimus sighed, walking away.
“Besides, they’re under Starscream’s command, how bad could it be?” Megatron called out after him. Joking even though Megatron was also doubting himself.
This has to work. And it will.
They approached the Nemesis, human forces surrounding it. The Autobots were planning an attack from above, managing to get onto the Nemesis’s roof.
“Is this a good idea?” Arcee whispered.
“Of course it is. No one will know we’re up here.” Megatron replied, coming off ruder than he anticipated.
“You didn’t install a defense mechanism for your warship's roof!?” Elita yelled, (quietly)
“I never needed too. I didn’t think you’d Autobots were that insane.” Megatron looked back at them.
“So you admit this plan is insane?” Bumblebee butted in.
Megatron rolled his eyes and sighed angrily. He stopped when he reached the far end of the metal roof.
“This is the main deck.”
Elita started to tear at the metal roofing.
Oh no. Megatron should’ve repaired his ship after that meteor shower 3 thousand years ago.
Soundwave was ready to break the oath. The oath of never showing his face again. Being a spy meant giving up a lot of things. But he isn’t anyone’s spy anymore. The ceremony was almost over, then Starscream and Soundwave would connect their sparks in private to finish the ritual. Soundwave ran a hand over Starscream’s chest.
It was all so perfect. Until they heard an explosion from the ceiling.
Multiple Autobots fell from the ceiling. They grunted and groaned as they got up. Among them was Megatron.
Soundwave’s visior would have cracked right then and there. His fists tightened, almost blowing up that dragged right here and now.
“Wha…” Megatron gained back his grip on reality, quickly firing up his fusion cannon. He looked around the room, then his gaze landed on Soundwave and Starscream.
“Is this a Conjunx ceremony?” Megatron muttered, asking, not just stating facts.
Soundwave wanted to cuss, scream, and attack, but Starscream was already getting to that.
“Must you Autobots ruin everything!?”
The rest of the Autobots had adjusted already.
“Never took you for the settling down type, Screamer-“ Elita started, then noticed Megatron. His eyes showed hurt as his fusion cannon lowered.
“Let’s finish this now, Cons!” Bumblebee said, charismatically.
“Decepticons! Attack- “ Starscream started to scream out orders, before Soundwave stopped him, Soundwave’s hand landing on his chest.
Soundwave looked at Megatron. Behind the mask there was hate in Soundwave’s eyes.
They were over.
Soundwave pulled Starscream in, catching him in a dip.
A collective gasp was let out by everyone, even Starscream, as Soundwave’s mask unhitched. Soundwave’s blue eyes locked with Starscream’s red ones.
In a moment Soundwave locked Starscream in a kiss. Their sparks flowed with a vibrant blue, interlocking with each other. That was about half the deed to be done.
Soundwave pulled a shaken Starscream up.
“Now, you may attack.”
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bb-azurite · 1 year
If Soundwave/Shockwave took over the Decepticons
A lot of people go on about how much better the Decepticons would do if Soundwave or Shockwave were in charge but personally I don't see it. At least not for their Prime versions.
Like not including anything from other Soundwave incarnations or the books, I'm stuggling to think of an instance were he came up with a plan or really took any kind of initiative. I love Soundwave whenever he's on screen but the whole show he's pretty much just following orders and the times when does refuse (Starsceam/Airachnid trying to kill/abandon Megatron) he’s really only  maintaining the status quo. Dude had pictures of the human kids since like eps 5 and it took him until the end of season 2 and Starcream coming back with a plan for Soundwave to do anything with it. He’s already devoting all his time and energy to his work as communications officer, manning the ground bridge, decoding the database etc. that he has no brain power left for coming up with his own schemes. Let alone mustering up enough menace and charisma to command the troops and give orders when HE DOESN’T SPEAK (watching the show is both funny and cute when Decpticon high command have full conversations with Soundwave not responding but being understood anyway. You really get a sense of how long they’ve known him but charades just isn’t practical for an intergalactic army). I feel like it’s telling that Megatron, who might as well be Soundwave’s closet friend, was basically promoting any Decepticon who showed up to SIC before even looking Soundwave’s way.
Shockwave is a little better. He speaks and has initiative to get what he wants. His problem is that he’s just weird and does whatever will flex his science muscles the most, not what is most practical. I mean, his response to being abandoned on Cybertron for who knows how long was not:
A. Build an SOS beacon to be rescued.
B. Build a spaceship and get himself off the planet.
It was C. Resurrect ancient mythical creatures while waiting for them to eventually come back for you even though you gave no indication you were even still alive (Starsream was abandoned alone, on a hostile alien planet without fuel, shelter, resources or even the ability to transform. Starscream started walking). 
Shockwave lives his life according to logic but specifically Shockwave’s logic. Plus, unless he’s competing with Starscream, he seems more than happy to be left alone to tinker in his lab for the most part. He just doesn’t derive the same pleasure from yelling at people to do whatever he tells them that Starscream and Megatron do. Leading would definitely be a job to him that keeps him from doing what he’s really passionate about. If Starscream didn’t bring it up so much, would you even remember that he and Shockwave were BOTH SIC in the third season? Half the time he wasn’t even on the ship.
Soundwave and Shockwave are both geniuses at what they do and the Decepticon cause certainly wouldn’t survive without them. But being good at your job and being a good fighter isn’t all it takes to lead the Decepticons. Not that Megatron and Starscream are shining examples of leadership but it’s oppurtunity cost. The Waves are best doing what they do and the could not and should not be expected to do literally everything.
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I posted 91 times in 2022
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#imagine optimus coming back and realizing he gave the key to a human newspark and not a fully grown adult member of the species
My Top Posts in 2022:
Guilty Pleasures (Part 2)
More secret/wholesome hobbies for my giant lovely robots!
Starscream is a bundle of pent up everything with paranoia serving as the cherry on top, and so to deal with it he picked up several small wholesome hobbies over the course of the war.
He tried writing for a while, (he still has a stash of his old works somewhere) he did painting as well, (his art is still on display in his berthroom) and he even committed to sculpting for a while (his rather vivid depictions of Megatron in various states of defeat are proudly displayed on a shelf)
However his most recent hobby is one he acquired from earth.
Currently he handles his pent up emotions through knitting, something he picked up after he found out that a determined knitter can make just about anything.
Inspired, he took up the craft and uses his sharp talon like digits to knit while he has nothing better to do.
When he can, he will requisition a Vehicon or two to hold his yarn balls and follow him around so that he can pace and knit at the same time.
But due to how often Starscream needs to vent out his frustrations via knitting he developed quite a large pile of finished accessories.
And so to make way for even better works of 'art' Starscream gives his little creations away to others on board the nemesis, and sometimes those not of Decepticon allegiance.
Knockout has found himself with several well knit neon pink sweaters that he hates with a passion not only because the color clashes with his armor but also because they all have some iteration of 'Slagger' on the back.
Breakdown has been given a few rainbow colored beanies that he isn't quite sure what to do with, and Soundwave has acquired a handful of knitted stuffed animals with various angry expressions.
All the Vehicons have little mittens or scarfs of various colors and Shockwave has begrudgingly accepted an eye mask with a rather disturbing optic knitted on the front.
Not even the Autobots are safe from Starscream's passive aggressive knitted works.
Optimus has five quilts as large as he is tall depicting Starscream perched upon a throne with both Optimus and Megatron at his pedes, usually 'All Hail Starscream' is present somewhere as well.
And Ratchet has two dozen rugs that seem to be a series of sorts as each has 'Frag Megatron' kitted in a different language.
No one is quite sure how to react to it.
Despite her sarcastic, stoic, and blunt behavior, Arcee has an incredibly wholesome hobby, the hobby in question being gardening.
What she did on Cybertron wasn't really gardening by earth standards.
Before the war and even during its early years she kept and incredibly well maintained crystal garden to which she devoted enormous amounts of time to.
She had a whole room filled with towering spires of glowing crystals which had been carefully directed to grow in splendid archways and branching designs over vorns.
Each crystal had a date carefully carved into its base and was skillfully attuned to her own spark signature, helping them to grow and offering her a deep sense of peace when in her garden.
It helped ease a great deal of the stress she accumulated throughout the early years leading up to the war.
However her garden was ruthlessly destroyed after her residence was bombed.
She tried keeping a few small potted crystals which she managed to salvage from her old garden but it was mostly a lost cause with how often she was required to change bases and locations to fight.
She still kept a few of the shards with her though when she travelled to earth, more as a sentimental item than anything else.
When she arrived to earth she was introduced to the human concept of gardening.
Organic things were not an unknown concept to her, but caring for plants is far different than caring for crystals.
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213 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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I finished this piece and simply couldn't wait to share it. It was a ton of fun to draw, so if you all have any suggestions for more doodles I am all ears.
366 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Aching Scars
I came across this headcannon that all the TFP bots have some sort of disability or injury that bothers them. As you might expect I felt the need to expand on the thought a little bit. And don't worry, it ain't all doom and gloom, after all I am a sucker for fluff.
Arcee, despite her aggressiveness, has managed to avoid serious injury for most of the war, as such her problems lay not in body, but in mind.
She suffers from extreme PTSD from the loss of so many of her partners, it has led her to pull away from others and keep to herself.
Thankfully upon coming to earth and being assigned as Jack's guardian she lightens up again, content in knowing that she has a chance to try again as a protector once more.
She still has bad night terrors and occasionally has mental breakdowns thought, even if she is generally good at hiding it.
When the team do manage to see through her attempts at hiding her condition they do their best to comfort her in little ways.
Bad days usually end with the team watching a movie together, keeping Arcee from focusing too much on her own dark thoughts.
Arcee is particularly fond of romance films, not that she will ever admit it aloud.
While no bot comes out of a war unscathed mentally, Bulkhead is by far the most mentally stable of the Cybertronian half of the team.
However that does not mean he is in pristine condition. His joints in his knees and knuckles are unfortunately rather stiff and painful from his many long years enduring hostile environments.
He does his work regardless of the pain, he has long since learned to tune it out for the most part.
But on days where the weather is off, his joints end up becoming near unbearable.
He usually plays it off with a joke or two but the team notices and does not hesitate to do something about it.
Optimus puts Bulkhead on groundbridge duty during those days, and the rest of the team ask him to handle minor tasks on the computer in order to keep him off his pedes while not damaging his pride.
Miko almost always ropes Bulkhead into having a spa day with her on such days. He tries to object but succumbs to her pleading in the end.
When the team return from their various missions they don't mention the almost comical sight of Bulkhead resting with pillows over his optics as the bright pink paint on his servo tips dries.
He isn't one to hang around the team much, but when he does drop by, occasionally his ADHD rears its helm.
On such days he is fidgety, ready for a fight and eager to get into trouble.
In order to keep him from driving Ratchet to commit a murder, the team enact game nights whenever he comes round, even if he isn't having an off day.
Twister, UNO, Video games are the primary activities of the team game nights.
Wheeljack is incredibly competitive and always does a little dance when he wins.
His scrap eating grin when he absolutely demolishes Bulkhead and Bumblebee in racing games oozes with smugness.
His competitiveness has caused more than a few half hearted fights to break out over the true victor in a game, but no one really minds as it allows everyone to blow off steam.
In the end, even if he is a bit much at times, the team wouldn't have it any other way.
After all it wouldn't be the same if there wasn't a fight to break up, or cry of victory to be heard as Wheeljack gets far too into the game for his own good.
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380 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
Guilty Pleasures
Every sentient being has a secret hobby or interest. Autonomous robotic organisms not excluded.
The only one who knows about his little hobby is Soundwave, it's a good thing too, because Megatron would kill anyone else who uncovered his secret.
Despite his general distaste for humans, Megatron admires their creativity, more specifically their literature.
He may be a warrior first and foremost but he also has a love for any all all historical and poetic works.
He enjoys reading and having to decipher the hidden meanings behind the stories he collects.
It fascinates him to read about just how different and how similar Cybertronian societies are.
However he would never be caught dead reading a book written by a human. So he sends Soundwave to fetch him good books whenever there is nothing more important on the agenda.
He is greatly inspired by Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, J.R.R Tolkien, C.S Lewis, and Homer.
He has a whole secret closet in his berthroom filled with dataslates that contain the works of his favorite authors.
He will often read them before falling into recharge, and occasionally he will attempt a little writing of his own if he is feeling particularly inspired.
This has led him to create another secret stash in his berthroom filled with his own stories, ones that mostly illustrate his own life and views on how society should be structured.
(If Megatron's works make their way into the newly rebuilt Iacon hall of records in the future due to a certain Prime, then no bot comments on it)
He has a rather unique little hobby, one that like Megatron, he would never be caught dead engaging in.
His particular hobby stems from his base coding as an Archivist.
Since the war did not really grant him much opportunity to work with and organize the data he desired, he ended up developing a tendency to note and catalogue the relationships of bots around him.
In short, Optimus is a shipper.
It was not a purposeful thing, but as time passed and tensions heightened Optimus just started listening in on conversations more frequently and paying extra attention to body language and how other bots interacted with one another.
He found it fascinating and so began to write it all down on a dataslate, and from there it just escalated as he began noting how certain bots reacted around others.
It really began after he started listing known relationships and all the information he had on them (In surprising and almost creepy detail)
Then he started theorizing and creating a whole separate catalogue dedicated to organizing gossip and discerning what was correct and incorrect so that he could get his relationship files properly updated.
In the end he created the most intricate and well informed database filled with information regarding every known relationship, platonic, familial, and romantic that he caught wind of.
But of course that still wasn't enough for his Archivist coding, he needed and still needs a constant flow of fresh data, and so he started playing a role in the relationships around him.
A well placed rumor here, a slight change of orders there, and Optimus's notes gain new additions from either the success or fallout of the event, satisfying his urges and helping his troops sort out their feelings much quicker than they would have otherwise.
To the complete and utter shock of everyone when they eventually find out; it is not Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Jazz, or any other source that has all the tea. No, it's all Optimus, and he knows everything and will gladly play matchmaker for his favorite OTP.
Cats. Soundwave. Loves. CATS.
He thinks they are the best to thing to happen since Primus himself came into being and nothing will change his mind.
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418 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Irrational Fears
Earth is absolutely terrifying, a fact that both Autobots and Decepticons can attest to.
Despite being so big and tough, there is one thing about the earth that just scares the scrap out of Megatron.
He does not really fear what lurks within earth's biggest bodies of water, no, he fears the bodies of water themselves.
He never needed to learn to swim since Cybertron didn't exactly have huge bodies of anything resembling liquid near the surface beside the occasional acid pool.
And the safe liquids that existed on Cybertron were far denser than earth's liquids, often being thick enough to almost be a paste, posing little issues for those who got stuck in them besides some sticky residue being left on their armor afterward.
As such arriving on earth and falling into the ocean for the first time was rather traumatizing.
His usual method of handling being in liquid did absolutely nothing for him since water is not nearly as dense as what Megatron is familiar with.
He sank like a rock and was left at the bottom of the fragging ocean in the dark with no clear way to get out besides walking to the surface since transforming or ground bridging out would cause more trouble than it was worth.
He was irritated but fine with it at first, after all, no organic thing in the waters could really do him any harm.
But the ominous noises, the random currents which threw his sensors into overdrive, the extreme water pressure, and the rather freaky things passing by him as he traveled back to land just... traumatized him in a way he couldn't really describe.
The ocean threw Megatron off, and since then he has sworn off going near the Unmaker-cursed liquid pools when possible.
Surprisingly Optimus's worst fear that originated on earth was not of natural disasters or anything of the sort, no, his fear is of the roads, or more specifically, the people driving on the roads.
Optimus is a textbook driver and obeys every road law to the letter, as such most human drivers scare him half to death.
American drivers are a melting pot of every form of insanity, with customs from all over the world resulting in the most confusing road culture imaginable.
Poor Optimus can't make heads or tails of it and often finds himself bewildered when other drivers honk or scream obscenities at him for following the rules.
Not only that but Americans are freaking crazy drivers.
Optimus has gotten hit, crashed into, pushed off the road, and forced to swerve to save some poor idiotic soul far more times than he will ever be comfortable admitting.
When it happens he panics. After all, the human vehicles have humans in them, and humans are squishy and easily damaged, unlike Cybertronians.
It isn't much better in other countries.
The Europeans are agonizingly slow drivers and park where ever their car will fit, trying to travel through British towns and cities on their tiny roads is an absolute nightmare.
For a vehicle of Optimus's size Europe, as a general rule, is one of the worst places to drive.
But oh boy, Europe has nothing on the Asian and middle eastern countries.
Driving there induces some of the worst anxiety Optimus has ever had since the war began, and that is saying something.
Random cattle on the roads, junk cars sputtering along looking like they are going to explode at any moment, the absurd amount of potholes, the fearless jaywalkers, and the maze-like structure of most roads make Optimus nearly have a panic attack every time he is forced to go driving in such areas.
He doesn't even want to get started on the state of the roads in Canada or the terrifying scrap he has seen while driving in Australia.
Fragging Pigeons, Starscream simultaneously hates and fears them with a passion.
See the full post
623 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
I want to talk specifically about Lazerbeak and Frenzy joining the Bot Brawl. (And also Frenzy's comment to Ravage about how 'we dont have to work for him anymore'). First on Lazerbeak and Frenzy, I don't think they have any access to energon themselves. Swindle and Hardtop couldn't get energon successfully and they're average sized bots working together, so they might not even have access to energon either. I don't see how Lazerbeak and Frenzy *could* get energon on their own and fighting in the Bot Brawl would not end well for them. Maybe they struck a deal with Mandroid, be his announcers in exchange for necessary energon. And speaking of Mandroid leads me into the second point about Ravage. I theorize, the cassettes and Soundwave are working for Mandroid (at least on the side) and the cassettes don't like the situation, but Mandroid has energon and Soundwave consistently cares about his cassettes. The cassettes care about Soundwave and he's never shown to mistreat them, so I don't see why they wouldn't like working for him. There's a lot of Weird going on with the cassettes and I don't think they'd ever betray Soundwave. Also, there is the comment from Bee about cassettes potentially exploding from Soundwave's chest if HE gets low on energon. Tl:dr, I think the cassettes were only in the Bot Brawl for their own survival and even Soundwave is having to work for Mandroid for energon
I get part of this ask, since it definitely seems like Frenzy and Laserbeak had struck a deal with Mandroid, probably for energon, but at the same time I feel like they might actually have an easier time getting energon on their own given that they're small and made for spying. Plus, they held their own against Optimus and Megatron—they are powerful! Frenzy and Laserbeak love chaos and making trouble and seemed to be enjoying their jobs as announcers—I think they did in at least in part because it was fun for them!
I don't think there's any sign that Soundwave or Ravage is working with Mandroid, either. Laserbeak and Frenzy split off from them because they didn't want to follow Soundwave to prison to do whatever it is he was planning, and that's where Soundwave and Ravage have presumably been since that time. Mandroid had nothing to do with the GHOST prison until Croft strong-armed him back into working with GHOST. I'm also not sure why it seems weird to you that two of the cassettes would choose to leave Soundwave—while I can't really think of any time Soundwave mistreated them in any series, particularly not here, that doesn't mean they're going to be 100% devoted to him specifically. The cassettes have done their own thing or left him plenty of times, starting from the beginning of the TF franchise. Even "Decepticons forever!" Ravage has often been characterized as caring more about the Decepticon movement's cause in general than about Soundwave specifically.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
saw your post about the OP ongoing and now I'm very curious about your opinion on one particular part of it, so. ☕ + Jetfire in the OP ongoing?
ooooh. he's REALLY interesting, IMO. i love the way that Barber shows what an odd position he's in through the flashbacks he appears in- taking the rarely-utilised concept of Jetfire from his original Sunbow G1 concept as the one who moves back and forth between factions and turning it into a pre-war thing, which becomes a way to explore why the average mech might pick this or that side over the other. when we talk about why a character like Megatron or Soundwave might devote themselves to the Decepticons, that's one thing. when we look at a person on the ground level of things so to speak, far from the top level of either side's armies, caught in the middle and having to decide which side he wants to be on as the war gears up, and why he chooses what he does, that's another. (Barber also does this with Needlenose, actually.) that's kind of how i see Jetfire's role in the OP comic. he's there to look at why an average mech might decide to throw their lot in with anyone, and it's interesting because it explores even before the war ramps up fully how strongly cracked the Autobots were in many ways on a foundational level. he chooses them in the end, but he's a way to see those flaws having been there from the beginning.
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sepublic · 1 year
            I’m thinking of another backstory for Nizziverse Tarn, which seems useless since he’s a purely post-canon story and never appears in the main films. But who cares?
         The thing that bothers me about his origin is that, admittedly, he IS Megatron’s fault. Not just in a general way, I mean Megatron deliberately targeted this dude for being Optimus’ friend, groomed and indoctrinated him, just to get back at Optimus. So it does admittedly feel a bit in poor taste, hypocritical even, for Megatron to condemn and kill the guy he’s directly responsible for and intentionally twisted, rather than simply convinced or enabled to come to his own conclusions that ended up being Decepticon.
         Granted, I’ve never sat down and read the proper issue myself, only watched a video and skimmed TFwiki. So maybe there IS meant to be that discomforting edge to the big moment when Megatron kills the Decepticon Justice Division. But since I’m already doing some things differently, and because I don’t know that either… I’m changing up Tarn’s backstory.
         And honestly, a pathetic dude like Syril Karn from Andor seems fairly perfect to plagiarize emulate for Nizziverse Tarn and this slightly-altered depiction, at least for me! I think there’s that same energy of pathetic, fanatical, and ultimately selfish desire that projects a lot without caring for the actual reality of a person.
         Nizziverse Tarn, initially Glitch, was built post-Functionists, in the relative era of peace prior to the Great War. An admittedly lonely but also clearly unstable dude with a deep desire for power and the ability to crush others to fill the emptiness inside of him. So he signs up to join the Decepticons, the faction of Cybertronians whose whole purpose is to impersonate the technology of other civilizations to invade them; Organics are the perfect people to punch down from!
         Unlike Syril Karn though (Syril… Tarn?) Glitch actually proves fairly competent, and yadda-yadda the rest is history. I did consider giving him more of a Soundwave origin, but I think that might’ve been retreading old ground, and anyhow I think this portrayal of the Decepticons is a bit different than IDW’s. Anyhow, Glitch fully immerses himself in Decepticon ideology, dedicates himself to this godlike pedestal he’s placed Megatron upon… He becomes recruited as part of this new “Decepticon Justice Division” and is codenamed Tarn. The rest is history.
         Ultimately, I want Tarn’s backstory and his ‘corruption’ to be mostly his own choice and fault, his own agency. Like yeah, Megatron did allow for the colonization of other worlds to happen, but it was never HIS idea either, something he inherited from the Functionists and never learned to let go, unlike the other scars left from that regime. So Tarn still has plenty of agency in becoming an awful person, and Megatron lashing back feels more justified, especially since you can sort of argue that Megatron cares about his fellow Cybertronians, whereas Tarn is just a glorified bully and would probably be a mass shooter if he was human.
        I think a Syril Karn-esque characterization just WORKS for a Megatron who has to deal with an obsessive, fanatical fan who can’t differentiate from reality and is more inclined to project than actually engage with things as they are. And whom is ultimately a pathetic coward who has the audacity to beg for his life and ask Megatron to be reasonable, when he was the one being a serial killer post-war. There’s less of an uncomfortable power dynamic (or something like that) involved this way, I think. But then again, you could compare IDW to Simon and Grace from Infinity Train… So who knows?
        Also, that’s not a mask; The Decepticon logo IS his face, remolded to be as such to represent his devotion to the cause. It’s one thing to wear memorabilia but to make yourself into it...! And as I mentioned before, “Give me your face” really DOES feel like a Megatron one-liner as he kills Tarn and strips him of his authority, both in name and physically. It feels more metal (ba-dum tsss) when it’s an actual face and not just a mask, and more karmic with how gruesome the DJD are (such as Vos for whom Tarn led).
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eldritchships · 2 years
oohh 🤖 + romantic or platonic! i’ll take an edgelord <3
For a platonic, I think Blackarachnia/Airachnid! (Technically she’s the same character, they just gave her a different name for Prime)
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I think Blackarachnia fits a lot of the usual ‘edgelord’ criteria, but she pulls it off very well. She was mutated into a half-organic spider Transformer, and currently searches for a way to ‘cure’ those organic parts. In Transformers Prime, she went around the universe hunting native species when she wasn’t torturing ‘bots for the Decepticons.
She’s independent, resourceful, competent and confident. Blackarachnia knows what she’s about, and she isn’t afraid to break the rules to get what she wants, whether that be murder, kidnapping or genetic experimentation. Blackarachnia particularly has some internalised anger she hasn’t worked through yet, and I think she’d enjoy having a friend she could talk (or trash-talk) to, who’d also help make her feel less alone.
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Honourable mention: Soundwave as a romantic!
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I had a hunch you might enjoy Soundwave before I opened F/O recs, so I’m going to mention him. Soundwave is one of Megatron’s top lieutenants, meaning he’s recognised as a force to be reckoned with. He’s ruthlessly loyal, with a sense of humour that’s almost cheeky, and a strategist who knows how to avoid a fight but can absolutely kick ass when he needs to. Plus he even comes with a couple of pets. Soundwave would be a devoted partner, his love coming loud and clear through his actions even if he doesn’t talk much. (I think the Transformers Prime version may suit your visual tastes better, but lore-wise Soundwave is a very consistent character across all his different incarnations).
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robotlesbianjavert · 2 years
THE Top 5 List Of All Time
okay per @stillness-in-green's question. and something really important that i'm sure ALL of my lovely fans, yes you i am talking about you and blowing you so many kisses, are dying to know. my Top 5 Gay Little Henchmen.
house cleaning first i'm excluding spinner and spinaraki from this list just because i've given spinner a lot of attention the past few weeks and have already extolled his virtues as a gay little henchman and how i think he really embodies this trope and he's so special to me i wanna cry about him like every day oh my god. oh my god. but that would be unfair considering the intensity of my current feelings (that have been consistent the last three years eyyy) anyways here's the rest of the list.
5. okay i will be honest this guy does not really count except fully on a technicality and bc of how much i love him. but enrico poggi from the stravaganza series now this is very much like, a junior high/middle school kind of series. but enrico is such a great dynamic character who spends like the first half of the series being a big opportunistic skeezy lackey tormented by the mysterious disappearance of his lackey and then the latter half of the series being like okay yeah i can work for the protagonist. and by the end has wholeheartedly devoted himself to the main character. and like he's significantly less homoerotic than a little henchman should be but he's a spy assassin who's squeamish and is good with kids and great with horses and will eat everyone's food and he's a good lil henchman with a full character arc and i love him on want him on my list. he could gay up a lil if i tried.
4. i said i wouldn't include spinner BUT DIDN'T SAY SHIT ABOUT ANY OTHER BNHA CHARACTER NYEH HEH HEH. it's really hard choosing between like redestro (to shigaraki) and trumpet (to redestro) and nemoto (to overhaul) but ultimately i have to give the bnha crown to ujiko for his devotions to AFO, primarily for plot impact and relationship longevity, but also because ujiko is sooooooo cute about AFO it makes me weep a little bit. for real.
3. isaac from castlevania 2017 eeeeyyyyyyyy now i never actually finished castlevania. because i got really lazy. but isaac was an immediate favourite and i know the scope of his character arc after the fact after losing dracula and it's so charming so charming. i've heard the "all so fucking rude" line it's BRILLIANT and also the idea of a henchman having to figure himself out after losing his boss..........groundbreaking. i need to finish the series one day or get the isaac supercut. only thing is that he should be shorter. but i persist.
2. soundwave babyyyyyyyy. specifically g1 and prime continuities, and to my understanding parts of the comics (idw series specifically - never got in depth with it but i know soundwave had Great Loyalty in it). from what i understand earthspark has fantastic divorced megatron/soundwave energy to it as well, though i am still heavily debating with myself how much i should watch it for myself. now soundwave doesn't get as much love as he SHOULD but his unwavering devotion to megatron and the decepticon cause.........the way that can so easily be shattered.........when the series lets soundwave be extra competent in an especially sexy way....... magic. also could be smaller but in g1 he turns into a tape deck, prime a skinny lil stealth jet, it works
before i reveal my number one i wanna give some quick special shout outs. harry/uma is not gay even though they both carry some energy. i've never actually watched disney's the descendants in their entirety but i did watch all the harry/uma scenes and it's good. it's a good ship. ummmm commander peepers, i never actually watched wander over yonder but i saw this guy around a bunch and immediately loved him from the start he's so tiny and such a go getter :) uhhh okay meowth doesn't count unless you read into his "fantasies about giovanni" era which is whatever but he is the blueprint for my love for henchmen overall and also just tiny fellows who range from antagonistic to just annoying. and gay lil henchmen are a subset of that.
and a different shout out to izzy hands from our flag means death. i am aware about the discourse surrounding the character i have read a lot of different meta from different perspectives and i got some context for various arguments. and i have decided that izzy hands is a great example of a gay little henchman even if stede is really hard for me to get past when trying to watch the show. i wanna know him so bad but it's difficult when i have to glaze past the main character.
gus grav from bakugan: new vestroia real kota fans KNOW THIS ABOUT ME this is the guy that really cracked me for the gay evil little henchman. is he from a good series. no. are he and spectra well-written characters. no. but he has such luscious hair and put his coat over spectra like a blanket and he tried to show spectra the joy of juiceboxes and he went on the run with him and he tried to fight a guy who insulted spectra despite being told not to and DIED for it but didn't actually die he just showed up again and previously spectra had a sad moment about gus not being around and when gus shows up again spectra is like "wow about time" or whatever. listen i had a lot of feelings about gus being "killed off" and then just unceremoniously brought back and then in a latter series when he shows up with spectra as a good guy with a new outfit BUT I CAN'T SEE THE OUTFIT IN ITS ENTIRETY? also the episode where he tries to fight a guy for spectra and dies, he disguises himself by tying his hair back and wearing a lil waiters outfit and putting on glasses AND AGAIN, CAN'T SEE THE FIT IN FULL, WILDLY HOMOPHOBIC. gus was really one of those characters that clicked hard with me despite everything and ignited my mind like few others could. of course this was also during my naive teenage years so i was also shipping him with his boss' younger sister but i stand by that and still think it would be funny. but gus grav was the first time in my memory that i went "wow. homoerotic devotion to the point of obsession and self-destruction is kind of sexy." and for that he will always be so special and influential to me.
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
Hmm, the MegOP and dynamic post reminded me of my favorite old concept. G1 MegOPJazz, in which MegOP has to happen for peace, and JazzOP was waiting for the end of the war, so Megatron takes one look at his–very attractive–pining neme-spouse and calls Jazz up.
Jazz is certain that Megatron is here to threaten him off but Megatron scoffs and sneers giving him an up down and says he was getting the feel of him and then proceeds to tell Jazz to focus on the music because he took him to the opening of SoundStar's bar/club and Jazz is stuck tensely waiting while Megatron pays for dinner and asks his opinion on music but doesn't talk. It only gets weirder with Starscream wondering over fo gossip and side eye making comments Jazz isn't getting and prodding Megatron only for Soundwave, who normally Jazz gets on with, to cone to steer Starscream away and give Jazz a look full of scandal a d judgement.
Then they part leaving Jazz analyzing every moment and feeling weirdly like he'd been on a date.
Then Megatron goes and prods Optimus until he shouts and actually loses his temper over a perceived threat to Jazz and admits devotion, and Megatron is pleased since it means he hasn't married someone cold and unfeeling who uses his subordinates while acting high and mighty. They have a weird talk and Optimus is scandalized by Megatron's up down.
It all accumulates with Megatron inviting Jazz over and bewildering them by explaining he finds Jazz tolerable and he is not opposed to a V situation is they'd prefer or attempting a Trine as he'd foubd the date enjoyable and finds Jazz attractive, charming, and cutting.
Cue confused JazzOP getting tge poly talk from Megatron. There is a lot of build, and eventually, they end up fairly happily Trined.
Neme-spouse yes
Oo? Marry for peace Megop??
Love that Jazz is expecting the worse but no Megatron literally planned a date for them like ohh Meggsie you beautiful bastard
Also a club raised by Soundwave and Starscream has to be very interesting
Alas, the scandal of seeing Jazz and Megs on a date! Delightful!
Sweet that Optimus's reaction sealed the lovely deal for Megatron, like aww yes Optimus truly cares about Jazz and he's willing to fight his enemies turned husband right then and there
Megatron: I swear I'm not planning to kill you I just think both of you are hot and amazing people
Seeing them trine has got to be amazing and so surprising for anyone who isn't on the in
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whatudottu · 2 years
So, some time ago, I made a post about something something TFP Rewrite AU. Now, I’m not the greatest at putting ideas into one cohesive story- not without ripping on the original structure.
But recently I had an idea!
There’s a lot of context going into this idea, but bare with me. It will be the basis of other TFP Rewrite adjacent stuff that I may or may not share if i even have more ideas for it, and the main context that applies to general events is Megatron himself and his descent into a Dark Energon induced spiral into incompetency.
Something something books that I haven’t read, apparently in the aligned continuity Megan had already found AND used DE to essentially kill Primus and Cybertron with him, but in the show it’s written as if it’s this mystical element that no one believed ever existed. For this little uh... split in the timeline, Dark Energon was discovered in TFP and TFP alone.
Another interesting tidbit about Megatron, the books seem to paint the Decepticons as the ones in the right, the ones who rebel against a system that had no qualms about letting them die and scavenge the parts of their dead nameless brethren; the Autobots were the upper class so devotely against the Decepticon’s mere existance and the middle class that saw their justified violence as ‘taking it too far’. Now I’m not going to turn Megan into the greatest mech alive, who is actually the good guy dude just trust me, but I’m upping his competence pre-DE.
So essentially, before any event involving Earth in some way is mentioned, Megatron is now a frighteningly powerful and proficient leader, but is inordinately violent to the point of turning his blade on his own crew. In the war - book era - the quality of his leadership outweighed the backlash of his gladiatorial upbringing, and it was the sway of his words and the purpose behind them that further grew the Decepticon forces.
Now, with the Dark Energon in his possession, Megatron’s mind slowly begins to degrade. At first, everything seemed relatively okay, questions being asked about the discovery, on-board scientists and automobile enthusiasts were keen to learn more. But Megatron went on his journey to find more Decepticon soldiers, more forged mecha that fought under the banner of the Decepticon brand.
And that’s were it truly began to go downhill.
Megatron spoke of the Decepticon forces as dead mecha walking, and that the upper class and ESPECIALLY the council would have continued to ensure that became true, but what if they gave them that honour. Megatron announcing his plan to turn the dead into loyal Decepticon forces, undying in their regeneration and the will to choose for oneself who to be again, a second chance. And then began the idea that if the Decepticons were so fated to die at the hands of the Autobots, that they shall never give them the pleasure, and take away their mortal fear of death.
Needless to say it wasn’t a very popular belief.
And ever since Megan took it upon himself to embrace the Dark Energon - the rumoured blood of Unicron himself - into his very spark, the grand intelligence and brilliant command began to gradually grow outmatched by his vehement aggression. Plus, with the Autobots trapped on Earth on the evasive, Megatron could not turn that intense rage onto the battlefield, but harder onto the failings of the Decepticons.
Most folk are blind to the weakening cost-benefit relationship that is Megan’s leadership, mostly because they aren’t directly affected by it. Vehicons are already cannon fodder, they’ve accepted as such eons ago, so any increase in internal violence just hastens the inevitable if they’re even targetted in the first place. Soundwave was already the primary intelligence officer, and though he definitely notices the shift, his loyalty leads him to handle more of the thinking than he did before.
Oh, but Starscream notices, Starscream doesn’t need to open his eyes to notice. He, the medical staff (only really Knock Out and Breakdown) and any technician, maintenance worker and the occasional vehicon stationed at the bridge notice more and more of the failings of Megatron’s mental stablity.
Starscream’s plots to take over the Decepticons begin more and more frequently, and though his popularity in the ranks doesn’t increase at first, it is Megan’s standing in the eyes of his troops that takes a fall before any opinions can rise.
Yada yada overall the Decepticons grow sick and tired of Megatron’s bullshit, something something blind loyalty tries to get Megatron the help he needs, and finally certain ‘Cons begin to think their temporary rule under Starscream’s 6 year occupation doesn’t seem all too bad. No one died, not from their leader and certainly not from the Autobots. Mining had next to no incidents, save for mining exclusive accidents. And Starscream was well suited to keeping their activities a secret from both the Autobots AND the humans living on the planet.
But that’s certainly a thought of the most exhausted mecha, of the bots that will surely be slain for having that idea, for sympathising for the traitorous slagpile that is Starscream.
This could lead to some form of Autobot Starscream AU, but I think ever since I watched Cyberverse, I think that something along the lines of ‘Reformed-Decepticons-now-under-the-command-of-Starscream-by-elective-means-end-the-war-in-a-truce-and-soon-a-peace-treaty-in-efforts-to-restore-cybertron-to-the-world-that-it-was-meant-to-be’ AU/Pathway of this specific Rewrite AU-
Of course I don’t want it to be exactly Cyberverse, I only thought about it like that as soon as I began writing this section. But, maybe I’m just being a Decepticon sympathiser and am too swayed by the words of pre-DE Megatron, but I like when there are two sides of the war and neither are the good guy nor the bad guy.
I want some focking NUANCE in this bitch alright!
Anyhow I hope you liked this idea- there’s probably more on the way, I might’ve thought of some while writing this lmao-!
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soundwavereporting · 3 years
late soundwave week prompt fill!
together/ figurehead, ft ravage
Normally, Ravage preferred to linger in the periphery, unnoticed by all except the most astute observer—or Soundwave. Today, he sat within easy grabbing distance of the others, optics narrowed and field irritatingly strained as he watched Megatron and Soundwave.
The dim overhead lights and the hazy white glow of Soundwave’s exposed spark provided little light for Megatron to work, but Ravage knew the mech was used to operating in far worse conditions.
Megatron had not demanded silence, but save for the hitch in Scrapper’s exvents and the quiet tap of Thundercracker’s fingers against a datapad, it was silent.  
He focused on the way Megatron’s hands moved—quickly, with practiced, deliberate motions that revealed how diligently he had been practicing shape the protometal, but the design was already rough and misshapen. Ravage saw Megatron frown, but Soundwave leaned in, murmuring a reassurance that made Ravage’s nose itch. Apparently satisfied, Megatron nodded and stepped back, cradling the lump of rapidly-cooling protometal in his hands. Ravage watched as Soundwave’s safety systems re-engaged and his exposed spark was once again shielded by layers of protoform and armor.
Megatron looked down at the object in his hands once more, but Soundwave had optics for only him—privately, Ravage thought Soundwave’s propensity towards singleminded devotion was equal parts gift and curse. As Megatron pressed the brand against the smooth glass of Soundwave’s chest, Ravage watched the way Soundwave’s hands trembled. Ravage felt Deadlock’s field brush against his own as Soundwave turned to show the group his mark.
Megatron rumbled a compliment and stepped back, preparing to reveal his own spark chamber
They had planned to continue until everyone wore a badge, but by the time Megatron’s was finished--slightly too far to the left, slightly askew, it was clear the rest of the group would have to wait. Soundwave hid his exhaustion better than Megatron, but only just—a mech did not survive long working for the Senate by showing weakness. As was custom, he and Soundwave waited until the rest of their group had dispersed before leaving for the habsuite.
Neither of them spoke until they were back at the habsuite. It was mercifully quiet—Laserbeak and Buzzsaw were in Iacon with Starscream, trying to drum up support for the burgeoning cause.
Ravage anticipated that demand would eventually outstrip supply, and that faction insignias would be painted on with cheap pigments or premade designs. But for now, Ravage watched as Soundwave struggled to administer a dose of painkillers.
“You all right?” Ravage asked, for his own benefit. Soundwave knew he had been thinking about it, but it was still nice to hear Soundwave confirm.
Soundwave nodded, setting aside the medication and scratching Ravage’s muzzle obligingly. He smelled exhausted—sore—and they were both sure his frame would hurt more in the morning. Ravage enjoyed the attention for a few more minutes before Soundwave stood and headed to the berth. Ravage followed.
Normally, Ravage preferred to recharge on Soundwave’s chassis. Tonight, Ravage sat against Soundwave’s side. This close, he could see the imperfections in the badge—one side was noticeably misshapen, and the whole thing was slightly too large in proportion to Soundwave’s frame. Maybe. Ravage was no artist, but Soundwave seemed happy enough with the results.
Before he could ask Soundwave about it, Ravage heard the quiet hum of Soundwave’s systems settling into their normal recharge pattern. Ravage set his question aside for tomorrow. He gave his surroundings—Soundwave included—a final look before properly settling against Soundwave’s side to join him in recharge.
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snowdandy · 3 years
soundwave? 👀
I actually wasn't expecting anyone to send in stuff for this but here we go 😅
Favorite thing about him: he's just my favorite in general so this is hard but I'm going to say his devotion/loyalty , efficiency, and determination are my favorite thing about him.
Least favorite thing about him: Also hard... I could get continuity specific but I really don't have many things I dislike about him overall...
Favorite Line: ok so. He uh, generally, doesn't talk much. That's kind of part of the point. There's of course "Soundwave superior, autobots inferior" and "as you command, lord megatron" but one of my favorite lines of his is actually from my least favorite continuity. "Nothing moves on the orb bellow without my being aware of it. I see and hear everything, be it out in the open or behind closed doors. My reach is invisible, intangible. My grip...cast iron." I just think it really sums up the gravity of his role in the entirety of the series, even if this line is from the bay films.
BrOTP: he's not exactly known for haveing friends but I really like his friendship with hotrod in cyberverse.
OTP: MegaSound. Not the most popular ship but oh well.
nOTP: I'm really not a fan of soundwave/shockwave or soundwave/starscream. In fact I think given the chance with no reprocussions they would all try to kill eachother.
Random headcanon: I have...so many Soundwave headcanons. Here's a tfp one. Soundwave with his bulkier gladiator armor had all 6 symbiotes before the war and by the time tfp roles around hes lost all of them except laserbeak. Bonus: I like to think he took the vow of silence in part due to the loss of his symbiots and by extension the loss of pieces of himself. If we assume he may have lost some due to a breach of security there's no greater security than keeping ones mouth shut.
Unpopular opinion: he's cooler with the mask and visor on and I dont think we ever need to see his face.
Song I associate with him: I have several but ill put down 3.
•Far from home- sam tinnesz.
•st. Eriksplan- low roar
•Watch your back - sam tinnesz
Favorite picture: I dont know if I'd say this is my ultimate fav but I love this one a lot.
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