#it would make a killer fic tho
duawahausa · 8 months
I keep seeing ppl say that Fred is gonna betray Tubbo but I doubt that it would happen because why would they do it. They knew the risk of keeping in contact with islanders, they knew what happened to WC06 yet they continue to write to Tubbo and went on a date because Fred values Tubbo as a friend and something else so much.
What i think might happen is that the Fed saw that things has come to far and deem Fred's new-found human emotion unacceptable and kidnap Tubbo to use him against Fred, to force them to return to the standard cold and emotionless state. They might not exiled Fred or do the WC06 treatment considering Fred is a high rank worker, but who said anything about blackmailing.
We all know Fred did bad things and is capable of doing bad things. Now imagine what they can do if their loved one is used against them
Now what it has to do with Quackity?....idk I just want to see Fred's villain arc :D
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its-time-to-write · 9 months
I saw you asked for requests a few days ago. I was wondering if you would consider doing another part of the Kent!reader x Jamie fics.
I was thinking they do end up pregnant and its them telling everyone they’re pregnant . I can see everyone being so excited for them. And then Roy is just freaking out.
Since they’ve already discussed wanting to be together forever and have kids I can also see them deciding to get married before the baby is born in a small ceremony like Beard had.
I have quite a few requests about Jamie x reader having a kid, so if that ain’t your jam, maybe don’t read my next few posts😂 It’s totally my jam tho, maybe bc I’m suffering from baby fever again. thanks for requesting and for your patience!!
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let’s fall in love for the night  
Jamie’s jiggling his leg up and down so fast that you’re surprised he hasn’t cramped yet. 
“Calm down,” you hiss, hand on his knee. 
“Can’t,” he whispers back. “Roy’s gonna fucking kill me.”  
You have no sympathy for him. “Yeah, and whose fault is that? Yours.”
Jamie shoots you a sideways glance. “Excuse me, this was a team effort.”
“Whatever,” you say. “I still say it’s your fault.”
Molly swoops by to refill your water glasses. “Dinner’s ready in a few minutes. Roy and Phoebe have been working very hard,” she says. 
She raises her eyebrows on the word very, and you’re sure that Roy’s patience is being pushed to his limits. He loves cooking and refuses to let anyone help him, but he also loves your niece and can’t deny her anything she wants. 
“Better go check on them,” she says, leaving you and Jamie alone again in the backyard. 
Jamie resumes the previous conversation and says, “Well, I wasn’t the one wearing that blue thing with the flowers.”
“Well obviously,” you shoot back, “it wouldn’t even fit you.”
Jamie’s stopped jiggling his leg and he places his hand on top of yours. “Oi. Has Roy ever actually killed anyone before, or does he just have serial killer eyebrows?”
You wrinkle your nose and ask, “Why the fuck would I know?”
“You’re his sister,” Jamie replies in Phoebe’s patented duh tone. 
“I’m his baby sister,” you say. “I’m even younger than Molly. If he’s killed someone, they’ve both conspired to make sure I’ll never find out. And hey, don’t make fun of the eyebrows. There’s a good chance this baby’s gonna end up with them.”
“Babe you don’t have ‘em,” Jamie points out. 
“I wax,” you say smugly. “Oh, Molly texted. Time to go inside.”
Jamie groans but lets you lead him to the table. 
All told, Phoebe didn’t do half bad. 
“Auntie, I did the potatoes all by myself,” she says. 
You look to Roy for confirmation. He grunts and gives a tiny nod. 
“Great job, Phoebs,” you say. 
Molly sets down her fork. “I’ve been thinking of changing my name back to ‘Kent,’” she says. 
“Brill,” says Jamie. 
“Fucking finally,” Roy says as he hands Phoebe some money. “For future words,” he mouths to her as she counts it before depositing what you’re pretty sure is 20 quid into her pocket. 
Molly says, “We’ll all be the Kents again,” and you can feel Jamie go stiff next to you.
“The fuck’s wrong with you?” Roy asks, and you turn to see Jamie’s gone completely pale. 
You pinch his thigh and he jumps. “Nothing,” he says hurriedly. “Well, not nothing. But, I dunno, don’t want to overshadow Molls’s good news, ya know? It ain’t important.”
You pinch him again. 
“Ok, it’s actually a little fucking important (sorry Phoebe, take it from Roy). But um, maybe you could help me babe?”
He shoots you a pleading look so you take pity on him. You’ve had more than twenty years dealing with Roy, so you’ll let Jamie slide this once.
“Right, so, we’ve been meaning to tell you- I’m having a baby,” you blurt out. 
Roy’s dinner roll gets crushed in his hand as his face goes bright red. 
“What,” he growls, and you’re not sure if you’re more terrified by the absence of “fuck”s or the fact that it was a statement, not a question. 
“That’s wonderful, love!” Molly says before Roy can say anything else. She’s not looking at him but you can practically feel him take psychic damage from the shut up and be happy you prick, message she’s sure to be telepathically sending him. 
“It’s Jamie’s, right?” she continues, taking a bite of salad. 
“The fuck kind of question is that?” you ask indignantly. “Who else’s would it be?”
“You don’t have to pay me for that one,” Phoebe pipes up. “I’ll give you a free tab of one hundred words because of the baby. If it’s a girl, you can have fifty more.”
You grin. “Sounds like a plan.”
“You’re probably going to owe her the fifty, Phoebs,” Molly says. She points to Jamie with her fork. “I mean, look at him. He practically screams ‘girl dad.’” 
“That’s- fucking- great,” Roy garbles out. “‘Scuse me.”
“We’re having a backyard wedding next Saturday, too,” you call after him. “So we probably won’t all be the Kents again.”
You wince as he slams a door from somewhere in the house. 
“He’ll come ‘round,” Molly says consolingly. “Remember how he was with Phoebe? And I was already married!”
You grip Jamie’s hand. “Molls, why can’t he just emote like a regular person? I mean honestly, did our parents fuck him up that bad?”
Molly raises a shoulder in a half shrug. “I don’t know, babe. Think he’s just like us, really, afraid of loving something so he just pushes it all away. And besides, you’re the baby of the family. We’ve always tried to protect you and keep you safe, and sometimes he feels like you’re out of reach.”
You ask, “He told you that?” and Molly just laughs. 
“Not in so many words,” she replies. “But you know how he is.”
“He’s an arsehole,” you grumble. “I’m going to go talk to him.
Roy is, predictably, in the backyard. Not many places for him to go and think properly. 
You find him sitting under the tree. 
“Oi,” you say, “budge over.”
He grunts and moves so you’re not quite in the dirt. 
“Can you be sitting on the ground?” he asks. 
“It’s been like three months,” you reply, “That isn’t long enough for me to get stuck places.”
Roy says, “hmm,” but doesn’t offer up anything else so you just sit in silence next to him, pressing your shoulder to his. 
“Why the fuck did it have to be Tartt?” he asks after a beat. “Could’ve been fucking anyone in the fucking world, and you fucking chose him.”
“You like Jamie,” you say in confusion. 
“I don’t,” Roy replies, “he’s a prick. And a fucking footballer. Why’d you have to go for a fucking good-for-nothing footballer? He can’t even be around for his family when they go through shit because he’s going to be busy scoring fucking meaningless goals or some shit.”
That stings for a moment, but you take a good look at Roy’s face. It’s stoic, but shit if you can’t read it like a book. Blood is blood, and you’re a Kent just like him. 
“This isn’t about him, is it. It’s about you. You think you did a shit job as a brother and an uncle so Jamie’s going to be a shit father.”
“I missed out on a lot,” Roy says hoarsely. “And before you say fucking shit, I’m not fucking crying. So shut the fuck about it.”
You grin and wrap your arms around him. “You’re the best big brother a girl could ask for. Took all my cues from you. And anyway, you’ve been there when it counts. Phoebe fucking adores you, practically attached at the hip you two. And yeah, Molls and I missed you when you were at Sunderland and Chelsea and wherever. But… you came back. We needed you, and you came back. So don’t go projecting your stupid self-image on Jamie, because he’s not like that. And you’re not either, you absolute fucking ape-armed frizzy-haired shit-faced twat.”
Roy huffs out a chuckle. “Ape-arms. Haven’t heard that one in a while.”
“Almost went with ‘camel knees.’ Haven’t used that since I was ten, but I thought it might hit too close to home these days.”
Roy laughs for real this time and tilts his head so it’s resting on yours. “Still fucking weird that my little sister’s having a kid.”
You say, “You’ll get over it. Oh, and don’t wear a goddamn T-shirt on Saturday.”
It’s rainy, so the backyard wedding becomes a living room wedding, because who really gives a shit? Richmond have a game tomorrow, but for today they’re in yours and Jamie’s house all dressed up (but still in trainers) laughing and smiling as Dani officiates what you’re sure is your dream wedding. 
It’s not the one you and Molly would’ve giggled about as kids when you sneaked from your bed into hers, but everyone you loves is here. 
For once, Jamie’s house almost seems too small.  
(Dani was the only person you two knew who was ordained or whatever. And hey, could you have picked a happier person for it?)
Molly and Keeley had gone out with you to find a white dress, Sam and Phoebe were the flower-people, and Roy walked you down the stairs to where Jamie was standing with Isaac by his side. 
“I’m not fucking crying,” Roy whispers in your ear. “It’s fucking allergies from being in this prick’s house for too long.”
“It’s my house too,” you remind him. 
Roy just sniffs, pats your hand where it’s tucked into his arm, and presses a kiss to your cheek.
All in all, it was pretty great. 
Gifts range from hair products to restaurant gift cards to designer baby clothes, including a tie-dyed onesie from Phoebe. 
“I have a matching one at home,” she explains. 
But now it’s the evening and everyone is gone except family. 
“Can’t believe my baby’s married,” says a beaming Georgie as she ruffles Jamie’s hair from their place on the couch.
“Can’t believe he attained his childhood goal of marrying into the Kent family,” Molly remarks. 
Jamie grins smugly. “What can I say, I’m a fucking goal-getter.”
You’re snuggled in Jamie’s arms, dress exchanged for a white sweatshirt and sweatpants set, courtesy of Rebecca. 
“I’d’ve had a poster of you on me wall if they made one, babe,” Jamie says. “Better sight than that hairy git.”
Roy just rolls his eyes and says “I’m getting another beer.”
“Can you bring me a piece of cake?” you call after him.
“Me too?” Phoebe asks, looking hopefully at Molly. 
Jamie pats your knee. “Don’t think he heard you, love. I’ll get it for ya. You too, Phoebs.” He shoots a wink in her direction, and she giggles. 
“Oi, grandad,” Jamie says, walking into the kitchen. “Did you hear your sister?”
Roy turns around from the fridge with a menacing look.  
“If she has a single moment of unhappiness, I’m going to fucking kill you,” he growls.
“Jesus, sorry,” Jamie says, hands in the air. “What’s got your knickers all in a twist?”
Fucking Jamie, never able to back down from a good squabble with Roy. 
They’re both keeping their voices down because they know if they got caught, no less than three people would be grabbing them by the ear and yelling. 
They might know this from personal experience. 
Roy says, “She’s my little sister. I’d fucking murder for her, and so would Molly. Always tried to make it easier for her when she missed our parents and shit, but it always fucking got to her anyway. Didn’t help that I fucked off to Sunderland at fucking nine, before she was even fucking born. She’s wanted a family of her own for fucking ages, and if you fuck this up for her they will never. Find. Your body.”
Jamie’s not sure Roy’s ever looked this menacing, which is saying something, because he’s Roy fucking Kent. He always looks menacing. 
So he nods and says quietly, “I ain’t gonna fuck it up, Coach. Had a shit dad too. Always wished he were around, except when he was then he’d get all fuckin’ angry and shit. But… still wanted him, y’know? Weird. Anyway, not gonna be like that with her. I want a family too.”
Roy looks straight into his eyes, looking for the barest hint of insincerity. Jamie’s gaze doesn’t waver. He’s not sure of much, but he’s sure of this. He’s sure of you. 
Roy says, “Right,” nods once, then claps Jamie on the shoulder right at his phone dings. 
Jamie pulls out his phone to a text from you that reads, pls stop fangirling over my brother. baby wants cake and so does ur mum
He smiles and tries to figure out how to balance three plates at once. 
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marvelobsessed134 · 4 months
I know Halloween is coming very quickly and I had this fic in mind of older nicki being a serial killer with his eyes on the young female reader
Somebody’s watching me
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So even tho Halloween is long gone I still wanted to fulfill this request so here it is! Enjoy!
Pairings: Older!Nikki Sixx x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, dark content! Serial killer!Nikki, dub con, sub reader, knife usage, blowjob, stalking
It was around 12:00 am and you were walking home from the club. Yes, not so safe as a young girl like you to be walking home alone this late. But you didn’t think much of it.
But little did you know, he was watching. The raven haired bassist that had a less than moral and legal hobby on the side. And he happened to have his eyes set on you.
He didn’t want to kill your though. Something about you intrigued him. And made him hard. He just had to have you.
Finally, you got inside your house, turning on the light and taking your coat off to hang it up in the coat rack.
Then, you walked into your bedroom to take your makeup off and put on your satin pajama’s before walking into the living room to grab a glass of wine and watch TV. You’re not feeling too tired and want to catch up on some 90 day fiancé.
Suddenly, as you were curled up on the couch, you heard your back sliding glass door open. Your eyes widened and you perked up, almost spilling your wine as you were on high alert.
You stood up, putting your glass on the side table before walking towards the dining room which had the door to the backyard.
Slowly walking towards it, you called out, “Hello? Is anyone there?”
Dumb move, girl. Because the next thing you know, you’re being pressed against the intruders chest, his hand covering your mouth.
You squirmed and tried to get out of his hold but you couldn’t. Crying in distress. “Shh bunny. Don’t want to alert the neighbors do we?” Your eyes widened at his words. That voice sounded familiar.
Turning your head, you saw the face of the man you’ve been crushing on for years.
“Nikki Sixx?” You asked, but was muffled by his hand. But the bassist understood what you meant. “In the flesh, baby.” He chuckled.
He dragged you into your room at the back of the house, tossing you on the bed after locking your door and pulling his knife out.
You were in shock, you didn’t make an effort to run. Though you should’ve. Nikki had a wicked smile on his face as he walked slowly towards you. His erection visible through this black jeans. Your heart rate picked up, goosebumps forming all over your body. Your core heating up. Something about this was kind of erotic.
“So pretty.” He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he trailed the knife down the side of your face. You shivered, partially from fear and being turned on.
“N-Nikki…what’s going on why are you in my house? How do you even know I exist-“
“Shhh…” he put his finger to your lips.
“You wanna know what I do when I’m bored? Hm? You wanna know that your idol is sick and twisted in the head? Hm? You wanna know about the groupies I’ve killed?”
Your eyes widened. No, no, no. No way Nikki would do such a thing! Sure, he’s done bad things but not this bad right?
You tried to squirm away but he gripped your wrist so tightly, and pressed his knee down on your lower stomach so you couldn’t get away.
“But don’t worry. You’re too sweet to be killed. I just want to keep you,” he moved to whisper in your ear, the knife lightly pressing into your rib cage, “forever.”
He pressed his lips to yours, and you began to passionately make out. You moaned into his mouth, going completely limp as you got lost in the feeling.
Nikki let go of the knife after he trusted that you wouldn’t run away. You just laid there as you watched him take his shirt off and unbuckle his pants. His cock sprung out and you immediately got down on your knees. Wanting nothing more than to taste him.
He slid his cock into your eagerly awaiting mouth, you closer your lips around him and allowed him to fuck your face.
“So good, such a good girl. Tight little mouth.” The bassist groaned. And it was in that moment that he one you were going to be his forever.
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samioli · 16 days
sorry if this is a weird ask but what kinks do you personally think phoenix and edgeworth are into?
I really enjoy the stuff u make so I was just curious! Hope u enjoy the rest of ur day:))
me reading this ask:
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its not weird at all anon, considering i write them fucking nasty all the time!! don't feel weird asking!!!
but MAN i almost have no clue where to start. I'm bound to forget some lmao
Let's start with the basics, shall we?
Phoenix's "tamer" kinks:
Praise kink. He DEFINITELY has one, and i could see him having one with any partner of his.
He likes being degraded as well, and mannnn if you hit the combo of like, praise AND degradation, that is SUCH a sweet spot for him. like, for example, "wonderful. such a lovely, beautiful slut for me." something like that.
when he's in the mood for it, loves miles being a bit rougher with him, like face fucking or just leaving marks and bruises on his skin.
LOVES when miles is possessive of him, he adoressss it
likes being tied up, not as much as miles tho i think
BREEDING KINK!!!!! this man wants to be BRED BY MILES EDGEWORTH!!!
i use this a lot in my fics but i def think phoenix is a big user of dirty talk. it definitely does it for miles but i think it helps him along too lmao
Miles's "tamer" kinks:
Praise kink as well, BUT. i think it would be SOOOOO funny if miles only really has it with phoenix??? like maybe he has a one night stand and they try to praise him and miles is like
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he's like. you dont know me like that....
similarly to phoenix, also has a degradation kink, more like being objectified and being compared to an object tho.
ALSO similarly, loves that killer praise/objectification combo.
breeding kink up the wazoo. literally wants to have phoenix's kids, wants to be pregnant all the damn time. literally just wants to be pampered and fucked by him while he's stuffed. who said that.
i think he also likes being facefucked, maybe less so than phoenix?? or like, he has to be in the mood. he LOVES being manhandled tho, its a turn on for him. he loves seeing how just strong phoenix is
LOVES BEING TIED UP. he needs to be tied up and blindfolded to give himself a system reboot!!! he needs to forget who he is for a bit!!! its healing for him!!!
also likes being edged. he's a gooner, even. @sapphire-wine that was for you (but i agree with you, to be clear)
okay now im gonna get into the more??? kinky kinks??? don't take the separation too seriously, wasn't sure how to sort it, plus I'm p sure its very subjective. the kinks i think are "tamer" are prob someones like. particularly kinky kink.
Phoenix's spicer kinks:
pet play. doesn't matter if hes the pet or owner, he is INTO it. i think what role he plays depends on his mood.
teacher/student roleplay. i think he would LOVE being the delinquent student seducing a teacher. hed love to annoy edgeworth with that lmao
im gonna move on to edgeworth bc i def think he has more of the spicer kinks BUT i think for 99% of them, phoenix likes it too and is SO DOWN to play. so I'm just not gonna repeat myself lmao
Miles's Spicer Kinks:
pet play, mainly likes being the pet
literally loves cum. wants to be covered and smothered. especially by phoenix
monsterfucker. he is a monsterfucker and often fantasizes about phoenix being a scary monster who captures him and is his prisoner.......oh no......what ever will he do to appease this beast....😳😳
hypno kink. literally get him OUT OF HIS HEAD!!!
oh i feel silly remembering this now but he def has an underwear kink. patty/boxer thief and sniffer miles edgeworth REAL
loves to fantasize about micro/macro. again, wants to be at scary giant phoenix's every whim....
i def think he's into CNC. to me he reads those bodice ripper novels LMAO
literally this man just wants to be stuffed full
piss kink, probably. likes the humiliation of it
this would get me cancelled on twt but he has a daddy kink. sorry but its the truth
but whats even more true and even MORE present is his mommy kink. phoenix is his mommy and no i will NOT elaborate
somno for sure. i think with this and hypno play there would be discussed boundaries and rules, but yea
i cannot think of anything else and this is getting to be A LONGGGGGGGG post but also with miles i think like. okay this is me projecting 100000% but i hc him as demi but once he starts realizing he's sexually attracted to phoenix, the kinks come out of the floodgates. so i can see him just chilling with phoenix once they're together and like a random thought comes over him and he's like WHERE DID THAT COME FROM
anyways one time phoenix is laying down on the couch and he's barefoot and miles looks over and his immediate thought is "i need to suck his toes" and he's so taken aback he trips. i don't even think he has a huge foot fetish, i think phoenix just makes him Like That
anyways. DEFINITELY forgetting a bunch. it took me a while to write this, and I'm sorry for the wait in answering this! was having some health issues but thankfully i seem to be getting better.
i hope u enjoyed this very detailed list, lmao, and i hope i didnt scare u off. thank you for the question and have a great day!!!
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enidsinclajr · 1 month
here are the fics sitting in my drafts (and by drafts, i mean outlines and ideas that are collecting dust for most of these. some of these have a decent amount written tho hehe)
bookstore au - enid works in this giant 24 hour bookstore where wednesday is a regular who comes to read all the time and so enid leaves her notes in books. yoko is a barista at the attached cafe lol (working on this one - it's like halfway done)
band au - enid's in a band and wednesday is a writer who writes an article on them. enid goes on tour and they start talking through emails/texts while enid is on the road
teen wolf au - popular girl enid gets bit by a werewolf and the only person who can help her is wednesday
other teen wolf-ish au - follows the show except no laurel/crackstone and enid doesn't wolf out. because she can't wolf out, something like the nogitsune possesses her and we get an evil/dark enid
begin again au (suggested by a commenter) - enid meets wednesday in a cafe post ajax breakup (ALMOST DONE WITH THIS ONE)
high school au (non like, supernatural or whatever) - where enid is the popular kid who is forced to work with weird, loner wednesday after her senior year goes up in flames
detective/fbi au - fbi agent enid is sent to the small town of jericho to investigate a serial killer, and her number one suspect might be detective wednesday addams
white streak in wednesday's hair au - idk what to call this but basically wednesday gets this white streak in her hair from goody. she asks enid for help to get it out and it's just fluff LOL
pizza delivery driver au - where enid is the only pizza delivery driver brave enough to deliver to the addams residence. then her car breaks down or something LOL
they both die at the end au - based off of the book it's obvious what happens to them but the buildup of them getting to know each other one night would be great and i feel like the two of them would slot into this universe well with their opposite opinions on dying/how they cope with it
infinity train au - if you haven't seen this show HIGHLY recommend. basically people get trapped on an otherworldly train and the only way to get off is to make the number they get assigned go to down to zero, which usually involves going on some journey about growing as a person. SO much potential here for the two of them working on themselves, you could have them arrive together or meet on the train, etc. it would be sooo dope
wednesday addams guide to living with a werewolf - a bunch of random out of order one shots kinda case file style of things wednesday learns about enid being a werewolf. it's just a bunch of fluff with werewolf lore because i love werewolves lol
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riotlain · 2 years
Ghosts of Woodsboro Pt 3
Poly Ghostface x Male reader
pov i have worked on this for a hot minute
but i have an actually good phone now so its fine. Im rusty at writing full fics tho🙏🙏
Part 1
Part 2
As students wandered around and took seats with their friends, this group was the same. 5 students sat together at a fountain, talking about whatever came up and into their head.
The conversation slowly turned into Stu rambling about the new kid to make the group. The shorter stoic man, Billy, looked unimpressed with the description of this guy.
"Yea the dudes got a mask. So what?" Billy questioned, leaning into his girlfriend behind him. That earned a look from the guy, who sat at the edge of them. Randy.
"The guy could easily be a serial killer!" He spoke quite loudly. That earned a chuckle from the girl who Billy leaned on.
"What kinda killer would wear their mask to school? Sounds dumb in my opinion." The girl, Sidney, rebutted. "Besides, he said it was a prosthetic." Tatum chimed in.
The group had different opinions on the boy they spoke of. It was obvious by how they spoke of him.
"I'm thinkin' about askin' him to hang out sometime." Stu said. "Maybe watch a movie or somethin'."
"Well it better not be tonight Stu. Remember, already have plans." Billy responded blankly.
Stu could only reply to a quick "Oh right." before changing the topic.
The last bell rung and students were all in a hurry to leave. A couple stood by the lockers, one waiting on the other.
"Hey Y/n!" Stu yelled as a shorter man approached. Y/n could only let out a sigh of annoyance and a small wave.
"You ready Y/n?" Tatum asked, closing her locker.
"Yea lets-" "Wooaah! What are you 2 doing?" Stu interrupted.
Y/n explained the project and the partners went off. Stu could only stare at them as Billy approached.
"Thats the guy?" The shorter asked, motioning towards the masked teen walking away. Stu nodded.
"What do you gotta crush on him or something?" Billy joked as the 2 started walking as well. "What? Nooo.." Stu tried to deny. Billy raised an eyebrow at him.
The pair hung out at Stu's, flicking through random movies. Stu looked at the clock. 5:49.
"Sooo since its to early to actually, like, kill someone.. What if we went to see what Y/n and Tatum are up to?" Stu offered up. Billy gave him a look of confusion. "Why?"
"I just wanna see what they're up to!" Stu argued. Billy could see right through him though. Stu has a thing for Y/n. Billy rolled his eyes before mumbling "Sure."
The pair arrived at Tatum's house, staring into her room from afar. Tatum and Y/n only worked quietly for a bit.
"Ugh they aren't doing anything. Lets go man." Billy bossed. "Wait they're talking!" Stu countered.
The 2 stared at the other pair, not being able to tell what's being said.
They, well Stu, only jumped when Tatum put her hand on Y/n's. She showed excitement on her face before Y/n shrugged. Tatum and Y/n left the room soon after.
"Well since they're gone, let's go do something else." Billy spoke, obviously tired of just sitting here.
Stu sighed loudly, agreeing. "So whats your ex's name again? Casey or whatever?" Billy asked. Stu nodded.
The 2 left. Off to their newest victim.
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que-carajo · 2 months
Rosekiller murder husband's fics!
You Hold My Heart In Your Hands
By star4daisy
Summary: Evan is a Serial Killer, what he didn't account for when he chose Barty as his next victim is that he would be just as deranged as he is.
Starvin’ darlin’
By showinalittlelife
Summary: The man suddenly drops the knife, he sighs like all his dreams have been crushed. “Oh, dear, I can’t eat you! You’re rotting! What a shame, thought I’d found a looker too,” he whines miserably.The thoughts in Evan’s mind are racing too fast for him to make any sense of them. He has so many questions—too many questions that are probably better left off unanswered, but before he can think properly, he opens his mouth and speaks. “You think I’m a looker?”
or: Barty is a cannibal, Evan is dying and they go on a little road trip!
It does have cannibalism, Explicit sexual content, blood kinks, murder (obvi) and more weird shit. (But its rosekiller tho 😐 soo its fine)
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greasersgyatt · 3 months
Hiii <3 can you write an outsiders tickle fic where a female reader is really ticklish but tries her best to hind it from Dally but of course he finds out and takes advantage of her ticklishness? Dally is such a teasing tickler 🙈
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Dally and Y/N have been friends for a good few years now. They were two stereotypical boy - girl bestfriends. They would tease eachother, make fun of eachother just for fun and they would be reslly touching just for shits and giggles. They reslly didnt mind eachother, infact they loved eachothers company. Even if theyre both bitches to eachother 24/7.
Y/N invited Dallas over to her house just like any oher day. They were sitting in her bed while watching a horror movie and eating snacks. They loved having little movie days even if they did it almost everyday. It was always enjoyable for Dally to scare Y/N during the scary parts of movies because she would always give the best reactions.
Today, dally tried something new.
As they watched a new horror movie that came out, dally started to scare her. “You know this movie is based off a true story?” Dally said, glancing at Y/N as he tried to keep a straight face. “Shut up Dally, Its not!” Y/N nervously chuckled, trying her best not to seem scared even though she was literally hiding halfway under the blankets. “Yeah it was. I heard that the killer in the movie was actually real and that hes still out on the run or something” dallas replied, focusing his eyes back onto the tv where the movie was playing. “Cut your shit. I’m not that dumb to believe your shitty lies” Y/N groaned. She knew dally too well to fall for that. “Well, its not gonna be me who is gonna be out with you, protecting you from him” dallas smirked, knowing that Y/N didn’t believe his bullshit. “Ha, you think i need protection? Especially by you? Youre really funny, dallas” Y/N said, laughing lightly in his face. “Im gonna be the one laughing when your ass gets beat and murdered” dallas muttered quietly under his breath. He purposely said it quietly to tick Y/N off. Y/N glared at dallas. “I can protect myself you dumbass” Y/N said,rolling her eyes. “As if” Dallas added on, laughing as he poked her side to mess with her. Suddenly, Y/N squealed. Her face heated up red with embarrassment. Dallas stared at her with the most shocked but evil grin ever. “You ticklish, Y/N?” Dallas asked playfully. The grin never wiped off his face as he waited for an answer. “..no? Just caught me off guard” Y/N replied back but never looked at Dallas. She was too embarrassed to. “You sure, ma’am?” Dallas asked, not believing her for a second. “Yeah,now watch the movie you dork” Y/N muttered, forcing herself to keep her eyes strictly on the tv screen and nowhere else. “Oh yea? Lets see if youre lying, shall we?” Dallas insisted before creeping his hands behind Y/N’s back slowly. Y/N could already feel the tickly feeling creeping on her sides just from how dallas is taking his sweet ass time. She tried to block her sides with her elbows but she was too late.
Dallas suddenly dug his fingers into her sides, wiggling them all around. Y/N’s soft laughter filled up the room pretty quickly. “Dahahallas!!-” she screamed through her laughter. “Stahahawp it yohohou shithehehead!!” She added on. “Thought you werent ticklish?” Dallas whispered into her ear purposely pushing the air out from his lips harshly so that she could feel the tingly feeling on the side of her neck. That worked so well. It had her squirming her neck to the side, giggling aswell as trying to shove dallas’s hands away from her body. Dallas was too smart for that tho. He moved his hands quickly to different spots so that 1) she couldn’t get used to the feeling of tickling in one spot. 2) so she couldnt smack his hand away at any time. “Awh, does it ti- ti- tickle?” Dallas snickered, moving his hand up to Y/N’s ribs, then to her hips. Her hips made her laugh so uncontrollably. “cuhuhut it ohohout!!” She shrieked. dallas couldnt help himself but continue for another few minutes until Y/N was practically begging to be let go. “Im gohonna get yohohou back..” Y/N giggled out though he probably wasnt too serious about it. “Sure you will” dallas smirked.
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zorosleftmantit101 · 1 year
Hi Jess!! I love your works, they're so funny esp the last one (the group chat). Can I please make a request what kind of interaction/post they would have if they're fanfic writers here? Like what kind of bs/thirst posts, fic they write or when they're responding to asks, etc. Up to you. I trust your imagination. Thank you and have a nice day! ❤
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Luffy: He dosn't write much cause they all end up like
"he went to the store and then he went home and then when he got home he was having a shower."
Zoro: Gets the biggest fucking ego and then rights the most angsty shit imgainable, they all end in smut tho.
Sanji: write pure fluff, as much as a perv as he is he cant write smut without cumming in his fucking pants the slut.
Usopp: Rights the longest slowburn adventure fics because he lowkey forgets its ment to be a romance. Makes the reader insert the most downrigt badass character there.
Kid: HES MEAN. If someone sends him an ask asking for like smut or smth he replys like "everybody look at this fucking whore silly slut"
Killer: The fluffiest smut writer
Law: the Kinkiest smut writer. IDC if he dosn't look kinky. Let me have kinky law.
Shanks: smut smut smut smut smut. makes the self insert have the biggest girthyiest cock.
Buggy: He writes shit posts (like me) wait I actually lovr him becuase they would be reallt fucking funny as well. His most liked post is these (fandom) characters waking up to having a micropenis.
Doflamingo: he is that on dark content writer where you read the content warning and your jaw fucking drops out the pure filth its warning you about.
Mihawk: an angst writer a really good one too, killes of the love interst every time.
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Taglist: @yxxrinniiee69 @trafalgardnami @gumgumslip
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Usopp and Nami being synced up. Nami is more irritated and quick(er) to anger. while usopp is more emotional and low mood his negative personality really shines through during his time of the month.
Nami would usually spend time with Robin she's the only one on the ship she can tolerate at that time. She would steal one of the guys shirts to wear she's not in the mood to put an outfit together or wear something revealing. She took Franky's old Hawaiian shirt. it has drinks and cocktails all over it everyone calls it the bloody Mary shirt because when she wears it, everyone knows she's on her period and she shouldn't be messed with.
Usopp is in bed mostly when his monthly nightmare starts. He's fatigued, bloated and doesn't feel like doing anything unless he has to. wearing an oversized shirt that Used to belong to jinbe but out of kindness it's now his (usopp accidentally bleached it during wash day and he let him keep it) He usually self isolates staying in the cabin. If he's not up by 11am they know why. He usually ignores everyone except for sanji, she (t4t of course) climbs in bed with him and holds him. Lightly rubbing circles on his abdomen humming softly. She puts on a kettle of hot tea and refills it regularly for them. She also yells at Brooke if he tries to take some. She didn't make it for him! She made it for her darling Nami and precious usopp!
They both prefer to eat by themselves Nami in her office and Usopp in his work shop. When they are together it's in the garden (sanji makes him go outside for some sunlight and fresh air can't stay in bed all day) and they usually don't talk to each other they just sit together stuffing in solidarity. You'd think they share products but they don't Nami wears cups it's the most convenient while usopp sticks to pads only. Nami tried to convince him to use tampons at least but he just doesn't like them. When they have to fight they're always checking each other for leaks and will give each other pain killers if they run out. Nami is very open about her period she never had a problem discussing and all the guys on the boat are comfortable with the topic. ( "Ain't no shame when it comes to mother nature"-Franky) usopp on the other hand with a mixture of dysphoria and his fist experience being bad he doesn't bring it up. He refuses to talk about it, mentions it, or acknowledges it when it's happening. He doesn't call it a disease anymore like he used to when he was little (you will still die in 7 days if it is brought up tho that still stands ) but a stomach ache.
Robin and Zoro are synced up but they're just fine. You wouldn't even know they were on their period unless you ask. While Nami and Usopp go through hell zoro and Robin are just chilling. fuck them honestly
This is extremely real and I relate to this on a personal level because I'm the worst when I go through my period. It's a mix of being extremely irritated, sad, or horny, and these two idiots are a menace when they're on that time of the month. I love the whole thing about Sanji staying with Usopp and holding him,, It's just so soft. Sanji would be the most caring lover,, This reminds me I have to finish that fic about Usopp on his period I fucking hate having to work-
And Nami is pretty much like me when I'm on my period except that my cramps are probably a lot worse, but I absolutely love her rage being multiplied because it makes so much sense. And her wearing cups is just so in character and accurate-
Btw I agree the whole crew is extremely open-minded about these things and they don't give a single fuck about them talking about this freely. It's my fav thing ever because that's just how it should always be. Everywhere. And I'm sure they'd all support each other a lot <3
The thing I don't agree on, though, is Robin. Because I'm 100% sure Zoro doesn't even know when he's on his period but I headcanon Robin as somebody with the worst period cramps ever but trying to go through it silently to not worry anybody. It'll pass eventually. But Franky is just the most caring boyfriend when it comes to this and she lets herself be more vulnerable around him. I guess I just find it sweet that she needs a bit of comfort too <3
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the-east-art · 1 month
Easts Supernatural Fic Recs
Since's I've been combing ao3 for good SPN fics, and exactly one person (@ennael) said they'd like to see what I've found. A trend you may notice that I'm not a big shipper - shipping is sometimes a little seasoning, but never the star of the show. ]
Passing Ships - BrownieFox
Summary: John gets injured during a salt and burn and a stranger brings him back to the hotel
Notes: This is the first fic in a series that got me looking for SPN fics again. It explores the idea of late series Sam going back in time and trying to prevent the various tragedies that lie in the future. The REALLY interesting part is that this is all done from an Outsider POV - from the young Winchesters as they meet this strange man that seems somewhat familiar. Because of that POV you never really know what Sam is up to, which builds some suspense and curiosity.
(The rest under the cut!)
you gave up half your life - loosingletters
Summary: When Dean and Cas disappeared, Sam was lost. But in a world that had nearly broken apart so many times, he wasn’t the only one who needed support and guidance.
Alternatively: (Salty) Post Season 7 Fix-it in which Sam Winchester accidentally starts organizing a bunch of Hunters all while trying to find his brother.
Notes: I knew this would be good but for some reason it took me a while to get to it. It turned out to be REALLY good. This story really focuses on how people need people, and honestly the stars of this show are the Hunter ocs that flavor the fic - all of them are so unique and different, and make the world feel truly alive.
mad and dead as nails - EclipseWing
Summary: “Your brother is missing.” That’s how it starts. But now Dean’s dead, gone, or maybe he never really existed in the first place. Maybe Dean was never real, and it was always Michael. Because if Sam knows one thing, it’s that Michael is all that is left.
Notes: Honestly this fic is a better analysis and thesis on Free Will than the actual story. This fic does a GREAT job at utilizing Jess as a character and works with the similarities between Dean and Michael as well as the concept of self. HIGHLY recommend.
Ain't No Grave - art_savage
Summary: When John Winchester wakes up to a post-apocalypse future, he only wants to know two things: where are his sons, and just what brought him back? AU in which the apocalypse caused a lot more trouble and ended a little differently.
Post apocalypse story that kind of searches for plausible 'happy' endings for the characters that doesn't keep them chained to the roles they inhabited during the main story. It's kind of low key but I super love it.
The Other Side - EclipseWing
Summary: In which Castiel has no idea what pulled him out of Hell, but he knows that he doesn't expect Dean, or his puppy-dog eyed brother Sam (what sort of angel names were those anyway?) who happens to be on the run from the other angels.
Notes: easily the best swap au I've managed to find. I'm a sucker for stories where Sam and Dean are actually Lucifer and Michael, and this story takes it in a fun direction!
When Worlds Collide - elfinblue
Summary: When a kidnapped Tony DiNozzo is rescued by legendary - and supposedly dead - serial killers Dean and Sam Winchester, the NCIS team takes over the Winchester investigation. What they find is a file filled with contradictions and impossibilities. This is an attempt to cross these shows but keep both in canon.
Notes: an NCIS crossover and the only fic here that is on ffnet cuz they never crossposted, but its worth it I promise! This fic is particularly good because it takes place mostly from the NCIS characters perspectives as they find ways to apply logic to the strange happenings around the winchesters and their works. Reads like a tv episode pacing wise which is awesome. Does have canontypical fat shaming and transphobia which sucks tho.
Anyway those are my absolute faves but I also bookmark my stuff on ao3 as easternCriminal so there's more there!
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breaking denials, taking steps (jigokuraku)
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pairing: gabimaru x yui
themes: mentions of sex (bcos more non-explicit nsfw in future chaps) with fluff
a/n: I will publish the full fic on ao3 tho but might as well publish the tidbits here on tumblr (expect sequels and stuff)
part 2 || part 3 || part 4
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Hearts don't break that easily.
It was a phrase Yui has repeated in her head multiple times, reminding her of her dream to live a normal life. After all, she was more than just a vessel for children. She is a woman, a wife, and she's capable of many things beyond that. However, there are times when her devotion has been tested and she will find herself questioning her next move.
And today was no exception.
Earlier, her father inquired about her marriage life with Gabimaru, which made her wary at some point. As she went on and on about living their life and doing her duties as his wife, Osa asked her about the topic she seemingly wanted to avoid.
Now, don't get her wrong. Yui is aware that one way or another, she will bear a child from Gabimaru, and this child (as much as she wanted a different future for them) will either go next in line to their father or become like her one day.
And to make matters worse, he pressured Yui to bear a child as soon as possible, making her clutch her stomach, imagining a life force in it.
Gabimaru will not agree.
Of course, it was a given. Her husband, as much of a killer he is, will never impregnate her. It wasn't like they never did the act. They did it on the first night, and it wasn't something they liked. It was more of a command and if they were to turn back time, maybe they could have done things differently.
Yui instantly blushed at the thought, stopping momentarily from chopping the vegetables for their stew. Just imagining Gabimaru and her kissing senseless as their fingers drag on each other's skin is enough to make her lose focus.
"I'm home," a masculine voice greeted from behind her.
Yui almost jumped at that, composing herself before turning around to greet her husband. And thankfully, he wasn't stained with any blood. She might not be scared but it still rises some emotions she didn't know she had.
"You're back early today, dear."
Gabimaru blinked at that. "... I told you I don't have any late missions today."
"A-Ah! Must've slipped my mind."
And then she went back to cooking.
That was a close call.
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But Gabimaru wasn't an idiot. He may have not spent a lifetime with Yui, but he knows if there's something bugging her. Like for instance, every time they eat, she would describe the taste of the food and hold up signs on whether they are sweet, salty, savory, or unpleasant in general.
But not today, though. All Yui has done is nibble on her meal, brows furrowed in deep thought as she continued to sigh in between bites. And it was odd, considering how Yui is a calm and collected person, someone who can solve any problem despite the struggle.
Gabimaru put down his bowl and chopsticks. "Did something happen while I was gone?" he asked, staring at her warily to see any faint of suspicion.
Yui shook her head furiously, red staining her cheeks as she waved off her worries. "N-Nothing happened, dear." Oh, no. He'll find out. "L-Let's just eat, okay?"
But Gabimaru won't be having any of her pathetic excuses, scooting closer until he is almost face to face with her.
"Did someone come here to threaten your life?" he asked, aura murderous as he glares at the mere idea of some random stranger trying to harm his precious Yui.
I will kill them all if they touch even a single strand of her hair.
Yui was touched by his hidden gesture, but was also flustered at the idea of him killing. "N-No! No one did!" she assured him. "I just... had a talk with Father. That's all."
Yui was hesitant. Her father's proposal was supreme, nonetheless. After all, as long as they're under his reign, there won't be a chance for their freedom. Worse, they'll end up like Gabimaru's parents who clung to their sentiments and wishes of a normal life.
"Father..." she wasn't ready for this conversation, "he inquired about... children."
Gabimaru was only calm, his eyes narrowing in frustration. He knew Osa had been keen on wanting the couple to have kids that will someday become shinobi. Of course, his and Yui's decision about the matter will never waver.
Unless he made a threat.
"Did he say something else?"
Yui shook her head, setting aside her own thoughts about the matter. "I handled it properly, so there's no need for you to worry."
And so Yui ate again, making a facade so her husband wouldn't think about it too much. However, Gabimaru only stared at her. Hard. Like he was analyzing every moment.
"... E-Er... dear?" She was uncomfortable under his gaze. "Aren't you going to eat?"
He shrugged, sighing, "I don't know. It's like there's something you want to tell me."
Yui flinched in surprise, failing to hide her blush, making Gabimaru's eyes widen at that.
"A-Am I that easy to read?"
She was fidgeting, trying to think of things to stall him or bury the subject under the covers. However, there's a part of her that secretly wanted this topic out in the open and get done.
"I... I was thinking that... maybe we should try?"
"Hm?" Now his interest was piqued. "Try what?"
"Y-You know..." She didn't want to say it, so she was hoping he would get the hint. "The thing we did on the first night."
It took Gabimaru a few seconds before realizing what she meant, eyes widening and his cheeks blushing as he imagined Yui and him skin to skin with arms wrapped around each other in heat. And because of his reaction, Yui blushed even further, stammering a few incoherent words as she feels the steam go up in her entire body.
"I-It's not like we'll do that r-right now!" she exclaimed, her heart unprepared for the matter. "I... I just wanted to try... but slowly. Slowly until we get there."
"O-Oh." That made him sigh in relief. "Okay."
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It was a rough, heart-racing night as Gabimaru lies on his side of bed even though he can't sleep most of the time. Yui was still washing herself and judging by how long she was spending her time in the bath, he guessed she must've used some of her sister's luxury bathing products. And the mere thought of her smelling like flowers all night long was enough to pique his curiosity.
The doors have slid open, her footsteps gentle and yet with a bit of haste until she sat on her side of bed. "Umm... do you want me to move first?" she asked.
Gabimaru nodded, his back on her as he felt her fingers tracing patterns on his skin and ever so slowly, Yui slid her hand inside his kimono, feeling the bare skin on his chest, which was enough for his breath to hitch in pleasure. If it was a random kunoichi, they wouldn't get past his wrath. But not her. Yui was different.
And before she could go further, he sat up, facing her with an embarrassed yet determined look that says, "C-Can I try?"
Yui was startled at that, but nonetheless, she nodded and let him do what he wanted to do. To be honest, Gabimaru had no slightest idea on where to start or what the best route for this situation is. After all, he was a shinobi, not a normal man who's about to hold a woman in his arms under the moonlight.
He held her hand, inching closer until his forehead was leaning towards hers, eyes observing how she couldn't keep her gaze on him. And when he looked down on her lips, perfectly fine and yet slightly chapped, he swallowed nervously.
I want a taste.
And this was ironic, considering how he couldn't even distinguish something edible from something hideous. In one swift move, his lips touched hers, like feathers on skin. But it wasn't enough, so he did it again. And again. And again. Again and again and again and again and aga—
Yui pulled away, touching her lips to savor the moment. "D-Dear?"
"I'm sorry." He looked away in embarrassment. "I didn't know it was too much."
"E-Eh? But... it wasn't though."
He felt relieved at that. "R-Really?"
Yui nodded. "I... I liked it."
"... Okay."
There was an awkward silence, which Yui decided to break by tugging on his clothes and patting his side of the bed.
"It's already late. And I think we have done enough for the evening."
"... Oh." He didn't hide his disappointment at that, though. He thought Yui would still want to continue.
"Let's call it a day and see what we can do next time."
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"Hey, have you seen my book?" a kunoichi asked, braiding her hair in a way that will accentuate her facial features.
The other kunoichi looked up from her mirror, almost done with her makeup. "Eh? What book?"
"Ya know, the one about pleasuring people and stuff."
"Nah, ain't seen that one."
From afar, Gabimaru sat on a tree branch as he held a book with a title "The Art of Attaining Pleasure and Reaching Heaven," skimming through each page to see what he could find for his wife. Seduction wasn't his forte, so might as well learn a thing or two from people who know it best.
And then he found an interesting section, something that he could use later.
Yui, I wonder what you will think of this one.
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mariedreamlove · 1 year
Feeding into the sibling headcanons of my newest fic ( a second chance (I'll take it no matter what)):
Finney and Gwen:
- their bond is even closer, they understand eachother without words
- if someone even tries to pick on either of them, the other comes to the protection, if verbally or physically is actually more or less depending in what condition the other sibling is.
- Gwen would literally travel through time for Finney, and does so.
- Finn's main goals are simple: protect the boys, make sure the Grabber doesn't even realize Gwen exists.
- They have disagreements. Quite often actually, though they still have the mentality : we can't be against one another if someone is against us two (either their dad or the Grabber)
- Finney still eats Gwen's ice cream, and she drinks his grape sodas if she gets the chance.
- she also likes, if the situation let's it be, to pick on Finney's crushes. (Donna First, then Robin.)
- tho Finney acts like he doesn't like it, he enjoys buying Gwen sweets or magazines or anything she likes.
- they always are there for eachother, and know of to clam the other one down I'm case of a panic attack.
- Gwen always tells Finney everything, and he tells her almost everything.
Donna & Billy (they are siblings in this AU)
- They don't have a great relationship ( constant fights, sometimes getting physical with shoving and when they were younger even hitting)
- after Billy was kidnapped, Donna fell into some kind of trance and just acted like.. nothing happened. She couldn't quite grasp what had happend and that her brother didn't return from his paper route. After his killer was dead though, she fell into a kind of realization and now only wants to make things better, change the past and save him to get the chance to at least tell him how sorry she is for him she treated him.
- Billy always left, though the siblings mostly were cold to eachother, a chocolate bar before Donna's door if they had a fight to say he was sorry. He doesn't know how to say sorry really. Sometimes it annoys Donna but she also appreciates it.
- Billy is a year and a half older than her, and is constantly acting like he is absolutely superior to her because of this ( he is only a few inches taller than her, and in the future Donna would have grown taller than him).
- tho they absolutely act like they despise eachother or don't know eachother, they can grow quite protective of eachother. Of course this grow into fights sometimes.
- Billy has terrible fears of storms and tornados, after he survived a bad storm on one of his routes. (A tree he was driving under was hit by lighting and a branch almost fell on him, but he survived with only a few bruises and a broken toe) Donna then either told him stories or just slept in the same room as him. Neither of them talk about it, but it happens.
- they do have to go through a lot of therapy before they can say to eachother that they love and appreciate each other. (Yet Donna traveled back in time to save him from the Grabber.)
Vance & Griffin
- Griffin used to sit right next to Vance and watch him with Vance's other friend break his Highscores and was having the time of his life while doing so, because oh my god the Vance Hopper is my brother and he lets me watch!
- Vance is a terrible comforter, and Griffin is a emotional kid. Chaos ensues everytime Griffin comes to his big brother crying and he just tries to clam him down. He often just offers to buy him ice cream or go catch bugs with him.
- While Vance likes to fight, while not in any sport, and to play pinball but this irrelevant for this rn, he wouldn't do it in front of Griffin. Not because his brother doesn't like violence nor not to scare him. Griffin just gets way too much of a big mouth and tries acting like Vance, while being build like a stick. ( How easy his back was to break.. like a stick.)
- the two curse a lot around eachother, and Vance tries to talk Griffin out of trying to beat people up. Because he can't, and Vance is terrible at patching himself up. Let alone his little brother!
- their dad isn't around a lot, so Griffin looks up to Vance. He gets a lot of his humor from Vance and his attitude sometimes.
- tho sometimes having different opinions, they two always stick together.
- Griffin loves bananas while Vance despises them like he has personal beef with them.
- as ghosts, while Vance was in the basement, Griffin knew he knew Vance from somewhere. Vance called out to Griff, but Griffin never realized they were brothers. When Vance died, he hugged Griffin so hard and cried harder than ever before, even while dying he didn't cry so hard. He apologized for leaving him alone that day for not walking him to school and anything. Griffin just asks who Vance is.
- normally Vance walks Griffin to school ( on the day of his kidnapping they had a fight.. Vance stayed home while Griffin walked to school. We know how this one ended.)
- Griffin is someone who overhears, through being almost unnoticeable to his peers, everything. Meaning Vance knows exactly what someone said. Because Vance is the one Griffin tells everything.
Bruce & Amy
- don't get always along, kind of rivals in things to impress their parents.
- when they were younger, they had a similar situation as Billy and Donna, but they grew over it. They still have tension but get along way better.
- Amy is more antisocial than Bruce, and unlike him she tells when she doesn't want something.
- Amy loves sweets, while Bruce likes more spicy snacks and less sweet deserts.
- Amy is at every Baseball game of Bruce, and he goes to every soccer game she has.
- After Bruce disapeared, Amy's grades really got low. So low, she had to repeat the year, because she was so distraught by her big brother dissapearing.
- for that reason she didn't like Donna. They were in the same situation and shoes, their big brothers being gone, and Donna acted like.. nothing happened. After Finney disappeared she and Gwen got to be friends, and later she warmed up to Donna too, after realizing that was the way she dealt with the trauma.
- Bruce tells Amy all about his problems and is the only person he is like half out to, and she does so too.
Robin and literally everyone.
- the literal only only child in the friend group.
- he acts like a big brother to the younger siblings (Griffin, Gwen and Donna, sometimes Amy if Bruce brings her along) and like the annoying younger brother to Vance and Bruce and Billy, and to Finney he's his soulmate.
- he one time snuck all of his friends in his uncle's truck to the cinema without him knowing
- he got the best lunches, because either his mom or his uncle make them.
- look at his friends the wrong way and he'll make you pay. Bare you nice, he'll be nice
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So it just came to my attention that as an author with amazing writing and depth and quality, obviously you would know fanfics with amazing quality too
Like how a professional artist follow artist who makes professional art or sm like that
So like, what I'm trying to get at is, do you have any fic recommendations? Your favorite ones maybe?
Also Spider-Man ones and MHA one's please. I need something to get these fandoms out of my systems (I'm halfway through the Ben ten ones you recommend and oh my god your taste is perfect)
I do love hoarding fics I adore, so thank you! That's incredibly flattering ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝ And oh yeah, I have, like, 2k bookmarks, haha! Occasionally I delete some, admittedly, but ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE! ( ` ∇ ´ )ゝI will preface and say I don't know what you like to curate this list better, since I read a lot of fanfic, I've got a lot of choices to pick from.
Alright, for spidey fics, I dunno what iterations of Spider-Man you like? And what character interactions you go for? So here's a random assortment! -> -> -> college student!Peter is a long suffering intern of the Avengers (comedy, mcu) + peter just trying to graduate (mcu) + yummy psychological horror of peter w/ venom symbiote + spideypool exploration of spidery behavior + spideypool where peter fights for his fucking life to keep his identity hidden but ppl think spidey's harry osborn + poetic spideypool (love the writing style) + combo of mcu and comics where peter is trying his best to graduate, grieve, and more (series) + spideytorch chronicles peter trying to prove he can settle down for a kid on the way + just spideypool silliness
That was harder than I thought, but should be a good range, bonus crossovers tho, peter and felicia suffering as STEM students in Gotham + peter being spidery in gotham + post NWH gone wrong! peter suffers and Orochimaru barges into his life
MHA I will just admit straight up Izuku is my favorite character, so they're all gonna be focused on him! Also man this was a trip down memory lane, haha! -> -> -> incredible comedy horror about an exorcist Izuku + psychological drama about izuku's inability to die + fav au of quirkless izuku in HSC + all of izuku's bitter feelings manifest when a quirk changes his personality + epic ongoing story of izuku being half demon, WC: 500k + izuku can see spirits, is incapable of helping people, and suffers + comedy about izuku making friends with villains instead of going to UA + izuku time travels and concerns literally everyone around him (comedy) + HC's plan to study Izuku fails because this mf is haunted + izuku is blind + katsuki is haunted by a dead(?) izuku + literally one of the best DFO fics to me (comedy) + OFA users memories get muddled with Izuku's + quirkless journalist izuku discovers the truth
This quickly made me realize how much I adored Bnha. But that should be enough for ye!
If we're talking any fandom kind of favorites, hard to say?? Kinda like when I get asked a fav movie, a lot disappears from my mind, but here's some random ones: -> -> -> jeremiah keeps appearing in bruce's dreams nightmares and it's getting harder not to listen (gotham tv show) + will graham is catnip to every serial killer on the planet for 200k + literally anything by this author + time travel fic of the century (haikyuu) + khaji da discovers the beauty of consciousness and identity
Did not think this would take me this long, but this should be more than enough! (o^ ^o) Glad ya enjoying the ones I recommended before!
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preciouslandmermaid · 2 years
| best I’ve ever had | carmy x f!reader (curvy/vampire)
Note: All fics will be reader/canon-character with no use of Y/N. Generally, I don’t focus on many details about the reader because I want them to be as much of a “blank slate” as possible. So, this is my first ever time writing a curvy/body diverse reader. I would love to hear to your feedback. In this case—Reader is the vampire because that felt more fun to me. (Where ARE all the body diverse vampires tho???) Also – eat the rich. Literally. 
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prompt: vampire au/accidental stimulation/almost getting caught. | pairing: carmy berzatto/f!reader!curvy/body diverse | warnings: explicit sexual content. vampire!reader can do whatever she wants. 
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Bodegas and greasy diners, 24-hour gas stations and burger joints, nightclubs, and bars. Colleges, parks, and stacked-up apartment buildings. New York City thunders with life. The city that never sleeps. The hunting ground that never empties.
It’s all too easy to get a quick waitressing job that pays under the table and doesn’t ask you for a social security number. After centuries of immortality, you’ve learned to be careful. You don’t feed on anyone you work with. You’ve got your sights on bigger, richer fish. The restaurant down the block is blue-blood expensive, winning accolades and praise, with reservations that stretch six months in advance.
A few months ago, you followed a couple who had eaten there. After draining them dry, you were hooked. There’s a common misconception that the media gets wrong about vampires. You’re not wild, savage creatures. You care about what the blood tastes like. And quite frankly, the Uber driver you drank last week was a poor, poor substitute for the nutrient rich, expensive blood you drank from the restaurant.
Tonight, you changed into one of your finest dresses. It hugged your hips and inched up your generous thighs whenever you sat down; very nearly revealing the plush underside curve of your ass. The color complimented your skin. It’s a risky, attention-getting outfit considering its nearly December. You almost walk to the restaurant, but a whim draws you to the subway.
You enjoy the heat of bodies, their sweat, and pheromones, all packed within a metal tube like a sardine can. Your mouth tingles with anticipation. You shoulder yourself among them, a killer in plain sight, and grin—your canine teeth sharp—at the appreciative gazes that men and women throw toward you. The subway car crowds. Slush and mud slicks the floor into a workplace hazard.
Everyone sways backward an inch, bumping into each other, as the train pulls from the station with a hiss of hydraulics and a droning, automated voice advising all the idiots to stand clear of the doors. You are immovable. Your balance impeccable. However, whoever is behind you isn’t so steady on their feet. They catch themselves on the bar near your arm, but you feel the front of their jeans brush against your ass.
A scent wafts through the air—onion, smoke, and heat. Your nostrils flare. The smell is familiar. It’s the same scent that permeates the fancy restaurant. You adjust your position slyly and the next station stop makes his (it’s definitely a male) crotch bump into you yet again. You focus on his heartbeat amidst the fifty-or-more other humans. It skips when he touches you. If you close your eyes, you can imagine the blood traveling to his neck, his face, and below his navel.
Bodies shift as people disembark and shuffle around to make impossible room for the other travelers. You use the opportunity to nudge yourself closer. You are intimately familiar with every inch of these cars after decades in the city. The stranger is pinned into an awkward corner of space with no where to move.
He adjusts his weight from one foot to the other and you’re delighted to hear the hiss of breath he exhales through his teeth. Oh, he is tightly wound. You bite your lower lip. You never could resist a good game. But the game is only fun when it’s played by two people.
At the next stop, you turn around to face him. His face is bright, beautiful red, flushed and ripe for your fangs. Your full chest presses into his and there’s a soft, tantalizing sensation across your nipples when you dress rubs against them. He’s avoiding your gaze. Cute.
You stare at his pulse below his jaw. A few seconds pass before the train slows and an annoyed, crackled voice announces that they’re going to be stopped for a few minutes because another train is delayed.
“Rotten luck.” You say, sighing, “I thought the late-night trains ran express to avoid this type of issue.”
He blinks, confused, before realizing that you’re talking to him.
He clears his throat, “Y-yeah.”
You introduce yourself, suffusing your voice with temptation and honey.
“Carmy.” His voice is rough around the edges. You fall into a pleasant, benign conversation with him. He’s going to work. He’s a chef. He works at the fancy restaurant. He’s lived in the city for a few years. He went to school all over the place. You try not to stare at his pulse for too long.
The train resumes. Your hunt begins in earnest.  
At your stop, you intentionally lose Carmy in the crowd (or rather, you make it seem like he’s lost you). In truth, you have his scent, you have his name, and his face. He didn’t know it, but he was underneath your claw, and he could squirm all he liked but would never be released.
You’re not going to poach for rich assholes drunk on expensive wine and excellent food tonight. Your plan has changed. You’re going to the source. You’re going for something lovelier. The hunger and passion you saw in Carmy’s bright, exhausted, and doleful blue eyes—that was your objective tonight.
You skip the line, the askance for a reservation, and seat yourself at the best table in the place. Your powers of hypnosis against the high-strung wait staff is mere child’s play. You could do it in your sleep. You order the most expensive dish, and a bottle luxurious red wine, and you…wait.
An hour passes and another low-effort hypnosis allows you to pass your dish along to another table (“Oh god, we’re so sorry, miss!” the waitress said, looking ready to pass out.) You wave her off with a delicate, fanged smile.
“I’d like to give my compliments to the chef.” You announce once another hour passed, “Directly.” You add with a soft nudge of your willpower. For a moment, the waiter looks confused, until their eyes muddle gray and wistful.
“O-of c-c-course. Yes.” The waiter nods meekly and scurries toward the kitchen. It takes longer than you like, but you’re immortal and you’ve got patience in droves. Carmy walks toward your table, dressed pristine in white a chef’s uniform, his hair slicked back and expression haggard.
He doesn’t hide his surprise upon seeing you. You circle the rim of your untouched wine glass with your finger. His pulse roars jumpy and erratic in your ears.
“When you said you were a chef, Carmen, I didn’t know you’d be The chef.” You say with a playful smile. You rest your arms on the table and lean forward. Carmy’s eyes dip toward your cleavage and your grin widens appreciatively. He recovers with a small shake of his head.
“You didn’t mention you were—” He licks his lips, “—coming here.”
“Should I have?” You raise a single eyebrow, “My apologizes. Would you have made me something special?”
That stuns him into silence. His hands fidget with a spoon between them, bouncing the metal against his palm, and you wish you could sink your fangs into the warm heat of his inner wrist. A low, pulsing desire throbs between your legs.
“I – um – “ He stutters, “I n-need to get back to my station.”
You nod and respond flirtatiously, “thank you for the meal, Carmy.” His eyes widen. Your lips did not move when you spoke.
He practically flees into the kitchen. You lean back smug and pleased into your chair.  The waiter asks if you want desert. You tell her you’re going to have a cigarette instead.
You don’t smoke. However, you smelled cigarette smoke on Carmy and for the second time tonight, you simply…wait. You hold an unlit cigarette between your fingers and ignore – or reject – anyone who tries to offer you a light.
The heavy metal door that leads into the kitchen pours fluorescent light into the empty, yet narrow alleyway. Carmy is briefly haloed by the light before it shuts. He leans against the door and sighs. You could trace the fatigue of his shoulders with a knife.
“Bad night or good night?” You ask from your spot on the opposite side.
“How did you do that earlier?” He asks instead of answering, “Are you like—” He swallows, and you raise your eyebrows. You’ve always loved this part. That moment when humanity tries to create answers for the supernatural. At this rate, you’ve heard every excuse, though their denial is charming.
“I don’t know. A ventriloquist or something?”
You reply, “it would spoil the fun to know the answer, wouldn’t it?”
He shrugs while attempting to light his cigarette. The cold, snow-touched December breeze keeps snuffing the flame out no matter how many times he shields it with his palm. You approach him and cup your other hand around his, blocking the flame from the other side, and Carmy peers up at you as the tip of the cigarette ignites and its ember burns inside his pupils.
Your fingertips gently glide against the thin, delicate skin of his inner wrist.  A trail of smoke ghosts like a kiss over your cheek. He doesn’t flinch. He’s hardly breathing. A flicker of ash drops to your shoes.
“Your heart’s racing.” You observe passively. “Is that because of me or something else?”
“Something else.” His heartrate accelerates. You know he’s lying. You decide to be merciful and don’t call him out on it. Instead, your thumb finds that delicious, thundering pulse and you press into it. Your body hums with a pure, and powerful lust. For his blood. For something else. You bring Carmy’s hand to your mouth and drop your lips to his palm. You can smell every ingredient he’s cooked with. Every spice. You can smell his sweat and the sharp, underlying note of his arousal.
Your lips graze across the callouses on his fingers, never breaking eye contact from him, pulling him succinctly and powerfully under your allure. You draw his index finger into your mouth. Carmy’s knees buckle, his cigarette tossed and forgotten, something wild and desperate dominating his flushed features. His groan is quiet compared to the rest of New York City but to your ears, he is loud and intoxicating. You flex your tongue across the joints of his finger before sucking lightly and pressing your body flush to his.
Carmy’s hand lands on your hip and he fists the silken fabric, his hand is trembling. You release his digit slowly, savoring his hazy expression, savoring his heartbeat in place of your own. It would be so easy to lean in, to latch your fangs to his throat, but you resist. Not because you feel anything sentimental toward him. But because you want this to last beyond a few minutes. After centuries of being alone, you deserve that, you think.
He’s the one to close the distance and he kisses you with all the awkward, clumsy grace that can only belong to humanity. He squeezes your ass with both hands, hands bunching fabric, and brisk air teases every inch of your exposed skin. His tongue is warm and welcome, and you drink the filthy, raspy moans that he delivers like a prayer into your mouth.
You can taste his passion. Not only his desire for you, but beyond that. All his vibrant, beautiful humanity—his love for cooking, his love for creation. It is full of deep and robust flavor like black, strong coffee. His ambition tastes like citrus, sharp and biting. His exhaustion tastes heavy and coats your tongue like dark chocolate. Your eyes roll back into your head in pleasure.
You could kiss him for an eternity. But there are only hours before sunrise. You kiss the side of his throat—just for the hell of temptation—and your fangs throb painfully in your mouth. You do not often deny yourself like this. Carmen Berzatto is alone. He is enraptured by you. Yet, you refrain from draining him. You drop to your knees before him in reverent supplication.
Carmy’s breath hitches in his throat—“W-we—” You sense from his surface thoughts that he’s going to say something like ‘We cannot’ or ‘We shouldn’t’ or ‘We’re going to get caught’.
“Shh.” You soothe while pulling down his zipper, “I promise we’ll be fine.” You glance warily up at him through your sooty lashes, “Unless you want us to stop?”
“N-no. Please.” His throat bobs with a rough, agonized swallow. You hum in the back of your throat, pleased by his response, and the weighty warmth of his cock in your hand. Your tongue flattens against the vein pulsing on his shaft. Carmy’s head falls back with a ‘thunk’ into the metal door. You swirl your tongue around the ridges of his head before pulling him into your mouth. You moan around him. His hands turn to white-knuckled fists at his sides.
You draw backward, trailing salvia in your wake, and sink him further into your mouth during your second stroke. Your hand encircles him, squeezing lightly, following the path of your lips as your head bobs up and down over him.
At any moment, you could bite and have your satisfaction.
Yet, you don’t. You resist, and resist, and resist, all while listening to Carmen’s frantic heart and rushing bloodstream. He is muttering a mixture of curses and your name in a litany of praise and disbelief. He is close. You can tell by the spike of his heartbeat and a thousand other clues.
The door behind Carmen almost opens, “Hey Carm!”
You slap your free hand against it and slam it shut. You are not going to let some stupid, garlic-smelling human interrupt you. You groan, cheeks hollowing, taking Carmen’s cock as deeply as you can and drooling down your chin. He is panting above you and a single, tattooed, and calloused hand holds the back of your neck. His hips stutter and he is sweet enough to hurriedly announce, “’m about to—” before his words are lost in a bitten-off, soundless cry.
You are a creature of control. Yet something inside of you, something human and forgotten, unravels at the sound and sensation of Carmy coming into your mouth. Your thighs clamp together. Your own desire is slick and pooling between your legs. You spit his cum onto the concrete steps. If you were human, you would’ve made a different choice, but anything that wasn’t blood tended to make you ill.
Carmy looks down at you with droopy, bewildered blue eyes. You deliberately rise slowly to your full height. He tracks your movement as if in a daze.
You cup his chin between your fingers and tilt his face to the side so you can observe the glorious sweaty and flushed skin of his throat. His carotid artery beats like a drum. Your fangs prickle. Your eyes—unseen by Carmy—darken.
You can wait no longer. Your fangs penetrate his skin and his blood gushes hotly into your mouth. He shudders, grabbing you, holding you close and moaning shamelessly at the euphoria that overwhelms his mind and heart. You whine, one hand clutching the back of his skull, the other on his hip. He tastes divine. Everything you tasted in his kiss is increased by tenfold. His blood travels down your throat in pumping, warm spurts. You are drunk and delirious and frantic for more.
You drink, and drink, and drink, flexing your lips over the wound you’ve made. Carmy’s heartbeat is slowing in your ears like an ecstatic drumbeat losing its vigor. You clutch him closer as if you could fuse your bodies into one being. He tastes so good. You can’t remember the last time someone tasted like this.
You stop before his heart does. Your tongue laves over the puncture wounds, and they heal with supernatural efficiency. You lean back your head back, regarding him with a gentle curiosity, and find he’s semi-lucid.
“Tell me where you live, Carmen Berzatto.” You demand. Luckily, he tells you before passing out in your arms.
In the nights that follow—you find yourself in his bed and his cock is buried deep within your cunt as you ride him. Compared to past lovers, he is eager to please and quick to learn. You never have to tilt his jaw. He does it willingly. Nearly begging. Offering you his neck or his wrist without batting an eyelash.
“Go ahead,” He tells you without fear. Like he’s giving you something. Like he’s created something for you. You always oblige. Somehow, it is better than the first time. Your walls clench around him, and your eyes roll into your skull when the surge of blood hits your tongue. Your control improves and Carmy only passes out half the time after you’ve fed on him.
You never go to the restaurant again. (Except for a single, secretive rogue trip to “meet” Carmy’s boss. But that little story is between you and the trash beneath the Hudson River).
Tag List: 
@wittyno  // @comfortwaterbottle // @guyfieriii // @thebearinmind
@lafantasiaworld  // @imreadingrespectfully // @jotarosasscheek // @buzzfrill // @man-johnnie // @reesespieces10123 // @a-wake-and-unafraid //
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didderd · 10 months
kinks?! on my dash?!
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whats-uh-what's tac and snaps into
ok eat up simps (this got... a lot longer than i'd hoped DKFJGBH)
(warning: highly sexual and possibly very uncomfortable themes for some.)
mm starting wif Snaps this time (feel slightly more confident wif him after some resent Killer fic reading i did kdjnbgjd (@/lady-of-disdain 's such a good writer. ough))
anyways. over all, they're both on the dominant side, but Snaps is a lot less likely to let someone dom him. tho if he's gotten comfortable with you he might allow it, but not without some amount of fighting back.
ofc, as a Killer Sans, Snaps is very into knife play. he can also be a big brat in bed. teasing, cock warming, edging. all the above. (at least.. when he has enough self control to do that)
he's also very into pray v predator play (bunny x tiger *cough*). absolutely loves when his partner fights him and he has to firmly hold them down. it's probably the thing that gets his magic pumping the most, the thrill of his 'pray' futilely trying to get away (all consensual and playful ofc). possibly the only thing rivaling it being chasing down his partner. (making it vry obvious which of Mystique's fics i'v been reading here kjdnfkjdv)
both of them are into choking. really probably everything i said abt Tic, these two would be on the opposite side of with their partner. (tho in a case where Tac is subbing, he'd probably be into all the same things Tic is. maybe even more so. ofc he wouldn't admit it around anyone but the person(s) he does that stuff with.)
Tac especially likes the collar and leash, and binding his partner.
he also likes when his partner fights back, just not to the unhinged extent that Snaps does.
Tac actually loves wearing his muzzle for his partner. and he especially loves when they take it off. ofc anyone who gets in a bed (or on a counter/etc.) with Tac, leaves with several bite marks. (and ofc not from him ticcing.)
lastly, they'r both into public, or at least semipublic sex. (Tac might claim to hate it when he's subbing, but really he does find some thrill in the possibility of getting caught.)
(ofc all of this they would only do if their partner was comfortable with it :>)
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