#it would be cool to be in a legit meme ngl
wilwheaton · 2 years
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Considering your latest post regarding this evil fuck, what do you think of this?
This is closer to Alex Jones than I ever wanted to be.
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sobredunia · 8 months
hi bbg i have a question for you, how different is european spanish from latin american spanish? also do you know of any spanish speaking youtubers/streamers u would reccomend to me :)
There are a lot of differences, also considering how latin american Spanish is so different within its countries
Fun fact, there is a commonly used abbreviation of latin america, latam
In Argentina they use the word "vos" to refer to "tú" ("you"). This is generally pretty unused in other latam countries and especially in Spain, it's a pretty old way to refer to someone in a higher position you're not friends with with respect. Also generally in latam they tend to use more formal words, like "usted" or "ustedes" ("you" in singular and "you" in plural. They're formal words just trust me bro)
There are also differences in how we name things. A particular phenomenon I've noticed is how they tend to use words that are more English sounding, which is understandable considering how closely connected these countries -especially mexico- are to the US
Imma put English words, then the word in latam, then the word in Spain
Refrigerator: refrigerador, nevera
Computer: computadora, ordenador
Cellphone: celular, teléfono/móvil
For Spanish speaking YouTubers I recommend, there are a few which are very funny and very poggers
Rangugamer: he plays videogames on YouTube. His videos are most of the time an hour long so unless the adhd stars align on you it's better that you watch compilations of funny moments. He makes a lot of adult/dark jokes but they're incredibly funny, he is really good giving varied voices to the characters in the games he's playing, he's actually gained a little bit of fame for being able to predict shit in the stuff he's in the middle of playing, and he's managed to make a lot of popular memes that get referenced by other spanish youtubers
Eme: this man hasn't uploaded an animation in two years but his videos from like six years ago are still extremely funny. He makes a lot of puns and jokes you can only get if you can understand and decompose the language but if you don't get them it just looks like silly stuff that comes out of nowhere which is entertaining nonetheless. There are also a bunch of other visual gags and random bs that are funny even if you don't understand jack shit, like a dictionary he has that moans when it gets opened. Pretty nice ngl
Invokah: he mostly makes Deltarune theories but he's also talked about other stuff like Inazuma 11, rain code, and yo-kai watch. His videos actually get subtitled to a shit ton of languages, so you can watch it with English subtitles and learn a word or two that way. He's pretty entertaining and his character is nicely designed and drawn
Leyendas y videojuegos: he makes theory videos and dissects lore and talks about game development and whatnot and he's talked about a shitton of games, including FEZ which is why I love him forever and ever and he is so cool. He's actually making a videogame of his own and putting the development logs as videos in his channel. Also he's friends with Rangu, the guy I talked about earlier, and they're fucking hilarious together he thought squids were made of legit rubber
Joseju: this guy is an absolute god of comedy. He talks about videogames but in every video he always brings something new to the table. He reviewed a racing game where all the characters are in zooming toilets in fucking prose like it was a poem. He roleplayed as Walter White on skate 3. He made an hour long video where he dubbed over metal gear solid with a few other people like it was a shitty movie. He was actually the reason why I got into GRIS not because the video was really funny, but because he chose not to make the video funny because the game was just too delicate and sensible and beautiful to do that to it. He's made legendary skits dubbing over the flex tape commercial and over fish documentaries. He became a waiter at this random burger joint just because. He played fucking amongus VR and ran over his dryer. He made a review of tears of the kingdom where the thumbnail was a picture of him with the text "I don't believe in human rights" with flames in the background. You gotta watch at least one video of this guy please I beg you
As for latam YouTubers the ones I can undoubtedly recommend are
Sr.Pelo: you know why he's here
Holasoygerman: this guy hasn't uploaded a video to his channel in like 6 years but people still regularly rewatch all of his videos because he's just that funny and nostalgic (it's me I'm people). He makes short videos that are around 10 minutes long where he talks about random things in a funny way, like the first time something happened in the history of humanity, food, typical things, the friendzone, and the English language. I'm pretty sure most of his videos have English subtitles so u could try watching them n learn cool stuff. His stuff is so ancient it was actually a rather running gag across multiple videos how he's so excited for GTA V to come out and he can't wait. GTA V. The old ass game where it is a universal gag that instead of making GTA VI they just remake it over and over for years and years. Yeah he's pretty cool u should watch him
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veliseraptor · 1 year
Top 5 animated movies?
I see asks like this one for this meme and I'm like "lise what if you just wrote a short and simple response listing movies, then maybe you would actually end up answering all your meme asks" and then my brain goes "nope <3" and I end up with five paragraphs. I'm just not very good at shutting up.
1. The Last Unicorn. This is the "no-brainer" one for me because I always feel like this is just...such an important piece of media, and it's one of those things where when I show it to new people I feel very vulnerable about it and kind of go "please understand that in sharing this with you I am showing you my vulnerable underbelly and if you hate it don't tell me." I don't even know that I could articulate why exactly, but it occupies a very particular place in my heart that few other pieces of media can claim to have. I have watched it so many times and here I am going "maybe I should rewatch it today, actually. plug in my external cd drive and pull out the dvd and everything." It's like that.
2. Princess Mononoke. Another one that came to me immediately as I was coming up with this list. I'm pretty sure I watched it a little too young and the opening scene with the boar creature vs. Ashitaka kind of scarred me a little bit but...lord, what a movie. It's beautiful visually and as a story I also love it. I feel like chronologically Spirited Away was my first Studio Ghibli I remember, but this was the one I latched onto. ngl, the fact that there are wolves in it probably helped.
3. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It started to get a little harder here, but then I remember how I felt when I saw a caption referencing a song from this movie's soundtrack (thanks for the bangers, Bryan Adams! unexpected but I'm grateful) and went "!!!!" like my brain was lighting up like a lightbulb. So yeah, I'm going to say this is an important one. You can take the horses away from the horsegirl but you can't take the horsegirl out of the girl. or something like that. And this was one of my horsegirl movies. I also just now remembered the paint by numbers extras that were on the dvd that I was weirdly obsessed with, so that's cool.
4. Watership Down. Actually this one should've been third and I don't know how I forgot it! I joke that the fact that the animated movies I rewatched most as a kid were this one and The Last Unicorn and that probably explains a lot of things, but honestly it might. This movie has a reputation that's in some ways bigger than it deserves (though the destruction of the warren segment is pretty much as awful as everybody says it is), but it is also just legit a really good story and well-adapted into a movie, in my opinion. I watched the remake and was profoundly disappointed mostly because I felt like the animation style was boring, and one thing this movie definitely had going for it was the style.
5. Atlantis: the Lost Empire. I almost went with The Lion King but then I remembered this movie, and, yeah. What a film. Truly everyone who has talked about the brief period where things were very weird and therefore very interesting at Disney were right. Also Helga probably turned me gay (and specifically gay for female villains), I just didn't notice until later.
Honorable mentions to The Lion King, The Rescuers Down Under, and Mulan. And probably several others I'm forgetting that I'll think of as soon as I hit post.
There are definitely the animated movies I want to see, most notably Song of the Sea, because I suspect I would really like them. I am just terminally bad at watching movies, you know.
shout out to The Secret of the Seal though, which was a movie where I sort of thought one of my sisters and I shared a collective hallucination until finally I managed to track it down with something like "seal macaroni penguin animated movie." not to be confused with the 1992 anime film Tottoi, mind you.
...though considering now that I'm looking again all I can find to prove its existence is a cover, I'm beginning to wonder again. The Rotten Tomatoes page I thought was going to take me to it returns a 404 not found.
IT WAS REAL she screamed as they dragged her away. I SWEAR IT WAS A REAL MOVIE
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Mother!MC with Demon Brothers + Luke Headcanons
Scenario: Instead of a younger human, the Devildom welcomes a mother (with a 3-year old son in tow) into the exchange program. 
intro + headcanons about how the brothers would interact with her 
no romance… just uwu
bonus how the brothers would treat the son (why son? Perhaps because I too want a son)
Female reader!! (MC is referred to as she in this post) 
bonus character: Luke :3c
Lucifer wasn’t prone to believe in fate-- and the beginnings of the exchange program was just another reason why he did not. He let the breeze-- the wind pick a human applicant for him; and if he had gone through every application (though he wasn't completely sure he'd be sane by the end of it all) maybe this situation wouldn't have happened. 
"What do you mean you can't be one of our exchange students?" Diavolo inquired, more curious than anything, an amused smile gracing his lips.
"I have a son," she said hesitantly. And there he was, peering around at the assembly room in his mother's arms that were wrapped protectively around him.
A mother and her human child, Lucifer thought blearily. One could only imagine what would happen if both of them remained here. (Which is why he never cut corners in anything he ever did ever because the one time he does, things go to shit. Damn Diavolo for enabling him.)
disgruntled by the adjustments made to accommodate a human child and his mother; mf will he ever rest
probably has to worry about babysitting duties delegated to his brothers 
however, pleasantly surprised by MC's calm demeanor and reliable personality; finally another competent person in the house he doesn't have to really pick up after
...actually adores her and her son
accidentally does things to please her without really realizing it and hates the slight disappointment or worry he sees when he goes through sleepless nights or lashes out from anger
doesn't remember the last time he's been chastised, but he's as embarrassed as he can be when she fusses over him
the hell coffee she makes for him every morning and the snacks she brings during his breaks makes him lowkey wanna cry-- he doesn’t know how to deal with a selfless, unconditional love
is used to being a single parent ngl so taking care of her son is kinda… easy especially if the son is compliant
finds himself pressing a kiss to his forehead absently and catches himself only after he's done it (bonus points if Barbatos takes a pic of it and sends it into their trio gc) 
“Barbatos, please delete this picture.”
“Oh, are you sure about that?”
ah he's attached, and so are his brothers, which kind of perturbed him a little but he’s kind of in the same boat after a short week or so
(if there was one brother who had a chance of harboring feelings for a mother mc, it’d be Luciiiiiiii uwuwuwuuwuuw; what can I say? He can’t resist the milf) 
eventually, he opens up to her about the war-- because if there was any human he’d trust with his secrets, it would be MC
he's crying 
he doesn't think anyone has ever talked or held him as gently as MC
similar to the game, absolutely adores her and can't even lie about it
ok jk he's still a tsundere, but blushes every time MC looks at him with a knowing look because he can't lie convincingly enough that no, the head pats dont feel nice and no, he's just eating the lunch she made because it'll be a waste otherwise, ok?!
Her son definitely thinks he’s related to Mammon
Definitely the first one to accidentally call her “mom” 
But hey don’t blame him-- he’s weak to how MC looks at him endearingly as she brushes hair out of his face motherly, like he can do no wrong 
Nothing can compare to how Mammon feels when MC tells him she’s proud of him
feels legit guilty when she calls him out on his habits of stealing things to the point he remembers her voice when he tries to do it again-- basically his conscience ngl
she's like a cold hand to his feverish forehead, a cooling balm to the burn on his hand
when she defends him from his brother's insults, swears he'll protect her and her son 
on that note, adores her son too and her son adores mammon!
surprisingly (or not) good with kids and treats them well; plays with them, very lively and dynamic
takes babysitting pretty seriously-- makes him consider the fact that he might actually want to be a father in the future if possible
not that he doesn’t have reckless endeavors with her son... they just end up okay so no one is none the wiser until it shows up on someone’s devilgram or spoken about through Barbatos/Diavolo
Honestly doesn’t know how to to react 
A little miffed tbh that he finds it so easy to talk to her about…. Everything??? 
When he enlisted her (and her son) to get his money back from Mammon, did he expect to rant to her about all his animes and gush about his figurines to her because that was one of the first time someone’s allowed him to indulge in his hobbies and listen patiently?
No, and now he’s crying 
And the fact she gently addresses his self-deprecating comments and urges him to see how she sees him (smart, witty, forgiving)---
Will probably do anything for MC and anything she says at this point; the pact is just a formality LOL
Listens to her and genuinely thinks the things she does for him is in his best interest 
Had a hard time knowing how to deal with her son for a while, simply because he doesn’t know what he could do to actually entertain the child
Then finds out he could literally put up TSL or any of his favorite animes and the kid will watch it-- and ABSORB
Levi might as well be the kid’s best friend at this point-- dubbs him ‘Henry’-- which is really the greatest compliment MC thinks her son can get from him
Honestly volunteers to babysit him and proceeds to spoil him rotten
Slightly annoyed at how motherly she is at the beginning-- he takes her care and actions as if she treats him like a child
Finds it frightening how soothed he feels when he’s around her
There’s something about an older, calming presence that saps the anger from him and makes him feel like he can be himself around MC
Surprisingly the second person to accidentally call MC by “mom” probably an hour after he makes fun of Mammon for doing it (lol karma)
isn't one to seek out her attention like with levi, mammon, or asmo but is pleased whenever he does have time to spend with her because she always seems to have insight on everything and a strange wisdom that all mothers apparently do
has a lot of late night talks with her about her life, her career, what it's like having a child
often finds himself asking her for advice, and even if she doesn't have the answer, he always comes out of it thoughtful and clear minded 
always willing to take care of her son; delights in reading him his favorite books and enacting the exciting scenes 
always treats him like an adult to the point that their conversations are really funny to listen to
"So would you say the author's intent of the blue door was to convey the agony of grief?"
"I like the color blue."
"As did the protagonist; hm, you bring up a good point."
the son is Satan's partner in crime against Lucifer 
"It's better if we do this, isn't that right?"
"Yeah!" MC’s child says, happily chewing on his favorite snack that Satan always gives to him and honestly not caring about the conversation at hand at all
"See? He agrees with me!”
And Lucifer just sighs bc he always loses in these arguments and Satan is unbearably smug
similar to Satan, finds her presence in Devildom to be very pleasant and calming
she never seems to be disapproving of his past times, and Asmo is endeared by the way she never fails to say "stay safe" or "have fun!" or even "do you want me to leave the front lights for when you come back?"
the little motherly ways in which she shows she cares makes Asmo adore her
loves taking her shopping; always has a good time just gossiping, trying new clothes, or having a girls night out with self careeeee
when her son tags along, loves to have him dress up too or try on make up and it's too adorable NOT to post on devilgram
pretty sure MC's son has trended on devilgram before-- but that was the first and last time because Lucifer yelled at him for advertising the fact there was a human child in Devildom
which Asmo thinks is silly because he's pretty sure the caption under the selfie of the three of them ("So adorbs! I've only had MC's son for a day, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in Devildom and then myself. Teehee!") would have deterred any demon from laying a finger on him
When Asmo has him for babysitting duties, always loves to bathe him and play with bubbles, morphing his hair into an afro or an equally fashionable hairdo
actually very attentive to the child!!
Not much changes from how Beel treats MC, but does view her actions in a more motherly manner 
I think one thing that would change is that-- considering MC is a mother of her own child, is actually very protective of the brothers and sensitive to their changes in moods
When Lucifer gets angry at Beel and Luke, MC is furious and furiously protective, not yielding one bit or hesitating to put herself in front of them because of her instincts-- Beel has never admired her more 
Physical strength has always something he can easily understand, but it is the strength of wills and of bravery that surprises him every time 
After Mammon and Satan accidentally calls you “mom” Beelzebub has no qualms with calling you by mom either-- I mean, what’s the shame in that? Everyone already thinks of you as their mother-figure anyways
MC helps him deal with the loss of his sister
With MC’s child… You know that one meme with the two ways dad deals with kids: one is softly kissing his child on the forehead as he sleeps and the other is carrying his kid by the leg with one arm
Both of them is Beel 
carries the kid around in the weirdest ways sometimes, including on his head, in one hand like he's holding a trophy, upside down (dw the kid thinks it's funny)
main transport is on his shoulders though; thinks it's kinda cute how the kid puts his arms around his head
wouldn't love anything more but to nap with him, but Beel is afraid of hurting him when he sleeps
Is the softest with MC’s son--- he’s not used to being the older brother, so he takes this responsibility kind of seriously 
Always makes sure the food that MC’s son eats is appropriate so he tastes/tries it first… and sometimes ends up eating all of it, but he always manages to succeed in feeding the kid so it’s all good
Wants to hate MC so badly the first time they meet when he’s in the attic
He’s supposed to HATE humans, damn it-- why the hell is MC trying to be so motherly and understanding, huh?? How dare she make him guilty after he lied to her like wlkjaflksjfkjasdlfj
Out of all of them, seeks MC the least; whether it’s from guilt or the fact that her presence reminds him of the things and resentment he used to hold against her 
Takes a little more cajoling from MC to talk to her and explain how he’s feeling so they can move past it
He’d rather die than let anyone else know that he teared up when they talked about Lilith and how he felt about everything; urges Belphie to talk to Lucifer and seek reconciliation with him individually (because it may be a family problem, but the feud was between the two of them, don’t you think?)
Finally gets the redemption arc he deserves and feels a lot lighter knowing that everything that has happened is now in the open and he’s ready to start healing 
In avoiding MC after the whole debacle, Belphie ends up spending more time with her son because he thinks Belphie is fascinating and Belphie has no clue why 
Similarly to Satan, treats the kid like he would anyone else but does find it amusing if the kid chases after his tail like a cat
Always ends up napping with him whenever MC’s son takes a nap-- after all, what’s easier than looking after a kid if you’re BOTH asleep?
Keeps an eye on him by putting a hand on his torso as they nap together
Uses MC’s son as an excuse to not do something, especially when Lucifer tells him to do something he doesn’t like to do
Honestly the son is a part of his arsenal-- he knows how weak everyone is for this kid (and so is he tbh but more lowkey) so cute pics of him is like… currency (Mammon WISHES he thought of this first) 
MC practically adopts him the moment she lays eyes on him-- how could she not? Luke may as well be her other son
Luke can’t say no, especially after she saves him from Lucifer
Definitely calls her mom by accident and the brothers tease him-- only for him to retort back that “don’t you ALL call her by mom?” and they shut up lol
Simeon still gets to tease Luke though heheh 
Really really really tries hard not to refer to MC as mom, but it slips out sometimes and no one even bats an eye 
Baking together is such a family bonding moment
Treats MC’s son most like his younger brother almost automatically and makes sure he doesn’t get into any trouble while he’s taking care of him (though he does anyways) 
Kind of likes the responsibility of babysitting MC’s son; makes him feel trusted
(MC takes the cutest pics of them together when they fall asleep; starts thinking about maybe having another child wouldn’t be so bad)
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Group A Premiere Baby!! (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello everybody and welcome or welcome back to Ana's Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every single episode of The Masked Singer. The time we have been waiting for is here, the season 6 premiere (ooh that rhymes)! If you don't know how these recaps work, pretty much I talk about the reveals first (major spoiler alert by the way ⚠️) and then get into the remaining contestants, what I thought about their performances, guesses to who I think it could be with the clues to back it up the best I can. Anyways, having said that, let's get started with the 1st recap of season 6 (which is covering the Wednesday episode, Thursday's will be covered separately):
In this episode, Group A performed which consisted of Bull 🐂, Skunk 🦨, Octopus 🐙, Pufferfish 🐡, and Mother Nature 🌬 and 2 of them were eliminated, but only one was revealed this episode, damn cliffhangers, and that mask was:
Octopus 🐙
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Performance Commentary: I was honestly so sad to see him go this early in the season, because I really enjoyed his performance of Tutti Frutti by Little Richard. He probably wasn't the most technical singer but for (spoiler) a non singer he did pretty great! I would buy his album.
Having said that, he was revealed to be:
🏀Dwight Howard 🏀
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Ok I kinda figured it out even though I don't know anything about the sports world... But he is one of the few names I do know in the NBA (my dad's a huge sports guy and I might have seen a meme of him falling so that too). Anyways, can I for one second, point out how tall this guy is?! He makes Nick Cannon look tiny…and Nick is 6 feet! It was so funny… I also was surprised at how funny he was… but yeah Clues, here are some you might have missed or gotten idk:
Survived a hard core fall= yup like he legit fell and hurt himself, which really hurt his game & probably his career
Gold phone= won the 2019-2020 championship with the Lakers
Magic playing card= eight seasons he played for Orlando Magic
Also, I gotta note that Ken got it right and is in the lead for the Golden Ear and that shocked me more.
Next, this mask was also eliminated, but wasn't revealed until episode 2, so I'm just gonna talk about the performance and that was:
Mother Nature 🌬
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Performance Commentary: I'm not going to say I didn't see this coming, because her performance of I'm Coming Out by Diana Ross was the weakest one vocally of the night. However I still enjoyed her as a performer/entertainer and that costume is unreal like wow it reminds me of Te Fiti from Moana (look it up if you don’t know what I am talking about)
Anyways, let's get into the remaining 3 and my guesses for them *
*I just want to preface that I knew I wasn't going to have time to do this recap in between the 2 episodes, so I wrote my guess for this one mask down before they were revealed
1. Skunk 🦨
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Performance Commentary: The beginning was super cool and so well staged, kudos to the producers on that one, but I was pretty underwhelmed with her performance of Diamonds by Sam Smith. Like, that's a great song, but I don't feel it suits her voice & range of what she's capable of doing. All in all, it was ok, nothing wowing about it, even though I do think her voice is very strong.
As for my guess, I think Shunk is:
Faith Evans
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Ok, so this was a guess I got thanks to Twitter, voice matched it, and I am sold honestly… idk who Faith was until now, she was married to Notorious B.I.G, but that’s all I know. Anyways, let’s dive into those clues, shall we:
She was on a train to Seoul, South Korea= Soul Train! = she was honored with a lifetime achievement award in 2018 by Soul Train
Duality/yin and yang of the Skunk= she has a song that references Ying Yang in the lyrics called Goin’ Out
Her connection to Elvis= she devoted a song to her late husband Biggie called “The King & I” and Elvis is the king of rock and roll
2. Pufferfish 🐡
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Performance Commentary: She sang Say So by Doja Cat, which I mostly know the entire song due to Tik Tok, so I hope people also use her version because it’s super solid. When I was watching at first, I was thrown off by the rapping, but now watching it back, I embraced it. It wasn’t the best rapping ever but it was dope ngl seeing a woman like that also kill a rap. I really enjoyed tbh more than I did the first time when I thought her voice wasn’t really at its full potential.
My guess for the Pufferfish is:
Toni Braxton
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After voice matching Pufferfish with Toni, the voice is uncanny! But you need some clues baby boos so here we go:
Voice stands out, she was different, tried to blend in= no like seriously, because everyone knew it was her because Toni has a super distinct voice no one else has
Disco ball= home girl performed on season 7 of Dancing with the Stars, get it disco ball, mirror ball like the trophy they win
Guitarra= she has a hit song called Spanish Guitar, and guitar in Spanish is you guessed it Guitarra
3. Bull 🐂
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Performance Commentary: He sang Drops of Jupiter by Train, and wow HE GOT VOCALS FOR DAYSSS (what he ain’t is shy so stop lying my guy). He is absolutely my favorite of the night, his voice is absolute butter, raspy butter… yes I did just say that but you know what I mean (if you don’t, it’s those nice raspy voices that are so smooth like butter). You could tell he is used to performing and singing, because wow that performance was absolutely fantastic.
Even though he was amazing, he was also super easy to guess because from the first damn note (actually from the first damn sneak peak preview they gave us of him singing), I knew who this was:
Todrick Hall (finally those hours watching YouTube as a teen are paying off lol)
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Before I even get to the clues, just so you guys know, I have been watching Todrick since like 2014 on YouTube and I know his voice and his mannerisms and how he performs and that Bull ticks all the boxes… I don’t even need clues but to show you my point in the form of evidence, lemme back myself up with these sweet, sweet clues (side note: I could even hear his voice through the modulation, which was crazy):
Grew up in a small town filled with cows= yes sir, he grew up in Plainview, Texas which is a small farming town with less than 25,000 people living there (and I am sure when he lived there it was smaller than that) and filled with cows which at first I thought was a metaphor but looking into it I find out Plainview has the largest beef processing plant in the country… hence cows lol
Heard no again and again and again= reference to how he was on American Idol and then lost the show
Didn’t give up, became his own boss= that American Idol loss got him to start YouTube hence being his own boss
Hollywood and Forbes took notice= he has appeared in the 30 under 30 successful people list by Forbes in 2014
Astronaut aka Hunter Hayes= he covered Invisible by Hunter Hayes on his YouTube channel (which is my absolute favorite Hunter Hayes song so you go Todrick… but that video was actually recently sent to private so you kinda can’t see it… also that was a bit sus)
Anyways, that’s it my friends! Sorry it took so long, have had a lot on my plate with school, work, and just life you know? Anyways, I will try to get episode 2 up tomorrow, but expect it before Wednesday for sure 🤞🏼… Anyways, bye guys! Follow me for more Masked Singer goodness, give this beautiful blog a like if you enjoyed reading it, and comment below your guesses, do you agree with me? Did I convince you? Bye y’all!! 👋🏼
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residentraccoon · 3 years
Fave 2021 national finals songs
Since I don't have anything better to do with my life at the moment I decided to ramble about stuff. Okay, here are my thoughts about my fave songs from the national finals of 2021, in no particular order!
Norsk Melodi Grand Prix
• Monument was my absolute favourite and I still can't believe to this day that it didn't win :( Keiino are fking fantastic and they killed the stage (though I kind of preffered the black outfits from the 1st heat over the final ones, they suited the song's athmosphere better). I cried real tears when I saw they lost, for real. Heartbreak 💔
• Hero was such a nice throwback to 80s music style, the staging was also really neat. Would love to see Raylee come back next year in the selection, she has a cool stage presence
• Okay but Vi er Norge was a banger and I'm still listening to this one, a real shame it didn't even qualify nor win the 2nd chance round. As you already knew before, I have a weakness for violins because yes. The performance was so energetic and fun, should have def qualified. Underrated.
• Ut av mørket/Fallen angel was really good too. I wanted it to be kept in norwegian for esc but oh well. The stage show was just a tad messy but memorable.
• I can't escape was something I'd hear from Roxen ngl, the style matches her perfectly, even her cursive singing, everything. Either way I loved this one too, this song feels like a hug.
• Pages was so magical, I'm glad we got another joik song, sadly this didn't qualify 😥
• World on fire was kind of generic but puts me in a good mood everytime I listen to it, it's really catchy.
• Let loose is so g r o o v y and cool, it was my fave from the 1st heat when I got to listen to the songs. I'm lowkey happy it advanced to the final instead of Elevate, I'm sorry but I saw everyone praising that one in youtube comments, I never saw the hype, it was too regular and plain for me.
• Own yourself was so cute and funky, loved how it showed her ethnic background a lil with that disco sound.
• Witch woods...ehhh...While it's funny and unique, I think it's suited more for a witch Disney musical than Eurovision. But I like it anyway.
• Faith Bloody Faith oh yes I needed a rock song in this nf. Relieved it won the 2nd chance. Oh and I just realized, the superfinalists in mgp were literally the ones from the 1st heat. Crazy huh?
• Nordlyset is something I'd listen to near a fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate in hands watching the snow fall in my cottage located in a forest far away from civillization. So soothing and beautiful <3
• Eyes wide open was epic just like his 2020 viking schlager song (i prefer his 2020 song over this one but that's another story)
• Little tot was amazing but def not as good as Bulletproof. It's still catchy asf and one of my favs from this selection.
• Dandi Dansa aka a banger, again another catchy song.
• Every minute sounds like a summer hit, it's awesome. It's also the spawner of all those haha eric on a kitchen tile memes I've seen around during that time.
• The world and especially Sweden wasn't ready for the masterpiece called Rena Rama Ding Dong. They should tone down their preference for safe pop songs and choose meme worthy songs like this one in the future tbh. They didn't even qualify, Sweden = coward.
• One Touch is a fun club track, I can see this as a summer hit as well. But her stage show...go girl give us nothing
• In the middle, once again The Mamas delivered.
• And finally Voices, which its nf staging was superior to the esc one. We are so sorry Tusse 😔
Festivali i Këngës
• Zjarri Im a total banger, it wasn't even in the top 5 ffs Era Rusi queen.
• Njësoj has such a nice party vibe, should have qualified.
• Haven't paid any attention to Karma until it won, then I said hey this isn't so bad, it's traditional and ethnic, I can actually see Albania in the final with this.
• Rijeka was the only one I thought it will win by a landslide and I was surprised it didn't. The staging was a bit too over the top, though
• Tick Tock grew on me after it won and quickly became one of my faves of this year's esc. I'm still sad it didn't qualify 😔
• She's like a dream is super uplifting and also sounds like an 80s song.
• Colors is something I heard a million times before but for some reason I'm jamming to this? Also I heard she's blind, is it true?
Eesti Laul
• Took me a while to have a fave from this nf but after some listens Magus Melanhoolia stole my heart 🧡 it's so different from the others and the staging looked so proffesional.
• Lost in a dance had me d a n c i n, I noticed we had a lot of 80s throwbacks in this nf season, this included. The live was so dissapointing though 😔
• Not so keen on 6 at first but now I absolutely love it, she has such a nice style and the song's athmosphere is so magical.
• Time was amazing, surprised it came 2nd!
• I actually liked The lucky one lmao, I found it much better than his previous entry.
• Heaven's not that far tonight was the party 80s bop we didn't knew we needed
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix
• Probably my biggest letdown of this nf season but I actually managed to like Står lige her, digging the electro 80s (again) sound
• I also liked Øve os på hinanden as well, this one really feels like a legit 80s track rather than a throwback.
• Silver Bullet was interesting as well, it was the early frontrunner when the songs first came out from what I remember.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu
• I love you is so wacky and catchy, and in finnish! I'd hear this as a soundtrack in an old video game.
• Dark Side was the definite winner ever since I heard it, and they even got a top 10 finish for Finland for the first time in years! Couldn't be more proud 😭
• Hurt was also one of my favs, Aksel needs to come back to esc, maybe in 2022 methinks 🤔
• Wait what is Laura Põldvere, an estonian singer tm doing in finnish nf? While I liked Play, I knew it wasn't strong enough to win, and she even came last. Do you get any flashbacks from another estonian entry with the same name that came last? 👀
C'est vous qui decidez
• Voila was the clear winner and that's about it, she deserved the win, it's just too beautiful for this world 😭
• Alleluia was an interesting sound of afrobeat, too bad their chances were killed because of messy staging :(
• Amour fou was so catchy and I loved the horse head thing lmao
Pabandom iš naujo
• Discoteque all day any day. The Roop world domination 💛
• Where'd you wanna go is so calming. I listen to this when I'm stressed and it works wonders, this was really beautiful.
• Open is so unique and soothing, a total contrast from her 2014 entry.
• Never fall for you again is a total earworm, even now as I'm writing this...even if I haven't listened to it since February.
• Zitti e Buoni was my instant fave, it simply stood out from the others by a lot.
Festival da Canção
• Por um triz is a beautiful ballad, was my fave.
• Saudade was the early favourite, reminds me of Telemoveis with its weird but artsy style.
Israel NF
• ...I really only liked Set me free tbh.
• La la love had a good potential but I can't not cringe at the corona reference like...ugh. Such a fun party song killed by one lyric, such a shame.
Russia's NF
• Just Russian Woman was the only one who deserved to win.
Spain's NF
• Yeah, they were both good but I liked Voy a Quedarme more.
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thatlittledandere · 3 years
idk enough about your fandoms so
fandom: uhhhh let's start with super mario franchise
ship: characters with +-5cm height difference (just so you gotta google the heights of your favs)
character: a character that definitely shops at hot topic
(idk if these had to be from the same fandom but for the sake of my mental health please pick different fandoms I've seen enough people lewding bowser)
Literally never played a single Mario game but I know some characters so I’ll try
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Least Favorite character:
not a big fan of Wario
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
bro this is super mario
Character I find most attractive:
Princess Peach I guess
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
Daisy looks cool to hang out with
A random thought:
Incredible what an impact Waluigi has had on the internet. Godspeed.
An unpopular opinion:
My canon OTP:
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
Very cool of Bowser to be both a villain and a single father
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Favourite friendship:
As said I don’t know shit but I like thinking Mario and Bowser are friends and the whole shebang is kinda just a game.
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
bold of you to assume I haven’t looked up the heights of all my faves at some point  Exactly 5cm, eh? Good news! That’s Souyo! OTP time! 
when or if I started shipping it.
When I’d been into P4 for a few months. Originally branched off of yukichie but then surpassed them pretty quickly sddgsdd
my thoughts:
I can’t fucking do this I think about nothing but them these days. And thinking about souyo, ioryuu, some of my other past or present ships and my OCs... I only know one dynamic sdfssdfg
What makes me happy about them:
Best friends to lovers. They can both get exasperated with the other, but at the end of the day, their mutual trust is deep and they think highly of each other, and even if it doesn’t always look like it, I like to think their relationship really is mutual. GOD.
What makes me sad about them:
Why were those lines left out of the finished game. WHY. Just give us a REASON, ATLUS. Also Yosuke’s low self-esteem my BRO
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Mmmm sure there are fics that don’t strike my personal fancy but I can’t come u with anything they’d have in common? I don’t think there’s a particularly souyo trope that annoys me.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Always a slut for character study and introspection and some sort of inner conflict. I WILL read and love every single one with Yosuke’s internalized homophobia saffsfsfd
My kinks:
*sweats* daddy kink... yosuke having daddy kink.... Can you believe there are NO fics of it on ao3? Tagged at least?? CRIMINAL. I can’t write smut somebody please fix this
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Yu is extremely shippable ngl. My second choice for him is Adachi but I only like that ship in very specific circumstances and would NOT wish for Yu to “end up with” him lmao. I guess Rise? They look like they’d be a saccharine sweet lovey-dovey couple and I love that shit.
I can ship Yosuke around too but... the thought of him having an endgame that ISN’T Yu... Makes me sad. Like legit. Maybe in an AU where they never met? Idk. Sorry but Yu is Yosuke’s destined partner, they’re meant to be.
My happily ever after for them:
I like to think they get together in high school, the details of when and how it happens vary. They keep in touch for the third year of high school, calling and or texting almost if not daily, both make it to college in the same city (different schools though), rent an apartment and become roommates, after that it’s kinda just a vague pink cloud of domestic bliss. They meet up with Naoto and Rise who also live in the city as often as they can. Still go to Inaba for holidays. If Yu’s parents are assholes he cuts ties with them the second he’s legally an adult. The Dojimas are his family now and they keep in touch regularly. Teddie stays with the Hanamuras and he and Yosuke start treating each other as brothers. It’s all good and conflict free and they both make new friends at their universities and they’re as supportive as the friends they already had and you know what I didn’t realize how detailed my headcanon universe has gotten. This is just a fracture of it. Jesus Christ. Um they get married as soon as it becomes legal.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
let’s go with Ako Bandori (Udagawa)
How I feel about this character:
Goals. I hope she’ll keep that spirit and confidence even if she ever grows out of the goth thing.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Rinko ig. Not passionate about it or anything but it does fel like an obvious choice. I like their relationship as it is so I guess I really prefer them as friends but... can’t stop making gamer gf jokes sdsdf
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
like a brotp? Tomoe, absolutely. Supportive big sis 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don’t have enough opinions to have an unpopular one lmao
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Even more NFO events, we stan a gamer girl.
only got that one half-baked ship :/
My OT3:
idk add Sayo to the mix. The only thing better than a gamer gf is TWO gamer gfs. (aka I haven’t thought about it) ((what? characters outside roselia exist?? nonsense...))
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Celebrating 200 followers!!!
legit, wtf guys. 
anyways, I got the idea from @willowrose99​ to do something when I reached 200! I decided to make something for my mutuals! and basically it’s just the kinda aesthetics that you guys give me :) 
I literally love all of you so much, you’re all so cool, and I don’t deserve the love you guys send my way even if it’s just in the form of likes/reblogs. I don’t deserve it. You guys make this blog sm more fun <3
yes I stalked you archives for this, don’t judge me. I did what needed to be done. 
this goes in the order of my oldest mutuals to my newer ones :)
1. @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers​
Lindsay, you’ve literally been here from the beginning, back when I did GOT stuff, and you’ve been so supportive I literally love u so much. And congrats on being an aunt btw!!!! (Yes I know you’re still simping for Jon Snow) 
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2. @nxncywheeler​
I don’t have words, Frank, (Han,) you’ve so kind and so sweet, and so funny. Literally I would fight someone for you. <3 <3 107134287/10 would die for you <3
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3. @willowrose99​
Will, I love to talk to you, and you’re so nice and you put up with my bullshit whenever I decide to be difficult when asking questions. Love u boo, <3
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4. @harrington-ofhawkins​
We don’t interact often(if ever?), but, Jen, I think you’re super cool. I followed you about as long as Will and Han and I loved your writing and you guys really did inspire me to start writing for Stranger Things <3
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5. @sassisaluxury​
Bec!!!! You add so much *spice* to my feed!!! I love the twilight content and I’ve never even seen the movies or read the books. Followed for the ST content, stayed for the Twilight revival <3 (jk, I was gonna stay anyway lmao) 
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 6. @redbullchick​
Maddy. . . I just think you’re really cool 👉👈 
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7. @charmedtenderness​
Steph,(we’ve never really interacted, but we like and reblog each other’s stuff) I’ve been meaning to read your fic, but my dumbass gets getting distracted!!!! literally remind me, get on my case about it!!! I wanna read it!!!! <3 
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8. @dungeons-and-demodogs​
Parker you’re so fucking cool, and I wanna get to know you better! You post and reblog a lot of a cool stuff and just seem so chill <3
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9. @harringtonlr​
Listen, Grace, you’re amazing, your writing is amazing, I love your blog, your music taste amuses me and yet??? it’s immaculate??? like wtf??? <3 (istg the center photo in the collage was not intentional based on your name, i swearrrr) 
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10. @strangest-hour​
I’m just gonna call you Ohio like this is Zombieland, but you’re so sweet, and your sense of humor is really funny and I love seeing your stuff on my dash. And I think anyone who’s been on tiktok long enough knows that there are people who just come up on your FYP so much that you just assume you followed them, especially because you like all the videos that pop up. Right well most of your posts where in the ‘In Your Orbit’ thing so for awhile I literally assumed we were mutuals when we weren’t. In short, I’m stupid. 
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11. @lovesongmp4​
do you ever just see a username on your dash and go ‘<3′ and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen your name used by someone (idk) but I think I completely forgot it because I’m terrible with names :(
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12. @ghostincroft​
Cece, your edits are so pretty, and I remember Will suggesting I should follow you and like two seconds later before I could, I got a notification saying you followed me, and Will said she was suggesting blogs, legit love your edits and gifs, I have no clue how to do it, and I envy u ngl <3
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13. @verified-villain-fxcker​
We like just started following each other. . . I followed for the memes and because I relate to you 👉👈
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Ask post owo
DoloresdaizhamorganI said: i refuse to believe Neji died. Although I did have a really bizarre dream that during the war, an outbreak spread causing the deceased shinobi, our beloved Neji included, to come back as vampires who WERE NOT susceptible to sunlight, a steak to the heart, nor anything common to end a vampire. Yeah, that's what happens when you've been binging vampire horror for three straight weeks with no interruptions. Btw, NejiTen is amazing and beautiful.
1. What r u talking abt?? neji didn’t die he’s alive and happy and alive 👌
2.hhshahshah ok that’s a weird dream but i admit that neji vampire sounds cool
3. Totally agree
@spaneji-roll has said: What if Neji, tenten and Lee would be secret agents like that one skit in naruto SD? I think we all know tenten would be the bad ass one, Lee would almost get killed with every impulsive decision he would make but he'd come out fine and Neji. Neji is just James bond but better because he's Neji.
Omg yeEeeEeeEeEeeeEs i like this sm, and i love the outfits of that skit too so perfect ✨✨
Why do you ship nejiten? Tenten didn't even cry when Neji died. She just recalled him when Guy and Lee were making a fuss. She said,"Why did you leave me Neji?" Or something along those lines. I don't see any romantic aspect in their relationship. They were just teammates who respected each other. P. S. This is not a hate ask towards Nejiten or what you believe in. I want to know your opinion because yours is the only Nejiten blog I follow. P. S. S. I really like your art. It's so beautiful.
Guys if i could tell i really would but the thing is that i don’t even know what i like nt, once i was seeing papabay’s art on Pinterest (not knowing who papabay was xd) and i said “wow this shit is good” and i ended obsessed just like with everything that i like lmao ;_;
Idk i just like that if they were in a relationship it would be so GOOD AND NOT TOXIC LIKE THE OTHER NART RELATIONSHIPS, like just vibing and respecting to each other, but idk just my brain daydreaming xd
Also thank u sm🥺💙🥺💙💙
Hc that hizashi and gai knew each other before the incident...
Y E S but hizashi and gai are in different generations so idk how...maybe a mission?
That scene where baby neji is training with hizashi....HES LIKE A LITTLE TEDDY BEAR IS SO CUTE !!!
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What do you think of LeeSaku?
Sakura deserved better and lee too so yeah i like it 👍
Do you want to hear a song rec? :33
Sure owo
I don’t remember with what drawing i got this ask but thank you and sorry🥺🥺🥺🥺💙💙
That is legit the funniest hate ask I have seen, like you need to know your philosophy to understand my insult, p e a s a n t
I still don’t understand if it was a hate ask or just a meme ngl
search deadname remover on chrome web store that might help úwù
I would use that if i had a computer bc it doesn’t let me in the ipad :’(
After Hiashi dies hizashi is waiting there with a Gun.
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What’s art style bend?
It’s an artist challenge where you have to do a drawing without all the characteristics that define your art style owo
Til that I’m actually taller than hiashi idk why that’s so funny to me but it is...
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Hiashi smol hiashi smol
Imagine hiashi get kicked in the head...literally
Yes please....
I accidentally read that birthday post as habirth ppyday, And was very confused. then I realized I was a fuckin moron and read it right, but anyway, habirth ppyday mel since I’m too much of a coward to say it in their inbox
@meloodles happy late bd from part of this anon xddd
Can I PLEASE get a waffle can I PLEASE get a fuckign waffle
Would you like an egg?
Yes ngl 🍳
wha t does "omnipotenttable mean?
It’s from a nickname that i had a few years ago, when i was making my ig account with some friends they were like “let’s put you table” and i said “just if you put omnipotent before”, and that’s it xd
Rock lee more like broccoli
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What’s your favorite brush?
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what art piece do you feel proudest of?
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This two owo
Have you watched into the woods? Idk I think it’s a pretty good musical.
Nup i haven’t, usually i don’t like musicals but maybe I’ll give it a try
Hey I hope you’re ok, sending you love 💕💕💕
I’m fine now but who knows when I’ll feel like poop again ;-;, I’m trying to not and take advantage of the days that i feel good 💙💙
Does Chile celebrate Labor Day?
Yes we do!
hey i read your tw post and just wanted to send u some love!! pls try to hang in there. i love u and i wanna wake up and see ur art again! i wanna see u interact with asks again! i know hope is hard to come by and even harder to keep but it really is the only thing we can do in times like this. please hang in there! i love you!! ❤❤❤❤💕💗💗💞💓💓💓
You motivated me to answer all the ask today so thank you sm 💙💙🥺💙🥺💙🥺, I’m doing my best I’m almost two days without skin picking myself, i’ll try as much as i can i promise 💙💙, love ya
@catkinies has said : YOUR HEADER!!!! GOLD!!! HANABABY!!! ❤️❤️❤️
We gave explosives to hanababy xddd 🤯🤯
i searched ctm and SHELL YOUR MOTHER??? guess i cant complain but WHAT
Jahsjjakajajja this is a CLASSIC, i would say that’s similar to motherfucker but not really 😔👊
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Haikyuu Teens,
uhh ,, hello !! if it’s not too late , could i get a dalgona matchup latte please ? i am a infp-t & my enneagram type is 9 ! people who didn’t really know but now they do say that i always looked/seemed like the kind of person who is really cold & stuck up (only bc i look “mean”) . i’m very loyal . i’m the kind of person who’ll support & be there for my friends . i’m also caring (maybe a little too caring from what my friends tell me. but, i even know that myself) & i tend to be really selfless . once i get to know you , i’m really childish & i always try to make a dumb joke to make you laugh & ,,, i become more talkative & loud . i always catch myself rambling about random things & having too much enjoyment talking about things that i really like . mainly , only people who are close to me see how i really act & behave . i was never really an out-there kind of person ,,, i always like to keep to myself . but moving on to cons , i’m a total pushover— like— i’m not even going to lie about that fact . it sucks but , it is what it is . i overthink waay too much & it causes to make myself panic sometimes . i’m really stubborn & i also really don’t know when to shut up & i tend to be very vain . i also keep my feelings to myself because i feel like i’ll be such a burden or just ruin the mood . i’m a total lazy person & i tend to really take things to heart (which makes me want to morph myself into a person that someone wants me to be) & dear gOd ,,,, i’m so awkward (that it even makes my friends feel uneasy or awkward as well) . i really love to draw , stay up late , sing , & dance (even though i’m very terrible at both ^__^;;) . i also really enjoy being stupid on calls , sending memes , korean food , & kpop ! hmm … my dislikes ? well— i don’t like it when people are obviously being rude for no reason . i dislike very bright colors (neons) , spiders , getting dirty , the cold , & squash . let’s see … in a relationship , i like someone who will make feel safe & loved . i have very low self-esteem so i seek someone who is supporting , too . someone who is caring even if they tend to act cold or maybe stubborn . & i like someone who’s going to be there for me like i’m always going to be there for them , no matter what . i also really like a someone who is strong , cool , & protective . i do like that small things like “hey , go to sleep .. its late” & “good morning/good night” text , heh . but i things i don’t like too much in a relationship is too much pda . i’m not really a big fan of making out in the halls & stuff . but ofc i don’t mind holding hands & small kisses on the lips (i like to show all my love & affection behind closed doors) .
aCK- i hope this is okay & not too much- sorry if it is !! i hope you have a wonderful day ! :>> i really love your blog ♡♡
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Thank you so much for ordering and checking up on Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming up! Huh, I’ve been seeing lots of side effects for this one… anyways, I matcha up with ˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥
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➞ before you two were in a relationship, ryuu didn’t actually… particularly like you, he was still smitten with ms. kiyoko y’know
➞ he’s sadly one of those people who do judge the book by its cover, but only because he prefers to be surrounded by positive people, and well… you didn’t particularly radiate that kind of vibe with, uh, your face (he really do be a hypocrite though with that ‘grr grr thug’ face of his 😔✌️)
➞ ryuu found you so intimidating (and beautiful, but he was in denial back then), you once saw him do his signature ‘gangsta’ look at you; yeah… y’all definitely didn’t get along at first — but ahem, let me introduce you to another matchmaker, ennoshita!
➞ enno knows your true personality and he vibes with you so well, therefore it really confused him when you accidentally slipped in something about ryuu’s attitude towards you during one of your guys’ convos (y’all were in a group project together) and he knows the reason why ryuu tends to avoid you, so he devised a plan to get you two to know each other: have a study date!
➞ when ryuu walked into the room and saw you, mans turned into the flash and just dashed towards the exit — but enno was one step ahead, so he got nishi to lock the doors before dropping off tanaka, and his attempt to leave failed
➞ it was soooo embarrassing for the both of you when enno kept on trying to keep a conversation going between the two of you; but when he decided to leave to make hot chocolate, ryuu apologizes and voices his concerns, and you just reply with “oh… oh, yeah that kind of happens… a lot” so you try to explain your side; he was honestly heartbroken from hearing that you experience it often, so he made it his mission to make it up to you
➞ and now would you look at that! you and ryuu are suddenly a couple now— (better thank enno for that)
➞ he will apologize profusely about the way he treated you beforehand, even if you’ve already told him a millions times that it’s fine; like y’all already have kids and he’ll still be like:
“hey, honey…”
“you remember that time in high schoo—“
“omg, ryuu, not this again…”
“i just want to say that i’m so sor—“
“it’s been 19 years!”
➞ you will honestly feel like a queen, i’m being legit here; he’ll not only be your king, he’ll also be your knight in shining armour, and your butler — he’s the whole package, bby, and you’re one lucky girl to get all of that
➞ you think you’re too caring? nah, ryuu’s about to show you the life of a full time simp (skjkskss ik that being a simp is like so looked down on, but ik that every girl wants a man who’s a simp anyways)
➞ i’m kidding, he’s actually not a simp (A man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal) but more so he’s a doting boyfriend; you just know that you’re always gonna be at your best once you get into a relationship with him, so in a way, you are treated like a queen but not to the point where he worships the ground you walk on
➞ unless you tell him that you need some space, he’ll either have his arm lightly snaked around your waist or his hand resting on the small of your back; it’s his way of knowing that you’re protected and safe around him
➞ this relationship’s dynamic works extremely well since you both balance each other’s personalities in the aspects that you won’t have to worry about being a pushover around him since that’s not something that’ll occur with him; your more reserved personality compliments his outgoing one since if ever needed, you two could bring out the other side more in each other; he tends to have a more free personality (he’s still mature, but tends to enjoy life’s offerings) so whenever he feels that you’re overthinking again, he will coo and just reassure you that it’s okay to overthink sometimes, but it’s not worth having it control your entire mood and day
➞ ngl, he’s hella stubborn as well, but when it comes to you, he makes sure to understand your thinking first and then decide before he’ll let you take control — unless he thinks you’re completely wrong, then he won’t hesitate to put a foot down because he’s not going to help you turn into a spoiled brat, which is what hubby-material boyfriends do!
➞ to him though, it’s okay to be a lil’ vain, everyone wants to look to their best! but if it does however is on the verge of crossing the line of being full-on narcissistic, then he’ll confront you about it and ask you about why you’re acting the way you are, he’ll just try to put you into healthy-thinking mode back again
➞ you like memes? welp, that makes the two of you then! he definitely sends those wholesome memes, but his most favourite one to send you (especially as one those ‘good morning texts’) is:
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➞ then he follows it up with ‘good morning, babe. strong power thank you to you always 😙😙 i love you so much. see ya at school!’ (aight, sorry, i just had to)
➞ kpop dances and karaoke on. the. daily! it doesn’t matter which song he’s dancing/singing to, as long as he gets to see you smile and know that you’re happy, he’ll do it all for you; he’ll also be your hypeman, and you’ll legit feel as if you’re an actual kpop idol with all the cheering he does — we love a supportive bf in this household
➞ *cough* he’ll sing lemonade by jeremy passion to you and he sounds so fokin beautiful— *cough*
➞ during calls with him, all you can hear is very loud laughter; whoever hears it (saeko for the most part) will just unconsciously smile since your guys’ laughs are just so genuine, even if it sometimes sounds a bit like a bunch of overheated kettles, they’ll just know that you both are having such a good time together and i mean, who wouldn’t want something like that?
➞ with you, he’s the type to send a message asking if you’re awake at like 2 AM, and if you do reply then expect him to come thru your window with some food in hand because he just felt like hearing your voice and seeing you; if not, then he’ll just send some cute message like ‘sleep tight and have good dreams, baby, i’ll see you tomorrow at school’
➞ once you two started dating, ryuu just had a more realistic view of relationships and he honestly prefers it way more than the scenarios that he’s created; now he appreciates privacy when it comes to showing affection instead of full-on just laying it all out in public, it just makes it that much more special to him; holding hands and just small skin contacts is his much more preferred pda than bear-hugging you or kissing you
➞ he’s not as needy as most expected him to be, in fact he actually often just caters to your needs because to him that’s enough; so expect small gifts here and there like making you a bento box, buying you strawberry milk, key-chains and bracelets, etc.
➞ he’s just more mature when he’s in an actual relationship because he does think that that’s something special that should only be shared between the two lovers; that doesn’t mean that he won’t occasionally show you off though, so you may or may not accidentally hear him rambling to the vbc about how lucky he is to call you his
➞ he will remember and notice every little thing about you; he notices that you’re humming some new kpop song absentmindedly? he’ll ask you about it during lunch; you made a small comment about liking korean food? he’ll make some for you! and best believe it tastes amaaaaaazing
➞ with ryuu, the thought of being a burden won’t ever cross your mind because he will often remind you that you make his days so much better and thank you for it (just good shet right here)
➞ even if you feel bad for not going to gyms with him because of your tendencies of being a lil’ lazy, he won’t force you at all; he’ll either just give you a kiss on the lips and walk you home before going, or he’ll call you whilst he’s at the gym; you’ll just feel so appreciated
➞ oh, and you won’t ever have to be worried about being awkward! there’s no such thing when you’re with your boyfriend ryuu, everything just comes so natural when you’re with him, everything will just feel so right
➞ this is the relationship that everyone knows will eventually turn into marriage and building a joyous family, and everyone expects to be invited because they all wouldn’t want to miss any part of yours and ryuu’s genuine relationship that they’ve all more than likely have been a part of since the beginning; in short, everyone wants to witness your relationship’s full story till it’s very end.
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I hope you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a visual of your chaotically genuine relationship with Tanaka Ryuunosuke: After seeing your true persona during the study sesh with Enno, he’s become all flustered every time he looks at you instead of looking at you with his usual ‘imma thug’ look; Your first kiss (he planned it, no kidding — literally place, time, the vibes, he just wanted it to be perfect for you); Tanaka likes to take his shirt off, so when you both cuddled for like the third time, and just blacked out from exhaustion after a heavy day of practice, he wakes up to find you cuddled up against his chest which is bare, this man screams— his thoughts were like ‘omg, did we do it? was i drunk? omg, pls forgive me, y/n 😭’… and you’re just left there like ‘bruh, dafuq?’; when he’s feeling appreciative of you or just being soft in general, he hugs you similar to the gif and kisses your temple before burying his face into your hair to whisper “i love you so much, y/n, you don’t even understand”; him holding your hand to his face and just talking to you, whether it’s about your day or his, or telling you how much he loves you, is probably something that he does all time whenever you two are alone.
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Thank you so much for ordering and being patient with Kyupid's Love Shop, I hope you’ll still order in the future! Have a very very lovely day, sweetie ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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an: lmao, forget about kiyoko, you his girl now. periodt.
sorry this took waaay too long, bby 😔 the spa day turned into a whole pamper-me day so i was out all day… i’m really sorry, i hope you still like your order even though it came later than promised 🥺 if there’s anything wrong (gif, colored texts not showing up) then please message me!
tanaka is waaaay too underrated, but i honestly think that he’ll literally be one the top 5 best bfs from haikyuu, like legit this man will make you feel like a damn queen (kiyoko do be lucky tho) maybe not in the beginning, but like definitely after a few weeks or so.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
continuted hxh thotz
we watched more so i continue my ramblings 
so we finished the trick tower stuff and started on the stuff on the island where theyre all hunting each other....wow finally some hunting in hunter x hunter 
can i just say....fuck hisoka i hate that guyyyy oh my goddddd hes the worst. i just feel incandescent rage whenever hes on screen vhbjdshfjhbsd smarmy horny clown bitch. looooord. he invokes a similar emotion to part 1 dio tbh....like i lose my domestication when i see both those bitches 
oh god that part where hisoka had just spent like hours de-hornifying himself or w/e and he looks all crusty and dehydrated and then he spots that old guy who looks kinda ghibli and he just goes AFTER ghibli man....like hisoka literally had one of those wack ass super detailed faces and just started screaming and running at that guy...like man i wouldve died instantly on the spot. jesus 
gon remains best best perfect baby boy. every time he does something so cute and pure that my heart starts palpating, i get even more nervous for the shit hes gonna go thru someday 
gon and killua are literally soooo precious theyre just two lil boys!!! two lads!!! lad boys! augh i love how much theyre vibing all the time...like on the boat to the island when theyre like refusing to tell each other who their target is and then they both start laughing and then show each other....so precious
honestly im really enjoying how they dont really have a rivalry (yet?) - theyre not like ‘yes we are friends but we’re also COMPETING! so we cant be That nice to each other bc that wouldnt be fair! or w/e you know that typical shounen stuff. i only enjoy that sometimes and im glad its not a thing rn, and if it does become like that later i probs wont mind bc i feel like itd be done well 
so ruth and i caught on to the fact that that weird guy with the pins stuck all over himself was illuminati or w/e his name is (illumi? illumini? i forget already) but HOLY FUCK we both thought he was wearing a mask....god i wish that were the case, that face transformation shit was the WORST. sir why can you do that 
also when hisoka just watched this and was like ‘i always like seeing you do that’ or whatever god gross nasty i hate them
my take on the little we’ve seen of hisoka and illumitations relationship: theyre like the catty mean girls-types but Super Fucking Weird. idk if theyre gay togther (probably) but theyd be the epitome of a ‘is this allowed? [gestures at All That]’ couple. i had more thoughts on them but i forgt 
i find it funny that they havent shown killua like at all during this island hunting thing hvbhsdhfbjdk he probably has like 10 randos badges already. i feel like he would give gon a badge or 2 if gon needed them but that doesnt seem to be the case 
when hisoka spotted leorio and kurapika and went after them i was like [guy yelling NOOOOOOOOOOO meme] freal 
thank goodness kurapika could recognize that they would Fucking Die trying to fight hisoka, and bargained w/him instead. also seeing the flashback of leorio trying to fight hisoka was so funny. my man WHAT! were you thinking 
this is probably the stage that tonpa is getting out on and can i just say thank god i hate that guy. good riddance 
that sniper lady looked cool and im bummed illuminty took her out offscreen :( i also thought the black guy with the beehive stick thing was gonna do more but guess not
i find it funny that so many characters have these loud character designs but end up not having a lot of screentime...i feel like ive been conditioned by one piece to see an eye-catching character and mentally prepare to see a wholeass backstory lol
also. illunikn is clearly a huge freak which is probably why hisoka is willing to work w/him, but his design is weirdly cute sometimes (when hes not doing absolutely freaky shit, which....admittedly isnt often)
like the part where he transforms into his True Cat Man Form and then, without changing expression, digs a giant hole with his bare hands (with the body language of a feral person) and then gets into it to nap.....like.....bro. 
also ik illiminini is killuas brother (i think brother?) and wow that family has some strong Cat genes 
i find it interesting that hisoka has been working with illiimini this whole time, hisoka strikes me as a solo type of guy who would be all like ‘teamwork is beneath me’ and only have minions (a la dio, espec p1 dio) but he seems to have a fairly even relationship w/illuimian which is wild. i rlly wonder if thatll last or if hisoka is gonna like, murder/abandon ilubimi later bc he ‘gets in hisokas way’ or st 
i like that kurapika and leorio teamed up....married
i generally really like how the relationships between the main characters are handled, its sweet how theyre just like....generally nice to each other and stuff lol 
also oh my god i forgot that last time i hadnt seen the end of trick tower i need to talk abt that 
KILLUA MY BOY OH MY GOD....ive been waiting for this ngl. ily smug murderous catboy
i love so much how killua casually kills this ~*~scary guy~*~ and everyones like :0 but gon is just like yep thats killua! hes from a family of assassins! like the way he says it so casually and kinda cheery aw i love him. he doesnt even care that killua can murder people in 2 seconds flat, he thinks killua is AWESOME 
and oh my god i love how hard killua is trying like, all the time. he is trying his HARDEST to be AS COOL AS POSSIBLE for gon and thats adorable. its working too gon clearly thinks killua is SUPER cool 
the eternally hilarious part where kurapika asked what killuas secret tactic are re: ripping that guys heart out, and killua is just like ‘uh i just ripped it out. yknow...as one does..’ and kurapika is like wow im glad this murder catboy is on our side.. 
the psychology stuff in the trick tower was interesting as hell (catch me brushing off my psych minor like, oh yeah i know abt this stuff lol)...i like the stuff abt leorio getting discouraged/disgruntled when the majority ended up being against him a lot bc thats true!! thats how it works!! it leads to learned helplessness and stuff like that...also that animation of kurapika and leorio playing cards to explain the tough candle choice was sooo cute 
i really loved the solution to the final majority rule things....ingeniously following the rules while still managing to circumvent them in ways...love it
also gon is so perfect have i mentioned that already
im so curious whos gonna pass the hunter exam, i legit have no idea and i would find it so funny if gon becomes a hunter in the first goddamn arc hjhbdfhsdjbgk as ruth said, itd kinda be like luffy becoming pirate king in like chapter 70
i mean tbf if i had to guess id say gon passes, simply bc i cant see the story taking the time to have him do the hunter exam again in a year. also his motivation is to become a hunter in order to see what its all about bc of his dad - not JUST to become a hunter 
gons fishing rod is so cute. perfect item for a perfect boy 
his training was adorable. hes a smart lad! formidable baby 
the blooderflies were so cool and OH MY GOD how could i forget the part where gon had two blooderflies with little leashes on and had the leashes tied to one of his fingers....OOOUGHHHHGBSJFHSJBFUHEJKSDD bro my heart literally palpated like it does when my cat does something rlly cute, gon is seriously That cute and pure and good
every time hisoka is anywhere near gon i just wanna call the FBI on that clowns ass oh y god. pls leave ladboy alone....
anyways i love the main characters (HISOKA DONT INTERACT) and i cant wait to see what happens next. i might have more thoughts but coherency is not one of my strengths so bye
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Im too lazy to look at the questions so DO ALL OF THEM. (if you dont wanna then go on a random number generator and get 5 random numbers)
ITS REALLY LONG BUT I DID IT KJSHADJS HERE GOES i love oversharing my lifealso im putting a read more line bc its hella long
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
water bottles
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
ehhh depends on my mood. i’d say it’s (dark) chocolate most of the time (love that 70% dark chocolate mmMmMm)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy!! except when it gets all over my face and hair o no
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
common report book comments included
- very active
- bright
- “the live wire of the class”
- usually distracted but still does well
- mischievous
- playful
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
bottles so that i can close it and save the rest for later and not have to chug it yeet
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
sportswear #sweatpantsalldayeveryday
7. earbuds or headphones?
def headphones but they’re inconvenient sometimes :/
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows!! (also, my adhd ass can’t get through a movie without zoning out oops)
9. favorite smell in the summer?
i haven’t experienced /real/ summer (thank u singapore’s tropical climate) but i rly like the smell of rain :”)
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
making up excuses to skip pe
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
belvitas before morning practice
croissant sandwich and chocolate milk after practice
if there’s no practice, then scrambled eggs from the dining hall lolol
if i’m too lazy to go to the dining hall, then cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist?
it’s literally called jams and the description is “a clusterfuck of stuff i’ve jammed to at some point”
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
gummy bears/sour patch kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
death of a salesman - arthur miller
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
with one foot up on the chair and the other leg sitting normally
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
a pair of asics sneakers
18. ideal weather?
15ºc/60ºf when its like cool but not too cold but also not ridiculously hot and also when theres no insane wind (a light breeze is fine)
19. sleeping position?
on my left side and hugging a pillow/bolster/soft toy
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
i like the feeling of pen and paper but im disorganized as hell so an apple pencil + ipad makes a good enough substitute
21. obsession from childhood?
frogs (i’ve loved them since i was 3 hehe)
22. role model?
a dude i used to train with for a while in 2014. he retired last year but he’s always looked out for me like an older brother since we trained together (he’s 8 years older than me lmao) and even thought i’m so far away rn he still checks in on me and stuff and idk he’s probably one of the swimmers i respect the most.
23. strange habits?
i cant fall asleep at night if im not hugging something.  like. it could be a pillow. or a soft toy. literally anything. once on a school trip i hugged a pair of sweatpants to sleep bc i legit cant fall asleep if im not hugging something.i have no problem falling asleep in class/on buses/cars/planes though.
24. favorite crystal?
idk i never really paid enough attention to crystals to actually have a favorite and know their names. they’re all rly pretty tho.
25. first song you remember hearing?
uhh h h i honestly can’t remember. probably some classical music bc i played the violin and that was my first experience of music that i was actually aware of????
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
switch on the aircon and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch. and swimming outdoors i guess.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
switch on the heater and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch.
do u see a pattern here
28. five songs to describe you?
jet lag - simple plan (bc time zones suck and i miss my fam & friends)
avalanche - bring me the horizon (pretty much sums up how tf my brain feels)
high hopes - p!atd
astronaut - simple plan
the reckless and the brave - all time low
29. best way to bond with you?
doing dumb shit with me
also Quality Time™️ like idk even if we’re chilling and doing our own shit i like just spending time with people im comfortable enough with
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
a hoodie and sweatpants
for no reason other than that’s what i wear 90% of the time
32. top five favorite vines?
this bitch empty. yeet.
im in my mom’s car VROOM VROOM
the one of that dad playing the saxophone (???) and the kid slamming the oven door open and shut
road works ahead “haha yea sure hope it does!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
either lmao or lolol or LMFAO or yeet
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
gOD i had spotify ads stuck in my head all the time before i switched to premium and now i cant remember any of them (thank god)
35. average time you fall asleep?
i’d say 12:30-1ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
the tROLL FACE MEME LIKE those rage faces idk what they’re called but BASICALLY THOSE 2010-2012 era memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
suitcase!!! i like sitting on them and yeeting myself around on them or getting people to push me around and then falling off
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
ngl i havent had either of them before
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
so in jc2 (aka 12th grade), for some reason PEOPLE WERE PUTTING PRE-PACKAGED HARD BOILED EGGS ALL OVER THE SCHOOL. like they were still in their wrappers and all but u could open ur schoolbag and find like 5 eggs in there. and no one knew where they came from. i think at one point there were even eggs hanging from the pull-up bars. all i know is that they were everywhere and people in my batch still remember it as the egg invasion of acjc.
41. last person you texted?
my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
def jacket!!! especially when they have zips hehe
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
idk man depends on my mood
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi bc im a fricken nerd
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
shirt and sweats
47. favorite type of cheese?
cheddarrr also i like mozzerrella sticks
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
a fineapple B)
lmao jk ummmm maybe a watermelon bc when u hit it it sounds hollow, just like how my skull would sound if someone hit it (h a)
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
here for a good time not for a long time
never give up without a fight
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
idk probably some dumb meme. i laugh at a lot of stuff like i laugh anything even mildly funny. some that i can think of off the top of my head are:
- i was tryna type ducky but typed fucky instead and sOmEOnE (could be the person who submitted this ask, idk tho) changed my facebook messenger nickname to fucky and the notification was like ”poopy butthole changed your nickname to fucky” and i think that’s still the funniest sentence i’ve read in my whole life
- one time we went to mcdonalds and a friend said mcfluffy instead of mcflurry and idk why but i laughed so hard at that
- once @doduo and i spent half a chinese lesson cutting out random faces from the chinese newspaper and sticking them randomly all over the classroom and idk. it was the funniest thing ever. until the teacher came over and confiscated my scissors rip.
51. current stresses?
- an essay draft (that i am procrastinating rn by doing this, oops)
- CANADIAN TRIALS (but thats a good kind of stress)
- submitting a proposal for a group project but none of my groupmates are freaking replying my texts ugh
52. favorite font?
avenir next!! i find san serif fonts way easier to read than serif lolol.i like helvetica neue too.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry af but also i just got my nails done so they pretty rn hehe
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i…havent had a real job yet
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk i was never rly one for fairy tales even as a kid.
56. favorite tradition?
chinese new year when we get CASH and we spend 3 days just eating junk yEET im rly sad im gonna be missing it the next few years tho
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
hh h h hh hhh hh hh they’re pretty personal i don’t /really/ wanna put it out here but i can text you the answer to this if you want (i’m perfectly fine with that!!)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
- i think i’m pretty intuitive!!! i can guess anyone’s mbti if i’ve spent enough time with them/gotten a detailed enough description of them /winks/ and i can read people pretty well in general and i can draw links to themes/symbols in lit pretty well….???
- i’m somewhat decent at lettering…i think
- i’m good at pull-ups and also vertical jumps i’m secretly a froge
- i’m decent at photography…i guess….
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
pokemon !!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
/sweats/ i’m not very good at remembering lines from books/movies/shows WELP
62. seven characters you relate to?
rosa diaz - b99
linguine - ratatouille (he’s permanently confused and he let a ratto take over his job bc he had no idea what he was doing like damn what a big mood)
dory - finding nemo/finding dory (i relate to the forgetfulness)
percy jackson
kale bae /winks/
mitt (during bad phases) /winks again, but sadly/
63. five songs that would play in your club?
idek man i wouldnt even be at my own club i’d be at home taking a nap i’ll just ask someone else to handle my playlist
64. favorite website from your childhood?
club penguin !!!
65. any permanent scars?
yE one of them was from jumping onto a treadmill going at 13km/h 2 years ago bc i thought i was a good idea
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont have any
67. good luck charms?
i eat pancakes for breakfast on meet days!!!! altho i think this is more of a habit than a good luck charm tbh lmao.
also i guess pip???? he’s my emotional support narwhal :’)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
durian. i cant stand the stuff or anything flavored like it ugh.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
red food coloring is derived from beetles
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
overly-floral patterns i guessssss. also i hate wearing stripes.
72. worst subject?
besides that, math and physics
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i rly like vanilla ice cream and fries
also i would eat ketchup with nearly anything
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
i usually just suck it up and go to sleep when it comes to pain but i guess an 8??? idk. i usually take advil/ibuprofen only for fevers
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i got my first loose tooth on january 11 2005 and it fell out on january 18 2005 & it was a tuesday (pls don’t ask me how i remember this bc i dont know)
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
tater tots
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
cactus i guess. idk im not good at plants.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
grocery store sushi (it was pretty decent in singapore so yeeeee lmao also i ate a lot of that as a kid)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
its the same photo for both so yeAh
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
idk i always called them fireflies
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
drawing (more like doodlign for me bc i cant draw for shit)
84. podcasts or talk radio?
neither but if i rlllllly had to choose then podcasts i guessss s sss
84. barbie or polly pocket?
neither LMAO i gave all my barbies haircuts when i was a kid bc i didnt know what to do with them
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology for sure!! i love greek mythology (may or may not be bc of percy jackson lolol)
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
losing those i love and care about (could be drifting or actual death it goes both ways)
88. your greatest wish?
rn, for my essay to write itself
for the short-term, to make the olympics (and WUGs…and worlds…and sea games…and asian games…and commonwealth games lmao)
for the long-term, uhhh idk. i just wanna live a life i’m satisfied with and to have a job i actually like and to be able to support my parents
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my mom
90. luckiest mistake?
i always say that i regret doing a year of college in singapore instead of coming here for freshman year but if i’d come in a year earlier like i was supposed to, i proba wouldn’t have made it past swim team tryouts and i made some pretty great friends in my first year of college soooo it all worked out i guessi cant think of any others rn
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights are rly pretty!!but i like natural light :”)
93. nicknames?
alpha childuhh h h i think thats about it??? i cant remember any others
94. favorite season?
spring’s pretty great rni like fall too (before it gets cOLd)
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
a photo of me looking rly cool at the starting blocks before a race B)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
4 - mine (singapore & US), my mom’s and my dad’s
98. favorite historical era?
uhh h h idk the ice age seemed pretty cool haha sike it was actually coldmedieval times seemed pretty cool too like damn i want a suit of armorWHEW I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS but i had fun so yeet
also if you read all the way down here ily and you’re cool
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wbster · 6 years
so awhile back, like probably a good few months ago now, the loml sakra sent me an ask ft. a bunch of urls when i was feeling particularly positive and wanted to spread some love around. ngl, i had to work on this list for a few days, and i even started tweaking it here and there today. n u know what ?? i’m not abt to write this much (especially for my Sun And Stars, Y’all) and let it go to waste. so, continuing forth...
CECE. [ buddy vc ] cece! i know them! i know them !!!!! okay cece, buckle up for a second because i am about to love the HELL out of you. first and foremost, i’d just like to thank you for being my home skillet, and i value your presence both on my dash n in my life, despite how little we interact. which is sad, bc i ? have known you since we both rped michael, and even then i think it was just like ,, quiet + mutual respect. but let me tell u smth. u ? my friend ???? not only do i have respect for you, i have mad respect. which is like. a whole new level and subcategory of respect. when you write a character, you add your own special qualities to them, qualities that, while they may not have any canon grounding (but since when has canon been relevant ??), feel canon. like, when i think of your characters, there’s this part of me that substitutes your version. you are very talented in this regard, and i applaud you, because it can be very difficult to make a character of ones portrayal so...y’know. impressionable to others, i guess??? (idk the exact word i’m sorry ,) but here u are, doing it with practiced ease and blowing me away as per usual. keep up the good work !!!!! i’m so proud of u !!!!!!!!
BREE. i’ve followed you since i was still on grover, and we haven’t talked a whole lot, but irregardless, you have amazed me time and time again. as someone who doesn’t check their dash frequently or anything like that, it’s always. such a joy when i do decide to really check toomblr and see you on it? ooc, ic —— all of it. like! you seem like a hella rad person, and that’s sugarcoating it. you just seem! rly rly cool to be around, and, like, i say this in the best way possible, you’re a total meme and just. kasjdfnl. i love seeing what you have to say about...literally anything and everything, you’re good with Words (tm) both when it comes to actual threads and generally speaking, and. you’re so friendly and, this might sound weird, you just feel like someone that’s trustworthy n ! listen bree i’m sorry i’m probably stumbling over myself, here, but you are Cool; Premium, even, and you’re such. a good person. that’s a rock fact alright, 
ELI. hey so uuuuuh did y’all know i love eli-minator lastname because, i do. i vividly remember the first thing you ever said to me being “i’m a rich stan first and a person second” when i told you i thought you did a fantastic job of portraying him and were just generally cool, and i can’t quote you on that, but Trust Me, i remember. i know we don’t talk a whole lot, and our conversations usually happen randomly for . rly short durations of time, but getting the chance to interact with you has been...so good these past few months. the amount of love you feel for all your muses is overwhelming, and it honestly !!! warms my heart to see you get so passionate, and, tbh, just to hear (or read?) you talk in general. you’re so kind and intelligent and, frankly, funny as hell, and i will appreciate you to the ends of the earth —— and you can quote me on that, because i’m being serious, here. i love you, i truly do, and i know that’s gay as hell but i genuinely appreciate your friendship, and it means so much to me. thanks fam. tldr; i’m an eli stan first and a person second.
HILARY. look, the only interaction i’ve had with hilary is that One (1) Cursed Thread, but I LOVE ! like !! heck !!! look at u go hot Dang ! your nico is...just absolutely phenomenal, fam, and i say that with the utmost sincerity. reading your threads when they pop up on the dash is such a treat, and it’s fun to see you interact with all these different characters and see how you adjust nico to different situations !! you are undeniably creative, a fact that i will personally fight to defend if anyone says otherwise, and ur ?!!!!!! so so nice ,, like even in the tags i see nothing but kindness from u tbh ??? this part feels really short bc i , rly don’t know much abt u, and on top of that we haven’t really talked, but. honestly. i hope ur having a good day bc u deserve it, my friend!!
KAT. wow, icb i have the honor of calling The leo v.a.ldez my friend?? wrow....wrow.............in all actuality, i’m so glad to see someone in the rpc (scratch that, in the fandom to begin with) that adores leo as much as you do. you put so much thought into his character and, unlike a lot of people, acknowledge the things he has been through and make him more than the comedic relief a lot of folks reduce him to. but that’s not all. on top of having outstanding characterization, you are funny, bright, and just a sweet (both kickass and kind) person all around! it’s so much fun to discuss hc’s and plot with you, like...honestly, i get so excited to talk about our Sad Kids ™ ??????? all the time ???????? you’re just. so awesome, and i cannot thank u enough fr bringing even more light into my life fam.
SAKRA. i bet you thought i wasn’t gonna put you on here, did you? well, jokes on you, sakra, because i love you, and therefor, you’re getting suplexed on this shit whether you like it or not. i would just like to give you a big warm kudos for all the time and effort you have put into developing laine, zane, and their whole universe. you love them, so much, and it’s so obvious in the way you portray and speak about them. and dede!!!!!!! i would Die for dede !!!!!!!! tbh tho, i would die for you, too, though, so I Mean ,,, but, legit. i truly believe that you’re gonna go places and i can’t wait for the day that your name is up there amongst the big guys :heart_emoji:
this isn’t for anyone in particular, but i just wanna say that every single one of you, even the ones who aren’t on this list, are loved. you might not have faith in yourself, and you might think yourself lesser than other writers on here, but just know that you can only go up in your abilities. it’s okay to go through rough times; it’s okay to have low points. that’s how life is. but you are all so outrageously amazing and inspiring, and god, y’all are so fucking valid. that sounds like a joke, but i’m not kidding! i just ! lov u guys and i want you to know that i’m not the only one who does, okay? u got this. u got this.
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siderealsmoke, ardent-lux and hercuulean/dreamsofvalla !!!!!
Hey, what blogs do you want me to interact with!(or what characters in general)
Oh! I’ve actually spoken to Bunny and written a starter (that I now need to reply to but lbr it takes me ten years to reply to anything)! I do love Inshel, another fantastic and cool OC with so much lore surrounding her!! I’m looking forward to working with Bunny more - and honestly what a great person to talk to OOC. 10/10 would bother again. Absolutely love any chance to fling my girl at Inshel.
With regards to ardent-lux, I’ve actually been meaning to follow her! I see Neo on my dash a lot (mostly from interacting with you, ngl) but every time I’m on mobile and can’t check out the really neat OC I keep seeing, and then I get distracted and forget. Good news tho - just followed! Thanks for the reminder!! I’m more than down to plot something out (or just fling/be flung random memes) with her if she is!
And there’s Beep, who I would absolutely love to rp with more. Beep falls between Bunny’s “Spoken to, plotted stuff, i really like them!!!” and Neo mun’s “Looks really cool!!! Want to interact!!!” because we have done stuff but it’s been like plain ol’ memes. Honestly in this case I blame myself for not doing more because Beep seems SUPER COOL and easy to talk to - im just bad at talking to people 90% of the time. BUT, if Beep is reading this, and should Beep ever want to do a thing - I will always be down for a thing bc I legit love every muse Beep plays and would be more than happy to fling my girl at her.
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jeonfinite · 6 years
end of the year fic meme
total number of completed stories: 5 total word count: 51225
Overall Thoughts Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I wrote way more than I predicted bc I never thought I’d produce fic at all, but I actually published a oneshot or chapter at least once a month since june. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I would’ve never guessed I would become 100% certified jinkook trash this yr and would’ve laughed in your face if you told me otherwise lmao. I didn’t even know who jungkook was until feb!! in fact despite always having a soft spot for bts and following all of their music releases I was like actually ‘I don’t think I’ll ever truly stan them’ lmfao. my life is a joke. What’s your own favorite story of the year? forever yours. it’s basically everything I ever want to happen in a fic. seokjin as an academy award winning actor? jinkook writing a song together? jinkook going on cute dates and continually supporting the other as they fall deeper in love? ugh my heart. the idea is so dear to me and it’s my baby. and even tho bangtan disbanded in the fic, they all found their own success and they’re rly close friends. I fucking love the ending too omg. I did my best to make it rly gratifying and make up for all the stuff jungkook went through earlier. plus I love fics based on idol/band verse, canon/divergence/future fic and I liked weaving in canon elements to it. it makes it feel more real imo.
Did you take any writing risks this year? uh, not rly? other than writing and publishing my first fic ever. and I guess actually shading big hit/bang pd lmao. as far as I know of, no one has done that before? and multiple ppl have called me brave for doing so lol. Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
to try to write longer fics I guess. there’s this 10k fic I’ve been planning forever but still haven’t gotten around to even tho I kept meaning to write it next lol.
From my past year of writing what was… My best story of this year: definitely forever yours. honestly sometimes I feel like it’s my peak lmfao. like I will never able to match some of those descriptions ever again. whenever I’m struggling to write something and I go back to it I’m like HOW DID I WRITE THIS?? and when ppl tell me I’ve made them cry and laugh omg. I almost don’t believe it. I don’t think any of my fics have elicited such a reaction and I think it’s the one that affected me most. I hurt my own non existent heart. My most popular story of this year: forever yours lmao. not only does it have the most hits/kudos/comment/bookmarks, but it’s the fic I most often see ppl reccing, screaming about, and quoting on twitter. I love it tho. pls continue screaming about it and @ me!! The story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: lights go on again. it’s gotten the least attention of all my fics so far. idk if it’s bc ppl are sick of me already or if I rly offended that many ppl by insulting their precious bang pd oppa lmao. also yo where all the jin stans at? I thought at least they’d appreciate its contents lmao.
but also rollin’ the deep bc I actually like that one a lot now and it’s the second least popular lol. but it’s on par with light me up and I expected that based on the content. ofc the fics with jin winning an oscar and shitting on the mother/son trope would gain the most traction so I’m not surprised. The most fun story to write:
us against the world! the idea of everyone hitting on jin and jungkook getting jealous was too good to pass up. I had so much fun writing taehyung’s scene omfg. I actually started it with it lmfao and it seems like most ppl agree. hoseok’s always makes me laugh and ngl I feel like a genius whenever I reread that fic lol. :’) definitely my peak humor and probably the funniest/crackiest thing I’ll ever write.
Story with single sweetest moment?
it’s a tie with forever yours’ birthday scene and light me up’s christmas decorations. but overall rollin’ the deep made me melt the most with how overwhelming sweet it was. I live for soft sweet jinkook doing grossly romantic things for each other ok. The story with the single sexiest moment:
jungkook wearing lingerie in light me up, definitely :x tho the smut scene in forever yours is infinitely better imo. I will unfortunately never able to write a smut scene that good again but I think it’s the intimacy of the moment and the way it’s written that makes it so special, hence why I like it so much. The most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
idk? me attempting smut even tho I’m terrible at it? quoting myself I actually said “writing sex is honestly so hard already I would never waste my time writing it just for the sake of it if it didn’t have any meaning” yet the smut in light me up was the first scene I started writing. I am a goddamn hypocrite lol. but it’s sth I thought I’d never be able to write bc a few years ago I would get so embarrassed by the idea and would want to throw myself off a cliff at the thought lol. The story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
none of them rly. I just write jinkook like I how see them. their interactions just come so naturally to me that it’s one of the easiest and most fun things to write in my fics. The hardest story to write: honestly… light me up. all my fics get rly hard to write one point and I always start off hating the first drafts bc they’re complete garbage but I fucking suffered the most writing that one. literally took fucking forever to wrangle the sex scene into what it was. it was hot ass fragmented mess that I had to slowly unravel and reorganize one sentence at a time. I didn’t even want to look at it bc it was so bad lol. and two of the most pivotal points; the lights  and lingerie were awful at first so I struggled to make them good enough to rly stand out and to a standard I was pleased with. and transitioning the first scene into the second one where jinkook kiss under the snowfall and the ending were fucking hell too. you can ask kaleidotears, I was bitching to her the entire time lmao. albeit vaguely bc I didn’t want to spoil anything. I started a month in advance bc it usually takes me that long to produce something and as the date approached closer I was lowkey panicking and almost thought I wouldn’t make it lol. The biggest disappointment:
lights go on again. not only is the reception lackluster compared to my other fics, but it’s honestly the weakest thing I’ve written so far. I’m seriously considering orphaning it but idk :( The biggest surprise: idk. I was honestly fucking shellshocked when us against the world got over 1000 hits in less than 24 hrs tho. I never expected that kind of reaction, especially for my very first ever fic. I honestly thought no one would want to read my fics lol. but also when ppl say I’m their favorite or one of their favorite authors?? like in what in the hell. I consider myself an amateur bc I have never written consistently before in my life. I’m new to the whole fic writing scene. I’ve actually spent the majority of my life hating my writing lmao. or when ppl praise things I think I’m shit at lol. I also like rollin’ in the deep a lot more than I thought I would considering it was just a dumb fluff piece to satisfy my thirst. I wrote the first 1300 words in a waiting room and I was like I don’t have to make this perfect bc it’s stupid fluff but I legit melted writing it. oh and publishing the first chapter of forever yours in two weeks after my first fic. how in the hell did I ever write 9k that quickly I will unfortunately never able to do that again.
The most unintentionally telling story:
I’m not sure what this even means? a lot of myself does bleed into my stories I think. like even if the mood varies depending on the scene I feel like my voice carries through? they just sound like me and it’s something that can’t be repicated lol. like my fics have a shit ton of cussing which is part of it lmao. but also sometimes I give jinkook aspects of myself like seokjin doing aegyo and being clingy when drunk (which is actually real omfg I’m a genius sorry) and jungkook not realizing when other ppl like him. also by reading my fics you can tell which groups I stan, what foods I like, etc. and ofc when I start waxing poetic about their looks or voices or talents that’s all me lol. Highlights + Wrap-up Favorite Opening Line(s): “And the Academy Award for Best Actor goes to… Kim Seokjin!” — forever yours; ch1 twenty four
The world is fucking taunting Jungkook.— forever yours; ch2 fiction
Jungkook feels sick. Bile mounts up his throat; it tastes like bitterness, hurt, betrayal, anger, resentment, and heartbreak, flowing through him in chaotic discord. His voice breaks underneath the staggering weight. — forever yours; ch3 smile, again
they’re all from forever yours lmao. the first one is for very obvious reasons but the other two I find the most riveting. I tend to start my fics with dialogue or with “seokjin/jungkook …” bc I’m so creative lol Favorite Closing Line(s): they lose themselves in each other until the world fades till there’s nothing but seokjin and jungkook, just their mouths and bodies and hearts uniting into one against the world. — us against the world
I’m forever yours. — forever yours
I like connecting the endings to my titles clearly lmao. but those endings are the strongest and the ones  I’m most proud of. the other ones are all kind of similar and end with jinkook in a bed saying I love you haha. Favorite 5 10 Lines from Anywhere:
it’s relatively quiet outside and the weather is beautiful; the clear, azure skies provide an obstructed pathway for the gleaming sunshine to burn the foliage in a palette of fiery crimsons, rich golds, and vibrant oranges. the oppressive summer heat has finally faded into a cool, refreshing breeze with the advent of autumn. seokjin tugs jungkook into his side for a surge of warmth as they amble towards the car, the crisp air nipping at their skin, rustling through his bunny ears, and fallen leaves crunching beneath their feet. — rollin’ in the deep
Snowfall blankets the landscape like an instagram filter, casting a creamy, dreamy lighting over the scenery. It looks like they stepped into a fairytale. — light me up
Jungkook hums sweetly, toying with the strands of hair behind Seokjin’s nape. The melody is so soft and sweet like a souffle that Seokjin wants to devour it—so he does, capturing Jungkook’s lips and licking the inside of his mouth. — light me up
The parade marches through as they eat, a symphony of prismatic floats and musical instruments decorating Main Street with whimsy. Seokjin sways alongside the music and Jungkook joins him, their bubbling giggles adding another layer of sound to the percussion. — forever yours
Seokjin is so beautiful but he’s never been more gorgeous than when his chiseled, naked body and pink strands glisten with sweat while thrusting deeply into Jungkook, dark eyes smouldering with lust and headiness, handsome face contorted in concentration intent on pleasuring Jungkook, and plush, pretty, pink mouth falling open as melodic sounds escape his lips, sweeter than his blessed high notes. It’s too much for Jungkook. — forever yours
“You’re gorgeous. My beautiful baby boy. Sweet marshmallow bunny.” — light me up
the bright white of the headband contrasts with his dark hair, haloing a soft crown of light around him, and coupled with the afterglow of his orgasm, he looks angelic. seokjin tells him as much and he flushes a pretty pink, a perfect complement to his ivory rabbit ears. — rollin’ in the deep
jungkook licks his lips as they stroll past a lone vendor selling hotteok, and when seokjin kisses him, cornering him in the enshrouding, secluded thicket of maple trees, seokjin tastes sweet like brown sugar, like cinnamon, like the warming comfort of fall spices and home-baked treats. — rollin’ in the deep
It’s empty this late at night, their only company being the summer breeze rustling through their clothes and the mild rippling of the waves. The water glitters beautifully underneath the stars in the darkness but it pales in comparison to the way the moonlight dances off Seokjin’s freshly dyed pastel hair to illuminate his gorgeous features. He looks magical, bright eyes sparkling and pink strands shimmering. — forever yours
The kiss is everything Jungkook dreamed and fantasized about but beyond his imagination. Seokjin tastes like coffee and chocolate and cream, their dessert lingering on his tongue, and Jungkook licks up every last morsel of flavor. He can’t get enough; Seokjin is so sweet and soft and warm against him like a freshly baked cake. He’s addicted. He wants more. — forever yours
also the iconic:
“Fuck PDogg hyung and Bang PD hyung” — forever yours
you know what this is too fucking hard. I’ll do a separate post with my top 5 lines from each fic. these are just 10 lines I’m particularly fond of and rly wanted to highlight bc no one else has.
Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:
1. JUNGKOOK WEARING LINGERIE AND BUNNY EARS but particularly the part with jungkook sitting on seokjin’s lap growling he’s sexy and seokjin laughing at him for being adorable. literally if my drawing skills were good enough and I had a tablet I would fucking illustrate this myself
2. seokjin gifting jungkook diamond studs on the balcony underneath fairy lights and the seoul night sky
3. jinkook kissing under the snowfall and surrounded by christmas lighting + decorations
4. jinkook holding hands while walking outside in the fall foliage and seokjin kissing jungkook in a thicket of maple trees
+ bonus sakura petals swirling around seokjin with seokjin cornering jungkook against a tree to swipe stray ice cream off his lips and licking it off his thumb and watching the fireworks at disneyland with seokjin’s head nestled onto jungkook’s shoulder and arms wrapped around his waist.
Fic-writing goals for 2018: to finally write the ideas on my ever growing list. my last three were completely unplanned and were random spur of the moments. but I wanted to write something for jin’s bday. I could’ve written something short from my list but I wanted to do christmas lights and jungkook in lingerie so :x also to take my sweetass time until I’m perfectly happy with everything before publishing and not rushing out fics anymore. I’ve learned that when I try to write something as fast as possible for others—it goes wholly unappreciated like the last chapter of forever yours and light me up. like half of the original commenters disappeared despite finally getting the happy ending they cried for and being so excited for the fic? lol idk what happened but there’s no way I could’ve messed up the last chapter that badly… but yeah it’s just not worth the stress lmao. ppl just don’t understand the effort, time, and pain it goes into producing something.
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eddiespaghettti · 7 years
Tagged by: @camocrowned and @itisagift <3 <3
Tagging: A loooot of people on my dash have done this one already so to avoid tagging people for it multiple times you can just!! do it if you want to!!
1) Name/Nickname: Milky! (sorry I know it’s funny lmao)
2) Gender: female probably ya know??
3): Star sign: Aries but it doesn’t really fit at all?? I’m told that my chart is dominated by Capricorn though, whatever that means?? Does that mean I should be looking at Capricorn shit instead of Aries shit????
4): Height: 5′4″ ahhh
5): Hogwarts House: Slytherin!!! Slytherin represent!!!!
6): Favorite Animal: ahhh snakes, goats, corvids (like. crows and ravens), dogs, cats, and octopuses!!! Did you know!!! goats and octopuses (octopi??) both have rectangular pupils^^
7): Hours of Sleep: honestly 3-6 hours typically I’m a w r e c k
8): Dogs or Cats: Do I really have to pick?????
9): Number of Blankets: 1-2
10): Dream Trip: I’ve been to Japan before but I’d love to go again, and luckily I am in a little over two months!! Aside from that though I’ve always wanted to go to the Ukraine.
11.) Dream Job: I mean being an author would be like Ideal ya know?? But also like. translator or editor would be cool basically I like writing and language related things
12.) Time: 10:53pm
13.): Birthday: April 17th
14.): Favorite Bands: Tool, A Perfect Circle, the pAper chAse, Florence + the Machine, Rise Against, legit like 748375837y388375 others that I can’t think of right now?????
15.): Favorite Solo Artist: ummm I consider John Congleton & the Nighty Nite   and  Puscifer to be solo projects pretty much aha
16.): Song stuck In My Head: .................................africa by toto, ngl....................
17.): Last Movie I Watched: The 1990 IT Miniseries!!
18.): Last Show I watched: uhhh ST2 I’m p sure
19.): When did I create my Blog: I wanna say like. October 8th? I think?
20.): What do I post/Reblog: honestly idek at this point I’m being somewhat productive with replies rn but a lot of the time I just rant about my boy
21.): Last thing I Googled: uhhh I think I googled maynard james keenan so I could show my friend a picture of him in one of his weird constumes
22.): Other Blogs: honestly nothing atm but!!! Sooner rather than later I’ll have a will byer.s and a mike hanlo.n added to the list!!!
23.): Do I get Asks: Sometimes when I reblog memes, yeah! Never really any anons though
25.): Following: I think roughly 100?? I gotta clean up a bit and unfollow some unactive ones I think though
26.): Followers: Almost 100!!! I’ll hopefully get to do a bias list or something like that soon!!!
27.): Lucky number: 11, 12, and 13 have always been the best for me!
28.): Favorite Instrument: uhh well I play bass an piano and I really love both of those a lot!! As for instruments I don’t play though I’m oddly into the english horn?? and a lot more tbh. I love music.
29.): What am I wearing: pajamas lol like flannel pants and a big t-shirt it’s super comfy
30.): Favorite Food: not to be That Guy but when I was in Japan I had udon and sukiyaki and after that nothing could compare
31.): Nationality: american :0
32.): Favorite Song: oh man I really don’t think I can pick only one >< It changes so often guys I listen to so much music
33.): Last Book I Read: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens!! Just finished it for class tomorrow like two hours ago actually
34.): Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like to Join: you mean that I’d like to rp in or that I’d like to live in?? Because I really love being in the IT fandom honestly and I’m branching into Strange.r Thing.s! I’m also lowkey a weeb though so persona and dangan ronpa would be cool because there are some muses I’d really like to write for (even though the dr fandom kinda scares me, eep ><). There’s probably a bunch more but for the most part I’m happy where I am though!!
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