#it was the ‘no offense’ for me
brown-spider · 1 year
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Hey remember how Noir is an anti-fascist from 1933
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basketcasemp3 · 1 year
this doesnt seem like a popular opinion on here but sometimes i like when characters die. sometimes its needed to raise the stakes and sometimes its the end best befitting of the character and sometimes its needed to move the narrative forward and sometimes its the only way a character would believably leave their story behind and sometimes it just spices things up a bit. sometimes its fun to watch characters die . sorry
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artigas · 1 year
let me tell you something, as a bitch who went viral for her cunty post about the met gala back in 2018: i will always, always, always tolerate ugliness so long as it’s undeniable that a choice was made. when it comes to celebrities paying through the nose to wear costumes and stunt, i want audacity. i want gull and i want gumption. lil nas x looks like the silver surfer got his hands on some nerds rope. pedrito has got his bare thighs out at the gig. doja is serving animorphs realness and you know what? i respect it. in fact, i adore it. because do you want to know what’s exponentially worse than being a lil ugly? being that rich and being that spoiled for wardrobe options and nevertheless committing the unforgivable sin of being boring !!
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captainsparklefingers · 2 months
*shows up fourteen years late to Tumblr with very cold Starbucks* So that Sherlock show is pretty good, huh!
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dylanconrique · 29 days
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sunflowersinheaven · 3 days
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posting this as a reminder, i draw cozywan not just toe sucker-wan
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bottombaron · 7 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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napping-sapphic · 3 days
Fun pride month activities to do this june☺️❤️🌹✨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️:
hold hands with ME
kiss ME
get ice cream with ME
cuddle with ME
fall in love with ME
get married to ME
grow old and happy and be in love forever with ME
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ugisfeelings · 11 months
my hot take on the awful nuclear war movie discourse is that i do actually think there is a way to create a critical but sympathetic biopic abt the jewish leftist/communist scientists involved in the manhatten project, who at the moment of 1942 did earnestly (and had reason to) view themselves as part of an urgent struggle against global nazism, and which can cut thru the usamerican imperialist apologia hero-fetish impulse and lay bare the genocidal devastations left in the wake of continuing us counterinsurgent militarism across the continent and pacific (which means addressing the anticommunism!) w/o resorting to white man existentialist handwringing. such a film however, would not be politically commensurable as a bajillion dollar summer blockbuster directed by christopher nolan!
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luna-lovegreat · 1 month
So one thing I like about Time is that he will talk about his life and journeys
He talks about it! He'll tell the boys stories and answer questions. (...when asked)
Obviously he tells his family- Malon knows everything
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But he has also never held back from telling the boys stories or answering questions
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I'm still always cackling over him telling them about gerudo town- he is way too proud to brag about being a mischievous gremlin
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"I proved to be a greater thief than all of ganons tribe"- oh yeah. He's definitely the good influence. (That's sarcasm, Wars is the one good example for the younger ones.)
He just. He looks so smug to tell them about his experiences with the Gerudo- I love how often we see him just talking to them and answering questions about his life.
Even if it's clearly painful memories- he has still always told them
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Obviously Time talks to Twilight the most about stuff- and everyone knows that (to where Sky went to him for questions about Time)
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But the thing that get me the most is Wind.
Wind asked about... everything! Wind asked about his first journey and his life- and Time told him
The sheer transition from
"I was wondering... about your original journey"
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"You told me about your original journey. Everything you said... the sages you described, the old traditions, the old stories- all of it! ...)
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And this literally drives me insane because Time told him- Time told him everything! He told him about the sages, traditions- Time literally openly talked to Wind about his first Journey because he asked.
The Hero of Time's story had always been a tragedy- I mean... yikes. Trauma much? But I think people overlook this part of him- that he's older. All the hurt and scars are still there, but he has learned to talk about it to deal with it. And I think I know why- (Read)
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Malon Malon Malon Malon!!! Jojo showed this set up for their marriage- Time was and is traumatized. But he and Malon worked to talk through things. I mean. Can you imagine keeping secrets from Malon? I don't want to. I feel like she would throw a cow at me. Anyways.
It takes a lot to work through trauma and learn to talk through it. Malon claimed him tho, so I don't think he had a choice. But seriously- she helped him work through things as family. Which led to a successful marriage for both of them, and got Time to where he can talk about these things with the boys :D
Time is a troll, so although he will share his insane life stories.... he will also say he fought the moon with no more context, and tell his wife that they have a descendant but not freaking tell her which one it is.
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He's so insane I love it <3
Just don't forget this part of him... don't forget that rather it's sad or goofy or whatever- he will talk about his life. If someone simply asks
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Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au! :DDD
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asocial-skye · 4 months
man, all you zutara guys are way better at this shipping thing than me. i read through like ninety different metas about the symbolism of the colors associated between the two, the fact that the two of them are the emotional story arc of ATLA, and how their romance falls more into the canon themes of the franchise.....
and then i'm here like, he took lightning for her and she was aang's mom in an episode. i'm sold.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Game night ruined.
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lemonduckisnowawake · 8 months
You know, it's a tragedy that there are no (or very little) Vampire x Christian stories out there, not for angst or theology or forbidden seductiveness or whatnot but for the sheer comedy of it all. I mean, the Christian would technically be immune to all of the vampire's shenanigans, like for example...
Vampire: Fool, I am the most powerful vampire in the West. Nothing but the force of an entire holy temple could even deign to scratch me Christian: Idiot, I AM a holy temple. 1 Corinthians 6:19, fear me and the Spirit inside that can burn you to ashes
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mecachrome · 5 months
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plagued by visions (of an elaborate engineer oscar au aka lando's brain short circuits when he realizes his new race engineer is younger than him and refuses to leave him alone for even a second)
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whydamnitwhy · 7 months
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@paradoxolotl the only artist that got it right 😂
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thewritingpossum · 11 months
Maybe it’s the mean-spirited part of me talking but I kinda want to see a Tudor period drama with absolutely perfect 200% accurate gable hoods but costumes that are completely innacurate otherwise and see how the Tudor girlies react
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