#it took me embarrassingly long to sit down and clear my head enough to write this out
ficsbb · 3 months
Hello lovely!! Could you write something about John Wick with a really girly/hyperfeminine reader? I think he would love someone who’s just a total softy and a ray of sunshine. The type to always have flowers around, read fluffy romance books, and has a 10 step skincare routine. I think john would totally spoil her too 🤭🤭 maybe there’s a little bit of an age gap and she loves to tease him about being an old man 😅 idk I just want this man to have a sweet little starburst of a person to treat him right ❤️❤️ illysm 🥰😘
Thank you for the prompt!!! I hope it's to your liking, and I'm sorry it took so long 🫣🌺
》 Pairing: John Wick x Fem!Reader
John is skilled in many things, most being steering clear of big crowds and handling insanely dangerous weapons, but trying to handle two mugs of hot coffee while shooing the pup away is becoming... a task. He climbs the stairs and makes it to your shared room. The door is open slightly, and he catches you sitting in front of your vanity. Small vials, dried florals, makeup palettes littered all over. He doesn't know what half of it is, but he knows it smells like vanilla and lavender. It smells like you. Your eyes catch his, and he smiles as you bubble over with giggles, "Hey, you. Let me help." John nods and leans down to kiss the tip of your nose. "Watch me put on my makeup?" He smiles and says, "Of course."
He watches as you mingle with his acquaintances, your laugh infectious and distinctive. He notices how the younger men look you over and a small spark of jealousy gnaws at him, but he knows it's ridiculous. "Are you alright?" John is startled by your voice and nods quickly, "I'm alright, yeah." You know he isn't, so you grab his hand and lead him outside for some fresh air. "What's wrong?" You ask and watch him look at his hands, avoiding your eyes. You don't push. Rather, let the sound of the wind and low voices of people passing by fill the air until he speaks up. "Are you sure you're okay with me?" He asks, and the question confuses you, "I'm- I- look at these grays." John is taken back when you laugh out loud, uncontrollably. "John," you start, bringing your hands to his face, "your grays don't bother me one bit. I love you, silly." You reach up to peck his nose. He shakes his head and pulls you in for a languid kiss. "Now let's get back so I can show you off." You watch his back straighten, and he follows you inside.
You wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast. It makes your stomach grumble embarrassingly loud. You find yourself out of bed, rinsed, and ready to head downstairs. "Good morning, pretty girl." John's voice is raspy and still full of sleep. He sets your food in front of you and watches as you take the first bite. "I have something for you." He reaches into his jacket pocket, draped over a kitchen chair, and places a small rectangular box on the counter. Your eyes light up, excited. "What's the special occasion?" He cocks his head to the side, "Since when do I need an occasion to spoil you with gifts?" You don't argue with that and open the box. A beautiful gold anklet with charms is settled into the velvet interior. "John, oh my goodness.." He smiles wide, delighted to see that you like it so much. "Let me." He takes it and kneels down in front of you, propping your foot on his knee to clasp the anklet on. "It fits perfectly, thank you!" You feel flushed when he kisses your foot. "So beautiful." He rises and kisses your lips, leaving you in a daze. "John, you really spoil me." "Not enough." He says and kisses you again.
A full day of shopping usually consists of John watching you pick out pretty things and ask him if he likes it for the bathroom, bedroom, on your body etc. It makes his heart swell. Bags full of fresh new linen and candles, both of your favorite snacks and foods are littered in the trunk of the car by early evening. After settling down, John coming down to the living room, he sees you sitting on the couch. Your legs are tucked up under you with a blanket draped over your shoulders and a mug of something warm in your hands; the steam obviously tickling your nose as you bring it up to your face to take a sip. "May I join you?" You nod and make room. The volume of the television is set low and it starts to lull John to sleep, but before his eyes completely close, he looks over at you. Your eyes set on the rom-com and your hand intertwined with his. "You okay?" You ask him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. John sighs and closes his eyes, "Yes. Perfectly okay here with you."
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arahith · 2 years
Na-soloTTRPG-wri-mo? is that a thing?
So I'm doing approximate Nanowrimo this year or well 30 days of solo journaling TTRPGs and aiming for 1,667 words per game. I'm less concerned about the word count than starting and finishing 30 games.
It's been a goal of mine to play more games, experience different game mechanics, see how they influence story, and to just write more. So, I pulled out my embarrassingly large itchio game collection and a d30 and planned out the whole month! Gonna tag it all nanoish22 so block that if you need to.
First up is Singö by Emma Lindhagen! It's about going back to the countryside that you used to visit as a child.
I got a little weird towards the end? but that happens sometimes. Also this is completely unedited and got a little rushed towards the end so don't judge me!
Today's words: 1107
On the bus there:
The bus rumbles along, Stockholm by now far behind, and you...
Who are you?
You're in your 30s, the mess of college of your early 20s over and the mess of work of your late 20s over. You finally have time to do this.
It's been a long, long time since you were last here, almost 20 years, and now? Well the people you used to come here for are dead but the place? It's still here. You're trying to hold on to the motivation that booked this bus ticket and took time off but it's hard. You need a break, you want to get back to nature, enjoy solitude. And besides, you never realized that there might be a last time you would come here. This way at least, you can say your goodbyes even if you do come back later.
The bus stops.
You are here.
You have 5 days.
Day 1- Slow day at home
Weather- Breezy
You're tired from you trip in and decide to take it easy today. No plans, no distractions. Just relaxation.
It takes you 20 minutes to be bored out of your skull.
As you sit there trying to follow your no phone rule and read a book, the flagpole clacks in the wind. It's a bright, breezy day and the flag snaps in the wind.
You remember vaguely there there was something to do with changing the flag on certain days? You're not sure which flag or which days tho. For a moment you feel like a poor caretaker, sun bleached and thinning flag waving before your eyes.
You don't bother to find out if you should do anything with the pole and flag and your willful ignorance disgusts you. Maybe it was a bad idea to come back to a lace where you feel like a child.
Day 2- Here, there, and everywhere
Weather- Hot
Yesterday was a bust, but today, today will be different. You call a friend who said they would be nearby. You didn't know them back then but you wish you did. What would it have been like if neither of you were so lonely as children? Would you still be friends? They're going to bus in and spend the night. You hang up and walk down the hill, flowers surrounding you and decide to immediately walk to the bus stop. You'll take the long path.
There's flowers everywhere, too small to pick really and you wouldn't have anyway. Let them live their lives.
Eventually you make it to the bus stop with... hours to spare. Oh well. You get an ice cream from the grocery and sit by the stop. It's very nostalgic. Your taste in ice cream hasn't changed but the label has. Cars pass slowly. you still suck at guessing their colors before they come round the bend.
Jean hugs you when they arrive and you take the quicker (still long) way home? Cottage? Temp home.
You eat a picnic together on the cliffs watching the jet skiers then head to the woods.
It's amazing how much better things are with a friend.
You walk through the woods, skirting the clearing that always felt wrong to you and Jean says they saw someone across it. That's spooky enough for the both of you and you go home.
Before bed a fox sniffs around the cottage.
You stay up into the night.
Day 3- Wildcard
Weather- Threatening rain
There's a boat in the shed. Jean wants to go rowing. It's a lot better maintained than it was in the latter part of your grandparent's life. You remember, as you lug the boat out and down to the beach, that you once stole a saw by accident. You meant to borrow it, but left it in the woods. Maybe it's still there.
You and Jean have what feels like a long way to go. The tide is low. You're careful. It's slippery.
the day passes quickly and you're caught unawares despite your preparation and the sun is sliding down as you make your way back to shore.
Maybe that's why you slip.
Maybe it's because Jean said something hilarious.
Maybe it's because you weren't paying the care you put in at low tide.
Maybe you're just tired.
Either way the last thing you see as you fall is the reflection of off the roof of that wretched tower.
You're sitting in the grass.
It's by the side of the road and cars occasionally speed past far faster than they should.
You don't remember how you got here but there's a lady bug crawling on you.
It flies away and you wish for...
Day 4- A day on the cliffs
Weather- Still
You were at the sea.
It's barren. There's no one here.
Fish still flop in buckets but there's no one here to put them in.
You dump them, bleeding mouths, back into the sea.
Only some can swim away.
You make you way from there up the cliffs and suddenly the world teems with dragonflies. They cover everything, even you , and you don't dare lay down, lest you crush them.
You wish they were with you.
Wait who is "they"?
You're lying in the sun, now on the clifftop. The world spins.
You breath in and roll over, off the edge.
Day 5- A long walk
Weather- Threatening thunder
You're on the road, a long ways from the cottage (home?). You're in town proper, with townhouses instead of cottages. They're not all hows you remember them. Some are the wrong colors, some shorter, some taller, some just... gone. You can't look at those ones.
You sneak down an alley between houses to the shortcut through the woods.
Vaguely you understand that you're loosing time. Slipping...
There are blueberries! You haven't had fresh ones in ages and you gorge yourself. There's so many you fill up your shirt with them to be brought home to them...
Who are they?
It takes a long time to get to the cliffs and you're forced to eat your gift, sitting there with you legs dangling off the edge of the cliff.
But you aren't at the cliff.
You're by the tower.
This is wrong.
You shouldn't be here.
But it's getting dark and the the thunder that's been threatening all day finally downpours. You pass a mailbox as you run for the door, surprised that a place like this gets mail.
You open the door.
On the bus back:
When you wake up in the room you're confused, blueberries still on your tongue and rain still in your hair. You feel like you're forgetting something.
But they are there.
Now you know, when you do actually go through the clearing, to the tower, it will be ok.
0 notes
itsallyscorner · 3 years
Omg after Tom showing off his thighs in that Jimmy Fallon interview, please please please could you write something about thigh riding him 💙
Not me immediately working on this once I saw it in my inbox💀 I’m supposed to be clearing my inbox out, but when this popped in I couldn’t help it🙈 I also haven’t done smut in a while so THANK YOU for requesting this😌💞
Use Me*
Warnings: SMUT! She’s a nasty one. If this is a bit messy, I’m sorry, I haven’t written smut in ages😭
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(GIF from @tomhollandnet )
“Citizen Kane!” Your boyfriend confidently blurted out to his laptop. He must’ve done something wrong because his eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh, hang on a minute!” He stuttered placing his hand on his chest. You heard Jimmy Fallon laugh from the laptop and explain the rules of the game again. You let out a quiet laugh yourself from behind his set up, though your eyes drifted down to his bare legs that bounced up and down.
For the past few weeks, Tom has been doing promo for his new and highly anticipated film Cherry. While trying to balance filming Spider-Man 3 and doing promo, you guys barely had time to spend together. Not that it bothered you; you understood how hectic his job could get, so you weren’t phased by the back to back Zoom interviews or how he’d join you in bed late at night after a long day on set.
The lost time between the both of you must’ve finally caught up on Tom as he woke up clingier than usual. The moment his eyes fluttered open he felt the need to touch you, to have his skin pressed up against yours, and to feel the warmth that radiated off your body. He just wanted to have you near him—the reason to why he begged you to spend the entire day with him.
You should have been listening to Tom talking passionately about his film, but your mind drifted off to the gutter. Only a few feet away from you was your boyfriend sitting behind a desk, wearing a black shirt, topped with a black blazer, pantless. The only garments covering his bottom half were his boxers and socks, leaving his thighs bare and tempting to your eyes. You tried to avoid looking at them, forcing your attention to focus on the words coming out his mouth, but your eyes were constantly drifting down to his thighs. From the way Tom rubbed his rough hands on them to the way they flexed whenever he moved was starting to cause a pool of arousal to form in your panties.
Tom’s voice faded into the background as you stared blankly at his thighs, imagining how the smooth skin would feel against your wet cunt. You bit your lip, mind wandering to the thought of Tom flexing his thigh while you grinded your hips against him. The ideas in your head caused you to unconsciously squeeze your thighs together. Trying to relieve yourself of the hot tension forming in your body. Though, the action doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, who had a small smirk on his face after catching you in the corner of his eyes.
A few more minutes pass and he was already finishing up his interview with Jimmy. Though you didn’t notice since your attention was still fixated on his sculpted thighs. That and you were constantly adjusting yourself in your seat because of how embarrassingly wet your panties were getting. You attempted to distract yourself with your phone and scrolled mindlessly through Instagram. You weren’t even looking at the posts, just randomly double tapping and scrolling past them. Much to your dismay, your ways of distraction failed once again. Instead of focusing on your screen, your eyes zeroed in on Tom’s legs.
“You know darling, I could practically feel your eyes burning holes into my thighs.” He suddenly teased you. You felt the heat rush to your face as you hid behind your phone screen.
“I’m not looking at your thighs.” You pathetically lied, turning your phone off, and crossing your arms. His tired but rich chocolate colored eyes capture yours. There was a hint of playfulness mixed with lust in them. He wasn’t oblivious, he could feel the tension growing in the room.
Tom tilts his head to the side, “Then why were you consistently staring at my legs?” He crossed his legs making his thighs momentarily flex again.
“I was looking at your socks.”
“What about my socks?” He quirked a brow at you.
“They’re dirty.” You shrugged.
“Really? But my socks are down there, not up here.” He cheekily quipped, motioning to his lap. You whined and threw your head back against the couch, shoving a pillow to your face in the process.
“Busted.” Tom sang huskily before pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth. He scanned your figure on the couch, eyes lingering on the way your legs were still clenched together.
“C’mere.” His voice was an octave lower, catching your attention. You pull the pillow off your face and see him gazing down at you from his seat, legs spread out in front of him. You toss your phone on the couch and walk towards him. His hands reach out for you midway, then settle to grasp on your hips.
“Mmm, baby, I can smell you.” His hands maneuver around your waist to squeeze your bum, emitting a light hum from you. You draped one of your arms around his shoulder while your hand cradled his jaw.
“Sorry, I can’t help it. Stupid thighs.” You mumble, the blush remaining on your cheeks.
“I want you to get off these stupid thighs. Use me, (y/n).” He encouraged, pulling you closer. You were about to agree but his attire reminded you that he had an interview in a few minutes.
“Wait—Tom, don’t you have another interview?” You asked him, shaking yourself out of your trance of arousal and pulling away from him. Tom whined, dragging you back towards his chest.
“In like 15 or 20 minutes, it’s enough time.” He reached behind you and slammed his laptop shut. He clumsily got out of his chair and led you to the loveseat behind him. He sat down and placed you in between his legs.
While he pulled your shorts and panties off you continued to question him, “Are you sure, Tommy?” He tapped your ankles, signaling for you to step out of your undergarments.
Tom stopped and looked up at you, “Yes, I’m sure. We have to be quick, but I just wanna feel you on me. We could continue when I’m done, promise.” He held your hands and pressed a kiss onto the back of them.
“Ok. But if you get in trouble, I swear—oh.” You were interrupted by Tom pressing a sloppy kiss above your mound. He placed your hands to rest on his shoulders and guided you to straddle his thigh. Once you were settled, he slipped two of his fingers between your legs to gather some of your wetness. He groaned at how soaked you were, leaving his fingers to slide through your folds a little bit longer. When he took them out, his fingers were covered in your glossy juices. He wiped some of your slick onto your lips before shoving his fingers into his mouth.
“Taste so fucking good, shit.” Tom growled, crashing his lips onto yours. The kiss was passionately messy; tongues dancing around each other while your teeth clashed from time to time, along with the taste of you on both your lips. Tom was the first to pull away still biting down on your bottom lip, “Come on, wanna feel you ride my thigh.” He scooted back into the seat, guiding your hips to settle down on his thigh. Your knees ached from kneeling on the couch’s material, but the burn you felt in your core urged you to put up a fight.
The moment you came into contact with his thigh felt like euphoria. Your eyes rolled back and a moan dragged out of your body. The pleasurable sensation of finally relieving the burn in your core rushed through your body. Another tension was building up in you, desperation. Grinding your hips down on him repeatedly made you obsessed with how he felt under you, making you desperate to get more.
You had no problem rocking against him, your wetness made it easy enough for you to simply slide your hips up and down the expanse of his firm thighs. Tom moaned at how soaked his skin felt while your folds rubbed up against him. Feeling you on him made him flex his thigh under you, causing you to ground your hips even harder against him. His thigh was lathered in your wetness.
“Fuck, Tom.” You whimper out, harshly squeezing his shoulders for leverage.
“You feel so good on me. You look so good using me to get off, such a pretty girl.” He praised you. He momentarily sat back to admire the way you looked at the moment. Your hair was a bit messy and you were wearing one of his shirts, which was rudely blocking his view of you on him. His long fingers hook beneath the shirt and lift it up, giving him the perfect view of your cunt gliding on his thigh. His jaw clenched at the sight taking a mental picture.
Tom sat up on the couch, gathering your shirt to bunch up right above your breast. He dives into your chest, yanking down the cups of your bra to expose your boobs. He places wet and open mouthed kisses on them, giving them both the attention they needed. You were a moaning mess above him, enjoying the way his tongue swirled around your nipples. When a dark red mark appeared on your skin he trailed the kisses up to your neck until he reached the special spot below your ear. He started off with light kisses before sinking his teeth down on your soft skin. The bite only spurred you on, hips moving faster against him.
While his mouth worked on marking your neck, his leg that you were on moved to meet your hips. The motion made your clit graze against him, forming whines to bubble out your throat. You fucked yourself harder on his thigh, making sure your clit was also rubbing against him as you chased your release. Tom felt they way your legs quivered around him, signing that you were almost there.
Tom’s arm wraps around your waist, helping you hold yourself up against him. With his other hand he gently cradles your face. His lips brush against yours and your noses occasionally bump into each other. A lopsided grin is on his face as he stares at you. He catches the way the corner of your lips quirk up for a matter of seconds until your features scrunch up in concentration again.
“You’re doing such a good job, darling. I could feel you clenching on me, you’re close aren’t you?” He latches your lips together, swallowing your moans. Your fingers pulled tighter on the ends of his hair, making him groan.
“Can’t mess the hair up.” He managed to get out. You grunted and tugged on his hair before your hands returned to his shoulders. Tom pecked your lips once more before leaning back into the couch. Without any warning, his hand lightly swated your clit. You yelped in surprise at the sudden contact. Tom only chuckled, earning him a slap to the chest and a glare from you.
“Sorry, sorry, I know we’re short on time.” He apologized and connected his thumb to your clit. The rough pad made tight circles around your bud. With the friction of his thigh against you and his thumb on your clit you were seeing stars. You were so out of it, only feeling the euphoric pleasures coursing through your senses. The quicker and sharper his circles got, the closer you felt to your relief.
“Just like that Tom, fuck. Keep going I’m close.” Your back arched. Tom shoved his head in between your breasts again, littering sloppy kisses on your chest.
“C’mon, cum on me, baby.” He urged you, holding your body flush against him. His head was tilted up at you, staring at the way your mouth was hung open in pleasure. He loved watching your face when you came, it drove him mad.
Your stomach tightens along with your legs that straddled him. You let out a mix of a shaky gasp and moan, feeling the knot in your stomach come undone. Tom threw his head back against the couch while watching you release on his thigh, your cum gushing out against him.
“Fuck.” He breathed out, eyes glued to your release. You let out pants as aftershocks from your release wracked your body. Tom was quick to guide your body against him, not caring that his clothes might wrinkle. He placed your head in the crook of his neck and pressed kisses along your face. His large hands stroke your back, helping you come down from your high. Laying against him, all he felt was you; from your heart rapidly beating against his chest to the feeling of you trying to steady your breathing.
“You alright?” He whispered against your hair. You tiredly nodded, giving yourself a moment to calm down.
“Yeah—just need a minute and I’ll get off of you.” You reply, tenderly kissing his collarbone. Tom whines tightening his grip around you, “I don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t either, but,” you reach over to tap the screen of his phone, “You’ve got eight minutes left till your next interview.”
You feel something firm poke against your leg, “How you ever wondered if you can cum in under eight minutes?” The sentence caught Tom off guard, making him raise a brow at you. You tilted your head south of his body, motioning to his dick.
Tom shifted his gaze between you and his hard on, “Wanna find out?”
Tom Holland + Character Tags:
*username with line through it does not work*
↳ @lovableparker @aprettyfleur @sunwardsss @dummiesshort @thotforcriminalminds @cuddlykoala101 @itstaskeen @whoslili @white-wolf1940 @tomsirishgirlx @roseke
General Tags:
↳ @quxxnxfhxll @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @thegirlwiththediary
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emeren · 3 years
such a tease - eren jaeger
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👗 anon request <3
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 4k
content warnings: 18+, smut, choking, degradation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness 
notes: this was an anonymous request and lemme just say, i was SO excited to write this one. i’m unfortunately not super happy with how it turned out, but i’ve been swamped bc school just started back up!
SUMMARY: reader decides to tease eren by wearing a skirt without any underwear for the day, causing her very jealous boyfriend to act out in an unexpected way. 
one look in the mirror was all it took for you to quell your nerves. your fingers ran over the expanse of the pleated skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles and creases. this was bold, even for you, but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
eren had never been particularly shy about his protective nature; he was always making sure people understood you were his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around your waist or glaring at men who stared a little too long. 
you loved that about him, but you loved pushing his buttons even more. he had a bad habit of being an argumentative, hot headed little shit, and teasing him like this was asking for some rough, animalistic gesture. that was exactly what you wanted. 
you’d never neglected to wear underwear in a skirt this short, the fabric stopping just below your ass. you knew you’d have to be careful or you would end up flashing jean or armin, and that would drive eren up a wall. 
you hoped eren wouldn’t notice until you were all out; meaning there would be nothing he could do about it. teasing him was one of your favorite things to do. 
you heard your phone buzz quietly from your bed, picking up the small device and seeing eren’s name at the top. 
lil shit <3: get ur ass out here we’ve been waiting forever 
the eye roll that naturally came to you was strong, giving yourself one final once over in the mirror before heading out of your apartment. you couldn’t help the nervous smile that teased at your lips once you left the building, connie’s beat up minivan sitting at the curb. riding in his car was never the first choice; it was musty and had suspicious stains on the carpeting, but it was the only one that fit all of your friends. 
connie laid on the horn as soon as he saw you, the rest of your friends yelling from inside the vehicle as you approached. you could see jean in the passenger seat, jogging up to the rear door with a knot of nervousness in your stomach. you placed one hand on your thigh to keep the skirt from riding up as you slid the van door open. 
sasha and mikasa were stuffed in the small backseat, armin and eren sitting in the middle row. it was comical to see eren in the spot generally reserved for the smallest passenger, but you had no doubt that he wanted to sit in the middle because of you. he was petty like that - a trait that made teasing him all the more fun. 
“hey guys,” you smiled, sliding into the van as your friends all greeted you at once. your eyes were on connie, who was craning his neck to give you a rather incredulous look. 
you felt eren stiffen as you sat down, reaching for the seatbelt. connie decided to speak up before you had a chance to question it. “dude, come ooooon. what the hell took you so long?” 
“sorry, i was distracted and my phone was on my bed,” you explained, connie resolutely rolling his eyes in response. 
“let’s go already, i’m starving!” sasha wailed from the back, shaking your seat in front of her. you giggled at her desperation, finally turning to your boyfriend as connie sped away from the curb. 
you were surprised to see that eren was already staring at you, a weird glint in his eyes. you gave him a smile, trying to act innocent. “hi.” 
he didn’t say anything, just looked forward and placed his large hand on your bare thigh. it wasn’t that it was unusual for him to do so in front of your friends, in fact it was normal. you just weren’t used to him placing it so high; so high that the tip of his pinky dipped beneath the fabric of your skirt and threatened to inch towards the apex of your leg. 
had he already noticed?
“took you awhile to get ready,” eren commented, his words only being heard by you as everyone else in the car chatted about going bowling. you glanced back up at him, eyes scanning his face. he was wearing a black t-shirt and sweats, the customary ‘i don’t care about anything’ outfit he always seemed to adorn. the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger did little to ease your nerves. 
“yeah, i was just thinking about some stuff and got distracted,” you lied, smiling up at him. he was looking at you from the side of his eyes, jaw clenched. 
“really?” he breathed, his hand shifting ever so slightly up your leg. his smallest finger teased at the crease of your thigh, head leaning down to whisper in your ear. “were you thinking about some stuff or were you forgetting about some stuff?”
your breath hitched, face growing hot as you struggled for something to say. connie, once again, beat you to the punch. “oi! lovebirds! no canoodling in my back seat!”
“we weren’t canoodling,” eren sneered, pulling away and moving his hand to just above your knee. he squeezed the skin generously, your slight embarrassment about eren’s public displays of affection quickly wearing off. “i was just saying, it looks like she forgot a coat.” 
jean snorted from the front seat. “yeah and because you’re a dumbass who doesn’t wear one either, i’m gonna have to give her mine later.” 
jean’s lighthearted words lit a devious lightbulb in your mind, the gears of your plan now in full swing. you leaned forwards, wrapping your arms around the back of the chair and consequently jean’s broad chest. you leaned your head to the side, a grin on your face.
“you really are too sweet to me, jean-jean!” you cooed, the feeling of eren’s grip tightening on your thigh an indication of just how well this was working in your favor. jean chuckled at the familiar nickname, hand coming up to pat your arms wrapped around him. 
you let go and slid back into your spot, eren’s face clearly peeved at your display of affection. for once, you had the upper hand. and you were going to milk it all the way. 
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the local bowling alley was a small, dank building that prided itself on its catering towards college students without much else to do. as connie skidded to a stop in his self-designated parking spot, the legacy of the building seemed to live up to its expectations. 
eren hadn’t said anything else on the ride over, just kept his hand protectively (and respectfully) placed on your lower thigh. you were much more careful sliding out of the car this time, hand blatantly coming down to cover your ass. you knew that eren was watching you, as he was quick to follow you from the vehicle and stand behind your brazen figure. 
he wrapped his arms lazily around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you waited for your friends to pile out of the car. you’d grown accustomed to his touchy nature, suddenly deciding to press your ass against his groin. the gesture was small, but you could feel eren’s dick harden within his pants. 
“careful!” he hissed, hopping back in an attempt to shake away his sudden erection. you snickered to yourself, giving him a glance over your shoulder as you followed your friends into the building. 
the interior was the same as it’d always been; drowned out with black lights and the smell of wax. it was the kind of atmosphere that reminded you of your earliest days of childhood; attending large birthday parties and eating way too much cheaply made cake. 
the attendant was a short man named george, one who’d acknowledged connie’s arrival with annoyance. 
“head to our usual lane guys,” connie pointed, a grin on his features. you all made your way towards lane ten, eren in a sulking tow behind you.
as everyone began to sit down, jean motioned for you to sit next to him. “each side will be opposing teams. we’ve gotta be on the same team, per usual.” he called innocently. 
you and jean had dominated your friend group bowling tournaments each time before, and you figured this would be no different. you started towards him, surprised when you felt eren’s hand wrap around your wrist. 
“she’s going to be on my team this time, if you don’t mind,” eren stated in a quipped tone, something that would normally go undetected by jean due to their frenemy behavior. you knew that eren’s words were coming from a place of jealousy, sincerely trying to hide your sadistic grin.
jean scoffed, shaking his head. “yeah, right, jaeger. she’s going to be on connie and i’s team, like always.” 
you nodded your head in agreement, spinning to face your boyfriend. your skirt lifted ever so slightly at the action, eren’s teal eyes snapping to the garment with an annoyed perseverance. “don’t worry, i’ll take it easy on you.” 
he knew what you were doing. he knew that the thought of a part of you - a part specifically reserved for him - nearly on display for anyone who cared enough to pay attention, was enough to fill him with a primal sense of possessiveness. 
eren had never been particularly good at hiding his emotions. in fact, he’d been known to let them consume him in an embarrassingly juvenile way. as you sat down next to jean, your bare leg bumping his, eren couldn’t suppress the annoyance that washed over him. he folded his arms, the thought of your tight little- 
“eren?” armin called out, eren snapping from his lewd thought process. you took notice, leaning down to tie your bowling shoes. “did you hear me? i said here’s your shoes.” 
you listened to eren clear his throat and apologize, deciding to chat with jean and connie as everyone got ready to play. 
the final straw in your plan hadn’t even happened on purpose. it’d come to you itself, as if the powers that be were purposefully trying to get you rammed into oblivion. it came after the first few rounds of bowling, after a few near misses with jean regarding the skirt, each one sinking eren further into his foul mood. it came in the form of a lanky, awkward looking employee. 
he couldn’t have been any older than eighteen, carrying sasha’s order of nacho fries and your coca cola. he’d meant his comment to be nice as you got up to grab your drink. he hadn’t meant to say something that would send your childish boyfriend over the edge. 
“oh, uh, i like your skirt,” he’d commented awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck. you smiled politely in response, eyes flitting over to eren. and if looks could kill, that awkward teenage boy would’ve been dead on sight. 
eren’s eyebrows were furrowed, jaw clenched tightly. you felt your cheeks heat as he made eye contact with the boy, standing from his seat. eren was tall, looming behind you as he protectively wrapped himself around your figure. 
“thanks,” he said flatly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. you held your breath at the feeling of eren deeply exhaling against the sensitive skin, large hands squeezing your hips. the boy quickly looked at the ground, nodding before deciding to leave. eren waited until he was gone to remove himself from you, an annoyed twitch in his eye. “fucking little pervert.” 
you rolled your eyes, taking a generous swig from your coke. “he was just being nice.” 
eren glared at you, watching as you started back towards your friends. “nice my ass. i know you’re doing this just to rile me up.” 
“what ever do you mean?” you snickered, purposefully swaying your hips as eren scoffed, plopping back down in his seat. 
you made your way over to your teammates, sitting down and watching armin finish his turn. a couple minutes went by, chugging your coke and getting ready for connie to take his turn. 
“i think i’m gonna go use the bathroom,” you hummed, jean nodding his head in understanding. you waited until connie tossed the bowling ball down the lane, effectively missing all of the pins. you knew you’d drank the soda way too fast, standing from the bench and making your way towards the dimly lit restrooms. 
they were dark inside, with red lighting like something out of a sex club. you pushed the heavy door open, quickly locking it behind you and relieving yourself. 
as you washed your hands in the sink, you thought about just how riled up eren was getting. it was humorous, in more ways than one, but you couldn’t help the slight guilt that crept up the back of your neck about your actions. 
but then again, it wasn’t like eren wasn’t known himself for being a tease. you couldn’t count the number of times where he’d purposefully made you jealous or grabbed your ass in an inopportune moment. so what was the harm in giving him a taste of his own medicine? 
you flattened your hands against the skirt, making sure it was straight before unlocking the door and heaving it open, stepping out into the dark hallway. 
you jumped back at the appearance of a dark figure leaning against the wall, defensively clutching your chest as you stood in front of your slightly amused boyfriend. 
“mind if we chat?” he asked, voice edging an emotion that you knew you couldn’t get into at the moment. your eyes glanced down the end of the hallway, no one in sight. you looked back to him, his pink lips turned upwards, the word ‘gotcha’ written all over his face.
“we should probably head back out there,” you mumbled, trying to ignore the way eren was sizing you up. he just smiled, pushing himself from the wall and taking a step towards you. all of the confidence you’d had in your teasing flew out the window, swallowing at the downfall of your plan.
“don’t worry. i told ‘em my mom was calling,” he purred in response, index finger coming up to gently trace against your jaw. it was his turn to be smug; everyone in your friend group knew that carla’s phone calls were a draw out, lengthy affair. he’d trapped you. 
you held your breath as he stepped forward, slowly tilting your jaw to place a deceivingly sweet kiss to the skin. you felt embarrassed at the way your cunt throbbed at the action, his lips moving to tease the shell of your ear. “but what about me?” 
“what about you?” eren sneered, his voice turning slightly sour, fingers roughly gripping your jaw as he placed a kiss right below your ear. “this is what you were asking for, wasn’t it? now be a good girl and go back into the bathroom for me.” 
you hesitated for a moment, thinking about your friends bowling a mere 100 feet away. eren’s eyes were dark, and the churning you could feel at the pit of your stomach was only making it harder to resist. 
all it took was the thought of eren bending you over the sink, fucking you stupid for you to demurely shift in place, turning to shove the bathroom door open once again. you could feel your neck burning at the thought of how easily you’d just submitted, but you wanted this. more than anything. 
the bathroom was no desirable place; it smelled like generic soap and had discarded pieces of toilet paper on the ground. eren didn’t seem to care, gingerly locking the door behind himself before roughly shoving you forward facing against the cool, knock off linoleum countertop. 
you could feel his hard dick pressing against your ass, your reflections in the dirty mirror lit under the red lightbulbs. he was commanding; aggressively grinding himself into you, your skirt beginning to ride up at the motion.
eren made eye contact with you in the glass, one hand coming forward to tilt your neck to the side. he slowly brought his lips down, peppering the skin till his mouth met the base of your neck. he made sure you were watching as he pressed his tongue flatly against the skin, your breath hitching as you watched him drag the wet muscle up to your jawline. 
“you’re such a tease,” he growled against you, rolling his hips into your ass. you could feel your skirt starting to ride up even more, the cold air uncomfortable. “’s’hot, knowing your pretty little cunt is so exposed.” 
his hand on your jaw slipped around your throat, squeezing lightly in warning as he flipped the edge of your skirt up.
you squeaked as his other hand snaked between your legs, middle two fingers slowly sliding themselves between your already soaking center. he rubbed at your clit, breath hot against your neck as he forced you to watch him through the mirror. 
“look at how pretty you are,” he mumbled as he plunged his two digits inside of you, the sudden sensation causing a gasp to leave your lips. he wasn’t playing nice; roughly digging his fingers all the way to the last knuckle. his other hand squeezed your throat tighter. it hurt, but you couldn’t help the way your cunt clenched around him, chest tightening. “so pretty for me. n’only me.”
he slowed his fingers, pumping in and out of you, the sound of your slick causing him to grow impossibly harder. the feeling of his cock pressed against the flesh of your ass sent another throb to your cunt, eren smirking in response. 
“needy for my cock after teasing all day?” he asked, stuffing his fingers particularly deep, a strangled moan slipping past your lips. you struggled to nod your head against his grasp, the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of you at such a rhythmic pace causing you to grind your hips against his hand and subsequently his cock. 
he quickly pulled his fingers out from inside of you, hand growing tighter around your throat. “you were such a little whore today. a little whore who needs to learn a thing or two.” 
you could feel tears prickling in your eyes, eren’s hand that was wrapped around your throat coming up to pry your mouth open. you didn’t have a chance to react before he was slipping his sheen coated fingers past your lips, the saccharine flavor hitting your tastebuds. 
“suck for me, pretty girl,” he said lowly, hooded eyes watching you in the mirror. you did as you were told, wrapping your lips around his knuckles and swirling your tongue around his fingers. the taste wasn’t completely pleasant or unpleasant, your mouth releasing with a smack. 
eren pressed down on your tongue with his fingers, saliva filling your mouth before he dragged the two digits down your chin and throat, leaving a shiny trail in their wake. 
he brought his hands down to roughly grope your chest, your own hands pressing against the countertop to keep you steady. eren gripped the hem of your sweater, forcing the fabric up to your midsection. 
“off, take it off.” he demanded, leaning back from you but still keeping his groin pressed against your ass. you were quick to oblige, pulling it over your head. as you did so, you could feel eren palming your ass under the skirt, his dark eyes fixated on the sight of your little skirt riding up on your skin. 
you dropped the sweater to the ground, knowing you’d regret it later, but you couldn’t be bothered. eren didn’t wait, letting go of your ass to unclasp your bra, the undergarment falling into the empty sink. he palmed at your newly exposed breasts, fingers pinching at your hardened nipples. 
he was watching you in the mirror, the sight of you batting your eyelashes with your saliva on your chin only making him more possessive. it sent a twitch to his cock, hands releasing from your chest to shove you against the cold glass. 
“want me to show this pretty cunt who it belongs to, hm?” eren nearly growled, the thought of jean or that employee ever being lucky enough to see you like this pushing him over the edge. 
you tried to nod against the mirror, your breasts pressed against the cold material only aiding the way your center throbbed mercilessly for whatever eren was about to do. his hand came up to fist your hair, the other haphazardly yanking down his sweats and boxers. 
you could see his veiny cock slap against his stomach through the mirror, the tingling in your clit multiplying at the sight of it. eren smirked at your staring. 
“fuck,” he hissed, his gaze drawn to your skirt pooled around your waist, glistening center ready for him to abuse. and he couldn’t wait any longer, rubbing the tip of his cock between your legs. 
a gasp ripped through your throat at just how deeply eren thrusted into you, his hips hitting your ass with a loud smack. it hurt; his brows furrowed as he completely pulled out from you, just to ram himself back inside your tight cunt. 
“what’s wrong?” eren asked breathlessly, pounding into you as hard as he could. you were jerking against the mirror, mouth open as your nose began to tingle; a tell-tale sign of tears. your boyfriend had a sadistic smile on his face, a piece of hair falling from his bun to rest against his forehead. 
“ah- hurts,” you gasped out, the sound of eren pounding into you filling the small space. eren hit you with a particularly deep angled thrust, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. he tightly fisted your hair, yanking on the follicles as hit other hand gripped your waist for better leverage. it hurt so bad, but so good.  
“look at you, look at you take my cock like this,” he said, voice gravelly as he began to buck his hips faster. you could feel the hot tears rolling down your cheeks, eren’s hand around your waist moving to guide your knee up onto the counter top for better leverage. the pain lessened with his movement, his animalistic thrusts growing pleasurable. “such a good little whore. a little whore who’ll only let me fuck her like this, hm?” 
you moaned out against the glass, eren yanking your hair as an indication for a worded response. “yes-yes. all for you, only you.” 
eren groaned out at your words, his head leaning back as he slammed into you from behind. he was blurry as your breath fogged the glass, but just the image of him bucking his cock deep within your throbbing cunt was enough to have you seeing stars. 
he was filling you up so nice, pressing himself against you as the veins in his arms grew prominent. you could feel him twitching inside of you, your own center clenching around him as he made sure you knew you were his. 
“such a little tease, showing off her pretty little cunt like that,” eren moaned out, shamelessly loud. he buried himself within you, your eyes rolling back in your head as the building anticipation between your legs became too much to bear. 
“eren-” you heaved, him quickening his pace, hitting your cervix over and over. it was enough to make the tears come back, your vision becoming hot white as he bucked his hips once more, stuffing his cock impossibly deep within you. your orgasm didn’t reach its climax until you felt eren’s length twitch, effectively filling you with his cum. 
the high was incredible; the cold mirror a stark contrast to the hot, burning sensation as eren thrusted out his own climax. 
the two of you stood for a moment, mirror foggy and bathroom humid as you recollected your composure. when eren did pull out, he watched his cum slowly drip down your thigh, fingers attempting to stuff it back inside of you. 
“don’t let it drip out,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your sweaty cheek. you could only roll your eyes, peeling yourself from the glass. he gingerly pulled his pants back up, delivering a swift swat to your ass as he stood straight again. 
“y’know, you should wear skirts more often.” 
“you should get jealous more often.” 
“sounds like a deal to me.” 
<3 <3 <3
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jamesandthedog · 3 years
“Imagine if we dated.” for wolfstar, please?
Sorry this took a while to write! @ashslytherin​ asked for a mixer of your prompt + number 16 so that’s what I did(: The prompts are 11. “Imagine if we dated.” & 16. “Not letting me do it only makes me want It more.”
Check out the prompt list
Imagine if we dated
“Imagine if we dated,” Sirius said suddenly.
Remus, with the day’s Daily Prophet in one hand, a toast in another and an utterly confused look on his face, turned to look at him. Once he realised Sirius wasn’t joking, he let go of the paper and finished chewing the piece of toast in his mouth.
Sirius didn’t know the very thing he had jokingly suggested was something Remus had thought about for the past year or so. Actually, he mostly thought about moving his fingers along Sirius’ pale skin, mapping his tattoos, touching his collarbones. Getting to smell his scent without being embarrassed for liking it when Sirius leaned his shoulder against Remus’ on the couch of the common room. Reminiscing that one smile Sirius sometimes sent his way, the one that almost felt like it was meant just for him. Then there were the more inappropriate thoughts too, the ones Remus tried not to think about on the nights Sirius spend in his bed after having nightmares because they made it embarrassingly difficult to hold Sirius so close.
“Why not?”
Remus hoped Sirius couldn’t notice the way his heart seemed to pound in his chest, fast, like it wanted to break out of him.
“Uh…Padfoot, this might shock you but, you’re not gay.”
“But if I were?”
Now Remus’ heart definitely skipped a beat. “…But you aren’t.”
“I could be if it would stop Denbright from trying to feed love potions to me.”
Oh, that made sense, much more sense that Sirius actually doubting his sexuality.
“So let me be clear here,” Remus summed. “You want to date me to avoid horny girls?”
“Right…” Remus said. “Go fetch James and Peter from the pitch.”
“Because you’re clearly bored and I haven’t had enough coffee to deal with it.”
Sirius took his wand and with a swift movement, he levitated the coffee pot towards Remus’ empty mug pouring him a fresh cup of coffee.
“Better?” He asked with a tone that made Remus give hin an incredulous look.
“You’re not going to drop the subject, are you?”
Sirius didn’t answer, he just got up, took the rest of Remus’ toast, and patted the sandy haired boy on the head as he exited the Great Hall.
* * * * *
“Are you trying to avoid me, Lupin?”
Remus looked up from his potions book to see Sirius taking the seat next to him. Peter who usually sat on the very spot, shrugged at Remus as he went to sit next to James.
Sirius had his long hair on a bun, with few curls framing his face and Remus found himself noticing his collarbone peeking out of his loosely buttoned shirt. His tie was hanging undone around his neck but that was nothing surprising, it was the last class of the day and Sirius’ uniform always seemed to come undone as the way went on. It was like a clock for Remus.
“Yes, but rather unsuccessfully considering you’ve managed to either sit or pair up with me on all of our classes so far,” he said.
“That’s what boyfriends do, don’t they?” Sirius grinned at him.
Remus rolled his eyes and with a flick of a wand, buttoned Sirius’ shirt. Sirius sneered at it, but let the shirt be.
“This, dear Padfoot, is why I’m trying to avoid you.”
Remus looked at him suspiciously, but when Sirius just smiled, he turned back to his potions book.
Half a minute later Remus felt the weight on his shoulders as Sirius wrapped one arm around him. Remus sighed. He bit his lip, then took Sirius’ hand  returning it back on Sirius’ own lap as he wondered what he had done to deserve the torture Sirius was obviously putting him through on this otherwise fine Thursday.
“We’re not dating,” Remus said firmly as he let go of Sirius’ hand.He wasn’t sure if he said it more to assert himself or Sirius.
“Not letting me do it only makes me want It more.”
Remus shook his head, closed his book and punched Sirius gently in the head with it before turning to listen at the professor.
* * * * *
It was nearly impossible to focus on brewed glory as they were supposed to with Sirius and his once again unbuttoned shirt around. It wasn’t that Sirius did anything specific to bother Remus, but his collarbones very seriously distractive and he had rolled his sleeves and Remus hard time not staring at the well-defined muscles as he chopped dried fluxweed.
“It wouldn’t really harm you, would it?”
Remus blinked from behind the cauldron. “Huh?”
“Dating me”, Sirius explained as he remeasured the fluxweed. “Unless you’re already dating, which you aren’t. People might notice, you know, notice and want to date you.”
Remus blinked again, before giving it a weak laugh. “You might be overestimating my market value.”
“I’m not. You’re tall. People love your freckles. You got character, you got-“
“That make you mysterious,” Sirius insisted and raised an eyebrow at him. “Like, where does the one on you hip end? It’s sexy.”
Looking in Sirius’ stormy grey eyes was definitely a mistake, Remus thought as he felt shivers all over his body. The thought of Sirius thinking about the scar on his hip was something Remus would have classified as a thought inappropriate for public places, definitely inappropriate for a class full of people.
Remus cleared his throat.
“Freckles?” He asked.
The looked at each other for a while before Remus turned away.
“You keep talking about men like that and the Denbright’s of the world may actually start leaving you alone,” he managed to smile as he on added the chopped fluxweed into the cauldron.
He didn’t look at Sirius any longer, but he was pretty sure he heard him mutter “maybe I will” – Remus wasn’t quite sure since the words got lost somewhere between a rattle of glass and a list of curse words as Sirius’ elbow nudged a bottle of salamander blood on the floor spilling it all over.
* * * * *
Remus was pretty sure Sirius had broken the last bottle of the bloody salamander blood as he tried to reach at the top shelf. He was tall, but it there were any bottles left they were safely out of his reach at the back of the shelf. The door of the storeroom slammed closed leaving him with nothing but a dim candlelight, which didn’t exactly help his cause.
Remus cursed, then startled as he felt the warmth of someone cornering him from behind.
“Date me,” whispered the familiar voice.
It gave him goosebumps. Remus took a breath and turned around trying to find what his friends called his prefect voice.
“This isn’t funny, Padfoot.”
And then he was face to face with Sirius, who was standing surprisingly close to him with one hand leaning on the shelf.
He looked so casual, as if he belonged there. Remus leaned his back against the shelves and wondered if this was what how the girls felt when they got together with Sirius in one of the castle’s broom closets. The difference being he got to look down at Sirius, and unlike with the girls, Sirius was messing with him.
“Fine, I’m getting bored of this too,” Sirius said.
He didn’t have the joking tone in his voice anymore. Remus squinted his eyes; quitting wasn’t something Sirius did.
“I’ll stop on one condition.”
There it was again, the Sirius Remus knew.
“Which is?” He asked.
The darkhaired boy was quiet for a bit, thinking, biting his lip. It wasn’t something Sirius did often, usually he was fire and speed and rash decisions. The sudden change in his behaviour made Remus nervous, because he was usually rather good at reading Sirius’ many moods. He was familiar with broody, quiet Sirius but this was, this was something different.
“You answer a question.”
“…Which is?” Remus repeated.
Sirius glanced at the floor and sighed before locking his eyes with Remus’. Remus wasn’t sure if Sirius had leaned in closer, or if he just thought he had. It felt like Remus could feel his breath and warmth on his skin. He could smell his shampoo. His cigarettes. And then just something that Remus just called smelling like Sirius. It was good, all of it, even the bloody cigarettes.
“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to ask.”
Sirius rarely looked people in the eye like that, intensively, confidently, honestly. It made Remus feel like he was all Sirius focused on,  a centre of gravity – or maybe it was just him hoping.
Remus swallowed, staring back at the grey eyes, and listening himself breathing too heavily. But Sirius was breathing heavily too, and that’s when Remus got it. The confidence was a mask. Because of course Sirius bloody Black could act even more confident than normal when he was the pure opposite of confidence. Remus had seen him do it before, if happened mostly when they were around Slytherins, especially around the people who knew Sirius before school.
Sirius has trying to hide it, but he was nervous. They both were.
“That makes it a hard one to answer,” Remus whispered.
“Does it, thought?” Sirius raised an eyebrow.
Neither or them spoke. Remus hesitated, then brought one hand on Sirius’ neck. Sirius arched his neck to press onto it like a cat being petted.
He liked it.
“I, er…” Remus started, not quite sure how to deal with what he thought might be going on. “I think I need you to ask.”
Silence. Hazel eyes looking in the stormy grey ones that looked right back.
“Would you date me if I wasn’t straight?”
It was honest, not the type of joking Sirius had done all day.
Remus let out the breath he’d been holding. His fingers found Sirius’ neck hair as he studied the look on his face. He didn’t quite know how he was still standing there when his whole world seemed to be flipping upside down and he had a whole army of doxies flying around his stomach and – and he had Sirius in front of him and Remus was pretty sure he may have actually, for real, confessed liking guys, liking… Remus.
“Yeah?” Sirius leaned his hips against Remus’.
“Yeah, I would,” Remus said.
Then he smiled wrapping one arm around Sirius’ waist as Sirius’ hands found his neck Remus’ neck pulling him so close their lips nearly touched.
“I’m… I’m definitely not straight.”
It made Remus beam like a child who’d been let free in a chocolate shop, he couldn’t help it. It would’ve felt embarrassing, except Sirius smiled at him too.
“I suppose I have to let you know,” Remus said once he found his voice again. “If we were to date… I’d still have ask my boyfriend who the fuck is stirring our potion while we kiss.”
Sirius burst into laughter.
“You don’t want to know” he said and pressed his lips on Remus’.
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serendipityunho · 5 years
Best You’ve Ever Had
× genre: smut × pairing: ceo!Seonghwa x Reader (fem.) × word count: 3.2k × warnings: explicit language, consumption of alcohol, explicit sex, fingering, clit play, oral, handjob, hickeys, explicit dirty talk, neck kink, light choking, hand kink, teasing, overstimulation, unprotected sex, praising
× synopsis: Meeting Seonghwa’s parents for the first time was one thing. But keeping your lewd moans quiet in his childhood bedroom was another. 
☁️: i see everyone is a sucker for ceo!seonghwa so why not jump on the bandwagon of writing dom!ceo!seonghwa lol
“Mr Park! Welcome back, your parents are waiting inside” The door slung open to one of the bright smile of the estate’s housekeepers. 
Seonghwa rubs his thumb against your hand as he held a bottle of one of his favourite champagnes in the other, a small gift for not paying his promised monthly visits to his parents. But what did they expect after handing him over the major responsibility of running their company?
“Are you nervous?” Your eyes snap away from the breathing-taking view of the large stairway with a golden chandelier hanging above it. Seonghwa gazes at you with soft eyes before flashing a comforting smile.
“No, not really. I hope not” You swallowed the lump in your throat before patting your sweaty palms down your red dress as the two of you enter further into the large mansion.
“They’re not that scary, trust me” Seonghwa’s soothing voice brought you reassurance, heart beating quieter as he held your hand down the hallway.
You could pry your eyes off the portraits of his family hung upon the walls, especially the ones with an adolescent Seonghwa staring blankly into the lens. They were encased with beautiful gold coloured frames and clean, clear glass that had you thinking about your embarrassingly dirty TV screen back at home.
“Mother. Father. It’s pleasant to see you again” Your eyes landed on the two figures already sitting at the long table with fancy looking sets of shiny plates and cutlery, all ready as the flock of maids push through the door with plated food probably worth more than your rent.
“Son, how have you been? It’s been a while since you’ve paid a visit” The husky man, his father, chuckles as he greets Seonghwa with a hesitant hug.
“I’ve been busy. Running the company like you wished” Seonghwa kept his response blunt but understandable. 
The two men prominently resembled each other, it wouldn’t be a surprise to say they were father and son. His mother, however, was slowly starting to give you the chills with her icy stare up and down your body.
“I see that anti-ageing stuff has been working, mother” Seonghwa’s mother broke into a forced smile before welcoming back her son into her skinny arms as he lent down to give her a hug.
“Money can do wonders, darling-” Her feline eyes shot over to you, a sly smirk carving into her face as she steps in front of you and leans forward, gently engulfing you into her arms with her cheeks touching yours.
“- You must be the girlfriend. It’s nice to finally meet you. Come, sit down, dinner’s almost ready” Her strong scent of such unidentifiable florals lingered around your nose a bit before the four of you sat at the table.
“Yes, it’s nice to finally meet you too” It was difficult to hold back a stutter but you managed to anyways, mentally applauding yourself for not fucking it up with your first words to Seonghwa’s parents. 
The soft cushion of the seat felt more luxurious than the pillows sitting on your bed. In fact, everything was, without a doubt, much better. From the coat-hanger to the crystal door knobs and high ceilings that were double the size of your small apartment.
You probably looked hopeless in front of Seonghwa’s parents as he remained unfazed at the familiar surrounding. It was his hand on yours that kept you tranquil throughout the dinner, that was until you had no idea which spoon to use for the desert. 
“... the second one, baby” Seonghwa whispered, smiling as he took another scoop of his crème brûlée.
“We’ve already been told enough about you two, why don’t you tell us about you instead? What do you do for a living?” Seonghwa’s mother eyed you intensely, making your heart rate increase in beats with every second of her icy gaze. 
“I- um, I actually own a nightclub downtown. It’s quite successful-”
“- successful from my son or from your own work?” She narrowed her eyes, lips pressed into a thin line making you swallow the obvious lump in your throat.
“Mother, please-” Seonghwa seemed to have noticed your anxious behaviour, interrupting his mother in hope to calm you down.
“What? I just want to know what she would be bringing to the table if, you know, you decide to throw a surprise wedding without my knowledge” 
You blankly gape at her words, marriage was never thought so early upon your relationship with Seonghwa, let alone the long-term expectations from you. She sat there patiently, hands rested on top of each other as she waited for an answer from you.
“Uh no, Mrs. Park, I worked hard on my own to get it where it is” You hesitantly reach for the glass of wine with your slightly shaky hand, bringing it up to your lips before taking a small sip to heal your dried throat.
“Hm, self-made woman. I like that” A wave of relief washed over you. That was until you nearly choked on your wine when you felt Seonghwa’s hand slip from yours and slid up your dress, a little too close to the lining of your panties.
You settle the glass back onto the table a bit too harshly, nearly spilling the red drink on the white cloths of the table. The concerned eyes of Seonghwa’s parents settled on you as you subtly try to calm yourself down, tensing your thigh under Seonghwa’s touch,
“Are you alright, darling?” Seonghwa’s mother shot you a questioning glance, sipping on her own glass of red wine. 
“Yes, sorry. I just drank a little too much, that’s all” You forced a firm smile at the two concerning faces before throwing a furrowed glare at Seonghwa to the side, only making him rub his fingers at the skin around the lining of your panties. 
“Take it easy, babe, it’s not like we don’t have more wine at home” Seonghwa smirked, chuckling as he slyly slips his fingers under the hem of your panties, pressing the pad of his fingers firmly against your clit, making you squeeze your thighs together and shifting slightly in your seat.
Seonghwa must’ve enjoyed seeing the flustered look on your face when you finally faced him instead of giving him the side eye. That cocky smirk of his was enough to have your pussy gushing at nothing other than his sensual teasing touch.
“I’m okay, babe, maybe you should take it easy-” You nudged your head to the empty wine glass sitting on Seonghwa’s side of the table “- you’re driving, remember?”
“Oh that’s no problem, son. I can call the chauffeur to drive two you home” Seonghwa’s father boomed, raising the glass of wine for his son to keep drinking.
“Actually, I think we should stay here tonight. I don’t think there’s any meetings in the morning anyways so it wouldn’t hurt to have breakfast here-” Seonghwa shot a quick wink your way, slowly circling his two fingers around your throbbing clit “- unless you two are busy of course?” 
“No, no! Not at all. I’ll have the maids prepare your room right now-” Seonghwa’s father signalled a gesture to the maid walking through the door at his call. 
“Let’s hope they don’t have to change the sheets again” Seonghwa’s whisper against your ear sent shivers down your spine as you suppressed a quiet moan with a clenched jaw from the teasingly slow friction you were receiving. 
The rest of the small talk only consisted of you trying not to spew such disgraceful sounds in front of Seonghwa’s parents, hoping they wouldn’t suspect anything unsettling happening under the expensive satin tablecloth of their dinner table.
Seonghwa’s fingers never made an exit out of your, now soaked, panties. You were sure he knew that your brain was pounding out of your skull, head pooled with clouds of lust as your consciousness slipped in and out of daydreaming and reality. 
You were thankful for the comedic relief here and there that allowed you to subtly spew your soft moans into your laughs and forced chuckles. Your clit throbbed wildly, making you sightly roll your hips in your seat, hoping to get a quickening motion from Seonghwa.
As much as you preferred for such things to be happening in private, you couldn’t help but crave more of it despite the high risk of being caught. Your neediness only fed Seonghwa’s sadistic smirk to grow as he quickened his circular motions on your clit, rubbing it at a pace that would bring you to an orgasm in only a few minutes. Heck, even seconds. 
“My darling, you must be tired. You’ve been looking sleepy since halfway through dinner-” If only she knew Seonghwa had pulled you into your sub-space “- I’m sure your room is ready by now, Seonghwa, dear, take her to bed why don’t you?” 
“You’re probably tired too, mother. Get some sleep, we’ll talk in the morning-” Seonghwa flashed a smile before sliding his hand out from under your dress, pushing his seat back to stand before reaching the same out for you.
“- let’s get you some sleep” You narrowed your eyes at Seonghwa before taking his hand, dropping your napkin onto the table as you say your ‘goodnight’s and descend up the double set of staircases. 
It felt almost as if your arm was being torn off as Seonghwa pulled you across the large level with walls lined with who-knows-how-many doors. It was until he reached the end of the hallway, swinging open the white double doors before pinning you against them and locking it behind you.
“What do you think you were doing down there?” You looked up at Seonghwa, waiting for a response only to have your lips shut with his and waist pushed forward against his body. 
“Trying to calm you down, it obviously worked” Seonghwa groaned as he pushed his hardening crotch against your leg, squeezing your waist as your lips move with each other’s, tongue playing the other. 
“Holding my hand would’ve been just fine” Your hands run through Seonghwa’s black hair, gripping it slightly tight as you push your chest against his and kicking off your heels with him fumbling with the zipper of your dress. 
“You didn’t like it? Could’ve told me then” The tightness around your waist loosens as Seonghwa lets your red dress fall to the ground, immediately pinching the clip of your bra as his lips find their way onto your neck, leaving no inch of skin untouched. 
“Who said I didn’t like it? I’m pretty sure I helped myself a bit too- mhm fuck” Seonghwa’s tongue swirled around your nipple as you hugged his head to your chest, playing with his hair as he fondles with your breasts.
With Seonghwa’s hard crotch rubbing against your leg, you couldn’t resist not touching him at all. Your hand fumbled with the leather belt around his pants, throwing it to the ground with a clink as you dipped your hand under his boxers before pulling it down completely, leaving him in his white button-up. 
You pumped Seonghwa’s throbbing red cock as he pushed you back to the bed, making you fall onto the luscious mattress as he aggressively unbuttoned his shirt before piling it onto the discarded clothes on the floor. Seonghwa stared you down with lustful eyes as you got onto your knees, crawling to closer to him with your ass poking up and cold air from the unlatched window hitting your clothed pussy.
A low groan slips from Seonghwa’s mouth as you licked the tip of his cock, letting your tongue swirl around the base with your hand squeezing Seonghwa’s thigh and the other holding you up. Seonghwa bunches your hair into a messy ponytail as you took his cock in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down as you keep your doe eyes in contact with his droopy ones.
“Fuck, baby, you look so good like this” Seonghwa gently buckled his hips forward, abdomen tensing with each sharp exhale from the smooth motions of your tongue on his cock. 
The neediness in your pussy grew painfully bigger with each time Seonghwa moaned your name, making you reach down to your clothed clit and rubbing it the same way he had done at the dinner table. You instantly felt the wetness coating every inch of your pussy, sliding your fingers up and down your slit before merely sliding the panties down for easy access.
You groaned against Seonghwa’s cock, sending vibrations to spark his nerves as you played with yourself. His head fell back in pleasure as he whispered inaudible things from his mouth, abs tensing as he slowly thrusted into your mouth.
It was until you licked the side of Seonghwa’s dick that you stood on your knees, teasingly pulling your panties down and falling on to the bed on your back, rubbing your pussy with one hand and fingering with the other before throwing your lace panties at Seonghwa to catch. 
“Naughty, naughty. It’s not nice to throw things” Seonghwa crawled on to the bed, hovering over you as he pushed between your legs.
“My bad” You chuckle, teasingly sticking out your tongue as Seonghwa takes it in his mouth, kissing you sloppily before moving down your neck.
You continued to rub yourself as you bring a hand up back on to Seonghwa’s hair again, running it through your fingers as he laps his tongue on your neck and leaving purple blotches for him to admire. Seonghwa’s tongue was definitely something you cherished, only behind closed doors. 
Seonghwa placed a hand on your knee, pushing it apart before hooking your leg over his shoulder as he kissed down the valley of your breasts to your quivering stomach from the hot breath coming from his mouth. A small gasp left your lips as Seonghwa kisses your clit, rubbing your thighs with his fingers as your legs sat on his shoulders. 
The kitten licks on your pussy send your head falling back as you ran your fingers through Seonghwa’s messy hair. Your legs slowly contract onto Seonghwa’s head as he lapped his tongue against your folds before dipping his tongue into your pussy, making you slowly grind your hips against his mouth for more.
Your legs quiver at the sudden pressure on your clit, Seonghwa’s nose brushed against it, releasing a wave of very hot air on your bud of nerves. Seonghwa rolled his head side to side, flattening his tongue against your pussy as he left no area untouched. 
“You taste so good, baby” Seonghwa smirked, eyeing you from below before crawling on top of you again with a sloppy wet tongue-tied kiss. 
“Only for you” You pressed a hand against Seonghwa’s chest before pushing him onto the mattress, letting you sling a leg on the other side of him and grind your pussy onto his cock.
Seonghwa cupped your face before pulling your lips down onto his with a groan as you slowly slide your pussy up and down his dick, letting his tip poke at your entrance before sinking down on him completely. A breathy moan comes out of your mouth as Seonghwa grips your hips, bucking his hips up into you. 
Your nerves spark with every thrust slapped into you by Seonghwa’s hips, making you bite down on his shoulder. His hands roamed every inch of your back, falling back onto your waist as you started rocking your hips against his. 
Seonghwa adorned you from below, abs tensing as he raised his neck for a better look. Your head fell back at the sensation on your clit, Seonghwa licked his thumb before circling it on your clit, making you gasp in pleasure with your hand planted on his abdomen to keep you steady from your rolling hips. 
“So beautiful, so fucking beautiful” Seonghwa lets one of his hands travel up your stomach, fondling with your breasts before wrapping it around your neck, thumb gently caressing it as you placed a hand over his.
The slight pressure against your neck made you go crazy, senses heightened to the fullest as you try to quiet your moans. You could feel Seonghwa’s piercing gaze all over your body, he praised it like a scared temple for his eyes only.
Your hips grew tired, practically grinding on him with the pace you were going. Seonghwa leant forward, cupping your face in both his hands before landing a chaste kiss on your lips, spinning your bodies around so that he was now pushed between your legs on top of you.
“Mmph fuck-” You had to bite down on Seonghwa’s bottom lip as he started snapping against you, sending your breasts bouncing up and down at the pace.
Your brain turned to mush at the addictive feeling of his cock thrusting deeper and deeper into you, making your walls clench around him, gushing at his movements. Seonghwa’s tongue played with yours as his hand found their way onto your neck, thumb pressing down on the same spot as before making your head grow hazy.
“Right there oh fuck- yesyes” Your legs twitch at the newly found sensation, knees bending as you wrap your legs around Seonghwa’s waist. 
“So close, baby, so close” Seonghwa groaned, leaning back up to admire your fucked face from below as his fingers accomodate your throat. 
The coil in the pit of your stomach was so close to snapping with every hard fast thrust Seonghwa’s hips did, making you clench harder around his dick. Your back arched off the mattress, hands flying to the side and gripping the bedsheets with your knuckles turning white.
You could hear the sloppy wet sounds coming from your pussy bouncing off the walls as your walls convulse around Seonghwa’s dick. You couldn’t think straight anymore, thoughts all over the place as Seonghwa’s pounded into you relentlessly. 
“Yes yes ohhmygodfuckk- mhmmmph-” Seonghwa slapped his hand over your mouth, making you bite down on his hand to suppress your loud moans as fireworks set off in the pit of your stomach, hand tangled in your hair as the other held Seonghwa’s with your back arched completely off the bed. 
Seonghwa didn’t stop there, his sloppy thrusts made you whimper against his hand as he was starting to chase his own high. Tears nearly brim your eyes from the rapid thrusts into your sensitive cunt as Seonghwa released breathy moans into your ear. 
“Mhmph fuckk” You whimper once more as Seonghwa slammed short deep thrusts into your pussy, pooling his release into you as he moved his face up for a lazy kiss. Seonghwa released a small sigh of relief before resting his forehead against yours, eyes gazing deeply into your droopy ones.
Your heavy breathing filled the room with Seonghwa hovering over you, snaking an arm under your back to hold you close. Your body twitched with even the slightest movements Seonghwa made, causing him to chuckle a bit before sliding out from you.
“Was I too loud?” You caress Seonghwa’s cheek, rolling over to your side as he fell next to you on the mattress.
“My parent’s bedroom are in the other wing” Seonghwa swings an arm behind his head as the other hooks under your neck, fingertips playing with your naked back.
“Still. I don’t think your mother would hate me less after hearing that” 
“The sleeping pills already have her knocked out at this hour, don’t worry”
“Let’s hope so”
“She doesn’t hate you, you know that right?”
“How can I? She’s been sceptical since she laid eyes on me”
“You said the same thing about me when we met”
“Oh, so that’s where you get it from”
Copyright © 2020 by serendipityunho All Rights Reserved
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allandoflimbo · 3 years
Can you write one where one day the team is in the compound and Bucky goes to show them something on the TV and his phone is connected to it and he accidentally shows everyone a video of him touching himself and he gets embarrassed and reader starts blushing because she has a crush on him and then after that they are embarrassed because Bucky likes her too and then he kisses her or more.
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Live Show
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word count: 2,515
Rating: M
“We’re all going to the living room, something about a movie night. You in?”
You quickly noted the hopeful and enthusiastic tone in your friend’s voice. Wanda was still slightly drunk from the tequila shot you had made her take with you that evening after an exhausting mission in Riga.  
“I don’t know.”
“Come on.” Wanda grabbed onto your arm, pulling you halfway out of your room and into the hallway. You had barely been settled into your quarters when she had stopped you dead in your tracks. Sometimes you cursed the beautiful girl in your head for being so eager to always have a good time, not knowing how she had the energy, but other times you just wanted to rest. You had barely made it out alive tonight, the wound from 9mm bullet that had grazed your upper shoulder and was not yet fully healed. How awful was it that you just wanted to take a hot shower and a nap?
“Bucky will be there.” The mention of his name made your upper belly catapult and you pursed your lips, looking away from her knowing eyes. 
“Stop, Wanda.” You looked down at yourself and half considered actually joining her after she mentioned Bucky would be there, “I need a shower. I was hoping the shots were good enough to last us into the night.” You excused halfheartedly. Your eyes darted down the hall that led into the main room and you wondered if he was already there.
Bucky Barnes was a leanly built, dark haired, and blue eyed good man that you had harbored a crush for ever since you met him on a mission along side Sam Wilson in Serbia. As much as you tried to avoid his presence after joining the team, it was no denying that you were irrevocably attracted to him. You always wondered what he looked like under his tactical gear. Of course Wanda knew about your crush, she was your best friend.
“Go take your shower and then come. I won’t take no for an answer.” She said smugly. She let go of your arm and leaned back on the balls of her feet.
The edge of your lips perk up. Damn her for being so sweet and adorable, it practically made you cave.
“Fine, I’ll be out in a few minutes,” you grabbed her shoulder as you watched and noticed her lean way too far back and you spun her slightly around in the direction of the kitchen, “you go sober up. Drink water, Wanda.”
She waved over her shoulder with a huff and you watched with a chuckle. You felt the butterflies flutter in your tummy at the thought of seeing Bucky soon — hopefully gaining a seat next to him on the couch.
The moment you stepped out of the shower you dried off and quickly slipped on a pair of grey Nike sweats and a white T-shirt.  You let your damp hair flow down your back, deciding you’d let it air dry for the rest of the night. Some of the strands began to seep in through the back of your shirt as you stepped into the hallway, closing your door.
Sam met you at your side as he came up behind you. “Those make your ass look fantastic.”
“Fuck you, Sam.” You pulled out your phone from your pocket.
He smiled. “I’m kidding. It looks okay.”
You snapped your head at him, smiling wide.
He dropped a playful arm around your shoulders and brought you into his hide for a tight hug. You chuckled, sliding your phone back into your pocket after seeing you had no new notifications.
Stepping into the dark living room that was illuminated but the blue glow of the moderate sixty inch television, your eyes quickly scanned the area. Vision and Wanda were already huddled up in the corner of the couch and, of course, Bucky was sitting off to the side. He wore a white shirt similar to yours and black sweats that hugged his thighs. The sight made you want to moan. He was looking through his phone, his legs spread apart, and a forearm on each knee as he looked used it. Sam made a snarky comment to him, something about looking gloomy, and Bucky laughed. 
His eyes snapped up just long enough for your gaze to meet. His features softened as he looked at you and couldn’t help but instinctually bite your lip, but bashfully look away at the same time. You followed behind Sam and he took a seat on Bucky’s right and you to his left by the arm of the couch.
His leg radiated off heat like a furnace and it made your skin burn. You watched as he continued to look through his phone and your eyes darted down to his legs again. You wondered what they felt like — if they felt as hard as they looked. You then looked at his hands, the veins making you itch to feel them on your skin. 
You couldn’t help a small groan that left your lips and your quickly catch your slip, clearing your throat embarrassingly loud. What was wrong with you? For all you knew, Bucky could be this total gentleman, just like the rumors you heard about him back when he was dating girls in nineteen forty-five. He was also a professional killer — killer of evil that is. He’s the best Avenger the public has seen since Steve’s passing. He was a great man, yet here you were having filthy and dirty thoughts about him.
Who even knew if he still thinks about sex like that? He probably has better and more important things to worry about.
“Can you hurry, I’m getting sleepy.” Wanda complained from her side of the couch.
“I’m trying to find it.” Bucky mumbled.
Your brows furrow together in confused. “What are we looking for?” “Hulu’s not working on the tv, so I’m just going to airdrop it from my phone.” Bucky says.
You smirked.
“You know what airdrop is, Voltaire?” Sam asks sarcastically.
Bucky ignores Sam completely as he straightens out his back. He spreads his legs just a little wider and his left leg ends up hitting yours. 
Your body stiffens at the contact.
“Got it. I think.” You mumbles under his breath. You’re not paying attention to what he’s doing, you don’t even offer help as you note him moving around way too long on his phone for someone who simply needs to press the airdrop feature. Instead you’re focused on the muscles of his back as they flex. His shirt is begging to be ripped by your hands and you suddenly remember the one moment you both had a few weeks ago when you were trying to pass him in the kitchen and you felt him graze your lower back with his hand as you did so. He had smiled so good and —
Your stomach flips.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop —“
Your cheeks grow hot at the voice and suddenly the room is in a ball of commotion and your leg is cold. Bucky had gotten up and his hand was moving frantically over his phone, the other over the remote control. Your eyes are on the tv and you can’t believe what you are seeing.
Holy hell.
There was Bucky Barnes, his phone plopped up on something as he sat in front of the camera, legs spread. Except this time he wasn’t wearing anything at all. His abs clenched deliciously slow as his hand stroked the tip of his thick cock. His face was contorted in pleasure, his lips pink and full.
“Right there…”
“Bucky, what the hell!” “Dude, turn this shit off. What did you touch?” “Give it to me.” “Just exit it out of it!” “The control, give me the control.”
“Oh, my god.” Is Wanda’s exclamation in her tiny voice as she hides her face behind her hands.
“I’m trying. Oh my god.” Bucky’s voice wavered as he walks up to the tv, “i’m turning it off, don’t look at it.”
You were stunned, still haven’t said a single word.
“Right there, right there…” he panted as his hand focused on his mushroom tip, “Gonna make me cum.”
Those were the last few words that echoed around the room before the tv shut off and everyone was enveloped in total darkness and silence. 
Sam’s finger was on the control on the power button, a big amused smug on his face. Bucky, on the other hand, was running a hand over his face and then through his hair. He pulled on the strands and his arms and back flexed again.
You gulped, feeling the heat in your cheeks and core grow even more.
“Well, that was fun.” Sam says.
“Shut up.” Bucky groaned, clearly upset and embarrassed. 
“Come on, Bucky. It happens. We all do it.” Sam says with a shrug. You were happy it was dark in there so no one could see how red you were. You needed to get out of there, you needed some air or at least some water.
We all do it.
Bucky took a deep breath and then turned to Sam, “Everyone close their eyes, you turn it back on and just exit out of it and put the damn movie on.” Bucky mumbles, quickly handing Sam his phone.
Sam takes it from him with a chuckle. You watch from your peripheral as Bucky quickly makes a deadline for the kitchen. You watch as he fumbles his way into opening the fridge and then turning away from all of you to grab a mug in the cabinet. 
Part of you felt bad. Should you say something?
You cleared your throat.
“I’m gonna get some water.” You announce, pushing yourself off the couch.
You hear Sam snicker behind you and it takes all your muster to not turn around and slap him.
It’s not until you’re halfway to the kitchen that your curse yourself for deciding to do this. What were you even going to say?
Bucky takes a sip of whatever he poured himself from the mug, and turns to face the wall. Just then his eye catches yours.
Damn it. No turning back now.
It takes you a cup of water and some awkward sipping next to each other before you have the guts to speak up.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You say quietly, even though Sam already got the movie started so they probably wouldn’t even hear.
You watch Bucky’s human hand tighten around the white mug. It’s then that you catch the whiff of tangy orange juice in the air.
“Sam is right, we all do it.” Bucky perks a brow at this and you immediately regret what you said, “I mean, it’s nothing you should be ashamed of.” Bucky puts his now empty cup in the sink and you do the same. You catch both you and him off guard as you reach out to grab his arm, “hey.” 
He looks up at you suddenly, his pretty lips open and begging. You look down at them and he catches you.
Your name leaves his lips in a whisper, “It’s still embarrassing, I don’t want them to see that,” your eyes meet and the air between you is intense. You feel your breathing come out quicker as his own gaze drifts down to your lips and then back to your eyes again. He swallows thickly, “especially you.”
You are overwhelmed by the feeling of rejection that slams into you at his words. You take your hand off his arm like its on fire and he watches your movements like a hawk. He notices your reaction to his words and he wants to take them back immediately, but your next moves are way too quick for him to process. You nod quickly, give him a short smile that doesn’t necessarily reach your eyes, and walk back to the couch to watch the rest of the film.
Sitting next to him doesn’t end up being as nicely as you had hoped, and when it’s over you don’t even give him a proper goodbye. You rush into your quarters as fast as you possibly can, already thinking about escaping his heady aura.
You pull back the covers of your bed and run a hand through your hair. You knew your crush for him was only getting deeper by the second, but this was insane. How were you even going to be able to work around him this way?
You let out a long breath, preparing to head into the bathroom to brush your teeth when you hear a knock at your door.
Your brows knit together, and when you open your door you’re surprised to see Bucky leaning against the door frame.
You raise a brown and prepare your voice to not sound as vulnerable as your felt. “Hey.”
There’s a casual strand of hair over his forehead and he stares at you with a look you can’t pin point. He licks his lips and looks away.
“Hey.” His voice is quiet.
“What’s wrong?” You ask seriously.
“I—,” he takes a deep breath. He takes his hand off the door frame and runs it back through his hair, pushing that strand off his skin. His blue eyes are now more revealing than ever, “Earlier, when I said especially you,” you feel your skin heat up at the reminder of what happened earlier, what you had seen, and you notice it has the same effect on him as his own cheeks grow a blush hue.
“Look, Bucky, I get it. You said you were embarrassed —”
He shakes his head, “No, that’s not why.” He looks down at his feet and bites his lip before look up at you through thick lashes and a heavy gaze, “Can I come in?”
You’re slightly taken aback and also confused by his request but you nod.
You don’t even have the door closed all the way before you feel his hand on your neck. He’s spinning you around and he’s got your head up against the door. You only catch a quick glimpse of his eyes on your lips before he’s kissing you.
It’s possibly the sweetest and most tender kiss you’ve ever received in your life and it has your toes curling into the wooden floor beneath you. His metal grip tightens on your waist and he grounds his hips into yours, making you moan. His kisses slow down to pecks and he has you breathing hard when he pulls away. You’re speechless as he caresses your cheek with his thumb.
“I meant especially you because when I recorded that, I was thinking about you.” His voice is raspy and thick in the air. You feel your pussy clench around nothing at his vulgar words. “You deserve better than that.”
Your eyes look down to his lips, the lust taking over you in heavy waves. You lean in and kiss him softly.
“I do deserve better,” Bucky’s face crumbles slightly at your words, “I deserve a live show.”
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beomglocks · 4 years
unlikely allies ; txt x reader
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part: two ,,,, next chapter / previous chapter
plot: when a zombie apocalypse breaks out in your town, you’re forced to team up with a group of boys from very different social standards in your school.
genre: fluff, angst, horror i guess?, not really that scary but alright, some funny moments
w/c: 4.2K (was in a writing mood)
warnings: blood, gruesome scenes (kind of really detailed), cursing, everyone hates each other, definitely some major injuries, zombies duh, everyone kinda pining for mc
"we're alive, you're alive, it's gonna be ok."
usually, when people say those words, everything ends up going completely wrong. the phrase gets jinked and turned over on its head making the situation worse. in your case, that didn't happen. if anything the situation got better somehow.
"after we met in the hall i headed to the gym to get the bat you suggested," beomgyu explains softly. you and him were seated on one of the benches in the locker room.
after what happened earlier with the zombie, you distanced yourself from yeonjun and taehyun who were currently exploring the locker room for other resources. luckily, none of the other zombies outside knew you all were in here so it was safe to say you were in the clear for now.
"actually if it wasn't for you, i'd probably be dead," he laughs looking down at his hands. you noticed there was a lot of blood on them but didn't bother to ask where it came from. after all, you all seemed to be in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. "i could say the same," you chuckle. you honestly don't have to energy to talk but you figure a new face to converse with who isn't someone you despise is nice.
"no but really," he suddenly turns serious. "if it wasn't for you, i would've never gone to the gym in the first place. i probably would've been turned into one of those monsters while in the hallway, unsuspecting." you don't argue with him. if he thinks you saved his life then so be it. "i'm grateful seriously," he mentions softly. you look up at him bewildered, "you're grateful? if anything i'm the one who should be grateful," you laugh a genuine laugh this time hoping to lift the gloomy mood. "if it wasn't for you i would be the living dead right now," you smile bitterly.
you can feel him staring at you but you don't look at him. you don't want this conversation to turn into a battle of who saved who and thankfully he doesn't continue it.
"uh i-i think just last week we were working on a lab together," he scratches the back of his head nervously. you lean back on the bench, "oh yeah, i remember. wow it's crazy how things can change so drastically in a matter of days." you look around the locker room in thought, "i wonder what happened to everyone else, i mean how can something like this happen?" you continue.
he sighs, "i really don't know...like i said, i headed to the gym after we saw each other. everything seemed normal. i was in the batting room looking for a metal bat then i hear the locker room door burst open. i figured the baseball team was about to start practice so i walked out while trying to hide the bat under my shirt." he looks at you sheepishly as you laugh at his attempt at stealing. "well one of the members of the team was in the corner of the locker room just scratching his arm like crazy! i'm talking deep wounds with blood dri-" you cut him off, grimacing. "r-right well, i asked him what happened and all he told me was not to go out there. i was confused so i look into the gym and see people eating each other than coming back to life and doing the same to others."
he closes his eyes but winces as if remembering a bad memory, "it was crazy, i was so starstruck that i didn't even realize the guy from before had already turned. it's a good thing i heard him making those weird noises or else i would've turned too. unfortunately, i had to kill him using the bat." your eyes fall on the bruised and bloody bat by his side. it must've taken beomgyu a lot of hits to figure out where exactly to aim to kill. "how did that other one that attacked me get in?" you ask.
"well apparently the one that attacked me wasn't the only one to come in earlier. he must've been hiding or something," beomgyu sighs, looking at you again. "look y/n, im really glad yo-"
"we didn't find anything useful other than the bats and some paddings," yeonjun strolls into the main locker room with taehyun looking dejected behind him. you glance at them then look back at the ground. you're not sure why you're angry at them, it's not like they could've done anything at the moment. suddenly the sad realization hits you: yeonjun is a self-centered asshole who doesn't care about anyone and taehyun barely knows you so why would he risk his life.
beomgyu mutters something silently to himself but you don't hear it. "so what are we gonna do now? we can't just stay here forever," yeonjun sits on the bench opposite of yours with his arms perched on his knees. you stay silent, not really wanting to talk anymore. beomgyu ruffles his hair, "let's see... we have bats and the baseball teams protective gear somewhere around here but I don't think going around killing all the zombies in that gym is a good idea. we will definitely not make it out alive."
taehyun sighs angrily, "damn it, we can't just stay here. we're bound to get hungry or worse; wanna use the bathroom. we need to find a way out to find more people. i still believe we're better in numbers." he notices you haven't pitched any ideas yet so he looks at you expectingly.
when you don't answer, yeonjun groans, "cmon y/n how long are you gonna keep acting like this?" you look up and see he's looking at you with a bored expression. "look sorry we couldn't help or whatever but honestly what did you expect us to do? no offense but you're acting like a child." you don't wanna give him the satisfaction of knowing that what he said got to you so you bite your lip and glance at the ground.
"yeonjun when you put 'no offense' in front of an offensive statement it doesn't make it any less offensive,” beomgyu rolls his eyes. "plus, they almost died. do you really not have any empathy oh wait i forgot you're a selfish jackass who probably wouldn't think twice about throwing us to the wolves." in all the time you've known choi beomgyu, which is a couple of months roughly, you don't think he's ever stood up for himself or others for that matter.
"beomgyu," you warn silently. you guys already have enough problems as it is, you don't need a fight breaking out. "oh look who's getting bold," yeonjun chides. "you save one person and suddenly you're the hero of the story," he rolls his eyes. "news flash, y/n doesn't like you."
beomgyu's eyes widen and you see his ears turn red. "shut up yeonjun," he says through gritted teeth. "oh yeah y/n by the way beomgyu has an embarrassingly massive cru-" before yeonjun can finish his sentence he's on the floor with beomgyu on top of him.
"guys!" taehyun shouts. he wanted to break up the fight before the zombies outside were alerted. none of the boys on the floor were listening though and you had a huge wave of deja vu hit you.
unfortunately, this wasn't like the last fight you witnessed because yeonjun was far stronger than his opponent this time. although beomgyu had the advantage of throwing the first punch, yeonjun had the advantage of actually being able to fight. "y/n doesn't like you! they'll never like you no matter what you do!" yeonjun shouts in between punches. "fuck you!" beomgyu retorts, trying to shield himself. you see taehyun conflicted on whether or not he should break up the fight since his wrist is still damaged.
"guys stop!" at this point, both boys are in a blind rage. both shouting at each other and throwing wild punches. you all hadn't heard the banging on the locker room door. until it was too much to handle. the lock was busted open in a flash causing all of you to whip your heads towards the door.
the force of all the zombie's dog piling on the door after hearing the commotion of the living on the other side must've been too much for the door to handle. "run run RUN!" taehyun grabs you and bolts towards the second doors of the locker room leading towards the girl's side. you didn't even have time to look back and see if yeonjun and beomgyu had time to get off the floor and run because before you know it you're in the hallway again.
"we have to get to the first room we see," taehyun pants. you both run past all the strangler zombies in the hallway and you're glad taehyun takes the brunt of the force. since he's the one that picked up some of the equipment his arms are paddled so it's fairly easy to take some force from the zombies jumping at a chance to bite him. you run close behind him grasping his hand tighter than you'd ever held anything.
you suddenly remember all the times you'd scream at a character in a horror movie when they trip and fall. sympathy rushes through you because it definitely wasn't easy.
"in here!" taehyun rushes towards the nearest room and barges through it. it took a bit of force since there seemed to be stuff blocking it from the inside but you both managed to get through it before the horde caught you. as soon as you get in the room you heave for air, you'd seriously never run that fast in your life. you turn around towards the now-closed door and to your dismay, beomgyu and yeonjun are not there.
"damn it we got split up," you mumble through deep breaths. you sincerely hope they're both ok. you turn back around but before you could get a chance to discuss with taehyun you see he has his hands up in surrender. "wha-" that's when you hear a gun click.
your eyes widen when you see soobin appear from the shadows of the room with a gun in his hands. that's when you realize where you are, the principal's office.
"soobin!" you're confused as to why he has a gun pointed towards you guys but you're glad he's alive. "get any closer and you'll end up like the principal," soobin spits. you finally look towards the floor where the principal's desk is located and see what looks like a body but it's unmoving.
"oh my god," you mumble. "dude what the hell," taehyun steps forward and soobin turns the gun towards him. "get away from me! i don't know if you're infected or not!" you're very worried because soobin looks like he's not mentally capable of wielding a gun at this moment.
you finally survey him and the room. his hair is an absolute mess and he has more blood on his face and body then you remember. his clothes look pretty normal except for the scratches and blood on them. they didn't seem to go that deep just enough to rip his clothes. the room on the other hand was a total mess. the bookshelf was on the floor and the chair in front of the principal's desk was flipped over, there were books all over the floor and the couch that was used for lounging was turned upside down. that's probably what was blocking the door.
"soobin," you warn. he points the gun at you. "we're not infected." you hope you sound calm. you don't want to give him a reason to think you're a zombie. "there's no way," he mumbles. "everyone's dead! there's no way you guys made it out alive."
"it's true!" taehyun encourages. "yeonjun, beomgyu, y/n and i are alive from what we know." soobin eyes you both, "where are they then?" you sigh dejectedly, "we got split up."
"look, we promise we're not infected! we haven't gotten bit or scratched or anything, please put the gun down," you step closer to him and when he doesn't wave it at you you grab it from him and throw it on the floor.
soobin steps back towards the wall and sinks down to the floor holding his head in his hands. "damn it! i hate this!" he mumbles. "what the hell happened in here?" taehyun asks. he walks towards the principal's body and cringes.
soobin sighs, "he was already one of those monsters when i got here, it was a struggle trying not to get eaten but i found a gun hidden under the desk. i guess it's a gun meant for self defense so that's what i used it for." you look down, processing his words. he was in here alone with a zombie. you're amazed at his ability to stay alive in such a tight situation.
"do you have any wounds, we have a first aid kit," you motion towards the bag on taehyun's back. he gives you a grateful smile, "thanks." you take the bag from taehyun while he watches you closely. he feels weird but he can't explain it. he doesn't want to watch you patch soobin up but he doesn't say it out loud. he decides to busy himself with looking around mindlessly instead of thinking about that.
in the meantime, you kneel down to help soobin. he watches you take out everything from the first aid kit. "sorry," he bites his lip. you chuckle dryly. this is one of those times when soobin looks and acts soft. you've only interacted with him a couple of times before with the extracurricular activities and fundraisers your school held. you knew he could be nice when he wanted to, he just got into fights a lot.
seeing him up close made you realize why so many people in your school fawned over him. he had looks that could rival yeonjun's. the only thing differentiating them was that soobin was actually kind of nice. "it's fine, you were scared," you say softly. instead of responding he opts for watching you silently. he's seen you around school and during the fundraisers and whatnot but never thought much about it. were you always this cute? sure, you had remnants of blood on your face but it didn't seem to take away from your looks.
he shakes his head at the thought. he shouldn't be thinking that about you, he barely knows anything about you other than your name and that you were seemingly willing to go out your way to help people. you give him a confused face and he just looks down at the ground. you cant tell what he's thinking and don't really dwell on it. you wet the cotton ball in your hand with alcohol, "this might sting." he doesn't say anything seemingly lost in his thoughts.
"god, why are these boys so weird towards you," you think to yourself. you gently dab the cotton ball on the cut on his face and he flinches violently. his hand flies up to grab your wrist and he looks at you with wide eyes. "i told you it was gonna sting," you shake his hand from you and sit back waiting for him to regain himself. "sorry i didn't hear you. i wasn't ready for that," he groans, cracking his neck. "ok now."
after you finish patching soobin up, which including him flinching a lot and you telling him to calm down, you let him rest on the floor. taehyun has been seated on top of the principal's desk this whole time just spaced out, looking out of the window. you join him but wince when you see someone on the floor getting eaten. you turn back to him but he's still looking outside.
"i don't think calling for help is gonna work," he says emotionlessly. you sit on the desk beside him. "hey don't say that, there could be people alive out there." you sound like you're trying to reassure yourself more than him. "what if there's no one?" he turns to look at you. "this is so messed up y/n." you see the unshed tears hidden in his eyes and you wanna comfort him but also don't wanna make it awkward. you opt for taking his damaged hand in yours and rubbing it with care.
"i know the situation is really messed up and everything but so far we've managed to save like three people including ourselves. if we keep going maybe we'll be safe and find anyone out there that can help us," he watches you trace his bandaged wrist like you're in a trance. a sudden realization hits him out of nowhere: you're cute... and super caring. he bites his lip, changing the subject, "sorry for not doing anything, back then."
you look up at him and give him a tight lip smile, "it's fine. i guess i might've been expecting too much from you guys, i mean we didn't even have anything on us. beomgyu was the only one with a weapon." you're not mad anymore since he did manage to get you both to safety afterward. you sigh, letting go of his hand. you don't notice him visibly deflate. "i hope yeonjun and beomgyu are ok. i didn't get to see what happened after the door busted open."
taehyun lays back on the desk and covers his face with his arm, "i'm sure they're fine." you hear a groan from somewhere in the room and you flinch, instinctively shuffling closer to taehyun. he bites back a smile from under his arm. you look around and sigh when it's just soobin trying to stand up again. "what are you guys doing?" he goes to sit next to you but there isn't any more space on the desk since you're sitting and taehyun's laying down. he frowns and goes for the principal's seat instead.
"just looking outside, feeling hopeful...others hopeless," you smile at him, hoping to lift the mood. soobin hums, spinning around in the swivel chair, "i'm pretty hopeless." you frown and suddenly soobin feels guilty that he made you upset. "i mean i'm just saying that since i saw a bunch of innocent people in the hall get eaten alive, that's all. there might be some hope outside of the school."
there's a silence that falls upon you three and you're not sure what to say. thankfully soobin speaks up and he hopes it doesn't sound awkward when he says it, "how long have you two been...together?" this causes taehyun to sit up, "what do you mean by that?" soobin raises his hands in surrender. "i was just wondering when is it that you two met up."
"yeonjun and i found him in the nurse's office. that's when everything went to shit," you mumble. "yeonjun? that prick is still alive?" soobin scoffs. "hey, he may be an asshole but his plan got us out of that office," you chide. taehyun stares at you, "you're standing up for him when he called you childish and started that fight?" he says quietly.
"what's wrong with standing up for yeonjun? i know he's a dick but i think he might actually be helpful. he could've left us back at the nurse's office but he decided to stick around. that's commendable, i think," you don't even know why you're suddenly sticking up for him when he hasn't really given you a reason too. maybe it's because you feel bad that he's not actually here to defend himself.
"great another one," you hear soobin mumble under his breath. "another what?" you narrow your eyes at him. "another person that only exists to suck up to yeonjun. here i was thinking i might actually like you," he chuckles flatly. "excuse me?" you can feel embarrassment and anger bubbling up in you.
soobin and taehyun look at you with wide eyes. "let me get one thing straight, i don't live to suck up to anyone, especially with the way things are. if you have a problem with me sticking up for people who aren't here to defend themselves then i'll leave. i don't care if you like me or not," with that you walk up to the door. the hallways seem pretty clear so you go to open the door.
"y/n," taehyun whisper shouts at you. "don't go out there alone, i'll go with you." he frantically moves to pack up his bag once again. you see soobin move to stand up and walk over to you too but you remember what he said. "i don't want anyone of you around me, i'll find other people on my own. wouldn't want you to think i'm sucking up to everyone who tries to help me."
"that wasn't what i meant, i just- fuck y/n- wait," he reaches out towards you but you close the door quickly. you start walking down the hallway, not really knowing where to go. "this was a very bad idea," you think to yourself. so far there's no zombies in the hall you're currently on but you can't shake the fear that's lingering behind you.
you figure taehyun and soobin didn't follow after you or just didn't get a chance to see where you went. you kind of hope they stay put at the principal's office for when you come back with more people. you're pulled from your thoughts quite literally when you're yanked into the janitor's closet.
you go to scream but a hand covers your mouth. you blink a couple of times for your eyes to adjust to the dimness of the tiny space. this is a tiny closet only meant for brooms and mops so your body is very pressed up against whoever is in here with you.
you look up and see yeonjun smiling down at you. he has blood all over his face from the fight that kind of looks like he tried to wipe it off but failed. "oh my god yeonjun," you whisper. you're not sure why your being quiet but you don't want any potential zombies passing by to hear you two.
"hey y/n," he whispers. "how the hell are you alive?" you ask him. "well considering the fact that taehyun is a baseball player which makes him a fast runner, beomgyu and i couldn't keep up so we went into hiding in the girls locker room since it was dark. the zombies followed you guys so once we heard no more commotion we left. beomgyu didn't wanna hang around me so he went around tryna find you." yeonjun rolls his eyes at this.
"you should've stuck with him asshole. im worried about his wellbeing," you bite your lip in worry. you really don't want anything to happen to anyone you've met so far. yeonjun keeps looking down at you, "y/n."
you look back up at him and see his face riddled with worry, "am i really that unbearable, that people would rather die than be around me?" you shake your head viciously. "what? don't say that! i mean sure you're a dick but anyone can change."
you both don't break eye contact for a moment and it kind of starts to feel stuffy in the closet. yeonjun suddenly speaks up, "do you like beomgyu?" your eyes widen and you start to feel heat rise up your neck and cheeks. "n-no, well i don't know...yet. i-i really don't know. i guess he and i are friends and maybe if we talked mor-" in that moment of you stuttering over your words, yeonjun leans down, as best as he can in such a tight space, to place a gentle kiss on your lips.
your eyes widen and you realize you aren't really doing anything so you decide to kiss back. you're so confused right now but decide to let the moment flow. he nibbles on your bottom lip and you let your mouth drop open for him to use his tongue. he somehow manages to push his body closer to yours and wraps his arms around your waist. the kiss isn't rough or needy and is nice but it feels wrong and weird, especially given the circumstances.
you pull away and lick your lips. yeonjun tries to chase your lips but you push him back gently. "why are you kissing me," you ask him shyly. "do you even like me?" this is the part where he hurts you. you wouldn't say you had strong feelings for yeonjun but you did think he was good looking. even though he was mostly mean to everyone you hoped he would change and be a good link to the tiny group you all formed.
"i think so, i don't really know yet to be honest," he answers you. you nod and sigh, satisfied with his answer towards you for now. "sorry for what i said earlier. you weren't being childish, i'm sorry i couldn't help you back then, and im sorry for starting that fight."
you reassure him that its fine but you still feel a weird pit in your stomach worrying about beomgyu. you hope he's ok.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
taglist:  @fxd-skz , @jinniehyunjin , @foreignswagger17 , @ bluemoonnightmare , @srcasticking-main , @shuichi-sama (send ask to be added!)
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blackteaandbones · 3 years
This scene has been rattling around in my head as part of a grander fic for ages, and tonight, out of the blue, I got the irresistible urge to write it down. It’s very rough and mostly unedited, but I had fun writing it, so I’ll share it here in case it might be fun for anyone else. No idea if I’m going to do anything else with it or not yet.
Winged Clarke AU - Basically, what if the sky people were actually sky people (genetic experimentation, mutation, whatever, this is rough, okay?) and instead of leaving Earth, had formed their own clan, loosely allied with the mountain.
The commander was leading another hunting party.
Clarke watched her from the safe vantage point of a very tall, very leafy, tree. Trikru hunters had a bad habit of shooting trespassing Skaikru on sight. Their bows were small, but the arrows were poisoned. Even a scratch could kill. Clarke shouldn't even be here. The boundaries were clearly marked, and the penalties for crossing them well known.
But Clarke had a problem, and that problem was going to get her killed.
“You know she's going to shoot you, right?”
“Shhh!” Clarke hissed at Wells, perched on the branch beside her. They would have been sitting ducks if not for the protection of the canopy. Wells' wings were black against the silvery bark and green foliage and Clarke's were bright white and gold. Neither of them were dressed for camouflage either. The light, tightly woven fabric of their smocks and trousers was perfect for lazing around in their mountain-top aerie, not so much for sneaking around in Trikru territory. Clarke would have worn something more appropriate, but then she would have had to explain why she was in scout gear, and that wasn't a conversation she wanted to have with her mother.
“This obsession is embarrassingly one-sided. She doesn't even know you exist.”
That wasn't exactly true, but it might as well have been, and they both knew it.
Wells was the only person Clarke had ever told about the unexpected storm that had blown her off course when she was barely fledged, and the Trikru net-trap that had snared her when she tried to land. The last thing she had expected from the scrawny, big-eyed child who found her hanging helplessly from a tree in a  tangle of knotted rope was mercy. Trikru were the monsters in every story their parents told them about the ground. Clarke had been sure she was about to die, but instead of killing her the girl had used her tiny child's knife to cut Clarke free and let her go.
Clarke had flown away with her life and a hopeless crush on a nameless stranger who grew up to be the feared and ruthless Commander of all twelve land-bound clans.  
She doubted the other woman remembered their one meeting as fondly as Clarke did. Or at all.
“If you really want to die today, there are less pathetic ways to do it.”
“I agreed to let you come,” Clarke reminded him.“I didn't say you could talk.”
Wells snorted. “You didn't agree to anything. I followed you.”
“You're free to leave at any time.”
“And let you die alone?” Wells shook his head. “Sorry, I need to be there to say 'I told you so' right before she skewers you on that fancy sword of hers.'”
“Hah, ha.”
The Hunters were on the trail of a pack of Reapers. Clarke and Wells followed at a safe distance. If Wells had actually asked, Clarke would have struggled to explain why she kept coming back. Skaikru wasn't directly involved in the war between the Land-bound clans and the Mountain, but their treaty with the Mountain meant the other clans had condemned them as traitors and spies. Clarke shouldn't be anywhere near Trikru territory, but she could never stay away for long.
They smelt the Reapers before they saw them. Reapers fought in a pack, but beyond that very little of what made them human remained. The commander's group outnumbered them, and they were experience hunters. It should have been a rout, but before they could fall on the ragged group, an ominous horn blared in the distance.
Everyone froze.
And then a second pack of Reapers came boiling out of the trees, followed by a rolling cloud of poisonous green smoke. Clarke and Wells took off in a flurry of feathers. Acid fog was the Mountains weapon. Skaikru may have been their allies, but the fog didn't discriminate, and there shouldn't have been any Skaikru in that part of the forest. They rose to a safe height above the tree tops, and Clarke backwinged in place, waiting for the Hunters to break cover. The acid was coming from the North, and the Reapers were in the East. There wouldn't be time to fight through them before they got caught in the fog. South was the cliffs. So their only way out was back the way they came, to the West.
A second horn belled through the trees, and another blanket of fog started trickling in from the West.
Wells doubled back when he realized Clarke wasn't following him. “Clarke? We have to go, now!”
Clarke didn't answer him, searching the trees below them for any sign of the Commander.
There. A small group ran out of the trees towards the cliffs. Clarke swooped down before Wells could stop her, landing in a tree at the edge of the forest. She couldn't leave until she knew she was safe. There was still a way out, a rapidly narrowing path West along the cliff, between the forest and the drop off.. The Commander's group was nearly there, but then more Reapers fell on them from the trees. Clarke watched with her heart in her throat as the commander put herself between her hunters and the Reapers, drawing their attack down on her and leaving the others a clear path while she was forced back, step by step towards the cliff until the fog rolled in and cut her off.
First one Reaper, and then another fell under her sword. She took the last one out with a backhand cut across the knees and then kicked him over the edge. But by then the fog was all around her and closing in fast. One one side, Trikru, on the other, Reapers, and neither of them could get through the acid to save her or finish her off. Clarke could see her evaluating her situation, and when she looked thoughtfully over the cliff edge, Clarke knew exactly what she was thinking.
Wells landed beside her, turning her around to face him with a hand on her shoulder. “Come on, there's nothing you can do now.”
Clarke shrugged him off. “She's going to jump.”
“So what?” he snapped. “Clarke, I know she saved you once, but that was over ten years ago! And you were kids! You don't owe her anything.”
Clarke ignored him.
The rest of the hunting party was shouting and pointing, trying to find a way around the fog bank that had separated them from their leader. The reapers were jeering and laughing from the other side, shaking their weapons and stamping their feet, sharpened teeth bared in sickening grins. Clarke's stomach turned. She couldn't watch this.
“Hold this,” she unbuckled her small travel bag from the belt at her waist and shoved it into Wells' hands.
“What are you doing?”
Clarke opened her wings with a snap. “Don't follow me.”
“There's nothing you can- damnit Clarke!” Well's wild grab for her missed, and Clarke threw herself out of the tree before she could change her mind. The wind blowing down from the mountain lifted her up above the fog, but the rising gas still burned in her nostrils. She pulled her scarf up over her nose and flew higher, heading for the cliff.
The Commander was still there, balanced on the edge where the crumbling ground met the sky. She was nearly obscured by the fog, but her cloak was a bright slash of red against the acid green that surrounded her. Arrows sliced through the sky. The reapers had spotted Clarke. She heard a whistle and a thunk, and one of them dropped like the stone that had smashed into his temple at terminal velocity from a well-aimed sling.
Wells still had her back.
Clarke was going to owe him big time after this.
She flew faster. There was no time to take evasive action. Her only choice was speed. She took a deep breath of clear air and dove through the encroaching edges of the fog, hoping she could make it through this with most of her skin intact. It was, without a doubt, the stupidest thing she had ever done. And she didn't care.
She couldn't let her die.
She wouldn't let her die.
Burning feathers had a very distinctive smell.  Almost there. A spear tried to skewer her, and she tipped her wings to avoid it, losing precious time. There was a shout from the hunters. Clarke heard the word Skaikru, along with what she could only guess were several variants of let's get her!
She really wished they wouldn't. She was trying to save their infamous leader here.
The last thin curtain of fog cleared and then she was staring into familiar bloodshot green eyes that widened in disbelief in the split second before Clarke folded her wings and dropped, reaching out to catch hold of whatever straps and edges of leather armour she could wrap her hands around before slamming into the commander and carrying them both off the edge of the cliff.
It wasn't falling. Quite.
Clarke beat her wings against the added weight; trying desperately to slow their decent. Her shoulders and back burned, and pain shot through the muscles keeping them aloft. Even the biggest and strongest Skaikru couldn't fly with more than a light pack or the smallest child. They just weren't built for it.
Clarke wasn't particularly big or strong, but she was stubborn.
Her passenger only struggled for a moment before going limp. Clarke appreciated that. This was hard enough without flailing limbs to contend with. She really appreciated the lack of a knife in her gut too. Stabbing your ride when you're several hundred feet in the air might be a stupid idea, but there was no accounting for instinct in life or death situations, and Clarke was the one who'd done the grabbing. She was very glad the commander wasn't that dumb, and not only because it was currently keeping her insides knife-free.
She would have been really pissed off to find out she was in love with an idiot.
The ground was coming up a good deal faster than Clarke liked. She ignored the aching protest of her wings, flaring them out to catch the air in a last, agonizing bank before they hit the dirt together and rolled, landing in a tangled mess of bruises, burns and broken feathers.
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Bug Men - Gil Grissom x Reader
(A/N: PSA:  Numb is a very good song to listen to while writing. Who knew; the push I needed to finish this was a peaceful sit down at Starbucks, with Numb playing in the background {from my device}, heh.  Warning - Gil and Nick eat flies. Also, I am desperately touch-starved in this one.
@addictedtostorytelling thank you for your long-lasting patience 🙏)
"Goodbye, Grissom," Jim bade to the person clocking out.
You smiled at him, "Goodbye."  You were a detective assigned to the crime lab's graveyard shift, and the wife of Gil Grissom.  As soon as you stepped outside of the police station, you saw Gil.  "Hey," you smiled, walking towards him.
"Hi." He was smiling too as he walked to you, which was nice.  You let yourself get smothered in his embrace; you smelt of the same corpse anyway, just not as strongly as him.  You let out an, "Mmmmmffff..." as you buried your face in his chest, eagerly wrapping your arms around his waist; he placed one arm around your upper back and the other around your waist and tightened their hold, as you liked it, chuckling at your sound. You abruptly broke away from him and dragged him to a recess which you knew nobody would pass, and was in the blind spot of the security camera. (How convenient.) You gripped the collar if his jacket and pulled his upper torso and head down, so that his lips slammed onto yours. He quickly caught hold of your elbows to prevent himself from falling, his eyebrows jumping up in surprise.  He ran short of breath almost instantly and forcefully yanked his head back, wheezing.  "Antsy," he panted.
"Mm...I've missed you all damn day..." you rumbled, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he snaked his own forelimbs around your waist in turn.  You kissed the corner of his mouth since you had to let him breathe.
"But you worked with me all night."  He stood still and appreciated your affection.
"No..."  You were kissing along his beard up his jaw as you spoke.  "I ran around and collected information and brought in suspects for you. You were mostly in the lab." You had reached his ear; you gently kissed the bottommost area of its shell. You had always kissed his ears a lot to reassure him when he was feeling bad about his hearing loss, and even after his surgery it was something that stayed.
He closed his eyes and sighed as he leant into your touch. "I've gotten my breath back..." he murmured, hinting at what he wanted.  You brought your face in front of his again and kissed him again, gentler this time.  You tried your best to restrain your eagerness.  Fortunately, he pulled you closer and increased the pressure of his lips on yours, giving you the go-ahead. You let out a choked gasp when he did that, which was immediately followed by a whimper.  You used your whole body to push him, backing him up against the wall.  You used your hips to pin his to the wall, so that your hands could roam his torso. He held you and let you do what you wanted, letting himself enjoy the sensations. But he remembered something that was at hand and said softly, "Nick is waiting." The two of you were to go for breakfast with Nick. You let out a soft whine in protest, but gave him one last kiss and reluctantly pulled away.
You tried to smile, and not come off as disappointed as you were.  "Hello Nick."
But, he was good as his job.  His grin turned playful as he cocked an eyebrow.  "Did I interrupt something?"
"Yes..." you said ruefully, eyes downcast.  Gil smiled kindly and petted your back.
"You guys ready to go?"  Nick asked.
"Yes," your husband replied, looking at you.
You bobbed your head a few times, still looking down at the floor, eventually letting out a, "Yeah."  With that, Gil pushed you to his car (which he had sent you to the station in that night) and opened the driver's seat's door for you.  He knew by now that your grumbling noise was a 'thank you'.  He got in the front passenger's seat; Nick sat behind his own steering wheel. After everyone wore their seatbelts, Nick and you started driving. Throughout the whole ride, Gil kept nuzzling you, petting your thigh, kissing your cheek, and so on, making you smile.
The ride passed quickly and pleasantly this way. The three of you entered the diner and sat at the long table that was mounted all along the wall. You were on the left, Gil next to you, and Nick on his boss' right.  You ordered a chocolate muffin and chocolate to drink, Grissom ordered oatmeal and tea, and Nick ordered porridge and decaffeinated coffee.  Nick made most of the small talk, with you occasionally chipping in with a sound of acknowledgment, and Gil remained completely silent unless he was directly spoken to. The food came soon enough.  You heartily sank your teeth into the muffin, closing your eyes and humming, savouring its sweetness.
The conversation carried on with relative normalcy (well, as much normalcy - and grace - as was possible with constant refrains for eating) two flies landed and drowned in Nick's and Gil's foods, one in each. "Ugh..." you vocalised. However, the two men just looked at each other and spooned the insects into their mouths. "WHAT!" you exclaimed, flinching. Fortunately, there were no other patrons at the diner that early in the morning, so nobody stared at you; the staff did not care. Still, you remembered to lower your volume. "Ew!" you asserted in a harsh whisper. Your husband grinned mischievously at you. You sighed heavily and looked away, giving in to how adorable he was.
Nick got up from his seat.  "I gotta use the bathroom."  He left.
You were still looking away, with your chin resting on the crook of your elbow.  So you were unaware of anything Gil was doing until you felt his chin rubbing over your shoulder, his face coming towards yours.  "A-a-a!"  you exclaimed, jerking your head away and putting a hand over his forehead and nose to gently push him away, keeping clear of his mouth.  "You aren't allowed to kiss me until after you brush your teeth!"
He chuckled and leant back slightly. "Okay. Can I have a kiss then?" You happily kissed his cheek.
The both of you pulled away just before Nick exited the restroom.  He took his seat.  Again, he noticed that something had happened.  "I see the look on your faces.  What did you guys do?"  It was true that you both were sort of beaming now.
"I just kissed his cheek. That's all," you answered, looking away; you were facing the wall and smiling stupidly. Gil was, as usual, frozen.
"Really? From the way you two are carrying on, it seems as if more than just that happened."
You turned back to Nick at that.  "He's not allowed to kiss me until he brushes his teeth."
Nick chuckled.  "That makes sense."
"You know you guys can eat?"
You ducked your noggin and gently bumped your forehead on Gil's shoulder.  He was literally jerked out of his swirling mind. His head snapped to look at you. "Eat," you giggled at his dazed expression. He robotically did as you suggested.
Breakfast passed amicably. Nick paid for his own food, while Gil paid for his and yours because you shared earnings. Outside the diner, you hugged Nick, because unlike your husband, you enjoyed hugs irregardless of whether you were in public or privacy. Whereas the said husband just bade Nick goodbye with word of mouth.  Once again, Gil had his hand on your elbow as he escorted you to his car, bringing you to the front passenger's door this time. He took the keys out of your pocket, unlocked the doors and opened yours for you. You kissed his cheek in thanks before sitting down. He closed your door and made his way to the driver's seat.
As soon as Gil parked, you jumped out of the car and waited for him to take his kit. "I can't wait to shower," you said.
"We should shower only after we walk Hank, so we'll be relaxed fully."
"But I'm so tired..."
"So am I, but hold on for a little longer."
You pushed opened the door and squatted down to greet a waiting Hank. "Hey boy." You fondled his ears, then stroked his sides. He gave your face gentle licks. Gil squatted next to you and pet Hank as well. The dog barked and routinely turned from one human to another, making sure that he gave them equal affection.
Gil stood up first, so you followed suit.  While he went to put his kit away, you brought Hank to the kitchen.  You sighed with the effort of squatting again as you set out the dog food.  "Okay love, eat up, and then we can go for walkies."  Hank gave an enthusiastic bark and ate his food quickly but cleanly.
Not too long a time later, you looked up at the sound of Gil's approaching footsteps over Hank's chewing.  "Stand up," he directed as he walked towards you.  You did.  As soon as he was near enough, he put a hand on the back of your head and kissed the corner of your mouth, his other hand on your lower back, your hands immediately holding his shoulders. You sighed and closed your eyes at the minty scent of the toothpaste. You tried to kiss him properly, but he pushed you back, mocking you, "A-a, if you want more, go and brush your teeth."
You whined. "This is extortion."
"I'm just asking you to brush your teeth. Go," he scolded playfully, pushing you away. You nipped to do as he said and back at an embarrassingly desperate speed. Gil had cleaned and was just putting Hank's bowl away. That was fast," he teased.
"Shut up and kiss me," you grumbled, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down. He chuckled as his lips crashed onto yours, but gave you what you wanted. He gripped your elbows to prevent himself from toppling over.  You pressed your lips hard against his; he had prepared and taken a deep breath this time so he could let you kiss him without having to interrupt you.
In fact it was you who had to pull back for breath first this time. Eyes shut, you leant your forehead against his, cradling the back of his head with one hand, the other still on his shoulder. He rubbed your back delicately. "Satisfied?" he mumbled.
"Yes," you laughed breathily. You slowly moved back from him, letting him go at last.  You turned around to see that Hank had removed himself from the area. Gil and you burst out laughing. You turned your heads to see that Hank was resting behind the front door.  You raced towards him, with Gil following as fast as he could.  "Come on Hank," you chirped as you opened the door.  He got onto his paws and padded out behind you, with Gil trailing behind.  While you locked the door, the other human went to open the side gate, and shut it once everyone was through, leaving it unlocked.
As usual, Hank picked the path, taking his time and sniffing anything that interested him.  Gil strolled along with his hands in his pockets; you put your arm in between one of his and his body, and rested your head on his shoulder.  "Still tired?"  he asked you.
"Yeah..."  you sighed.
"How about we bathe when we get home? You and me in the tub, together." He knew that that would most likely cheer you up.
You smiled. "I'd like that."  There was unspoken finality from him.
The old boxer completed one circumference of the housing area. He pushed his way through the gate.  Gil went through after him, leaving you to lock the gate.  Once in the house, Gil and you made a beeline for the bedroom, leaving Hank to do as he pleased.  You took off your clothes and dropped them on top of Gil's in the laundry basket. He plugged he tub snd turned the tap on, then just stood next to the tub, watching the water. You wrapped your arms around his neck from behind, resting the side of your head on his back with your eyes closed. He absentmindedly held and fondled your hands with one of his. A gentle tug on your hands signalled that the tub was filled to a satisfactory level. Gil stepped out of your arms and got in, sitting with his back against the side lengthwise. You sat between his legs, leaning backwards on him. He had his nose and mouth in your hair. "...you smell horrible."
"Speak! For yourself!" you interjected playfully, turning around halfway to look at him. He tittered.  He fastened his arms around your waist, holding you tightly against him so that you could not move.  You did not protest as you leant into his touch. For a few savoury moments, the two of you just remained still, cuddling like that.
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patt-writes-stuff · 4 years
Could I request a Shinso x reader fluff imagine? Maybe something along the lines of him and reader being in the hero course together and a year or two after graduating they see each other again and reader admits her affection for him even after that long away from each other? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Thank you so much for requesting!!! 💕 I had so much fun writing this that I wrote it all in one sitting. I’m pretty happy with the results and I hope you enjoy it!
Belated Confessions
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Like one curse word?
Genre: Fluff
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After three years of vigorous training and studying, you along with the rest of your classmates were finally graduating from U.A. High School.
You couldn’t be happier. Your time at high school had been anything but peaceful, what with constantly being targeted by villains and all, but it was all worth it. Soon, you and your friends would become real heroes who’d go out into the world and stop bad guys.
For now, you’d enjoy the graduation party Momo had been kind enough to host at her mansion house. The party doubled as a farewell party since some of your friends had chosen agencies in far away parts of Japan, or even other countries.
One of those people was your close friend and long term crush, Shinsou Hitoshi. The two of you had become fast friends after he joined the hero course in your second year. You bonded over your aspirations as heroes and love of all things cats.
Over the course of your friendship, you’d developed an almost embarrassingly large crush on the indigo haired boy. You planned to tell him as much tonight.
After much convincing from Mina and the other girls, you’d decided tonight would be the night in which you confessed your feelings to him. It could very well be your last chance to secure a future with him in it.
This is why, instead of being inside of Momo’s lavish house celebrating with the rest of your friends, you were outside in Momo’s garden walking through the gravel pathway with Shinsou at your side.
Mina had insisted it would be the perfect place for you to confess, saying the garden had a romantic aura to it. She wasn’t wrong, especially during the night time.
The full moon shone above you, casting a bluish light on the two of you. Stars were splattered over the night sky, twinkling faintly.
They were beautiful, yes, but not nearly as beautiful as the boy next to you.
Realizing you’d been quiet for too long, you took a deep breath, remembering all the pointers the girls had given you.
“So,” you started softly, “how do you feel about moving somewhere else? It must be nerve-wracking.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m a little nervous,” he said scratching the back of his neck, “I’m gonna miss a lot of things from here.”
“What are you going to miss the most?” You inquired, looking at him in the eye as if trying to tell you hoped he said ‘you’.
Instead, he said, “My friends. It’s gonna be hard to stay in touch with everyone. We’re all going our separate ways.”
You froze in your tracks. You hadn’t thought about that.
It was going to be hard to stay in contact with everyone, with everyone starting their new careers. You knew that. What you hadn’t accounted for was the distance. He was gonna be on the other side of the world. It would be difficult to maintain normal relationships, romantic ones would be near impossible.
What if you confessed and he rejected you because of it?
Even worse, what if you confessed to him and he returned your feelings, only to break up because of the distance? You knew what they said about long-distance relationships, they almost never worked out. You could break up and lose him entirely.
Were you willing to take that risk?
He slowed to a halt once he realized you had stopped walking. He looked at you, concern clear as day in his mesmerizing purple eyes.
No. You weren’t.
“Are you okay?” He asked, searching your face for any clues as to why you were suddenly so distressed.
“Yeah, everything’s totally fine,” you assured him, plastering a fake smile on your face, “I’m just a little cold. We should probably get back to the party.”
He seemed nowhere near convinced by your, admittedly, sloppy excuse but agreed nonetheless.
When you got back to the house, he was called over by Kaminari, who was debating with Sero whether or not he would get electrocuted if he stuck a fork into a socket.
Once he was out of earshot, Mina walked up to you. The huge, rather teasing, grin she wore melted away once she got a good look at the expression on your face.
“You didn’t tell him,” it was a statement, not a question but you nodded anyways, “Why?”
“Because he’s moving away and I don’t want to risk losing him as a friend,” you explained, shuffling one shoe a bit against the carpet.
“Ugh, That’s so stupid! You two were made for each other,” she whined, causing you to roll your eyes at your pink friend.
“If we’re ‘meant for each other’ then it’ll happen eventually,” you countered, patting your distressed friend’s back.
Two years have passed since graduation. During that period of time, you’d created quite the name for yourself amongst the hero community. You were nowhere near the top ranks yet but you were rather proud of the progress you’d achieved in such a short time.
You loved your job more than anything. Sure, the paperwork sucked and the hours were crazy, but it was so worth it. You got to save people and make a difference in your community. It was truly fulfilling.
That being said, you were currently rethinking your life choices.
You’d been patrolling for what felt like forever. Today had felt especially busy, with villains causing trouble left and right. They were low-level thugs really, nothing life-threatening, but boy did they cause a hassle.
When you got back to the agency, you were tired and sore, not to mention hungry. You wanted nothing more than to go home, change into the comfiest clothes you owned, and get some food that wasn’t a quick convenience store snack in your system.
Only instead, you had piles of paperwork to fill out.
You finished well after 5 p.m. Once you did, you wholeheartedly refused to cook something, opting instead to visit the Cafe near the agency.
It had great food and the owners let their pet cats roam around the place. You and Shinsou would often frequent it back in high school to spend time with the cats on weekends.
Thinking of Shinsou, you couldn’t help but miss him terribly. You kept in contact as best as you could, with your busy schedules and conflicting time zones, but you’d drifted away. It was nobody's fault, really, circumstance was really just a bitch.
You’d tried to get over him by going out with other people but it never worked out. Sometimes they just couldn’t seem to handle your hectic career, other times they didn’t get your sense of humor. Most of the time they just weren’t enough like a certain someone.
You entered the cafe, a dinging noise announcing your presence. You went up to the counter, ordered your food, and then plopped into what used to be your usual booth back in the day.
Your favorite cat, Mochi, a tortoiseshell and white cat jumped up to the table, demanding your attention. You smiled tiredly, giving her the pats she so greatly desired.
“You have it easy Mochi,” you told her, “All you have to do all day is be adorable. I have to chase around smelly old villains.”
“That’s true,” a very not cat, very familiar voice said, “but somehow I can’t help but think that your life is much more interesting than hers.”
You whipped your head around only to be face to face with Shinsou. He hadn’t changed much after two years. His hair was crazy as ever, indigo locks shooting all over the place and he still had his trademark dark circles under his eyes. He definitely had more muscle though, showing that his time working outside the country had paid off.
“I don’t know about that, Mochi here sees a lot of people every day,” you joked, breaking out in a grin. You stood up, much to Mochi’s displeasure, to pull Shinsou into a bone-crushing hug. After probably a little more time than strictly necessary, you let go, looking up at him. He seemed taller than he had been last time…
“You didn’t tell me you were back in Japan!” You exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger his way. You sat back down, motioning for him to take a seat on the other side of the table.
“I wasn’t planning on telling anyone until I was settled into my new place. We both know Kaminari is gonna drag me into the nearest night club the moment I do,” he explained, sitting down and rubbing the cat's ears affectionately.
“You’re moving back to Japan? That’s amazing!” You were sure you were practically glowing right now, radiating pure, unadulterated happiness.
The two of you talked about everything and anything. From his life abroad to the new agency he’d be working at to how all your classmates were nowadays. There was never a lull in the conversation, both of you happy to be in each other’s presence after so long.
Eventually, the two of you had to leave, since the cafe was closing for the night. So, after petting all the cat's goodbye, both of you exited the building.
Your apartment was very close by but Shinsou insisted on walking you home. You agreed since neither of you was quite ready to say goodbye to one another quite yet.
“I gotta ask,” you started, “how come you came back? Did you not like it there?”
“It was fine. There was just something, someone, missing. It didn’t feel like home,” he sounded almost bashful and maybe it was a trick of the streetlights shining dimly above you, but you could’ve sworn he was blushing.
After that, the two of you walked in comfortable silence for a bit.
Something about the atmosphere reminded you so much of the night of the graduation party two years back. Maybe it was how you were once again walking side by side under the moon and stars or maybe it was because for the first time in two years you felt butterflies in your stomach.
“You know back in high school I had the biggest crush on you ever,” you blurted out once you stopped at your building’s entrance. You were mortified. Why would you just say that?
“Oh,” was all he said after a beat of silence.
“Yeah,” you said, “I was gonna tell you during the party. Ask you out and stuff. But then...I didn’t.”
You might as well tell him everything. Maybe now you could finally move on, try seeing other people without wondering about the ‘what if’s.
“I would’ve said yes. I- uh- I still would, actually,” if he wasn’t blushing back then, he was definitely blushing now. Then again, you probably looked much more flustered than he did right now.
With your heart beating a mile a minute, you asked, rather shyly, “Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?”
“I’d love to.”
You both stood there for a minute, looking at each other like lovesick fools, fully content.
“I should get going,” said, snapping out of his slight daze, “it’s getting pretty late. I’m sure you have work tomorrow.”
He moved to leave but before he could, you grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. He looked at you questioningly but you just smiled, getting a bit on your tippy-toes for a long-overdue kiss.
Somewhere else in Japan, Mina’s romance senses were tingling
Tags: @wesparklebitch
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
AHIT Spiderverse AU :: Tell Me Why
Soooo this took an embarrassingly long time to write for how short it is and I apologize
This is 110% humor and fluff for @crowfry‘s excellent and stupendous AHIT Spiderverse AU 
Okay enough dilly dally-ing! Enjoy! 
She hadn’t said a word since they’d brought them to their “home”.
SpiderMoon had told him that she was probably just tired, or processing, but both the symbiote and the human he inhabited saw that she wanted to say something, but wasn’t.
The kid with the bow was much more receptive to the attention from the older “heroes” per se, ready to tell how they got trapped by Doctor Emprina and her henchmen, and repeatedly thanking them for saving the two who- had gotten really out of their depth for the first time in a while.
But the hatted one said nothing.
The symbiote tried to brush off the feeling of vague concern as belonging to his other half, but he knew he was lying to himself. Their shared heart was in their throat when they saw what trouble the girl superheroes had gotten into. It was … harrowing, in a way.
But she was always the more talkative one. The one that got in your face, that grinned cheekily under her mask and sassed back. He respected that about her.
But she wasn’t saying a peep.
Moon and Bow had gone into the kitchen, leaving the two other “heroes” alone in the living room, with the hatted one pulling her legs up and hugging her knees.
He had to say something - or at least, his other half was trying to coax him into doing so.
“Just be nice” his other half pressed.
The symbiote groaned
“Kid, you need anything?” He asked.
She shook her head.. But didn’t respond.
“You seem bugged” he joked “I usually can’t get you to shut up”
She then deliberately looked away.
He was about to snip at her - Prince be damned - but then she finally spoke
“Why’d you rescue us?”
“... What?”
“Why? I thought you couldn't stand us” She turned her head away.
“What? Geez- kid I wouldn’t go that far” The Snatcher felt almost offended at her assumption
“Then what do you call all the mean things you’ve said!?”
God, she sounded really upset??
“Snatcher, maybe let me talk?” 
“What? No! She doesn’t-” 
“Well maybe she should!!” Prince interrupted.
Snatcher paused, looking at the eyes of the child-heroes mask. The symbiote hated that he kind of agreed.
“... fine” 
And he gave up control.
Spider-Hat stared in absolute bewilderment as the symbiote slunk away, revealing the lithe, but familiar man underneath.
“... Prince?”
The man’s brow furrowed “How do you know my name?”
The child paused at that - seemingly realizing that she gave something away, before nervously taking off her hat, and then pulling off her cowl.
Prince stumbled back in alarm.
“... I’ll be straight with you, I didn’t see that coming” Snatcher commented.
The little girl he’d recently befriended had tired, red eyes, and her face was covered in dark bruises that made his heart twist.
“You.. you were Prince this whole time?” She twisted her cowl in her hands “With the symbiote?”
He nodded “Lemme make it clear that I’m not the one that’s insulting you all the time. That’s all Snatcher”
“Gee, thanks”
“Shut up”
When she cracked a little smile, he felt like he’d hit a milestone. She looked back down at her cowl.
“But still.. Why’d you rescue us?” She asked again, daring to look up at him.
Prince nervously tapped his fingers “Well, Snatcher might be annoyed I say this, but we do care about you, super hero or not”
Her smile grew a bit “... Well… thanks, for saving us, I mean”
Prince gave her a smile back, sitting down next to her. “Our pleasure”
“Speak for yourself”
“Shut up”
Hattie giggled a bit at the banter, and she put the cowl down, kicking her feet for a moment before sitting up on her knees, and reaching over, wrapping her little arms around Prince’s torso “... Thanks” She repeated.
Prince froze, a bit surprised that of the two kids, Hattie was the one to reach out to hug.
“Not that I care but mayyyybe hug her back, you doofus?” 
The polite reminder shocked him out of his stupor, and hugged the spider-girl back, squeezing just a bit.
“... Wait, so Spider-Bow is… Beau?”
“Uhhh yeah. Is Spider-Moon… Moonie?”
“.... This is kinda really funny” Hattie admitted, giggling.
Prince couldn’t help but snort “Yeah… Yeah it kinda is” his chuckles turned to laughter, and Hattie followed right behind. 
By the time Moon and Beau returned to the living room, the two stared in awe at the two (three?) currently resting, Hattie well and truly asleep with Prince seemingly in a half-asleep state, with a small, slightly snake-like Snatcher halfway through pulling a blanket over the Spider-girl ... with his mouth.
Snatcher squinted at them, dropping the blanket
“Say nothing”
The two promptly turned around and left.
They’d talk about it later.
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lucky-bucky-boy · 4 years
Cruel Summer Pt. II
Summary: Based loosely off of Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift. Huge muse for this part was also Resentment by Kesha. After what was considerably one of the worst nights to ever be lived, things just seem to keep getting worse. Or will they?
Word Count: 2634
Warnings: Angst, lots of fucking angst, the reader talking a lot, manipulative speech, very slight age gap, anxiety, almost ddlg elements but not quite (Please let me know if I missed anything, I will be happy to add on)
A/N: Tags are at the bottom I know this had been long awaited and I’m so sorry it took so long. I had to rewrite the beginning so many times because the first part just seemed to flow so beautifully and I was having troubles encapsulating the grace. Will be added to AO3 at some point. NO spoilers, takes place before the events of Knives out. Read Part One Here
I do not own these characters. Do NOT repost my writing and/or fics anywhere without my written permission. Reblogs, likes, comments, and constructive criticism welcomed and highly appreciated.
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Golden rays of sunshine creeped over rooftops, illuminating the room as it fought the cold of the night out that had settled in every crevice - a cold that was a constant reminder of the half empty bed. Soft sheets and expensive pillows that we no better than the pictures that were facedown on the dresser. A light snore and ball of exuberant warmth curled at the end of the unnecessary king size bed that somehow managed to ignite joy while drowning the feeling with sorrow. Even in the early morning hours, just minutes after the sun had risen, there was only one thing to be thought about, one person; Ransom. 
An insistent vibrating disturbed what little peace had fallen over the room, uncharacteristically early to the weekly norm. Even after it would stop, moments later it would begin again and it seemed that it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. A crack in the foundation, a rumbling earthquake that rocked the stability and what had started becoming a little better everyday was ready to crumble and fall. 
Paying attention to details should be a strong suit for someone who had two books published and one in the works - it was a talent that was nearly mastered by this point. But, emotionally drained and foggy brained from the expense that was a Thrombey family dinner, one that would surely be the talk of the family for months, and a restless night filled with discomfort and anxiety left any common sense buried under endless amounts of exhaustion. 
A quick swipe of a thumb, the light press of the cell phone to your ear, and suddenly everything froze. The feeling as if suddenly bathed in freezing water while fiery coals scorched your feet, butterflies lifting your chest higher to cloud nine while a pit opened in your stomach, heart racing with some wild mixture of dread and excitement; "My house at 3. Don't be late, baby girl."
That godforsaken drawl, the smirk that was evident in his voice, the fucking nickname. The line went dead, a heavy silence flooding the room like a tsunami. Thoughts raced in circles, picking apart and trying to guess what he could possibly want. 
Was he going to rub it in your face that he got under your skin? Made your blood boil? Of course he knew how he affected you, he knew you too well, better than anyone would like to admit. An apology? No - that's too far fetched, even after everything Ransom never was the one to apologize, even if he also knew it would be best. Possibly he had gathered the rest of your things, finally ready to rid himself of them. It's not like you took much when he told you to leave, and it was unlikely he would have taken the time himself to go through everything. He probably paid the maid extra to do it overnight so he wouldn't have to.
Either way, after last night, Ransom was the last person you wanted or expected to hear from. The sting of the incident, salt that was rubbed roughly in an aging wound, still fluttered deep in your chest. His words, the family's reaction, the countless notifications still untouched. Nothing anyone could have told you or showed you would have prepared you for what you had felt in that moment. 
Heavy limbs moved numbly but swiftly, mind working like the rusted innards of a clock, slow and almost confused. It didn't make sense as to why he would want to see you, he had done enough damage as is. The confusion quickly boiled over, simmering down to a fluttering anxiety of constant what ifs running their courses through your mind. 
The growing pup stirred at the feel of you moving from the bed, quickly laying his head back down when he saw you trudge into the bathroom. After a much longer than anticipated shower, the feel of the too warm water running down your skin and feeling as though it was washing away every single issue and emotion, a wave a vague normalcy set in. 
For at least a little you could believe this was normal, that it was just like last summer. Get up, get ready for the day, get some work done, then pamper before heading over to see Ransom. Just this time, there was a slightly different agenda. It wouldn't be all heated kisses, starved touches, and craved intimacy, it wouldn't be whispers of sweet nothings and the comfort of a protective embrace - even if every fiber of you craved it like a bad drug, it couldn't happen again, at least not that easily. And who was to say that was even his plan.
Anticipation made the hours go by slower than what was deemed truly plausible, and no matter what the possibilities of what was to come just wouldn't stop taunting every corner of your thoughts. Embarrassingly so you found yourself preparing much earlier than necessary, restyling yourself a handful of times to make sure stunning couldn't even come close to describing how effortlessly perfect you looked. If Ransom wanted to play games, you were determined to have the ball in your field for as long as possible. And to top it off, you made sure that nothing you had on was bought by him. 
But you could only hope that your efforts weren't in vain as you made your way to his house, a place of memories in the middle of pretty much nowhere. An almost 40 minute drive making way for doubts to slowly creep in and settle in the back of your mind. What if he could tell you tried too hard? He could so easily read you, it was as if you were one of your books. Or what if he thought you were trying to impress him? The only time you ever went out of your way to put much effort into your appearance was when you wanted him to really notice you or if he was taking you out. Maybe going in general was a bad idea and this was just some sick joke of his. 
But there was no time to back out as you pulled up in front of the house, his sitting silhouette evident through the glass window. Ransom noticed you immediately, moving to sit whatever was in his hands down and made his way to the door, already standing on the porch before you had even gotten out of your car. 
A slight uneasiness settled between the two of you, his arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows raised as he watched you, almost expectantly. The look was reminiscent of how your parents would stare you down when you were younger, when you had done something wrong. 
You stood outside your car, staring at him and matching his stance, only adding to the annoyance that was written on his face. "What do you want, Hugh?" The irritation in your voice was evident, and you were more than thankful your words didn't fail you. Stomach twisting in intricate knits, chest fluttering, palms becoming clammy; it was a genuine miracle you hadn't tripped over your words. 
His set jaw clenched, nostrils flaring as he registered how you spoke to him, how you addressed him, "Just get in here. We need to talk."
A scoff fell from your lips as you made your way inside, "Always the gentlemen, aren't you," you spat, rolling your eyes as you walked towards the kitchen. Despite not intending on staying long, you threw your belongings on the island and leaned against the marble countertop, watching him as he stalked towards you, a nearly predatory look in his eyes. "What exactly do we need to talk about? I feel like last night made our positions pretty fucking clear."
He tsked, shaking his head. "You just don't get it, baby girl, dya?" 
Ransom opened his mouth to talk again but you cut him off, agitation finally bubbling over and bordering on rage, "I don't get it?" The words were hissed out and soaked in utter disbelief, "What exactly don't I fucking get, Ransom? The fact that you like to start shit? Or the fact that months after you told me to get the fuck out, you show up to a dinner you don't ever go to to cause a fucking scene, then tell me to meet you at your house the next day? What twisted memory of yours triggered you to suddenly act like you care about me? Why the fuck couldn't you just leave well enough alone?"
The taught muscles of his jaw twitched, intense blues boring into your own gaze. "You're such a spoilt fucking brat," he groaned out. "We had an agreement. No one was supposed to find out, but you had to go and-"
"I had to go and what?" You cut him off once again, only fueling the tension between the two of you and prodding the beast of emotions that was storming inside both of your bellies, "You are the one who opened your mouth, you are the one who fucking started this, all of this. From that night in the fucking bar, to you telling me I was the best thing to ever happen to you, to opening up your mouth last night. You always start it. And you're just pissed I finished it before you could get me to break in front of you."
A lump in your throat was beginning to form, jaw clenching as you swallowed, a feeble attempt to keep your emotions from getting the best of you. The rage was quickly turning into sorrow and hurt, the fire in your chest turning into an ache that couldn't be ignored, "You're just disappointed I waited until I got home, got away from you, to break down. Because you didn't get the satisfaction of seeing the pain you've caused."
There was a sudden twist in the atmosphere, hurricane breaking for a moment of relief before harsh waves continued to crash against the shore, "You act like I wanted to hurt you," his voice was grim, face painting in slight disgust, "Everything was great between us - You are the one who broke the rules. Not me." 
Ransom's head cocked to the side some, gaze moving over your features quickly, examining and calculating, "And even now," a small huff in disbelief as he shook his head, large hand moving to run through his hair which you had just noticed was free of any products. Odd, even for him. "Even now, you still came, you're still here. And I'm still thinking of giving you another chance."
Something buried deep within you snapped, a flood of pain filling every nerve and forcing tears to well in your eyes. "You're giving me another chance?" Any illusion of resolve and strength that had been built up had disappeared as quick as a snap of fingers, uneven breaths doing their best to keep the floodgates closed. "Ransom, you broke my fucking heart," each word filled with more hurt and distrust than the last, each a cut to the man who stood before you, his face softening as he watched you, "You're not the one here who should be giving out second chances, you're the one who should be receiving them."
The realization hit him, a douse of cold water to the face as his mind worked. Silence, albeit slightly uncomfortable, fell between the two of you as the gravity of the last few moments came crashing down. Just as it became too much to handle, lip quivering as the overwhelming urge to cry started becoming harder to fight off, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into him. 
Time seemed to slow, a few broken sobs slipping out, body shaking with the force of each one. The natural scent of him filling your senses, no expensive cologne, the feel of the soft sweater an unwanted comfort. Ransom's arms hugged tighter, lips going to your hairline, and staying like that until reality hit you. A weak push, one he could have easily ignored and overpowered, and he stepped away, his features much more readable, looking far more vulnerable. He was much more vulnerable, much more vulnerable than you were ever used to.
Shaky breaths fell from you, trying to clear the fog that was beginning to form over rational thoughts. Wiping your eyes you looked at him, "What exactly is it that you want, Ransom? Why did you really ask me to come over?"
He looked almost taken aback, confused and dazed by the question, but more so by his own train of thought. His mouth opened then closed, repeating the action a few more times before groaning out exasperatedly. "I don't know, for things to go back to how they were?" It sounded far more like a suggestion than an answer. "Come on, (Y/N), we were good together." 
The words came off as if he was trying to convince himself that this was what he wanted. You waited, seeing if he would try to convince you, persuade you like he believed he so easily could, how he used to. "I- No," you shook your head, "I can't do that to myself again, I can't let you do that to me again."
"Do what?" He practically snapped, jaw setting as agitation made home in him once again. He didn't expect it to be so damn hard. He no undoubtedly assumed that he'd immediately have you wrapped around his finger like nothing had changed. "Treat you like a fucking princess? Treat you how you deserve to be treated? You and I both know that you're never gonna be able to find someone who can give you what I gave you, nothing that's going to have that same thrill we did."
Shaking your head you grabbed your bag, throwing it over your shoulder. "See Ransom, you're the one that doesn't get it. I want that more than anything. I want the spontaneous trips and heartfelt gifts. I want the late night conversations and finishing each other's sentences. I would give anything to be on your jet flying to whatever place you're insisting I need to see. I want it all," your voice was practically a whine by the end of it, "But I don't want the sneaking and the hiding. I don't want the separate houses. I don't want lying to everyone."
Running a hand through your hair, you took a shaky breath, trying to calm your nerves. "I need someone who isn't going to just care for me behind a closed door," the calmness of your voice even scared you in the moment, and seeing that Ransom practically froze you could tell he was feeling the same, "I need someone who is going to be there for me how you were, but isn't ashamed of it. That won't get mad when I take cutesy pictures of us on the beach, that won't pretend to hate me in front of their family and friends, that I don't have to pretend is someone else when I'm talking about them. I don't want things to go back to how they were, I want them to be better than they were."
You walked past his nearly frozen stature, heading for the door. "I love you Ransom, and probably always will. But I love myself more than that and I can't let myself be hurt like that again." 
The words echoed off the hallway, ringing in his ears and sitting like a heavy weight on his chest. Your reached for the door, stopping suddenly as his voice reached back out, "Wait - I- fuck," he let out a shaky breath. "Don't leave. Not yet at least. Can we sit and talk over dinner? Please."
Taglist: (Slash through means unable to be tagged)   @sweetlittlegingy @star-spangled-steve @jessiejunebug @fresa-luna @thegirlwithpaperheart @jesaigne @introvertedmouse @sinner-as-saint @sp2900 @qrndevans @dammitcaswhy @livsheph @darcia22 @paranjaperiyauniverse @dramaticsassmaster​ @rose-k @lovemesomeavengers​ @steeeeverogers​ @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall​ @bemysugarbean​ @dreamlesswonder86​ @ambrosixx​ @heyiamthatbitch​ @daazzeey​, @fresa-luna​ @bitchcraftandwitchery​ @thatoneslytherinbeater​ @breezyfreezey @quesadellacatburglar @renxzs​ @imsonick​ @sambucky8​ @honeybabybubba​
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commanderserwin · 4 years
magic pill!
↦ pairing(s): eren yaeger x reader
↦ word count: 2k
↦ anon request: 
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Summary for skittish Eren and Reader: Hange’s experiments went wrong on Eren after he took the pills given to him which caused him to turn 15cm tall, but retained his human form and ends up completely nude as a predicament. Next Eren felt nervous and scared with his current form and frantically tried to ask Hange, Mikasa, Armin, and Reader on when he’s going to change back, but no luck. Later at night Reader stayed with Eren to comfort him until the next morning where he turned back to normal.
↦ author’s note(s): is this skittish enough for you?? teehee here we go!! had so much fun with this! although i don’t know if you wanted literally 15 centimeter eren or 15 meter eren, assuming that the cm is just a typo? but i went ahead chose for myself, and voila! here you have a 15 meter tall eren! thanks for the request, i hope you like it!
magic pill - two
"Hange... how," Eren nervously asked, looking at the pill and at Hange holding it with a wide smile, "How sure are you that it's going to work?"
"Well," Hange chirped, holding the pill between her fingers, "That's what we don't know since we are experimenting. And you are our test subject." 
Eren looked around, his anxious eyes setting on Mikasa, Armin, Hange, and yours as he looked back again at the pill. He has mused at how much he is nervous of the experiments but anything to help the cause of humanity. He still have no idea what this pill was supposed to be for, but he heard the words between the lines of 'titan,' 'big,' 'small,' and 'unsure,' that he really is unsure of what's supposed to happen. 
Mikasa and Armin looked at Eren anxiously as well, setting a tense silence between you all. Mikasa looked nervous, as she fiddled with her scarf while Armin is almost close to puking, thinking of what the pill is. Hange looked fairly proud of her work, as she should as most of her experiments have greatly added to the titan and human histories. You... well, you were also nervous and proud since you were here to witness the use of the pill, so you gave soft pats on Eren's shoulder. 
"Hange worked hard on it," you boasted, looking at the section commander who is smiling in thanks for your comment, "I'm sure it's safe. Right, Section Commander?"
"Of course," Hange squealed, adjusting her glasses. She handed Eren the pill and he took it with trembling fingers as he twirled it around his hand. "Go on, we'll be here." 
Eren looked around once more as he walked a couple of steps away from all of you. He looked at the menacing pill, and swallowed it. You nodded and smiled softly, clutching your clipboard and pen for any drastic changes to him, as Hange assigned you to take notes. Hange pushed you all back, backing up with her arms at a safe length, and called on to Moblit to 'Hurry up, Moblit! Come here quick!' with Moblit's faded voice replying, 'No, wait!'
"What?!" Eren yelled, holding on to his throat, he looked nervously at Hange, "Did I take the correct pill?"
Moblit finally entered, panting and bent over as he handed Hange a similar pill. "This... take this, not that." 
Hange shrieked, and pinched Moblit on the arm, "What do you mean not that? Eren's already swallowed i!"
You smiled apologetically, and slowly looked up at Eren. He's... turning into a gigantic, Eren. Still human, very much so as he shouted loudly, covering his privates as his clothes broke from the seams. All of you looked up, silent, and in shock. There he was. Eren. Huge. Nude. Going crazy out of his damn mind. 
"Oh,oh," Hange repeated, nervously chuckling as Moblit sighed deeply, and they both said it, "Shit."
They all left the both of you and Eren alone. Running back to the laboratory for help of others and science. You scribbled notes on your clipboard, uneasily, being left alone with huge Eren, and he's stark naked. 
You sighed embarrassingly, looking up quick with a blush on your cheeks to examine Eren for not too long for him to be uneasy as well. Eren chuckled nervously, and cleared his throat in attempt to converse. "How long until you finish, uhm, writing?" 
"In a minute," you answered nonchalantly as you scribbled, but the truth is you are shaking in embarrassment, tips of your ears red.
"Like you haven't seen me naked." 
"No!" Eren hurriedly sputtered, holding out one arm as he clucthed his privates, "No! What I mean, is you know, my titan form is naked, so it's not like you haven't seen-"
You were properly blushing. Full-on. You fiddled with your pen and clipboard, trying to keep your eyes on your hands.
"-me naked? Right? Oh! Oh!" 
Eren chuckled, "I shouldn't really wave my hand around."
"Yeah," you agreed, chuckling as well, looking up for a second and back down again. 
"You think," he began, his voice shy, "Do you think you could turn around for me so that I could sit down without..."
"Of course!" You blurted, turning around quickly, and covering your eyes with the clipboard. "Just tell me if you're okay. Or if I should just face away, because, you know." 
"Can you move a few steps to the left?" 
"Just a little bit?" 
"Oh, yeah!" 
"Okay, that's fine," Eren sheepishly said. 
You felt the ground shake underneath your feet as Eren moved around, sitting down on the ground, his knee right at your face. Even when, he's sitting down, you still looked so small. He lifted his index finger, comparing the size of his finger and you behind your back. He smiled, joking with himself, "My index finger is still bigger than you."
He doesn't know why he said that when you stayed quiet. He wants to beat himself up for it. He rubbed his hands over his face, contemplating still. He cleared his throat, placing his hands on his private. "You can turn around now."
You did slowly, chuckling seeing how closer and yet so far away he still is. You stood infront his big toe, comparing the size of his toe to your clipboard. "Your toe is still bigger than my clipboard."
Both of you laughed, thankful that each of you are trying to make things a little bearable. He's grateful you joined him at his silly joke, and laughed even harder, sure that everybody from within the raidus could hear it, "Let me take a note of that, then." 
Eren nodded, chuckling as he watched you playfully do so. The sun was already starting to set, watching the orange skies grace the horizon. "When do you think they'll be back?"
"Soon, I hope," you yawned, taking off of your jacket in the summer heat, waiting when they'll be back. "How's the weather up there?" 
He laughed, yawning as well. It was pretty stressful day. Eren thought it was just going to be an another easy experiment day, the usual with his Section Commander, experimenting with his titan form and writing notes. But he didn't imagine in a thousand years that this is what will hapepen. He could still feel the horror of feeling his clothes shrink and break, and his limbs elongate as he felt himself grow taller, and taller, and taller, until he's at the level of the trees. He watched you scribble rapidly on your clipboard, while the rest shouted and repeated asked Hange what happened, as she also didn't know. 
Eren watched you yawn again, and you looked up at him hesistantly, avoiding looking at his crotch, "Do you want me to go and find them?"
"No!" He said, shaking his head, eyes wide. He's actually scared of this whole situation, and he didn't want to be all alone. "No, actually, can you stay with me? Until this is over?" 
You looked up, nodding, walking towards his lower leg to pat him gently. "I'll stay with you, don't worry." 
He smiled, thankful. "The night's settling in," he commented, tilting his head towards the low sunset, "Do you want to sleep in first? I'll keep watch." 
"That'd be nice," you nodded, putting away your clipboard and pen next to your jacket. "Although, you can sleep in too? We're fine right here so no need to keep watch. But if you... prefer?" 
"It's okay," he replied. You turned around quickly, stepping away again and feeling the ground quake under his large body. 
Eren manuevered around, hiding his junk while he tried to find a pefect way to lay down. He laid down on his side, his knees to his chest, trying to hide his privates, and his arm was sprawled on the ground , while his other arm was tucked beneath his cheek for added comfort. He watched you turn around a few seconds later to face him, and he watched with his large green eyes as how you gingerly lay down beside him. 
You picked a perfect spot, laying down below his sprawled arm and beside his neck. You looked up quickly, tucking your hair behind your ear, surprised that Eren was also looking at you. "Good night, I guess?" 
He needed, mouthing a little 'Good night,' watching you look away, and folding your knees upward, while you kept your hands under your cheek. He closed his eyes as he saw you settle in, trying to fade away the sounds of the ground, but everything was too loud, probably from his bigger ears as well. He opened his eyes slightly, keeping focused on the tree ahead, waiting for the others to come. He peaked down at you, smiling gently when he saw you scratch your legs, face, and swat awat your hair to keep it out of your face. It continued in intervals, and he chuckled soflty not to scare you. 
"Can't sleep?" 
You turned around, laying on your back with your hands clasped behind your head. "I could feel you inhale and exhale through your nose," you mused, scrunching up your nose as you smiled, "It feels like I'm somewhere in the air with all the wind." 
Eren laughed, his chest shaking as he laid down on his side, still looking at you. He blew softly, laughing again when he saw your hair just swoop past your face. He chuckled even deeper when you looked up, with an incredulous look on your face. 
"I might just get myself blown if you do that again," you joked, fixing your hair, as you looked up at the stars. You listened to his chest rumble in steady beats, feeling the flow of it as it lull you into a sleep you tried to fight. You feel your eyes closing, and you sighed deeply to mask the yawn that was supposed to be. 
"Just go to sleep," he whispered against your whole body, making you stare at his green eyes. 
You yawned loudly, covering your mouth. You nodded, turning again, but facing him. You looked at his bare neck, as you curled up again, slowly listening to his steady breaths, as it lulled you once more, your body welcoming the rest. 
In the morning, you woke up to someone breathing heavily down your cheek. You whipped your head in question, surprised that Eren has turned into his normal self, but still naked. His naked body covered yours, creating a shadow over you. You moved quietly, careful not to touch his arm above your head, as you stretched to get your jacket from behind it. Eren stirred in his sleep slightly, his face twitching, and once he steadied, you reached out and covered his privates with your jacket. You also grabbed your clipboard and scribbled quickly to not awaken him. 
Eren stirred again, and this time he yawned loudly, scratching his cheek as he surveyed his surroundings. He saw you scribbling and you looked up sheepishly, quickly fixing your hair and clothes. "Good morning." 
"Good morning," he repeated, adjusting the jacket covering him, blush appearing on his cheeks, "Reporting again?"
"Yes," you gently said, as you finished up. He watched you finish your work, and you yawned again. You looked over at the horizon, the sun rising. 
"Glad to see I'm back now," he sighed, relief flooding his face. He turned to you as you sat on your knees, "I'm sorry for all the naked-."
"No!" You blushed, waving your hands, "It's okay." 
Eren perked up, blushing as well, wanting to comment some more but then he heard and saw the hurried bodies of people running towards the both of you. He propped himself up on his elbows, his back on the grass, as he tilted his head to get a better view. You inclined your head over, watching the people gather quickly. Both of you watched them ran, screaming 'We've got it! Don't you worry!'
Both of you laughed, waiting for them to come closer to just see Eren back to normal. 
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renjunfromthestars · 4 years
slow dancing in the dark
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Pairing: Jeno + Reader bestfriend!Jeno
Genre: angst, best friend!au, College!au, Best Friends to Lovers! Au
Song recs: Slow Dancing in the Dark (Joji), Don’t Wanna Fall in Love (KYLE), Best Friend (Rex Orange County), EARFQUAKE (Tyler, The Creator), Apricot Princess (Rex Orange County). CAN’T GET OVER YOU (Joji), Me and Your Mama (Childish Gambino)
Word Count: 3.1k 
Summary: You and Jeno have always had a complicated relationship, but time is running out
Jeno is in love with you, but can never express it the way he needs to
Notes: this one kinda hurt me to write ngl,,,I was real sad so I wrote it in one sitting
Please let me know what you guys think!!! I’m still pretty new to writing
Up until yesterday, it’s been months since you and Jeno have been in contact. Even though you go to the same school, you can’t help but think that he is avoiding you. If you’re going to be completely honest with yourself, he definitely is. Classic.
When you feel the slight pang of hurt ripple through your chest, you shake your head, trying to snap out of it. You rather not think about him right now. The 15 spotify playlists you embarrassingly curated denoting the emotional anguish of your most recent Jeno-filled-altercation was enough proof you’ve already spent too much time dwelling on this boy, who by the way, you’ve never even dated.
You have other things to worry about. College decisions are coming out soon, and it's absolutely imperative that you keep your grades in good standing. No school wants to accept a student just to find out that they’re a slacker. Better to be more upfront about you really are to the end, rather than to disappoint others later on. 
Jeno’s idea of school is hitting his dab pen in the bathroom, and sitting through every class high. And apparently, his idea of romance is not doing anything about your ambiguous relationship, and telling you to break up with Jaemin after only a week into dating. It was unholy unfair to Jaemin, and it's not like he's had almost three years to tell you how he feels, only to always come whining to you when you’re with someone else. It was a little different last time though. This is your last year of high school, and you both know it. It’s unlikely you’ll ever have as much time to be with (or to avoid) him at such close proximity--you’re almost definitely going to college out of state. Jeno has told you many times your ass is smart enough to pull it off. 
But that was months ago, things have since died down and there is no use dwelling on the past. You’ve cried enough tears, and you’re tired of waking up with puffy eyes that look like you have been stung by an angry bee hive because of it. According to Renjun, Jeno had stopped sulking in his library during his free period and started playing computer games with him again. See? It’s a thing of the past.
But that didn't stop you from occasionally calling him late at night in your many moments of weakness. I mean, it doesn’t really matter if you’re always met with a dial tone right? If he doesn’t pick up, it’s like you never called in the first place. The end always justifies the means. 
You don’t know why it took you so long to figure out that if you really missed him that  much, you should have probably just shot him a text instead of randomly calling him in the middle of the night. Jeno, like with school, is never prepared for anything. Even if he picked up, he’d probably just stay silent. It happened that one time he actually did pick up, both of you silent, not knowing to say in the moment (silence could also hardly be considered a phone call). 
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Looking down at your most recent conversation, you sigh. Even before things became so messed up, you valued his companionship. Things are obviously still tense between you two--you don’t know why you even try.  Jaemin wouldn’t be too happy about it either. 
“It just makes me feel like shit when I hear people telling me like, ‘Oh you stole Jeno’s girl.’. You’re my girlfriend, not his.” Jaemin scoffs. His grip on the steering wheel tightens, along with his hold on your hand. 
In an attempt to soothe your angry boyfriend, you rub your thumb over your interlaced fingers soothingly. “I know, I know. I can’t help it if we have history Jaemin, people like to talk.”
“I had a talk with Renjun the other day about you and Jeno, and all the shit he was saying. I thought he was my friend.”
Although he was good friends with both boys, Renjun was admittedly closer to Jeno than Jaemin and there was more to his actions than it seemed just though looking at the surface. He was your closest mutual friend to Jeno, and knew more than anyone about the complicated relationship between you two--maybe a little too well. He respected the decision you made, but it was clear that he thought things should have ended differently.
When you first see Jeno outside of the glimpses you see in the school hallway, he looks different. His hair is styled differently, with the wispy blonde hair of his hair framing his forehead quite nicely. 
Jeno’s eyes quickly flutter to the ground when you look at him, finding a sudden interest in the rocks on the ground. For a boy who treats his shoes like they’re his babies, he’s awfully unconcerned with the scuff marks that begin to appear on his Air Force Logos when he digs a rock into the ground.
“Where do you want to eat?” you ask, walking around him to open the passenger seat of his car.
Jeno looks like he regrets ever even agreeing to meet you for lunch in the first place, with his eyebrows furrowing and as indicated with the speed in which he gets in his new BMW.
“Chick-Fil-A.” He mumbles, pressing the start button on his car.
“Unbelievable. You want to go to Chick-Fil-A? ” you scoff. “We always go to Chick-Fil-A. Don’t you ever get tired of chicken?” 
Granted, it’s been months since you’ve been there together, but you at least expected some variety. There’s been a lot of buzz about the Popeyes chicken sandwiches these days. 
“No, but I get tired of you whining about my food choice when you asked for my opinion in the first place.”
And just like that, like old times, you both bicker on the car ride to Chick-Fil, this time about chicken sandwiches.
When you finally get to Chick-Fil-A, you manage to order your food without any major altercations, save a blazing glare you shoot Jeno when he says “Ranch is disgusting” when you ask for it to go with your nuggets.
As you sit down and dig into your food, you attempt to make small talk about your post high school plans. 
“University of Buffalo?” you say with a mouthful of fries. “I thought you wanted to stay in state.”
“Yeah I do. But I thought it would be smart to keep some options open” 
“Lee Jeno, keeping his options open? Being prepared?” you tease.
His cheeks flush in embarrassment, and you can’t help but admire how pretty he looks, with sunlight shining on his frame. His lashes are long, and with the way the light is hitting his face, his brown eyes are like pools of  dark honey.
Suddenly becoming hypersensitive to the boy in front of you, and you quickly change the subject. 
��How’s your cousin Jinyoung? I haven’t seen him since I last visited your aunt’s restaurant. He was nice enough to me some free dishes off the menu. I told him he needs any help with his college applications he can ask me.”
Jeno stays quiet, picking at his food as you blab about his cousin. Although you’ve only met him once when he came to visit from New York City, he was a sweet boy and you guys kept in contact. Dismissing it as part of Jeno’s natural propensity towards being quiet, you chatter on for a little while longer until you ask him, “why aren’t you saying anything?”
“Jinyoung died four months ago.” He says in a low voice, lowering his gaze to his lap.
Although there were a handful of others eating their lunch in the restaurant, you can barely process the background chatter as a small noise begins to ring in your ears. “What happened?”
“He was diagnosed with cancer, but he didn’t really tell anyone, ” he said in between sips of his drink . “he was in remission for a while but it came back really bad.”
“He has a younger sister right? It must be hitting her really hard.”
Jeno stays quiet as you fall silent, fidgeting with your fingers on the wooden table. Both of you don’t have much to say as your eyes begin to water in the middle of a Chick-Fil-A. 
Jeno places his hand over yours in comfort as he looks out the window. Life is short, and you can’t help but think how much time you have with him. 
Weeks pass, and although Jaemin isn’t exactly overjoyed about the fact that you’ve been seeing Jeno regularly again, he accepts it as what he understands it is--two friends reconciling and just hanging out, which you are eternally grateful for. The issue is that being friends with Jeno is never being just friends. You two have too much history for that. Everyday, the bottled feelings left unresolved over the years are at risk of exploding at any moment--it’s only a matter of time. 
You know you’ve got it bad when you find yourself checking your phone for his messages, or smiling at the thought of him. It’s everything--from the way he picks you up in minutes after an argument with your mom, to the way he drapes his heavy lined jean jacket over you during a particularly cold night.  No matter how hard you tried to suppress it, or how much you thought it would work, it was already over from the start. Even earlier when you two acted like strangers and the days you never even thought onnce about him, he was still in your dreams at night. But this time, Jeno is very much real, and alive in the flesh in front of you. And you don’t know if you want to admit to yourself that these feelings for Jeno are also very much real.
You finally decide to tell him when college decisions come out, after you get into your dream University. Graduation was nearing and it meant new beginnings. No matter how deeply rooted Jeno was in your heart, you needed to let go of the things that were holding you back. At least, it's what you’re telling yourself.
“Jeno...” your voice falters, “I can’t keep doing this with you..”
There’s an unspoken understanding between you two as Jeno runs his fingers through your hair to soothe you, and tells you not to cry while you cry. It’s the middle of the night when you tell him you love him. You should be home. You should be with Jaemin.
On the car ride home, Jeno stays silent.
Jeno calls you when you get home to check on you. When you start to cry again he stays silent for a moment.“Don’t be sad’ he murmurs. We have a lifetime to figure things out.” 
You only cry harder at his words. 
When your sniffles begin to subside, and you’re sound asleep in no time (not a surprise to Jeno, considering all the emotional turmoil you’ve faced tonight) Jeno sighs. He can’t help but feel selfish. Every time you tell him you want nothing more for him to be happy, Jeno’s moral compass can’t help but tear a little at the seams. You seem unaware that to him, happiness is being with you. But Jeno can’t have you. He knows that. They say that if you really love something, you need to let it go. But this is something he isn’t ready to let go of just yet. 
A few weeks ago when you two went out to eat, he notices that he always lets you choose the song on the way there, and what you want from the menu. 
“You know all the things we’re ordering are yours right?”
 You begin to apologize, but you’re soon distracted by the special drink menu the waiter drops on the table.
When your eyes light up at the silly lightbulb boba drink you plan to take home to  your sister, Jeno just sighs and pays for the meal. 
On the car ride home, your shared favorite songs play, and he doesn’t say a word to you. Jeno isn’t the best driver, and you vocalize that by nearly blowing his ear off when he brakes a little too fast at the red stop light. When you grab his hand for support, he lingers a little longer before he lets go. Like usual, he panders around your neighborhood when your house draws close, purposely taking the long way home. Jeno thinks about it some more when he waits for you to walk through the door of your house before driving off.  
Jeno always tells you he loves you when it’s too late. When you get your first boyfriend, he gets a girlfriend and tries to forget about you. It’s painfully obvious how he feels when he not so jokingly tells you to dump that “skinny bean pole” for him. He hates himself for taking you for granted when you broke up with said boyfriend around the time his girlfriend dumps him, telling him “I know you just aren’t happy”. For telling Renjun “Don’t worry about it, I know she loves me.” when he tried to warn him about Jaemin’s budding romance with you, even pleaded for him to make his move. It seems that everyone knows what to do with his feelings better than himself, and all he knows how to do is reap the consequences. 
He usually doesn’t have much to say. But tonight, over the phone, he tells you that he loves you. He tells you that he sees you in his future, and to him, you’re like no other. Jeno tells you that he knows you never meant to hurt him, but he’s been hurting for a while, and he can’t stand to see you with someone else.
But you’re asleep, and you can’t hear him. For the longest time, Jeno has wanted so badly to show you his whole heart. This situation you two are in  isn’t what he wants and he knows you feel the same. He wants to stop being on his Mac Demarco shit, to man up and tell you clearly how he really feels, and maybe, have you be his girlfriend, you know-- instead of messing with some other guy’s girl. 
Even through all of this, Jeno has learned a little secret about love. To love you was never about having you. 
Twirling in your red dress, your arm wraps around Jaemin’s neck. It’s prom, and graduation is right around the corner.  Smiling, you think to yourself that you have finally succeeded, the end is near. Laughing, gazing, looking up at a face smiling back. But for a split second, you don’t see Jaemin’s face in front of you. You see Jeno. 
The memory of the first day, when his laugh over the phone meant something more to you. His voice brings about some of the happiest times you’ve ever known. Memories of the small moments--late nights--a soft smile--a teasing voice--the warm heat on your face in the midst of a teasing comment, and a boy with a subtle charm to find the way through.
Spontaneous trips and laughter, the occasional periods of silence when the both of you were fed up--people who understood you two, but only enough to get in the way.
The light nod of your head when it first found its way to your shoulder, and the dull feeling of yearning it left when it was gone.
You’re at a children’s playground, and you whine about wanting to fly a kite even though you’re nearly 18. Jeno teases you for being a kid, and for even trying when there was hardly any wind out. When you suggest that he run from behind and try to fly the kite with you, you scold him for the third time that it would only work if he ran slower than you. Jeno laughs and you feel your heart tug a little.
You’re devastated, and when Jaemin asks you if something is wrong, all you do is rest your face in the crook of his neck. You don’t want him to see you crying. You hate yourself for doing this to him. You’re not really a religious person, but sometimes at night, staring into the darkness and slightly trembling, you ask God to make it stop. It hurts. You don’t know how it feels for Jeno. You knew every decision you would make wouldn’t be fair to anyone. What do you do? How will you know? Will you ever know?
You don’t want to admit that might have known all along. You know you’ve known all along. To you, there is no one like Jeno. There is no one like him you’ve ever met that has made you feel this way, and if you weren’t with him, then you would spend your entire life searching in vain. You want to be with him so badly, that when you think about it, your heart grows impossibly heavy. But at the same time, you feel free. The timing is never right. You’re with the wrong people. You’re doing it all wrong. He’s doing it all wrong. We’re doing it all wrong. 
You can’t stop thinking about him in the most difficult way. When you suppress him consciously, he shows up in your dreams, smiling, glowing. Ruffled hair, eye smile and all. You can’t help but think about him every night, and when you see something that reminds you of him. Jeno reminds you of everything sad, everything hard, and at the same time, everything easy. He makes your heart feel so heavy, but also at peace. When he told you that you two had a lifetime to figure it out, you want to believe that if it was meant to be, it would happen. But that’s the hardest part. You don’t know what will happen.
Right now, you know one thing, and you know that you love him. You love him so much it brings you to tears. It makes your hands tremble, your body tremble, your heart tremble. You have such a love for Jeno that even if it wasn’t meant to be you wouldn’t care. You want Jeno to be happy. You want him to be healthy, not do stupid shit, and you want him so badly to love you too, and it would be okay if that didn’t happen. You’ve been delaying it-- you always say to yourself and everyone else you need time. You’ll sit on it, think about it, leave it for later. But it’s been months, and years, and you’re right back at the starting point.
Everytime you tried to convince yourself you weren’t in love, it felt like a dark shadow would cast over you. Because every time you tried to convince yourself you weren’t in love, you realized every bit of you knew you were.
Jeno is your best friend, part of your happiness, and he is your first real love. It’s something you can say with a certainty you’ve never had before.
Jeno can feel his heart tear into shreds when he sees you and Jaemin so close. You look beautiful. So beautiful. You’re going away to your dream college and he’ll be many, many miles away from you. Jeno’s cheeks prickle with warmth as his eyes begin to dappen. His heart sinks, just to bobble back up with an expected disbelief. He thought he knew what was coming. 
“There are other things to do without me.” he had told you in the car that night, but the truth is, Jeno doesn’t want to do anything without you. He’s loved you since he met you, and he’s not quite sure that will ever change.
It always hurts. but that's because love isn't perfect, Jeno thinks. He may move on days from now, maybe weeks from now, and could realize he never really loved you.
If he truly loves you, it's never going to be okay, but it will get better. It will get easier. He will be able to go on. 
You might creep into his mind years from now when he finally thought he was over you.
And that's okay, that's what love is.
 It's when his memories come back to him 5 years later, when he wonders how you're doing, maybe if you think about him a little too. But it won't hurt nearly as much and he will realize all that heartbreak did something to heal him.
It's always hard, he thinks, as he walks out of the Prom venue. But he promises himself that it will always get easier.
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21 for the kiss prompts. because I am me LOL
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Alright, so, full disclosure, this is not CS fic. I was going to write CS fic for this. i was! I had this vaguely angsty Emma gets hurt and Killian loses his mind thing happening, but then—I didn’t write that. Instead, here’s Will Scarlet gets hurt and Belle French loses her mind and it’s hockey. It’s 2,000 words! I don’t know how that happened. Anyway, the prompt here was “bloody kiss” and I love Will Scarlet with the force of a thousand suns. If you guys want to send more kiss prompts, I’m still waiting for people to respond to my emails.
“You’re mad.”
“Your powers of deduction are truly unparalleled. What gave me away, exactly?”
Will bit his lower lip. Let his teeth dig down until he tasted blood and, well—more blood, he supposed. Six stitches later, though, and there wasn’t much blood left on his face, just a pair of narrow eyes doing their best to glare a hole through his cranium and he didn’t think that was entirely possible. 
Biology had never been his strong suit, really. Unless you counted hauling off and punching some rat-faced bastard on the Caps who couldn’t keep his goddamn mouth shut about a possible offsides that had maybe happened two periods before and they’d been winning and it was fine. Totally fine. This was his job. Punching and bruising up assholes. Just a little bit, to remind them who they were playing and what was on the line and—
It was entirely possible Belle’s eyes were not entirely human. 
His face flushed. Heat raced through either one of his cheeks, threatening what he could only assume was the structural integrity of his own eyes because Will couldn’t remember when he’d decided to widen them, exactly. Just that they were starting to dry out a little bit and Ariel was going to kill him. 
She’d made that very clear post-game. 
There might be a two-person line to wreak havoc, now. 
“You get this little pinch between your eyebrows,” Will said, leaning forward until the top of his head nearly hit the bottom of her chin, “makes it easy to tell.”
Belle huffed. Crossed her arms. Nearly punched him in the face, which would have been something close to the peak of irony at this point, and then maybe Ariel wouldn’t threaten to kill him again. No, that was wishful thinking. 
It’d be a miracle if they were allowed uptown later. Ariel had probably sent out an APB, or whatever the culinary equivalent of that was. No admittance until the blood had dried off his forehead and he laid prostrate at her feet, begging forgiveness for the error of his ways. 
Like hell, he would.
This was his job. He was the—
Fuck, maybe he was a goon. He hadn’t scored in a while. Not even a secondary assist, or anything. Skating at the edge of the blue line on a fledgling power play did not an All-Star make, and, well, now that he thought about it, maybe Will had started jawing first. There were mumbled insults, at least. 
From him, specifically. More than once, actually. 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be back here, y’know.”
The pinch got—
Pinchier. Deeper. Like a tiny, little crevice between what Will was starting to realize were meticulously cared-for eyebrows and maybe he should get a CT scan or an MRI or something because it had taken him this long to notice she was also wearing his jersey. Too-long sleeves grazed the slight bend of her knuckles, looking as if she was actively stopping herself from fisting her hands at her side and that thought wasn’t supposed to make him smile. 
Will’s lips tugged up. His eyes thinned. Nose crinkled ever so slightly. Something that had been growing increasingly familiar in the last few months of the season jumped between his ribs, like little flutters of wholly imaginary wings, and she kept wearing his jersey. Kept coming to games, and that was good because they’d gotten past the labels and expectations, all of which were sky-high on the NHL’s most romance-prone hockey team. 
God, maybe he wasn’t just a goon. Maybe he was a complete and total asshole. 
“This is Cap’s fault,” Will announced, and he’d been ready for the pinch. He was less prepared for those eyebrows he was starting to become a tad obsessed with to soar up Belle’s forehead, past the swoop of bangs that regularly messed with his cognizant reasoning. 
She scoffed. “Are you fucking with me?”
“No, but maybe when we get back to—”
“I will kick you in the shins, Scarlet, I swear to every God you can think of.”
He tried not to deflate. Really, he did. But his name seemed to crack out of her, punching the bridge of his nose like Belle had actually pulled her right arm back and her scoff was more like an exhale that time. That had never happened. 
Even before. Before the labels and the attempts at setting up Killian and watching that entire season and how often he stared longing at Emma, before Regina and Locksley continued to be parents extraordinaire and the jealousy started to eat away at him. Slowly, but surely and he never talked about that, but he figured she knew because Belle knew everything and—
“Bet you twenty bucks you could name more gods than I could.”
Another sigh. A tilt of her head. It made her bangs shift. He wasn’t sure what was happening in his chest. Expanding and contracting, a painful rhythm that hurt way more than the stitches or the shitty metaphors and he was glad she’d snuck into the locker room. Will didn’t want her anywhere else. 
Naming conventions, aside. 
“I’m sorry—” “—I love you.”
He almost fell over. Impressive, since Will was still sitting down and his feet didn’t entirely reach the floor from that position. His jaw dropped. He hated that. Partially because it hurt and mostly because he should have been way cooler, wanted to be way cooler, but there were dots of red on his girlfriend’s cheeks and teeth digging into her lower lip, now, and he resolutely ignored the ache in his calves when he slid back to his feet. 
Curling an arm around her waist, he didn’t think much about the precise way he yanked her. Forward. Directly into his chest and that didn’t leave much room to bend his knees, but Will was less concerned with specifics and the staging of this than actually getting to the good part. 
The kissing part. 
Plus, Belle pushed up on her toes. So, that helped. 
He groaned. Loudly, like embarrassingly loud. As soon as her head tilted and he could get his mouth on hers and they were all hands and lips and whatever she was doing with her tongue, tracing the lip he’d been so intent on biting through just a few moments before. Bending his knees did give Will some more leverage. To pull her even closer, moving his arm and ignoring her soft protests. 
Most of them died when he managed to get a hand under her left thigh. 
She groaned. Something to be said about symmetry, Will assumed. Although he also didn’t really...care. About the saying, mostly. Not when he was melting and falling, dropping into the deep end of a pool that was a shock to his system and the best thing that had ever happened to him and she was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Bar none. 
Especially when she did that tongue thing. 
Closing his eyes, he knew he had to tilt his head. Had to breathe and stay conscious and he didn’t want to think about the medical requirements of a professional hockey player at a time like that, but he knew consistent awareness of his surroundings was probably fairly important and the roar of triumph blaring through his brain made that a little difficult. Breathing would have to be enough for now. 
“I can’t—” Belle’s shoulders heaved. Fingers dragged across the back of Will’s neck and he had to admit he was fairly impressed with her balance. Her right foot wasn’t on the ground. “Shit, I—” He pulled her lip between his teeth, tried to memorize the next hitch of her breath and he was about five-point two-three seconds away from losing his mind. Rocking his hips up was a very bad idea. He did it anyway. “Babe, I can’t think when you do that.”
Everything was spinning. He was spinning. No, that wasn’t true. He wasn’t spinning. He was standing and touching and there was barely any color left in Belle’s eyes. 
Pride prickled at the back of Will’s brain. Until pain joined the fray, making a glorious and unwelcome return at the precise moment he realized there was moisture on his cheek again. Warm and red and Ariel was going to kill him. 
“Cap and Emma were making out in the hallway,” Will explained, “pre-game. Nothing they don’t normally do, and I don’t even think they knew I was there.”
“Is any of this supposed to make me feel better?”
He nodded. “I love you, too. Like it’s ridiculous how in love with you I am.”
Silence. As much as there could be in a locker room, at least. Water fell from shower heads a few hundred feet away, the low murmur of questions and Lucas-approved answers, squeaking sneakers and clacking heels, and the familiar sound of wheels rolling across linoleum as the equipment hampers moved down the hall. 
Will took a deep breath. 
Slowly, through his nose. Keeping the nerves off his face was harder than he expected, and even more ridiculous than whatever he’d just proclaimed because Belle had proclaimed first and it was entirely possible they were both colossal idiots. That put them on even ground, though. 
He appreciated that. 
“Why were you mad, ma moitié?”
There was the pinch, again. “Why do you think?” Will shook his head, brushing hair away from her eyes and he knew he didn’t imagine that sigh, either. Softer. More content. All that previous even ground. “Because I—” Belle started, and the color hadn’t left her face yet. “I know you think you’ve got to be this guy. Out there defending, not just the goal but the people and that’s...I’m super into that.”
“But it makes me so nervous, I could spit.’
Will genuinely had no idea what noise he made. It might not have been human, really. Tearing out of his throat, his eyes bugged and he bent over without really meaning to, forehead finding Belle’s shoulder like that was the only reasonable landing place. He was still bleeding. Or bleeding again, whatever. 
“Say that again,” he mumbled. Into her jersey. His jersey. Whatever, part two. 
“Spit,” she repeated, making sure to enunciate every letter, “because I know you can hold your own in a fight, and that’s how you think you make a difference on this team, but—”
“It is that’s why.”
“Was my shin-kicking threat not threatening?”
He kissed exactly where his lips were. “Not really, no.”
“‘Cuz I’ll totally do it, I swear. To all those gods and goddesses and then they’ll descend from on high and tell you that they also think you’re an idiot who should know that letting some rat on the ice get under your skin is exactly what they’re trying to do. Plus, it’s way better when you check them, y’know?”
Lifting his head didn’t hurt. Made him a little nervous, anxiety churning his gut and this was not the way Will thought this would happen. Maybe he could get Belle to kick Killian too. For the making out. And the unspoken frustration. He was definitely an idiot. “Is it just?”
“Don’t make me say it.”
“Don’t have to. You’re very easy to read.”
Belle lifted her eyebrows. More. “That so?’
“You think it’s super attractive when I check another dude.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Didn’t have to. Also, I love you.”
“You mentioned that before, yeah.”
“And I am sorry for freaking you out.” Sigh number three wasn’t quite as resigned as the others, but it still left guilt rising in the back of Will’s throat and every single inch of him froze. As soon as Belle leaned around him, grabbed a far-too-large handful of gauze and started wiping blood off his cheek. “That’s way too much, babe.”
“Ariel can deal.”
“Ya gonna kick her too?”
“I’ll consider it,” Belle mumbled, back on both feet again. For, like, two seconds. Before she pushed back up on her toes, kissed the corner of Will's mouth, and added, “Don’t do that to me again, ok?”
“Aye, aye, Cap.”
He had much better reflexes than her. Pulling her back to his side before either one of her shoes could land a blow was easy and bordering almost close to joyful and that was a strange thing for him to be, but it was also easy and somehow even more simple and Ariel let them into the restaurant that night. They stayed for all of fifteen minutes. 
And Will told Belle he loved her once every five minutes on the cab ride back to his apartment. 
He timed it, and everything. Just to make sure the color stayed in her cheeks.
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