#it is absolutely hilarious
barrywhelk · 1 year
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“Well, Jesus. What did they die of?” has got to be one of the most underrated Gansey moments
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navree · 2 years
i like that all of dracula daily tumblr is in agreement that van helsing without prompting talking about how seward has no bitches in front of the woman who rejected his proposal is objectively the funniest thing to have ever happened, because it is
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warpedpuppeteer · 1 month
"Eddie was never gay". Eddie worked in the dispatch building and immediately got into a petty passive aggressive territory bitch fight with Josh, the other gay man in the team. Gay recognises gay <3
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bet-on-me-13 · 19 days
The Summoner
So! Danny is not the Ghost King.
But he still has a good relationship with a LOT of Powerful and not-so-powerful Ghosts in the Zone. So much so that they have given him their Summoning Circle's with a blanket permission to Summon them any time. Not like they have much else going on...
This all leads to a hilarious situation where Danny can't use his Powers for whatever reason and is forced to Summon his friends for help. In front of a group of Heroes.
He has to explain everything to them, but accidentally convinces them that he has Summoning Magic and the Ghosts are all on his Contract. He also mentions Saving people from Ghosts and the JLA realize that he is a child Hero.
They ask him if he wants to join Young Justice, and Danny hesitantly agrees.
Now Danny is on Young Justice and the entire team thinks that he is a Hero with Ghost Summoning Magic.
And his name isn't Daniel "Commit to the Bit" Fenton for no reason.
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epicfirestormer · 11 months
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Go watch Nimona, it's really good
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
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Season 1 Rarijack is really funny
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Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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gumdefense · 7 months
We have moved past Maya and Franziska wingmanning narumitsu as a society. They would not fucking do that. We need to realise the truth which is that Larry and Gumshoe would try to wingman them and only succeed through failure
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
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kokodrawings · 8 months
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Artober day 3!
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54625 · 2 months
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sorry this is so fucking funny. "They're really hard selling it" 😭
this is exactly what I was talking about
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hypewinter · 7 months
The Wayne's couldn't help but stare in disbelief as they watched their youngest spoon feed a toddler. Before anyone could even say anything, Damian turned to them.
"He ran into me while being chased after some men in lad coats. I dispatched them and took the boy in after he refused to stop clinging to me. Congratulations Father, you are a grandfather now," he said. Then he turned back to the toddler and continued feeding him.
Everyone proceeded to turn to Bruce, who looked like he was a second away from a heart attack. Welp, looks like it was time to see who the favorite uncle/aunt was.
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reigenisbae · 2 months
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there are normal games and then there's rimworld
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lotus-pear · 11 months
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lore accurate chuuya canonically drives a 2006 sparkly barbie motorcycle
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koolaidashley · 11 months
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An ACTUAL continuation of the Trans Masc Leo Saga cuz someone in the tags said they accidentally gaslit raph into thinking leo was cis n mikey jus forgot cuz he was little and tag was too funny not to follow up on so I sprinted to make this lol
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
When Eddie is introduced to Jonathan, they both give each other a look that says “if you say anything, you’re dead” and naturally, Nancy clocks it immediately.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” they said at the same time, only growing the suspicion.
“Seriously? Do you know each other already?”
“Yes, but-“
They glare at each other, but Eddie speaks up again.
“He bought from me a couple times. No big deal.”
Nancy looks between them, shakes her head. “There’s something else going on. But we’ve got bigger problems.”
And they did.
For months, their problems seemed to get worse by the day. It was a great distraction.
But honestly, anytime Eddie spent more time with Jonathan, it got harder not to say how they actually knew each other: a make out session in a bathroom at a party when Jonathan was yearning for Nancy.
He told Steve eventually, had to with the way he kept finding ways to avoid being around Jonathan and Steve got suspicious.
“If he said something to you about us, I’ll take care of it. He doesn’t get to say shit about what makes us happy.”
And Eddie couldn’t have Steve lose another fight, so he told him.
“So wait. You and Jonathan…”
“Made out. Yes.”
“Like…with tongue?”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I remember tongue being involved.”
“And hands?”
“They were there too.”
Steve puts his hands on his hips, lifts one to wipe over his face, then settles it back on his hip. “And you liked it?”
“Considering at the time my options were Jonathan or the girl in Hellfire who insisted I wasn’t gay because I looked at her during campaigns, yeah. It wasn’t the worst thing I’ve been through.”
Steve huffed. “Yeah, but like. Compared to me-“
“Oh my god.”
“I cannot believe you’re jealous of Jonathan Byers. Again.”
“I’m not! I’ve never-“
Eddie raised his brows. “Never? Not once?”
“That was different!”
“That was worse.”
“I dunno, finding out your boyfriend has made out with the only other guy in Hawkins who’d be up for it is arguably worse.”
Steve pouted for hours. Eddie let him.
It was cute, alright?
And when he got over it, they made out for hours in his bed.
Steve, of course, was the one who told Nancy.
In his defense, he was very high, and Nancy had been pushing him all night, from the moment she caught wind that he might know how they knew each other.
Eddie went inside to grab them all water, and she pounced.
By the time Eddie got back, Steve was half asleep and Nancy was smirking at Eddie.
“You could’ve just said.”
“He’s never getting high for free again.”
“He’s your boyfriend.”
“He’s back to being a paying customer, too.”
Nancy laughed, startling Steve into opening his eyes. He smiled up at Eddie, no clue he’d just given up one of their secrets.
“Hi, baby. You know Nancy didn’t know about you and Jonathan?”
Eddie glanced over to see Nancy rolling on her side, laughing hysterically.
“Yeah. I’m sure that was on purpose. How about we get you to bed, superstar?”
He managed to get Steve onto the couch, where he immediately passed out.
Nancy hugged him, kissed his cheek, like she always did before leaving.
“It’s not a big deal, you know. He’s mentioned that he isn’t only into women. We’ve talked a lot about the Argyle situation.” She walked towards the door. “Steve will get over the jealousy eventually. It’s not like Jonathan wouldn’t have made out with him if he could have.”
She left before Eddie could respond.
Eddie suddenly understood exactly what Steve was feeling.
“Not gonna happen,” he mumbled to himself before joining Steve on the couch and pulling him close.
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