#it is a lone potato
tomorobo-illust · 5 months
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See hi-res version here: patreon.com/posts/97164425
Lone Emmet and Cub AU
// Previous Chapters //
Following not long after Ingo introduced Emmet to the Pearl Clan and their leader, Emmet made sure to thank them for taking care of his city slicker of a brother who would've died in the wild without their help (Emmet would've died too lets be real, he is also lucky he is alive XD).
EDIT: @neojet280 This is so late, BUT I finally peeked into my gigantic inbox pile and forgot to include this! It's so old, but I kept it for when I eventually made this comic because this is exactly what I imagined Emmet to do as well
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OMG I’m so excited for this!!! Can I request Vil with the prompt rainy nights?? Can it be fluffy and romantic? Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
Rainy Nights; Vil Schoenheit
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established romantic relationship
Content Warning; Reader cries because of a movie, death (movie)
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; I had a vision; watching old movies with Vil as the rain came down. I had a lot of fun writing this, and this is also my first solo Vil piece, so I hope I did him justice here.
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were rummaging around the TV console, going through the numerous DVDs and VHS tapes that were just sitting around and collecting dust. Tonight was your night for movie night, as yesterday was Vil’s, so you were weighing your options. Sure, there were streaming services, but there’s just something that hits differently with a physical copy, flaws and all. Plus it’s not like you could go out since it was raining like no tomorrow outside. So, movie night.
“Having any luck,” Vil gently called from the washroom, still doing his nightly routine.
Your eyes still scoured the various cases, trying to find the perfect one. “Not yet. Just give me a minute, m’kay?”
Vil gave you a hum as an answer, leaving you be.
Horror movie? No, he wouldn’t like that. Mystery? Too predictable… And then you found what looked like the most faded cases, colour worn away from age and a hand going back time and time again. That one.
Pulling it out, you dusted off the case, inspecting the title. Of the smudged-out words, you could make out The, some kind of smudged-out word, Blossom. It looked like a black-and-white movie, and on the front were the protagonists with their backs together, flower petals surrounding them, and a dagger above them. This, this is perfect.
Vil came out of the washroom, wearing his matching royal purple pyjamas and house robe, and glowing from the various skin products that he used. He looked curiously over your shoulder. “Hmm, The Bitter Blossom,” he mused, turning his gaze to you. “Is that your pick, Schatz?” His tone was light, a sign that he approved, and was mildly surprised at your pick.
“Mhm,” you hummed, placing the VHS tape into the VCR player. Whoever had played it last had saved you the trouble of rewinding it. “Have you watched it before?”
“Surprisingly, no. Copies of it are extremely hard to come by.” He got the sofa ready, adjusting the pillows, grabbing one of the many quilts, and a box of tissues, just in case. He noticed the look you were giving him, “I haven’t watched it, but I have heard about how it ends.”
You raised a brow, but shrugged. You pressed play and scrambled over to your spot next to Vil, getting comfy and pulling that handy quilt over the both of you — the rain had made it a little bit chilly.
The Bitter Blossom started playing. Not only was it in black-and-white, but it was also a silent film. The protagonists were two lovers who met by chance, their relationship going from cold strangers to a budding romance. 
But why had Vil grabbed the tissues? The movie was almost over, it couldn’t possibly—
But then the antagonist, a jealous ex of one of the main protagonists, stabbed the love interest in the back with a dagger. The movie ended with the protagonist hugging their love interest, flower blossoms falling down around them.
“Do not let the bitter blossom of hatred and vengeance bloom in your heart or mind, my love. Do not let it ruin the happiness which we fleetingly had.” The words flashed on the screen before the movie ended with the screen fading into black.
That, that was why Vil had grabbed the tissues. Wait, were you crying? That would explain why Vil was gently dabbing away the stray tears as they rolled down your face.
“A lovely film, love,” he whispered, “I should have warned you about the ending—”
You stopped him by grabbing softly at his hand, bringing it up to cup your face. “No, it’s alright. It was a beautiful movie,” you hiccuped, leaning into his touch. 
Vil caressed calming strokes on your cheek, the slow movements helping you focus on him. He placed a kiss on your forehead, a gentle hum escaping as the kiss lingered. “Oh potato,” your old nickname from when the two of you were still just only acquaintances, “what am I going to do with you?”
You grabbed a tissue and loudly blew your nose, “Cuddles?”
Vil sighed softly, but put his arm around you, resting his head against yours and placing a kiss to your temple. “Alright,” he hummed and continued humming a gentle tune until you were falling asleep. While he would prefer sleeping in bed, he supposed he could stand to cuddle with you on the sofa as the rain eased up outside.
Schatz; German for treasure, a common term of endearment
Tags; @azulashengrottospiano [I've seen the Vil brain rot and gushing], @eynnwwyjth, @xxoomiii
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You're doing Gods work.
hey, thank you!! <3
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His favorite vampire + a very lonely kid who escaped hell only to return back home
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cavyfinder · 1 year
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Mr. Gibbs
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
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Um... to borrow a phrase of Gwyn's: Lone Star, what did you do to this poor boy?
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practicecourts · 2 months
No good choices (Moody March Microfic day 13: lonely)
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Another @jilymicrofics in the Regency AU where Lord Potter should take his horse’s advice and Miss Evans realises she’s none too fond of men, in general, or is she?
Read on ao3 below the cut (700 wrds)
No Good Choices
… Lily, it is high time you gave up on the ludicrous idea of finding a paid position. Instead, you had better find yourself a proper husband, ensure your future by any means necessary, compromise a gentleman in a public setting, or sprain your ankle. Most firstborns are born early, it’s a fact of life in our social circles. You’re too pretty to be hired as a governess, no Mistress of a respectable house in their right mind would take you on. So stop hiding from the balls. I can’t have you live off me and Mr Dursley, so find yourself a husband that will provide for you. I’ve no interest in accepting that Mr. Snape on your behalf. Believe it or not, but I think you could do better. Just know, I will have no other choice, if you don’t act soon… 
The words in Petunia’s handwriting blurred before her eyes. The implications of her elder sister circled her mind like a flock of vultures.  Lily shuddered, the idea to trick a man into marriage, a bond that would last until either of them died, horrified her. She could never. She’d much prefer to stay alone, then suffer to feel lonely in an unsuited marriage. Besides, how would she even manage? Would she really dare approach a man? Grab a wandering gentleman by the lapels of his jacket, fling herself in unsuspecting arms, kiss an unattached Lord on the lips, let her fingers wander, and risk losing her virtue in the hopes he’d not walk away after she gave him what he desired? A man could after all, and no one would ever treat them less. Whereas she’d be ruined, without any chances for the future, just because she was a woman.  The memory of her overhearing Lord Potter’s complaints about his poor predicament (his estate and title required him to take a wife in order for him to secure an heir) and his laments over the many ladies looking to seduce him to be their husband. He’d even gone as far as say he wanted to have a choice in such a personal matter, and he felt robbed of one.  Oh, how angry she still got just thinking about it. How did he dare complain so vehemently, when he had all anyone could wish for? Good health, good fortune, title and lands to his name, proper education. She’d give a lot to be allowed to gain more knowledge.  How could the man think he was without choice. What highborn lady would refuse him? A man of his stature and fortune, with great posture and good looks to boot. Lily had to admit she enjoyed looking at him. She even found herself day dreaming about him, his thick dark hair, attractive to her probably because it was a little too wild for society’s standards. Often her thoughts would wander to his eyes that could burn with their intensity, the severity of his look had the power to decide an argument.  She’d also seen how they would crinkle just before his lips would quirk into a smile. Oh, how she’d started to look for that beginning of his smile, to see it just before it transformed his face like a sunset changed night into day… Oh, oh.
And just like that, Lily’s jealous anger morphed into something different, still heated, still burning, longing even; she desired Lord Potter, she wanted his smile, his look, to be only for her.    What would it be like if he were to kiss her…What would it be like? She ran her finger over her lips, absentmindedly, before she shook her head, embarrassed for imagining he would ever kiss her.
For Lord Potter had made his opinion on women trying to seduce him perfectly clear.  And as she was a woman with no fortune, no powerful relations, even when she would somehow find herself alone with him, even if he’d not walk away but instead do the honourable thing—Lily felt her face heat up, she put a cold hand on her cheeks—it would be to no avail, he’d forever think her mercenary, he’d be disgusted and loathe her for the rest of her life. He’d rightfully blame her for ruining his life.
That would be infinitely worse than being alone, but Lily wasn’t sure if it would be worse than living her life as Mr Snape’s wife. Spinsterhood sounded more and more appealing. 
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#i feel so lonely now bc i have no one to talk to sksksk#my sisters gets mad whenever i try to talk 2 mom and she just slammed doors nd got irritated at me#nd my mom is so stressed nd in a bad mood so she just got annoyed when i tried saying smth to her#so ig i should just vent to my bestfriend beloved diary confidant thats been here for me for 5yrs<3333#anywayyy today was rough.. i woke up w a headache after 3hrs of sleep :((#but still had to get up nd get ready nd eat boxed mashed potatoes for breakkyy 🤢🤮 (it's so gross after eating it everyday lol)#then w my hunchback nd achy stomach i went to school. it was frustrating bc ppl r so fkn rude#they bumped into me at the bus nd i had to sit like a weirdo caging my left stomach side from everyone. had to elbow some dumb fkn guy bc he#pressed his backpack into my side. so i had to basically push it away from me lol he thought i was so weird. but move tf away asshole??????#got to school nd checked myself in the mirror nd i was so pale i look like absolute garbage its annoying :((#it was next to insufferable to endure class bc my head hurt so bad (it was the worst part i think) nd i couldnt sit up straight so my back#hurt so bad too sksksks :<#but i managed to write a little but on my assignment#then i left a bit earlier bc i couldnt stand it anymore i was feeling so bad#wrnt to the library bc i had to return some books. could only carry two small ones tho so have to go back multiple times sksksk#felt soooo bad but ate some more disgusting mashed potatoes nd took a nap w an ice pack. took a migraine pill even if it upsets my stomach🤣#now a few hours later i feel better physically#buuuuuut im so miserable im not even kidding#idc if it sound pathetic or fatty but genuinely that moment w a cup of coffee nd a small chocolate treat everyday makes me feel sm better#like im not kidding!!!!! it does a lot for my peace of mind sksksk T-T#im so miserable bc i cant eat anything still im so hungry :((#and im weak. im pale. my skin's dry. it's itchy bc of malnutrition... i feel faint nd dizzy nd slow nd just not good at all#im so frustrated i hate this sm i wanna feel strong and healthy!! i dont wanna be constantly hungry. i wanna go to the gym nd go for walks#i wanna be able to sit up straight nd not get back pain!!!#i know i know it's only been 8 days since surgery and it takes time to heal i get it..... :(#but theres just too much going on and im so sick and tired of it all#mostly i just wanna be able to eat and feel strong bc i feel so weak nd i miss food so much sksksksk
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tracfone · 1 year
Omg you're right, there's no music with the bots, now my heart hurts even more. Might as well stomp on it at this point💔 GLaDOS deserves happiness! 😭
When glados doesn't have her teeny little beloved human test subject she stops singing. Her heart stops singing. She doesn't have a reason to make music anymore ):
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boiipotato · 5 months
Tomorrow is my Birthday and I couldn't be more depressed. It's like I've given up on having attempting to have good birthdays, they have all been so shitty as of late.
I just want one good year. I'm tired of being sad and miserable cause of chronic pains.
I don't like being alone.
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tomorobo-illust · 24 days
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See hi-res version here: patreon.com/posts/104346141
Updating every Tuesday and Thursday Chapter 7: Epilogue of Lone Emmet and Cub AU !
// Previous Chapters //
Chapter 7: Epilogue  First {{ Prev { Page 12 } Next
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tastygoldentaters · 1 month
I know I'm usually on my self loathing bs but right now I'm prepping my hair to dye it pink and all I can think of is how it feels so smooth and silky yet I have no one to pet it ;-;
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itsana004 · 9 months
"Omg Kaito was so cold towards Droite he said he didn't give an absolute sh8t 😢"
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
can it stop being cold outside i’d like to go talk to the moon
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gothboywithstyle · 3 months
I just want someone that's loyal, I wanna love her, I wanna take care of her when she's sick or feeling sad, I just wanna be needed by a someone so bad..
What I don't want is to be someone's wallet, I don't wanna be someone's sugar daddy, I don't want to feel like I have to earn their love with gifts. I just want love :(
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Anybody wanna cuddle and give eachother reasssuring handholds, hair ruffles, and/or forehead kissies? Platonic or romantic. I just need to feel a human person...
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