#it is 4:30am and this was lovely to wake up to omg
boundinparchment · 1 month
I wasn’t sure whether to put this in the ask or submission box so sorry but… your new addition to the heretic and the forsaken little au was living absolutely RENT FREE because it was so cute so here you go 👉👈
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His daughter is supposed to be a little older here and she has little celestial pins in her hair because I keep imagining him thinking that she was better than any of the fake ones in the sky anyways…. UGHHSHSHHSH.
This is also filled with my head cannons for him?? Because personally I think that everyone is Sumeru is a little too white (even the people from the forest), and also he has like burn scars along the top and sides of his face from being like chased from his village instead of just a straight singular scar. And his slutty waist. But that’s practically cannon yk yk
So here you go🙏🙏 thank you for all you do it’s literally amazing mwah
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They’re so adorable! The hairpins are such a nice touch, oh my gosh.
Your art style is also so soft, it’s very fitting for both of them.
Thank you so much for taking the time to draw both of them. Treasuring this forever!
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
GMMTV 2024 Part 2 Showcase
GMMTV 2024 Part 1 Reaction
April 23, 2024
When I watched Part 1 I was barely into series and watched certain trailers that I thought might be interesting but this time I'm planning on watching it live and am so into watching shows again.
The actors I'm actively following right now are Fourth and Gemini, along with some Phuwin (and by extension PondPhuwin) but none of them are getting ship work. So I'm mostly just gonna be there for the stories and concepts we get (though I'm curious about the GemPrim series and what Fourth is gonna be in). I hope I'm really excited by some concept (like The Warp Effect) or a cast/ship (like a surprise one).
Anticipation Ranking:
My Top 3:
The Heart Killers (BL) [omg KhaoFirst (and Joongdunk) in a show directed by Jojo where they commit crimes and possibly are there for nefarious reasons etc]
The Ex-Morning (BL) [KristSingto + exes-to-lovers ahhhhh]
US (GL) [it seems so moody and angsty and I love Emi's face]
Okay I lied it's Top 4:
Thame-Po (BL) [love a celebrity/idol romance and the trailer is so good and also I'm suddenly invested in William/Est]
Interested, will watch if it turns out well:
Hide & Sis (ensemble, women-focus, by Snap25, dark)
Revamp (BL) [hope they do the supernatural aspect well]
The Dark Dice (ensemble) [Alice in Wonderland vibes, hope it's done well]
Only if they get glowing reviews:
Ossan's Love TH (BL)
Friendshit Forever (messy - 2 pairs)
Break-Up Service
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist (BL)
Not Really Interested:
Leap Day
Perfect 10 Liners (BL)
Scarlet Heart TH
Trailer-by-trailer thoughts below the cut.
Ended up waking up at 5:30am while the live started at 6:20am and the first trailer released at 6:35am lol
It’s fine tho bc my semester is over, i was afraid it’d happen before im done my exam or worse, on exam day.
Oh, Yfind project which looks for plots for novels and series? and some fandom name in Thailand?
Title: Ossan’s Life trailer
Pair: Earth/Mix
Did I know about this? Yes
Thoughts: omg? I didn’t realize Earth is the one who’s being pursued by Mix and the boss character, I thought it’d be Mix! this is fun. oh, putting on someone’s shoe scene. I finally know what the show is about because of The Conversation Podcast’s episode on it yesterday and this seems in line with the Japanese version. Very comedic, so we’ll see how it goes.
Title: Leap Day
Pair: Dew/Pahn, Pond & Gun
Did I know about this? No
Thoughts: Could be interesting but I’m not super into it yet because it doesn’t seem super developed yet beyond the concept of “people around them die.”
Title: The Heart Killers
Pair: Khao/First, Joong/Dunk
Did I know about this? Yes, specifically some sort of KhaoFirst series directed by Joni
Thoughts: I’M SO EXCITED! I was watching the whole trailer while intrigued and giggling. It’s definitely something I want from KhaoFirst, something a little risqué and has some actual plot while it’s different from anything JoongDunk have done so far, so i’d be curious to see how it goes. I hope the actual plot ends up good ahh. I’ll try not to get too attached to the mock trailer bc things will probably be different but I really like it. The song was covered in My School President but the vibe is different here.
After Rewatch: I definitely understood more after the rewatch because on my first watch I was so excited that I definitely missed some scenes and dialogue there loll I'm soooo excited for criminal killer brothers Khao and Joong, tattooist First who is trying to get dirt on them to clear his own car debt record, and Dunk who has been unleashed upon Joong to distract him from KhaoFirst in exchange for a car. KhaoFirst were my pull when I first watched it and they still are because I fucking love to see them on screen but I definitely got the JoongDunk thing more in this watch. Love to see Dunk be wild (kissing Joong when he's threatening him etc) and bold and actually take action this time while Joong is the one who is evasive, a different dynamic than their usuals. I... will try to enjoy this one regardless of plot to be honest lol because people were like meh on the Only Friends storyline. I think it'll help knowing that it's a Romcom with a side of drama rather than an assassin/crime plot with side of romance. I'm also not looking forward to KhaoFirst and JoongDunk's fandoms possibly fighting based on like screentime/acting prowess/"better treatment" and favouritsm/etc. but hopefully it'll turn out okay. I actually don't mind that KhaoFirst got a 2-pair main lead instead of a solo pair show because the pairs seem very connected with each other. Seems like it's inspired by Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You rather than a novel. I wonder if I should watch 10TIHAY just to see what references and such they put in.
A few hours later and I just watched 10 Things I Hate About You lol I get the "date my older brother so that we can date" thing now. I suppose Dunk's character is the "wild" character who can handle his brother Joong's character.
Title: Friendshit Forever
Pair: messy
Did I know about this? No
Thoughts: Mook and Pat and New and Boun. It Could be good but idk if i’ll watch it. Pat playing a character who is a shitty friend, a la PSIHY. Title reminds me of Dead Friend Forever. I will say the best part of the trailer was the first few seconds when I was wondering if we’d get a Pat/Mook GL.
Title: Perfect 10 Liners
Pair: Force/Book, Perth/Chimon, girl too many
Did I know about this? No
Thoughts: It could be good but I don’t care about any of the actors or pairings in this. PerthChimon were the most intriguing in this though, I liked the parallel on”Are you dating anyone?” Directed by New Siwat, yeah dunno about this one tbh. bruh so many people on stage, were they all actually there in the trailer? There are a bunch of side BL couples in addition to the main 3? crazy fr. and they couldn’t throw in a side GL either?
Apparently this is gonna be 30 eps with 10 eps each of ForceBook, MarkJunior, and PerthChimon... gonna take months and months to air fr, meaning stuff could have to wait while this show keeps airing... agh. or maybe this could prevent another rerun so who knows.
Title: Us
Pair: gorgeous girls who i don’t know the names of. Emi/Bonnie
Did I know about this? I knew about a possible Emi/Bonnie GL but I didn’t know who they were. hm Us, did we expect this novel as well, I vaguely remember having seen this novel rumored to be a series.
Thoughts: GL? These GLs being about your brother/sister’s girlfriends. omg she’s the one pairing the postcards? ahhh GL KISS IN TRAILER! Oh I’m excited and also love the short haired girl’s face sooooo much. Another melodramatic GL a la Pluto, I’m looking forward to it! Is this by the same author as GAP/Pluto/Blank? People always mention how problematic her novels are and somebody mentioned they don’t like the source material for this show either but I love a little problematic romance, so we shall see. Fon is the director.
After Rewatch: Went to MDL to double-check that the girl with cropped hair is Emi (she is! beautiful!) and the rights to this were brought like 2 years ago or what? Over a year ago at least since the comments have been waiting for announcement since then. Dang the acquirement rumour was on r/GMMTV back in February last year, so I probably saw it back then. The plot is quite straightforward, seems like it's focused way more on interpersonal relationships. Love the moody, indie nature of the angsty scenes but then they're so charming and bright when they're like happy and together! Also very happy to see like passionate kissing and romantic physical affection between the women even in the trailer, I'm hoping they have great romantic chemistry in the show. Doubt we'll get this one before 2025 though since it's directed by P'Fon and she's directing High School Frenemy right now and also has Scarlet Heart TH to do. I doubt GMMTV would air 3 GLs in a year already lol, so I'm hoping at least Pluto comes out this year and US is one of the first things out last year at the latest.
Title: Hide & Sis
Pair: ensemble and messy, focused on sisters
Did I know about this? No
Thoughts: PSIHY flashbacks. Snap25 is in charge of this, which makes sense. Very vibey, eerie, hope it’s good. Focus on morally corrupt women and sisters yay. Pepper/Lookjun are dating IRL right? hehe cute
Title: Thame Po | Heart That Skips A Beat
Pair: Est/William
Did I know about this? That there is expected to be an EstWilliam
Thoughts: Oh, a BL? So many GMMTV people who I don’t know these days. Another idol BL similar to Only Boo but more mature ig? Is this EstWilliam? I’ve seen so many people excited for their BL but idk their faces lol. It’s a Parbdee project? Exciting. I like the vibes of it. I hope they do the celebrity/commoner aspect well, I like an idol romance in theory (and in fic lol) but I don't think I've yet watched one that I've enjoyed.
After Rewatch: I randomly started seeing Est and William posts start popping up on r/GMMTV a few weeks ago and then this master thread was created for it as well. I didn't know who they were (apparently a LYKN boy and a new GMMTV actor with side roles in the past) so I was just mildly curious but it's fun that this came true. When the trailer first started, I didn't know this guy was Est, so I was like oh nooo I don't wanna watch a show about not being able to find jobs and being a loser or something lol but seems like he finds his gig early enough into the show. The trailer is even better on the 2nd watch when I know what's going on lol. The background music really suits it, it stood out to be during the first watch as well. The trailer is 4 minutes and seems fairly fleshed out, I wonder... if we can hope that it's one of the first ones to film from the 2nd half? It's done by Parbdee who have a few projects this year but the director is Mui Aticha who doesn't have anything else lined up for the year since Beauty Newbie? So maybe she can work on this soon? Crazy resume though, The Gifted, F4, Girl From Nowhere, etc. I wonder how she'll do with this one though since it's a more grounded romance like Beauty Newbie (which didn't receive good feedback rip).
Thame is William and Po is Est and from the characters + how people referred to them during the conference after the trailer, seems like they're going for WilliamEst? Interesting because everybody on the subreddit was just reading calling them EstWilliam lol I enjoy them switching it up a bit to play with expectations and cast based on the characters rather than which order people think the people themselves should be. WilliamEstWilliam would've been fun too. The next day and Est has posted pictures with #WilliamEst. Funny to have William-Williamer-Williamest.
I hope the mood and vibe of it being calmer and romantic and the drama from the celebrity idol life remains true, I don't want it to become more light-hearted and comedic, nor do I want it to become Extra Angsty or anything.
Also, it's such a fascinating yet baffling choice to me to have LYKN star as Mars. You're going to have your own boy group act as the group that's getting broken up by their company and who some company exec calls "losers" except the one guy who's gonna debut in Korea? And also, it's gonna show how not being able to date or come out sucks but it's not like GMMTV is gonna change that for LYKN like group, only for Mars the fictional band in the show lol. and fans wouldn't like it if William has a partner other than Est either. hilarious idk
Side note but every time I think of the title Thame-Po, I think of the song Thaam Lo even though the pronunciation isn't the same.
WilliamEst ship: Okay it's the night of the 24th, so it's been like a day but I'm quite into the ship itself idkkk man, I get why people on the gmmtv sub were going crazy about them for the past month. The thing is they're like so shy on stage when talking about the show omg, I enjoy seeing a ship being shy and unsure when first introduced to the public and they haven't quite figured out how to work everything out yet, it's cute. I also have learned that William is a 05 liner while Est is 01 and I need them to have the same age gap in the show pleaseee, I love a younger pursuer character for real. I know Thame calls Po Phi in the trailer though, so we know William plays a younger character at least
Title: Break-Up Service
Pair: Off/Jorin
Did I know about this? No
Thoughts: Fun concept, I’ll wait to hear if it’s good before I watch.
Title: Revamp: The Undead Story
Pair: Boun/Prem
Did I know about this? Yes
Thoughts: Ah, trailer for the BounPrem vampire story and it seems more serious and sinister than the campy nature of the other vampire BL: Golden Blood. Kinda reminds me of Midnight Museum actually. It looks good, I’ll probably give it a watch.
Title: Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist
Pair: Mark/Ohm
Did I know about this? Yes (Mark was hinting at it)
Thoughts: Two BLs back to back? Uni BL with dentistry student Mark based on Jittitain novel. It’s not super intriguing based on the more exciting stories but I need a good easy-watching, cute, uni BL once in a while in between he heavier hits. So this could be that. The trailer just seems long-winded
Title: The Dark Dice
Pair: Gemini/Prim
Did I know about this? Yes
Thoughts: Ohh kinda reminds me of The Gifted and the trailer for Enigma. A high school show about them trapped in some game. Wish there were more girls in the cast though. Less romantic than I thought. I hope it’s good and not like Homeschool which has a Very Good trailer but didn’t get good reviews.
Title: The Ex-Morning
Pair: Krist/Singto
Did I know about this? Yes, KS were shooting mock trailer with P’Lit
Thoughts: girl I was already like hehe KristSingto as expected BUT THEY ATE EXES!!!!! I love exes-to-lovers and it’s kinda funny since it parallels their ship work. huhhh wtf was that random ass car accident? hah I’m excited for this too. We knew the director is P’Lit who directed SOTUS.
After Rewatch: I thought it parallels KS's journey of Singto leaving GMMTV then him coming back and doing a BL with Krist again (kinda of exes-to-lovers if you squint) while the guy-fucks-up-and-is-crucified-on-the-internet could be parallel Krist's journey and turns out P'Aof wrote the script based on Krist Singto themselves, that's wild. The university days drinking pink milk really gives me a visceral reaction. I LOVE the look on Krist's face when he looks back at Singto in the towel and then quickly turns have his face like O.O it's very cute, I giggled the first time too. They seem to show stuff toward the end like with Krist winning the award again and Singto deciding to leave and also this random ass accident (seems like people are trying to kill Krist? What with the random motorcycle guy as well). I don't tend to like too much info in a trailer (over 4 minutes?!) but maybe if it means that we'll get it as one of the earlier part 2 shows because the script is written, I'll take it. I don't know if that's the case though because Aof is overseeing/scriptwriting and he's a busy man (though Director Lit doesn't have other shows I don't think)
Title: Scarlet Heart Thailand
Pair: Tu and ?Win?
Did I know about this? no
Thoughts: Not really a trailer, as they sometimes arent with these remakes. Scot’s are all pretty big hitters, especially Tu and Win, along with some people I’m looking forward to like Fourth, Phuwin, Tay, Nanon. Directed by Fon. I don’t know what this show is about at all though.
Expectations: based on rumours I've seen mostly
GemPrim: Yes
KhaoFirst: Yes
MarkOhm: Yes
EstWilliam: Yes
KristSingto: Yes
a GL: Yes
BounPrem and Wabi Sabi updates: Yes
I'm hoping for a large ensemble cast show centering women (PSIHY and Ploy’s Yearbook to a lesser extent, both by Snap25) or some mystery/sff (Homeschool, Gifted): Yes
My expectations were basic and based on some very well-believed rumours, so I'm not surprised they're correct.
Actor Attendance
Interesting to go from watching The Warp Effect where I knew pretty much everybody to these trailers where there are so many people whom I don’t know, including main actors for BLs and GLs (Est/William, Emi/Bonnie). Good chance to get to know them if the shows turn out well though!
On that note, it's always interesting when they choose completely new ships to be the main couple of a show, again like Us and Thame-Po. This also means a lot of the familiar main or side BL couples are in ensemble shows like Perfect 10 Liners (there were so many people in that, I couldn't even keep track of them all).
High School: 1
University: 2
Non-School: 10 (or 11 with Ossan's Love)
Very few school shows comparatively, just 3/13, less than a quarter. That's exciting, I'm especially glad that being out of school doesn't just mean office worker shows lol
The puns never end: Friendshit, Revamped, Hide & Sis, Thame-Po (Tempo - 50% pun), The Ex-Morning. Hilarious that there are more shows with puns in their names than school shows.
More shows grabbed my interest in this round I think. It seems like a more somber/serious set of trailers than part 1, which is cool.
Also, most of the trailers seem well-made, not necessarily in terms of story because they don't have full plots and stories yet, but in terms of production/quality.
I just hope the scriptwriting for these shows are strong, especially because they're dealing with interesting concepts like idol romance and exes-to-lovers. The concepts are soooo good but bad screenwriting or a story that doesn't deal with the interesting aspects can make the show fall flat.
I'm also glad that there is a mix of old ships, new ships, and totally new faces for these BLs and GL Like we have shows with established main pairs like KhaoFirst-Joongdunk and Forcebook-PerthChimon in ensemble shows, we have interesting situations like KristSingto which is a returning main couple and BounPrem which is an old series but revamped ;) for their GMMTV debut, but then we have a ship like MarkOhm where Mark has been in multiple shows and ships but he's leading in a series with somebody completely different. Then we have Emi-Bonnie and WilliamEst who are new faces as GMMTV leads and their ships are completely brand new.
In Part 1, it was similar in that we had stuff like main roles for existing ships with OffGun - The Trainee and GeminiFourth - My Love Mix-Up, ensemble with existing ships (We Are - PondPhuwin etc), had existing actors in new ships like OhmLeng in Kidnap or JossGawin in My Golden Blood, we had new ships like GreatInn in Wandee Goodday,
All in all, a good part 2, I'm glad I watched it live, it was exciting and I'm looking forward to these shows (though I'm not holding my breath though lol because part 1 shows still gotta be released). I really like these showcases and I'm kinda glad that now it's split into 2 because I get a new one every 6-7 months instead of once a year haha
Actually no my main gripe: Where are all the women? Us, Hide & Sis, and Friendshit Forever seem to be the only shows that focus on more than one woman and the BLs basically have no women, or possibly 1 female side character. Why can't they have side GL pairings or multiple women in the same show, truly what the heck? I hope that more women are cast in the shows as they start writing scripts and such, like a side GL in Us or a side GL in Perfect 10 Liners among all the BL pairs.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Omg for kiss prompts I'm having a moment of weakness thinking abt book 7 SO #43 between anyone from diasomnia 🥺 forehead kisses are just so sweet wahh
OUUGHGHGHGHGHGHHH i love diasomnia family SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
[Posted to Ao3!] [Link to prompt list]
Summary: Silver checks on Lilia to make sure his dad doesn't stay up all night gaming.
Prompt 43: A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
Silver found himself shuffling through the dark halls of the Diasomnia dorm. Squinting at his phone, he could see the time was only 4:30AM. One of the many downsides that came with falling asleep at the drop of a hat meant that Silver also often would wake up at odd hours of the night.
That being said, he was often not the only one awake at such an hour. As expected, sounds of cackling laughter and clacking of computer keyboard buttons could be heard coming from the other side of Lilia’s dorm room.
“Aha! Down he goes!” Lilia shouted to himself in triumph as he no doubt had just concluded another of those raid boss battles with his online gaming buddy. The two had been putting in extra hours every night for the past week to try and achieve some sort of limited time quest… Silver couldn’t really remember the details, but Lilia and his friend seemed pretty intense about it.
“Fa- Um, Lilia?” Silver called gently as he knocked on the door, quickly correcting himself just in case there were others in the room with Lilia, or perhaps also wandering around the halls in a sleepless state.
“Oho? Come on in, Silver. The door’s unlocked,” Lilia replied as he removed his headphones. “Gloomurai and I just concluded another successful raid!”
Sliver came to stand beside Lilia’s desk. “Have you been taking enough breaks to rest your eyes? You really shouldn’t stay up so late at your age.”
“Well, aren’t you thoughtful? Don’t you worry; I was just about… to sign off… Once I message Gloomurai…” Lilia’s sentence trailed off into a deep yawn.
“Father…” Silver sighed, already fighting the urge to yawn back in response.
“Yes, yes, just a moment…” Lilia insisted as he typed up his departing message for the night to his gaming buddy.
Muscle Red: I’m afraid I must depart for the night; my dormmates are getting quite concerned by how late I’ve stayed up.
Muscle Red: Though I must admit it’s hard to pull away when we’re so close to our goal! 
Muscle Red: Same time tomorrow?
Gloomurai: whoops.  i guess i should probs go too, i have class in like 4 hours lololol
Gloomurai: ya tht works for me. ttyl!
Muscle Red: Until next time!
Lilia leaned back into his chair with a big yawn. “Mmm… Perhaps I’ll just rest my eyes for a moment…”
“You should at least get into bed first. You’re just going to fall asleep anyway,” Silver protested, but Lilia seemed to be perfectly comfortable in his chair already.
“Go on back to your room… I’ll be fine right here…” Lilia mumbled as his breath started to even out and his voice fell into a quiet mumble.
It was times like this that Silver was glad his dad was so much smaller than him. He bent down over the chair, slid his arms underneath Lilia’s body, and effortlessly scooped him up into his arms to carry him back to his bed for a proper rest.
As Silver lowered Lilia’s body down onto the bed, Lilia chuckled sleepily. “So the student becomes the teacher… hehe… You’re all grown up, aren’t you, Silver?”
Silver’s eyes widened slightly, pausing as he was about to pull away and let Lilia rest. “I… Um…”
It was true, wasn’t it? All his life, for as long as he could remember, Lilia was looking after him. There were countless times Lilia had to pick a sleepy baby Silver up off the ground from where he’d fallen asleep and carried him to bed, and now…
“...Yeah. I suppose you’re right,” Silver said gently. He leaned forward again, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Lilia’s head. “Goodnight, father. Rest well.”
Lilia smiled, and snuggled cozily into his covers.
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ierogenvy · 2 years
drop the routine... 👀 I love long morning routines and not to like be "That Girl". like no girlie i want to just Enjoy Being A Person before doing any work!!!
omg hi !!! we are going to pretend it hasn’t been over a month since u asked this :) anyways.
so to preface all of this is based on the fact that the places i’ve worked for the last 5.5 years have been a maximum of 15 minutes (driving) from my house so that is how i calculate when i need to leave/start getting ready etc. also i’m a very deep sleeper + prefer to sleep instead of going to work so i set multiple alarms.
so i’m going to explain the process for the routine backwards first, then i’ll run through it chronologically.
so let’s say i have to be at work at 1pm. this means i want to leave my house at 12:30pm to ensure i get there early enough to sit in my car before i have to actually walk in to work. (this is also good if you can clock in early). that’s the last alarm, 12:30pm, to make sure i leave the house.
to leave the house by 12:30pm, i need to start getting ready by 11:50am. (i do not take very long to get ready, especially now that i have a uniform + i don’t ever wear makeup to work.) this is the next to last alarm, 11:50am.
to make sure i can start getting ready by 11:50am, i need to wake up and go downstairs to make + eat breakfast and make sure i have something ready for my meal at work by 10:40am, giving me an hour and ten minutes. this is usually enough time for me to compete my kitchen/downstairs tasks and take a little nap if i want to before i have to start getting ready. this is the third alarm, 10:40am.
to make sure i am actually awake and conscious by 10:40am, i set alarms for 10:00am and 9:00am, as i am a deep sleeper, and i can and have slept through my alarms for work (even WITH this little system rip). these are the second and first alarms, 10:00am and 9:00am.
so chronologically, my alarms are 9:00am, 10:00am, 10:40am, 11:50am, and 12:30pm. i don’t always follow the exact times to the letter, but this has enough time built in for me to vary a little based on how tired i’m feeling + my mood about work that day.
i also formulated this schedule while working the closing shift at walmart (2pm-11pm) full time and i hated it (i hate walmart) but i do like this routine i’ve created. no i do not know how i got to these specific times it just kinda happened? i didn’t always have an alarm set for 10:40 it just is now.
so when i tried to adjust the times for the opening shift at aldi, 9am became 2am and i wanted to throw up. so i changed the times and the order i do things a little to get this: 3:45am (first alarm), 3:55am (second alarm), 4:00am (get up (for real!) and get dressed etc), 4:30am (go downstairs to make breakfast), and 5:30am (leave).
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transparentheartz · 1 year
hi sweet love!! i’m sorry if my message is coming a but later than usual but i only now found the energy to pick up my phone omg😭 went clubbing yesterday and i came back at like 5:30am and then i had to catch a train back home 4 hours later, i’m so tired😔 it’s on me tho wkfjf
i’m so happy u also went to a museum with ur friends!! what kind of museum was it? ^^ mine was modern art! also, taking a day off to just lay around and watch tv sounds absolutely amazing <3 hope u were able to rest!💓
and that’s such an amazing quality!🥺 i love funny people, they’re the best ones out there <3 i think that my fav thing about myself is maybe the fact that i’m compassionate and have a lot of love to give💞 even tho it’s a quality that manages to hurt me a lot
today’s question: do u have a favorite movie/series? and what about a cartoon character? ^^
today’s quote: “Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve." always remember how amazing u are!! so proud of u for everything you've achieved :')
— love u!!! ur secret santa🎄🎅🏻
hi lovely!! oof such a horrible thing having to wake up early after being out. at least you had fun tho!!
the museum was a fine arts and garden one! it was really pretty !! how was your museum trip ??
being compassionate and giving can be hard but it’s a wonderful quality to have too! just have to make sure you surround yourself with good people!
hm i don’t think i can’t think of a favorite movie or a show but some of my favs are chicago pd, law and order, two broke girls, baby daddy. my favorite cartoon is either family guy or the amazing world of gumball. lol on totally different levels. how about you??
i actually called out of work today to go out with my friends 🤭 my manger didn’t would happy but i literally never call out so i had to make myself not feel bad about it lol.
i hope you got to rest today and feel more energized tomorrow!!
also i love your quotes sm <3
0 notes
clare-with-no-i · 3 years
Hello, so good to see you back! You probably are very busy at the moment so only answer this if you have time. But I am very curious who your top 10 Harry Potter characters are? (Not just Marauders era but in general) I´d be really interested in your answer but as I said, no pressure ;)
eeeeEEEEEEEEEE this is a question that has haunted me all day
omg. I am going to do this right now after going to bed at 5am and waking up at 8:30am (shoutout insomnia), so please...please forgive my answers y'all. pls. I know these are going to be obvious and also probably stupid but....I am a simple woman
1. Lily Evans
-I mean. you might be thinking: she had literally no story or substantial characterization in the books clare! but if you're thinking that then you are on the wrong blog, what are you doing here, how did you find me in my hovel. go away. we don't want your logic here, boooo hiss hiss
-this is the princess of the world and I am but her loyal subject
2. James Potter
-also probably not shocking. 1/2 of Jily. the golden boy. the man who deflated his head and inflated Bertram Aubrey's. what is there to say about James Potter that I have not already said in a fic about James Potter?? I wrote the line "when hope left Pandora's box, it must have idled in the breeze for thousands of years, waiting for the day James Potter was born" for this bespectacled menace. I simp for this man at about a 50% rate that he simps for Lily Evans, which is still Significant
3. Harry Potter
-I know this is basic but,,,I love him. no like I love him. and I want him to have had a happy childhood and thus here we are,,,me writing fix-it fics and rereading the entire HP series and giving commentary to my favorite Harry Potter moments. also...there's no need to call me sir, Professor is just one of the sickest clapbacks I have ever heard. how can you not stan this boy? he had a shitty fucking childhood and just used it to be a Good person with Morals? like hELLO
4. Sirius Black
-my sweet multidimensional prince. you are so f--kin hard to write. why are you such a layered masterpiece of a character? why do you have such an incredible tragic heartrending backstory lmk??? like...you could have just been the witty cool guy with the Tresemmé commercial hair, but instead you had to go and become a statement on the radical nature of love in the face of generations of bigotry. wtf? who allowed this who do I talk to about this
5. Remus Lupin
-my beautiful tortured boyyyyyyy when will this man finally love himself, you ask? I cannot give you an answer but I love him enough for the both of us. shhhh not to spoil anything but I already have the scene written for Bond and Free in which he tells A Certain Someone about his Condition and it made me fucking cry writing it! RJL I love your weepy self!!!! I am personally going to Fenrir Greyback's house and beating his ass with a shovel and possibly a very ornate lamp on your behalf!
6. Minerva McGonagall
-the purveyor of Scottish representation and unflappable deadpan in the HP canon. my queen. I essentially want her to rule the world and I wish more people would gd listen to her. and no I am still Not Over the fact that if we had all just heeded her advice then Harry probably wouldn't have had to compete in the Triwizard Tournament and all of the 4th book messiness could have been avoided. I mean. that's what happens folks!! take notes, women are smart™
7. Ron Weasley-Hermione Granger
-I put the two Golden Trio pals together because I love them an equal amount, and also because Romione is superior, and also also because it was cruel of you to only give me 10 spots so I am cheating and making space. nobody said there were rules to this!!!! no but like...for real....who does it better than these two. who. I mean in terms of communication many people do but on a large scale of being Really Good Friends they are just top 5 ever. also powerful bookish witch with a himbo boyfriend? yes pls sign my ass UP.
8. Regulus Black
-I enjoy suffering
9. Bill Weasley-Fleur Delacour
-I would like these two to write a book entitled A Guide to Successfully Navigating the World as an Unreasonably Attractive Couple. also, Fleur Delacour popping back up after her rampant mistreatment (justice for her!!!) in book 4 to LITERALLY become eventual family to a mister Harry Potter? now THAT is what I call horizontal networking. if you know what I mean. tbqh I don't even know what I mean, I'm tired
10. Ginny Weasley
-I have been an OG Ginny Weasley stan since the age of six, people. my mom first read me and my siblings the Chamber of Secrets and I was just like ok! time to project my entire personality onto this minor female character! but seriously...what an arc. what a career. what a monumental cockup on behalf of Warner Bros Studios in representing her character. she is just SO dope and I love how she just Does Not Care about Harry's bullshit and is instead like "you're an idiot and I am smarter than you but also I support you and you're very hot" queen shit!
honorable mentions:
stan shunpike (don't ask), dean thomas, luna lovegood, Molly weasley, pretty much the entire weasley family sans percy!!! I am sorry my beloveds I just needed to rant about these characters more but ilysm
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
I did this Tier Ranking the other day of Zelda’s with the most to least amount of agency in their games, and I’m going to be honest... I’m still thinking about it. I was getting so annoyed when I played SS the other day because of something that happens that made me mad. So now, I’m going to rant about every single Zelda because she deserves better. 
This is my short essay on which Zelda’s have agency in their games and why. Omg if only I could have done that topic in grad school. 
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So this was my list. 
Before you keep going, this is just spoiler central. So, if you haven’t played, say SS yet, heads up.
I’m going to start by saying I’ve never played the Four Swords games nor watched a playthrough. IDK why there are 4 of her, but maybe it’s just ironic to have 4 of them? But that’s my ‘don’t know’ pile. Maybe she’s epic, but I remember her being captured by Vaati in an intro to the GBA game, so I doubt it. 
Most Agency: Wind Waker Tetra, Sheik, and Spirit Tracks Zelda
I almost feel like this part of the list goes without saying. Tetra (WW) is a queen. She’s a captain, has a crew, goes where she wants, helps Link, hurts Link, literally, queen. 
Sheik should also go without saying. We don’t see a lot of Sheik actually doing things, but we know she’s doing them. She’s been all over Hyrule for 7 years training, and keeping the world spinning. During the game alone, we know she’s out there rescuing Ruto, trying to fight the spirits in the well, etc. So we don’t see it, but we know it. 
And Spirit Tracks Zelda! SHE’S YOUR LITERAL COMPANION!!! SHE’S WITH YOU THE WHOLE GAME, FINDS A WAY TO FIGHT, HELPS, IS FUNNY, IS ACTIVE IN THE KINGDOM, AND IS AN ALL AROUND UNDERATED ZELDA. She lost a little agency because she has no body, but she didn’t let it stop her. 
Good Agency: OOT Zelda, BOTW Zelda, TP Zelda
This is the “I’m in danger of being smited for including these three here” pile. OOT Zelda isn’t in it for long as adult Zelda, and she does get trapped in a crystal almost immediately, but you know she was training for years and managed to stay out of sight of Ganon. And at the end, she holds up an entire castle for you to escape. I want her on my team, but I’d prefer Sheik. Plus, this Zelda is one in SSB sooo does that count? I don’t think so but whatever. I wanted to put her lower, but I was thinking of her off screen and she managed to make it up into the ‘good’ agency pile. 
BOTW Zelda. She’s got a lot more agency in AOC than BOTW because she just runs around and basically commands the whole kingdom's army after a while, but in BOTW, she’s held back by everyone! She had the potential! She wasn’t a damsel, she was a smart cookie, she had character, but everyone was like nah girl. Go wander Hyrule doing stuff. And she did! Not because she had agency, but because everyone told her to. She wanted to work with the tech! Let her work with the tech!
And TP Zelda, my girl, I love the thought of this Zelda SO MUCH!! SHE HAS A SWORD!! SHE COULD HAVE USED IT IN THE GAME!! THE CUTSCENE WAS RIGHT THERE!!!!! But you know she defended Hyrule off screen anyway, literally fought with her soldiers to protect her people. Gave her literal life of her own accord, took full blame for things, like, no one told this girl no. She was full blown agency... except that she was locked in a tower for the whole game, then went poof, then got turned into a puppet, then only managed to show off her battle badassery in ONE SCENE aka one of the best multi-stage final boss battles. Just could have pushed her further. 
Okay Agency: Child OOT Zelda, SS Zelda, ALBW Zelda
Child Zelda. She’s a child. She gave Link an instrument and was forcibly (but thankfully) spirited away on horseback. She doesn’t really DO much at this point. But she WILL! So she’s cool, but she’s just a wee sprout still! 
SS Zelda: Don’t hit me! I love her, her general plot, and her relationship with Link. But she isn’t even allowed to hug him. She is dragged everywhere, captured MULTIPLE times, stuck in a big old amber crystal thing FOR I DON’T REMEMBER HOW LONG, nearly sacrificed, and is bombarded with memories of a life that wasn’t technically hers and she has to sort through being Hylia and not just Zelda. Poor bean. She’s not at the bottom because you can tell that before the game, she was top tier agency queen.  
ALBW Zelda is just... meh. She’s not as bad as ALTTP Zelda, but she doesn’t really do much and then gets stuck in a painting for most of the game. Points if we’re counting Smash Bros again though!
NO AGENCY: ALTTP Zelda, Oracle Zelda, OG Zelda, Minish Cap Zelda, WW Zelda, PH Tetra, Zelda II Zelda. 
ALTTP Zelda is just a sad, sad tale of ‘can you be more damsel in distress if you tried’? She: starts the game in a cell, hides in a sanctuary, is kidnapped again, is sacrificed, is stuck in a crystal, and finally, is chilling in the end credits. Girl. I’m so sorry for you. 
Oracle Zelda is apparently the same Zelda as ALTTP and it shows. She hangs out in a house and tells you the weather and then (you guessed it) is kidnapped and nearly sacrificed. This poor bean has gone through too much. 
OG Zelda literally pops up at the end of the game and is like HEY you’ve been trying to save me this whole time, in case you didn’t know. And Link’s like omg I have?? Because I don’t even remember her being mentioned outside the info pamphlet and the ending. 
Out of order, but Zelda II, she’s the most relatable, because she sleeps the whole game. She’s under a curse, wakes up, sees Link and is like damn you’re cute, and kisses him. If we use the info booklet, it gets worse and her brother used a spell to blah blah. She sleeps. That’s all she does. 
Minish Cap Zelda is so precious at the beginning of the game and you can tell her and Link are besties and I wanted more of that! AND THEN SHE’S TURNED TO STONE THE WHOLE GAME. But no, wait, she’s...... almost sacrificed in the process. Deja vu. 
Wind Waker Zelda was cool in the final scene, but she spent her entire portion of the game trapped in a basement against her will for her protection. No agency. That’s really all the poor thing gets to do as Zelda. 
I feel better now. If anyone actually read all this and has other thoughts on this, I’m fired up and ready to talk because who needs to sleep at 1:30am? Not me!!
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mystiquewanderlust · 2 years
[PART 5]
🍽 Royal Feast
Genre: Historical Romance
Rating: 100/10
No. of Episodes: 40
Date Watched: 4/20~4/22/22 6:30am
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Fuheng and Yingluo reunited! Omg I was super excited when I learned about this drama! A reunion explosive! Ahhh! My first C-drama couple finally had a happy ending that we've been deprived of from their previous drama *cries* This is the first drama where I discovered Xu Kai (The Yanxi Palace) and so I was really rooting for them til the end which gotten my heart broken into millions of pieces when she ended up with the "old" king!! Peace of mind finally here! My gahd huhu. I'm sooo happy. Just lack of kilig moments here (like I'm always bitin at inis sa pagpapakipot ng heroine) unlike from his previous drama I watched (if you read my previous entry) and more on cooking and palace dramas. Still a very good plot and production. The casts also and the foods, yummy!
Just waiting for the next Xu Kai dramas because they aren't released yet (clue: fantasy!!! yes, long hair Kai again omggg and adventure + a modern also which I know will melt me again for the intense PDA hahaha). I'm obsessed with Kai in long hair btw because here, his hair was always covered with his hat and it's not really pleasing and appealing. Good thing he's already oozing with charm and hotness haha. Kudos!!!
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🪄The World of Fantasy
Genre: Xianxia, Fantasy, Adventure
Rating: 100/10
No. of Episodes: 36
Date Watched: 4/22~4/25/22 12:45am
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Amazing fantasy drama!!! I cannot. This is new to me so yeah! The main actors especially the hero are sooo good. French kiss for their acting especially the hero talaga Fan Chengcheng aka Adam Fan! I love him here talaga! And mind you, this is his first acting role! Yes, because he is an idol where I first discovered him! I salute such great actors.. every one I watched are all great ones and he just made my not-so-long list!
Plot wise, production, storyline, casts, animation affects, costumes, sets.. just wow! It's obvious this was a high-budgetted film and it's worth it! The downfall? No season 2! *cries* It was so cliff hanging since the ending still have something to look up for. They still have to battle the enemies and rescue their parents and the heroine still are to wake up and the main couple still are ro reunite! I demand a season 2!!! I really hope there will be one (but I highly doubt it after researching, huhu). But anyway, you won't regret watching this. I never got bored (tho there are cringy moments haha) and got to switch dramas (a sign I'm really engrossed with it). ♡♡♡
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❤ The Blooms at Rui Pavillion
Genre: Historical, Romance, Comedy
Rating: 8/10
No. of Episodes: 44
Date Watched: April to May (not continuous)
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This is an okay drama. Nothing special for me. Didn't leave a mark in my being, haha. Typical story of romance taking place in historical times where revenge and fightings over power is evident. Still I was able to finish despite occasionally jumping to other dramas every other days. I was confused by the switching to the modern times at the later part tho. I don't really get it and I don't know if it fits the story but whatever. That's all for me to say..
📚 In a Class of Her Own
Genre: Historical, Romance, Comedy
Rating: 100/10
No. of Episodes: 36
Date Watched: May 4~7, 2022
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This drama is a big thumbs up! Light, funny yet with a bit of romance.. it surely has no dead air for me. I never got bored but instead I want more! A girl who disguises as a boy in an imperial academy for men---it was obviously a cliché BUT it never felt that way to me because of the good writing and characters involved compared to the first two dramas I watched which were too cheesy for me (Real talk here). The characters and actors who played the part, omg.. like the three main male leads were all good-looking! Most especially the hero! **new crush alert!!! Hihi** He is sooo handsome omggg!!! (Another stalking moment if you know what I mean hihi) I love the how of their friendship slowly blossomed from being rivals (if that is the right term). But the school concept is what excites me more. And of course the strong brotherhood among them four, as in!!! It was sooo fun watching and laughing throughout this drama. Super recommended! ♡♡♡
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💘 Untouchable Lovers
Genre: Historical Romance
Rating: 9.5/10
No. of Episodes: 52
Date Watched: May 8~
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A powerhouse of casts *insert Fu Mei* ! OMG I can't! Honestly, I never had interest watching this drama when I first came across it, knowing about the main leads (Song Weilong and Guan Xiaotong) because I wasn't familiar with them before (this was a 2018 drama, hello?). But now after watching their other dramas, and after learning that even Xu Kai is part of it, NO WAY I WON'T WATCH THIS!
Okay so plot wise, it is honestly sakit sa ulo. Lol. The most perversed drama I watched so far. Not kidding though, after the first story (because this has two versions portrayed) which is very uggghhh and caused me a major headache, the second part I thought it would be better and less brutal. But I guessed wrong since as the story progresses, it got more and more gruesome! Kudos to the actors tho for playing their parts well and for looking pretty and handsome which lessened the agony I felt from the events haha. Funny thing though--Xu Kai got to be paired up with all the other female leads here (the other five! LOL) in a drama/movie. Well except for Lusi since he was the 2nd male lead there who failed to get her heart. Still it was so funny how they paired him up with the other four in such big dramas which I already watched!
Overall, it was fine. Not so fun and light (obviously) which forced me to watch other lighter dramas midway yet it's worth watching due to the actors ♡
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weekendadventurer · 3 years
[Oahu Trip Recap] Day 2 - 10/7/21 | Sunrise Lanikai Pillbox Hike and Kayaking
We woke up super early to do the Pillbox hike in Lanikai to catch the sunrise. There is no parking allowed in Lanikai right now from 8:30AM to 4:00PM. But since we started so early, we were able to easily find parking close to the trailhead. I recommend bring a headlamp or flashlight - We started the hike when it was still dark out but as we kept going, it did get brighter. It is an intense hike with many steep parts. But the views were so worth it.
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After our hike, we treated ourselves to some malasadas from Agnes' Portuguese Bake Shop. It's a food truck located in a small parking lot. They were fresh, hot, and so fluffy!
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It was in this little parking lot that we saw the first rainbow of our trip!
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For breakfast, we went to Boot's and Kimo's. They opened at 8AM, so we arrived a bit early but were first in line! As soon as 8AM hit, lots of people came out from their cars to line up. So be sure to get there early.
My boyfriend and I shared their famous banana and macadamia nut cream pancakes and the Shrimp Alfredo omelette. Both dishes were delicious. The pancakes comes in 2 sizes, short stack (2 pancakes) or tall (3). We got the tall and could barely finished it. I was really sad we couldn't take it to go since we were gonna be out all day.
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After breakfast, we had reservations for a kayak rental from Two Good Kayaks. We were planning to kayak to the Mokolua Islands off of Lanikai beach but the winds were really strong that day. The lady at the shop did not recommend us to do it since we are inexperienced kayakers. She did provide several alternate locations for us which was super helpful. We ended up taking our kayak up the east coast to Kahana bay where you can kayak in the ocean for a bit and it goes into a river surrounded by trees. It was a nice way to still get some ocean kayaking without the major arm workout. The lady at the shop also suggested kayaking to Chinaman's hat (second image below), so we stopped by but deemed the winds were still too strong there.
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Chinaman’s Hat!
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We returned our kayak and headed for Lanikai beach. Since there is no parking currently allowed in the surrounding neighborhood, we parked at the Kailua boat loading parking lot and walked about 10 minutes over to Lanikai. Kailua beach is just as nice with much easier access, but I wanted to see the two islands as I swam in the water haha. The sand was also a lot softer over at Lanikai. :)
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For dinner, we got Zippy's! I got the "Zip Pac" and omg I loved it so much. Each item was way better than what I expected from a chain restaurant. Even the pre-packaged tartar sauce was amazing. I would even say this was one of the top meals I had during this trip.
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My boyfriend got the Chili Loco Moco and it's a hefty meal. If you like chili, you’ll love this meal.
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We wanted to go to Tantalus Lookout after dinner to see the city night view, but had gotten to the gate 15 minutes too late. They closed at 6:45PM (even though we read online it was at 7:45PM). Hours probably changed as it gets darker earlier these days. Although we couldn't go to the lookout point, we pulled over to the side at a turnout on the way down and still got a pretty awesome view.
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We returned to the hotel and I proceeded to knock out by 8PM and would not wake up until 6AM the next morning... Onward to the next day!
Trip Reports: Honolulu, Oahu Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 Kona/Hilo, Big Island, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9
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tearsona · 3 years
this is honestly my first time sending anything like this BUT OMFG I LOVE YOUR SERIES SO MUCH (✿ ♥‿♥). i have the shortest fucking attention span and have not read a fic with more than 2 parts in like 1-2 years but i literally could not stop reading yours. i spent hours reading the first 4 parts last night (i had to wake up at 5:30am the next day for work tho ooops) BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT. saved the other 4 as a post-work treat;). part 5 especially hit me with the angst i was alternating between crying laughing and wanting to punch something b/c y/n and seojun need to get their shit together ⋋_⋌. YOU DESCRIBE EMOTIONS SO WELL LIKE SIMPLE BUT DETAILED?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT also I love how you weave in stuff from the drama so naturally w/ all the y/n stuff. this series is honestly a dream come true b/c i was a tad salty seeing seojun and jugyeong's amazing chemistry go to waste in the drama. ANYWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL WRITING AND HARDWORK I HOPE YOU DON'T FEEL TOO BURDENED BY MY MESSAGE THO (つ´∀`)つ
hey omg a bit late reply, but the amount of times i've read this ask ;-; i'm so glad u think that way about my writing and that i was able to take u on that rollercoaster!! tbh it takes me so much time editing scenes bc i tend to overthink whether the emotions would reach the readers but getting messages like these is such a treat aaa wtf this is so flattering thank u :p i hope u loved the rest of the parts if u were able to read them already? i'm currently working on the last part (ik it's taking me so long) so i hope u can look forward to it!! again thanks for taking the time to write me this message i appreciate it sooo much <3
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kitsune-kaos · 3 years
30 Question Ask Game
I was tagged by @engiqueers 😄💕
Name - Michael
Gender - Cis-presenting genderqueer
Star sign - Libra Sun♎️☀️, Gemini Moon♊️🌙, Aquarius Rising ♒️☝️
Height - 6’ish
Time - started this at 11:59am, finished at 8:30am 😂
Birthday - October 19th
Favorite bands - Slow Club and Fleetwood Mac are the only bands I’d call my faves, more often I tend to listen to Indiv songs by a variety of artists so it’s art to choose
Favorite solo artists - Adele and Doja Cat are the only ones coming to mind atm lol
Song stuck in my head - Phenomenon from RPDR season 13 ep 3
Last Movie - I been watching lots of people reacting to movies on YouTube so if you count that then Hunger Games. If not counting that, then it might’ve been the first half of the Scooby Doo movie (2001)
Last show - Rupaul’s Drag Race
When did I create this blog? - I wanna say 2015, maybe 2014 (damn)
What do I post? - cute things, nerdy/geeky things, occasional things I find aesthetically pleasing, cute guys, funny posts, and positive stuff
Last thing I googled - “Zelda release timeline” to check if A Link to the Past came out as early as I thought
Other blogs - omg yeah 😅 there’s like 9 others I post on fairly regularly, but I use them in a similar way to a playlist, so I have a blog for just adorableness (@omgthisisjusttoocute), my aesthetic blog (@moonriseblossoms), my nerdy fandom blog (@gaymergrotto), my porn blog, etc. And then there 4 I rarely post on, and 5 I never post on anymore (and should really just delete at this point lol)
Do I get asks? - I’ve been getting a lot more than usual recently but I used to get none haha
Why I chose this URL? - it has to do with a story I started working on in highschool where the main character, Kitsune (a fox guy would you believe) was gonna have chaos magic. And for the sake of alliteration I switched the Ch to a K and went with Kitsune Kaos
Following - 1590
Followers - 2044
Average hours of sleep - 8ish? I’d say I typically fall asleep between 10 and 11 and wake up between 5:30 and 8
Lucky number - 3, 9, 13, and 19
Instruments - Piano for like 15 years, organ for about a year when I was still Mormon, and a year of violin lessons years ago and I haven’t touched it since 😅
What am I wearing? My blue small floral print shirt, my blue pajama pants, my blue long socks, blue-gray slippers, my gray beanie, and my maroon hoodie
Dream job - I wanna be able to help people. I’m also interested in education, though not necessarily teaching. More so I’m interested in addressing the Fuckery of the education system as well as the general perceptions of education the edu system creates that is fucky
Dream trip - I think Japan would be super cool, but honestly I’d just love to go somewhere that has great food and isn’t an overcrowded destination hotspot
Favorite food - imma list a few 😜 Falafel, Shepard’s pie, sushi, and fried fish tacos 💕
Nationality - American
Favorite song - Our Most Brilliant Friends - Slow Club (link at bottom)
Last book I read - Avatar the Last Airbender: the Rise of Kyoshi
Top 3 fictional universes to live in - Avatar, Pokémon, and maybe My Hero Academia
Imma go ahead an tag @wayweaverr @bareback-to-the-future @anime-penis @wesley-2 @lil-chernobyl-mutant @lexibility @onlyhams @von-felden and if anyone else wants to do it you can say I sent ya 😊
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banshee1013 · 4 years
Suptober Day 10 - Sweet Rides
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I finally managed to keep myself to a pencil drawing only, still took me 4 hours but I’m pretty pleased with it.
Then I stayed up until 1:30am finishing the fic - which was supposed to be a FICLET - 2k later! Oops.
Anyway, here’s Day Ten! Now to figure out what to do for tomorr... uh, later today, haha.
Overall Title: The Road Less Traveled
Overall Rating: Mature (may change to Explicit, we’ll see how it goes)
Tags: Castiel/Dean, mention of Sam/Eileen, Post-Season 15, ExAngel!Cas, MostlyRetiredHunter!Dean, Road Trip
(Note: all ficlets are unbeta’d. At the end of the month, I’ll wrap up whatever I manage to get written, clean it up, get it beta’d, and post to AO3. So please pardon any mistakes!)
Words: 2026
Dean’s fingers drum a one-handed beat on the steering wheel, keeping time with John Bonham coming over the speakers. His other hand, resting on the bench seat next to him, is loosely entwined with Cas’. 
After their rainy weekend interlude at Rufus’ cabin, Cas has been extra hands-on; never out of contact with Dean in one way or another for very long - and Dean has zero complaints with this development.
Giving a quick squeeze, he disengages his hand from Cas’ and flips the turn signal, sliding over to the lane for I-5 North. 
Cas up to this point has been focused on the passing scenery with half-lidded eyes and soft smile, quiet and seemingly lost in thought. Dean had squeezed his hand a few times during the eight hour drive from the cabin, checking to see if he’d dropped off, but every time Cas had turned to him, returning the squeeze; the look in his eyes full of love and warmth, and Dean will do anything to keep Cas looking at him like that. 
This time, Cas turns to him, but his eyes are now full of curiosity. 
“I-5 North? I thought you wished to go south after we reached the west coast?”
“Thought we’d make a pit stop first.” Dean smirked to himself, recalling the conversation with Sam yesterday when he’d called to check in and found out they were headed to Seattle. 
“Seattle, huh? Helluva drive just to get some Starbucks!” Sam snorted, his voice echoing slightly with the speakerphone on so he can sign the conversation to Eileen.
“Haha, Sammy. No way am I getting Starbucks in Seattle - that’s like going to Italy and getting McDonalds.” Dean paused, glancing over his shoulder toward the bedroom, the Cas-shaped blanket-covered lump in the bed still unmoving, and silently cursed himself for not setting his phone on silent. 
He desperately wanted to be back in there with him.
“So, everything alright? I gotta go, things to do.” More like someONE to do…
Sam did not sound convinced but didn’t push the issue. “Nah, all good here. Eileen and I are back at the bunker and just wanted to make sure you didn’t end up in a ditch somewhere.” Sam chuckles at his own joke, then continues, “Hey, I know where you should go… y’know, when you get to Seattle.” 
Dean sighs - now that he knows nothing is wrong, he’s tempted feign a bad connection and hang up - but he’s genuinely curious to find out what Sam is going to suggest. “Yeah? Do tell.”
“You should get some Dick’s.”
“Hahaha very funny, “ Dean growls, and moves to hang up when Sam yells, “Wait, WAIT!”
“WHAT?” Dean grimaces at the volume of his voice and glances over at his shoulder again. Cas stirs and rolls over but doesn’t wake. “What?” he says again, quieter.
“I mean, you should go eat a Dick’s.” Sam giggles, and Dean hears Eileen's soft laugh in the background.
“Okay, that’s it. I’m outta here.” Dean pulls the phone back from his ear once again and starts to hang up when he hears Eileen’s voice - “Dean, wait!” 
With a mighty sigh, he puts the phone back to his ear and hears a smack in the background; an open palm against muscle and cloth, followed by Eileen’s voice:  “Stop BEING a dick and tell him.” 
“Okay, okay. You guys are no fun.” Sam speaks into the phone again. “It’s a fast food place out there. ‘Best burgers in America’ according to Esquire Magazine.”
Cas’ brow pinches in confusion and it’s still the most adorable thing ever. “Pit stop? Why are we stopping for pits?” His eyes narrow. “Are they peach pits? Do you need to distill cyanide from them?”
Dean can’t help himself - he outright guffaws. “No, no cyanide, why would I… I mean, we’re making a detour, stopping somewhere here in Seattle before heading south.” 
“Ah, very well then.” Cas tilts his head. “Is it for coffee? I hear Starbucks is headquartered here, I suppose acquiring some from the original source might be interesting.” 
“NO Starbucks… seriously, why does everyone…,” Dean pauses, then carefully schools his face into a serious expression, “We’re going for Dick’s.” 
“BURGERS!” Dean manages to gasp out as he gets the laughter under control. “It’s a burger place Sam told me about. ‘The most life-changing burger joint in America’ or so Esquire Magazine would have you believe.” Turning to Cas, he arches an eyebrow. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
                                                ~~~ *** ~~~
“What the… Cas, I think I’m gonna be sick.” 
No, it wasn’t from the burgers - Dean hadn’t even gotten to those yet. He’s not even sure if they can. 
As they pulled into the parking area for Dick’s Drive-In, he had slammed on the brakes, Baby coming to a sudden stop with a squeal of rubber on pavement at the sight before him.
The parking lot was full - of Impalas.
Black 1967 Impalas to be exact. DOZENS of them, all in a row.
Some had their trunks open, the inside of the lids decorated with devil traps and wards. Others had green coolers nearby, identical to the one in his backseat. 
The squeal of tires had drawn the attention of the people gathered around, and one in particular waves and makes his way over to them.
“Oh shit, no no no…” Dean mutters, then quickly plasters on a wan smile as the guy approaches his window and leans on the sill. 
“Hey there, I”m Davis, President of the Seattle chapter of the Supernatural Haunted Impalas club.” Dean glanced down at the man’s outstretched hand, briefly considers peeling rubber out of the parking lot and reluctantly decides against it - the last thing they need is a APB out on them for decapitating a guy in full view of witnesses - and takes the guy’s hand. 
“hi, uh… De.. Daniel. I”m Daniel… uh, Dan, and this is… “ Releasing the guy’s… Davis’... hand, he turns to Cas, eyes wide and imploring. 
Thankfully, Cas gets it. “Calvin,” Cas says, taking Davis’ hand and giving it a solemn shake - up and down, twice, and a quick release - “You can call me Cal.” 
Davis blinks, then gives them a broad smile. “Nice to meet you boys. We’re all just parked over there, find a spot and come say hi!” He leans back, his smile widening. “Nice cosplay, by the way - Dean, I presume, and you must be Endverse Cas, am I right?” He throws fingerguns and a wink before turning to head back to the group.
“We should leave… yeah, we should definitely get the HELL OUTTA HERE…” Dean looks over his shoulder, trying to figure out the quickest way to bail on the situation; but just then, a loud rumble erupts from Cas’ stomach. 
“Dean…” Cas sighs. “I’m very hungry, and you promised me a life-changing burger.” He gestures at the group, many of whom are now actively watching them. “And they’ve already noticed us. We might as well go and order the burgers, and then make an excuse to leave.” He drops puppy-dog eyes to rival Sam’s, and Dean knows he has no recourse but to go through with the charade - at least long enough to get a burger.
“FINE. We’ll order the burgers, make nice with locals while they’re cookin’, and then get the hell outta Dodge.” 
Dean pulls into a spot at the end of the long line of Baby Wanna-Be’s. No sooner had they climbed out and closed the doors, a bubbly brunette bounces over to them. 
“Hey guys, you look great! And wow, your Baby is GORGEOUS! What’s her name?” She claps a hand over her mouth in dismay. “Oh, of course, I shouldn’t assume gender. What’s your Baby’s name?” 
Dean’s lips part but nothing comes out, at a loss for words - then, “Baby.” 
The bouncy brunette blinks, then nods, the smile returning. “Uh, great! Awesome!” She extends her hand. “I’m Brittany, and this is my girl, Gertrude,” indicating the Impala parked next to them. 
Dean has to admit - Gertrude is in great shape. “Hi, Brittany, I”m De… Dan.” He passes an admiring gaze over the car. “She’s beautiful.” 
Brittany blushes fiercely. “Thank you so much! She’s my pride and joy.” 
Dean can’t help but grin - he gets it. “I know how you feel.” He starts toward the car, his interest piqued now.
Cas grabs his elbow. “Dean… uh, DAN,” he stammers. “We should order our food first.” 
“Oh, right! Of course.” He turns back to Brittany. “Give us a moment? We’re starving.” 
Brittany nods like her head is on a swivel. “OH of course! We’re not going anyway, go feed your boyfriend!” She turns back to Gertrude and strikes up a conversation with another couple. 
They make their way to the order counter with no further distractions and order their food, both choosing the “Dick’s Deluxe” with fries and milkshakes, then wander over to the group of Impala owners. 
By the time their food is ready, Dean is genuinely surprised at how much fun he’s actually having - the Impala owners are friendly and really know their cars, the pride of ownership evident - and Dean can’t help but respect that. However, they of course are also just as fanatical about Chuck’s books, which Dean struggles to hide his discomfort with. 
As they head back to the counter to pick up their food, Dean turns to Cas. “I dunno about all this, Cas - they’re really into Chuck’s books and they have no idea what a tool he was.” His head drops with a sigh. “Should we tell them?” 
“No, Dean.” Cas looks back over his shoulder at the group, their laughter and happy voices carrying across the parking lot. “They’re happy; the books have brought them together, given them friendship - a family, even.”  He shakes his head. ‘Chuck used those words to manipulate you, but they have no power over you - over US - anymore. This way, they serve a good purpose.” 
Dean blinks - he hadn’t thought of it that way. Of course Cas is right. 
“Yeah... and look at all the sweet rides that came from them!” 
                                                ~~~ *** ~~~
They gather their food order and head back to say their goodbyes, but the group appear to be packing up anyway - trunks being closed and coolers returned to their backseats. 
Davis approaches them. “Hey guys… we’re about to head out, but we’re only going over to Golden Gardens Park to watch the sunset and hang out around the fire pits. You’re welcome to join.” He nudges Dean with his elbow. “The group’s really taken a shine to you,” he says with a bright grin, “and your Baby, of course.” 
Dean turns to Cas, throwing an arm over his shoulder. “Whadda ya say, sweetheart? Our first sunset…” he shakes the bag of food in his other hand, “and dinner on the West Coast?” 
“I would love to, Dean.” Cas’ eyes are bright, his smile soft and warm and Dean really wants to kiss him right now, but… company.
“Adorable,” Davis says, hands clasped in delight. “I love how you two stay so in character.” 
                                                  ~~~ *** ~~~
The last rays of the sun slip behind the Olympic Mountains, but Dean is watching Cas watch the sunset. 
He’ll never get tired of the look of wonder on Cas’ face when he experiences new things. 
Or for that matter, the sounds he makes, either. Listening to him moan through that admittedly fantastic burger was downright pornographic. 
He places a hand on Cas’ fire-warmed cheek and turns him away from the dimming horizon.
Damn the company. He’s gonna kiss his boyfriend.
He tastes the salt from the fries, the sharp vinegar of the pickles, the rich savory flavor of the burger, the lingering sweetness of the milkshake. 
He tastes the unique flavor of Cas and relishes it. 
Cas threads his fingers into the hair at the back of Dean’s neck and tilts his head just so and oh, it’s so, so good. 
He hears a few giggles and more than a couple “awws” and pays them no mind. 
He’s way too busy thinking about a completely different type of sweet ride.
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jacularmetteld · 4 years
It's 4:30am and I've been up all night just playing video games, singing badly to songs I like and just loving being at home on my super comfy couch with my cat. It's been an amazing day and night. But for the first time in like two years I'm not gonna put an alarm on and I'm gonna put my phone on silent. I wake up when I wake up and omg that is the best thing ever. :') Good night y'all. ❤
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wastethen8 · 4 years
From the 🌿 questions (I’m just choosing random numbers I don’t even know what the questions are LMAO) 4, 19, 28, 31, 47, 56
Hiiii, omg I was surprised lol these are a lot THANK YOU 💜
4. have you ever had a penpal?
answered here
19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean?
I honestly don't mind but since I love to dive into the water and salty water BURNS I guess pools?! but I don't mind the ocean
28. who is your best friend?
lol that's funny, her name Lisa but around here she's @youngsgodluke 💜 shoutout bub hehe
31. who is/was your favorite teacher?
in primary school I loved my music teacher but only the first ine we got and in secondary school I loved my biology teacher cause honestly I was her favorite stydent we got along SUPER WELL, she was such a kind person I was so gutted when she wasn't my teacher anymore
47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at?
uhm depends on the day, on work days I go to be way too late lmao let's say midnight and I wake up at like 6:30am...it's bad...
56. what is/was your favorite class?
class in like subject or like class class? lmao if we're talking like number idk maybe 12th. cause that was the final year, it was TOUGH but I loved it!! and subject wise definitely ENGLISH!!
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sweetteaswift · 4 years
hahah yes I will do it. I woke up at 8am and now its 9am, gonna do some :) also, all last week I have been sleeping at 5am and waking up at 8am ughhh idk how I am surviving, I don't even remember if I slept during the day lmao. despite ending the call at 4, I was up till 5:30am OOPSSS
sdlkjfslfs pls take a nap omg i love you you’ve got this
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calumcest · 4 years
Went to bed at 11, which is really good for me! Then I woke up at 4 am, which is less good, but on the bright side I made banana bread and mulberry muffins so really it all balances out. Also, did not know you were a football (yes I am really American but the word soccer doesn’t make sense to me either) fan! Haven’t kept up w the premier league as much as I used to when I actually played, but I still have some opinions. Who’s your team?? Who’ve you seen play? -arbor day
omg...early morning baking you are literally too powerful i cant even remove myself from my bed before 10:30am at the very earliest even thoughi. wake up at 9 every day it takes me ages to get the motivation to get up so to be BAKING at that hour? truly incredible scenes 
I AM!! i support my local team who actually havent been in the premier league since 2007 (rip...) we’ve been bouncing between the championship and league one but we’ve had like . the most dramatic situations ever happening at our club theres been so much shit going on with the owners since the early 2010s which culminated last year in someone involved in the club trying to hire a hitman on someone else. seriously makes up for the horrible football we’ve been playing we’re literally this close to being relegated again and we have no money and its all really stressful and depressing and i try not to think about it because i dont want to see my local club shut down we almost got bought by the guy who bought man city but then the fa were like your funds are dodgy PLEASE SAY SIKE we need the funds no matter how dodgy but anyway not to rant i’ve only really ever been to home games! so i did see a few prem league matches when i was a kid (honestly cant really remember who) but i’ve never seen any of the Big Name Clubs i’ve been to some other games though like i went to a lot in the 2012 olympics (including one in wembley which was great) but yes pretty much everything i’ve seen has been a home game i’m looking to branch out and go to other clubs but no one eve rwants to go with me and cant lie i dont wanna be the one young unaccompanied female at a football match BUT! hopefully next year sorry ive completely ranted on here because i do love football especially when im not invested mate the world cup causes me too much stress i literally have to leave the room sometimes PLEASE talk to me about football 
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