#it Lichrally Does Not.
leatherbookmark · 2 years
a friendly reminder that jgy doesn’t “tell nmj that he’s more important than all those people he’s killed”.
nie mingjue asks two questions.
one, “are you saying your life is more valuable than theirs?” (高贵),
and second, “are you saying you’re different from them?” (不同)
to which jin guangyao says, “yes. of course we’re different!”
he doesn’t say, “of course my life is more valuable!”, note.
these are two separate questions, and he only answers the last one that, in my opinion, is the most mindboggling one.
nmj asks a son of a sex worker, reviled, harassed and bullied just for existing, if he’s any different than other people. nie mingjue, who’s SEEN the way he was treated and stepped forward himself to confront those people.
the same nie mingjue who thinks he’s a l w a y s killed people for a reason, and that it’s fair for him to kill, but when jgy kills it’s always cruel, needless spilling of blood. yknow, despite the saber.
this nmj gets so furious at jgy stating that he’s not like other people that he kicks him down the stairs.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
okok this took longer than i thought but :] funy fan abno time. LOTS of stuff under the cut, lets go <33
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> Whispers of Another Life // O-01-19 // WAW
(I feel it, I feel it-- Can't you hear the horizon calling?)
The ever-present pull of a place you don't know, but desperately need to be. Misplacement and loneliness. The siren's song of a stranger you so badly wish to return to.
Its body is made of a series of collage pieces, each bearing a different artistic style. It has a set of cartoon wings that are naught but a scribbled outline, unsteady but with purpose. In stead of facial features, its face is obscured by what seems to be a messy pencil scratch. It twitches and changes frequently, as if trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle. It can never seem to find the right combination.
(Most to least unstable: hands/wings/mask -> limbs/head -> torso/shape.)
Low Q Counter. Work types Best to Worst:
- Repression ++
(Quelling its desire to search provides a grounding effect, preventing it from growing out of control.)
- Attachment +
(Having something to fill the gaps helps to keep it level, but it can never truly replace what it is looking for.)
- Instinct -
(It tolerates this type of work, but it does nothing to address its nature.)
- Insight --
(Trying to understand or bring out its essence simply destabilizes it further.)
Capable of breaching-- it changes form to become much less humanoid when doing so. While dangerous, it doesn't ever actively attack employees. Rather, it deals passive white damage to anyone in the same corridor as it, as its emotions overflow and tamper with the physicality of its immediate surroundings. It's more of a loss of control than a rampage. It wanders for an exit it can never find, and becomes more and more unstable as it goes. If left unattended, its passive damage steadily increases. It has a high movement speed after breaching, but it proportionally goes down with its damage output.
Agents that panic under the effects of this abnormality are switched to Release behavior, regardless of their typical panic type. Agents afflicted with this state gain a collage-type effect obscuring their eyes, and have a slightly harder time being suppressed due to an increase in movement speed.
Resistances (Highest to Lowest): Red, Black, White, Pale
EGO Equipment: Hiraeth
Weapon: A patchwork violin that always sounds nostalgic, a feeling just outside of your periphery. Ranged, white damage. Low damage, but quick output.
Special: A loud screeching note that deals heavy white damage, but has a bit of a recharge period.
Gift: A small, scribbly set of wings by the head. Increases SP, attack speed, and work speed.
[ Snippet of a recording of an Employee account of the subject. ]
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a shooting star? To travel miles and miles and miles, only to land somewhere unfamiliar, somewhere strange. A place not built for you, unwelcoming to your very essence.
Hm? The recording? Ah, yes, I'm getting to it. Don't worry, everything I'm saying is very important to the report.
...Fine, if you insist.
When it arrived, nobody was really sure what to make of it. Many others who had tried to work with it simply did not get any conclusive results. It was "unresponsive," "uncooperative," "difficult." They just didn't know what they were doing. So, they ended up picking me to work on it next; something about being "receptive" and "observant," or something like that. You know, work speak.
It never responded too much, at first. I can't imagine why it would. But I'm nothing if not persistent. I always find a way. Maybe it just needed a little help communicating. So we brought in some basic crafts material. You know; paper, pencils, crayons. I will admit, it may have been at least a little bit for me, too.
I used to draw a lot when I was little, you know. Was a bit of a lonely kid, y'know? I don't do it so much anymore, it just isn't in the cards for me. But back then, at least, it almost felt like--
...Right. Sorry. The subject.
Surprisingly, it actually moved to join me after some time. Drawing, I mean. I wasn't sure it had the ability, but sure enough, it had picked up the nearest utensil and begun working with purpose. I don't much like prying with this sort of thing, but looking at what it was doing... it was the strangest thing. It was a mess, incomprehensible-- but somehow, it was striking. I knew that place. Or at least, it felt like it. It wasn't clear, but something in it... it felt like home.
But as it went, it got less and less steady, more sporadic-- frustrated, almost-- until eventually, it grew so unstable I was forced to end working with it early. We didn't touch its unit for a while after that, but I couldn't stop thinking about that scene it was drawing. It never spoke, but I could hear it. It whispers, you know? If anyone had taken the time to listen, maybe they'd have noticed.
I know what it's like to be alone first hand, you know. That feeling of listlessness, that incorrectness... I know it all too well. And once, for once in my entire life... it felt like I finally, truly found someone who understood.
Yes, I know we are not supposed to view the abnormalities as people. Trust me, I remember. You don't have to worry about it. Those rules are just petty precautions anyway.
Hm? Oh, I don't think you understand. I know exactly what I'm doing. In fact, I think i've done my job quite well.
[ An alarm begins blaring. ]
Ah, there it is. This was nice, but I think that's my cue. Now if you'll excuse me, me and my friend will be going now.
[ A sudden cacophony of noise kicks up, and the recording abruptly ends. ]
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footballandshit · 1 year
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Eduardo Camavinga | GQ Sports
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frankiistein · 10 months
i should find people to promote breadavota to because who else will ship the funny little jpegs together. should i appeal to the para and transid communities cuz i just realized that the story having "living" as a legal and social status instead of a strictly biological one and chronicles the different ways characters who identify as one or the other approach "transitioning" is very transid fitting. and paras because at least three of the characters canonically are paras and they aren't evil people for it (they're evil for unrelated reasons /lh)
ft the cast that hits all of the "rly stigmatized identifications" bingo (going to put only canon here, none of my hc's)
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bread the mc a doll who tries to transition from non-living to living, she's a collective of 46 "breadlings" and can modify her body based on their own internal body parts. she hates the laws
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jacques, loveless schizospec/pd haver objectophile/teratophile dollkin (?) who also identifies as being literally dead. he hates the laws
has some kind of dyadic/commited but non romantic relationship with:
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media, a zoophile/erotophonophile who is also like transliving and most of his arc seems to be his internalized shame for all of these because it goes against his reputation as his species's most "ethical" role model which is a title he probably got after usurping god and eating her eye. he wrote the laws. also he hates the laws
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reception who considers themself a single person but routinely presents as three people at once (which the rest of their species finds weird). they hate the laws
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bon/scarecrow, a demon force-transitioned into becoming "living" before getting exiled when they fail at assimilating into society and curse the nation's records of their years being forced into an entertainment industry. they hate the laws
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bien. who loves his dad bon. in all senses of the word (hes my favorite blorbo). okay hes too repressed to hate anything
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idk how to describe sar i just need everyone to look at sar at all times. sar makes one's own laws
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special mention for vara a snarky ai who is programmed is to split fictives of people she hates apparently /lh
she hates the laws
also just look at the art :3 so pretty
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the story truly has it all. blood and gore. toxic doomed yaoi. discussions of disability. speculation on sociocultural constructs of love. being "living" used as an analogy for being an entity worthy of love and being part of society. more toxic doomed yaoi. read breadcomics today
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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❝ Hey y’all — first of all, the show was amazing, but back in my room and I’m eating rice now without a fork, so . . . ❞
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leqclerc · 1 year
The Spanish propaganda machine is going again. I find this so funny. Its like every week they have to release a new anti-leclerc article. As if Joan-hasn't been in the paddock in over 10 years-villadelprat knows anything about what happens at ferrari. And even if this was true, how embarrassing is it that you're apparently so hardworking but still lapping 7 tenths off and qualifying half a second behind your "lazy teammate" at some races. I wonder if Carlos/his team realise how damaging these types of articles are to his reputation and his relationship with the tifosi, like we can clearly see the source of this "interview" is from a Spanish c-rate publication that has ties to his family. I can't wait for this family to leave Ferrari alone
No fr this is basically a weekly segment by now, enough 😭😭😭
I mean just the fact that the quote is coming from a Spanish guy being interviewed by a Spanish publication speaks volumes about the impartiality of this article 🥴 First of all, like you said, he's hardly a prominent Ferrari figure or insider these days. So idk why anyone would consider him an authority on the current Ferrari happenings.
Second of all, there's plenty of sources that completely contradict the stuff he says here. Charles's past teammates, mechanics, engineers, team principals, the people he's worked with throughout his career, generally have nothing but good things to say about him. Seb's out here calling him the most talented driver he's seen in his F1 career and saying that everyone at Ferrari immediately knew he's special. You've got Beat Zehnder praising not only his talent but also his attitude and work ethic. Charles is usually one of the first drivers to clock into the paddock in the morning and has been known to leave late, help mechanics, and so on. He's working in the sim in Maranello whenever he can, even taking time out of his private holiday with family to drop into the factory when he's needed. But yeah, let's trust the guy whose longest section on Wikipedia is titled Epsilon scandal and Supreme Court sentence. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 on your last point, anon.
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widevibratobitch · 4 months
yeah sex is cool but does your cat ever come to you to cuddle on its own volition?
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sanchoyo · 1 year
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u might not like it but THIS is the ideal male form
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justablah56 · 1 year
doo dee doo I finished coloring that lineart I drew like a week ago for @inkedintothepaper 's king Doodler au :3
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madhyanas · 2 years
reason he’s not looking at her is bc she would have slaughtered him dead with that glare alone
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fakecapricorn · 9 months
ill never understand the american cookie obsession
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trainingdummyrabbit · 7 months
[gripping tablet pen so tightly it splinters] sometimes to get mentally well you have to be mentally ill .
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davidjohnlemahieu · 2 years
my dad randomly asked me about any offseason dj news and i was so caught off-guard that i just went “that’s my guy” and he was like “i know that’s why i asked about him” and i was like “foot’s still fractured i guess”
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lavampira · 2 years
still lost in the sauce over angel/evie but I had a thought about how evie doesn’t really do her own makeup much more than maybe some mascara and lipstick but angel often does his own eyeliner and shadow so anyway. intricate rituals of evie sitting on her bathroom counter while her bf does her makeup. that’s all
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jaydoesartiguess · 2 years
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[Image id: a traditional ballpoint pen drawing of wen ning from mo dao zu shi done on notebook paper. he's kneeling and bound, with his crotch area covered by a long strip of fabric. both his hair and the fabric are colored in with sharpie.]
pen + sharpie + not remembering what the human vein map looks like
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deklo · 1 year
something about being at my family’s house makes me ummmm hoard cups in my room
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