#islamic stories
ilmiyyat1453 · 2 years
"إذا أردت أن تكلّم الله فعليك بالصلاة
‏وإذا أردت أن يكلّمك الله فعليك بالقرآن"
‏الحسن البصري
''Allah ile konuşmak istiyorsan namaz kıl. Allah’ın seninle konuşmasını istiyorsan Kur’ân oku!''
Hasan-ı Basrî (rahmetullâhi aleyh)
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alhamdulillah10 · 2 years
The best thing a father can ever give to his son, is by choosing for him a pious righteous mother.
The first step in raising righteous children is by choosing your spouse.
People think that in order to raise your children well you should wait till they’re grown up. But it starts way before. Raising our kids must be the biggest project in our lives
Half of the worlds population is women and the other half is brought out from women. They are the pillars of society.
The media has invested so much in taking down the role of the mother. This is one of the steps for destroying a nation.
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sister-fathima · 1 year
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The story of Ayyub (A.S) is usually told from the perspective of patience, but in fact, it is also about the devoted love between him and his wife. 
For 50 years he lived a life of comfort and luxury, raising 7 sons and 7  daughters. h=H eenjoyed many forms of wealth such as real estate, livestock, gold and jewelery. Everyone in his community acknowledged him as their prophet; they had accepted the message because they associated his wealth, status, children, succes, health and good looks with the truth- until Allah decided to test him and his people. 
Allah sent the first test in the foorm of an earthquake.His house collapsed instantly killing all his children. But Ayyub (A.S) was patient. Then theives entered his ranch and his home, stealing his livestock, torching his orchards and murdering his servants. In just one night, Ayyub (A.S) went from rich to bankrupt. Subsequently, his health began to deteriorate that he couldnt even stand. He could only pray lying down. His wife had to bath him, feed him and comb his hair for him.
In those times, everyone he knew departed except his wife - she alone remained. All of a sudden, everyone who believed in him started to disbelieve that he was a prophet of Allah. If this is happening to a prophet of Allah,that must mean he is cursed, they declared. He must have committed a sin we are not aware of that has caused Allah to inflict him with this. Leave him and do not belive anything from him. They associated a life of luxury with the completion of faith.
His wife was the only one who remained with him through wealth and poverty, sickness and health, happiness and sorrow. She now had to work as a servant to help her husband. She asked Ayyub (A.S) once to ask Allah to help him but he told her that he couldnt do so because he was so shy before Allah, that Allah gave them 50 years of luxury and he couldnt bear a few years of distress. She went quiet, suffering in silence with him. At the moment, Ayyub (A.S) had not thought about her conditon. Eventually, the situation became worse.Nobody would hire his wife. they would say, “We do not want you to come, you mmight carry the curse into our house.” 
Even though she told that she did not even have food, people would just shut her out. For days they did not have anything to eat. Even in this situation Ayyub (A.S) refused to ask Allah’s mercy and remained patient. 
The next day she went out again to find someone who would give them something to eat. She came to a house a woman opened the door. Upon hearing her appeal, she was told that she had to shave her beautiful hair if she wanted food. She wanted to make a wig out of that beautiful hair.Because of her love for her husband, she shaved all of her hair and carried the food back home. When she reached home, she refused to answer Ayyub (A.S)’s questions reagrding the food.When he got angry, she simply pulled her veil down to show him. Ayyub (A.S) was moved by what he saw. He pitied her. He could not bear her suffering despite his. At that moment, Ayyub (A.S) made a dua which Allah has recorded for us in the Quran, “And (mention), Ayyub when he called to his lord, “Indeed adversity has touched me and you are the most merciful of the merciful.”” Surah Al Anbiya
Allah responded immediately, and commanded him to touch the ground with his foot. He was told by Allah that the water which emerged was cleansing water; so to drink and wash with it. When his wife returned back, she could not even recognize her husband who was no more a sickly man. 
Thereafter Allah returned to Ayyub (A.S) everything in double. 14 children became 28 children. Estates as well as people who believed his message increased. 
The Lessons:
1. It is important for a husband and wife to connect and bear burdens as a team. Sometimes, we may think that out spouse is not doing enough, but it is easy to forget what they are actually doing for the family. 
2. Perhaps by seeing us loving our spouses immensely and caring for each other, we might set an example to our children on how marital relations work. 
3. There is always going to be difficulties. If two people go into marriage thinking that married life is an endless honeymoon, the moment they hit a bump in life, they will give up on each other. Do not forget about perseverance and patience.
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karacahil · 2 years
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#İstanbuldaki 'blue mosque' kadar olmasa da bizim de var böyle maviş maviş camimiz
📠 Kaynak: Fatih Camii
🎦 Fotoğraf : Redmi -9
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zaahasyim · 2 years
Dear aku,
Ketika lisanmu tergerak ingin mengeluh, ....
Semoga kamu tidak lupa. Kisah seorang lelaki yang kamu baca di buku kemarin siang. Diuji Allah ia dengan keadaan tanpa tangan dan kaki. Sementara mata dan telinganya pun hanya samar berfungsi. Tapi lisannya tak henti memuji Allah.
Ia berucap, "Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kemampuan untuk senantiasa memujiMu, yang dengannya aku dapat memuaskan diriku dalam mensyukuri nikmat yang Engkau limpahkan kepadaku dan anugerah yang Engkau lebihkan bagiku dari banyak makhlukMu."
Semoga kamu tidak lupa. Tak hanya sampai di situ. Allah uji lagi dirinya dengan kematian sang putra yang selama ini senantiasa berbakti di sisinya. Namun tak ada setitik pun keluh kesah yang terlontar dari lisannya.
Ia berucap, "Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah. Dzat yang tidak menciptakan dari garis keturunanku seorang hamba pun yang bermaksiat kepadaNya sehingga disiksa dalam api neraka. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun."
Semoga kamu tidak lupa. Setelah akhirnya ia menghembuskan nafas terakhir, temannya bermimpi melihatnya di taman surga dengan dua potong pakaian bagus.
Ia berucap, "Keselamatan atasmu berkat kesabaranmu, maka alangkah baiknya tempat kesudahan itu."
Semoga kamu tidak lupa. Namanya Abu Qilabah al-Jarami. Orang-orang mengatakan bahwa ia murid dari sahabat Ibnu Abbas. Dan ia amat sangat mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Sumber bacaan: 99 Kisah Orang Shalih (hlm. 34-39), Muhammad bin Hamid Abdul Wahab.
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doriangrayisbosie · 2 years
Islamic Academia
-Randomly waking up to Azhan Al Fajr.
-Sleeping with Quran on (then waking up with the Ayat stuck in your head)
-Reading العبقريات
-Saying Subhan Allah and genuinely, feeling it.
-The sound of Salaht Al Jumaa’s preach coming through the windows of your home.
-Listening to Al Sheikh Al Shaaraway
-daydreaming about meeting Sayedna Muhammed and his companions
-relating to a prophet’s struggle
-the realisation that Allah responded to your duaa
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rw7771 · 2 years
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haqqahreminders · 2 years
Sufyan al-Thawri said:
A woman will pass by a man and he cannot restrain himself from looking at her lustfully although there is no benefit in it. What could be weaker than this?
Hilyat al-Awliyā’ 7/68
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muslimrar · 2 years
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maariiyaaaa · 2 years
I remember the days when I was begging Allah for the things I have today .. Alhamdulillah * ♾
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ilmiyyat1453 · 2 years
ed-Durru'l-Mendûd Adlı Dersten İktibas 1
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Keşşâf tefsîrinden şöyle geçmektedir:
''اِنَّ اللّٰهَ وَمَلٰٓئِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّؕ يَٓا اَيُّهَا الَّذٖينَ اٰمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلٖيماً (Allah ve melekler peygambere salât ediyorlar; ey iman edenler, siz de ona salât ve selâm okuyun) âyet-i kerîmesi nâzil olunca, Hz. Ebûbekr (radıyallâhu anh) içinden şunları geçirmiştir: ''Allahü Teâla Hazretleri, Efendimiz (aleyhisselâtu vesselâm)'a ne zaman büyük bir şeref nasîb etse, biz de bu şereften nasîbdar oluyoruz. (bizde bu şerefe ortak oluyoruz.)''
İçinden bunları geçirdiği esnada ise Allahü Teâla Hazretleri هُوَ الَّذٖي يُصَلّٖي عَلَيْكُمْ وَمَلٰٓئِكَتُهُ (O size rahmetiyle lütufta bulunuyor, melekleri de duâ ediyor) âyet-i kerîmesini indirmiştir.''
Efendimiz (aleyhisselâtu vesselâm)'a bahşedilen salât makamından Allahü Teâla Hazretleri ümmetine de bir pay vermiştir. Bu Ümmet-i Muhammed'in üstünlüğüne bir işarettir. Ancak Allahü Teâla Hazretleri'nin ve meleklerin Efendimiz (aleyhisselâtu vesselâm)'a salât etmesiyle bize salât etmesi elbette ki aynı değildir. Her kişi kendi makâmına göre salât ve salavâttan nasîbini alır.
Ahzâb 43. ile Ahzâb 56. âyet-i kerîmelerinin arasında ki hitâb biçiminde ince bir fark ve ayrıntı mevcuttur:
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Ahzâb 56. âyet-i kerîme de salât fiili, mutlak (aslî) olarak hem Allahü Teâla Hazretleri'ne hem de meleklere isnâd edilmektedir.
Ahzâb 43. âyet-i kerîme de ise salât fiili, mutlak (aslî) olarak değil, tâbi olarak atfedilmiştir. Yani meleklerin bizlere salât etmeleri, Allahü Teâla Hazretleri'nin bize salât etmesine tâbi kılınmıştır. Başka bir ifadeyle, Allahü Teâla Hazretleri bize salât ederse, melekler de bize salât eder. Allahü Teâla Hazretleri bizlere salât etmezse, melekler de salât etmez.
Her iki âyet-i kerîmedeki salât kelimesi sadece isim bakımından aynıdır. Mânâ bakımından farklıdır.
Ders, salı günleri Ömer Çınar hocaefendi tarafından yapılmaktadır. Detaylı bilgi için telegramdaki ders kanalı takip edilebilir.
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i-repent · 2 years
Ya Allah I know, you know me better than I know myself. I've understood the fact that you can turn the ground upside down, you can turn the burning fire 🔥 to a garden, you can let a human live in the stomach of a whale for days... I know these miracles are by you and only you are the one to do anything and everything.
Ya Allah please give me the strength to fight my thoughts, my laziness, my anger, my unapologetic tongue and actions. I don't wanna hurt anyone. I love every ummati for your sake. My rabb please help me in every way. Please help me get over my anxiety.
Ya Allah make me as I was before, strong n pious n grateful n religious.... ameen ya rabb ul aalameen ❤
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sister-fathima · 1 year
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We have just spoken about true love; the love created by Allah between a husband and a wife. Now lets speak about what masquerades as love: what looks, feels and sounds like love but in reality is foreign to it.
The theme of surah yusuf is love. It is the love of a father for his son and vice versa. It is the false love, the infactuation, the sinful and passionate lust of a woman for a man. It is the love of the dunya, authority and kingdom. Love of all shapes and shades are discussed in surah yusuf. However, we are going to focus on just two aspects of it.
True love that is pleasing to Allah - I t is the exchange of love between one another that is not sinful. For example, the love a husband for his wife, a mother for their childrenand the children between parents or grandparents. This type of love is blessed and honorouble. It is pleasing to Allah.
Masquerading love - it is the sinful love; an infatuation or impassioned love that is built on the same emotions and feelings but it will lead you to sin. It feels the same as the first love mentioned above and the people involved want the same experiences. Everything that is described as true love is found in it. But to get it, sin must be comitted. It is the wayward text message, that secret meeting or that look that one would not want anyone to see or know about. The example of that is the love offered to Yusuf (A.S) by the wife of his master. He refused it saying, "I take refuge in Allah." because his heart had an inkling to Allah.
Through the story, we learn that because of Yusuf's true love for Allah and his patience, everything that was taken away from him was returned to him by Allah.
The Lessons:
Harm is inescapable. People who are to care for you might not do so. There will be people who steal from you, who harbour jealousy or ill feelings towards you even among your own flesh and blood.
Never do to others what they have done to you in a sinful way. Never take revenge on abuse. What elevated Yusuf's status was his patience. The beauty is in patience. Do not respond to cruelty with cruelty - if you do so, you will only be equal to the wrongdoers, and you will be punished similarly.
Allah seeks for us to re-establish the ties of kinship. This can be very difficult. Sometimes our anger, pride and arrogance get in the waycausing greater corruption that what we may have experienced. Allah warns us of that in surah Yusuf, so we should take that councel and observe similar behaviour.
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karacahil · 2 years
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#Çekilin yoldan gün bizim günümüz. Gerisini küçük ve büyük başlar düşünsün. Meydan bize kaldı heyyyy!!!
📠 Kaynak: Bizim Çeşme
🎦 Fotoğraf: Redmi -9
Bayramınız mübarek olsun Tumblr.🍭🍩🍬
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muhammad-rehman · 10 days
حضرت عمر رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ نے کبھی کوئی خواہش نہیں کی
ایک دن مچھلی کھانے کو دل چاہا تو اپنے غلام یرکا سے اظہار فرمایا۔۔
یرکا آپ کا بڑا وفادار غلام تھا ایک دن آپ نے فرمایا یرکا آج مچھلی کھانے کو دل کرتا ہے۔
لیکن مسئلہ یہ ہے آٹھ میل دور جانا پڑے گا دریا کے پاس مچھلی لینے اور آٹھ میل واپس آنا پڑے گا مچھلی لے کے ۔۔
پھر آپ نے فرمایا رہنے دو کھاتے ہی نہیں ایک چھوٹی سی خواہش کیلئے اپنے آپ کو اتنی مشقت میں ڈالنا اچھا نہیں لگتا کہ اٹھ میل جانا اور اٹھ میل واپس آنا صرف میری مچھلی کے لئے؟
چھوڑو یرکا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اگر قریب سے ملتی تو اور بات تھی۔
غلام کہتا ہے میں کئی سالوں سے آپ کا خادم تھا لیکن کبھی آپ نے کوئی خواہش کی ہی نہیں تھی پر آج جب خواہش کی ہے
تو میں نے دل میں خیال کیا کہ حضرت عمر فاروق نے پہلی مرتبہ خواہش کی ہے اور میں پوری نہ کروں۔؟
ایسا کیسے ہو سکتا ہے۔۔
غلام کہتے ہیں جناب عمرؓ ظہر کی نماز پڑھنے گئے تو مجھے معلوم تھا ان کے پاس کچھ مہمان آئے ہوئے ہیں عصر انکی وہیں ہوجائے گی۔
غلام کہتا ہے کہ میں نے حضرت عمرؓ کے پیچھے نماز پڑھی اور دو رکعت سنت نماز پڑھ کرمیں گھوڑے پر بیٹھا عربی نسل کا گھوڑہ تھا دوڑا کر میں دریا پر پہنچ گیا..
عربی نسل کے گھوڑے کو آٹھ میل کیا کہتے ؟؟
وہاں پہنچ کر میں نے ایک ٹوکرا مچھلی کا خریدا اور حضرت عمر رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کی عصر کی نماز ہونے سے پہلے میں واپس بھی آگیا اور گھوڑے کو میں نے ٹھنڈی چھاؤں میں باندھ دیا تاکہ اس کا جو پسینہ آیا ہوا ہے وہ خشک ہو جائے اور کہیں حضرت عمر فاروق دیکھ نا لیں
غلام کہتا ہے کے کہ گھوڑے کا پسینہ تو خشک ہوگیا پر پسینے کی وجہ سے گردوغبار گھوڑے پر جم گیا تھا جو واضح نظر آرہا تھا کہ گھوڑا کہیں سفر پہ گیا تھا پھر میں نے سوچا کہ حضرت عمرؓ فاروق دیکھ نہ لیں ۔۔
پھر میں جلدی سے گھوڑے کو کنویں پر لے گیا اور اسے جلدی سے غسل کرایا اور اسے لا کر چھاؤں میں باندھ دیا۔۔ (جب ہماری خواہشات ہوتی ہیں تو کیا حال ہوتا ہے لیکن یہ خواہش پوری کر کے ڈر رہے ہیں کیونکہ ضمیر زندہ ہے)
فرماتے ہیں جب عصر کی نماز پڑھ کر حضرت عمر فاروق آئے میں نے بھی نماز ان کے پیچھے پڑھی تھی۔
گھر آئے تو میں نے کہا حضور اللہ نے آپ کی خواہش پوری کردی ہے۔
مچھلی کا بندوبست ہوگیا ہےاور بس تھوڑی دیر میں مچھلی پکا کے پیش کرتا ہوں۔
کہتا ہے میں نے یہ لفظ کہے تو جناب عمر فاروق اٹھے اور گھوڑے کے پاس چلے گئے گھوڑے کی پشت پہ ہاتھ پھیرا،
اس کی ٹانگوں پہ ہاتھ پھیرا اور پھر اس کے کانوں کے پاس گئے اور گھوڑے کا پھر ایک کان اٹھایا اور کہنے لگے یرکا تو نے سارا گھوڑا تو دھو دیا لیکن کانوں کے پیچھے سے پسینہ صاف کرنا تجھے یاد ہی نہیں رہا۔۔
اور یہاں تو پانی ڈالنا بھول گیا۔۔
حضرت عمرؓ گھٹنوں کے بل زمین پر بیٹھ گئے اور کہنے لگے
"اوہ یار یرکا ادھر آ تیری وفا میں مجھے کوئی شک نہیں ہے
اور میں کوئی زیادہ نیک آدمی بھی نہیں ہوں،
کوئی پرہیز گار بھی نہیں ہوں ،
میں تو دعائیں مانگتا ہوں
اے اللہ میری نیکیاں اور برائیاں برابر کرکے مجھے معاف فرما دے۔۔
میں نے کوئی زیادہ تقوی اختیار نہیں کیا اور بات کو جاری رکھتے ہوئے فرمانے لگے یار اک بات تو بتا اگر یہ گھوڑا قیامت کے دن اللہ کی بارگاہ میں فریاد کرے کہ یا اللہ عمر نے مجھے اپنی ایک خواہش پوری کرنے کے لیے 16 میل کا سفر طے کرایا
اے اللہ میں جانور تھا،
بےزبان تھا
16 میل کا سفر ایک خواہش پوری کرنے کیلئے
تو پھر یرکا تو بتا میرے جیسا وجود کا کمزور آدمی مالک کے حضور گھوڑے کے سوال کا جواب کیسے دے گا؟"
یرکا کہتا ہے میں اپنے باپ کے فوت ہونے پر اتنا نہیں رویا تھا جتنا آج رویا میں تڑپ اٹھا کے حضور یہ والی سوچ (یہاں تولوگ اپنے ملازم کو نیچا دکھا کر اپنا افسر ہونا ظاہر کرتے ہیں)غلام رونے لگا حضرت عمرؓ فاروق کہنے لگے اب اس طرح کر گھوڑے کو تھوڑا چارہ اضافی ڈال دے اور یہ جو مچھلی لے کے آئے ہو اسے مدینے کے غریب گھروں میں تقسیم کر دو اور انہیں یہ مچھلی دے کر کہنا کے تیری بخشش کی بھی دعا کریں اور عمر کی معافی کی بھی دعا کریں۔“
صرف آپ ہی پڑھ کر آگے نہ بڑھ جائیں بلکہ اوروں کو بھی شریک کریں, یہ صدقہ جاریہ ہوگا, اس میں آپ کی  تحریر ہزاروں لوگوں کے لیے سبق آموز ثابت ہو .. جزاک اللہ خیرا۔۔
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