#muhammad ﷺ
alhamdulillah10 · 9 months
A man in Saudi has been called stingy (بخيل) by his friends because he wouldn’t spend a lot of money when he went out. When he passed away, they realized he had built 12 mosques and left inheritance for his wife and children.
Doing your deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah is the key of success in this world and Hereafter, even though nobody knows.
He gave priority to Akhira, the way it should be, Mashaa Allah. May Allah have mercy on him, raise his ranks and reward him with beautiful palaces in Jannah.
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whaleston · 2 months
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laylah-a · 2 years
وفي ليلة الجمعة صلواتي كلها على شفيعي وحبيبي سيدنا محمد🤍
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speck-ofdust · 10 months
Narrated by Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah says: 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "
—Sahih al-Bukhari 7405
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haqqahreminders · 2 years
Sufyan al-Thawri said:
A woman will pass by a man and he cannot restrain himself from looking at her lustfully although there is no benefit in it. What could be weaker than this?
Hilyat al-Awliyā’ 7/68
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faizanansari18 · 2 years
Ibn Shubrumah, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said:
"I am amazed at the people who take care of themselves by eating food out of fear of dying, yet do not protect themselves from sins out of fear of the Fire!"
[Siyar A'lām an-Nubalā: 6/348]
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b3dr · 55 minutes
بَديعُ الزَّمانِ وَبَدْرُ الظَّلامِ
أميرُ الأنامِ وَماءُ الغمامِ
دعاءُ الخليلِ وَبرءُ العليلِ
هادي السبيلِ لدارِ السلامِ
أحبكَ ربِّ فصلِّ عليكَ
عليكَ الصلاةُ وأزكى السلامِ
نبيُّ الهدى يا رسولَ السلامِ
ويا مُرسلاً رحمةً للأنامِ
ومثلكَ لا تلدُ الأمهاتُ
ولو عاشَ كلُّ فتى ألفَ عامِ
صلى اللهُ عليكَ وسلَّمَ
يا إمامَ الأولياءِ ويا ختامَ الأنبياءِ
جهادُكَ في الأرضِ أسمى جهادٍ
نصرتَ بهِ الحقَّ ويومَ السدادِ
وأعليتَ صرحَ الهدى والرشادِ
فأنتَ الأمينُ وأنتَ الإمامُ
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goharshahi · 5 months
New Video: Muhammad (s) Ki Aankhon Ki Thandak | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsGX6G7jmUc
Prophet Muhammad (s) declared that the coolness of his eyes is in salah, however, this statement of the Prophet of Islam has been misconstrued. Sufi Master Younus AlGohar reveals that it was not actually salah the Prophet (s) was referring to but rather his beloved daughter, Fatima taz Zahra.
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alhamdulillah10 · 11 months
The bird was scared until Qur'an recitation started and then he felt relaxed... SubhanAllah.
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adorner061-blog · 1 year
Dawah is a Spiritual Battle
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laylah-a · 2 years
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sahoor8 · 1 year
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speck-ofdust · 1 year
Duā for forgiveness
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِي ظُلْماً كَثِيراً، وَلَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ، فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَغْفِرَةً مِنْ عِنْدِكَ وَارْحَمْنِي إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ
"O Allah, I have greatly wronged myself and no one forgives sins but You. So, grant me forgiveness and have mercy on me. Surely, you are Forgiving, Merciful."
I pray to Allāh ﷻ that we become amongst the people whom He سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى saves eternally from the Hell this Ramadan. Ameen Sum Ameen.
Pray to Allāh ﷻ for forgiveness, sincerely repent and strive to please Him سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى only. You'll see your life changing. Ask Allāh ﷻ to wipe away all of your sins, and even better, to replace it with good deeds.
—May Allah ﷻ accept our repentance, prayers and fasting. Ameen Sum Ameen.
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haqqahreminders · 2 years
Ibn al Jawzi:
‘Verily, the death of others was just to remind you of your own death! Your indulgence in fulfilling your desires averts you from remembering the destruction of your essence.’
Captured Thoughts | Page 73
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andyfrankenberger · 2 years
4) SAW ﷺ hat meistens #Wahi die Offenbarung bei 'Aisha ra. bekommen. Wenn Rasulullah saw haben die #Sahaba Geschenke immer gebracht wenn er saw. bei Aaisha رضي الله عنها ra. war nicht bei den anderen Frauen.
Sie kommen nicht wenn er saw. bei anderen Frauen ist. Die anderen Frauen ra. haben sich dann bei Umm Salama ra. gesammelt weil die das mitbekommen haben. Sie fanden das unfair. Alle Frauen sagten die Leute warten immer bis Rasulullah saw bei Aisha ra, ist dann bringen sie #Geschenke zu ihm. Wir wollen das auch haben.
Sag ihm er soll den Leuten bescheid sagen dass er auch die Geschenke bringt wenn er bei uns ist. SAW hat ihr darauf hin keine Antwort gegeben. Sie hat ihm zum 2. Mal gefragt. und zum 3. Mal SAW sagte: Ya Umm Salam, störe mich nicht wenn ich bei Aisha bin. Oder: es schmerzt mich wenn du so redest wenn ich bei ihr bin. Ya Ummu Salam ich schwöre bei #Allah ich hab Wahiy bekommen sogar wenn ich mit Aisha ra. unter der Decke bin. Bei euch hab ich das nie bekommen. Es gibt noch mehr Vorzüge damit wir wissen wie sehr genau Aisha ra. bei uns ist. sie sagte es tut mir leid, ich frage das nicht mehr.
5) SAW ﷺ hat sie رضي الله عنها so sehr geliebt, richtig geliebt. Er wurde gefragt: Ya Rasul Allah ﷺ, wen liebst du am meisten. Sagte Rasulullah ﷺ saw ohne Nachzudenken: Aisha ra. Ya RasulAllah und von den Männern? Abuha, ihren Vater (AbuBakr as-siddiq).
He replied, 'Her father (Abu Bakr)'. I said, 'Whom (do you love) next?' He replied, "`Umar.' Then he counted the names of many men, and I became silent for fear that he might regard me as the last of them."
motherofbelievers #Aisha #AbuBakr #Siddiq #loveStory #Romance #Khadija
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 4358 In-book reference : Book 64, Hadith 384
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