#is this the same anon i answered last night? :0
atsu-i · 8 months
Just wanted to hear that you were happy or at least content.
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pharaohbean · 2 months
Please talk more about how Touya's writing has been neglected. I Need to hear your thoughts this is Urgent
anon you sent me this last night and it's been like 12 hours and I've done nothing except write this for like. 5 hours. there's so much I haven't done and I'm running tech for Good Friday tonight. I went and finally watched Toya4 just to hone my points (actually it broke quite a few but wHATEVER) and reread SO MUCH and finally. after writing an ENTIRE ESSAY. i think i can answer your ask.
so, dear anon, may i present to you: Aoyagi Toya and his relationships in the form of Kizuna Ranks (roughly): his lack of them, the neglection of ones he does have, and why The first concerto redeemed Nocturne Interlude and Toya's Colofes story.
Let's start off with a simple Kizuna Rank counting: Toya has 14 kizunas: 6 VS, 3 VBS & WxS, 1 L/n & 25ji, and 0 MMJ (as of time of writing this). While that’s technically on the high end (he’s beating half of l/n, 3/4ths of wxs and 3/4ths of 25ji) the problem is where most of his kizunas lie: he has full VS (the first of his group, actually), full VBS, and almost-full WxS (it SHOULD be full); that accounts for 12 out of the 14 he has. He has so little diversity outside of those three groups, which compared to Mizuki (who has the same amount of kizunas as him) who has 4 VS, 2 MMJ, 3 VBS, 2 WxS, and the obvious 3 25ji, isn’t a lot!
Toya’s only two “unique” kizunas are Saki and Mizuki; Saki, who he’s known since childhood and has a lot of respect for her and even more so her brother, and Mizuki, who they got the kizuna with I think through a combination of KAMIYAMA HIGH FES and Summer Festival. The problem isn’t that Toya has so few kizunas (he doesn’t, really, I counted) it’s that his kizunas are almost indicative of his friendships.
Fun fact: Toya has not had a new kizuna in over a year. His last kizuna on JP was October 2022. Over a year.
(Just as a side note, I’m not going to be talking about his lack of appearances OVERALL. Around this time last year, his VA started voicing Dan Heng in HSR, and considering that that man is in like… 6 Trailblazer Missions, I would assume with scheduling that he wasn’t really able to voice anything else for a while. We’re talking about that when he was on outside of group focuses, he never really talked with anyone outside of those he already knew. But Dan Heng has also been put to the wayside after 1.3, which was in August, so after that I’m not cutting Toya slack.)
I went through his cards after Never Give Up Cooking! to present day because cards are usually indicative of a presence in an event, and outside of group focuses, he has…. 2 (excluding Sanrio which I'm 99% sure he didn’t talk with anyone outside of his group). Yup, just two! The first one is… the Kamiyama Fine Arts Festival. Where he knows everyone in Kamiyama (day classes) and has a kizuna with them. Just great. The other event is Valentines3, where he meets with a bunch of new people, but I’ll get back to them. Let’s talk about L/n, 25ji, and their relationships with Toya.
Toya has one from both of them, as mentioned previously: Saki and Mizuki. But Toya (as far as I know) has basically never met the other members of their groups. Sure, his teammates have (Kohane attends Miya with L/n and was classmates with Shiho, and Akito is siblings with Ena and has met Mafuyu more than once, even in his own home) but Toya has not. And do you want to know something truly terrible? He could!
He’s childhood best friends with Saki! He’s classmates with Mizuki now! There are so many possibilities for Toya to meet them! Personally, I want an Ichisakitoyakana event where Toya learns to songwrite a little more from Ichika and Kanade (especially considering his newest focus where he accidentally[?] works himself to the bone to compose a single song). That wouldn’t be hard considering that he has an in with both L/n (through Saki) and 25ji (through both Mizuki and partially Ena, whom he can get to through Akito)!
But for reasons beyond my understanding, they just. Haven’t. Have they been waiting for Toya4? Maybe, and that’s valid. But that doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have spoken with them earlier anyways, especially considering that he’s been grueling over composing for what seems to be months. Also, it’s Saki, why wouldn’t she introduce her cool younger brother to Ichika, who is also a songwriter? Heck if I know!
But I digress. Let’s talk Valentines3, where Toya talks with Ena and Haruka quite a bit. Ena and Toya have known each other since… like, forever. Roughly 3 years, if we assume that Ena found out about Toya around the time Akito partnered up with him. While they don’t talk a lot, they’ve definitely had multiple chances to: Summer Festival, 2nd Anniversary, maybe 2nd New Years but admittedly I didn’t read that story so who knows. But their first shared card set is… Valentines3.
Both Toya and Ena have a solid connection with Akito, Toya consistently hands off plushies to Ena, and yet the two just… never talk. You’d think they would! But they just… haven’t? And I don’t know if that’s bad writing or just something? But Valentines3 is their first big interaction, which is three years since the game started.
Now, let’s talk Haruka. Compared to his teammates, Toya has a very isolated kizuna community (as a side note, Saki and Nene are the only kizunas that he doesn’t share with someone else in his group excluding VS), and it’s obvious if you look at his lack of MMJ kizunas. But everyone in his group has a direct connection to someone in MMJ: Kohane was first-year classmates with Minori, An is childhood friends with Haruka, and Akito and Airi at the very least know each other well. At ANY point, MMJ could’ve been introduced to Toya--and let’s face it, they probably were. Toya I’m sure has heard about them.
…But why has he never talked with them? Again, wouldn’t have been hard (although he’d have less of a reason to than he would’ve with someone like Ichika, Kanade, and Ena) but he just hasn’t? And I remember correctly he does know who Haruka is in Val3. I’m not sure if that’s the writers just straight up ignoring him for a while (which they totally did) or that’s Toya’s personality, but I really don’t think it’s the latter with how well Toya just. Takes new people.
One other person I’ll talk specifically about is Mafuyu. There’s not a super clear connection for Toya and Mafuyu to interact, but they’ve definitely met in passing. I love Toya and Mafuyu’s parallels (especially with their fourth rotations being huge for them) and wish they’d properly interact, but Colopale won’t let them because that would screw over Mafuyu’s progress entirely. In a good way. Mafuyu would realize so much. But you wanna read more about them and their parents, there’s this amazing post about it that I think does it well.
Now, let’s talk about the relationships Toya does have. I’m just going to briefly gloss over most of them, then talk about the ones with a little more influence in Toya’s life (which is basically just VBS and Tsukasa).
Let’s start with VS: Miku and Luka are the two who really click with Toya the best. Miku is the one who went with Toya to his Fragment SEKAI (which we’ll be touching upon later) and inherited his terrible cooking. VBS Miku, although not a large force at play in recent stories, is still a valuable voice of reason. Luka literally showed up during Toya’s event, got him to do stuff he’d never do, and is just generally his hype man. She’s great.
Now, let’s talk the twins. Rin I feel like, when with the boys (who is all I really read, sorry girls), doesn’t have much of a character aside from being Len’s fellow corgi sticking her head into boxes ‘n such (cookie if you get this). Len, however, can be mostly found with the boys, trailing after them like a younger brother… well, he trails after Akito. He doesn’t really trail after Toya, and Len more so sticks around with Akito a lot (learning soccer, was in Summer Fes with them, etc.). So ironically, I would say Len and Toya don’t have a strong connection, at least compared to Len and Akito.
Finally, let’s talk the adults(?). MEIKO, for the most part, has kept her nose out of music, but she’s been there since the start. She and Miku both play the VS in Toya1, and she, Miku, and KAITO are typically the ones to get Toya’s head back on straight. Most recently, MEIKO helped Toya pretty significantly in The first concerto (which we’ll also be discussing later).
Now, the rest: I thought about this for a while, but although Toya and Saki are close, I don’t think there’s any actual record of Toya going to visit Saki in the hospital, either with the Tenmas or his own family? So although they’re close, they’re definitely not as close as Toya and Tsukasa or Toya and Akito. But correct me if I’m wrong.
Toya and Mizuki are more recently classmates, and although they seem to have had something during Kamiyama Fine Arts Fes, I’m not sure what that is. But the two of them have had something for a little while, but it’s been pretty loose.
Toya and Nene are both gaming buddies, and actually get along pretty well. Toya and Rui also get along pretty well, Rui even going out of his way to taste test for Toya (although he definitely didn’t realize how. Terrible Toya’s cooking skills are) and help him repay the Tenmas.
Finally, let’s talk a little more about Toya’s deepest (and shallowest) relationships: VBS, Tsukasa, and his father---in backwards order because I’m like this.
Toya and his father have had a pretty shaky relationship, one that is always perpetually a few steps away from being entirely burned. But it’s a relationship that both are interested in keeping alive, but feel that they can’t, primarily because of their different beliefs in music. Again, I highly recommend you go read the relationship between Harumichi and Mafumom I linked above to get a better understanding of both people, but most recently, Toya’s father does go somewhat out of his way to give Toya some advice in The first concerto. Although some people believe it doesn’t make up for the child abuse, I feel like I strongly need to say something:
Toya explicitly continued classical for TWELVE YEARS.
That kid picked the piano up at 3! 12 years he played! He was 15 when he ran away! Teenagers get moody about this stuff! And I would know, because I had the exact same relationship with my parents about religion at his age. I’m not going to get into depth about my own personal life, but I’m not gonna call handling someone harshly after they themselves treat themselves the same way as child abuse. Is there child abuse? Oh probably definitely, Toya should’ve gotten more hugs as a kid. But Toya (explicitly in The first concerto flashbacks) pushes himself to be better at classical. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff here which I can talk about in another post (including Toya fixating only on the bad parts of his past, which is something I also do) but let’s leave it here for now.
Now, let’s talk about Tsukasa. If none of you are aware, Tsukasa is the one who gives Toya the push to quit classical music (from the PJSK fandom wiki in Toya’s relationships page: “it was Tsukasa who told him it was okay to do the things he wanted, even if others disapproved. This gave Toya the courage to quit classical music, and he says if it weren't for Tsukasa, he wouldn't be the person he is today”). Toya holds Tsukasa in high regard, even just as high as Akito (he defends Tsukasa from Akito on multiple occasions) even if he won’t let go of the “-senpai” honorific. Toya has gone out of his way multiple times to support Tsukasa in some way (taking his spot during Wedding1 when Tsukasa gets sick, taking a 2hr train ride just to see his performance as Thorpe at the end of Tsukasa2, learning how to cook just to repay the Tenmas in Never Give Up Cooking!) while also never asking for anything in return, and will probably continue to do so because he just holds Tsukasa in such high regard. It’s about the same regard that Toya holds Akito in, but Toya repays that by standing by Akito’s side and singing with him because that’s all Akito asks for.
Then, the Vivids. Despite being teammates, Toya doesn’t have much of a relationship with them (especially compared to Akito, who’s got a distinct one with both of them). Toya and An both respect each other, but the only mixed events they have cards together for are Wedding1 (where An really only shows up at the end) and Kami Fine Arts Fes, which I haven’t read so I can’t speak on that. Toya and Kohane have a 1-on-1 moment in An1 and… not again until Valentines3. Three years after An1. THREE YEARS!!! Toya’s relationship with the girls I feel has been especially neglected, but also partially for a good reason: in An1, both Akito and Toya let the girls talk themselves through. Sure, Akito gives An a harsh talking-to, and Toya gives Kohane some advice, but the two of them keep their noses out of the girls’ business. And the two of them do take a while to get on their own two feet (which I won’t go into depth about here, but maybe in another post).
But also, you’re teammates. I’m willing to overlook shallow relationship writing with people like Saki, Nene, Rui, and Mizuki because they’re not super close, but An and Kohane? That’s just straight up ignoring their relationships. There are so many opportunities for this sort of thing--which the writers definitely capitalized on in the beginning--but nowadays most of the cast goes to the VS for help. Which isn’t bad, it just means you’re developing relationships with other people. But having an arguably stronger connection with the VS than your own teammates? Really? You could put in a little more effort, writers.
Finally, let’s talk about Akito and Toya. Let me preface this by saying I’m biased and weak for partnerships, but I’ll try to do my best. Akito and Toya’s relationship is one of the few relationships we see prior to canon that isn’t a sibling relationship or having broken down; the only ones who are standing are the entirety of 25ji and maybe Rui and Nene (L/n broke off prior to canon, and Airi and Shizuku, although knowing one another, seem to have had most of their relationship deteriorate by the start of canon). But unlike the other two, Akito and Toya’s pre-canon relationship isn’t really discussed. All we really know is that they joined up not long after meeting (I think it’s implied it was in the same meeting) and are so close to one another by the start of canon that they trust each other to an insane degree. That’s not to say they haven’t had their fights (they have) but the big thing is that Akito and Toya’s RELATIONSHIP isn’t toxic. Both of them have their own personal issues (self-worth for Akito, guilt/burden for Toya) that they do often hide from each other, but as soon as the other notices, it doesn’t take them much to open up. I think the only time Toya didn’t tell Akito what was on his mind was that one time in his Toya1 card story where he refused to tell Akito that he was the best partner---and let’s be real, that’s Toya being cheeky and cheesy because he can; Toya’s not that open with many people (the only others excluding VS I’d say would be An, Kohane, Tsukasa, and Saki).
I will add, the writers do like to place quite a lot of emphasis on their relationship and bond, but it’s not bad yet or anything, especially with the current direction VBS is taking making it that there’s not much of a position for that to happen outside of mixed events. But again, I’m a sucker for that sort of thing, so.
To close out, let’s talk about a couple of things I said I’d talk about, and why The first concerto fixed so much. So let’s simultaneously talk about Toya1, Toya’s Colofes story, and the redemption that is The first concerto.
For me, Toya1 felt a little weird (rereading it for this post, you’re welcome) because knowing what little I did of The first concerto (which was nothing) at the time, I was confused because in Toya1 he moved past his classical burden, didn’t he? And also, you wanna talk Colofes? They dropped a huge character detail and L E F T. FOR TWO YEARS! But finally, when I actually watched The first concerto (like, earlier today) I had so many thoughts, but eventually decided on the following things:
Toya1 was Toya getting over his classical burden for singing, while The first concerto was dealing with his burden for composing. And as for his Colofes story… Toya is cut off in his words when the Fragment SEKAI disappears. Considering that, and what Toya says in chapters 6 and 7 (referencing his Colofes), I think that despite what Miku said about forgiving himself, Toya didn’t. As we also learn in The first concerto, Toya has a very hard time not fixating on the bad events of his life and instead focusing on the good, especially after quitting classical. Sure, he can think of the good like being with the Tenmas, but that was always tainted with the rest of his history.
The first concerto just. Redeems so much that was left to the side in Toya’s progression, and in a good way. Toya already removed the shackles from his wrists and ankles back in Toya1, but left them to the wayside. Now, here, he’s picked them back up and is slowly, surely, turning them into keys to unlock the door to the future. The event gives Toya the courage and ability to finally forgive himself for his past (something he didn’t do back during his Colofes, which is roughly just after Kohane2) and use it to move forward.
(Also, if you’re wondering why I, a Toya kinnie, was reading it so late, shameless plug to my 4k Toya-centric fic roots in the snow, where it's explained there.)
Anyways, those are my thoughts. I’m sure I have more which I might add on to later, but I’ve literally just been writing this for like 3 hours straight and I need to vacuum before I leave soon because if I don’t my mom will have my head.
(i hope you were expecting an essay anon LOL)
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This is combined with the anon who asked for friends to lovers and @serialkillertbh and @fortunatelylovingsweets who both just asked for fluff in general!
not that anyone asked but to keep things fair, again i am not answering asks in any specific order i made a carlos only wheel to choose haha
in other news THE GIFS ARE HERE and can i also say a big thank u to @someone-worth-racing-for for providing such top quality gifs, i always end up using yours for carlos fics <3
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The crowd were so loud as you rounded the bend onto the home straight that you could actually hear them roaring through your helmet.
The chequered flag was waving just ahead of you and you were locked out in a vicious wheel-to-wheel battle with Fernando Alonso for 5th place. Gritting your teeth, using the screams of your home crowd and digging as deep as possible to find any reserves you had left, you threw everything at the car.
"C'mon, Carrot, just gimme a little more," you mumbled into your helmet, giving everything you had to the point where you were just willing the car to give you just another hundredth of a second.
"P5 Y/N! P5!" Your race engineer's voice broke over the radio, rapidly cut off by a scream from you.
"Really!?" The crowd was going wild, so much so that you could barely even hear the radio.
"Yes! Amazing job, fantastic drive!" You were gone again, lost in the euphoria of the moment and celebrating your personal best with yourself. You noticed you were halfway through your cool-down laps and the crowd were still ringing in your ears. "Do I take it Lewis won?"
There was a suspicious pause from your engineer. When he spoke next you could hear the smile in his voice.
"Nope. Carlos P1, Checo P2, Lewis P3, then Charles, You, Fernando and Lando in P7,"
You didn't think the rest of your radio message would be broadcasted. Between the swearing, screaming and whooping you weren't exactly coherent. You could feel your eyes burning as tears of pure joy spilt over your cheeks, which were starting from aching from how much you were grinning and hollering.
You'd never heard such good news. You were a handful of seasons into your career, but starting at Renault hadn't given you a flying start and then in 2021 you moved to McLaren, where you were slowly starting to creep up into the points, but P5 was your best score to date. You were also thrilled for Lando, who was bringing home double points for the team. And then there was Carlos.
You'd joined Renault a year after Carlos, in 2018. He had been your first ever teammate, and to say he'd left a lasting impression would be an understatement. The pair of you gelled immediately and him taking you under his wing and being incredibly protective of his little rookie quickly blossomed into a genuine friendship built on mutual respect. You had virtually the same sense of humour, which led to some PR videos going viral, and the pair of you fast became a fan favourite. So much so that a year later when Carlos announced he was moving to McLaren, alongside another rookie, the fans (and you) were devastated.
It seemed like a sick twist of fate that after only two years, you ended up following him and taking his spot at McLaren alongside Lando when he moved to Ferrari. Even after his move, Carlos always made time for you. He made a point of never being more than a text or phone call away, and he was one of the few people who you felt truly took you seriously in the paddock. You'd spent many a night sat up late with him wherever you were, in some questionable Renault accommodation, with his 0% beer as you shared your darkest secrets and bonded over the desire to win.
Carlos had admitted to you, in utmost privacy, that he was considering retiring if he ended his 8th season without a win, much to your horror. To say you were delighted for him would have been an understatement.
You abandoned your car, got weighed in a blur and sprinted up to the winner's section of Park Ferme. Carlos was still yet to go into the cool-down room - you spotted him being virtually pulled over the barrier by his team as everyone wanted to give him a slap on the back. You waited for a moment, and then when he was starting to clamber down, you ran at him.
It was difficult with your helmets still on, but somehow he spotted you and was quick enough to catch you as you threw yourself at him, his arms wrapping around your waist as he steadied you and you could hear the muffle of his laugh, warm and rich.
"You did it! I knew you could, I always knew it!" You were rambling but you didn't care, you needed your best friend to know how overjoyed you were. He squeezed you tighter before letting you down, pulling his helmet and baklava off so he could talk to you. You noticed as he did his eyes were red, and cheeks a little flush. He couldn't seem to control the beam he was radiating.
"Thank you. And look at you, P5! I'll be fighting you off my trophies soon," You shook your head, trying and failing to flatten down your hair as you did so.
"I literally don't care, I'm just so glad you won. Carlos Sainz: Formula One winner," you mocked an interviewer as you spoke, forcing your accent as posh as you could make it like an old-fashioned BBC commentator. He stood up a little taller, eyes shining as he grinned down at you. There was a swell in your chest and you thought for a moment you could never be happier, not even when it was your turn on the top step.
"Sounds good, no?"
"So good," you confirmed, pulling him into a hug and then accepting that you had to let him go to the cool-down room and have his podium ceremony.
You stood at the front, of course. You didn't think the top step suited anyone more, and even more so, you were thrilled that the crowd seemed to have adopted Carlos as an honourary Brit following his stint at McLaren judging by the noise being made for him. And he looked so good up there, clinging onto his flag and looking over everything with that look that said he was processing everything and not quite believing it was real and it was all for him.
It was during his national anthem that everything changed.
Your entire focus was, of course, trained on Carlos. He looked like he was virtually glowing standing up there. For a second he closed his eyes, shifting his stance and lifting his chin up with a proud little smile and your world changed.
It was like sitting in the optician's chair when they give you that lens to look through that just shifts your entire world into focus. You felt like you were seeing clearly for the first time in five years. Your stomach dropped at the same time as your heart leapt into your throat, beginning to hammer the way it did at the start of a race. Suddenly, everything made sense. How close you'd immediately become at Renault, the way he made you feel secure and listened to. How easy it was to trust him. The way he was the first person you looked for when you arrived at the paddock, even after he left. When he told you he was leaving and it felt like the end of the world. The way every time he found you now you were on different teams, you left the interaction with a spring in your step and renewed confidence.
Holy shit, you were in love with Carlos Sainz.
And you were so dumb it took you staring at him getting everything he ever deserved to realise it. Your chest tightened. This time it was a familiar sensation. That feeling you had huge news, and not a clue of who you could possibly tell, if anyone. That the person you desperately wanted to tell would be entirely unavailable for heaven only knows how long after this. And a faint sense of dread that this had been a very, very stupid epiphany to have because you'd probably never be able to be with him like that and you'd ruined your friendship in one go.
You watched the rest of the ceremony in a strange combination of overwhelmingly happy and subduedly heartbroken.
In a matter of a short few hours, you found yourself pleasantly drunk and stumbling around the after-party. You weren't typically the type to get drunk to drown your sorrows, and initially, you had been drinking happily along with the rest of the drivers in pure celebration. But it was funny what a couple of glasses of Daniel's wine mixed with something you didn't want to think about too much could do, and your happy drunk self faded into a self-pitying, brooding character.
The place was crammed, so at first, you hadn't really noticed yourself withdrawing that much until you were pressed against the cooling glass of the French doors leading out onto one of the smoking balconies. Casting a quick glance over the mingle of people spread out in front of you, including Zak Brown laughing loudly at a joke and Lando huddled in a corner with his gaming friends looking at something on his phone, you assumed you wouldn't be missed.
England isn't known for its warm summers and when you realised you'd left your jacket inside you were grateful that the collection of plush garden furniture was situated underneath the heaters placed along the wall. You sank down into a comfortable armchair, considering the rest of the glass of red wine you were holding with a foggy mind. You fought the urge to send some whiney texts to some close friends from home, but luckily your mind was clear enough to register that was the drink talking and place both your phone and the glass down on the small table in front of you.
You leant back, your head tilted upwards as you basked under the pleasant heat being emitted and allowed yourself to fall into the floating sensation for just a little while.
"Hey - this is where you went?" The familiar rolling accent was enough to get you to open one eye, and you realised that if you dropped your head even further back you could get a look at Carlos from where he was standing by the doors without moving. As an upside-down Spaniard swam into your view he laughed at you with a shake of his head.
"Needed some air," you mumbled, suddenly feeling a lot more sober as he dropped into the seat beside you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why?" He was giving you that scrutinising look that said there was no way you were getting away with your response.
"Because..." he dragged out the word, smile still tugging at his lips. "You went quiet ages ago and I got worried,"
"Oh," your mind was too slow to come up with a decent excuse. "It's just the wine - a bit strong for me," you admitted, pointing at the unfinished glass in front of you.
"I don't believe that, but okay,"
He turned in his chair, back resting against one of the arms and legs dangling over the other. His hair was still a mess, bits of it flopping into his face as he focused on his phone, typing a message out with exaggerated concentration. Your chest squeezed.
"If I told you something dumb would you promise to forget it in the morning?" The words were out before you could stop them, and judging by the way he was looking at you with those big curious eyes like he didn't want to be anywhere else, well you knew you weren't getting away with it.
"Like... how dumb?" You shrugged, suddenly fascinated in the palms of your hands. If you looked at him again you'd say something really stupid. What you hadn't noticed was that Carlos had slid out of his armchair and was squatting directly in front of you, concerned brown eyes trained on your face. His cheeks were flushed, full lips pink and the corners resting in a permanent smile. He looked so dangerously good in just a jumper and jeans.
"Like... I just realised I'm in love with you and I have no idea what do to about it?"
"Oh god,"
"No - just - shit I'm sorry. Just forget I said anything, I'm wine drunk and feeling sorry for myself, I don't wanna say anything that takes away from you today. You should go back inside, everyone is going to be wondering where you are and...." you trailed off when you moved your hands from where they were covering your face because he was looking at you with something terrifying shining in his eyes.
"You - you're in love with me?"
"Maybe? It hit me when you were on the podium. Fuck, you looked so good up there, Carlos, and I - I don't know it just thew everything into perspective-"
You didn't get to finish your sentence because you were muffled by a warm heart and you realised he was kissing you. Your body responded on autopilot, arms wrapping around his neck as he stood leaning over you. When he pulled back he had the same grin on his face he had when he'd just pulled something clever off in a challenge video and he was waiting to see how you'd respond. Your heart was hammering, body struggling to keep up with mind as you slowly were realising what had just happened. That Carlos Sainz had kissed you.
"I think I've been in love with you for a long, long time. I just assumed you weren't interested because you never replied to my flirting,"
"What flirting?" His eyes widened in shock as he stared at you as though you'd just admitted to something much more shocking.
"I flirted with you every day!"
"No, you didn't!"
"I asked you to dinner with me once a week..."
"I thought you were being a good friend!" Carlos groaned dramatically, dropping his head onto your shin bone and gently bumping it a couple of times to make his point. You liked the way his hair tickled against your skin.
He was nudging at you, pulling you up from your chair and capturing you in a quick kiss, before settling himself in one of the deck chairs looking out across the landscape and pulling you between his legs. You found yourself relaxing against his chest like it was the most natural thing in the world. Like you cuddled with him every day.
"Don't you have a party to be going back to?" You asked, enjoying the way his chest rumbled and it vibrated through your lungs as he made a noise in response.
"I have to ask someone on a date first," he was nosing soft kisses against your shoulder. They were gentle, lazy almost. They weren't asking for anything, they were just there because he wanted to kiss you, and you weren't stopping him.
You and Carlos watched the sunrise like that. Talking about nothing and everything all at once. Talking about all the things you should have done years ago. It felt so good to have him like that, so right. It was like some final barrier had crumbled between the two of you and he was seeing you exactly as you were. There was no hiding, no pretending, and what thrilled you, even more, was that he liked what he saw there.
You felt yourself snuggling further into his strong arms, relishing in the way he felt so warm and sturdy against you. Your eyes were growing heavy, the relief and the weight of everything finally lifting and being replaced with a warm heaviness creeping up your limbs.
The last thing you remembered before you slipped into a dawn sleep was the feeling of Carlos' lips on the top of your head, and his soothing voice close by your ear.
"I don't know if this day could have gone any more perfect,"
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plural-affirmations · 8 months
Hiya so I don’t have any idea who to contact but I’ve been starting to think that I (we?) maybe could be a system. Here is a few traits I’ve noticed:
I forget A LOT of crap going on throughout my day, especially when its related to past trauma | Ex.: Yesterday, my therapist had asked me to describe a day living with my mom. I kinda forgot what happened during that conversation? She tells me that I swap how I act a lot, and don’t answer to my name as much.
My childhood is mostly forgotten, and kinda mixed with things that happen now. | Ex.: When I was trying to think of a specific childhood story, I started talking about something I did last week. I couldn’t remember the story after that.
I have, like, really complex stories and world inside my head that I can’t control very well that I see in the first person. These people try to talk to me but they’re voices sound misted.
There are voices in the my head that give me instruction, and I hear them more right before I disassociate and forget what happened. | Ex.: I have never fixed a computer before but my head started to tell me how and now my computer isn’t broken anymore.
A lot of the time I will go to bed and then wake up on the couch with a movie playing 3 hours later. | Ex.: I somehow watched half of Falcon And The Winter Soldier last night.
When I was younger these symptoms were much worse, and I would go to school and come home from school in seeming the same hour, but I could remember what my teachers taught me? | Ex.: There was this one day where I made an entire new friend, and she talked to me about stuff I didn’t like. I had 0 memories of her, except passing her in the hallway a few times.
I used to think this was just weird PTSD stuff but I’m starting to think it might be DID or any other kind of Dissociative Disorder. I haven’t done a crazy huge amount of research yet but a decent amount. These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. I’ll continue doing research, but I just wanted to hear your thoughts?
So... I can't, in good-faith, say (over the internet, nonetheless,) "yes, you're definitely a system".
I will say that, to me, those do not seem like ordinary experiences a singlet would have.
That doesn't mean it's impossible; you very well could just be forgetful or have some other condition(s) going on.
But! In my honest opinion... the things you listed sound similar to when my dissociative symptoms were at their worst. They're not like that anymore, though they definitely were at one point. I think you should definitely do more research. I'll link a post @/multiplicity-positivity made:
Research by itself can be beneficial, but I think if you start seriously considering the possibility of being plural, you should reach out to a local mental health professional.
As stated in the linked post, it's best to rule out traumagenic/disordered plurality before anything else. If you do it in the reverse order, you could have the possibility of assuming dissociative features to be non-disordered plurality, and that would be a pretty messy situation to find yourself in.
That's just what I think. I hope you find what you're needing to, anon!
Good luck! /gen
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haysprite · 1 year
i keep thinking about that future plus no entity au (I don't really have a name for this au but it's the same au where Julie and Frank's dumb kid exits) so I'm going to explain what the legion does now.
right after they murdered the janitor they drove away to Montana and settled there for a year until they decided to travel around to cause mischief but they decided to settle down in California in the year 2001.
I feel like Julie would be a graphic designer, sometimes she would draw murals for some small and local businesses. Susie and joey would make their own comics together and their comics would be very well-known in their area and frank....his job was the hardest for me to come up with but I feel like he would work at a music store (and sometimes he would bring his kid to work and the kid would just sit in a corner and do their own thing).
some other things:
. Julie and Frank got married around 2003 (and Frank was the one who changed his last name)
. before the legion left Ormond for good they all wanted to at least take one thing before they leave Ormond forever, Frank took their mixtapes (and his pet cat), Julie took her sketchbook and pencil case, Joey took his books and Susie took her mlp collection
. they probabbly met Danny while staying at california (and perhaps they're friends? :0 )
. they might've run into jeff once but never saw him again.
Anon this is actually a really cute AU <3 All these ideas are really cute, and GOD do I need to see the Frank and Julie wedding oh my godddddd <3333 Julie becoming a graphic designer is so based and real as well
I do have a question tho! I'm assuming the night at the hardware store still happened, they just obviously didn't go into the fog, so I'm curious what happens afterwards in your AU :00 ! Did they get caught at all? Did Frank apologize for forcing Joey and Susie to help stab the guy? Do they still think about it at all when they're older? You don't have to answer all these ofc, I'm just really interested in this part!
Also ! Do they all live together? And is Danny still an absolute bastard lmfao? I'd also love to hear more about Joey and Susie and their lives, and their relationship to the kid as well!!!
I love the just, wholesome vibes of the whole AU as well! I love angst and edgy shit, but I need some good sweet AUs n whatnot in between all of it >:3
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berryunho · 1 year
HI BESTIE it's san anon and IT'S BEEN A WHILE
i hope you're still enjoying your time in sk hehehe i see your posts sometimes and am like *nods* having a good time, nice
it's been a busy couple of weeks sjdghsfj HONESTLY i don't think that ppt will ever like. get there. IM SORRY DSJHGFJ i loved the idea of it but i don't think i can find the time to make you the amazing ppt you deserve SIGH i do however have reasons written down for why you SHOULDN'T k word san so bet you'll be hearing from me shortly
ANYWAY that was all i just wanted to pop by and ask how you're doing <3 i hope life is going well for you !!!!!!! love u mwah
(also this is me trying to fix my english bc you > u istg i've evolved)
WAUT SAN ANON AGAIN I JUST SAW THAT ASK ABT NOT TRUSTING SAN'S MANIPULATIVE ASS i love him i'm so sorry it's so bad but i LOVE cult freak san the same way i love hongjoongism (yes i'll keep using this name) and hongjoong's wicked little brain i love it all idk i'm just. waiting for the day you don't k word san off but instead turn him into this crazy wicked insane evil cult freak instead of the cute cult freak we've seen up until now KJHDSGFKJHSD kq please give us a dark concept. i need an actual culteez concept. don't just break that wall murder it san anon again because what the FUCK i missed so many san reblogs HELP???? it makes sense now bc apparently i had the for you page open instead of the following page wtf tumblr
dont worry about being busy and PLSDJFASLKDF THE PPT LOL ITS OKY I DIDNT REALLY EXPECT YOU TO MAKE ONE E VERJKLJASFLKD PSKLJFSKLDF .... i also love cult freak san and evil hongjoong LKSJDFLASKDJF last night i was writing .... a scene that will happen in ... the next few chapters probably and i was (s)creamin-- I MEAN i was having a very good time writing it even though its like the most diabolical angst to ever come from my hands i was giggling biting my lip SO ANYWAYS thats gonna be so fun to release into the world but it has to simmer for a bit still ... not to confirm nor deny any san allegations of course mwuahaha AND ANYWAYS YES I AGREE bring back mvs where kpop boys would kill people ... or like graphic vampire concepts ... PLEASE I NEED IT SO BAD FJASLDJFSJ AND ???? NOT THE FOR YOU PAGE omg i do the same thing though like it switches and i dont realize and im like "where tf is sanchelinz rn" SKJFKALSDFJ
but anyways to answer your question ... im very good still ehehe my classes are all going well i even went up korean levels LAKJDFLASD and changing topics im not really a makeup person but i walked into olive young 2 days ago and blacked out and now i own a bunch of makeup and im trying to learn how to use it and i actually ... feel so cute KASDJLFSADJ like i have some on rn and its all pink and glittery and i did my eyelashes the wonyoung way and I FEEL SO CONFIDENT ACTUALLY its crazy like i think im pretty wo makeup lol and idk i normally feel so goofy when i try to do makeup but im actually proud of what ive been able to learn in ... 3 days lol
AND ??? you probably saw lol BUT I WENT TO IDOL RADIOAFLSJDFK;ASJ that was ... so anxiety inducing LKJKLAJSDFKJS there were SO many people and our foreign asses didnt reserve seats and didnt think to bring. idk. LADDERS BC PEOPLE BRING FUCKING LADDERS (*%)($*@)#()@ and anyways idk WHAT i was doing so wrong just by standing in one spot and not moving but i was being CURRRSSEDDDD out by ktinys like i accidentally looked at one of them for too long apparently and she turned to her friend and was like "this fucking foreigner is staring crazy bitch" I WAS LIKE (*$)(*$_)(#)(@_(#_????@$?$?@?4 and another girl saw me and was like "i fucking hate when foreigners come they never know whats happening" (*409*@)@(-#(0 I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE BEEN SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT I WAS LITERALLY LIKE ............................ simply pretended i didnt know what they were saying bc i wouldve started swinging and gotten deported if i engaged like ... HOOOOO DEEP BREATHS IM NOT MAD anyways yunho and hongjoong waved to me and i got so many good pictures and i was just happy to get to see them ehehehe all that matters is that THIS is hongjoong waving at me and my friend
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and anyways i stay winning <3 life is amazing im so happy everyday <3 I HOPE YOURE GOOD AS WELL BESTIE !!! PLS LMK HOW YOU ARE AND DW ABOUT BEING BUSY AND HAVE A NICE REST OF YOUR WEEK AND ILY <3333 MWAHHH :]]] <33 <33 <33
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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"Wow, you've been venting a lot about D02 Fan base Issues lately, I wonder what happened???"
"Well you see ever since post-Kizuna dropped, which is extremely suspicious TIMING in itself..." (While DigiAdv 2020 was also airing BUT.....)
In the last section of caps, when I proceeded to politely (hyper-formally) request this person stop harassing me by spamming me with multiple rude comments early in the morning when I wasn't even AWAKE to answer, and mentioned I was away because I was observing Shabbat (noting to them politely what it was), they proceeded to flip out, "turn" on me and start accusing me of "betraying" the pair. "Okay I beyond messed up" was their failed ""attempt"" at an blatantly insincere apology (they since continued to spam/harass a handful more times) and acknowledging they WERE HARASSING ME.
Except here's the thing. a. The Taishiro tag, by all means, is still for a rare pair ship. b. I am very aware of which fans follow me for my O.T.P. and actively post about it and who doesn't (including people who have lurked before). c. When the harassment started up I reached out to multiple other Taishiro fans (and people aware of the ship fan base being active) actively posting at the time and we were keeping aware of the situation in case they went about to target others. d. THIS PERSON WAS NOT AND NEVER A "FAMILIAR FACE" HERE / IN KOUTAI OR ADV+02 TAGS and posted fully and competely mainly on Anon (before "de-anon"ng using multiple account names; this was just before A.O.3 introduced comment blocking as a feature almost immediately after I began contacting them about it.) e. The timing of this is STILL highly suspicious to me considering the harassment mainly began in 2k20:
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What was happening in Oct. 2k20 (aside from it also being my bday month, which was fantastic timing to harass someone??)
It was around the ending of DigiAdv 2020 Ep 18, when a lot of long-time fans would have returned to (if briefly) see the end of the Devimon arc involved, including past long-time Stans who dropped off partly keeping up with "canon" post-Tri (also especially if they hated ALL said new canon since...)
Kizuna was already out, but hadn't debuted in some countries (however, long-term Adv-02 fans were pretty aware of Kizuna developments due to notable leaks) and a lot of Stans also came back to actively "talk" / rant about Kizuna and the ""timeline"" since.
The person started out using a handle referring to a well-known N.S.F.W trope that I have absolutely 0 interest ever engaging with, and they likely knew that I might be semi-aware of it if just due to its sheer popularity. This was the first clear "hint" something was immediately wrong with the persons' commenting style, but I humored them at first by responding seriously and politely, giving a simple answer to the question ("plrease read all author's notes and tags clearly before reading".)
They since moved on to create multiple accounts and handles to spam / harass me ("Tales" might have been a reference to "Tales of" fan base, which I'm not involved in but was also suspicious in itself), pretending to be ""different"" people each time but using the exact same speech patterns / ~~accusations~~ and basically failing massively at "obscuring" / hiding themselves, almost to the point all of this was INTENTIONAL. (Also failed at making me take them seriously once I realized their intent to spam.)
The second (literally right the nights when I posted it, showing they actively WATCHED ADV-02 SECTIONS) I introduced more Daisuke into the storyline, (I had already finished the thing a bit earlier on, it just wasn't on A.O.3 yet...) they "turned" and "flipped" on me, "pretending" like they actively hated him and disregarded him, but my suspicions are really high that this was all an ACT. Because THE HARASSMENT DID NOT RAMP UP AS MUCH UNTIL I BEGAN "TOUCHING" DAISUKE / USING HIM IN MY THINGS AT ALL. (Very Suspicious)
I have seen similar long-term behavior from certain 02 Stans in this fan base who act like they have ownership over Daisuke head-canons and interpretations or something... including from a former person-I-briefly-interacted-with who used to (and STILL, as recently as the last weeks, though I won't name names but...) often acts really possessive over him and their interpretations. (You know, there's no rhyme or reason for why these kinds of things happen, right???) I long since hard-blocked the person on all DigiAdvs related accounts over it.
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^ The conclusion made by A.O.3. was that it WAS harassment.
So, I'm just saying.
When I very formally informed this person (during the time they attempted fake-"politeness"/creepy fake "praise") I was (mentally) away noting Shabbat during the time they sent like 6 harassing comments in a morning, they proceeded to make the "turn", accusing me of multiple times (since) of being a "traitor" and INSULTING SHABBAT TO MY FACE AND ACTING LIKE THEY DIDN'T KNOW / ""GET"" WHO JEWS ARE, EVEN WHEN I SPECIFIED IT WAS A HOLIDAY.
Which IS ANTISEMITISM. Regardless of any fan base involved things it's to the point of antisemitic hate speech and religious harassment. I'm not even sorry to point it out but it IS.
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{I finally let them know I was aware of the kind of spam tactics they were using against me. They proceeded to say this and continue acting "clueless" about what they were doing, while also half acknowledging it all the same} (Like seriously????) Anyway, if you (anyone posting in Adv or 02 sections, especially Koushiro or Daisuke involved fic!) ever get harassing spam comments from any of these user-names, REPORT THEM TO A.O.3.
I also don't mean to ~~call out~~ another "response", but...
When I brought these concerns up with people who I suspected may be involved in the (or possibly aware of similar) active harassment but was INITIALLY genuinely giving the benefit of the doubt, I intentionally left out about half of the comments since A.O.3 was still handling the case. One of the people I asked about if they were aware of such things actively going on in 02 sections commented very oddly and almost vaguely to me
"Maybe they're using an A.I. generator? They're getting more advanced {with text} (!!!!!) these days." (Summarized response)
A response I still find highly suspicious to this day.
Because this was blatantly NOT the work of an A.I. This person KNEW which characters they were talking about (despite trying to make it seem like they were "clueless" or "~~couldn't read~~" the MASSIVE amount of author's notes and summary and tags I left all over the fics and making a blatant show of "not actually reading" / absorbing it).
Also, in between, they NOTICED(!!!) immediately when I began up-loading my old A.M.V.s to other non-DigiAdvs sections(!!!) and began spamming those comment sections TOO (all with the same type of comments). (I did NOT give these any attention or response at the time)
So I'm Just Saying. Yeah?
This is unacceptable.
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{Mocking Shabbat after I got after them for spamming me.}
So yeah, to anyone who MAY have been involved in this?:
(Kizuna spoilers!Koushiro moment Commence):
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I'm still NOT amused.
(DO NOT copy or re-post my gif.)
It's been just about a year since the harassment-spam began last year (to eventually be squashed by A.O.3). All I'm saying is, yeah I'm still ticked and there were reasons why I wasn't actively posting other works, including for other not-O.T.P things...
(While it may change {with my postings} with the coming year I'm not going to deny that I'm not still majorly pissed off at the sequence of events at all.)
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
I just want to say I’m actually disappointed in the way you responded to my message last night. I went into full detail, not attacking you at all, about why this shouldn’t be ignored especially from some of Harry’s biggest fans with the biggest platforms, and you ultimately continued to ignore it. If you were typing up a response you could’ve said that instead of letting nearly 30 minutes with 0 response go by, yet replying to everyone else. Because how was I supposed to know that? You acted like I was aware you were typing a reply. And that wasn’t until I followed up in the first place, to which you continued to try to have the conversation in private. Which I once again explained why that’s so harmful. A situation that could’ve had attention drawn to and advocated for by Harries, is now once again getting shoved under the rug because it doesn’t directly affect Harry. It’s disheartening especially to see that both on here nobody was talking about it, and on Twitter there were only a select few harries speaking about the racism. It’s exactly why poc and black harries don’t feel welcomed into this fandom because the conversations surrounded racism get swept under the rug as either an “I never got the message” or “I don’t want the drama” excuse.
I genuinely don't know what you want from me at this point or what you want me to say. You can not believe me or whatever and continue to accuse me of things and think you know me or my character but at the end of the day you don't know me. You are anonymous. Due to some of the messages I answered yesterday about it I got some very nasty ones in reply. Why am I going to want to have a conversation with anonymous people on a public forum when I'm being called names and accused of things. I got some other very kind anons in reply as well so thank you to those who sent them in. I did not know what was going because I did not see anyone on here or twitter talking about it. When someone finally explained it to me and yes I agree it was messed up!!! and what happened during filming was fucked up!!! I DID have conversations about it on my blog. I don't know what other conversations I need to have or things I need to say to help the situation. There is nothing I personally can do to change what happened. Are you going to other blogs on here and sending them these messages too? What about people on twitter? I have maybeeee on a busy day 100 blogs/people who might interact with my blog on the daily my platform on here is really not that big most of the anons I get are the same few people. Nothing I say or do on my is going to help change what happened with Kiki, I wish her all the best and a successful career. Nothing I say will probably be a good enough answer in your eyes I'm assuming at this point. I seem to keep upsetting you and you don't seem to like how I run my blog so maybe it's best to go separate ways. Have a good day.
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angeloroki · 3 years
s/o who is tiktok famous with shoto;katsuki;izuku
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— character ; shoto todoroki x gn!reader ; katsuki bakugo x gn!reader ; izuku midoriya x gn!reader
— request ; « Hi love can I please request class 1a big 3 with a s/o that is TikTok famous because she has contact kind a like Nicole TV »
— summary ; you’re famous on tiktok, you’re crazy and your boyfriend doesn’t understand this app. a mess 
— a/n ; thank you anon for the request! i hope you’ll like it haha <3
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shoto didn't understand how tiktok worked, the trends, the dramas and everything; he was always behind on everything
but that's what makes him so charming 😚
he just knew that you had an account and that you had a lot of views and likes thanks to some contacts you had (a good friend of you who was also famous) but he didn't understand the extent of your popularity on the app
that's when mina explained to him one day HOW well known you were
he was quite blown away (and proud of his s/o) by the number of views you were getting, which was over a million for each video!
since then, he made sure to follow your content,
which was a mix of dancing, crackhead videos, and tiktoks with your boyfriend and friends
your subscribers lived for your madness
and you weren't ashamed to show off your boyfriend
he was handsome, perfect, and you were in love which your subscribers did not fail to point out in the comments every time
« honey, are you doing a tiktok ? »
you giggle before putting the timer
« come dance with me! »
raising his eyes to the sky, he comes and positions himself next to you and you start to dance if you can call it a dance
you saw him laughing slightly which warmed your heart, before the 60 seconds had passed you came to kiss him and he answered immediately
you posted the tiktok that was just a mess, and it went viral (a little more than the others)
bakugo was well aware of your tiktok account
indeed he had seen one of your videos that went viral on social networks
he was a bit jealous of your popularity because it meant that other people would have the chance to appreciate your beauty besides him
but he didn't want to tell you, you would have teased him for sure
however he didn't really understand the purpose of your videos which were a total mess
your account was the definition of crackhead energy
and that's an understatement
you never lacked energy in your videos, and your laughter always played an angelic sound in his ears
but the problem was that you took any opportunity to film a tiktok with him
because you were always amused by his temper tantrums
you totally ignored him, then you put the countdown
at 0, bakugo comes to take you in his arms before tickling you and carrying you in his arms, the head upside down
« y’all hear something?» he says, a smile on his face.
you gave him a blow in the family jewels while laughing
« you're sensitive, handsome »
he pushed you into the bed, his face red
« tch we'll see who has the last laugh »
then he tickled you everywhere, you begged him quickly to stop
you posted the tiktok anyway because it was funny although your boyfriend forbade you to do so
"LMAO he matches your energy perfectly y/n" " is he okay ????? 😭 "
deku was often in your tiktok
and the subscribers were often perplexed
do I need to justify myself?😩
because one, he was your boyfriend, and two, you were so different in the videos
he was shy and you were chaotic
but you were still having fun in your tiktoks, and that's COOL hehe
while you were there half twerking half dancing, he was there beside you, holding on awkwardly, cheeks red.
but you could see in some videos that deku was able to surprise you with the same crackhead energy
and you were always there to support by responding to that energy
and it was always those kind of videos where you were both crazy that went viral quickly
and when I say viral I mean millions of views and likes!
because yes, you were pretty well known on the app, becoming a reference as well on tiktok
sometimes you would do tiktoks in your room at night, and your friends could hear screams coming out of it
« deku babe, let’ do a tiktok »
« alright i’m ready this time, i improved my skills dance », he says serious
as the countdown reached 0, the music echoed through the room
you were trying to do the last trend which was a dance
you were able to follow well by exaggerating the movements while deku was quite stiff.
you explode with laughter when you see him on your screen
« you have to take dance lessons from mina honey »
the tiktok blow up in only a few hours obviously!
"the craziest couple we have on tiktok omggg" " DEKU KNOWS HOW TO MOVE SHEEESH"
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startanewdream · 3 years
Summary: Lily and James find themselves in need of a more private location — and there's nothing like having a whole place for them...
For the Anon who asked exactly for this.
Rated M, so mostly below the cut!
James’ mouth is hot over hers, demanding with a urgency that Lily hasn’t felt in a while. She can’t fault him; amidst all their worries — war, prophecies, fighting to survive — they haven’t had time to rest for a while. This is their first time out in months.
Maybe he longed for a moment of tranquillity too; maybe it’s all the alcohol they’ve consumed so far, in a silly attempt to play drinking games with Sirius — last seen over the dance floor, so attached to a blond that it felt nearly explicit, though Lily won’t fault Sirius this time. James had interpreted Sirius’ dance just as another drinking game and had decided to snog Lily in the middle of that nightclub as if his life depended on it.
Well, not exactly in the middle of the club. But he had taken her to the darkened halls leading to the bathrooms and ignoring the bored look of the security guards and the amusing looks of anyone who passed behind them, he had proceeded to pin her against the wall and snog her senseless.
Later, Lily will blame the alcohol for that very public display of affection, but for the moment she can’t really thinking in anything else than the way James’ tongue is dancing with hers, his hand everywhere — at one point holding her neck, burying themselves in her hair as if he wants to pull her even closer; then moving over the front of her dress almost distractedly, hand casually sliding over the swell of her breast as if he didn’t even notice what he was doing; or tugging at the edge of her dress, climbing over her thigh —
There is a cough, and they break away as little as they need, breathing hard, equally guilty and wanting looks on their faces.
‘So, you come here often?’ he asks, lips curved into that lopsided grin she loves so much.
‘Pick-up lines at this point, Potter?’ she asks in answer, watching his lips swollen, glasses crooked, all signs that his pick-up lines were not needed at all.
‘Back to using surnames now, are we, Evans?’
Lily giggles. Yes, she is more than a little tipsy.
And yet this supposed innocent sound makes his eyes flash darkly and she knows the look on his face — Lily is rather familiar with the expressions on James’ face before he moves to kiss her.
‘Hey,’ she stops him, putting her hand over his lips. It’s really hard to keep a chain of thoughts while he kisses her fingers, so obscene, but she must try. ‘Maybe we can take this somewhere else?’
‘Ohhh,’ that picks up his interest, eyes glistening with desire. He approaches her to speak at the base of her ear. ‘Back-alley?’
It’s also hard to think with the shivers his voice sends down her body.
‘I was thinking somewhere more private. I don’t want to be interrupted.’
‘Ohhh.’ He takes his time, breathing slowly, and Lily knows the prat is just enjoying the reactions he is causing over her skin. ‘My place is empty tonight.’
‘Your place?’ she repeats, amused.
‘I share with others sometimes,’ he answers without losing a beat. She laughs. ‘What do you say?’
‘Only if we can share dessert over the kitchen table,’ Lily replies boldly, and this makes him break apart to stare at her.
‘Merlin, I love you.’
‘Now, now, James,’ she places a chaste kiss over his lips, lingering long enough to make him crave for more. ‘That’s what you’ll say after.’
They shouldn’t have apparated home, because drink and apparating don’t mix, that’s what James said more than once, stern...
But he can’t think right now, vodka and Lily twirling his brain into blissful oblivion as they land inside the house, all parts intact, thanks Merlin. He’ll deal with the consequences of all the vodka tomorrow morning, because for now all his concentration is focused on Lily, on the way her hands scratch his scalp and her legs wrap around his hips as he raises her, putting her carefully on the table of the kitchen, pushing the tablecloth away.
A glass falls to the ground — ops, maybe he thought he was being careful —, not breaking but making enough sound to echo in the darkened kitchen, but James can’t bother with it now. His hands are busy finding the zipper in the back of her dress, face buried in the cleavage of her dress, desperate for the moment he will finally kiss her breasts as he wanted ever since she first showed up in that dress, way too short and way too tight than he had seen her wear in a while.
She doesn’t help him with her dress, instead fighting a battle of her own with his shirt, opening the buttons there with easy expertise before moving to open his belt. Her hand slide down the zipper of his trousers just as he does the same if her dress, his hand brushing her skin and making goosebumps arise in the trail — though he knows she can’t be enjoying this as much as him, not with the way her warm fingers are enclosed over him, making him whimper — that’s okay, he tells himself, he will make her feel good too —
The lights turn on.
And for the first time in his life, James actually appreciates fighting two wars, because his reactions are very good. He jumps back, hands closing his trousers, just as Lily jumps from the table, her face impossibly red while she tries to close as much as she can of the zipper of her dress.
To their luck — or not, considering how occupied they were — Harry enters the kitchen rubbing his eyes, without his glasses, which gives them even more time to fix themselves — as long as their son doesn’t notice James’ shirt is buttoned all wrong…
‘Mum? Dad?’ he asks sleepily. ‘I thought you wouldn’t be back until dawn.’
‘I thought you wouldn’t be home, Harry,’ James answers, exchanging a look with Lily. It’s the week before Christmas and with Ginny and Hermione back for the holidays, Harry should be there spending time with his girlfriend and friends.
‘I was going to stay at the Burrow, but — Mrs Weasley places the weird charms —’ he blinks, seeming to realize he is oversharing, and he flushes, suddenly interested in looking at the ground. ‘Sorry, I just heard a noise here, I’ll be back to bed.’
‘Yeah, you do that.’
Five more seconds and they will be safe… Then Harry’s eyes find the glass on the floor and his gaze follows a path to the table, all messy, and then back to the ground, where there is a belt laying.
Harry’s eyes widen, and James feels suddenly old when he realizes his 17-year-old son understands what this means. Merlin, they grow up so fast…
‘COME ON!,’ Harry cries, pulling James away from his reverie. ‘Really? We eat at this table! Why?’
‘We are drunk,’ James says, and while this seemed like a good reason before, a part of him wonders if he should have admitted this to Harry.
His nostrils flare. James wonders if Harry knows he uses the same anger expressions as Lily.
‘Drunk? And you apparated home? Merlin, you KNOW you cannot do this! What if you had splinched yourselves?’
‘We are fine, Harry,’ Lily points out, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. ‘We just got caught.’
‘Yeah, by our son,’ James agrees under his breath, though everyone seems to hear it. Neither seems to find this amusing, though. ‘It’s not like he has never interrupted before.’
‘Harry, Harry,’ James grins. ‘Remember that time you caught us in your mum’s office and I told you I was just helping her take the potion out of her blouse?’
‘James —’
‘DAD!’ Harry backs away, looking properly shocked, his hand twitching in the direction of his wand as if he just wants to obliviate himself. ‘That’s it, I’m out. Locked in my room forever.’
‘We’ll place Silencing Charms next time,’ James promises, and this doesn’t seem to comfort Harry much.
He is still shaking his head as he vanishes in the stairs; James looks at Lily. There is a beat — then they break into a fit of laughter.
Yep, mostly tipsy yet.
The next morning Harry makes sure to set the breakfast in the dinner table they never use, handling them a Hangover Potion without meeting their eyes. Lily notices he didn’t put the mint leaves to ease the flavour.
Well, they deserve it.
Notes: (Part of my Eyes Glistening - Jily Lives AU, which I didn't mention before to keep the twist a little! Anon asked for Harry to interrupt James and Lily, since Lily already interrupted Harry once - The Talk 2.0 | The other talk)
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irishseeeker · 3 years
Since you’re answering asks about the show—how do you think they’re going to handle Bridgerton house in season 2 and going forward? When Anthony and Kate move in and the rest of them move to number 5, most of the Bridgerton kids still live with Violet (idk where Colin and Benedict live in the show…?) And since Bridgerton house was one of the main sets in season one, it would be jarring to suddenly have the main characters of future seasons be living in a house other than Bridgerton house.
So…do Anthony and Kate move in with the rest of the family? Do they allow Violet to stay there until the kids grow up? (side note the scenes between Violet and Kate about passing down the title of viscountess is gonna make me so emo) Will they decide to break my heart and have kathony live off screen at Aubrey hall during all future seasons so it’s not a problem? Am I thinking about this way too much? 🤣
Hi Anon! Hope you’re having a good day! That's such a good question and something I've thought a lot about.
Bridgerton House is definitely the most important set and the main place where they all have dinner and congregate and later this will be No.5 from S3. I think they’re going to increase the amount of scenes all the Bridgertons have together as those scenes are so popular from S1 and the show is about the Bridgertons after all! Plus Ben and Colin will be focused on big time this season to build up for their seasons.  Bridgerton is such an expensive show they’ll want to use the same sets as much as possible and they’re already expanding a lot for S2 with Aubrey Hall, the Sharmas and probably a few more sets. A lot of Anthony’s scenes take place in his father’s office in the books and S1 and they definitely will in S2, so Bridgerton House is very important. I reckon we’ll see Kate, Edwina and Mary in Bridgerton House for tea or dinner with all the Bridgertons at some point as well pre and post engagement. Bridgerton House is where we’ll  mainly see all the unmarried Bridgertons together, especially Hyacinth, Greg, Eloise and Francesca as that’s where we saw them most in S1 (excluding parties and balls) and there’s not a whole lot going on for them unless the smaller ones get more of a plot but I doubt that. We’ll definitely see more of Eloise everywhere like we did in S1 anyway as her plot will be her debut to society! 
I’m kind of curious if they’ll show any of Eloise’s suitors and possibly one she actually likes? As she does get a few proposals over the years in her book but she has 0 interest in any of them. I reckon we’ll see her just being the worst, funniest debutant in the history of London haha.
I think they’ll definitely do the move to No.5 but not properly until S3. It definitely will be jarring but I’m thinking they’ll make it a plot line for sure to show the transition and sort of the emotional impact of it, leaving behind Edmund and their family home. I could see Kate and Anthony moving into Bridgerton House in the last episode in the final scene of S2 like a year later with Kate recovered from her leg injury and pregnant, to set the scene for S3 as most of that will take place in No.5 with Sophie and the Bridgertons. No.5 is important for S3. I also think we'll see Violet and the Bridgertons having a moment together before they leave their childhood home either at the end of S2 or at the beginning of S3, as that's going to be emotional for them, particularly Violet as she’s leaving the place she lived with Edmund behind.  
 TVWLM ends in 1814 and AOFAG begins in 1815, which is when Edmund II is born. I’m thinking Kate and Anthony's role in the first 2 episodes could be Kate's struggles to adapting to motherhood or as Viscountess now they're living in Bridgerton House or something like that. Anthony struggles too possibly? Moving in with the family is actually a really good idea as that would definitely result in some humour as they all could get very sick of each other? Or it would just make it easier for the writers and the show to have everyone together. They could move in with the Bridgertons first and then they could leave just before the time skip in AOFAG. I really don’t see them all living together as that’s not how the books do it but who knows! I just really hope Anthony and Kate have a good sub-plot in S3. I'm thinking the first episode of S3 will be mainly about Sophie's childhood and life (or they could do it in flashbacks but for Sophie it would make more sense to just tell her story at once to understand why she runs away) and it will end with the ball scene, so Edmund’s birth fits in perfectly around then before the 2 year time skip. The ball scene could even be episode 2! 
This also will be the year Francesca enters society and marries John so John courting Franny & their engagement will definitely be a sub-plot in S3, maybe only for an episode or two or we might only get an introduction and then we see them married. This will happen before the time skip which I can’t see them avoiding as it just throws the entire time line off. Anthony will be relatively involved in that plot as well and so will Violet. 
Daphne's role in S2 intrigues me as she won't have Simon so to see where she fits in and if she has a plot herself will indicate what's in store for Anthony, Ben etc when they're married after their seasons and if their spouses stay on. Although, they will have a bigger role than Daphne regardless as the brothers always have scenes together and are relatively involved in their brother’s love lives. I can see Phoebe leaving after S2 but I would like if they focused on motherhood for Daphne in S2 and possibly helping Anthony out with courting and his love life if she does end up going. It would be sad but hopefully she stays! She might not really be in S2 we won’t know for ages anyway! 
The show is so expensive that I think they’ll minimize the amount of sets they have to set up or locations they shoot on and for S2, I’d be surprised if Ben and Colin aren’t nearly always in Bridgerton House. Benedict and Colin seem to be living in Bridgerton House in the show from what we've seen so far, they're always at the house and they return from balls to Bridgerton House. Anthony is the only one who doesn't live there but we never see his bachelor lodgings and I don't think we will until their wedding night, unless we seem some scenes of him brooding on his own and pining over Kate haha. I can see Anthony gifting Benedict My Cottage at some point in S2 to set him up for season 3 and to help him escape London, but in his book Ben has his own bachelor lodgings which I don’t think we’ll see until S3. I don't think we'll see Colin's bachelor lodgings until S4 as that's when he gets a place in RMB after returning from his travels. I think they'll want to keep Colin in the show as much as possible so any time skips that's when he'll be traveling like when they ended S1 with him going off to travel and then flash forward to a year and Daphne and Simon have their baby. So when he’s in London, he’ll always be at Bridgerton House or No.5.
Going by the first season, I presume there's going to be 8 episodes in season 2. I think Kate and Anthony will be married by episode 5 like Simon and Daphne were. That leaves 3 episodes of Anthony's 'I won't love my wife idiot' stage. I would love for us to get a full episode of their honeymoon in Aubrey Hall but I don't think we will considering the book didn't have it and we're going to get at least 2 episodes in Aubrey Hall anyway. I do think one of the post-marriage episodes will be focused on Kate adjusting to the role of Viscountess and her bonding and having some very sweet moments with Violet and the Bridgertons. I hope they'll focus on her insecurities and her struggles with how Anthony is behaving and just how society has been treating her.  Especially when Anthony ran off to Aubrey Hall after their engagement and left Kate all alone to deal with the whispers? I hope they address that and he gets some slack for it. I think there’s going to be a good few scenes in S2 at the Sharma residence as well and a few balls, definitely one at Lady Danburys, so we’re in for an amazing season! 
Who knows what will happen but I could see them using very similar sets for Bridgerton House & No.5 in future seasons so it wouldn’t be a big change. No. 5 will still be a big household if it has the 4 youngest and Violet and occasioanlly Colin and Ben. I’m still not so sure about Eloise’s book and on, I think the strongest and most popular books plot wise are Anthonys, Benedicts and Colins and everyone is hyped for them. Daphne’s did extremely well though with a weaker book (that was still good just not a favourite of mine) so I have high hopes for them to do all the Bridgerton’s books. What I think they could do is possibly combine Eloise and Francescas for S5? As they’re both taking place at the same time in 1824. Gregory’s book was okay but it could be a good adaption as there’s so much going on. Who knows! They’ve already included Marina and Philip so that seems like an indication they would love to do them all and plan to?
I really went on here (again, do I ever stop talking). I don’t know what anyone else thinks but I’d love to hear! I could talk about Bridgerton forever tbh and I really do need to get back to the many invoices waiting for me <3 hope you’re having a good day anon!
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mysmegrace · 3 years
mostly thought to request this because of the last anon but, could you also do an ace (nb) mc with jihyun? :0
hello~ that sounds lovely, of course i can!
*takes place after his good ending*
Jihyun with an Asexual Non Binary MC
love takes place in all forms, as artists commonly express.
jihyun is no exception.
someone not being comfortable with one form of love doesn't change the loving dynamic of the relationship.
hence why jihyun doesn't mind the fact that you don't want to engage in sexual activities.
however, he was confused at first.
after he proposed, you two were tasked with the dreaded wedding planning.
after all, wedding planning was no easy task.
catering services, outfits, photographers, it was no easy ordeal.
on the bright side of things, it did give you both an excuse to openly fantasize about a married life.
the domestic mornings in the kitchen.
doing your weekly grocery trips together.
revamping the house to represent your combined artistic tastes.
but with looking forward to a future married life came the deeper moments as well.
including the traditional wedding night.
he saw no problem with it, it was quite expected after all.
you on the other hand, were not having it.
those actions had never made you comfortable and quite frankly, you were disgusted by them.
jihyun had nothing to do with the reason why you refused to do those acts, rather it was something you were born feeling.
with your gut telling you to let him know before the wedding, you hesitantly walk over to his spot on the couch and started bringing up the conversation.
your conscience would have eaten you up if you delayed telling him until later.
and so you started, casually speaking about what you believe the wedding day will look like.
gradually leading to the night of the wedding, in which you say "i know the usual doings of the wedding night, but would you be alright if we just don't take part in those things at all? it's not something i'm attracted to."
it took him a minute to fully comprehend what you were saying.
he hadn't heard of someone not wanting to do those at all.
yet the more he thought about it, he found himself having no issue with it.
your relationship wasn't revolved around anything so physical.
as many people would, he would have his moments of desire.
but it wouldn't be anything strong enough to consider ending your relationship because of your sexuality.
so without leaving you hanging any longer, he answered "that's alright, i understand".
and from then on, your night was the same as any other.
yet as the week continued on, his affection for you came to a holt.
you noticed he stopped kissing and cuddling you like he did before.
this left you in confusion.
quickly, you were worried if he confused your asexuality for not wanting any form of affection with him at all.
after all, it was common for people to have that misconception.
so later that night when he didn't cuddle you to bed like you did before, you asked him about it.
more exactly, you asked him why he stopped.
to which he responded as you expected, "i thought you didn't want to do anything intimate".
once you heard this, you corrected him in a heartbeat.
you watched how his posture softened once his confusion was relived from him.
from then on, your relationship continued in a loving, embracing manner.
your type of love shared was something unmatched, even without the sex.
01:03 AST - 07/20/21
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mldrgrl · 4 years
prompt: Mulder and Scully being competitive with each other over silly things - Jeopardy? solving the case before the end of an episode of some sort of forensic crime show? how many slices of pizza they can eat? a board game? etc.
Loved this one, Anon, thank you so much.  And I was in the mood to whip up something humorous.  Went to sleep last night thinking about it.
Half and Half
by: mldrgrl Rating: PG
“I’m dying to get out of this suit,” Scully says.  “Give me ten minutes and then we can go through the report?”
“I’ll leave the connecting door unlocked,” Mulder says as they exit their rental car and head to the doors to their rooms.  “Come over when you’re done and we’ll order in.”
She sighs in relief as she kicks off her heels at the door.  She tosses her blazer to the side, unbuttons her shirt, and loosens her skirt.  She clips her hair back, washes her face, and changes into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.
File folders under her arm, she taps lightly on the connecting door before she pushes it open.  Mulder is sitting at the edge of the bed, tie off and buttons undone at the neck.  His shirtsleeves are rolled up and he’s yelling at the TV.
“What is Mork & Mindy!” he yells.  “Mork and Mindy, you idiots.  Everyone knows ‘nanu nanu.’”
“We were looking for, ‘What is Mork & Mindy?’” Alex Trebeck says.
“Obviously,” Mulder says.  “How did you people even get on the show?”
“What are you doing?” Scully asks.
“Playing Jeopardy.”
“TV Catchphrases for $400, Alex.”
“Book ‘em, Danno.”
“What is Hawaii 5-0,” Mulder yells, just as Scully says, “Hawaii 5-0.”
Mulder makes the sound of a buzzer.  “You have to answer in the form of a question, Scully, or it doesn’t count.”
“I still knew the answer.”
“You mean, the question.”
“Do you want to debate the semantics of Jeopardy or go over the reports?”
“Sure, sure.”
“Let’s try Shakespeare Who Said it? for $200.”
“Double double, toil and trouble.”
“Who are the witches?” Mulder answers.
“Who are the three witches of Macbeth,” Scully says at the same time.
“Who is Macbeth?” answers the first contestant to ring in.
“Oh, come on,” Scully says.  “You can’t be that dumb.”
“Not quite what we’re looking for,” Alex answers.  Finally, the second contestant answers correctly.
“Shakespeare Who Said It for $300.”
“I prithee daughter do not make me mad.”
“Baptista, maybe,” Mulder answers.  “Who is Baptista?”
“No, who is King Lear?” Scully disagrees.
“Who is King Lear?”
“Who is, King Lear.  Act 2, scene 4, referring to Goneril.  And that will lead us to our first commercial break.  More to come after these words from our sponsors.”
“I should’ve known that one,” Mulder says, scooting over to make room for Scully on the bed.  “$600 to $500, I’m winning.”
“How do you figure that?”
“You lost Hawaii 5-0 to incorrect phrasing.”
“You didn’t establish the rules.  $600 to $900, I’m winning.”
“I didn’t have to establish anything, those are the inherent rules of Jeopardy.  Everybody knows that.”
“Mulder, I’m here to go over these reports,” Scully answers, holding up the file folders that have been tucked under her arm the whole time.  She is still standing.
“How about a little wager?”
“On what?”
“Winner orders the pizza of their choice, loser pays.”
“Come on, Mulder.”
“You don’t think you can beat me?”
“No, I know I can beat you.  I just want to get this review done so I can go to bed.”
“Scully, it’s 7 o’clock.  The review can wait.  Unless you’re just chicken.”
“Very mature.”
“Triple dog dare you?”
Scully held her hand out as though to shake Mulder’s.  “We start with a clean slate going in from the commercial and we make our own wagers on Double Jeopardy questions.”
“I’ll keep score!”  Mulder leaves Scully’s handshake hanging in the breeze and jumps up to grab the complimentary pad of paper and pen on the motel desk, which she snatches from him as soon as he comes back to sit down.
“I’ll keep score,” she says.
“You are the math geek.”
They sit through contestant bios and Alex Trebek’s vaguely sarcastic comments on the tidbits they’ve chosen to share with the audience.  When the game starts back up again, there are two answers left in Shakespeare Who Said It? and every answer available in Civil War Nicknames, The Old West, and American Folklore.
Unsurprisingly, Mulder dominates the folklore category, but they tie for two answers.  They both struggle with The Old West more than Civil War Nicknames, but the answers there are easier to decipher within the clues.  Mulder is up $700 when the first Daily Double comes up in The Old West.
“$200,” Scully says.  “I already don’t even want to know the answer.”
“$500,” Mulder answers.  
“Suffering from tuberculosis and alcoholism, this dentist turned gunslinger died in a sanitarium at the age of 36.”
“Who is Doc Holliday,” Scully answers.
“Who is Bat Master..dammit!” Mulder replies just a beat behind her.
“You should’ve known that one.”
“It was the first thing that popped into my head.  What’s the damage?”
“We’re tied.”
“All right, next round, it’s getting serious.”
“Prepare to pay for a large vegetarian with extra olives.”
“Ugh, vegetables on pizza is the antithesis to the point of pizza.”
“And what is the point of pizza?”
“All the pepperoni you can handle and then add in some sausage for good measure.”
“You’re a heart attack waiting to happen, Mulder.  When was the last time you had your cholesterol checked?”
“In May, actually.  Fit as a fiddle.  Here we go, round 2.”
“...categories are: Before & After, Science, Word Origins, Potpourri, The Body Human, and finally, Astronomy. ”
The contestants seem fixated on Potpourri and Before & After, to Mulder’s relief.  He isn’t ready for Scully to completely smoke him in the Science and The Body Human categories.  He figures if he can do well enough in the first two, he might be able to hold firm and maybe they might get to Astronomy where he can make a comeback.  Sure enough, she responds so quickly in the first two Science answers he can’t even get a word out.
“Born this year, a sheep named this introduced the world to cloning.”
“Dolly!” Mulder yells, too excited about knowing a Science question he forgets to phrase it properly.
“Who is Dolly,” Scully corrects.
“Your rules.”
“I know, I know.  Still, dammit.”
Blessedly, the contestants leave Science and migrate to Astronomy and since the first answer is the planet nicknamed The Red Planet, a Jeopardy equivalent of low-hanging fruit, they stick with it.  The first Daily Double of the 2nd round hits them at the $800 question in Astronomy.
“I’m up by $1,600,” Scully says.  “You have $3,900.”
“I’m going to make it a true Daily Double.”
“$600,” Scully says, after a few moments hesitation.
Mulder worries his bottom lip with his teeth and waits for the answer to come.
“This spiral galaxy is named for an Ethiopian princess in Greek Mythology.”
“What is Andromeda!” They both yell.
Mulder realizes he’s sweating after the last question and even though it paid off, he vows not to make that kind of gamble again.  Scully berates herself for not being more confident in her astronomy knowledge as she now trails Mulder by $1,700, which may or may not be easy to recover from.
Time runs out before all the clues are revealed and the 2nd Daily Double is never found.  By final Jeopardy, they’re nearly neck and neck, with Mulder at $9,100 and Scully at $8,500.
“The final category is: Computers.”
“Good thing The Gunmen aren’t here,” Mulder says.  “Gimme one of those sheets of paper and we can write our wagers and guesses like the others.”
Scully rips off a piece of paper and they both take nearly all of the commercial break to come up with their wagers.  Scully folds her paper in half with the wager face down.  Mulder turns his over and places it on the bed.
“And here we go with the final answer.  Born in 1815, this daughter of a famous poet published an algorithm for a mechanical calculator and is believed by some to be the first ever computer programmer.”
Mulder writes his answer immediately and Scully taps her pen against her teeth as the final Jeopardy music winds down.  She finally picks up her paper and memorializes her guess before the final note.
“Whatcha got?” Mulder asks.
“I want to see their answers first,” Scully replies.
Mulder bounces his knee in anticipation.  The contestant in 3rd place answers incorrectly with Dora Wordsworth, but only wagered $1.
“I hate when they do that,” Scully says.  “It’s not The Price is Right.”
“Listen, if the category was Nuclear Physics, I might only be waging $1 as well.”
“Too bad it wasn’t.”
The contestant in 2nd place also answers incorrectly with “Who is ____?” and ends up with $4500.  Mulder shakes his head.
“At least put something,” he says.
“Seriously,” Scully agrees.
“And now Judith, our three day champion, currently in the lead with $13,800.  What did she guess?  Who is Ada Lovelace?  Daughter of Lord Byron, known for her work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, August Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, or Ada Lovelace.  And how much did Judith wager?  $7,000, bringing her three day total to $65,941.”
“Alright, Scully, moment of truth.”
“Count of three?” she asks.
“Is that one, two, reveal?  Or one, two, three, reveal?”
“One, two, reveal.”
“Okay.  One, two…”  
They both turn their papers around.  Both answered Who is Ada Lovelace?  They both grin.
“Frohike would be so tickled with your familiarity with the mother of computer programming,” Mulder says.  
“Yeah?  How does he feel about your familiarity with her?”
“Pretty jealous, actually.”
“What was your wager?”
Mulder turns over the paper again to show her.  “$3,000.  You?”
Scully bites her lip a little and then flips the fold of her paper for Mulder to see.  “$8,000.”
“Go big or go home, right?”
“Damn, Scully.  You’re a monster.  In a good way, obviously.  But, damn.  So, I guess that vegetarian is on me.”
“Extra olives.”
“With extra olives.”  He grimaces and gets up to grab the Yellow Pages in the nightstand.  
Scully opens up her file folders and begins sorting the reports for review across the end of Mulder’s bed as he searches for a pizza parlor.  He’s on the phone fairly quickly after browsing the phone book.
“Yes, I’d like to place an order for delivery,” Mulder says.  “A large.  Vegetarian.”
“Half vegetarian,” Scully interrupts without looking up.  “Half pepperoni and sausage.”
“Sorry, half vegetarian, half pepperoni and sausage.  Extra olives on the vegetarian side, please.  Yeah, I’ll hold.”  Mulder drops the phone to his shoulder while hold music plays and smiles slightly.  “Scully, you interested in a rematch tomorrow night?”
“Depends on how interested you are in buying another pizza.”
The End
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pokemon move prompts? how about whirlwind with the roommate trio :0? ~ flower anon (i will be dropping more in a bit gotta find the right moves ya know)
Moving in with Skeppy and Spifey had been a whirlwind.
At first, Tapl had been reluctant. They were all still young, after all, and he didn't know how their mothers had raised them. Would they be messy? Would they refuse to do chores? Would their friendship deteriorate under the new roommate relationship dynamic? Would they drop potted plants on the floor?
Turned out the answer to that last one was yes, but Tapl had a good time ribbing Spifey for that, so he would excuse it.
And it turned out the answer to those other three questions was a resounding no. If anything, their friendship only grew stronger on the late runs to McDonalds, the impromptu tours Tapl gave them of his hometown, the weird ass food taste Spifey brought with him from the UK, Skeppy's reckless driving that simultaneously terrified and enthralled Tapl. When Tapl turned, one of the others was there, yawning something about another late night editing a video. When Tapl needed someone to bounce ideas off, somebody was waiting in the living room for the same. And when Tapl just needed a reminder he wasn't alone, they were there.
It was a whirlwind. Just like all whirlwinds, their lease ended as soon as it began.
And Tapl found himself alone again.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
Elliot x reader where the reader and Elliot work together and at one point are kinda forced to make small talk and at first it's really awkward and embarrassing and just ANXIETY but as they kinda keep the conversation going forcefully they sorta relate to each other (ok thanks I love your writing happy late St Patrick's day 💚☘️)
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“Alderson. Y/L/N. I want you to run penetration tests on Friday’s network patches. Shouldn’t take you more than a day or two, depending on what you find.”
The sterile-white meeting room suddenly felt about 10 degrees hotter than it had a moment ago, and when you moved your hands from the table to your lap, you noticed the remnants of a foggy imprint left behind on the cool surface. You swiped at it, hoping no one noticed, least of all your new partner.
No one wanted to get paired up or put on a team with Elliot Alderson.
He was quiet, sometimes twitchy, always unapproachable, and went out of his way to take up an indiscriminate amount of space in the office. Granted, you weren’t a social butterfly, but you did say your required good-mornings and good-nights, understanding that this was a social expectation and if you adhered to it, people accepted you. Acceptance was nice. It was normal.
So, you played the game, but only when you left the office behind did you really breathe. You knew that it generally took about 30 minutes, door to door, before you were home in your quiet, cozy apartment, wrapped up in what you called your “introvert’s paradise.”
You often wondered if Elliot was the same. Well, you knew he definitely was not the same considering the great lengths he went to avoid human interaction, which led you to believe there was a lot more going on behind those grey eyes than he’d care to let anyone know.
Ah! And there was the rub.
Elliot Alderson may have been strange, but he was attractive.
During these meetings, you always found yourself wishing for something that later made you feel guilty—you wanted him to talk. It was obvious he hated to speak in front of any gathering larger than, well, 0, but you couldn’t help yourself. You hoped your boss would need his input, which he often did. Another thing everyone knew was that Elliot Alderson was the smartest person in the room.
Yet another reason why your palms were now sweaty as you gathered up your laptop, notebook, and pen and chased after Elliot.
He was always the first one to leave a meeting.
By the time you crossed the office, Elliot was already settled at his computer, his fingers working to push in his earbuds. Before he could get the left-side in, you appeared in his line of vision.  
He stared at you, his lips parted, and had you known better, you would have thought he was a statue, perhaps a modern art piece, titled: “Startling Your Co-Worker in the Age of Digital Communication.”
You weren’t expecting him to be completely unaccepting of your presence, but maybe he wasn’t even listening during the meeting.
“Hi, Elliot.”
After several heartbeats passed and you were bordering into the territory of awkward, he lowered his left earbud and said, “Hi.”
Nothing. He wasn’t going to say anything else.
Alright, the conversation would have to be carried entirely by you.
“Uh, so … the penetration tests?”
Elliot looked at you like he had never seen you before—and maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he didn’t even know your name. You had never worked on a project together before, but you had talked during meetings. You passed each other in the elevator, around the office—an office of only about 25 people.
Again, nothing.
“Listen—do you, like, even know who I am?”
Elliot blinked, his large grey eyes disappearing for a moment, and in that moment, you felt a sense of relief. Making eye contact with Elliot was like being scanned by the TSA.
“Y/N,” Elliot answered, his voice low and flat. “You—”
And then he cut himself off, his mouth snapping shut as his eyes scanned your face before settling on the edge of his desk.
“Okaaay,” you said slowly. “First name basis, established. Were you paying attention during the meeting? I mean, I zone out sometimes, too, because Gary’s an asshole, but he assigned us to—”
“Run penetration tests on Friday’s patches,” Elliot said in a mumbled rush.
“Right. Yes. So, I guess you’re the master of penetration—oh my god,” you said as a blush of mortification crept up your neck.
As soon as the words, “master of penetration,” left your mouth, Elliot looked up and his eyes had doubled in size while his lips once again parted. He pulled his lower lip in, biting at it before he swallowed, watching you with what you could have sworn was amusement.
Amusement … or pity.
“I meant that everyone knows you are the best white hat here,” you said slowly so as not to put your gigantic foot back in your idiotic mouth. “It would be foolish for me to look for the vulnerabilities when you are the better hacker.”
“Okay,” came Elliot’s monotone answer.
Okay?!? your mind was screaming. Not a giggle, not a ha-ha-ha, Y/N, I understood what you meant, no big, break the ice, let’s be friends.
Just … Okay.
It was clear that Elliot was going to do absolutely nothing to quell your anxiety, so fuck the attempts at small-talk.
With a determined raise of your chin, you sat down next to Elliot and opened your laptop. You could feel him shift a little away from you, and you tried not to take offense. There was already enough space to fit two people between you, but if he wanted more, okie-fucking-dokie.
“Go ahead and remotely access my laptop, I’ll split screen so I can watch you code while I document the data. Just tell me when you find a flaw so I’m sure not to miss anything.”
Before you had even finished speaking, your screen was mirroring Elliot’s. You quickly split the screen and got a doc ready to record the data.
You looked over at Elliot who had his fingers poised over the keyboard; he was peripherally watching you, so as soon as he saw you glance at him, he started working.
Time passed slowly, awkwardly as you sat side-by-side without saying a word. At first, there really was no need to talk, you figured, but normally, most people needed a break from their screen to at least stretch and blink.
Apparently, Elliot was more robot than man.
“Hey!” you said, making Elliot jump, his keystrokes faltering.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” you said, embarrassed again.
Elliot shrugged his shoulders and went back to typing, but you weren’t done.
“Well, wait a minute,” you said, his keystrokes faltering again.
“You found and fixed a flaw without telling me—that was the first one, wasn’t it?”
“Well, the point of me documenting is that we, ya know, talk about it.”
You turned your body toward him and blinked a few times.
“Because … we have to put this in layman’s terms for the analyst? Didn’t you ever wonder what the next step was after the penetration and documentation?”
“No,” Elliot said, finally turning a quick glance in your direction.
“Give me a second,” you said, quickly typing in your document.
Elliot stayed perfectly still, his fingers hovering over his keyboard.
“Alright—read over this and make sure it’s correct.”
Elliot glanced at you again before scooting in his chair about an inch closer in your direction. You suppressed a laugh and turned your laptop toward him so he could more easily see.
Then, Elliot chuckled. The most ridiculous excuse for a laugh huffing out of his mouth for a nanosecond before he snapped it shut again.
“You misspelled ‘penetration.’”
You furrowed your brows and slid your laptop closer and a small laugh bubbled up from your throat.
“Good god,” you said through your giggle. “I blame you for that.”
Elliot shrugged his shoulders, but you caught the faintest hint of an upturn of his lips. It couldn’t be called a smile, much like his laugh couldn’t be called a laugh, but it was something human.
You resumed your work, but this time Elliot did pause when he found a flaw. Communication became easier and you found that the workday was starting to fly by.
“Hey! Did you see that?” you interrupted, but this time you didn’t startle him.
“See what?”
You reversed the direction of the code and watched as the screen recreated the last few lines Elliot had run.
“Shit … I mean. Shoot,” Elliot said, flustered. “I missed it.”
You chuckled, “See? I’m not as dumb as you think I am.”
Elliot stopped and turned his chair toward you, his intense gaze locking your eyes onto his.
“I don’t think you’re dumb.”
You rolled your eyes and said through a shy smile, “Of course you do. You’re Elliot Alderson. God of hacking.”
Elliot tilted his head, almost like a dog when it was listening to its owner.
“God of hacking?”
You turned your chair to face him, your expression serious.
“You’re the most intimidating person in this office, Elliot.”
“That’s a nice way to say people don’t like me.”
“People just don’t know you. You’re . . . ” you trailed off, unsure if this was a conversation Elliot wanted to have, but he was still looking at you, eyes focused and head slightly tilted.
“You don’t say good-morning … or good-night. You don’t speak unless spoken to. It’s like,” you paused for a moment to think, “it’s like you run a different daily program than everyone else.”
“Oh,” he said, his eyes falling and his hands smoothing over his thighs, rubbing back and forth in a repetitive, nervous motion.
You reached out to comfort him and just with the tip of your finger on the top of his hand, you pressed for no longer than a second.
Elliot looked up at you.
“Try it sometime. Say good-morning. I’ll even let you practice on me,” you said with a sweet smile.
And, to this day, you’ll never forget that Elliot smiled back. And when he smiled, you felt your heart flutter. He wasn’t just a good-looking guy—he was beautiful.
“Ready to run some more tests?” you asked, feeling shy all over again but for an entirely different reason.
“I am the god of penetration,” Elliot deadpanned, his lips quirking into a grin as you groaned, but suddenly turning to correct him.
“I said master of penetration.”
“I know,” said Elliot, his voice containing the smallest hint of coquettish laughter.
Your mouth popped open in surprise before you shut it, shaking your head and grinning to yourself.  
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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Pairing: Leon x Fem!Reader
Content: some saucy nsfw, so warning for sexual content
Hello! I've loved all your writing so far and was wondering if I could request some Leon x fem!reader nsfw! I dont really have any specific but maybe him going down on his s/o? Thank you!!💙 - Anon
Notes: Sweet, romantic nsfw is like one of my favorites to write, so this was a good time uwu (also I’m using the same Leon gif as the last story cause ahhh there aren’t enough gifs of him >:0)
A frown tugged on your lips as you stared down at your phone, rereading the last few texts you’d received from your husband.
Leon <3 (21:32): I’m so sorry but they have me booked for another interview
Leon <3 (21:33): Hopefully I won’t have any paperwork or anything to sign at the battle tower
Leon <3 (21:33): Try and get some rest without me, love. I’ll be home as soon as I can, and I love you x
You shoot back a quick message saying that you understand and wishing him good luck before shutting off your phone and setting it down on the nightstand, blowing a puff of air as you pull the bed covers over you and turn off the lamp. Here, in the dark of your bedroom, you could choose to sleep or mull over your thoughts.
You’d assumed that after losing the title of Galar Champion and running the Battle Tower instead he’d have less work on his plate, but oh how wrong you were.
He retained his fame from his near decade of being a champion, and running what used to be Rose Tower came with a massive workload; hiring trainers to battle challengers, organizing events, placing orders to purchase prizes for those who surpass their current rank, and on top of all that he had frequent fans visiting daily to just say hello or get a photograph with him or even get their league cards signed.
It would get a tad annoying not having Leon around, but you knew he loved his job, and whenever he had late nights like this he’d always find a way to make it up to you.
Despite your frustration and thoughts running wild, you managed to drift off, falling asleep while hugging Leon’s pillow and imagining him beside you instead.
A rustling sound wakes you up some time later and you grumble as you sit up, straining your eyes to see through the darkness.
Your eyesight is a bit bleary due to being woken up, but you could make out the silhouette of a tall, slightly built man getting undressed. You immediately recognize the long, fluffy hair and the outline of a sports cap that he takes off and places atop the wardrobe. 
“Well hello there,” you greet him sleepily, lifting a hand to try and rub the sleep out of your eyes, “what time is it?”
You hear Leon hum before checking his rotom phone, “about half an hour past midnight,” he answers.
“It’s past midnight?” you ask, stunned as you watch him unbutton his shirt, “they kept you for that long??”
You hear him chuckle a bit as he flicks on the room’s light switch, keeping the lights low so it wouldn’t be too bright, just enough for you to be able to properly see one another. “I know, I know, and I’m sorry. But I’m here now, isn’t that all that matters?”
“I suppose so,” you sigh, pursing your lips as you watch him continue to strip until he’s left in only his boxers, “but it’s still very, very late. And I believe you owe me for that, I had to cook and have dinner all on my own,” you pout, but he knows you’re mostly just teasing him.
“You poor thing,” he laughs as he crawls into bed, “I actually had to skip dinner since I had a lot of work to do today, actually.” As he speaks he pulls the blankets up and shuffles to lay down beside you.
“No dinner? Remind me to make a very big breakfast in the morning… or maybe we can just order something,” you think aloud, giving him a little smile.
He nods, wrapping an arm around your torso, “that sounds amazing, love.”
“One might say it sounds like… a champion time?” you reply with a cheeky smirk, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
“I cannot use that catchphrase anymore, I’ve had to retire it. But, staying in with my amazing wife and having food delivered to us does sound like a ‘champion time’. The only thing that would make it better is if the food was free. But I suppose I can’t be too greedy, after all I really only need to be here… with you,” he exclaims, whispering the last part into your ear which sent a subtle shiver down your spine.
“I hate how easily you can make me melt,” you mutter, turning to lay on your back and hide your flushed face from him.
You can practically hear his smirk as he laughs a bit, and a small squeak escapes you when he turns and plants his arms on either side of you, bringing his face close to yours. “A kind compliment, dear, but I have more tactics than just my words to make you melt beneath me,” he murmurs, using one of his hands to caress your now burning cheek.
You swallow your pride and test his confidence, “oh yea? Then why don’t you prove it, babe.”
His eyes light up at this and he grins a bit before nodding, “with pleasure, love.”
He leans in to press his lips to yours and you smile into the kiss, tilting your head to the side and letting your eyes flutter shut. You feel him gently tug on your bottom lip and can’t help but giggle a bit.
Leon moves on from your mouth, which makes you pout but that quickly fades when you feel him plant a few sweet kisses on your jaw and neck, trailing down until he reaches the collar of your pajama shirt. “Mind if I move this out of the way?” he asks with a small smirk, tugging on the garment already.
“Be my guest,” you answer, a dopey smile on your face that always seemed to appear after kissing him.
You sit up a bit to help him pull your top off, bundling up the fabric and tossing it aside. You’d already taken off your bra hours earlier, not wanting to sleep in it, meaning your breasts were on full display. 
Years ago you would’ve been a shy, flustered mess trying to cover up, but the two of you had seen each other nude so many times that it would’ve been impossible to keep track. You’d explored every inch of one another, small details and things no one else knew about him were ingrained in your mind. Despite all of this, Leon still had a magical effect on you. He was a true romantic, and he could make every touch and every kiss feel like the first again- you didn’t know quite know how he did this, but it certainly wasn’t something you’d complain about.
You watch as Leon kisses down your chest, trailing past your stomach, and all the way to the waistline of your panties. He glances up at you, locking eyes as he cheekily moves his hand and presses his thumb against the fabric right over your entrance, feeling exactly how wet you already are despite only being kissed.
A shaky breath escapes you and you bite down on your lip, which makes him grin. This was absolutely one of his favorite things to do, getting you off and making you feel taken care of could’ve been considered one of his hobbies. Making all the right movements and touching you in all the right places just so he could watch you unravel before him would always be a sight that never ceased to amaze him.
“Suppose we won’t be needing these either,” you hear him whisper as he hooks his thumbs under your panties to tug them down. Once they’re kicked off he goes right back to settling in between your legs, pressing his hand against your inner thigh to keep you spread apart for him.
“Y’know, judging by the look of things I’d say I’ve already succeeded in making you melt, dear,” he murmurs with a sly smirk, glancing up at you. “Means I’ve completed your request and we can both go right to sleep,” he continues, lifting his head, but you’re quick to stop him.
You put your hands on the back of his head and push him back down, gently as to not hurt him, “oh no you don’t. You’re going to finish the job you started, mister,” you declare, not wanting to go to bed pent up.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckles, and the mere act of him laughing blows air on you which makes you shiver once more.
You watch as he lowers himself once more, your breath hitching when you feel him lap up the juices which were already there, skillfully dipping his tongue in and out of you. Small moans pass your lips as you run your fingers through his hair, bucking your hips up desperately to feel more.
He maneuvers up to suck on your clit, knowing that this drives you absolutely wild. While he does this he slips two fingers inside of you, gently moving them back and forth to bring you closer and closer to the edge.
“H-hah- L-Leon!” you whimper, eyes shut tight, “I c-can’t…. Mmm-mm, I can’t hold on m-much longer.”
He hears this and starts working even harder, pushing his fingers deeper inside and hitting your sweet spot from just the right angle. Your moans and gasps grow louder and louder before something inside inside you snaps and you hit your climax, shaking as he makes sure to drink up every last drop. 
“F-fuck… that was so good,” you mumble, letting your head fall back onto your pillow. 
Leon grins as he sits up, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. “See, what did I tell you? I have my ways-“ he begins, boasting before noticing that you’d already fallen asleep, tuckered out after your orgasm. 
His eyes soften and he smiles, moving to lay down besides you once more. He wraps his arms around your torso and gets comfortable, whispering a quiet “I love you, dear,” before drifting off as well.
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