#is it a theory?
keef-a-corn · 1 year
TFE Spoilers
Okay- okayokayokay-
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Breakdown's arm is making me cry.
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It's O N L Y Breakdown's arm.
Do I choose to believe that somewhere among GHOST's captives, there is a one armed Breakdown? Absolutely I do.
Especially considering that Mandroid says that he only has losers to chose from and we know full well that Breakdown won against Bumblebee, then ended up in GHOST custody. He couldn't have ended up in the bot Brawl and the line doesn't match up with what the audience knows about Breakdown.
Am I going to be proven wrong when they reveal he's actually dead or just not bring him back? Probably.
But I'm still going to suggest that it's a red herring, Better yet- it's a red herring specifically set up for Bumblebee.
When he finds the hand that pushed him away that allowed Breakdown to sacrifice himself and he assumes that it means Breakdown's death- only for a reveal further along where Bee's in danger and the danger gets tackled to the ground. While Bee tries to process what happens he hears a familiar laugh followed by
So he looks up and sees Breakdown alive, just missing an arm.
Please for the love of gay- I need Breakdown to be alive so bad I'm in the river in Egypt!
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dead-eyes-roll · 10 months
i feel like if we’d picked live, next time we see ranboo, they’d be just tired. sure he’d still be under control, but he’d never do sos, and when the mask is turned off, he wouldn’t do anything, or he would say that he doesn’t trust hetch
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Also, the fact that Harry and Ron introduced themselves to each other by their first name first and then remembered to had their last name ("Ron, Ron Weasley" & "Harry, Harry Potter"), because they were them first and their family last, while Draco presented himself as "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" because the fact that he's from a pureblood family and who his parents are is more important than how he actually is.
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So you know how William Shakespeare is cannon in BSD right? I swear if Asagiri doesn't make Shakespeare constantly say puns or "you are a saucy boy" I will go apeshit
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averysmallcetacean · 4 months
Interesting thing - when Santra talks about the dragon king in ep one, the adjectives she uses to describe him are arguably positive: "powerful" and "unstoppable"
She says the faerie realm was layed to waste by the war, the responsibility for this carnage is arguably placed on the civillians etc who "rose up" against him, not the dragon king himself
obviously she doesn't say any of this outright, but the implications of her words are interesting when you think about it
p.s - can you tell I'm on my fifth rewatch lol
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just-an-enby-lemon · 10 months
No idea if this is obvious or if even makes sense but only now I understood the exact point about live statements vs papper statements and their different energy boosts.
Thing is at some point my brain started to ask how exactaly does Jon gathers energy from the writen/recorded statements at all after going full avatar? Because at that point I had gotten the idea that the way he feeded was by giving the Eye the new forms of fear and was wondering how would that work when the Eye already knows this statements. You can't just eat the food you already ate and if they are on the archieves... well... I mean tecnically you can and it will be less nutritive (and gross) but that would mean that old statements that passed by the hands of too many Archvists wouldn't work at all or way less and we have no evidence of that being the case.
But then I remembered two things: "feed your patron or it feeds on you" and that even before being an avatar by being the Archivist Jon feels the Statement as if it happened to him, in that moment he feels the fear and the pain of the statement giver, that's happening even in season one. That's to say that when Jon records a statement the Eye is not feeding on the statement givers fear it is feeding on Jon's fear as he lives the experience. In that sense the difference between a live statement and a writen one is not the one of eating a slice of bread versus eaten a full meal, both are like eating an apple but in one you had to climb a huge tree to get the apple while in the other you just opened your fridge and grabbed it. The food is the same but how much they fill you isn't.
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niroke · 1 year
Does anyone have a theory of how witches get water? Do they even need water? There necessarily is water because otherwise Luz wouldn't have survived but where is it from??
The boiling isles have both boiling rain and a boiling ocean, meaning most likely the whole weather cycle is composed of the acid. Which is actually a real thing! Just not for us. Venus has a similar weather cycle as we do which runs off of sulfuric acid, but the rain boils away before it could ever hit the ground. However Saturn's moon Titan (Yes Titan!!) does have a completely functional weather cycle run entirely off of methane. It's liquid in the rain and in Titan's oceans and lakes, vapour in the atmosphere, and even freezes! What's really sad is that it's not going to last, current predictions say that it's only going to be around for 10s of millions of years. Which might sound like a while but dinosaurs were alive for 165 million years and died 65 million years ago. This is to say that it's possible that the "water" cycle could actually be methane, and since we know witches have slight differences biologically like the bile sack it's completely reasonable that this would work. However Luz lived there for months. If the entire water cycle is made up of methane she wouldn't have survived because people really need water, so how is it incorporated in there?? Please tell me your theories this is killing me
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brightlotusmoon · 5 months
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010010kom · 2 months
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my single contribution to the fandom.
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daylane · 19 days
Free resource for artists and designers!!
I made a website where artists and designers can get color palette inspo from fire hydrants I've 3D scanned all over the US
Some of my favorites:
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There are about 100 hydrants so far and I'm continuing to add more all the time
Public infrastructure is sexy, baby!!!!!! Pass it on!!
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orchidbreezefc · 8 months
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i made a variant of [link: two cakes] to illustrate a related principle
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skipppppy · 4 months
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Broke: Giovanni is Ash's father
Woke: Giovanni has mistakenly believed Ash was his hookup mistake for like a decade and is about to get the surprise of the century seeing that not only are they not related, but the employee he fired a few years ago for being too stupid is now living with him and being a more active father than he was
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This makes me so sad and also I'm trying to remember if any of the Discworld books dealt with late stage capitalism
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So while rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender recently, I noticed a trend
A number of spirits we see have an animal form, specifically animals we recognize as "normal" for us. For example:
- Wan Shi Tong is an owl and his knowledge seekers are foxes
- Tui and La are koi fish
- Hei Bai is a panda
-The guardian of the mother of faces is a wolf (The Search)
Heck there's even the talking Baboon spirit and the monkey missing its face that we see in the Spirit World at the end of Season 1.
Basically every time we've seen a "normal" animal, they've been a spirit.
My point? I argue that Bosco is a spirit bear that's chilling and living the good life in the mortal world just because he can.
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lizardsfromspace · 5 months
So there's this Flat Earther who said he was traveling to the Ice Wall last September to prove the Earth was flat. He has not posted since.
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Here are some theories on his current whereabouts:
He fell off
Too busy partying on the continent of Geminia to post anymore
He discovered a second, bigger ice wall
He died alone in the frigid wastes of Antarctica, aware at last of his folly as he slowly, painfully expired, his body never again to be seen by human eyes
Here be dragons (they ate him)
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