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istanbulite · 10 months
Masterpost try #368
last updated: 6.6.2024
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Fave LIs in no order bc why not :
Lann (Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous)
Heinrix (Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader)
Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Alistair, Fenris, Blackwall (Dragon Age)
Garrus, Jaal (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Danse (Fallout 4)
Torian, Aric (Swtor)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Astraeus, Alain, Reiner, Nav, Darius (Lovestruck)
Asra, Julian (The Arcana)
Too many lol (Romance Club)
Cole (Blush Blush)
Hanzo (My Ninja Destiny)
Heath, Randal (Red Embrace: Hollywood)
Jumin Han, Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer, Mammon (Obey Me)
Masamune, Shingen, Nobunaga, Kennyo (Ikemen Sengoku)
Virion (Oathbreaker)
Hanzo (Nightshade)
Raze (Demonheart)
James (Tailor Tales)
Zhu (Relics of the Lost Age)
Preston (Tin Star)
Toshio, Jun (Samurai of Hyuga)
Mason, Adam (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
Lady Argent, Herald (Fallen Hero)
Hades (Fields of Asphodel)
Blade (Shepherds of Haven WIP)
Marcus (Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian WIP)
all of them Laurent (Perfumare WIP)
O, G, Sebastian (Infamous WIP)
Ash, Rin (Vendetta WIP)
S. Ryder (The Bureau WIP)
Playlists :
Astraeus (Astoria Fate's Kiss - Lovestruck)
Astoria MC (aka Eos just below)
Sails in the Fog (Romance Club)
Shepherds of Haven WIP IF
Infamous WIP IF Band
Mason (Wayhaven Chronicles)
Some of my OCs/MCs :
*Vorawin'ther Vandree 'Vora Winter' (Neverwinter/1/2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous — a drow in one and dhampir in the latter) #oc: vora, #oc: vorawin'ther
Anna Arslanowicz (Fallout 4) #oc: anna
Elnara 'Ellie' Krymsky (Saints Row) #oc: ellie
Balta Granar (Elder Scrolls Online) #oc: balta
'Lia' Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) #oc: lia
Valentina 'Tina' Ryder (Mass Effect Andromeda) #oc: valentina
*Ayka Delgerdzaya Aeducan (Dragon Age Origins #oc: ayka
Aisha Adaar (Dragon Age Inquisition) #oc: aisha
Aurora Hawke (Dragon Age 2) #oc: aurora
*Berra H'akan (my first bounty hunter, cathar, Mandalorian by birth, daughter of Clan H'akan's chieftain, Danyal) #oc: berra
Alma Ethelwulf (Star Ward the Old Republic, Zabrak Jedi Knight) #oc: alma
*'Nino Balkish' (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Mando Bounty Hunter) #oc: nino
Kartili (Kelborn) 'Solus' (Swtor, Twi'lek ex-Mandalo Republic Smuggler) #oc: kartili
Cattie Pallas (Swtor, Cathar Jedi Consular) #oc: cattie
*Emija 'Prizrak' (Swtor, Chiss Republic Trooper) #oc: emija
*Eos Eremenko (Argent in fantasy settings) (MC of Astoria Fate's Kiss / Lost Kisses, various other interactive fiction, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader & my WIP interpretation of the Titan with the same name) #oc: eos
*Ela Anka (The Arcana, Fictif & Choices stories + the MC of the WIP work Perfumare:Amalgam) #oc: ela
*Eve Mac Diarmada (Obey Me, Nightbringer & my interpretation of Eve herself) #oc: eve
* main or more developed ocs™
Others :
Star Wars Clan H'akan (original Mandalorian clan settled on Werda, led by Danyal H'akan - also the father of Berra) #clan h'akan
Star Wars Clan Strillir (also my Mandalorian clan on Werda, led by Sidar Strillir) #clan strillir
ASOIAF House Dawnbreak (a semi-noble household) here
Cultist Simulator (Follower) OC here
My Writing :
Homecoming, gen but Lucifer being Lucifer (OBEY ME)
My Moodboards, Edits :
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When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Y/N felt her breath hitch when she caught sight of the five men behind Malvin. Instantly she recognised them all. Malvin walked her over to the band with a smile on his face as he did. Y/N took a moment before she put a faint grin on herself. 
“Boys I’d like you to meet the new tour assistant, Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, this is the band.” Malvin then went on to introduce everyone, pointing at the band members respectively as he said their names. “We have Phil Collen and Vivian Campbell the guitarists, Rick Allen the drummer, Rick Savage the bassist, although to save confusion we all refer to him as Sav, and last but definitely not least, We have Joe Elliott, our lead singer.”
Y/N swallowed as she leaned forward to give them all a handshake. Phil, Vivian, Rick and Sav all shook her hand with a smile. Saying their own short words of welcome. When she held her hand out to Joe, however, he looked at it, then at her face, before eventually shaking it. He didn’t say a word and dropped her hand quickly as she had burned him.
“It’s great to meet you all.” Y/N smiled, trying not to dwell on the fact that even after only just meeting him, Joe seemed not to like her. The sour look on Joe’s face only seemed to strengthen when Malvin told them that she would be joining them on their bus when they landed rather than staying with the rest of the crew. 
Joe briefly glanced towards her before looking back at his tour manager.
 “Why?” was the only thing he said. 
“Because she is going to look after you for the duration of the tour. Rather than coming to me like you have done in previous years, you can go to Y/N here and she will be able to assist you quicker.” Malvin answered him without a thought. Almost as if he was expecting push-back from the singer. Y/N tried to keep the smile on her face, but the more Joe was rejecting her presence, the harder it was. 
Despite Y/N’s beliefs that she was doing a good job at hiding her crestfallen look, Sav could notice the nerves creeping in on her features. He slung his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her. “Well I think it’s gonna be great” He told her as the group started making their way to prepare to board the plane. Y/N looked up at him and nodded her head. She was sure that she could hear Joe scoff but decided to ignore it for now. 
She knew that after she had time to get to know him, hopefully, that she could break that tension between the two and show him that she wasn’t a hindrance. 
Soon enough they were on the plane. Y/N being one of the first to board after Phil’s insistence, earning yet another noise of discontent from Joe. Initially, she went to sit on her own, but soon she found the seat next to her was soon occupied by someone. Looking to her left she saw Vivian. He gave her a warm smile and they buckled up their seatbelts. She turned slightly only to see the surrounding seats occupied by three other band members, the only one who wasn’t there was Joe. 
“So…” Vivian started from beside her. “Have you ever been on tour with a band before or is this your first time?” 
“My first time. I have been an assistant before but only in an office whilst I was at Uni.” Y/N told him, already feeling more comfortable around the other band members, knowing at least four of them liked her. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s quite busy but there is nothing like it even for the crew.” Y/N smiled at his attempts to calm her down. Throughout the rest of the flight, The five of them all talked, Sav, Rick, Phil and Viv, as he told her to call him, getting to know the woman that they would be spending the next year with.
Y/N couldn’t believe the kindness the four of them were showing her, the only downside was the fact that other than the brief interaction that she had with him, Joe hadn’t said a word to her or even so much as looked her way. Almost as if seeing her internal turmoil, Rick, who was sitting directly behind her, tapped her on the shoulder.
“Look, don’t worry about Joe, he’s…” Rick paused as he was looking for the right phrase to use, “not great with new people. He’ll talk to you eventually, just give him some time.” He smiled at Y/N and she returned the gesture before he patted her shoulder twice more and sat back down. Viv, who had heard what Rick said, just nodded at her. Leaving Y/N no choice but to believe the musicians defending their band mate. Afterall, they knew him better than her. Y/N looked out of the window for the rest of the flight, occasionally talking to Viv, and wondering why she cared so much that a man, who she had just met, was ignoring her. 
Without her realising it, Y/N had dropped off to sleep. Her only knowledge of doing so was her being gently shaken by Viv as he woke her up telling her they were landing. “You’re lucky I was sitting next to you really.” Viv told her. 
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Y/N asked, still slightly dazed from her slumber. 
“Well, They were going to draw on your face, like they did to me the first time I fell asleep near them. However, I told them that it was too early to scare you off. So you’re welcome.” Viv flashed you a toothy grin as he gestured to the oh-so-innocent men sitting behind them.
Y/N let out a small giggle at that as she turned to face Rick and Phil behind her. They just kept up their innocent facade and pretended to not know ‘what Vivian could possibly mean, as they would never do such a thing.’
It wasn’t long before they landed in LA and were off of the plane. After the luggage was collected they were escorted straight to a bus so that they could get to the hotel they were staying at. 
After getting to know him on the flight, Y/N stayed close to Vivian, Sav wasn’t far away either. As they climbed onto the bus, Y/N took note of the contents. There were seats facing each other in the front half of the bus, with little tables. As she looked back she could see an area covered by curtains, which she assumed to be the beds. Right near the back was a small room, with a washroom sign, hung on it. In between the sofas and the beds, was a small fridge and a small kitchenette. Nothing overly fancy but definitely suitable for six adults. 
Straightaway, the men all went to claim a bed. Despite not staying there tonight, Y/N knew that they would be staying on the bus a lot and assumed that the five of them already had designated beds from previous tours.
Once everyone had settled, Y/N made her way over and discovered that the final bed was on the bottom left, directly opposite Joe’s. Without making a sound, Y/N placed her handbag on the bed and turned to sit in the little space provided. She caught sight of Joe watching her before he turned away from her. 
‘At least he didn’t pull the curtain shut.’ Y/N thought to herself as she pulled out the schedule Malvin had given to her the other day. It had an itinerary of everything the band would be doing over the next few days. Malvin had told her that every few days she would be given an updated one rather than having the general one, so that she could give the band more details as to what they would be doing. 
She saw that tonight there was nothing to do once they got to the hotel but tomorrow morning after breakfast they would be at soundcheck before the show. Whilst they were at soundcheck, she made a mental note to go grocery shopping to stock up the tour bus. Another job she had. Malvin had given her a list of basic items that the band usually had but Y/N planned on asking them all for their own input. Whilst most meals would be eaten either in restaurants, or provided at venues, she wanted to make sure the boys had enough to eat during the long drives between locations. 
It wasn’t long before they got to the hotel. Y/N met up with Malvin in the hotel lobby, helping him to check in whilst the rest of the boys stood behind them. She could hear them all whispering but ignored them as she watched how Malvin handled check-in, knowing that soon enough that would be her responsibility. 
The receptionist gave her the keys to their rooms and Y/N walked over to the nad, giving them their room numbers and keys. Joe just nodded at her, taking off to his room before she could give him instructions on how to get there. Shrugging his behaviour off once again, she just focused on the rest of the band. She was in room 513, Sav 515, Rick 512, Viv in 514, Phil in 518 and Joe in 517. 
Making her way to her hotel room, Y/N made small talk with the rest of the band. Once they got to their rooms she bid them all goodnight. As soon as her door was shut, Y/N sighed and made her way over to the bed. Knowing better than to go to sleep earlier whilst jet lagged, Y/N started to organise herself with a to-do list of her tasks. 
It wasn’t long after she started that she heard a knock at the door.
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lucem-stellarum · 7 months
So this is what, the 3rd time Porter has been decked by a character because of his attitude? At minimum?
Under the cut for long and rambling character and literary analysis
We have the initial fight 4-5 years ago between Porter and Vincent
We have Lovely getting him during their "Switzerland" talk before the Summit
Now we have Asher at the Summit (part II electric boogaloo)
At this point, I'm starting to wonder if we're even supposed to like him as a character. Sure, he's charismatic. Porter got Treasure wrapped around his finger in less than an hour. But Mr. Redacted is usually pretty clear about delineating between who is intended to be the characters we're supposed to be supporting (with enough moral grayness to make them complex and interesting). So many of his characters are a great example of the difference between the narrative 'protagonist' and the narrative 'hero'. Going back to the more technical literary term, a protagonist* is the character the story is about, but they're not necessarily the same as the hero of the story. Yandere!Ivan was a great protagonist, but he's very obviously the villain of that plotline. If you want a classic example, Michael Corleone (The Godfather) is a villain protagonist.
*I'll point out that depending on what exact definition you're using for "protagonist" that you can argue that the listener character is supposed to be the main character. I don't think that fits because in many of Redacted's cases the listener falls into the "sexy lamp" trope, where by design they have few if any character traits of their own so we as listeners can project on them. To me, they're the point of view character, which though usually is not always the same as the protagonist. IMO, a protagonist should play a more active role in the story. Overall it's a fascinating way of capitalizing on the limitations of Mr. Redacted's chosen medium, and I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this phenomenon.
Most characters fall into either the 'hero' or 'villain' category. Characters like David, Asher, Vincent, Elliott, Guy, Ollie, and Gavin are all clearly hero protagonists**. Their respective stories revolve around their interactions with the listener character, they're the good, upstanding citizens that we want to support. They've got flaws, sure, but for the most part they're meant to be appealing characters that we agree with. Characters like Marcus, Yandere!Ivan, and Regulus are clearly the villain protagonists; they're the "bad guys", we want them to fail in whatever terrible thing they're trying to do. (Which isn't to say you can't enjoy their particular brand of twisted. Dark characters and themes are important and have their place).
**with the caveat that different focal length of a particular story can change who is the technical 'protagonist' and 'antagonist'. Kody, in his Water Elemental videos, is a 'villain protagonist'; when you look at the DAMN series overall he's better classified an antagonist of season 1. The fact that there's so many perspective changes across Mr. Redacted's overall work means that a lot of these terms can get muddied depending on which specific set of videos you're referring to.
Which brings me to the 3rd type of protagonist, the anti-hero. The anti-hero is a protagonist that the reader/listener wants to succeed, but generally lacks the traditional/universal moral traits that usually define the classic hero protagonist. Examples of an anti-hero protagonist include: Deadpool, Walter White (Breaking Bad), Huckleberry Finn. In particular, the mark of a well-written antihero protagonist is the fact that it can be difficult to distinguish them from a villain protagonist. Vega is a good example of this; in the Sadism's Hold/DAMN S1 series he's an antagonist for Freelancer and Yandere!Ivan. He graduates to a villain protagonist in early Carpe Deus, and with his stated goal of preventing another Cacophony he's morphing into an anti-hero in the more recent videos. I'm sure you can get hyper-specific if you start going through all the TVTropes pages to find the perfect flavor for individual characters, but most major protagonists can be classified as one of those three groups (with eternal, ongoing debates on where specifically you draw those particular lines based on your particular morals).
Bringing it back to Porter, I'm not sure that he's meant to be an anti-hero. He's charming, intelligent, capable, and likeable (to those not biased by his history like Vincent and Sam). But I don't think we're supposed to support him as a character overall. We've had too many "hero" characters come to conflict with him; Vincent, Asher, and Lovely explicitly. Even without getting into the fine distinctions between a protagonist/supporting character/POV character that's an awful lot of animosity from some very well established people. We might not know all of his goals/motives yet because they haven't been revealed to us (Porter wants to support William, wants to gain 'power', but why? What history drives him? What is his specific end goal with that power?) but his manipulation of other people, ruthlessness, and his own acknowledged boot-licking to increase his own social power disqualify him from a traditional "hero protagonist" role. An anti-hero is one we still are intended by the author to want to support, a character we want to see succeed. But because Mr. Redacted keeps putting Porter into direct conflict with more traditional protagonists it sets him up to be an opposing force; by definition he is an antagonist to our established hero protagonists.
I've talked a lot about the different types of protagonists and some of the minute distinctions between the different types of protagonists. Antagonists can be even more variable; you have your classic Devil, Sauron, and Darth Vader trying to kill your protagonist heroes. Technically speaking, antagonists don't necessarily have to be characters, either, they can be forces or concepts. An antagonist is just someone or something that opposes the protagonist. I won't divert into the different types of conflict in a story, but I'll point out how much more variety there is for your villains than your heroes based on their particular blend of moral alignment and narrative framing. (It's a lot easier to make things go wrong than it is to make things go well). You can also have sympathetic antagonists, where the villain has acceptable motives even if their methods are objectionable and cement their status as villains. Think the Wicked Witch of the West; Dorothy killed her sister, revenge is an entirely reasonable motive even if we're not supposed to be on her side. Adam and Quinn are the clearest unsympathetic antagonist villain characters in Redacted-verse. Blake is a sympathetic antagonist, vacillating between a villain and an anti-hero depending on whether we're looking at him from Sunshine or Bestie's POV.
As far as my initial claim that we're not supposed to like Porter, we have to consider which lens we're looking at him through. From Vincent's perspective he's an unredeemable asshole. William, however, clearly sees something in him. Other characters we trust that don't have that skewed perspective because of baggage, like Asher, don't like him either. While Porter is the protagonist of his own videos (you are the main character inside your own head) he's not being cast as a classical hero. Morality wise, even in his own story he's an anti-hero at best (he wasn't honestly trying to warn Treasure off, he was luring them in to SkySide). He's got the potential to be sympathetic (at least, according to Sam and William) but he's outnumbered in the narrative of protagonists (at the very least, by Vincent, Lovely, Asher, and there's evidence for Milo and David because of what he put Sweetheart up to) who consider him an antagonist, causing them problems or otherwise being obstructive. Considering the weight of numbers and length of existence in the overall story Mr Redacted is telling, Porter so far is generally being portrayed as an antagonist to our hero protagonists but not necessarily as a villain (like Vincent wants him to be) of Close Knit's caliber. So, this leaves him in a very interesting position on the morality/perspective spectrum. Essentially:
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[Photo ID: a graph running from Villain to Hero along the horizontal axis and Protagonist to Antagonist along the vertical axis. Gavin, Lasko, Guy, Ollie, Caelum, David, Asher, Milo, Vincent (post-Adam) are in the Hero-Protagonist Corner. Regulus, Yandere!Ivan, Kody, Vega (DAMN S1) are in the Villain-Antagonist Corner. Vega (early) is in the Villain Protagonist Corner. Vincent (early) and Vega (later) are in the Protagonist Antihero area. Porter is in the Antagonist Antihero area. /end ID]
Because of these mostly negative relationships to our established characters I don't think he's meant to be "supportable". There's too many reasons someone could write him off as unredeemable, based off of his history, his current actions, and his morals. Mr Redacted obviously intended us to be pitted against certain characters like Adam, Kody, and Yandere!Ivan in the same way the author intends us to like and support wholesome characters like David, Huxley, and Guy. I think Porter was written in such a way that we're supposed to disapprove of him despite his likeability in the same way we're "supposed to" disapprove of most of the Imperium characters or Alexis. There's a glimmer of "redemption" deep down for how good they could be if the universe was a little kinder towards them and they didn't have to resort to morally questionable (at best) actions and perspectives, but harsh circumstances left them protecting themselves with sharp edges designed to make anyone who gets too close bleed. Character complexity is attractive, but that's not the same thing as being sympathetic.
After all of this I have to say, death of the author is 100% valid as a concept. At least half of a story is determined by the reader themselves, and this in particular is just my interpretation of these particular facts and classifications. Depending on how you want to weight certain factors and perspectives you can come to a completely different conclusion. By trying to define a particular character the act of applying a definition means you have to be reductive; making a decision on which box to put them in flattens out their complexities. You don't have to APPROVE of a character to LIKE them. There's also a difference between a morally GOOD character and a COMPELLING character. Not every character has to be redeemed, it's not a prerequisite for finding them interesting. Just because Mr Redacted wants us to hate certain characters doesn't mean everyone is obligated to; you're entitled to your own opinion.
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writer-by-the-sea · 1 year
College Professor Elliott x Gn! Student
Part 2 of ? Part 1 here I really hoped that no one would tell just how desperate I was to talk to them, how badly I wished for the opportunity to flip through the pages of their mind…
I nearly took a step back in shock. Horror? They didn’t seem like the type! Sitting in my front row, still smiling up at me as if they hadn’t just declared their dream for writing one of the most difficult and complex genres. 
“Horror?” I asked, considering for a moment that perhaps I misunderstood them. They looked so sweet, so innocent, and so… breathtakingly beautiful that I couldn’t imagine for a second that they would have the ability to create it. “I have to admit…” I mumbled, the words spilling out before I could stop them. “I’m surprised.” 
They laughed, their smile growing wider before they spoke. “I know, I don’t look it. But it’s something I’ve always enjoyed and I’d really like to give it a shot.” 
“Then you've come to the right place! And.. well, I suppose I should take this as an opportunity to teach one of the most important lessons of all time…” I made my way back to the whiteboard, dropping my book off at my desk first… and for the first time I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the eyes on my back as I wrote. “You’ve all heard this a million times, but it never hurts to say it once more;” 
‘Never judge a book by its cover.’
I dropped the marker back on the whiteboard’s ledge and turned back to the class. “Just as I did to…” I glanced back at the student, who was now holding back a laugh. I gestured for them to give me their name, which may have been a mistake for my own willpower.
“Y/n,” they answered. 
“Y/n,” I repeated their name, like honey on my tongue, smooth and sweet, leaving me craving more just from our short interaction. “Horror is such a fun genre to dive into, one that dares you to take steps into the darkness and embrace it!” 
My feet led me to stand in front of them again. Normally I would feel powerful standing in front of a student like this, knowing I’m the reason they came to this class, maybe even the reason they decided to start writing— and yet I felt nervous. My fingers fidgeting at my sides as I searched for the words, the strength to keep things professional when all I wanted to do was attempt to charm them. 
“A haunting in a small town,” I began and pushed myself to move away from them and address the class once again. “Or a group of cannibals hunting campers, maybe even bloody and disgusting murders from a serial killer… Horror is, I like to think, one of the most creative genes that exists.
“Sure, you have romance, mystery, space adventure, and so on— but horror!” I brought my hands together in front of me, leaning forward as I spoke. I scanned through my students, all of them hanging off my every word— and then Y/n, who was just smiling and looking as delectable as ever. Maybe even proud of themselves as I spoke, when all I wanted to do now was impress them. “Horror gives you the opportunity to destroy worlds, to create evil, to ruin lives with a single sentence!” 
I turned to them again “Tell me, Y/n, what’s an idea you have for your future horror novel?” 
I really hoped that no one would tell just how desperate I was to talk to them, how badly I wished for the opportunity to flip through the pages of their mind… To learn everything about them! What made them want to become a writer? Why horror? What other genres do they enjoy? Have they read any of my works? Why did they choose my class over the others that were available? 
“A farmer moves to a small town and slowly uncovers the truth of the town and the evil that dwells within it.” 
“Very interesting….” I laced my hands behind my back and walked across the room, avoiding their seat entirely and going to the opposite side of the room. “Are you inspired by Salem’s Lot?” 
They raised their brows at me, their mouth forming a little ‘o’ as they stared back at me. “Y-yes.” 
“I’m a very big fan of King myself,” I replied. “It’s…. Great to have a student with similar interests.” 
Meaning I could see myself taking them on a date, wooing them with everything I had, convincing them to come back to my home and let me crawl between their legs… to give into all of my instincts and let my cravings take control as I devour them. 
“So, your first assignment—“ 
Groans once again erupted through the class. We still had another twenty some off minutes of class to go, but it was tradition now for myself to dismiss them early on the first day. As childish as the groans may have seemed, I actually appreciated them; it meant they were comfortable enough to complain— which is actually what you need in a real writer. Complain, complain, complain, and use that negging to push yourself to create! 
“Your first assignment,” I repeated with a chuckle. “Is to begin developing your hero. Your main character within your novel. Read the first chapter of Save the Cat! And really ask yourself, what does your hero want with their life? How will they grow throughout your novel to obtain their goals? It sounds simple, but it is actually very challenging.” 
They were already beginning to wrap up their items, laptops closing, and zippers on bags zipping once again. “Dismissed, I’ll see you all later this week. Office hours are listed on my door but feel free to email or text me anytime.” 
I ignored the students as they were leaving and made my way to my desk, the urge to write another romance burning at my fingertips. My desk was large, heavy, and something I thought would look more welcoming when I first ordered it… 
Instead it was a dark and intimidating massive thing that took up more space than it needed. Unfortunately, the effort it took to get into my room… and the no return policy, meant I was stuck with it until I decided to order a new one. If only I didn’t care about being wasteful. 
I sat in my plushy deep red chair, kicking my feet under the desk to slide into it. Now I would pretend to look through my schedule, and battle the internal battle raging in my mind that begged me to look out and catch the eyes of a certain horror loving student. 
My thoughts were growing more and more unprofessional. Each thought rolling in and consuming my mind with nothing but them. Imagining them pushing my chair back and climbing into my lap, grinding down on me with our lips locked together. Their hand easing into the waistband of my slacks and grabbing my hardening cock. Both of us laughing as the chair slowly wheels away from the desk and thuds against the bookshelf behind my desk. 
I still had another class for the day, this one more focused on writing romance novels. Knowing how to find your niche, the dos and don’t of sex scenes, and how to use your own experiences and apply them to your romance. Many students who took this class were obsessed with my novels. Young and desperate to learn from their favorite author, each one dreaming of a relationship beyond professor and student. 
My eyes drifted away from my desk and to Y/n, they were still putting their things away, bent over as they adjusted their backpack. I let my gaze linger far longer than I should have, long enough that they eventually turned and caught me. They gave me a small nod and a smile before throwing the bag over their shoulder. 
I didn’t even try to hide it as I watched them take the steps out of my class, their clothing hugging them tightly and leaving little to the imagination. 
There was something so alluring about them… and I know that I needed to fight these urges… 
My laptop powered on quickly, as if it could sense my urgency as I opened a new document. I took a breath as my fingertips flew across the keys, each word coming to me as I wrote down every detail. Their eyes, their hair, their clothing, their smile, those eyes— fuck, those eyes and how they drew me in with no effort at all. 
At the top of my document read two words:
The Student
And I knew… that this one would need to be published under a pen name. 
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peppapiglover · 1 year
I woke up to find him in the nursery, looking at the crib. He gave me a ruby 🥺
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He's so adorable 😭 Going to add it to my collection ofc!
Later that evening, I came home early and found him again in the nursery, putting our kids to sleep. He surprised me by saying something naughty in front of our kids... which (I'm barely realizing) he hasn't said once, until now, since the birth of our first child. Not surprising tho since that man did not waste any time trying to conceive our children 💀 As soon as the nursery was built, baby making time. The night our baby grew out of the crib? Anotha one. if this is his way of hinting, i would gladly give him a child
but anyway
He said this right after which genuinely caught me SO off guard.
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We've been married since Fall 1 of Year 1, it's Spring of Year 4 and I've NEVER experienced jealousy issues with Sebastian - not even on my switch file. I've spent the last two-ish seasons building relationships with Elliott and Harvey (even gifting them bouquets lmfaooo) and he never said anything to me until tonight, when I gifted Sam a cola for the first time in a year maybe? Interesting... I told him the truth and he wasn't mad about it, but highkey I kinda liked this jealous side I've never seen before...
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No but seb is so adorable. I've seen so many people dislike Seb because they've had bad interactions with him but he has always been the sweetest to me. Always gifts me energy tonics, aquamarines and rubies, he would constantly spend his days in the nursery during the pregnancy of each child & even now he hangs out in there until it's bedtime. ALSO, TIL not all spouses bring the kids to festivals???? Idk how true that is but Seb has always brought the kids with him. I assumed all marriage candidates did that, but if they don't, Seb gets bonus points for being an awesome dad.
kinda cool to see that it's the same character, yet we all have wildly different experiences
BUT IDDKKKKK I probably just have the best most perfect special unique amazing one of a kind marriage ever this save file bc hes so amazing to me😼 I love this pixel man
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suleikashideaway · 2 months
Things I Would Like to Know About My Fellow Writers
I've been tagged by @angelosearch. Thank you!
Tagging anyone else who wants to play!
Last book I read: Okay, the last book I finished was The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. It was incredibly inspiring and nothing else I’ve picked up in the past year has even come close.
Greatest literary inspirations: Honestly, The Goldfinch still influences me a LOT. Also I keep trying to make my longfic the next East of Eden because that book has a grip on my soul. 
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: I want to read the backstory of Julia Heartilly and Fury Caraway stuff for ff8, Alex Mullner stuff for Stardew Valley! 
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: I always feel like no one but me is interested in anything I write lmao. 
You can recognize my writing by: Romantic love, mental illness, and personal growth all feature heavily, I think. 
My most controversial take (current fandom): I don’t think I have any controversial takes! As @angelosearch recently told me, I see ff8 as a giant sandbox and I want to see alllll the ideas.
Top three favorite tropes: 1. Slowburn, 2. Slowburn, and 3. Slowburn. Lol jk (kind of). I also enjoy found family stuff, and I recently discovered the deliciousness of hurt/comfort. Though I will read almost anything if it sounds interesting! 
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): I’m at a solid 6. I would be writing right now but I’m stuck at a very specific scene and it’s starting to drive me a little crazy. I’m probably going to finish this tag game and then attempt a very bad version of the scene just so I can move past it lol
Share a fandom frustration: None! I often hear about people complaining about fandoms and it honestly just confuses me. I’ve only ever had pleasant interactions with ff8 people. And the SV fandom is too big so I don’t interact with it. I just like to look at cute pictures of Harvey and Elliott and Alex <3
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
5 Times Kurt Talks About Sex and 1 Time He Doesn't (Part Two)
A/N: So, this was inspired the other day by a Nonny who was asking about how Kurt interacts with others on the topic of sex and this little idea popped in my head.
It’s a little mini-series, and I’ll post one part a day, then I’ll get it up on Ao3 after it’s complete.
It’s set in a post-canon-ish world when they’re all living in New York. The whole thing takes place over the course of a day.
Btw - for this one, I reference one of my other fics - With Every Broken Bone. You don't need to have read it or anything - but if you're wondering where I pulled the idea that Kurt had a one-night stand, that's where.
Conversation Two: Elliott
Kurt finishes the rest of his bagel and throws the paper wrapper into a nearby trash can.  He still has a full cup of coffee to enjoy, and even though the stand’s regular roast is a bit bland, he’ll still take all the cheap coffee he can get in a day.  
“You’re late,” Kurt says as he sips from the styrofoam cup.  It’s nearly eleven and he does have lunch plans, but he and Elliott have been taking a Saturday morning walk in Central Park for half a decade now, and Kurt isn’t one to change his routine so easily.  
“Yeah, I know, I know…” Elliott looks a little haggard.  Despite the spring sun shining around them, Elliott’s lacking his usual energetic demeanor.  “This guy I hooked up with didn’t want to leave the apartment.  He kept wanting to snuggle.” 
“Oh, the horror,” Kurt deadpans.  He motions to the stand but Elliott brushes it off, not seeming interested despite having the knowledge that this little food cart has the best cream cheese in the park.  Instead, they start down their usual path.  
“Yeah, and then he spent an hour telling me about his antique birdhouse collection,” Elliott says.  “I mean, you do you and everything, but I’ve got places to be.” 
“Why did you even pick this guy?” 
“Kurt, seriously…” Elliott stops them in their tracks a moment, and waits until an older woman walking her dog passes by.  “He had the most beautiful cock that I have ever seen.  I thought, when he sent me a pic, that he had doctored it somehow. But nope - good god, it was a work of art.  Okay, why the look?” 
“C’mon,” Kurt shrugs a little as they pick up walking again.  “Let’s not kid ourselves.  I may be fond of them, but the penis, by design, is hardly a work of art.” 
“This guy’s was.” 
“Fine, let’s say it was.  Did you really think the most artistically designed dick was really going to be attached to the world’s most perfect human specimen?” Kurt asks.  
“You know, you can judge me all you want - and, sure we only had, like, a sixty-seven percent match on the app,” Elliott continues.  “But I got to play with the most beautiful cock, possibly, in North America.” 
Kurt rolls his eyes a little, as he shakes his head.  All these stories seem to run the same after awhile, and it’s times like these, he’s glad he’s married and settled.  “Well, maybe next time you should downgrade a little and try a dick attached to a personality that better suits you.” 
Elliott eyes him sharply.  “It’s not like I’m expecting you to understand.” 
“Understand what?” 
Elliott plays it coy a little, which is unlike him.  “The allure of just wanting to enjoy a beautiful cock for what it is.” 
Kurt snaps his head abruptly. “I’ll have you know that Blaine has a--” 
Elliott holds up his hand to stop him.  “I have no doubt that whatever Blaine has is lovely.  But Kurt, how many actual pensises have you seen in real life?” 
Kurt scrunches his nose.  “More than I’ve ever asked for.  I’ve seen yours.” 
Elliott grumbles.  “Yeah, cause you don’t know how to knock before entering a room.  No, I mean, how many have you seen actually up close? Two?” 
“It’s been more than two,” Kurt says defensively. 
“Has it?” 
Kurt grumbles into his coffee, wondering why numbers are even important.  “Fine, if we’re really going to go there… I mean, Blaine, obviously.  Myself.”
“You can’t count yourself.” 
“Ug, alright, well when Blaine and I broke up the first time I dated this British guy named Adam.”
“Oh god, you would date a British guy,” Elliott chuckled.  “Did he also have a tattoo of the queen on his thing?” 
“No,” Kurt shot back.  “He was really pale though.” He slowed his walk to think about it further.  “There was that one-night stand I had the summer after I called off the engagement.  But, you know, I can’t even remember it all that well.” 
“What about that dude who was older than your dad?” Elliott asks, wiggling his eyebrows as if it was a scandalous secret Kurt had kept all these years.
“Oh my god - I had forgotten about Walter…” Kurt replies.  That had barely been a thing. “Yeah, we may have messed around a little.  You know, his dick was much nicer than you’d expect.  But my god, he did not know what to do with it.  I honestly felt really bad for his ex-wife.”
“And…if my calculations are right, that’d bring us back to Blaine, so unless there’s a threesome in there that I don’t know about that brings your total to five.” 
Kurt continues to sip his coffee, still mulling it over.  “I mean…there was the one time I had to do a sex scene in a play, and I caught more than my fair share of my scene partner’s junk.  But he had some weird stuff going on under the hood, so probably not even worth mentioning.  I mean, like, weird piercings weird.” 
“I know.” 
“So, there we have it,” Elliott says. He holds his hands out wide, as if some great conclusion had been stumbled upon.  “My point stands.” 
“There was a point to this?”
“What I’m saying is this,” Elliot says.  “You’ve tried, like, five flavors of ice cream and decided you were done when there’s a vast array of ice cream flavors just waiting to be tasted.  And, sure, some may leave you bloated and gross and won’t shut up about endangered birds of North America but my god it was worth it while you were eating it.” 
“Why do people always use ice cream when making their sex metaphors?” 
“Who doesn’t love ice cream?” 
“Lesbians, probably.”
“It’s a multipurpose metaphor, Kurt, and you’re intentionally getting off topic.” 
“I just think it’s a ridiculous point,” Kurt says, a layer of irritation in his voice.  How is this a conversation they even ended up having?  “Have you ever stopped to think about quality over quantity? How many guys, on average, do you think you pick up a week?” 
Elliott thinks it over.  “I don’t know, maybe one or two on a good week.”  
“Wow - I didn’t realize it was that many.” 
“You’re being judgy again, Kurt…”
“Anyway…” Kurt says, with a long gulp of his coffee - lamenting that he’s almost done with the cup. “On average, I’d say Blaine and I mess around three or four times a week.  So, comparatively, I’m having my expensive, always satisfying sweet treat twice as often and always at my disposal while you scrounge around trying to engorge yourself on any freezer burned dessert in a decently wrapped package, trying to trick yourself into thinking that the ice cream sandwich stuck at the bottom is marginally better because it has that chocolate cookie included, but once you try it, it’s not nearly as edible as it initially looked. Well, you can keep your most likely chemically encrusted, cheap ice cream.  I want my gourmet vanilla with caramel sauce every time. ” 
Elliott remains quiet for a long beat.  “I think you killed the metaphor.” 
“Well, it was your metaphor,” Kurt shoots back.  “Besides, would you have preferred me to say that my husband might not be breaking the art world with his cock but his is the most beautiful to me and I would rather be fucked by that than by anything else?” 
Elliott lets out a hearty laugh. “Kurt, I love it when you're poetically crude."
Kurt grumbles again as he tosses the empty coffee cup into a trash can on the side of the path.  “And for the record, there’s nothing wrong with liking birds.” 
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
“Nothing - Don’t worry about it.”
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carmen-is-away · 4 months
last updated on february 20, 2024
requests are currently open
angst (a), fluff (f), mature (m), crack (c)
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・❥ act! addict! actors! ・
nothing here yet, check back later!
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・❥ apex legends ・
reader comforting bloodhound headcanons (f, a)
bangalore finding out wraith is a vampire (a) bangalore forgets wraith is her girlfriend (f)
bangalore finding out wraith is a vampire (a) bangalore and seer interaction headcanons (f, c) bangalore forgets wraith is her girlfriend (f)
random octane headcanons (f)
random crypto headcanons (f)
wattson taking care of hurt reader (f) wattson helping rampart with a panic attack (f, a)
general and romantic revenant headcanons (f)
wattson helping rampart with a panic attack (f, a) rampart's tics & habits
older sibling headcanons (f) bangalore and seer interaction headcanons (f, c)
Multiple Characters
what the legends smell like (c) cuddling headcanons: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 (f) mtl: to be a yandere (a)
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・❥ borderlands ・
nothing here yet, check back later!
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・❥ stardew valley ・
angsty elliott headcanons (a)
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・❥ umbrella academy ・
nothing here yet, check back later!
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sweetronancer · 3 months
slightly updated...
im percy! (i didnt like the last one so yay!)
- im a minor (any1 can interact tho! js dont b weird), i use really any pronouns, and i have autism! :3
tone tags would be appreciated but arent really necessary (theres a list below)
(more abt me under the cut! <3)
dni if : racist, transphobic, homophobic, zionist, terf, etc..
this blog supports palestine!
hyperfixations + fandoms : stranger things, spider-man, octonauts, gilmore girls, south park, the last of us 1 + 2, do revenge, percy jackson and the olympians, maya higa, brittany broski, heart stopper, once upon a time, fnaf, the owl house, fallout, stardew valley
ships : ronance, elmax, lumax, byler, percabeth, rory x logan, rory x paris, nharlie (is that what ppl r still calling it..), swanqueen
music : maya hawke, mitski, taylor swift, coma cinema, pacing, the pixies, olivia rodrigo, laufey, chet baker, the cranberries, fleet wood mac, the carpenters, the beatles, sam phillips, elliott smith, the smiths, boygenius, lucy dacus, phoebe bridgers, indigo de souza, hozier, will wood, renee rapp (js to name a few..)
i write a little too! this is my ao3 :3
im an age regressor but this blog isnt really for that.. @neighborhood-spider is my blog for that stuff, its also just a side blog thats way more put together than this one (but i dont really use it as much as i would like to)
i mainly write about ronance and nancy wheeler because those are like my biggest hyperfixations..
tone tags ;
/! = Excited
/a = Alterous
/ao = An order
/av = A vent
/ay = At you
/br = Bragging (also see: /fx)
/c = Copypasta
/calm = Calm or calmly
/cb = Clickbait
/cel = Celebratory
/ci = caring intent
/co or /cf = Comforting
/curi = Curious/curiously
/f = Fake
/fam = Familial
/fl = Flirting
/fx = Flex (also see: /br)
/g or /gen = Genuine
/gentle = Gentle/gently
/gq or /genq = Genuine question
/gs or /gens = Genuine suggestion
/hj = Half joking
/hyp = Hyperbole
/info = Information or informing
/irre = Irrelevant
/j = Joke or joking
/jk = Just kidding
/jw = Just wondering
/lh = Light hearted
/li = Literally
/l or /ly or /lyr = Lyrics
/lu = Little upset
/m = Metaphorically/metaphor
/nabr = Not a brag (also see: /nafx)
/nfl = Not flirting
/nafx = Not a flex (also see: /nabr)
/nao = Not an order
/naq = Not a question (also see: /st or /state)
/nav = Not a vent
/nay = Not at you
/nbh = Nobody here
/nbr = Not being rude
/neg or /nc = Negative connotation
/neu = Neutral connotation
/nf = Not forcing
/nfl = Not flirting
/nm = Not mad
/nmay = “Not mad at you’”
/npa = Not passive aggressive
/nsb = Not subtweeting
/nsrs = Not serious
/nsx or /nx = Nonsexual or not sexual intent
/ny = Not yelling
/ot = Off topic
/p = Platonic
/pa = Passive aggressive
/para = Paraphrase
/pf = Playful
/pos or /pc = Positive connotation
/q = Quote
/qp = Queerplatonic
/r = Romantic
/rh or /rt = Rhetorical question
/s or /sarc = Sarcastic/sarcastically
/sbh = Somebody here
/sbtw = Subtweeting
/srs = Serious
/st or /state = Statement (also see: /naq)
/sx or /x = Sexual intent
/t = Teasing
/tan = Tangent
/th = Threat
/tic = Tic, something typed out that due to being a tic
/ts = To self
/u = Upset
/unin = Unintentional
/unre = Unrelated
/vu = Very upset
/w = Warm/warmth
/sys = not directed or about anyone outside of the system
/wp = wrong proxy
/iw = innerworld
/hs = headspace
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
I write: AFAB Characters & AMAB Characters (genderfluid, cis male, ftm, non-binary, and any masc-aligned gender)
Anybody 18+ is allowed to read and interact with my work as long as you're respectful and don't ask me to write female reader
DNI: Basic DNI criteria, if you support or write fics about real people
The more specific the request, the better. Don't be afraid to go into alarming detail.
Please don't copy and paste your request (in another ask or in my comment sections) if I don't respond to it. I won't answer a request until I've finished it so please be patient
If you want a part two, you're more likely to get one if you specify what you want in it. Most of the time I don't have any ideas if I planned on it being a oneshot
What I will NOT write:
Female Reader, Female Character, Scat, Incest (Pseudo-Incest is Fine), Age Play, Misgendering, Transphobia
Things You Can Request:
- Fics, Thirsts, Shorts, Headcanons, Drafts
- For shorts you can just give me a character (up to 4 per post) and a prompt or trope or whatever and I'll write a small little piece about it
Bottom Reader
tell me if you're okay with afab language or not if asking for ftm reader. i wont use it by default
Characters I'll write for bottom reader: Zhongli, Ajax, Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Diavolo, William Afton, Enji Todoroki, Scott Howl, Hopper, Joel Miller, Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny, Billy),
I will not write bottom reader for anybody not listed above
Fandoms I write for
feel free to ask if I would write for any fandom not listed here
The fandoms I've been asked about but don't write for: AOT, COD, Twilight, Sk8, JJK, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss,
Genshin Impact
All Male Characters (Not including Fontaine)
My Hero Academia
Class 1-A, Aizawa, LOV, Monoma, Tamaki, Mirio, Shinso, Enji Todoroki
All male characters in Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Jim Hopper, Billy Hargrove
Kenma Kozume, Testuro Kuroo, Karasuno Volleyball Team, Keishin Ukai, Oikawa
The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo
Saiki, Kaido, Kuboyasu, Saiko
Twisted Wonderland
Idia, Lilia, Leona, Malleus, Jack, Vil, Rook
Detroit Become Human
Markus, Connor
Obey Me
The Demon Brothers, Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos
Michael Afton & Michael Schmidt, William Afton
Monster Prom
Scott Howl, Damien LaVey, Liam De Lioncourt, Oz, Brian Yu
Stardew Valley
Shane, Sebastian, Alex, Demetrius, Kent, Harvey, Elliott, Sam
Horror & Slasher
Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny Johnson, Stu, Billy), Dwight Riley, Losers Club (1990, 2019), Patrick Bateman, Kurt Kunkle, John Doe, Chad Meeks-Martin, Wes Hicks, Ethan Landry
Bungou Stray Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Ranpo Edogawa, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Chuuya Nakahara
One Punch Man
Genos, Speed o Sound Sonic
Hunter x Hunter
Kurapika, Leorio, Feitan
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Honkai Star Rail
Caelus, Dan Heng, Sampo, Welt, Jing Yuan, Gepard, Luocha, Blade, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Sunday, Aventurine, Boothill
Spider-Man (Raimi, TASM, MCU, Insomniac, Miguel, Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown), Spider-Noir, Tony Stark, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock, Loki, Thor, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Deadpool,
Scott Pilgrim
Scott Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Gideon Graves, Matthew Patel, Wallace Wells, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Todd Ingram
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
The Amazing Digital Circus
Jax, Caine, Kinger
Dungeon Meshi
Laios, Chilchuck, Senshi
Bruce Wayne, Edward Nygma (The Batman), Clark Kent (MAWS), Jimmy Olsen (MAWS), James (Pokémon), Arven (Pokémon), Joel Miller (TLOU), Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Stein (Soul Eater), Spirit (Soul Eater), Reigen Arataka, Link, Omni Man
195 notes · View notes
jax-and-winstrate · 4 months
alright, it's been about one year since I joined Rotumblr, time for a new pinned post.
hello everyone, I am Jax, a student at the Blueberry Academy, the current champion of the Trading Card Game Islands and a Mew hybrid. also a Meloetta chosen I guess. I used to be an aqua grunt and the leader of Operation: Clean Seas, but some things happened and I'm no longer an aqua grunt (I wasn't fired, I quit for safety reasons) and Operation: Clean Seas failed.
Hey, I'm Tommy! I'm a Rotom, and I occasionally post on this blog!
Berry growing guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/198X-ZPGrf6LsArPp0vBrciI_yzlBMMDB_uiWFQ66Ywc/edit?usp=drivesdk
List of all of my Pokémon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3KtAMCryYxhtbj9cUFUgTXHzdOesPy0Ujy0eYIjp78/edit?usp=drivesdk
I have a lot of cool siblings and a bunch of Phantump children that I adopted! my current siblings are Julie (@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi), Felix, Nowaki, and Tsumi (@fabas-failed-science-projects, you can also find me and one of my very cool friends on this blog)! my mom also has a blog (@vivian-winstrate)! also one of my Pokémon has a blog (@miss-cool-hat it used to be Coffee's but Hattie took over)
My current stats: level 10�, Psychic/Normal, known moves are Psychic, Drain Punch, Relic Song, and Explosion.
also all mail stuff and anon stuff are allowed. just don't mail me a billion eggs
here's my trainer card
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//ooc stuff below
hello everyone, it's me, @half-or-nothing! I decided to rewrite the pinned post for this blog since it's been on here for one whole year, and a lot of things have changed!
first let's start with the rules
1. No NSFW! this character is a minor and this is run by a minor!
2. Don't send ooc hate to me or anyone I interact with! the people running the other blogs are really nice and cool!
3. be respectful! no homophobia or transphobia or any of that shit here! none of it!
second, this blog is not a sideblog, so it can like and follow blogs. however, I do have sideblogs for this blog. those blogs are:
@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi (Prisma Ranger and Jax's sister)
@miss-cool-hat (Jax's Hatterene, Hattie. used to be Coffee's blog)
@chef-yujin (Jax and Julie's uncle-in-law, he's a chef and is friends with a Raikou)
@winstrate-family (the actual Winstrate family from RSE and ORAS, also Vito isn't on here)
@wyatt-and-elliott (a gym leader and gym trainer/evil team grunt from the Salen region)
@james-and-skitty (Jax's boyfriend! he was also kinda a PMD oc at first)
@fabas-failed-science-projects (a blog that's managed by me and @cooperblr ! Jax is on here, along with the four other hybrids that Faba created)
@bird-of-all-trades (another Prisma Ranger!)
@tcg-league-and-sanctuary (another blog for a group of canon characters! this time it's the league for the tcg islands)
@vivian-winstrate (Jax and Julie's biological mother! she's cool :3)
third, a description of the blog. this blog is pretty high-stakes at times, and there will be a lot of wacky shit. y'know, for funsies. Jax is a Mew hybrid (specifically melanistic), so he can do some weird stuff like learn every tm. he is also missing his left leg and left eye. he's also a criminal probably, so you can do some fun stuff with that if you want. also Winstrate is a Porygon 2 now thanks to Jax's coding abilities
here's the link to where Jax's pfp is from!
also, I made a discord server for promoting pkmn irl discord servers, like chat servers and event servers. join if you want
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subwaytostardew · 10 months
Hello! Bit of an update here!
We are very hard at work with coding and writing heart events for the mod!
You have already seen quite a handful but what you don’t know is that — while we’ve been drafting them, I’ve been giving them titles while writing to make it easier and I just been itching to share the titles that we have so far and what has been shared.
Since the only way you will truly know the titles is by opening the JSON files when the mod is released… which quite frankly. Is a hassle. And a mess of code. Its a nightmare…. Its all on one single line like a run on sentence (concernedape why… why is the code for events like this….)
So I figured I share the titles and also link them to the videos or posts related to them.
To start off the mod the first 3 events you will see will be:
▽ ▲ Submas Introduction ▽ ▲
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Yes I know… Real creative…. But it establishes the story and introduces the twins, establishes the railroads dilemma and also introduces another favorite Pokémon character.
Okay! Now onto the real titles!
▽ Overworked Cab ▽
Emmet’s two heart event.
The farmer (pssst… thats you….) decide to visit the railroad early in the morning to check up on the twins. Only to find Emmet is there and… he does not look okay.
The title pretty self explanatory…
▲ The Lesser of Two ▲
Ingo’s two heart event.
Pierre is at it again, causing a mess… you run into Ingo at the general store and he is not getting along to well with Pierre.
Hopefully he can get a bit of help.
For coming up with the title for this event, both Morris and Pierre have some not so savory marketing and customer service tactics… Ingo has to choose between the two and well, he rather argue a price point with a disgruntled passenger then deal with having to face the ‘Mandibuzz’ Joja store clerk who wanted to derail there whole project and sow, manipulate, and then reap the seeds of doubt….
Yeah.. he choosing the ‘Lesser of Two’ evils here…. Least Pierre is only causing a minor inconvenience.
▽ ▲ A Writer’s Amends ▽ ▲
This is one of the handful of Submas Group Heart Events. These events focus solely on fleshing out the story and there interactions with other villagers.
And this here is the event with Elliott.
Since he is present in both there two heart events.
He invites them and also you to lunch. The new guys have to stick together in this town! Also... their first friend! Maybe Stardew Valley isn’t so bad after all!
That's about it so far for events posted with their actual titles! But another reason for making this post is to tease the two heart events we currently have in the works.
So be on the look out for….
▽ ▲ The Meeting ▽ ▲
(Oooo ominous…..)
▽ Black & White Nuances ▽
— ◁ Station Stewardess Kade
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neathbound-fiends · 18 days
(for the ask thing you posted some time ago) 1, 15, 43 for Florence, 1, 10, 35 for Elliott, 19, 37 for the Surgeon
Remember when you asked this a million years ago? I'm gonna tuck it under a readmore since it got way longer than I anticipated lol
Elliott: 1. What’s the lie your character says most often? "I'm alright" or "I don't mind", probably 10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity? That if you grow rhubarb in the dark (which he is a strong proponent of in the Neath!) you can hear it growing 35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made? He would like to argue that lying to children is occasionally a necessary evil, as much as he hates lying and values honesty so highly. Sometimes you simply must pretend that the man selling rubbery lumps nearby is dead, and will not be feeling better in time for dinner, so they must eat your terrible cooking instead, because convincing a seven year old to eat your signature "random ingredients in the skillet, unseasoned" when instead she could have Neathy McDonald's is not an easy feat
Florence: 1. What’s the lie your character says most often? See, this is hard for me to decide on, because for a career liar, she is usually pretty honest in most of the writing I've done for her, and that's part of the game. The fun of telling someone point blank that she doesn't love them, and them still fighting to change her mind. I think, if I had to choose, it would be that she belongs wherever she is. Never stated in so many words, but the need to blend in and not immediately get thrown out of somewhere necessitates that she lie, because "street rat turned whore" is not usually the type of person who gets invited to any nice events where she would be rubbing elbows with the well-heeled 15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone? Honestly she's kind of a loser when she's alone. She mostly is just asleep or eating her roommie's food so she doesn't starve like a dog. She saves most of her charm for work, so when she's not needing to convince somebody to open their wallet or their bed to her, or distracting them enough to avail herself of these things anyway, she's just bored and bitchy and tired but not in a way that might be cute 43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding? That EVERYTHING is strictly transactional and a power play that she has to win. It's weird and unnerving to realize sometimes that people just...do things for other people out of the kindness of their hearts and not to score points on some invisible scoreboard or to accrue favors or to "win" an interaction
Surgeon: 19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding? It depends on why he's been avoiding them. In most cases, I would say he would just be whatever the highest degree of nasty he could be is, relative to the required degree of politeness so that he doesn't slip down the Respectable rungs for it 37. What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell? Who the parent of his child is
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astra90x · 2 years
Flufftober Day 1 - Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
Welcome to Day 1 of my Flufftober prompts! This year, I’ll be doing one long Sebastian (from Stardew Valley) x Reader, with each prompt as a chapter in a larger story! They can be enjoyed separately but are better as a whole. Let’s get right into it!
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 1026
Reader pronouns: She/Her
Going to the saloon on a Friday night and drowning your sorrow in a few beers should be considered a type of therapy. 
Don’t worry, you don’t consider yourself an alcoholic by any means, but when crows peck away a good chunk of your crops, the mines have been even more full of monsters than usual, and you haven’t slept more than four hours every day in the last week, you feel like you deserve a little bit of a break. Luckily, your friend, Elliott, had been more than happy to take you out for the night and also promised to keep himself sober to get you home safe. He truly is a great friend, and as the second newest person in Pelican Town behind yourself, you also feel good knowing that he relates to the struggles you’re going through. Trying to start a completely different life in a new town is tough.
You request another beer from Gus after you’ve drained your second one, already feeling the effects but wanting a little more to really force yourself to relax. Not enough to get you hungover in the morning (Yoba knows you don’t need that on top of all your other problems) but enough to distract yourself from anything other than the fun you’re having with Elliott. He is great company, after all. 
It’s about twenty-five minutes later when you figure you’ve had enough, though. Sleep deprivation was on that list of problems, so right now, the most appealing thing to you would be to head home, crawl into your comfy sheets, and sleep until next week. Not like you actually could, but it’s nice to dream. 
“Don’t forget your coat,” Elliott reminds you as you push your stool in and start heading toward the door. The sound of pounding rain on the windows reminds you of the storm going on outside, and while it’s a bit too humid and hot to be wearing anything on your arms, you’d rather suffer in the heat than deal with the sheets of rain pouring from the skies outside. 
You stumbled over to the coat hooks on the wall of the saloon, where most of the patrons had left their jackets, and you awkwardly fumble through them until you find one that feels like yours. Yanking it out of the mass of coats, you start to put it on over your head, not even stopping to think about the fact that your jacket is a zip-up instead of a pullover. 
The coat is fully on over your head before your intoxicated brain realizes that it isn’t even a coat at all; it’s a hoodie. Dark purple and large enough that the sleeves fully cover your hands, right to the tips of your fingers. 
“This isn’t mine,” you say to yourself, but you still make no effort to remove the hoodie. It’s warm, after all. And cozy. You like cozy. 
“I believe that’s mine, actually.” At first, you’re not sure where the voice is coming from, but finally, you spot Sebastian—along with Sam and Abigail—standing over by the arcade machines. Sebastian is wearing a t-shirt, a sight you really aren’t used to, but you suppose that the rain outside was probably enough to drench his hoodie and make him want to remove it upon entering the saloon. 
“Oh,” is all you can manage to say at first. Then, “Oh!” as true realization sets in. “I am so sorry!” It’s bad enough that you’ve mistakenly taken (and put on!) an article of clothing belonging to someone else, but it’s even worse knowing that the sweater belongs to Sebastian, one of the residents of Pelican Town that you’ve interacted with the least. 
   Luckily, Sebastian doesn’t seem to care as much as you thought he might have, especially since this hoodie is basically his staple. He just stands there, watching with an amused smile, as you try in a drunken stupor to pull the hoodie back off. 
“You know what,” he says, after watching you try and fail to remove it for about twenty seconds straight. “Why don’t you just keep it for now?” 
You struggle to pull your head back through the neck of the hoodie, where you had gotten lost in the sea of it, and as soon as your eyes are exposed enough to let you see Sebastian, you ask, “Are you sure?” 
Sebastian doesn’t answer, but he turns to the coat hooks and rummages through the jackets for a second before pulling out yours. “This one belongs to you, right?”
You nod. 
“Then how about I wear it for now, and we’ll trade back when I see you next?” Sebastian tugs the coat on, grinning a little to himself when he sees that the sleeves are about an inch too short. Even so, it doesn’t look bad on him, and he still seems amused by the situation, so you simply nod and he nods back in confirmation. 
“I’m still sorry for taking your hoodie,” you say. Alcohol may result in bad decisions, but it doesn’t block out guilt. 
Sebastian opens his mouth to respond, but Abigail interjects before he can. “Don’t be sorry, (Y/N). Seb needed an excuse to get out of that thing for once, it’s like a second skin for him.” 
Sebastian shoots Abigail a dirty look, but she defends herself by saying, “I’m right, you know!” 
“She does have a point,” adds Sam. Sebastian rolls his eyes. 
“Whatever. I’m out of it now. At least until (Y/N) and I happen to bump into each other again.” He turns his gaze to you and gives you a warm look. Not quite a smile, but still something almost fond. 
You awkwardly flash him a thumbs-up. 
C’mon, drunk (Y/N), even you should know better than that.
“We should be going before the storm gets even worse,” says Elliott, taking a glance out the window at the sheets of rain hitting the street. “Are you all ready, (Y/N)?”
“Um, yeah, I think I am,” you reply. Taking one last look at Sebastian, you mouth Thank you before turning and departing out into the rain with Elliott.
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pensocks · 20 days
( last redo i swear 😭 )
Hihihi, thanks for stopping by! ♡ Pronouns Page | Linktree [WIP] | Carrd [WIP] | Art Status
more info under the cut! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
● I go by an assortment of names, take your pick! I mainly use Crow (default), Uzi, and Pen — but I also go by Ollie, Lu, and Tess!
○ I mainly use she/her, xey/xem, and paw/paws, but I also love bat/bats and it/its! No they/them please!
● Scandinavian-American self-taught and freelance artist, animator, and writer. I fluently speak English and am learning both Spanish and Norwegian. ENFP with ADHD, RLS, and anxiety and depression mayhaps. I'm 14
○ Fictkin! Uzi Doorman kintype, Tessa Elliott synpath, Squirrelflight/paw (specifically in TNP) synpath, and Ragatha copinglink. I shift into Uzi most commonly
● I am omniromantic, demisexual, pupgender, and girlflux! Semifictoromantic as well </3
○ Furry and therian! My theriotype is Golden Retriever but my fursona is a Spanierd :3 (I shrieked when N talked about Golden Retrievers in Home I kid you not)
● Multifandom, but currently hyperfixated on Murder Drones so expect nothing but that for months. Also a BIG multishipper (44 ships in MD alone, 39 excluding joke ships ;w;)
○ #1 Tessa defender, CEO of SquirrelDaisy, and the living proof that Juzi is canon!!
● @mischiefburns my darling husband <333 /qp ; @azandranec and @cuntingblonde my shitty ass wives /aff /p; b,g,n,m,b,b,e >>>>>> others <3 /p
○ My alts are @uzi-irl (more personal stuff) , @therealjkisser (yapping & reblogging shit) , @inklessbarefoot (wips)
● warrior cats blog is @olikae , alt for THAT for redesigns is @olikae-designs
⭑ Message or ping me with Uzi, J, and N content!! ⬩ Mutuals can ask for my Discord!! \(・∀・)/ ⭑ I love chatting! Don't be shy, I don't bite <3 (unless ur miko >:0 /silly) ⬩ I don't have a DNI list but you get the gist: proship, codegolders, all that nasty stuff. I do not hesitate to block. ⭑ Keep NSFW, shirtless dudes, and yandere TO YOURSELF! ⬩ Tonetags strongly encouraged when interacting with me! (Unless we're close, then I don't really need em unless I say otherwise)
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penncilkid · 9 months
5+1 Headcanons!
Thank you so much @gingerbreadmonsters for the tag, I had to reach into the depths of my brain for these. (Translation: I got so excited that every headcanon I've ever had left my brain /lh)
Rules: Share 5 Redactedverse headcanons you hold, plus 1 headcanon you're still working on!
1: Timeline be damned, Sunshine and Elliott were childhood friends (/lh). This is just something I've thought about a lot for Dan-Bi (my version of Sunshine) and Elliott, and it makes a lot of sense. It gives more depth to their pining while also letting them have more general knowledge of each other seeing as they grew up together. And, more importantly, it further emphasizes the parallels between them and Blake/Bestie.
2: D(a)emons are naturally polyglots. It's what allowed them to adapt to life on Elegy, and it's a fun tool for adding depth to dynamics/interactions between characters. That said, it doesn't automatically mean they're well-versed in slang and such. Only that they have the ability to communicate via whatever language they encounter. Each d(a)emon has their personal preference for what language they use most often.
3: Darlin' has always been a physical touch kind of person when around the pack. But it's specific types of touch: Playfully punching someone's arm, leaning on someone's shoulder (my Darlin' is fairly tall /lh), general pack roughhousing that's normalized for shifters. It's later on when Darlin' opens themself up to more vulnerable forms of physical affection, ones that they need to initiate in order to feel comfortable. It's why it means so much when they're willing to hug someone else from the pack. It's as if through the embrace, they're saying "You make me feel safe. But I don't know how else to say that."
4: My design for Guy is Asian and Latino, but this works for any Guy who speaks a 2nd language: He is absolutely tormenting Honey by saying the most heinous shit in public in a language other than English. He finds it hilarious, especially when Honey isn't able to properly react to it in the moment.
5: Freelancer is the "I got it" friend. You need a nail file? They've got one. Forgot to eat? Don't worry, they've got some snacks tucked away in their bag. Oh your hair got messed up? Give them five minutes max, they're gonna go grab their haircare bag (That last bit leans towards my specific design for them but still).
And my plus one: This is broader but I love thinking about the speakers/listeners as it pertains to A) cooking and B) dancing. Like my Milo is Dominican, of course he's taught Nirav (SH) how to dance bachata. What's that? Malakhi (Baaaabe) is Jamaican? Hell yeah, he gets to help cook for the pack (especially knowing Asher's track record). I could write an essay on how Ayl (Lovely) using cooking as a means of getting to know people pre and post turning is so fascinating from a vampiric standpoint. I don't know why, but it's just something I enjoy thinking about a lot.
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