#intelligence shows in different ways
curiousmagpie · 10 months
I, personally, am a big fan of the idea that Danny is actually really smart, it’s just that school doesn’t work with him. Whether that be because of constant ghost attacks, him playing down his intelligence, ADHD problems, etc., it doesn’t matter.
I like most stuff where Danny is a tech genius, or where he’s essentially a ghost culture expert with several notebooks on the topic, or a historian nerd, or *something*. I like all of those, but there’s one that I really, really love that I don’t think I’ve properly seen anywhere. It’s hard to explain so I’m gonna give an example that’s been stuck in my head.
One night, a mere few weeks after the accident, Danny’s laying in his bed, still debating if he’s human or not anymore, still trying to figure out exactly what’s happened to him. Due to the pestering of Sam and Tucker, he knows his heart rate is in the 30’s, well below what’s needed for adequate oxygen perfusion, his internal temperature is 33 degrees Celsius, where he should be suffering from hypothermia, although his skin appears to be warmer for some reason. Point is, Danny is wondering how deep his changes go, and he decides to test his DNA. Additionally, Danny being a truly brilliant dumbass, decides to test his parents DNA as well, doing a basic paternity test, which he does get:
Danny scowled as he looked at the clock above the doorway. He should be able to get the necessary equipment and materials from the lab, but there was one thing missing if he wanted this to be a proper test, which was technically in the lab but would be out of reach for the next two days if he didn’t get it now.
Bouncing on his toes, shaking himself a bit, Danny took a deep breath as he shoved his nervousness down and put on his best, ‘just doing my job ma’am’ face.
“Hey mom?” Danny called down the stairs, taking deliberately heavy footsteps.
“Yes honey?” Maddie said, voice echoing slightly up the stairwell. This was it, this was the moment of truth! Please don’t question it.
“Can I have a few vials of yours and dads blood?” He said, now standing at the doorway to the lab.
Maddie paused in her soldering work, head pulling up and staring straight forward for a moment. And then her head turned towards Danny with the most bewildered face he had ever seen on her.
“What?” Shit, she questioned it! Quick, random bullshit go!
“Uhhh, school said they wanted us to do a paternit- I mean uh, an ancestral dna test? You know, to introduce us to how evolution works?” That’s the best you can come up with?! Does that even make sense? Note to self, figure out if that makes sense.
While Danny was distracting himself with questions on if his made up excuse even fit together with his syllabus, or if DNA tests were even a good way to demonstrate evolution, Maddie thankfully understood exactly what he was talking about (She understood nothing).
“Oh, why didn’t you say so honey!” She said, standing up and spinning to face her son, “Why, I remember when I first started wondering if I was adopted!”
“Oh, I tired everything to get blood samples directly from the source,” She said, giving Danny a hug, “They could have been putting samples of my real parent’s hair in the hairbrushes after all. Jazz went through a similar phase too, though she did look oddly disappointed about the results.” She was silent for a moment after that, tilting her head and letting Danny stew in baffled thought.
After two seconds too much of introspection, Maddie gave her son one last squeeze and peck on the cheek, before she sprang up and over to a strangely bare part of lab wall.
Pressing a button and flicking a hidden switch or two, a number panel came out of the wall. Maddie called out over her shoulder as quickly typed in a ridiculously number of digits in.
“Now, which sample do you want?” She said, snapping Danny out of his trance as a seam appeared and frigid air hissed out between the gaps.
“What?” Danny said, still processing, not quite understanding what she meant by that.
“Which blood sample do you want? For that ‘school project’ of yours.” She said, fingers catching on a ridge and pulling it open to reveal two levels full of vials, one labeled Maddie and the other labeled Jack, with dates and times on each vial.
Okay, I might have gotten carried away there. Man, I really need to write more often, that was coming so easily!
Anyway, with the blood samples, he waits until his parents and Jazz are gone and collects own blood sample, following all the correct procedures that he searched up, although ignoring the ones that don’t apply to him because he’s not taking someone else’s blood. He also searched up how DNA tests work and decided to do some extra testing, such as centrifuges, which come up weird due to parts of his blood going intangible which results in his plasma not fully separating, no matter how much he spins it.
Anyway, using the materials from the lab and a basic understanding of how a dna test works, he creates a homemade dna tester.
(You can skip this if you want, it’s unimportant but I’m just going over how electrophoresis dna testers work. (Which is what Danny is doing here))
Essentially, everyone gets half their chromosomes from their parents. There’s stuff that alter the chromosomes you get, like chromosomes crossing over and exchanging bits and pieces, but that isn’t to important here. The basic is, you have half your moms dna, and half your dads dna. Now, something important to note, is that chromosomes all come in varying sizes, you can see this just by searching it up, an X chromosome is much bigger than a Y chromosome, which is on the 23rd chromosomal pair, and say, chromosome pair 1 can be bigger than chromosome pair 9. There’s a lot of variation however, I’d recommend looking at an image for an idea what I’m talking about. Regardless, this size thing is important for how paternity tests work. Essentially, they get a sample that has dna in it, remove everything except that dna and a solution of water or something (i dunno) to keep it in, and then they get this gel thing and put the sample on one side of it and do something called electrophoresis, where an electric current goes through the stuff, and the dna move towards the positive electrode. Basically, this gel has a sort of fibre mesh through out it, and smaller dna chromosomes move towards the positive electrode faster than the larger ones. This means that they get separated really effectively, forming obvious lines. In two tests done this way on different people, a few lines will get the same distance in the same amount of time, but not all of them. Now, if those two people had a child, and then had the same test done, then the results would look like the child just saw the lines of the previous two and just picked and choose randomly, because all of Danny’s results should match up with either his moms, or his dads.
(Dna test explanation ends here, you can relax)
Now, while danny does this, Maddie’s and Jack’s fin normal, and then he does his own. And the previously mentioned problem occurs, in that some of his dna goes intangible, which ruins his results and makes a complete mess of the entire thing, and now he knows the accident has changed his very dna (which we know from the tv show intro!), and that his very essence has been changed. Now he’s left wondering if he can even be regarded as human or ghost anymore, because ghosts don’t have dna, but he does? And his dna is different now, would it even match the normal human genome? Is he less human than monkeys are now? He needs to do more tests to find out…
Alright, now we’re past the example. What was the thing that stuck out about Danny here? Was it that he doesn’t plan the most basic of shit out? Was it his parents keeping preserved samples of their own blood? Or was it the fact that Danny researched, figured out how to, and then built his own DNA tester from scratch? I’d say all three options personally, but the topic of this one is the last option.
Danny was being crazy smart there. He had a problem, figured a solution, went about getting the materials in the stupidest possible way, absorbed knowledge, did separate tests to satisfy his curiosity, and solved his problem. Although now he has new ones.
I might be able to do something similar if I had, like, three weeks to do it or something, but Danny was easily able to think of equivalents that he could find in the lab, or at least things that are close enough that he could substitute them, and he did it quickly and easily, in like, a day. That’s really really smart to me.
All together, this, this right here, is the kind of intelligence I really like being written about. Intelligence that is shown, not told.
Wow this got away from me. Whoops.
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
I'm sincerely very happy for anyone who is enjoying the show but every time I see takes that the show has improved the book characterizations or that the book characters are underdeveloped in comparison to the show...
#our experiences are very different lmao#pjo show crit#sure the show isn't completely out yet#but id argue that the characters (namely the trio) seem way more developed and well-rounded in the book by this point in time (episode 4)#and look im not saying every change the show has made is bad#but by and far there has yet to be a change to characterization that feels like an IMPROVEMENT from the source material lmao#the closest contender I'd say is show Percy does seem a tad angrier than book Percy#but again I wouldn't call that an improvement... its just different and I think that /change/ works because it feels like the same essence#but even that has had some issues because I feel like the show has inadvertently cut down some of Percy's canon book empathy here and there#I think the show has nailed Annabeth's pride and intelligence and her warped worship of her mother#... but they've also made her hyper competent to the point that she's not making half of the mistakes she did in the book#which ISNT good because book annabeth is smart but she isn't infallible#its a big point that she has the theoretical intelligence but none of the real world experience/application#she gets tricked by medusa and goes to visit the Arch just cause she loves architecture and that's okay!! she's twelve and a nerd!#I also dont like that they've cut/toned down her little crush on Luke#actually they've not even showcased the familial bond between annabeth and Luke either in the show so like lmao#and then grover#by now grover's fear of failure and repeating this past mistakes and wanting a license has already been acknowledged in the books at least#in the show?? not so much#and his canon book suspicions and wariness of medusa... were given to annabeth#like medusa in the book was Grover's moment to shine cause his instincts were right!#and in the book fight he even very intentionally attacked medusa#but his highlights there were cut completely in the show#and finally sally#...idk who that is in the show but that's NOT my sally jackson#percy jackson#mine
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the-witchhunter · 3 months
DP x DC ramble: Types of power
Now, in this particular fandom, there’s a tendency to make an OP Danny
That’s a neutral statement, a lot of people just happen to like and post OP Danny
For the most part, not my taste but it can be fun in some contexts, but overpowered Danny isn’t my default
Now, Danny is physically strong. His abilities are combat focused and he can hold his own in a fight. He probably has a little less physical strength than you’d think since he uses gravity nullification to lift heavy things, but it’s impressive regardless. He has a goodly variety of offensive and defensive abilities that make him formidable is a fight
But the strongest characters in DC aren’t necessarily strong in that way
Superman is physically very strong, incredibly powerful, but he’s still nowhere near the level of the actual strongest characters, because their power is a very different type
Like I’m talking reality manipulation, omniscience, abilities that involve power over people’s very souls (and a ghost is a human soul) and where they end up. Psychopomps and some much more. I’m talking about beings that can mold the flesh of humans to remove something like a cancer and repair damage with barely a thought
And they’re mainly held in check by rules, mostly just being polite, sometimes Divine laws
This is a type of power Danny is not equipped to handle
It’s a very different game than Danny is playing. He can physically throw down, he might have an army if it’s Ghost King AU, but this is “can kill you with a literal snap and the snap is just for dramatic effect” territory
Danny is playing high school American football, these characters are playing Professional soccer aka what every other country calls football
It’s a very different game, and if he’s trying to play with them, he’s going to struggle
And that’s fine, he can still be OP and not be playing on the same field as Lucifer, or the Spectre, or various demon lords and so on, because it’s a different kind of power
But just arbitrarily saying he’s more powerful really undersells why they are powerful. Being able to punch good is not the same as a character that can just send him to the afterlife. Someone being able to reshape Danny’s body at their will isn’t going to be concerned about his ecto blasts
A Tuna is a big fish, but the ocean is VAST and DEEP
All this to say you’d have to drastically alter Danny’s actual power set to make him able to compete, otherwise you’re just de-powering the actual strongest characters, which is less impressive since it missed the point of WHY they were strong
Just because you can solve a sheet of math problems doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to ace a three page essay on the poetry of Keats
This has been my thoughts on the matter, be sure to grab a souvenir from the gift shop
Also just going to sneak this in:
Danny should probably be more concerned about magic users
Magic clearly can affect him, just look at the Freak Show incident from season one, that’s not even getting into the reality gauntlet. Now add in the fact that there’s a variety of magic items/artifacts in DC and a slew other of magic uses and occultists that can summon and bind ghosts, spirits, and demons to do their bidding
Danny is firmly in the category of beings that magic specifically deals with, he should probably be a bit more concerned about magic users
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factsilike · 3 months
Nie Huaisang is the definition and excellent representation of weaponized incompetence, in a way.
Just not in the way you'd expect.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 2 months
Love how Vox and Velvette seem to alternate between portraying themselves as the ‘head’ of their little trio, with Velvette referring to herself as “the backbone of the Vees” and Vox plastering his logo over everything and vehemently denying Alastor's insinuation that he couldn't go on without the other two.
And meanwhile, like… Hells entire cinematic industry seems to mostly centre around porn.
Like, I'm sure there are other films out there (Blitzø has apparently seen Shrek) but the “cinephiles” are all off watching “award winning demon bukkake shows”. And I'd be very surprised if the internet porn industry wasn't also pretty big.
Outside the main three Vees, Angel Dust appears to be the figure most associated with their brand. Not any of Velvette's models or Vox's stars. And posters of Angel appear in the Lust Ring in Ozzies, implying that Val's influence extends outside Pride, something that doesn't seem to be the case for the other Vees.
And the whole reason Vox had to hire Sir Pentious to spy on the hotel is because Val hires so many people that all the randos on the street who might be looking for a quick buck were already working for him. Given how sex-obsessed the culture is generally (and considering that for every pornstar Val hires, he's also going to need several camera people, sound people, set designers, editors, etc.) Val could easily qualify as the biggest employer in Pride.
And if he owns even a fraction of those souls, he'd probably be one of the most powerful Overlords with or without the other two backing him up.
And that's not even getting into the age thing!
All the Media Demons seem to be loosely associated with the era when their chosen form of media got popular.
Vel is the social media demon, and one of the youngest Overlords, seeming to have died in the '10s. Vox is the TV demon and supposedly died in the 1950s. Alastor is the Radio Demon and died in the 1930s.
Photographic porn first became a big thing in the late 1800s. Val's style of dress to me loosely indicates 1910s or 1920s. If we're sticking with the established pattern then Valentino could well be older than Alastor.
What I'm saying is: the reason Valentino seems so much less concerned with the image and branding of the Vees compared to the other two might not just be him being dumb and impulsive.
From his perspective, the whole Vee thing might just be something his boyfriend and best friend are invested in, that he just kinda puts up with (and, heck, probably finances) because it makes them happy and gets him out of Overlord meetings.
Out of the three of them, Val may actually be the one who would be most able to go it alone, and the one who is the main source of their power. Possibly the only reason Vox and Vel even get to argue over who is the top dog in the group is because the actual top dog is too busy with his real business to give much of a shit about their fun side project.
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shivasdarknight · 9 months
one of the things that gets me about fanon lens - especially when you entrench yourself so much in a fan version of a character - is how a character can just slowly be stripped of what they are and who they are because of the self referential nature of fanworks (which isn't inherently bad, don't misunderstand; neglected characters can have new life breathed into them)
which is a long way of getting to: where did people get the idea that estinien's not one to talk, or is bad at effectively talking? I don't mean selectively mute hcs, i mean just very curt. like he's not as flowery as many of the scions or even compared to aymeric, but he's still dramatic and talks a lot. he's precise when he needs to be and extremely blunt, but just because of that doesn't mean he won't ramble
like his whole tangent about where he is today because of the wol right before the Dead Ends in Ultima Thule. his chattiness seems to fluctuate with how comfortable he is with someone, so i'm not really sure where "estinien's bad with words" came from?
he's no politician, but he's good at saying what needs to be said and saying it in a way that matters. yes, there is the whole aymeric thing but avoiding a difficult conversation rooted in guilt isn't the same as being bad at talking. he clearly knows how to get to people - especially to antagonize them into action (see: tiamat, azdaja) - so where did this come from?
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
Sometimes I see people misinterpreting Arya's character and honestly, all it does is make me appreciate her that much more. George could've easily written her into as a basic archetype and instead, he gave us one of the most complex and well-developed characters in the series and I'm forever grateful for that 🫶🏾
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sysig · 3 months
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Getting up to trouble is his speciality (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#The Captain#Mixed set! :D Lots of singular doodles - one-offs or ones that apply to a few different scenes#The kiss is random tho <3 I still haven't gotten to ZEX showing off his uniform to Zelnick! I want them to!!#Him seeing his Captain in his uniform was so lovely tho <3 I love Big Love and that was so <3 Hehe#Smooch ♥#ZEX does not eat enough ;; He eats like a bird and it's highly distressing#I actually wrote in my notes that I was surprised he wasn't hurting In The Same entry as when he was experiencing hunger pangs haha#It doesn't help that he tends to talk through meals rather than eat - he's so much more interested in making connections with humans!#As far as metaphors go - killing himself for the sake of trying to bridge that gap - I mean it's apt but ZEX please#I think it was while he was talking to Wally at one point that he framed the War in a very flippant light-hearted way which was funny to me#I don't think that's the descriptor most people would use haha#Swearing <3 <3 VUX terminology <3 <3#I want a VUX glossary of terms so badly hehe I've been slowly compiling a few here and there :3 Direct translation! The dream ♫#Him getting stressed enough to swear is very endearing haha ♪ What do you mean I'm endeared by everything he does don't be silly#The next one of me deeply enjoying when he's creepy is not proof of anything! Just because I Happen to also like that!!#I do really love when he's creepy tho agh <3 <3 The mental image of him as The Hunter - casually cornering and capturing his prey <3#In that instance he was interrupted pretty quickly but the setup was there!! And it was extremely good!!!#I love how huffy he gets as well haha ''All these humans interrupting my seduction attempts >O( ...Wait O|'' lol#And finally an exchange on the board between him and Scarecrow haha so many fun faces around!!#I love him being completely baffled by a non-mechanical construct it just short-circuits his brain haha ♥#He's so intelligent but there exists things unknowable!#The image of him tapping his pen is so Incredibly cute ah <3 Where did he learn such a thing! Does it translate from his VUX form to this ♪#Anything everything ♥ Learned or known! It's wonderful
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ceruleanfuckup · 1 year
So I had a fantastic date tonight.
#it was a gym date and the first time we were meeting each other so i was nervous about it but it turned out to be really really nice#he's new to the poly stuff and the way that he spoke about it told of an emotional and intellectual intelligence that was so fuckin hot#he's really cute and we have a kind of shocking amounts of crazy passions that are exactly the same#he can quote scott pilgrim as much as me#he has dice tattoos#he got really excited when i gave him the origami ball i made while bored in a meeting today and wouldn't stop fidgeting with it#we got dinner afterwards and talked a lot about a lot of different things about each other and it was just really nice#and he told me i have the prettiest brown eyes 🥺#he also said that he showed his husband my pictures and he was like 'damn he looks like he has a strong stomach.not abs but like a strongmn#and i got SO EXCITED#i pointed out my gym crushes to him because i wanted to test the jealousy waters and he reacted very well#he answered my questions with a level of thoughtfulness and contemplation that i felt deeply attracted to#i just think I'm going to fall for him really hard and I'm very very excited about it#my love life has been... lackluster recently for a lot of different reasons#and I'm so fucking excited to have someone that i can be excited about who is just as excited about me#I've been craving that for so long#I'm just thrilled and looking forward to the next date#we're going to be talking a lot#I'm gonna be a little sad for a second. the person who i thought was my stream of consciousness has shown me that he doesn't really care#and that's been hard for me to come to terms with. we haven't even had a conversation about it#but he's been the only person that I can tell things to when i get excited about something#and i don't feel like i have that. so I'm writing in a Tumblr post about this because I don't feel like i have anyone#to get excited with me about things#hopefully that will change soon. I'm very hopeful about him.#just please. whatever deity is out there. please let me find some happiness here. i have been craving and wishing for way too long#personal#edit: another very very good sign is that he's much smaller than me and a trans man who is getting back into the gym#but he didn't seem intimidated by my size and was even comfortable taking flexing selfies with me after.#if existing around me or in that setting triggered any physical insecurities#he didn't show it. which was a big change from the ball of anxiety i saw when walking into the gym. I'm just impressed in a few ways
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
by far my weirdest era was that one summer where i spent hours and hours messaging conservative christians on pinterest to gain an understand of why they believed what they did, how religion tied into that, etc etc
i’ll never forget, one girl messaged me back a few months later and asked me to fill out a google form on abortion for her school project because she wanted a diverse data set 😭
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friendofthecrows · 1 year
Wish I had more of that stereotypical "refined genius psychopath mystery villain" vibes and less "dysfunctional no sleep cycle can't tell when/if they have emotions traumatized mess doesn't feel like a human paranoid future true crime psychopath" vibes. So that was word salad. Moving on.
#i have been described as a genius but unfortunately the#aspd and other mental illnesses mess with my impulse control and risk vs return and energy/motivation levels#so it kind of gets in the way of showing off my intelligence most of the time#which probably makes me less insufferable but also leads to some people underestimating me#or just thinking of me as too much of a mess in general#both of which i hate#and when it comes to the 'coolness/sophistication factor' vs 'unfortunate creature that needs to stop interacting with humans vibe' well.#trust me i would go into seclusion for the rest of time if it was financially viable and if#my various projects didn't require working with other people#ugh I'm not really that upset today I'm just frustrated by my brain#also my body and other people and the universe and the concept of time but that's a whole different subject#sometimes the stars align and it's like the best aspects of everything 'wrong' with me are displaying at once#and i actually feel like myself and like myself#then something shifts idk but the worse things start showing again and the best bits lose some of their influence and#suddenly I'm struggling to get through a day with a decent level of functionality and without engaging in destructive behaviors#the AND is very important because i can usually do or. At least i have that i guess#today i don't feel like a person i feel like a poorly written character who's been brought into real life#only to find out that when faced with normal everyday problems#their fucked up little traits are way more of a disadvantage than they thought#i could probably blame it on the trauma or the aspd or a million other things#but maybe it's just because i am the person i am#and idk how to feel about that#just want the stars to align again
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minionwater · 1 year
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sallies _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
#edit: don’t read all this I went on a fucking rant#like seriously it’s incoherent musings on my silly meme post#sally’s weird. never know how to feel abt her#I know a few sallies actually. most emotionally intelligent kindest ppl I’ve ever met. supported me when shit went to fuck#but also?? the least aware motherfuckers I’ve ever had the misfortune of talking politics with#it’s like. they’ll support you emotionally physically whatever . in a way that fellow activists don’t#bc we’re all too fucking tired#but they can’t comprehend large scale events#they’re the type to like. go to war to comfort the dying but somehow view the war as a distraction from that#n I don’t know if that’s fine. if it’s reprehensible. if it’s a necessary service to those who DO fight#I’m not even calling them fairweather really. bc they’ll stick around. just in a different sort of way#part of me hates them n part of me admires that they stay anyway. misguided as they might be#bc personal kindness is radical too in a way#but at the same time… is it enough. is anything ever enough#I don’t know which part wins. depends on the day I guess#I know a few sallies. I’m even friends with a couple. n I have no idea how to feel abt that#sorry for the musings I’m just really fuckin. in the shitter rn abt apathy towards genocide#n naturally that’s leading me back to this show. again#real tags time I guess#sanders art tag#cabaret#musical theatre#sally bowles#this is. jane horrocks sally :)
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allisonacs · 10 months
love watching british tv they have like 5 actors so you really get to see how talented they are
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
They’ve been blocked because ‘don’t feed the trolls’ and all that jazz, but I do have to at least give this Nonnie some props for at least managing to be creative in their attempt to create drama - more than can be said for so many of the others in my inbox!
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orcelito · 1 year
asshole commenter didnt reply to my thing so. ????? guess they just decided to leave it at that????
#speculation nation#i'd like to think me pointing out both the objective falsehoods they were saying#as well as laying out in detail how i came to my own interpretations of akechi's character#(albeit in an abridged way. i could ramble for Hours on analysis of his character. and have. lol.)#maybe this made them reconsider replying???#like Perhaps realizing they werent exactly in the right here#like ya kno different interpretations happen. if u wanna assume akechi's an irredeemable monster i cant stop you#i just cant get over the fucking. 'wakaba was uncommonly saintly for a single mother in japan'#& saying for sae that 'he constantly belittles or tricks into giving him food while plotting to kill her and pin it on the Thieves'#literally what are you TALKING about?????????#aside from the objective incorrect claim that he was plotting to kill her & frame the phantom thieves for it#he's a teenager??? like???? yea he's obnoxious puppydog eyes about it but he's literally a teen & she's an adult#there's no 'tricking' her into buying food for him lmao. she's an intelligent woman and she can tell if she's being 'tricked'#this is literally just her teenage coworker mooching off her for food. it's not that weird.#& belittling her?? he makes One kinda snide comment about 'stress being the enemy of beauty' but it's One line#and not even that big of a deal. she just brushes it off. other than that he really shows constant respect for her#talking to her. listening to her opinions. he's really more gracious with her than he is with Most people#honestly that whole comment was just like. What the fuck are you Talking about#'i do like akechi as a character' 'you have to interpret his backstory in the most favorable light for him to be anything other than#a deeply monstrous man.' like Geeze agree to disagree. also are you sure you like him#bc you sound really angry about him actually#like GEEZE i never said he was a good person. he's done a lot of awful shit & has a rude and bitchy personality#but there are good qualities to him too. and he loves so deeply that it corrupted him (in his pursuit for revenge for his mom)#(which is. at its core. anger due to how things happened with her. born from LOVE for her. see the theme here?)#anyways im gonna just let it rest after this (assuming they dont reply again) bc i dont wanna exhaust myself#i was just utterly astounded by how badly they misinterpreted like Every facet of his character. like. Ok.
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rxttenfish · 2 years
im still coming out of the nightmare fugue state and loopy as hell but mmmmm something about. miri taking insult. with the way people constantly describe aaravi.
like no she is not just a ball of rage no you do not get to insult her and then call her cute no you do not get to act like she is some badly behaved animal. look at miri’s fucking nightmare mouth and you give her wife the fucking respect she deserves god damn it. she can call her wife pathetic and say she’s her lame ass wife but thats because she knows she is so much more and you do not get that privilege. biting you.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#i would be more intelligent abt this but no#i have many feelings abt the way people talk about some characters in this fandom#specifically like. idk how to describe it i have a potato brain#but its in a way that i sincerely hope they never use on a living human person#because it is so downright insulting and even more insulting in the fact that they are using it as a compliment#anyways aaravi actually has that. as a part of her lore.#that people describe her in less than flattering terms and keep dehumanizing her and treating her as lesser than#that its not even like. overt bullying. its just constantly getting picked out as the odd one out#who has something ''wrong'' with her and acts and behaves ''wrong''#and so people seek to set her off or shove her aside or hurt her because its fun for them to do so#hell the thing that makes miri different in that early day when she was picking on aaravi for fun#is like. both she does this to everyone and its just a part of knowing her.#but also like. she actually did want it for fun. and stopped when aaravi started to show signs that she was getting actually hurt#just kind of. restructured it. mostly subtly.#and its kind of. this specific seesaw of. miranda not really fully knowing what land social expectations are#and not being able to pick up on what made aaravi othered by other people#and her just being a bastard cat who likes making ravi run after her.#like its a far more subtle thing and it led into them actually like#hanging out. because miri joked and tried to pick on aaravi but miri keeps her promises. it just wasnt as serious as she had teased.#like very much the person to ask afterwards if aaravi is alright and check on her#and thus realizing. okay. so miranda is still going through the motions but ravi has some power here too.#she can make it stop when she wants it to stop and miranda is very crucially still listening to her.#and paying attention to her. and not just here because she thinks aaravi is subhuman.#and how this ties back into miri wanting to be good and honestly being able to realize when she's fucked up and hurt ravi and be like.#distressed about that.#there are clear rules with her and clearly aaravi can help set the rules#and if she says ''no im not doing this today'' miranda very sincerely just tilts her head and asks why#and listens to aaravi and doesnt start shit
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