#inkheart writing
nyandereneko · 6 months
Spare Blanket
Word Count: 701 Summary: “With a reassuring smile and a confident squeeze of the hand, Nova followed Qifrey’s lead as the pair set off to find a cozier nest to settle into for the night.” Author’s Note: Day 5 of the prompt list I’ve been working from, Qifrey brain descended out of nowhere but I’m not complaining lol. Thank you for reading as always!
She always seemed to catch him dozing in the most peculiar places. Slumped over a chair in the kitchen here, passed out at the drawing table there, squirreled away in who knows what kind of nook that she just so happened to be passing by at the time. As the hushed hours of night settled over the remote atelier, Nova could hear subtle notes of the evening’s ambiance ebb and flow through the halls, suffusing the air, caressing her ears with the comforting hum of the surrounding wilderness. The crackle of a fire or the stirring of pots had developed into a similar kind of comfort for her, much as she’d come to recognize the distinct rustle of a certain witch’s robes or the deft glide of his nib staining parchment.  
Qifrey wasn’t as transparent with his exhaustion as his warmhearted Watchful Eye tended to be, but Nova was more than shrewd enough to notice which days seemed to hang over him like a cloud. And that didn’t even account for the episodes of agony that struck him from time to time, symptoms of some insidious malady that she was still somewhat apprehensive to treat. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to help him, more that she suspected he may end up resenting her aid more than he appreciated it. It was easy for him to justify her intervention in the moment, but when the fog cleared she wasn’t as confident as he seemed to be that his gratitude was genuine and unwavering.
Magic wasn’t the only thing she had to offer him, of course, and apart from playing his occasional partner in crime she took it upon herself to look after him to a certain extent, as much as she safely could. And as much as he would permit, stubborn as the snow-haired witch was. Sometimes that took the form of something as simple as covering his sleeping shoulders as he slumbered at his workspace—much as she was doing now—being careful to extricate some of the more uncomfortable items from beneath his resting head as she fussed about. She closed up his books, compiled his scattered notes, and neatly stored his arsenal of tools for casting. She didn’t dare to encroach upon him any further as he slept, more than aware of the depth of discomfort and agitation he tended to exhibit when someone invaded his personal space without warning.
But just as she was turning to leave, something unexpected snagged her wrist. The woman let out a startled yelp, fur fluffing up like she’d been shocked, and she buttoned her lips as swiftly as she could as her cry faded into the air. There was no doubt she must have disturbed the fatigued witch’s rest, but much to her own surprise Nova found a weak hand halting her retreat as a single bleary blue eye observed her over the soft curve of his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…I was just—”
“I believe I’m the one who owes you an apology,” he corrected between yawns, releasing his hold as he sat up and stretched. “It wasn’t my intention to catch you off guard, I’m sorry for startling you.”
“No apologies necessary,” she replied with a smile. “However, I think you’d be more comfortable if you found somewhere a little softer and warmer to rest.”
“Am I to assume you have some such place in mind?” he asked with a playful edge, and Nova cleared her throat and swept a horde of unproductive thoughts into the darkest, dustiest corner of her mind she could find.
“Not necessarily, but it’s not like there’s a shortage of cozy places to curl up in around here.”
Qifrey rose from his seat, swaddling her in his cloak as she gasped and yielded to his embrace. “Let’s see what we can find, then, shall we?”
Nova simply nodded her agreement. She didn’t think she had the strength to voice a coherent reply, but her gesture of acknowledgement was more than sufficient enough for him. With a reassuring smile and a confident squeeze of the hand, Nova followed Qifrey’s lead as the pair set off to find a cozier nest to settle into for the night.
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8crimson · 3 months
Anybody remember Inkheart?
That movie with Brendan Fraser where this family could read out people and things from books? I know its also a book series but thats not what I'm focusing on. What I AM focusing on is the Silvertongue ability; reading aloud causing the physical manfestation of fictonal characters and items from books. That concept I find intersting.
I personally want to build a story where Slivertogues are at war and also I LOVE the crap out of crossovers. Seriously my daydreams are wild when thinking about it.
Heck, I even made a set of rules for how the ability works:
Pronunciation and fluency are important; having a bad stutter or not knowing a word will have janky results.
Only works with fiction; therefore, no instant nuclear arsenal for the teenage anarchist.
Only written literature can be used; so, no, that Dragon Ball z tankobon is not your ace in the hole.
Only works on physical media; your amazon kindle subscription is totally useless.
The characters will act the way they are writtien and have free will; just because you read out Hermione Granger does mean she will date you.
Items read out will work they do in their story and can effect the real world as much as they would as described in their story; thus, destroying the Zaku's fusion reactior is a bad idea because IT WILL ACT HOW A FUSION REACTOR DOES WHEN YOU BLOW IT UP.
Reading something or someone back into fiction will require the exact book they came from; so trying to un-summon Captain Underpants from the fourth book of the series using the seventh book isn't gonna work.
And if you're also a writer your biggest weaknesses are grammar, punctuation, spelling, and a writer with faster hands.
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pluto-murphy-writes · 3 months
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mschivs-works · 7 months
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i-live-in-dreams · 1 month
Sorry if I forgot someone
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detdeldragons · 7 months
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peppermintfreak · 6 months
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Inkvember promt 9 blood
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firejugglinghobo · 26 days
OKAY I read this fic last night and can't stop thinking about it. Truly one of the Inkheart fics of our time.
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clowngremlin · 5 months
thinking about the inkheart message board i went on from like 2009-2011......i wonder if the other people who went on it still think of me or am i just sentimental...... i think about them often and i hope they all grew up to be happy..... inkers for life.....
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slothydaydreamer · 2 years
One of these days I really want to read the Inkheart trilogy again... if only for the sake of them being the most bookish books to exist, I don't know if there's another story that just wholeheartedly celebrates the act of reading and making of stories and books in the same way Inkheart did.
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nyandereneko · 2 years
Sit With Me a Moment
Word Count: 693
Summary: “They did indeed sit for a moment, watching the flames dance to the crackle of wood mixed with the forest’s chorus.”
Author’s Note: Happy day 3 of yumeweek! I tried to put something together for Qifrey this time, and I’d like to try to alternate between him and the other two I’ve written for for this event in terms of development for the near future. I think, we’ll see where my brain decides to take me, but either way I love this witch so much and I’m still chomping at the bit for the anime can’t wait to lose my mind next year!! It’s ironic that I love these two being sad together when all I want is for them to heal each other hfieslfels it will come in time I’m sure, as always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Night had descended like a cloak upon the atelier and the surrounding moors; the moon and stars presided over the rolling hills like shepherds in the twilight. The feathery grassland swayed like a sea in the calm evening air as a comfortable hush nested in the blades like dew. Drawing nearer to the atelier itself, one could catch the sound of nature’s sweet symphony serenading the picturesque homestead with a subtle melody colored with a melancholic lilt. A tune carried on the wind from the nearby woodland, the question of whether or not nature was truly feeling sullen was anyone’s guess. But the silver haired witch that alone served as audience for the somber tune was likely just projecting that atmosphere himself, lounging on a couch before the hearth as his thoughts went around in circles.
His eyes were closed to the approach of a small fluffy companion, separate from the furry noodle otherwise known as a brushbug that had curled up in the first warm place it could find on his person. This fluffy creature was no such thing at all, but rather a cunning witch donning a mirror cloak, one of her personal design and crafting. The dusting of stars that accented her form was a quality unique to her casting alone, an imprint that displayed itself in one way or another in the result of every glyph she traced. Encountering the sight of his dozing form, the cat wrongly assumed he was oblivious to the sensation of fur brushing skin as she butted her head against his limp hand.
Said hand came to life much to her surprise, and just as Qifrey attempted to return the favor the witch stumbled back and immediately dispelled her four legged form. Scrambling to regain her bearings in the aftermath, words weren’t cooperating as much as she would’ve liked. “I—I thought you were—.”
“There’s no need to panic, please,” the bespectacled witch soothed as he sat up slowly, reaching for his quire. In a matter of moments he summoned a spell Nova had seen him cast on a few occasions; it was one she positively adored. Crystalline droplets drifted from ink to air as he closed the circle, infusing the space with a rejuvenating aura that instantly relaxed her tense nerves. “I apologize for startling you, I didn’t realize you were so unprepared.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m just sorry for disturbing you,” she sheepishly replied, ears folding flat as she collected her cloak and promptly perking up again as Qifrey patted the the cushion next to him. “I didn’t mean to wake you or anything, you can go back to sleep. Or maybe you should just go to bed, if you’d prefer.”
“Sit with me a moment,” he insisted with a few more pats.
She acquiesced when she accepted he wasn’t going to give up, settling herself at his side as she fought to suppress her giddy panic. They did indeed sit for a moment, watching the flames dance to the crackle of wood mixed with the forest’s chorus.
“Can you promise that you won’t forget me if something happens?” Nova murmured on the ghost of a breath, allowing herself the bold luxury of resting her head on his shoulder. The curve of her ear tickled his chin, but the shiver that followed felt warm to him in a different way. “Well, I guess you can’t promise that, not really. So, how about this instead? Even if something happens, no matter what happens down the line, will you befriend me again? Or at least don’t leave me to flounder, if you can—”
“I’ll never forget you, I promise you that. Its one I intend to keep,” he replied without hesitation, snaking an arm around her almost reflexively as she nestled against him. “I would never invite someone into my home with the intent to throw them away. And you are naturally no exception.” Far from it, but he didn’t feel the need to emphasize such sentiments at the moment.
The purr he soon heard rumbling in his companion’s throat was the only response he needed, and the only one she desired to give.  
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kennabeth · 1 year
here's my running list of things I'd like to see in the color of revenge:
roxane being like an actual actual witch. idk if cornelia is still using the word bufana but that's my #1. can sing so beautifully she makes the rocks cry? can make anything grow in her shitty soil? indescribably beautiful? her kids being really really good at everything?? (not to take away from jehan's dedication to his craft but there's no way there's not smth supernatural going on with him) I think I'd prefer dustfinger and the prince knowing (and dustfinger being like "....yeah jehan knows witches bc of roxane lol" leans into this imo) and getting to watch the kids have a crisis over whether they're human or something else, getting pissed at the adults for keeping it from them, but I will also take roxane having kept this a secret from everyone. I will likely cry blood if this doesn't come true at all but it's fine I'm normal and well-adjusted about roxane it's fine!
the bracelet stays. I'm on my knees begging
I think cornelia said she's got a queer in the book?? forming a prayer circle that's it's brianna but I'll take anyone (new or established) as long as they're written well. several queer characters would rock though would love that 4 me
fenoglio dies. badly.
farid and jehan having that adhd and autistic solidarity where they're best friends but also each other's worst nightmare
jehan dealing with a lot of (valid) frustration and jealously wrt farid and dustfinger. I'm almost definitely reading too far into it but the part where he's like "dustfinger promised he won't try to replace my birth father but he totally can bc I don't remember him lmao" is like. he's so glad to have a father again but farid's been out and about for so long that jehan hasn't really seen the extent to which dustfinger can be a father to a kid who isn't his biologically, and it was honestly very ugly watching jehan panic trying to take care of dustfinger during his mental breakdown but the second the prince says farid is fine, dustfinger calms down? like you have another son right there who needs you so badly, douchebag. anyway while this is not the fault of either kid I want jehan to be Pissed.
unwrite the part where it says roxane is pale because No She's Not 💗
DRAGON LORE¡¡¡¡¡¡ the laughing prince was said to have hunted dragons and I've been going crazy for 15 years over the way that was just said in passing?? I don't think living/awake dragons match the mood of this series but FUCK I could see nyame and the witch girl stumbling onto a graveyard or something and she'd get her stereotypical tiefling rant about how humans suck for killing beautiful creatures for their own gain and I would be cheering her on because I'm a whore for dragons
I sorta want dustfinger to have to give up his ability to speak to fire to bring everyone back. it's very fullmetal alchemist-stan of me but my f a v o r i t e type of sacrifice is the surrender of power
I'm already heads over heels in love with nyame but I want to be feral over him the entire time I want to be in his head I want to be in his past and his future and I want to see him brought to his knees and tempted with the power to bring about the change he so desperately craves and i want him to know in his heart and with metaphorical blood pouring from his eyes that replacing one reign of tyranny with another is not the solution he wants but hell does he want it and I want him to have the most beautiful conclusion any character has ever had and still get to make the world a better place on a large scale because he's the only one who consistently cares!! and hes so fucking tired.I love him so fucking much. nyame
would enjoy nettle showing up just to call dustfinger a bitch and leave. want that to be a running gag
loved the discussion about religion coming in and criminalizing reproductive healthcare. I feel like that was not the most appropriate time to have been having that conversation but I want it to stay and contribute to the theme of autonomy and agency that have always been at the heart of the inkworld.
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dramaticinsomniac · 7 months
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Hi there! This is a cringy introduction post
I’m Jim, a dyslexic english major who loves to read 📚
I adore fantasy, sci-fi, Y/A, queer and neurodiverse rep, but also will literally read almost anything!
Some of the great loves of my life so far include: The Shadowhunter Chronicles, Percy Jackson, Inkheart, Folk of the Air, The Raven Cycle, Graceling Realm, The Remnant Chronicles, Shades of Magic, and The Lunar Chronicles.
I am perpetually emotionally invested in fictional worlds and fictional characters, and am an avid consumer of fanfiction as well as published literature
I’m just getting back into having a public account after taking a hiatus from being perceived, and am building a following again!
Come be a dork with me about my favourite things!
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schleierkauz · 1 year
good morning cornelia funke community, i bring you another uquiz. which inkworld character do you spend your first evening in ombra with?
this is very different compared to the other two quizzes i made but uhhh i hope you like it. put ur results in the tags, tell me if you find typos, good night.
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vinnygothart · 7 months
Hey there how's it going.... No pressure but this is my passion project years in thinking... It's niche and might not get reads but... I'm putting it out there...
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awwyeah107 · 5 months
So, I decided to answer some questions from this ao3 writers' wrapped ask game for my writing in 2023! I don't have my asks open on this blog BUT if anyone did happen to want to send asks, you can do so on my sideblog @fandomsandfairytales :)
In this post, I'm answering #2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 14!
2. How many fics did you post this past year?
Two, and they were my first ever published fics! I am honestly so, so proud of them. I had a beta-reader for my first one, which was fantastic. "Mending the Tears" was for the Inkheart fandom, and "A Lack of Education" was for the Six of Crows/Grishaverse fandom. Here are the links and descriptions:
Mending the Tears (1,402 words, T, oneshot) - “She looks at you when she thinks you won’t notice. She follows you with her eyes as if looking for herself in your face. And no doubt she wishes both of us would tell her what it’s like among the dead, and whether we saw Cosimo there.” “I saw two of him,” said Dustfinger softly. “I expect she’d gladly exchange me for either of them.” He turned and looked down at the lake. - Mo and Dustfinger have a talk about Brianna—particularly about Dustfinger’s complicated relationship with her. Takes place during Inkdeath, at the Castle in the Lake.
A Lack of Education (1,454 words, T, oneshot) - Matthias wakes up one morning to see blood on the sheets he’s sharing with Nina. Or, Matthias Helvar gets an education in menstruation.
3. How many fandoms/pairings did you write for this past year?
Two fandoms: Inkheart and Six of Crows (aka Grishaverse). I wrote one romantic pairing (Nina Zenik/Matthias Helvar from Six of Crows) and one platonic pairing (Mo Folchart & Dustfinger from Inkheart).
5. What fic surprised you with how much interaction it got this past year?
Well, both did, to be honest. But I was surprised and touched by people's comments on Mending the Tears, which was my first published fic. Inkheart is a much smaller fandom than Six of Crows/Grishaverse, so I didn't think I'd get a lot of interaction. However, I got a few thoughtful comments on it—one from my beta reader (who was super awesome & helpful and complimented my writing!!!), one from a guest who said that they never thought they'd comment on ppl's fics but they were so impressed by my fic that they had to (I nearly cried over that one), and one that said the way I write has a poetic feel and felt so true to the characters. When first publishing, I reminded myself multiple times that interaction was a bonus, not the reason I was putting my work out there; yet the comments I've gotten have been so rewarding and encouraging, and I treasure every one of them. I don't know how to describe how amazing it makes me feel to know people enjoy my writing, but suffice it to say, it's pretty great :)
7. Share a line/paragraph/snippet that you were especially proud of from a work this year! (@brievel, you asked this of me in your response to my ask.)
From "Mending the Tears": "And I think you need to tell her—and Roxane—the truth.” This last came out rather forcefully. “You think I haven’t?” “I know you haven’t. I can feel the tension in your heart.” Dustfinger was taken aback. Despite the fact that he and Silvertongue were on friendly terms now, and that they were bound together by their return from the White Women’s Halls, he still wasn’t fully comfortable with how closely their emotions were tied.
I love Dustfinger and Mo's friendship, and much of their dialogue in Mending the Tears came easily! This specific exchange between them flowed quite naturally, and I love it and am quite proud of it. I personally hold the opinion that "You think I haven't?" "I know you haven't." slaps, and it's probably one of my favorite bits of dialogue I've ever written.
9. What are you most proud of accomplishing in your writing goals this past year?
Hmm, well, I hadn't started out the year specifically *planning* to publish any fics. To my memory, that is. I had been slowly working on Mending the Tears and A Lack of Education since 2022, when neither of them had names yet. (They honestly didn't have names until the days I published them, lol.)
But anyway, whether or not I had planned any writing goals, I am proud that I finished both fics AND published them. I've never published any of my writing anywhere, ever, so it's a big deal to me.
10. What are your writing goals for the upcoming year?
Generally, to write more! :D Lol. I would love to finish and publish two of my current fanfiction WIPs (both Tolkien). I also want to work more on my other fanfiction sort of-WIPs that are really rough right now, which are Tolkien and Inkheart based (separately, not a crossover). I have so many ideas, but only so much time and Writing Stamina™️.
I tentatively would like set a goal to work on other, non-fanfiction writing projects/stories. However, I'm not sure how motivated I'll be to do that. It would be mainly picking up old projects I've worked on, and it wouldn't be stuff I'd publish.
14. Give us a sneak peek of one of your upcoming works!
This is from the first chapter of "Lost and Found" (which is one of the few WIPs I actually have a proper name for XD). It'll probably be my next published fic. It's a Tolkien fic (specifically focused on Silmarillion characters).
He should have known it would not be a good night for Maedhros, and yet it still surprised him when he heard the sounds of furious cursing and stomping on the floor above him.
Maglor resolved to leave him alone, for it was rare that his presence would help on nights like these, but once a particularly loud crash reached his ears, he sighed and left his room.
Steeling himself, he took a deep breath and thumped on Maedhros’ door.
“It’s Maglor,” he called through the door. “I—”
The door abruptly swung open to reveal Maedhros, looking unkempt and wary. “What?”
“I just…” His words caught in his throat. I wanted to check on you.
Maedhros sighed and walked back towards his bed, leaving the door open for Maglor. He came in and closed the door carefully behind him, before turning to see Maedhros stalking back and forth—presumably what he had been doing before Maglor arrived. The flickering fire in the hearth cast long shadows across the floor, and the room was in disarray with clothes, armor, and papers everywhere. A glance at the broken pieces of an inkwell on the floor next to Maedhros’ desk told Maglor where the earlier loud sound had come from.
“It was my fault.”
Maedhros’ low mutter drew Maglor’s gaze from the scene. “The inkwell?”
“No—yes, well—that too.” Maedhros sat down heavily on the end of his bed.
And there you have it, folks :) Hope you enjoyed!
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