#inazuma eleven go managers
hsohangout · 10 months
i think we should talk about the manager yuri in the household. please look at all of them thank you for your time
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zakura-ss · 5 days
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Fire is definitely more difficult. The perspective didn't make it better.
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princeofcyberpunk · 23 days
im kind of obsessed with that goth girl that keeps staring at unmei with her autistic eyes from behind in every classroom cutscene like what is wrong with her please let her be relevant
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edit: thanks random guy's walkthrough video on youtube for the footage
instantly my new favorite ina11 character. sorry haru.
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iemanagers · 2 months
What kind of clothes the girls enjoy to use??
hiii thank u sm for the ask anon!!
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frosty-tian · 10 months
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Probably last public art post for a while.
Saw some old ideas I had for Kageno and Domon during the Go saga and decided to redraw them along with adding more information.
To clarify, by ‘started recovery’, it’s referring to seeking some professional help (or at least being able to make some changes to improve his situation).
Lore on the phone charms (yes, they have lore).:
They were gifts Domon and Kageno exchanged a day before Domon went back to America (funny thing is they pulled it out of their bags at the same time and had the same idea behind their gifts: ‘It reminded me of you’. Gave them a good laugh).
Despite eventually losing contact with each other over years, they still kept their respective phone charms. Every time someone makes a comment along the lines of “Isn’t it too childish for your taste?” or “Shouldn’t you get a new one at least? It’s falling apart/so dirty”, they both simply reply with “It’s very special.”
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5hehzada · 9 months
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watched the ep with shuu earlier and wanted to draw him...thinking to rewatch the movie sometime too...
commissons are open, info here
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garbage--account · 1 year
Random opinion #5 :
When we really think about it, this 1st IE antagonist to show up ever is not Kageyama, nor Kidou : it's Natsumi.
Hold on : the first struggle Raimon soccer team really encounters in the serie is the threat of being disbanded (because a soccer team of 7 is useless for the school). That's when Endou meets Natsumi, as she explains that they will be having a "friendly" match. Raimon has to win, or else soccer club is disbanded : that's the deal.
Problem is : it's fricking Royal Academy, undefeated for 40 years, vs 7 losers that never really get to properly train and only have few days to prepare (they get to be a whole team in time though).
It is probably Kageyama who really asked for this match (just to get to observe the transfer student from Kidokawa), but Raimon could probably just refuse. (Royal Academy destroy the schools that lose matches against them, but I don't think they do anything if challenge is not accepted to begin with.)
Raimon's council probably chose to accept, knowing the consequences in case of loss. And Natsumi represented the council at that time, and knew they had 0 chance to win against Royal Academy : the soccer team was pratically disbanded even before having the match. Wanna see do it again : they have accepted next a match against Occult Jr, a team reputed to "cast curses on their oponants". How reassuring is that ! And guess who tell them the good new : Natsumi
The threat of disbandment isn't much, compared to the outright bloodshed that was this match for Raimon, the public humiliation being commanded by Kidou at the time on the field. It was nothing compared to the literal aptempt of murder by Kageyama, making the ceiling fall on their side of the field. Not to forget the spying and sabotage of the bus meant to drive them at their next match. But a threat is a threat, and Endou met Natsumi first. She almost got to delete soccer club, and we all know Endou would go crazy without it.
Natsumi may have not had the evilest intentions for the soccer club (just cutting some depenses i guess), but you don't need to be evil to be an antagonist : sometimes, you just have to be on the way of the protagonist to achieve their goal, and she was technically the first our team has encoutered in the story. But since she quickly dropped being antagonist to be an ally (idk, Endou just grew on her), we don't remember her as such.
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inazumafocus · 2 years
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m1zukam3dian · 1 year
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eaglyn · 10 months
When it rains in Fontaine
tw death, angst, major character death
(Not proofread, also English isn't my first language, beware of potential spelling or grammar mistakes. I might also upload this to AO3)
It was raining again. Granted, it's only been raining for a few minutes, but before that it was bright and sunny outside. The weather patterns of Fontaine are something you never fully got used to, even after almost a year of living here. You sometimes wished to see Inazuma again, but a new law, the Sakoku decree had been issued since you were gone. Going back would be very difficult.
'Has it really been a year already?' This question crosses your mind quite often. Time seems to just fly by these days, each day passes quicker than the one before. You can feel it too, you are running out of time.
It was almost a year ago when you came to this new nation all the way from Inazuma, all of the hope drained out of your body after miraculously surviving exposure to the Tatarigami, but battling its lasting effects. Healers in Inazuma could do nothing to save you, so they sent you to Sumeru, then to Fontaine, and it seemed that this place could at least ease your suffering even if they couldn't heal you.
One year, they said. In one year, it would be determined whether you will be completely healed, or your body will give up the fight and succumb to this accursed illness. It's still hard to breathe sometimes, although you've realized that it's not because of your illness, rather because of that Chief Justice, who had managed to completely steal your heart in the span of the last over eleven months.
It's still hard to breathe sometimes, but only when he's around.
That reminded you, where exactly is he? You are sitting on a bench in the Court of Fontaine as rain is pouring down upon you, washing away your makeup and your conscience alike, as you realize you'd probably been staring into the distance, just reminiscing for at least half an hour. The clock was ticking, you looked at the watch on your wrist. For you, every second meant getting closer to that critical moment, the fact of which was eating away at your thoughts every day, but now you couldn't help but think about something else.
The clock was ticking for Neuvillette too. After all, he promised to meet you today, and he was running late. It wasn't like him at all, especially not since he knew all too well that he'd be playing with a dying girl's time.
You looked up at the rainy sky, and it all seemed so bittersweet. The rain was somehow different today. On one hand it seemed fresh, youthful, but it also seemed to carry a deep sorrow within.
Nobody else was out on the streets at this time. It was just you in the rain, waiting for the man you love to arrive.
Soon he did. You wanted to question him for making you wait out in the rain for so long, but as soon as you heard his smooth voice greet you, you immediately forgot any grudge you might've harbored against him.
"Greetings, Y/n. I apologize for making you wait so long."
"It's alright. I was enjoying the peace and quiet out here." You smiled at him, not even caring that you probably look like a drenched cat.
"You should've gone inside while you waited. I don't want you to get sick." He said, looking deep into your eyes, and suddenly it was hard to breathe once again.
"But I am already sick. A little cold would make no difference if I'm destined to die." The rain started pouring down heavier after you said that, while the man in front of you took his jacket off and put it over your shoulders. He had a sour expression on his face.
"Don't say that. Your doctor said there is a fifty-fifty chance." His hand lingered on your shoulder as he said that.
"Heh, doesn't feel like it to me..." you looked down at your hand, which was covered in purple spots, some bigger, some smaller, with some of then having wounds in the middle. "These have been spreading increasingly fast in the last few months. My hands are always shaking, I'm loosing my strength, and it's becoming more and more common that I just randomly collapse. I've tried being optimistic, but I see no chance of living."
The rain was pouring down mercilessly at this point. It was as if the skies were crying as you spoke.
"Every day I wake up with less energy than what I had the day before. I know I'm dying, Neuvillette, there is no fifty-fifty." You looked into his eyes to see tears pouring out of them. But he wasn't looking at you, instead he was looking down at the ground, trying to blink them away.
"Sorry. I said I wouldn't elaborately rant about my condition." You muttered.
"You don't need to apologize, Y/n. I just asked you that because I couldn't bear thinking about the fact that I will lose you. There are so many things I wanted to tell you, so many things I wanted to do with you..." He said, and somehow the short distance between the two of you felt like a thousand miles.
"What do you mean?" You stepped closer to him.
"My heart burns for you, Y/n. I am in love with you." He said, and even though you've been waiting to hear this statement for the longest time, you were frozen in place.
"It's alright if you don't reciprocate my feelings, I just had to get that off my chest." He looked away from you, but you reached after his hands, taking them in your own.
"I'm in love with you too, Neuvillette. I have been for a long time." You brushed a strand of hair out of his face before the both of you leaned in. The whole world seemed to pause for a moment when your lips finally touched, and you melted against each other. For a few moments it felt like there were no problems in the world, it was just you and him alone, stranded in your own paradise with no Tatarigami, no sickness and no rain.
When you two eventually pulled apart, Neuvillette just felt the urge to embrace you. He held you close as he buried his face in your neck, whispering into your ear.
"Then for the little time you have left, will you please be mine?" He placed a small kiss on your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
"For you, always." You squeezed him to the best of your abilities in regards to your lack of strength.
One week later, everything felt like a dream. In fact, you weren't even sure if anything was real anymore. It all felt like you were out of your body, and the scene you chose to look at was your newly-wed husband standing among a small crowd of familiar faces, and they were all gathered around a casket decorated with flowers.
A few hours later, it was only Neuvillette kneeling at a fresh gravestone, and looking at it, the name written on it was unmistakably yours.
It had never rained so hard before.
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inazumaclown · 9 months
finally. the gouenji post where i rate his looks (soccer and school uniforms excluded).
gouenji is the face of the franchise along with endou and kidou, he has his own manga spinoff, and he's regularly elected as a fan favourite in every popularity contest.
canonically, gouenji has a huge fanclub of girls rooting for him and it's definitely not only because soccer.
so why is he so popular ?
well mostly because he's non verbal most of the time (girls love boys who can shut up), he makes bomb ass takoyaki, and he's also very handsome. but are his clothes helping or is he THAT handsome ? let's find out.
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ah, the OG season 1 classic. the first ever outfit. he looks great. orange is as much his color as it is endou's, it suits him very well. we already know gouenji is careful with his looks, since he canonically spikes his hair every morning, and now, we can be sure the fucker knows how to dress himself. he knows how to make colors match, he even matches the sunset. truly unparalleled.
if kazemaru didn't exist, i would have fell in love with him. 10/10
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OG season 2. man i want that hoodie. i want it so much. it's as cool in the game as it is in the anime.
i really like how this outfit manages to hide him and completely reveal him at the same time. the orange color, the fucking saiyen hairstyle under the hood. this dumbass had to keep the spikes even though he knew he had to hide them under a fucking hoodie that would ruin his work. it's called dedication. 11/10
before moving on to GO, (where the problems lies mostly), let's talk about two out of category looks.
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i love gouenji's looks in the games, especially the very first. he looks like a whole different character, way more rebellious and loudmouthed with his frosted tips, jet black eyes and eyebrows, unbuttoned jacket (we'll talk about those) and single earring. he looks very homosexual. 10/10
after the first game tho, they dropped the delinquent look and he got the inverted pikachu treatment, they made him rounder. a little saddened but not complaining, they kept the best features. 8/10
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one day i'll talk about the orion endings in detph, with all the emotions they triggered in me. persisting in giving him a hood is funny though. 7/10
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the ishido shuuji outfit. iconic.
my man looks EXPENSIVE and that's great. i can see the first game gouenji in him. i cannot tell if he's gay or european. the raybans, the blood read suit, the slutty unbuttoned shirt, the jewelry, the kazemaru blue streaks iN his unspiked hair ! this outfit would cost me more than my day job monthly salary. he's living the life.
i can't buy him as a villain but i can buy him as a mean girl. 100/10
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the concept art is as good as the final design. i do get why they didn't keep the spikes for this look. he would have looked a little too much like a gay broly. not a bad thing but understandably unpreferable.
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there it is. the glowdown.
his hair does look good unspiked but... where are the blue streaks. why is he suddely hiding his chest under three layes of clothing. gouenji darling you know warm colors suit you best so why the grey-blue-ish suit ? am i supposed to believe this is the real you ? i know it's not. i hope you find yourself. 4/10
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wtf went through everybody's head while designing this. i get this is a way to mimic adult endou's charm but it does not work. gouenji isn't endou. you love endou because he's a very wholesome bundle of joy (voiced by naruto), and you love gouenji bc he is one half of the inazuma eleven equivalent of sasuke (kidou being the other half), you can't dress them the same way and not see the dissonance.
this man is not gouenji, this man buys cheap beers in the early afternoon without saying thank you to the cashier. this man pretends to be a metalhead. this man just divorced kanye. i would not trust him with my kids.
this is not a relaxed look, this is a sad, depressed look. please gouenji talk to someone. people love you. you can be helped. 0/10
conclusion : i don't know how they fucked up so bad at the end, they really made gouenji forgot about his hard-earned fashion skills. thank god he actually IS that handsome but before that he's all W after W. i'm eager to see him in victory road.
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kxvbzs · 1 month
Inazuma Eleven Bad Boy Band AU (both OG and AresOri)
So I wanted to make a rock boy band (technically we do have one B4 from OG) BUT I WANTED TO INCLUDE Haizaki, Hiroto and Atsuya into the band so, I was like, ok, what if I mix both B4 and the three of them?
Now that's a lot of members for a band but like, hear me out. It CAN work out okay?
This would be their roles:
Tsunami as their main singer! The reason why I made Tsunami as their main singer is probably due to personality wise, I think he just suits it. Also voice wise, I think he can go absolutely crazy with it.
Next, Fudou as a guitarist and back-up vocals! He's definitely a guitarist, I can't see him play any other instruments but guitar. He likely started out with acoustic guitar then later on switched to electric guitar. He sometimes plays as the rhythm guitarist but other times would be lead depending on the song.
Haizaki is also a guitarist and back-up vocals! So, both Fudou and Haizaki will take turns who play rhythm and who plays lead. Whoever from the two plays rhythm will be the back-up vocal for Tsunami! (This makes it fair because rhythm is easier than lead.)
Okay, next up, Someoka as the drummer! I think he would go balls on drums, I dunno. He looks like the type to go unhinged with the drums especially if the song goes really hardcore.
Tobitaka as the keyboardist and very occassionally back-up vocals! I have a headcanon that he used to play piano at some point (has a keyboard than a piano at home because pianos are expensive asf) but got bored of playing classical so he learned other songs and were into that instead.
Hiroto as the bassist! Okay, you might think that he's probably a guitarist, yeah, I did too. But look, imagine first year middle school Hiroto wanting to get an electric guitar but saw a video of someone absolutely SHREDDING on the bass with crazy pop and slap, he then changed his mind and decided to learn bass so he can slap and pop to his heart content.
Lastly, Atsuya as the synthesizer player and I forgot to mention, sometimes he does back-up vocals! Okay, Kai, what the heck is the difference between keyboard and synthesizer? For that, it is best to watch a video on the difference because they are in fact, very much different. Okay, so, how is Atsuya the synth player here? Similar to Tobitaka, he probably learned the piano when he was younger but hated it because it's boring. So when he found out what a synthesizer was, he decided to get that and learn it, making his own sounds and songs from it. Also recreating some instrumental he likes. (I hc he likes EDM.)
So, with all these information combined, who's the song/lyric-writer? Okay, crazy shit here but it's Nagumo! He's probably a soundcloud rapper or something but enjoys writing songs and lyrics for fun (and can think of it on spot because you know, freestyle rapping.) He definitely helps the band's instrument arrangements and lyrics to an extent so, sometimes in their songs, you can see they credited Nagumo there. (Nagumo and Suzuno definitely are a duo lol but Suzuno is a vocalist instead.)
Okay last, Nishikage as their band manager! I think he suits it the most? Probably the most responsible deliquent from all of them so, it makes sense for them to have him as their manager.
Would this end up as a Idol/Band AU for the whole cast, MAYBE! Will I write a fanfic about this? ALSO MAYBE.
I brainrotted too hard for this lmfao kms. Also, I don't know what their band name would be this time but maybe something like Øverdxse is cool :P
Also, their songs would definitely mainly be metal or punk rock! But occassionally they might do some alternative rock, pop rock and synth or keyboard heavy rock songs (ballad rock even!)
This whole thing is inspired. I took inspiration from a K-rock band, Xdinary Heroes. Please listen to them, their songs suit this band so bad, you don't understand...
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astralartefact · 22 days
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just some doodles of some character designs I like from the Inazuma Eleven demo (i love raimon's new long water kazemaru)
i don't know if we even have confirmation that suruga's friends are team members but we need eleven+ people so it seems likely
Thoughts on the Demo (with Story Mode) below the cut
If I had to summarize my feelings in one sentence it would be: "This can't be the last game, right???"
I'm afraid it will be, but nooooooooooo q_q it can't beeee
I know Inazuma Eleven is so beyond niche that it was clear it wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell and given Level5's recent struggles I should be grateful that Victory Road even gets to exist at all, but q_____q I will miss Inazuma Eleven already q_q That's what the Demo makes me feel.
Like, I thought about it, but I think I don't even like Inazuma Eleven ironically, I just genuinely like it so much. If you like RPGs get yourself a copy of one of the DS games and have a good time, just shut your brain off a little bit and do not think even once. Me? I'm fine thinking about it, I was born into this utmost sincerity, I was molded by it, but as irony-poisoned as the world has become I have to point out it's.... a little bit wild. Just be prepared that Soccer might cry.
I like what they're doing with Unmei, I think the idea to have him be a non soccer player makes a lot of sense (no clue how I didn't notice that he wasn't playing in any of the promotional material)
Don't know if I like that 5 vs. 5's are gone. On one hand, probably a good choice, I think they can be much more creative with this new thing they're doing and small battles in the new control scheme would probably take forever and/or be weird af - on the other kind of lame, that takes a bunch of the soccer out of the soccer game.
I'm wondering how important the School Council President and that one other white haired girl are going to be. I kind of hope they won't be relegated to Manager roles, because as fun as those characters might have been (were they?) in OG and Go those don't really get to do anything and we already have 11 Characters + Bench already. you could just make them players...
I don't know what their scope with the Main Story is going to be. It seems very 'regular' - the Story seems to be weirdly front-loaded as usual, where everything happens all at once before the inevitable road to victory happens, but... I don't know, I think if this (last?) game really just has the scope of IE1 or Go1 I would be kind of disappointed ngl :/
In the same vein I'm somewhat scared for how far out this game is? This game seems absolutely massive and given what they've shown so far they could be 15% done and all they have is this little bit of story and all of the imported stuff. Maybe they just are much further along then I'm expecting them to be, but I don't know. Crossing my fingers that they know what they're doing.
Also what is the Budget of this game. Non stop animated segments, even if they were CG heavy. And how many VAs did you have for the Demo alone???? And you want to add everyone from all the games?????
"Escape Freud" you don't understand I'm trying
I don't hate the Translated Names (yet, the Go ones were a struggle though) but I do wish they had a Japanese Name Mode to go with JP VA
I miss drawing the arrows to control the team so much q____q I don't hate the new system and I get why it's kind of hard to translate the old one to gamepad controls but I feel like I have no clear control over anybody... I still think that you could turn that entire mechanic into so many cool game concepts btw, it's kind of weird that nobody ever made 'sensical' Inazuma Eleven clones
I put FF14 and Hasunosora as Cross-Over Requests in the Online Survey. The first one would be hilarious to me (and it would be possible given Yokai Watch) and for the second one I'm pretty certain that that Venn Diagram overlaps in a single dot and that single dot is me. I just think Megumegu would look great in Raimon's Uniform, okay.
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iemanagers · 2 months
Asks for all of you: other sports that isnt soccer that you play/love?
hiii @loreofthefritz! Thanks sm for the ask!!
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🧡💬- I played mostly football when I was a kid in America but then I joined Raimons basketball team and I played with them for a while before becoming Raimons football team manager full time, I still play from time to time! 
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💙💬-I love to watch football of course because of my brother but I really prefer to play baseball, I played a lot with the kids at the orphanage and played all through elementary in our local team.
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🩷💬-My house has a nice tennis court so my father and I play there every weekend.
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💜💬-My father always tried to get me into football but I’ve always preferred volleyball and play for our local team.
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frosty-tian · 9 months
She’s finally here.
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- Was only able to make a version with traditional Chinese, didn’t want to take the risk of butchering Japanese text.
- The version depicted here is in the Go timeline. Like Yuuka, she would be attending high school now (around 17 years old here).
(Translation (more or less): Mysterious and scary delinquent young (school) girl, Jin Yasuko).
Version with just the full-body sprite.:
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best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Anime of the Day: Inazuma Eleven Go
[The Anime of the Day series will feature two anime each day from the list of shows that, for a variety of reasons, didn’t make it to the final list of shows that will be joining the tournament.]
“Middle-schoolers fight against organization-controlled soccer”
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This series, which is the first of three seasons, centers around a middle school/jr. high school soccer club. Due to events prior to this series, soccer has turned into a lifeless sport that is being controlled by ‘score orders’ to maintain balance between different schools’ wins and losses. The organization also trains talented kids to bring out their true power, they place them in teams at different schools to keep an eye on those schools and make sure they obey the score order. Because of the protagonist’s love for soccer and many people behind the scenes, the soccer club manages to start a revolution against the organization that’s controlling soccer.
While it might age, it is a timeless experience that you can enjoy no matter what age you are. The pacing might be adjusted to younger age groups, so they can follow along, but that doesn’t make it any less great of a show. It is something you pick up for fun, get invested in and makes you happy. Even if you don’t like soccer, it is absolutely worth watching! Really fun and crazy story about middle schoolers playing soccer while the world around them is crazy. Wonderful characters, lovely use of friendship and teamwork. I really hope you vote for this show!
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