#imagine hearing this horrid wail in the middle of the night
littlemoriflower · 3 months
Mori Book Recommendations, by littlemoriflower
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Hello, dear-friends!
It's been a while since I have done one of these "longer" posts. I have been very absent, not only from this blog, but from the internet at large. School has been killing me lately, and I let the tiredness get the best of me more often than not.
However, I'd like to state that I continue to love AND wear mori everyday. not that anyone was accusing me of not doing it lmao I've simply been lacking the motivation to make more posts, but I hope that that's about to change! I won't be posting every day, but I'll try to come by and be more active in the community where I found so much happiness and lovely people in!
On another note, I have noticed more people joining the community! ^^ That is so exciting!!! I welcome all of you to our humble corner of the internet, and I hope you find peace and happiness in mori kei, as much as we mori folk do! (✿◡‿◡)
Now, to the post!
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The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Mary Lennox, a spoiled, ill-tempered, and unhealthy child, comes to live with her reclusive uncle in Misselthwaite Manor on England’s Yorkshire moors after the death of her parents. There she meets a hearty housekeeper and her spirited brother, a dour gardener, a cheerful robin, and her wilful, hysterical, and sickly cousin, Master Colin, whose wails she hears echoing through the house at night.
With the help of the robin, Mary finds the door to a secret garden, neglected and hidden for years. When she decides to restore the garden in secret, the story becomes a charming journey into the places of the heart, where faith restores health, flowers refresh the spirit, and the magic of the garden, coming to life anew, brings health to Colin and happiness to Mary.
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Anne Of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery
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This heartwarming story has beckoned generations of readers into the special world of Green Gables, an old-fashioned farm outside a town called Avonlea. Anne Shirley, an eleven-year-old orphan, has arrived in this verdant corner of Prince Edward Island only to discover that the Cuthberts—elderly Matthew and his stern sister, Marilla—want to adopt a boy, not a feisty redheaded girl. But before they can send her back, Anne—who simply must have more scope for her imagination and a real home—wins them over completely. A much-loved classic that explores all the vulnerability, expectations, and dreams of a child growing up, Anne of Green Gables is also a wonderful portrait of a time, a place, a family… and, most of all, love.
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Howl's Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones
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Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.
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Inkheart, by Cornelia Funke
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One cruel night, Meggie's father reads aloud from a book called INKHEART-- and an evil ruler escapes the boundaries of fiction and lands in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie is smack in the middle of the kind of adventure she has only read about in books. Meggie must learn to harness the magic that has conjured this nightmare. For only she can change the course of the story that has changed her life forever.
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By Ash, Oak And Thorn, by Melissa Harrison
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Three tiny, ancient beings - Moss, Burnet and Cumulus, once revered as Guardians of the Wild World - wake from winter hibernation in their beloved ash tree home. When it is destroyed, they set off on an adventure to find more of their kind, a journey that takes them first into the deep countryside and then the heart of a city. Helped along the way by birds and animals, the trio search for a way to survive and thrive in a precious yet disappearing world...
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Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Carrol
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When Alice sees a white rabbit take a watch out of its waistcoat pocket she decides to follow it, and a sequence of most unusual events is set in motion.
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uglyshirtsinc · 3 years
AIGHT HERE WE GO BUCKLE UP!! Endermen hybrids Illumina, Purpled, and Ranboo! With a sprinkle of Technodad and Sonboo, a drizzle of Little Brother Purpled and Big Brother Punz, with a side of Illumina and Fruit friendship! Less go! This was meant to be a ramble but literally ended up a fic outline?? Could even be read as a fic if you wanted??? What the hell 6 am me???
Endermen hyrbid are valuable because since they're half human instead of making enderpearls they make eyes of ender, and they respawn like humans do so they're used to farm ender eyes.
Ranboo meets Illumina and Purpled after being kidnapped and separated from his dad at the wee age of eleven meets sixteen year old Illumina and eleven year old Purpled.
He's tossed into a cell with the two of them, Illumina being there to calm the younger two down after being used for the farm. Whenever Illumina is brought back to the cell, he cares for the boys and dotes on them, acting much more worried and clingy that normal. They let him take care of them, knowing that keeping them safe calms him.
They talk about their lives before being taken, Illumina talks about the adventures he and his friend Fruit would go on. The dangerous things they did. He promises the boys to one day show them cool tricks, using the excuse of "the cell is too tiny and someone would get hurt" as to why he can't show them off there, not wanting to tell them the little portions of food he recieves (even less considering he gives most to the boys) has eaten away at his strength.
Purpled talks about his adoptive brother Punz who's just a bit older than Illumina, at age seventeen. How he was a cool mercenary hired to do "super secret" stuff and protect people. He tells them about his trident and tomahawk.
When Ranboo opened up, it gave Illumina his first real sense of hope he's had in a long time. Ran talks about his dad, emperor of the Antarctic Empire and faithful patron of the powerful Blood God. Illumina had heard of the Arctic Empire's hybrid son and after story after story began to believe that Ran really was the prince of the Empire. Ran's father obviously loved him, each story leaving him in tears of either longing or laughter. His father would be searching for them, and he would find them.
Weeks turned to months and nothing changed, until Ran was on the floor screaming in pain and Purpled was hiding in the corner wailing in fear. Illumina could hear cracking, popping, and spotted two hard lumps just next to Ranboo's shoulder blades and realized he wasn't just some Enderman hybrid, but rather a dragon hybrid. When the pain finally subsided and their captors returned to take the two young boys Illumina knew what he had to do.
He didn't know much of Gods and patrons, only what he read while searching the strongholds with Fruit after their latest adventure.
Patrons were messy, being worthy to have one and be a follower was even messier. But within that moment, he didn't care. Thousands of voices in his head was better than having to witness those monsters that held them captive force Ran to cough and gag and wheeze in attempt to get Dragons Breath from the boy. It was worth it to return Purpled to his brother, to see the boys eyes light up the same way they did when Ran said his dad would save them. And for just a moment, Illumina let himself be selfish. It was worth it to get to hold his best friend close, to be strong enough to scale buildings and run from golems they'd messed with. To see the sunrise over a snowy mountain, to show the world he was faster, stronger, and smarter than anyone imagined.
Cutting his hand on a jagged rock sticking from the walls that he had warned the boys about so often, be used his own blood to draw the symbol. When it glows and the world fades, stands before him a towering man with hair as white as snow, wearing the finest attire fit for a king, dressed in gold with everything he wore.
Wordlessly, a deal is made and as their hands shake Illumina is staring into dark, ruby red eyes sparkling with a beast like excitement. The Blood God speaks and tells him "They have been waiting." And Illumina knows what he means.
When the world returns, his ragged and dirty clothes are replaced by the ones he would wear before the monsters took him. A pouch of emeralds hangs from his belt and a familiar black mask covers his nose and mouth. His strength has returned, but at a cost he has yet to find out.
There's no whispers, no cries, no one yelling in his head. There's no insanity blocking his train of thought. No amnesia. He is Illumina.
He wraps himself with the one thin blanket they were allowed, curling up near the gate to keep himself and his clothes covered.
Purpled is first to return and Illumina places a figer over his lips, signaling Purpled to stay quiet. When Ran returns, it takes Illumina less than thirty seconds to have the monstrous man on the ground unconscious. Ran and Purpled watch in awe as he checks the horrid man for anything of value to them. A ring of keys, a pouch of coin, an iron sword, and a map are all Illumina deems worthy.
While his strength has returned, he's mindful of the boys and their weak bodies. He carries Purpled on his back, the violet eyed boy the smallest out of them all.
It takes hours to escape their prison mostly undetected. When they do, Illumina grabs the first horse he can find that's saddled up and tells the boys to hold on as he rides off.
The map was appreciated beyond comprehension. It doesn't take long to find a town and get the boys proper clothing that will survive the journey to the Arctic. Keeping them close and their heads down they get what they need tools wise and leave before the sun can even set.
It's hard, telling Purpled that he'll have to wait even longer to see his brother, but promises once they return Ranboo home that Punz can come there to take him home. If Illumina must admit, he chooses Technoblade first because once it hits the news of the princes return and Illumina's name is spread, he hopes Fruit will come and find him, even if they have to meet in the middle.
Throughout the terror and pain, they push through. From the nights they got separated, Purpled clinging to Ran and assuring the dragon hybrid Illumina will find them, fighting off zombies when Ran couldn't stand straight to hold a sword. The relief when Illumina scoops them both into his arms and holds then tighter than before.
With hunters hot on their tail they can't afford to stop and it takes four months itself to reach the borders between the Arctic Empire and whatever land they found themselves in.
Ran's wings have grown in, one a dark, scaley black with brilliant green in the folds between each bone. The other is a is white and reminds Illumina of a jellyfish, bits and tassles hanging from the wing giving it a much more fragile, paper thin appearance. Both are incredibly strong, despite their looks, and it's often the intimidation factor the two wings bring that gets them out of sticky situations.
A year has passed since they've been held in captivity, Illumina now seventeen and the boys twelve.
Illumina buys the cheapest tickets to the Empire, having to hold Ran's hand to keep him from teleporting ahead in excitement. He cries multiple times, the feeling of finally being free and so close to home hitting him like a truck. Illumina sees the excitement on Purpleds face, knowing after Ran he gets his family too.
They arrive on the island and immediately Ranboo is dragging them the way to the inner walls. Claiming to know his home like the back of his hand. Passing by a few guards, Purpled asks why they don't just tell the guards they have the prince.
"The guards were the whole reason Ranboo ended up where he was, plus they could try killing us immediately thinking we took Ran. I can't risk putting you two in any more danger." Is the reply he gets.
They teleport to the other side of the walls easily, walking to the other, and teleporting. This repeats for two days till they reach the inner most wall. Techno stands on a platform in the town center, his expression showing no emotion and stance as proper as ever. Just watching him stand so straight makes Illumina's back ache.
Ranboo sobs on the spot and before he can call for his father and rush forward a hand is placed on Illumina's shoulder with a harsh grip.
The guard asks who they are, saying they most definitely are not meant to be there, and within that moment a rage so heavy it hits Illumina like a tidal wave.
A year of torture and pain, months of walking and risking his life to get here and right as he can reach it someone stops him. Illumina barely registers it before the boys jump back screaming and he's pulled his sword out to hit the other man.
He faintly hears cries of "Harvey!" As more people rush towards them. He can only focus on his blade pressing against the man, Harvey's, sword and the deep laughter filling his mind.
"It seems you've finally been broken into." The Blood God thinks aloud.
He yells for Ran to run to his dad who's being ushered of stage, his speech being cut short.
Ran looks between his father who has yet to notice him and then back to Illumina who's risked so much for him. To Purpled, who looks horrified and is trying his hardest to pull back Illumina.
And he chooses them.
Jumping between Illumina and Tapl he unfurls his large wings and yells out with a slightly staticy voice "Stop!"
And it's as if the world has stopped, the Blood God no longer speaking in Illumina's mind, Purpled can sag his shoulders in relief, and all eyes are on them.
He looks into Tapl's heterochromatic eyes and in a voice barely above a whisper says "Stop attacking my family."
Tapl steps back, the other guards step back. All can easily recognize the missing Prince, from the two-toned hair to the sparkling eyes only he possesses.
His name is breathed out and demands attention. Ranboo turns to gaze at his father from across the short distance and it's real.
They meet in the middle and Ran holds his father like a scared child, and Techno allows himself to crumble and cry. He cries for the child thought to be dead, stolen from him by those he trusted. He cries for the year and months he's spent separated from him. They cry together, and tears of pent up pain turn to tears of happiness. His grandfather and uncles appear soon enough, he's wrapped in hugs so tight and a pair of wings so warm he could fall asleep.
Purpled and Illumina and thanked for bringing him back, and all Illumina asks is for them to help them find their homes. A message is sent far and wide of Purpled's reappearance and it takes less than a month for a blonde boy, fresh i to adulthood to come crashing through the castle doors and Purpled to find himself wrapped in his big brothers arms once more.
Punz sobs so loudly it's heard from across the palace, clinging to his baby brother and cradling him like a baby.
You'd think after the royal family just about got on their knees to thank him, Illumina would be used to it and stop being so embarrassed, but something about seeing Purpled light up like he's dreamed of seeing the boy do and finally getting to see with his own two eyes the brother he talked about makes him very thankful for the mask there to hide his flushed cheeks.
Ranboo and Purpled aren't ready to let go, so Punz stays with his brother in the castle for awhile.
Illumina is asked thousands and thousands of questions, where they were taken, how they escaped, etcetera.
He takes Techno aside and confesses the deal he made in return for their freedom. He confesses he has yet to know what he's given up to the Patron and his fears. He confesses that He couldn't bare the thought of young Purpled loosing his hope and being raised in a place like that, Ranboo being hurt worse and worse for bottles of acidic breath.
He apologizes for being selfish and wanting to find his family.
And for the first time in forever, he's being held in the safety of a warm hug. He gets to cry and be comforted, he gets to be weak.
It takes longer, but one day new face appears and after four years he breaths in that ridiculously sweet scent of green apples and sweet fruits that Fruit Berries always had. He hugs his friend once again.
They show the boys their tricks, as Illumina promised. They watch them do stupidly dangerous things that make Phil, Techno, and Wilbur flinch and jump to catch the two seventeen year olds, always groaning in faux annoyance watching them land safely, Phil claiming this'll give him a heart attack and Wilbue and Techno agreeing their stupid (while impressive) actions are gonna be bad influences on their sons. Wilbur calls it quits after they manage to drag Punz in, the mercenary dueling the two of them and trying to see whether strength or agility are better. Purpled is torn between cheering for either family member and just yells words of encouragement a lot.
For once in a long long time, they're safe.
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crystalirises · 3 years
The Duel You Wove Into His Destiny
Not me writing Pet War angst. Why am I here---
But yes. Pet War angst.
TW:  Character Death and a Sexual Joke (A. Joke. It. Is. Not. Meant. To. Be. Taken. Seriously.)
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/76402061
He’d stolen his father’s bow, a discarded relic of a war that he’d swore was not yet won. His hands trembled, throat dry with the fear of what was to come. Tubbo eyed him from the sideline, a concerned frown etched upon his younger uncle’s face. Tubbo had wanted to call for Wilbur, wished for the conflict to end in a peaceful resolve but he would not have it. His father hadn’t even noticed his cries in the middle of the night and he certainly would not have cared for what he was about to do. His hand found its way to his chest, tracing the life scar of a death that was still too fresh on his mind. He looked down at his fingertips, the marks of fire marring his hands from a death of explosion and heat. They did not know, no one knew for how could he have ever told his father? If he were to say what had been done, he’d never have been allowed to leave the walls ever again. He’d rather die free than stay stuck inside those horrid blackstone walls.
“Scared? All you have to do is apologize and maybe I’ll let you go back home to daddy.”
His attention snapped forward, teeth raising in a snarl. Sapnap had made his way to Fundy’s side of the field, an old bow resting on his shoulder. The arsonist flashed him a toothy grin, twirling the arrow in his hand. Fundy would not be intimidated. He couldn’t be. Sapnap leaned closer, his smug face inches from his own that Fundy had to restrain himself from reaching and clawing.
“Fuck you.” It was not eloquent, not even an insult. He could not bring himself to speak any longer, not if it meant having to prolong the agony of what was to happen. A smirk found its way to the arsonist’s face, this close, Fundy could see the mirth amusement in his eyes. This was a man who could care less for the hearts of others, he’d already displayed that when he had gone out of his way to kill Fungi. He would not lie, he knew he was also in the wrong for provoking the man into a fight. He should have just ignored the burning rage in his chest, and then perhaps he’d move on and be the bigger man in the situation. But Fundy couldn’t let it go. He wouldn’t.
“I know I’m good looking but you’re not my type.” Disgust raced through his veins at the thought of even一 Sapnap mockingly patted his cheek before heading back to his place, a relaxed stride in his step as though he already knew what the outcome would be. Fundy hated him. He hated how he could be so confident and so free. In another time he might have even been in awe of him, but now was not that time. “Take me out to dinner first, babe! Then we can fuck.”
His tail bristled, his cheeks turning a furious red at the callousness and teasing that he was being subjected to. Tubbo glanced over at him, eyes wide with surprise but his uncle could do nothing. After all, he was invited to be a referee. He could not step in to help Fundy, lest he showed a clear bias. Fundy forced a smile on his face, knowing that he had to give Tubbo some form of encouragement, especially since… He held the bow tighter in his hand. He would not think it. He took a shaky breath before stepping forward, Sapnap having already made his way to the center. They stood there, gazes baring into each other’s eyes. Fundy’s eyes glinting with righteous fury and Sapnap’s showing a flash of dull boredom. Fundy hated him, he really really hated him.
“Gentlemen, please turn around.” Tubbo’s voice rang through the still silence, and Fundy quickly turned on his heel. “I shall count to ten, with each number both of you must take a step forward.”
He took a deep breath. “On the count of ten, both of you must shoot… I shall begin.” Tubbo began to count, his feet moving on their own as he notched his arrow into his father’s bow. He had to be ready. He needed to be. He kept his gaze forward, his heart hammering inside his chest.
His fingers trembled. Could he do it? Could he really shoot a man? Would that mean justice for Fungi or was it merely petty revenge? He hadn’t been kind himself in this war, knowing that he had committed his own share of crimes. He hesitated at the seventh count, clear clarity flooding into his mind for what felt like weeks of nothing but sheer anger. He glanced down at his hands, his scarred hands that have felt the warmth of blood. He had killed in this war, he had killed in the first war too. He wasn’t innocent, and in this duel, he won’t be a hero for winning. He’d just be… the victor. And he’d gain nothing but a momentary feeling of triumph and justice…
But was it justice when they’d both already taken so much from the other? He knew it would be cheating, but he casted a look back. Sapnap was a few feet away, but there was a visible tenseness in his shoulders now, the mockingly nonchalant pace that he once had was gone. Fundy looked away, the ninth count ringing in his ears. He was trembling. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He took a shaky breath, recalling a story his father had once told him. He knew how the story ended, but he wasn’t going to take a life today despite… He smiled, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes. He couldn’t do it. He steadied his hold on his bow, closing his eyes as he imagined a better place. He saw his mother on the other side. He saw Fungi on the other side. He heard the tenth count. He took a final breath, and aimed his arrow to the sky.
“Tubbo! Good to see you, is there any reason why you’ve come to visit?” Wilbur glanced up from his paperwork, smiling at the blonde who stood before him. Tubbo didn’t meet his gaze.
“Wilbur, I…” Tubbo fidgeted in his place. Wilbur took the time to put his full attention on his brother, gasping at the sight of blood on the blonde’s shirt and fingertips. A flicker of pain danced in Tubbo’s light blue eyes. “I’m so sorry, Wilbur. No one knew. We thought一”
“Tubbo, calm. Breath, alright? What do you want to tell me?”
Tubbo glanced up, tears in his eyes. “A-as of this afternoon, Fundy Soot was shot d-dead by Sapnap in a duel for The Pet War… Wilbur, Fundy was on his last life. We don’t know how一”
There was a harrowing and suffocating silence that pursued after.
“Wilbur?” He barely heard Tubbo’s voice, his mind going completely numb at the proclamation. He swallowed, forcing himself to breath. Tubbo was looking at him, unsure of what to do and clearly looking for advice. Wilbur didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t sure if he could bring himself to without crumbling into tears. Tubbo tried to reach a hand for him, but he moved away, hands rising to hold his head. The ringing in his ears refused to stop. “Wilbur, what do we do一”
“Get out.” He sunk into his seat, face pressed into his hands. He couldn’t deal with the presence of another being right now. He could hear Tubbo hesitate, but after a moment, he heard the door to his office close with a soft click. Wilbur was left alone in the silence of his office. He fingers curling into his hair as he pulled at them in frustration. His heart felt like it was breaking.
A hand reached out, scrabbling at his desk until his fingers gripped the edge of a small picture frame. He pulled it closer to himself, eyes focusing on the nearly faded picture. His own face stared up at him - his past self still wearing the yellow sweater that Wilbur wasn’t sure where he’d last left it. He looked much younger in the picture, a man who couldn’t have thought that he’d one day be the president of a country he himself had founded. Oh, to live in ignorant bliss…
He looked over at the small kid that his past self carried in his arms, the little fox hybrid smiling brightly at the camera as his tail smacked right onto Wilbur’s chin. He chuckled, laughing until his joy turned into tears wailing and tears. He pressed his head against the top of his desk, the weight of what had happened finally hitting him with full force. His son was gone. He was dead.
His heart was crumbling into shards, but he couldn’t bring himself to fall apart. He had a country to run… that didn’t mean anything anymore. He screamed, burning anger mixing with the pain.
“Fundy… oh gods… Fundy!”
When was the last time he’d spoken to his son? When was the last time he’d even seen his son? He trembled, trying to remember. He couldn’t remember. WHY COULDN’T HE FUCKING REMEMBER?! Did he say goodbye before he had left for the office? Had he ruffled his son’s hair on his way out? He couldn’t remember. He couldn’t remember. Wilbur couldn’t remember.
Duel… why hadn’t he known about the duel?
Had his son told him and he hadn’t been paying attention? Wilbur shook, terrified at the thought that he could have prevented his son’s death if he had just looked after Fundy more closely.
He didn’t know, all he knew was that his little champion was dead.
He stood up, tucking the picture frame into his pocket.
He had a funeral to plan.
uh oh not the time for this pet war angst ;-; 
Anyway, explanation: Fundy lost his first life in the final control room, and he lost his second life during the explosion that followed soon after. AKA, I just wanted a way to kill off Fundy in the Pet War because of the whole ‘Philip’ shtick and how Fundy had to die in a duel. So... yeah... bye...
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Book One: Death (Noctis x Reader) Chapter Two
If this is a sensitive subject, do not read! I also wanna say that I am not trying to push my beliefs onto anyone with what I typed up in this chapter! Besides that, I hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
Exiting the tomb with their new companion, the boys found themselves enveloped in darkness. The moon loomed overhead, casting an eerie glow upon them as they halted in their tracks at the sound of a familiar wail. Noctis summoned his engine blade, but (Y/n) placed her hand on his and forced him to lower his weapon. "No need for that."
Curious, the prince dispelled his blade as the Iron Giant walked towards them while dragging its heavy blade across the ground. Gladio was the only one who wasn't going to risk the daemon from trapping them. "You're out of your damn mind if you think it'll just ignore us."
The (e/c)-eyed girl smirked at the shield. "Trust me. It will." She crossed her arms and directed her gaze to the incoming daemon. The Iron Giant took a few more steps before it froze in its tracks, shocking everyone except Death. When (Y/n) took a step forward, the daemon backed away as if it were frightened by her presence. She turned and faced the boys with an innocent but frightening smile. "Where to, gentlemen?"
"Are we seriously not gonna discuss what just happened?!" Prompto wailed, pointing to the retreating Iron Giant.
"We can chat while we walk."
Noctis led the way to the Regalia as (Y/n) walked beside him. As they waltzed to the car, every daemon that set their sights on them immediately turned away and kept their distance. The raven-haired boy glanced at the shorter girl next to him. "What's going on here?"
"The daemons that plague your world fear the presence of those from the Inner Sanctum. They even avoid the monsters from my domain. No daemons will attack as long as I'm around," (Y/n) explained, sparing a glance towards the prince.
"Talk about a much needed break from daemon attacks," the boy sighed contently at the revelation.
Prompto sauntered over and walked beside (Y/n) when he heard about why daemons weren't attacking them. "I'll say! Now we don't have to worry about daemons as long as (Y/n)'s around!"
"Indeed. Quite an intriguing revelation," Ignis commented.
"So much for the extra training," Gladio scoffed, but he didn't mind one bit if it would keep them safe from random encounters at night.
Once they reached the car, (Y/n) slid in the backseat and into the middle with Noctis and Gladio on either side. Even though she was smaller than both boys, it was still cramped. "Y'know, I do have a steed and could simply follow from behind."
"Nah, don't worry 'bout it. It's easier if we all ride together," Noctis explained.
"Even though I'm a complete stranger?" (Y/n) raised a brow, glancing at the boy to her left.
"I seriously doubt you're gonna stab us to death in the car," he chuckled with a small smile.
"Like I would stab the next King of Lucis."
"How much do you know?"
(Y/n) nodded sadly, her (e/c) eyes casted downward. "I know about the Crown City. I heard of the fall a few days after the incident. I'm sorry for your lost. Regis was an honorable King and father."
The boy didn't respond as Ignis started the engine and drove away from the abandoned tomb. His thoughts immediately went to the memories of his father and narrowed his eyes, feeling the same pain as the day he lost him. (Y/n) saw the expression on Noctis' face and bit her bottom lip. She felt remorse for what she said, but she knew her apology would only be met with silence. She leaned back in her seat, watching the stars above as the car sped down the road.
Once the five arrived at Wiz Chocobo Post, they rented the caravan and entered the small, temporary abode. When Noctis realized (Y/n) didn't follow them inside, he exited the warmth of the caravan and searched for the girl. "(Y/n)?" Looking around, he called her name gently. Receiving no response, the raven-haired boy walked around the outpost until he spotted Death by a Chocobo pen. The luminosity of the lamps above casted down, bouncing off (Y/n)'s sable locks.
Taking a closer look, Noctis saw she was petting a Chocobo that was nuzzling its cheek against hers. A smile graced her features as she stroked the bird's yellow plumage. He was surprised to see the Chocobo wasn't frightened as the daemons were of her presence. Noctis walked over to (Y/n) and called out to her. "What're you doin' out here?"
"I don't think the caravan is big enough for five people," Death said, not tearing her eyes off the Chocobo and continuing to thread her fingers through its feathers. The bird chirped softly as it closed its eyes and leaned further into (Y/n)'s touch.
Noctis leaned against the vacant pen beside the occupied one, crossing his arms as he admired the sight before him. "There's plenty of space for a fifth person." The young boy couldn't help but wonder as to why Death didn't scare the Chocobo.
(Y/n) saw the look in Noctis' sapphire eyes. She giggled lightly and knew the question that was buzzing through his head. "I may be "Death", but I do cherish life. I only scare those who are a threat to the living. Morosely, the monsters from the Inner Sanctum have built a tolerance of the Horsemen's auras and no longer fear me or my sisters."
"These "Wendigos"... what do they look like?" Ever since hearing the strange creatures' name from (Y/n), Noctis tried to imagine what they looked like. Unfortunately, he couldn't picture them no matter how hard he tried.
"They're monsters with gleaming red eyes, antlers, and decaying bodies. You'd smell them before seeing them. It's a horrid odor that makes your eyes water."
Noctis imagined a rather tall and lanky figure with antlers but refused to conjure what the scent smelt like. It was a creepy image and he quickly pushed it aside. "Really don't wanna stumble upon them."
"I want the opposite. That way, your people will be safe. If we do encounter them, I will fight alone."
Noctis' eyes widened a fraction at (Y/n)'s words. "You can't be serious. You really think we're gonna let you face those things on your own?"
Death released her hold on the Chocobo and clasped her hands together. "Yes, I do." Hearing her monotone response, Noctis couldn't rebuttal. He scratched the back of his neck, pulling his azure gaze away from her (e/c) one.
The cold air whipped around the two as silence filled the space between them. A few black strands fell in front of (Y/n)'s face as the wind picked up. A shiver shot down Noctis' spine, causing goosebumps to sprout on his arms. "Damn, it's cold out here." He rubbed his arms, creating friction and hoping the small amount of warmth would ward off the cold. Taking note of (Y/n)'s appearance, he saw she was fine. "Aren't you cold?"
The Horseman placed a hand over her heart. "Who? Me? I'm Death. I'm as cold as anyone could get. This chilly weather doesn't bother me one bit."
Reaching out towards her, Noctis placed a hand on her naked shoulder. He had touched her earlier, but he wasn't paying attention to the temperature or feel of her skin. When his hand made contact with her skin, it was cold to the touch. "Damn, you're freezing."
Death snickered as she messed with a strand of her hair. "Surprised you didn't notice when you poked me earlier." (Y/n) poked Noctis' cheek, who didn't seem to mind.
"Yeah, well, I had something else in mind," he said.
(Y/n) stopped poking the prince's cheek and smiled. "Let's go inside. You'll catch a cold if we stay out here too long." Noctis nodded and followed a few paces behind Death as they headed to the caravan.
Inside the small abode, Prompto was sprawled out across the sofa playing on his phone and Ignis was sitting at the table. Gladio was laying down on the bed, reading a book while Noctis and (Y/n) decided to sit across from the tactician. As they sat down, the Horseman placed her hand out with her palm upwards. In the blink of an eye, something appeared in her hand.
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"What's that?" Noctis inquired.
"It's a summoning orb. My sisters and I usually keep them in the Inner Sanctum, but we brought them to Eos for safekeeping. While it does as the name states, it also enhances my powers in this world. It also will grant the holder to control Death. That is why I am giving it to you." (Y/n) places the orb in Noctis' hand, shocking the prince as he watched the strange object glow with a warm aura.
"You really trust me with this?" The boy examined the orb closely as he questioned the Horseman.
(Y/n) nodded, placing both her hands on the table and intertwining her fingers. "Yes. I believe it will be safe in your hands."
Before Noctis responded, a loud and obnoxious yawn escaped Prompto. The blonde adjusted his body and sighed. He spotted (Y/n) sitting beside Noctis and one question popped into mind. "Where's (Y/n) gonna sleep?"
"Oh," (Y/n) said. "Don't worry about me. I don't require sleep."
"Seriously?" The young boy gasped.
Death leaned back in her seat with a small nod. "There's no need for you to make space for me to sleep. I used to be human and I no longer require the same necessities."
"Wait, you said the Four Horsemen were souls pulled from the four corners of Hell. How'd you end up there?" Noctis asked.
"I did something unforgivable in the eyes of the Astrals, resulting in my soul being delivered to Aeshema. The Daemon King rules over Hell and I just happened to be one of the souls he chose to watch over the Inner Sanctum."
"What was so unforgivable that your soul was sent to to the Daemon King?" Gladio asked as he overheard the conversation.
(Y/n) inhaled deeply before exhaling with a heavy sigh. "I committed suicide when I was nineteen."
Noctis nearly dropped the sable orb at hearing the reason behind her soul being handed to Aeshema. Prompto gasped while Gladio's and Ignis' eyes widened in shock. No once could believe what they just heard and stared at (Y/n). The girl frowned, realizing how she dampened the mood. She quickly excused herself and left the caravan. Noctis went to follow her, but Ignis stopped him. "Leave her be, Noct."
The boy sat back down and slid the orb into his pocket. Prompto was now sitting up on the couch with his eyes glued to the door. His sapphire eyes were brimming with melancholy as he replayed (Y/n)'s word in his head. "What would lead her to suicide?"
Gladio closed his book and sat up on the edge of the bed. "Who knows? Just don't pry, alright?"
"Yes. Such an answer should not be coerced," Ignis added.
"Yeah, I know. But, (Y/n) seems kind and sweet. Maybe she'll tell us eventually," Prompto said with a light shrug.
Noctis nodded in agreement. "Like Specs said-we shouldn't force her to tell us the reason why."
"For now, we must rest." Ignis moves from the table to the bed, where he and Gladio would sleep for the night. Prompto and Noctis claimed the pull-out couch and grabbed a few blankets before heading to sleep. As the blonde snores lightly beside Noctis, the prince kept glancing towards the door. His mind was running through all that happened today and finally was able to fall asleep a few minutes after his head hit the pillow.
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Monsters and Mythological Creatures
So, someone asked about monsters, and since I’ve been hoarding this long list of mythical beings for one of my own stories for the last like, three years, I decided to finally share it! This list is divided into categories for specific types of creatures. Each creature is accompanied by a definition or description, where it’s from, and other useful information.
Here we go:
Arae(Greek Mythology): Female spirits of curses, particularly curses that are placed by the dead, on the person responsible for their death.
Banshee(Gaelic Lore): A female spirit who brings death to her victim by screeching or wailing. Often depicted wearing green or red robes, with hair being described as either orange, red or yellow to mimic the flicker of flames. Can appear as a young beautiful women, or an old and frightening ‘hag’
Black Dog/Hell Hounds: Usually depicted as large, ghostly looking black dogs that come from hell. Typically, they roam the streets at night looking for pray to drag back to hell or devour. 
Bogle(Gaelic Lore): A ghost like being whose sole purpose is to frighten and confuse humans and other creatures.
(El) Coco/  Cucuí (Typically Hispanic or Latin american Folklore) : A ghost like monster, much like the american boogeyman, used to strike fear into children. The description changes among different cultures. Sometimes described as ghosts with pumpkin heads, as large rattling skeletons, a female humanoid alligator like creature, or even a dragon like creature. (as a child, I imagined them more like skeleton ghosts) 
 Demons : Malevolent spirits from Hell 
Fox Spirits (Popular among Asian Folklore) : The Fox Spirit or the Nine Tailed Fox is a common spirit among east Asian cultures, usually depicted as a familiar with great magic power. They are often devious or mischievous, with a bad habit of tricking people. Usually, they are also capable of shape shifting into beautiful women. They can be a good, or a bad omen. Known as the  húli jīng (fox spirit) in China, the kitsune (fox) in Japan, and the kumiho (nine-tailed fox) in Korea.
Gashadokuro(Japanese Mythology): Spirits of people who died of starvation or in battle, and did not receive a proper burial. They take the form of massive skeletons, apparently 15 times taller then the average human. They roam the world after midnight, capturing lone travelers, and biting off their heads to drink their blood. They are said to be invisible and invincible. Though they can be warded off with  Shinto charms, and it’s said you can sense their presence if you hear a loud ringing in your ear. 
Ghosts: Spirits of the undead that are trapped in the world of the living. Often resemble what they looked like alive, can be good, bad or neutral. 
Grim Reaper: The Physical embodiment of death, arrives to take your soul to the after life. 
Hulder or Huldra (Scandanvian Folklore) : Beautiful, seductive, female forest spirits that are primarily human with the exception of having a cows tail. Apparently come from beneath the earth, sometimes claimed to be a forgotten child of adam and eve. They are known as coal kindles, they would watch the fires of travelers while they slept, and ensure they would not go out. Males of this species are said to be hideous, with grotesquely long noses. 
Ifrit (Middle Eastern): A death spirit believed to be drawn in by the life force or blood of the murdered. They tend to be fiery in nature(literally), and are said to either take the form of the deceased they were attracted to, or the form of Satan himself. Can be good or evil or neutral, but mainly considered to be malevolent, vengeful, evil, ruthless, or wicked. 
Ittan-momen (Japanese Mythology): Now, this one sounds pretty harmless, but do not be fooled. Ittan-Momen is a sentient roll of cotton that flies through the air at night, and attacks and kills people by smothering them. 
Incubus: No, I do not mean the Rock Band. An Incubus is a male demon that lies upon it’s victim, and supposedly steals their life force by having repeated sex with them. Their female counterpart is called a succubus. 
Jinn (Arabian and Islamic mythology and theology) : Jinn, or more popularly known in western culture; the Genie, is a powerful spirit with free will, and thus can be good, evil, or neutral. Usually depicted with no spiritual form, or as humans with different animal parts, or as shadowy ghosts. Jinn play many different roles in different cultures. They are often seen as living in a parallel world to the human world. 
Keres (Greek Mythology) : Daughters of the goddess Nyx, spirits of violent or unpeaceful death. 
Kobalos (Greek Mythology) : Depicted as small, mischievous creatures that took to messing with people. They often pranked, frightened, or stole from people. In myth, they stole from Heracles while he slept. In one version, he gives them away as a present to the Lydian Queen. In another version, he forgives them, and lets them off the hook simply because he finds them amusing.  Greek myths depict the kobaloi as "impudent, thieving, droll, idle, mischievous, gnome-dwarfs", and as "funny, little triksy elves" of a phallic nature. So they’re essentially annoying yet sort of funny gnome/elf/dwarves that resemble erect penises. Isnt mythology fun. 
La Llorona aka The Weeping Women (Popular in northern and southern american folklore) : Usually the Ghost of either a women who was scorned by a man, and now she hunts for other awful men. Or, the Ghost of a women who cries as she searches for her dead children. The most traditional or typical story tells of a women who drowns her children in the river out of spite when her husband leaves her for a younger women. After realizing her children are dead, and she can not find them, she drowns herself as well. In the after life, she is not permitted to move onto heaven. Her soul will not be able to find peace until she finds her children, and thus she is doomed to wander the earth in search of them. In some stories, she will take lone children that resemble her own, and drown them in the river so they can take her children's place. 
Lamia(Greek Mythology) : A beautiful queen of Lybia. It’s said that she was a mistress of Zues. In one version, Zues’ Jealous wife Hera steals all of Lamias children, and turns her into a demon that hunts and devours others children. Other versions say that Hera killed all of Lamias children, and driven by the grief and suffering of her loss, goes insane, and starts stealing and eating others children out of envy. The repeated horrid act turns her into a monster. There is also a myth that Hera forced her to eat her own children, then cursed her to never be able to close her eyes, so that the image of her children's death will forever haunt her. Zues later grants her the ability to remove her eyes to appease her grief. In some descriptions, she has serpent like features, or the lower half of a snake. In others, her face is distorted. No matter the story however, it’s Hera’s fault. 
Lares (Roman Mythology) : House hold or guardian spirits that each family traditionally has around their grounds. Statues of domestic Lares were typically placed at the table for family meals. Their presence and worship seemed to be very important. 
Mare(Germanic or slavic Folklore) : a Ghost/ Spirirt or Goblin that sits on the chest of sleeping victims, and forces nightmares upon them. Other legends depict them as beautiful women that go into the dreams of men and seduce them before killing them. I personally prefer the sitting goblins. 
Neck or Nokken (Germanic and Scandinavian Folklore) : Water Spirits usually depicted as a a shadowy monster lurking in the water, it’s eyes just above the surface. Other times, it’s described as a beautiful young man playing the fiddle or violin while resting in the water. Their enchanting songs drew women, men and children to them. Sometimes they are said to be peaceful, and will simply play for the humans, or possibly even move into the home of one who has fallen in love with them (though they often do not stay long), and sometimes they are said to lure people to their death with their beautiful song. Don’t know about you, but I would totally take a cute guy playing the violin underneath a water fall over a creepy water submerged shadow, any day. 
Nymph (Greek Mythology) : Minor Nature Gods or spirits that tend to animate nature, and are viewed as beautiful, and free young (typically) women. There are several different types of Nymphs; Celestial Nymphs, Land Nymphs, Wood or Forest Nymphs, Plant/Flower Nymphs, Water Nymphs, and Underworld Nymphs. The most common are Dryads, that are Nymphs of the trees. Naiads, which are fresh Water Nymphs(ponds, fountains, springs, etc), and Auras which are basically air nymphs, or breezes. 
Poltergeist: (German for Noisy Spirit or Noisy Ghost) A Ghost that is capable of physicaly capable of sitrubing the human world. They are known for hitting, biting, pinching, scratching and tripping humans. They are also known for moving or levitating objects, and making loud knocking sounds. 
Sprites: Elemental, fairy like beings that are invisible to humans. Can be good or evil or neutral. Sylphs are sprites dedicate solely to the element of Air. 
Tikoloshe (Zulu Mythology) : A goblin, or dwarf like water spirit that can become invisible by drinking water. It is regarded as mischievous and evil. They can be called upon to cause trouble or to harm others. Best case scenario, they scare kids. Worst case scenario, they can bring you serious illness or even death. It’s usually described as a gremlin like demon with gauged out eyes. 
Aeternae: Creatures who supposedly attacked Alexander the Great, and killed many of his men with their bony, saw like protuberances that came from their head. 
Asanbosam (West African Folklore) : Hairy, ogre like vampiric creatures with iron teeth and iron hooks for feet. They live in the trees, and attack their victims from above. 
Adze (Ewe Folklore) : Another vampire like being in the form of a firefly, but will transform into a human if captured. In human form, they will possess people. People who are possessed are thought to be witches, and the people around the possessed with be affected negatively. As a firefly, they can phase through doors, and will suck the blood of sleeping people. The victims will eventually fall ill and die. 
Bisimbi Bi Masa (African Folklore) : Water Nymphs that reside in the Congo. They’re described as beautiful and seductive spirits that live in natural watery areas. They are known to cause awful skin diseases, which only their own haunting cries can cure. Which is weirdly twisted and cool? 
Brownies(Scottish FolkLore): Small, humanoid like creatures that sneak into peoples houses at night to do chores in exchange for their favorite foods. They will stop tending to a house if the owner misues them, or if their gifts of food are instead called payment. 
Changeling: A fairy infant left in the place of a human infant that was kidnapped by fairies. 
Centaur (Greek Mythology) : Upper half of a man, lower half of a horse. Wild and free creatures, that tend to be good in nature. The most popular is Chiron, who was refered to as the wisest and most just of all centaurs. He trained the some of the most famous greek Heroes, such as; Achilles, Jason, Perseus, Theseus, Ajax, and some stories portray him training Heracles as well. There are several different types of Centaurs;  Ichthyocentaurs, which are centaurs who have the tails of fish, Winged Centaurs, Onocentaur which has the bottom half of a donkey, rather then a horse,  Cyprian Centaurs, which are bull-horned centaurs,  Lamian Centaurs, which had Ox horns. 
Cyclops(Greek Mythology) : Giant One eyed humanoid monsters that typically captured and ate people. Legend says no one was able to escape or hurt them. 
Dwarf: A Short, stocky, scraggly looking humanoids that typically live underground in mining communities. 
Elf: A race of humanoid creatures who typically have pointy ears, and excel in magic. 
Empusa (Greek Mythology) : A demigod or monster that drinks the blood and eating the flesh of sleeping men. They are depicted with flaming hair, and are said to have one bronze leg, and one leg of a donkey. 
Erinyes or Furies (Greek Mythology) : Female deities of vengeance, there are typically three of them;  Alecto or Alekto ("endless"), Megaera ("jealous rage"), and Tisiphone or Tilphousia ("vengeful destruction"). They are depicted in several different ways. Sometime they are said to have snakes for hair, or dogs heads in place of human heads. Sometimes their skin or eyes are said to be as black as coal, and sometimes they are portrayed with bat wings. Their victims die in torture, and they are more ancient then most of the Olympian gods themselves. 
Fairy: Humanoids with great magical abilities. Legends and myths about fairies vary greatly from culture to culture. They are not always good. They have free will, and are often mischievous. Never trust a fairy. 
Futakuchi-onna (Japanese Mythology) : A women with two mouths. One where it normally should be, and a second, fully functioning mouth on the back of her head, beneath her hair. It’s said that the hair parts, and the skull splits open into a mouth, and demands food. If it is not fed, it will shriek, and cause the women awful pain. This myth is apparently derived from ‘how little women eat’. 
Gegenees (Greek Mythology) : Six Armed Giants
Gnome :  A small, humanoid creature who lives and moves beneath the earth. I once had a whole book on gnomes, and this thing was written like they were observing some kind of animal?? Like they talked about Gnomes like they were real creatures and I was entirely shook. Did you know Gnomes only gave birth to twins? Cause I didnt. There was a whole section on the sex lives and birthing system of gnomes. I’ll never unsee that section. I gave the book to my friend, cause I’m 99% sure she’s a gnome. Never piss off a Gnome. 
Goblin : A  grotesque, troublesome little creature with a strong greed for gold and jewels. Very Mischievous. Goblin is probably still one of my favorite words. Say it ten times, really fast, do it. 
Golem(Jewish Folklore) : A humanoid(ish) like creature made from clay, mud, or stone that is magically animated. 
Gorgon (Greek Mythology) : The snake haired (and sometimes snake-bodied) women who could turn people to stone just by looking at them. The most Famous being Medusa. 
Graeae (Greek Mythology) : Three old women who shared one tooth and one eye among them. They took turn using it. In mythology, Perseus held their eye for ransom until they told him the whereabouts of the items he needed to kill Medusa. 
Harpies( Greek Mythology) : Half bird, half human, embodiment of storm winds. They typically swooped down and dragged away (bad) humans, and carried them to their punishment. 
Hecatoncheires (Greek Mythology); Because those guys with the six arms just arent enough, let me introduce you to Hecatoncheires, aka the hundred handed ones. That’s right. One Hundred Hands. They also have fifty heads, and have unimaginable strength. Thankfully, there are only three of these guys. 
Hobgoblin : A type of Brownie who is inherently less helpful and more mischievous, even to the point of causing harm if antagonized.
Imp : Small, mischievous creatures who liked to play pranks on people.
Jorōgumo (Japanese Mythology): A spirit that can shape-shift into a beautiful women. Often Depicted as being half pretty lady, half terrifying spider. She’s sometimes shown controlling small, fire breathing spiders. This is the thing of my nightmares; a hot lady who turns into a partial spider, that controls other, smaller spiders that breath fire. Because pretty girls arent intimidating enough, you gotta go and mix them with spiders, right?
Manticore ( Persian Folklore) : Head of a human, body of a lion, tail of a poisonous porcupine, or a scorpion. 
Mermaids  and Sirens : Sea creatures with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a fish. Sometimes good, sometimes evil. The evil ones are known for (sometimes singing) and luring sailors to their deaths, and dragging them down to the bottom of the ocean to devour them. 
Minotaur  (Greek Mythology): The creature with the head and legs of a bull and the torso of a man, who guarded the exit to The Labyrinth.
Moirai (Greek Mythology): The Fates. There are three of them, typically seen in white robes, and are the incarnation of Destiny. They control the thread of life for everything. They ensured the birth, life, and death of everything. Every being was at their control. 
Ogre : An ugly, oversized humanoid creature with great physical strength and little intelligence. No shrek jokes, please, None. 
Orc : A large, ugly humanoid similar to Goblins. They tend to be evil, brutish, aggressive and repulsive monsters. Though they are based off many other mythical beings, Orcs stem more from J.R.R Tolkeins books, and rise in fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons and World of Warcraft. 
Penanggalan (South East Asian FolkLore) : a detached female head that fly's about on its own. As it flies, the stomach and entrails dangle below it, which apparently are apparently hit by the night light in such a way that makes them appear like fireflies.. During the day, it appears as a normal, human women. It’s said to usually be caused by witchcraft of pacts with demons. 
Pixie :  A small humanoid creature with pointy ears who likes to cause mischief.
Sasquatch : Large, hairy, man-like beasts that live in the woods. Types of Sasquatch include Bigfoot, and the Yeti. 
Satyr :Half-men, half-goats who were wild, lustful, and all around fun. The god Pan was one of these. Pan was the god of the wild, and apparently liked to scare the crap out of people in the forest, and that’s where the word panic comes from. 
Scorpion Man : They have another name, but it’s way long, and I can’t find it right now. But they’re men who have the head and torso of a human, and the lower half of a scorpion. They are featured in the Babylonian version of The Epic of Gilgamesh. 
Shapeshifters :Humans who can willingly take the form of any animal. Honestly, the idea of shape-shifting has always weirded me out. Because honestly, it sounds painful. Like, if you shape shift into something much smaller and structurally different then you, say, a bird for example, where do your bones go? Like, i figure some of your bones shrink or stretch with you to fit the animal, but some animals don’t have the exact same amount of bones as humans, so like, where do the bones go?? I’ve been asking this since I was like then, I have received no answers. I am concerned. 
Sirens : Man-eating beautiful women whose song compels men to them. Not always mermaid like creatures. Sometimes depicted as fully human, or as partially bird like. 
Sphinx(Greek Mythology) : The half-human, half-lion that forces those it meets to answer its     riddles, or die. In the story of Oedipus, the riddle it gives is “What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?” the answer to which is Humans. As we crawl on all fours as infants, on two legs for most of our lives, and with a cane in our old age. 
Valkyries (Norse Mythology) : female divinities who choose people who died a heroic death in battle, and then guide them to Valhalla. 
Vampire: Probably one of the most famous of monsters. The undead human like creature that drinks the blood of the living.
 Wendigo/ Windigo ( Algonquian folklore) : A monster or spirit that is associated with Cannibalism, murder, and greed.  They are often seen as either Humans turned into monsters by their sins, or humans that are possessed by evil spirits. Wendigos are associated with winter, wilderness, cold, cannibalism, greed, murder, famine, and starvation. They are often depicted with human, deer, or tree like features to imitate the wilderness. 
WereWolf: Yet another Classic. A human being who transforms into a wolf, or a wolf-human hybrid creature either by night, or by the full moon. 
Wraith(Scottish/ Gaelic folklore): Evil Spirits who can not pass on, and torment the living. Usually depicted as Shadow like figures.  
Zombies: The animated undead, rotting corpses who consume the flesh of the living. 
Airavata (Hindu Mythology) : The Mythical white elephant that carries the Hindu God Indrua. It is said to be spotless white, have five trunks and ten tusks.
Basilisk : A legendary reptile who could kill a man with its stare, it’s said to be hatched by a chicken from a reptilian egg. 
Bake-kujira (Japanese mythology) : The ghostly skeleton of a dead whale that surfaces the water. It’s said that it’s presence brings a curse to either the area it’s seen, or to anyone who spots it. 
Catoblepas (Greek Mythology/Ethiopia) : A creature from Ethiopia, resembling that of a buffalo or a wilder beast. It’s always looking downward, because it’s head is too heavy. In some descriptions, it’s gaze could kill you, and in others, it only ate poison vegetation, that made it’s breath poisonous as well. 
Cerastes (Greek Mythology) : A serpant so flexible, it had no spine. It’s depicted as either having two large ram horns, or as having four small horns. It’s said to hide in the sand, with only it’s horns peeking through the surface, waiting for unsuspecting Prey to approach it. 
Chupacabra (Latin American Folk Lore) : A monster known for feeding off of livestock, especially goats. It’s name translates to ‘Goat Sucker’. The two most common descriptions of El Chupacabre are that of a strange wild dog that is mainly hairless, with a prominent spinal ridge, sunken in eyes, and large fangs and claws. The other descriptions shows it as a large reptilian creature with leathery or scaly green/gray skin, and sharp porcupine like needles going down it’s spine.  Unlike most predators, El Chupacabre drains it’s pray off their blood, and sometimes their organs, rather then eating the flesh. 
Cerberus(Greek Mythology) :The three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. It’s name is supposedly derived from the greek word for ‘Spotted’ or ‘Spot’. The capturing of Cerberus is claimed to be the final, and most difficult task of Heracles 12 trials. 
Chimera (Greek Mythology): A monstrous hybrid that was Part-lion, part-goat, part-snake. In some descriptions, it has the head of all three, in others, it has the head of the lion and the goat, the lions body with the goat hooves, and a snake for a tail. In another description, it might be the head of one, the body of another, and the tail of the other. It’s really one big game of mix and match. Sometimes they also breath fire or have wings. 
Cockatrice :A flying creature that is part-rooster and part snake that could supposedly kill with it’s stare. It’s said to be hatched by a reptile from a chickens egg. Pretty much the opposite of the Basilisk. 
Dragon : Giant, flying, fire-breathing reptiles that are known for stealing and hording treasure. There are many, many different types of dragons that range from culture to culture. I could probably make a whole different post, just on the different types of dragons. 
Griffin  : A creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Sometimes, it also has the tail of a snake. Griffins are popular among several different cultural mythologies. 
Hippalectryon (Greek Mythology) : An odd hybrid of a horse and a chicken. It’s front half is the horse, its back half is the chicken, including tail and wings. There is no solid idea of why such a myth exists. Some say it’s a creature of Poseidon, and meant to protect ships, others say it’s just a grotesque hybrid to amuse children. Some say it’s a pointless creature with no real purpose other then for decoration. Why else would someone make a rooster horse? 
Hippocampus (Greek Mythology) : A sea creature with the upper body of a horse, and the lower body of  a fish. So, it is yet another odd horse hybrid from greek mythology. 
Hippogriff (Greek Mythology): Because there’s no such thing as too many weird horse hybrids, meet the Hippogriff. Which has the front half and wings on an eagle, and the back half of a horse. 
Huallepen (South American Folklore): A weird creature that lurks in lakes and ponds. It has the body of a (usually hairless) sheep, the head of a calf, and the twisted feet of a seal. It only comes out at night, and it’s said that if a pregnant women sees one, her child will come out with a muzzle and twisted limbs. 
  Hydra (Greek Mythology) : The giant nine-headed serpent who grew two new heads for every one that was cut of. The task of killing this beast was given to Heracles during his twelve trials. The only way to kill it, without it’s head growing back, was to smash the heads, and then catch them on fire. 
Ladon (Greek Mythology)  : The large snake like dragon that wrapped itself around the tree of golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides. Apparently slain by Heracles. 
Isonade (Japanese Mythology) : An enormous, shark like sea monster that hides beneath the waves in the oceans of Japan. It’s massive hook like tail and it’s fins are covered in sharp barbs. 
Nemean Lion (Greek Mythology) : The giant lion with impenetrable hide. This creature is killed by Heracles during his twelve trials, he later wears the skin of the creature as an indestructible cloak. 
Kamaitachi (Japanese Mythology) : Also known as the sickle weasels. These mischievous creatures are thought of as either wind spirits, or spirits that ride in on dust devils. They slash as people with their long, sickle like nails. 
Kappa (Japanese Mythology) : Typically means ‘River Child’, these creatures are demons or imps that reside in the fresh water. They are often described as having a pool of water above their hand, that reflects their habitat and their own life force and their power. They are said to be about the size of a child, and somewhat human like in figure, with reptile like scales, a shell,  a beak, and webbed hands and feet. They are usually either green, yellow or blue. Kappa are used to warn children about the dangerous of wandering near the water alone, as legends say the creatures will lure people to water before dragging them in and drowning them. They’re also said to peak up women's skirts, play pranks on human, attack humans, and even eat human flesh. All around, probably safe to stay away from Kappas. 
Kraken (Norse Mythology) : A famous gigantic sea monster that’s known for attacking and sinking ships. It’s often depicted as a massive octopus or squid, sometimes with terribly sharp teeth. 
Orthros (Greek Mythology) : The lesser known, but probably just as adorable, monster sibling to Cerberus. Orthros is the dog with two heads, instead of three like it’s more famous sibling. It guards the giant Geryon ‘s cattle. 
Odontotyrannos: A beast that supposedly killed or incapacitated many of Alexander the Greats men.  it had a black, horse-like head, with three horns protruding from its forehead, and  it exceeded the size of an elephant. Locals apparently called this beat the ‘Tooth-Tyrant’
Ophiotaurus (Greek Mythology) : The Cow Serpent.  So the Greeks gave horses a rest, and made up this thing, which has the upper body of a black bull, and the tail of a serpent. It’s said that whoever could kill this beast and sacrificially burn it’s entrails would gain the power to destroy Olympus and it’s gods. 
Pegasus: The Winged Horse. 
Phoenix :The golden bird who, at the end of its life, burst into flames only to be reborn again from it’s own ashes.
Thunderbird : The giant bird that creates storms by flapping it’s wings. 
Tikbalang (Philippines Folklore) :  A tall, bony humanoid creature with the head and hooves of a horse and disproportionately long limbs, to the point that its knees reach above its head when it squats. It’s said to lurk in the forests and mountains of the Philippines. They like to scare or play tricks on travelers. They can apparently be avoided by wearing your shirt inside out, verbally asking for passage, or being as quite as possible so as not to disturb them. 
Unicorn: A magical Horse with a single horn protruding from it’s forehead. 
Uchchaihshravas (Hindu Mythology) : A snow white, flying horse with seven heads. It’s said to be the best, or the king of horses. 
Yacumama (South American Folklore) : A massive sea serpent believed to live in the mouth of the Amazon river, and near by lagoons. It would apparently suck up and devour anything with in a hundred passes of it. Local natives would blow a large conch shell before entering the water, believing the sound would force the monster to show itself if it was present.
That’s all I’ve got! I hope you liked it, and I hope people find it useful, because honestly, this thing took wayyyyy more time then I thought It would! 
If anyone would like to add on any creatures I missed, or if you’d like to add something to any of the creatures that are already on the list, feel free too! 
Note: I’ve gone ahead and edited, and added a couple new creatures from African Mythology that someone recommended! 
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