#im usually like switches all the way with most of my ships
pandadabrek · 30 days
listen i love zosan/sanzo, top tier ship, but everytime they get assigned like "this one is THE top and this one is THE bottom" my eyes just starts twitching bc for me they both are bottoms
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Made it to chapter 16 today which means Feyre and I have both had our first impressions of Rhysand's Inner Circle and ohhhhhhh boy
Its hard to pinpoint why exactly, but theres something so discomforting about watching them interact. I think the main thing is that for all their "casual-ness", theres still clearly a rigid hierarchy between them and they all seem to 'know their place' so to speak, its not at all like Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in the first book which genuinely felt like a friendship that was unburdened by their status or positions. Like, theres this one moment where Mor and Amren are like kinda bickering with each other i guess, and Feyre remarks that Mor is probably super powerful if she dares talk back against Amren (in an incredibly minor matter Im pretty sure but I already forgor ngl) and because this is the book where Feyre's perspective starts being Objectively Correct all the time, I guess that's true, I guess the only reason someone would dare voice their opinion on something to this friend group is if they were physically more powerful because otherwise you just level a fucking mountain during an argument
Anyway, Im gonna switch topics for a short moment but I promise this diversion is relavant to the point above. So, sometimes when I go into the anti-tags on here looking for criticisms or complaints of the books, I instead find anti-ship posts that are mainly just about trash-talking some ship, mostly ones relating to that whole Elucien/Elriel/Gwynriel shipwar, which I already have thoughts on but I'll save those for later. In any case, one day I stumbled upon this pretty long anti-elriel post about how the gifts Elain gives Azriel on winter solstice arent actually cute and it describes how she gave him like, herbs that help with headaches "because his friends are always giving him headaches" apparently. And then that post went on a whole rant about how insensitive that was of her and that she doesnt actually understand Azriel's dynamic with his close friends, but honestly, judging from this chapter Elain was absolutely spot on
And I usually wouldn't say this because yknow, its only one chapter and we're probably gonna get the nuances of their relationship later, but this is a book written by Sarah J Maas, her characters and their relationships are rarely particularly deep and, more importantly, her writing is incredibly unsubtle. If Azriel was in any way fond of his friends shenaningans I wouldve noticed it, because Feyre wouldve noticed it like 15 times during that whole dinner. But she didnt.
Its especially bad for Cassian and Azriel because it feels like Cassian thinks they have this great rapport but Azriel just genuinely kinda dislikes him. Not to mention that whole fucking mess with Azriel and Mor and Cassian and Mor having sex so she wouldnt get married off or whatever, good god how is every conversation between them not insanely awkward
Even beyond that, idk man, theyre all just so insufferable. I dont understand how Amren, ancient eldritch being trapped in a fae body that she is, can stand to be around them, I wouldve left them 5 centuries ago if I was her. I guess the explanation is that she finds the government position interesting but its like, youre SECOND to the most boring and annoying man on the planet only kinda ruling over a court that you dont even actually care about from everything Ive heard. Again, if I was in Amren's position I would not be hanging out in an APARTMENT in a boring ass city at the behest of a quartett of stupid bozos, I wouldve weaseled my way into being the personal advisor of Beron or some shit so I could watch the Vanserra Family Drama unfold live
There was one good thing about this discomforting dinner though, and that was how inexplicably gay Cassian was for Rhysand. He was really out there, looking at him with such love, calling him pretty twice in like two minutes being all "I knew I wanted a piece of him the moment I first saw him, the high lord's pretty son" like okay. I know what you are
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spacehostilityy · 11 months
rewatching the OVAs (netflix s2)
low key one of my fave intros art wise (we all know howling by granrodeo is my fave intro song lol) like the suits !! are so !! cute!!!
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and this frame is adorable !!
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I love the search for hawk sm theyre all so fucking cute
Meliodas casually dropping “you are my purpose in life” to Elizabeth like a month after they met is INSANE. Bc from his side, makes sense. Fell in love when they were young from opposite sides of a war, risked everything to be together, have been finding and losing each other for 3000 years. But from her side, he is a cool guy she has a crush on (who is at least 15ish years older than her) who she might have known as a child. He also just described her as his entire life’s purpose. Like bro THATS CRAZYYY
Seeing Meliodas destroy the horn of cernunos is such a badass moment to me. The way he responds to her taunting with direct action and violence rather than his usual merciful beating around the bush. My favorite Mel moments are when he is using his silly goofy little guy façade and suddenly has to drop it. This is when we see a glimpse of who he was when leading the 10 commandments: arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage
it just so happens that arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage are my most prized qualities in any character
maybe everyone knew this and im late to the game but damn that would be so cool
im pretty sure ban switches out his red leather for the long burgundy coat is bc he keeps getting stabbed front to back and the coat has a hole in the back so the weapon wont tear it lolll😭
i feel like their faces (esp meliodas’s) look a tiny bit janky in the OVAs
once again appreciating the intro 😌
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They’re so fucking cute !!
Merlin and Ban clearly don’t rlly like each other much yet and it’s so funny to me
Like these are Meliodas’s closest friends and they just kinda annoy each other a lot
it’s like fuckin icarly
Gustav: the captain and one of his fellow sins going one on one? We might neve see something like this again!
hahahahaha nooo. i mean gustav didn’t, he’s dead. but the rest will el ol el
Gil is the biggest dork to ever live and howzer is concerned. Mans is crying at watching them fight and howzer is just like … ok ??
Bartra: where the fuck is my daughter
his daughter: literally watching a cage fight
theyre literally the cutest
bestiesss (boyfriends)
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every one of these bitches is a fucking alcoholic
ban’s whole character is that he’s a depressed, violent alcoholic and I love him
my horrible secret is that im skipping through a lot of ova 3 bc im just not a kiane girlie😔
i do love diane tho she so babygirl
nakaba’s not even thinly veiled size kink strikes again. Seriously, i can fuck with it, but its so funny that every single main ship has a significant/abnormal height difference
hendy and dreyfus are so gay for each other im genuinely surprised it’s not canon
like look at this scene and tell me something lgbt is not happening here
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omg my pfp !!
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Howzer’s dad is such a dick i love it
Meliodas using the sugar spoon to full counter is literally so fucking cute, i love when they have to use dumb weapons
but also vivian lost to a tiny spoon hehe
bet gil regrets not killing vivian after she kidnaps and permanently fucks up his son ahaha🥲
Merlin being fucking terrifying saying that vivian should have realized that she is a monster is why im gay
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Meanwhile Meliodas:
I love when his face does that he’s so baby
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anyway time to start season 2!!
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aesterblaster · 1 year
Ik you said to send hot takes but what about your hot takes 👀👀
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*clears throat*
IsagiRin as a ship just doesn't work for me. Odk why just. Sorry I can NOT see your vision bestie. Half of the Blue Lock ships don't work for me especially when centered around Isagi because that boy switches side characters like they're pairs of shoes. In Blue Lock one or two sus or even sweet moments doesn't really amount to much to me because everyone has them here. That doesn't automatically mean date on a riverside resturant. On the other hand I totally could see Bachira x Isagi but I just think of them as really close friends because that's what gives me the most comfort being as some of the people who really saved my life were friends. I think it would be better if Bachira had a friend first and focused on himself before getting into any big relationship. Idk I guess that's more of a personal preferance
SPEAKING OF, I hate people who write Blue Lock smut w a burning passion. I'm not even gonna hit the whole iTS IMMorAL train it just usually sucks all the fun and personality out of the chosen character and is just trying to be as gross ans shocking as possible and twist them into somehow being pervs just bc they get all hyperactive when they play soccer. Like GET THERAPY. Half the time I go to the bllk tag im just scrolling like HE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.
The anime gets a lot of slack but like... It's very difficult to transfer things from one medium to the other especially things as philisophical as Blue Lock
Fandom interpretations of Shidou are usually weirdly ooc because they wittle him down to like how cray cray he is or whatever and completely ignore for example, his respect for people who are also creative and out of the box or his ability to deal with lonliness and being othered by everyone
Characters that shouldn't be hated nearly as much as they are: NOA NOEL. You heard it here folks. I genuinely believe he's just trying his best and honestly most coaches would've asked to drop half the player he has to deal with by now like cmon you got an emo gymrat who was forced to become like you, you got a playee whos EYESIGHT IS FAILING but will literally start falling apart if you bench him, you got..kaiser and his lapdog ass cronie who dont listen to your plans at all, you got an entire rift between new and old players. Like how do you even fix that when you can't send people home (i think)? He gives good advice sometimes ngl and they're winning games so like...
Cont. Sure he isn't as funny or amusing to read as Lavinho or Chris and he isn't as open as Snuffy but DAMN IT he's doing his job ok? And all the dad son moments between him and Isagi are to die for.
Naruhayas little miniarc is honestly has the saddest backstory implications to me. THERE I SAID IT. Rin's is indeed tragic and heartwrenching but can be fixed, he can move on and heal if he so chooses. Bachira...ok nvm bachira's ties with it. Hiori's is an absolute tear jerker but he is still in Blue Lock. He still has some time to grow. Naruhaya? There's nothing that could be done to fix his position or bring him up or cut him from the weights dragging him down. We see so many characters in the Blue Lock universe rise from their poverty through soccer but DAMN IT NARUHAYA EXISTED TO SHOW THAT THAT IS A LUCKY AND FEW 2 PERCENT. HE PROBABLY HAD TO GIVE UP ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS DREAMS JUST TO SUPPORT THE VERY FAMILY HE LOVES SO MUCH. HIS PARENTS LITERALLY DIED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? BACHIRA STILL HAS HIS MOM, RIN AT LEAST HAS HOPES OF RECONCILING WITH HIS BROTHER AND HIORI MIGHT ONE DAY SAFELY CUT HIS PARENTS OFF BUT HIS ARE IMPLIED TO BE GOOD PEOPLE JUST..STRAIGHT UP DEAD. AND THE WAY HE STOLE FOOD ALL THE TIME???? IM GOING INSANE.
Ok thats all for now LMAO
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raveneira · 1 year
Continuing from my other post, for those who may be curious if this finally means Im giving up on KawaSara and the possibility that it could become canon...my answer is no, Im not.
Realistically its not lookin good, Im mature enough to admit that, does that mean I think this is the end? no I do not, why? because in a decent mangaka’s writing this usually would be the ship killer, but Ikemoto isnt a decent mangaka, hes not even a decent artist, the bar is literally in hell with him on all fronts.
With this sequels writing literally ANYTHING is possible, it doesnt matter if theres build up to it or not because just look at Kawaki’s villain arc, he literally changed his whole mindset in a fkin DAY and no Im not kidding, go back and read 76, literally took only a day for him to make a complete 180.
Look at Sasuke back in 69, he understood Kawaki, empathized with him, took the blame on himself for failing to be the one to kill Boruto instead, said Konoha doesnt have anyone to blame except for him. Now look at 78, hes holdin a sword to Kawaki’s throat despite sensing Momoshiki TWICE and KNOWING why Kawaki is doing what hes doing, he LITERALLY swore to do the same and yet here he is, hunting down Kawaki like everyone else as if he never once thought about killing Boruto himself.
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So do I think this is the death of KawaSara? no I dont, because this sequel switches from one narrative to another on a whim whenever it wants to, so right now things look horrible for KawaSara like theres no way things could ever work out and that they just totally hate eachother now etc but when the story feels like it actually wants to bother remembering Sarada and Kawaki’s bond it will, and if Ikemoto has decided to make them canon he literally will with or without build up because the man just does not care.
So no Im not giving up on KawaSara, and no I dont think KawaSara is dead, this writing doesnt give af about logic or build up so to say 79 really killed the ship is giving this man too much credit as a writer. Nothing is consistent, and nothing STAYS consistent either. If he suddenly wants to remember KawaSaras bond he will, and if he suddenly wants to forget it he will as well, whatever he feels like in the moment is what he’ll go with.
I dont blame ppl for losing hope here, I dont blame ppl for giving up either, I completely understand your frustration and hopelessness and I do not blame you in the slightest if you just wanna call it quits here, totally understandable.
All Im saying is Im not, not because I cant take the loss, I’ve lost plenty of ships and handled it just fine, but for the principal of it.
I will never forget and never let anyone else forget how a certain fanbase cared more about seeing a harmless small fandoms ship sink than enjoying their own ship they claimed was smooth sailing
I will never forget how this supposed biggest fandom of the most popular ship was praying on our downfall CONSTANTLY simply because they couldnt STAND people shipping Sarada with anyone other than Boruto who they felt she was the property of and no one elses
I will never forget how big accounts incited hate and bitterness towards us unprovoked for no other reason than just enjoying seeing a small group of ppl suffer and be ridiculed by their followers because it was just fun hating on the little guy
I will never forget how the entire fandom turned on one big account for the simple fact that he came out that he shipped KawaSara [theres other reasons now but that was the first and still is the main reason they hate him]
I will never forget how this fanbase made that disgusting head tweet [saying they wanted teen Sarada to give Boruto oral on Kawaki’s dead decapitated body] and over 500 ppl FROM THAT FANBASE liked it and cracked similar jokes, one of which saying Boruto should give HER head instead which also got a bunch of likes
I will never forget how that fanbase was quick to accuse KawaSara fans calling us sick and disgusting over a instagram post saying they hope Kawaki R-pes Sarada only for the poster to admit to being a KawaBoru shipper and NONE of those ppl apologized
I will never forget how this fandom was so insecure and downright hateful towards KawaSara just existing that when members of their own fandom also liked/didnt mind the ship they were literally SHUNNED from the fandom to the point they had to leave it because they couldnt stand it
I will never forget how that fandom constantly vandalized the KawaSara wiki page because they couldnt stand it just existing
and I will never forget how these ppl pretended to be the victim of us this entire time and convinced majority of the fanbase of this as well because they had so many ppl already on their side branding us as the bad guys when literally all we did was try to fkin ship in peace and they just WOULD NOT let us do that.
THATS why I wont give up on the ship, not because I cant take the loss, but because I cant stand letting these ppl feel like they won because more than anything they wanna see ppl drop the ship so only Bsa exists while Kawaki is thrown to whoever is convenient but Im not gonna do that. I’ll stand with the ship whether its canon or not, if others do the same great but if not then that sucks but I understand.
I aint gonna give em the satisfaction tho, whether its endgame or not, whether things get better or worse for them, even whether the ship really is killed or not, Im not giving the ppl who’ve just nonstop been praying on harmless ships downfall the satisfaction of thinkin they finally buried us, I just wont do it.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
i have no idea what episode this is part 2
part 2 of this post i think?? tbh i found the clip in some random youtube video i have no idea if this takes place directly after or not and im just judging based on the time of day/setting
(i actually did search through like. the last few episodes of season 1 and the first few episodes of shou and i couldnt find shit so i'm assuming that this episode happened in one of the places i didnt check. not for lack of trying but because the website i was using straight up died on the spot trying to load them all so quickly)
(edit: it's episode 16 of durarara season 1 ty @/pineapplething)
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this screenshot is killing me actually. i had to pause instead of doing the 0.25 speed thing because i need his hands to be on his hips so it looks like he's just. staring down at the thing judgingly. izaya's pose is so funny because right before that he's like
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'what the fuck are you doing shizu-chan'
i forget the context of this scene too but like. why wasnt he pointing the knife at shizuo?? what were they doing. bro i love not having ANY context whatsoever and being too lazy to look up the actual episode
anyway babygirl looks so ugly in those shots god bless
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bro why you arching your back like that 🤨
in front of izaya too. god
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the way they have four separate reaction shots for izaya. bro the things that must've been going on through his head were NOT safe for work on god.
the way he says 'seriously' and then remembers to point the knife like bro had to take a second. he was processing. he almost looks enamored in that first shot actually (<- delusional)
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izaya's rectangle prism ass never ceases to amaze. glad he keeps that in both art styles
shizuo looks so funny from this angle i bet you could get the most unhinged smear frames every time he goes rage mode
can we get like an angry shizuo aesthetic moodboard except it's all either low quality or smear frames. it'd be really funny trust
also incredible how shizuo can extend the length of the guard rail to like. twice its size. it was not that big in the previous images. i wonder if that's a metaphor for something
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god these SUCKED to get pictures of because celty comes in so fast and there's no indication of when the frames will switch but i do it for you (im doing this for me. im obsessed. i have a final on tuesday for the class i have a B in but actually i think it's a D now)
these would probably be much easier to screenshot if i just downloaded the videos but why would i do that when i can press the back arrow key 50 zillion times and listen to the crunchy 0.25 audio explode every time shizuo opens his mouth
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this image gets me every time ugh they almost look like they were having a casual conversation or smth (<-delusional)
just. arch enemies both being distracted by something long enough to stop beefing with each other does something to me. i dont even know it doesnt have to be romantic i just like watching it (although it's usually romantic because im a sucker for enemies to/and lovers if you couldnt tell by my usual ships)
that's the end of this scene (or at least the youtube clip of it. you cannot ask me to load all those anime episodes again) but like man. good shit ill be replaying this in my brain for the next week or so
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meteormoss · 9 months
Blurry, tired, and have a headache, but have Cleo/Skizz thoughts because hehehe
But like their relationship coming from a place of mutual admiration, both seeing the other positively in some way or another, even holding the other in high regard. There is a strong trust there even when they don't team up. One way or another, it leads into an actual relationship (either romantic or queerplatonic cus tbh we like both) and it's just jdfsjsj
Words are hard, but we can see these two probably having a pretty domestic life by Hermitcraft and/or Life Series standards (which means it isn't chill, Skizz is causing so many problems)
This has been: Fruits string together random words about a rarepairs cus the other friend they usually talk to them about is asleep 😔
Im adressing the bottom note furst cuz theres gonna be a 20 minute time difference between thisnand the rest of the ask, im literally begging you to leave all your rare pair thoughts in my inbox. I love shipping its so fun but rarely do i come up with my own ships and i dislike most of the big ships in this fandom. So like gimmie all your rare pairs, i want them.
Yes yes YES to everything you said!! However, I want to leapfrog off into my own thoughts about them cuz I don't have anything to add to these thoughts.
Skizz and Cleo both have different love languages (Skizz's being touch, Cleo's being either service or quality time (i can never decide)) but they both took the time to learn the others to both be able to read when the other is showing care and to express care in ways that are y'know to the others language. So you'll often see Cleo wrap an arm around Skizz's waist and pull him to her side when they're standing together, probably talking with someone else or watching something in the distance. Skizz will often brush Cleo's hair for her, especially since she's told him how it bothers her shoulder to get the back knots out. Skizz can generally read Cleo's body language and tone and so most days he greets her with a big hug and maybe even a kiss depending on how you characterize their relationship and if you think Cleo would like kisses, but sometimes he'll just greet her with words until she initiates contact and most other people (joe is def not included in this one) cannot tell why the switch up, but she gets really overwhelmed by touch sometimes and that's why. Cleo always bakes Skizz a loaf of bread when he has to go away for any period of time, and sometimes other treats as well.
We should come up with a ship name for these two
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ryker-writes · 9 months
ok i’ve decided to send in my ask because the curiousity is EATING ME i wanna know who you’d ship me with.. ahem!! (PLS don’t feel pressured to ship me with rook or idia or vil or anything just because i’m biased!!! i wanna hear YOUR thoughts, ok ? ♡)
let’s start with my likes / hobbies ! i’m a big fan of movies — i could literally spend my entire week at a theater and never get bored, the atmosphere is just so thrilling to me. i love love love fashion and shopping, too. it helps me express myself without really having to talk (which is great because i hate people ^_^). obviously, i love to make art and writing, and if i ever get the time to sit and learn, i’d love to crochet.
ermm did u ask for dislikes ? i forgot. i dont like bugs too much, but i’m not deadly afraid or anything. peanuts. i hate peanuts sm. aaanddd i have a BIG FAT FEAR of deep water and i’m a trypophobe .
my personality is pretty simple — i’m a sensitive person lmao. i’m a big crybaby on the inside, but i try not to show it too much yk? i’m always anxious, always doubting myself, etc. i’m very quiet — usually people don’t notice me too much. personally, i don’t think i’m too interesting, but i’m veryyy talkative about the things i like ^_^
i forgot (again) if u asked for preferences or not. i like taller people, but if they’re shorter than me it’s not like i’d complain (COUGH CHUUYA COUGH HACK). hrrmmm… physical preferences ?? hair and eye color don’t really matter to me, but if i had to pick, dark hair. idk i’m simple lmaooo
YESS IM HAPPY TO DO YOURS!! Don't worry! I'm taking my time to get through these requests!
"Hehehe welcome in! Take a seat and get comfy because you're one of my friends, so I take extra consideration with your matchup. First of all, I'd like to lightly bonk you for saying that you don't think you're too interesting. You are very interesting in your own way! But alas, I shouldn't bonk friends or customers.
So, I'll leave it to your match, Vil."
okay so I know it seems like I leaned into the bias but really Vil would be so good for you
you're into theater, fashion, AND love art and writing?? He loves that
Vil is big on quality time because of how busy he is, so he loves to spend time with you between activities
don't worry, the time he spends with you is almost always away from the public eye so you don't have to worry about people
he'll even practice his lines or talk to you about his new role or photoshoot coming up, and he'll always ask for your thoughts on it all
your opinion always the most important to him
of course you also get tickets and front row seats to all his shows
Vil knows anxiety well, so he's always there to comfort you when it gets bad and reassure you that you are amazing and perfect just the way you are
people say he's perfect, and he'll say off hand that if they think he's perfect then they should see you (and then he'll carry on like he didn't just say that line)
if you don't want to be in the public eye, he's perfectly fine with that
most of your relationship is private anyway
honestly, he kinda loves how people don't notice you too much because of how quiet you are
it feels more special to him that he always notices you and it means that when he's with you, he doesn't have to worry as much about people noticing you two
basically: he gets more time with you without being followed by paparazzi
he loves to hear you talk about things you like so much
Vil even tries to bring into into his routine and have you tell him about something you like while he's doing something (makeup, skincare, etc.)
he's very observant and can usually tell when something is wrong and will always switch into a supportive role immediately
I know you have his heart because he would drop roles for you and let you see him at his worst
If you see the peacock lurking around Pomefiore, don't forget to give it some pets, okay?
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macabremads · 8 months
rp rules/wants
꒰ ͜͡➸ Hello there! I appreciate your time in checking out my updated rules and preferences for starting an RP with me. Below, you'll find all the essential information you need before sending a DM.
Press HERE to go to the request/character list form!
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𓆩*𓆪 wants 𓆩*𓆪 - literate replies (doesn't need to be ungodly long, but I feel as though most substance falls in a medium reply length. ie. one phone sized discord reply) -I am not too keen on writing ships depending on the character chosen. Mainly because I prefer oc x character, but am willing to discuss different plots if you have something in mind! -I prefer to not do one reply a week, I am quite active on my page and am looking for someone that likes to do multiples throughout the week. -I will only do doubles! this is because I feel like there is always a part of the group that feels like they're not having a good experience because their ideas don't always align with the other party. -I totally understand if life gets in the way and you're unable to reply! However, if we have established a normal routine or made plans to write and you're not free, please do just let me know (: communication is key! -smut is not always essential, but I am not too keen on doing ftb plots unless they're really interesting, mainly because I feel like the physicality aspect of relationships builds things in a more nuanced way, and because I just like to write smut lmao -I am in BST time, which usually means that I am the one further ahead with timezones, because of this, I tend to be the one staying up late for the other (im looking at u, usa peeps hehe), so it is really important to have good communication if you're not free so that I am not staying up late for ya if we made plans (: -communication, communication, communication. if you feel as though something in your rp isn't going the way you want, communicate! if you feel like you want something changed? communicate! I love coming up with new ideas and exploring new stuff, I will never be offended and am keen on switching to new plots if you feel like you're bored of the current one! -I love using visuals and usually include a visual section in my discord servers! so, if you like it too, do let me know!
𓆩*𓆪 rules 𓆩*𓆪 -18+ only! (please do not message or interact if you have an age-less blog) - 3rd person replies, I don't write in 1st! - I do not tolerate any racism, homophobia, etc. - most of the things that I am not okay with writing are quite obvious and standard for most people, however; we can chat more about this in dm's! - in saying this ^^ I will add that my only hard-limit is writing substance abuse issues. by this, I don't like writing someone using hard drugs (m*th, c*caine), stuff of that nature. (I don't mind alcohol, smoking, w*ed). I don't mind it being in the prompt, or mentioned, I just don't wish to act out the action of doing it. This includes writing OD's, I don't mind if it's included, I just won't write it in detail. -I only rp on discord and use 'tupper' to keep everything put together! if you haven't used it, no problem at all! it's really simple (:
thank you so much for taking time to read! if you have any additional questions, please feel free to send them to me!
xx sao
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petrichoraline · 1 year
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 thingy
2,12,23 and 25
choose violence ask game!
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i feel like a fish out of water here wow. i keep going through my faves and they all seem like they'd do both? like im thinking about one straight couple and even there things could get interesting but anyways
naoya from mr.unlucky is never doing either cause with the tempo at which kouta is moving they'd both die from old age before they ever get there
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masumi and ritsu from bokushoku both love their dynamic (and why wouldn't they, they seem to be having the most enjoyable sex ever) and they're never changing partners so they're defiinitely sticking to their roles (ig masumi could be curious cause yknow how ritsu is basically his only partner ever but i doubt ritsu would be down? and also if the end of the world didn't get them to try switching i don't think it's likely to happen)
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12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
as i said, i take so many outcasts under my wing lol like the more hated he is, the more i empathise. like LM mark or even tonhon (i KNOW)
this question implies it's someone people are feel neutral/negative towards so i'll ignore my boy jiha from all the liquors though i haven't seen an ounce of love for him because i just think the show didn't get posted about much in general. he is cute, he keeps it real, he is the bestie the gives advice but actually sucks at relationships, low sense of self-worth - he's just perfect. and also those lips boyy he's so beautiful. anyways
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i kept this question for kim actually but now that i'm here i wonder if i should even bother. like people have had a long time to sort out their feelings.
this just kind of ties with my dislike(?) of porschay, people just ganged up on kim as if the way he acted wasn't an act of protection - a poor choice but coming from a good place nonetheless. in my eyes he's such an antisocial loser that he's not that much more mature than chay who, in some way, i'm sure could outsmart kim easily, not to mention manipulate him if necessary. so with the whole pathetic factor going on idk how at least the tumblr fandom didn't instantly get his pov. i saw so many threats against this guy even long after the finale had aired, some were like ''i get it but i still want to smash him with a hammer for hurting chay'' which ok fair ig if you love porschay i can see where the anger comes from. but still. kim has grown up around the mafia, learnt to always keep his guard up. he tries to solve a mystery all by himself except for the help of a bodyguard who, ultimately, works for his dad, not for him. who can he trust except for himself? he's in the entertainment industry, ppl are interested in him for his family, looks, money or his fame. what he can give them. when he ain't sniffing around and wrecking his brains, he's in the recording studio. that man does not know how to act around his crush, we know how he subtly he gets info out of chay or how he's delighted to see a wall plastered with his face. that man is pathetic, lonely, paranoid, he'd kill anyone who's a threat to chay instantly (>leaves like a dozen corpses in a bar similar to a cat bringing rats to its owner) but will wallow in misery, write a song and serenade him through a text. HE DOES NOT GET HUMANS. he went to that bar, got told off and stormed off, he is so clueless, somebody please help him.
i actually read plenty of posts on kim and that's why i feel strongly about him (thank you everyone who defended him in such articulate ways❤️) and i don't even like him that much!! i just need the hate train to stop
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23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
i know what the question means but like i usually try to like ships, it's easier this way, no? lol so it's not really unwillingly..but i think haruka and rin is a good answer lmao
i was a haruka/makoto girlie for years but watching free! with friends made me realise the harurin appeal
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25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i thought i wouldn't have much to say here but omg i have to pick just one? skipping over the controversial ones, i'll have to go for hate for songs in bls lol
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i'll start off by saying a lot of my mutuals are of this opinion and i respect it <33 that being said - bro. i know they could be a bit much especially when the actors aren't that good or the song is a bit bland or if it just feels very out of place? i understand it's sort of become the norm to hate on these performances because '''bl boy whips out guitar'' is a fandom joke at this point. and people are so loud and proud about skipping every single scene with a song in it. but it results in takes like "omg why did win and team sing their confessions they sounded so bad, so off-key, i barely made it".. that's the point? they are overwhelmed with emotions, snot is running down their face, after months of inner turmoil they finally reach the point where they just have to let it all out and yeah, the song would sound much weirder if they played a studio version on top of the footage lmao (example: the autotune on top of akkayan's bday performance that was so horrendous it turned out funny)
it's not that i haven't been tempted to skip through a boring song. i'm not saying it's a baseless complaint. i just find the way it's expressed usually annoying.
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spikrock · 1 year
my mad t party lgbt hcs explained
very messy post below! some are genuine reasonings and others are just "yeah haha trust me bro"
tarrant: bisexual & nonbinary
i mean for all the bi characters the hc is pretty self explanatory, i mean look at them yknow. hes a little too fruity with mally and thackery 🤨 but tarrant and alice are literally bi4bi couple of all time as for the nonbinary hc, i dont know! id like to know if anyone else sees him this way or if its just me :) hes just got too much enby swag 
alice: bisexual & trans
its all spiderwebs fault!!!!!!! it made her gay!!!!!!!!! /j but seriously, kissing ladypillar and different numbers such ho hey (you know how every now and then theyll switch alice standing with mally to someone else like thackery or absolem, the few times she did it with ladypillar are so funny because they cant rhyme the pronouns 😭). also ik this sounds silly but i really appreciate that in the mtp shows once ladypillar was added they didnt stop doing spiderwebs or change it to be like “haha were both girls 😵‍💫blehh this is so weird 😂”/play it off as a joke or anything because they very easily could have done that. shes trans. i already made that post with her and mally but again, if shes not trans then why is her color palette blue and pink? checkmate liberals. 
thackery: bisexual & bigender
yeah hes bi i dont know what else to say he and mally are in love frfr i actually just completely made up bigender. made it up, i dont know where i got it from i just remember early february drawing mad t party on my laptop and suddenly thinking “bigender thackery” and its stuck with me since then. (the two genders i hc him with are male/female though so) i wouldnt say he feels just one or the other, he feels both at the same time
mally: bisexual & trans
he is top ten bisexuals of all time,, whenever they do the pretender and tarrant and alice stand on either side of him and take turns singing he is DYING. passing away HE IS TRANSGENDER!!!!!!! we all know it. instead of coming out as trans he made up some crazy story about being killed in a war and then coming back as a man 🙄/j hes just dramatic like that
chessur: gay & trans
haha this is mostly because of @thatrandomartistjavi's hcs xd chessur is special in the sense that hes the only mtp character that never really gets a chance to flirt with anyone else since hes always hiding behind that drumset. from what ive seen he was shipped with dinah a lot, presumably just cuz theyre both cats since they rarely interact, so ive never really understood it :p i usually hc cheshire cats as nonbinary/something under that umbrella but this guy gives me transgender vibes. idk
absolem/ladypillar(? dont know if she ever got a real name): lesbian & trans
shes very much a lesbian. just. just like yeah. i think the most prominent character that she flirts with (other than alice) is mally. from what ive seen it only really happens when its el dormouse on stage but before i started seeing that i always saw mally/absolem/thackery as like, a trio. i mean obviously everyone in the band are friends, but idk. i have lots of drawings of those three hanging out so maybe thats just something my delusional brain has completely made up. but anyway the point is i dont ship those two and i sort of see them with a more sibling dynamic. mally always holds her back when shes trying to touch the little castle music box thing, at the end of sets he’ll pull her antennae to take her off stage/she'll pull him by his scarf, etc. (also theres a clip where she kisses him on the cheek and as they begin to walk off stage she turns to the crowd and mouths “no” and does the throat slitting gesture thing which makes me think theyre sorta just playing around :p)
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sooo in a post a while back i said i hc her as genderfluid but ive changed my mind?? actually before i made that post i headcanoned her as trans but then switched to genderfluid and now ive uhh changed my mind again. im very indecisive like that and very easily swayed on my opinions haha,,, @ticktockteapot's metaphor for her “becoming the beautiful butterfly she was always meant to be” is very nice i like it lots. also the fact that ladypillar has a much higher stage presence than absolem (obviously not including the spiderwebs number…or crazypillar) was always so sweet to me cuz like,,,aw shes finally more comfortable being herself and performing :’)
tl;dr none of them are straight none of them are cis. happy pride month and thank you for coming to my TED talk
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
*Insert Frye's "what ze fuck?" here*
Not to complain but like i dropped all the way down to Profresh +3 and i can 100% tell you its because of my team mates. Like i do not know what was happening last night. I was constantly getting matched with people in the basic suit with like Splatlandian Youth as their title and the default banner who were managing to get <10 eggs in the basket over the course of 3 waves. LIKE I WAS EXECUTIVE VP 150 LAST ROTATION. I SHOULD NOT BE GETTING MATCHED WITH THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE.
I use the this way signal, i lure bosses, i target high priority things like flyfish and stingers first, i make sure to look at what weapons we have each round to know what i should be prioritizing and i kill what i know my team will struggle with due to their weapons, I FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL TO GET THE EGGS IN THE BASKET. And yet i have a high score of 105 and im about to go down to profresh +2..... I don't know what's happening.
I can admit when im the problem. Usually i am!! But im playing so well and my team mates are just making the most brain dead choices ive ever seen..... maybe getting over my crippling anxiety and joining a discord or smth is the right move.....
Actually i think id rather die than talk to people. I dont wanna have to interact with others i just want good team mates to magically appear out of thin air :(((
And one last thing im mad about. I dont think ive gotten a special wave other than glowflies or grillers this entire time. Just give me mother ship once. ONCE. Thats all im asking for.....
Anyway if anyone wants to team up ig hit me up.... I may not be a great perfect player cuz of course i make dumb mistakes sometimes or get distracted and i may not be the best with splatlings but i am at least halfway decent and considering the people ive been playing with apparently thats pretty rare >:( Point is we can either friend each other or just make a pool or whatever. Actually u know what yeah ill go ahead and say the code for the pool will be: Symphony
I dont think its case sensitive but id put the capital S anyway. If u wanna message me on here and add me as a switch friend thats fine too of course i just figured if anyone also is scared of starting conversations this would be a way to do it. OH and make sure ur not too low of a rank, i dont mean anything rude by it i just want to make sure i can actually rank up when playing lol. Idk what u need to be if im +3 but i imagine you can find the info online.
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teddy-feathers · 11 months
okay so. virasana empire books are good.
their world building is so much fun and it seems to be a series that promises a Happily Ever After every time.
there is magic and religion and psionics aliens and demons and mutants and knights and movies and hacking and blasters and space ships but MOSTLY its about love be that romantic or familial.
i recommend starting with the Sir Yaden books. Mostly about family. I started with the Pet and his Duke and assumed it was like. the only fn book of the world and only recently learned differently and have been devouring them ever since.
they're fairly short the first sir yaden book being 273 pages and the latest being 533
the sir yaden books focus a lot on psionics but its not complicated its basically element bending for the first few main characters.
theres switching viewpoints which apparently is now a point of contention all of the sudden despite being very common? anyways its limited to two characters per book usually with the latest barely having three but its not hard to keep up with.
theyre simply written books written more like fantasy in that regaurd than scifi despite the heavy leanings towards the later - they dont go super in depth into tech speak if thats not your thing but they do break down the rules of how magic things work if youre interested.
the basic run down of the sir yaden books is there's an empire that rules the known parts of the universe. the noble family is fucked up beyond all repair BUT their emperor is known as the good emperor and cares for each and every one of his subjects - that doesnt seem to be a load of crap either. so hes trying to make things right - even trying to slowly get rid of slavery.
the... enactors of his will are the lotus knights. they get to go out and be heroes and have movies made about them - which is more of a hassle than a benefit but Public Relations you know.
Sir Yaden becomes a lotus knight and in each book he goes out and saves the day... and brings someone home to be apart of his family. its cute and sweet and adventurous and cool and...
i will say the last book got much more serious than the rest. while bad things do and have happened to the characters its generally something that happened in the past and they're working towards making things better. here something bad happens on screen not as a flashback and youre like what the fuck the entire time.
but despite the trauma most of the characters have its a lighthearted series and the trauma and dark stuff isnt described in an... whump way (hurt comfort heavy on the hurt) its more about the comfort and the love
i wont say theyre brain candy because theres a little bit more substance to them than im used to for brain candy. more like... brain pastery.
the pet and his duke is a stand alone romance set in the same universe and i absolutely love and theres one more series in this universe that i just bought but havent read yet
anyways thats my recommendation for the day
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captain-neutrino · 2 years
Before tumblr ate the ask, I believe it was @selfshippinglover who asked me something along the lines of "all the remaining asks for captaineer?"
To which i hilariously and charmingly responded, "Every single one???? You absolute mad lad." (If i got the wrong user im so sorry im at wits end after my answers got deleted 😭)
1) Who is the most affectionate?
The captain. Always with the shoulder pats and the ruffling of Mark's hair <3
2) Big spoon/Little spoon?
I feel like they just kinda collapse into each other when they're ready to rest and whatever assortment their bodies find themselves in is what they roll with djsskdj
3) Most common argument?
...How much they should tell the crew about what happened. If they should turn themselves in. Mark doesn't think anyone needs to know, the captain feels alone with the secret, Mark doesn't know why confiding in him isn't enough for them
4) Favorite non-sexual activity?
Looking at stars and terrains probably, they both have a big thirst for adventure and discovery
5) Who is most likely to carry the other?
The captain, as we've seen them do to Mark many times with their Strong Grip
7) What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
The captain stops calling Mark by his surname, which honestly wasn't that noticeable of a change for anyone since the crew heads all seem to be on first name basis, but Capt. Neutrino was more formal at first. Mark definitely noticed the difference right away and tried calling them by their last name instead of their title (Neutrino's first name is not easily accessible info)
9) Who worries the most?
They both have heavy weights on their minds: for the captain its 100,000 living souls, for Mark its uncountable dead ones.
11) Who tops?
I feel like given the content in the film, both Mark and the captain are canonically switches, but Im a top so im gonna have to go ahead and say my captain is a top too lmao
12) Who initiates kisses?
Usually the captain since Mark has trouble working up the courage sometimes; its still weird for him to think that he's allowed to kiss THE captain.
13) Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
The captain.
...It became a habit.
15) Who wakes up first?
Mark. No matter how hard the captain tries, that man is just always up even Earlier somehow. Like, the captain could wake up at 5am only to find that Mark has been up since 2am, absurd hours
16) Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
The captain. The captain needs their sleep.
But srsly, they never feel rested; Captain Neutrino sleeps whenever they can get a moment to shut their eyes. Mark is the opposite, always trying to stay awake at all hours with a cup of coffee in his hand, working. Trying to make up for what he did
18) Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
I think the two of them would take to eating with the colonists in the ship's cafeteria. But sometimes the captain gets notes with their lunch anyways: "STAY OUTTA MY KITCHEN"
19) Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Mark does, there's no way he would be able to keep his mouth shut about it. He probably bragged about dating the captain before it was even official
20) What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
If we're going by likely canon reactions... everyone thinks its BS that Mark gets to date them lmao, the captain is way out of his league. Potential jealousy aside, Mark's family/friends are happy for him, while some ppl (Celci) think its unprofessional/inappropriate
I haven't thought of any friends or family for Neutrino so for now this is N/A
21) Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
As in initiating it? Maaaybe Mark, he seems to be the first to go for high fives, hand shakes, and fist bumps
23) Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Mark would try coming up with some at Burt's suggestion, and then immediately stop the first time Captain Neutrino scowls at him 😂
24) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Neither, they're both the type to get sucked into their work or whatever they're doing, so they don't side track each other like that
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saidrolav · 2 years
🐧can I get a Stranger Things Ship if you’re still doing them with one of the older characters, Im not a minor Im turning 19 on the 28th! I also use she/her pronouns and Im straight.
(This is super chaotic ik but I opened Tumblr then I simply forgot how the English language works💕)
As far as personality, I’ve been obsessed with the Marauders since I was 11ish and made them my entire personality. I have adhd and a lot of people say Im EXACTLY like James Potter personality wise. I’ve also been in LOVE with Sirius Black forever (Remus too but mostly Sirius). I have no aesthetic really I’ll wear a super frilly pink dress and those Amazon knock offs of the Versace platform heels in hot pink one day and one of seven leather jackets and old beat up black converse the next. I’ve been a competitive figure skater for 15 years and in middle school I skated to ACDC’s Back In Black after all the rude looks from old ladies I went on to do Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, ZZ Top, The Rolling Stones, Queen, and more. I also live in a small town in Illinois and shot trap in HS (just in case thats where you shoot clay pigeons with a shotgun) I got Top Female 3 years in a row and did better than most of the “redneck” boys who got their egos bruised when I STILL shot better when I showed up in my prom dress THREE TIMES. I drive a cherry red Mustang and sometimes wear lipstick and press on nails to match it. I have a MESSY room and car but you best bet everything else is organized, all my notes are color coded with rainbow pens and I have a 3.75 gpa, I work on campus at my university in the DEI office and I’m the president of the Disability Awareness club all while I’m running off of iced lattes. I loved all the kids of ST I just don’t relate as well because I’m older than them, but I do relate to Dustin and love his comedy. I somehow got MULTIPLE rare genetic disorders (how one gets multiple RARE genetic disorders idk the drs dont know either and all these rare disorder foundations want to test me now) one of them is Ehlers-Danlos and I have all the generic symptoms like stretchy skin and bad joints my knees actually dislocate and pop back in as I walk sometimes but the latest thing was my middle finger dislocated and I got it xrayed to make sure I set it correctly and now I have my xray of me flipping off the xray machine taped to my wall and I sent it to all my friends too with no explanation. Ive also become the nurse friend of the group because I currently have 12 diagnosed conditions and I used to have to give myself Subcutaneous infusions once a week before I switched to IVs in the hospital and even though I in no way went to medical school when someone comes to me hurt usually I can fix it or when they come with symptoms I can give them advice but tell them to still go to a dr then they go to a dr and usually the dr says the exact same thing I did except Im a Human Resources major and an anthropology minor and Im keeping it that way. As far as a best friend in ST I’d have to say it would be Robin because because she’s exactly like one of my real life best friends.
Tysm!! I hope you’re having a great day :)
Hiiii! I'm somehow happy you talk about Ehlers-Danlos because my cousin has it and i know how hard it can be 🛐 But even tho all the difficulties YOU are the main character and i love you!! 💚 i ship you with..
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Steve Harrington!
If you're bestfriend with Robin you betcha she would do the match maker between you and Steve and she would precise to him that if he breaks your heart she would break his neck 👀
He ADORES the badass vibes you give off and he's head over heels for you!! He's also in love with your Mustang and any time he has the chance to drive it you bet he WILL.
He'll be super protective over you even tho you're the doctor of your friend group he wants to make sure that you don't get hurt in any way!!
If he would've been here when you kicked those redneck's asses he would've probably been like "YAP THAT'S MY GURRRL!! 🗣🗣"
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70eeznutz · 2 years
i’m gonna make a better intro/pinned post bc fuck it
i interact from @evervirescent, i also run a dragonvale blog @the-obsidian-equinox
about me
pronoun page
you can call me Virescent or Hades
neither are my legal name, Hades is a nickname someone gave me a long time ago bc it sounds similar to my legal name and i realized it works well online
genderfluid she/he/they
(i often get confused if someone switches between different pronouns really fast when referring to the same person if multiple people are being mentioned. also i’m afab so i’m most used to she/her but i really have no preference. i don’t mind if you only use one pronoun for me, especially if that makes it easier for you)
adult (born in 2004)
pacific time zone (california)
white & grew up upper middle class with good parents, so please educate me if there’s something i wouldn’t understand!
mentally ill, but no personality or psychotic disorders
i do have a few triggers but they’re very specific
as an attempt survivor, i have no tolerance for telling someone to take their own life. it doesn’t matter how universally hated that person might be. if i see someone do this, i will block and report them, unless i can clearly tell it’s a joke. i would also prefer if people don’t make those jokes around me unless i’ve given the okay.
blog content
in theory i can write and draw but i almost never make fan content for anxiety reasons IM DOING IT GUYS!! IM GODDAMN DOING IT!!
i usually just post memes or talk about xfohv and algebralians a normal amount
i might talk or reblog about other object shows too. occasionally.
i try to tag things that may be uncomfortable or triggering but i do not do a perfect job. if you need me to tag something please leave a reply to the post in question
sometimes I misspell words or use slang and abbreviations that likely won’t work in a translator, so if you would like me to write something in a way that’s easier to translate, just let me know!
i don’t kin or simp for any characters but i can project onto them really really hard
my favorite posts will be tagged with #pinned to the fridge
my favorite ships are sevensix, 4X, nineflop, and three x five
i also love queerplatonic eight x ten
if you want to know the exact details of everything i ship and in what ways you can go to #xfohv ship chart but be warned as i use homestuck concepts
you can repost my memes just don’t claim they’re yours (i actually get excited when i see smth i made somewhere else)
on the topic of discourse/etc (don’t worry!)
i try my best to keep an open mind and see from the perspective of all sides of various topics
i will not disclose my stance on any topics because i want to keep my blog discourse free, and i also want to interact with people of different opinions so i can privately learn and understand everyone better. this does still mean i have sides i agree and disagree with, but these aren’t set in stone and aren’t relevant right now.
i believe no one actually wants to be the bad guy and most people are only trying to help, so we should all work together to find out how to help as many people as we can. we should discuss instead of argue, and mutually work toward fully understanding these topics
i will still block people who go out of their way to harass or attack others ESPECIALLY if they encourage harm on anyone
needless to say, i have no DNI, but you still might not want to follow me if you’re not comfortable with the above information. i don’t want anyone to be uncomfortable here.
this post may be updated in the future if i think of something i want to add but for now that’s it
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